WB 2018 Japon English PDF
WB 2018 Japon English PDF
WB 2018 Japon English PDF
白書 2018
Defense of Japan
白書 2018
Defense of Japan
On the Publication of Defense of Japan 2018
Looking at the security environment surrounding Japan, North Korea, repeatedly carried out
nuclear tests and launched ballistic missiles through last year, and begun to engage in dialogue this year.
Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the reality that North Korea still continues to possess and deploy several
hundred Nodong missiles capable of reaching almost every part of Japan. In addressing the North Korean
nuclear and missile issue, it is essential for the international community to remain united, following results
at the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting held in June 2018, toward the realization of the dismantlement
of all weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges in a complete, verifiable, and
irreversible manner. Japan needs to carefully monitor specific actions by North Korea.
China’s recent activities, including its rapid military modernization and enhancement of operational
capabilities, its unilateral escalation of actions in areas around Japan, and with the lack of transparency in
the military build-up, present a strong security concern for the region including Japan and the international
community. In addition, Russia continues frequent activities around Japan. Furthermore, global security
issues, including challenges emerging in new domains such as outer space and cyberspace, are broadening
and diversifying.
Given these circumstances, the MOD/SDF must strengthen Japan’s defense capabilities and expand
its role in order to fulfill our mission. For this purpose, we are currently reviewing the National Defense
Program Guidelines and examining the next Medium-Term Defense Program to complete them by the
end of this year under the instruction from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Concerning this process, we will
identify what defense capabilities are truly needed to protect the people, rather than simply extending the
existing capabilities.
It is also necessary to further strengthen the
Japan-U.S. Alliance. Since I was appointed as
Defense Minister last year, I have been in close
consultation with U.S. Secretary of Defense James
Mattis and pursued close cooperation between
Japan and the United States. Our two countries have
closely coordinated our understanding and policies
and taken united actions in responding to North
Korea issues. We are striving to further reinforce the
bonds of the Japan-U.S. Alliance and strengthen the
deterrence and response capabilities of the Alliance.
At the same time, initiatives to mitigate the impact
Minister of Defense Itsunori Onodera and U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis shaking hands
of the bases on the local residents in Okinawa and at the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (June 2018)
other areas are important and we continue to listen
sincerely to the local residents’ voices and make
further efforts.
Japan must also continue to promote security cooperation with other countries. In recent years, we
have steadily expanded a variety of cooperation, including bilateral/multilateral training, joint development
of equipment, and capacity building assistance, with many other countries that share fundamental values
and security interests. Japan intends to robustly promote strategic international defense cooperation as
part of further commitment to peace and stability in the region and the international community from the
standpoint of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the principle of international cooperation.
While the MOD/SDF is steadily implementing a variety of measures in this way, individuals of the
SDF, who diligently work day and night, despite the dangers, with abundant motivation and a strong sense
of responsibility in difficult environments, such as posts on remote islands, radar sites, and on-board ships
away from home, are obviously the ones who are carrying out these measures.
This year’s Defense White Paper explains the measures taken by the MOD/SDF in detail and the
opening feature introduces the front-line SDF members, who assiduously and seriously carry out their
duties as part of 24-hour, 365-day operations. By this, we aim to promote a wider understanding of how
steady implementation of these measures and daily efforts of the SDF members contribute to the peaceful
lives and securing of the Japanese people.
The MOD/SDF must gain support and trust of the Japanese people in order to fully exert our
capabilities and fulfill our mission. It is sincerely regretted that issues related to document management
and information disclosure have significantly affected the trust of the Japanese people in the MOD/SDF
in the past two years. The MOD/SDF continues to vigorously strive to prevent the recurrence so that such
issues never happen again.
Finally, we hope that many people will take the Defense White Paper in hand and deepen their
understanding of the MOD/SDF and think about the SDF members who are carrying out their missions in
various locations to protect our peaceful lives even at this moment.
2018 DEFENSE OF JAPAN Contents
Defense Chronology …………………………………………………………………………………… 1
The past year’s major events relating to the defense of Japan are explained with photos and commentaries for a clearer understanding.
Special Feature
1 Protection Ballistic Missile Defense …………………………………………………………… 9
2 Working Duties carried out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year ………………………… 13
Digest ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Japan’s Security and Defense 2 Responses to Situations that will Have an Important Influence ………………… 242
Section 1 Measures to Ensure Japan’s Security ……………………………… 211 3 Maintenance of Public Order and Responses to Aggression that Do Not Amount
to an Armed Attack ………………………………………………………… 243
Section 2 Constitution and the Basis of Defense Policy ……………………… 212
4 Disaster Relief Dispatches and Others ……………………………………… 247
1 Constitution and the Right of Self-Defense …………………………………… 212
5 Framework for Contributing to the Peace and Stability of the International Community … 248
2 The Government’s View on Article 9 of the Constitution ……………………… 212
6 Other Amendments in the Development of the Legislation for Peace and Security … 252
3 Basic Policy ……………………………………………………………… 214
Section 3 The Situation of the Self-Defense Forces after
Section 3 Outline of the National Security Strategy …………………………… 216
1 National Security Council …………………………………………………… 216 the Enforcement of the Legislation for Peace and Security ………… 254
2 National Security Strategy ………………………………………………… 217 1 Promotion of Various Preparations for New Missions Based
on the Legislation for Peace and Security …………………………………… 254
Chapter 2 About the National Defense Program Guidelines 2 Assignment of New Mission for the South Sudan PKO ………………………… 255
Section 1 Outline of the National Defense Program Guidelines ……………… 218 3 The Operationalization of the Protection of Weapons and Other Equipment
1 Basic Approach …………………………………………………………… 218 of the Units of the Armed Forces of the United States and Other Countries
2 Japan’s Basic Defense Policy ……………………………………………… 219 (SDF Law Article 95-2) ……………………………………………………… 256
3 Future Defense Force Japan Should Achieve ………………………………… 220 4 Conclusion of the New Japan-U.S. Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) … 257
4 Future Considerations ……………………………………………………… 223 Chapter 4 Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
Section 2 Outline of the Medium Term Defense Program …………………… 225
Section 1 Significance of the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements …………… 258
1 Program Guidelines ………………………………………………………… 225
1 Maintenance of Japan’s Peace and Security ………………………………… 258
2 Authorized Number of SDF Personnel and Quantities of Major Procurement ……… 225
2 Maintenance of Peace and Stability in the Region Surrounding Japan ………… 259
3 Expenditures ……………………………………………………………… 226
3 Further Stabilization of the International Security Environment ………………… 259
Section 3 Build-Up of Defense Capability in FY2018 ………………………… 227
Section 2 Initiatives to Build the Foundation for Strengthening the Alliance …… 260
Section 4 Defense-Related Expenditures ……………………………………… 229 1 Background to the Strengthening of the Alliance ……………………………… 260
1 Overview of Defense-Related Expenditures …………………………………… 229 2 Overview of the Revision of the 1997 Guidelines ……………………………… 261
2 Breakdown of Defense-Related Expenditures ………………………………… 229 3 Major Initiatives for Strengthening the Alliance ……………………………… 265
3 Initiatives for Increasing the Efficiency of Procurement ………………………… 231 4 Policy Consultations between Japan and the United States …………………… 273
4 Comparison with Other Countries …………………………………………… 232
Section 3 Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan ……………………………… 281
Chapter 3 Development of Legislation for Peace and Security 1 Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan ……………………………………… 281
and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement 2 Deployment of New U.S. Forces Assets (F-35B) to Japan ……………………… 283
3 Progress of the Realignment of the U.S. Forces in Japan ……………………… 284
Section 1 Background to the Development of Legislation for Peace and Security … 234
4 Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Okinawa …………………………………… 284
1 Background to the Development of Legislation ……………………………… 234
5 Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Regions Other than Okinawa ………………… 299
2 Background and Significance of the Development of Legislature ……………… 234
6 Initiatives for Smooth Implementation of the Realignment of the U.S. Forces in Japan… 304
Section 2 Framework for Activities of the SDF and Others after 7 Measures to Mitigate the Impacts of USFJ Facilities and Areas ………………… 305
the Enforcement of the Legislation for Peace and Security ………… 237
1 Responses to Armed Attack Situations, etc., and Survival-Threatening Situations … 237
Initiatives to Protect the Lives and Property of the People as well as Securing
Part the Territorial Land, Water and Airspace
Chapter 1 Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, Section 2 Promotion of Work-Life Balance and More Active Participation
and Effective Deterrence and Handling of Female Personnel ………………………………………………… 400
Section 1 Organization of the Ministry of Defense (MOD)/the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) … 309 1 Working Style Reform ……………………………………………………… 400
1 Organizational Structure Supporting Defense Capability ……………………… 309 2 Reform to Combine a Successful Career with Childrearing and Nursing Care …… 401
2 Joint Operations System of the Self-Defense Forces ………………………… 310 3 Reform for Promoting the Careers of Female Personnel ……………………… 402
3 Central Organization Reform of the Ministry of Defense ……………………… 312 Section 3 Enhancement of Medical Functions ………………………………… 404
Section 2 Effective Deterrence and Response ………………………………… 314 1 SDF Hospitals as Hub Hospitals with Enhanced Functions …………………… 404
1 Ensuring Security of Sea and Airspace Surrounding Japan …………………… 314 2 Strengthening the Function of the National Defense Medical College …………… 404
2 Defense of Japan’s Remote Islands ………………………………………… 320 3 Enhancement of Education of Medical Officers and Nurses …………………… 404
3 Response to Ballistic Missile Attacks ………………………………………… 322 4 Enhancement of First Aid Capabilities on the Frontline ………………………… 405
4 Response to Attacks by Guerillas, Special Operations Forces and Others ……… 327 5 Improving the Capabilities to Deal With Infectious Diseases …………………… 405
5 Initiatives towards Ensuring Maritime Security………………………………… 329 Chapter 4 Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
6 Responses in Space ……………………………………………………… 329
7 Response to Cyber Attacks ………………………………………………… 332 Section 1 Promotion of Research and Development for Ensuring Technological Superiority … 407
8 Response to Large-Scale Disasters ………………………………………… 334 1 Necessity of Ensuring Technological Superiority ……………………………… 407
9 Response to Rescue and Transport of Japanese Nationals Overseas, etc. ……… 339 2 Defense Technology Strategy and related documents ………………………… 408
10 Readiness against Invasion ………………………………………………… 340 3 Initiatives regarding Research and Development ……………………………… 409
11 Initiatives Related to the Protection of Civilians ……………………………… 343 4 Active Utilization of Civilian Technology ……………………………………… 410
12 Response to Other Events ………………………………………………… 343 Section 2 The Current Status of Defense Production and Technological Bases,
and the Strategy on Defense Production and Technological Bases …… 413
Chapter 2 Active Promotion of Security Cooperation 1 The Current Status of Japan’s Defense Production and Technological Bases …… 413
Section 1 Towards Strategic International Defense Cooperation ……………… 345 2 The Strategy on Defense Production and Technological Bases ………………… 413
1 Significance and Evolution of Security Cooperation and Dialogue, Section 3 Efforts toward Project Management, etc. …………………………… 418
and Defense Cooperation and Exchanges …………………………………… 345 1 Project Management throughout Its Life Cycle ……………………………… 418
2 Multilateral Security Framework and Dialogue Initiatives ……………………… 346 2 Improving the Contract System and Other Related Matters …………………… 419
3 Promoting Capacity Building Assistance and 3 Initiatives Aimed at Increasing the Efficiency of Procurement,
Other Practical Multilateral Security Cooperation Initiatives …………………… 351 and Other Related Initiatives ………………………………………………… 421
4 Promotion of Defense Cooperation and Exchanges …………………………… 356 Section 4 Defense Equipment and Technology Cooperation ………………… 423
Section 2 Ensuring Maritime Security ………………………………………… 377 1 Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology …………… 423
1 Counter-Piracy Operations ………………………………………………… 377 2 Deepening Relationships with the United States regarding Defense
2 Contribution to the Maintenance of Public Safety and Order Equipment and Technology Cooperation ……………………………………… 424
on the Seas through Maritime Training ……………………………………… 381 3 Building New Defense Equipment and Technology Cooperation ………………… 426
3 Initiatives in the Asia-Pacific Region ………………………………………… 381 4 Adapting Defense Equipment for Civilian Use ………………………………… 429
Section 3 Efforts to Support International Peace Cooperation Activities ……… 382 5 Technology Control ………………………………………………………… 429
1 Frameworks for International Peace Cooperation Activities …………………… 382 6 Participation in International Defense Equipment Exhibitions …………………… 430
2 Initiatives to Support UN Peacekeeping Operations, etc. ……………………… 383 7 Public-Private Defense Industry Forum ……………………………………… 430
3 International Disaster Relief Operations ……………………………………… 388
Chapter 5 Interaction with Local Communities and Japanese Citizens
Section 4 Initiatives for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation …… 389
1 Initiatives Focused on Treaties Relating to Arms Control, Disarmament, Section 1 Collaboration with Local Communities ……………………………… 431
and Non-Proliferation ……………………………………………………… 389 1 Activities in Civic Life and Contributions to Society …………………………… 431
2 International Initiatives Aimed at Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction 390 2 Cooperation from Local Governments and Other Relevant Organizations for the SDF… 431
3 Activities for Securing Understanding and Cooperation of
Chapter 3 Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Municipal Governments and Local Residents ………………………………… 432
Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel 4 Measures to Promote Harmony between Defense Facilities and Surrounding Areas … 432
Section 1 Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force … 391 5 Other Initiatives …………………………………………………………… 434
1 Recruitment and Employment ……………………………………………… 391 Section 2 Public Relations Activities, Information Disclosure, and Related Activities … 435
2 Daily Education and Training ………………………………………………… 395 1 Various Public Relations Activities …………………………………………… 435
3 Measures Aimed at Ensuring Effective Use of Human Resources ……………… 397 2 Initiatives for Information Disclosure and Document Management ……………… 437
4 Initiatives to Maintain Strong Discipline, etc. ………………………………… 398 3 Initiatives for Policy Evaluation ……………………………………………… 441
Part I Security Environment Surrounding Japan Reference 41 Situations Concerning the Conclusion of Agreements ………………… 495
Reference 42 Exchange Student Acceptance Record
Reference 1 Number of Nuclear Warheads Arsenals and Their Major Means
(Number of Newly Accepted Students in FY2016) …………………… 495
of Delivery by Country …………………………………………… 443
Reference 43 Multilateral Security Dialogues Hosted by the Ministry of Defense …… 496
Reference 2 Outline of Military Power of Major Countries and Regions
Reference 44 Other Multilateral Security Dialogues ……………………………… 497
(Approximate Numbers) …………………………………………… 443
Reference 45 Vientiane Vision: Japan’s Defense Cooperation Initiative with ASEAN … 498
Reference 3 Outline of Regular and Reserve Forces of Major Countries and Regions
(Approximate Numbers) …………………………………………… 443 Reference 46 Participation in Multilateral Training (Last Three Years) ……………… 499
Reference 4 Transition of Military Power in the Area Surrounding Japan …………… 444 Reference 47 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with Australia
(Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 501
Part II Japan’s Security and Defense Policy and the Japan-U.S. Alliance Reference 48 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with the ROK
(Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 502
Reference 5 National Security Strategy (Outline) ………………………………… 444 Reference 49 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with India
Reference 6 NATIONAL DEFENSE PROGRAM GUIDELINES for FY2014 and beyond … 447 (Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 503
Reference 7 Medium Term Defense Program (FY2014-FY2018) ………………… 454 Reference 50 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with China
Reference 8 The Number of Tanks and Major Artillery Owned …………………… 460 (Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 503
Reference 9 Number of Major Aircraft and Performance Specifications …………… 460 Reference 51 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with Russia
Reference 10 Number of Major Ships Commissioned into Service ………………… 461 (Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 503
Reference 11 Guided Missile Specifications ……………………………………… 461 Reference 52 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with ASEAN Countries
Reference 12 Pattern of Defense-Related Expenditures (Original Budget Basis)……… 462 (Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 504
Reference 13 Changes in Major Area of Expenditures on General Account Budget Reference 53 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with Other Asia-Pacific
(Original Budget Basis) …………………………………………… 462 Countries (Past Three Years) ……………………………………… 507
Reference 14 Changes in Composition of Defense-Related Expenditures Reference 54 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with European Countries
(Original Budget Basis) …………………………………………… 463 (Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 508
Reference 15 Trend of Defense Expenditures of Major Countries …………………… 463 Reference 55 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with Other Countries
Reference 16 Outline of “Cabinet Decision” and Legislation Development…………… 464 (Past Three Years) ………………………………………………… 510
Reference 17 Main Operations of the Self-Defense Forces ………………………… 465 Reference 56 Summary Comparison of Laws Concerning International Peace
Reference 18 Statutory Provisions about Use of Force and Use Cooperation Activities ……………………………………………… 511
of Weapons by SDF Personnel or SDF Units ………………………… 467 Reference 57 The SDF Record in International Peace Cooperation Activities ………… 511
Reference 19 The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation (April 27, 2015) … 469 Reference 58 Dispatch of Ministry of Defense Personnel
Reference 20 United States–Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementation ……… 473 to International Organizations ……………………………………… 513
Reference 21 Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee ……………… 475 Reference 59 Authorized and Actual Strength of Uniformed SDF Personnel ………… 514
Reference 22 Record of Japan-U.S. Bilateral Exercises in FY2017 ………………… 475 Reference 60 Status of Application and Recruitment of Uniformed SDF
Reference 23 Japan-U.S. Joint Research and Development Projects ……………… 478 Personnel (FY2017) ……………………………………………… 514
Reference 24 Japan-U.S. (Minister-Level) Consultations (Since 2015) ……………… 478 Reference 61 Breakdown of Ministry of Defense Personnel ……………………… 515
Reference 25 Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee ……………… 481 Reference 62 Major Exercises Conducted in FY2017 ……………………………… 516
Reference 26 Joint Statement …………………………………………………… 482 Reference 63 Results of Firing Training and Related Training by Dispatch
Reference 27 Outline of 23 Issues ……………………………………………… 483 of Each of the Self-Defense Forces to the United States (FY2017) …… 516
Reference 28 The SACO Final Report …………………………………………… 484 Reference 64 Main Measures for Re-employment Support ………………………… 517
Reference 29 State of Progress of the SACO Final Report ………………………… 486 Reference 65 Employment Situation of Retired Uniformed SDF Personnel
Reference 30 Background of the Futenma Replacement Facility …………………… 488 in Disaster Prevention-related Bureaus in Local Government ………… 517
Reference 31 Estimated Timelines for the Return of Facilities and Areas South Reference 66 Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology…… 518
of Kadena ………………………………………………………… 489 Reference 67 Activities in Civic Life ……………………………………………… 519
Reference 32 Chronology of Osprey Deployment by the U.S. Forces ……………… 490 Reference 68 “Public Opinion Survey on the Self Defense Forces and Defense Issues”
Reference 33 Outline of the Act on Special Measures on Smooth Implementation (excerpt) (Public Relations Office of Cabinet Office) ………………… 520
of the Realignment of United States Forces in Japan ………………… 490 Reference 69 Record of Information Disclosure by the Ministry of Defense (FY2017) … 521
Reference 34 Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government Reference 70 The Results of the Special Defense Inspection (outline) ……………… 521
of the United States of America on Cooperation with Regard to
Implementation Practices Relating to the Civilian Component of
the United States Armed Forces in Japan, Supplementary to
the Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation
and Security between Japan and the United States of America,
Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed
Forces in Japan (signed on January 16, 2017) ……………………… 491
Part III Initiatives to Protect the Lives and Property of the People
as well as Securing the Territorial Land, Water and Airspace
Reference 35 History of Efforts for BMD Development in Japan …………………… 492
Reference 36 Regarding fundamental enhancement of ballistic missile
defense capabilities ……………………………………………… 493
Reference 37 Efforts in Recent Years by the Ministry of Defense on Cybersecurity …… 493
Reference 38 Record of Disaster Relief (Past Five Years) ………………………… 493
Reference 39 Record of Participation by the MOD and SDF in Joint Exercises
for Civil Protection Implemented by the National and
Local Governments (FY2017) ……………………………………… 494
Reference 40 Record of Major Multinational Security Dialogues
(Asia-Pacific Region, Last Five Years) ……………………………… 494
Defense Chronology ………………………………………………………………………… 523
Insert ………………………………………………………………………………………… 536
Organizational Diagram of the Self-Defense Forces
Location of Principal SDF Units (As of March 31, 2018)
Locations of Major U.S. Forces Stationing in Okinawa (As of March 31, 2018)
Locations of Major U.S. Forces Stationing in Japan (Excluding Okinawa Prefecture) (As of March 31, 2018)
Part Ⅰ Part Ⅲ
Chapter 2 Defense Policies of Countries Chapter 1 Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan,
and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Commentary View of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles ..............................65
Commentary North Korea’s ICBM development situation .............................................76 VOICE 24-hour surveillance activities in the East China Sea
Commentary Modernization of China’s sea and air military capabilities (Destroyer crew member) ....................................................................317
(update ship volume in the diagram) ....................................................102 VOICE Staff sergeant working at an alert waiting station ..................................319
Commentary Cutting-edge technologies and Chinese military....................................103 Commentary Land-based Aegis system (Aegis Ashore) .............................................326
Commentary Modernization of Russia’s nuclear forces ..............................................129 VOICE Strengthening cyber collaboration with the United States
(liaison officer activities) ......................................................................334
Chapter 3 Issues in the International Community VOICE Rescue activities for people isolated in Fukuoka prefecture....................337
Commentary Diffusion of the ISIL threat ...................................................................176
VOICE Disaster relief for heavy snowfall in Fukui Prefecture .............................337
The Ministry of Defense wants to hear your views on Defense of Japan 2018.
Please fill out the questionnaire on the Defense of Japan website.
We will use this to further improve future editions of Defense of Japan.
Sixth nuclear
July August September November
2017 2017 2017 2017
Landed in Japan’s EEZ Flew over Japan Flew over Japan Landed in Japan’s EEZ
in the Sea of Japan and landed and landed in the Sea of Japan
in the Pacific Ocean in the Pacific Ocean
* EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone
Picture of suspected illegal “ship-to-ship transfer” of goods by a North Korean-related vessel (confirmed multiple
times since January 2018)
Special Feature 2
Security Situation
Surrounding Japan
Further expansion of operational areas of China’s sea and
air power
China’s sea and air power is expanding its operational areas surrounding Japan, including the area around Senkaku Islands.
China’s recent activities surrounding Japan (for illustrative purposes)
Ships, etc.
Aircraft, etc.
Cases confirmed for the first time
Frequent advancements
Bomber advances all the way to the into the Pacific Ocean
area off the Kii Peninsula (August 2017) passing between Okinawa
and Miyako Island
First advancement of Chinese Air Force fighters into the Sea of Japan (December 2017) Chinese Navy submarine navigation through contiguous zone off the Senkaku Islands
(January 2018)
10 5 5 6
Navigation by the Chinese Navy aircraft carrier "Liaoning" in waters near Okinawa (April 2018)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY)
Etorofu Island
Russian Navy missile cruiser navigating the Soya Strait (September 2017)
Russian military bombers flying over the Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan
0 (February 2018)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY)
Special Feature 4
Strengthening the Japan-U.S.
Close cooperation at Summit and Minister levels
Japan and the United States have closely coordinated their understanding
and policies, and worked in close cooperation by repeatedly holding Summit
Meetings, “2+2” meetings, Defense Ministerial Meetings, etc. about regional
situations including the North Korea issues and East and South China Seas.
Main Japan-U.S. consultations and other contacts over the past year
July August September October
Summit/Ministerial meeting
Telephone talks
Japan-U.S. Security
Japan-U.S. Japan-U.S. Defense Japan-U.S. Summit Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial
Consultative Committee
Summit Meeting Ministerial Meeting Telephone Talk Telephone Talk
(Japan-U.S. “2+2”) Meeting
Bilateral exercise by Ground Self-Defense Force and U.S. Marine Corps in Japan (Northern Viper)
(August 2017)
Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee (Japan-U.S. “2+2”) Meeting (August 2017) Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (April 2018)
November December January February March April May June
* Prepared using materials released by the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bilateral exercise by Maritime Self-Defense Force and U.S. Navy in the Sea of Japan Bilateral training by Air Self-Defense Force and the U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps in airspace
(November 2017) in the vicinity of Kyushu (August 2017)
Special Feature 6
Defense Cooperation and
Exchanges with Other Countries
Active promotion of security cooperation
Security challenges in today’s international community cannot be resolved just by a single country on its own and require cooperation with other countries.
Promotion of defense cooperation and exchanges with other countries is highly important in building face-to-face relationships to deal with various security issues
in the region and international community in cooperation with each other.
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Ono and UN Joint Staff Chief of Staff participating in a Chief of Staff-level meeting among Japan, State Minister of Defense Yamamoto having a meeting with
Under-Secretary General for Field Support Khare at the U.S., and the Republic of Korea (third person from the left) (September 2017) Brazil’s Defense Minister Silva e Luna (May 2018)
a preparatory meeting for the Ministers’ Meeting on
UN PKO activities (August 2017)
At least five times
At least three times
Two times
One time
United Sweden Russia
Kingdom Estonia
Belgium Latvia Canada
Germany Ukraine
Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense (Then; on the Czech Kazakhstan
France Mongolia
left) shaking hands with United Kingdom Minister of Spain Serbia
State for Defence and Deputy Leader of the House of Italy Montenegro United States
Lords Curzon (on the right) (February 2018) Jordan
Egypt Laos Republic of Korea
UAE Myanmar Vietnam
Bahrain Thailand
Cambodia Philippines
Sri Lanka Brunei
Djibouti Malaysia
Chief of Staff, Maritime Self-Defense Force with New Zealand
G7 Naval Chiefs of Staff at the Regional Sea Power
Symposium (October 2017)
Parliamentary Vice Minister of Defense Fukuda and Philippines Chief of Staff, Ground Self-Defense Force participating Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs participating as the chair of the 9th
Minister of Defense Lorenzana at the ceremony for the transfer in the 10th Pacific Armies Chief Conference (in the Japan-ASEAN Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum held in Fukuoka (sixth person from the left)
of a MSDF TC-90 (March 2018) center) (September 2017) (September 2017)
Defense Minister Onodera giving a speech at the IISS Shangri-La Chief of Staff, Air Self-Defense Force having a meeting with
Dialogue (June 2018) Chief of Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force (March 2018)
The ability of countries to handle natural disasters and maritime problems on their own should substantially contribute to the improvement of the global security
environment. Capacity building assistance is an initiative that aims to improve the capabilities of partner countries. The Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense
Forces are engaging in cooperation programs to build such capabilities utilizing the abilities that they possess.
Military medicine Aviation meteorology, humanitarian Civil engineering, Humanitarian assistance Aviation medicine care, air rescue, Humanitarian assistance
assistance and disaster relief military medicine and disaster relief cyber security and disaster relief
Thailand Philippines
Djibouti Brunei
Civil engineering Search and rescue Humanitarian assistance International law of the sea Vehicle maintenance,
civil Military band development
and disaster relief engineering (*)
* Includes collaborative projects with other countries providing assistance
Special Feature 8
JAPAN 2018
Special Feature
Boost stage
Ballistic missile launch
Interception in
the upper tier by
ballistic missile
Medium range ballistic missile
Intermediate range ballistic missile
Short range ballistic missile Note: The Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has six Aegis-
equipped destroyers, five of which possess ballistic missile
defense capabilities (as of the end June 2018). It is scheduled
0 1,000 km 3,000 km 5,500 km
to expand this capability to a sixth destroyer within this year.
of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces initiatives
The Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces are constantly gathering information and conducting surveillance in order to resolutely protect the lives
of Japanese people and defend Japan’s territorial land, waters and airspace from the threat of ballistic missiles. Currently, Japan utilizes multi-tier defense
via an automatic warning and control system (Japan Aerospace Defense Ground Environment; JADGE) that effectively coordinates 1) upper-tier interception
by Aegis-equipped destroyers and 2) lower-tier interception by Patriot PAC-3 to deal with ballistic missiles that fly toward Japan.
Terminal stage
Detection, identification, and
Interception in
the lower-tier by
Coordinated by JADGE
(Japan Aerospace Defense
Ground Environment)
JADGE is a core system for the command and control as well as
communication functions. It centrally processes the information
regarding aircraft captured by radars installed nationwide, and
it provides fighters with instructions required for scrambling
against aircraft intruding into Japanese territorial airspace and
air defense combat operations. In addition, it controls Patriot and
radar, etc. in responses to ballistic missiles.
Special Feature 10
JAPAN 2018
Destroyer Myoko,
Maritime Self-Defense Force
Lieutenant Masanori Matsuo
I work hard for the mission of surveillance and
training with sufficient alertness day and night in
order to protect Japan from ballistic missile threats.
42nd Air Warning Group, 5th Air Defense Missile Group,
Air Self-Defense Force, Air Self-Defense Force,
Staff Sergeant Kengo Matsumoto Staff Sergeant Kazuya Iwakiri
I take pride in working on the frontline, being vigilant I work as a maintenance crew member of a PAC-3
against foreign aircraft and ballistic missiles unit, which is considered the “last defense against
approaching Japan. ballistic missiles.” I’m honored to contribute to
protecting our citizens.
(ballistic missile)
Aegis-equipped destroyer
(equipped with ballistic
Aegis Ashore
missile defense capabilities)
Refer to Section III, Chapter 1, Sub-section 2 (Effective deterrence and response) for details.
Special Feature 12
JAPAN 2018
Special Feature
Duties carried out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Surveillance in the Sea of Japan
46th Air Warning Group, Air Self-Defense Force ................................................... 1
46th Air Warning Group,
Air Self-Defense Force
Staff Sergeant Takeshi Suzue
I work with pride at a key site protecting airspace on the Sea
of Japan side in extreme cold and am involved in surveillance
activities that take place 24 hours a day.
Destroyer 2
Picture of an activity that is strongly suspected to be a so-called “ship-to-ship transfer” involving a North-Korean-flagged vessel, Yonaguni Island
which is prohibited by UN Security Council resolutions, observed by Destroyer Umigiri in international waters in the East China
Sea (May 2018)
Destroyer Abukuma,
Maritime Self-Defense Force
Leading Seaman
Raika Maruyama
My job is conducting surveillance with my
own eyes. I carry out my duties on the front
line even on rainy and windy days.
Destroyer Umigiri
301st Coast Observation Unit,
Ground Self-Defense Force
Master Sergeant
Makoto Ashizaki
I carry out surveillance of ships passing
through the La Perouse (Soya) Strait with
high alertness as part of operations that take
place 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Special Feature 14
JAPAN 2018
1958 1965 1975 1985 1989 1998 2008 2017
* Refer to Section III, Chapter 1, Sub-section 2 for “Number of scrambles since the Cold War period and breakdown”
304th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 9th Air Wing, Air Self-Defense Force
First Lieutenant Shohei Taguchi
Search and rescue activities by Ground Self-Defense Force (Jul-Aug 2017) Infectious disease prevention measures by Ground Self-Defense Force (January 2018)
Writer involved in
coordination at the local site
for rescue activities (center
of the picture)
Search and rescue activities by Ground Self-Defense Force (April 2018) Search and rescue activities by Maritime Self-Defense Force (July 2018)
Special Feature 16
JAPAN 2018
Emergency patient being transported by 15th Helicopter Unit, Ground Self-Defense Force Aero-Medical Evacuation Squadron, Air Self-Defense Force during wide-area medical transport
71st Air Corps, Maritime Self-Defense Force
Airborne Rescue Personnel, Petty Officer Second Class
Teppei Maeda
Members of the 101st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit, Ground Self-Defense Force processing Members of the Okinawa Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit, Maritime Self-Defense Force preparing
unexploded shells for disposal of explosive dangerous materials
Bilateral training by Maritime Self-Defense Force and the U.S. Navy in the Sea of Japan Bilateral training by Air Self-Defense Force and the U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps in airspace in
(November 2017) the vicinity of Kyushu (August 2017)
Joint exercise on the rescue of Japanese nationals overseas at Air Self-Defense Force Iruma Air Remote island joint disaster prevention exercise in Okinawa Prefecture (September 2017) (doctor
Base (Saitama Prefecture) (December 2017) helicopter having transported injured people by air onto the sea-based Ise Destroyer)
Nagasaki Prefecture Crisis Management Section, Councilor
Koji Aoki (second person from the right in the photo) (in charge of
protecting Japanese citizens)
I directly support the
Governor in matters related
to protecting Japanese
citizens and other crisis
management, including
disaster prevention and
ballistic missile response,
utilizing my experience and
knowledge as a commander
and staff in the Ground Self-
Defense Force.
Japanese citizen protection training in Nagasaki Prefecture (November 2017)
Special Feature 18
JAPAN 2018
Special Feature
Advancement in defense capabilities
The Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces are continuously implementing measures to build highly effective and comprehensive defense capabilities.
Enhancement of remote
island defense
Already deployed
Planned deployment
Special Feature 20
JAPAN 2018
Stand-off missiles capable of attacking invading force from locations outside of adversary’s threat envelope
● Missiles capable of attacking invading force to Japan from
locations where their attacks are unreachable (stand-off)
and secure personnel of the Self-Defense Forces
JSM (image) LRASM (image) * Refer to page 228 in the main text for details on stand-off missiles
F-35A cutting-edge fighter that possesses better stealth capabilities and high-performance sensors
● Robust stealth capability to evade opponent’s radar
● Equipped with high-performance sensors
● Possible to discover and attack opponents without being
discovered (deployments started at the Misawa Air Base
(Aomori Prefecture) in January 2018
E-2D new airborne early warning aircraft (flying radar) with superior precise detection capability of further targets
● Airborne early warning aircraft are equipped with a circular
radar device on the plane which are able to discover
opponents quickly. They are also called “flying radar.”
● E-2D are able to detect further targets than existing
airborne early warning aircraft
Constructing compact new destroyers that are able to handle a variety of duties and high-performance submarines
New destroyers (image) ● Constructing new destroyers that are able to handle a
variety of duties and submarines with higher performance
● Future goals for the number of destroyers and submarines
Current volume Future volume
Destroyers 47 vessels 54 vessels
Submarines 18 vessels 22 vessels
Northern Army North Eastern Army Eastern Army Middle Army Western Army
* Ground Component Command commands GSDF units when integrated operation is necessary.
Creation of Ground Component Command
Establishment of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade as a “key tool in the defense of remote islands”
The Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade is a new unit equipped with amphibious vehicles and other related equipment, possessing amphibious
tactical capabilities to protect remote islands.
Self-Defense Force personnel reaching land in an amphibious vehicle Amphibious vehicle being loaded onto a Maritime Self-Defense Force transport ship
Special Feature 22
Ⅰ Security Environment
Surrounding Japan
Overview See
Chapter 1
P. 45
The security environment surrounding Japan has become increasingly severe, with various challenges and destabilizing factors
becoming more tangible and acute.
1 In the area surrounding Japan, there is a concentration of nations with large-scale military capabilities, and a regional cooperation framework
on security has not yet to be fully institutionalized, leading to the existence of uncertainty and unclarity, including the persistence of territorial
disputes and unification issues.
2 Meanwhile, there has been a tendency towards an increase in and prolongation of so-called “gray-zone” situations; that is, neither pure
peacetime nor contingencies over territory, sovereignty, and economic interests.
3 There has also been a noticeable trend among neighboring countries to modernize and reinforce their military capabilities and to intensify their
military activities. The security challenges and destabilizing factors in the Asia-Pacific region are characterized below:
● North Korea’s military development such as nuclear weapon and ballistic missile development represents an unprecedentedly serious and
imminent threat.
● The unilateral escalation of China’s military activities poses a strong security concern for the region including Japan and international community.
● Russia has tendency to intensify its military activities, including in areas surrounding Japan, and this trend needs to paid due attention.
4 Territorial disputes over the Northern Territories and Takeshima, both of which are inherent parts of the territory of Japan, remain unresolved.
Normalization of advancements
Changes in the China-Taiwan to the Pacific Ocean by the China’s military
military balance
(in favor of the Chinese side)
Tendency toward increase in and
China’s rapid expansion/ intensification prolongation of gray-zone situations
of activities in the South China Sea
Based on the GTOPO30 (USGS) and ETOPO1 (NOAA) models.
● Emerging global security challenges include regional conflicts growing in complexity, international terrorism becoming more serious, proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction, and securing the stable use of new domains such as maritime space, cyberspace, and outer space.
P. 53
1 The Trump Administration released its National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture Review, clarifying its policy on
security and national defense strategy.
2 Within these documents, the Trump Administration cites the following three types of main challengers competing with the United States and
states the main security concern of the United States is not terrorism, but rather long-term strategic competition with China and Russia.
● China and Russia: Revisionist powers
● Iran and North Korea: Rogue states
● Jihadist terrorists: Transnational threat organizations
3 Given this recognition, the United States emphasizes maintaining military superiority, its commitments to the Indo-Pacific Region, and
strengthening relations with allies.
1 In terms of nuclear posture, in the near term the United States will modify a small number of existing SLBM warheads to provide a low-yield
option, and in the long term, pursue a modern nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missiles.
2 As for the country’s missile defense posture, the United States plans to reinforce both mainland defense and regional defense as well as work
on the development of cutting edge technologies, in order to respond the threat of not only ballistic missiles, but also cruise missiles and other
weapons systems.
Indo-Pacific Strategy P. 55
1 The United States champions a vision of promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific in the Indo-Pacific Region.
2 This vision calls for the following U.S. policies:
● North Korea’s nuclear and missile development: while maintaining negotiations with North Korea on denuclearization, keep sanctions until
denuclearization becomes apparent, and continue to maintain presence of the United States Forces Korea.
● China’s maritime advances: remain involved in the free and lawful use of the seas through the Freedom of Navigation Operations, while not
tolerating unilateral changes in the status quo.
U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis testifying at a meeting of the Senate Committee on Armed U.S. Navy aircraft carriers USS Ronald Reagan, USS Theodore Roosevelt and USS Nimitz
Services on the National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture Review on February 6, 2018 conducting a joint exercise with MSDF destroyers in the Western Pacific Ocean (November 2017)
(Photo: U.S. Department of Defense) (Photo: U.S. Navy)
Digest 24
Ⅰ Security Environment
Surrounding Japan
P. 63
1 Since 2016, North Korea has willfully conducted three nuclear tests and launched as many as 40 ballistic missiles. These military trends in North
Korea pose an unprecedentedly serious and imminent threat to Japan’s security, and significantly damage the peace and security of the region
and the international community.
2 In the joint declaration at the first-ever U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting in June 2018, North Korea gave a commitment to work toward
complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and confirmed that it plans to continue the negotiations between the two sides. It is highly
significant that Chairman Kim Jong-un reiterated his intension for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and made a clear
promise to do so in a written document.
3 It is important to closely monitor specific actions by North Korea to eliminate nuclear and missile capabilities.
4 Taking into consideration the fact that North Korea appears to possess and deploy several hundred Nodong missiles capable of reaching almost
every part of Japan as well as advancements in the development and operational capabilities of nuclear weapons and missiles through repeated
nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches to date, there is no change in our basic recognition concerning the threat of North Korea's nuclear
weapons and missiles.
1 North Korea willfully conducted its sixth nuclear test in September 2017. The yield of the weapon is estimated at around 160kt, making it the
largest yielding test to date. It is difficult to deny the possibility that it was a hydrogen bomb test.
2 Considering the technological maturity estimated to have been achieved through these six nuclear tests, it is possible that North Korea has
already achieved the miniaturization of nuclear weapons and has developed nuclear warheads so that nuclear weapons can be loaded into
ballistic missiles.
3 As for whether North Korea has demonstrated warhead reentry technologies, while detailed analysis is necessary, North Korea can be accumulating
related technologies through its repeated missile launches.
4 North Korea is suspected to have several facilities capable of producing chemical agents and already a substantial stockpile of such agents. North
Korea is also thought to have some infrastructure for the production of biological weapons. The possibility cannot be denied that North Korea is
able to load biological and/or chemical weapons on ballistic missiles.
5 In terms of ballistic missiles, North Korea appears to be aiming to (1) advance long-range ballistic missiles' technological reliability, (2) enhance
the accuracy and operational capabilities necessary for saturation attacks, (3) improve its ability to conduct surprise attacks, and (4) diversify the
forms of launches.
6 If North Korea advances further in development of ballistic missiles and other activities and overconfidently and wrongly believes that it has
obtained strategic deterrence against the United States, there is possibility of increased and more serious military provocations in the region and
could lead to circumstances that raise strong concerns for Japan.
Note 1: The figure above shows a rough image of the distance each missile can reach from Pyongyang for the sake of convenience.
Note 2: Quotation marks indicate the names used by North Korea.
Digest 26
Ⅰ Security Environment
Surrounding Japan
China See
Chapter 2
P. 89
Rapid modernization P. 90
1 Underpinned by high level of increases in defense budget, China is considered to reinforce its military capabilities broadly and rapidly with a focus
on nuclear and missile force, as well as its Navy and Air Force. As part of this China has been strengthening its so-called A2/AD capabilities.
2 Besides this type of strengthening military capabilities from past years, China is pursuing new types of practical operational capabilities, such as
those of electronic and cyber warfare, in recent years.
3 Considering Xi Jinping’s further consolidation of authoritative power as Chairman of the Central Military Commission, China’s military
modernization to improve practical operational capabilities can be accelerated more strongly in the future.
4 China aims to realize fundamental modernization of its military forces, namely the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), by 2035 and transform the PLA
into one of the world’s top militaries by the middle of the 21st century, intending to rapidly enhance its military capabilities in accordance with
its increasing national strength.
Shang-class submarine navigating the contiguous zone near the Senkaku Islands
(The submarine flew the Chinese flag in open waters. January 2018)
1 China’s sea and air power is expanding its operational areas, including the area around Senkaku Islands, undertaking further activities which are
seemingly based on its own claim regarding the islands.
2 China is considered to attempt to routinize its naval ships’ navigation in waters close to Japan and its presumable sea and air power’s training
activities which accompany entry into the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, the quality of its activities is showing continuous improvement,
including a pursuit of developing practical joint operational capability.
3 Sufficient attention should be paid to issues regarding China’s offshore platforms.
1 China, over maritime issues where its interests conflict with others’ continues to act in a way which can be considered assertive, such as
attempts at changing the status quo by coercion.
2 China has pressed ahead with rapid and large-scale land reclamation on seven features in the Spratly Islands, installing military facilities such as
artillery batteries, and transforming these features into military installations. Furthermore, China is promoting militarization of the Paracel Islands
too, as bomber takeoff and landing exercises are pointed out to be implemented, for example. China’s military activities in South China Sea are
expanding, and the expansion itself is to change the status quo by coercion and to promote the changed status as an accomplished fact.
3 The United States is conducting Freedom of Navigation Operations in the waters such as South China Sea to cope with over-claiming of maritime
interests, including one by China.
4 However, China is exhibiting interest in initiatives to avoid and prevent unexpected contingency in the sea and airspace. For example, in May
2018, Japan and China officially agreed to implement “Maritime and Aerial Communication Mechanism between the Defense Authorities of
5 Nevertheless, China’s rapid modernization of the PLA, enhancement of operational capabilities, and unilateral escalation of activities in
areas close to Japan, without sufficient transparency, are generating strong security concerns in the region and international community,
including Japan.
6 It is probable that the PLA plays a backing role in Belt and Road Initiative through its activities such as sea lane protection. In addition,
development of infrastructure under the initiative can lead to further expansion of the PLA’s activities in the area such as the Pacific Ocean
and the Indian Ocean.
An image of the PLA’s recent activities in the sea and airspace around Japan
Examples of the PLA Navy and Air Force confirmed around Japan (photos: MSDF/ASDF) Legend
Sea power
Air power
*Locations, wakes, etc. include images and estimates.
Digest 28
Ⅰ Security Environment
Surrounding Japan
Russia See
Chapter 2
P. 124
1 President Putin, who has called for Russia to become a strong and influential nation, was re-elected in March 2018. With regards to Russia’s
future, he emphasized to further bolster its defense capability, while stating his commitment to pursue constructive relations with other countries
without the intention of starting an arms race.
2 With regards to Europe, Russia is negative about the expansion of NATO, and has deployed three divisions near the border with Ukraine etc, and
conducted the large-scale training exercise Zapad-2017 in September last year.
3 As for Syria, Russia announced naval and air bases in Syria will continue to operate on a permanent basis. Attention will continue to be paid to
Russia’s moves to expand its influence in the Middle East.
4 In the Far East, Russia has been developing its newest class of frigate (Steregushchiy class) and fighter jets (Su-35 and Su-34). In 2018, Russia
also plans on holding a large-scale military exercise called Vostok-2018.
5 Russia announced deployment of surface-to-ship missiles in the Northern Territories (Etorofu and Kunashiri islands), and it is also intensifying
activities in Etorofu island, including designation of a civilian airport to both civilian and military use and deployment of fighters.
6 Russia tends to increase its military activities, including in areas near Japan, and it is necessary to closely observe this trend.
1 ISIL has lost nearly all of the territory it once controlled as a result of military operations by the U.S.-led coalition and local forces. However, ISIL-
affiliated groups continue to actively carry out terrorist attacks in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
2 The threat for terrorism is spreading globally, including “homegrown” terrorism perpetrated by individuals or groups who are inspired by extremist
ideologies and foreign terrorist fighters returning to their countries of origin after fighting for ISIL.
3 It is essential for Japan to once again address the threat of international terrorism head-on in light of ISIL’s repeated reference to Japanese people
as targets of attack and the attack in Dhaka (Bangladesh) in 2016.
4 In the Syrian theater, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France concluded that the Assad regime used chemical weapons and carried
out attacks on Syria’s chemical weapon facilities. Related countries and various forces remain in conflict, as seen in strong criticism of this action
by Russia, a key supporter of the Assad regime. There is still no end in sight to military clashes in Syria.
Major Terrorist Groups Based in Africa and the Middle East Regions
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Qaeda
(AQIM) the Levant (ISIL)
Several ISIL states
Hamas Lebanon Afghanistan
Palestine ISIL Khorasan
Province Pakistan
Algeria Libya Egypt
Saudi Arabi
ISIL Algeria Province
P. 196
1 Major countries are making efforts to enhance the capabilities of a variety of satellites and launch them for the purpose of enhancing C4ISR* functions.
(*The term “C4ISR” stands for command, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.)
2 Countries are rapidly developing capabilities in outer space for securing their own military superiority in outer space. It is pointed out that China
and Russia have been developing anti-satellite weapons such as killer satellites.
3 It is pointed out that China could threaten U.S. information superiority in outer space in the future.
Cyberspace Chapter 3
P. 201
1 As military dependence on information communication networks grows further, cyber attacks are regarded as an asymmetrical strategy capable
of exploiting the weaknesses of an adversary’s forces. Many foreign militaries develop their capability to execute cyber attacks.
2 It has been pointed out that China and Russia are reinforcing their military’s cyber attack capabilities in order to disrupt networked units and
destroy infrastructure.
3 Cyber attacks are frequently carried out against information and communications networks of government organizations and military forces of
various countries. It is suggested that government organizations of countries such as China, Russia, and North Korea are involved in those attacks.
Digest 30
Ⅱ Japan’s Security and Defense Policy
and the Japan-U.S. Alliance
P. 216
● The National Security Strategy (NSS) developed in December 2013 sets forth Relationship among the NSS, the NDPG, the MTDP, and
Japan's fundamental principle of national security, which is that Japan will the fiscal year budget
continue to adhere to the course that it has taken as a peace-loving nation, and Basic Policy on National Security, centered
NSS around diplomatic and defense policies
contribute even more proactively to security peace, stability, and prosperity in the (approx. 10-year time frame)
international community, while achieving its own security as well as peace and Based on NSS
The National Defense Program Guidelines and Medium Term Defense Program P. 218, 225
1 The current National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG), developed in December 2013 being based on the NSS, emphasize the following:
Stabilization of the Asia-Pacific Region and Improvement of the Global Security Environment
(1)Holding training and exercises (2) Promoting defense cooperation and exchange (3) Promoting capacity building assistance
(4) Ensuring maritime security (5) Implementing international peace cooperation activities
(6) Cooperating with efforts to promote arms-control, disarmament, and nonproliferation
2 The Medium Term Defense Program (MTDP)(FY2014-FY2018) developed in December 2013 based on the NDPG specifies the review of major
units, major projects concerned with the capability of the SDF, the maintenance scale of main equipment, and required expenses.
1 As 2018 marks the final fiscal year for the current MTDP, a new NDPG is also be discussed towards the end of 2018.
2 This is based on the necessity to identify what defense capabilities are truly needed to protect the people, rather than simply extending existing
capabilities, looking squarely at the reality of the increasingly severe security environment.
3 Concerning this process, it is essential to secure necessary and sufficient defense capabilities qualitatively and quantitatively. Given that it is
especially vital to utilize capabilities in new domains such as space and cyberspace, it would be no longer inadequate to consider problems in
the conventional domains - i.e, land, sea, and air, and it is necessary to develop capabilities in these areas.
Defense-Related Expenditures
● In FY2018, in order to strengthen the posture for protecting the life and property of the Japanese people as well as Japan’s territorial land, sea,
and airspace in light of the increasingly severe security environment, Japan has increased defense-related expenditures following on from
FY2017 (increased 0.8% from the previous year to 4.9388 trillion yen).
Digest 32
Ⅱ Japan’s Security and Defense Policy
and the Japan-U.S. Alliance
Framework for the Activities of the Self-Defense Forces after the Enforcement of the Legislation for Peace and Security P. 237
● The following provides an overview of the framework for the government's response to various situations as laid out in the Legislation for Peace
and Security, including new potential situations, as well as the main activities of the SDF
Main activities of the SDF (Red text denotes revisions made in the process of developing the Legislation for Peace and Security)
The Situation of the Self-Defense Forces after the Enforcement of the Legislation for Peace and Security P. 254
P. 258
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump shaking hands
at the Japan-U.S. summit (November 2017)
<Photo: Public Relations Office, Cabinet Office>
P. 260
1 The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation (April 2015) set forth policy concerning initiatives such as “seamlessly ensuring Japan's
peace and security,” “cooperation for regional and global peace and security” and “space and cyberspace cooperation.”
2 In accordance with the guidelines, both countries will continue to conduct more joint training and exercises, joint intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance (ISR) activities, and jointly utilize both countries' facilities and areas of operation for these activities.
U.S. Vice President Pence and Defense Minister Onodera reviewing the Air Self
Defense Force PAC-3 unit deployed in Ichigaya (February 2018)
Digest 34
Ⅱ Japan’s Security and Defense Policy
and the Japan-U.S. Alliance
P. 281
1 In order for the U.S.-Japan Alliance to function sufficiently as a Changes in the Number and Area of USFJ Facilities and Areas
deterrent that contributes to the defense of Japan and peace and (Exclusive Use) in Okinawa
stability in the Asia-Pacific region, it is necessary to have a USFJ 400
presence and to be prepared to respond to emergencies with speed 350 Area (km²)
and agility. 300 278
249 242
2 For this purpose, based on the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, Japan
200 185
allows the stationing of USFJ, which is a core part of the Japan-U.S. 150 144
Security Arrangements. 100 83
46 43
50 31
Just before May 1972 End of End of As of
reversion (reversion) FY1980 FY1990 January 2018
1 Approximately 70% of USFJ facilities and areas (for exclusive use) in Japan are concentrated in Okinawa
Prefecture, occupying approximately 14% of the main island of Okinawa. Therefore, it is necessary to
continue to make utmost efforts to mitigate the impact.
2 A number of steps have been taken to mitigate the impact on Okinawa while maintaining security in
the region, including releasing of land areas south of the Kadena Air Base, reducing troop numbers in
Okinawa and relocating to Guam, and training relocation of tilt-rotor/rotary-wing aircraft such as U.S.
Marine Corps’ MV-22 Osprey aircraft.
Training relocation : Osprey aircraft landing
3 The relocation of MCAS Futenma is the only solution to eliminate its danger as quickly as possible at a maneuver area in Miyagi Prefecture as
while simultaneously maintaining the deterrence capabilities of the U.S. Forces. Thus, the Government part of field training (Forest Light 02) with the
U.S. Marine Corps in Japan (February 2018)
of Japan is making all-out efforts to realize the relocation. (Photo: U.S. Department of Defense)
4 The following progress has been made involving the return of USFJ land:
● March 2015: West Futenma Housing Area of Camp Zukeran ( Camp Foster) (about 51 ha) was returned. This land was returned to the
owner in March 2018 after soil pollution surveys, etc.
● December 2016: The return of approximately 4,000 ha, a major portion of the Northern Training Area, was achieved, the largest of
its kind since the reversion of Okinawa to the mainland. This land was returned to the owner in December 2017 after soil pollution
surveys, etc.
● July 2017: A portion of MCAS Futenma (about 4 ha along Ginowan City road 11) was returned
● March 2018: A portion of Makiminato Service Area(Camp Kinser) (about 3 ha of land to expand Route 58) was returned
● In regions other than Okinawa, the MOD is implementing measures to consolidate facilities and areas
of USFJ and to proceed with the realignment of USFJ. Such measures are aimed at securing the stable
presence of the U.S. Forces while maintaining its deterrence capabilities and trying to mitigate the
impact on local communities. The relocation of Carrier Air Wing Five (CVW-5) squadrons from Naval Air
FA-18 relocated to MCAS Iwakuni
Facility Atsugi to MCAS Iwakuni began in August 2017 and was completed in March 2018.
Measures to Mitigate the Impact Posed by Facilities and Areas Used by USFJ P. 305
● Ensuring the safety of local residents is of prime importance in USFJ operations. The two countries cooperate with a prime focus on ensuring
the safety so that accidents or incidents will not occur.
P. 314
In order to respond to a variety of contingencies in a timely and appropriate manner, and to ensure the protection of the lives
and property of the people as well as territorial land, water and airspace, it is necessary to make efforts to deter the occurrence
of a variety of contingencies before they happen by building a comprehensive defense system. If a contingency does occur, it is
required to respond seamlessly to the situations as they unfold. The MOD/SDF take the following initiatives.
● The SDF persistently engages in warning and surveillance activities in the water and airspace surrounding Japan during peacetime so that
it can respond to various contingencies immediately and seamlessly. Information gathered through these activities are shared with other
relevant government agencies.
GSDF personnel conducting warning and Warning and surveillance activities in the vicinity Onboard ASDF E-767 airborne warning and control aircraft
surveillance activities of a maritime platform in the East China Sea conducting warning and surveillance activities
(photo taken onboard MSDF P-3C patrol aircraft)
Suspicion Illegal Transfer of Goods at Sea (Ship-to-ship Transfer) by North Korea-related Vessels
1 As part of its warning and surveillance activities in the water surrounding Japan, the SDF
gathers information on vessels suspected of violating the UN Security Council resolutions.
2 Up to the end of June 2018, the SDF has confirmed and made public 9activities that were Rye Song Gang-1
highly likely to be illegal transfers of goods at sea (so-called “ship-to-ship transfer”) by
North Korea-related vessels.
3 In order to conduct warning and surveillance by aircraft and such against illegal activities
at sea including “ship-to-ship” transfer, Australian and Canadian patrol aircraft were
deployed to Japan for about a month from the end of April in 2018. British Royal Navy’s Wan Heng-11
frigate HMS Sutherland engaged in information gathering operations in the high seas
surrounding Japan in early May. North Korea-related vessel (right) highly suspected of being
engaged in “ship-to-ship transfer” observed by a MSDF patrol
Warnings and Emergency Takeoffs (Scrambles) in Preparation against aircraft on warning and surveillance duty on the high seas in
the East China Sea (February 2018)
Intrusion of Territorial Airspace
1 The ASDF detects and identifies aircraft flying in Number and Breakdown of Scrambles since the Cold War
the airspace surrounding Japan using warning (Times)
and control radars as well as early-warning 1,200 1,168
Digest 36
Ⅲ Initiatives to Protect the Lives and Property of the People as
well as Securing the Territorial Land, Water and Airspace
● In order to respond to attacks on remote islands, it is important to position units and so forth in accordance with the security environment, and
also to detect signs at an early stage through Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) conducted by the SDF as well as obtaining and
securing maritime and air superiority. Initiatives taken by the MOD/SDF include the following.
Securing Capabilities for Swift and Large-scale Transportation and Deployment GSDF personnel getting off the amphibious vehicle and
Enhanced rapid deployment capabilities through the improvement of transport LST and the introduction rolling out in Iron Fist 2018 (January 2018)
1 Japan’s Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) is based on an effective multi-tier defense system with upper tier interception with Aegis-equipped
destroyers and lower tier with Patriot PAC-3, both interconnected and coordinated by the Japan Aerospace Defense Ground Environment (JADGE).
2 In order to defend Japan, at all times, it is necessary to drastically improve ballistic missile defense capabilities. Therefore, the National Security
Council and the Cabinet approved in December 2017 the introduction of two land-based Aegis System (Aegis Ashore) to be operated by the GSDF.
3 The introduction of Aegis Ashore will reinforce upper tier interception Aegis-equipped destroyers.
Mid-course phase
In this phase, the rocket engine burns
out and the missile is flying in outer
space (exoatmosphere) inertially
Aegis Ashore
1 There is a growing threat against the stable use of outer space such as the rapid increase of space debris.
2 The MOD/SDF launched an X-band defense communications satellite called Kirameki-2 in January 2017, and another one named Kirameki-1 in
April 2018, to be used for the information communications of extremely important command and control in unit operations.
1 With regard to cybersecurity, the number of cases recognized as threats to Japanese governmental organizations in FY2016 reached approximately
7,110,000, and these threats have become increasingly serious.
2 In order to appropriately deal with cyber attacks, the MOD has increased the number of personnel in the SDF units responsible for responding to
cyber attacks approximately from 350 to 430.
SDF personnel building a bathing facility following an earthquake Search and rescue activities by the Ground Self Defense
whose epicenter was in Northern Osaka (June 2018) Force following torrential rains in July 2018
Response to Rescue and Transport of Japanese Nationals Overseas and Others P. 339
● The SDF stands ready to dispatch its units swiftly. Specifically, the SDF maintains
operational readiness by which the GSDF designates units including a helicopter unit,
the MSDF designates vessels such as transport ships, and the ASDF designates airlift
units. In addition, the SDF strengthens its joint operational capability through exercises
in and outside Japan.
● With cooperation from relevant government organizations, the MOD/SDF has held training with participation of local governments, etc. In addition,
the MOD/SDF also actively participates and cooperates in civil protection training implemented by local governments.
Digest 38
Ⅲ Initiatives to Protect the Lives and Property of the People as
well as Securing the Territorial Land, Water and Airspace
P. 345
The MOD/SDF will enhance bilateral and multilateral defense cooperation and exchanges, and will more actively promote United
Nations Peace Keeping Operations (UN PKO), counter-piracy operations, international peace cooperation activities, and other relevant
missions to address global security issues.
1 Initiatives under the multilateral framework such as the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM)-Plus and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF),
which is a security cooperation framework in the Asia-Pacific region, have made steady progress and serve as an important foundation for
cooperation and exchanges in the areas of security and defense.
2 Japan has contributed to the enhancement of multilateral cooperation in the region, for example, by annually holding the Japan-ASEAN Defense
Vice-Ministerial Forum and the Tokyo Defense Forum.
1 Through the capacity building assistance program launched in 2012, Japan has provided assistance
in various areas such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, PKO, maritime security, and
international law to 14 countries and 1 organization mainly in the Asia-Pacific region.
2 Between January and March, and October and December 2017, Japan provided assistance programs for
the Djiboutian Armed Forces to help strengthen its disaster response capability, including training on the
operation of facilities and equipment.
● In the Asia-Pacific region, the MOD/SDF actively participates in multinational training in non-
traditional security fields, such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, as well as Non-
combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO), in addition to conventional training conduct in preparation
for combat situations.
1 As for defense cooperation and exchanges, Japan will continue its effort to alleviate any
conditions of confrontation and tension, as well as fostering a collaborative and cooperative
atmosphere through bilateral dialogues and exchanges.
2 In addition, recognizing the increasing need for international cooperation, Japan has
recently enhanced bilateral defense relationships from traditional exchanges to deeper
cooperation in a phased manner by appropriately combining various means including joint
exercises and capacity building assistance, defense equipment and technology cooperation,
and establishing institutional frameworks such as the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Maritime and Aerial Communication Mechanism between
the Defense Authorities of Japan and China
Agreements (ACSA).
P. 377
1 For Japan, a maritime state, strengthening order on the seas based on fundamental rules,
such as the rule of law and the freedom of navigation, as well as ensuring safe maritime
transport, is the foundation for peace and prosperity, which is extremely important.
2 In cooperation with the relevant countries, the MOD/SDF engages in counter-piracy
operations and promotes various initiatives including assistance for capacity building in
this field for those coastal states alongside the sea lanes, and makes the most of various
opportunities to enhance joint training and exercises in waters other than those in the
immediate vicinity of Japan.
3 For counter-piracy operations, the SDF surface force and air force have participated in the
Combined Task Force 151 (CTF 151) and conducted its missions in cooperation with other Units from Japan, the U.S., Germany and Spain engaged in counter-
countries. Furthermore, the SDF dispatched a CTF 151 commander from March to June 2018. piracy operations. (December 2017)
The MOD/SDF is proactively undertaking international peace cooperation activities working in tandem with diplomatic initiatives, including
the use of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for resolving the fundamental causes of conflicts, terrorism, and other problems.
1 The MOD hosted the Tokyo preparatory meeting for the UN Peacekeeping Defense Ministerial Meeting in August 2017.
2 At the UN Peacekeeping Defense Ministerial Meeting held in Canada in November 2017, State Minister of Defense Yamamoto announced that
Japan would further contribute to the “UN Project for African Rapid Deployment of Engineering Capabilities” and take initiatives to increase the
number of female PKO personnel.
1 Japan continues to dispatch SDF personnel to UNMISS Headquarters although the SDF
engineering unit was withdrawn at the end of May 2017.
2 Japan will continue to contribute to activities as UNMISS members.
1 The uniformed SDF personnel are dispatched to PKO centers overseas as instructors, and
administrative officials as well as the uniformed SDF personnel are dispatched to the UN
Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the UN Department of Field Support.
2 GSDF personnel have been dispatched as instructors to the UN Project for African Rapid
Deployment of Engineering Capabilities. So far, until last year the dispatched GSDF
personnel here provided 6 training sessions on the operation of heavy equipment for about
170 personnel participants from 8 countries in Africa.
GSDF personnel dispatched as an instructor for gender education to the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Peace Support Training Centre.
Digest 40
Ⅲ Initiatives to Protect the Lives and Property of the People as
well as Securing the Territorial Land, Water and Airspace
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force P. 391
Establishing a New Benefit to Ensure Understanding and Cooperation for Duties of SDF Reserve Personnel and Others.
● A new system was introduced in FY 2018 in order to gain understanding and
cooperation from the companies that employ SDF Reserve Personnel or SDF
Ready Reserve Personnel for their duties. In the new system, a special benefit is
provided to the companies in case the employed SDF Reserve Personnel or SDF
Ready Reserve Personnel: 1) responds to orders such as defense operation, civil
protection or disaster relief dispatch orders; 2) must miss their civilian jobs due to
injuries sustained while on duty.
Promotion of Work-Life Balance and More Active Participation of Female Personnel P. 400
1 The MOD formulated the Defense Technology Strategy in August 2016, which presents a specific direction for various measures that should
be implemented strategically. This aims to ensure Japan’s technological superiority, develop advanced equipment in an effective and efficient
manner, and deal with various policy issues pertaining to defense and civilian technologies.
2 Additionally, the MOD formulated the Medium-to Long-term Defense Technology Outlook for future technologies expected to be established in
the next 20 years and the Research and Development Vision that presents the concept of future equipment and the R&D roadmaps. The MOD
promotes a variety of measures based on these documents.
3 33 proposals have been selected by the end of JFY 2017 in the “Innovative Science & Technology Initiative for Security” (funding program), which
aims to discover inventive and promising research at research organizations and corporations.
● The MOD/SDF conducts a variety of cooperation activities such as the disposal of unexploded ordnance and mines to support civilian life. Such
activities further deepen the trust between local communities/people and the SDF, as well as significantly contribute to the maintenance and
vitalization of local communities.
● The MOD/SDF widely publicizes current circumstances of the SDF both at home and abroad through various information communication platforms
including Social Networking System (SNS) and events such as the SDF Marching Festival, a troop review, a fleet review, and an air review.
● In light of the issue of the daily reports related to the PKO in South Sudan and the daily reports in Iraq, the MOD/SDF is committed to regaining
trust of the public by thoroughly implementing measures pertaining to information disclosure and management of public documents to prevent
similar incidents.
Digest 42
Security Environment
Surrounding Japan
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Defense Policies of Countries
Chapter 3
Issues in the International
A North Korean tanker that is strongly suspected of engaging in the act of ship-to-ship cargo
transfer, which is prohibited by the United Nations Security Council Resolutions (June 2018)
1 Overview
Chapter 1
The security environment surrounding Japan has Russia has been modernizing its forces including
become increasingly severe, with various challenges and its nuclear capability not only in the Europe region but
destabilizing factors becoming more tangible and acute. in the periphery of Japan. It has increased its military
While nations with large military forces are concentrated activities such as enhancement of military deployment in
in this region, a regional cooperation framework in the the Northern Territories and Chishima Islands and close
security realm has not been sufficiently institutionalized. attention needs to be paid to its development.
Opaque and uncertain factors such as territorial disputes In addition, emerging global security challenges
and reunification issues remain. There has been also include regional conflicts growing in complexity,
a tendency towards an increase in and prolongation of international terrorism becoming more serious,
so-called “gray-zone” situations, that is, neither pure proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and
peacetime nor contingencies over territory, sovereignty, securing the stable use of new domains such as maritime,
and maritime economic interests. In addition, there has outer space and cyber space.
been a noticeable trend among neighboring countries The security challenges and destabilizing factors
to modernize and reinforce their military capabilities in the international community which has these
and to intensify their military activities. In this regard, characteristics are complex, diverse, and wide-ranging,
security challenges and destabilizing factors in the Asia- and it is becoming ever more difficult for a single
Pacific region including the area surrounding Japan are country to deal with them on its own. In this context, it is
becoming more serious. increasingly important for countries which share interests
In particular, North Korea has conducted three in regional and global stability to cooperate and actively
nuclear tests including the biggest by far since 2016. It also respond to security challenges. Cross-cutting government
launched 40 ballistic missiles including those that flew efforts are also critical to overcome these challenges.
over Japan and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles.
North Korea’s military development such as its nuclear
and missile development constitute unprecedented, KEY WORD
serious and imminent threats to the security of Japan.
China has reinforced its military capabilities without “Gray-zone” situations
transparency. It also continues its unilateral attempts to
So-called “gray-zone” situations concisely describe a broad range
change the status quo in the East and South China Seas
of situations, that is, neither pure peacetime nor contingencies. For
with the backdrop of power based on its unique assertions example, conflicting assertions between states, etc., over territory,
which are incompatible with the existing order of sovereignty, economic interests including maritime interests, etc.,
international law. In addition, China has been unilaterally and at the least one party showing physical presence frequently, or
escalating its operations in the periphery of Japan. These attempting or making changes to the status quo in an area related to
the dispute by using armed organizations or other means to the extent
trends have become serious security concerns to the region
that it does not constitute an armed attack, in order to appeal a party’s
including Japan and to the international community and
assertion or demand or to force acceptance of it.
continued attention needs to be paid.
specific and practical intra-regional coordination and through technological verification conducted by
collaboration with a particular focus on non-traditional launching a series of ballistic missiles. Recently, North
security fields such as humanitarian assistance and Korea has not only engaged in research and development
disaster relief. of ballistic missiles, but has also intensified activities
Opportunities for bilateral defense exchanges to increase their operational capabilities, including
between countries in the region have increased in surprise attack. North Korea has conducted nuclear tests
recent years. Multilateral security dialogues, including in defiance of calls of restraint from the international
the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the ASEAN community. As for the sixth nuclear test conducted in
Chapter 1
Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM Plus), September 2017, the possibility can’t be denied that it
conferences hosted by nongovernmental institutions was a hydrogen bomb test as it was estimated to have been
with the participation of relevant defense ministers, about a 160-kiloton yield. Considering the technological
and bilateral and multilateral joint exercises are held. maturity reached through the past six nuclear tests, it is
Promoting and developing such multilayered approaches possible that North Korea has successfully miniaturized
among countries is also important to ensure stability in nuclear weapons for warheads and enabled them to be
the region. equipped on ballistic missiles. With the passage of time,
Also, views on security and perceptions of threats are there will likely be a growing risk that North Korea
different by country. Therefore, a regional cooperation would deploy ballistic missiles mounted with a nuclear
framework in the security realm has not been sufficiently warhead that have ranges covering Japan. North Korea
institutionalized, and longstanding issues of territorial has repeated provocative rhetoric and behavior against
rights and reunification continue to remain in the region. related countries including Japan. In 2013, North Korea
In the Korean Peninsula, the Korean people have emphasized that Japan is within the range of its missiles,
been divided for more than half a century, and the referring to specific Japanese cities, and in March 2017,
faceoff continues between the military forces of the North Korea announced that it had launched four ballistic
Republic of Korea (ROK) and North Korea. There are missiles as part of the exercise for striking the bases of the
issues concerning Taiwan and the South China Sea. U.S. military forces in Japan. North Korea has repeatedly
Furthermore, with regard to Japan, territorial disputes shown its intention to attack Japan using nuclear weapons
over the Northern Territories and Takeshima, both of as seen in the recent statement of “using nuclear weapon
which are inherent parts of the territory of Japan, remain to sink Japan” released by Korean Central Television.
unresolved. On top of this, recent years have seen a Such North Korean military trends, coupled with its
continued tendency towards the prolongation of “gray- provocative words and actions such as threats to missile
zone” situations, raising concerns that they may develop attack against Japan, constitute a serious and imminent
into more serious situations in the absence of a clear path threat to the security not only of Japan but also of the
towards the resolution of the situations. entire region and the international community. North
In North Korea, it is deemed that following the Korea’s abduction of Japanese nationals, a grave issue
change of regime that made Chairman of the State concerning the sovereignty of Japan and the lives and
Affairs Commission Kim Jong-un the leader of the security of the Japanese people, is yet to be resolved. A
country, the regime continues to strengthen and tighten solution will require concrete actions by North Korea.
its grip to make Chairman Kim Jong-un the sole leader. Today, China has significant influence in the
North Korea is military-focused and deploys a massive international community. Accordingly, there continues
military force. It is also furthering its development and to be strong expectations on China to recognize its
operational capabilities of weapons of mass destruction responsibility in the international community, accept
(WMDs), including nuclear weapons and ballistic and comply with international norms, and play an
missiles, and it maintains a large-scale special operations active role in a more cooperative manner in regional
force. Through these activities, North Korea is believed and global issues. In the meantime, China has been
to continue to maintain and strengthen asymmetrical trying to establish unique international order, has been
military capabilities.1 In particular, it is regarded that continuously increasing its defense budget at a high level,
North Korea has further advanced its entire ballistic and has been rapidly reinforcing its military capabilities
missile program, including new type ballistic missiles, in a wide range of areas, without sufficient transparency.
1 Asymmetrical military capabilities, in this context, refer to means of attack different from those of an opponent with superior conventional military capabilities. Such measures are exploited to
compensate for disadvantages in conventional weapons and troops. Examples include WMDs, ballistic missiles, terrorism, and cyber-attacks.
Defense of Japan 46
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
In particular, China is believed to be making efforts to Line,” and found that China’s activities including land
strengthen its asymmetrical military capabilities to reclamation are illegal. However, China has made it clear
prevent military activities by other countries in the region, that it does not intend to follow this decision. Even today,
denying access and deployment of foreign militaries to China is developing, in addition to military facilities such
its surrounding areas (“Anti-Access/Area-Denial” [“A2/ as artillery, various infrastructures that can be used for
AD”] capabilities), and recently, rapidly materializing military purposes including runways, ports, hangars,
large-scale military reforms designed to build its joint and radar installations among others, moving ahead with
operations structure with actual combat in mind. In making these features military outposts. In addition, in
Chapter 1
addition, China is rapidly expanding and intensifying its July and August 2016 after the verdict, Chinese Air Force
activities both in quality and quantity in the maritime and H-6K bombers conducted “combat patrol flight” in the
aerial domains in the region, including in the East and airspace near Scarborough Shoal, and China’s Ministry
South China Seas. In particular, China has continued to of National Defense announced that these flights would
take assertive actions with regard to issues of conflicts be “regularized” in the future. This shows that China’s
of interest in the maritime domain, as exemplified by its military is expanding activities in the seas and airspace of
attempts to change the status quo by coercion, and has the South China Sea.
signaled its position to realize its unilateral assertions These Chinese activities represent serious security
without making any compromises. concerns of the region encompassing Japan, and of
As for the seas and airspace around Japan, Chinese the international community, and need to be watched
government ships have routinely and repeatedly intruded out for with intense interest. China is urged to further
into Japan’s territorial waters, and Chinese naval vessels increase transparency regarding its military and enhance
and air forces has further expanded its operations in its compliance with international norms. It is a key task
areas including the waters surrounding and airspace to further strengthen mutual understanding and trust
over the Senkaku Islands. In June 2016, a Jiangkai by promoting dialogue and exchanges with China, and
I-class frigate became the first Chinese naval combatant make further progress on measures to build trust, such as
vessel to enter the contiguous zone off the Senkaku measures to avoid and prevent unintended consequences
Islands and in January 2018, a Shang-class submarine in the maritime domain.
navigating underwater and a Jiangkai II-class frigate each In Russia, President Vladimir Putin, who has been
entered the same contiguous zone. This marked the first seeking the revival of Russia as a strong and influential
confirmed case in which a submerged submarine entered power, achieved reelection to his fourth term in March
into the contiguous zone off the Senkaku Islands. These 2018. It is deemed that Russia has promoted the
activities by the Chinese Navy represent an attempt strengthening of the readiness of its Armed Forces and
to change the status quo unilaterally using force and the development and acquisition of new equipment, while
escalate the situation one-sidedly. Moreover, they pose a continuing to give priority to its nuclear force.
serious concern to Japan. In addition, China has engaged Even as expenditure cuts are thus made in a wide range
in dangerous activities that could cause unintended of areas, Russia has striven to secure defense spending and
consequences, such as its naval vessel’s direction of fire has continued to modernize its Armed Forces. Recently,
control radar at a Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Russia has intensified its military activities not only in
(MSDF) destroyer, the flight of fighters abnormally close the Asia-Pacific region, but also in the Arctic, the Europe
to SDF aircraft, and its announcement of establishing
the “East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone
(ADIZ)” based on its own assertion, thereby infringing
the freedom of overflight.
In the South China Sea, China has continued large-
[“A2/AD”] capabilities
scale and rapid reclamation of multiple features based on
China’s unique assertions which are incompatible with Anti-Access (A2) is a concept introduced by the United States. It refers
the existing international order. The verdict handed down to capabilities, usually long-range, designed to prevent an opposing
by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in force from entering an operational area. Area-Denial (AD) refers to
capabilities, usually of shorter range, designed to limit an opposing
July 2016 with regard to the case involving China and
force’s freedom of action within the operational area. Weapons used for
the Philippines rejected the rights claimed by China in A2/AD include ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, anti-satellite weapons,
the sea included in the “Nine-Dash Line,” including air-defense systems, submarines, and mines.
“historic rights” used as the basis for the “Nine-Dash
region, the periphery of the United States, and the Middle Islands, and thus continued attention needs to be paid to
East, and has been expanding the area of activities. Russian military development in the Far East, including
Specifically, from the perspective of Europe and the Four Northern Islands.
the United States, Russia is believed to be changing the As seen above, in the Asia-Pacific region, where the
status quo using force by engaging in so-called “hybrid security environment has increasingly grown severe, the
warfare”2 in Ukraine which Russia regards as a part of presence of the U.S. Forces remains extremely important
its sphere of influence. This is recognized as not only a in order to achieve regional stability. Accordingly, Japan
strong concern for European countries, but also a global and other countries, such as Australia and the ROK, have
Chapter 1
issue that could potentially engulf the entire international established bilateral alliances and partnerships with the
community including Asia. Russia is also appearing to be United States, and allow the stationing and rotational
expanding its influence internationally, including through deployment of the U.S. Forces in their territories. In regard
its involvement in the Syria Civil War as a supporter of to the responses to the unilateral changes in the status
the Assad regime. quo by force or coercion based on unique assertions, it
In the Far East, the Russian Armed Forces have is important for the international community centered
conducted large-scale exercises. Russia has unveiled the around countries in the region to make concerted efforts
deployment of coastal (surface-to-ship) missiles in the to protect the existing international order based on law.
Northern Territories and has referred to a plan to deploy See Fig. I-1-1-1 (Major Military Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region
a division to the Northern Territories or the Chishima (Approximate Strength))
2 While various explanations have been offered for so-called “hybrid warfare,” in this white paper, the term is used to mean “aggression conducted by methods that are difficult to identify definitively as
an ‘armed attack’ based on its outward appearance, involving a combination of non-military means, such as sabotage and information manipulation, and military means which are utilized covertly.”
Defense of Japan 48
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Fig. I-1-1-1 Major Military Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region (Approximate Strength)
The United States Geological Survey: GTOPO30; and the United States
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: ETOPO1
Notes: 1. Source: “The Military Balance 2018,” documents published by the U.S. DoD, etc.
2. Figures for Japan indicate the strength of each SDF as of the end of 2017; the number of combat aircraft is the sum of ASDF aircraft (excluding
transport aircraft) and MSDF aircraft (fixed-wing aircraft only).
3. Figures for the U.S. ground forces in Japan and the ROK are those of the Army and Marine Corps personnel combined.
4. Combat aircraft include Navy and Marine aircraft.
5. Figures in parentheses show the total number of central units, such as divisions and brigades. That of North Korea shows only divisions. That of
Taiwan includes military police as well.
6. The number of U.S. 7th Fleet vessels and aircraft indicates those which are forward-deployed in Japan and Guam.
7. Figures of combat aircraft of the U.S. Forces, Japan and the U.S. 7th Fleet include only fighters.
Ground forces Naval vessels Combat aircraft
(200,000 troops) (200,000 tons) (500 aircraft)
Chapter 1
due to change in the power balance caused by further spots without government control in vulnerable nations
advancement of China, India and other countries, and with unstable political situations and weak governance
the relative change of the United States influence, the capabilities have become a hotbed for the activities of
international community is becoming increasingly international terrorist organizations.2
multi polarized. Terrorist organizations are carrying out activities
Secondly, globalization and rapidly advanced across national borders while obtaining personnel,
technological innovation have further expanded and weapons and financial resources by taking advantage of
deepened mutual dependence among countries. As a vulnerable border controls. Also, in European and North
result, a conflict or other security issue in a country or American countries, there is growing concern over the
region is likely to soon grow into a destabilizing factor threat of terrorism posed by persons who sympathize with
that could affect the entire international community. extremist thoughts propagated by international terrorist
In relation to this, the rapid spread of information organizations or by persons returning to their home
communication networks, such as the Internet and social country after fighting in conflict zones. The extremist
media that serve as a major factor behind globalization, organization ISIL has repeatedly cited that Japanese
has greatly expanded the ability of non-state actors to nationals are a target of its terrorist attacks. Taking into
disseminate and mobilize their views and claims; and account that Japanese nationals died in the terrorist attack
in the process increased their influence over nations on a restaurant in Dhaka, Bangladesh that occurred in
and the international community. Examples include July 2016, the threat of international terrorism must be
the explosive propagation or spread of individual considered a problem facing Japan, too.
criticism of nations or international terrorist groups In this manner, there is a growing risk that the impact
disseminating their extremist views, leading in some of regional conflict and threat of terrorism will spread as
cases to worldwide circulation.1 a factor of instability affecting the entire international
Given this situation, emerging global security community, not just a single country or single region.
challenges include regional conflicts growing in It is important for the international community to
complexity, international terrorism becoming more review approaches to international frameworks and its
serious, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and involvement based on the character of each and to seek
securing the stable use of new domains such as maritime out appropriate responses. As for regional conflicts, the
space, outer space, and cyber space. mission of UN peacekeeping operations has expanded
to a wide range of fields including civilian and policing
(1) Regional Conflict and International Terrorism activities: supervision of disarmament, security force
There are underlying differences in the nature of conflicts reforms, election and government monitoring, and
occurring around the world. In the case of prolonged humanitarian assistance for refugee repatriation. In
conflicts, it is believed there is a rising possibility that particular, there is growing importance placed on
human rights violations, refugees, starvation, and poverty missions for protecting civilians and women and for
occurring as a result of conflict will affect a much broader peace building. Additionally, there are examples in which
area than the countries involved. Furthermore, climate multinational forces and regional institutions authorized
change and competition to secure resources and energy by the UN Security Council are working to prevent
could become more tangible, and cause regional disputes. conflict, maintain peace and build peace.
1 Controlling such actions is becoming more difficult even for authoritatian states with strong control of their people and for the international community working to contain the activities of terrorist
organizations. As a result, even authoritarian states have been forced to give more consideration than normal toward public opinion with regard to domestic governance and the management of
national politics. Also, for the international community, problems that should be resolved become more complicated, making it even more difficult to address them.
2 As noted above, the weakening of government structures can create a hotbed for the activities of international terrorist organizations and also make it more difficult to combat risks posed by the
explosive spread and propagation of large-scale disasters or infectious disease.
Defense of Japan 50
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
In terms of international counterterrorism, there is the world, and there have been cases where countries
growing importance for international cooperation due to unilaterally assert their rights and take actions based on
the spread of activities by terrorist organizations across their own assertion that is inconsistent with the existing
international borders. At present, in addition to the use international order, thereby unduly infringing the
of military means, the entire international community freedom of navigation on the high seas and of overflight.
is working to block sources of financing for terrorist China’s continued militarization such as large scale
organizations and taking initiatives to prevent the and rapid land reclamation in the South China Sea,
international transfer of terrorists. and developing batteries and other military facilities
Chapter 1
as a significant threat to the international community, measures such as continuing to conduct antipiracy
including East Asia. As for chemical weapons, the operations in relevant waters including off the coast of
Malaysian police announced that VX, a chemical whose Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden, collaborating to protect
production and use is banned under the Chemical Weapons the existing international order based on law including
Convention (CWC), was detected from the body of Kim a free and open maritime order, and implementing
Jong-nam following his assassination that occurred in initiatives designed to avoid and prevent unintended
Malaysia in February 2017. Additionally, U.K. Prime consequences in the maritime domain and airspace.
Minister Theresa May made a statement which says it is
clear that Novichok, a Russian-made military nerve agent, (4) Cyberspace and Outer Space
was used. It is very likely that Russia is responsible for Recently, securing the stable use of new domains such as
the attack, with regard to the attack on a former Russian outer space and cyberspace, in addition to the conventional
intelligence agent that occurred in the United Kingdom domains of the ground, sea and air, has become an
in February 2017. Concerning the situation in Syria, in important challenge for the security of the international
April 2017 the United States determined that the Assad community. The further advancement of military science
regime used chemical weapons in an attack on a region and technology along with significant advancements in
controlled by anti-government forces in the south of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has
Idlib Governorate in northwest Syria, and in response increased the dependence of social infrastructure and
launched a missile strike on Shayrat Airbase, the base of military activities on outer space and cyberspace. On the
the planes used in the Assad regime’s attack and which is other hand, the development of anti-satellite weapons by
believed to be housing chemical weapons. Furthermore, countries and the diversification of cyber attacks with
in April 2018 the United States, United Kingdom and suspected government involvement have exacerbated the
France determined that the Assad regime used chemical risks to the stable use of outer space and cyberspace. In
weapons against civilians once again in Eastern Ghouta recent years, countries are moving ahead with specific
on the outskirts of Syria’s capital of Damascus, and in efforts aimed at reinforcing a nation’s ability to combat
response they launched a missile strike on three chemical cyber attacks, including private sector companies, and
weapons-related facilities, demonstrating resolve to stop acquiring the capabilities to monitor threats to space
the use and proliferation of chemical weapons. assets such as satellites. There are also moves seen in the
In addition, there are continuing concerns about the international community to promote the rule of law in
acquisition and use of WMDs by non-state actors, such outer space and cyberspace by establishing certain codes
as international terrorist organizations. In this regard, the of conduct.
international community continues to pursue efforts to
counter terrorism activities that utilize nuclear materials (5) Technology
and other radioactive substances. Rapid advancements in technological innovation are
now spreading into military fields. Major powers such
(3) Maritime Domain as the United States, China and Russia are believed to
With regard to the maritime domain, which has been be focusing on research and development of precision
regarded as a foundation for supporting international guided technologies, unmanned technologies, artificial
trade, piracy acts have taken place in various parts of intelligence (AI) technologies, and stealth technologies,
among others. Such progress in military science and As seen above, the international community today
technology relies heavily on the development of civilian faces complex, diverse, and broad security challenges
technologies. It is believed that the development and and destabilizing factors. Along with deterrence and
international transfer of civilian technologies will handling of armed conflicts, the roles of military forces
have a major impact on improvements in the military in responding to these challenges are becoming so
capabilities of each country. Meanwhile, countries diverse that they include a broad spectrum of activities
without advanced technologies and non-state actors from conflict prevention to reconstruction assistance,
appear set to develop and acquire means for asymmetrical and military forces are now playing such important roles
Chapter 1
attack such as WMDs and cyber capabilities, along with more frequently. Meanwhile, for military forces to play
obtaining through illicit means the technologies of their roles, comprehensive responses are required that
developed countries. Such trends in the development of combine military capacity with other capacities such as
military technologies are believed to have a significant diplomacy, law enforcement and justice, intelligence, and
impact on the military strategies of each country and the the economy.
power balance between countries.
Defense of Japan 52
2 Defense Policies of Countries
1 The NSS comprehensively indicates political, economic, military and diplomatic policies aimed at protecting and achieving goals.
2 The NDS affords the president and secretary of defense the utmost strategic flexibility, decides the force structure to meet needs, and supports the latest national security strategy.
Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), a military operation states” that are attempting to revise key aspects of the
against ISIL that includes airstrikes. In addition, following international order and are acting in a manner that
its assessment that the Assad administration of Syria had threatens U.S. national security interests. It also mentions
used chemical weapons in April 2018, together with the that violent extremist organizations such as ISIL are
United Kingdom and France, the United States carried out becoming imminent threats.
missile strikes3 against Syria’s chemical weapons-related On the other hand, the NSS released in December
facilities, and clarified its stance of developing powerful 2017 indicates that changes in a regional balance of power
deterrence against the production, proliferation, and use of can have global consequences and threaten U.S. interests.
weapons of mass destruction. In August 2017, the United It mentions the three main sets of challengers against the
States announced its strategy on Afghanistan and South United States and its allies and partners, which are the
Asia which made clear its continuous involvement with “revisionist powers” of China and Russia, the “rogue
Afghanistan, and in September 2017, Defense Secretary states” of Iran and North Korea, and transnational threat
Chapter 2
Mattis disclosed that reinforcements of over 3,000 U.S. organizations, including jihadist terrorist groups. Of
military personnel would be sent to Afghanistan. In these, China and Russia are said to challenge American
light of Russian actions concerning Ukraine, in order to power, influence, and interests and attempt to erode
strengthen involvement in NATO security and deterrence, American safety and prosperity, while North Korea and
the investment for the European Deterrence Initiative4 is Iran destabilize regions and threaten the United States
3 At 21:00 on April 13 Eastern Standard Time (10:00 on April 14 Japan time), the United States together with France and the United Kingdom conducted strikes against three chemical weapons-related
facilities of the Syrian administration. The U.S. Department of Defense announced that it believed that all 105 cruise missiles used hit their targets. Of these, the U.S. Forces fired 30 tomahawk missiles
from two destroyers, 30 missiles from one cruiser, and six missiles from one nuclear submarine, as well as 19 JASSMs from two B-1B strategic bombers.
4 This initiative reassures allies and partners of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that the United States is committed to their security and territorial integrity by increasing the presence of
the U.S. Forces in Europe, conducting further bilateral and multilateral training and exercises with NATO allies and other countries, and strengthening the prepositioning of U.S. equipment in Europe.
Until recently it was called the European Reassurance Initiative, but the name was changed to the European Deterrence Initiative in the FY2019 Budget Blueprint.
Defense of Japan 54
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
2 Security and National Defense Strategy by a major power and deter opportunistic aggression
elsewhere, it advances building flexible theater postures
The NSS developed by President Trump is rooted in the and force deployment that have mobility, resilience,
America First policy and realism in which power plays a and modernize key capabilities such as nuclear forces,
central role in international politics, and stresses the need space and cyberspace, C4ISR, missile defense, advanced
to rethink the policies of the past 20 years that were based autonomous systems, etc. Further, although indicating its
on the assumption that engagement with rivals and their commitment to deter aggression, it also demonstrates the
inclusion in the international community would turn them stance that dynamic military force employment, military
into benign actors and trustworthy partners. Moreover, the posture, and operations must introduce unpredictability
NSS sets up a strategic policy to protect four vital interests to adversary decision-makers. For 2. Strengthening
in this competitive world: 1. Protect the American people, alliances, the following three matters are emphasized:
the homeland, and the American way of life, 2. Promote i. Uphold a foundation of mutual respect, responsibility,
Chapter 2
American prosperity, 3. Preserve peace through strength, priorities, and accountability, ii. Expand regional
and 4. Advance American influence. consultative mechanisms and collaborative planning,
Furthermore, in addition to rebuilding the U.S. and iii. Deepen interoperability. On the other hand, there
military to the strongest armed forces and strengthening are expectations that allies and partners contribute an
capabilities in many areas including space and equitable share to mutually beneficial collective security,
Defense Policies of Countries
cyberspace, the United States is also striving to leverage including effective investment in modernizing their
the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific, Europe, and defense capabilities.
the Middle East. Moreover, while recognizing that allies
and partners are a great strength of the United States 3 Involvement in the Indo-Pacific Region
and close cooperation is necessary, the United States
has demanded that its allies and partners demonstrate While the Trump administration has stopped using the
the will to confront shared threats and contribute the key phrase “rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific region” set
capabilities. It is also pointed out that although the United forth by the Obama administration, it has shown a stance
States is responding to the growing political, economic, of placing importance on the region through the United
and military competition throughout the world, by States’ commitment to the region and strengthening its
ensuring American military power is second to none and presence since the inauguration of the administration.5
fully integrating with its allies all instruments of power, In particular, under the policy to continue sustaining
the United States will seek areas of cooperation with maximum pressure on North Korea, which is continuing
competitors from a position of strength. its nuclear and ballistic missile development, the Trump
The NDS drawn up by Secretary of Defense Mattis
based on the NSS considers the long-term competitions
with China and Russia as the principal priorities of
the Department of Defense because of the magnitude
of the threats they pose to U.S. security and prosperity
and the potential for the threats to increase. Moreover,
to expand the competitive space, the following three
lines of effort are raised: 1. Building a more lethal Joint
Force, 2. Strengthening alliances and attracting new
partners, 3. Reforming the Department of Defense for
greater performance and affordability.
U.S. Navy aircraft carriers USS Ronald Reagan, USS Theodore Roosevelt and USS Nimitz
Among these, 1. Building military power prioritizes conducting a joint exercise with MSDF destroyers in the western Pacific Ocean on
preparedness for war and in order to defeat aggression November 12, 2017. [Photo: U.S. Navy]
5 At the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministers’ Meeting on February 4, 2017, U.S. Secretary of Defense Mattis who was visiting Japan at the very early timing of just two weeks after the inauguration of the
new Trump administration, emphasized that the Asia-Pacific region remains a top priority for the United States and that the United States would strengthen its commitment by maintaining the presence
of the U.S. Forces in the region. Also, at the Shangri-La Dialogue in June 2017, he stated that the Asia-Pacific region is positioned as a priority region and that the United States would strengthen
alliances, empower regional countries, and strengthen the U.S. Forces capabilities in the region. He also stated 60% of all U.S. naval warships, 55% of the army, and about two thirds of the Fleet
Marine Forces were assigned to the Pacific Command area of responsibility, and soon 60% of overseas tactical aviation assets would be assigned to the theater.
administration is exhibiting its recognition that a military held on June 29, Secretary of Defense Mattis stated that
option plays an important role in backing up diplomatic the decision was taken to create space for their diplomats
efforts, and also is clearly showing its readiness to to negotiate strongly, and increasing the prospects for a
respond with overwhelming power in retaliation to any peaceful solution on the Korean Peninsula, and that the
attack by North Korea. United States maintains a strong, collaborative defensive
To show military presence against North Korea, stance to ensure its diplomats continue to negotiate from
following on from the deployment in the Sea of Japan of a position of unquestioned strength. On the other hand,
two carrier strike groups, the Carl Vinson Strike Group the United States showed a clear stance that it would
and the USS Ronald Reagan Strike Group in June 2017, maintain sanctions until North Korea took concrete,
three carrier strike groups, the USS Ronald Reagan, USS verifiable measures for ending its nuclear development,
Theodore Roosevelt and USS Nimitz strike groups were and that it would keep the U.S. Forces in the ROK. (See
deployed in the Sea of Japan in November 2017. The 1-5 of Section 2.)
Chapter 2
nuclear submarines USS Tucson and USS Michigan also During his November 2017 trip to Asia, in
made port calls in the ROK in October 2017. In addition, consonance with Japan’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific
during the joint U.S.-ROK regularly-held aviation Strategy,” President Trump expressed his intention to
exercise Vigilant Ace in December 2017, F-22 and F-35 emphasize compliance with principles such as respecting
aircraft participated for the first time ever in the exercise. the rule of law and freedom of navigation, and that he
6 A ballistic missile defense system that intercepts short- and medium-range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase from the ground. It tracks and intercepts targets at high altitude in the upper
atmosphere or beyond the atmosphere. See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2 for ballistic missile defense systems.
7 The Korean Marine Exchange Program (KMEP) is an annually-held joint exercise between the U.S. Marine Corps stationed in Okinawa and the ROK Marine Corps. 19 exercises were planned under
the KMEP in 2018, and 11 exercises had been carried out as of June 22, 2018.
Defense of Japan 56
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
construction activities in the South China Sea differ from to Guam, and in place of the amphibious assault ship USS
those in other countries in several key ways, including Bonhomme Richard, the amphibious assault ship USS
the nature of its militarization, China’s disregard for Wasp that is capable of carrying F-35B fighters arrived in
international law, its contempt for other nations’ interests, Sasebo. Furthermore, in March 2018 the aircraft carrier
and its efforts to dismiss non-adversarial resolution of USS Carl Vinson made the first port call by a U.S. aircraft
issues; and that the United States cannot and will not carrier in over 40 years in Vietnam.
accept unilateral coercive changes to the status quo.
Moreover, while committing to protecting the rights, 4 Innovation Initiatives in the National Defense Field
freedoms, and lawful uses of the sea, and the ability of
all countries to exercise those rights in the strategically In November 2014, then-Secretary of Defense Hagel
important East and South China Sea, Secretary of announced the Defense Innovation Initiative (DII) that
Defense Mattis stated that the United States would aimed to achieve military superiority through innovation,
Chapter 2
continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international and stated the expectation that this would develop into
law allows, and demonstrate resolve through operational the Third Offset Strategy.9 Also, in 2015 as a part of DII,
presence in the South China Sea and beyond. It is then-Secretary of Defense Carter established Defense
reported that in May, July, August, and October 2017, as Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) in Silicon Valley
well as January, March, and May 2018, the U.S. Forces to be a bridge between the Department of Defense and
Defense Policies of Countries
conducted Freedom of Navigation Operations within civilian groups, in order to introduce innovative civilian
12 nautical miles of the islands and reefs in the South technologies into military fields.
China Sea that are claimed by China.8 Also, in May 2018, The Trump administration stopped using the
the U.S. Department of Defense stated that China had names DII and Third Offset Strategy, but in August
deployed anti-ship missiles and surface-to-air missiles 2017 Secretary of Defense Mattis visited DIUx and IT
to the features in the Spratly Islands, and pointed out companies and discussed utilization methods of new
that the placement of these weapon system was only technologies for the Department of Defense. To the
military use. As an initial response to China’s continued accompanying press corps, he stated that Department of
militarization of areas in the South China Sea, the United Defense innovation initiatives are a matter of maximum
States disinvited the Chinese navy to the multilateral Rim priority and pointed out the importance of DIUx. Also,
of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) in 2018. the NSS outlines a policy that the United States must
Based on such a perception of China and regional harness innovative technologies that are being developed
strategy, it can be considered that the United States is outside of the traditional defense industrial base. The
advancing efforts rooted in the concept of free and open NDS also states that the Department of Defense needs
Indo-Pacific region. innovation to surpass revisionist powers, and calls for
In addition, as part of its activities around extensive investment in military application of autonomy,
strengthening its presence in the Indo-Pacific region, in artificial intelligence, and machine learning, including
January 2017, the U.S. Forces deployed Marine Corps rapid application of commercial breakthroughs, to
specification F-35B fighters to MCAS Iwakuni. In gain competitive military advantages. In view of these
October 2017, 12 Air Force specified F-35A fighters were circumstances, it can be considered that the United States
deployed at Kadena Air Force Base for the first time ever will continue to place emphasis on innovation in the
in the Asia-Pacific region. Also, in January 2018, nuclear- national defense field.
capable B-2 bombers and B-52 bombers were deployed
8 It is regarded that the Trump administration implemented the following Freedom of Navigation Operations: within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef of the Spratly Islands by the destroyer USS Dewey
in May 2017, within 12 nautical miles of Triton Island of the Paracel Islands by the destroyer USS Stethem in July 2017, within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef of the Spratly Islands by the destroyer
USS John S. McCain in August 2017, surrounding the Paracel Islands by the destroyer USS Chafee in October 2017, within 12 nautical miles of Scarborough Shoal by the destroyer USS Hopper in
January 2018, within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef by the destroyer USS Mustin in March 2018, within 12 nautical miles of the Paracel Islands by the destroyer USS Higgins and the cruiser USS
Antietam in May 2018.
The Obama administration implemented the following Freedom of Navigation Operations: within 12 nautical miles of Subi Reef of the Spratly Islands by the destroyer USS Lassen in October 2015,
within 12 nautical miles of Triton Island of the Paracel Islands by the destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur in January 2016, within 12 nautical miles of Fiery Cross Reef of the Paracel Islands by the destroyer
USS William P. Lawrence in May 2016, and surrounding the Paracel Islands by the destroyer USS Decatur in October 2016.
9 The United States’ Third Offset Strategy is based on the concept of offsetting the capacity of the adversary by acquiring asymmetrical means that differ from the capacity of the adversary. There were
two previous offset strategies as follows: (1) the nuclear deterrent of the 1950s; and (2) precision-guided missiles and stealth aircraft technologies of the 1970s.
5 Nuclear and Missile Defense Policy technologies, as well as incorporate nuclear capability
onto the forward-deployable, nuclear-capable F-35
The NPR released in February 2018 stated that, although as a replacement for the current aging dual-capable
the United States had reduced the role and number of aircraft (DCA). Also, the United States has shown its
nuclear weapons based on the aspiration that if the United commitment to extended deterrence for its allies and, if
States took the lead in reducing nuclear arms, other necessary, maintaining the forward-deployed capability
states would follow, the global threat conditions have with DCA and nuclear weapons in regions outside
worsened markedly since the most recent NPR10 released Europe, including Northeast Asia.
in 2010 and there now exist unprecedented threats and On the other hand, there has not yet been an official
uncertainty, as China and Russia have expanded their announcement on the Ballistic Missile Defense Review
nuclear forces and North Korea continues its pursuit of (BMDR) that President Trump had directed to be
nuclear weapons and missile capabilities. Given these formulated alongside the NPR. Regarding this, in March
Chapter 2
circumstances, the following were raised as the roles of 2018, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood
U.S. nuclear forces: 1. Deterrence of nuclear and non- testified in Congress regarding missile defense that while
nuclear attacks, 2. Assurance of allies and partners, 3. the review work was still being advanced, the new review
Achievement of U.S. objectives if deterrence fails, and 4. would be decided on as the Missile Defense Review
Capacity to hedge against an uncertain future. (MDR) based on the existing threats of missile strikes
10 The NPR released in 2010 called for a world without nuclear weapons, with goals that included reducing the role of the U.S.’s nuclear weapons and maintaining strategic deterrence and stability at
reduced nuclear force levels.
11 The nuclear triad consists of Minuteman III ICBM, Ballistic Missile Submarines (SSBN) armed with Trident II D5 SLBM, and strategic bombers B-52 and B-2.
12 The RKV is an improved counterattack vehicle in terms of reliability, manufacture, examination, and cost efficiency.
13 Together with increasing object identification capability, the MOKV development program improves interceptor missile performance by developing the capability to destroy multiple objects through
enabling one interceptor missile to load multiple kill vehicles.
Defense of Japan 58
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
As the budget deficit of the U.S. Government is personnel, adding 24,100 more troops to the services’
deepening in recent years, the Budget Control Act end strength, and procuring 135 upgraded M-1 tanks
enacted in August 2011 stipulated a significant cut in (56 tanks in the previous year), 10 battleships (8 in the
government spending by FY2021.14 Also, in March previous year), and 77 F-35 fighters (70 in the previous
2013, the sequestration of government spending year). In addition, regarding ballistic missile defense,
including defense expenditure was started based on additional deployment of 20 ground-based interceptor
the provisions of the Budget Control Act. However, missiles in Alaska, other than 40 missiles in Alaska and 4
after this, sequestration was eased for the budgets from missiles in California, are to be completed by the end of
FY2014-FY2017 due to the bipartisan acts passed 2023, in light of the threat of the ICBMs posed by North
twice.15 Furthermore, amid the Trump administration’s Korea and Iran.
policy to end the sequestration of defense spending in In January 2018, Secretary of Defense Mattis pointed
order to rebuild the U.S. military, the Bipartisan Budget out that the U.S. military competitive edge has eroded in
Act was passed in February 2018, and a defense budget every domain of warfare and that the defense expenditure
framework was approved that drastically raised the limit cap was causing a negative effect. He stated that there
set by the sequestration for FY2018 and 2019.16 was a need for a stable, predictable budget, and that while
In these circumstances, the defense budget request in both capability and capacity are important for building
the Budget Blueprint submitted to Congress in February the military, currently, building the capacity is being
2018 allocated US$617.0 billion for the base budget,17 emphasized. For this, the Trump administration can be
representing about a 7% increase over the previous considered to be pursuing ensuring a sufficient and stable
year. For the overseas contingency operations budget, a defense budget, emphasizing keeping a force of sufficient
total of US$69.0 billion would be appropriated per the size in the short-term, and aiming for a budgetary measures
request, including budget escalation in the OIR and the to expand capability in the mid- and long-term.
European Deterrence Initiative.18 Also, the goals for See Fig. I-2-1-1 (Changes in the U.S. Defense Budget)
14 In January 2012, the Department of Defense announced that the specific national defense annual expenditure reduction based on the enacted act would amount to roughly US$487 billion over the
10 year period between FY2012 and FY2021 (roughly US$259 billion during the five year period between FY2013 and FY2017).
15 Through the passing of the 2013 Non-Partisan Budget Act, the national defense budget limit was lowered by US$22 billion and US$9 billion in FY2014 and FY2015 respectively. Through the passing
of the 2015 Non-Partisan Budget Act, the national defense budget limit was raised to US$25 billion and US$15 billion in FY2016 and FY2017 respectively.
16 Through the passing of the 2018 Non-Partisan Budget Act, the national defense budget limit was raised to US$80 billion and US$85 billion in FY2018 and FY2019 respectively.
17 An increase of about US$35 billion from the FY2018 enacted budget level.
18 The total sum of the FY2019 national defense budget request was roughly US$716.0 billion, including defense-related budget requests from other departments of roughly US$30 billion (such as the
Department of Energy’s nuclear-related programs) and the roughly US$686 billion of Department of Defense budget request.
2 Military Posture
1 General Situation The U.S. maritime forces have about 940 vessels
(including about 70 submarines) totaling about 6.36
The operation of the U.S. Forces is not controlled by the million tons. The 6th Fleet is responsible for the East
individual branches of the broader armed forces, rather it Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and Africa; the 5th
is operated under the command of the Unified Combatant Fleet in the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the northwest
Commands, composed of forces from multiple branches Indian Ocean; the 3rd Fleet in the eastern Pacific; the 4th
of the armed forces. The Unified Combatant Commands Fleet in South America and the Caribbean Sea; and the
consist of three commands with functional responsibilities 7th Fleet in the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
and six commands with regional responsibilities. Of The U.S. air forces have roughly 3,570 combat
Chapter 2
these, Secretary of Defense Mattis announced that the aircraft across the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps. In
name of the Pacific Command would be changed to the addition to carrier-based aircraft deployed at sea, part of
Indo-Pacific Command in May 2018. the tactical air force is forward-deployed in Germany, the
The U.S. ground forces have about 470,000 Army United Kingdom, Japan, and the ROK.
soldiers and about 180,000 Marines, which are forward- In regard to strategic offensive weapons including
19 Warheads that have been equipped in deployed ICBMs and Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs) and nuclear warheads equipped in heavy bombers (a deployed heavy bomber is counted
as one nuclear warhead).
20 The figure as of February 5, 2018.
21 The concept is designed to cripple the A2 capabilities of an adversary and promptly strike a target anywhere in the world using non-nuclear long-range guided missiles that hit targets with high accuracy.
22 In August 2017, President Trump announced the elevation of the Cyber Command to a unified combatant command.
Defense of Japan 60
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Fig. I-2-1-3 U.S. Forces Deployment Status and the Recent Trend of the U.S. Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region
European Region
Army: approx. 26,000 personnel
Navy: approx. 8,000 personnel
Air Force: approx. 28,000 personnel U.S. Forces
Marines: approx. 4,000 personnel Army: approx. 466,000 personnel
Navy: approx. 320,000 personnel
Total: approx. 66,000 personnel
Air Force: approx. 318,000 personnel
(Total in 1987:
Marines: approx. 184,000 personnel
approx. 354,000 personnel)
U.S. European Command
Total: approx. 1,288,000 personnel
(Total in 1987:
approx. 2,170,000 personnel)
U.S. Central Command
Asia-Pacific Region U.S. Northern
Army: approx. 35,000 personnel
Navy: approx. 22,000 personnel
Air Force: approx. 27,000 personnel
Chapter 2
Notes: 1. Source: Documents published by the U.S. DoD (as of the end of 2017), etc.
2. The number of personnel deployed in the Asia-Pacific region includes personnel deployed in Hawaii and Guam.
• Deploys F-22 and RQ-4 (Global Hawk)
• Deploys MV-22 Osprey, P-8, F-35A
• Deploys second TPY-2 radar
• Additionally deployed one Aegis ship (normal ship) (June 2015)
• Switched one Aegis ship (normal ship) with Aegis BMD destroyer (March 2016)
• Additionally deploys two Aegis BMD destroyers (one already deployed in October
[Singapore] Seoul 2015 and one to be deployed in summer 2017)
• Rotationally deploys Littoral Combat ROK • Deployed amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, capable of carrying F-35Bs.
Ships (LCS) (To deploy four LCSs by
end of 2017. The first ship started Japan
rotation in April 2013, the second ship [Guam]
in December 2014 and the third ship • Rotationally deploys submarines
in October 2016) • Rotationally deploys bombers
• Rotationally deployed P-8 (December • Established a facility for aircraft carriers’
2015) temporary port of call
Guam • Deploys unmanned reconnaissance aircraft (RQ-4) Hawaii
• Signed enhanced defense cooperation Philippines
agreement (December 2015) Manila
• Signed the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) for enhancing the presence
of the U.S. Forces, etc. (April 2014)
• Announced US$79 million assistance and provision of one patrol vessel and one survey
vessel (November 2015)
• Implements joint patrol activities (March 2016–)
• Agreed on five locations such as Air Force bases, etc. to serve as hubs for implementing
Jakarta defense cooperation based on EDCA (March 2016)
• Regularly deploys A-10 ground attack aircraft, etc. (April 2016–)
Darwin [Australia]
At the November 2011 U.S.-Australia Summit, an agreement was reached on the following initiatives:
• Rotational deployment of the Marines to northern Australia
• Increased rotational deployment of U.S. Air Force aircraft in northern Australia トンガ
In June 2017, Secretary of Defense Mattis stated that 60% of Navy vessels, 55% of the Army,
and approximately 2/3 of the Fleet Marine Force are deployed in the area for which the Pacific
Command is responsible and that 60% of overseas tactical air assets will be deployed there.
* Based upon a map created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (for illustrative purposes)
2 Current Military Posture in the Asia-Pacific Region Head quarters, U.S. Army Japan Command.24
The U.S. Pacific Fleet consists of the 7th Fleet,
The United States, a Pacific nation, continues to play an which is responsible for the Western Pacific and the
important role in ensuring the peace and stability of the Indian Ocean, and the 3rd Fleet, responsible for the East
Asia-Pacific region by placing the Indo-Pacific Command, Pacific and Bering Sea. The U.S. Pacific Fleet in total
a combatant command integrating the Army, Navy, Air controls about 200 vessels. The 7th Fleet mainly consists
Force and Marine Corps in the region. The Indo-Pacific of a carrier strike group with main stationing locations
Command is a geographic combatant command which in Japan and Guam. Their mission is to defend territorial
is responsible for the largest geographical area, and its lands, people, sea lines of communication, and the critical
subordinate unified commands include U.S. Forces Japan national interests of the United States and its allies. An
and U.S. Forces Korea. In order to broaden the perspective aircraft carrier, amphibious ships, and Aegis cruisers and
of the U.S. Forces and promote better understanding of destroyers among others are assigned to the 7th Fleet.
Chapter 2
the U.S. Forces from allies, the Indo-Pacific Command The U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific deploys one
headquarters accept personnel from allies in the region. Marine Expeditionary Force each in the U.S. mainland
Under this scheme, personnel from Canada and Australia and Japan. Of this force, about 18,000 personnel are
are currently serving in the Indo-Pacific Command as in the 3rd Marine Division and the 1st Marine Aircraft
deputy director level-officials. Wing, which are equipped with F/A-18 fighters and other
23 As of June 2018, it is unknown whether the names of the subordinate Component Commands changed along with the name change from Pacific Command to Indo-Pacific Command.
24 The figures of the U.S. Forces mentioned in this paragraph are the numbers of active personnel recorded in the published sources of the U.S. DoD (as of December 31, 2017), and could change
according to unit deployment.
25 See footnote 19.
Defense of Japan 62
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
U.N. Command Headquarters Pyeongtaek U.S. 7th Air Force Headquarters
Headquarters of U.S. Forces Korea
Mokpo Chinhae
1 North Korea
Chapter 2
forces in all activities under the principle of military security of Japan and seriously undermine the peace and
first, and strengthening and relying on the actors in the security of the region and the international community.
revolution with the Korean People’s Army (KPA) acting Needless to say, North Korea’s possession of nuclear
as the central and main force.2 In fact, leader Kim Jong-un, weapons cannot be tolerated. At the same time, sufficient
Chairman of the State Affairs Commission,3 who is in a attention needs to be paid to the development and
1 North Korea used to insist that it would open the door to a “powerful and prosperous nation (Kangseong Daeguk)” in 2012, which marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late President Kim
Il-sung. Recently, however, North Korea has been using mainly the expression, “powerful and prosperous country (Kangseong Kukka).”
2 Written decision of the Seventh Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party, “Report on the Work of the KWP Central Committee” (May 8, 2016).
3 At the Supreme People’s Assembly in June 2016, the National Defense Commission was renamed the State Affairs Commission, presided over by Chairman Kim Jong-un. For consistency purposes
“Chairman of the State Affairs Commission” is used for the title of Kim Jong-un in this white paper.
4 “Report on the Work of the Korean Workers’ Party (KWP) Central Committee” at the Seventh Congress of the KWP in May 2016.
5 In particular, from March to April 2013, North Korea underscored that it would exercise its right to preemptive nuclear attack against the United States and other countries, and that the strike zone of
its ballistic missiles included Japan, naming specific cities. For example, it has stated that “not only Yokosuka, Misawa, Okinawa, and Guam but also the U.S. mainland are within our range” (March
31, 2013, Rodong Sinmun), “none of Japan’s territories shall be spared from being the target of our retaliatory attack (listing the names of Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Kyoto in this context)”
(April 10, 2013, Rodong Sinmun), etc. More recently, the Korean Central Broadcasting Station stated on September 13, 2017, that, “the Japanese archipelago will be sunk into the sea by a nuclear
bomb,” and the October 9 edition of the Rodong Sinmun stated that, “If the flames of war break out on the Korean Peninsula, Japan can never be safe. Everything in Japan that is mobilized for war
will be pulverized to pieces, to say nothing of the bases in Japan for U.S. invasion.”
Defense of Japan 64
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Partly because North Korea maintains its extremely details and intentions of its behavior. However, it is
closed regime, it is difficult to accurately capture the necessary for Japan to pay utmost attention to them.
Kim Jong-un, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission, expressed interest in North-South dialogue in his New Year’s
address given on January 1, 2018. This was followed by a summit meeting between the Republic of Korea and North Korea in
April 2018 at which Chairman Kim Jong-un expressed his intention to work toward denuclearization. Furthermore, at the United
States-North Korea summit meeting held in June 2018, North Korea has made clear its intention to work toward the complete
denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and confirmed that negotiations would continue with the United States. It is significant
Defense Policies of Countries
that Chairman Kim Jong-un has made another clear promise in a written document to work toward the complete denuclearization
of the Korean Peninsula.
It is important to carefully assess specific actions by North Korea to dismantle nuclear and missile capabilities.
At the same time, taking into consideration the fact that North korea possesses and deploys several hundred Nodong missiles
capable of reaching almost every part of Japan as well as advancements in the development and operational capabilities of nuclear
weapons and missiles through repeated nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches to date, etc., there is no change in our basic
recognition concerning the threat of North Korea's nuclear weapons and missiles.
The Ministry of Defense and Self Defense Forces continue to do their utmost in gathering intelligence, monitoring the situation,
and implementing other activities to be ready for any circumstances, while also collaborating closely with the United States and
Republic of Korea, in order to carry out the responsibility of protecting the lives and peaceful existence of the Japanese population.
United States-North Korea Summit Meeting (June 2018) [AFP/JIJI] Nodong missile [JIJI]
2 Military Posture missile craft. Also, it has about 20 of the former model
Romeo-class submarines, about 70 midget submarines,
(1) General Situation and about 140 air cushioned landing crafts, the latter
North Korea has been building up its military capabilities two of which are believed to be used for infiltration and
in accordance with the Four Military Guidelines (extensive transportation of the special operations forces. The Air
training for all soldiers, modernizing all military forces, Force has approximately 550 combat aircraft, most of
arming the entire population, and fortifying the entire which are out-of-date models made in China or the former
country).6 North Korea’s military forces are comprised Soviet Union. However, some fourth-generation aircraft
mainly of ground forces, with a total troop strength of such as MiG-29 fighters and Su-25 attack aircraft are also
roughly 1.28 million. While North Korea’s military forces included. North Korea has a large number of outdated
are believed to have been maintaining and enhancing An-2 transport aircraft as well, which are believed to be
their capabilities and operational readiness, most of its used for transportation of special operations forces. In
Chapter 2
equipment is outdated. Meanwhile, North Korea has addition, North Korea has so-called asymmetric military
forces such as largescale special operations force that capabilities, namely, special operations force whose
can conduct various operations ranging from intelligence size is estimated at 100,000 personnel.8 In recent years,
gathering and sabotage, to guerrilla warfare. Moreover, North Korea is seen to be placing importance on and
North Korea seems to have many underground military- strengthening its cyber forces.9
6 The Four Military Guidelines were adopted at the fifth plenary meeting of the fourth KWP Central Committee in 1962.
7 According to “The Military Balance 2014,” North Korea is replacing Soviet-made T-54 and T-55 tanks with the Ch’onma-ho that North Korea independently produced based on the T-62. Furthermore,
the Defense White Paper 2014 that the ROK Ministry of National Defense released in January 2015 refers to North Korea’s development of a new 300 mm multiple rocket launcher, as well as the
significant increase in the number of tanks, armored cars, and multiple rocket launchers in North Korea’s possession. North Korea allegedly fi red several rounds from the 300 mm multiple rocket
launcher on three instances in March 2016 and launched a new short-range surface-to-air missile in April 2016. In addition, North Korea announced that it had successfully conducted test launches
of a new type of surface-to-air missiles and a new type of surface-to-ship cruise missiles on May 28 and June 9, 2017, respectively.
8 It had been said that North Korea possessed two types of special operations forces: one under the military forces and the other under the KWP. However, it has been reported that these organizations
were consolidated in 2009 and the Reconnaissance General Bureau was established under the auspices of the military forces. The existence of the bureau was officially confirmed in March 2013
when Korean Central Broadcasting Station reported General Kim Yong-chol as the Director of the Reconnaissance General Bureau. Moreover, James Thurman, then Commander of the U.S. Forces
Korea, stated, “North Korea possesses the world’s largest special operations force of over 60,000” in his speech at the Association of U.S. Army in October 2012. Additionally, the ROK Defense White
Paper 2016 notes, “Special operation forces are currently estimated at approximately 200,000 strong.”
9 The U.S. Director of National Intelligence’s “Worldwide Threat Assessment” of February 2016 notes, “North Korea probably remains capable and willing to launch disruptive or destructive cyber attacks
to support its political objectives.” The annual report “Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” (2015) submitted to Congress by the U.S. DoD also
in February 2016 states, “North Korea probably views OCO [offensive cyber operations] as an appealing platform from which to collect intelligence and cause disruption in South Korea and other
adversaries including the United States.” According to the ROK’s Defense White Paper 2016, North Korea has trained approximately 6,800 cyber warfare personnel and carries out various forms of
cyber warfare provocations. Regarding North Korean cyber attacks, see Chapter 3, Section 5.
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PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
and behavior, such as suggesting a missile attack on Japan, extraction on several instances.11 Moreover, in June 2009,
North Korea’s development of WMDs and missiles poses North Korea announced that it would weaponize all of its
an unprecedentedly serious and imminent threat to the newly extracted plutonium.12 In April 2013, North Korea
security of Japan and seriously undermine the peace and announced its policy to readjust and restart all nuclear
security of the region and the international community. facilities in Yongbyon, including the nuclear reactor, the
Additionally, such development poses a serious challenge disablement of which was agreed upon at the sixth round
to the entire international community with regard to the of the Six-Party Talks in September 2007. In November
non-proliferation of weapons, including WMDs. 2013, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
On the other hand, at the Plenary Meeting of opined that while lack of inspection makes it impossible to
the Central Committee of the KWP held on April 20, determine conclusively, multiple activities were observed
2018, decisions were made to discontinue “nuclear from satellite imagery suggesting that the nuclear reactor
test and inter-continental ballistic rocket test-fire,” and was restarted.13 Furthermore, in September 2015, North
Chapter 2
to dismantle the northern nuclear test ground. In the Korea stated that all nuclear facilities in Yongbyon
subsequent inter-Korean summit meeting held on April including the nuclear reactor and the uranium enrichment
27, North Korea expressed its intention to work towards plant were readjusted and started normal operation.
denuclearization. Then, on May 24, international press Because the restarting of the reactor could lead to the
representatives were invited to witness the destruction of production and extraction of plutonium by North Korea,
Defense Policies of Countries
the northern nuclear test ground. Looking to the future, it such developments are causes of great concern.
will be necessary to continue to carefully monitor moves As for highly enriched uranium that can also be used
by North Korea, including what kind of concrete actions for nuclear weapons, in 2002 the United States announced
it will take towards realizing the dismantlement of all that North Korea acknowledged the existence of a
weapons of mass destruction and all ballistic missiles in uranium enrichment program for nuclear weapons. Later
a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner. in June 2009, North Korea declared the commencement
of uranium enrichment. Furthermore, in November 2010,
(1) Nuclear Weapons North Korea disclosed its uranium enrichment facility to
a. The Current Status of the Nuclear Weapons Program American nuclear specialists and later announced that
Details of the current status of North Korea’s nuclear it was operating a uranium enrichment plant equipped
weapons program are largely unclear, partly because with thousands of centrifuges. The expansion of this
North Korea remains an extremely closed regime. In uranium enrichment plant has been suggested in August
light of the unclear status of past nuclear developments, 2013; in this regard, North Korea could have increased
and considering North Korea has already conducted six its enrichment capabilities. The series of North Korean
nuclear tests including the nuclear test in September 2017, behaviors related to uranium enrichment indicate the
it is conceivable that North Korea has made considerable possibility of the development of nuclear weapons using
progress in its nuclear weapons program. With regard to highly enriched uranium in addition to plutonium.14
plutonium, a fissile material that can be used for nuclear With regard to the development of nuclear weapons,
weapons,10 North Korea has suggested its production and North Korea has conducted nuclear tests in October
10 Plutonium is synthetically produced in a nuclear reactor by irradiating uranium with neutrons, and then extracting it from used nuclear fuel at a reprocessing facility. Plutonium is then used as a basic
material for the production of nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, in order to use uranium for nuclear weapons, it is necessary to extract uranium 235 (U235), a highly fissile material, from natural uranium.
This process is called enrichment. Generally, a large-scale enrichment facility that combines thousands of centrifuges is used to boost the U235 concentration to nuclear weapon levels (over 90%).
11 North Korea announced in October 2003 that it had completed the reprocessing of 8,000 used fuel rods that contain plutonium, and in May 2005 that it had completed extraction of an additional
8,000 used fuel rods.
12 Then U.S. Forces Korea Commander Walter Sharp testified before the House Armed Services Committee in April 2011 that “we assess North Korea currently holds enough plutonium to make several
nuclear weapons.” The ROK Defense White Paper 2016 estimates that North Korea has more than 50 kg of plutonium, up from the 40 kg estimate in the ROK Defense White Paper 2014.
13 The “Worldwide Threat Assessment” of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence of January 2016 notes, “North Korea has followed through on its announcement by expanding the size of its Yongbyon
enrichment facility and restarting the reactor that was previously used for plutonium production.” It is said that if the reactor is restarted, North Korea would have the capability to produce enough
plutonium (approximately 6 kg) to manufacture approximately one nuclear bomb in one year.
14 The “Worldwide Threat Assessment” of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence of January 2012 states, “the North’s disclosure (of a uranium enrichment facility) supports the U.S. longstanding
assessment that North Korea has pursued uranium-enrichment capability.” The ROK Defense White Paper 2016 assesses that North Korea’s highly enriched uranium (HEU) program “has reached a
significant level.”
2006,15 May 2009,16 February 2013,17 January 2016,18 the estimated yield, the possibility cannot be discounted
September 2016,19 and September 2017.20 It is highly that the test was of a hydrogen bomb. Although North
likely that North Korea has made strides in its nuclear Korea asserted that the fourth nuclear test conducted in
weapons program, collecting the necessary data through January 2016 was a hydrogen bomb test, given that the
these nuclear tests. estimated yield was 6-7kt, it is doubtful that a general
It is believed that North Korea seeks to miniaturize hydrogen bomb test was conducted at that time.23 In
nuclear weapons and develop them into warheads any case, it is believed that with the passage of time,
that can be mounted on ballistic missiles, as part of its there would be a greater risk of North Korea deploying
nuclear weapons program. On September 3, 2017, it a ballistic missile mounted with a nuclear warhead that
was announced that Chairman Kim Jong-un had visited includes Japan in its range.
North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Institute and had seen a In this regard, related developments need to be
hydrogen bomb capable of being loaded into an ICBM,21 monitored carefully. North Korea’s nuclear weapons
Chapter 2
in addition to which, following North Korea’s sixth development, considered in conjunction with North
nuclear test that was forced through on the same day, Korean efforts to enhance ballistic missile capabilities,
North Korea announced that it “successfully carried out including extending the range of ballistic missiles that
a test of H-bomb for ICBM.” In general, miniaturizing could become the delivery vehicles of WMDs, poses
a nuclear weapon small enough to be mounted on a an unprecedentedly serious and imminent threat to the
15 On October 27, 2006, as a result of the independently collected information and its analysis as well as Japan’s own careful examination of the U.S. and ROK analyses, the Japanese Government
arrived at the judgment that the probability of North Korea conducting a nuclear test was extremely high.
16 The Japanese Government believes that North Korea conducted a nuclear test on this day, given that North Korea announced on May 25, 2009, via the Korean Central News Agency, that it had
successfully conducted an underground nuclear test, and in light of the Japan Meteorological Agency’s detection of seismic waves with a waveform that were unlikely those of a natural earthquake.
17 On February 12, 2013 at around 11:59 am, the Japan Meteorological Agency detected seismic waves with an epicenter located in the vicinity of North Korea, which had waveforms that were unlikely
those of a natural earthquake. On the same day, North Korea announced via the Korean Central News Agency that it successfully conducted a nuclear test. On this basis, the Government of Japan
verified the facts in coordination with other relevant parties, including the United States and the ROK. Based on a comprehensive consideration of the aforementioned information, the Japanese
Government determined that North Korea conducted a nuclear test. North Korea announced that it “succeeded in the third underground nuclear test,” “the test was conducted in a safe and perfect
way on a high level with the use of a smaller and light A-bomb, unlike the previous ones, yet with great explosive power,” “physically demonstrating the good performance of the DPRK’s nuclear
deterrence that has become diversified.”
18 On January 6, 2016 at around 10:30 am, the Japan Meteorological Agency detected seismic waves with an epicenter located in the vicinity of North Korea, which had waveforms that were unlikely
those of a natural earthquake. On the same day, North Korea announced via the Korean Central News Agency that it successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test. Based on a comprehensive
consideration of this and other information, the Japanese Government determined that North Korea conducted a nuclear test.
19 On September 9, 2016 at approximately 9:30 a.m., the Japan Meteorological Agency detected seismic waves with an epicenter located in the vicinity of North Korea, which had waveforms that were
unlikely those of a natural earthquake. Based on a comprehensive consideration of all the information including this, the Government believes that North Korea conducted a nuclear test.
20 At around 12:31 p.m. on September 3, 2017, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) detected seismic waves with an epicenter located in the vicinity of North Korea, which had waveforms that were
unlikely those of a natural earthquake. Based on comprehensive considerations, including the information from the JMA, the Government determined that the earthquake occurred as a result of a
nuclear test by North Korea.
21 On September 3, 2017, in a report on a visit by Chairman Kim Jong-un to North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Institute, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) announced that North Korea is able to
conduct an “ultra-powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack over a wide area.”
22 Over ten years have already passed since North Korea conducted its first nuclear test in October 2006. Furthermore, North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests to date. This timetable for technology
development and the number of tests are reaching levels that are by no means inadequate, even when compared to the processes of developing technologies to miniaturize and lighten nuclear
weapons in the United States, former Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France, and China. The ROK’s Defense White Paper 2016 assesses that “North Korea’s ability to miniaturize nuclear weapons
seems to have reached a considerable level.”
23 In regard to North Korea’s nuclear test on January 6, 2016, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence’s “Worldwide Threat Assessment” (February 2016) states, “Although we are continuing to evaluate
this event, the low yield of the test is not consistent with a successful test of a thermonuclear device.” Furthermore, in January 2016, the ROK National Intelligence Service reportedly briefed the
National Assembly that because the power and seismic waves of the fourth nuclear test do not match up to those of the previous three nuclear tests, the test was unlikely a hydrogen bomb test.
24 U.S. DoD’s “Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” February 2016.
25 For example, a statement issued by the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on March 14, 2014 alleges that the United States threatens and intimidates North
Korea with nuclear strikes, and that North Korea has come to possess nuclear deterrence out of necessity in order to protect the autonomy of its nation and people.
Defense of Japan 68
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
forces vis-à-vis the United States and the ROK; North first-ever U.S.-North Korea summit meeting held on
Korea asserts that the Iraqi and Libyan regimes collapsed June 12, 2018, Chairman Kim Jong-un made clear his
and that Syria was attacked by U.S. Forces in April 2017 intention to work towards the complete denuclearization
due to their lack of nuclear deterrence;26 and North Korea of the Korean Peninsula, and confirmed that negotiations
reiterates nuclear weapons will never be traded away would continue with the United States. Based on the
at negotiations. outcomes of the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting it is
In fact, North Korea has repeatedly claimed to the now necessary to work closely with the United States and
international community that it was a “nuclear weapons the ROK and cooperate with the international community,
state.”27 In March 2013, North Korea adopted the “new including China and Russia, to elicit concrete actions
strategic line” (so-called “Byungjin line”) policy of from North Korea towards the dismantlement of all
simultaneous economic and nuclear development, alleging weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all
that even if it does not increase defense spending, it would ranges in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.
Chapter 2
2018, it made clear that it would remain steadfast to this both military and civilian uses, which in turn facilitates
policy. At the Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee camouflage. For these reasons, details of the status of North
of the KWP in April 2018, in addition to declaring the Korea’s biological and chemical weapons development
“Byungjin line” was successfully carried out, North Korea and arsenals are unclear. However, with regard to chemical
declared that among other things, it had determined to weapons, North Korea is suspected to have several
“concentrate all efforts on building a powerful socialist facilities capable of producing chemical agents and already
economy and markedly improving the standard of people's a substantial stockpile of such agents. North Korea is also
living through the mobilization of all human and material thought to have some infrastructure for the production of
resources of the country.” biological weapons.28 Possession of sarin, VX, mustard and
With regard to the issue of North Korea’s development other chemical weapons, and of anthrax, smallpox, pest
of nuclear weapons, six rounds of the Six-Party Talks have and other biological agents that could be used as biological
been held since August 2003, aimed at taking peaceful weapons have been pointed out.29 The possibility cannot
measures to achieve the verifiable denuclearization on be denied that North Korea is able to load biological and/
the Korean Peninsula. At the sixth round of the Talks or chemical weapons on warheads.
in September 2007, the parties reached an agreement,
which included completion of the disablement of nuclear (3) Ballistic Missiles
facilities in Yongbyon and “a complete and correct As is the case with WMDs, many of the details of North
declaration of all (North Korea’s) nuclear programs” by Korea’s ballistic missiles are unknown, partly owing
the end of the year. However, the implementation of the to the country’s extremely closed regime. It appears,
agreement has not been completed, and the Six-Party however, that North Korea gives high priority to the
Talks has been suspended since December 2008. At the development of ballistic missiles out of political and
26 For example, a comment in the Rodong Sinmun dated December 2, 2013 contends that the situation in Iraq and Libya teaches an acute lesson that countries under the constant threat of U.S.
preemptive nuclear attack have no choice but to become a victim of U.S. state terrorism, unless the countries have powerful deterrent capability. In addition, the “Statement by the Spokesperson of the
Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” dated April 8, 2017 states with regard to the U.S. attack on Syria two days earlier on April 6 as follows: “Swaggering as a superpower,
the US has been picking only on countries without nuclear weapons and the Trump administration is no exception.”
27 North Korea announced in 2005 that it manufactured nuclear weapons, and declared itself a “nuclear weapons state” in 2012 in its revised constitution. In April 2013, after conducting its third
nuclear test in February, North Korea adopted the Law on Consolidating the Position of Self-Defensive Nuclear Weapons State. During the Seventh KWP Congress held in May 2016, KWP Chairman
Kim Jong-un delivered a report on the work of the KWP Central Committee, setting out that North Korea was a “nuclear weapons state,” and stating, “We will consistently take hold on the strategic
line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear force and boost self-defensive nuclear force both in quality and quantity.”
28 For example, the ROK Defense White Paper 2016 points out that, following the commencement of production in the 1980s, it is estimated that North Korea has a stock of 2,500-5,000 t of various
chemical weapons stored. It also notes that North Korea likely has the capability to produce a variety of biological weapons including anthrax, smallpox, and pest. Moreover, the U.S. DoD’s “Military
and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” of February 2016 points out that, “North Korea probably could employ CW [chemical weapons] agents by modifying a
variety of conventional munitions, including artillery and ballistic missiles.” North Korea ratified the Biological Weapons Convention in 1987 but has not acceded to the Chemical Weapons Convention.
29 In principle, the ballistic missile defense system is also used to handle ballistic missiles carrying biological or chemical weapons. With regard to the damage on the ground in the case where a ballistic
missile carrying a biological or chemical weapon is destroyed by a Patriot missile PAC-3, etc., there is no single answer to the question since the damage varies according to the various conditions
such as the type, performance, intercepted altitude and speed of the ballistic missile, and the weather. However, in general terms, the biological or chemical weapon will likely be neutralized by the
heat, etc. at the time of the destruction of the ballistic missile, and even if it retains its potency it will disperse during the freefall stage. Thus, it is believed that the ballistic missile will be unable to
demonstrate its prescribed effectiveness.
diplomatic considerations and from the viewpoint of images released by North Korea show that the ballistic
earning foreign currency,30 in addition to enhancing its missile was launched from a continuous track TEL and
military capabilities. The ballistic missiles currently had what appears to be small wings34 on its warhead,
deemed to be possessed and developed by North Korea i.e., characteristics different from those of existing Scud
are the following.31 missiles, the shape other than the warhead and length are
See Fig. I-2-2-2 (Ballistic Missiles developed/Possessed by North Korea) similar to existing Scud missiles. Another similarity is
Fig. I-2-2-3 (Image released by North Korea picturing the launch of that it can be confirmed that the missile has straight-line
a ballistic missile with ICBM range (estimated) (November 2017))
Fig. I-2-2-4 (Ballistic Missile Launches by North Korea to Date) exhausts characteristic of a liquid fuel-propelled engine.
It has also been noted that this ballistic missile is equipped
a. Types of Ballistic Missiles Possessed or Developed by with a maneuverable re-entry vehicle (MaRV).35 Given
North Korea that North Korea announced that Chairman Kim Jong-un
(a) Toksa
Chapter 2
Toksa is a short-range ballistic missile with a range
estimated to be approximately 120 km. It is mounted on
a Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL). It is deemed that
Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL)
Toksa is the first ballistic missile possessed or developed
by North Korea which adopts a solid fuel propellant.32 The signs of a launch from a fixed launcher are easy for the adversary
30 North Korea admitted that it is exporting ballistic missiles to earn foreign currency. (Comment by the Korean Central News Agency on June 16, 1998, and statement made by a North Korean Foreign
Ministry spokesperson on December 13, 2002) At the same time, it is pointed out that North Korea’s ballistic missile exports have been set back by increasing pressure from the international
31 According to “Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment China and Northeast Asia” (accessed in April 2018) North Korea possesses 700 to 1,000 ballistic missiles in total, 45% of which are presumed to
be Scud-class, 45% Nodong-class, and the remaining 10% other intermediate- and long-range ballistic missiles.
32 In March 2007, then U.S. Forces Korea Commander Burwell B. Bell testified before the House Armed Services Committee that, “North Korea is developing a new solid propellant short-range ballistic
missile. Recently, in March 2006, North Korea successfully test-fi red the missile. Once operational, the missile can be deployed more flexibly and rapidly than the existing system and North Korea
will be able to launch the missile in a much shorter preparation period.”
33 “Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” published by DoD in May 2018.
34 It is generally said that small wings on the warhead have the functions of stabilizing aerodynamics, navigating during flight, and enhancing precision.
35 For example, according to “Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment China and Northeast Asia” (accessed in April 2018), the launch on May 29, 2017, was presumed to have been the first launch of a
short-range ballistic missile based on a Scud missile, equipped with a maneuverable re-entry vehicle (MaRV), suggesting that North Korea has made advances in its precision guidance systems.
Defense of Japan 70
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
20 Hwasong-14 08
B, C
Chapter 2
10 Pukkuksong
Defense Policies of Countries
Scud B, C, ER, Rodong modified IRBM- ICBM- New type, Taepodong-2
Toksa Musudan SLBM KN-08/KN-14
Modified Modified for ground class class ICBM-class variant
Approx. 300 km/
approx. Approx. 500 km/ Approx. 1,300 km/ 1,000 km 1,000 km Approx. 5500 km 10,000 km 10,000 km 5,500 km or more
Range 2,500-
120 km Approx. 1,000km/ Approx. 1,500 km or more or more 5000 km or more or more* or more (ICBM reportedly)
4,000 km
Under analysis
Fuel Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
TEL TEL TEL submarine TEL TEL TEL TEL TEL launch site TEL
Fig. I-2-2-3 Image released by North Korea picturing the launch of a ballistic missile with ICBM range (estimated) (November 2017)
Note 1: The figure above shows a rough image of the distance each missile can reach from Pyongyang for the sake of convenience.
Note 2: Quotation marks indicate the names used by North Korea.
Chapter 2
2014/7/13 Scud 2 Near Kaesong Approx. 500 km
2014/7/26 Scud 1 Approx. 100 km west of Haeju Approx. 500 km
2015/3/2 Scud 2 Near Nampo Approx. 500 km
Number of
Defense of Japan 72
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
36 On May 9, 2015, North Korea announced that it had succeeded in a test launch of an SLBM. On January 8, 2016, it released footage of an SLBM test launch that appears to be different from the one
unveiled in May 2015. On April 24 and August 25, 2016, it again announced that it had succeeded in SLBM test launches. Moreover, the MOD predicts that North Korea also launched one ballistic
missile presumed to be an SLBM on July 9, 2016, although North Korea has not made an announcement about the launches.
37 It has been pointed out that North Korea’s SLBM is an improved version of the former Soviet Union’s liquid fuel propelled SLBM “SS-N-6,” similar to the Musudan.
38 According to the Korean Central Broadcasting Station on August 25, 2016, North Korea announced that this test launch “was successfully conducted without any negative effects on the safety of
nearby countries” based on the “high-angle launch system,” which presumably means a “lofted trajectory.”
39 Source: Jane’s Fighting Ships 2017-2018
and a new submarine to carry it, North Korea intends May 14, 2017 and is presumed to have reached a height
to diversify its ballistic missile attack capabilities and of over 2,000 km and flew a distance of approximately
improve survivability. 800 km for about 30 minutes. Based on this flight
(e) Ballistic missile modified from the SLBM pattern, it is presumed that the ballistic missile was
North Korea launched a ballistic missile on both launched on a lofted trajectory. Had it been launched
February 12 and May 21, 2017, both of which appeared on a nominal trajectory, the maximum firing range is
to be a modified version of the SLBM for ground launch expected to be close to approximately 5,000 km. In
(referred to by North Korea as “Pukguksong-2”). addition, the straight-line exhausts characteristic of a
This ballistic missile is estimated to have flown liquid fuel propelled engine can be confirmed from the
approximately 500 km on both occasions, on somewhat images released by North Korea a day after the launch,
higher trajectories than nominal. If it were launched suggesting that the ballistic missile uses liquid fuel. On
on a nominal trajectory, the firing range is expected to August 29 and September 15, 2017 single missiles of
Chapter 2
surpass 1,000 km. A day after the launch on February this class were launched and flew over Japan’s territory
12, North Korea named the ballistic missile that was in the vicinity of the Oshima Peninsula and Cape Erimo.
launched “Pukguksong-2” and announced that it was The ballistic missile launched on August 29 flew at an
developed as a ground-to-ground ballistic missile based altitude of approximately 550 km over Japanese territory,
on the results of the August 2016 SLBM launch. It also and is presumed to have flown a total distance of 2,700
Defense of Japan 74
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
‘Hwasong-12’” there is a possibility that North Korea is line flame of liquid-propulsion systems can be confirmed.
improving its practical operational capabilities. Based on these facts and the respective ranges that can be
In 2016 North Korea conducted repeated launches estimated for the missiles, the possibility can be deduced
of an IRBM that is presumed to be the Musudan,40 but that the intercontinental-range ballistic missiles that were
although the missile launched in June flew for a certain launched on July 4 and 28 were developed on the basis of
distance on a lofted trajectory, the fact that there were the new-type IRBM that had been launched on May 14.
two successive launch failures in October would Also based on images published by North Korea, it can
suggest that there may still be obstacles remaining be confirmed that the ballistic missiles that were launched
towards the operationalization of the Musudan and that on July 4 and 28 had been mounted on the wheeled eight-
North Korea may be concentrating on the development axle TEL similar to KN-08/14 (see (j) below). However,
and operationalization of the “Hwasong-12” as an it can be confirmed from the images at the time of the
IRBM instead. launches that they were launched from simplified launch
Chapter 2
(g) Intercontinental-range ballistic missile pads, not TELs. Furthermore, the images suggest that the
(Launched on July 4 and 28, 2017) missile was of two-stage construction.
To date North Korea has launched two intercontinental- (h) New type of intercontinental-range ballistic missile
range ballistic missiles (referred to by North Korea as (Launched on November 29, 2017)
“Hwasong-14”). One such ballistic missile was launched On November 29, 2017, North Korea launched a single
Defense Policies of Countries
on July 4, 2017, reaching a height well over 2,500 missile that is presumed to have been a new type of
km, and is estimated to have flown approximately 40 intercontinental-range ballistic missile (referred to by
minutes. It flew approximately 900 km and is estimated North Korea as “Hwasong-15”) different to the missiles
to have fallen into Japan’s EEZ. Another missile that described in (g) above. The missile reached a height
was launched on July 28 reached a height of well over of well over 4,000 km, and is estimated to have flown
3,500 km, and is estimated to have flown approximately approximately 53 minutes, covering a distance of
45 minutes, covering a distance of approximately approximately 1,000 km before falling into Japan’s EEZ.
1,000 km before falling into Japan’s EEZ. From this From this flight pattern it is presumed that the missile was
flight pattern it is presumed that the two ballistic missiles launched on a lofted trajectory. On the day of the launch,
were launched on a lofted trajectory. If they were to have North Korea made an “government statement,” declaring
been launched on a normal trajectory it is estimated that that it had successfully conducted a test launch of the
they would have a maximum range of at least 5,500 km. “Hwasong-15,” a newly developed type of ICBM with
On July 4, the day of the launch, North Korea made an the capability to strike all areas of the U.S. mainland, and
“important announcement,”41 announcing that it had asserting that it had now completed development of its
successfully conducted a test launch of a new type of
ICBM. Furthermore, on the day following the July 28
launch, North Korea announced that the “nuclear bomb
detonation device” had functioned normally, emphasizing
that the safety of the warhead in an atmospheric reentry
environment had been made maintained. This suggests
that North Korea is aiming to operationalize long-range
ballistic missiles.
Based on images released by North Korea, the
ballistic missiles launched on July 4 and 28 have the
following in common with the IRBM launched on May
14: (1) the engine system consists of one main engine
and four auxiliary engines, (2) the shape of the lower part
of the propulsion system is conical, and (3) the straight-
40 With a range of between 2,500 and 4,000 km, it has been suggested that all parts of Japan and Guam may fall within the Musudan’s firing range. Similar to its Scud and Nodong counterparts,
it is liquid fuel-propelled and is loaded onto a TEL to transport and operate. It has been noted that Musudan is a revamped version of the Russian SLBM SS-N-6 that North Korea acquired in the
early 1990s.
41 In addition to this announcement, the announcement that North Korea had succeeded in its first hydrogen bomb test (January 6, 2016) and the announcement that it had succeeded in the launch of
the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 (February 7, 2016) have been issued as “important announcements.”
Chapter 2
maturity estimated to have been reached through a total of six nuclear tests.
Regarding atmospheric reentry technology (3), heat protection technology that prevents deformation, destruction, and other
damage to the nuclear warhead on reentry into the atmosphere after the ballistic missile has been launched and leaves the
atmosphere is particularly important. While North Korea has repeatedly claimed to have verified this technology, it is still necessary
to carefully analyze whether North Korean has actually verified
state nuclear force. the TEL prior to launch and that its straight-line exhausts
The following points would suggest that this missile are characteristic of a liquid fuel propelled engine.
is a new type of intercontinental-range ballistic missile, Furthermore, based on the flight altitude, distance
different from the two intercontinental-range ballistic flown and released images, it can be assumed that this
missiles launched in July 2017: (1) its flight distance missile could have a range in excess of 10,000 km,
and altitude, (2) the fact that North Korea announced depending on the weight of the warhead deployed, etc.,
the successful test launch of a new type of ICBM, the thus renewing concerns over the increasing ranges of
“Hwasong-15,” (3) the fact that the missile was deployed North Korea’s ballistic missiles.
on a previously unseen nine-axle wheel-drive TEL, In addition, although the wheel-drive TELs
and (4) that the nose of the warhead was more rounded possessed by North Korea are thought to be modified
than previous missiles. In addition, according to images versions of Russian and Chinese TELs, given that North
released by North Korea, the missile was of a two-stage Korea has claimed to have developed its own TEL, future
design, and it can be confirmed that it was removed from developments will continue to be monitored.
Defense of Japan 76
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Taepodong-2 is believed to be a missile which uses of multi-stage propelling devices and the technology
in its first stage, four engines, each of which is developed of posture control and thrust modulation of long-range
based on the technologies of Nodong, and the same type ballistic missiles can be applied to other middle-range and
of engine in its second stage. Its range is estimated to long-range ballistic missiles that North Korea is newly
be approximately 6,000 km for the two-stage type, while developing. Therefore, the launch may lead not only to
Defense Policies of Countries
the range of its three-stage variant can be more than the improvement of other types of its ballistic missiles
approximately 10,000 km assuming that the weight of including Nodong but also to the advancement of North
the warhead is not over approximately 1 t. Taepodong-2 Korea’s entire ballistic missile program including the
missiles and its variants have been launched a total of five development of new ballistic missiles and diversification
times so far. of attack measure.
Most recently, in February 2016, North Korea North Korea continues to claim that it will keep
conducted a launch of a missile disguised as a “satellite” conducting “satellite launches” and will develop and
from the Tongch’ang-ri district in the northwest launch more capable satellite launch vehicles. It is
coastline of North Korea using a Taepodong-2 variant, possible that North Korea will further develop its long-
a type similar to that of the previous ballistic missile range ballistic missiles by repeating similar launches
launch in December 2012, after notifying international under the name of “satellite” launches, in order to carry
organizations.42 It is assessed that North Korea’s long- out further technical tests to operationalize its long-range
ballistic missiles. It has been suggested that North Korea
is carrying out modification for upsizing its launch tower
in Tongch’ang-ri district.43 While the missile launched
in February 2016 was similar in size to the Taepodong-2
variant launched in December 2012, North Korea may
launch larger long-range ballistic missiles in the future.
Furthermore, as launches from fixed launch pads are
vulnerable to external attacks, North Korea may seek
resiliency and survivability through building underground
or silo launch facilities and launching from TELs.
(j) KN-08/KN-14
The details of the new missile “KN-08” which was
showcased at the military parade in April 2012 and July
42 In June 2016, what appears to be a part of the fairing of the Taepodong-2 variant launched in February 2016, based on its appearance and other features, washed ashore and was discovered in the
coast of Tottori Prefecture. The MOD has received it from Shimane Prefecture and was analyzing the details as of the end of June 2018.
43 Articles dated October 1 and July 29, 2014 published on the website (38 North) of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University in the United States point out that analyses of satellite images
of the Tongch’ang-ri district show that the launch tower was raised to 55 m, enabling launches of rockets up to 50 m in height, larger than the Taepodong-2 variant (total height approx. 30 m) which
was used in December 2012.
2013 are unknown. However, the missile is believed to be announcements such as the one in November 2017 on the
an ICBM.44 At the military parade in October 2015, a new day of the launch of what is believed to have been a new
missile thought to be the “KN-08” was showcased with a type of intercontinental-range ballistic missile, claiming
different-shaped warhead from the previous version.45 The that it had re-verified warhead reliability in a reentry
U.S. DoD reportedly calls the new missile, considered environment,49 North Korea is displaying an intention
a variant of the “KN-08,” the “KN-14.” Whereas the to seek to secure and enhance technology aimed at the
Taepodong-2 is launched from a fixed launch pad, the operationalization of long-range ballistic missiles.50 This
“KN-08” and “KN-14” are carried by a TEL, making it has become a serious concern for relevant countries
difficult to detect signs of their launch in advance, and is including Japan.
likely intended to increase survivability. Secondly, North Korea may be aiming to enhance
b. Trends in Recent Ballistic Missile Launches the accuracy and operation capabilities necessary for
North Korea has repeatedly launched various types of saturation attacks with regard to ballistic missiles already
Chapter 2
ballistic missiles. In particular, since 2016 it has conducted deployed. As for the Scud and Nodong, which are already
as many as 40 ballistic missile launches, including launches deployed, launches had been confirmed when Kim Jong-il
of what appear to be new types of missiles. was the Chairman of the National Defense Commission.
As for trends in North Korea’s ballistic missile Since 2014, they have been launched eastward from
launches, firstly, it appears that the country seeks to increase unprecedented locations in western North Korea, cutting
44 The “Worldwide Threat Assessment” of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence of February 2015 notes that, “[North Korea] has publicly displayed its KN-08 road-mobile ICBM twice. We assess that
North Korea has already taken initial steps towards fielding this system, although the system has not been flight-tested.”
45 Jane’s Defence Weekly dated October 13, 2015 notes that the “KN-08” showcased at the military parade on October 10, 2015 had a larger third stage than the earlier version, and therefore, could
have an extended range. It also suggests that low quality ablative materials cannot withstand high temperatures during re-entry, and thus, a blunter shape warhead may have been developed to
reduce speed to protect the warhead.
46 North Korea is thought to have started developing longer-range ballistic missiles by the 1990s, including Nodong.
47 KWP Chairman Kim Jong-un's January 2017 New Year's Address announced that the test launch of an ICBM had entered the final stage of preparation. In North Korea, a New Year’s Address by
President Kim Il-sung had been given every year on January 1 up to 1994. Since the death of the president, from 1995 to 2012, a New Year’s Joint Editorial by the KWP bulletin Rodong Sinmun, the
Korean People’s Army bulletin Joson Inmingun, and the Kimilsungist Youth League bulletin Youth Vanguard had been published in its place.
48 According to images released by North Korea, the aim of the test appears to be to conduct a test that simulates the high temperature that occurs during the atmospheric re-entry of the warhead by
firing the engine of the ballistic missile at the test object installed on a fixed platform. Generally, it is difficult to recreate the circumstances of the atmospheric re-entry of the warhead by the emission
from the engine alone. It is necessary to conduct technology verification by flight tests to conduct an accurate demonstration including the impact of the airflow, etc.
49 Further analysis is necessary to determine whether North Korea was able to demonstrate the warhead protection technology during atmospheric re-entry necessary for the operationalization of long-
range ballistic missiles by the July 4, 2017 launch.
50 North Korea announced the implementation of the ground test for a “new type of large-output generator (engine) for ICBMs” in April 2016, the implementation of the ground test for a new type of
large-output generator (engine) for satellite-launch rocket launchers in September 2016, and the ground test for a new type of “large-output engine” in March 2017.
Defense of Japan 78
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Korea’s intentions are not only research and development that at the June 22, 2016 Musudan launch and the May
of ballistic missiles but also the enhancement of their 14, July 4, July 28, and November 29, 2017 launches
operational capabilities. Since Chairman Kim Jong-un of the ballistic missile, so-called lofted trajectories,
has repeatedly instructed the military troops to reject in which missiles are launched at higher angles than
formality and conduct practical training, it can be nominal to high altitudes, were utilized. Generally, when
considered that these instructions underpin the launches a launch is made on a lofted trajectory, interception is
of ballistic missiles that have already been deployed. considered to be more difficult.
North Korea also has claimed that a new type of Should North Korea make further progress in
ballistic missile which appears to have been modified the development of ballistic missiles, including the
from the Scud missile launched on May 29, 2017 is a verification of reentry technologies, it may come to have
“ballistic missile that incorporates a precision navigation a one-sided understanding that it has secured strategic
guidance system,” and it has also been noted that this deterrence against the United States. Should North Korea
Chapter 2
missile is equipped with a maneuverable re-entry vehicle have such a false sense of confidence and recognition
(MaRV). It is deemed that North Korea is aiming to regarding its deterrence, this could lead to increases and
enhance the accuracy of attack by upgrading ballistic the escalation of military provocations by North Korea
missiles that have already been deployed. in the region and could create situations that are deeply
Thirdly, North Korea appears to be seeking to worrying also for Japan.
Defense Policies of Countries
improve its ability to conduct surprise attacks by c. Future Outlook for Ballistic Missile Development
enhancing secrecy and instantaneity to make it difficult In his “New Year’s Address” in January 2018, Chairman
to detect signs of a launch. Using a TEL or submarine, a Kim Jong-un declared the historic accomplishment of
ballistic missile can be launched from any point, making perfecting the national nuclear forces, and called for
it difficult to detect signs of a launch in advance. North “mass-production of nuclear warheads and ballistic
Korea has repeatedly launched ballistic missiles from missiles, the power and reliability of which have already
TELs and SLBMs. In addition, the SLBMs repeatedly been proved to the full, to give a spur to the efforts for
launched in 2016 and the ballistic missile presumed to deploying them for action.” North Korea’s development
be modified from the SLBM as a ground-launched type of long-range ballistic missiles has also been covered in
and launched on February 12 and May 21, 2017 appear other publications, including the 2018 Nuclear Posture
to use solid fuel. It is thus possible that North Korea is Review (NPR) of the United States announced in February
proceeding with the development of solid-fueled ballistic 2018, in which it was noted that “North Korea may now
missiles.51 Generally solid fuel-propelled ballistic missiles be only months away from the capability to strike the
are pre-loaded with solid fuel, and therefore, they can be United States with nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.”
launched instantly and the signs of their launch are more However, at the Plenary Meeting of the Central
difficult to detect. Furthermore, they can be reloaded Committee of the KWP in April 2018, Chairman
more quickly, and they are relatively easier to store and Kim Jong-un announced the suspension of ICBM test
handle in comparison to liquid fuel-propelled missiles. In launches. Then, at the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting
this respect, they are considered to be superior militarily. in June, he clearly expressed the intention to work
From these factors, North Korea is deemed to be aiming towards denuclearization. Given these developments it
to enhance its surprise attack capabilities. will be necessary to continue to carefully monitor trends
Fourthly, North Korea may be attempting to in North Korea’s ballistic missile development program.
diversify the forms of launches. It has been confirmed
51 In addition, in images released together with reports by North Korean media about the visit of Chairman Kim Jong-un to the Chemical Material Institute of the Academy of Defense Science, a panel
could be seen featuring the name “Pukguksong-3,” which, in view of the name “Pukguksong,” has led some people to speculate that North Korea is developing a new type of solid fuel-propelled
ballistic missile.
Chapter 2
party-related meetings and decisions, and in May 2016, uphold the “Byungjin line” policy of economic
the Seventh KWP Congress was held for the first time development and the building of nuclear force as well
since the last Congress in October 1980, 36 years earlier. as further boost its self-defensive nuclear force both
These developments suggest that the state is run under in quality and quantity. In this manner, the Chairman
the leadership of the party. Meanwhile, Chairman Kim demonstrated, both to those in and outside of the country,
52 Following the execution of Jang Song-thaek, Vice-Chairman of the National Defense Commission, the North Korean media repeatedly calls for the strengthening of the “monolithic leadership system”
and “single-minded unity.” For example, an editorial in the Rodong Sinmun dated January 10, 2014 urged the people to stay cautious even of trivial phenomena and elements which erode North
Korea’s single-minded unity. In May 2015, it was suggested that Hyon Yong-chol, Minister of the People’s Armed Forces, may have been executed on charges of treason. The ROK National Intelligence
Service reportedly briefed the National Assembly that the Minister was executed in late April 2015. In July 2015, the North Korean media introduced Pak Yong-sik, previous Deputy Director of the
General Political Bureau of the Korean People’s Army, with the title, Minister of the People’s Armed Forces. Additionally, since February 21, 2016, the North Korean media has introduced Ri Myong-su,
previous Minister of People’s Security, as Chief of General Staff Department instead of Ri Yong-gil. Ri Yong-gil was announced as an alternate member of the KWP Politburo at the KWP Congress in
May 2016.
53 According to the Korean Central Broadcasting Station, Kim Yo-jong was elected a member of the KWP Central Committee at the KWP Congress held in May 2016. The media has also shown her
supporting KWP Chairman Kim Jong-un on the podium during the celebration parade following the KWP Congress. In addition, at the Second Plenum of the Seventh KWP Congress in October 2017,
Kim Yo-jong was elected as an alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.
54 Elections for members and alternate members of the KWP central leadership agencies (e.g., KWP Central Committee and KWP Politburo) were held during the KWP Congress. Pak Pong-ju, Premier,
and Choe Ryong-hae, KWP Secretary, were newly elected as KWP Politburo Standing Committee members to form a five-member Standing Committee including: Kim Jong-un, KWP Chairman; Kim
Yong-nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly; and Hwang Pyong-so, Director of the General Political Bureau. All five members of the KWP Politburo Standing Committee
are not genuine military personnel. Furthermore, the ranks of military personnel have fallen within the KWP Politburo, and Premier Pak Pong-ju has been added as a member of the KWP Central
Military Commission. It is pointed out that these aspects show that a KWP-led governance system is shifting into high gear.
Defense of Japan 80
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
swing.55 However, with senior officials unable to dispute sanctions an even more severe economic situation could
the decisions of Chairman Kim Jong-un due to an atrophy beset North Korea.
effect created by the frequent executions, demotions, and To tackle a host of economic difficulties, North
dismissals of senior officials, it is believed that there is Korea has made attempts at limited improvement
growing uncertainty, including over the possibility of measures and some changes to its economic management
North Korea turning to military provocations without systems,57 and promotes the establishment of economic
making adequate diplomatic considerations. In addition, development zones58 and the enlargement of the
it has been suggested that there is declining social control discretion of plants and other entities over production and
caused by widening wealth disparities and information sales plans.59 Furthermore, at the Plenary Meeting of the
inflow from other countries. In this regard, attention will Central Committee of the KWP in April 2018, in addition
be paid to the stability of the regime. to declaring the “Byungjin line” was successfully carried
out, North Korea declared that among other things, it
Chapter 2
with the former Soviet Union and East European rebuilding its economy. Nonetheless, North Korea is
countries following the end of the Cold War. Especially unlikely to carry out any structural reforms that could
for food, it is deemed that North Korea is still forced to lead to the destabilization of its current ruling system,
rely on food assistance from overseas.56 Following North and thus, various challenges confront the fundamental
Korea’s various provocations including the nuclear test in improvement of its current economic situation.
January 2016 and launch of a ballistic missile disguised In addition, the possibility has been noted that North
as a “satellite” in February 2016, the ROK decided to Korea could be evading the UNSC sanctions by engaging
completely suspend operations at the Kaesong Industrial in smuggling operations, and since the beginning of 2018,
Complex, which makes up over 99% of inter-Korean MSDF assets patrol aircraft including have confirmed
trade. Furthermore, the strengthening of sanctions by numerous cases in which North Korean-flagged tankers
countries including Japan and the United States, and the have drawn alongside foreign tankers in international
sanctions of the related UN Security Council resolutions waters. After comprehensive analysis, the Government of
in response to the implementation of nuclear tests and Japan has determined that there is a strong possibility that
missile launches by North Korea can be assumed to have these vessels have been conducting ship-to-ship transfers
had a certain effect, when considered together with the in the high seas, which is forbidden under the terms of
severe economic situation of North Korea. Accordingly, UNSC resolutions.60
if China, North Korea’s largest trading partner, and other See Fig. I-2-2-5 (Sanctions against North Korea based on UN
relevant countries continue to rigorously implement Security Council Resolutions)
55 After the Supreme People’s Assembly session in June 2016, the media introduced the “Minister of the People’s Armed Forces,” who is considered equivalent to the minister of defense, as the “Minister
(Secretary) of the People’s Armed Forces,” raising the possibility that the Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces has been reorganized into the Ministry (Department) of the People’s Armed Forces.
56 In June 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) designated North Korea as a country requiring external assistance for food.
57 For example, North Korea conducted a so-called currency revaluation ( decreasing the denomination of its currency) at the end of 2009. The currency revaluation is said to have led to economic
disorder, such as price escalation due to shortfall of supply, which in turn increased social unrest.
58 During the plenary meeting of the KWP Central Committee on March 31, 2013, KWP Chairman Kim Jong-un instructed the establishment of economic development zones in each province. Pursuant
to these instructions, the Economic Development Zone Law was enacted in May of that year. To date, 21 economic development zones have been established.
59 While the details of the policy are not necessarily clear, it is understood that in the industrial sector, entities would be able to independently make production decisions and conduct sales outside
the scope of the national plan, as well as determine employee remuneration and benefits based on the situation of the entities. In the agriculture sector, an autonomous business system would be
introduced at the household level. It has been said that 1,000 pyeong (1 pyeong = approx. 3.3 m2) of land would be allocated per person, with 40% of the agricultural products going to the state and
60% going to individuals.
60 For details of these cases and information about Japan’s response, please refer to Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2.
5 Relations with Other Countries On June 12 the historic first-ever U.S.-North Korea
summit meeting was held and both sides confirmed
(1) Relations with the United States that they would join their efforts to build a lasting and
The U.S. Trump administration announced that it would stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. Chairman
deal with North Korea’s nuclear and missile issue based Kim Jong-un made clear his intention to work towards
on the concept of “all options are on the table,” and the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,
increased its presence in this region by means such as three and confirmed that negotiations would continue with
carrier strike groups, including a Ronald Reagan carrier the United States. Furthermore, in a press conference
strike group conducting joint training in the Western following the summit meeting, President Trump stated
Pacific Ocean in November 2017. In addition, in the that North Korea had agreed to destroy a missile engine
Joint Statement by then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, testing site. Based on the outcomes of the U.S.-North
Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and Director of Korea summit meeting it is now necessary to work closely
Chapter 2
National Intelligence Dan Coats released in April, 2017, with the United States and the ROK and cooperate with
it was declared that the U.S. policy towards North Korea the international community, including China and Russia,
aims to pressure North Korea into dismantling its nuclear, to elicit concrete actions from North Korea towards the
ballistic missile, and proliferation programs by tightening dismantlement of all weapons of mass destruction and
economic sanctions and pursuing diplomatic measures ballistic missiles of all ranges in a complete, verifiable
61 For example, on August 8, 2017, a spokesperson for the KPA Strategic Rocket Forces announced that North Korea was carefully examining the operational plan for making an enveloping fire in the
areas around Guam with its “medium- to long-range strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong-12.” In addition, in a statement by the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission on September 22, Chairman
Kim Jong-un noted that he was “giving serious consideration to exercising the highest level of hardline countermeasures in history.”
62 On this point, Rodong Sinmun dated March 24, 2017 states that “our Strategic Forces have also routinized ballistic rocket launch exercises” in response to the U.S.-ROK joint exercise.
63 According to an announcement by the ROK, in the meeting North Korea agreed to hold an inter-Korean summit meeting at the end of April and establish a hotline between the two leaders. In addition,
it was reported by the ROK that North Korea had indicated that it would have no reason to keep nuclear weapons if the military threat to the North was eliminated and its security guaranteed, that it
was prepared to engage in dialogue with the United States towards denuclearization and with a view to normalizing relations, and that while dialogue is ongoing it would not resume provocations such
as nuclear or missile tests. North Korea was also reported as expressing understanding for the regular U.S.-ROK joint military exercises.
Defense of Japan 82
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Fig. I-2-2-5 Sanctions against North Korea based on UN Security Council Resolutions
Main content
Prohibition on export and import of weapons of mass destruction related goods and
2006.10.15 No. 1718 First nuclear test (2006/10/9)
large weapons
Taepodong 2 launch (2009/4/5), second nuclear test
2009.6.13 No. 1874 Adoption of financial regulations
2013.1.23 No. 2087 Taepodong 2 launch (2012/12/12) Addition of six organizations and four individuals to sanctions
Defense Policies of Countries
by a meeting in March between a delegation headed had agreed to visit Pyongyang in the autumn of 2018.
by a special envoy from the ROK and Chairman Kim Future developments in inter-Korean relations will be
Jong-un, which served to facilitate preparations for the closely watched.
inter-Korean summit meeting. The inter-Korean summit
meeting was held on April 27, resulting in the issuance (3) Relations with China
of the Panmunjom Declaration, which confirmed among The China-North Korea Treaty on Friendship,
other matters that the two countries agreed to completely Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, which was
cease all hostile acts against each other in every domain, concluded in 1961, is still in force.65 In addition, China
and confirmed the common goal of realizing, through is currently North Korea’s biggest trade partner. In
complete denuclearization, a nuclear-free Korean 2016, trade volume between China and North Korea
Peninsula. In addition, in a second inter-Korean summit was very large, accounting for approximately 90% of
meeting held on May 26, Chairman Kim Jong-un North Korea’s total trade (excluding trade between
reiterated his desire for the complete denuclearization North Korea and the ROK),66 suggesting North Korea’s
of the Korean Peninsula. The Panmunjom Declaration dependence on China.
also notes that the two countries will aim to declare an With regard to the situation in North Korea and
end to the Korean War64 and that President Moon Jae-in its nuclear issue, China has expressed support for
64 The Korean War began in June 1950 and in July 1953 an armistice agreement was concluded. In the Panmunjom Declaration, the two countries announced that they would engage in consultations
with a view to declaring an end to the War by the end of this year, which is the 65th anniversary of the Armistice, and turning the armistice into a peace treaty.
65 It includes a provision that if either of the signatories (China and North Korea) is attacked and enters into a state of war, the other would make every effort to immediately provide military and
other assistance.
66 According to an announcement by the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA).
denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, for peace and (4) Relations with Russia
stability on the Korean Peninsula, and solving problems Concerning North Korea’s nuclear issue, Russia, along
through dialogue and consultations. While it has endorsed with China, has expressed support for the denuclearization
the series of UNSC Resolutions, which strengthen on the Korean Peninsula and early resumption of the Six-
sanctions on North Korea.67 It has also stated that Party Talks. Following the sixth nuclear test conducted
sanctions alone will be unable to achieve a fundamental by North Korea in September 2017, Russia condemned
solution to the nuclear issue and that a solution should North Korea’s nuclear test for violating UNSC
be found through dialogue and consultations. On this Resolutions, but also stated that measures that would
point China has repeatedly referred to “dual suspension,” escalate tensions should be avoided. Nonetheless, Russia
by which it means that North Korea should temporarily approved UNSC Resolution 2375, which was adopted in
suspend nuclear and missile test activities and that the September 2017. Furthermore, although Russia endorsed
United States and the ROK should temporarily suspend UNSC Resolution 2397, adopted in December 2017, it
Chapter 2
joint military exercises. emphasized that pressure on North Korea should make
China is a vital political and economic partner for way for dialogue and negotiations.
North Korea and maintains a degree of influence on the Following the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting
country. Although it has been noted that China-North in June, Russia has continued to demonstrate an active
Korea relations had deteriorated due to North Korea’s stance in supporting political and diplomatic processes
67 On January 5, 2018, the Ministry of Commerce of China announced that based on UNSC Resolution 2397, China would implement measures from January 6, including restrictions on export of crude
oil to North Korea and restrictions on export of refined petroleum products.
68 According to a statement released by China, in the China-North Korea summit meeting Chairman Kim Jong-un stated that the issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula could be realized if
the ROK and the United States would take phased measures in step with North Korea in order to realize peace and reconciliation. This visit to China was the first overseas visit made by Chairman Kim
Jong-un since assuming the leadership of North Korea.
69 For example, the United Kingdom and Germany established diplomatic relations with North Korea in 2000 and 2001, respectively.
70 For example, in May 2016, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly Kim Yong-nam attended the inauguration ceremony of the President of Equatorial Guinea. He held talks with
the President, as well as with the leaders of the Republic of Chad, the Gabonese Republic, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, the Republic of Guinea, and the Republic of Mali who
were attending the inauguration ceremony.
Defense of Japan 84
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
cooperation with African countries – activities which are Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia
becoming increasingly difficult due to sanctions based on are reviewing their diplomatic and economic relations
UN Security Council resolutions and political turmoil in with North Korea.72
the Middle East. In February 2017, a North Korean man was murdered
It is actually the case that transactions that violate in Malaysia and the Malaysian Government later
the terms of UNSC Resolutions have been observed,71 confirmed that the man was Kim Jong-nam. The Malaysia
and the possibility that North Korea’s illegal activities police also announced that VX, whose production and
could provide a funding source for nuclear and ballistic use are banned by the Convention on the Prohibition of
missile development is a cause for concern. At the same the Development , Production, Stockpiling and Use of
time, however, following the adoption of the series of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (Chemical
UNSC Resolutions in 2017, various countries in Europe, Weapons Convention), was detected from his body.
Chapter 2
In May 2017, the Moon Jae-in administration was The ROK has a defensive weakness, namely, its capital
inaugurated in the ROK. With regard to its North Korea Seoul, which has a population of approximately 10
policy, while on the one hand the administration announced million, is situated close to the DMZ. The ROK has set
that it would put emphasis on improving inter-Korean the National Defense Objective as follows: “to protect the
relations through dialogue, it also indicated a stance of country from external military threats and invasions, to
responding resolutely through sanctions and pressure to support peaceful unification, and to contribute to regional
provocations by North Korea. How the North Korea policy stability and world peace.” As one of the “external
of the Moon administration will impact inter-Korean military threats,” the ROK, in its Defense White Paper,
relations will continue to require close attention. used to designate North Korea as the “main enemy.”
The U.S. Forces, mainly the Army, have been However, the ROK presently uses the expression, “the
stationed in the ROK since the ceasefire of the Korean North Korean regime and its armed forces…will remain
War. The ROK has established very close security as our enemies.”73
arrangements with the United States primarily based on The ROK has continued to undertake reforms of
the U.S.-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty. The U.S. Forces its national defense.74 In recent years, in August 2012,
Korea have been playing an important role in securing in light of the sinking of the ROK patrol boat and the
peace and stability of the region such as playing a vital bombardment of Yeonpyeong in 2010, the Defense
role in deterring the outbreak of large-scale armed conflict Reform Basic Plan (2012-2030) was released by the
on the Korean Peninsula. Ministry of National Defense of the ROK,75 which
included enhancing deterrence capabilities against North
Korea and making the military even more efficient. In
March 2014, the Defense Reform Basic Plan (2014-
71 The final report of the UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts assisting the North Korea Sanctions Committee released in March 2018 makes references to the export of weapons and related military
equipment to Eritrea, the export of surface-to-air missiles to Mozambique, and the repair and renewal of surface-to-air missile systems and air defense radar in Tanzania.
72 For example, in September 2017, Spain recalled its ambassador to North Korea, and Italy followed suit in October. In September the Philippines announced that it would cease trading with North
Korea. Furthermore, in November Sudan announced that it had ceased all transactions with North Korea and in October Uganda announced that it had expelled all persons related to the North Korean
military or weapons-related companies.
73 The ROK’s Defense White Paper 2016 describes North Korea as follows: “[T]he constant military threats and provocations from North Korea are the primary security threats the ROK faces today. In
particular, North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) including nuclear weapons and missiles, cyber-attacks and terrorism pose major threats to our national security. As long as these threats
persist, the North Korean regime and its military will remain an enemy insofar as they are the agents carrying out these threats.”
74 Under the Act concerning National Defense Reform passed in 2006, the Defense Reform Basic Plan must analyze and evaluate changes in the situation and the results of the promotion of national
defense reform and be revised and supplemented, even after its establishment.
75 The ROK Ministry of National Defense states that in order to convert the ROK Forces into an “order-made military structure” that matches the operational environment on the Korean Peninsula, it
will significantly expand response capabilities in the Northwestern Islands area, reorganize the senior command structure in preparation for the transfer of wartime operational command, gradually
proceed with the reduction and reorganization of the troops, and significantly expand response capabilities against missiles and cyberwarfare, etc. In order to build a “high-efficiency developed
country-type national defense operation structure,” it will also promote efficiency, reorganize the human resources control structure, enhance the welfare of the military, and improve the military
service environment of the troops.
2030) was unveiled,76 which included in its scope the range of ballistic missiles it possesses; the revision
long-term development of defense capabilities in order included the elimination of warhead weight limit
to respond to potential threats after the unification of the restrictions on ballistic missiles, in order to enhance the
Korean Peninsula while securing response capabilities deterrence against military provocation by North Korea.77
against the threat from North Korea. In February 2017, Furthermore, to address North Korean nuclear and missile
it announced the Defense Reform Basic Plan (2014- threats, in addition to expanding the missile capabilities
2030) (rev.1), which, while maintaining the objectives of the ROK Forces,78 the ROK is engaging in efforts to
and underlying tone of Defense Reform Basic Plan build a Korean-type three-axis system, comprised of the
(2014-2030), emphasizes having readiness capability for following elements: a system known as “Kill Chain” to
simultaneous local provocations and all-out war, while conduct swift preemptive strikes using missiles and other
giving top priority to bolstering the organization and assets,79 the indigenous missile defense system (Korea Air
military power for responding to nuclear, missile and and Missile Defense [KAMD]),80 and the Korea Massive
Chapter 2
other asymmetrical threats from North Korea. Punishment & Retaliation (KMPR) concept.81
In recent years, the ROK has actively promoted
3 Military Posture of the ROK equipment export, which reached approximately US$3.2
billion on a contract value basis in 2015. Since 2006, the
The ROK’s military capacity is as follows. The ground amount has increased by nearly 13-fold in 11 years. It
76 The ROK Ministry of National Defense plans to introduce an additional three Aegis-class cruisers, develop next-generation destroyers and submarines, and introduce medium- and high-altitude
reconnaissance drones and multipurpose satellites in order to secure response capabilities against existing and potential threats.
77 The missile guidelines were established to restrict the range and warhead weight of ballistic missiles possessed by the ROK and were agreed by the governments of the United States and the ROK in
1979. They were subsequently revised in 2001 and 2012. In the previous guidelines, which were last revised in 2012, provisions included, for example, that ballistic missiles with a maximum range
of 800 km should have a maximum warhead weight of 500 kg.
78 In April 2012, the ROK Ministry of National Defense announced that the country has developed and already fielded missiles that include cruise missiles able to strike throughout North Korea. In
February 2013, the ministry indicated that it would accelerate the development of 800 km-range ballistic missiles, possession of which was made possible by the revision of the missile guidelines in
October 2012, and announced that it has fielded cruise missiles to be launched from vessels or submarines and capable of attacking the entire area of North Korea. Also in October, during an event
commemorating the 65th anniversary of the founding of the armed forces, the ROK Forces displayed to the public for the first time the “Hyeonmu 2” ballistic missile, which is said to have a 300 km
range, and the “Hyeonmu 3” surface-to-surface cruise missile, which is said to have a 1,000 km range. The ROK conducted successful test launches of a new ballistic missile with a range of 500 km
in April 2014 and a new ballistic missile with a range of 800 km in June 2017.
79 The ROK Ministry of National Defense explains that the system is capable of detecting and identifying signs of missile launch, determining attack, and actual attacking instantaneously. In the ROK’s
Defense White Paper 2016, it is explained that in order to construct the “Kill Chain,” in addition to enhancing monitoring and surveillance capabilities through the use of high-altitude reconnaissance
unmanned aerial vehicles and military reconnaissance satellites, the ROK is enhancing strike capacity by securing extra surface-to-surface missiles, long-range air-to-surface missiles, and Joint
Attack Direct Munitions (JADM).
80 The ROK Ministry of National Defense has denied participation in the U.S. missile defense system, and has underscored that the ROK was creating its own indigenous systems. The reported reasons
include differences in threat perceptions between the United States and the ROK, concern over Chinese backlash, and cost effectiveness.
81 The ROK Ministry of National Defense website states that “KMPR, the third axis, is a Korean-type massive retaliation concept, a system in which counterattacks are conducted by directly aiming at
the North Korean leadership including its war command headquarters, in the case where North Korea threatens with its nuclear weapons,” and “missile and other strike forces capable of delivering
simultaneous and massive precision strikes and elite professional special operation forces, etc. will be operated for this purpose.” In December 2017 it was reported that a 1,000 personnel “special
duties brigade” had been newly formed, which would be tasked with the duty of eliminating the North Korean leadership, and was expected to form a major element in the KMPR concept.
82 As for recent examples, in 2012, the ROK concluded an agreement to export three Type 209 submarines to Indonesia as well as an agreement to export four of the new Military Afloat Reach and
Sustainability (MARS) vessels to the United Kingdom. In 2014, the ROK concluded an agreement to export 12 FA-50 light attack aircraft to the Philippines. Most recently, in 2017 the ROK exported
K-9 self-propelled artillery to Finland, in the first-ever example in the ROK defense industry of sales of second-hand weapons.
Defense of Japan 86
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Chapter 2
0 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (FY)
Notes: 1. ROK Defense White Paper 2016 for FY2009 to FY2016.
2. The Ministry of National Defense website for FY2017 to FY2018.
Defense Policies of Countries
provocations in March 2013,83 and approved the Tailored and around 23,700 U.S. Forces personnel participated, as
Deterrence Strategy, designed to enhance deterrence well as amphibious assault ships and F-35B fighters. In
against North Korean nuclear and other WMD threats, at June the U.S. Department of Defense announced that the
the 45th Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) in October U.S.-ROK joint military exercise “Freedom Guardian”
of the same year.84 At the 46th SCM in October 2014, planned for August had been suspended, along with two
the two countries agreed on “Concepts and Principles U.S.-ROK Marine Exchange Program training exercises
of ROK-U.S. Alliance Comprehensive Counter-missile scheduled to occur within the next three months.
Operations (4D Operational Concept)” to tackle North At the same time, the two countries have worked to
Korean ballistic missile threats. At the 47th SCM in deal with such issues as the transition of OPCON to the
November 2015, the implementation guidance on the 4D ROK87 and the realignment of U.S. Forces Korea. For
Operational Concept was approved.85 Additionally, after the transition of OPCON to the ROK, the roadmap for
North Korea went ahead with its nuclear test in January the transfer “Strategic Alliance 2015” was established
2016, the United States and the ROK began formal talks in October 2010. Aiming to complete the transition by
regarding deployment of THAAD86 to U.S. Forces Korea December 1, 2015, the two countries have reviewed the
in February 2016 and officially decided in July to deploy approach of transitioning from the existing combined
them. At the end of April 2017 part of the THAAD defense arrangement of the U.S. and ROK Forces, to a
system was deployed to the designated site for operations new joint defense arrangement led by the ROK Forces
and in September four additional launching pads were and supported by the U.S. Forces. Nevertheless, based
deployed, concluding the temporary deployment of on the increasing seriousness of North Korea’s nuclear
THAAD. In addition, in a U.S.-ROK summit meeting and missile threats, the two sides decided at the 46th
also held in September, the enhanced deployment of U.S. SCM to re-postpone the transition of OPCON, and to
strategic assets in and around the ROK on a rotational adopt a conditions-based approach, i.e., implementing
basis was agreed. Furthermore, it was reported that in the transition when conditions such as the ROK Forces’
the regular U.S.-ROK joint military exercise conducted enhanced capabilities are met. The three-axis system,
in April 2018, around 300,000 ROK Forces personnel which is deemed to be the central challenge for enhancing
83 The ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff has announced that the plan contains consultative procedures as well as robust and thorough response methodologies for the United States and the ROK to take joint
responses in the event of a North Korean provocation. However, the details of the plan have not been made public.
84 According to the Joint Communiqué of the 45th ROK-U.S. SCM, this strategy establishes a strategic framework for tailoring deterrence against key North Korean threat scenarios across armistice and
wartime, and strengthens the partnership between the United States and the ROK to maximize their deterrent effects. However, the details have not been made public.
85 According to the Joint Communiqué of the 46th SCM, the “Concepts and Principles” are designed to detect, defend, disrupt, and destroy missile threats including nuclear and biochemical warheads.
However, the details have not been made public. Furthermore, according to the “Strategic Digest 2015” of the U.S. Forces in the ROK, the “Concepts and Principles” apply from peacetime to war, and
will guide operational decision-making, planning, exercises, capability development, and acquisitions.
86 A ballistic missile defense system designed to intercept short- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase from the ground. It captures and intercepts targets at high altitudes
outside of the atmosphere or in the upper atmosphere. See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2 regarding the ballistic missile defense system.
87 The United States and the ROK have had the U.S.-ROK Combined Forces Command since 1978 in order to operate the U.S.-ROK combined defense system to deter wars on the Korean Peninsula and
to perform effective combined operations in the case of a contingency. Under the U.S.-ROK combined defense system, OPCON over the ROK Forces is to be exercised by the Chairman of the Korea
Joint Chiefs of Staff in peacetime and by the Commander of the U.S. Forces Korea, who concurrently serves as the Commander of the Combined Forces Command, in a contingency.
the capabilities of the ROK Forces, is scheduled for overlapped in some areas with the ROK’s ADIZ.
completion in the early 2020s. At the 49th Security Furthermore, it included the airspace above the sea areas
Consultative Meeting (SCM) in October 2017, it was surrounding the reef, Ieodo (Chinese name: Suyan Rock),
decided that the United States and the ROK would jointly regarding which China and the ROK have conflicting
supplement the conditions-based OPCON transfer plan claims to the jurisdictional authority over the exclusive
by the time of the next meeting. Future developments will economic zone. Against this backdrop, the ROK
continue to be monitored. Government announced the expansion of its own ADIZ
With regard to the realignment of the U.S. Forces in December 2013 and enforced it from the same month.
Korea,88 an agreement had been reached in 2003 on the In addition, China has protested that the deployment of
relocation of the U.S. Forces’ Yongsan Garrison located THAAD to U.S. Forces Korea would undermine China’s
in the center of Seoul to the Pyeontaek area, south of strategic security interests. On this point, in October 2017
Seoul, and on the relocation of the U.S. Forces stationed the governments of China and the ROK announced that
Chapter 2
north of the Han River to the south of the river. they had agreed to utilize military channels to reach a
Subsequently, however, the agreement has been mutual understanding relating to China’s concerns about
partially revised, due to various factors, including: the THAAD. In December 2017 President Moon Jae-in
relocation to the Pyeontaek area being delayed due to made his first visit to China since his inauguration and
logistical reasons such as increases in relocation costs; in the two leaders agreed to establish a hotline and continue
88 The United States intends to consolidate and relocate the bases of the U.S. Forces Korea which are scattered across the ROK, in order to ensure stable stationing conditions for U.S. Forces Korea and
a balanced development of ROK land. The agreement between the United States and the ROK include: (1) an agreement to conduct the relocation to south of the Han River in two stages (June 2003);
and (2) the withdrawal of 12,500 of the nearly 37,500 personnel out of the ROK (October 2004). The United States has thus been transforming its posture in accordance with these agreements.
However, at the U.S.-ROK Summit Meeting in April 2008, the two countries agreed to maintain the current 28,500 as the appropriate troop level. Since then, the two countries have continued to affirm
that maintaining this troop level would be appropriate.
Defense of Japan 88
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Section 3 China
1 General Situation
1 According to an announcement by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the full year of 2017 was 6.9% compared to the previous year.
The figure exceeded the target of “around 6.5%” set by the Chinese government, but remained low, similar to the previous year 2016 when the growth rate marked 6.7%.
Chapter 2
foundations of General Secretary Xi in the CPC. For People’s Congress held in March 2018, a resolution was
example, it was decided at the 19th National Congress adopted to revise the constitution and abolish term limits
to incorporate the “thoughts,” namely the political for China’s presidents, which indicates that Xi Jinping is
philosophy, under the name of General Secretary Xi further consolidating power as president. Impacts on the
Jinping into the Party constitution as a guideline. This military of these actions and future relevant developments
2 Military Affairs
2 The article published in the People’s Daily November 14, 2017 by CMC Vice Chairman Xu Qiliang.
Defense of Japan 90
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Jinping’s strengthening of his power foundation within affairs and warfare. It has incorporated the concept of
the CPC and further strengthening of his authority as “Three Warfares” — “Media Warfare,” “Psychological
the head of the Military Commission of the Central Warfare,” and “Legal Warfare” — into the tasks of the
Committee of Communist Party of China. political work of the military. In addition, China has set
China, particularly over maritime issues where its forth a policy of close coordination of military struggle
interests conflict with others, continues to act in an assertive with political, diplomatic, economic, cultural, and legal
manner3 based on its own assertions incompatible with the endeavors.
existing international order, including attempts to change China has employed a policy to ensure to establish
the status quo by coercion, where there is a potential the “system of modern military power with Chinese
danger to lead to unexpected situations. Additionally, as characteristics,” aiming at informatizing the military
for the acts to change the status quo by coercion, China based on its military strategy to follow the development
remains poised to fulfill its unilateral demands without trend of the military all over the world observed in the
Chapter 2
compromise, including making steady efforts to turn its Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the Iraq War and so on, and
acts into faits accompli. to win informatized local wars. Dealing with a Taiwan
At the same time, China recently has also shown contingency is believed to be a top priority in China’s
interest in efforts to avoid and prevent unexpected efforts to strengthen the military forces; more specifically,
contingencies in sea areas and in airspace. improving its capabilities to hinder the independence of
Defense Policies of Countries
Considering these situations, there is a strong Taiwan and foreign military support for it. Furthermore,
concern, in international society including Japan, over in recent years, China is working actively to acquire
the issues including the rapid modernization of the capabilities for missions other than dealing with a Taiwan
military capabilities and improvement of the operational contingency, and is steadily enhancing operational
capabilities as well as the following China’s unilateral capabilities in more distant waters.
escalation of activities surrounding Japan, together As for future indicators of the modernization of the
with the lack of transparency in its military and security military, in his remarks to the 19th National Congress in
affairs. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay close attention October 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping proclaimed
to the issues. the goals of seeing that mechanization is basically
achieved, IT application has come a long way and
2 Defense Policies strategic capabilities have seen a big improvement by the
3 For example, regarding the so-called “nine-dash line” asserted by China in the South China Sea, “historic rights” claimed by China were rejected by the Philippines-China arbitration (July 2016). Also,
in recent years, China continues to use its own interpretations, such as those of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). It has been noted that China is developing arguments
that attempt to restrict reportedly military activities of other countries in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). For instance, the Chinese government announced in a statement by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs on November 26, 2010 that it opposed to unsanctioned military activities by any country in China’s EEZs.
4 The strategic concept of active defense is seen as the essence of the CCP’s military strategic concept. It upholds the principles of defense, self-defense, and “post-emptive strike” (suppress the
adversary after it attacks), and maintains that “We will not attack unless we are attacked, but we will surely counterattack if attacked.”
5 See the defense white paper “China’s Military Strategy” (May 2015).
year 2020, that by 2035 the modernization of its national transparency is declining, China has not yet achieved the
defense and its forces is basically completed, and that levels of transparency expected of a responsible nation in
by the mid-21st century the people’s armed forces have the international community.
been fully transformed into world-class forces. These Incidents have been occurring that incite concerns
goals are said to be ahead of the target of the third stage over China’s military decision-making and actions,
of the “Three Stage Development Strategy,” namely including Chinese explanations different from the actual
the basic modernization of the national defense and the facts. For example, details have yet to be disclosed
forces by the middle of the 21st century, and it appears regarding the causes of the Chinese nuclear-powered
that on further acceleration of military power is to be submarine’s submerged navigation in Japan’s territorial
seen as China’s power grows. waters in November 2004 although it constitutes a breach
of international law. Furthermore, with respect to the
3 Military Transparency incidents such as that of a Chinese naval vessel directing
Chapter 2
its firecontrol radar at an MSDF destroyer in January
China has not disclosed specific information such as 2013, both the Chinese Ministry of National Defense
possession of weapons, procurement goals and past and Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave explanations which
procurements, organization and locations of major units, were inconsistent with the facts; in this case they have
records of main military operations and exercises, and denied the use of the radar itself. With regard to the
6 See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4 for examples of dialogue with Japan.
7 The seven departments are: then PLA General Political Department; then PLA General Logistics Department; then PLA General Armaments Department; PLA Navy; PLA Air Force; then PLA Second
Artillery Corps; and People’s Armed Police.
8 The defense white papers “China’s National Defense in 2008” and “China’s National Defense in 2010” provided a breakdown of personnel expenses, training and maintenance costs, and equipment
costs for the active force, reserve force, and militia, limited to the FY2007 and FY2009 defense budget expenditures, respectively, but has not offered an explanation of them recently.
9 For example, on December 10, 2016, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced, “When Chinese Air Force aircraft mobilized for regular blue water training in the Western Pacific
and passed through the Miyako Strait (sic) airspace, the Japanese SDF mobilized two F-15 fighters and conducted interference against the Chinese aircraft at close distance and shot IR flares,
endangering the safety of the Chinese aircraft and its crew.” On October 28 of the same year, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense made a similar announcement. See
Part 2-6 (3) of this section.
10 When asked about the submarine’s transit at a regular press conference held by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 16 2018, the spokesperson replied, “I do not have information about
the circumstances of submarines.”
Defense of Japan 92
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
Chinese false explanations are also evident in It is believed that China continues to invest resources in
China’s coercive, as well as rapid and large-scale the improvement of its defense capabilities in tandem
development on features in the South China Sea.11 with its economic development. Attention is to be paid
At the press conference after the U.S.-China Summit to how the slowdown in China’s economic growth affects
Meeting in September 2015, President Xi Jinping China’s national defense budget.
stated, “China does not have any intention to pursue In addition, it must be noted that the amount of the
militarization” in the South China Sea, but has been defense budget announced by China is considered to
advancing militarization. be only a part of its actual military expenditures.15 For
See Chapter 3, Section 2-6 (4) “Situation of Activities in the South example, it is believed that the announced defense budget
China Sea” does not include foreign equipment procurement costs
As China’s influence in the international community and research and development (R&D) expenses.
has risen politically, economically, and militarily, other See Fig. I-2-3-1 (Changes in China’s Announced Defense Budget)
Chapter 2
is strongly hoped that China will increase transparency It is provided that these bodies be instructed and
concerning its military affairs by such efforts as disclosing commanded by the Central Military Commission (CMC).
specific and accurate information on its defense policies The PLA is defined as a people’s force created and led by
and military capabilities. the CCP, comprising the Army, the Navy, the Air Force,
and the Rocket Force, etc.
4 National Defense Budget
(1) Military Reform
China announced that its national defense budget China is currently carrying out reforms of the PLA which
for FY2018 was approximately 1,107 billion yuan.12 are seen as the largest in the country’s history.
This initial budget amount represented a growth of In November 2015, President Xi unveiled China’s
approximately 8.3% (approximately 84.4 billion yuan)13 official position on a specific direction of the military
compared to the initial budget amount for the previous reforms for the first time, announcing that the military
fiscal year. China’s announced national defense budget reforms would be carried out by 2020, which would
has increased at a rapid pace every year since FY1989.14 include: establishment of “theaters” and a command
The nominal size of China’s announced national defense structure for joint operations as well as reduction of
budget has grown approximately 51-fold in the 30 years troops by 300,000 personnel.
since FY1989 and approximately 2.7-fold in the 10 years Military reforms have rapidly taken shape in recent
since FY2008. China positions the buildup of defense years. By the end of 2016 from what are called the “neck
capabilities as important a task as economic development. up” reforms, namely the center of the military level
11 See Section 2-6(4), Chapter 2-Section 6-4, Chapter 3-Section 3-3-6 and 3-3-7.
12 While converting national defense budgets of foreign countries into another currency simply by applying currency exchange rates does not necessarily reflect an accurate value due to differences
in price level, China’s national defense budget for FY2018 is equivalent to approximately 17,711.2 billion yen when it is converted using a rate of 16 yen per yuan (FY2018 rate that the Japanese
Government uses for official purposes).
13 Calculated for FY2018 from the basic expenditures of the central government for FY2017 and FY2018, since China released only the national defense budget amount as part of the basic expenditures
of the central government, which do not include local transfer expenditures among other expenses.
14 China’s announced national defense budget within central fiscal expenditures achieved double-digit growth on the initial-budget basis every year from FY1989 to FY2015 except in FY2010. For
FY2015, FY2016 and FY2018, the defense budget was announced within the basic expenditures of the central government. However, since the local transfer expenditure amount, etc. for FY2015
were released separately, this was added to calculate the national defense budget within central fiscal expenditures.
15 The U.S. DoD’s “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” (June 2017) estimates China’s military-related spending as having been at
least US$180 billion in FY2017.
16 According to the defense white paper “China’s National Defense in 2002,” “it is to maintain state security and social stability, and assist the PLA in wartime in defense operations.” Missions of the
PAP include security of party and government, border security, social projects, and firefighting activities. In January 2018, the guidance and command system of the PAP was centralized under the
CMC. Under the CCP Party and State Institutional Reform Plan released later in March that year, it revealed that as a goal by the end of the year it would reorganize the PAP based on the principle of
“the military is the military, police are the police, and civil is civil.”
17 The militia engages in economic development in peacetime and other activities and has a duty to provide logistics support for combat operations in wartime. The defense white paper “China’s National
Defense in 2002” explains, “[u]nder the command of military organs, the militia in wartime helps the standing army in its military operations, conducts independent operations and provides combat
support and manpower replenishment for the standing army. In peacetime, it undertakes the tasks of performing combat readiness support, taking part in disaster relief efforts, and maintaining social
order.” According to a PLA Daily article dated October 9, 2012, “China now has six million primary militia members” as of 2010.
Chapter 2
1,500 5
0 0
89 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 17 18
Note: This basically shows the defense budget within “the central government’s general public budget,” which had been named as “the central fiscal expenditures” prior to
FY 2014. Year-on-year growth rate compares the budget of a given year against the initial budget of the previous year. Note that FY2002 defense budget was
18 Shenyang Military Region, Beijing Military Region, Jinan Military Region, Nanjing Military Region, Guangzhou Military Region, Chengdu Military Region, and Lanzhou Military Region.
19 The PLA was considered a large organization of the Army, and therefore, a headquarters of the Army as a service did not exist. The ongoing reforms have given the Navy, Air Force, and Rocket Force
the same status as the Army.
20 The establishment of PLARF is seen as a de facto elevation of the Second Artillery Force.
21 PLASSF is identified as a new force for maintaining national security. Reportedly it is in charge of cyber, outer space, and electronic warfare capabilities.
22 The Joint Logistics Support Force is considered to be the first Chinese command dedicated to joint logistics support for the armed forces.
Defense of Japan 94
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
management from peacetime.23 In addition, it has been (SRBM). The update of China’s ballistic missile forces
noted that the reorganization of the headquarters is a from a liquid propellant system to a solid propellant
means of tackling corruption at the center of the military system is improving their survivability and readiness.28
by strengthening the direct leadership of the CMC and Moreover, it is believed that China is working to increase
its Chairman and decentralizing the leading organs. The performance by extending ranges, improving accuracy,
total number of members of the CMC has continued to employing maneuverable warheads and multiple ones,
be reduced in recent years24 with seven newly elected and by other means.
members at the 19th National Congress in October 2017, China’s main ICBM strategic nuclear asset had been
including President Xi. Since it has been noted that many the fixed-site liquid-propellant DF-5 missile.29 However, it
people who have deep connections to President Xi were has been suggested that China has in recent years deployed
appointed,25 it is thought that President Xi’s command of the DF-31, which is a mobile-type ICBM with a solid
the CMC, and thus the PLA, is to be further strengthened. propellant system mounted onto a transporter-erector-
Chapter 2
While China is expected to continue these reforms, launcher (TEL), as well as the DF-31A, a model of the
there are views that dissatisfaction is growing within the DF-31 with extended range, and that China will increase
military because of the rapid military reforms.26 Attention the number of DF-31A in particular. China is also viewed
is to be paid to the progress of the reforms as well as their as developing a new ICBM known as DF-41. With regard
outcomes, including their effects on the security of Japan to SLBM, it is considered that Jin-class nuclear-powered
Defense Policies of Countries
and the rest of the region. ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) to carry the JL-2,
whose range is deemed to be approximately 8,000 km,
(2) Nuclear and Missile Forces are currently operational. If the Jin-class SSBNs begin
China has made independent efforts to develop nuclear nuclear deterrence patrols, it is believed that China’s
capabilities and ballistic missile forces since the mid- strategic nuclear capabilities will improve significantly.30
1950’s, seemingly with a view to ensure deterrence, Furthermore, it has been pointed out that China is also
supplementing its conventional forces, and maintain its developing an extended-range SLBM, also called JL-3,
voice in the international community. It is regarded that and a new SSBN to carry it.
China’s nuclear strategy is to deter a nuclear attack on its As for the IRBM/MRBM covering the Asia-Pacific
territory by maintaining a nuclear force structure able to region including Japan, China has the mobile solid-
conduct retaliatory nuclear attacks on a small number of propellant DF-21 and DF-26, which can be transported
targets such as cities in the adversary’s country, should and operated on a TEL. These are capable of carrying
China be subject to nuclear attack.27 The PLA Rocket both conventional and nuclear warheads. China possesses
Force was newly established with equal status as the ballistic missiles carrying conventional warheads
Army, Navy, and Air Force as part of the ongoing military with high targeting accuracy based on the DF-21, and
reforms, suggesting that China will continue to attach deploys the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM)
importance to its nuclear and ballistic missile forces. carrying conventional warheads, which could be used to
China possesses various types and ranges of ballistic attack ships at sea including aircraft carrier.31 The DF-
missiles: ICBM; SLBM; IRBM/medium-range ballistic 26,32 which has a range including Guam, is considered
missile (MRBM); and short-range ballistic missile a “second-generation ASBM” developed on the basis of
23 The report “China’s Incomplete Military Transformation” (February 2015) by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission and the RAND Corporation identifies the weaknesses of the
PLA as the following: (1) organizational structure (e.g., party-military relations); (2) organizational culture (e.g., corruption); (3) force structure (size of the PLA, recruitment system, veteran’s benefits);
(4) command structure (e.g., military regions); and (5) human capital (e.g., decline in the quality and mindset of new soldiers stemming from the one-child policy, etc.).
24 There were 11 members in both the 17th (2007-2012) and 18th (2012-2017) CMC.
25 For example, it has been noted that Miao Hua, newly elected to the CMC, has close connections to President Xi having worked under him when Xi was part of the government of Fujian Province.
26 Veterans and others held demonstrations in front of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense in October 2016 and near the building that houses the CCP Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
in February 2017. Some view that these demonstrations and dissatisfaction with the military reforms are interrelated.
27 In February 2018, in response to the announcement of the Nuclear Posture Review by the United States, the Chinese Defense Ministry stated that “China adheres to the policy of no-first-use of nuclear
weapons at any time and under any circumstance. Under no circumstances will China use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.”
On the other hand, the U.S. DoD’s “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” (June 2017) states that there is some ambiguity over the
conditions under which China’s “no first use” policy would or would not apply.
28 For differences between the liquid-propellant system and solid-propellant system, see Chapter 2, Section 2-1-3 (3).
29 The DF-5B is thought to carry multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs).
30 The U.S. DoD’s “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” (June 2017) indicates that “China continues to produce the JIN-class SSBN,
with four commissioned and others under construction” and that the SSBNs, which are equipped with JL-2 SLBMs, “are the country’s first viable sea-based nuclear deterrent.”
31 DF-21D is called the “carrier killer” (Annual Report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission [November 2015]).
32 DF-26 is called the “Guam killer” (Annual Report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission [November 2015]).
Washington D. C.
11,200 km
12,000 km
7,200 km
13,000 km London
Paris 5,400 km North Pole
San Francisco
Moscow 4,000 km
2,800 km
2,500 km
Beijing Hawaii
New Delhi
Chapter 2
* The figure above is for illustrative purpose, showing the range of each missile from Beijing.
the DF-21D, and it was announced in April 2018 that it These weapons are said to travel at ultra-high speed
had “formally joined the order of battle.” In addition to and be difficult to intercept by a missile.
IRBM/MRBM, China possesses the DH-10 (CJ-10), a China announced that it conducted tests on midcourse
cruise missile with a range of at least 1,500 km, as well missile interception technology in January 2010, January
as the H-6, a bomber that is capable of carrying this cruise 2013, July 2014 and February 2018.35 Attention is to be
missile. It is deemed that these missiles will complement paid to China’s future trends in ballistic missile defense.
ballistic missile forces, covering the Asia-Pacific region See Fig. I-2-3-2 (Range of Ballistic Missiles from China (Beijing))
including Japan. China is likely operating these ASBMs
and long-range cruise missiles to strengthen its “A2/
AD” capabilities. Concerning SRBM, China possesses a H-6 bomber
33 China reportedly conducted flight tests of its WU-14 in January, August, and December 2014, June, August, and November 2015, and April 2016 (total: 7 times). Some reports refer to it as DF-ZF.
34 DF-17 flight tests were reported to have been conducted on November 1 and 15, 2017.
35 In addition to these four tests, China claims that the test conducted in July 2014 was another missile interception technology test. However, it is pointed out that this was actually an anti-satellite
weapon (ASAT) test. (See Chapter 3, Section 4-2-4.)
Defense of Japan 96
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
and mechanize its infantry. China is also believed to be launch systems (VLSs) capable of launching the latest
strengthening its airborne troops (belonging to the Air YJ-18 anti-ship cruise missile.37 It has also been noted
Force), amphibious forces,36 special operations forces, that its submarines are being developed to be capable
and helicopter units. China is undertaking efforts to build
a command system for improving its joint operational Yuan-class submarine
Defense Policies of Countries
36 Army units belonging to the Northern Theater, believed to possess amphibious operation capabilities, are said to have been transferred to the Navy in February 2017. However, no movements of
amphibious troops belonging to the Army in the Eastern Theater have been disclosed.
37 It was reported in June 2017 that China launched the first Renhai-class destroyer, the largest in the Chinese Navy at 10,000 tons, and had launched a total of four vessels by July 2018. The U.S.
DoD’s Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China (June 2017) calls this destroyer a cruiser.
Central Theater
(Headquarters: Beijing)
Northern Theater
(Headquarters: Shenyang)
Western Theater
Chapter 2
(Headquarters: Chengdu)
Warships Approx. 750 vessels / 1,787,000 tons Approx. 390 vessels / 205,000 tons
Aircraft carriers,
Maritime Approx. 80 vessels Approx. 20 vessels
destroyers, and frigates
Submarines Approx. 70 vessels 4 vessels
Marines Approx. 15,000 troops Approx. 10,000 troops
Combat aircraft Approx. 2,850 aircraft Approx. 500 aircraft
J-10 x 370
Su-27/J-11 x 329
Su-30 x 97 Mirage 2000 x 55
Modern fighters Su-35 x 14 F-16 x 144
aircraft J-15 x 20 Ching-kuo x 128
J-16 x 16 (Fourth-generation fighters (total): 327)
J-20 x 6 (under tests)
(Fourth-/fifth-generation fighters (total): 852)
Defense of Japan 98
PartⅠ Security Environment Surrounding Japan
of carrying anti-surface cruise missiles. In addition, the is China’s armed force other than the military the so-
Navy is increasing the number of large landing ships called maritime militia is playing the role of the advance
and supply ships. In September 2017, a supply ship guard for supporting China’s maritime interests.41 The
was commissioned with a mission to supply the aircraft maritime militia is said to operate in the South China Sea,
carrier group. etc.42 and consist of fishermen and residents of isolated
With regard to aircraft carriers, following the islands. However, the details of the maritime militia
commissioning of the first aircraft carrier Liaoning in have not been revealed. Given the China’s emphasis on
September 2012, it appears that China is continuing to the necessity of “fully exerting the overall power of the
train carrier-based aircraft pilots using domestic J-15 military, police and militia” on the seas,43 attention is to
carrier-based fighters and conducting takeoff and landing be paid to these asymmetrical forces, too.44
tests mainly in the Bohai and Yellow Seas.38 In December
2016, the Liaoning participated in its first comprehensive (5) Air Forces
Chapter 2
live action, live fire exercise in the Bohai Sea with other The Chinese Navy and Air force have approximately
vessels, including live firing by carrier-based fighters. 2,850 combat capable aircraft in total. As for the fourth
Furthermore, later in the same month, it was confirmed generation fighters, China has imported from Russia the
that the carrier advanced, together with multiple vessels, Su-27 fighter and the Su-30 fighter having anti-surface
to the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. It was and anti-ship attack capabilities. In November 2015,
Defense Policies of Countries
announced that the “Liaoning” advanced to the Pacific China reportedly signed an agreement with a Russian
Ocean and conducted opposing trainings including carrier- state-run military company to purchase 24 Su-35 fighters,
based fighters after its participation in a naval review in considered the newest fourth generation fighter, and has
the South China Sea from March to April 2018. These received the delivery of total 14 fighters by December
activities are believed to indicate a further expansion of 2017. China is also developing its own domestic modern
the distant deployment capability of the Chinese Navy.
In April 2017, a launching ceremony was held for an
J-15 carrier-based fighter
indigenous aircraft carrier with “a conventional power-
generating facility and a displacement of 50,000 tons”
and “a ski-jump takeoff style.” The carrier conducted
initial sea trials before its commissioning in May 2018.
Furthermore, China is reportedly building its second
indigenous aircraft carrier, and it is suggested that this [Jane’s by IHS Markit]
carrier is possibly equipped with an electromagnetic <Specifications, performance>
catapult system.39 Speed: Unknown
Main armament: Air-to-air missiles, air-to-ship/surface missiles
In view of these developments concerning the
naval forces, China appears to be steadily building up
capabilities for conducting operations in more distant Carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier Liaoning. It has many
waters in addition to near sea defense.40 features in common with the J-11 and Su-33 fighters.
It is pointed out that, among the militia, whose status
38 In November 2013, the “Liaoning” advanced to the South China Sea for the first time and conducted test navigation there. The carrier is said to have advanced into the South China Sea between June
and July 2017 and January 2018.
39 It is suggested that China is conducting research on the electromagnetic aircraft launch system in order to overcome the limitations of the ski-jump configuration, namely, few weapons and little
fuel can be carried on the carrier-based fighter and fixed-wing early warning aircraft cannot be operated. Additionally, in February 2018, major Chinese conglomerate China Shipbuilding Industry
Corporation announced for the first time the construction of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in its development strategy outline on its website, but later deleted the text.
40 China’s defense white paper “China’s Military Strategy” (May 2015) identifies “offshore waters defense and open seas protection” as a strategy for enhancing the military capabilities of the Navy.
According to the white paper, “the traditional mentality that land outweighs sea must be abandoned” and China will aim to “develop a modern maritime military force structure.” As implied by these
references, it is deemed that China attaches importance to its maritime strategy.
41 In April 2013, when President Xi Jinping visited the maritime militia of Hainan Province to give encouragement, he reportedly gave instructions to the maritime militia to collect information on distant
seas and actively conduct island construction activities and stated, “you are playing the role of the vanguard in protecting our maritime interests.”
42 For example, when Chinese naval and other vessels obstructed the U.S. Navy surveillance ship Impeccable on the high seas on the South China Sea in March 2009, maritime militia were said to be
aboard the fishing boat that tried to take away a sonar from Impeccable. It is also pointed out that when the deep-water drilling rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 conducted prospective drilling to the south of
the Paracel Islands from May to July 2014, steel-hull fishing boats maned by maritime militia also arrived as an escort fleet.
43 In August 2016, when Defense Minister Chang Wanquan (at that time) made an observation tour of the maritime militia equipment in Zhejiang Province, he gave instructions on the necessity of “fully
exerting the overall power of the military, security and militia from the perspective of ensuring the requirement to ‘win the battle’.”
44 The status of China’s maritime militia under international law is said to be unclear. In November 2015, Admiral Scott H. Swift, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet (at that time), emphasized on the
occasion of his meeting with then Admiral Wu Shengli, the former Commander of the PLA Navy, the importance of China’s forces including maritime enforcement agencies and maritime militia acting
professionally according to international law.
Chapter 2
bombers said to have ground attack capabilities, and the
H-6K bomber advanced to the point off the Kii Peninsula in August 2017.
J-10 fighter
Chinese Air Force has increased the number of H-6K
bombers that are considered to be able to operate anti-
surface cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. The
45 It is suggested that in the future, the J-31 fighter could be turned into a carrier-based fighter or be exported.
and KJ-2000 Airborne Early Warning and Control System.46 strategic competition among all parties,” and established
Furthermore, in July 2016, China started the deployment the Strategic Support Force (PLASSF) at the end of 2015
of the indigenously developed Y-20 large cargo aircraft in with a mission pointed out to be responsible for outer
order to enhance its transportation capability. China is space, cyberspace, and electronic warfare.
also rapidly developing a variety of domestic unmanned China is said to have developed its space program in
aerial vehicles (UAV),47 including those capable of long- the shortest time in the world. In December 2016, China
duration flights at high altitude for reconnaissance and published the white paper China’s Space Activities,
other purposes (high-altitude long endurance [HALE]) which emphasizes the peaceful use of outer space but
and those capable of carrying missiles and other weapons does not deny its use for military purposes.51 In addition,
for attack purposes. Some of these are deployed and are it has been pointed out that administrative organizations
actively exported. In fact, it is suggested that the Chinese and state-owned enterprises involved in the use of space
Air Force has created an unmanned aerial vehicle unit in China have close ties with the Chinese military,
Chapter 2
with an attack role. In addition to the frequent use of UAVs and in fact, it is considered that China is planning to
for reconnaissance and other purposes in its surrounding improve its military capabilities in space.52 Examples of
sea areas and airspace, domestically, it is noted that China projects being advanced by China include the launch of
is working to improve “Swarm” technology48 to operate a the positioning satellites called “BeiDou,” also known
large number of low-cost UAVs. as the Chinese version GPS, to develop global satellite
Defense Policies of Countries
Judging from the modernization of the Air Force, it positioning system by 2020. Another example is an Earth
is believed that China is not only improving its air defense observation satellite that is suggested to possibly have
capabilities for its national territory, but also making a role as a military reconnaissance satellite. Moreover,
steady efforts to build up capabilities for air superiority China is thought to be developing weapons including
and anti-surface and anti-ship attacks in further distant laser weapons, anti-satellite weapons and anti-satellites
areas and for long-range transportation.49 satellites,53 in order to restrict and interfere with the use of
space-based assets by adversaries in wartime. China has
(6) Information operations capabilities50
Information gathering and command and communication Y-20 large cargo aircraft
in the military sector, which are vital for swift and
efficient exercise of military strength, increasingly
rely on satellites and computer networks. As such,
China seems to recognize the importance of taking an
information mastery in wartime, when it must protect [Jane’s by IHS Markit]
its own information systems and networks while <Specifications, performance>
neutralizing those of its adversaries at the same time. Maximum cruising speed: 796 km/h
Maximum payload: 66,000 kg (estimate)
China is considered to be emphasizing information
operational capabilities for these operations. In fact,
Large multipurpose cargo aircraft independently developed by China.
China stated that “outer space and cyber space have Deployed to military units in July 2016.
become new commanding heights (capture point) in
46 The AG-600, which China is developing indigenously with the first flight in January 2018, will be the largest amphibious aircraft in the world. Although it is claimed that it will be used for civilian
purposes such as natural resource research, the possibility of its conversion to military use has been pointed out. It has also been reported that China and Ukraine signed an agreement for
consultations concerning the large transport aircraft An-225 for export to and production in China.
47 UAVs being developed by China include the HALE UAV “Xianglong” (Soar Dragon), considered the “Chinese Global Hawk;” the BZK-005, a UAV that can be used for multiple purposes, such as
reconnaissance, communications relay, and signals intelligence; the GJ-1 “Wingloong” attack UAV; and the CH-4 “Caihong.”
48 State-owned enterprise China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) announced in November 2017 that it demonstrated “Swarm” technology using 119 UAVs, breaking the U.S. record. It
is said that the use of “Swarm” technology with low-cost UAVs makes attacks on aircraft carriers and fighters possible.
49 The defense white paper “China’s Military Strategy” (May 2015) identifies “building airspace capabilities and conducting offensive and defensive operations” as a strategy for enhancing the military
capabilities of the Air Force.
50 While the definition of information operations differs depending on the country, the definition of “actions using comprehensive electronic war, computer and network operations, psychological
operations, and other means to attack an enemy’s behavior or counter attack with resistance” has been used internally by the Chinese military.
51 “China’s Space Activities 2016” states the objective of space exploration as utilizing outer space for peaceful purposes to promote human civilization and social progress and provide benefits to all
humankind. At the same time, it also includes references to the demands of national security.
52 The Worldwide Threat Assessment (May 2017) by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence pointed out that China is continuing to improve its military and intelligence capabilities in space.
53 The Worldwide Threat Assessment (May 2017) by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence pointed out that “its [China’s] ground-launched ASAT missiles might be nearing operational service within
the PLA.”
Chapter 2
※1 ルフ・ルーハイ・ソブレメンヌイ・ルーヤン・ルージョウの各級駆逐艦及
びジャンウェイ・ジャンカイの各級フリゲートの総隻数 20機
the international community as a whole.
※2 この他中国は32隻(18年)のジャンダオ級小型フリゲートを保有
800 J-16 16機 配備開始
J-20 (試験中) 6機
Naval Forces 600 Air Forces
計 838機 年、
New Submarines
In 2017, test deployment began
4th and 5th - Generation Fighters
for J-16 and J-20 fighters
年、 In 2016, deployment
began for J-15 fighters
(Number of Vessels) 年、 Su-27 (J-11): 329 800
deployment began
J-16 16 for SU-27 fighters for SU-30 fighters
200 for SU-35 fighters
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 18
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 18
年 月
月 日
J-20 fighter
0 Su-35 戦闘機
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 18 Shang-class nuclear submarine [Jane’s by IHS Markit]
【Jane’s by IHS Markit 】
*Total number of submarines in the following each class: [Jane’s by IHS Markit]
Jin-class, Shang-class, Song-class, Yuan-class and Kilo-class.
50 J-16 fighter
[Jane’s by IHS Markit]
Luyang III-class destroyer
30 [Jane’s by IHS Markit]
10 2018 年
Su-27(J-11): 329機 第4・第5世代戦闘機
0 Su-30: 97機 Su-35 、 fighter
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 18 年、
J-10 : 370機 [Jane’s
試験配備開始by IHS Markit]
*1 Total number of destroyers in Lufu-class, Luhai-class, 1000
Sovremenny-class, Luyang-class, and Luzhou-class, and of frigates J-15: 20機
in Jiangwei class and Jiangkai class. 年、
*2 In addition, China possesses 32 Jiangdao-class light frigates as of 2018. 800 J-16 16機 配備開始
Renhai-class destroyer (Not
service) 6機
by IHS Markit]計 838機 年、
新型潜水艦 400
(隻数) 年、
50 200 調達開始
40 0
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 18
announced that it will “improve capabilities in support of electronic warfare aircraft frequently flying near Japan,
the 20awareness of the state of cyberspace, cyber defenses, but also some of upgraded J-15 fighters and H-6 bombers
10 cyberspace warfare.” Indeed, major military have electronic warfare capabilities. Furthermore, some
training since 2008 has been noted to always contain 年 月 have
年 月 日
日 speculated that China is reinforcing its “A2/AD”
elements 91 93such as03cyber
95 97 99 01 05 07 09 11strategy,
13 15 17 18 including both attack and capabilities by using cyber attacks to destroy adversary’s
※ ジン・シャン・ソン・ユアン・キロの各級潜水艦の総隻数
defense. Recent training has reportedly been successful networks in the entire region.
in interfere with the command and communication See Chapter 3, Section 4 (Outer Space and Security); Chapter 3,
system of the adversary force. It is said that not only Y-8 Section 5 (Trends in Cyberspace)
artificial intelligence. China wants to strengthen manufacturing through cultivation of the semiconductor industry and other activities
and is making large-scale investments. However, since semiconductors help bolster the performance of military technologies, the
US decided in September 2017 to block acquisition of a US-based semiconductor manufacturer by a Chinese-affiliated manufacturer
due to concerns about outflow of military and security technologies.
China is promoting civil and military integration in the science and technology field as a national strategy. Technology
Defense Policies of Countries
(7) Establishment of Joint Operational Posture the Eastern Theater, and the military parade with the
In recent years, organizational reforms have been under 90th anniversary of the PLA consisting of theater-based
way to improve joint operations capability. The CMC structure with a strong emphasis on the practical military.
Joint Operations Command Center is believed to have These exercises are believed to be geared toward building
been established as part of this reform for the CCP to the forces of each military branch for joint operations
carry out decisionmaking at the highest strategic level. and implementing joint operations based on the theater
These actions have been continuing during the current command.
military reforms, and five new theaters, joint operation
headquarters were established in February 2016. As for 6 Waters and Airspace Activities
assignment of senior military officers, in January 2017,
Vice-Admiral Yuan Yubai became the first non-army (1) General Situation
theater commander. As only army officers had been Recently, China is believed to be aiming to build up
appointed commanders of military regions or theater capabilities to conduct operations in more distant waters
of operations until then, it is assumed that progress is and airspace. Accordingly, China has rapidly expanded its
being made towards joint operations from the viewpoint waters and airspace activities using its sea and air powers
of human resources. As General Secretary Xi Jinping both in qualitative and quantitative ways. Specifically in
spoke about creating “strong and effective command the sea and airspace areas surrounding Japan, Chinese
institutions in theaters for joint operations” and enhancing naval vessels, and navy and air force aircraft have been
joint operation capabilities at the 19th Party’s National observed conducting training and information gathering
Congress in October 2017, China is thought to continue activities, as well as naval vessels heading for distant
to prioritize the development of joint operations systems waters such as Indian Ocean. A large number of Chinese
and will make further development. government ships that belong to maritime law enforcement
In recent years, China has been conducting exercises agencies and their aircraft have been observed engaging
with the aim of developing joint operations systems, in monitoring activities for the protection of its
such as the three services’ joint exercise (July 2017) in maritime rights and interests.54 These activities include:
54 Concerning the PLA, there is a view that by turning exception into normality through uniform peacetime and wartime force deployment and exceeding traditional activity spaces, China intends to
desensitize the alertness of others and make the international community tolerate and accept changes in the situation (Taiwan’s 2009 National Defense Report).
intermittent intrusions into Japan’s territorial waters by exhibiting the results of its recent 5-year activities such
Chinese government vessels; intrusions into Japan’s as the “struggle” against the Senkaku Island, which is an
airspace; and dangerous acts that could cause unintended inherent territory of Japan, the establishment of the “East
consequences, including a Chinese vessel’s direction China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ),” and
of a fire-control radar at an MSDF destroyer, the flight its Navy and Air Force’s “regular patrols.” At the same
of Chinese military fighter jets abnormally close to an time, it appears that China continues to improve the
SDF aircraft, and activities that could infringe upon quality of its activities, and efforts can be seen to build
the freedom of overflight over the high seas, such as joint operation capabilities to develop a practical military.
the establishment of the “East China Sea Air Defense a. Military Activities in the East China Sea (including the
Identification Zone (ADIZ).” China is urged to act on the areas around the Senkaku Islands)
basis of the principle of the rule of law. Chinese naval vessels have been conducting operations in
See Chapter 3, Section3 (Maritime Trends) the East China Sea continuously and actively.56 Stating its
Chapter 2
own position regarding the Senkaku Islands, China alleges
(2) Situation of Activities in Japan’s Surrounding that patrols by Chinese naval vessels in the sea areas
Waters and Airspace under its jurisdiction are completely justifiable and lawful.
Chinese Navy vessels and Air Force and Navy aviation Chinese naval vessels have recently tended to expand the
have recently escalated their activities in the surrounding sea area of their regular activities to the south, and are
State Council. In March 2013, China decided to reorganize the four <Specifications, performance>
agencies, excluding “Maritime Safety Administration,” into the new Water displacement: 6,096 tons
“State Oceanic Administration” and that the new organization would Speed: 30 knots (approximately 56 km/h)
carry out surveillance and other activities under the name of “China Main armament: Ship-to-ship missiles (maximum firing range 40 km),
Coast Guard” (Zhongguo Haijing) under the guidance of the Ministry of torpedoes
Public Security. From 2018, these maritime security units were placed <Description>
under the command of the People’s Armed Police (PAP) and ultimately A new type of nuclear-powered attack submarine. In January 2018,
the Central Military Commission as the People’s Armed Police Coast one passed submerged through Japan’s contiguous zone around
Guard, but maintained the original name of China Coast Guard. Miyako Island and the Senkaku Islands.
55 In FY2016, the number of times that ASDF aircraft scrambled against Chinese aircraft hit a record of 851 times.
56 For example, a China Military Online article (October 21, 2015) reported that in recent years, the average number of days in a year that all major combatants in the East Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy
conducted operations exceeded 150 days.
57 In June 2018, a Japan Coast Guard patrol ship confirmed that the Chinese Navy Anwei-class hospital ship navigated the contiguous zone around the Senkaku Islands.
activities. A Chinese Navy Dongdiao-class AGI repeatedly Changes in the Number of Scrambles against
Fig. I-2-3-4
navigated back and forth outside of the contiguous zone Chinese Aircraft
south of the Senkaku Islands in November 2015. In June
2016, the same type of AGI sailed in Japan’s territorial 900
waters near Kuchinoerabu Island and Yakushima Island, 850
and then sailed within Japan’s contiguous zone north 750
of Kitadaito Island. Subsequently, the vessel repeatedly 600
conducted east-west passages outside the contiguous
zone south of the Senkaku Islands. This was the first 450
navigation in Japanese territorial waters by a Chinese 400
Navy vessel in approximately 12 years.58 300
China’s air forces are also actively conducting 250
Chapter 2
58 In November 2004, a Chinese nuclear submarine conducted “submerged passage through the territorial sea of another country” in Japanese territorial waters in violation of international law.
59 In November 2016, a spokesperson of the PLA Air Force stated that the PLA Air Force had been continuously conducting patrols of the “East China Sea ADIZ” for the past three years. See Chapter 3,
Section 3-1 (Trends Related to the “Principle of the Freedom of the High Seas” in the East China Sea and South China Sea).
60 See Chapter 3, Section 3-1 (Trends Related to the “Principle of the Freedom of the High Seas” in the East China Sea and South China Sea).
61 For example, on March 7, 2011, a Chinese Z-9 helicopter believed to belong to the SOA fl ew as close as approximately 70 m and as low as approximately 40 m above water around the Japanese
destroyer Samidare, which was patrolling the waters in the central area of the East China Sea. On April 12, 2012, a Y-12 aircraft believed to belong to the SOA flew as close as approximately 50 m
and as low as approximately 50 m above water around the destroyer Asayuki.
released an official announcement stating that SDF 2016, the aircraft carrier Liaoning navigated the East
aircraft conducted provocations against PLA aircraft.62 China Sea together with other vessels and passed the sea
However, SDF aircraft conduct scrambles in accordance area between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako
with international law and the SDF Law, and it is never Island to advance to the Western Pacific for the first time.
true that SDF aircraft conducted provocations against On that occasion, a surveillance helicopter took off from
PLA aircraft. Chinese announcements concerning a Jiangkai II-class frigate accompanying the carrier and
the Japanese response have been one-sided, and it is flew in airspace approximately 10 to 30 km southeast of
extremely regrettable that the Chinese side is unilaterally the territorial airspace over Miyako Island. In April 2018,
making explanations contrary to the fact, as doing so the aircraft carrier Liaoning and a number of vessels
undermines the Japan-China relationship. participated in a naval review and training in the South
b. Advancements into the Pacific Ocean China Sea, and the Chinese Ministry of National Defense
Chinese Navy combatant vessels continue to transit the announced that they passed through the Bashi Channel
Chapter 2
waters near Japan to advance into the Pacific Ocean and and conducted confrontation exercises that included
return to base with high frequency.63 The advancement carrier-based fighters. At that time, the MSDF conducting
routes are multiplying. Chinese naval vessels have warning and surveillance confirmed aircraft presumed to
transited the sea area between the main island of Okinawa be carrier-based fighters taking off and landing, and it
and Miyako Island, and have been found passing through was the first time what are presumed to be carrier-based
62 Regarding the scramble by ASDF fighters against PLA aircraft that flew southward towards the Senkaku Islands on June 17, 2016, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense released the following
announcement: “Chinese fighter jets were approached by two Japanese F-15 fi ghter jets in high speed. They conducted provocations and used fire-control radars against us. The PLA responded
decisively and took measures such as tactical maneuver. Consequently, the Japanese fighter jets flew away after firing infrared jamming shells.”
63 The number of times Chinese Navy combatant vessels have been active in the waters around the Southwestern Islands, Soya Strait and Tsugaru Strait since 2008 is: 3 times (2008), 2 times (2009),
4 times (2010), 5 times (2011), 13 times (2012), 21 times (2013), 14 times (2014), 12 times (2015), 15 times (2016), 12 times (2017), and 4 times (as of the end of May 2018).
64 In March 2017, when Japan announced the transit of Chinese naval vessels between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island, a Chinese Ministry of National Defense spokesperson said, “Japan
needs to get used to the fact that we will pass through many more times in the future.”
65 In 2017, Chinese military aircraft passed between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island once in March, 3 times in July, 5 times in August, 3 times in November, and 6 times in December for
a total of 18 times.
from the five flights confirmed in 2016.66 The types of the past, and air units have also started activities in the
aircraft passing through the airspace are also increasing area recently. “Confrontation exercises” in the Sea of
in variety year by year. The newest H-6K bombers and Japan by Chinese Navy forces were announced for the
Su-30 fighters were confirmed by 2016 and the first Y-8 first time in August 2016, during which time three aircraft
EW aircraft in July 2016 were confirmed by sight that at participated in the exercise, including two H-6 bombers
least one of the H-6K bombers that flew in September that passed through the Tsushima Strait into the Sea of
2016 carried objects in the form of missiles.67 Flight Japan. In January 2017, naval vessels and aircraft were
patterns have also been changing. In November 2016, said to have carried out joint confrontation exercises in
H-6K bombers and other aircraft were confirmed to the same area, in which eight aircraft, including six H-6
have flown from the south of the Sakishima Islands to bombers passed through the Tsushima Strait to the Sea
the East China Sea, passing between the main island of of Japan.
Okinawa and Miyako Island, and made frequent flights The Chinese Air Force flew through the Tsushima
Chapter 2
toward the Bashi Channel from the East China Sea via Strait for the first time in December 2017 to advance to
between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island. the Sea of Japan. This passage included the simultaneous
Upon the flight in December 2017 being confirmed, a transit of the latest H-6K bomber and Su-30 fighter, and
spokesperson of the PLA Air Force stated that the aircraft were the first Chinese fighter aircraft to advance into the
were “cruising around an island (Taiwan).” In August Sea of Japan. In addition, the Y-9 intelligence gathering
Defense Policies of Countries
2017, H-6K bombers advanced to airspace off the Kii aircraft that entered the Sea of Japan in February 2018
Peninsula after advancing to the Pacific Ocean via passage flew through the Western Channel (the strait between
between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island. Tsushima in Nagasaki Prefecture and the Korean
Through the conduct of frequent long-distance flights of Peninsula) of the Tsushima Strait, and was the first time
bombers and other aircraft, and the advanced flight paths for a flight through the channel.70 The activities of the
and composition of military units, China is thought to Chinese military in the Sea of Japan are considered to
be demonstrating its presence around Japan and so on, continue to expand and be intensified futher.71
and planning further enhancements to more practical
operational capabilities. With regard to SDF aircraft (3) Activities of Chinese Government Vessels Especially
scrambles against PLA aircraft advancing into the Pacific Around the Senkaku Islands
Ocean in October and December 2016, the Chinese In December 2008, China Maritime Surveillance vessels
Ministry of National Defense made false announcements hovered and drifted inside Japan’s territorial waters
that SDF aircraft shot IR flares, endangering the safety around the Senkaku Islands. These are not permitted
of the Chinese aircraft.68 However, there is absolutely under international law. Since then, China Maritime
no truth to these announcements; SDF aircraft conducted Surveillance and China Fisheries Law Enforcement
scrambles in accordance with international law and the Command vessels have intensified their activities in the
SDF Law. aforementioned territorial waters. Such activities have
Additionally, activities considered to be planned been intensified greatly after September 2012, when
to improve the capability to carry out joint sea and air the Japanese Government acquired property rights to
operation execution capabilities, such as activities like air and ownership of three of the Senkaku Islands (Uotsuri
to-ship attack drills when entering the Pacific Ocean, have Island, Kitakojima Island, and Minamikojima Island).
also been seen in recent years,69 and continued attention Since October 2013, Chinese government vessels have
has to be paid for related trends. repeatedly intruded into these territorial waters, and the
c. Activities in the Sea of Japan form of the intrusions have become more reinforced.72
It is thought that the Chinese Navy has had vessels deployed China is seen to be steadily strengthening an
in the Sea of Japan for training and other occasions in operational posture intended to use Chinese government
66 Since 2013, air forces have passed between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island to advance to the Pacific Ocean 5 times (2013), 5 times (2014), 6 times (2015), and 5 times (2016).
67 The Annual Report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (November 2015) states that the H-6K bomber’s ability to carry the DH-10 (CJ-10) land attack cruise missile, which
allows for more long-distance attacks, allows China to target as far as the second island chain including Guam.
68 See footnote 9 of this section.
69 For example, in December 2017, when H-6 bombers advanced into the western Pacific Ocean, naval vessels reportedly conducted anti-aircraft and anti-missile training in the same area. It is possible
that the training between the bombers and naval vessels was to improve joint anti-ship attack abilities.
70 The ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that the Chinese military aircraft carried out “unusual reconnaissance activities” within South Korea’s ADIZ.
71 In December 2017, a PLA Air Force spokesperson stated after the Air Force entered the Sea of Japan for the first time, “The Sea of Japan is not Japan’s sea.”
72 While with some exceptions, Chinese government vessels often intrude into Japan’s territorial waters two to three times a month from around 10 a.m. for about two hours. The number of vessels had
been two to three until August 2016. Since then, four vessels often intrude into territorial waters in a group.
Fig. I-2-3-5 Image of recent activities by Chinese military forces in seas and airspace around Japan
Examples of the PLA Navy and Air Force confirmed around Japan (photos: MSDF/ASDF) Legend
Sea power
Air power
Chapter 2
Island Okinawa
*Locations, wakes, etc. include images and estimates.
vessels to intrude into Japan’s territorial waters. For intruded into territorial waters. It was confirmed that
example, since December 2015, Chinese government the government vessels that advanced into those waters
vessels carrying weapons that appear to be cannons have included many armed vessels.74 This case appears to
begun to repeatedly intrude into Japan’s territorial waters. indicate that China has the capability to simultaneously
Additionally, government vessels deployed to seas near inject a large number of government vessels including
the Senkaku Islands are increasingly larger in size, with at armed vessels in the sea area around the Senkaku Islands.
least one of the government vessels intruding into Japan’s These activities of Chinese government vessels in
territorial waters being a 3,000 t or larger-class vessel the sea area around the Senkaku Islands are an attempt
since August 2014. Since February 2015, three 3,000 t to unilaterally change the status quo by force. Japan
or larger-class government vessels have been confirmed finds China’s actions which escalate the situation totally
entering Japan’s territorial waters simultaneously unacceptable.
multiple times. China is also presumed to operate two of In May 2017, it was confirmed that an object that
the world’s largest 10,000 t-class patrol vessels.73 appeared to be a small drone was flying above a Chinese
It appears that the operation capabilities of Chinese government vessel intruding into Japanese territorial
government vessels in the sea areas around Japan are also waters around the Senkaku Islands. This flight also
improving. In early August 2016, approximately 200-300 represents a unilateral escalation of the situation and
fishing boats advanced to the contiguous zone off the constitutes an invasion of territorial airspace.
Senkaku Islands. At that time, a maximum of 15 Chinese Besides the waters around the Senkaku Islands,
government vessels navigated the contiguous zone Chinese government vessels were confirmed to have
simultaneously, and later for five days a large number of passed through the territorial waters of Japan around
Chinese government vessels and fishing boats repeatedly Tsushima (Nagasaki Prefecture), Okinoshima Island
73 “China Coast Guard 2901.” and “China Coast Guard 3901” are also reportedly conducting test navigation. These government vessels allegedly carry a 76 mm cannon.
74 Since then, from mid-August, confirmed cases have not included the intrusion of government vessels into territorial waters following Chinese fishing boats. The frequency of intrusions into territorial
waters, etc. has returned to about the same level as before early August.
was incorporated into the People’s Armed Police (PAP) of the features.78 During the 19th National Congress in
under the leadership and command of the Central Military October 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping reported
Commission. The way of the military and the Coast the progress of the land reclamation work in the South
Guard cooperation in the future is worthy of attention. China Sea as one of the accomplishments of economic
See Fig. I-2-3-4 (Changes in the Number of Scrambles against development.
Defense Policies of Countries
75 It has been suggested that three Jiangwei I-class frigates belonging to the Chinese Navy were repaired to be handed over to the China Coast Guard. Similarly, it has been suggested that two Luda-
class destroyers will be handed over from the Chinese Navy to the China Coast Guard.
76 The seven features are: Johnson South Reef; Cuarteron Reef; Gaven Reefs; Hughes Reef; Fiery Cross Reef; Mischief Reef; and Subi Reef.
77 The U.S. DoD’s “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” (June 2017) notes that China added over 3,200 acres of land in the Spratly
Islands by late 2015 and completed the land reclamation.
78 The international community has repeatedly suggested that China is militarizing its activities in the South China Sea. For example, in October 2017, Harry B. Harris Jr., Commander, U.S. Pacific
Command stated, “We also want Beijing to do more to stop provocative actions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, where the Chinese are building up combat power and positional
advantage in an attempt to assert de facto sovereignty over disputed maritime features … where they are fundamentally altering the physical and political landscape by creating and militarizing
man-made islands...where they are using its military and economic power to erode the rules-based international order.”
79 China is believed to have conducted three test flights at Fiery Cross Reef on January 2, 3, and 6 of 2016. In response, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam expressed strong
opposition on January 2, and the Philippines protested in writing on January 8.
80 On July 14, 2016, the spokesperson of the Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested that it was an infringement on Vietnamese sovereignty.
systems were deployed on Mischief Reef. On the other etc. In July and August 2016, after the Philippines-China
four features, it is pointed out that the construction of arbitration award was rendered, a PLA Air Force H-6K
facilities, such as harbors, helipads, and radars, is making bomber conducted “combat air patrol” in the airspace
progress and that what appears to be large anti-aircraft in the periphery of the Scarborough Shoal. The Chinese
guns and close in weapon systems (CIWS) may have Ministry of National Defense announced that this patrol
already been deployed. If these features are used for would “become normal.”82 In September of the same
full-scale military purposes, it could significantly change year, the China-Russia joint exercise Joint Sea 2016
the security environment in the Asia-Pacific region. was conducted for the first time in the South China Sea.
In the Paracel Islands, China has similarly carried out A field training exercise by naval vessels including the
land reclamations and promoted their use for military aircraft carrier “Liaoning” and a naval review ceremony,
purposes. China has extended the runway on Woody regarded as the largest since the founding of China, was
Island since 2013. In October 2015 and October 2017, conducted in the same area from the end of March until
Chapter 2
China was reported to deploy J-11 and other fighters, April 2018. It is also reported that Chinese government
and in February 2016 and January 2017, the existence vessels fired warning shots at fishing boats of neighboring
of equipment likely to be surface-to-air missiles was countries, and that Chinese naval vessels are active in
confirmed. It has been noted that the takeoff and landing some waters of the South China Sea at all times.83 In this
training of the H-6K bombers in the South China Sea manner, it appears that China seeks to expand its military
81 In March 2016, with regard to China’s activities near the Scarborough Shoal, U.S. Chief of Naval Operation John Richardson stated, “I think we see some surface ship activity and those sorts of things,
survey type of activity, going on. That’s an area of concern...a next possible area of reclamation.”
82 There are reports that Chinese H-6 bombers flew along the “nine-dash line” in March 2015 and December 2016. Also, in December 2017, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced that
the Air Force aircraft carried out “flight training and other activities around the islands.”
83 In November 2017, Delfin Lorenzana, Secretary of National Defense of the Philippines was reported in a local newspaper to have said that Chinese warships were constantly active near Sandy Cay in
the Spratly Islands. In addition, in April of 2018, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) pointed out that the Chinese Navy and Coast
Guard Ships regularly visited the artificial islands in the Spratly Islands.
84 China is reportedly constructing a large-scale naval base that has underground tunnels for nuclear-powered submarines in the city of Sanya located in the southern tip of Hainan island. Experts point
out that the base is in a strategically important location that secures access to the South China Sea as well as the western Pacific, and that China is advancing construction work in order for the base
to play a role as a major hub of the South Sea Fleet, including for the deployment of aircraft carrier.
85 As a concern from the United States, for example, in May 2018, the Pentagon canceled the Chinese military’s invitation to Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) stating, “China’s continued militarization
of disputed features in the South China Sea only serves to raise tensions and destabilize the region.” As regards the concerns of the international community, for example, at the G7 Taormina Summit
held in May 2017, the Leaders’ Communique stated that “[w]e remain concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas and strongly opposed to any unilateral actions that could
increase tensions.”
86 Remark by the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on April 29, 2015.
87 The U.S. DoD’s “The Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Strategy” (August 2015) states, “As of June 2015, [China] had reclaimed more than 2,900 acres of land” and “China has now reclaimed 17 times
more land in 20 months than the other claimants combined over the past 40 years, accounting for approximately 95% of all reclaimed land in the Spratly Islands.”
Example of militalization
Image of the South China Sea
February 2010 February 2016
Paracel Islands Philippines
Woody Island
Scarborough Reef
Hughes Reef
Radar and Artillery
Cambodia Spratly Islands communications facilities batteries
Subi Reef
Gaven Reefs
Chapter 2
Aircraft hangars
Fiery Cross Reef Mischief Reef and runway
Hughes Reef
Cuarteron Reef
Defense Policies of Countries
“Nine-dash line” August 2014 March 2017
Malaysia Fiery Cross Reef
* image (Photo sources) CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative / Digital Globe
heighten tension and act on the basis of the principle of and September of 2017, a Song-class submarine and
the rule of law. Yuan-class submarine called at a port in Kota Kinabalu,
See Fig. I-2-3-6 (China’s development on the features of the Malaysia. Besides the Indian Ocean, in September 2015,
Spratly islands) five Chinese vessels reportedly sailed in the high seas in
Chapter 2, Section 6 (Southeast Asia);
Chapter 3, Section 3 (Maritime Trends) the Bering Sea and sailed in U.S. territorial waters near the
Aleutian Islands.88
(5) The State of Activities in the Indian Ocean and Additionally, China has been remarkably trying to
other seas secure overseas bases such as harbors, which would help
The Chinese Navy is thought to be shifting its naval
Song-class submarine
forces towards “offshore waters defense and open seas
protection,” and is steadily increasing its capabilities to
conduct operations in more distant seas such as the Indian
Ocean in recent years. For example, since December
2008, Chinese Navy vessels sail in the Indian Ocean to
the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden to take part in
international counter-piracy efforts. Activities of Chinese
[Jane’s by IHS Markit]
Navy submarines are also beginning to be confirmed <Specifications, performance>
continuously in the Indian Ocean. In 2014, a Song-class Water displacement: 2,286 tons
submarine reportedly called at a port in Colombo, Sri Speed: 22 knots (approximately 41 km/h)
Lanka, twice in the same year. This marked the first time Main armament: Ship-to-ship missiles (maximum firing range 40 km),
that a Chinese submarine entered a port overseas. It is
reported that in May 2015 and May 2016, a Yuan-class
Conventional submarine. Surfaced near U.S. aircraft carrier USS Kitty
submarine and a Shang-class submarine respectively Hawk in the seas near Okinawa.
called at a port in Karachi, Pakistan, and in January
88 According to the United States, the coastal state in this case, the Chinese vessels’ navigation did not violate international law.
Chapter 2
capabilities at sea and airspace.
support its operations in far seas. For example, in August The third is to weaken the control of other countries
2017, China began construction of “security facilities” and to strengthen the claim through various surveillance
for logistics support of the Chinese military in Djibouti, activities and use of force, at sea and in airspace
a strategic point in East Africa facing the Gulf of Aden. In surrounding the island to which China claims territorial
89 China is collaborating on port development projects and other programs with local governments at such ports as Gwadar Port in Pakistan, Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka, and Chittagong Port in
90 On November 1, 2016, Foreign Minister Kishida (at that time) revealed that new gas field drilling was taking place in that sea area and stated that “it is extremely regrettable that [China] is continuing
with acts towards unilateral development.”
91 With regard to resource development in the East China Sea, in September 2010, China unilaterally announced postponement of the negotiation to conclude an international agreement with Japan
for implementing the so-called “June 2008 Agreement.” While the negotiation has not been resumed yet, it is pointed out that China is highly likely carrying out gas production in the Kashi gas fi eld
(Tianwaitian in Chinese) and elsewhere. Meanwhile, China’s SOA announced that the “Haiyangshiyou 981” oil rig succeeded in its fi rst drilling in the South China Sea in May 2012.
defend depend on such factors as the international situation In recent years, the PLA has been emphasizing
at the time. However, given the recent strengthening of nontraditional security missions such as peacekeeping,
the Chinese Navy and Air Force, it is believed that they humanitarian assistance and disaster rescue, and
have been developing a capacity to defend areas past counterpiracy. In order to carry out these missions, it has
China’s near seas to more distant seas. actively dispatched its units overseas. It is believed that
Given these objectives and recent trends in China’s in the background of the PLA’s stance on international
water and airspace activities, it is believed that China military activities is the expansion of China’s national
plans to further expand the sphere of its water and interests beyond its national borders, which in turn
airspace activities, and further intensify its operations increased its necessity to protect and promote its national
in waters surrounding Japan, including the East China interests overseas, as well as China’s intent to raise its
Sea and the Pacific Ocean, the South China Sea and the stature by demonstrating its will to fulfil its responsibilities
airspaces over these sea areas, and the Indian Ocean. to the international community.
China vows to consistently support and actively
participate in UN PKOs. According to the Ministry
of National Defense of China, it has sent more than
35,000 military personnel to them.93 According to the
United Nations, as of the end of May 2018, China has
a total of 2,514 troops engaged in UN peacekeeping
activities, including United Nations Multidimensional
Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).
China has also contributed civilian police and
military observers, and has dramatically increased its
budget allocation for peacekeeping.94 In addition, in
September 2017, China announced that it registered
approximately 8,000 troops in the UN Peacekeeping
Capability Readiness System (PCRS).
Signing the memorandum on the “Maritime and Aerial Communication Mechanism between
Japan-China Defense Authorities” (May 2018). In this manner, China has actively made personnel
92 See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4 (4 Japan-China Defense Exchanges and Cooperation)
93 According to the Chinese Ministry of National Defense website. (last viewed May 2017)
94 China’s share of the UN PKO budget was approximately 6.6% in 2015, ranking it sixth. It then increased signifi cantly in 2016, exceeding Japan and ranking China second after the United States. Its
share in 2018 is approximately 10.2%.
and financial contributions and has a growing presence in implementation of more practical exercises. The new
UN PKO. It is deemed that underlying China’s proactive military training regulations in effect since January 2018
attitude towards UN PKOs is China’s wish to strengthen referred to the implementation of joint and full-spectrum
its relations with the regions where PKOs are conducted, operational capabilities based on network information
particularly with African nations, by way of these activities. systems, in addition to the implementation of practical
Moreover, China has been actively participating in training as a rule.
counter-piracy activities off the coast of Somalia and In the education spectrum, the PLA aims to
in the Gulf of Aden as well as humanitarian assistance train soldiers who have the ability to implement joint
and disaster relief activities. In view of the deteriorating operations. In 2003, it launched a human resource strategy
situation in Libya, China carried out an evacuation project to develop human resources capable of directing
operation of Chinese nationals from Libya from February joint and informatized operations, and of building
to March 2011 for the first time. In this operation, China informatized armed forces. It was reported in 2017 that
Chapter 2
dispatched a Navy vessel and Air Force transportation the PLA National Defense University began training
aircraft to Libya. Moreover, From March to April 2015, to develop human resources capable of directing joint
based on the worsening situation in Yemen, the Chinese operations. On the other hand, in recent years, a variety of
Navy’s counter-piracy forces docked at the ports of Aden, issues have been raised in relation to benefits, including
Al Hudaydah, and elsewhere for the evacuation of Chinese remuneration, the personnel development system, and the
9 National Defense Industry Sector economy, and, in turn, civilian technologies are absorbed
for a buildup of national defense. As a result, specifically,
While China imports highly sophisticated military the technologies of the defense industry have contributed to
equipment and parts that it cannot produce domestically the development of civilian space exploration, the aviation
from other countries such as Russia, China is believed to industry, and the shipbuilding industry.
place emphasis on their indigenous production. In recent years, the “military-civil fusion” strategy,
In recent years, reform in the Chinese defense which is said to have been upgraded to the national
industry has progressed. Under the State Administration strategy, is also being promoted in the field of defense
of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense technology.97 Furthermore, China encourages and
(SASTIND) of the Ministry of Industry and Information supports international cooperation and competition
Technology, a department of the State Council, China has in dual-use industries. China is thus thought to have
formed 12 group corporations to develop and produce interest in absorbing foreign technologies through dual-
Chapter 2
nuclear weapons, missiles, rockets, aircraft, vessels, and use industries. By proactively introducing advanced
other conventional weapons. In doing so, China promotes, technologies from overseas in this way, the modernization
in particular, two-way technological exchanges where of the PLA can be further advanced.98
military technologies are utilized for developing the national
Defense Policies of Countries
97 As a specific example, in the field of engine development and manufacturing for military and civilian aircraft, where the progress of proprietary development is limited, when a state-owned enterprise
specializing in engines was established in August 2017, President Xi Jinping emphasized the “close fusion of military and civil development.”
98 The U.S. DoD’s “Annual foreign Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” (June 2017) states that China uses various means including cyber
theft in order to acquire foreign military and dual-use technology.
99 The General Secretary Xi, at a Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in June 2018, underlined “thought on socialism with Chinese characteristic for a new era,” specifically, the
enforcement of the building of ”a community with a shared future for humanity,” the progress of “Belt and Road Initiative,” the development of global partnerships and leading the reform of global
governance systems.
100 In submitting an amendment to national security legislation to the Parliament of Australia in December 2017, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in his speech, “Media reports have
suggested that the Chinese Communist Party has been working to covertly interfere with our media, our universities and even the decisions of elected representatives right here in this building.”
101 China seeks to implement its own initiatives in the security realm; at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), China criticized military alliances and proposed
“the security of Asia by the people of Asia.” In the international finance domain as well, China plays a leading role in establishment of the New Development Bank (BRICS Development Bank) and the
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
exchanges as an element in China’s overall diplomatic administration, which explicitly referred to the application
strategy. Moreover, China has set forth the “Belt and of Article 5 of the Treaty to the Senkaku Islands. The
Road” Initiative as its foreign policy. In the international same interpretation is reiterated in the “Annual Report to
finance domain, China plays a leading role in the Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving
establishment of the New Development Bank (BRICS the People’s Republic of China” published in June 2017
Development Bank) and AIIB. by the U.S. DoD. China has shown strong protest to
these views. With regard to the issues over the South
2 Relations with Taiwan China Sea, the United States is concerned about such
dimensions as obstruction to the freedom of navigation
See 4-1 of this section (Relations with China) in sea lanes, restrictions on the activities of U.S. Forces,
and the worsening security situation in the entire region.
3 Relations with the United States The United States has requested China to comply with
Chapter 2
international norms, and has repeatedly criticized China’s
There are various issues between the United States and unilateral and assertive actions.104 And the United States
China, such as human rights in China, the Taiwan issue, also implements the Freedom of Navigation Operation105
and trade issues. However, since a stable U.S.-China in the South China Sea to counteract excessive claims to
relationship is essential for China to develop its economy, maritime interests by other countries such as China. In
102 Then Vice President Xi Jinping first used “New Model of Major-Country Relations” in talks with then President Obama when during his visit to the United States in 2012. China explains that the concept
is based on: (1) no conflict, no-confrontation; (2) mutual respect; and (3) win-win cooperation. However, when President Xi Jinping made no mention of it when he met with U.S. President Donald
Trump in April and November of 2017.
103 United States National Defense Strategy (January 2018).
104 See Section 3, footnote 85.
105 See Section 2-1-1 for the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” conducted by the U.S. in the South China Sea.
106 Chinese naval vessels participated in the same exercise conducted in 2014 and 2016.
107 It was reported that consultations were held on the issue of North Korea, the South China Sea, U.S.-China military exchanges, among other matters.
Congress of the sale of weapons to Taiwan in October purchase of the S-400 surface-to-air missile system in
2008 and January 2010, where China notified the United 2014, with delivery of the missiles beginning in 2018. At
States to cancel the major military exchanges with them. the same time, it is pointed out that Russia, which shares
However, when notice was given in December 2015 and a land border with China, has a policy of not supplying
July 2017, although China vigorously protested, it made sophisticated weapons to China that would cause a threat
no remarks about canceling military exchanges. In 2017, to Russia and of differentiating the performance of the
it made no mention of any measures against the United weapons it exports. It is also suggested that Russia has
States, and took a more restrained approach than in the concerns about competing with China in arms exports.110
past. Although both China and the United States have China and Ukraine have deep ties in the field of arms
their differences, progress in military exchanges seems to procurement, as indicated by China’s purchase of the
be relatively stable. Ukrainian unfinished Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier
“Varyag,” which was the basis of the aircraft carrier
Chapter 2
4 Relations with Russia “Liaoning.” In this regard, attention will also be paid to
the relationship with Ukraine.111
Ever since the China-Soviet confrontation ended in Military exchanges between China and Russia take
1989, China and Russia have placed importance on place in such forms as routine mutual visits by senior
their bilateral relationship. They have emphasized the military officers and joint exercises. For example, the two
Defense Policies of Countries
deepening of their “strategic partnership” since its countries have held the large-scale joint military exercise
establishment in the mid-1990s. In 2001, the China- of navy “Joint Sea” every year112 since 2012, and held
Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly it in the Sea of Japan and, for the first time, the Baltic
Cooperation108 was concluded. In 2004, the long-standing Sea and Sea of Okhotsk in 2017. From 2016, the two
issue of border demarcation between the two countries countries started “Aerospace Security,” a joint missile
came to a settlement. The two countries have a common defense computer-simulated exercise. These exchanges
view on promoting the multipolarization of the world and will likely enable China to not only deepen mutual
the establishment of a new international order, and have understanding and confidence-building between their
further deepened their relations. militaries, but also learn about the operation methods
On the military front, since the 1990s, China has of Russian-made weapons and the operational doctrine
purchased modern weapons from Russia, including of the Russian Armed Forces. Furthermore, China holds
fighters, destroyers, and submarines. Russia is currently the joint counter-terrorism exercise “Peace Mission”
the largest supplier of weapons to China.109 Meanwhile, China and Russia or among the Shanghai Cooperation
their trade amounts are said to be declining in recent Organization (SCO) member countries including China
years due to the advancement of indigenous weapon and Russia.113
production in China, however, it is suggested that
China has shown strong interest in continuing to import 5 Relations with Other Countries
Russia’s advanced equipment. For example, in November
2015, China reportedly signed an agreement to purchase (1) Relations with Southeast Asian Countries
24 of the newest fourth generation Su-35 fighters, and As for its relations with countries in Southeast Asia,
received 14 aircraft at the end of 2017. It was also reciprocal top-level visits and other activities continue
reported that an agreement was reached regarding the to be carried out actively. In 2017, the heads of seven
108 Regarding the military field, this treaty mentions military confidence building or strengthening of mutual troop reductions in border areas, military cooperation such as military technical cooperation,
and holding discussions in the event that there is awareness of any threat to peace.
109 According to SIPRI, Russia accounts for 65% of China’s arms imports from 2013 to 2017.
110 It is suggested that China is plagiarizing, copying, and reverse-engineering military science technologies, including redesigning its own J-11B fighter based on the Russian-made Su-27 fighter. Feeling
strong discontent and casting doubts over China, it is suggested that Russia is cautious about supplying state-of-the-art equipment to China, such as the Su-35 fighter and the S-400 surface-to-air
missile. For example, Russia has allegedly requested that the agreement regarding the supply of Su-35 fighters requires the payment of a vast amount of compensation if China copies and produces
the fighter. It has also been noted that Russia may supply only the S-400 missiles with relatively short ranges.
111 China and Ukraine agreed on the export and joint production of four Zubr-class air-cushioned landing craft for China in 2009, of which two were delivered to China between 2013 and 2014. In 2011,
the two countries entered into a contract for the sale of three IL-78 aerial refueling tankers. It was reported in 2016 that they signed an agreement to hold consultations concerning the export and
production in China of the massive cargo aircraft An-225.
112 Joint Sea was held in April 2012, July 2013, May 2014, May and August 2015, and September 2016 in the Yellow Sea, the Sea of Japan off the coast of Vladivostok, northern East China Sea, the
Mediterranean Sea, the Peter the Great Gulf, and the South China Sea, respectively.
113 The Peace Mission exercise was held among China and Russia in August 2005, July 2009, and July to August 2013, and among the SCO member countries including China and Russia in August
2007, September 2010, June 2012, August 2014, and September 2016.
ASEAN member countries visited China on the occasion those concerns went unmentioned since the Chairman’s
of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation statement at the ASEAN summit in May 2014. At the
in May 2017 that included State Counsellor and Foreign same time, in July 2017 and March 2018, the Vietnamese
Minister Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar, President government reportedly made foreign companies engaged
Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, and President Joko in oil drilling in the South China Sea with the permission
Widodo of Indonesia. President Xi Jinping also visited of the Vietnamese government cancel the drilling under
Vietnam in November later that same year. China is also the pressure from China. This is regarded as an example
actively involved in multilateral frameworks such as of China flexing its muscles with its unilateral demands.
ASEAN Plus One (China), ASEAN Plus Three (Japan, Moreover, it is reported that in December 2017 the then
China, the ROK) and the ASEAN Regional Forum candidate for commander of Indonesia’s army referred to
(ARF). In November 2017, Premier Li Keqiang attended the “rise of China as a superpower” as one of the threats to
multilateral meetings in Philippines including the ASEAN Indonesia’s security. These issues will be points to watch
Chapter 2
Plus One Summit. Furthermore, China has developed for in future developments of China-ASEAN relations.
bilateral relations through infrastructure development
support, etc. under the “Belt and Road” Initiative. (2) Relations with Central Asian Countries
On the military front, China has made efforts toward The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, located in the
military confidence building, such as goodwill visits of western part of China, is situated next to Central Asia.
114 The Chairman’s statement at the ASEAN Summit held in April 2018, expressed the concerns of leaders of some ASEAN countries about the land reclamation activities, etc. in the South China Sea,
although no names were mentioned.
115 See Chapter 2, Section 6-4.
116 It had been pointed out that over the last several years China had been dispatching maritime law enforcement vessels appearing to belong to the Chinese Coast Guard around Scarborough
Shoal to interfere with Philippine fishing boats approaching the Shoal. According to CSIS/AMTI, it was confirmed that Philippine fishing boats were operating around Scarborough Shoal after the
PhilippinesChina Summit Meeting in October 2016. In November of the same year, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that “the matter of Philippine fishermen
conducting fishing was dealt with appropriately based on friendship.”
incident of the Chinese military “crossing the border.” imposed since the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989.121
Additionally, even in the Doklam Plateau where Bhutan Regarding information technology, avionics,
has close relations to China and India both of which and AIP systems for submarines and other areas, EU
ownership of the highlands, a standoff occurred between member countries possess more advanced technologies
the two countries that lasted from June to August 2017. On than China or Russia which exports weapons to China.
Defense Policies of Countries
the other hand, China has recently striven to improve its Therefore, if the EU arms embargo on China were lifted,
relationship with India, while also paying consideration the weapons and military technologies of EU countries
to maintaining balance with Pakistan.119 And because would transfer to China and would be utilized as a
China identifies the relationship with India as a strategic bargaining chip to gain the edge in weapons transactions
partnership, the leaders of the two countries actively with Russia. Although it was explicitly stated in the EU’s
conduct mutual visits. As a background to progress the strategy against China, which was adopted for the first
relations with India, there seems to be an emphasis on time in 10 years in July 2016 that the position concerning
economic growth of the two countries, and a response to the arms embargo against China remained unchanged
closer US-India relations. and continuous attention will need to be paid to future
In recent years, China has also been deepening its discussions within the EU.
relations with Sri Lanka. Initially after taking office,
President Maithripala Sirisena, who had campaigned (5) Relations with Middle East and African Countries, Pacific
to shift from a diplomacy oriented towards China to a Islands, and Central and South American Countries
diplomacy oriented towards all countries and won the China has been enhancing its relations with Middle
election in January 2015, suspended the Colombo Port
City development projects financed by China. However,
he subsequently announced their resumption in January
2016, and new development projects with China are
Arms embargo against China
also showing progress. In July 2017, an agreement
was reached to lend interests to Chinese enterprises at EU countries announced the suspension of arms sales to China as a
the Port of Hambantota, which is being constructed measure against the suppression of human rights in China during the
with Chinese loans. It has also been noted that India, Tiananmen Square incident in 1989. However, the actual embargoed
items are ultimately left to the interpretation of the individual member
traditionally closer to Sri Lanka, is concerned about
countries. China continues to seek the lifting of the arms embargo
these developments. Additionally, China is deepening against China, and there are movements towards reconsideration
its relations with Bangladesh, such as by developing the within the EU.
harbor in Chittagong where a naval base is located and
117 China identifies CPEC, a ground transport route that starts from the port of Gwadar in Pakistan and announced that China would invest US$46 billion in CPEC.
118 They include the Kashmir region and the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
119 At the meeting with Prime Minister Mohdi of India in September 2017, President Xi Jinping is reported to have stated that China and India have an opportunity to develop together and must adhere
to the basic judgment that they will not pose a threat to each other. Including these talks, President Xi has visited with Prime Minister Modi three times between September 2017 and June 2018.
120 According to SIPRI, Bangladesh accounts for 19% of China’s arms exports from 2013 to 2017, which is the second largest share.
121 For example, in November 2010, then Chinese President Hu Jintao visited France, and on this occasion, China and France announced a joint statement that included text supporting the lifting of the
arms embargoes against China. It is deemed that some EU countries have positive opinions about the lifting of their arms embargoes against China.
Eastern and African nations in the economic realm, such as Argentina and Brazil. Since 2015, China and the
including providing active assistance for their Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
infrastructure development and investment in their (CELAC) held the ministerial meeting. In June 2017,
resource and energy development, and has been further Panama severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan,
expanding its influence in the region. In recent years, not followed by the Dominican Republic and previously stated
only interactions among state leaders and senior military in May 2018, while establishing relations with China.
officials but also arms exports and exchanges between
military forces are actively conducted. Underlying these 6 International Transfer of Weapons
movements could be China’s aim to ensure a stable
supply of energy and natural resources and to secure The total of China's arms exports have surpassed the total
overseas bases in the future. China has actively dispatched of imports since 2013. China has expanded provision
personnel to UN PKOs in Africa. In December 2016, São of weapons such as small arms, tanks, aircrafts, and
Chapter 2
Tomé and Príncipe severed diplomatic relations with Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAVs) to developing
Taiwan, followed by Burkina Faso in May 2018, while countries in Asia, Africa, and other areas. Specifically,
re-establishing relations with China. it is reported that the main recipients are Pakistan,
As regards China-Australia relations, a Chinese Bangladesh, and Myanmar, while weapons are also
company’s agreement with the Northern Territory being exported to African countries such as Algeria,
122 In November 2015, at the U.S.-Australia Summit Meeting in Manila, then U.S. President Obama reportedly told his counterpart that the United States would have liked a “heads up” about Australia’s
lease of Darwin Port to a Chinese company and to “Let us know next time.”
123 In January 2018, Australia’s Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, was reported to have said that China’s investments in infrastructure in several Pacific
island nations were “basically white elephants” and that “we don’t know what the consequences are when [nations] have to pay back some of these Chinese loans.”
124 For example, China does not participate in the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and some observers point to proliferation of Chinese missile-related technology to Pakistan and
other countries.
125 The law stipulates, “[in] the event that the ‘Taiwan independence’ secessionist forces should act under any name or by any means to cause the fact of Taiwan’s secession from China, or that major
incidents entailing Taiwan’s secession from China should occur, or that possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ non-peaceful means and other
necessary measures to protect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
(Kuomintang) that championed policies to maintain the development opportunities on the mainland with our
status quo over independence, the relationship between Taiwan compatriots,” while emphasizing that the “one-
Taiwan and China developed mainly in the economic China principle” is the political foundation of cross-Straits
field. While they managed to hold the first summit relations. In February 2018, the Taiwan Affairs Office
meeting128 after the two countries split, following the of the Chinese State Council announced 31 preferential
inauguration of the Tsai administration, China announced treatment measures including enrollment in schools and
that it has already suspended exchanges with Taiwan.129 support of employment from Taiwan. Even after China
Also, before and after the inauguration of President announced its suspension of cross-Strait exchanges with
Tsai, Taiwanese delegates were refused attendance Taiwan, President Tsai called for dialogue with China.
to or had their invitations ignored to meetings held by At the reception marking the 30th anniversary of cross-
international organizations.130 In December 2016, São Strait exchanges, President Tsai, looking for a way to
Tomé and Príncipe severed diplomatic relations with open up relations between the two countries, stated that
Taiwan, followed by Panama doing so in June 2017 and “governance has entered a new stage” and “the present
the Dominican Republic and Burkina Faso in May 2018, presents an opportunity for change,” just as the 19th
while they established relations with China.131 Taiwan National Congress had wrapped up. As President Xi
is strongly protesting, citing these actions as “Chinese enters his second term, China’s attitude toward Taiwanese
acts that shrink the international space of Taiwan.” In policy and the future of cross-Strait relations will be
addition, China announced in January 2018 that it would issues to watch.
begin operation of new commercial flight routes near the Both countries have put forth their own assertions
Taiwan Strait without prior consultation with Taiwan.132 regarding the Senkaku Islands, but Taiwan has a negative
Under these circumstances, China’s General attitude toward cooperation with China.133
126 On May 2016, President Tsai stated in her inaugural address: “In 1992, the two institutions representing each side across the Strait (SEF & ARATS), through communication and negotiations, arrived
at various joint acknowledgements and understandings. It was done in a spirit of mutual understanding and a political attitude of seeking common ground while setting aside differences. I respect
this historical fact.”
127 In her inauguration address on May 2016, President Tsai Ing-wen stated that she would “work to maintain current mechanisms concerning dialogue and communication of intent” and that “the two
sides should maintain the peaceful and stable development of cross-Strait relations on the existing political foundations.”
128 President Xi Jinping and then President of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou, held the first summit after the China-Taiwan split in November 2015. Both sides reaffirmed “One China” and agreed to establish a
cross-Strait hotline.
129 In June 2016, a Taiwan Affairs Office of the Chinese State Council spokesperson announced that the exchange mechanism had already been suspended.
130 Recently, in May 2018, in addition to an invitation letter to the World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting not being delivered, the director of Taiwan’s Ministry of Environmental Protection was
also said to have been refused entry to the 23rd annual Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 23). Taiwan claims that these are due
to Chinese demands and urgings. According to an announcement by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after a request from China, Nigeria forcibly closed Taiwan’s mission in July 2017, and the
governments of Ecuador, Bahrain, Papua New Guinea, Jordan and other countries asked Taiwan to remove “Republic of China” and “Taiwan” from the name of its missions and replace it with “Taipei.”
131 Taiwan currently has diplomatic relations with 18 countries.
132 In January 2015, Taiwan protested China’s announcement that it had set four new flight routes close to the Taiwan Strait saying that it was overcrowding the airspace. Following that, China and
Taiwan agreed to negotiate some of the flight routes, but when both parties were about to agree to preliminary talks on the pros and cons of operating the other routes in January 2018, China began
operation of the four routes without any prior consultation with Taiwan.
133 Taiwanese vessels intruded Japan’s territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands three times in 2012. Taiwan’s foreign minister issued a statement on the Senkaku Islands in February 2013 titled
“Our Position on Not Cooperating with Mainland China.”
2 Military Capabilities of Taiwan amount Taiwan spent.137 In the “Nation Defense Report
2017,” Taiwan acknowledged rapid growth in China’s
Under President Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan has put forth a military capabilities along with significant advances
national defense development plan of “resolute defense, in military reforms, integrated operations, weapons
multiple deterrence” “Cultivate a Professional Military,” development, and overseas base construction and
and “Strengthen information, communications, and pointed out “threat is growing to to Taiwan.” It also
electronic warfare capabilities.”134 In December 2017, mentions that Chinese military fighters and destroyers
Taiwan published its first national defense report under the routinely circle Taiwan and exhibit the country’s
Tsai administration. The report changed the existing force military capabilities to Taiwan.138
concept from “victory on beach areas,” to “preservation While the PLA proceeds to enhance its missile,
of warfighting capability, pursuing decisive victory in naval, and air forces, the Taiwan’s military still struggles
the littoral area, and annihilating the enemy in the beach to modernize its equipment. The U.S. DoD has notified
Chapter 2
area,” and made its first mention of military cooperation Congress of possible arms sales to Taiwan based on the
with the United States and insisted that their cooperation Taiwan Relations Act.139 Taiwan has announced that it
made a progress both qualitatively and quantitatively. will continue to purchase advanced weapons.140
Taiwan, for improving the expertise of its military At the same time, Taiwan is also making progress in
personnel and other purposes, aims to reduce the total developing its own equipment. In the first Quadrennial
134 According to the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) that the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan released on March 2017, “resolute defense…protect the homeland” and “achieving multi-domain
deterrence, comprehensive strategy” are listed in the military strategy. In July 2017, the Taiwanese Army added a new Information, Communications and Electronic Force Command to its general staff
aimed at improving cyber warfare capabilities.
135 Originally, the Ministry of Defense had aimed to transition to all-volunteer forces by the end of 2014, but in September 2013 announced that this would be postponed until the end of 2016. Later, in
October 2017, Minister of National Defense of Taiwan announced the policy that “a draft would not be conducted in 2018 and beyond.”
136 In November 2016, the Taiwan Air Force announced that it would begin the upgrade of its F-16A/B fi ghters to F-16V fi ghters with enhanced radar performance, etc. beginning on January 2017. It
states that the project will be completed by 2023.
137 This figure was obtained by comparing China’s announced FY2016 defense budget of approximately 1,044.397 billion yuan and Taiwan’s announced FY2015 defense budget of approximately
319.3 billion Taiwan dollars by converting them into U.S. dollars using the exchange rate for FY2015 released by the Central Bank of Taiwan (US$1 = 6.7588 yuan = 30.439 Taiwan dollars). China’s
actual defense budget is reportedly larger than the amount announced, and therefore, the actual difference in the defense budgets of China and Taiwan could be greater.
138 At a press conference in December 2017, President Tsai Ing-wen showed caution toward China, saying that Chinese military aircraft were becoming more active around Taiwan.
139 On June 29, 2017, (Eastern Standard Time in the United States), the Trump administration announced to Congress that it would sell approximately $1.4 billion (about ¥157 billion) in weapons,
including interceptor missiles, to Taiwan. This was the first time for the Trump administration to sell weapons to Taiwan. However, it is reported that this does not include the F-35 and other high-
performance weapons.
140 It is said that Taiwan has sought the sale of F-16C/D fi ghters and conventional submarines from the United States but they have not been achieved. “Asia-Pacific Rebalance 2025” published by CSIS
notes on January 2016, “Taiwan has stopped requesting F-16C/Ds and probably hopes that the United States will eventually make available F-35s, perhaps in a decade.”
ships including submarines, to an indigenous ship- the overall military balance between China and Taiwan
building program. In April 2018, it was reported that the is shifting in favor of China, and the gap appears to be
U.S. government granted permission to U.S. companies to growing year by year. Going forward, attention is to be
negotiate with Taiwan on the construction of submarines. paid to trends such as the strengthening of Chinese and
The military capabilities of China and Taiwan are Taiwanese forces, the sale of weapons to Taiwan by the
generally characterized as follows: United States, and Taiwan’s development of its own main
1) Regarding ground forces, while China possesses an military equipment.
overwhelming number of troops, their capability of See Fig. I-2-3-7 (Changes in Taiwan’s Defense Budget);
landing and invading the island of Taiwan is limited Fig. I-2-3-8 (Changes in the Number of Modern Fighter Aircraft
of China and Taiwan)
at this point in time.141 However in recent years, China
has been steadily improving its landing and invasion
capabilities, such as building large landing ships.
Chapter 2
(100 million
3) Regarding missile attack capabilities, Taiwan has been Taiwan dollars)
Year-on-year growth rate (%)
strengthening its ballistic missile defense, including 4,000 30
upgrading PAC-2 to PAC-3 and newly inducting PAC- 3,500 25
Fig. I-2-3-8 Changes in the Number of Modern Fighter Aircraft of China and Taiwan
(Number of Aircraft)
750 China (Su-27/J-11, Su-30, Su-35, J-10, J-15, J-16, J-20)
650 Taiwan (Ching-kuo, F-16, Mirage2000)
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Source: “The Military Balance” (of respective years)
141 In August 2017, it was reported that the unofficial annual report on China’s military power sent by the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense to the Legislative Yuan stated that the Chinese military did
not have the proper operational capabilities for a full-scale invasion of Taiwan.
142 China has 852 fourth or fifth-generation fighters, whereas Taiwan has 327. In addition, China has 74 destroyers and frigates and 65 submarines, whereas Taiwan has 24 and four, respectively.
Furthermore, China commissioned the aircraft carrier Liaoning in September 2012 and launched an indigenous carrier in April 2017, and conducted sea trials for the first time in May 2018.
Section 4 Russia
1 General Situation
President Vladimir Putin, who has been seeking the At that same presidential address, President Putin
revival of Russia as a strong and influential power, talked about modernizing Russia’s military equipment,
successfully achieved reelection to his fourth term in including its strategic nuclear forces, and emphasized
March 2018. In his inaugural address in May of that same that Russia would be developing new nuclear weapons
year, President Putin stated that Russia is a strong, active as a measure in response to the deployment of missile
and influential participant in international life, and that defense systems by the United States domestically and
Chapter 2
the country’s security and defense capability are reliably abroad. President Putin also expressed the recognition
assured. He also stated that quality of life, wellbeing, that Russia’s military power helped maintain strategic
security and health were his main goals, and that Russia parity in the world, and made remarks to the effect that
has risen like a phoenix a number of times throughout Russia is prepared to negotiate toward construction of
history and would achieve a breakthrough again. a new system for international security and sustainable
1 President Putin made this statement at a meeting that he invited other presidential candidates to after it seemed certain that he would win the election (March 2018).
2 The Minsk Protocol of September 2014 consists of the following items: (1) ensure the immediate bilateral cessation of the use of weapons; (2) ensure monitoring and verification by the Organization
for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) of the regime of non-use of weapons; (3) enact the Law of Ukraine “With respect to the temporary status of local self-government in certain areas of
the Donetsk and the Lugansk regions” (Law on Special Status); (4) ensure monitoring on the Ukrainian-Russian state border and verification by the OSCE, together with the creation of a security area
in the border regions of Ukraine and the Russian Federation; (5) immediately release all hostages and unlawfully detained persons; (6) prohibit the prosecution and punishment of persons in connection
with the events that took place in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions; (7) conduct an inclusive national dialogue; (8) adopt measures aimed at improving the humanitarian situation in
Donbas; (9) ensure the holding of early local elections in Donetsk and Lugansk regions; (10) remove unlawful military formations, military hardware, as well as militants and mercenaries from the
territory of Ukraine; (11) adopt a program for the economic revival of Donbass and the recovery of economic activity in the region; and (12) provide personal security guarantees for the participants
of the consultations.
Then, the Minsk Memorandum was signed in September 2014, and the package of measures for the implementation of the Minsk Agreement was signed on February 2015. These are collectively
called the Minsk Agreements.
3 See Chapter 2, Section 4, footnote 2. Due to the complex nature of hybrid warfare that combines economic, intelligence operation, and diplomatic aspects, some suggest that the rising threat of hybrid
warfare will drive closer cooperation between NATO, which is a military alliance, and the EU, which is reinforcing its security and defence initiatives.
including Syria.
See Chapter 3, Section 1 (Trends in Regional Conflict and Under these circumstances, attention is being paid
International Terrorism) on how President Putin, while maintaining his power
While Russia faces severe economic conditions, base, will deal with Russia’s diplomatic isolation from
forecasts indicate that following the recovery in oil Europe and the United States, and economic situation,
Defense Policies of Countries
prices, a major export product, the country will maintain as well as promote economic structural reforms and
positive economic growth in 2018.4 Even after the modernization of Russia’s military forces, and its effort
collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine is believed to have to expand international influence. Furthermore, although
cooperated on the maintenance of Russia’s ICBMs. It is attention was focused on the improvement of Russia-U.S.
said that the suspension of Ukraine’s technical support relations immediately after the inauguration of the Trump
following the deterioration of the bilateral relation administration, stance toward Russia in the United States
could impair the operations of Russian equipment that remains severe and the outlook is unclear.
rely highly on Ukraine.
4 The IMF predicted that Russia’s GDP growth rate for 2017 would be 1.8% but would decrease to 1.6% in 2018.
Russia will maintain a sufficient level of nuclear deterrent Russia reorganized its six military districts into four
capability and reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in military districts (Western, Southern, Central and
response to an event where nuclear or other WMDs are Eastern Districts). On this basis, Russia established a
used against it or its allies, or under circumstances wherein joint strategic command in each military district and is
conventional weapons are used against it and where the carrying out integrated operations of its entire military
survival of the country itself is imperiled. forces, such as the ground force, naval force, and air force
Furthermore, defending Russian interests in the Arctic under the control of the Military District Commander. In
was newly added as one of the military’s tasks in peacetime. December 2014, the Northern Joint Strategic Command
As for Russia’s defense budget, the executed FY2017 in charge of the Arctic became operational.9
budget registered a year-on-year decrease of around 25% Regarding the modernization of the military forces,
compared to the amount spent in the previous year, while Russia is working to increase its percentage of new
the amounts executed for FY2011-FY2016 showed year- equipment up to 70%, and it announced in December 2017
Chapter 2
on-year double-digit growth. Although Russia faced that it had increased said proportion to approximately
a difficult fiscal situation in 2015 and 2016, including 60%. Within the State Armaments Program (GPV:
declines in economic growth, it is said that the country has Gosudarstvennaya Programma Vooruzheniya) 2018-2027
worked to secure a budget for national defense in order to that appears to have been approved by President Putin, it
achieve the goals of the State Armaments Program (GPV: is said that Russia will continue to invest 19 trillion rubles
35,000 40.0
Russia has implemented full-scale military reform
since 1997 by presenting the three pillars of reform: 30,000 30.0
new equipment. Defense budget (in 100 million rubles) Year-on-year growth rate (%)
Regarding the downsizing of the military forces, Note: The Information on Excecution of Budgets of the Russian Federation announced by
it was decided that RAF would have a strength of one the Russian Federal Treasury (figures for FY2009-FY2017 are expenditures and
figures for FY2018 are the budget amount).
million personnel as of 2016.8 Since December 2010,
5 In order to replenish funds for the government budget lost due to a fall in oil prices, Russia set aside a portion (the surplus) of governmental income received from oil production and exports.
6 According to the Russian Federal Treasury, the initial FY2018 defense budget increased by 4.1% from the initial budget of the previous fiscal year to 2.9530 trillion rubles, marking a 3.5% increase
compared to the budget spent in the previous fiscal year.
7 The command structure is reorganized from the four-tiered structure of military district–army–division–regiment, to a three-tiered structure of military district–operational command–brigade. Although
this was said to be completed in December 2009, in May 2013 the Guards Tamanskaya Motorized Rifle Division and the Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division, which had been reorganized into
brigades under then Minister of Defence Anatoliy Serdyukov, were reactivated and participated in a victory parade. Furthermore, in the January 25, 2016 edition of Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), a
newspaper of the military, Gen. Oleg Salyukov, Ground Forces Commander, stated that four divisions were scheduled to be established in 2016 based on the existing brigades.
8 It was decided that the total military force would be one million personnel as of 2016 by an executive order of December 2008 (the strength was approximately 1.13 million as of 2008). According
to TASS, an Executive Order issued by the President of Russia in July 2016 calls for the number of military personnel to be kept at one million.
9 The Northern Joint Strategic Command is a unified force led by the Northern Fleet and consists of fleets, ground forces, and air forces. Its area of operation covers the seas and remote islands
extending from the Barents Sea to the East Siberian Sea, and the Arctic coast.
forces, in order to make the combat readiness of the of contract servicemen is set to increase further.10
permanent readiness units effective, Russia promotes In the context of the gradual increase in difficulties
the introduction of a contract service system (for in securing the defense budget due to the recent severe
noncommissioned officers and soldiers) which selects economic situation, attention will be paid to the trends
personnel who would serve under contracts from the related to Russian efforts to improve the capacity of
conscripted military personnel. In 2015, the number of conventional forces and maintain the strategic deterrence
contract servicemen exceeded the number of conscripted capability provided by nuclear weapons.
personnel for the first time, and in the future the percentage
Russia’s military forces are comprised of forces such as commissioned. There are plans to deploy four such vessels
the RAF, the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security each to the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet in the future.
Service of the Russian Federation (FSB), and the Federal In October 2017, firing training took place using an
National Guard Service of the Russian Federation. The ICBM “Topol” from Plesetsk Cosmodrome as well as
RAF consists of three services and two independent SLBMs from a SSBN in the Okhotsk Sea and a SSBN
Defense Policies of Countries
forces: Land Forces; Navy; Aerospace Forces; Strategic from the Barents Sea. Cruise missile firing training also
Missile Forces; and Airborne Forces. took place using long-range bombers. President Putin,
See Fig. I-2-4-2 (Location and Strength of Russian Military) at the Expanded Meeting of the Defense Ministry Board
held in December 2017, noted that the share of modern
1 Nuclear Forces weapons in Russia’s nuclear triad had reached nearly 80%,
and stated that Russia would increase that percentage to
Russia emphasizes its nuclear forces to secure its global 90% by 2021. He also stated that Russia could overcome
position, to strike a balance with the nuclear forces both existing and future missile defense systems.
of the United States and to supplement its inferiority
in conventional forces. It is thus believed that Russia Borey-class submarine
is making efforts to maintain readiness of its nuclear
forces unit.
Russia still possesses ICBMs, SLBMs, and long
range bombers (Tu-95 Bears and Tu-160 Blackjacks)
comparable to the United States in scale.
Russia is obligated to reduce strategic nuclear arms
[Jane’s By IHS Markit]
pursuant to the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
<Specifications, performance>
concluded with the United States.11 Russia is working Water displacement: 19,711 tons
on accelerating the development and introduction of new Maximum speed: 25 knots (approximately 46 km/h)
weapons under the policy to prioritize the modernization Main armament: SLBM Bulava (maximum firing range 8,300 km)
of nuclear forces based on its GPV. torpedoes
In March 2011, Russia started the deployment of <Description>
Russian Navy’s new type of strategic nuclear-powered submarine
RS24, which is considered a multi-warhead version of the
carrying ballistic missiles, the first ship being commissioned in 2012.
“Topol-M” ICBM.12 Since December 2012, three Borey- It can carry 16 SLBMs. It has been deployed with the Pacific Fleet
class Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN) since 2015.
vessels, which carry the new-type SLBM “Bulava,” were
10 Reasons behind the promotion of the contract service system may include a decrease in the population suitable for military service and the shortening of the conscription period (since January 2008,
the conscription period has been shortened to 12 months). At the Expanded Meeting of the Defence Ministry Board in December 2016, Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu stated that personnel
strength adequacy was around 93% and contracted soldiers totaled approximately 384,000.
11 In April 2010, Russia and the United States signed the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty to replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty I (START I), and the treaty came into force in February
2011. Each side is obligated to reduce deployed strategic warheads to 1,550 and their deployed delivery platforms to 700 within seven years after the entry into force of the treaty. The United States
announced that as of February 2018 Russia had 1,350 deployed strategic warheads and 562 deployed delivery platforms, while Russia announced that as of February 2018, it had 1,444 deployed
strategic warheads and 527 deployed delivery platforms.
12 In addition, it is believed that Russia is developing a new heavy ICBM “Sarmat”(RS-28) that can destroy robust ICBM launch sites and be equipped with many warheads, a light-weight mobile solid-fuel
ICBM “Rubezh,”(RS-26) as well as new warheads aimed at enhancing the capability to penetrate MD.
Baltic Fleet
Northen Fleet
Chapter 2
(Eastern Joint Strategic Command)
Caspian Flotilla
(HQ: Khabarovsk)
Astrankhan Central Military District
(Central Joint Strategic Command)
(HQ: Yekaterinburg)
Total military forces Approx. 900,000 troops
Ground troops Approx. 330,000 troops
Ground T-90, T-80, T-72, etc. Approx. 2,800
forces Tanks (Not including mothballed tanks.
Approx. 13,000 including mothballed tanks)
16 Tu-160 aircraft
Bombers 60 Tu-95 aircraft
63 Tu-22M aircraft
Population Approx. 142.26 million
Term of service 1 year (In addition to conscription, there is a contract service system)
Source: “The Military Balance 2018,” etc. Ground troops include 280,000 ground force personnel and 45,000 airborne unit personnel.
As for non-strategic nuclear forces, Russia scrapped nuclear weapons from naval vessels and stored them
ground-launched short- and intermediate-range missiles onshore in the following year. Russia, however, still
with a range of between 500 and 5,500 km by 1991 in possesses a broad array of other nuclear forces. In the
accordance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces midst of this, in December 2017, the U.S. Department
(INF) Treaty with the United States, and removed tactical of State concluded that Russia had deployed Ground-
Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) in violation of the 2 Conventional Forces and Other Issues
INF Treaty, and that the U.S. Department of Defense had
begun review of military concepts and options including Russia is considered to be developing and procuring
ground-launched intermediate-range missiles. On the conventional forces in accordance with its GPV. Close
other hand, Russia has criticized the U.S. as well, saying attention will need to be paid to Russia’s development,
that it is in effect in violation of the INF treaty, calling the procurement, and deployment of new equipment, such as
Aegis Ashore system a potential platform for the launch the “PAK FA” (Su-57)13 currently under development as
of Tomahawk missiles. Different assertions about the the so-called “fifth generation fighter” and the T-14 Armata
treaty still exist between Russia and the U.S.
13 According to various reports, Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation President Yuri Slyusar stated in January 2015 that test versions of Russia’s fifth generation PAK-FA (“Prospective Aviation Complex
of Frontline Aviation”) fighter jet had started to be handed over to the Russian Air Force. However, he also indicated that mass production is scheduled for 2020.
tank,14 in addition to the introduction of the Su-35 fighter has been intensifying its activities in the Arctic, which
and the surface-to-surface missile system “Iskander.” include not only such deployment and exercises of naval
Along with carrying out a range of exercises,15 since vessels and resumption of military facility operation, but
February 2013, the RAF have been conducting surprise also strategic nuclear deterrence patrols by SSBN and
inspections designed to validate the combat readiness patrol flights by long-range bombers.
of the military districts, etc. for the first time since In addition, in April 2017, Russian Tu-95 long-
the collapse of the Soviet Union.16 These inspections range bombers flew as far as the coast off Alaska, and
are contributing to the improvement of long-distance in December that year, Tu-95 bombers also visited Biak
mobilization capability of the RAF.17 Furthermore, Airport in Indonesia. In addition, in January 2018, Tu-
outside of Russia, the RAF have been deploying 160 long-range bombers flew to the Barents Sea, the
vessels mainly formed of the Black Sea Fleet to the Norwegian Sea, and the North Sea.
Mediterranean Sea.18 In addition, from October 2017 to The RAF has thus intensified activities not only in
Chapter 2
January of the following year, Steregushchiy-class frigates the Asia-Pacific, but also in the Arctic, Europe, areas
belonging to the Baltic Fleet navigated the long distance near the U.S., and the Middle East. In particular, Russia’s
from the North Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean vessels and aircraft tend to expand their area of activity.20
Sea and Indian Ocean. A plan is underway to construct As for the future of RAF, there are uncertain
or rebuild 10 airfields in the Arctic, and in August and elements which may be influenced by Russia’s future
14 A new tank fitted with an unmanned turret that was unveiled for the first time during the Victory Day Parade on May 9, 2015. In addition to this tank, Russia is currently developing a family of crawler
and wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled howitzers, and so on. A contract for 100 tanks was concluded in 2016, with the delivery of the tanks scheduled to
occur in 2020.
15 As it proceeds with its military reform, Russia has conducted large-scale exercises for verification and other purposes in recent years. Among these, Zapad 2017 was held in September 2017 as a
command and staff exercise held in a round-robin format involving all military districts. Taking part in this exercise were around 12,700 troops, 70 aircraft and helicopters, and 250 tanks. The purpose
of this exercise is believed to be enhancing the mutual operating capabilities of each joint strategic command and the coordination of advanced command and control systems. (Exercises from the
previous four years included: Vostok 2014 [East Military District], Tsentr 2015 [Central Military District], Kavkaz 2016 [South Military District], and Zapad 2016 [West Military District].)
16 Surprise inspections were conducted at the Central and Southern Military Districts in February 2013, Southern Military District in March 2013, Western Military District in May 2013, Eastern and
Central Military Districts in July 2013, strategic nuclear units in October 2013, and Western and Central Military Districts from February to March 2014. In September 2014, a surprise inspection of
the Eastern Military District was conducted, which transitioned to the Vostok 2014 large-scale exercise.
17 At the Expanded Meeting of the Defence Ministry Board in December 2015, Minister of Defence Shoigu stated that the surprise inspections held five times a year on average would enable the
commanders of every military district and military service as well as staff to mobilize long distances and execute tasks in unknown regions.
18 Russia’s naval fleet in the Mediterranean which is said to have completed its formation on June 1, 2013, is considered a permanent operational force.
19 Among the military installations being developed in the Arctic, it is believed that the bases under construction on Alexandra Island in the Franz Joseph Land and Kotelny Island in the Novosibirsk Islands
will house 150 and 250 personnel each and have enough supplies to continue operations without assistance for a period of 18 months. In addition, the Northern Fleet has conducted long distance
navigation to the Novosibirsk Islands every year since 2012.
20 It is deemed that the RAF intends to maintain and enhance their combat readiness, as well as use diversionary approach towards the West and other countries in connection with the situation in
Ukraine, and expand Russia’s influence.
is significantly smaller than it was at its peak. However, As part of its military reforms, Russia is thought to be
a considerable scale of military forces, including nuclear reorganizing the command structure from a division-
forces, still remains in the region. Russian armed forces based to a brigade-based one, while also shifting all
in the vicinity of Japan are generally increasing activity, of its combat forces into permanent readiness units.
including the trend related to deployment of new units The Eastern Military District now consists of eleven
Defense Policies of Countries
and military facility development. brigades and one division with approximately 80,000
Given that the RAF set their basis of operation on personnel in total as well as a marine brigade equipped
maintaining the combat readiness of their strategic nuclear with amphibious operations capability. The Eastern
units and dealing with conflicts through the intertheater Military District has introduced new equipment, such as
mobility of its round-the-clock readiness units, it is the “Iskander” surface-to-surface missile system, “Bal”
necessary to keep our attention on the positioning and and “Bastion” surface-to-ship missiles, and the “S-400”
trends of the RAF in the Far East region while also surface-to-air missile system.
keeping in mind the trends of units in other regions.
(3) Naval Forces
(1) Nuclear Forces The Pacific Fleet is stationed or deployed at its main bases
As for strategic nuclear forces in the Far East region, in Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk. The fleet is comprised
three Delta III-class SSBNs and two Borey-class SSBNs of approximately 260 ships with a total displacement
equipped with SLBMs are deployed in and around the in the region of approximately 640,000 tons, including
approximately 20 major surface ships and approximately
20 submarines (approximately 15 of which are nuclear
Steregushchiy-class frigates
powered submarines) with a total displacement of
approximately 320,000 tons. Additionally, it plans on
deploying four multipurpose Steregushchiy-class frigates
(the first of these, the Sovershennyy, was commissioned inherent territories of Japan. While the Russian troop
in July 2017, and the second, the Gromky, is expected to strength is thought to be far less than that at peak times,
be commissioned in October 2018.) one division is still stationed in Kunashiri and Etorofu
Islands. Furthermore, tanks, armored vehicles, various
(4) Air Forces types of artillery, and anti-air missiles are deployed.22
In the Eastern Military District, Russia deploys After then President Medvedev visited Kunashiri
approximately 400 combat aircraft from its Air Force Island for the first time as head of state in November
and Navy combined. Existing models are being 2010, Russian ministers and others have made repeated
modernized and new models, such as the Su-35 fighters visits to the Northern Territories.23 Between July and
and the Su-34 fighter-bombers, are being introduced21 to September 2015, Prime Minister Medvedev and six
improve their capabilities. minister-level dignitaries also visited Etorofu Island,
among other areas. Also, Russia is proceeding with
Chapter 2
2 Russian Forces in Japan’s Northern Territories the development of military facilities in the Northern
Territories.24 In November 2016, Russia announced that
Since 1978 during the former Soviet Union era, Russia it deployed coastal (surface-to-ship) missiles to Etorofu
has redeployed ground troops on Kunashiri, Etorofu, and and Kunashiri Islands.25 Although in February 2017,
Shikotan Islands of the Northern Territories, which are Russian Minister of Defense Shoigu stated at a meeting
21 According to Military Balance 2018, in addition to 34 Su-35 fighters, 24 Su-34 fighter-bombers have been deployed to the Eastern Military District (11th Army of Air and Air Defence Force).
22 The 18th Machine Gun and Artillery Division, which is comprised of two regiments, is one of the few division units making up the RAF since most divisions were transformed into brigades due to
military reform, and is stationed on Etorofu and Kunashiri Islands. The Division aims to prevent landings, and participated in surprise inspections conducted in the Eastern Military District and elsewhere
in July 2013. The number of Russian military personnel stationed in this region in 1991 was approximately 9,500. At the Japan-Russia Defense Ministerial Meeting held in 1997, then Russian Defence
Minister Igor Rodionov revealed that the troops stationed in the Northern Territories had been reduced to 3,500 personnel by 1995. In July 2005, when then Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov
visited the Northern Territories, he declared that Russia would neither increase nor decrease the troops stationed on the four islands, clarifying Russia’s intention to maintain the status quo. In February
2011, a senior official of the General Staff was said to have stated that troops on the Northern Territories would be maintained at around 3,500 personnel in the process of reorganizing divisions
into brigades. In May 2014, Commander Sergey Surovikin of the Eastern Military District announced the buildup of military facilities on the Northern Territories. In August 2014, Russia opened a new
airport in Etorofu Island. Through such measures, Russia has stepped up its activities in the Northern Territories under de facto occupation.
23 After the visit, Kunashiri Island and Etorofu Island were visited by then First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov in December 2010, by then Regional Development Minister Viktor Basargin in January
to February 2011, followed by then Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov in May 2011. Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev visited Kunashiri Island and Suisho Island of the Habomai Islands
in September 2011. In addition, in January 2011, then Deputy Minister of Defence Dmitry Bulgakov, and in February 2011, then Minister of Defence Anatoliy Serdyukov visited Kunashiri Island and
Etorofu Island and inspected the units stationed there. Furthermore, Prime Minister Medvedev and three ministers visited Kunashiri Island in July 2012. In July 2015, Minister of Healthcare Veronika
Skvortsova visited Kunashiri Island and Shikotan Island, and in August 2015, Prime Minister Medvedev, Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District
Yury Trutnev, Minister for the Development of Russian Far East Galushka, and Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov visited Etorofu Island. In September 2015, Minister of Agriculture
Alexander Tkachev visited Etorofu Island, and Minister of Transport Maksim Sokolov visited Kunashiri Island and Etorofu Island.
24 At a meeting held at the Ministry of Defence of Russia in December 2015, Minister of Defence Shoigu stated that a total of 392 buildings and facilities are actively being built in the military facility
areas on Etorofu and Kunashiri Islands. Subsequently, at a meeting held at the Ministry of Defence in January 2016, the Minister noted that completing infrastructure construction in the areas was
one of the priorities for 2016.
25 In March 2016, Russia’s Ministry of Defence announced that it planned to deploy surface-to-ship missiles “Bastion” and “Bal” to the Northern Territories and Chishima Islands before the end of the
year. In November 2016, Boyevaya Vakhta, a newsletter published by the Pacific Fleet, mentioned that a “Bastion” coastal missile unit is being rotated to Etorofu Island and a “Bal” coastal missile unit
to Kunashiri Island using an artillery squadron.
of the State Duma (lower house) that the deployment of a In September 2014, the strategic command and staff
division to the Northern Territories or the Chishima Islands exercise Vostok 2014, considered the largest and the most
would be completed before the end of the year, details important of the RAF exercises and drills conducted that
such as location of the deployment and the type of service year, was carried out in the Eastern Military District.
are unknown. In January 2018, a government decree Over 155,000 personnel, over 4,000 combat vehicles,
was issued to allow for joint military and civilian use of approximately 80 vessels, and approximately 630
the new airport built in 2014 in Etorofu Island besides aircraft participated in the exercise.27 It is regarded
Tennei military airfield. Concerning military exercises that its purpose was to verify the combat readiness and
and trainings, in February 2018, over 2,000 military mobilization postures of the units in the Far East strategic
personnel participated in an anti-terrorism exercise in the front, including the Arctic. The exercise included units
Northern Territories and the Chishima Islands, and it was from not only the Eastern Military District, but also the
announced in March of that same year that a new Su-35 Western and Central Military Districts. The various units
Chapter 2
fighters jet would be redeployed to Etorofu Island from its conducted long-distance maneuvers covering a distance
home base as part of a training exercise. of 12,000 km at most. For Vostok 2018, which will be
As described above, Russia continues to station RAF held in Siberia and the Arctic sometime in August and
in the Northern Territories, which are inherent territories September 2018, there are plans for participation of units
of Japan, and has recently been increasing the RAF’s not only in the Eastern Military District, but also the
Defense Policies of Countries
activities in the territories under de facto occupation. Central Military District and the Northern Fleet.
Some point out that such developments reflect the Russian The number of exercises carried out by the Russian
people’s heightened awareness of territorial integrity Land Forces in the areas adjacent to Japan has decreased
due to the Ukrainian crisis, as well as the rising military from the peak. However, its activities are generally
importance of the Northern Territories adjacent to the Sea increasing.
of Okhotsk, an operating area of SSBN.26 With regard to naval vessels, their activities are
During the Japan-Russia Foreign and Defense generally increasing in recent years. For example, various
Ministerial Meeting (2+2) held in March 2017, Japan exercises and long distance voyages have been carried
expressed it was regrettable that Russia had deployed out by Pacific Fleet vessels, along with assigned missions
surface-to-ship missiles in the Northern Territories and involving operations in Syria and patrols by nuclear-
that Russia may deploy a new division to the islands powered submarines.28 In September 2011, 24 naval
including the Four Northern Islands. Closer attention vessels including a Slava-class guided missile cruiser
must be paid to Russian military movements in the Far passed through the Soya Strait in succession. This was
East, including the Northern Territories. the first time since the end of the Cold War that such a
major transit of this strait by Russian naval vessels was
3 Operations in the Vicinity of Japan confirmed.29 In recent years, ten or more Russian naval
vessels have passed through the Soya Strait one to three
In the vicinity of Japan, the RAF has been generally times a year. Additionally, survey activities have taken
increasing its activities, including exercises and drills place on Matsuwa Island located roughly in the middle
which are believed to be conducted for objectives such as of the Chishima Islands, with the objective of studying
verifying the results of the military reform. the feasibility of deploying Pacific Fleet’s forces there
26 In Soviet Military Power 1989, the U.S. DoD refers to “Bastion” as the activity area of SSBN to be protected by land, sea, and air assets while utilizing topography in the territorial waters of the former
Soviet Union. It was assumed that in the Pacific region, the former Soviet Union had set up a “Bastion” mainly in Okhotsk Sea. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy stated that regular long-term
patrols of SSBN, which were greatly curtailed since the former Soviet Union, would be restarted in 2012.
27 The large-scale exercise Vostok 2014 was conducted over a vast area extending from the Arctic to the coastal area. In the Kamchatka Peninsula, ALCM launches were carried out from long-range
bombers, as well as launches of SLCMs from Oscar II-class nuclear-powered guided missile submarines (SSGN). In Wrangel Island in the Arctic, night-time parachute landings and survival drills
were conducted. In the Sakhalin, the Naval Infantry conducted landing drills as well as drills to prevent the landings of opposing forces. In the coastal and inland areas, drills including the launches
of short-range ballistic missiles and GLCMs using the “Iskander” surface-to-surface missile system, as well as drills that made use of private infrastructure, such as takeoff and landing drills of the
Su-25 attack aircraft using roads for motor vehicles were conducted.
28 The number of cases of the Russian naval fleet passing through the three international straits (Soya, Tsugaru, and Tsushima) of Japan that have been identified and released in FY2017 is as follows:
12 cases in the Soya Strait (18 in FY2016, 22 in FY2015, 10 in FY2014); 1 case in the Tsugaru Strait (1 in FY2016, 0 in FY2015, 1 in FY2014); and 3 cases in the Tsushima Strait (7 in FY2016, 4
in FY2015, 8 in FY2014).
29 Some of the 24 naval vessels participated in the exercise conducted in the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula and other places.
in the future, and it is said that a new runway has been and Su-27 fighters as well as flights of Tu-160.31
completed on that island as well.30 There are also reports Russian aircraft were particularly active in FY2014
that bases will be constructed on Matsuwa Island during the height of tensions in Ukraine, and in April the
as well as Paramushir Island, located in the north of same year when eastern Ukraine began to destabilize,
Chishima Islands, and that there are plans to deploy unusual flights took place with Tu-95 long-range bombers
Bal and Bastion surface-to-air missiles there. Attention conducting flights around Japan on four occasions in one
must be paid to movement towards the construction month. On two of these occasions, a total of six Tu-95
of a coastal defense system covering the Northern flew on the same day.32
Territories and Chishima Islands. Russian aircraft activities continue to be active, as
Regarding aircraft, since the resumption of the patrol shown by the higher number of scrambles against Russian
activities by its strategic aviation units in 2007, Russia aircraft compared to the previous year, and the flights by
has been increasing flights by long-range bombers. Also, Tu-95 long-range bombers around Japan in August 2017.
Chapter 2
there were flights of Tu-95 long-range bombers refueled See Fig. I-2-4-3 (Changes in the Number of Scrambles against
in mid-flight and supported by A-50 early warning aircraft Russian Aircraft)
300 [Jane’s By IHS Markit]
250 <Specifications, performance>
200 Maximum firing range: 130 km
150 <Description>
100 Surface-to-ship missile with the objective of coastal defense, etc., it
50 has been deployed to the Pacific Fleet since 2016. An improved missile
0 with a maximum range of 260 km also exists (the 3M-24U), but it is
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(FY) unclear if it has been deployed.
30 In May 2016, the Russian Ministry of Defence announced that under the command of Vice Admiral Andrei Ryabukhin, Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet that arrived in Matsuwa Island, an
expedition comprised of approximately 200 personnel including representatives from the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Russian Geographical Society, the Eastern Military District, and the Pacific
Fleet began conducting survey activities. Colonel-general Sergei Surovikin, Commander of the Eastern Military District, stated at a military meeting of the district that six Pacific Fleet vessels and over
200 personnel participated in an expedition by the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Russian Geographical Society to Chishima, Etorofu, and Kunashiri Islands, and that its primary objective was
to study the feasibility of establishing a Pacific Fleet base in the future. Furthermore, Russia’s Ministry of Defense announced that three ships of the Pacific Fleet and around 100 personnel arrived on
Matsuwa Island in June 2017 in order to conduct a secondary survey. Sakhalin.info reported in October 2017 that a new runway had been completed on Matsuwa Island, and that it was accepting
aircraft landings around the clock. The Russian military newspaper Red Star reported that Russia’s Pacific Fleet is currently developing a military airport on the island that has the capacity to receive
military light transport aircraft and rotorcraft.
31 The Russian Ministry of Defence announced in January 2014 that surveillance flights of two Tu-95 long-range bombers took place with the assistance of Su-27 fighters and A-50 airborne early
warning and control aircraft.
32 The number of times Russian military aircraft flew around Japan since FY2013 was: one time in FY2013; six times in FY2014; two times in FY2015; one time in FY2016; and one time in FY2017.
33 The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation (November 2016).
34 The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation (December 2015) states that, “With a view to protecting its national interests Russia is pursuing an open, rational, and pragmatic foreign
policy ruling out futile confrontation (including a new arms race). (Abridged) The Russian Federation’s objective is to acquire as many equal partners as possible in various parts of the world.”
For this reason, Russia has been working Under this policy, Russia has participated in various
on deepening its economic partnerships with the frameworks in the Asia-Pacific region.41 Since 2015, the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).35 Eastern Economic Forum has been held in Vladivostok
Furthermore, Russia aspires to deepen its relations for accelerating the economic development of Eastern
with the Asia-Pacific countries, seen as drivers of the Russia and expanding international cooperation with the
global economy,36 and in recent years, has attached Asia-Pacific region.
importance to China and India as countries with which to Russia continues to advance close military
strengthen bilateral relations. Meanwhile, Russian efforts cooperation with China. Export agreements on new
to strengthen its cooperative relations with the West are armaments such as the S-400 surface-to-air missile and
still facing challenges after the Ukrainian crisis. However, Su-35 fighter jets were concluded in 2015, and since
with regard to the Syrian situation, Russia is exploring the 2012, China and Russia have been conducting joint
possibility of cooperation with other countries towards naval exercise “Joint Sea.” Russia also continues broad
Chapter 2
stabilizing Syria and countering international terrorist military cooperation with India. Export agreements
organizations, including ISIL. were concluded in 2016 for new armaments such as
Attention will be paid to how Russia would balance its the S-400 surface-to-air missiles and Grigorovich-class
posture of economic-centered and benefit-focused foreign frigates, and both countries have been conducting joint
policy with Russia’s politics and diplomacy including development of the fifth generation fighter and the
Defense Policies of Countries
security, and develop its relations with other countries. “BrahMos” supersonic cruise missile. Additionally,
both Russia and India continue to conduct the joint
2 Relations with Asian Countries exercise “INDRA” involving the armies and navies of
both countries.42 Regarding the relationship with Japan,
Russia recognizes that the significance of the Asia-Pacific Russia states that it will develop mutually beneficial
region is increasing within its multi-pronged foreign policy, cooperation and is intensifying its approach in many
and considers it strategically important to strengthen its fields including politics, economy and security.
status in the region from the viewpoint of socioeconomic
development in Siberia and the Far East,37 and security.38
In the executive order concerning foreign policy issued in
May 2012, President Putin upheld his policy to participate
in the integration process of the Asia-Pacific region in
order to accelerate socioeconomic development in the
East Siberia and Far East regions, and stated that Russia
would make efforts to develop relationships with Japan,
the ROK, and other countries, along with China,39 India,
and Vietnam. To achieve strategic stability and equal
strategic partnerships, Russia places particular emphasis
on developing a comprehensive partnership relationship
and strategic cooperative relationship with China as a key
factor in maintaining global and regional stability, and
also intends to assign an important role for the privileged
strategic partnership with India.40
35 In October 2011, eight CIS countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Moldova, and Armenia) signed the CIS Free Trade Zone Agreement.
36 Press conference by Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov following the Russia-China-India foreign ministers’ meeting (April 2016).
37 Russia is currently developing resources in Siberia and Sakhalin.
38 The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation (released in November 2016). In his campaign platform paper on foreign policy published in February 2012, then Prime Minister Putin expressed
his recognition that the importance of the entire Asia-Pacific region was rising.
39 See Chapter 2, Section 3-3 for the relationship with China.
40 The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation (December 2015) states that, “The Russian Federation will develop its comprehensive partnership relationship and strategic cooperative
relationship with the People’s Republic of China as a key factor for maintaining global and regional stability. The Russian Federation will assign an important role to the privileged strategic partnership
with the Republic of India.”
41 Russia has participated in regional frameworks, such as the APEC, the ARF, the SCO, and the East Asia Summit (EAS; since 2011).
42 Aside from this cooperation, it has been reported that in March 2015, India requested Russia to lease another Akula-class nuclear-powered attack submarine in addition to the one already on lease.
Chapter 2
to have stalled, including the holding of local elections Astana, Kazakhstan together with Syria and Iran. Russia
and allowing more autonomy in the areas controlled by has been increasing its presence in the Middle East by
separatists. The unstable situation in eastern Ukraine and promoting initiatives that aim for political resolutions
the Russian “annexation” of Crimea have taken on aspects in the future, such as the establishment of a ceasefire
of being entrenched. A proposal has been put forth to monitoring organization and de-escalation areas.
Since September 2015, while acquiring Tartus Naval Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
Base and Khmeimim Air Base as bases of its operations in
Syria, the Russian military has conducted aerial bombing
using fighter-bombers and long-range bombers as well as
fired cruise missiles from surface vessels and submarines
deployed to the Caspian Sea and Mediterranean.44 Russia’s
Ministry of Defence announced in November 2016 that
[Jane’s By IHS Markit]
the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov deployed to
<Specifications, performance>
the eastern part of the Mediterranean launched aircraft Full load displacement: 59,439 tons
and conducted airstrikes on land-based targets for the Speed: 30 knots (approximately 56 km/h)
first time in Russia’s naval history. These aircraft from the On-board aircraft: Maximum 20 fighters and attack aircraft
aircraft carrier are reported to have flown 420 sorties over Main armament: Ship-to-ship missiles (maximum firing range
a two-month period, bombing a total of 1,252 terrorist 550 km)
facilities. It has been pointed out, though, that most of
Commissioned in 1990, it is currently the only aircraft carrier that the
these sorties were flown from Khmeimim Air Base since Russian Navy possesses. Carrier-based aircraft take off by the ski
the aircraft was moved from the aircraft carrier to the jump method. Scheduled to begin refurbishment in 2017.
Air Base soon after the airstrike began. It is therefore
43 The NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) is a NATO program to offer advice and support to countries wishing to join NATO. However, participation in a MAP does not mean that the country will decide
to participate in NATO in the future.
44 In December 2017, at an Expanded Meeting of the Defense Ministry Board, it was announced that since the start of its military operation in Syria, Russian air units have launched approximately 34,000
strikes, damaging or eliminating approximately 8,000 armored vehicles, 718 weapons and ammunition production facilities, and 60,318 combatants.
Russian interests. Additionally, the use of cruise missiles 2014, the conclusion of an alliance with South Ossetia
and strategic bombers in the attacks has demonstrated in 2015, and other efforts,48 Russia has been working to
Russia’s long-range precision strike capabilities. ensure its military influence.49
Considering the significant influence of Russia’s military Due to increasing activities by Islamic armed
intervention on the course of the Assad administration, insurgents in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Russia
Defense Policies of Countries
coupled with the expanding partnerships between Russia has been pursuing military cooperation primarily on
and surrounding countries such as Turkey and Iran, counterterrorism measures in the region, and organized
Russia’s influence on future stability in Syria and on the the Collective Rapid Deployment Force in May 2001
political settlement process cannot be neglected. within the framework of the CIS Collective Security
Treaty Organization (CSTO).50 Furthermore, in June 2009,
a permanent joint rapid reaction force was established
to strengthen the functions of the CIS Collective Rapid
Deployment Force.51
45 In August 2008, following the conflict with Georgia, then President Medvedev indicated that one of the five principles of Russia’s foreign policy was that there are regions in which Russia has privileged
46 In Transnistria, located on the eastern side of the Dniester River, ethnic Russian residents declared separation and independence from Moldova in 1990, but it was never recognized as such by the
international community. Following the “annexation” of Crimea into Russia, in March 2014 the “Parliament” of Transnistria urged Russia to also incorporate the region. Moreover, during a telephone
conference between President Putin and then President Barack Obama in March 2014, President Putin pointed out that Transnistria was experiencing a blockade. A Russian unit of approximately
1,500 troops is currently stationed in Transnistria.
47 After the conflict with Russia in August 2008, Georgia withdrew from the CIS in August 2009, but Russia unilaterally recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in the Georgian
territory and continues to have troops stationed in the regions. In the parliamentary election in October 2012 “Georgian Dream,” an opposition alliance with a campaign promise of improving Georgia
Russia relations, defeated the ruling “United National Movement” that adopts an anti-Russian policy. In the presidential election of October 2013, Giorgi Margvelashvili, backed by “Georgian Dream,”
was elected and became president in November of the same year. In his inauguration speech, President Margvelashvili stated that he was ready to deepen the dialogue with Russia, expressing his
intention to continue with pro-Euro, pro-U.S. lines while pursuing improvement of the relationship with Russia.
48 Russia’s “Military Doctrine” revised in December 2014 states that Russia would promote cooperation with the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia aimed at shared defense and
49 While some CIS countries continue to prioritize their relations with Russia, such as Belarus and Kazakhstan, others attempt to maintain a distance from Russia. In addition to Georgia which has already
withdrawn from CIS and Ukraine which is announcing plans to withdrawal, countries such as Azerbaijan and Moldova have taken mostly pro-Western policies to reduce their security and economic
dependence on Russia. In September 2012, Kyrgyzstan and Russia agreed on a 15-year extension of the period of the use of Russian military bases in Kyrgyzstan, which otherwise would end in
2017. In October 2012, Tajikistan and Russia agreed to extend the lease of the base of Russia’s 201st Motor Rifle Division in Tajikistan until 2042. In December 2013, Su-27 fighters of the Russian
naval force were deployed in Belarus for the first time.
50 In May 1992, leaders of six countries (Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) signed the Collective Security Treaty (CST) in Toshkent, Uzbekistan. In 1993, Azerbaijan,
Georgia and Belarus joined the treaty, which came into effect in April 1994. However, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Uzbekistan withdrew from the treaty in 1999 without renewing it. In May 2002, CST was
reorganized into the CSTO. Uzbekistan returned to CST in August 2006 but gave notice to suspend its participation in CSTO in June 2012, effectively withdrawing from the organization.
51 Learning from the fact that CSTO could not sufficiently respond to the request by Kyrgyzstan for the peace-keeping activities at the time of the ethnic conflict in the southern part of Kyrgyzstan in June
2010, CSTO has been discussing improvement in the efficiency of its crisis response system. The CSTO Summit Meeting in December 2011 warned against the foreign forces’ stationing in a member
state by requiring the consent of all member states when any member state builds a base of a third country. CSTO joint exercises, Vzaimodeistvie (cooperative operation), has been implemented every
year since 2009.
In addition, out of concern that the worsening not help to bring an end to the conflict in Ukraine.
security in Afghanistan could lead to the destabilization of In regard to the situation in Syria, there were some
Central Asia, Russia and Central Asian countries support positive developments, including the recognition of the
Afghanistan while considering measures to strengthen importance of U.S.-Russia cooperation to eliminate ISIL, a
the security of the Afghan border.52 U.N.-led political resolution to the conflict, and provisional
safe zones as shown in a joint statement released at the U.S.-
6 Relations with the United States Russia Summit Meeting held in November 2017. However,
antagonism between the two countries is ongoing, with
President Putin has striven to deepen cooperative both the U.S. and Russia criticizing each other over the
relations with the United States in the economic domain, alleged use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime in
while opposing the United States on any action Russia April 2017, and also the missile strikes against Syria by
considers as “a U.S. attempt to encroach on Russia’s the U.S., the U.K., and France in April 2018. At the U.S.-
Chapter 2
strategic interests.” Russia summit meeting held in July 2018, disarmament
Russia strongly opposed the deployment plan of issues as well as international affairs including North
the MD system in Europe by the United States, stating Korea and Syria were discussed with the recognition to
that it would have a negative impact on Russia’s nuclear improve the deteriorated U.S.-Russia relations; however,
deterrent capabilities. Following the start of operations of its outlook on improvement remains unclear.
52 At the Expanded Meeting of the Russian Defence Ministry Board in December 2013, President Putin said that the withdrawal of the ISAF from Afghanistan in 2014 would be a destabilizing element
not only to Afghanistan but also to Central Asia and could pose a threat to the national interests and security of Russia.
53 Following the occupation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia, then U.S. DoD Spokesperson Kirby announced in March 2014 that the United States would cease all military exchange with Russia,
including joint exercises with the RAF, consultations, and port calls.
54 The United States provided non-lethal weapons such as body armor, helmets, vehicles, night and thermal vision devices, heavy engineering equipment, advanced radios, patrol boats, rations, tents,
counter mortar radars, uniforms, first aid equipment, and other related items to Ukraine.
55 NATO issued a statement condemning Russia over the situation in Ukraine, and has deployed additional military forces to countries in Eastern Europe and the Baltic. However, there are discrepancies
among NATO’s member states in their responses to Russia.
relations. For example, the talks at the meeting of NRC United States and its allies undermine regional and
defense ministers held in June 2011 highlighted the global stability, and Russia would maintain its negative
difference in position between NATO advocating MD perspective towards NATO expansion.
cooperation in which only information and data would be
exchanged under the two independent systems of NATO 8 Exportation of Arms
and Russia, and Russia aiming at “sector MD” in which
both sides operate integrally by setting zones for each Russia seems to actively promote the export of arms not
country’s responsibility under a unified MD system of only to maintain the infrastructure of its military industry
NATO and Russia. and to make economic profit, but also to help promote
Meanwhile, there remains an unsolved issue between better foreign policy. The country’s export value has been
Russia and NATO regarding the Conventional Armed increasing in recent years.59 In January 2007, the Russian
Forces in Europe (CFE) agreement.56 Government granted the exclusive authority to export
Furthermore, the Ukrainian crisis has represented arms to the Rosoboron Export State Corporation as part
existing threat to NATO’s eastern border for the first of its ongoing initiatives to improve its export system. In
time since the Cold War. Consequently, some of NATO’s addition, Russia regards its military industry as an integral
member states in Eastern Europe and the Baltic harbor part of the nation’s military organization and is committed
national security concerns. For this and other reasons, to improving and further developing the military industry
NATO continues to take steps to ensure the effectiveness by such measures as promoting the integration of aircraft
56 At the 1999 Istanbul summit of the OSCE, an agreement was reached on changing the troop ceilings set formerly by blocks to those set by country and territory and on complying with the current CFE
Treaty until the adapted CFE Treaty comes into effect. Russia was dissatisfied with the fact that despite its ratification of the adapted CFE Treaty, NATO member states refused to ratify the Treaty on the
grounds that the RAF were not withdrawing from Georgia and Moldova. Therefore, in December 2007, Russia suspended the implementation of the CFE Treaty and halted inspections based on this
treaty. Presently, only four countries have ratified the adapted CFE Treaty—Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine—and it has not yet come into effect. In addition, Russia has proposed dissolving
the existing security framework that has NATO at its center and creating a new European security treaty that would provide new fundamental principles for security in Europe and the Atlantic region.
57 See Chapter 2, Section 8 for more about NATO’s initiatives.
58 Russia’s strategic command and staff exercises are held under the command of its joint strategic commands. Management of the military exercises are handled by each military district each year in
a round robin format. In 2017, Zapad 2017 was held in the Western Military District and Belarus. According to a Russian Defense Ministry announcement, approximately 12,700 personnel, 10 ships,
70 aircraft and helicopters, and 250 tanks participated in this exercise.
59 According to SIPRI, Russian arms exports between 2013 and 2017 increased by 7% compared to that of the period between 2008 and 2012. Russia has the second largest share of arms exports
in the world (22%) after the United States.
companies such as Sukhoi, MiG, and Tupolev. delivered to China by 2018. It has been pointed out that
Russia exports equipment such as fighters and vessels this deal was made possible because the interests of China
to countries including India, China, Algeria, ASEAN and Russia coincided: while China promotes indigenous
member states, and Venezuela.60 Russia concluded an weapons production, it still needs Russian technology for
agreement with China to sell new Su-35 fighters and the state-of-the-art equipment, whereas Russia aims to avoid
S-400 surface-to-air missile system. Deliveries of the diplomatic isolation caused by the Ukrainian crisis and to
Su35 fighters61 have already begun at the end of 2016, gain economic profit through arms exports.62
and plans call for a total of 24 of these aircraft to be
Chapter 2
Defense Policies of Countries
60 Russia has delivered to Indonesia 5 Su-27 fighters and 11 Su-30 fighters. Furthermore, it was reported in 2016 that Russia signed an agreement to sell 11 Su-35 fighters to Indonesia. To date, Russia
has delivered 18 Su-30 fighters to Malaysia and 12 Su-27 fighters and 36 Su-30 fighters to Vietnam. There are also reports of a sales contract with Vietnam for Kilo-class submarines. All six of these
submarines were delivered to Vietnam by January 2017. With regard to India, aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, which had been refurbished in Severodvinsk, was delivered to India, renamed as INS
Vikramaditya in November 2013, which arrived in India in January 2014. Moreover, to date, Russia has delivered to Algeria 52 Su-30 fighters and to Venezuela 24 Su-30 fighters. Russia’s exports to
China have included Su-27 and Su-30 fighters, Sovremenny-class destroyers, and Kilo-class submarines. Against the backdrop of the advancement of indigenous weapon production in China, some
point out that the value of Russian exports to China has been declining in recent years. Nevertheless, Russia has continued to export equipment such as aircraft engines for repair purposes. With
regard to Iran, Russia started exporting the “S-300” surface-to-air missile system in April 2016.
61 According to reports, contracts have been concluded to export 24 Su-35 fighter jets for approximately USD 2 billion and to export 32 S-400 missile launchers for approximately USD 30 billion. A total
of 14 Su-35 fighter jets were delivered by 2017.
62 In September 2015, President Putin responded in an interview with news agencies that, “Russian-Chinese ties have now probably reached a peak in their entire history and continue developing.”
Section 5 Australia
1 General Situation
Australia maintains a special strategic partnership with states that over the next two decades, the Australian
Japan and shares universal values, such as strategic Government will make important investments to maintain
interests, respect for freedom and human rights, and a high level of capability of the ADF, setting out a plan to
democracy. It is allied with the United States, as are continue to increase the troop strength and acquire high
Japan and the ROK. performance equipment. The white paper states explicitly
In Australia, in September 2015, Malcolm Turnbull that defense funding would be increased over the next
Chapter 2
was elected to lead the ruling Liberal Party. As a result, decade, setting a specific target to reach 2% of Australia’s
the Turnbull administration from the conservative GDP by 2020. With regard to Australia’s international
coalition was formed. In July 2016, both the upper and relationships, the white paper sets forth that Australia
lower houses were dissolved simultaneously for the first would aim to mature and deepen practical engagement
time in 29 years. Turnbull continues to be prime minister with partners across the Indo-Pacific, including Japan,
Defense Policies of Countries
of a conservative coalition that controls the lower house.1 while continuing to give highest priority to its alliance
The former Abbott administration criticized the defense with the United States. To achieve its strategic defense
spending cuts of the previous Labor Party administration, objective of contributing military capabilities to
and signaled its intention to actively make investments coalition operations that support Australia’s interests in
which are deemed necessary for building a stronger a rules-based global order, Australia makes proactive
defense force. This policy has continued under the contributions to the peace and stability of the international
Turnbull administration. community through the deployment of ADF to overseas
The Defence White Paper released in February 2016 operations, among other efforts.
The Australian Government launched its first National favorable international environment. On this basis, the
Security Strategy (the Strategy) in January 2013.2 The Strategy outlines the following priorities for the next
Strategy provides a blueprint for national security five years: (1) enhanced engagement in the Asia-Pacific
over the next decade, presenting the recognition that region;3 (2) integrated cyber policy and operations;4 and
responding to the economic and strategic changes in (3) effective partnerships.5
the Asia-Pacific region is vital to the national security The Defense White Paper released in February 2016
of Australia. The Strategy defines four objectives for presents6 an outlook of Australia’s security environment
the country’s national security: (1) to ensure a safe over the next two decades. It then outlines the direction
and resilient population; (2) to protect and strengthen of Australia’s defense strategy for dealing with this
Australia’s sovereignty; (3) to secure Australia’s assets, environment, and the development of the defense force
infrastructure and institutions; and (4) to promote a pursuant to this strategy.
1 In this election, the conservative coalition comprised of the Liberal, National, and other parties won a majority 76 out of the 150 lower house seats, resulting in Prime Minister Turnbull continuing on
as leader, although the coalition lost a large number of seats from its initial total of 89. In the upper house, the coalition aimed to capture seats from minority parties through election reform but failed
to obtain a majority, and may continue to encounter difficulties with government administration going forward. Actually, the Turnbull coalition briefly fell into the minority in the Australian parliament in
November 2017 following a resignation by a parliament member due to a dual-citizenship issue. However, currently, Turnbull’s coalition holds a narrow majority.
2 This strategy is based on the National Security Statement, announced in December 2008, which articulated Australia’s national security agenda and set in motion reforms to strengthen the National
Security Community. The national security strategy is scheduled to be revised every five years.
3 Specifically, this includes: 1) deepening the Australia-U.S. Alliance; 2) enhancing bilateral cooperation with influential regional countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, the ROK, and India; and 3)
promoting the superiority and effectiveness of multilateral forums.
4 The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) integrates the capabilities of Australia’s Department of Defence, Attorney-General’s Department, and Federal Police and the cyber-related personnel of
the Australian Crime Commission.
5 This includes sharing information securely and quickly with domestic and international partners and strengthening information sharing between government and business.
6 The Defence White Paper of Australia presents the government’s future plan and measures for national defense. It was previously published in 1976 (Fraser Liberal Party administration), 1987 (Hawke
Labor Party administration), 1994 (Keating Labor Party administration), 2000 (Howard Liberal Party administration), 2009 (Rudd Labor Party administration), 2013 (Gillard Labor Party administration),
and 2016 (Turnbull Liberal Party administration) a total of seven times.
Specifically, the white paper maintains that while will acquire high performance equipment, including
there is little prospect of a military attack on Australian 12 new submarines,9 3 air warfare destroyers (Aegis
territory in the period to 2035,7 Australia will face new vessels), 72 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, and 7 MQ4C
complexities and challenges. Based on this understanding, unmanned patrol aircraft. Simultaneously, Australia will
three strategic defense interests are identified, namely: a seek to strengthen ISR capabilities, electronic warfare
secure, resilient Australia (including the security of sea capabilities, and cyber security capabilities, as well as
lanes); a secure nearer region; and a stable Indo-Pacific strengthen the functions of its bases in northern Australia
region and a rules-based global order. Additionally, and elsewhere. To support these programs by funding, the
three strategic defense objectives are given, which are: white paper also presents the concrete target of increasing
(1) Deter, deny, and defeat attacks on or threats to Australia defense funding to reach 2% of GDP by 2020.
and its national interests; (2) Make military contributions In addition, with North Korea continuing to make
to support the security of maritime Southeast Asia and repeated, provocative actions unlike any seen in the past,
Chapter 2
support the governments of South Pacific countries to Prime Minister Turnbull announced in October 2017 that
build and strengthen their security; and (3) Contribute Australia would be equipping nine of the future frigates
military capabilities to coalition operations that support of the Royal Australian Navy with a missile defense
Australia’s interests in a rules-based global order. To system (the Aegis system) that can intercept long-range
maintain the ADF’s high level of capability needed to ballistic missiles, stating, “A number of states, notably
In the Defence White Paper 2016, Australia subscribes Indonesia, Japan, the ROK, New Zealand, India, and
to the view that Australia’s security and prosperity China, while continuing to give the highest priority to
are directly linked to the development of the nearer its alliance with the United States. On November 2017,
region, the Indo-Pacific region, and the global strategic Australia published the 2017 Foreign Policy White
environment. Based on this view, Australia will build and Paper, Australia’s first such white paper in 14 years. This
maintain international security relationships to achieve document too, emphasized this policy.11
its strategic defense objectives. In particular, Australia See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-1 (Japan-Australia Defense
will aim to mature and deepen practical engagement Cooperation and Exchanges)
7 The white paper identifies six factors that will shape the security environment of Australia over the next two decades: (1) the roles of the United States and China in the Indo-Pacific region and the
relationship between them; (2) challenges to the stability of the rules-based global order; (3) the threat of terrorism to Australians at home and abroad; (4) state fragility caused by uneven economic
growth, crime, social, environmental and governance challenges, and climate change; (5) the pace of military modernization and the development of more capable regional military forces; and (6) the
emergence of new complex, non-geographic threats (e.g., cyber threats). With regard to (5), the white paper notes that in the Indo-Pacific region, half of the world’s submarines and at least half of
the world’s advanced combat aircraft will be operating and more countries may acquire ballistic missile technology.
8 According to the white paper, over the next decade, the number of active duty ADF personnel would be increased to approximately 62,400 personnel from the current approximately 58,000 personnel.
If this is realized, the ADF would return to its largest size since 1993.
9 The Defence White Paper refers to the submarines to be acquired as “regionally superior submarines.” It explains that Australia would select the submarine classification by the end of 2016, and
that the first submarine would begin entering service in the early 2030s. Japan, Germany, and France participated in the submarine Competitive Evaluation Process. In April 2016, the Australian
Government announced that the French company DCNS was chosen as the partner for building the submarines. In August 2016, it was found that confidential DCNS documents on its submarine
order for the Indian Navy had leaked, resulting in rising calls in Australia for a review of the deal. Prime Minister Turnbull emphasized that the submarines being built for Australia are a different type
than the one leaked, refuting the need for a review.
10 Following statements made by Foreign Minister Bishop in April 2017 to the effect that “the United States Administration did say that all options are on the table” and suggesting that Australia supports
this. In regard to North Korea, a spokesperson for the North Korean Foreign Ministry repeated the threat of nuclear attack against Australia, saying, “If Australia persists in following the US' moves to
isolate and stifle North Korea … this will be a suicidal act of coming within the range of the nuclear strike of the strategic force of North Korea.”
11 The 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper recognizes that it is in the national interest of China to increase its influence, and concludes that there are instances in which Chinese influence is indeed greater
than U.S. influence in parts of the Indo-Pacific. Beyond that, it points out that Australia will expand strategic relations with democratic states that share similar aspirations with Australia, while also
ensuring the deepening of the Australia-U.S. Alliance. The White Paper also emphasizes that Australia will strengthen relationships, keeping in mind the “quad” states (Japan-U.S.-India-Australia) with
the aim of ensuring stability and growth from Asia to Africa in particular.
1 Relations with the United States rotational deployment of the U.S. Marine Corps. From
October 2014, the ADF has been participating in the
In the Defence White Paper 2016, Australia states that its combat mission of the U.S.-led operation against ISIL.
alliance with the United States pursuant to the Security In July 2015, the two countries conducted a training in
Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United which B-52 strategic bombers of the U.S. Forces were
States of America (ANZUS)12 is based on shared values flown from the U.S. mainland to drop bombs on an air
and will continue to be the centerpiece of Australia’s weapons range in Australia and then returned to the
defense policy. Australia notes that the United States, United States.18 Under the Turnbull administration, at
which remains the pre-eminent global military power the 30th AUSMIN in October 2015, the two sides signed
over the next two decades, will continue to be its most a joint statement on defense cooperation to serve as a
important strategic partner, and the active presence of the guideline for future defense cooperation, and reaffirmed
United States will continue to underpin the stability of their strong bilateral cooperation. In October 2016, cost-
Chapter 2
the region. It is stated that Australia thus welcomes and sharing negotiations for the Force Posture Initiatives
supports the critical role of the United States in ensuring were concluded in principle.
stability in the Indo-Pacific region. AUSMIN was held in June 2017 where they decided
Since 1985, the two countries have been regularly to further expand defense and security cooperation. As
convening the Australia-United States Ministerial a result, the detailed progress of these efforts will be a
Defense Policies of Countries
12 A trilateral security treaty among Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, which went into effect in 1952. Since 1986, the United States has suspended its obligation to defend New Zealand
due to its adoption of a non-nuclear policy. The treaty is thus effective only between Australia and the United States and between Australia and New Zealand.
13 Exercise Talisman Saber, started in 2005, is a biennial combined U.S.-Australia training designed to improve combat readiness and interoperability. About 33,000 U.S. Forces and ADF personnel
participated in the exercise held from June to July 2017.
14 By way of the Force Posture Initiatives of November 2011, the United States and Australia announced that the U.S. Marine Corps would conduct rotational deployments approximately every six months
to Darwin and northern Australia. Accordingly, approximately 200 U.S. Marines were deployed in 2012 and 2013, 1,150 Marines in 2014 and 2015, approximately 1,250 Marines in 2016 and 2017,
and approximately 1,600 Marines in 2018. The Defence White Paper 2016 sets out that the size would be increased to approximately 2,500 Marines by 2020. In addition, under this same initiative,
access to Australian military facilities and areas in northern Australia by U.S. Air Force aircraft was set to be expanded, together with opportunities for joint exercises and training. Accordingly, in
February 2017, 12 F-22 fighter aircraft were deployed to Australia.
15 While Australia considers that the threat of an ICBM attack on Australia is low, it deems there is a possible threat of an attack on Australian territory by a long-range or submarine-launched ballistic
missile or cruise missile, as well as attack on the deployed ADF by a short-range ballistic missile or cruise missile. To counter such threats, Australia and the United States have launched a working
group to study options that could contribute to missile defense in the region.
16 Since signing the Space Situational Awareness Partnership in November 2010, Australia and the United States have promoted space cooperation, including the relocation of the U.S. C-band ground-
based radar system and the Space Surveillance Telescope to Australia.
17 At the AUSMIN in September 2011, the two nations signed a joint statement on cyberspace and confirmed that, mindful of their longstanding defense relationship and the ANZUS Treaty, the two would
consult together and determine appropriate options to address threats in the event of a cyber attack that threatens the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of either Australia or the
United States.
18 The statement envisions that greater competition for resources and territorial disputes will increase the possibility of miscalculation and the potential for conflict in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean
regions, and states that the two countries would further deepen their defense relationship to deal with this. Specifically, the statement sets forth: deeper interoperability; strengthened policy and
intelligence cooperation; increased collaboration in science and technology, capability development, and defense industry engagement; and coordinated multilateral engagement.
authorities,19 along with exchanges to develop the expresses particular concern with the unprecedented pace
cooperative relations between their defense forces, and scale of China’s land reclamation activities in the
including joint exercises and mutual visits by vessels.20 South China Sea. Furthermore, the 2017 Foreign Policy
During the Australia-China summit meeting held White Paper contains statements to the effect that China
in April 2016, an announcement was made about is challenging the position of the United States in the
connecting China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative with the Indo Pacific, the most important region for Australia.
development of infrastructure in northern Australia, and In October 2015, the Government of the Northern
similar cooperation was brought to light also during the Territory leased to a Chinese company the rights to
Australia-China Foreign and Strategic Dialogue held in operate the commercial wharfs of the Darwin Port, also
February 2017. utilized by ADF and U.S. Force vessels.22 After it became
Meanwhile, like the previous Abbott administration, clear that the Australian federal government did not lodge
the Turnbull administration has been showing its wariness objections,23 saying there were no security concerns,
Chapter 2
toward China, by, among other ways, making Australia’s people expressed uneasiness within and outside of
position on China very clear. The Joint Statement of the Australia.24 Later, deals involving Chinese companies
AUSMIN in October 2015, referring to China by name, seeking to acquire Australian facilities continued to
expresses strong concerns over recent land reclamation emerge. In January 2017, the federal government of
and construction activity in the South China Sea, and Australia announced the establishment of a dedicated
19 In July 2014, Fan Changlong, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, visited Australia, and held talks with then Prime Minister Abbott, then Minister for
Defence David Johnston, and others. The two sides agreed to hold a U.S.-China-Australia trilateral joint exercise. In addition, Australia and China have regularly convened a Defence Strategic Dialogue
since 1997. At the 20th Dialogue held in August 2017, Australian officials, including Vice Admiral Raymond James Griggs of the Royal Australian Navy and Rebecca Skinner, Deputy Secretary of
Strategic Policy and Intelligence of the Department of Defense, held talks with Major General Shao Yuanming, deputy chief of the Joint Staff of the PLA.
20 In January 2016, three PLA Navy vessels visited Brisbane, Australia to take part in navigation training together with RAN vessels. In August 2017, following on the previous year, KOWARI 2017, the
fourth survival training among the United States, China, and Australia, was conducted in northern Australia, with ten personnel participating from each country. In September 2017, Exercise Pandaroo
designed to build teamwork, friendship, and trust between the Australian and Chinese forces was carried out in southeastern Australia, with ten personnel participating from each country.
21 In response to China’s announcement of the “East China Sea ADIZ” in November 2013, Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop issued a statement saying Australia has made clear its opposition to
any coercive or unilateral actions to change the status quo in the East China Sea.
22 In addition, opposition parties and think tanks raised concerns over the fact that this Chinese company is thought to have close ties with the Communist Party of China and the PLA, and over the fact
that the U.S. Forces that utilize Darwin Port were not consulted in advance. According to press reports, then President Barack Obama requested Prime Minister Turnbull to provide advance notice.
Additionally, the Chinese company in question is currently expressing interest in a port near Adelaide where future submarines are slated to be built, raising further concerns.
23 The Government of Australia has struck down the acquisition of a farming company, S. Kidman & Co., which owns land equivalent to about 1% of Australia’s landmass and the acquisition of major
power company Ausgrid by Chinese companies due to reasons of national security.
24 The newly established Critical Infrastructure Centre is viewed as supporting the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) which screens individual projects and advises the Government.
25 According to Australian media reporting, it is clear that China has meddled in domestic affairs through large-scale political contributions and bribes from at least five Chinese people.
26 The law requires the registration of the representatives of foreign governments or foreign companies doing lobbying activities in the Australian parliament, and imposes imprisonment in the event that
someone does make calls to action or influence the policymaking process without registering.
partner. Australia notes that it aims to further mature its the maritime security of Southeast Asia and support the
defense relationship with India in support of their shared governments of South Pacific and other countries to build
strategic interests. and strengthen their security.
The Australia-India relationship was elevated to a Australia has been deepening its relations with
strategic partnership in November 2009, and the two Indonesia in the security and defense fields following
countries have regularly conducted strategic dialogues, the signing of the Lombok Treaty in November
mutual visits by senior military officers, interactions 2006, the elevation of their relationship to a strategic
among military services, and mutual dispatches of partnership in March 2010, and the conclusion of the
students to military educational organizations. More Defence Cooperation Arrangement in September 2012.28
recently, in November 2014, Prime Minister of India However, issues have emerged, including differences
Narendra Modi visited Australia, marking the first visit in their responses to stowaways from Indonesia, the
to Australia by an Indian Prime Minister in 28 years. case of wiretapping of the Indonesian President and
Chapter 2
The two leaders agreed to extend defense cooperation to others by Australia’s intelligence agency, and the issue
cover research, development, and industry engagement, of the execution of Australian nationals in Indonesia.29
to hold regular meetings at the level of Defense Consequently, cooperative relations in the security and
Minister and conduct regular maritime exercises, and to defense fields stalled intermittently between the two
convene talks between each of their military services. countries. Subsequently, in the second half of 2015,
Defense Policies of Countries
Accordingly, in June 2015, two Indian Navy vessels mutual visits by ministers and higher-level officials
made a goodwill visit to Australia, and in September resumed, including the visit to Indonesia by Prime
2015, the first bilateral joint naval exercise AUSINDEX Minister Turnbull. The Foreign and Defense Ministerial
1527 was conducted off the east coast of India. Mutual Meeting (2+2) was held in November 2016, and the
exchanges between the two countries are steadily bilateral relationship is seeing further improvements.
progressing, including the holding of AUSINDEX 17 With Singapore and Malaysia, Australia carries
off the west coast of Australia in June 2017. out regular joint combined exercises in the South China
See Chapter 2, Section 7-1-2 (Military Affairs of India) Sea and other areas under the framework of the Five
Power Defence Arrangements.30, 31 Australia considers
that Singapore is its most advanced defense partner, and
4 Relations with Southeast Asia and that they share Australia’s interest in a secure maritime
South Pacific Countries
trading environment. Defense cooperation is also
In the Defence White Paper 2016, Australia regards a deepening, including the signing of a memorandum of
secure nearer region encompassing maritime Southeast understanding concerning military training and training
Asia and South Pacific as its strategic interest. In area development in Australia under the comprehensive
particular, Australia considers that instability and strategic partnership in October 2016. As regards
conflicts in Southeast Asia have the potential to threaten Malaysia, Australia stations the ADF in Royal Malaysian
Australia’s security and economic relations with countries. Air Force (RMAF) Base Butterworth, and contributes
Furthermore, Australia depends on maritime trade with to maintaining regional security and stability through
Southeast Asian countries and maritime trade that transits patrol activities in the South China Sea and the northern
Southeast Asia. In this regard, Australia perceives that Indian Ocean.32
the security of these sea lanes must be ensured alongside Australia plays a leading role in assisting Papua New
freedom of navigation. Based on this understanding, Guinea, Timor-Leste, and the South Pacific countries in
Australia seeks to make military contributions to support fields such as security maintenance, coping with natural
27 From Australia, three RAN vessels including a submarine and one patrol aircraft participated. From India, three Indian Navy vessels and one patrol aircraft participated.
28 The Lombok Treaty is a security cooperation framework that espouses wide-ranging cooperation in the defense field. It entered into force in February 2008. The Defense Cooperation Arrangement
covers strengthened cooperation in counter-terrorism and maritime security.
29 In November 2013, it was reported that an Australian intelligence agency wiretapped the telephone calls of Indonesia’s previous President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Mrs. Yudhoyono, ministers, and
others. The Indonesian Government lodged strong protests, including summoning the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia and demanding an apology to the Australian Government. The Government
also announced the suspension of military exchanges and intelligence cooperation with Australia. In April 2015, two Australians were executed in Indonesia for helping to smuggle drugs, and the
Australian Government strongly protested to Indonesia.
30 See Chapter 2, Section 6, Footnote 5.
31 In Exercise Bersama Shield held in April 2016, more than 200 personnel, vessels including a submarine, and patrol aircraft of the ADF participated. In October 2016, Exercise Bersama Lima was held
in Malaysia, Singapore and South China Sea in which approximately 400 personnel, vessels, and patrol aircraft of the ADF participated.
32 See Chapter 3, Section 3, Footnote 17.
disasters, and maritime patrol.33 In particular, in the field U.S. Forces against ISIL in northern Iraq, Australia began
of maritime patrol, Australia still regularly deploys ADF air-dropping humanitarian supplies in August 2014 and
assets to the South Pacific to assist with patrol activities. In participating in combat missions such as airstrikes from
addition, in June 2014, Australia unveiled a plan to replace October 2014. In addition, Australia has been advising
the 22 patrol vessels it provided to these countries in the and assisting, as well as providing capacity building
past. In May 2018, Australia announced its largest ever aid assistance to the Iraqi Security Forces on the military
package for Pacific Island countries of AUS$1.3 billion, front since May 2015. Since August 2014, in addition
with the intent of further strengthening relations. to about 780 personnel (of which, approximately 400
With New Zealand, Australia has an alliance personnel are engaged in assistance in the United Arab
pursuant to the ANZUS Treaty. The two countries hold Emirates), Australia has dispatched six F/A-18 fighter/
regular meetings by their leaders and defense ministers, attack aircraft, one E-7A early warning and control
and have maintained close cooperative relations in the aircraft, and one KC-30A refueling aircraft, among other
Chapter 2
security and defense fields through joint exercises and assets, for activities in Iraq. Following the Declaration
joint activities in the region. of victory over ISIL by the Prime Minister of Iraq in
See Chapter 2, Section 6 (Security and Defense Policies of December 2017, that same month, Australia announced
Countries in South East Asia) that it would be halting air strikes.35
In Afghanistan, since October 2001, approximately
33 Australia has extended proactive assistance for the political and social stability of Timor-Leste since 1999, when the momentum for independence heightened in Timor-Leste. The ADF led the
International Stabilization Force (ISF) since 2006, and with the stabilization of the security situation in Timor-Leste, the withdrawal of the ADF was completed in March 2013. In the Solomon Islands,
the ADF extended assistance for their stabilization since July 2003 through the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). The ADF withdrew from the country in August 2013, when
the military activities of RAMSI were completed.
34 According to “Military Balance (2018).” The breakdown by service is as follows: approx. 29,000 Army personnel; approx. 14,400 Navy personnel; and approx. 14,400 Air Force personnel.
35 Accordingly, the Australian Government withdrew six F/A-18 fighter jets back to Australia on January 2018. However, the E-7A early warning and control aircraft and refueling aircraft remain stationed
in the Middle East.
1 General Situation
Southeast Asia occupies a strategic position for traffic, passage of ships is obstructed. Furthermore, there is a
linking the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, such as the Straits concern about increases in terrorism in the region as the
of Malacca and the South China Sea. It is an important activities of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
region for Japan which relies on maritime transport for in the Middle East slow down. In May 2017, an Islamist
many of the supplies needed for economic activities and extremist group pledging loyalty to ISIL took over a
the lives of the Japanese people. The countries in Southeast town in the Philippines, and Malaysian and Indonesian
Chapter 2
Asia are making efforts to achieve political stability and nationals are said to have joined this organization. In order
steady economic growth, and lately have realized overall to cope with these issues, the countries in Southeast Asia
economic development to varying degrees. Such economic are working to build military forces for national defense
development has deepened interdependence within the and maintenance of domestic public security, as well
region and with countries outside the region. In late 2015, as for addressing new security issues such as terrorism
Defense Policies of Countries
the establishment of the ASEAN Community was declared and piracy. Recently, against the backdrop of economic
as an outcome of the strides made in ASEAN cooperation development, the countries have been modernizing
towards its integration. their military forces, mainly their naval and air forces,
Meanwhile, this region still has destabilizing factors, as well as strengthening their maritime law enforcement
including the territorial disputes over the South China capacities.
Sea, ethnic minority issues, separatist and independence See Fig. I-2-6-1 (Comparison of Forces Strength and Defense
movements, and Islamic extremist groups. Moreover, Budget between Southeast Asia and Japan/China/ROK 2017)
1 In July 2015, prior to his retirement, then Commander of the National Armed Forces of Indonesia Moeldoko said that Indonesia had achieved 34% of its MEF goals.
2 It is believed that on December 15, 2015, Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu unveiled a plan to deploy a fighter squadron and small vessels to the Natuna Islands as well as increase the
number of troops stationed there from the current 800 to around 2,000, including the special operations force of the Air Force, for the purpose of “being prepared for a range of threats such as illegal
operations and illicit intrusion.” Furthermore, in June 2016, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Luhut announced a concept to build a submarine base on the Natuna Islands.
Fig. I-2-6-1 Comparison of Forces Strength and Defense Budget between Southeast Asia and Japan/China/ROK 2017
Ground forces
0.975 million troops Combat aircraft Ground forces
approx. 2,850 aircraft 490,000 troops Combat aircraft
640 aircraft
Chapter 2
tons (1107 billion yuan)
Ground Combat
forces aircraft
140,000 approx.
troops 400 aircraft
Notes: 1. Source: “The Military Balance 2018,” etc. The size of each block indicates relative size using Japan as the base size. There are limits to the comparisons of national defense
budgets which have simply been converted into U.S. dollars when the different elements are taken into consideration, such as each country’s exchange rate fluctuations and
price levels. However, as the purchasing power parities of Southeast Asian countries are not published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
(except Indonesia), this figure intentionally represents the national defense budgets of Japan and other countries that have been converted into U.S. dollars using the exchange
rate published by the Ministry of Finance of Japan.
2. For Japan, the force strength shows the actual strength of each SDF as of the end of FY2016; the number of combat aircraft is the sum of the number of combat aircraft of the
ASDF (excluding transport aircraft) and that of the MSDF (fixed-wing aircraft only).
The Japanese national defense expenditures are the initial budget excluding SACO-related expenses, the U.S. Forces realignment-related expenses (the portion allocated for
mitigating the impact on local communities), and expenses for the introduction of new government aircraft.
3. The national defense budget of China is from the Finance Minister’s Budget Report to the National People’s Congress in 2018.
4. The national defense budget of the ROK is from ROK Ministry of National Defense sources from 2018, etc.
5. The national defense budget for all of Southeast Asia represents the sum of the 2017 figures for each country according to “The Military Balance 2018.” However, the sum uses
2014 figures from “The Military Balance 2016” for Laos.
6. The national defense budget of China and the ROK is expressed in U.S. dollars and is calculated using the FY2018 Ministry of Finance exchange rates of 112 yen to 1 dollar,
16 yen to 1 yuan, and 95 yen to 1,000 won.
7. The Japanese national defense budget is expressed in U.S. dollars converting 2018 figures using the FY2018 Ministry of Finance exchange rate of 112 yen to 1 dollar.
military equipment procurement, and is carrying out Indonesia is carrying out bilateral coordinated
joint training, including “Cooperation Afloat Readiness patrols and maritime training exercises with India.
and Training (CARAT)”3 and the “Southeast Asia Moreover, in May 2018, President Joko and Indian
Cooperation Against Terrorism (SEACAT)”4 exercises. counterpart, Prime Minister Modi, signed the Defence
With China, president Joko visited China in March Cooperation Agreement.
2015, and affirmed with President Xi Jinping that they See Chapter 2, Section 5-3-4 (Relations with Southeast Asia and
would deepen bilateral relations under the framework of South Pacific Countries); Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-6
((1) Indonesia)
comprehensive strategic partnership.
3 A general term that refers to a series of bilateral exercises that the United States conducts with Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Timor-Leste.
4 A general term that refers to counter-terrorism joint exercises that the United States conducts with Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.
“Defence Diplomacy” in its defense policy. On the other Korea and said that Malaysia will reopen its embassy
hand, in connection with the recent continued anchoring in Pyongyang, which the previous administration had
of Chinese government vessels around the South considered to permanently close.
Luconia Shoal over which Malaysia claims sovereignty, See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-6 ((9) Malaysia)
Malaysia has announced that its Navy and maritime
Defense Policies of Countries
5 Entered into force in 1971. This agreement states that Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom will discuss what response should be adopted in the event of aggression towards or the threat
of an attack on Malaysia or Singapore. The five countries carry out various exercises based on these arrangements.
6 Consists of seven steps: reconvening of the National Assembly; stepwise implementation of processes necessary for democratization; drafting a new constitution; a national referendum on the
constitution; general election; convening of the House of Representatives; and the establishment of a new government.
7 About 30% of Myanmar’s population is ethnic minorities, some of which demand secession or greater autonomy for their regions. In the 1960s, the Government of Myanmar implemented oppressive
policies involving human rights violations such as forced labor and forced migration, which led to armed conflicts with armed groups of ethnic minorities.
Chapter 2
and a supplier of major defense equipment. As for India,
including the United States successively easing economic since the transition to civilian rule, Myanmar has deepened
sanctions on Myanmar. cooperative relations in the fields of the economy and
With regard to the efforts for a ceasefire agreement military, which has developed into defense cooperation
with ethnic minorities, peace consultations with ethnic and exchanges such as the hosting of various seminars and
8 Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, and the EU are the member states of the IMT. (As of March 2015)
clashes have occurred between the government army and the development of facilities in the Philippines for the
National Police, and armed forces opposing the peace rotational deployment of the U.S. Forces in accordance
talks.10 It is deemed that time will be required to achieve with the EDCA.
practical peace. The Philippines and China have competing claims
In May 2017, security forces clashed with the Maute over the sovereignty of the Spratly Islands and the
group, an Islamic extremist organization that pledges Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. Seeking
allegiance to ISIL, which had occupied the city of a settlement under international law, in January 2013,
Marawi by taking hostages. The enduring battle resulted the Philippines launched arbitral tribunal proceedings
in fatalities and injuries, causing public safety in the city pursuant to UNCLOS against China. In July 2016, a
to deteriorate. As a result, martial law was declared in final award was rendered accepting nearly all of the
Mindanao. The military operations resulted in the killing Philippines’ submissions. The Government of the
of core members and fighters of the Maute group, leading Philippines released a statement that it welcomed the
President Duterte to declare liberation of Marawi City award by the arbitral tribunal and strongly affirms its
from terrorists in October of that same year. On the other respect for the decision. Also, President Duterte stated in
hand, the declaration of martial law was extended until the his State of the Nation Address held in the same month
end of 2018, to quell the continuing rebellion in the region. that the Philippines would strongly affirm and uphold the
ASG, an Islamic extremist group, has orchestrated award handed down for the arbitration case between the
a number of kidnappings for ransom in the Sulu Sea Philippines and China. However, when President Duterte
and Celebes Sea. Given this situation, in June 2017, the visited China in October 2016, a joint statement was
Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia announced that they announced that included infrastructure investment, drug
9 In October 2012, the Framework Agreement for the realization of a final agreement on the Mindanao peace process was signed. In January 2014, the Government of the Philippines and MILF
signed the Annex on Normalization. The goal of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro signed in March 2014 was to launch an autonomous government in 2016 after formulating the
Bangsamoro Basic Law, holding a referendum in order to demarcate a jurisdictional domain, abolishing the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), and establishing the Bangsamoro
Transition Authority (BTA).
10 In January 2015, in Mindanao, an exchange of fire occurred between the Philippine National Police that were mobilized to arrest JI suspects, and the MILF and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters
(BIFF). This incident reportedly left casualties on both sides.
11 In 1947, a military base agreement was concluded that allows the U.S. Forces to use Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Station for 99 years. A military assistance agreement was also concluded in
1947, followed by the mutual defense treaty in 1951. With the revision of the 1966 military base agreement, the time limit for the stationing of U.S. military bases in the Philippines was set for 1991.
Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Station were returned in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Subsequently, the two countries concluded the Visiting Forces Agreement in 1998, establishing the legal
status of U.S. Forces personnel visiting for joint military exercises in the Philippines.
12 The EDCA is designed to enable the U.S. Forces to utilize and develop facilities in the Philippines, preposition equipment, among other activities. It was agreed that the bases in the Philippines to
be utilized by the U.S. Forces would be decided through consultations after the EDCA was concluded and would be stated in an annex to the agreement. After the signing in 2014, the consultations
regarding the annex had been suspended as litigation procedures were instituted in the Philippines on the grounds that the EDCA was unconstitutional. However, the Supreme Court of the Philippines
handed down a ruling in January 2016 that the EDCA is indeed constitutional.
13 At the 2+2 talks held on January 12, 2016 (EST), the ministers welcomed the decision that the EDCA was constitutional, and reaffirmed their commitment to continue strengthening their alliance in
terms of ensuring both countries’ mutual defense and security as well as jointly contributing to regional peace, stability, and economic prosperity. On March 17-18, 2016 (EST), a strategic dialogue
among foreign and defense authorities was held in Washington, D.C. The two sides agreed on the following five EDCA Agreed Locations: Antonio Bautista Air Base; Basa Air Base; Fort Magsaysay;
Lumbia Air Base; and Mactan-Benito Ebuen Air Base.
enforcement cooperation, coastal security cooperation Jinping visiting Singapore in November 2015, and
and military cooperation but did not make reference to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong visiting China in
the tribunal’s award in the case involving the Philippines September 2017.
and China. Also, in May 2017, President Duterte toured See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-6 ((3) Singapore)
a PLA Navy vessel that made its first port call at the port
in Davao, where the president grew up, and announced 6 Thailand
an agreement concerning joint military exercises with the
PLA. In this regard, attention will be paid to developments Thailand’s defense policy includes: strengthening defense
in the future. cooperation through ASEAN, international organizations,
See Chapter 2, Section 6-4 (Trends concerning Sovereignty and and other entities; defense that makes comprehensive
Other Issues over the South China Sea) use of political, economic, and other national strengths;
Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-6 ((4) The Philippines)
and effective defense aimed at increasing the readiness
Chapter 2
of the Royal Thai Armed Forces (RTAF) and developing
5 Singapore the defense industry. Attacks and bombing incidents by
Islamic extremists seeking secession and independence
Given its limited land area, population, and resources, have become a frequent occurrence in southern Thailand.
Singapore’s existence and development depend on the The Government identifies the swift restoration of peace
the CARAT and SEACAT joint exercises.18 visits were conducted by the leaders of both countries,
Thailand and China have also promoted military and an agreement was reached on the deepening of
exchanges, conducting joint exercises such as Blue defense cooperation. March 2018 marked the first port
Strike among their marines and Falcon Strike among call by a U.S. aircraft carrier to Vietnam since the end of
their air forces.19 the Vietnam war.
See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-6 ((5) Thailand) Vietnam and Russia continue to strengthen
cooperation in the area of national defense. In March
7 Vietnam 2013, Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu visited
Vietnam, and the two sides agreed to jointly construct
Vietnam perceives that it confronts diverse and complex vessel replenishment facilities along Cam Ranh Bay. In
security challenges. It considers that the issues in the 2014, Russian IL-78 aerial refueling tankers landed at
South China Sea have serious impacts on the maritime Cam Ranh International Airport for the first time for the
Chapter 2
activities of Vietnam, and non-traditional threats, such as refueling flights for Russia’s Tu-95MS strategic bombers.21
piracy and terrorism, are matters of concern. As these examples demonstrate, the two countries have
During the Cold War era, the former Soviet Union been carrying out new military cooperation. In recent
provided the most significant assistance to Vietnam. Until years, the two countries have also promoted cooperation
2002, Russia had a naval base in Cam Ranh Bay. After in the energy sector, such as nuclear power generation.
Defense Policies of Countries
the collapse of the former Soviet Union, Vietnam rapidly Vietnam is mostly on Russia for its defense equipment.
expanded its diplomatic relations with other countries, See Chapter 2, Section 4-5-2 (Relations with Asian Countries)
including establishing diplomatic ties with the United Vietnam and China, under their comprehensive
States. At present, Vietnam pursues an omnidirectional strategic cooperation partnership relations, proactively
diplomatic policy and seeks to actively participate in conduct exchanges among their senior government
international and regional cooperation in order to build officials. However, the two countries have competing
friendly relations with all countries. In March 2016, an claims concerning issues such as sovereignty over
international port opened in the key strategic position of the South China Sea. In November 2015, President Xi
Cam Ranh Bay, and since then a number of navy vessels Jinping visited Vietnam, and the two sides agreed that
from not only Japan but also the United States and China differences in opinion regarding maritime issues would
have made calls to the new port. be dealt with appropriately. They also signed a joint
In January 2016, the Congress of the Communist statement noting that the two countries would refrain from
Party of Vietnam (CPV) was held after five years since the actions that further complicate the issue. Furthermore,
previous Congress.20 The Congress decided that Nguyen in January 2017, General Secretary of the Communist
Phu Trong would remain CPV General Secretary, among Party of Vietnam Trong visited China, where the bilateral
other decisions, and a new leadership was established. agreements of past summit meetings, including the basic
General Secretary Trong in his second term identified principles concerning the South China Sea finalized in
that his focal missions for the next five years would 2010, were reaffirmed and it was agreed that they would
include the following: enhance party building; carry out advance cooperation aimed at joint development.
political reform; accelerate national modernization; and Vietnam and India have been deepening their
maintain the country’s independence, sovereignty, unity, cooperative relationship in a broad range of areas,
and territorial integrity. including security and economy. In the area of defense
Vietnam and the United States have strengthened cooperation, it is noted that the Indian Armed Forces
their military relations in recent years. This has taken support the training of Vietnam’s Navy submarine
such forms as joint exercises with the U.S. Navy and port personnel and Air Force pilots, and Indian Navy vessels
calls by U.S. Navy vessels in Vietnam. In 2017, mutual make friendly visits to Vietnam. Furthermore, when then
18 In May 2014, following the coup d’état in Thailand, the United States announced it would suspend joint exercises and freeze military assistance. However, the lateral joint exercise Cobra Gold was
held in February 2015, and the bilateral joint exercise CARAT was held in August 2015.
19 From November 12 to 30, 2015, the first joint exercise between Chinese and Thai air forces, Falcon Strike-2015, was held at the Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand. From China, six J-11B
fighters participated, and from Thailand, five JAS-39 Gripen fighters participated. In addition, in the air show of the closing ceremony of the exercise, from China, seven J-10 fighters of the August
1st Aerobatics Team participated, and from Thailand, two F-16 fighters participated.
20 President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Minister of National Defence Phung Quang Thanh, among others were not reelected and retired from office. In April 2016, President Tran
Dai Quang, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Minister of National Defense Ngo Xuan Lich, and others were appointed at the Vietnamese National Assembly.
21 In March 2015, it was reported that U.S. DoD authorities, while stating the relevant facts, requested Vietnam to prevent the recurrence of this activity. In addition, a senior official of the U.S. Pacific
Command allegedly stated that the Russian military aircraft that received refueling from the aerial refueling tankers arriving from the Cam Ranh base conducted provocative flights. In January 2015,
the Russian Ministry of Defence announced that Russian aerial refueling tankers (IL-78) used Cam Ranh Bay in 2014, enabling the refueling of strategic fighters.
Minister of National Defense Phung Quang Thanh visited concerning a loan of US$500 million for deepening
India in May 2015, the two sides signed the Joint Vision defense cooperation. Cooperation in the area of energy
Statement on Defence Cooperation for the period 2015- between India and Vietnam is also deepening, with a joint
2020.22 In September 2016, Prime Minister Modi became development program for oil and natural gas in the South
the first Indian prime minister to visit Vietnam in 15 years. China Sea.
During the visit an agreement was reached on raising See Chapter 2, Section 6-4 (Trends concerning Sovereignty and
the status of the bilateral relationship to comprehensive Other Issues over the South China Sea)
Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-6 ((2) Vietnam)
strategic partnership, while an announcement was made
Chapter 2
In recent years, Southeast Asian countries have increased jets from Russia. In addition, that same year, Malaysia
their defense spending against the backdrop of economic introduced two Scorpène-class submarines (jointly
development and other reasons, and are modernizing their developed by France and Spain) as its first submarines.
military forces focusing on inducting equipment such In November 2014, Malaysia reportedly concluded
as submarines and fighters including fourth-generation an agreement to purchase six corvettes from the ROK.
22 The statement was agreed upon in May 2015, when Minister of National Defense Phung Quang Thanh of Vietnam visited India and held talks with Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar. While the content
of the Joint Vision Statement has not been disclosed, it is said to cover the period 2015-2020, with maritime security cooperation constituting the main pillar. On the same day, the two sides also
signed an MOU on strengthening the cooperation between their coast guards.
23 Based on IISS’s “The Military Balance” and other sources.
As for Thailand, in July 2014, the country established first one. In addition, by 2013, Thailand has introduced
the Submarine Squadron Headquarters, and started 12 Swedish-made JAS-39 Gripen fighters.
evaluation work to procure submarines. In April 2017, the By January 2017, Vietnam successively introduced
Royal Thai Navy drew up a plan to purchase three Yuan- six Russian-made Kilo-class submarines. By February
class submarines from China over the next 11 years, and 2018, Vietnam started the operation of four Russian-made
the Thai Cabinet approved the purchase of one vessel.24 Gepard-class frigates. As for its air force capabilities,
With regard to frigates, in September 2012, the Cabinet Vietnam started to successively introduce Russian-made
approved a plan to introduce two frigates, and concluded Su-30 fighters in 2004, and to date, the total number of
an agreement to purchase an ROK-made frigate as the delivered Su-30 fighters came to 36.
4 Trends concerning Sovereignty and Other Issues over the South China Sea
Chapter 2
and the Paracel Islands.26 China is pursuing unilateral, ecosystem protection zone.”
large-scale, and rapid land reclamation and the building On the other hand, ASEAN countries as well have
of facilities. The international community is expressing been bolstering their claims to territory in the South China
deep concern over the unilateral changes in the status quo Sea. In March 2009, the Philippines passed the so-called
and China’s creation of a fait accompli. Archipelagic Baselines Law, stating that the Philippines
Since the enactment of the Act on the Territorial has sovereignty over part of the Spratly Islands and the
Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the People’s Republic Scarborough Shoal pursuant to UNCLOS.28 In May
of China in 1992, which stated that the Spratly Islands 2009, Vietnam and Malaysia jointly requested to the
and the Paracel Islands are the territories of China, Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
the country has only strengthened moves intended to (CLCS) an extension of the continental shelf of the sea
emphasize its territorial claims. For example, China area that includes part of the Spratly Islands.29 In June
attached a map of the “nine-dash line”27 to a verbal note 2012, Vietnam adopted the Maritime Law (effective
addressed to the UN in 2009, in which it made claims January 2013) that asserts its sovereignty over the Spratly
to the parts of the South China Sea that purportedly and Paracel Islands.
came under China’s “sovereignty, sovereign rights, and Some of the countries concerned in the South China
jurisdiction.” Furthermore, in 2012, China announced the Sea have reportedly resorted to the use of force on the
establishment of Sansha City in Hainan Province, which opposing country’s vessels, including seizing vessels and
claims to have jurisdiction over the islands of the Spratly firing warning shots, and the concerned countries have
Islands, the Paracel Islands, the Macclesfield Bank, and mutually lodged protests against these actions.
their surrounding waters. In November 2013, Hainan Between Vietnam and China, in May 2014, China’s
Province amended its regulation on the implementation unilateral commencement of oil drilling in waters near
of China’s fishing law, stipulating that foreign fishing the Paracel Islands triggered confrontations between
vessels that wish to carry out fishing activities in waters Chinese and Vietnamese vessels. In July 2015, a
under the jurisdiction of Hainan Province must obtain Vietnamese fishing vessel was rammed by a Chinese
24 The plan to purchase Chinese-made submarines for the Royal Thai Navy approved by Thailand’s cabinet on April 18, 2017 first calls for purchasing one vessel in installments appropriated over the
budgets from 2017 to 2023, and then procuring a total of three vessels over the next 11-year period. On May 5, a contract was concluded on the purchase of one of these three submarines.
25 The area surrounding the Spratly Islands is expected to have offshore resources such as oil and natural gas. The area is also a maritime transport hub and is blessed with rich fishery resources.
26 China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei claim sovereignty over the Spratly Islands. China, Taiwan, and Vietnam claim sovereignty over the Paracel Islands.
27 Concerning the “nine-dash line,” although this has given rise to conflicting claims about territory in the South China Sea among Southeast Asian countries, China has not offered any concrete
explanations regarding the relationship between the “nine-dash line” and relevant international norms.
28 According to the Republic Act No. 9522. This law gives the location of the baselines of the archipelago in terms of latitude and longitude, including of Luzon Island, Palawan Island, and Mindanao
Island. However, for the Spratly Islands (Filipino name: Calayan Islands) and the Scarborough Shoal (Filipino name: Bajo de Masinloc), the law states that the baseline is based on the “Regime of
Islands” under Article 121 of UNCLOS and does not give the geographical location of the baseline.
29 The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) is a body established under UNCLOS (Article 76 and Article 1 of Annex II). Coastal states (signatories) submit information concerning the
continental shelf to CLCS when establishing the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, and then CLCS issues a recommendation based on scientific and technical guidelines.
The limits of the continental shelf based on the CLCS recommendation is final and binding for coastal states. CLCS consists of 21 members serving a term of five years. Members must be experts in
the field of geology, geophysics or hydrography, and serve in their personal capacities.
vessel and sunk near the Paracel Islands.30 In May 2016, a to install military facilities such as batteries, as well
high-speed Chinese vessel followed a Vietnamese fishing as develop various types of infrastructure that can be
boat and intimidated it with its guns near Cuarteron used for military purposes, including runways, hangars,
Reef in the Spratly Islands. Furthermore, in January harbors and radar, continuing to make the features
of the same year, a dispute occurred over oil resource military bases.
development in which Vietnam, alleging that China’s oil See Chapter 2, Section 3-2-5 ((4) Situation of Activities in the South
drilling rig “Haiyang Shiyou 981” conducted activities China Sea)
Chapter 2
2015, a Chinese vessel allegedly appeared several accordance with international law. In January 2013, the
kilometers off the coast of Thitu Island of the Spratly Philippines instituted arbitral proceedings pursuant to
Islands, an island occupied by the Philippines, and UNCLOS for the dispute over China’s assertions and
anchored there for approximately ten days.32 In April 2017, actions in the South China Sea, and in July 2016, an
Secretary of National Defense Lorenzana indicated his arbitral tribunal rendered a final ruling in which it ruled
30 Incidents involving the collision and sinking of Vietnamese fishing vessels by Chinese vessels near the Paracel Islands are believed to have taken place in September 2015, January, March, and July
2016, August 2017, and April 2018.
31 According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, on January 16, 2016, China’s oil rig “Haiyang Shiyou 981” was found 21.4 nautical miles east of the assumed median line where the
Vietnamese and Chinese continental shelves overlap. It is believed that notices were sent to China about this matter on January 18. It is reported that a similar incident occurred in April of that
same year.
32 Thitu Island (Filipino name: Pag-asa Island) is a feature located near Subi Reef where China is building a runway. The mayor with jurisdiction over the island spotted the China Coast Guard vessel. This
was reportedly the first time that a vessel anchored for as long as ten days.
33 With regard to the “nine-dash line” and China’s claim to historic rights, the arbitral tribunal found that China’s claims to historic rights with respect to the maritime areas encompassed by the “nine-
dash line” are contrary to UNCLOS and without lawful effect to the extent that they exceed the limits of China’s maritime entitlements under UNCLOS. With regard to the legal status of features, the
arbitral tribunal found that all of the features in Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands (including Itu Aba Island [Taiwanese name: Taiping Dao]) have no EEZ or continental shelf. With regard to the
legality of Chinese activities, the tribunal found that China has unlawfully prevented Filipino fishermen from engaging in traditional fishing at Scarborough Shoal, violated its obligations to protect the
marine environment through its largescale land reclamations, artificial island-building, and other activities, violated its obligations pertaining to navigation safety by virtue of the dangerous navigation
by its law enforcement vessels, breached the Philippines’ sovereign rights through its land reclamations at Mischief Reef, and violated its obligations by aggravating and extending the disputes through
its dredging, artificial island-building, and other activities following the commencement of arbitral proceedings.
5 Regional Cooperation
The ASEAN Community established on December 31, multilateral security framework of the region that it has
2015 is comprised of three pillars, namely, cooperation been over the years. ASEAN holds mechanisms such as
by the ASEAN Political-Security Community, ASEAN the ARF and ADMM, which provide opportunities for
Economic Community, and ASEAN Socio-Cultural dialogue on security issues. Furthermore, ASEAN has
Community. The first of these, the ASEAN Political- made efforts to improve the security environment in the
Security Community (APSC), adopts the principle of region and promote mutual trust, for example, by holding
building on what has been constructed over the years in the ASEAN Militaries’ Humanitarian Assistance and
the field of political and security cooperation through Disaster Relief Table-Top Exercise (AHR). In addition,
ASEAN’s initiatives, and of aiming to ensure a peaceful ASEAN attaches importance to expanding its relations
life in a democratic and harmonious environment. The with countries outside of the region. It holds the ASEAN
APSC Blueprint 2025 identifies the four characteristics Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus), a
of (1) aiming to become a rules-based, people-oriented, platform that adds eight non-ASEAN countries including
people-centered community; (2) aiming to become a Japan to ADMM, and holds HA/DR exercises. Moving
peaceful, secure, and stable region; (3) aiming for dynamic forward, ASEAN member states are expected to further
and outward-looking ASEAN centrality; and (4) aiming for develop such initiatives as dialogues, HA/DR exercises,
strengthened ASEAN institutional capacity and presence. and expansion of relations with non-ASEAN countries,
ASEAN member states also utilize ASEAN as the in accordance with the principle and concepts of APSC.
34 The DOC includes commitments to resolve territorial and other disputes by peaceful means, and to reaffirm that the adoption of a code of conduct would further promote peace and stability in the
region and work towards the attainment of this objective, based on the principles of international law.
1 General Situation under the “Make in India” initiative and promoting the
domestic production of equipment through enhancing
With a population of more than 1.2 billion on its vast technological cooperation with other countries. Moreover,
land, India is the world’s largest democratic country. It the administration has deepened collaboration with other
has achieved steady economic growth in recent years, and countries to strengthen maritime security cooperation.
has significant influence in the South Asian region. Also,
Chapter 2
it is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, which is of 2 Military Affairs
strategic and geopolitical importance in terms of sea lines
of communication, connecting the Asia-Pacific region India’s security environment is directly linked to its
with the Middle East and Europe. neighboring countries and the regions of West Asia,
India shares borders with many countries, and has Central Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and the Indian
1 The country has a Muslim population exceeding 100 million, although the majority of the country’s population is Hindu.
2 It is regarded that based on the progress of the “Look East” policy intended to strengthen India’s relations with ASEAN, the “Act East” policy which advocates a more practical approach has been
adopted since the inauguration of the Modi administration.
is also developing a ballistic missile defense system.3 FA being developed by Russia. With the United States,
In recent years, India has been injecting efforts India has concluded an agreement in 2010 to purchase
into modernizing its naval and air forces in particular. ten C-17 transport aircraft and has inducted all of these
As a part of these efforts, it is expanding procurement aircraft by 2014.
of equipment from foreign countries as well as joint In addition to aircraft carriers and nuclear
development with them, and has emerged as the world’s submarines, India undertakes the development and
largest arms importer.4 indigenous production of tanks and light combat aircraft.
With respect to its naval capabilities, India However, delays in their development present challenges
decommissioned one aging British-built aircraft carrier INS for India’s domestic production of equipment.
Viraat in March 2017. India introduced the Russian-built See Fig. I-2-7-1 (Military Forces of India and Pakistan (approximate))
conventional powered aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya
in November 2013, and is also building one indigenous 3 Relations with Other Countries
Chapter 2
missile and nuclear submarine INS Arihant in August has long been in contention between India and Pakistan,
2016. Furthermore, in 2009, India concluded an agreement
with the United States to purchase eight P-8I patrol aircraft. Fig. I-2-7-1 Military Forces of India and Pakistan (approximate)
India has so far deployed all eight aircraft to a base in
Approx. 560,000 troops
southern India facing the Bay of Bengal, and in July 2016
Approx. 70 vessels
it concluded a purchase agreement for an additional four Approx. 94,000 tons
Approx. 450 aircraft
P-8I patrol aircraft.
With respect to its air force capabilities, India is Approx. 1.20 million troops
refurbishing its existing fighter aircraft. Moreover, it Approx. 320 vessels
Approx. 478,000 tons
signed an agreement to purchase 36 Rafale fighter aircraft Approx. 950 aircraft
With Russia, India has concluded an agreement in Ground forces (200,000 troops)
The United States Geological Survey:
December 2012 to purchase 42 additional Su-30 fighters. Naval vessels (100,000 tons)
GTOPO30; and the United States National
Combat aircraft (200 aircraft) Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
India has also been deepening military technological ETOPO1
cooperation with Russia, including the joint development Notes: 1. Figures based on “The Military Balance 2018,” etc.
2. Combat aircraft include naval aircraft.
of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft based on the PAK
3 Regarding missiles that India possessed, the following have been indicated:
“Prithvi 2”: a mobile, single-stage liquid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 250-350 km
“Agni 1”: a mobile, single-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 700-1,250 km
“Agni 2”: a mobile, two-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 2,000-3,500 km
“Agni 3”: a mobile, two-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 3,000-5,000 km
“Agni 4”: a mobile, two-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 4,000 km
“Agni 5”: a mobile, three-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 5,000-8,000 km
“Agni 6”: a three-stage solid/liquid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 8,000-10,000 km
“BrahMos”: a solid/Ramjet supersonic cruise missile with a range of about 300-500 km
Ballistic missile defense system: India is developing a two-stage intercept system consisting of a missile for high altitude interception (PAD) up to 80 km in altitude and a missile for low altitude
interception (AAD) up to 30 km in altitude
4 According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
5 The indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant is 262.5 m long, has a standard displacement of 40,642 t, and is scheduled to be commissioned in 2018.
6 Since 2007, India has been implementing a project to induct 126 MMRCA. In 2012, India announced that it selected the French Rafale aircraft. In April 2015, during his visit to France, Prime Minister
Modi expressed India’s intention to swiftly purchase 36 Rafale aircraft. It is believed that a purchase agreement was signed in September 2016 and discussions are still ongoing regarding the model
of the remaining 90 aircraft.
7 India asserts the accession of Kashmir to India, based on the Instrument of Accession document by which the ruler of Kashmir acceded to India at the time of Pakistan’s independence, and contends
that this matter should be resolved through bilateral negotiations on the basis of the 1972 Simla Agreement (an agreement on the peaceful resolution of disputes and the withdrawal of their military
forces that was reached following a summit meeting held in Simla in northern India). On the other hand, Pakistan declares that this should be decided through a referendum, in line with a 1948 UN
resolution. The two countries have taken a significantly different fundamental stance towards the resolution of the dispute.
with dialogues repeatedly resuming and suspending.8 agreed that they would expand technology cooperation
More recently, then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to include co-development and co-production of
of Pakistan was invited to Prime Minister Modi’s equipment. The leaders also affirmed that they would
swearing-in ceremony in May 2014. In December 2015, deepen cooperation in the field of maritime security,
on his return from visiting Afghanistan, Prime Minister and agreed that cooperation between their navies
Modi made a surprise informal visit to Pakistan. In this would be expanded, including upgrading their bilateral
regard, both countries have demonstrated readiness to naval exercise Malabar. Furthermore, at the Defense
improve their relations. Meanwhile, it remains uncertain Ministerial Meeting in December 2015, the two sides
whether bilateral dialogues would be sustained, with the held talks on strengthening various defense cooperation,
postponement of their vice foreign ministerial meeting and confirmed the progress made in the technology
in both August 2014 and January 2016.9 Armed clashes cooperation consultations related to aircraft carriers
between the two militaries have repeatedly taken place and jet engines conducted by their joint working group.
Chapter 2
in the Kashmir region. The large-scale armed clashes In such ways, their cooperation in the field of security
in October 2014 reportedly killed and injured civilians. has expanded. In addition, when Prime Minister Modi
Furthermore, in January 2016, armed forces intruded visited the United States in June 2016, the United States
into an Indian Air Force base adjacent to the Kashmir recognized that India is a “Major Defense Partner.” In
area, killing and wounding security personnel and others, August 2016, in a joint statement of the U.S. and Indian
8 Dialogue between the two countries was suspended due to the Mumbai terror attack in 2008, but it resumed following the February 2011 talks by their Vice-Ministers of Foreign Affairs. In 2011, both
countries affirmed the importance of peacefully settling all outstanding issues between the two countries through dialogue. Pakistan then decided to grant India most-favored nation status.
9 In December 2014, Minister of State for External Affairs Vijay Kumar Singh attributed the postponement of the meeting in August that year to the meeting between Pakistan’s High Commissioner and
Kashmiri leaders of organizations which seek Kashmir’s secession from India. The meeting was ultimately held in March 2015. It is suggested that the meeting in January 2016 was postponed due
to the attack on the Indian Air Force base that occurred in the same month.
10 The Malabar was initially a bilateral naval exercise between the United States and India. Then, Japan, Australia, and Singapore joined Malabar 07-2, and Japan participated in Malabar 09, Malabar
14, Malabar 15, and Malabar 16.
11 According to SIPRI.
2 Pakistan
Wedged between the powerful South Asian nation of Pakistan takes the position that maintaining nuclear
India and politically-unstable Afghanistan, and sharing deterrence against the nuclear threat posed by India is
borders with China and Iran, Pakistan is placed in a essential to ensure national security and self-defense.
geopolitically significant and complex position. In In the past, the so-called Khan network was involved
particular, Islamic extremists conduct activities across in the proliferation of nuclear-related materials and
the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, and Pakistan’s attitude technologies.12
towards the war against terrorism draws much attention Pakistan has been actively proceeding with the
Chapter 2
from the international community. development of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles
While supporting the United States’ war against capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and has conducted
terrorism in Afghanistan, the Government of Pakistan a number of test launches in recent years. In 2015,
has been struggling as its domestic security situation Pakistan conducted two test launches of the ballistic
has worsened, with issues such as growing anti-U.S. missile “Shaheen 3” in March and December, and a test
Defense Policies of Countries
sentiment and retaliatory terrorism by Islamic extremists. launch from an aircraft of the cruise missile “Raad” in
Although then Prime Minister Sharif conducted peace January 2016. Pakistan also conducted its first test launch
consultations maintaining a policy of dialogue with of the ballistic missile “Ababeel,” which is capable of
armed forces, in June 2014, the Pakistan Armed Forces delivering multiple warheads, using Multiple Independent
also launched a military operation against these forces. Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology, in January 2017.
Following a school attack in Peshawar in the same Same as the previous year, it conducted another test fire
year, upon revising the Constitution, Pakistan developed of submarine launched cruise missile “Babur” in March
the National Action Plan that includes establishing a 2018. It is deemed that Pakistan is steadily increasing
special military tribunal to try terrorist suspects, and military capabilities of its missiles.13
announced that the Armed Forces would continue with Pakistan is the world’s ninth largest importer of
and step up its mop-up operation. Subsequently, it weapons, and it is pointed out that 70% of its weapons are
appears that terrorist attacks have decreased considerably. imported from China.14 Pakistan purchased four Sword-
However, for example, in January 2016, an attack class frigates from China, while at the same time it has
targeting a university in Charsadda in northeast Peshawar engaged in the joint development of the JF-17 fighter
occurred, killing and injuring many students and others, aircraft with China and has inducted 69 aircraft through
and terrorist attacks have continued to occur sporadically indigenous production. Pakistan is also considered to
since then. have recently conducted negotiations with China to
newly purchase four frigates and eight submarines.
Although Pakistan introduced 18 F-16C/D fighter jets
received from the United States by 2011, due to the recent
degradation of the Pakistan-U.S. relationship, it has been
pointed out15 that weapon imports into Pakistan seem to
be on the decline.
12 Pakistan is believed to have started its nuclear program in the 1970s and conducted its first nuclear test near the Changai District of the Balochistan Province in 1998. In 2004, it came to
light that nuclear-related technologies, including uranium enrichment technology, had been transferred to North Korea, Iran, and Libya by Dr. Khan and other scientists, who had led the nuclear
program in Pakistan.
13 Regarding missiles that Pakistan possessed, the following have been indicated:
“Nasr” (Hatf 9): a mobile, single-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 70 km
“Ghaznavi” (Hatf 3): a mobile, single-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 290 km
“Shaheen 1” (Hatf 4): a mobile, single-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 750 km
“Ghauri” (Hatf 5): a mobile, single-stage liquid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 1,300-1,800 km
“Shaheen 3” (Hatf 6): a mobile, two-stage solid-fuelled ballistic missile with a range of about 2,750 km
“Ababeel”: a new ballistic missile with a range of about 2,200 km
“Raad” (Hatf 8): a cruise missile with a range of about 350 km
“Babur” (Hatf 7): a supersonic cruise missile with a range of about 750 km
14 According to SIPRI.
15 According to SIPRI.
3 Relations with Other Countries Meanwhile, Pakistan urges the United States to
immediately end its drone attacks on Islamic extremists
(1) Relations with India in Pakistani territory, and the Pakistan Government has
See Chapter 2, Section 7-1-3 ((1) Relations with Pakistan) protested repeatedly.16
The United States, on the other hand, has condemned
(2) Relations with the United States Pakistan for allowing Islamic extremists in Afghanistan
Besides supporting the activities of the U.S. Forces in to have safe havens, which pose threats to the United
Afghanistan, Pakistan cooperates with the war on terror by States. In August 2017,“No partnership can survive a
launching mop-up operations against Islamic extremists country’s harboring of militants and terrorists who target
in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border area. Recognizing the U.S. Service members,” President Trump said. That same
efforts of Pakistan, the United States designated it as a month, the government announced the suspension of
“major non-NATO ally” in 2004. $255 million in Foreign Military Assistance to Pakistan.
Chapter 2
The two countries conducted strategic dialogues Following this, in January 2018, it also announced the
from 2010, and the United States provided Pakistan with suspension of security assistance to Pakistan. These
military support. However, these were suspended after measures will not be lifted until the Pakistani Government
U.S.-Pakistan relations deteriorated as a consequence of takes decisive action against terrorist groups, including
the then Osama Bin Laden mop-up operation conducted the Afghan Taliban. Attention will be paid to further
16 In November 2011, NATO forces conducted airstrikes on border posts in Pakistan, causing casualties to Pakistani soldiers. Pakistan strongly condemned this action and retaliated by closing the ground
supply route for ISAF. Additionally, it is reported that at an all-party conference organized by the leaders of the ruling and opposition parties in September 2013, the Government adopted a resolution
asserting that the U.S. drone attacks were a clear violation of international law.
Section 8 Europe
1 General Situation
With the end of the Cold War, many European countries has sought to further strengthen and expand2 multilateral
now recognize the need to address diverse security frameworks, such as NATO and the EU. At the same time,
challenges, such as outbreaks of regional conflict within it is working to contribute to the security and stability of
and around Europe, the rise of terrorism, the proliferation the international community by proactively participating
of WMDs, and an increasing number of cyberspace in activities outside the European region. Moreover, steps
threats. At the same time, these countries had recognized are taken at the national level by reviewing security and
Chapter 2
that the threat of large-scale invasion by other countries defense strategies, reforming national defense systems,
had disappeared. Nevertheless, since the heightening of and strengthening bilateral3 and multilateral4 defense and
tensions in Ukraine in February 2014, there is a growing security cooperation
need to revisit existing strategies and plan new concepts Further, in light of changes in the security
in order to deal with Russia’s changes to the status quo environment, the downward trend of defense expenditure,
Defense Policies of Countries
with force in the background and “hybrid warfare.” and the drastically expanding gap of defense expenditure
With regard to international terrorism, the incidents of between the United States and other member states, in
terrorism occurring within European nations, including 2014 NATO member states agreed on the goal to allocate
the terror attacks in Paris in November 2015 and the terror 2% or more of their GDP to national defense spending
attacks in Brussels in March 2016, has made counter- until 2024.5 On this goal, at the NATO Summit held in
terrorism efforts an urgent task.1 In addition, the number May 2017, President Trump strongly urged countries that
of refugees and migrants crossing into Europe since 2015 had not yet done so to increase their national defense
has soared due to turmoil in the Middle East, including spending by more than 2% of their GDP. Also, at a press
the prolonged civil war in Syria. Although there has been conference held after the NATO Summit of July 2018, he
a downward trend in the number recently, ensuring border said he believed their national defense spending should
security remains a challenge. rise to 4% of their GDP.
To respond to such challenges and situations, Europe See Fig. I-2-8-1 (Expansion Situation of NATO/EU Member States)
1 Recent terrorist incidents in Europe include an ISIL sympathizer driving a truck into a crowd of people in Nice, France in July 2016, a truck being driven into a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany
in December 2016, a vehicle being driven into a crowd of pedestrians in London, United Kingdom in March 2017, a suicide bombing in Manchester in central United Kingdom that occurred in May
2017, and a vehicle being driven into a crown of pedestrians in the center of Barcelona, Spain in August 2017. European countries are now reviewing their security systems and tightening immigration
controls, among other measures. See Part I, Chapter 3, Section 1.
2 NATO has continued expanding towards Central and Eastern Europe with the aim of stabilizing the entire European and Atlantic regions. In December 2015, at the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting,
Montenegro was invited to begin accession talks. In June 2017, Montenegro acceded to NATO. Currently, two countries—Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina—have been approved to participate
in the Membership Action Plan (MAP), which is a program that provides support to future member states in their preparation to enter NATO (conditionally for Bosnia and Herzegovina). The participation
in the MAP of six other countries—Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Moldova—is currently undecided, as these countries support initiatives for integration into the European
and Atlantic regions through frameworks such as the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), which is a program offered to countries that have the intent to deepen political cooperative relationships
with NATO.
3 For example, the United Kingdom and France signed the Treaty between the United Kingdom and the French Republic for Defence and Security Co-operation and the Treaty between the United
Kingdom and the French Republic relating to Joint Radiographic/Hydrodynamics Facilities at a summit meeting held in November 2010. In addition, at the United Kingdom-France Summit
Meeting in January 2018, the defense ministers of both countries agreed on the establishment of the United Kingdom-France Defence Ministerial Council as a permanent forum for discussions
on defense cooperation.
4 For example, in September 2010, the four European countries of France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium established the European Air Transport Command (EATC) to jointly deploy transport
aircraft of the respective countries such as C-130 and A-310, as well as approximately 150 aerial refueling aircraft. Luxemburg joined EATC in 2012, Spain in July 2014, and Italy in December 2014.
5 As of August 2018, only five (the United States, Greece, Estonia, the United Kingdom, Latvia) out of 29 member states had achieved the appropriate standard. On the other hand, at a news
conference ahead of the NATO Summit in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the outlook that eight countries would achieve allocating 2% of GDP to national defense
spending in 2018. Furthermore, the declaration adopted at the NATO Summit held in Brussels in July 2018 cited some two-thirds of Allies have national plans in place to spend 2% of theirs
GDP on defense by 2024.
U.K.(Note) France
Germany Italy
Netherlands U.S.
Austria Luxembourg Canada
Finland Spain Portugal Norway
Sweden Greece Czech Republic Iceland
Ireland Hungary Poland Turkey
Malta Denmark Slovakia Albania
Cyprus Lithuania Estonia Montenegro
Latvia Romania
Chapter 2
Bulgaria Slovenia
6 The Strategic Concept is an official document defining the objectives, characteristics, and basic national security responsibilities of NATO. The document has so far been formulated seven times (1949,
1952, 1957, 1968, 1991, 1999, and 2010).
7 NATO has conducted air policing on a rotational basis since 2004. The missions involved patrolling the skies of a single country with four aircraft, but since the crisis in Ukraine, the missions were
enhanced, shifting to patrolling the skies of four countries with 16 aircraft. In September 2015, the missions were reduced to patrols above two countries with eight aircraft. Similar air policing by
NATO has been conducted over Slovenia, Iceland, Albania, and Bulgaria in addition to the three Baltic nations.
8 RAP was approved as one of the concrete efforts of the Connected Forces Initiative (CFI). CFI is intended to provide a framework for conducting joint exercises and drills among member states.
Furthermore, it is designed to strengthen joint drills among member states and with partner countries, enhance interoperability, and make use of advanced technology.
NATO Response Force (NRF) and create the Very High of missions including counter-terrorism and capacity-
Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) that can be mobilized building assistance, among others.
within two to three days.9 Furthermore, the declaration Since August 2003, NATO had been leading ISAF in
adopted at the NATO Summit held in Warsaw in July Afghanistan. Its mission was completed in December 2014.
2016 cited Russia’s aggressive actions and terrorism by In place of this mission, since January 2015, NATO has
ISIL as threats. At the meeting, a decision was reached been leading the Resolute Support Mission (RSM), whose
to deploy four battalions to the three Baltic nations and primary tasks are to provide training, advice, and assistance
Poland on a rotational basis. Specifically, at the defense to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces
ministers meeting held in October 2016, it was decided (ANDSF). At the NATO Defense Ministers Meeting held
that the battalions would be multinational in nature in November 2017, it was decided to strengthen support in
with more than 20 countries participating, including the Afghanistan, including reinforcements of 3,000 personnel,
United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada, and the number of essential personnel in Afghanistan
Chapter 2
which would be leading the battalions, and became fully expanded to 16,000 personnel.
operational in 2017. Member states view Russia in varying Besides Afghanistan, NATO is also carrying out
ways due to differences in their geographic distance from missions in Kosovo, Somalia, and other countries.11 Since
Russia and other factors. While measures are being taken October 2008, NATO had dispatched ships from the
to counter Russia’s influence, member states are also permanent maritime forces to the Gulf of Aden and Indian
Defense Policies of Countries
maintaining opportunities for dialogue with Russia.10 Ocean to take part in Operation Ocean Shield to combat
The declaration adopted at the NATO Summit in Brussels piracy, but these activities ended in December 2016.
in July 2018 cited as follows: (1) establishment of the With regard to ISIL, NATO has taken the stance of
Joint Force Command Norfolk in the United States, the emphasizing prevention over intervention. In addition,
headquarters aimed at strengthening defense of Atlantic in the fight against ISIL, the Wales Summit Declaration
Ocean sea lanes that link the United States and Europe, of September 2014 strongly condemned ISIL’s violent
(2) establishment of the Joint Support and Enabling acts and affirmed that NATO would activate its
Command in Ulm, Germany, the headquarters aimed collective defense if any member state were attacked by
at expediting transport of troops and equipment within ISIL. Furthermore, the Warsaw Summit Communiqué
or outside Europe (3) arrangement of the Readiness of July 2016 set forth the decision to dispatch early
Initiative called the “Four Thirties” by 2020 to maintain warning and control forces to fight against ISIL, with
a situation in which 30 mechanized battalions, 30 air surveillance and reconnaissance missions taking place
squadrons, and 30 combat vessels can be ready to use since October 2016.
within 30 days or less.
In the Mediterranean, a permanent maritime force 2 EU
has been deployed to the Aegean Sea since February
2016 due to the influx of illegal immigrants transiting the The EU seeks to enhance its security initiatives under
Mediterranean. This force monitors the influx of illegal the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
immigrants and shares information with Turkey, Greece, and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP),12
and other countries. Also, in November 2016, Operation and in June 2016, Global Strategy for the European
Active Endeavor, focused on collective defense held Union’s Foreign and Security Policy detailing the EU’s
since 2001, was succeeded by Operation Sea Guardian, fundamental approach to foreign and security policy
focused on crisis management, resulting in a wider array was adopted by the European Council for the first time
9 The NRF consists of 40,000 personnel, and the VJTF is a multinational force consisting of approximately 20,000 personnel from the NRF (including 5,000 land force personnel).
10 For example, France held talks with President Putin of Russia following the terror attacks in November 2015, and the two sides agreed to exchange intelligence between their military forces. The
United Kingdom, in its strategy document SDSR2015, states that the issues of Ukraine would significantly change the rules-based international order, while it also states that the country would seek
ways to cooperate with Russia on the issues of ISIL topping the list. Germany, too, has stated the need for deterrence and dialogue with Russia in its white paper on national defense published in
July 2016. Additionally, in April 2016, NATO held the dialogue framework of the NATO-Russia Council in Brussels for the first time in almost two years, which was followed by meetings in July and
December 2016, March, July, and October 2017, and again in May in 2018.
11 In Kosovo, NATO has carried out its mission within the framework of the Kosovo International Security Force since 1996. Today, NATO provides recommendations, training, and capacity-building
assistance to the Kosovo Security Force. In Somalia, NATO takes part in transport operations and dispatches expert personnel to tactical divisions as support for the AU Somalia Mission.
12 The EU, although it has a property of non-binding multilateral cooperation, introduced the CFSP, which covers all areas of foreign and security policy based on the Treaty of Maastricht, which took
effect in 1993. In June 1999, the European Council decided to implement the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) to offer peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance activities in conflict
areas, as a part of the CFSP framework. The Treaty of Lisbon, made effective in 2009, renamed the ESDP to CSDP and clearly positioned it as an integral part of the CFSP.
in approximately 10 years. This document calls for member states expressed their support to France.15
initiatives towards enhancing the EU’s internal and In May 2015, the EU started Operation Sophia
external resilience against threats to order in Eastern conducted by European Union Naval Force Mediterranean
Europe, and the threat of terrorism or other events in the (EUNAVFORMed) due to the surge of refugees and
Middle East and Africa, in accordance with the principles migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea into Europe.
of rules-based order and democracy. In November 2016, The first phase focusing on the monitoring of smuggling
an agreement was reached on the execution of this and human trafficking networks was completed in
strategy, with priority given to responding to conflict and October 2015. The operation has entered the second phase
crises outside of the EU, capacity building of partners, and involving the search, seizure, and diversion on the high
protecting EU citizens from terrorism and other threats. It seas of vessels suspected of being used for smuggling and
also required assigning priority to necessary capabilities human trafficking. Furthermore, at the Foreign Affairs
and deepening relations among member states. In the same Council meeting held in June 2016, agreement was
Chapter 2
month, the European Commission released an action plan reached to add two tasks to Operation Sophia: training
for reinforcing defense cooperation in Europe, including of the Libyan Navy Coast Guard; and providing support
the establishment of the European Defence Fund. In for implementing the UN arms embargo on the high seas.
addition, in December 2017 Permanent Structured Also, in October 2016, the European Border and Coast
Cooperation (PESCO) was launched as a defense Guard was established, with its own equipment and at
13 The EU takes measures, such as capital regulations and ban on exports of equipment and dual use goods, along with asset freezes and travel bans, and extends its expiry date every six months.
14 Article 42, Paragraph 7 of the Treaty on European Union provides for a mutual defense obligation, where if a EU member state is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other member
states shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter.
15 On November 17, 2015 after the terror attacks, then Minister for Defence Jean-Yves Le Drian of France requested the application of the “mutual assistance clause” at the EU Foreign Affairs Council
meeting. The application was agreed upon unanimously. Based on the application of the clause, France requested other EU member states to: (1) contribute to counter-ISIL operations in Iraq and
Syria; and (2) help reduce the military burden of France by contributing to France’s counter-terrorism operations in Mali, Central Africa, and other areas. Nevertheless, the extent of cooperation has
remained relatively small, except for that from the United Kingdom and Germany.
16 These are called Petersberg tasks. They consist of: (1) humanitarian assistance and rescue mission; (2) peacekeeping mission; and (3) combat mission in crisis management, including peacemaking.
Congo, Chad, Mali, and Central Africa. For example, in 3 Cooperation between NATO and the EU
January 2014, the EU decided to dispatch security forces
to Central Africa, where the situation had been of constant Advancements have been seen in cooperation between
tumult. The forces commenced operations in April 2014 NATO and the EU. At the NATO Summit held in July
and completed its mission by March 2015. In the same 2016, a joint declaration was released citing fields which
month, the EU launched the European Union’s Military NATO and the EU should prioritize cooperation, and at
Advisory Mission (EUMAM) to support preparations the NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting and the EU Council
for security sector reform in Central Africa. Since July meeting in December 2016, 42 recommendations in
2016, the European Union’s Training Mission (EUTM) seven fields were adopted for implementing the joint
has succeeded the mission, which continues to modernize declaration. At the NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting
military forces in Central Africa. Also, the EU has been in December 2017, 32 cooperation items in three fields
conducting Operation Atalanta, the first maritime mission were added. Based on these recommendations, NATO’s
Chapter 2
to combat piracy off the Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden Operation Sea Guardian and the EU’s Operation Sophia
since December 2008. Under this mission, vessels and are now mutually collaborating in the Mediterranean,
aircraft dispatched from each country protect ships in the and NATO and the EU are also advancing cooperation
area and conduct surveillance in these waters.17 in fields of responding to hybrid threats, cybersecurity,
and capacity development.
Defense Policies of Countries
17 To tackle piracy in this area, the EU has undertaken “European Union Training Mission-Somalia” and “European Union Maritime Security Capacity Building Mission in Somalia,” in addition to Operation
Atalanta. Based on a comprehensive approach, the EU not only implements piracy countermeasures, but is also working to develop and strengthen its coastal policing and judicial system capabilities.
18 The SDSR2010 committed to decreasing defense spending by 8% by FY2014, including at least 4.3 billion pounds in non-front line savings, excluding spending for operations such as in Afghanistan.
The SDSR2010 decided to decrease, by 2015, Royal Navy personnel by 5,000, Army personnel by 7,000, and Royal Air Force personnel by 5,000, along with reduction of the holdings of main battle
tanks by 40%. In the Army realignment plan “Army 2020” released later in July 2013, the United Kingdom was to reduce the Army’s active military personnel from 102,000 to 82,000 by 2020, while
increasing reservists from 15,000 to 30,000 by 2018.
cuts and explicitly proposes to increase the defense force the South China Sea and making it clear that the Royal
in order to develop capacities to address the entire list of Navy has a right to do that. In early May 2018, in order
expanded threats.19 The NSS-SDSR2015 lays out that the to contribute to international efforts to monitor prohibited
United Kingdom would continue to be a key player in the trading at sea by North Korea, the HMS Sutherland
international community, and promote procurement of conducted information gathering activities regarding
equipment and formation of units with high readiness and ships suspected of conducting “ship-to-ship transfers” in
mobility, in view of dealing with threats such as terrorism the waters surrounding Japan. Further, in April 2018, the
and cyber security.20 In December 2017, the aircraft Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom announced
carrier Queen Elizabeth was put into commission. that the Royal Navy’s landing ship HMS Albion, along
Since September 2014, the United Kingdom has with the Royal Navy frigate HMS Argyll in the latter half
conducted airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq. In addition, it of 2018, would be dispatched to the Asia-Pacific region.
carries out ISR activities using unmanned aerial vehicles, The deployment of these three ships means that the Royal
Chapter 2
provides education and training to forces engaged in Navy would have an almost unbroken presence in the
ground warfare such as the Iraqi Security Forces and Asia-Pacific region throughout 2018.
Peshmerga, a military organization of the Kurdistan In March 2017, the United Kingdom officially
Regional Government, as well as extends humanitarian informed the EU of its intention to leave the union. While
assistance to refugees. Furthermore, following the the United Kingdom will continue to be a NATO member
19 The “NSS-SDSR2015” will maintain the size of the Armed Forces personnel and increase the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force by 700 personnel combined. It also decided to build two aircraft carriers,
introduce nine new maritime patrol aircraft, and maintain a fleet of four strategic nuclear submarines. Underpinned by a stable economy, the NSS-SDSR2015 is to maintain defense expenditure
amounting to 2% of GDP which is the NATO’s target and to further increase defense spending, especially equipment procurement spending.
20 The NSS-SDSR2015 is to add two Typhoon squadrons, establish a F-35 squadron capable of operating from new aircraft carriers, create two strike brigades of up to 5,000 personnel, and have a
system that can deploy an expeditionary force of around 50,000 personnel overseas by 2025.
21 Since 2014 and as of February 2018, the United Kingdom has conducted over 1,600 aerial bombings, held training for over 60,000 Iraqi military soldiers, and dispatched over 1,400 United Kingdom
military personnel.
22 From October to November 2016, Typhoon fighters visited Japan to take part in Japan-U.K. joint exercises. See Part I, Chapter 3, Section 3-4 regarding the maritime security strategy of the United
Kingdom. In April 2018, the British Navy frigate HMS Sutherland conducted a joint exercise with JMSDF, including JS DD SUZUNAMI.
and the danger of escalation is growing. Under these frigate Vendémiaire make a port call in Japan and conduct
conditions, France will continue to fulfill its duties within joint exercises with the MSDF, and has proactively
NATO including for collective defense and contributing organized the multilateral exercises Exercise Croix du
to security, and will take a leading role in efforts to Sud and Equateur in the South Pacific.
strengthen the EU’s defense. In addition, in the Military
Planning Law for 2019-2025 announced in February 3 Germany
2018, a total of approximately 300 billion euros will be
allocated for defense expenditure by 2025, and there was While Germany has been implementing a large-scale
confirmation of President Macron’s commitment to the reduction of its military personnel since the end of the
goal of allocating 2% of France’s GDP to its defense Cold War, it has been gradually expanding the dispatch
budget by 2025. of its federal forces overseas. At the same time, Germany
France has been conducting airstrikes against has advanced the reform of its armed forces to enable
Chapter 2
ISIL in Iraq since September 2014 and in Syria since them to execute multiple responsibilities encompassing
September 2015.23 Following the terror attacks in Paris conflict prevention and risk management in the context of
in November 2015, France declared a state of emergency multilateral organizations, including NATO, the EU, and
domestically, and decided to deploy 10,000 military the UN. However, following a worsening in the security
personnel to maintain domestic security and suspend environment, in May 2016 Germany changed policy and
Defense Policies of Countries
troop reductions. Outside of France, the country enhanced announced that it would increase military personnel by
its airstrikes against ISIL in Syria and deployed mobile around 7,000 by 2023.24
units including the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle The country’s defense white paper released in July
to the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, France has 2016 for the first time in about 10 years explains that
continued to provide education and training to the Iraqi Germany’s security environment has grown more complex
Security Forces and Peshmerga, as well as humanitarian and unstable, causing gradually rising uncertainty, citing
assistance for refugees. specific threats such as international terrorism, cyber-
Since France has territories in the Indo-Pacific region, attacks, interstate conflict, and the influx of refugees and
it places importance on its commitment to the region. The immigrants. The white paper also states that Germany
Strategic Review issued in October 2017 points out the would continue to emphasize multilateral cooperation
potential for a threat to benefits, such as the freedom of and cross-government approaches, while striving to
navigation, due to the worsening strategic situation in the realize rules-based international order. Furthermore,
Asia-Pacific region, and clearly states that France will with regard to the number of military personnel, the
maintain its stance of protecting its sovereignty of its white paper notes that although an upper limit was in
overseas prefectures and territories in the Pacific Ocean place following the end of the Cold War and Germany
and the Indian Ocean. Further, France has indicated its has continually worked to reduce personnel, it would
policy to continue strengthening its worldwide partnership shift to a policy with no upper limit and perform regular
network, from Africa to the Middle East to the Asia- reviews of its military force plan to adjust the number of
Pacific region. In May 2018, during his visit to Australia, personnel flexibly.
President Macron stated that the Paris-Delhi-Canberra In Iraq, Germany has thus far provided education
axis is absolutely key for the Indian-Pacific region. In and training to the Iraqi Security Forces and Peshmerga,
addition, in February 2018, France had the Floréal class supplied equipment and ammunition, extended financial
23 As of January 2018, France has mobilized 1,100 personnel, 10 Rafale fighters, 1 frigate, among other assets.
24 Germany decreased its military personnel strength which was once more than 500,000 at the time of its reunification to 250,000 by 2010. In 2016, personnel were cut further back to 177,000.
However, since July 1994, when the Federal Constitutional Court judged that dispatching the federal forces to international missions under multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and
NATO was constitutional, Germany has gradually expanded dispatch of its federal forces to participate in various international operations, including security maintenance and reconstruction activities
in the Balkan Peninsula and Afghanistan, and anti-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden.
assistance for humanitarian assistance, as well as With regard to the Asia-Pacific region, Germany
conducted training of Kurdish troops in Germany. In considers it to be important from the standpoint of its
December 2015, following the terror attacks in Paris in large population and economic strength, and expresses the
November 2015, the Cabinet approved plans to provide view that the region plays a central role in international
logistics support to the Coalition that is conducting politics, while on the other hand, the region faces issues
counter-ISIL military operations. This expanded German such as being home to two-thirds of the world’s poor.
engagement in counter-ISIL military operations, albeit Germany’s military engagement in the region is limited
the commitment is limited to logistics support missions, to disaster relief missions and goodwill visits, and does
such as reconnaissance and aerial refueling.25 not include joint training.
Chapter 2
Defense Policies of Countries
25 The decision was made on the following commitment during the 12-month period from early January to end of December 2016: (1) dispatch the frigate Augsburg to escort the French aircraft carrier
Charles de Gaulle; (2) deploy Tornado fighters (up to six fighters) and aerial refueling aircraft to Incirlik Air Base in Turkey; and (3) deploy up to 1,200 personnel to areas of ISIL’s operations in Syria,
their airspace, the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, and Red Sea to collect intelligence using reconnaissance satellites and share this intelligence with relevant countries. This decision also
added the dispatch of personnel to NATO’s AWACS (airborne warning and control system) unit to the mission. Furthermore, Germany strives to reduce the operational burden of France by increasing
the number of German personnel participating in the UN PKO in Mali (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali [MINUSMA]) and training personnel in Iraq.
1 General Situation
In a global security environment, there is a growing risk Furthermore, in developed countries, such as
that unrest or a security problem in a single country or the United States and European countries, there has
region could immediately develop into a destabilizing been an increasing number of cases of young people
factor that could affect the entire international community. who are inspired by the extreme ideology spread by
Chapter 3
The conflicts occurring in recent years in various international terrorist organizations against the backdrop
parts of the world are not necessarily of the same nature. of dissatisfaction over estrangement from society,
In addition to an array of problems, which is at the root discrimination, poverty, and disparities, resulting in
of conflicts, including ethnicity, religion, territory, and joining the international terrorist organizations as fighters
Issues in the International Community
resources, the impacts of climate change and other global or conducting “homegrown” terrorism activities in their
issues have also been suggested as causes of conflicts.1 home countries.
There are also cases where the political turmoil Regarding Japan, during the terrorist incident
accompanying regime change leads to conflicts between regarding the murder of Japanese nationals in Syria in
ethnic groups, religious sects, or political factions that early 2015, ISIL explicitly announced that Japanese
can become prolonged against a background of public nationals would be the targets of terrorist attacks. ISIL
dissatisfaction over economic and social disparities and/ also issued a statement claiming responsibility for the
or high unemployment rates. The human rights violations, murder of Japanese in Bangladesh in October of the
refugees, hunger, poverty, and other consequences of same year, and later referred to the incident in its official
conflicts can have impacts on not only the parties of
the conflicts but also a wider area. States with weak
governance are also finding it difficult to tackle risks such
as the explosive outbreak and spread of infectious diseases. “Homegrown” and “lone-wolf” terrorism
Furthermore, in the Middle East and Africa, there
are prominent cases where power vacuums in some “Homegrown” terrorism in which residents are inspired by the
extremism espoused by Al Qaeda or ISIL and conduct terrorist attacks
states with political instability and weak governance
at home has become a threat in European countries and the United
have become hotbeds of the activities of international
States. In particular, there are concerns that their nationals would
terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda and ISIL. accumulate combat training and combat experience in conflict-torn
These organizations are leveraging inadequate border regions such as Iraq and Syria, become indoctrinated into extremism,
controls to expand and step up their operations and then return to their countries and conduct terrorist attacks.
across national borders while securing the personnel, In recent years, “lone-wolf” terrorism is also seen as a threat
because it is difficult to detect signs in advance and prevent it. “Lone-
weapons, and drugs that serve as a source of funding.
wolf” terrorism is planned and committed by individuals or groups who
There also exists organizations that have the ability to
become influenced by extremist ideology through information found on
carry out terrorist acts in places far from their bases, the Internet and elsewhere, without having any official relations with
continuing to pose imminent security challenges to the terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda and ISIL.
international community.
1 The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) released by the U.S. Department of Defense in March 2014 regards climate change as one of key factors that will shape the future security environment. It
claims that climate change may accelerate instability and conflict by causing water scarcity, sharp increases in food costs, and other effects.
14 1
2 4
7 5
Chapter 3
Note: According to the United Nations (as of the end of May 2018).
The Americas
Mission Date Established
United Nations Mission for Justice Support
14 Oct 2017
in Haiti (MINUJSTH)
bulletin when it listed Japanese nationals as their targets. In addition to the UN PKO framework, multinational
Bearing in mind the terror attack at a restaurant in Dhaka, forces and regional organizations authorized by the UN
Bangladesh in July 2016, we Japanese must face up to Security Council have engaged in conflict prevention,
the threat of international terrorism as our own problem.2 peacekeeping, and peacebuilding. In Africa, regional
It has become increasingly important that the organizations such as the African Union (AU)4 undertake
international community should examine the shape their activities based on UN Security Council resolutions,
of tailored international frameworks and involvement and their activities are sometimes handed over to UN
measures, and seek out appropriate responses to these PKOs later. The international community also offers
complicated and diverse destabilizing factors. recommendations and training assistance and supplies
Amid these situations, in recent years, mandates equipment, from a long-term perspective, prompting
of the UN PKO3 have come to include a wide range African nations self-help efforts to enhance local
of areas, including not only traditional roles like the government organizations and improve the capabilities
monitoring of a ceasefire or military withdrawal but also of their military and security organizations.
activities by civilians and police such as the monitoring Concerning international counterterrorism measures,
of disarmament, security sector reform, the monitoring of the proliferation of the threat of terrorism has gained
elections and administrative activities, and humanitarian momentum while its perpetrators are increasingly diversified,
assistance (e.g., return of refugees to their homeland). making it even more difficult to prevent terrorist attacks. For
Chapter 3
This also suggest that the importance of the roles related this reason, international cooperation on counterterrorism
to the protection of civilians and peace-building, in measures has become even more important. Currently, the
particular, has been growing. international community as a whole is taking various steps,
See Fig. I-3-1-1 (List of Peacekeeping Operations) including military means as well as measures to cut off the
Issues in the International Community
2 The seventh issue of the ISIL propaganda magazine Dabiq published in February 2015 included descriptions of the murder of two Japanese nationals in Syria and renewed a call for terror attacks on
Japanese nationals and interests. Furthermore, the 11th issue (published in September 2015) called for terror attacks on Japanese diplomatic missions in Bosnia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The 12th issue
(published in November 2015) described the murder of a Japanese national in Bangladesh and warned again that Japanese nationals and Japanese interests would be the targets of terror attacks.
3 As of the end of April 2018, 14 UN PKOs were operating globally, including about 89,905 military and police personnel and about 15,000 civilian personnel (as of the end of August 2017) from 124
countries. Out of these UN PKOs, there were 10 operations in the Middle East and Africa. (See Fig. I -3-1-1)
4 The world’s largest regional organization comprised of 55 countries and regions in Africa. It was established in July 2002 by reorganizing the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) (established in May
1963). Its objectives include achieving the integration and solidarity of African nations and people, accelerating political, economic, and social integration of Africa, and promoting peace, security, and
stability in Africa. In January 2017, the AU General Assembly approved the accession of Morocco, the only non-member in Africa.
5 In September 2014, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2178 on the issue of foreign terrorist fighters. The resolution requested member states to make exits from their countries for the
purpose of executing acts of terrorism punishable under domestic laws. The resolution also includes measures obligating member states to prevent entry or transit through their territories of any
individual about whom that state has credible information that demonstrates reasonable grounds for believing that the individual is attempting to enter or transit through its territory for the purpose of
participating in acts of terrorism. In addition, at the G7 Summit held in Germany in June 2015, the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to effectively implement the established international framework
for the freezing of terrorists’ assets.
6 The term means “successor” in Arabic. After Prophet Muhammad died, the term has been used to refer to those who led the Islamic community. Since then, a number of the heads of hereditary
dynasties, including the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties, utilized this title.
Chapter 3
a result, they appear to have gained many supporters, and ISIL strongholds remaining in northern and western
it has been noted that more than 40,000 foreign fighters Iraq such as Tal Afar, Hawija, Al-Qaim and Rawa were
actually travelled to Iraq and Syria. also recaptured, and the Iraqi Government announced in
As for obtaining weapons and ammunition, ISIL December 2017 that all Iraqi territory had been liberated
7 It has been noted regarding the IEDs that ISIL used between July 2014 and February 2016 that parts and components manufactured and/or exported by approximately 50 firms in 20 countries fell
into the hands of ISIL, who used them within a year after it acquired them.
8 ISIL has published videos in which it attacks tanks and the like with explosives dropped from drones. It has been noted that the purpose is to destroy some vehicles and force them out of the frontlines
through such attacks.
9 It has been noted that ISIL has been amplifying the effect of its attacks by using drones to find targets from the air and providing instructions to suicide bombers at the ready on the ground and
instructing optimal paths for them.
10 As of August 2017, the Coalition had conducted 13,331 and 11,235 air raids in Iraq and Syria respectively.
11 The Peshmerga remained stationed in Kirkuk after recapturing it from ISIL and effectively controlled it. However, when the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) implemented a referendum on
independence in September 2017, the Iraqi Government dispatched security forces and subdued the city the following month.
12 After the recapture, new problems have emerged, including confrontation between Shiites and Sunnis.
13 Tartus is the only Russian naval base facing the Mediterranean Sea in Syria, reportedly having a dockyard that can provide fuel and food to and repair military ships.
14 Regarding the series of military activities by Russia, it has been noted that they have been displaying their military capabilities and to demonstrate those capabilities through operations, while others
have noted that the target of the military operations is not ISIL but the opposition forces confronting the Assad administration.
ISIL revenue have declined significantly as a result of the In Afghanistan, the Islamic State-Khorasan Province has
progress in these operations against ISIL. At the same conducted sporadic terrorist acts in its capital Kabul and
time, it is believed that approximately 3,000 ISIL fighters elsewhere.17 Terrorist attacks claimed by ISIL “provinces”
remain in hiding, mainly near the Iraq-Syria border,15 who have also been confirmed in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya
Issues in the International Community
are conducting terrorist acts against security forces and and elsewhere. It is believed that the threat of terrorist
Fig. I-3-1-2 Major Terrorist Groups Based in Africa and the Middle East Regions
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Qaeda
(AQIM) the Levant (ISIL)
Several ISIL states
Hamas Lebanon Afghanistan
Palestine ISIL Khorasan
Province Pakistan
Algeria Libya Egypt
Saudi Arabia
ISIL Algeria Province
15 In a December 2017 tweet, the spokesperson for the Coalition expressed the understanding that the number of ISIL’s foreign fighters remaining in Iraq and Syria was under 3,000.
16 For example, suicide bombing and shooting attacks aimed at police vehicles occurred in September 2017 on the Sinai Peninsula, for which ISIL-Sinai Province claimed responsibility.
17 For example, three suicide bombing attacks occurred in December 2017 at a Shiite cultural facility in Kabul, for which ISIL-Khorasan Province claimed responsibility.
acts by such organizations will continue in the future. (4) Foreign Fighters
Furthermore, organizations claiming to be ISIL in Many foreign fighters flowed into Iraq and Syria with the
countries where no “provinces” have been established rise of ISIL since 2014. However, as the strength of ISIL
exist and have conducted terrorist attacks targeting ebbed, it is believed that that number of foreign fighters
security forces and citizens. Particularly in the travelling to Iraq and Syria is declining.19
Philippines, in May 2017, an Abu Sayyaf Group (ASF) Meanwhile, a major concern has been raised that
faction and the Maute group pleading allegiance to ISIL foreign fighters acquiring combat training and combat
occupied part of the city of Marawi on the island of experience in Iraq and Syria would return to their
Mindanao. The Philippine Government declared martial countries and conduct terrorist attacks there. It is believed
law and launched military operations, and the fighting that at least 5,600 foreign fighters had returned from Iraq
continued for around five months. In October of the and Syria to their home countries by October 2017.20
same year, the Philippine Government took control of Amid such circumstances, it has been pointed out that
Marawi and declared an end of the fighting. However, the terrorists who carried out the simultaneous attacks in
the search for individuals connected to the organizations Paris in November 2015 included ones who mingled with
supporting ISIL continues and security has yet to be refugees and immigrants in entering Europe.21
firmly established. Elsewhere, there is concern that Like the terrorist act that occurred in Belgium in
the threat posed by ISIL is permeating Southeast Asia August of the same year, there is also the possibility
Chapter 3
with the existence of organizations supporting ISIL in that ISIL has made foreign fighters return to their home
Indonesia for one.18 countries where they are ordered to conduct terrorist
attacks.22 The international community is required to
continue to take various initiatives going forward in order
18 In Indonesia, a series of bombing and shooting attacks occurred in Jakarta in January 2016, and an organization supporting ISIL claimed responsibility. It is also believed that Indonesians and
Malaysians participated in an organization supporting ISIL in the fighting in the city of Marawi.
19 In an October 2017 press conference, the spokesperson for the Coalition expressed the understanding that there were virtually no foreign fighters flowing into Iraq and Syria at the time.
20 According to the Soufan Center, the number of foreign fighters returning to their home countries are approximately 800 in Tunisia, 760 in Saudi Arabia, 425 in the United Kingdom, approximately 300
in Germany, 271 in France, and so on.
21 Since the series of terror attacks in Paris, the French forces deployed 10,000 troops in France to guard domestic transportation systems, tourist spots, and the like. Although the number of troops
was reduced to 7,000, they continue security activities domestically and otherwise engage in protecting the public.
22 The perpetrator is reported to have received military training in Syria in May 2015, then instructed by ISIL to return to Europe to conduct the terrorist act.
(4) Al-Shabaab
Trends in Al Qaeda-related International Terrorist
2 Organizations “Al-Shabaab,” a Sunni extremist organization based in
Somalia, mainly conducts terrorist acts against Somali
(1) Al Qaeda military forces and police as well as the African Union
With regard to Al Qaeda, which is believed to have Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the peacekeeping forces
directed the 9/11 attacks in 2001, it is believed to have stationed for the purpose of stabilizing the situation
been weakened as the group’s previous leader Osama in Somalia after the civil war. In September 2017,
Bin Laden as well as many executives were killed in U.S. suicide bombing and shooting attacks against Somali
operations. However, it is considered that it continues military bases occurred, for which Al-Shabaab claimed
its activities as a core organization such as issuing responsibility. The Somali authorities concluded that the
instructions and recommendations to its affiliates in car-bomb attacks in December of the same year in which
North Africa and the Middle East. In addition, its current more than 500 people were reportedly killed was carried
leader Zawahiri has repeatedly issued statements calling out by Al-Shabaab, although no one claimed responsibility
for terrorist acts against the West.23 The possibility of Al for it. Furthermore, Al-Shabaab has conducted terrorist
Qaeda attacks has not disappeared. acts in Kenya and Djibouti, posing threat not only to
Somalia but also to its neighboring countries.
(2) Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
Chapter 3
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a Sunni 3 Trends of Other International Terrorist Organizations
extremist organization based in Yemen, is mainly active
in south Yemen, continuing their fight against the Yemeni (1) Taliban
security forces and the opposition insurgent group Houthis. The Taliban is an organization based in Afghanistan
Issues in the International Community
The United States has continued air strikes using UAVs24 with the objective of establishing a state governed by
and killed many AQAP leaders. However, AQAP has taken Sharia law. Its forces were diminished significantly
advantage of the instability in Yemen to maintain a certain for a while by the mop-up operations launched by the
level of force there. It also spreads extreme ideology United States following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the
utilizing propaganda videos and magazines. United States. However, with the end of the mission of
the U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force
(3) Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (ISAF) in December 2014, the Taliban has been stepping
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM),25 a Sunni up its offensive again and expanding the control areas
extremist organization based in Algeria and also active in within Afghanistan.26 It also continues suicide attacks
Mali, Tunisia, and Libya has mainly conducted terrorist and shootings as well as rocket attacks targeting the
attacks and kidnapping against Algerian security forces government and foreigners.
and Europeans and U.S. nationals. Although the strength The Taliban held its first peace talks with the Afghan
of AQIM has declined due to the French-led military Government in July 2015. However, it has hardened its
intervention that started in 2013, the group is still confrontational posture since then and has not shown a
continuing its terror attacks in Algeria and Mali, while willingness to take part in peace talks even after a new
organizations under the AQIM umbrella are instigating supreme leader was appointed in May 2016.27
terrorist attacks in states such as Burkina Faso and Mali.
23 Recently, it published a statement criticizing the Trump administration in the United States for its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and calling on Muslims to attack the interests of the
United States and its allies.
24 In 2017, the U.S. Central Command announced that it conducted more than 120 air raids in Yemen in one year.
25 The January 2013 terrorist attack in Algeria resulting in victims of Japanese nationals is believed to have been executed by the “Masked Brigade,” which had broken away from AQIM. In 2015, the
Brigade merged with other organizations to form “Al-Murabitoun” and returned to the AQIM fold. Furthermore, in 2017, this merged with yet other organizations to form Jama Nusrat al-Islam wal-
Muslimin (JNIM; literally, protector of Islam and Muslims).
26 After occupying Kunduz in the northeast for several days in September 2015, the Taliban has been expanding its area of control, mainly in the north and south.
27 In July 2015, the death of Mullah Mohammad Omar, founder of the Taliban and its former supreme leader, was confirmed. Akhtar Mansour was elected as supreme leader but died in in May 2016
in an air raid by U.S. forces using a drone. Hibatullah Akhundzada, Mansur’s deputy, succeeded him as supreme leader.
(2) Boko Haram have occurred. The terrorist act in November 2017 when a
In Nigeria, Boko Haram, a Sunni extremist organization, truck ran through a bicycle path in New York is considered
has repeatedly carried out terror attacks targeting mainly a “lone-wolf” terrorist act. ISIL and Al Qaeda have been
citizens. It is believed that its influence is declining due using propaganda magazines and other means to introduce
to the mop-up operations that the Nigerian military is specific methods for terrorist acts to supporters who want
mounting together with neighboring countries. However, to conduct such “lone-wolf” terrorist acts. For example,
it continues its activities, mainly in northeast Nigeria, ISIL gives detailed examples of specific methods and
and a suicide bomb attack that is believed to have been targets for terrorist acts using knives and vehicles in its
conducted by Boko Haram occurred at a mosque in the magazine Rumiyah. Al Qaeda also has used its magazine
northeast in January 2018. to publish how to make a bomb using material close at
hand. “Lone-wolf” terrorism is also seen as a threat to the
4 The Threat of “Home-grown” Terrorism international community because it is difficult to detect
signs in advance and prevent it.
As Al Qaeda and ISIL call for terrorism attacks around More recently, terrorist acts have been confirmed
the world, “home-grown” terrorism, in which residents that are conducted in an organized manner by fighters
are inspired by the extremism espoused by these sent in by terrorist organizations or by local individuals
organizations and conduct terrorist attacks at home, or organizations under instructions from terrorist
Chapter 3
continues to be a threat. organizations. These incidents indicate that the forms
In recent years, “lone-wolf” terrorism, planned and of terrorist acts are becoming diversified and that the
committed by individuals or small groups who do not capacity of terrorist organizations to execute operations
have any official relations with international terrorist is improving, raising concern that the threat of terrorism
3 Current Situation of Regional Conflicts and the International Response (mainly in the Middle East and Africa)
28 UN Security Council Resolution 2254 calls for establishing an inclusive and non-sectarian government and setting a schedule and process for drafting a new constitution within six months, and
expresses support for the holding of free and fair elections within 18 months pursuant to the new constitution.
29 It is believed that the ceasefire has largely held in Homs and the two places where it was put in place near the Syria-Jordan border.
elections in September 201730 and the like. Turkey, which immediately after the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in
deems PYD to be a terrorist organization, invaded Afrin Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, protest activities in
in northeastern Syria in January 2018 and announced in the Palestinian Autonomous Area were activated again,
March of the same year that it had taken control of the which resulted in many casualties particularly in the
Issues in the International Community
city center of Afrin. Gaza Strip. Future movements in the Middle East peace
In this manner, the military clashes between the process including engagement by the United States
forces within Syria still do not show signs of ending, and the future direction of negotiations towards the
and peace talks are also stalling. Further initiatives from transfer of administrative authority over the Gaza Strip
the international community towards the stabilization of bears watching.
Syria is required.
3 Situation in Yemen
2 The Situation Surrounding Middle East Peace
In Yemen, anti-government protests occurred from
Since the foundation of Israel in 1948, there have been February 2011 and international pressure led to a
four wars between Israel and Arab countries. The 1993 transition from then President Ali Abdullah Saleh to new
Oslo Agreement was signed between Israel and Palestine President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi through election.
and a peace process made temporary progress but has Meanwhile, the confrontation between the government
fallen short of achieving peace.31 In the Palestinian and the opposition insurgent group Houthis,32 based in
territories, the moderate Fatah, which governs the West northern Yemen, intensified. In September 2011, the
Bank of the Jordan River, and the Islamic fundamentalist Houthis occupied the capital Sana and President Hadi
Hamas, which effectively controls the Gaza district, are evacuated to the city of Aden in the south.
in conflict, splitting the area. Later, as the Houthis invaded the city of Aden,
30 In September 2017, elections were held in the areas controlled by Kurdish forces in which each commune, the smallest administrative district, elected two representatives, one man, one woman,
each. In December, assembly elections were held at the municipal level. However, the election for the equivalent of a parliament that was scheduled to be held in January 2018 was postponed in the
wake of the attack on Afrin by Turkish forces that month.
31 Between Israel and Palestine, a peace process through full-fledged negotiations started through the 1993 Oslo Agreement. In 2003, both Israel and Palestine accepted a roadmap for realizing a peace
initiative featuring the peaceful coexistence of two countries. However, its implementation has made little progress. Later, following rocket attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces launched
large-scale military actions from late 2008 to early 2009 that included airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and the mobilization of ground forces. In November 2012, Israeli forces again conducted airstrikes
on the Gaza Strip. By 2012, Israel thus conducted two major military operations against the Gaza Strip. In both cases, fighting ceased under mediation by Egypt and others.
32 The Houthis are followers of the Zaydi branch of Shiite Islam and are based in Saada governorate in northern Yemen. From 2004 to 2010, the Houthis staged an armed uprising as an anti-government
group, and an armed conflict broke out with the Yemeni military.
President Hadi sought assistance from Arab countries. In Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF)
response, in March 2015, coalition forces led by Saudi among other efforts have reportedly been reducing the
Arabia began air strikes against the Houthis. Taliban’s assault capabilities to a certain degree. However,
A series of peace talks intermediated by the United around the time that ISAF withdrew in December 2014
Nations took place between April and August of the same after completing its mission and the NATO-led “Resolute
year, but a final peace agreement has yet to be reached.33 Support Mission (RSM)” started to train, advise and assist
Military operations by Saudi-led coalition forces against the ANDSF as its core mission, the Taliban intensified
the Houthis and the launching ballistic missiles into their offensive resulting in security deterioration.
Saudi Arabia and other attacks by the Houthis continue.34 Meanwhile, the ANDSF faces challenges with logistics,
The coalition launched operations to recapture Houthi- morale, air capabilities, and troop-commander leadership,
controlled Hodeidah, Yemen’s second-largest port city, and the Taliban is expanding its own areas of control in
and announced that they had occupied the airport there. Afghanistan amidst these circumstances. According to a
Meanwhile, regarding the ballistic missile attacks by the report released by the U.S. Special Inspector General for
Houthis, which have mainly targeted the Saudi south, the Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in October 2017,
Houthis have announced that they have launched ballistic the areas controlled by or under the influence of the
missiles at Riyad, the Saudi capital, since November Afghan Government was approximately 57% of Afghan
2017. In response, Saudi Arabia is claiming that it has territory, the lowest since December 2015, when the
Chapter 3
intercepted the ballistic missiles launched by the Houthis. survey started.
The United States and Saudi Arabia also claim that the Furthermore, in addition to the Taliban, ISIL has
missiles launched at Riyad were provided by Iran. established “Khorasan Province” in eastern Afghanistan
Under these circumstances, in December 2017, and expanded its activities. Suicide bomb attacks and
33 The first round of peace talks under the mediation by the UN took place in Geneva. Both the Yemeni Government and anti-government forces participated in the talks and had indirect consultations
but fell short of reaching any final agreement. In Switzerland in December 2015, the Yemeni Government and anti-government forces held the second round of peace talks, realizing their first direct
negotiations. Although a ceasefire was put into force before the second round, repeated ceasefire violations occurred, leading the second round to be suspended without any major achievement.
34 In June 2015, the Houthis and Yemeni forces units supporting former President Saleh red a Scud missile at Khamis Mushait in southern Saudi Arabia. Saudi forces red two Patriot missiles to intercept
the Scud and identified and destroyed the Scud launching site in southern Saada governorate. Since then, multiple similar incidents have occurred. It has been suggested that the Yemeni Scud missile
was purchased from North Korea and that Yemeni forces units supporting the Houthis were involved with its ring.
in parallel – the Islamic groups’ General National a mosque in the northern Sinai Peninsula leaving more
Congress based in the capital city of Tripoli and the than 300 people dead. Countermeasures against terrorism
secular groups’ Council of Representatives based in are urgently required.36
Tobruk in eastern Libya. In December 2015, the UN President el-Sisi was reelected in presidential
Issues in the International Community
mediated a political agreement for Libya and a national election held in March 2018 with approximately 97% of
consensus government was established in March 2016. the votes. In the election, a former prime minister, a former
However, as Islamic groups took control of the new parliament member, and former military chief of staff
government, secular groups turned their back and who were seen as strong candidates declined one after
refused to join the national consensus government. As another to run or were detained by the authorities, leaving
a result, Libya remains divided between the East and only one opponent for the president. Approximately 41%
the West. In addition, militias supporting the east and voted, a figure lower than in the previous election.
west respectively continue sporadic military clashes.
Under these circumstances, there are no prospects for 7 Situation in South Sudan
establishing domestic governance and security yet.
In addition, ISIL, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist (1) Political Turmoil
organizations are gaining ground in these unstable The North-South civil war that had continued since 1983
circumstances and clashing with militias around the between the Sudanese Government consisting mainly
country. ISIL in particular is believed to be divided into of Arab Muslims in the north and the anti-government
small groups and in hiding, mainly in the desert regions group consisting mainly of African Christians in the
in southern Libya. In October 2017, car bomb attacks south came to an end in 2005 with the entry into force of
targeting the militias occurred for which ISIL claimed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) brokered by
responsibility. Further terrorist acts will likely occur in neighboring countries, the United States, and others. In
the future. July 2011, the Republic of South Sudan was separated and
gained independence from the Republic of the Sudan as the
35 A Sunni political organization established in Egypt in 1928 as an organization targeting the general public to “revive Islam.” In the 1950s, it became a target of a clampdown for plotting the
assassination of President Gamal Abdel Nasser. However, by the 1970s, the organization became moderate to the extent of conducting political activities through parliament. Meanwhile, extremist
organizations were derived, with Muslim Brotherhood serving as the parent organization.
36 Although no one claimed responsibility for this incident, it has been noted that it was conducted by ISIL-Sinai Province.
Chapter 3
internally displaced persons (IDPs). and fled the country, and President Kiir dismissed
Machar from the office.
(2) Beginning of Peace Building Given this harsh situation, the international
With the establishment of UNMISS in July 2011, the community has joined forces for peace and stability. The
37 The initial mandate period was one year, with UNMISS comprised of up to 7,000 military personnel and up to 900 police personnel. UNMISS was designed to fulfill the roles of: (1) supporting peace
consolidation and thereby fostering long-term state building and economic development; (2) supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in exercising its responsibilities for conflict
prevention, mitigation, and resolution and protection of civilians; and (3) supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in developing its capacity to provide security, to establish the rule
of law, and to strengthen the security and justice sectors.
38 From here on, the anti-mainstream faction formed around Machar is referred to as the pro-Machar faction.
39 IGAD was established in 1996. Its members are the eight East African nations of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Eritrea, and South Sudan.
40 According to UN Security Council Resolutions 2304 and 2406, the Regional Protection Force (RPF) is responsible for providing a stable environment for Juba and neighboring areas, and also in other
areas in South Sudan, as necessary. The RPF is authorized to use all necessary means to achieve the following three mandates: (1) facilitation of conditions for safe and free movement both in and
outside of Juba; (2) Protection of the airport and key facilities; (3) Engaging to any actor that is credibly found to be preparing attacks on UN protection-of-civilians sites or civilians, etc.
41 It was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, bringing together the various factions in South Sudan, to revitalize the 2015 Agreement on The Resolution of The Conflict.
42 An initiative that the government started in order to promote national reconciliation through consultations on the causes of domestic clashes and ways to resolve them.
was held to launch the national dialogue. Since then, some the central south which had served as the bases of Al-
progress in the initiatives towards domestic stability, Shabaab. In the following month, Al- Shabaab‘s leader
including the commencement of grass-roots level was killed by the attacks of the U.S. Forces.
dialogues nationwide, has been confirmed. In June 2018, Al-Shabaab has been weakened to some degree as
President Kiir, former First Vice President Machar and a result of these operations, but it still exists as a threat.
others signed “Khartoum Declaration of Agreement on It frequently stages attacks against the bases of Somali
South Sudan,” under which a permanent ceasefire came and AMISOM forces and terrorist attacks within Somalia
into force. However, the details of the political system and in AMISOM member countries.46 It has been pointed
and security arrangements have not been specifically out that ISIL fighters have been flowing into Somalia in
determined, so the situation bears watching. recent years.47 In these circumstances, counterterrorism
See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 2.1 (United Nations Mission in the operations by U.S. forces have been intensified since
Republic of South Sudan) March 2017, when President Trump approved the
intensification of the operations in certain areas by U.S.
8 Situation in Somalia forces deployed in Somalia.
Additionally, in Somalia, especially in the north
(1) Establishment of an Integrated Government eastern part, there are believed to be outposts of pirates
Somalia has been in a state of anarchy since its who are active off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf
Chapter 3
government collapsed in 1991.43 It continues to face a of Aden. The international community implements a
serious humanitarian crisis to this day as a large number series of initiatives to enhance the security capabilities
of refugees are generated. After 14 years, in 2005, the of Somalia based on the perception that instability
Transitional Federal Government (TFG) was inaugurated of Somalia triggers piracy issues. The international
Issues in the International Community
through the intermediation of the neighboring countries. community has continued to implement initiatives off the
In 2012, when the period for provisional governance by coast of Somalia, which have contributed to steadily low
TFG ended, a new cabinet was inaugurated, and a unified level of the reported number of pirates attacks.
government was established for the first time in 21 years. In See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 2.1 (Counter-piracy Initiatives)
February 2017, a presidential election was held, in which
Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed Farmajo, a former prime 9 Situation in Mali
minister in the TFG defeated then-incumbent President
Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to become president. President (1) Anti-government Insurgents
Farmajo is currently rebuilding the Somali National In Mali, an anti-government Tuareg48 insurgent group,
Armed Forces with support from other countries.44 the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad
(MNLA), raised a rebellion in January 2012. Other
(2) The Rise of Al-Shabaab and the Piracy Issue groups, including “Ansar Dine,” an Islamic extremist
Somalia faces two issues, terrorism and piracy. Al- group joined the rebellion. The MNLA conquered some
Shabaab, a Sunni extremist organization based in the northern cities and declared the independence of the
central south, has repeatedly conducted terrorist attacks northern region in April 2012. Subsequently, Islamic
against the government and other targets. In 2007, the extremist groups, including Ansar Dine that expelled the
African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)45 was MNLA, “Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa”
established with the approval of the UN Security Council (MUJAO), and “Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb”
to stabilize the situation. (AQIM),49 started to govern the northern region based on
In August 2014, AMISOM, jointly with the Somali the Sharia law, aggravating the humanitarian and security
National Armed Forces, launched “Operation Indian situations in northern Mali.
Ocean” and successfully recaptured some of the cities in
43 “Somaliland” located in the Northwest declared its independence in 1991. “Puntland” located in the Northeast declared the establishment of an autonomous government in 1998.
44 In May 2017, the United Kingdom hosted the “London Somalia Conference,” where cooperation by the international community towards strengthening Somali National Armed Forces was confirmed.
45 Uganda, Burundi, Djibouti, Kenya, and Ethiopia supply most of the troops. Security Council Resolution 2372 (August 2017) determined that the troops would be reduced from 22,126 members to
21,626 by December 31, 2017 and further reduced to 20,626 by October 31, 2018.
46 In October 2017, a terrorist attack using Vehicle-Borne IEDs (VBIED) occurred in Mogadishu, killing more than 500 people.
47 In November 2017, U.S. forces conducted air strikes in Somalia targeting ISIL.
48 The Tuareg Tribe is a nomadic ethnic minority in the Sahara Desert. It is pointed out that the tribe has been in conflict with the Government of Mali seeking for autonomy in northern Mali.
49 In March 2017, these forces merged to “Jama Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM; literally, protector of Islam and Muslims).”
Chapter 3
With the support of MINUSMA, a presidential election Sahel Force through MINUSMA in support of initiatives
was held in a peaceful manner, and a new government to counter terrorism by the countries in the region. At the
was established in September of the same year.51 same time, 42 MINUSMA personnel died53 as the result
In May and June 2015, the Mali Government of terrorist attacks and other causes in 2017 alone. The
50 AFISMA receives troops from member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), including Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Niger, and Nigeria.
51 In June 2013, the provisional government and MNLA reached an agreement on such issues as allowing the northern area to participate in the presidential election and approving the dispatch of Mali
troops to northern cities.
52 The Joint Force consists of the following five countries: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mari, Mauritania, and Niger.
53 This is the largest number of annual deaths for any mission in UN Peacekeeping Operations in 2017.
1 Nuclear Weapons
During the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 Additionally, regarding the New Strategic Arms
raised awareness of the danger of a full-scale nuclear Reduction Treaty which was signed by the presidents of
war between the United States and the Soviet Union. the United States and Russia in April 2010, and took effect
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in February 2011, the Trump administration expressed its
(NPT) that took effect in 1970 prohibited countries other intention to continue to implement this Treaty. Similarly,
Chapter 3
than those that exploded a nuclear weapon or other the United Kingdom also stated in the Strategic Defence
nuclear explosive device in or before 19661 from having and Security Review (SDSR) in October 2010 that
nuclear weapons, and provided that arms control and the country would decrease the number of its nuclear
disarmament of nuclear forces would be pursued through warheads, and the NSS-SDSR 2015 released in November
Issues in the International Community
1 The United States, the then Soviet Union (now Russia), the United Kingdom, France, and China. France and China acceded to the NPT in 1992.
2 Article 6 of the NPT sets out the obligation of signatory countries to negotiate nuclear disarmament in good faith.
3 As of June 2018
4 South Africa, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus
5 After North Korea announced its withdrawal from the NPT in 1993, it pledged that it would remain a contracting state to the NPT. However, North Korea again declared its withdrawal from the NPT in
January 2003. In the Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks adopted in September 2005, North Korea pledged to return to the NPT at an early date. Nonetheless, North Korea subsequently announced
the implementation of six nuclear tests. North Korea’s nuclear tests constitute a major challenge to the NPT.
6 The treaty stipulates that both countries would reduce the number of deployed strategic warheads to 1,550 and the number of deployed delivery vehicles to 700 by seven years following the treaty’s
entry into force. The United States reported that it had 1,350 deployed strategic nuclear warheads and 652 deployed delivery vehicles, while Russia reported that it had 1,444 deployed strategic
nuclear warheads and 527 deployed delivery vehicles. These numbers are as of February 5, 2018.
7 At the Nuclear Security Summit, it was confirmed that the IAEA would play a central role in international nuclear security initiatives. Accordingly, the IAEA hosted the International Conference on Nuclear
Security in Vienna, Austria in December 2016, which was attended by more than 2,000 people from 130 countries and 17 international organizations and groups.
States’ efforts to follow New START with another round deployed their means of delivery,9 and thereby, continued
of negotiated reductions.8 to enhance the capability of its nuclear forces. It has been
Meanwhile, China is deemed to have increased its pointed out that initiatives for reducing nuclear weapons
inventory of nuclear warheads as well as developed and involving China will be needed in the future.
Biological and chemical weapons are easy to manufacture management of pathogens and toxins.14
at relatively low cost and are easy to disguise as most As for chemical weapons, Iraq repeatedly used
materials, equipment, and technology needed to mustard gas, tabun, and sarin15 in the Iran-Iraq War. In
manufacture these weapons can be used for both military the late 1980s, Iraq used chemical weapons to suppress
and civilian purposes. For example, water purification Iraqi Kurds.16 It is believed that other chemical weapons17
equipment used to desalinate sea water can be exploited to that were used included VX, a highly toxic nerve agent,
extract bacteria for the production of biological weapons, and easy-to-manage binary rounds.18 In August 2013,
and sodium cyanide used for the process of metal coating sarin was used in the suburbs of Damascus, Syria, where
can be abused for the production of chemical weapons.10 Syrian troops clashed with anti-government groups.19 The
Chapter 3
Biological and chemical weapons are attractive to Syrian Government denied using chemical weapons, but
states and non-state actors, such as terrorists, seeking entered into the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
asymmetric means of attack.11 in line with an agreement between the United States
Biological weapons have the following characteristics: and Russia. Subsequently, international efforts were
8 With regard to negotiations for reducing the number of nuclear weapons, in December 2017 Russian Foreign Ministry Director of Nonproliferation and Arms Control Mikhail Ulyanov indicated his intent
to discuss with the United States the possibility of extending the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty by five years and stated Russia’s position that all countries with nuclear weapons, not just the
United States and Russia, should participate in future treaties on reducing or restricting nuclear weapons.
9 See Part I, Chapter 2, Section 3-2 for China’s ballistic missile development
10 The export of related dual-use items and technologies that can be used to develop and produce these biological and chemical weapons is controlled by the domestic laws of member states, including
Japan, pursuant to an agreement of the Australia Group, a framework for international export control.
11 They refer to means of attack to strike an adversary’s vulnerable points and are not conventional means. They include WMDs, ballistic missiles, terrorist attacks, and cyber attacks
12 Then Japan Defense Agency, “Basic Concept for Dealing with Biological Weapons” (January 2002).
13 In November 2009, the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats was released. It presents guidelines on responding to the proliferation of biological weapons and their use by terrorists.
In the State of the Union Address in January 2010, then President Obama said that the United States was launching a new initiative to respond promptly and effectively to bioterrorism and
infectious diseases.
14 U.S. Executive Order (July 2, 2010)
15 Mustard gas is a slow-acting blister agent. Tabun and sarin are fast-acting nerve agents
16 In particular, it has been reported that a chemical weapons attack against a Kurdish village in 1988 killed several thousand people at once.
17 A weapon in which two types of relatively harmless chemicals that serve as ingredients for a chemical agent are contained separately within the weapon. It was devised so that the impact of the firing
of the weapon or other action mixes the chemical materials in the warhead, causing a chemical reaction and thereby synthesis of the chemical agent. Binary rounds are easier to store and handle
than weapons containing chemical agents from the outset.
18 Iraq joined the Chemical Weapons Convention CWC) in February 2009
19 “United Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic: Final Report” (December 12, 2013).
20 (The 33rd and 34th) meeting of the Executive Council of OPCW.
21 UN Security Council Resolution 2118.
22 According to OPCW, 600 tons of Category 1 extremely toxic chemical materials, including sarin and VX gas, were disposed of (August 19, 2014, Statement by the OPCW Director-General). In January
2016, OPCW reported that destruction of all of the chemical weapons reported by the Syrian Government was completed.
extended for one more year, and efforts have continued had used chemical weapons.26
to be made to ensure that chemical weapons would not North Korea is an example of a country that is still
be used ever again by identifying those responsible for presumed to possess these chemical weapons and which
the use of chemical weapons. This joint investigation has not entered into the CWC. In addition, the Tokyo
mechanism has specified persons responsible for six subway sarin attack in 1995, as well as incidents of
incidents of chemical weapons use in Syria. It has been bacillus anthracis being contained in mail items in the
reported that four of these are attributed to the Syrian United States in 2001 and that of ricin being contained
Army, while the remaining two incidents were initiated in a mail item in February 2004, showed that the threat
by ISIL.23, 24 of the use of WMDs by terrorists is real and that these
In particular, the report published in October 2017 weapons could cause serious damage if used in cities.
finds that the Syrian government was responsible for the Furthermore, the Malaysian police announced that a VX
use of sarin once again in Khan Sheikhun, Syria in April nerve agent whose production and use are banned by the
2017. This investigative mechanism ended its activities CWC was found on the body of Kim Jong-nam who was
after the UN Security Council failed to adopt a resolution assassinated in February 2017.
to renew its mandate. The United Kingdom criticized Russia over its
Meanwhile, even after this, there continues to be highly likely involvement in the use of Novichok, a
incidents where chemical weapons were used in Syria, as military-grade chemical weapon developed by Russia,
Chapter 3
suspicions have been pointed out that chemical weapons in the attack on a former Russian intelligence agent that
were used in Eastern Ghouta in April 2018.25 In the same occurred in the United Kingdom in March 2018. As
month, the United States, United Kingdom and France punishment, countries including European countries and
launched missile strikes on chemical weapons related the United States expelled Russian diplomats.
Issues in the International Community
Ballistic missiles enable the projection of heavy payloads In recent years, along with the threat of ballistic
over long distances and can be used as a means of missiles, analysts have pointed to the threat of cruise
delivering WMDs, such as nuclear, biological, and missiles as a weapon which is comparatively easy for
chemical weapons. Once launched, ballistic missiles terrorists and other non-state actors to acquire and which
follow an orbital flight trajectory and fall at a steep angle has the potential for proliferation.27 Because cruise missiles
at high speed. As such, effectively countering them are cheaper to produce compared to ballistic missiles and
requires a highly accurate interceptor missile system. are easy to maintain and train with, many countries either
The deployment of ballistic missiles in a region where produce or modify cruise missiles. At the same time, it
armed conflict is under way runs the risk of intensifying is said that cruise missiles have a higher degree of target
or expanding the conflict. Additionally, it has the risk of accuracy and that they are difficult to detect while in
further heightening tension in a region where military flight.28 Moreover, because they are smaller than ballistic
confrontation is ongoing, leading to the destabilization of missiles, cruise missiles can be concealed on a ship to
that region. Furthermore, ballistic missiles are used as a secretly approach a target, and present a serious threat if
means of attacking from a distance or threatening another they carry WMDs in their warheads.29
country that has superior conventional forces.
4 Growing Concerns about Transfer and Proliferation of WMDs and Other Technologies
Even weapons that were purchased or developed for other countries exported Scud-Bs to many countries and
self-defense purposes could easily be exported or regions, including Iraq, North Korea, and Afghanistan.
transferred once domestic manufacturing becomes China and North Korea also exported DF-3 (CSS-2) and
successful. For example, certain states that do not heed Scud missiles, respectively. As a result, a considerable
political risks have transferred WMDs and related number of countries now possess ballistic missiles. In
technologies to other states that cannot afford to invest addition, Pakistan’s Ghauri and Iran’s Shahab-3 missiles
resources in conventional forces and attempt to offset are believed to be based on North Korea’s Nodong
this with WMDs. Some of these states that seek WMDs missiles. Further still, it has been suggested that North
do not hesitate to put their land and people at risk, and Korea conducted ballistic missile-related trade with Syria
furthermore, due to their weak governance, terrorist and Myanmar.33
organizations are active in their countries. Therefore, it North Korea has made rapid strides in the
is conceivable that in general, the possibility of actual development of its ballistic missiles with only a few
use of WMDs would increase. test launches. It is believed that an underlying factor of
Moreover, since it is uncertain whether such states can this fact was North Korea’s imports of various materials
effectively manage the related technology and materials, and technologies from outside of the country. It is also
Chapter 3
there is a concern that chemical or nuclear substances noted that North Korea transfers and proliferates ballistic
will be transferred or smuggled out from these states with missile airframes and related technologies, and that it
high likelihood. For example, there is a danger that even promotes the further development of missiles using funds
terrorists who do not possess related technologies would procured by such transfer and proliferation.34 Some also
30 Dirty bombs are intended to cause radioactive contamination by spreading radioactive materials.
31 Based on these concerns, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1540 in April 2004, which sets forth the decision that all UN member states would refrain from providing support to non-state
actors that attempt to develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer, or use WMDs and their means of delivery, as well as adopt and enforce laws that are appropriate and effective for
prohibiting these activities. The International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism also entered into force in July 2007.
32 DNI “Worldwide Threat Assessment” from January 2014 states, “North Korea’s assistance to Syria in the construction of a nuclear reactor (destroyed in 2007) illustrates the reach of the North’s
proliferation activities.” The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report of May 2011 states that the destroyed reactor was very likely a nuclear reactor that Syria should have declared to
the IAEA.
33 The March 2018 report of the Panel of Experts of the UN Security Council Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Sanctions Committee points out the activities of North Korean ballistic missile
technicians in Syria and the transfer to Syria of special tiles used at chemical weapons manufacturing facilities. It also discusses North Korea’s ongoing military relationship with Myanmar, including
ballistic missile systems.
34 In addition, concerning the proliferation of WMDs and ballistic missiles by North Korea, the “Worldwide Threat Assessment” of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence of January 2014 pointed out
that “North Korea’s export of ballistic missiles and associated materials to several countries, including Iran and Syria, and its assistance to Syria’s construction of a nuclear reactor, destroyed in 2007,
illustrate the reach of its proliferation activities.” Moreover, in the report entitled “Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” which was published by
the U.S. DoD in March 2014, it was pointed out that North Korea uses various techniques to circumvent measures taken by each country on the basis of UN Security Council resolutions, including
sending cargo through multiple front companies and intermediaries.
35 Extensive behind-the-scenes negotiations began in March 2003 among Libya, the United States and the United Kingdom. In December 2003, Libya agreed to dismantle all of its WMDs and to accept
inspections by an international organization. Later, in August 2006, Libya ratified the IAEA Additional Protocol. Meanwhile, after the military campaign against Libya by a multinational force, in March
2011, North Korea denounced the military attacks against Libya, saying that attacking after disarmament was an “armed invasion.”
technology has arisen as a cause for concern. Namely, via their nationals—researchers and students who have
states of proliferation concern have obtained advanced been dispatched to leading companies and academic
technologies which could be adapted for the development institutions in developed countries.36
and manufacturing of WMDs and other technologies
The nuclear issues of Iran are a serious challenge to other measures, in exchange for ending the sanctions of
the international non-proliferation regime. In 2002, it previous UN Security Council resolutions and the U.S.
was revealed that Iran, without notifying the IAEA, had and EU’s nuclear-related sanctions.38
been engaged for a long time in uranium enrichment and The JCPOA reached its adoption date on October
other activities potentially leading to the development of 18, 2015, 90 days after the Security Council resolution
nuclear weapons. Since 2003, Iran has continued with its was adopted. On January 16, 2016, the IAEA released
uranium enrichment activities despite resolutions adopted a report confirming Iran’s completion of the necessary
by the IAEA Board and the UN Security Council urging preparatory steps to start the implementation of the
Iran to stop its uranium enrichment and other activities. JCPOA. Accordingly, the United States suspended
Chapter 3
However, with Hassan Rouhani winning the its nuclear-related sanctions against Iran. In addition,
presidential election in Iran in June 2013, the discussions the EU terminated some of its sanctions, and the
with the E3+3 (U.K., France, Germany, U.S., China, and sanctions imposed by previous UN Security Council
Russia) were advanced, resulting in the announcement resolutions concerning the nuclear issues of Iran ended,
Issues in the International Community
of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA) towards the in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution
comprehensive resolution of nuclear issues in November 2231. Subsequently, the IAEA has repeatedly confirmed
2013. The execution of the first step measures of the that Iran is complying with the agreement. However in
JPOA commenced in January 2014.37 May 2018 President Trump stated that with the current
On April 2, 2015, consultations held in Lausanne, agreement, Iran can still be on the verge of a nuclear
Switzerland resulted in an agreement regarding the key breakout in a short period of time even if Iran fully
parameters of the final agreement. On July 14, 2015, the complies with the agreement, and also the agreement
final agreement concerning the nuclear issues of Iran, fails to address Iran’s development of ballistic missiles.
the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was He then announced that the United States will withdraw
announced in Vienna. Following this, on July 20, 2015, from the agreement and start work aimed at re-imposing
UN Security Council Resolution 2231 approving the sanctions. President Trump has said he will work with
JCPOA was adopted. In the agreement, it was decided allies to find a real, comprehensive and lasting solution
that Iran would reduce its enriched uranium stockpile and to Iran’s nuclear threat. Thus, the future moves of the
number of centrifuges, ban the production of weapons United States will be closely monitored.
grade plutonium, and accept IAEA inspections, among
36 The February 2016 report of the Panel of Experts of the UN Security Council DPRK Sanctions Committee states that over the past 20 years since 1996, North Korea has dispatched more than 30
engineers to the Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific, which receives technical support from the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs. These engineers participate
in research programs concerning topics such as satellite communications, space science and atmospheric chemistry, and satellite navigation systems. The report notes that such knowhow regarding
space science and satellite systems contributes to improving North Korea’s ballistic missile technology.
37 First step measures include the limited relaxation of sanctions by the E3+3, provided that for six months, Iran: (1) retains half of its existing uranium enriched to approximately 20% as oxide and dilutes
the remaining half to less than 5%; (2) does not enrich uranium over 5%; (3) does not advance activities at uranium enrichment facilities and heavy water reactors; (4) accepts enhanced monitoring
by the IAEA.
38 The major nuclear-related restrictions on Iran in the JCPOA include the following: with regard to uranium enrichment, limiting the number of centrifuges for uranium enrichment to 5,060 or less,
keeping the level of uranium enrichment at up to 3.67%, and restricting Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile to 300 kg; and with regard to plutonium production, redesigning and rebuilding the Arak
heavy water reactor to not produce weapons grade plutonium and shipping spent fuel out of Iran, and not engaging in reprocessing spent fuel including R&D and not constructing reprocessing
facilities. According to then U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, with this agreement Iran’s breakout time (the time it takes to manufacture nuclear fuel for a single nuclear weapon) will be extended from
90 days or less before the JCPOA to a year or more. Furthermore, the JCPOA is an agreement pertaining to nuclear issues and does not suspend or lift sanctions related to international terrorism,
missiles, human rights, among other issues. In response, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, in his address to the UN General Assembly in October 2015, strongly criticized the Iranian
nuclear agreement for making war more likely. In the United States, while the Republican Party that makes up the majority of Congress had been opposed to the agreement, the motion of disapproval
was not supported by two-thirds majority vote of both the House of Representatives and the Senate necessary to override the President’s veto. Thus, the disapproval of the agreement was avoided.
1 Trends Related to the “Principle of the Freedom of the High Seas” in the East and South China Seas
The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)1 does not follow the instructed procedures. Japan is deeply
provides for the principles of freedom of navigation in the high concerned about such measures, which are profoundly
seas and freedom of over flight. Nevertheless, in the waters dangerous acts that unilaterally change the status quo in
and airspace in the periphery of Japan, especially the East the East China Sea, escalating the situation, and that may
Chapter 3
and South China Seas, it has become increasingly common cause unintended consequences in the East China Sea.
for countries to unilaterally assert their rights or take actions, Furthermore, the measures unduly infringe the freedom
based on their unique assertions which are incompatible with of over flight. Japan is demanding China to revoke any
the existing international order. This has caused situations of measures that could go against the principle of freedom
1 The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) was adopted as a comprehensive treaty on the law and order of the seas in 1982 and entered into force in 1994 (Japan concluded it in 1996).
2 Regarding this issue, the U.S. issued statements saying “actions such as this escalate tensions and increase the risk of an incident or a miscalculation, and they could undermine peace, stability, and
economic growth in this vital region (February 5, 2013, Department of State Daily Press Briefing)” and that “we were briefed by our Japanese allies on the incident and we’ve satisfied ourselves that
it does appear to have happened (February 11, 2013, Department of State Daily Press Briefing).”
3 Other than that, there were multiple incidents in March 2011 of Chinese helicopters and other aircraft apparently of the State Oceanic Administration flying close to Japan Maritime Self-Defense
Force destroyers which were engaged in monitoring and surveillance in the East China Sea. Moreover, in June 2016, a Chinese fighter is speculated to have conducted a dangerous act by
approaching a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance aircraft at a high speed over the East China Sea, and in May 2017 an incident allegedly occurred where Chinese fighters obstructed the route of an
aircraft of the U.S. Forces.
4 In March 2009, Chinese ships, including a naval vessel, a maritime research ship of the SOA, a Bureau of Maritime Fisheries’ patrol ship, and fishing vessels, approached a U.S. Navy acoustic research
ship operating in the South China Sea to obstruct its operations, while in December 2013, a Chinese naval vessel cut across the bow of a U.S. Navy cruiser operating in the South China Sea at point
blank range.
5 In August 2014, a Chinese fighter is speculated to have flown abnormally close to and obstructed a U.S. Navy patrol aircraft over the South China Sea. Furthermore, in May 2016, Chinese fighters
are speculated to have flown abnormally and dangerously close, to within around 15 m, of a reconnaissance aircraft of the U.S. Navy over the South China Sea.
cases are dangerous acts that could cause unintended prevent unintended consequences in the seas and skies.
consequences. First, at the Japan-China Summit Meeting held on May 9,
Additionally, China has gone ahead with land 2018, Japan and China agreed to establish a “Maritime and
reclamation on seven features on a massive and rapid Aerial Communication Mechanism between Japan-China
scale on the Spratly Islands since 2014. In July 2016, Defense Authorities” with the aim of avoiding unintended
the rights asserted by China in the sea area enclosed confrontations between the naval vessels and aircraft
by the “nine-dash line,” including “historical rights” of the SDF and PLA. As for multi-national initiatives,
as the basis of the “nine dash line” were denied in the in April 2014, navies of participating countries of the
arbitration award between the Philippines and China, Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS), including
and the illegality of China’s reclamation activities was Japan, the United States, and China, reached agreement
acknowledged. However, China has clearly stated its on the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES).6
intention not to comply with the award, and continues CUES sets forth a code of conduct such as procedures and
militarization of the features by developing batteries communication method to ensure safety for unexpected
and other military facilities and various infrastructure encounters by vessels or aircraft of the navies of each
that can be used for military purposes, such as runways, country. In November 2014, the United States and China
harbors, hangars and radar facilities. Moreover, in July agreed on measures pertaining to mutual notification
and August 2016 after the arbitration award between the of military activities, together with rules of behavior to
Chapter 3
Philippines and China was rendered, an H-6 bomber of avert collisions in waters and airspace in accordance with
the PLAAF conducted combat air patrols in the airspace CUES and other frameworks. In September 2015, the two
around Scarborough Shoal, with China’s Ministry of countries announced an agreement concerning an additional
National Defense announcing that it would conduct these annex stipulating rules of behavior to avert air encounters.
Issues in the International Community
patrols regularly from now on. This shows the PLA has Between ASEAN and China, official discussions have
been intensifying its operation in the South China Sea. been held between on the establishment of the Code of the
Under these circumstances, a further increase in China’s Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (COC).
aerial presence in the area could lead to the establishment It is strongly hoped that these initiatives designed
of a “South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone” to avert and prevent unintended consequences in the
in the future. seas and skies will supplement the existing international
Furthermore, Chinese government vessels have order, and that the countries concerned, including China,
obstructed fishing and other vessels of countries refrain from unilateral actions that heighten tension and
approaching the features, etc. by ring warning shots and act on the basis of the principle of the rule of law.
water cannons at the vessels. Claimants as well as the Moreover, to ensure the effectiveness of the UN
international community including the United States have Security Council Resolution regarding the North Korea
repeatedly said they are deeply concerned about China’s issue, the international community has been cooperating
unilateral changes of the status quo, further advancement in the bolstering of measures to prevent the evasion of
of efforts to create a fait accompli, and assertive and sanctions by North Korea, including ship-to-ship transfers
dangerous acts that could cause unintended consequences. of goods (the offshore transfer of goods from or to ships
Despite these numerous acts that could pose risks to registered to North Korea), which has been prohibited by
securing the stable use of oceans and airspace, in recent the UN Security Council Resolution.7
years progress has been made on efforts to avert and See Chapter 2, Section 3 (China); Chapter 2, Section 6 (Southeast Asia)
The Arctic Ocean, which covers most of the Arctic sea ice has increased the potential for utilization of the
Region, borders Russia, the United States, Canada, Northern Sea Route and exploration of natural resources.
Denmark, and Norway.8 In recent years, decrease in For these reasons, the Arctic states have been more
6 This code is not legally binding and does not supersede the annexes of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and other international treaties.
7 See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2-1-1
8 The Arctic Region is the area north of the latitude line of 66 degrees 33 minutes north latitude. There are eight countries in the Arctic Region – the five countries that border the Arctic Ocean and
Finland, Sweden, and Iceland that do not border it. In 1996, the Arctic Council was established, which aims to promote cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the Arctic states, with the
involvement of the indigenous communities and other inhabitants on common Arctic issues (e.g., sustainable development and environmental protection).
proactively promoting efforts to secure their interests in In the Arctic Strategy released by the U.S. DoD in
resource development and use of the sea route. From the 2013, the United States expresses its desire for the Arctic
perspective of security, the Arctic Ocean has traditionally to become a secure and stable region where U.S. national
been used for the deployment of strategic nuclear forces interests are safeguarded, the U.S. homeland is protected,
and as their transit route. With the decrease in sea ice and nations work cooperatively to address challenges.
in recent years, ships have been able to navigate for a In December 2016, then U.S. President Obama decided
longer period of time and more extensively than before. to ban new drilling for oil and natural gas in a majority
It is therefore considered that the region could be used of U.S. territorial waters in the Arctic to protect marine
for deploying maritime forces or maneuvering military resources, showing a negative stance towards resource
forces in the future, increasing its strategic importance. development. However, the U.S. President Trump signed
In this situation, there are unresolved issues among an executive order repealing this decision of then U.S.
the Arctic states over the demarcation of maritime President Obama in April 2017.10
boundaries based on UNCLOS and extension of the Aside from coastal states in the Arctic Ocean, 13
continental shelf. Some of these Arctic states including countries including Japan and China have observer status
Russia are promoting efforts to deploy new military in the Arctic Council. Notably, China has shown active
capabilities for the purpose of securing their interests and involvement in the Arctic Ocean, deploying the polar
defending their territories. research vessel Xue Long to the Arctic Ocean for eight
Chapter 3
In the Russian Federation’s National Security Strategy times since 1999.11 In January 2018, they published a
revised in December 2015, Russia continues to maintain white paper titled “China’s Arctic Policy ” in which
that it would secure its interests in resource development they claimed to be one of the geographically closest
and use of the sea route. Russia has been actively involved states to the Arctic Circle with rights pertaining to the
With regard to oceans, not only for economic development prosperity of the international community as a whole. In
but also for the national security of each country, it has this regard, each state has been tackling on its own or with
become even more important to promote appropriate others various issues including piracy, unidentified vessels,
rulemaking and to make concerted efforts by the illegal dumping, contraband, human smuggling, maritime
international community to address risks and ensure disasters, and the removal of hazardous substances, for
freedom of navigation while respecting such rules. maintaining the stability of sea lanes of communication.
“Open and Stable Seas” constitute the basis for peace and
9 Russia is said to have a fleet of around 40 icebreakers, while an additional three nuclear-powered icebreakers and two multipurpose icebreaker patrol ships are currently under construction. See
Chapter 2, Section 4 (Russia) regarding the Northern Joint Strategic Command in charge of the Arctic, the deployment and training of the Northern Fleet vessels, the development of military facilities,
strategic patrols by strategic nuclear submarines, and patrol flights by long-range bombers.
10 As regards activities of other coastal nations, Canada states that the Arctic is a priority region under its policies in Canada’s Northern Strategy (released in 2009), and similar to the United States,
in December 2016 Canada announced a moratorium on the development of oil and natural gas in its territorial waters in the Arctic Ocean. Denmark and Norway have also developed the Kingdom
of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011-2020 (released in 2011) and the Norwegian Government’s High North Strategy (released in 2006), respectively, which outline their stances of attaching
importance to the Arctic, including the perspective of security.
11 In 2012, Xue Long became the first polar research vessel to sail across the Arctic Ocean. In 2013, a cargo vessel Yong Sheng became the first Chinese commercial ship to cross the Arctic Ocean.
Canadian scientists took part in Xue Long’s voyage to the Arctic Ocean in 2017, and they succeeded for the first time in trial navigation of the Arctic Northwest Passage (along the north coast of
Canada). Currently, China is believed to be building its second polar research vessel.
1 United States areas of the world and takes actions to combat piracy,
organized crime, terrorism, and the proliferation of
Regarding China’s maritime advances, U.S. Secretary of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).
Defense Mattis declared at the Shangri-La Dialog, held
in June 2017, that the United States cannot and will not 2 NATO • EU
accept unilateral coercive changes to the status quo due
to the scope and scale of China’s construction activities NATO, which identifies acts of terrorism as a threat to
in the South China Sea, which differ from those of other its member countries, has conducted Operation Active
countries in several key ways. They include the nature of Endeavour as a maritime initiative since October 2001
its militarization, China’s disregard for international law, following the terrorist attacks in the United States of the
its contempt for other nations’ interests, and its efforts to same year. Regarding this operation, a decision was made
dismiss non-adversarial resolution of the issues. In stating to transition to Operation Sea Guardian, whose mission
this, he also stated that the U.S. remains committed to is crisis management, and a wide range of operations
protecting the rights, freedom and lawful uses of the sea, has been carried out since November 2016, including
and the ability of countries to exercise those rights in counter-terrorism and capacity building assistance,
the strategically important East and South China Seas. among others, while collaborating with Operation Sophia
Moreover, he stated that the U.S. will continue to fly, of the European Union (EU).
Chapter 3
sail and operate wherever international law allows, and To deal with the pending issue of the large influx
demonstrate resolve through operational presence in of refugees and migrants, NATO decided to deploy the
the South China Sea and beyond. In May, July, August Standing NATO Maritime Groups, which is multinational,
and October of 2017, and January, March and May integrated force made up of vessels from member
Issues in the International Community
of 2018, it has been reported that the U.S. military countries that provide offshore deterrence for member
actually conducted Freedom of Navigation operations, countries through routine exercises and maintenance
navigating vessels in surrounding waters and within 12 of rapid deployment capabilities, to the Aegean Sea in
nautical miles of maritime features in the South China February 2016, and notify Greek and Turkish authorities
Sea claimed by China.12 Japan supports these Freedom as well as the European Agency for the Management
of Navigation operations conducted in the South China of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of
Sea by the United States, and believes in the importance the Member States of the EU of information regarding
of cooperation within the international community to refugee boats.
protect the free, open and peaceful seas. In response to the threat of piracy, NATO was
The United States deems that its safety and economic deploying vessels of the Standing NATO Maritime
security depend upon the secure use of the world’s Groups to off the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of
oceans, and that the United States has a vital interest in Aden. NATO was carrying out Operation Ocean Shield
maritime security. Based on this recognition, the United since August 2009, and it engaged in counter-piracy
States leads the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF)13 to activities by vessels as well as helped countries build
counter piracy and advance maritime safety, including up their capacities to counter piracy if requested. NATO
tackling terrorism in waters surrounding the Middle ended these activities in December 2016. With many
East and Africa, such as the Gulf of Aden, the Persian of its member states facing the ocean, the EU has high
Gulf, and the Indian Ocean. In waters surrounding maritime traffic and economic activity in the sea, and
Central America, the United States conducts operations since December 2008, it has conducted the counter-
to counter illicit trafficking, primarily drug trafficking piracy operation known as Operation Atalanta in this
with European and Western Hemisphere countries.14 The area, which became the EU’s first maritime mission. This
United States thus dispatches vessels to the various sea operation aims to monitor the waters around the area and
12 The Freedom of Navigation Operations are operational activities conducted by the U.S. Forces for countering excessive claims over maritime interests asserted by coastal states to protect the rights,
freedoms, and uses of the sea and airspace guaranteed to all states under international law. It is deemed that the Operations have been conducted on an ongoing basis since 1979.
13 CMF is a multinational force, which operates to promote maritime security, stability, and prosperity, under the U.S. Central Command. Forces from 32 countries participate in CMF, and the CMF
Commander concurrently serves as the Commander of the U.S. Fifth Fleet. CMF is comprised of three combined task forces: Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150), which is tasked with maritime
security operations; Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151) with counter-piracy operations; and Combined Task Force 152 (CTF-152) with maritime security operations in the Persian Gulf. The Japan
Self-Defense Forces deploy units to CTF-151.
14 European and Western Hemisphere countries, including the United States, conduct Operation Martillo to combat illicit trafficking, including the trafficking of narcotics, precursor chemicals, bulk cash,
and weapons, as well as organized crime along the sea areas surrounding Central America.
Chapter 3
Specifically, the headquarters of Operation Atalanta, mobilizing ADF assets.
the EU-led counter-piracy operation is located at the In relation to China, there were reports of Australian
Northwood Maritime Command Headquarters in the patrol aircraft operating in the area around the South
U.K. In addition, the U.K. navy engages in initiatives to China Sea being subjected to PLA aircraft interference
in cooperative arrangements related to piracy in Southeast on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC)
Asia. Since December 2008, China has deployed naval aimed at peacefully settling the issues over the South
vessels to off the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden China Sea. Currently, official consultations have been
and has been involved in international efforts to repress held with a view to establishing the COC, which is
piracy. Through such activities, China has contributed to deemed to contain more specific content than the DOC
ensuring maritime security. Commitment to ensuring the and to be legally binding.
security of its sea lanes is also considered to be connected Furthermore, there have been developments related
to the PLA Navy’s objective of building up capacity for to settling issues through arbitral proceedings set out in
continuous operations in more distant waters. In this UNCLOS. In January 2013, the Philippines instituted
respect, since August 2017, China has begun operating arbitral proceedings pursuant to UNCLOS for the dispute
a security base for providing support for the activities between the Philippines and China over its assertions
of the PLA in Djibouti, a strategic key point in East and actions in the South China Sea. In July 2016, a final
Africa facing the Gulf of Aden, where the PLA Navy’s award was rendered in which nearly all of the Philippines’
vessels involved in counter-piracy activities return to. submissions were ruled in favor of the Philippines. This
The objective of these overseas bases, including ports, is award will be final and legally binding on both parties.
believed to be to build up China’s capacity for continuous Moreover, Vietnam, another claimant, has requested the
operations in more distant waters. tribunal to take into consideration Vietnam’s assertions
Chapter 3
Meanwhile, in the South China Sea, China and over the South China Sea. In this regard, there has been a
ASEAN member states have conflicting assertions over trend among some countries concerned to work towards
the sovereignty of such areas as the Spratly Islands and the a peaceful solution of the issue in accordance with
Paracel Islands. In recent years, the countries concerned, international law.
Issues in the International Community
including China, have stepped up their activities to assert With regard to counter-piracy measures, Indonesia,
their sovereignty. Developments associated with the Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand conduct the Malacca
freedom of navigation in the sea have been subject to Strait Patrols.22 Efforts have also been under way to share
increasing international concern. information related to piracy and build a cooperation
arrangement in accordance with ReCAAP. Additionally,
7 Southeast Asia in recent years, the cases of abduction for ransom has
been confirmed in the Sulu Sea and the Celebes Sea.
Southeast Asia is located at the crossroads of traffic, In order to respond to this, Indonesia, Malaysia and the
linking the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, such as the Philippines began sea patrols in the area in June 2017,
Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea. This region, and air patrols in October of the same year.
however, has maritime security issues, including disputes See Chapter 2, Section 6- 4 (Trends concerning Sovereignty and
over the sovereignty of the South China Sea and piracy. Other Issues over the South China Sea)
22 The Malacca Strait Patrols are comprised of: the Malacca Strait Sea Patrols which commenced in 2004; aircraft patrol activities which commenced in 2005; and information sharing activities which
commenced in 2006.
Nearly 60 years have passed since a satellite was launched spread across the satellite’s orbit, and came to be seen as
into outer space for the first time in the history of mankind. a threat against space assets such as satellites owned by
In recent years, technology leveraging outer space has countries.4 Furthermore, countries including China and
been applied to various areas. No state is allowed to own Russia are thought to be also developing anti-satellite
outer space, and it is freely available to all nations. Major weapons (ASAT) that do not directly hit and destroy a
countries thus make proactive efforts to use outer space.1 satellite by a missile, thus creating less space debris.
For example, observation satellites such as meteorological For example, it has been noted that ASATs under
satellites are used to observe weather as well as land and development include an ASAT that brings a “killer
waters; communication and broadcasting satellites are satellite” to maneuver itself close to target and utilize a
used for the Internet and broadcasting; and positioning robot arm to capture it to disable its functions. In this area,
satellites are used to navigate aircraft and ships. These China has carried out experiments in outer space in which
Chapter 3
satellites have widely prevailed in social, economic, they have mobilized satellites close to other satellites to
scientific, and other areas as essential infrastructure for simulate the movements of a killer satellite. It has been
the public and private sectors. noted that Russia too, has launched killer satellites.5
In the security field, military forces in major countries Furthermore, it has been pointed out that both China and
1 The Outer Space Treaty (The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies) that came into force in
October 1967 defines such matters as the use of the Moon and other celestial bodies for peaceful purposes, the freedom in principle of exploration and use of outer space, and the prohibition of
ownership. However, no clear international agreement has been reached on the definition of outer space, though according to one of the concepts, outer space is considered space located 100 km
or further away from the Earth’s surface.
2 The term “C4ISR” stands for command, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. The 1991 Gulf War is considered “the first high-tech war conducted in outer
space in the history of mankind.”
3 Unnecessary artifacts orbiting around the Earth, including satellites no longer in use, upper stages parts, and fragments of launch vehicles.
4 According to an April 2018 issue of the Washington Times (National Digital Edition) of the U.S., Russia carried out an experimental launch of an anti-satellite missile in March 2018. Moreover, it was
noted that China also carried out an experimental launch of an anti-satellite missile in February 2018.
5 According to the U.S. online news site, The Washington Free Beacon, in January 2018.
Activities.”6 Moreover, countries are working on the meteors reaching Earth, in addition to threats posed by
Space Situational Awareness (SSA) by monitoring the anti-satellite weapons and space debris to space assets.
solar activity with a potential impact on satellites and See Part III, Chapter 1, Section2-6 (Responses in Space)
electronic equipment on Earth, and threats caused by
1 United States that the United States needs to prepare for the possibility
of conflict extending into outer space.
The United States launched its first satellite, Explorer From an organizational perspective, the National
1, in January 1958, following the satellite launches by Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is
the former Soviet Union. The country has since then responsible for non-military space development in
proceeded with a variety of space activities in fields the United States, while the U.S. DoD works on space
including military, science, and resource exploration, development from national security perspective, and
such as launching the world’s first reconnaissance satellite the Joint Force Space Component Command under the
and landing on the Moon. Today, the United States is the control of the U.S. Strategic Command oversees the
Chapter 3
world’s leading space power. The U.S. Forces clearly activities in space from a military perspective.
recognize the importance of outer space for their actions, Major satellites used for military purposes include
and in this regard, actively utilize outer space for security satellites for imagery reconnaissance, early warning,
purposes. In June 2010, the United States released the electronic / signals intelligence, communication, and
Issues in the International Community
National Space Policy that presents the country’s basic global positioning, and their operations are wide-ranging.
guidelines for space policy.7
The National Security Strategy (NSS) revealed in 2 Russia
December 2017 points out that many countries are said
to have purchased satellites to back up their strategic Russia’s space activities have been continuing since
military activities, and some countries even pursuing a the former Soviet Union era. The former Soviet Union
variety of ASATs on the basis of belief that the capability successively launched multiple satellites after it launched
to attack assets in outer space will give them asymmetrical the first satellite in the history of mankind, Sputnik 1, in
advantages. But having noted that, the United States October 1957, and had the largest number of launched
indicated that unlimited access to and freedom in activities satellites in the world until the collapse of the former
in outer space were vital interests of the United States, Soviet Union. The satellites included many military
and that the long-term goals in outer space were given satellites, and progress was made in the use of space
consideration by the newly established National Space for military purposes by the U.S. and the former Soviet
Council (NSpC) in an effort to develop strategies. The Union during the Cold War era. Russia’s space activities
National Space Strategy was announced in March 2018, have declined since the former Soviet Union collapsed
which demonstrated its recognition that their adversaries in 1991. However, the country has recently started to
had turned space into a warfighting domain, and that the expand its activities once again.
United States would seek to deter, counter, and defeat Regarding the country’s trends in security, the
threats in the space domain that are hostile to the national National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation,
interest of the United States and its allies. Based on these approved in December 2015, states that the U.S.
strategic guidelines, the U.S. Department of Defense deployment of weapons into outer space constitutes one of
(DoD) has set the goal of maintaining and strengthening the factors undermining global and regional stability. The
U.S. space superiority for security purposes, recognizing Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, a document
6 In 2007, the chairperson of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) proposed to discuss “the long-term sustainability of outer space activities” in relation to civil
space activities, for the purpose of defining risk reduction for long-term sustainable activities and equal access to outer space. Based on this proposal, the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of UN
COPUOS set up a working group, which carries out discussions every year for establishing the guidelines. In June 2016, an agreement was reached on a part of the guidelines that included details on the
promotion of gathering and sharing of data information on space debris monitoring. Negotiations are currently being continued with the aim of arriving at an overall agreement within 2018.
7 In December 2017, a signing ceremony was held for the Space Policy Directive 1, which was the first policy on space to be announced after President Trump’s inauguration. In his speech, he
mentioned the relationship between space and its military use, and noted the importance of the U.S. space policy, indicating new developments within the U.S. government.
created in April 2014 to specifically define the principles established the ESA, which launched a satellite in 1979.
of the National Security Strategy in the military field, In Europe, the EU, the ESA, and European countries
mentions the development and maintenance of a group of are promoting their own unique space activities and
orbiting spacecraft to support Russia’s military activities are cooperating with each other to implement space
in space as being one of the main missions. activities.12 The ESA signed a “framework agreement”
From an organizational perspective, the Roscosmos with the EU in May 2004 to prescribe that they will
State Corporation for Space Activities is in charge coordinate on proceeding with space development and
of space activities related to Russia’s scientific and hold regular minister-level council meetings. The joint
economic areas, while the Russian Ministry of Defence council meeting held by the ESA and the EU in May
is involved in space activities for security purposes. 2007 approved the “European Space Policy.”13 This
The Russian Aerospace Forces8 conducts actual space “European Space Policy” mentions improving synergy
activities for military purposes, manages facilities for effects between space activities for civil and defense
launching satellites, among other activities. purposes, and the importance of implementing space
Major satellites launched by Russia are satellites activities based on coordinated efforts among member
for imagery reconnaissance, early warning, radio wave states and ensuring an internationally competitive space
information gathering, communication, positioning, and industry. The Policy identifies security as one of its areas
others, all of which are presumed to be used for security of priority.
Chapter 3
purposes. Currently, Russia is developing a new Angara It is thought that in the future, “Galileo,” a satellite
carrier launch vehicle,9 along with building a new launch positioning system planned by the EU and the ESA;14
site in Vostochny in the Far East.10 “Copernicus,” an Earth observation program;15 and the
Multinational Space-based Imaging System (MUSIS),16
8 According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Aerospace Forces were created by merging the Air Force and the Aerospace Defence Forces, and started performing its tasks in August 2015. The
tasks of the Aerospace Forces include: (1) providing focused combat command to the air force; (2) conducting aerial and missile defense; (3) launching and controlling satellites; (4) warning about
missile attack; and (5) monitoring outer space.
9 In July 2014, the first launch of “Angara-1.2PP” was conducted successfully. In December 2014, “Angara-A5” successfully put a dummy satellite into orbit for the first time. The Angara launch vehicle
is considered as the first large launch vehicle that Russia developed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is expected that the vehicle will be launching commercial as well as military satellites.
10 The new launch site is being built to replace the Russian-leased Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, and Russia aims to have the site fully operational by 2020.
11 The ESA was established in May 1975 based on the ESA Convention targeting to establish a single European space organization focusing on the peaceful use of space research, technology, and
application areas. The organization was formally established in October 1980.
12 In September 2000, the European Commission (EC) and the ESA created the European Strategy for Space that committed to pursuing Europe’s coherent and effective space activities. The strategy
envisioned that the EC would make political and strategic decisions on space policies and that ESA would function as the implementing organization. For the satellite positioning system “Galileo”
currently in operation and the environmental and security monitoring program “Copernicus,” the EU and ESA are complementing each other in carrying these projects forward, with the former mainly
taking charge of the policy dimension and the latter the technical dimension.
13 The EC released the European Strategy for Space in October 2016.
14 In December 2016, initial services were launched with 18 satellites. Galileo is set to offer the services in conjunction with GPS because of the insufficient number of satellites. The system is expected
to be fully operational by 2020 when all 30 satellites are in place.
15 New observation satellites called “Sentinels” are being launched to collect imagery necessary for conducting Earth observations. Sentinels are classified according to their purpose into: 1) all-weather
satellite that takes images of land and ocean; 2) all-weather satellite capable of high-resolution land monitoring to provide imagery of vegetation, inland waterways, and coastal areas; and 3) satellite
measuring land-and sea-surface temperature and topography. Six Sentinels are said to be in orbit as of January 2018.
16 The European Defence Agency (EDA) was established in 2004 to improve Europe’s defense capabilities for crisis management purposes and to execute and maintain security and defense policies.
17 The MUSIS was started by Belgium, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, and Spain. The organization was joined later by Poland in December 2010. This is a joint project succeeding such projects as
“Helios 2” (a French military reconnaissance satellite), “Pleiades” (a French Earth imaging satellite used for military and civilian purposes), “SAR-Lupe” (a German group of military radar satellites),
“COSMO-SkyMed” (an Italian constellation of Earth observation satellites), and “Ingenio” (a Spanish optical satellite).
18 The number of cargo rocket launches in 2016 was 22 in the United States, 22 in China, 17 in Russia, 11 in Europe, 7 in India, 4 in Japan, and 1 in Israel. In terms of the number of rocket
launches, China overtook Russia for the first time to equal the U.S. Moreover, the number of rocket launches in 2017 were 29 in the U.S., 19 in Russia, 18 in China, 11 in Europe (France), 7 in
Japan, and 5 in India.
outer space constitute “peaceful use of outer space,” and of carrying extra heavy payloads. Carrier launch vehicles
underscores that China is “opposed [to] the weaponization are developed and manufactured by Chinese state-owned
of and arms race in outer space, and [will take] an active enterprises, which are thought to be also developing
part in international space cooperation.” China also and manufacturing ballistic missiles. It is expected that
Issues in the International Community
commits to “[keeping] abreast of the dynamics of outer China will pursue space development through close
space, deal with security threats and challenges in that collaboration between the public sector, military, and
domain, and secure its space assets.” In addition, “China’s private sector. Moreover, it is regarded that China is
Space Activities in 2016,” China’s white paper on space focusing also on the development of satellite ground
activities released in December 2016, presents a vision to stations and opened China’s first satellite data receiving
“build China into a space power” and for “the realization station outside of China, near Kiruna in Sweden in
of the Chinese Dream.” It also presents a schedule of December 2016.23 Furthermore, the country has launched
launches19 up to 2020, and emphasizes international a manned space program with the aim of constructing its
cooperation and the peaceful use of space. On the other own space station.24 The first unmanned cargo spacecraft,
hand, the white paper also notes that China will satisfy Tianzhou 1, was launched in April 2017 from Wenchang
its needs for security, which does not deny the country’s Space Launch Center on the carrier rocket, Long March-7
military use of space. Y2. After that, Tianzhou 1 succeeded in being docked
China is indeed actively using space for information with Tiangong-2, a space laboratory. Other than that, the
collection, communications,20 and positioning for Hainan Sheng Institute of Remote Sensing is planning to
military purposes.21 While the details of the tasks and launch a series of 10 satellites between 2019 and 2021.
organization of the Strategic Support Force, established Also, China is considered to have become one of the space
in January 2016, have not been revealed, it is pointed out powers through investments, research and development,
19 In addition to lunar exploration, it also cites the launch of worldwide services for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, Mars exploration, asteroid exploration, and Jupiter exploration.
20 In August 2016, China launched the world’s first quantum science satellite called Mozi that will be carrying out a proof-of-concept mission for quantum communication between space and a
ground station
21 By December 2012, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System officially started its services covering most of the Asia-Pacific region. It is reported that the BeiDou system has already started to be
mounted on navy vessels, government vessels belonging to maritime law enforcement agencies, fishing boats, among other vessels. BeiDou offers not only positioning services but also interactive
short message features. It is suggested that these features make it possible to centrally capture and share, in real time, the position and other data related to vessels of other countries that Chinese
navy vessels have detected, and improve information gathering capabilities on the ocean and other areas.
22 In September 2015, China succeeded in its first launch of Long March-6 (for launching small satellites) and Long March-11 (solid-fuel propellant, for instantaneous launching of small satellites). China
also succeeded in launching Long March-7 (for launching “Shenzhou” manned spacecraft) in June 2016 and Long March-5 (for launching large satellites) in November 2016. On the other hand, the
launch of their Long March 5 rocket in July 2017 ended in failure. It also announced plans to launch Long March-9 (for launching ultra-large satellites), which aims to achieve capability to launch
100-ton payload into low orbit, by around 2030.
23 It is noted that this receiving station located in the Arctic Circle offers many security advantages, such as ease of receiving data obtained by Earth observation satellites in sun-synchronous orbits
(including photo reconnaissance satellites).
24 The National Medium and Long-Term Program for Science and Technology Development published by the State Council of China in February 2006 positions space station construction, lunar
exploration and high-resolution Earth observation systems as specific critical projects in the aerospace area.
and introduction of technologies from the United States an Earth observation satellite, which are supposedly
and other countries. It has been suggested that China used also for security purposes. In February 2017, India
could threaten U.S. information superiority in outer space successfully launched a satellite launch vehicle loaded
in the future.25 Furthermore, as described earlier, China with 104 satellites,30 marking the largest number ever
continues to develop ASATs. In January 2007, China carried on a single rocket in the world. In the future, the
conducted a test using a ground-launched missile that country plans to implement planetary explorations and
destroyed its own satellite. In July 2014, China tested conduct manned space flight.31
an anti-satellite missile not involving the destruction of
a satellite.26 It is also suggested that China is developing 6 Republic of Korea
directed-energy weapons,27 including “killer satellites,”
jammers, and laser beams. The Republic of Korea (ROK) is considered to have
started full-scale space development from the latter
5 India half of the 1990s. The ROK carries out space activities
based on the three key plans it established in November
India’s space development promotes space programs 2013, namely: the “Mid- and Long-Term Plan for Space
aimed at social and economic development in line with Development (2014-2040),”32 which plans to move up the
the five-year national plan. The country’s 12th Five- first launch of launch vehicles manufactured by the ROK33
Chapter 3
Year Plan28 focuses on non-military projects including to June 2020;34 the “Space Technology Industrialization
communication, positioning, Earth observation (e.g., Strategy,” which prompts the private sector to lead space
disaster monitoring, resource exploration, and weather development; and the “Revision of the Korean Rocket
observation), transportation systems, space science, and Development Plan,” which outlines the use of ROK-
25 According to the annual report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of November 2015.
26 The February 2015 “Worldwide Threat Assessment” of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence notes that in July 2014, China tested an anti-satellite missile not involving the destruction of a satellite.
In addition, it states that China has satellite jamming capabilities and is making progress on an anti-satellite system.
27 According to the “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” published by the U.S. DoD in June 2017, China continues to develop
directed-energy weapons, electronic countermeasure systems (jammers), and a variety of capabilities including capability to counter satellite, designed to limit or block the use of space assets by
adversaries during a crisis or conflict.
28 The 12th Five-Year Plan covers the period between April 2012 and March 2017. The 13th Five-Year Plan has yet to be announced.
29 In April 2016, India succeeded in launching the seventh satellite constituting the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), which completed the deployment of the constellation.
30 All 104 satellites were launched and placed into polar orbit at the same time. They comprised India’s roughly 700 kg Cartosat-2D Earth observation satellite and 103 small satellites weighing less
than about 10 kg each (1 each from Israel, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the UAE, 2 from India, and 96 from the United States).
31 In December 2014, the ISRO succeeded in the test launch of a large launch vehicle carrying an unmanned capsule.
32 In January 2013, for the first time on its third attempt, the ROK successfully launched the space launch vehicle “Naro (KSLV-1)” that was developed based on the first stage of the Russian Angara rocket.
33 The ROK had planned to launch a test space rocket in December 2017, but has postponed this launch until October 2018 due to technical issues.
34 The Mid- and Long-Term Basic Plan for Space Development (1996-2015) released in 1996 is considered to be the ROK’s first space plan.
Owing to the advancement of information and and communications networks. Furthermore, military
communications technology (ICT) in recent years, forces rely on various critical infrastructures, including
information and communications networks such as the electricity, to execute their missions. Accordingly, cyber
Internet have become essential components across all attacks against such critical infrastructures could become
facets of life. Meanwhile, cyber attacks1 against critical a major impediment to their missions. For this reason,
infrastructures, namely, information and communications cyber attacks are regarded as an asymmetrical strategy
networks, have the potential to seriously impact the lives capable of mitigating the strengths of adversaries by
of individuals. exploiting the weaknesses of an adversary’s forces. It is
Types of cyber attacks include functional disruption, believed that many foreign military forces are developing
data falsification and data theft caused by unauthorized offensive capabilities in cyberspace. It has been pointed
access to information and communications networks or out that China and Russia in particular are bolstering
Chapter 3
through the transmission of viruses via e-mail, functional the cyber attacking capabilities of their militaries for
impairment of the networks through simultaneous the purpose of obstructing the networking of military
transmission of large quantities of data, as well as attacks forces and destroying infrastructure.3 In addition, actors
intending to shut down or take over a system belonging (including non-state actors) attempting to cause harm
Issues in the International Community
to critical infrastructure, such as power systems. Also, to nations, etc. are likely to have realized that attacking
Internet-related technologies are constantly evolving, through cyberspace is often easier than attacking directly
with cyber attacks2 becoming more and more advanced using physical means.4 Moreover, it is said that the
and sophisticated by the day. information and communications networks of countries
For military forces, information and communication are being compromised for the purpose of gathering
capability form the foundation of command and control, intelligence. As more confidential information becoming
which extend from central command to ground-level to be stored in cyberspace, cyber espionage through cyber
forces. In this regard, ICT advancements are further attacks is causing more serious damage.
enhancing the dependence of units on information
2 Threats in Cyberspace
Under such circumstances, cyber attacks have frequently forces of various countries.5
been carried out against information and communications Some of these cyber attacks are said to involve
networks of government organizations and military a range of organizations including China’s PLA,6
1 The targets of cyber attacks are wide-ranging. Beginning with large targets, they range from global-level targets, including interstate targets, as well as nations and government institutions, local
communities, business communities and infrastructures, companies, and individuals. As such, it is said that measures to counter cyber attacks need to be optimal relative to the size of the target.
2 In the Japanese MOD’s “Toward Stable and Effective Use of Cyberspace” of September 2012, cyber attacks are characterized as follows: (1) diversity: cyber attacks involve diverse actors, methods,
objectives, and context; (2) anonymity: actors can easily conceal and disguise their identity; (3) stealth: some cyber attacks are difficult to identify and can take place without causing any realization
of damage; (4) offensive dominance: attack tools are easy to acquire depending on the tool, and it is difficult to completely eliminate software vulnerabilities; and (5) the difficulties of deterrence:
retaliatory strikes and defensive measures have minimal deterrence effect.
3 According to the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (March 2018).
4 According to the “Cybersecurity National Action Plan” unveiled by then U.S. President Obama in February 2016.
5 According to the annual report presented to Congress by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget based on the Federal Information Security Management Act, the number of cybersecurity incidents
reported to federal offices in FY2017 in the U.S. was 35,277. Moreover, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence’s “Worldwide Threat Assessment” of February 2018 names Russia, China, Iran, and
North Korea as being the main countries that pose the greatest cyber threat to the U.S. It also indicates that (1) Russia is continuing its spying on critical infrastructure of the U.S. as well as that of
its allies, while also targeting the U.S., NATO and allies in trying to obtain information on U.S. policies, (2) China is continuing its engagement in cyber espionage while also enhancing its cyber attack
capabilities to address its priority issues in national security, (3) Iran is continuing infiltration efforts in countries allied to the U.S and the West for the purpose of espionage and in preparing for future
cyber attacks, and (4) North Korea is engaging in cyber activities to acquire funds, gather information and launch attacks against the ROK and the U.S. See Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 1 regarding ISIL’s
use of cyberspace.
6 “APT 1: Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units,” released in February 2013 by Mandiant, a U.S. information security company, concludes that the most active cyber attack group targeting the
United States and other countries is Unit 61398 under then Third Department of the PLA General Staff Department. The report also states that then Third Department of the General Staff Department,
which constituted the cyber unit, had 130,000 personnel.
intelligence agencies, security agencies, private hacker agencies for carrying out cyber attacks to affect the
groups, and companies.7 According to the defense white outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.14 In
paper “China’s Military Strategy” (May 2015),8 China March 2017, the U.S. Department of Justice announced
will expedite the development of a cyber force and that it indicted four hackers, including two officers of the
enhance its cyber capabilities. Furthermore, it has been Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), for computer
pointed out that cyber warfare units have been formed hacking in order to steal information from at least 500
under the Strategic Support Force that was created as million user accounts of a major U.S. Internet company.
part of China’s military reforms9 in late December 2015. It is believed that the Russian military, intelligence and
In June 2015, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management security agencies, and other organizations engage in
(OPM) became a target of a cyber attack in which, as cyber attacks. Furthermore, it is clear that the Russian
it later came to light, personal information of about military has its own cyber command.15 This cyber
22 million people including U.S. federal employees command is believed to be responsible for conducting
and U.S. Forces personnel were stolen. While Chinese offensive cyber activities,16 including inserting malware
involvement in this attack has been suggested,10 China into command and control systems of adversaries.17 It
denies its involvement and explains that it was a “crime” has been indicated that such Russian activities reflect
involving Chinese hackers. objectives including intelligence gathering to support
Moreover, it was pointed out that in April 2017, two Russian decision-making, operations to support military
Chapter 3
groups of hackers associated with Chinese governmental and political objectives, and continuing preparation of the
organizations carried out cyber attacks on the government, cyberspace environment for future contingencies.18
military and defense companies of the ROK.11 It has been It was reported in May 2017 that the ROK Ministry
pointed out that China is using cyber attacks to obtain of National Defense had concluded that the September
7 The Annual Report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (November 2016) notes that China carries out cyber espionage led by the Ministry of State Security and military
organizations as well as cyber espionage led by China’s many non-state actors targeting the United States. These actors include hackers contracted by the government, civilian “patriotic hackers,”
and criminal organizations.
8 The defense white paper notes that, “Cyberspace has become a new pillar of economic and social development, and a new domain of national security,” “As international strategic competition in
cyberspace has been turning increasingly fiercer, quite a few countries are developing their cyber military forces,” and China is “one of the major victims of hacker attacks.”
9 Since September 2015, China has publicized a series of its decisions on military reforms, and in January 2016, announced the establishment of the Strategic Support Force and other units. While
the details of the Force’s tasks and organization have not been revealed, it is suggested that it is in charge of outer space, cyber, and electronic warfare.
10 See the Annual Report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (November 2015). In addition to this attack, the report states that a U.S. airline company was attacked by the
same method used in the attack against the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
11 According to the report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of July 2017.
12 According to the Annual Report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission released in November 2017.
13 In February 2016, the New York Times reported that there were doubts about the involvement of the Russian military with which Ukraine is in a standoff over the annexation of Crimea and other matters.
14 According to the joint statement issued in October 2016 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the director of National Intelligence of the United States, and the joint report issued in
December of the same year by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI concerning Russian cyber attacks on the U.S., as well as the U.S. intelligence community report on Russia’s cyber
attacks on the U.S. presidential election released in January 2017. Moreover, during the 2017 presidential campaign in France, Macron, known as a hardliner on Russia, was reportedly a target of a
cyber attack, as well as a widespread fake news story about having hidden assets in a tax haven. After being appointed president, in a joint press conference of the French and Russian presidents,
Macron criticized Russian media outlets by name, referring to them as organs of lying propaganda.
15 The incident occurred in 2014. Other than that, there was another cyber attack on this Internet company in 2013, resulting in leaking of information on 3 billion people.
16 According to a statement made by Russian Minister of Defence Shoigu during a briefing for lower house members in February 2017. According to this statement, the Russian military has a cyber
command. Minister Shoigu emphasized that the command was “for opposing political propaganda activities” since there was an information war taking place between Russia and the West, indicating
the purpose of the command was for defense. Also, it is pointed out that the number of Russia's cyber troops comes to approximately 1,000.
17 According to then U.S. Director of National Intelligence Clapper’s written testimony on “Worldwide Cyber Threats” at the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in September 2015.
18 According to the U.S. Director of National Intelligence’s “Worldwide Threat Assessment” (May 2017).
19 According to the digital ROK National Defense Report in May 2017. Furthermore, the report revealed that IP addresses (Internet addresses) used in the attacks were traced back to the Shenyang
region of China, known to have been used by existing North Korean hackers.
20 According to a press release by Homeland Security Adviser Bossert of the United States Moreover, according to JPCERT/CC, over 2,000 devices in 600 locations are said to have been infected.
It has been pointed out that this cyber attack succeeded defense and aerospace industries, allegedly conducted by
in collecting 140,000 dollars in Bitcoins. In addition, state-sponsored hacker groups. In addition, supply chain
according to the ROK National Intelligence Service, risks, including products embedded with deliberately
North Korea has repeatedly hacked the ROK exchanges and fraudulently altered programs, and the existence
for the purpose of stealing cryptocurrency, and it has of advanced malware designed to attack industrial
succeeded in acquiring the equivalent of several dozen control systems are cause for concern.23 Cyber attacks
billion won (several billion yen). These cyber attacks exploiting insecure IoT devices, including the massive
were believed to be for raising money. cyber attack by the Mirai malware in 2016, are becoming
It has been pointed out that North Korean government conspicuous, and this kind of threat is expected to grow
institutions are involved in such cyber attacks,21 and as a in the future.24 Cyber attacks on telecommunication
national project, the North Korea is training hackers for networks of a government and military forces, or on
cyber attacks.22 critical infrastructure25 could have a serious effect on the
Meanwhile, in Japan, the Japan Pension Service was security of states, and it has been pointed out that state-
hacked in May 2015, which led to the theft of the personal sponsored cyber attacks have been on the rise in recent
information of pension recipients and policyholders. years. Given this situation, there is a need for continuous
Other than this incident, there are many reports about monitoring of trends in the threats in cyberspace.
cyber attacks on governmental agencies and businesses in
Chapter 3
Given these growing threats in cyberspace, various and Japan calling for maintaining a free cyberspace,27
initiatives are under way at the whole of government level while Russia, China, and most emerging countries call
and the ministry level, including defense ministries.26 for strengthening national control of cyberspace. Against
A number of issues have been raised that need to be this backdrop, there has been a movement to promote the
dealt with to enable an effective response to be taken to rule of law in cyberspace in the international community.
cyber attacks, which have become a new security challenge The Fifth UN Group of Governmental Experts failed to
in recent years. For instance, it is regarded that the submit a conclusive report, however, discussions are being
international community has diverging views concerning held on the establishment of international rules within the
the fundamental matters of cyberspace, including how framework of global conferences on cyberspace.28
international law applies. It is suggested that countries See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2-7 (Response to Cyber Attacks)
have clashing claims, with the United States, Europe,
21 In November 2013, ROK media outlets reported that the ROK National Intelligence Service made revelations about North Korean cyber warfare capabilities in the national audit of the Information
Committee of the National Assembly, and that Kim Jong-un, First Secretary of the Korean Workers’ Party of North Korea, stated that, “Cyber attacks are omnipotent swords with their power paralleled
with nuclear power and missiles.” In the U.S. Department of Defense’s “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,”
introduced in Congress in February 2016, it is stated that North Korea has an offensive cyber operations capability. The 2016 Defense White Paper published by the ROK in January 2017 notes that
North Korea has concentrated on boosting its cyber units to nearly 7,000 personnel.
22 For example, “NK Intellectual Solidarity,” a North Korean defector association in the ROK, held a seminar entitled “Emergency seminar on cyber terrorism by North Korea 2011” in June 2011, and
presented material entitled “North Korea’s cyber terrorism capabilities,” explaining that North Korean organizations conducting cyber attacks were supported by government agencies employing
superior human resources from all over the country, giving them special training to develop their cyber attack capabilities.
23 In October 2012, the U.S. House Information Special Committee published an investigation report, entitled “Investigative Report on the U.S. National Security Issues Posed by Chinese Telecommunications
Companies Huawei and ZTE.” The report advised that products manufactured by Huawei Technologies and Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment (ZTE) (major Chinese communications equipment
manufacturers) should not be used, due to their threats to national security based on strong concerns over China’s cyber attack capabilities and intentions targeting critical U.S. infrastructure, as well
as opaque relations between Chinese major IT companies and the central government, the Chinese Communist Party, and the PLA augmenting supply chain risks. A similar move has been taken by
other countries, including France, Australia, Canada, India, and Taiwan. Some countries, including the United Kingdom and the ROK, have issued warnings.
24 According to the “Cybersecurity Strategic Mid-Term Review: What Is Expected of Cybersecurity in 2020 and Beyond” prepared by the Cybersecurity Strategic Headquarters in July 2017.
25 In “North Korean Actors Spear Phish U.S. Electric Companies” published in October 2017 by FireEye, the U.S. cybersecurity company, multiple U.S. electric companies are said to have been attacked
through spear phishing emails from cyber threat actors likely affiliated with the North Korean government, in September 2017.
26 Generally, the trends at the governmental level are thought to include the following: (1) organizations related to cybersecurity that are spread over multiple departments and agencies are being
integrated, and their operational units are being centralized; (2) policy and research units are being enhanced by establishing specialized posts, creating new research divisions and enhancing such
functions; (3) the roles of intelligence agencies in responding to cyber attacks are being expanded; and (4) more emphasis is being given to international cooperation. At the level of the defense
ministry, various measures have been taken, such as establishing a new agency to supervise cyberspace military operations and positioning the effort to deal with cyber attacks as an important
strategic objective.
27 These countries have called for the free flow of information and multi-stake holder approach including business and civil society as well as governments.
28 Global conferences on cyberspace have been held since being proposed by the then U.K. Foreign Secretary Hague in 2011, and the series of conferences has been called the “London Process.”
The conferences have been attended by the governments, international organizations, groups from the private sector, NGOs, etc., of over 100 countries, and comprehensive discussions are held on
various issues regarding cyberspace. They are high-level, large-scale global conferences, and the most recent one was held in November 2017.
1 The United States military operations. Additionally, the DoD states that
the aforementioned cyber capabilities include cyber
In the United States, the Department of Homeland operations to disrupt an adversary’s military-related
Security is responsible for protecting Federal government systems.
networks and critical infrastructure against cyber attacks, U.S. Cyber Command's mission is to “direct,
and the Department’s Office of Cybersecurity and synchronize, and coordinate cyberspace planning
Communications (CS&C) works to protect the networks and operations.” The Command consists of the Cyber
of government agencies.29 Protection Teams that manages the cyber forces of the
According to the National Security Strategy U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and
announced by the United States in December 2017, operates and defends the information infrastructure of
many countries regard cyber capabilities as being a the DoD, the National Mission Teams that support U.S.
measure to influence other countries, and cyber attacks defense against national-level threats, and the Combat
have become a crucial aspect of modern-day warfare. As Mission Teams that supports the operations conducted by
such, the United States intends to deter, defend, and if unified combatant commands on the cyber front (these
necessary, defeat other countries with cyber capabilities. three Teams are collectively referred to as the Cyber
To ensure this, the United States came up with a strategic Mission Force).32 U.S. Cyber Command ,which had been
policy to streamline integration of the U.S. government’s a subunified command under U.S. Strategic Command,
Chapter 3
authorities and procedures to (1) improve its capabilities was elevated to a unified combatant command in May
in identifying cyber attacks and responding quickly to 2018, allowing the Cybercom commander to report
them, (2) improve cyber measures for protecting the directly to the U.S. Secretary of Defense as is the case
assets, critical infrastructure, information, etc., of the with other unified combatant command commanders.33
29 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced a cybersecurity strategy in May 2018. More than 20 billion devices are expected to become connected to the Internet by 2020, and this is also
said to increase the risks.
30 The DoD Cyber Strategy states that Russia and China have acquired advanced cyber capabilities and strategies. It goes on to say that Russian activities are carried out stealthily and their intentions are
difficult to discern. The Strategy notes that China steals intellectual property to benefit Chinese companies. Furthermore, it states that while Iran and North Korea have less developed cyber capabilities,
they have displayed an overt level of hostile intent towards the United States and U.S. interests.
31 In order to execute these missions in cyberspace, the DoD presents the following five strategic goals: (1) Build and maintain ready forces and capabilities to conduct cyberspace operations; (2) Defend
the DoD information network, secure DoD data, and mitigate risks to DoD missions; (3) Establish arrangements to defend the United States and its interests from cyber attacks of significant
consequence through collaboration with relevant departments and companies; (4) Use cyber options to control conflict; and (5) Build close cooperative relations with allies and partners.
32 According to a statement made in April 2015 by the commander of U.S. Cyber Command to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, and other sources, the three forces are made up of several
teams, and dozens of them are currently operating. Employing the National Guard and reserve units, the Cyber Mission Force is set to have 133 teams (National Mission Teams [13 teams], Cyber
Protection Teams [68 teams], Combat Mission Teams [27 teams], Support Teams [25 teams]) and 6,200 personnel by September 2018.
33 In announcing the elevation of U.S. Cyber Command to a combatant command, the U.S. DoD has stated that the domain of cyberspace is just as important for military operations as land, sea and air,
and that operational capabilities in cyberspace are indispensable for military success. They indicated that the future issues will be the bolstering of cyber weapons, cyber defense, and the scale and
capabilities of cyber personnel.
34 During the summit meeting, then President Obama allegedly expressed deep concerns over China’s cyber attacks and stated that the United States would exercise all possible tools, hinting at the
application of economic sanctions. Meanwhile, the two sides agreed that they would hold U.S.-China ministerial dialogues on fighting cybercrime. Moreover, Australia has agreed for both countries
not to engage in cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property at the high-level security dialog with China in April 2017.
35 According to the Annual Report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission released in November 2017.
The NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Policy The United Kingdom, in its “NSS- SDSR2015” released
on Cyber Defence, and its action plan, which were in November 2015, committed to investing £1.9 billion
adopted in June 2011: (1) clarify the political and over the next five years in increasing its cyber defense
operational mechanisms of NATO’s response to cyber capabilities to strengthen the functions for identifying
attacks; (2) clarify that NATO would provide assistance and analyzing cyberspace threats. In November 2016,
to member states to develop their cyber defense, and the country announced a new “Cyber Security Strategy”
provide assistance to member states if they are subject to that presented a vision for the United Kingdom, which
cyber attacks; and (3) set out principles on cooperation is to be secure and resilient to cyber threats, prosperous
with partners. Furthermore, at the NATO Summit in and con dent in the digital world. To achieve this vision,
September 2014, agreement was reached that NATO’s the Strategy requires the United Kingdom to possess
collective defense applies to cyber attacks against the means to effectively “defend” from cyber threats,
member states. to “deter” through having the means for offensive cyber
As for its organization, the North Atlantic Council action, and to “develop” cutting-edge technologies.
(NAC) provides political oversight on policies and In terms of the Government’s overall cybersecurity
operations concerned with NATO’s cyber defense. In policy, the Office of Cyber Security and Information
Chapter 3
addition, the Emerging Security Challenges Division Assurance (OCSIA) has been set up to present strategic
formulates policy and action plans concerning cyber policies and to coordinate cybersecurity planning for the
defense.Furthermore, in November 2017, an agreement overall government. In October 2016, the National Cyber
was reached on creation of a new Cyber Operations Security Centre (NCSC) was newly established under the
Issues in the International Community
Center to help integrate cyber into NATO planning and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
operations.36 Furthermore, NATO has conducted cyber to promote public-private partnerships for responses to
defense training exercises annually since 2008 to heighten national cyber incidents.
the defense capabilities of its servers. In addition, NATO
has expanded cooperation with EU in the fields of 4 Australia
cybersecurity and cyber defense.37
In 2008, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence In its first “National Security Strategy” published In
Centre of Excellence (CCD COE) was authorized to January 2013, Australia positions integrated cyber
serve as NATO’s cyber defense-related research and policies and operations as one of the top national
training institution,38 and was established in Estonia’s security priorities. In April 2016, a new “Cyber Security
capital of Tallinn. CCD COE carries out research on the Strategy” through 2020 was released, which provides
relationship between cyber activities and international that Australia will ensure the safety of the people, that
law, and created the “Tallinn Manual.”39 In February private companies will participate in cybersecurity, and
2017, “Tallinn Manual 2.0” was published as the second that threat information will be shared.
edition of the previous manual based on a review of broad In terms of organization, the Australian Cyber
discussion points, from peacetime legal regimes, such Security Centre (ACSC) that brings cybersecurity
as laws on state responsibility, human rights, aviation, capabilities from across the government into a single
space, and maritime affairs, to contingency legal regimes, location was established in November 2014 to respond
such as the use of force and laws on armed conflict. to major cybersecurity issues related to government
36 According to the press conference after the NATO Defense Ministers’ Meeting in November 2017.
37 In July 2016, NATO and the EU signed a Joint Declaration with the aim of expanding cooperation in dealing with new issues, such as those in terrorism, refugees and immigrants, including the
cybersecurity issues. They have been strengthening cooperation, for example, by exchanging information on cyber defense.
38 In June 2013, the NATO Defense Ministers’ Meeting placed cyber attacks at the top of the agenda for the first time. They agreed to establish an emergency response team and to implement a cyber
defense mechanism on a full scale by October 2013.
39 The “Tallinn Manual” and the “Tallinn Manual 2.0” are both considered independent outputs of the members that participated in the project (Professor Michael N. Schmitt of the U.S. Naval War College
served as project leader; members included professionals, scholars on international law, and experts in cyber technology in the West and other areas), and not the official view of NATO.
agencies and critical infrastructures.40 In July 2015, the on strengthening the following five areas: prevention,
ACSC issued its first report on cybersecurity,41 which detection, response,44 systems, and security base. In the
contended that the number, type, and sophistication of national defense sector, the Cyber Measures Technology
cyber threats to Australia are all increasing. Moreover Team was established by the Ministry of National Defense
cyber forces were established within the military in July to respond to cyber and hacking threats.45 It also created
2017 to strengthen the Department of Defence’s cyber the “National Cybersecurity Crisis Response Manual”
capabilities and systems.42 that stipulates rapid response procedures to cybersecurity
crises after drawing up the “National Cyber Security
5 Republic of Korea Strategy.” In 2015, the Joint Chiefs of Staff centralized
the cyber attack tactical system mainly around the Joint
The ROK formulated the “National Cyber Security Master Chiefs of Staff by newly establishing the Cyber Tactics
Plan” in August 2011, which clarifies the supervisory Department, assigning control authority concerning
functions of the National Intelligence Service43 in cyber tactics to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
responding to cyber attacks. It places particular emphasis and publishing a field manual on “joint cyber tactics.”
Chapter 3
Issues in the International Community
40 The ACSC, comprised of staff from the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Federal Computer Emergency Response Team, and the Defence Intelligence Organisation, analyzes cyber threats
and responds incidents in both private and public sector.
41 According to the report, malicious actors in cyberspace targeting Australia are: (1) foreign government-sponsored adversaries; (2) serious and organized criminals; and (3) groups motivated by certain
issues and individuals with personal grievances.
42 According to Australia’s International Cyber Engagement Strategy announced in October 2017, the country’s offensive cyber capability in support of military operations will be deployed through the
Australian Signals Directorate in cooperation with the Australian Defence Force.
43 Under the Director of the National Intelligence Service, the National Cybersecurity Strategy Council has been established to deliberate on important issues, including establishing and improving a
national cybersecurity structure, coordinating related policies and roles among institutions, and deliberating measures and policies related to presidential orders.
44 In February 2014, the ROK Ministry of National Defense reportedly briefed the National Assembly that it planned to develop cyber weapons for attacking other countries.
45 According to the ROK National Defense Report in April 2017.
Recent developments in science and technology, Furthermore, there is the possibility that a revolution
as represented by the dramatic advancement of in military logistics will occur due to the 3D printing
Information and Communications Technology (ICT), technology, for example by allowing the procurement
has impacted a variety of areas, triggering significant of parts that does not rely on inventory. For instance, in
and revolutionary changes in many areas such as August 2017, the U.S. Navy announced that they carried
economy, society, and lifestyle. out a demonstration experiment on mobile 3D printer
The military sphere is no exception. Developed equipment capable of manufacturing replacement parts2
countries, including the United States, consider that in forward-deployed regions.
transformations driven by advances in ICT can dramatically Major countries with sophisticated and modernized
improve combat and other capabilities, and therefore, military forces, place emphasis on improving the
continue to pursue a variety of ICT research and policies. destructive capabilities of weapons, precision guidance
Chapter 3
For example, if information on enemy forces collected technology, information- related technology including
by using information-gathering systems, including C4ISR, unmanned technology (e.g., drones),3 artificial
reconnaissance satellites and unmanned aircraft, is intelligence (AI) and big data analysis,4 and hypersonic
shared on a network, command and control can be technology5 to be able to carry out more precise and
Issues in the International Community
exercised immediately, even from remote headquarters, effective attacks. Recently, reports have been published
and offensive power can be directed swiftly, precisely, of successful tests of railguns6 and high energy laser
and flexibly against targets. weapons7 that are expected to provide effective repower
Additionally, new ICT technology has been developed compared to existing weapons, such as artillery, in terms
in recent years. For instance, in August 2016, China of their cost per ring, range, precision, promptness, and
launched a satellite called “Mozi” to perform the world’s other aspects. Furthermore, there have been reports about
first quantum cryptographic communications1 testing. the development of high speed strike weapons (HSSW)
Then in January 2017, it was said that they succeeded that can strike even long-range targets with conventional
in using Mozi for long-distance quantum cryptographic weapons, quickly and with pinpoint accuracy.8
communication between China and Australia. Going Recent research of the Defense Advanced Research
forward, new technologies such as quantum cryptography Projects Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of
communications could potentially be applied to the Defense (DoD) has pointed out a variety of advanced
military field in various countries in the future. research and development in small unmanned aircraft
1 Quantum cryptographic communication is a method of communication that relies on quantum cryptographic technology, an encryption technology that makes use of quantum properties, and it is said
that third parties cannot decode it.
2 Associated equipment that includes 3D printers is stored in a container, allowing some parts to be manufactured immediately and on the spot.
3 Drones for military use such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and unmanned maritime vehicle (UMV) have been developed (UMVs may be classified into unmanned
surface vehicle (USV) and unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV)). It is suggested that these drones could shift from human-operated types to fully autonomous types, as known as Lethal Autonomous
Weapons Systems (LAWS). Furthermore, within the framework of the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), discussions are taking place on the operation of systems
that automatically kill enemies without human judgment from the perspectives of their characteristics, human intervention and international law.
4 In the “Third Offset Strategy,” the United States has given the example of “deep-learning machine” technology using AI, which can analyze big data to detect signs of cyber attacks, issue alerts, etc.
5 For example, in the United States, DARPA and the Air Force are engaged in joint research and development of the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC), aiming to apply the
technology to hypersonic missiles, etc. in the future. HAWC uses the technology of scramjet engine, which enables hypersonic flight by taking in air at hypersonic speed and burning it without
reducing the speed to below the speed of sound. Furthermore, Russia is developing Zircon, an anti-ship hypersonic cruise missile, which has been attracting attention for its performance and
naval vessel it will be deployed on.
6 A railgun is a weapon that shoots bullets by using the magnetic field generated from electric energy instead of gunpowder. The U.S. Forces are developing a railgun with a range of about 370 km, or
about ten times that of the existing 5-inch (127 mm) ammunition. A single railgun shot reportedly costs 1/20th to 1/60th the price of a missile.
7 The U.S. Forces are developing laser weapons to strengthen low-altitude air defense capabilities against small ships and drones, and firing tests have been carried out. It is considered that these high
energy laser weapons systems will be miniaturized, with a possibility for placing the weapons on light mobility vehicles. In addition, tests have been conducted on integrating the high energy liquid
laser area defense system (HELLADS) with the ground-based laser weapons system, since 2017. Tests have also been carried out to bring down unmanned aircraft by using lasers in efforts to put
the technology to practical use.
8 Said to fly at lower orbital altitudes than ballistic missiles with the aim of greatly reducing the time required for conventional weapons attack.
capable of airborne launch, recovery, and reuse,9 difficulty possessing advanced technologies and non-
unmanned vessels to detect submarines,10 long-range state actors including terrorist organizations will carry
anti-ship missiles available under electronic warfare out research and development on weapons and other
environment, spacecraft capable of rapidly launching equipment that will enable them to gain superiority in
satellites,11 and space monitoring telescopes capable of fighting against countries with state-of-the-art technology,
discovering even small objects. and illegitimately obtain technology through ICT or other
Recent advances in military science and technology means.12 For instance, ISIL seemed to have started using
are also largely attributed to the advancement of civil unmanned aircraft for both reconnoitering and attacking,
technology. In recent years, as the capabilities of existing therefore research and development of technology
equipment are improved and new equipment is developed, for countering these threats13 is also recognized as an
dual-use technology has been leveraged frequently. important challenge in the future.
In general, it is expected that countries which have
Recently, Western countries in particular have continued all countries participating in joint development and
Chapter 3
to face difficulties when they try to increase defense production, (3) mutual complement of technologies, and
budgets significantly. On the other hand, the sophistication (4) raising domestic technology levels by obtaining the
of military science and technology and the greater latest technology.
complexity of equipment have escalated development For example, the joint development and production
9 DARPA has announced plans to carry out flight tests in 2019 with the aim of testing the airborne launch and recovery of unmanned aircraft.
10 The Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) (“Sea Hunter”) is capable of navigating several thousand kilometers for months without crewmembers on board through
constant remote supervision by humans. In August 2016, this vessel allegedly completed its initial sea trials ahead of its deployment by the U.S. Navy slated before the end of 2018.
11 In May 2017, DARPA announced the development of the spaceplane, “XS-1,” capable of launching satellites quickly and at low cost.
12 It has been reported in the media that the report released by the Combating Terrorism Center of the United States Military Academy has pointed out the possibility of improved performance in
unmanned aircraft used by terrorist organizations, including increased loading capacity and boosted flight range.
13 It has been reported that the DoD launched a 700 million dollar project as a measure against drone attacks by terrorist organizations such as ISIL.
14 There are nine countries involved in the joint development and production of the F-35 Fighter jets, which are Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, the United Kingdom,
and the United States. Countries acquiring them include Israel, the ROK, and Japan, and the defense production and technological base of these countries is involved in their production and
15 DARPA is the DoD agency. Approximately 100 program managers, who are hired for limited stints, generally three to five years, oversee around 250 research and development programs. It does not
have its own research and development facilities.
Top Ranking Countries in Major Conventional Trends in Import Value of Major Conventional
Fig. I-3-6-1 Fig. I-3-6-2
Arms Export (2013-2017) Arms in the Asia-Pacific Region (2013-2017)
by member states over the past 10 years. In 2017, the ROK have expanded exports of affordable equipment
EU commenced Preparatory Action on Common Security due to the development of the infrastructure required
and Defence Policy (CSDP) - related research in which it for production of equipment with the past imports of
will provide €90 million over three years to more than 12 equipment and the improvement of capabilities in science
Issues in the International Community
16 The EU has launched a funding program called “Horizon 2020” for research and innovation to which it has committed 80 billion Euros over the seven-year period from 2014 to 2020. However, the
provision of funds is limited to research for civilian or dual-use technology. In the United Kingdom, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) has a budget of £6 million in FY2017 and
regularly solicits conceptual demonstration research topics in order to fund research with a novel, high risk and high potential earning rate to develop capabilities for U.K. defense and security.
17 The definition of offset in defense trade encompasses a range of industrial and commercial benefits such as co-production, licensed production, subcontracting, technology transfer, purchasing,
and credit assistance, technology transfer, assistance in purchase and payment, to “Offsets in Defense Trade Version Twenty-First Study” by the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry
and Security.
Chapter 1
Basic Concepts of Japan’s
Security and Defense
Chapter 2
About the National Defense
Program Guidelines
Chapter 3
Development of Legislation for
Peace and Security and the SDF
Activities since Legislation’s
Chapter 4
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S.
FY2017 Japan-U.S. Bilateral Regional Army command post exercises (November 2017)
1 Basic Concepts of Japan’s
Security and Defense
Chapter 1
and society, as well as maintaining its culture, tradition, of Japan is ensured through developing seamless defense
and sense of values. In addition, peace and security are measures by coupling Japan’s own defense capabilities
essential for the people to live with a sense of safety and with the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements.
for Japan to continue to prosper . However, peace, safety, Moreover, from the perspective of improving the
and independence cannot be secured by simply wishing security environment surrounding Japan and preventing
for them. The essence of national security can be found the emergence of threats to Japan, the importance of
in creating an international environment that is stable and the role played by defense capabilities is increasing in
predictable, while preventing the emergence of threats cooperative efforts as a member of the
before they occur, through diplomacy. Nevertheless, the Upon recognizing the role of defense capabilities,
reality of the current international community suggests Japan aims to ensure national security as well as bringing
that it is not necessarily possible to prevent invasions from peace and safety to the Asia-Pacific region, and eventually
the outside by employing only nonmilitary means such as to the entire world through making its utmost efforts in a
diplomatic efforts, and in the event that the nation were variety of fields.
to be invaded it would not be able
to remove such a threat. Defense
capabilities are the nation’s
ultimate guarantee of security,
expressing its will and capacity to
eliminate foreign invasions, and
they cannot be replaced by any
other means.
For this reason, Japan is
striving to develop appropriate
defense capabilities to protect the
life and properties of its nationals
and to defend the territorial land,
sea, and airspace of Japan. At the
same time, it is strengthening the
Japan–U.S. Alliance1 with the
Prime Minister Abe and Minister of Defense Onodera inspecting the Special Guard of Honor
1 In general, this refers to the relationship, based on the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements, whereby both nations, as countries sharing fundamental values and interests, coordinate and cooperate
closely in a range of areas in security, politics, and economics.
Since the end of World War II, Japan made a decision not deny Japan’s inherent right of self-defense as a sovereign
to repeat the ravages of war and has worked hard to build state. Thus, the Japanese Government interprets this as a
Chapter 1
a peace-loving nation. The Japanese people desire lasting constitutional right to possess the minimum armed forces
peace, and the principle of pacifism is enshrined in the needed to exercise that right. Therefore, Japan, under the
Constitution, Article 9 of which prescribes the renunciation Constitution, maintains the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) as
of war, the prohibition of war potential, and the denial an armed organization, holding its exclusively defense-
of the right of belligerency of the state. Of course, since oriented policy as its basic strategy of defense, and
governmental affairs, Article 9 of the Constitution cannot logic of the Government’s view to date.
possibly be interpreted to prohibit Japan from taking As a matter of course, Japan’s “use of force” must be
measures of self-defense necessary to maintain its peace carried out while observing international law. At the same
and security and to ensure its survival. Such measures time, a legal basis in international law and constitutional
for self-defense are permitted only when they are interpretation need to be understood separately. In
inevitable for dealing with imminent unlawful situations certain situations, the aforementioned “use of force”
where the people’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit permitted under the Constitution is, under international
of happiness is fundamentally overturned due to an law, based on the right of collective self-defense. The
Chapter 1
armed attack by a foreign country, and for safeguarding Government has reached a conclusion that although this
these rights of the people. Hence, “use of force” to the “use of force” includes those which are triggered by an
minimum extent necessary to that end is permitted. This armed attack occurring against a foreign country, they
is the basis, or the so-called basic logic, of the view are permitted under the Constitution, only when they are
consistently expressed by the government to date with taken as measures for self-defense which are inevitable
Basic Concepts of Japan’s Security and Defense
regard to “use of force” exceptionally permitted under for ensuring Japan’s survival and protecting its people, in
Article 9 of the Constitution, and clearly shown in the other words, for defending Japan.
document “Relationship between the Right of Collective
Self-Defense and the Constitution” submitted by the
Geographic Boundaries within which the Right
Government to the Committee on Audit of the House of 3 of Self-Defense may be Exercised
Councillors on October 14, 1972. This basic logic must
be maintained under Article 9 of the Constitution. The use of the minimum necessary force to defend Japan
To date, the Government has considered that “use under the right of self-defense is not necessarily confined
of force” under this basic logic is permitted only when to the geographic boundaries of Japanese territory,
an “armed attack” against Japan occurs. However, in territorial waters, and airspace. However, it is difficult to
light of the situation in which the security environment give a general definition of the actual extent to which it
surrounding Japan has been fundamentally transformed may be used, as this would vary with the situation.
and continuously evolving by shifts in the global power Nevertheless, the Government interprets that, as
balance, the rapid progress of technological innovation, a general rule, the Constitution does not permit armed
and threats such as weapons of mass destruction, etc., troops to be dispatched to the land, sea, or airspace of
in the future, even an armed attack occurring against a other countries with the aim of using force; such overseas
foreign country could actually threaten Japan’s survival, deployment of troops would exceed the definition of the
depending on its purpose, scale and manner, etc. minimum necessary level of self-defense.
Japan, as a matter of course, will make the utmost
diplomatic efforts, should a dispute occur, for its peaceful 4 Right of Belligerency
settlement and take all necessary responses in accordance
with the existing domestic laws and regulations developed Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution prescribes
based upon the constitutional interpretation to date. It is that “the right of belligerency of the state will not be
still required, however, to make all necessary preparations recognized.” However, the “right of belligerency” does
in order to ensure Japan’s survival and protect its people. not mean the right to engage in battle; rather, it is a
Under such recognition and as a result of careful general term for various rights that a belligerent nation has
examination in light of the current security environment, under international law, including the authority to inflict
it has been concluded that not only when an armed attack casualties and damage upon the enemy’s military force
against Japan occurs but also when an armed attack against and to occupy enemy territory. On the other hand, Japan
a foreign country that is in a close relationship with Japan may of course use the minimum level of force necessary
occurs and as a result threatens Japan’s survival and to defend itself. For example, if Japan inflicts casualties
poses a clear danger to fundamentally overturn people’s and damage upon the enemy’s military force in exercising
right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and when its right of self-defense, this is conceptually distinguished
there is no other appropriate means available to repel the from the exercise of the right of belligerency, even though
attack and ensure Japan’s survival and protect its people, those actions do not appear to be different. Occupation
use of force to the minimum extent necessary should of enemy territory, however, would exceed the minimum
be interpreted to be permitted under the Constitution as necessary level of self-defense and is not permissible.
measures for self-defense in accordance with the basic
3 Basic Policy
Under the Constitution, Japan has efficiently built a 4 Securing Civilian Control
highly effective and joint defense force in line with the
basic principles of maintaining an exclusively defense- Civilian control refers to the priority of politics to the
oriented policy and not becoming a military power that military in a democratic state or democratic political
poses a threat to other countries, while firmly maintaining control of military strength. Japan has, by giving serious
the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements and adhering to reflection to the regrettable state of affairs that happened
Chapter 1
the principle of civilian control of the military, observing until the end of World War II, adopted the following strict
the Three Non-Nuclear Principles. civilian control system that is entirely different from the
one under the former Constitution. Civilian control aims
1 Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy to ensure that the SDF is maintained and operated in
accordance with the will of the people.4
2 Article 2 of the Atomic Energy Basic Law states that “The research, development and utilization of atomic energy shall be limited to peaceful purposes, aimed at ensuring safety and performed
independently under democratic management.”
3 Article 2 of the NPT states that “Each non-nuclear weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes....not to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices...”
4 The Cabinet’s control over military matters was limited.
5 See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 1
Prime Minister Abe delivering an address aboard JS Myoko (September 30, 2017) (Photo
Basic Concepts of Japan’s Security and Defense
As the security environment surrounding Japan grows important matters with regard to foreign and defense
increasingly severe, Japan faces mounting security policies pertaining to national security. Administrative
Chapter 1
challenges it needs to address. Under such circumstances, organs that are deeply involved in policies support the
it is necessary to carry forward the policies pertaining to Secretariat with both personnel and information. The
national security from a strategic perspective under strong Secretariat has many civilians and uniformed personnel
political leadership with the Prime Minister at its core. For of the MOD with concurrent posts, who are engaged
this reason, the National Security Council was established in the planning and designing of policies, as well as
Other Agencies within
National Security Secretariat within the Cabinet Secretariat
the Cabinet Secretariat Situation response /
Close crisis management
Functions as a secretariat to provide constant support
to the National Security Council coordination
Planning and designing, and overall coordination of National Center of
basic guidelines and important matters pertaining to Incident Readiness and
foreign and defense policies with regard to national Strategy for Cybersecurity
Provides necessary advice when responding to Cabinet Intelligence
contingencies from a national security viewpoint and Research Office
Provide data,
and personnel
1 Japan’s National Security Policy Framework meaning as the definitive statement of the Government’s
basic policy on national security, with a focus on
The NSS approved by the National Security Council and diplomatic affairs and defense policy.
the Cabinet in December of 2013 represents Japan’s first
ever basic policy on national security with a focus on
Outline of the National Security Strategy:
diplomatic affairs and defense policy. The NSS defines 2 Proactive Contribution to Peace based on
Chapter 1
approaches that Japan should follow based on a long-term the Principle of International Cooperation
view of its national interests. It replaces the Basic Policy
on National Defense, which had served as the basis for Japan is committed to continuing the path it has followed
Japan’s defense policies theretofore. to date as a peace-loving nation and, as a major player in
The NDPG, which was established based on the NSS, international politics and business, it also seeks its own
Basic Concepts of Japan’s Security and Defense
defines basic policies for Japan’s future defense, the role security as well as peace and security in the Asia-Pacific
of its defense capabilities, and objectives for specific SDF region from its stance as a Proactive Contribution to Peace
equipment. The NDPG was formulated with a medium- based on the principle of international cooperation. Japan will
to-long-term outlook because the acquisition of defense contribute more proactively than ever before to the peace,
equipment and the establishment of troop operational security and prosperity of the international community.
systems cannot be accomplished overnight and requires In achieving the aforementioned fundamental
many years of planning. The NSS and NDPG are mainly principle of national security, the NSS stipulates national
designed for the next decade or so. interests and goals, and presents a strategic approach that
The Medium Term Defense Program (MTDP) needs to be employed.
specifies a maximum budget and the amount of mainstay See Reference 5 (National Security Strategy [Outline])
defense equipment to be acquired over the subsequent
five-year period in order to achieve the defense capability KEY WORD
targets defined in the NDPG. The fiscal year budget
is drawn on the MTDP substantiated as projects, and Proactive Contribution to Peace
the necessary expenses for each fiscal year will be
A fundamental principle of national security introduced in the NSS,
appropriated based on relevant situations.
which refers to Japan’s commitment to contribute to ensuring
To date, the NDPG has contained mention of
international peace, stability and prosperity even more proactively and
nationwide basic security policies focusing on defense in a manner proportional to Japan’s national power.
policy to a certain extent. The NSS carries it with great
Chapter 2
Program Guidelines (NDPG) has been established five and the changes in military situation surrounding Japan.
times. The current National Defense Program Guidelines Therefore, the NDGP must squarely face the reality of
FY2014 and beyond was introduced in 2013.1 The NDPG security environment all the time and set forth the defense
is a “grand design” to ensure peace and security of Japan, forces which are truly needed to protect the Japanese people.
which establishes the posture of Japan’s defense forces See Fig. II-2-1-1 (Changes in the roles of defense force)
The NDPG is the first of its kind to be developed based for the building of a Dynamic Joint Defense Force as
on the National Security Strategy (NSS), and it calls the cornerstone for the protection of Japan’s peace and
1 Approved by the National Security Council and the Cabinet in December 2013
security in light of Japan’s geographical characteristics2 adequate both in quality and quantity that underpin
under the new security environment.3 various activities. To this end, Japan has conducted
Amid the increasingly severe security environment capability assessments based on joint operations in
surrounding Japan, the number and the duration of relation to the SDF’s total functions and capabilities, in
situations, including so-called “gray-zone” situations order to identify the functions and capabilities that should
(see Part 1, Chapter 1, Section1), which require the Self be comprehensively prioritized. The NDPG carries great
Defense Forces (SDF)’ commitment are both increasing. significance as it has made it possible to adapt to an ever-
Among these situations, the qualitative and changing security environment surrounding Japan, and
quantitative capabilities of the defense force underpinning realize a more prioritized and efficient defense capability
the SDF activities were not necessarily sufficient. The build-up, based on the results of these capability
NDPG, being fully mindful of these needs, calls for the assessments. Additionally, it requires the build-up of the
enhancement of deterrence and response capability by most effective operational posture, by further strengthening
Chapter 2
pursuing further joint operations, improving the mission- a wide-ranging logistics support foundation.4
capable rate of equipment and its employment to conduct See Reference 6 (NATIONAL DEFENSE PROGRAM GUIDELINES for
activities, as well as developing defense capabilities FY2014 and beyond)
About the National Defense Program Guidelines
In light of the NSS, Japan will build a comprehensive Given the increasingly severe security environment, Japan
defense architecture, and actively promote bilateral and will efficiently develop a highly effective joint defense
multilateral security cooperation with other countries force and make efforts to employ it with a high level of
while strengthening the Japan-U.S. Alliance, thereby flexibility and readiness based on joint operations. In
seeking to establish an infrastructure necessary for fully the event of various situations, Japan will appropriately
exercising its defense capabilities. and promptly make decisions and seamlessly respond to
Under the Constitution, Japan will efficiently build situations as they unfold, in a whole-of-the-government
a highly effective and joint defense force in line with the approach, in coordination with local governments, private
basic principles of maintaining an exclusively defense- sectors, and others.
oriented policy, not becoming a military power that poses Furthermore, Japan will continue to develop various
a threat to other countries, while adhering to the principle systems to respond to a variety of disasters and protect
of civilian control of the military and observing the Three its people, and will enhance the capability to ensure the
Non-Nuclear Principles. safety of Japanese nationals in foreign countries in an
Additionally, with regard to the threat of nuclear emergency situation.
weapons, the extended deterrence provided by the United In order to take such approaches appropriately, Japan
States is indispensable. Japan will closely cooperate with will increase the effectiveness of its situation and disaster
the United States, and take appropriate responses through response posture by systemizing various related plans
its own efforts. In addition, Japan will play a constructive and expanding the use of simulations, comprehensive
and active role in international nuclear disarmament and training, and exercises.
non-proliferation efforts. Furthermore, Japan will make efforts to build up
a Dynamic Joint Defense Force as mentioned above,
in addition to the establishment of a comprehensive
defense architecture.
2 The NDPG discusses that Japan’s geographical characteristics make it a maritime state, therefore, securing the safety of maritime and air traffic constitutes the basis of peace and prosperity. It also
states that Japan faces security vulnerabilities such as frequent natural disasters, concentration of population, and a large number of nuclear power plants in coastal areas.
3 The NDPG describes new trends in the global security environment and the security environment of the Asia-Pacific region. With regard to the new trends in the global security environment, it
mentions: 1) expanded and deepened interdependence among countries; 2) increase in the number of gray-zone situations; 3) change in the power balance; 4) undue infringement upon freedom of
the high seas; and 5) securing the stable use of outer space and cyberspace. With regard to the trends in the security environment of the Asia-Pacific region, it lists general situations, including that
gray-zone situations tend to linger and could develop into more serious situations. In addition, the NDPG discusses military trends in North Korea, China, Russia and the United States.
4 Specifically, the NDPG calls for the strengthening of various fields as the basic foundation for the SDF in areas such as training and exercise, operational infrastructure, personnel and education,
medical care, defense production, technological bases, efficient acquisition of equipment, research and development, collaboration with local communities, communication capabilities, intellectual
base, and the promotion of reform of the Ministry of Defense (MOD).
3 Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance expand the range of countries receiving support as well
as its scope.
The Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements, together with Furthermore, in multilateral security cooperation
Japan’s own efforts, constitute the cornerstone for Japan’s and dialogue, Japan, in cooperation with the United
national security. Also, the Japan-U.S. Alliance functions States and Australia, will proactively contribute to
as public goods that contribute to the stability and building cooperative relationships in the region, and
prosperity not only of Japan, but also of the Asia-Pacific Japan will actively participate in multilateral joint
region and the world at large. From this perspective, training and exercises.
Japan will place emphasis on: strengthening deterrence
and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance; (2) Cooperation with the International Community
strengthening and expanding of cooperation in a broad It is very difficult for a single country to respond to
range of fields; and steady implementation of measures global security challenges on its own. Moreover, as the
Chapter 2
relating to the stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan. roles of military forces have diversified, such forces
play an important role in building peace and promoting
4 Active Promotion of Security Cooperation confidence-building. Therefore, Japan will continue
and strengthen various initiatives concerning arms
(1) Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region control, disarmament, non-proliferation and capacity
1 Roles of the Defense Forces Japan will implement an effective response tailored to
each situation, even in cases when multiple events occur
(1) Effective Deterrent of and Response to Various in a consecutive or concurrent manner.
Situations In particular, the following points will be emphasized:
Japan will achieve intelligence superiority5 through (1) ensuring security of the sea and airspace surrounding
persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance Japan; (2) response to an attack on remote islands;
(ISR) activities in an extensive surrounding area to detect (3) response to ballistic missile attacks; (4) responses in outer
any signs of development at an early stage. Through such space and cyberspace; and (5) responses to major disasters.
activities, Japan will clearly express its resolve not to
tolerate any change of the status quo by force, thereby (2) Stabilization of the Asia-Pacific Region and
preventing various situations from occurring. Improvement of the Global Security Environment
At the same time, Japan will swiftly and seamlessly Through persistent ISR in the area surrounding
respond to situations from an early stage, including gray- Japan, and the timely and appropriate implementation
zone situations, and establish the necessary posture to of training, exercises, and various other activities, Japan
continuously address a protracted situation. Moreover, will ensure the stability of the security environment in
5 Intelligence superiority refers to having an advantage over the other party in terms of quick and correct identification, collecting, processing and conveying of intelligence.
the region. Moreover, by working in partnership with in relation to various potential contingencies, the SDF
its allies and partners, Japan will promote multi-tiered will prioritize the development of capacities to ensure
initiatives, including bilateral and multilateral defense maritime superiority and air superiority, which is the
cooperation and exchange, joint training and exercises, prerequisite for effective deterrence and response in
and capacity building assistance. various situations, including defense posture buildup
In order to respond appropriately to global security in the southwestern region. Furthermore, the SDF
issues, Japan will strengthen various initiatives focused will emphasize the establishment of rapid deployment
on arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation, as capabilities with a consideration to establishing a wide-
well as actively promote international peace cooperation ranging logistics support foundation.
activities, anti-piracy initiatives and capacity building At the same time, in terms of preparation for an
assistance. Japan will attach importance to the following in invasion such as the landing of large-scale ground forces,
particular: (1) holding training and exercises; (2) promoting the SDF will possess the minimum necessary level of
Chapter 2
defense cooperation and exchange; (3) promoting capacity expertise and skills, and thereby further promote efforts
building assistance; (4) ensuring maritime security; to achieve even greater efficiency and rationalization.
(5) implementing international peace cooperation
activities; and (6) cooperating with efforts to promote arms (2) Functions and Capabilities to be Emphasized
control, disarmament, and non-proliferation. The SDF will selectively strengthen the following
About the National Defense Program Guidelines
Chapter 2
half of these rapidly deployable basic operational units in 4 Basic Foundation for the SDF
Hokkaido, given its excellent training environment.
The GSDF will implement rationalization and To ensure that the defense force can function as
streamlining with a particular focus on tanks/howitzers effectively as possible, it is also imperative to strengthen
and rockets, and review the organization and equipment the foundations underpinning the defense force.
6 The act of systematically monitoring a specific area with the purpose of gathering intelligence to prevent a surprise attack by an opposing force.
4 Future Considerations
The security environment surrounding Japan is becoming the world, the international community today faces broad
increasingly severe at a pace much faster than when the and diverse security challenges. Of all these challenges,
current NDPG was set forth. As exemplified by North new areas of activities such as cyberspace and outer
Korea’s nuclear and missile development, China’s space require particular attention. With that being said,
military build-up lacking transparency as well as forceful Japan’s security policy rests on our own effort, and it is
and unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the required of Japan to boost its defense capabilities and try
East and South China Sea, the proliferation of weapons to expand its roles.
of mass destruction, and escalating terrorism throughout Prime Minister Abe announced in his Policy Address
Category 1976 NDPG 1995 NDPG 2004 NDPG 2010 NDPG 2013 NDPG
Authorized Number of personnel 180,000 160,000 155,000 154,000 159,000
Active-Duty Personnel 145,000 148,000 147,000 151,000
Reserve-Ready Personnel 15,000 7,000 7,000 8,000
Regionally deployed units in 12 divisions 8 divisions 8 divisions 8 divisions 5 divisions
peacetime1 2 combined brigades 6 brigades 6 brigades 6 brigades 2 brigades
About the National Defense Program Guidelines
Rapid Deployment Units 1 armored division 1 armored division 1 armored division Central Readiness Force 3 rapid deployment
1 artillery brigade 4 rapid deployment
1 airborne brigade 1 airborne brigade Central Readiness Force 1 armored division 1 armored division
GSDF 1 training group 1 airborne brigade
Major units
1 helicopter brigade 1 helicopter brigade 1 amphibious rapid
deployment brigade
1 helicopter brigade
5 surface-to-ship
Surface-to-Ship Guided
guided missile
Missile units
Surface-to-Air Guided 8 anti-aircraft artillery 8 anti-aircraft artillery 8 anti-aircraft artillery 7 anti-aircraft artillery 7 anti-aircraft artillery
Missile Units groups groups groups groups/regiments groups/regiments
Major Tanks2 (approx. 1,200) approx. 900 approx. 600 approx. 400 (approx. 300)
equipment Artillery (Main artillery)2 (approx. 1,000/vehicle) (approx. 900/vehicle) (approx. 600/vehicle) (approx. 400/vehicle) (approx. 300/vehicle)
Destroyer units 4 flotillas (8 divisions) 4 flotillas (8 divisions)
4 divisions 6 divisions
for mobile operations 4 flotillas 4 flotillas 4 flotillas (8 divisions)
regional deployment (Regional units) 10 units (Regional units) 7 units 5 divisions
Major units
Submarine units 6 divisions 6 divisions 4 divisions 6 divisions 6 divisions
MSDF Minesweeper Units 2 flotillas 1 flotilla 1 flotilla 1 flotilla 1 flotilla
Patrol aircraft units (Land-based) 16 (Land-based) 13 9 squadrons 9 squadrons 9 squadrons
squadrons squadrons
Destroyers approx. 60 approx. 50 47 48 54
Submarines 16 16 16 22 22
Combat aircraft approx. 220 approx. 170 approx. 150 approx. 150 approx. 170
Air Warning & Control Units 28 warning groups 8 warning groups 8 warning groups 4 warning groups 28 warning squadrons
20 warning squadrons 20 warning squadrons 24 warning squadrons
1 squadron 1 squadron 1 AEW group 1 AEW group 1 AEW group
(2 squadrons) (2 squadrons) (3 squadrons)
Fighter Aircraft Units 12 squadrons 12 squadrons 13 squadrons
Fighter-interceptor units 10 squadrons 9 squadrons
Major units Support fighter units 3 squadrons 3 squadrons
ASDF Air Reconnaissance Units 1 squadron 1 squadron 1 squadron 1 squadron
Aerial refueling/ 1 squadron 1 squadron 2 squadrons
transport units
Air transport units 3 squadrons 3 squadrons 3 squadrons 3 squadrons 3 squadrons
Surface-to-Air Guided 6 groups 6 groups 6 groups 6 groups 6 groups
Missile Units
Major Combat aircraft approx. 430 approx. 400 approx. 350 approx. 340 approx. 360
equipment (Fighters) (approx. 350)2 approx. 300 approx. 260 approx. 260 approx. 280
Aegis-equipped destroyers 4 ships 6 ships4 8 ships
Major equipment/units that 7 warning groups 11 warning groups/
Air Warning & Control Units
may also serve for BMD 4 warning squadrons units
missions3 Surface-to-Air Guided 3 groups 6 groups
Missile Units
Notes: 1. Units referred to as Regional Deployment Units in the 2013 NDPG.
2. Although not stated in the Attached Tables of 1976 NDPG and the 2013 NDPG, it is listed here for comparison with the NDPG Attached Table from 1995 to 2010.
3. “Major equipment/units that may also serve for BMD missions” are included in the number of main equipment in the MSDF or number of major units in the ASDF in the 2004 NDPG
and the 2010 NDPG, but their acquisition/formation will be allowed within the number of destroyers (Aegis-equipped destroyers), air warning & control units, and surface-to-air guided
missile units in the 2013 NDPG.
4. Additional deployment of Aegis destroyers equipped with ballistic missile defense functions may be carried out within the number of destroyers set above, depending on factors such as
the development of ballistic missile defense technology and financial matters.
to the 196th Session of the Diet in January 2018 that the targeting to revise it by the end of December 2018.
Government would, while maintaining the exclusively In reviewing the current NDPG, it is critical to
defense-oriented policy as given, revise the NDPG. In secure necessary and sufficient “quality” and “quantity”
the background is the imperative to identify defense of defense capability. Given that the utilization of new
capabilities that are truly needed to protect the Japanese domains, such as cyberspace and outer space is especially
people, and in doing so, the Government must squarely vital, the conventional method of categorization, namely
face the harsh reality in Japan’s surroundings rather than land, sea, and airspace is no longer relevant, and Japan
simply extending the existing capabilities. must fully commit itself to improve capabilities in these
As the current Mid-Term Defense Program (MTDP) new areas.
ends in FY2018, the Government is reviewing the NDPG
Chapter 2
Category Main measures
● Expand the use of the good training environment in Hokkaido; enhance and strengthen training and exercises that also involve
relevant agencies and the civilian sector.
Training and Exercises
● Promote the joint/shared use of U.S. Forces facilities in the southwestern region with the SDF for the purpose of securing a
good training environment while paying close attention to the relationship with local communities.
1 Program Guidelines
See Fig. II-2-1-2 (9 Functions and Capabilities to be Emphasized) Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Fukuda at the launching ceremony of JS Shoryu
Reference 7 (Medium Term Defense Program (FY2014-FY2018)) (November 2017)
The total number of authorized GSDF personnel at the The authorized number of SDF personnel of the MSDF
end of FY2018 will be approximately 159,000, with and ASDF through FY2018 will be approximately at the
approximately 151,000 being SDF Regular Personnel, same levels as at the end of FY2013.
and approximately 8,000 being Ready Reserve Personnel. The Annex Table shows details of the quantities of
6 Basic Guidelines of the Mid-Term Defense Program Following the New NDPG
● Place particular emphasis on the following functions and capabilities, while focusing on further enhancement of
joint functions:
(1) ISR Capabilities
(2) Intelligence Capabilities
(3) Transport Capabilities
1 Focus on 9 functions and capabilities (4) C3I Capabilities
(5) Response to an Attack on Remote Islands
(6) Response to Ballistic Missile Attacks
(7) Response to Outer Space and Cyberspace Threats
(8) Response to Large-Scale Disasters
(9) International Peace Cooperation Efforts
● The SDF will prioritize the development of capacities to ensure maritime superiority and air superiority as well as
Development of capacities to
rapid deployment capabilities, so as to effectively deter and respond to various situations.
ensure maritime superiority and
2 ● To prepare for invasions such as the landing of a large-scale ground force, the SDF will have capacities to
air superiority as well as rapid
the extent necessary to establish a minimum necessary level of expertise and skills required to respond to
deployment capabilities
unforeseen changes in the security situation in the future.
● Regarding equipment acquisition and maintenance, by properly combining the introduction of new equipment,
Efficiently secure defense
with life extension and improvement of existing equipment etc., the SDF will efficiently secure defense
3 capabilities adequate both in quantity
capabilities adequate both in quantity and quality. In this effort, the MOD will strive to improve cost effectiveness
and quality
by reducing life cycle costs through the strengthening of project management and other means.
● Given the more advanced and complex equipment, and more diverse and internationalized missions in recent
Promote measures to reform the years, to ensure SDF’s strength and the effective use of defense force personnel, the SDF will implement
personnel management system measures, including the more effective use of female SDF personnel and reserve personnel, in order to reform its
personnel management system.
Strengthen the deterrence and ● Initiatives for the smoother, more effective stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan will be promoted proactively by
5 response capabilities of the Japan- further expanding various cooperation and discussions, including the revision of the Guidelines for Japan-U.S.
U.S. Alliance Defense Cooperation.
Achieve greater efficiencies and ● Considering the increasingly difficult situation in Japan’s public finance, Japan will strive to achieve greater
6 streamline the buildup of the defense efficiencies and streamline the buildup of its defense forces, while harmonizing these efforts with other
forces measures taken by the Government.
Chapter 2
New Airborne Early Warning (Control) Aircraft 4
Fighters (F-35A) 28
Fighter Modernization (F-15) 26
New Aerial Refueling/Transport Aircraft 3
Transport Aircraft (C-2) 10
Upgrade of PATRIOT Surface-to-Air Guided Missiles (PAC-3 MSE) 2 groups & education
major procurement. Japan aims to develop the defense See Fig. II-2-1-3 (Transition of Annex from the NDPG)
forces described in the Annex Table of the NDPG over a Fig. II-2-2-2 (Annex from the Medium Term Defense Program)
3 Expenditures
The expenditures required to implement the defense streamlining and rationalization through efforts such
force developments described in this program amount as equipment procurement reform. The annual defense
to approximately 24,670 billion yen in FY2013 prices. budgets for the implementation of this program will be
For the duration of this program, in harmony with other allocated within a limit of approximately 23,970 billion
measures taken by the Government, approximately yen over the next five years.
700 billion yen will be secured by means of further
ship guided missiles (advanced) and new air-to-ship guided missiles for
reconnaissance aircraft; ● acquire tilt-rotor aircraft (V-22); ● procure transport
aircraft (C-2); ● acquire type-16 maneuver combat vehicles; ● develop
infrastructure for the Southwestern Area Security Unit; etc.
deterrence and ● Introduce the land-based version of the Aegis system (Aegis Ashore);
Response to ballistic
response to ● procure SM-3 block IIA and SM-3 block IB, develop next-generation warning
missile attacks
various situations aircraft control radar system; etc.
Response in outer ● Strengthen efforts on space surveillance; ● utilize satellite communication; FY2018 FFM (3,900 t class) (image)
space ● utilize commercial imagery satellite and meteorological satellite information, etc.
● Strengthen information collection and analysis system concerning
Response in cyberspace threats; ● strengthen analysis system concerning cyberattacks Warhead Rocket Motor
cyberspace against the Ministry of Defense and the SDF; ● strengthen response system
concerning cyberattacks against organizations; etc.
● Maintain and strengthen functions of camps and bases that will serve
Response to large-
as hubs during a disaster; ● carry out training on large-scale and special
scale disasters
disasters, etc. Research on Element Technologies of a HVGP
(Hyper Velocity Gliding Projectile) intended for
● Strengthen the Defense Attaches management system; ● enhance capability the Defense of Remote Islands (Image)
to collect and analyze intelligence, etc.
● Strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation for stabilizing the Asia-Pacific
Stabilization of the Asia-Pacific region
region, and carry out training and exercises as needed and as appropriate.
and improvement of the global security
More actively participate in international peace cooperation activities, etc. in
order to respond appropriately to global security and other issues.
● While maintaining the deterrence of the U.S. Forces, steadily carry out
Measures for the strengthening of the
specific measures including the realignment of the U.S. Forces in Japan to
Japan-U.S. Alliance
mitigate the impact on local communities, including those in Okinawa.
● Along with securing talented personnel who will take a role in national defense, Research on Element Technologies of a New
carry out a comprehensive study on necessary measures and ensuring those Anti-Ship Missile Intended for the Defense of
measures are appropriately taken, including strengthening recruiting operations Remote Islands (Image)
Measures for personnel and education
and re-employment assistance, raising the staffing rate of SDF reserve
personnel in order to ensure the robustness of the SDF, while also implementing
measures to support female personnel to achieve their potentials.
● Proceed with various initiatives and save approx. 204 billion yen to greater
Initiatives for greater efficiency
efficiency in all areas of the procurement of equipment.
● Promote strategic initiatives, etc. including enhancing research and
development in light of the Defense Technology Strategy and expanding the
Innovative Science and Technology Initiative for Security program (funding
program); ● steadily proceed with the procurement program of the project
management focused equipment, etc., while also implementing measures Aegis Ashore
in accordance with joint operation and categorization; ● work closely with
Initiatives for policies regarding defense
the private sector, reinforce effective defense equipment and technology
equipment and technology
cooperation posture through intelligence gathering such as the needs of
its counterparts, providing comprehensive support including assistance for
maintenance and repair of equipment, and sending out information; ● promote
measures for maintaining and reinforcing the base by initiatives such as
discovering and utilizing outstanding technology held by small and medium
sized enterprises and carefully assessing the reality of the supply chain.
Other (projects pertaining to the structure ● Deploy troops to Amamioshima Island and Miyakojima Island; ● Reorganization
and the strength of the organization) into mobile division and mobile brigade (Sixth Division, 11th Brigade), etc.
SM-3 Block II-A
and airspace surrounding Japan; response to attacks on united and make efforts to ensure the complete, verifiable
remote islands; response to ballistic missile attacks, while and irreversible dismantlement of all weapons of mass
also focusing on ensuring technological superiority, and destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges by North
the maintenance and enhancement of defense production Korea, and we must watch North Korea’s future concrete
and technological bases to steadily build-up defense actions closely. It is no surprise that the MOD, whose
capabilities for a dynamic joint defense force. responsibility is to protect the lives and property of the
Furthermore, considering the increasingly severe nationals, needs to be fully ready to be able to respond to
situation in Japan’s public finance, Japan will strive to any contingencies or situations. The MOD will continue
achieve greater efficiencies and streamlining through to carry forward various programs, including the initiative
efforts such as longer-term contracts, while harmonizing to introduce Aegis Ashore, which is allocated in the
these efforts with other measures taken by the Government. FY2018 budget.
In light of the outcome of the U.S.-North Korea See Fig. II-2-3-1 (Main Aspects of Build-up of Defense Capabilities
for FY2018)
Chapter 2
Summit Meeting held in June 2018, Japan believes it
is important for the international community to stay
Defense-related expenditures include expenses for Okinawa (SACO) and the U.S. Forces realignment-
improving defense capabilities and maintaining and related expenses (the portion allocated for mitigating
managing the SDF, as well as expenses necessary for the impact on local communities) and expense for the
the implementation of measures against neighborhood introduction of new government aircraft, defense-related
affairs in the vicinity of defense facilities. Defense- expenditures were increased by 66 billion yen from the
related expenditures have been on a hike for 6 years previous fiscal year to 5.1911 trillion yen.
Chapter 2
in a row since FY2014, including the duration of the Additionally, the supplementary budget for FY2018
current MTDP under which defense expenditures are set contains an appropriation of 234.5 billion yen as necessary
to increase by 0.8% in real average over the course of expenses for securing stable operations of the SDF, which
five years. includes responding to ballistic missile attacks.
In comparison with the previous fiscal year, defense- See Fig. II-2-4-1 (Comparison Between FY2017 Budget and FY2018
About the National Defense Program Guidelines
Defense-related expenditures are broadly classified into expenses are further classified into “obligatory outlay
“personnel and food provision expenses,” which covers expenses,”1 which are paid based on contracts concluded
items such as wages and meals for SDF personnel, in previous fiscal years, and “general material expenses,”
and “material expenses,” which finance the repair which are paid under current-year contracts. Material
and maintenance of equipment, the purchase of fuel, expenses are also referred to as “program expenses,” and
the education and training of SDF personnel and the since general material expenses include repair costs for
procurement of equipment and the others. Material equipment, education and training expenses for personal,
1 In the build-up of defense capabilities, there are things that span multiple years. In these cases, the fiscal year in which the contract is concluded is different from the fiscal year in which the payment to
the contractor is made. Therefore, the future maximum obligation is allocated to the budget as a contract resulting in Treasury obligation (type of budget that only grant an authority to incur obligations.
The contracts can be concluded, although the payment cannot be made). Based on such budgeting, in principle in the fiscal year the construction is completed or the equipment is procured, expenses
necessary for payment are allocated as budget expenditure (type of budget that grant authorities to incur obligations and make payment. The contracts can be concluded and the payment can be
made). Budget expenditure for payments incurred under contracts concluded in previous fiscal years is called “obligatory outlay expenses,” while expenditure for the future fiscal years is termed
“future obligation concerning new contracts.”
Chapter 2
Note: The figures above do not include SACO-related expenses, the U.S. Forces realignment-related expenses (the portion allocated for mitigating the impact on local communities) and expenses
for the introduction of new government aircraft. Including these expenses, total defense-related expenditures were as follows: ¥4,902.6 billion in FY2004, ¥4,856.0 billion yen in FY2005,
¥4,813.6 billion in FY2006, ¥4,801.3 billion in FY2007, ¥4,779.6 billion in FY2008, ¥4,774.1 billion in FY2009, ¥4,790.3 billion in FY2010, ¥4,775.2 billion in FY2011, ¥4,713.8 billion
in FY2012, ¥4,753.8 billion in FY2013, ¥4,884.8 in FY2014, ¥4,980.1 billion in FY2015, ¥5,054.1 billion in FY2016, ¥5,125.1 billion in FY2017, and ¥5,191.1 billion in FY2018.
2017 Contract obligation
and the purchase of fuel, they are referred to also as expenses, account for 80% of the total defense-related
“activity expenses.” The MOD terms this classification budget. The remaining 20% of the budget includes
method as “classification by expenses.” spending for repairing equipment and for implementing
Personnel and food provision expenses as well as measures to alleviate the impact on local communities
obligatory outlay expenses, both of which are mandatory hosting U.S. bases in Japan. As such, a high percentage
General materials Maintenance, etc.
16.2% (7,982) GSDF
20.1% (9,949) 23.0%
[ 0.2%] 37.1% (18,310)
Personnel and By
By expense
Chapter 2
of the budget is allocated for maintenance purposes. common to take multiple years from contract to delivery
For this reason, the breakdown of the defense-related or completion, in areas such as the procurement of
expenditures cannot be easily altered in a significant vessels, aircraft, and other primary equipment, as well
manner on a single-year basis. as the construction of buildings such as aircraft hangars
See Fig. II-2-4-3 (Relationship between Annual Expenditure and and barracks. Consequently, for such items, a procedure
Future Obligation Concerning New Contracts) is undertaken whereby a multi-year contract is arranged,
Personnel and food provision expenses were and it is promised in advance at the time of the contract
increased by 18.7 billion yen from the previous fiscal year, that payments will be made in the following fiscal year
while obligatory outlay expenses for the year increased and beyond (within five years, in principle). The sum of
by 22.6 billion yen. General material expenses decreased money to be paid in the following fiscal year and beyond,
by 2.1 billion yen from the previous fiscal year.2 based on such a multi-year contract, is called the “future
See Fig. II-2-4-4 (Breakdown of Defense-Related Expenditures obligation.” The amount of future obligation concerning
FY2018) new contracts arising in FY2018 increased from the
Reference 14 (Changes in Composition of Defense-Related
Expenditures (Original Budget Basis) previous fiscal year by 23.8 billion yen (1.2%).
Furthermore, if looked at on a contract basis,3 which
In addition to the annual budget expenditure, the shows the scale of operations, there is an increase from
amount of future obligations concerning new contracts the previous fiscal year of 21.7 billion yen (0.7%).
also indicates payments for the following year and beyond See Part III, Chapter 4, Section 3 (Efforts Towards Project
(the amount of future obligation arising in the applicable Management etc.)
In light of the increasingly severe fiscal conditions, the based on a policy to achieve further streamlining and
MTDP specifies securing approximately 700 billion yen rationalization in the defense capability buildup.
2 The comparison with the previous year is concerning expenditure excluding the SACO-related expenses and the U.S. Forces realignment-related expenses (the portion allocated for mitigating the
impact on local communities and expense for the introduction of a new dedicated government aircraft). The same applies hereinafter in regard to this section.
3 The sum total of general material expenses and future obligation concerning new contracts, which shows the amount of the material expenses (program expenses) that are to be contracted in the
applicable fiscal year and to be paid in the same fiscal year and beyond. The amount is 2.9887 trillion yen in FY2018
Chapter 2
3. Figures may not add up to the total due to rounding.
For this purpose, the MOD is currently carrying out Fig. II-2-4-6 The Defense Budgets of Major Countries (FY2017)
reviews to achieve efficiency, and has sought a reduction
an over five-years long-term contract of Performance 0.9 3.6 1.3 3.1 2.3 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.2
Based Logistics (PBL) (Part III, Chap.) for maintenance Notes: 1. Defense budgets are based on each country’s public documents. Dollar
equipment of the F110 engine (fighter (F-2)). conversions have been made while referring to each country’s purchasing
power parity for FY2017 as published by the OECD (official rate listed on
• A reduction of approximately 68.5 billion yen through the OECD website) (as of July 2018).
(1 dollar=99.594086 yen=3.506000 yuan=24.111166 rubles
a review of maintenance methods including extending =877.052289 won=1.472003 Australian dollars=0.713283 pound
regular maintenance intervals for the engine of F7-10 =0.796821 euros (France)=0.779292 euros (Germany))
2. Defense budgets as a proportion of GDP for the U.S., U.K., France, and
(fixed-wing patrol aircraft {P-1}). Germany are based on a NATO publication. The GDP figure published by
the IMF was employed to calculate defense budgets as a proportion of GDP
• A reduction of approximately 16.6 billion yen by for China, Russia, the Republic of Korea and Australia.
pursuing cost savings through the use of civilian goods
and review of specifications of equipment such as the
maintenance of the tactical network control system • A reduction of approximately 70.1 billion yen through
(TNCS). initiatives such as scrutinizing the unit cost and related
• A reduction of approximately 37.1 yen through bulk expenses of major equipment, etc.
procurement of equipment in a single fiscal year that See Fig. II-2-4-5 (Amount of Reduction Achieved Through Past
could lead to a reduction in expenses. Streamlining Efforts)
Monolithic understanding of the defense expenditures of some countries where such data is publicly disclosed.
each country is not possible in view of differences in the Furthermore, in comparing the defense expenditures
socioeconomic and budgetary systems. There is not an of each country, though there exists the method of
internationally unified definition of defense expenditures, converting their defense expenditures into dollar amounts
and breakdowns of defense expenditures are unclear in at respective currency rates, their dollar-based defense
Fig. II-2-4-7 Changes in Defense Budgets in Surrounding Countries Over the Past Ten Years
Russia Russia 2.84 times
Australia China 2.70 times
ROK 1.62 times
Australia 1.60 times
Chapter 2
About the National Defense Program Guidelines
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Notes: 1. Created based on the defense budgets published by each country.
2. These are numerical values obtained by simple calculation of the ratio between the defense budgets each year, with the FY2008 value as 1 (times) (rounded to two decimal places).
3. The definition and breakdown of the defense budgets of each country are not necessarily clear. As we must take into account various factors such as price levels of each country,
it is very difficult to draw a comparison of defense budgets among countries.
expenses calculated in this way do not necessarily reflect See Part I, Chapter 2 (Defense Policies of Countries)
the precise value based on each country’s price levels. Reference 15 (Trend of Defense Expenditures of Major
Therefore, the results of converting Japan’s defense-
related expenditures and those of other countries officially In addition, Fig. II-2-4-7 (Changes in Defense
published by each government into dollar amounts, using Budgets in Surrounding Countries Over the Past Ten
the purchasing power parity4 of each country reported Years) shows the changes in defense expenditures of
by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Japan’s neighboring countries over the past ten years.
Development (OECD), are shown in Fig. II-2-4-6 (The
Defense Budgets of Major Countries).
4 A gauge that measures each country’s ability to purchase goods and services by taking into account their respective price levels.
The security environment surrounding Japan is increasingly and peaceful livelihood of its people under any situation
severe, and we are now in an era where threats could and contribute even more proactively to the peace and
easily spread beyond national borders, and no country can stability of the international community under the policy of
maintain its own security only by itself any longer. “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the principle
Chapter 3
Against this background, it is first and foremost of international cooperation, it is necessary to develop
important to advance vibrant diplomacy in order to domestic legislation that enables seamless responses.
maintain peace and security of Japan, and ensure its In May 2014, following a report submitted by the
survival, as well as to secure its people’s lives. However, Advisory Panel on the Reconstruction of the Legal Basis
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
at the same time, it is also necessary to prepare for the for Security and in accordance with the basic orientation
worst-case scenario. for the way that further deliberations would take place as
Specifically, it is essential to avoid armed conflicts presented by Prime Minister Abe, discussions were held
beforehand and prevent threats from reaching Japan by in the ruling parties and studies were also conducted by
appropriately developing, maintaining and operating the Government.1 Following this, in July 2014, a Cabinet
Japan’s own defense capability, strengthening mutual Decision was made on “Development of Seamless
cooperation with the United States which is Japan’s ally, Security Legislation to Ensure Japan’s Survival and
and other partner countries, and in particular, further Protect its People,” which set forth the basic policy for
elevating the effectiveness of the Japan-U.S. Security the development of legislation that enables seamless
Arrangements and enhancing the deterrence of the Japan- responses to any situations.
U.S. Alliance for the peace and stability of Japan and the See Reference 16 (Development of Seamless Security Legislation
Asia-Pacific region. to Ensure Japan’s Survival and Protect its People)
Following the aforementioned Cabinet Decision, a the Government made Cabinet Decisions on two bills,
legislation drafting team was launched under the National the Bill for the Development of Legislation for Peace
Security Secretariat in the Cabinet Secretariat. In and Security2 and the International Peace Support Bill.3
addition, the Ministry of Defense established “The Study The two bills were then submitted to the 189th ordinary
Committee on the Development of Security Legislation” session of the Diet on May 15, 2015.
with the Minister of Defense as its Chairman, and These two bills enable seamless responses to
conducted the deliberations towards the development of any situations, from the protection of assets including
security legislation. The deliberations in the Government weapons of units of the U.S. Forces and armed forces
were conducted based on the discussions at a total of 25 of foreign countries during peacetime, support activities
meetings in the ruling parties, and, on May 14, 2015, to armed forces of foreign countries, etc., in situations
1 In February 2013, Prime Minister Abe resumed the Advisory Panel on Reconstruction of the Legal Basis for Security, which had been held during the first Abe Cabinet. Following a total of seven
meetings, the Advisory Panel submitted its report to Prime Minister Abe in May 2014.
2 Bill for Partial Amendments to the Self-Defense Forces Law and Other Existing Laws for Ensuring Peace and Security of Japan and the International Community.
3 Bill Concerning Cooperation and Support Activities to Armed Forces of Foreign Countries, etc. in Situations where the International Community is Collectively Addressing for Peace and Security.
that have an important influence on Japan’s peace and to the recognition of a “survival-threatening situation,”
security and situations that the international community and committed them to obtaining a conclusion on the
is collectively addressing for peace and security (to shape of a Diet organization for the constant surveillance
be discussed later), to the limited use of the right of and post—verification of SDF activities based on the
collective self-defense as a measure for self-defense to Legislation for Peace and Security, and the strengthening
the minimum extent necessary to defend Japan when the of the Diet’s involvement. The Government also made
“Three New Conditions”4 are satisfied. a Cabinet Decision to the effect that the Government
Following the longest extension of a Diet session in will respect the Five-Party Agreement and handle these
the postwar, the longest Diet debate of security-related matters appropriately. The Legislation for Peace and
bills in the postwar period was conducted, constituting Security was put into force on March 29, 2016.
about 116 hours of debate in the House of Representatives With the security environment surrounding Japan
and about 100 hours of debate in the House of Councillors, becoming increasingly severe, the enforcement of the
totaling about 216 hours. As a result, the two bills were Legislation for Peace and Security has a historical
passed at a plenary session of the House of Councillors significance. The legislation, which enables the SDF to
and enacted on September 19, 2015, upon formation of provide protection and logistic support to U.S. naval vessels
a broad consensus, with approval of not only the Liberal engaged in ballistic missile defense, helps strengthen
Democratic Party of Japan and Komeito but also the the deterrence and response capability of the Japan-U.S.
Chapter 3
three opposition parties of the then Assembly to Energize Alliance as a whole, thereby further ensuring the peace
Japan, the then Party for Future Generations and the then and security of Japan through making more proactive
New Renaissance Party (altogether five parties out of the contributions to the peace and stability of the region and
ten political parties). the international community. The Legislation has been
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
Just before the passage, these five parties reached the highly appraised around the world. This fact clearly shows
“Agreement Concerning the Legislation for Peace and that the Legislation contributes to the peace and stability of
Security” (the “Five-Party Agreement”), which include the region and the international community.5
matters that should be taken into consideration in judging See Fig. II-3-1-1 (Structure of the Legislation for Peace and
the applicability of the Three New Conditions related Security)
* In addition to those in the left column, the 10 existing laws were revised for technical reasons.
Act for the Development of the Legislation for Peace and Security: Law Concerning Partial Amendments to the Self-Defense Forces Law and Other Existing Laws for
Ensuring the Peace and Security of Japan and the International Community
1. Self-Defense Forces Law
2. International Peace Cooperation Act
Act on Cooperation with United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Other Operations
3. Law Concerning Measures to Ensure Peace and Security of Japan in Situations in Areas Surrounding Japan → Changed to Law Concerning Measures to Ensure Peace
and Security of Japan in Situations that Will Have an Important Influence on Japan's Peace and Security
Law Concerning Measures to Ensure Peace and Security of Japan in Situations that Will Have an Important Influence on Japan’s Peace and Security
6. U.S. Military Actions Related Measures Act → Changed to the U.S. and Others’ Military Actions Related Measures Act
Law Concerning the Measures Conducted by the Government in Line with U.S. and Other Countries’ Military Actions in Armed Attack Situations, etc., and Survival-Threatening Situation
Commentary The Relationship between the Legislation for Peace and Security COLUMN
and the Constitution
The “use of force” is permitted under the Constitution
Chapter 3
● When an armed attack against Japan occurs or when an armed attack against a foreign country that
is in a close relationship with Japan occurs and as a result threatens Japan’s survival and poses a clear
danger to fundamentally overturn people’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness;
● When there is no other appropriate means available to repel the attack and ensure Japan’s survival and
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
protect its people; and
● Use of force is limited to the minimum extent necessary,
only when the Three New Conditions above are satisfied. Even for the “use of force” permitted under the Three New Conditions, the
basic logic of the constitutional interpretation presented in the Governmental view of 1972 (below) has not changed:
● The language of Article 9 of the Constitution appears to prohibit the “use of force” in international
relations in all forms. However, when considered in light of “the right (of all peoples of the world)
to live in peace” as recognized in the Preamble of the Constitution and the purpose of Article 13 of
the Constitution which stipulates, “their (all of the people’s) right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness” shall be the supreme consideration in governmental affairs, Article 9 of the Constitution
cannot possibly be interpreted to prohibit Japan from taking measures of self-defense necessary to
maintain its peace and security and to ensure its survival.
● Such measures for self-defense are permitted only when they are inevitable for dealing with imminent
unlawful situations where the people’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is fundamentally
overturned due to an armed attack by a foreign country, and for safeguarding these rights of the people.
Hence, the “use of force” to the minimum extent necessary to that end is permitted.
Furthermore, the “use of force” permitted under the Three New Conditions remains within the scope of the Supreme Court
decision on the Sunagawa Case. The Supreme Court decision states that
● “it must be pointed out that it is natural for Japan, in the exercise of powers inherent in a state, to take
measures for self-defense that may be necessary to maintain its peace and security, and to ensure its survival.”
In other words, the decision can be interpreted as recognizing that Japan should be able to take “measures for self-defense”
to maintain its peace and security and ensure its survival after stating that Japan has the right to self-defense, without making a
distinction between the right to individual self-defense and the right to collective self-defense.
As the Legislation for Peace and Security, which reflects the Three New Conditions described above in just proportion, maintains
the basic logic of the constitutional interpretation hitherto presented by the Government and remains within the scope of the
Sunagawa Case decision by the Supreme Court, the only institution endowed with the power to finally determine the constitutional
interpretation, it is consistent with the Constitution.
The Act on the Peace and Independence of Japan and as unavoidable self-defense measures for Japan’s defense
Maintenance of the Nation and the People’s Security along with some other changes.
in Armed Attack Situations, etc., and a Survival-
Threatening Situation2 specifies items that should be
Chapter 3
responsibilities of national and local governments in the or a Survival-Threatening Situation, the Government is
event of an armed attack. required to adopt the Basic Response Plan, which includes
Previously, the aforementioned legislation stipulated the following items, and ask for approval by the Diet.
responses to Armed Attack Situations, etc. However, In addition, once the Basic Response Plan is adopted, a
considering the changes in the security environment temporary Task Force for Armed Attack Situations, etc.,
surrounding Japan, a “Survival-Threatening Situation” (the Task Force) is to be established within the Cabinet,
was newly added to the situations to which Japan is to to implement these measures.
respond as an armed attack since even if it occurs against a (1) The following items concerning situations that need
foreign country it could threaten Japan’s survival as well, to be dealt with:
depending on its purpose, scale and manner. Following a. Sequence of the event the situation, the confirmation
this, the SDF Law was also amended to define responses of occurrence of an Armed Attack Situation, etc.,
to such a situation as one of the SDF’s primary duties or a Survival-Threatening Situation, and the facts
that support this confirmation
b. When the situation is confirmed as an Armed Attack
Situation, etc., or a Survival-Threatening Situation,
1 In addition to the ones explained in this section, see Reference 18 for the other conditions in which inflicting injury on a person is permitted.
2 Following the addition of a Survival-Threatening Situation, the title of the Act was revised from the “Act on the Peace and Independence of Japan and Maintenance of the Nation and the People’s
Security in Armed Attack Situations, etc.” to the “Act on the Peace and Independence of Japan and Maintenance of the Nation and the People’s Security in Armed Attack Situations, etc., and a Survival-
Threatening Situation.”
Fig. II-3-2-1 Procedures for Responding to Armed Attack Situations, etc., and Survival-Threatening Situation
Creation of a draft basic response plan (1) Formulation of the draft basic response
plan by the Prime Minister
The Government
Cabinet decision on the basic response plan (4) Cabinet decision on the basic response plan
Chapter 3
The Diet
Task Force for Armed Attack Situations, etc. (note) Request for the approval of the Diet (5) Approval of the basic response plan by Diet
(Task Force Chief: Prime Minister)
Approval Rejection
• Comprehensive promotion of response measures
• Formulation of usage guidelines for specific public Terminate immediately
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
facilities, etc.
Note: The Task Force will be established in the Cabinet for the comprehensive promotion of measures to respond to armed attack situations or a situation where an armed attack against
a foreign country results in threatening Japan’s survival
the reason why there are no other appropriate and termination of the Basic Response Plan. See the
means available to ensure Japan’s survival and reference below for the measures to be implemented.
protect its people, and the use of force is necessary See Fig. II-3-2-2 (Measures to be Implemented by Designated
to respond to the situation Administrative Institutions, etc.)
(2) An overall plan to respond to the Armed Attack (4) Responsibilities of the National and Local Governments
Situations, etc., or a Survival-Threatening Situation See the reference below for the responsibilities of the
(3) Important matters related to the response measures national and local Governments, etc. as defined in the Act
See Fig. II-3-2-1 (Procedures to be Taken to Respond to Armed on the Peace and Independence of Japan and Maintenance
Attack Situations, etc., and Survival-Threatening Situations) of the Nation and the People’s Security in Armed Attack
Situations, etc., and a Survival-Threatening Situation.
(2) Diet Approval See Fig. II-3-2-3 (Responsibilities of the National and Local
In principle, the prior Diet approval is required to issue a Governments, etc.)
Fig. II-3-2-2 Measures to be Implemented by Designated Administrative Institutions, Local Governments or Designated Public Institutions
Measures implemented according to changes in circumstances caused by Measures implemented according to changes in circumstances caused by
armed attacks, in order to bring an armed attack situation, etc., to an end Survival-Threatening Situations in order to bring the situation to an end
(1) The use of force, deployment of units, etc. and other actions taken by the (1) The use of force, deployment of units, etc. and other actions taken by the
SDF necessary to repel an armed attack SDF necessary to repel an armed attack against a foreign country that is in
(2) Provision of articles, facilities and services, or other measures a close relationship with Japan which as a result threatens Japan’s survival
implemented so that the actions of the SDF specified in (1), actions taken and poses a clear danger to fundamentally overturn the people’s right to
by the United States Armed Forces under the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (a survival-threatening armed attack)
necessary to repel an armed attack, and actions taken by armed forces of (2) Provision of articles, facilities and services, or other measures implemented
other foreign countries in cooperation with the SDF necessary to repel an so that the actions of the SDF specified in (1) and actions taken by armed
armed attack can be conducted smoothly and effectively forces of foreign countries in cooperation with the SDF necessary to repel
(3) Diplomatic and other measures on top of (1) and (2) above an armed attack against a foreign country that results in threatening
Japan’s survival can be conducted smoothly and effectively
(3) Diplomatic and other measures on top of (1) and (2) above
3 Following the addition of Survival-Threatening Situations, the title of the Act was revised from “Law Concerning the Measures Conducted by the Government in Line with the U.S. Military Actions in
Armed Attack Situations, etc.” to “Law Concerning the Measures Conducted by the Government in Line with U.S. and Other Countries’ Military Actions in Armed Attack Situations, etc., and Survival-
Threatening Situations.”
Chapter 3
waters and the high seas surrounding Japan. against direct or indirect aggression.” Now since the purpose
c. Prisoners of War Act5 of the SDF’s operation in Survival-Threatening Situations
The Prisoners of War Act previously specified items stemming from an armed attack on a foreign country is also
necessary for the detention, internment and other forms to defend japan as well, the revised legislation stipulates
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
of treatment of prisoners of war, etc., in Armed Attack this is one of the SDF’s primary duties.
Situations in order to ensure the appropriate practice
of the International Humanitarian Law regarding the (2) Defense Operation
treatment of prisoners of war, etc. The provisions were Although an Armed Attack Situation, had been the only
added for the application of the Prisoners of War Act in situation in which a Defense Operation order may be
Survival-Threatening Situations as well. issued, the revised legislation newly added Survival-
d. Act Regarding the Use of Specific Public Facilities6 Threatening Situations to this category. Following this
To ensure the appropriate and rapid operations of the revision, the Prime Minister can now issue a Defense
SDF and the U.S. Forces and measures vital to the Operation order to the whole or part of the SDF when it
protection of the people, the Act Regarding the Use of is deemed necessary for the defense of Japan in Armed
Specific Public Facilities provides for procedures to Attack Situations and Survival-Threatening Situations. As
be taken for comprehensive coordination of the use of it had been before the law revision, prior Diet approval is
specific public facilities (ports, airports, roads, waters, air required for a Defense Operation order in principle. The
zones and radio waves) in Armed Attack Situations, etc. SDF under Defense Operation duty is allowed to exercise
The operations of the armed forces of foreign countries the use of force only when the “New Three Conditions”
other than the U.S. Forces in Armed Attack Situations, are satisfied.8
etc., were added to the scope of coordination of the use of
specific public facilities. (3) Others
Among the provisions setting forth a variety of authorities
and special measures, etc., necessary for SDF operations
4 Following the addition of Survival-Threatening Situations, the title of the Act was revised from “Law Concerning the Restrictions of Maritime Transportation of Foreign Military Supplies, and Others in Armed
Attack Situations, etc.” to “Law Concerning the Restrictions of Maritime Transportation of Foreign Military Supplies, and Others in Armed Attack Situations, etc., and Survival-Threatening Situations.”
5 Following the addition of Survival-Threatening Situations, the title of the Act was revised from “Law Concerning the Treatment of Prisoners of War and Other Detainees in Armed Attack Situations, etc.”
to “Law Concerning the Treatment of Prisoners of War and Other Detainees in Armed Attack Situations, etc., and Survival-Threatening Situations.”
6 The official title of the Act is the “Law Concerning the Use of Specific Public Facilities and Others in Armed Attack Situations, etc.”
7 A contingency situation other than an Armed Attack Situation and a situation where an armed attack against a foreign country resulting in a threat to Japan’s survival that may have a significant impact
on the security of the nation and its people, including an emergency response situation (a situation where actions that may kill or injure many people by using methods equivalent to those used in an
armed attack, or a situation where it is recognized that the relevant actions represent a clear and present threat that necessitate an emergency response by the state).
8 In general, the “use of force” in Paragraph 1, Article 9 of the Constitution means the act of combat by Japanese physical and personnel organizations as part of an international armed conflict. In
contrast to this, the “use of weapons” as referred to in the Self-Defense Forces Act, etc., means the use of equipment and machinery, etc., designed to directly kill or harm people, or to destroy things
as a means of armed fighting, in accordance with their original usages. While the “use of force” in Paragraph 1, Article 9 of the Constitution is the idea related to resorting to force, including the “use
of weapons,” all types of the “use of weapons” do not necessarily fall under the category of the “use of force” prohibited under Article 9 of the Constitution. The “use of force” is permitted under the
Constitution only in cases where the New Three Conditions (See Page 166) are satisfied.
Fig. II-3-2-4 Mechanism of Civil Protection Dispatches for evacuation, relief, and response to armed attack-
induced disasters in order to protect the lives, bodies and
Municipal mayors
property of the people and to minimize influence on its
Ask for dispatch
request Communication (When a dispatch request cannot be sought) livelihood in the case of Armed Attack Situations, etc., or
emergency response situations.
Prefectural governors Task Force Chief1 1. Armed Attack Situations, If the Minister of Defense finds it unavoidable
etc. Task Force Chief or
Ask for dispatch Emergency Response after receiving a request from prefectural governors,11
Request Notification Situation Task Force Chief
for or receives a request from the Task Force Chief, upon
approval by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense
(When communication
is established by can issue civil Protection Dispatch Order to the SDF units,
municipal mayors)
etc. to civil protection dispatch to conduct civil protection
Minister of Defense Prime Minister measures or emergency response protection measures
Issue an order to Issue an order for civil
Approve (including assisting the evacuation of residents, providing
gather for civil
protection, etc.2, 3
protection dispatches relief to the evacuees and immediate restoration).
See Fig. II-3-2-4 (Mechanism of Civil Protection Dispatches),
SDF Ready Reserve 2. If it is particularly necessary to respond
Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2-11 (Initiatives for Civil Protection)
Personnel 3. Ready reserve personnel and reserve
SDF Reserve Personnel
Chapter 3
on a Defense Operation order, those whose purpose is evacuation and relief of residents from the perspective of
entirely to respond to direct armed attack on physical protection of the people and their livelihood from a direct
damage against Japan are not to be applied to Survival- attack against Japan and physical damage. A situation in
Threatening Situations.9 which the rules of Survival Threatening Situations are
applicable and warning issuance and evacuation and relief
4 Civil Protection of residents are required is nothing less than a situation
where an armed attack against Japan is anticipated or
(1) Outline of the Civil Protection Act and the Civil imminent. In such a case, it is recognized as Armed
Protection Dispatches Attack Situations, etc., and necessary measures are to be
The Civil Protection Act10 stipulates the responsibilities implemented under the Civil Protection Act.12
of the national and local governments as well as measures
9 The examples of application in Survival-Threatening Situations include the organization of special units, and the defense call-up of SDF Reserve Personnel and SDF Reserve Personnel, etc., while the
examples of non-application, which mean the examples of application only in Armed Attack Situations, etc., in other words, include measures for the construction of defense facilities, the authority to
maintain public order, emergency passage, appropriation of supplies, and orders to perform duties, etc.
10 The official title of the act is the Act Concerning the Measures for Protection of the People in Armed Attack Situations, etc.
11 The Prime Minister assumes the position of the Director of the Crisis Management Headquarters, but these positions are regulated as separate entities.
12 In the case that an armed attack against a foreign country resulting in threatening Japan’s survival is not regarded as an armed attack situation, etc., a series of measures are to be implemented to
ensure the stability of the people’s livelihood, including a stable supply of daily necessities, based on a variety of existing laws and regulations, taking thorough response measures to protect people’s
livelihood without invoking the Civil Protection Act.
Chapter 3
extended the scope of militaries that the SDF can support response measures in foreign territories, but only when
and add new types of response measures as follows. the foreign country concerned consents.
1 Militaries that the SDF supports 3 Measures to Avoid Integration with the Use of Force
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
On top of the existing “U.S. Armed Forces engaged The revised law sets forth the following measures in order
in activities contributing to the achievement of the to avoid integration with the use of force by a foreign
objectives of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty,” the revised country and also to ensure the safety of SDF personnel:
law added “armed forces of other foreign countries • The SDF does not conduct activities in “the scene
engaged in activities contributing to the achievement where a combat is actually taking place.” Regarding
of the objectives of the UN Charter” and “other similar search and rescue operations, however, when stranded
organizations” on the armed forces, etc., responding to personnel have been located and rescue operations have
situations that will have an important influence on Japan’s commenced, the SDF units are allowed to continue
peace and security, which the SDF is allowed to support. search and rescue activities as long as the safety of
these units is ensured.
Response Measures to Situations that will Have an • The commanding officers, etc., of the SDF units order
2 Important Influence on Japan’s Peace and Security the temporary suspension of activities, etc., if combat
operations occur or are expected to occur at the site of
The revised law sets out measures to respond to situations their activities or in the vicinity.
that will have an important influence on Japan’s peace • The Minister of Defense designates the area for
KEY WORD implementing activities, and if it is deemed difficult to
implement operations smoothly and safely in the whole
Situations that will have an important influence or part of that area, the Minister must promptly change
the designation of the area or order the cessation of the
Situations that will have an important influence on Japan’s peace and
activities being implemented there.
security, including situations that, if left unattended, could result in a
direct armed attack on Japan
13 Rear area support under the Law Concerning Measures to Ensure the Peace and Security of Japan in Situations in Areas Surrounding Japan means support measures, including the provision of goods,
services, and conveniences, given by Japan in rear areas to the U.S. Forces conducting activities that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty in situations in
areas surrounding Japan.
14 Rear area search and rescue operations under the Law Concerning Measures to Ensure the Peace and Security of Japan in Situations in Areas Surrounding Japan mean operations conducted by the
SDF in situations in areas surrounding Japan to search and rescue those who were engaged in combat and were stranded in rear areas (including transportation of those rescued).
15 Previously, “situations in areas surrounding Japan” was understood to be an idea that focuses on the nature of situations, not a geographical idea. In light of the changes in the security environment in
recent years, however, the definition was revised since it is not appropriate to use an expression that could be interpreted as geographically limiting areas where situations that will have an important
influence on Japan’s peace and security may arise. In association with this, the title of the Law was amended from the “Law Concerning Measures to Ensure the Peace and Security of Japan in
Situations in Areas Surrounding Japan” to the “Law Concerning Measures to Ensure the Peace and Security of Japan in Situations that Will Have an Important Influence on Japan’s Peace and Security.”
foreign countries in order to protect the lives and bodies The so-called “the use of weapons of self-preservation
of those stationed at the camps (however, inflicting injury type” is permitted.
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
3 Maintenance of Public Order and Responses to Aggression that Do Not Amount to an Armed Attack
twenty days from the day the order has been given.
2 Maritime Security Operations
(2) Public Security Operations by Request
Upon consulting with the Public Safety Commission of (1) Outline
the prefecture concerned, the governor of that prefecture When there is a special need to protect lives or property
can request the Prime Minister to dispatch units, etc., of or maintain public security at sea, the Minister of Defense
the SDF if it is deemed unavoidable as the situation will can order SDF units to take necessary actions at sea upon
have a serious influence on public security. Following approval by the Prime Minister.
such a request, the Prime Minister can order the SDF to
mobilize when a situation calls for such action. (2) Authority for the Use of Weapons
The provisions of Article 7 of the Police Duties
Execution Act apply mutatis mutandis to the execution
16 Inspection of ships in the case of a situation that will have an important influence on Japan’s Peace and Security is conducted based on the “Law Concerning Ship Inspection Operations in Situations
that Will Have an Important Influence on Japan’s Peace and Security and Other Situations (Ship Inspection Operations Act).” See Article 5 of this section (Framework for Contributing to the Peace and
Stability of the International Community) for ship inspection operations in situations threatening the international peace and security that the international community is collectively addressing.
17 The state that has the right to fly its flag as prescribed in Article 91 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
18 Article 7 of the Police Duties Execution Act (Use of Weapons) permits the use of weapons if deemed reasonably necessary in accordance with the situation. However, causing harm to people is
permitted only in cases of legitimate self-defense or evasion of clear and present danger.
19 The “certain conditions” defined herein apply to cases such as when SDF personnel reasonably consider that persons to be guarded in the line of duty and others may suffer violence or infringement,
or are apparently exposed to such danger and no appropriate means of overcoming it other than the use of weapons exist.
20 Article 16, 17-1, 18, and Article 20-2 of the Japan Coast Guard Law applied mutatis mutandis to public security operation.
● Responses to foreign naval vessels making maritime navigation through the territorial sea or the internal
waters of Japan that does not fall under the category of innocent passage under international law
● Responses to the unlawful landing on a remote island or its surrounding seas by an armed group
● Responses to acts of infringement when SDF ships or aircraft detect foreign ships committing said acts
against Japanese private ships on the high seas
Specifically, when an urgent decision is necessary concerning the issuance of orders for public security operations, etc., but it
is difficult to promptly convene an extraordinary cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister can preside over a cabinet meeting to make the
decision by obtaining the consent of the Ministers of State by telephone and other means. Any Minister of State who could not be
contacted in advance shall be notified of the cabinet decision ex post facto.
Chapter 3
Cabinet decision to accelerate procedures to issue orders for public security/maritime security operations in the following three cases,
referring to Cabinet Decision on Government Responses when there is a Risk of Large-Scale Terrorism (November 2, 2001):
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
under International Law Vessels on the High Seas
Responses are made by SDF units under When armed groups or groups that are When Japanese commercial vessels are
orders for maritime security operations highly probable to be armed are likely to actually subject to infringement activities,
in principle. illegally land or actually land on remote It is necessary to hold a cabinet meeting
The Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of islands, to issue orders for (urgent) counter-
Foreign Affairs and the Japan Coast It is necessary to hold a cabinet meeting piracy operation or maritime security
Guard promptly and expeditiously share to issue orders for maritime security operation.
information, coordinate and cooperate. operations/public security operations.
It is necessary to hold a cabinet meeting to
issue orders for maritime security operation.
When an urgent decision is necessary but it is difficult to promptly convene an adhoc cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister
can preside over a cabinet meeting to make the decision by obtaining the consent of the Ministers by telephone and
other means (any Minister who could not be contacted in advance shall be notified of the cabinet decision ex post facto).
of duties of SDF personnel, permitting them the use of operations at sea against such acts upon approval by the
weapons. In addition, partial application of the Japan Prime Minister. In order to obtain approval, the Minister
Coast Guard Law allows SDF personnel to exercise of Defense shall create a response guideline and submit it
authority such as requesting nearby persons or ships to to the Prime Minister.
cooperate or boarding on other ships for inspection. The
use of weapons is also permitted in order to stop a ship (2) Authority for the Use of Weapons
when certain conditions are met. SDF personnel may use weapons in executing duties under
See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2-1 (Ensuring Security of Sea and Article 7 of the Police Duties Execution Act. When there
Airspace Surrounding Japan) are reasonable grounds to believe that no other means
are available to stop the passage of a ship perpetrating
3 Counter-Piracy Operations acts of piracy,21 including approaching excessively close
to a non-military ship, the use of weapons is permitted
(1) Outline to the extent that is considered reasonably necessary in
When there is a special need to respond to acts of piracy, accordance with the situation.
the Minister of Defense may order SDF units to conduct See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 2-1 (Counter-Piracy Initiatives)
21 Article 16, 17-1, 18, and Article 20-2 of the Japan Coast Guard Law.
4 Destruction Measures Against Ballistic Missiles may create an emergency response guideline and get
approval by the Prime Minister in peacetime. Based
In case ballistic missiles22 or other objects launched at on this emergency response guideline, the Minister
Japan as an armed attack against Japan or a Survival- of Defense can order the SDF units to take measures
Threatening Situation, and the New Three Conditions to destroy ballistic missiles or other objects in the
are simultaneously met, the SDF would cope with the airspace over Japan’s territory or high seas in advance
situation by a Defense Operation order. On the other for a certain period of time once they have actually
hand, if ballistic missiles are flying towards Japan, but been launched towards Japan.
the situation cannot be acknowledged as an armed attack, See Fig. II-3-2-5 (Flow of Response to Ballistic Missiles or Other
the Minister of Defense can take the following measures: Objects), Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2-3 (Response to Ballistic
Missile Attacks, etc.)
(1) When it is anticipated that ballistic missiles or other
objects are flying towards Japan and it is deemed
necessary to take measures to protect lives and 5 Measures Against Intrusion of Territorial Airspace
properties in Japan’s territory if they fall to the ground,
upon approval by the Prime Minister, the Minister of The Minister of Defense may order SDF units to take
Defense may order the SDF units to take measures to necessary measures to make intruding aircraft land or
destroy the ballistic missiles in airspace over Japan’s withdraw from the territorial airspace of Japan (guiding
Chapter 3
territory or high seas once they have actually been intruders away, issuing radio transmission warnings,
launched towards Japan. use of weapons,23 etc.) when a foreign aircraft intrudes
(2) Also, besides the case of (1), the Minister of Defense Japan’s territorial airspace in violation of international
may not have enough time to get approval by the Prime law, the provisions of the Aviation Law or other relevant
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
Minister when the situation unfolds rapidly such as the laws and regulations.
cases when there was no warning prior to the launch. See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2-1 (Ensuring Security in the Waters
In preparation for such case, the Minister of Defense and Airspace Surrounding Japan)
Take measures in the framework SDF takes measures on the order SDF takes measures on the order
of defense operation of the Minister of Defense of the Minister of Defense
Article 76 of the SDF Law (Paragraph 1) Article 82-3 of the SDF Law (Paragraph 3)
(Issuance of Defense Operations Orders) (Destruction measures against ballistic missiles)
22 Ballistic missiles or other objects except aircraft that are believed to cause grave damage to human lives or property when they fall to the ground.
23 Although there is no clear provision regarding the use of weapons, it is interpreted to be included in the “necessary measures.”
Chapter 3
Upon a request from the Minister for Foreign Affairs and December 2016, the National Security Council approved
after subsequent consultations between the Minister for “The Implementation Guidelines for Article 95-2 of
Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense, the Minister the Self-Defense Forces Law,” which sets out the basic
of Defense issues an order following approval by the principles of the article and the Cabinet’s involvement in
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
Prime Minister. the operationalization of the article, etc.
24 It includes an organization, if any, that administers the said country in accordance with a resolution of the General Assembly or the Security Council of the UN.
25 While the so-called “right to use weapons of self-preservation type” permits the use of weapons only for the protection of oneself and others (oneself, SDF members who are at the same scene as
oneself, or those under the supervision of oneself), the so-called “right to use weapons in defense of the mission mandate” allows the use of weapons beyond self-preservation, for example, to protect
the lives and bodies, etc., of other people or to repel obstructions of the performance of duties of SDF personnel.
See Part II, Chapter 3, Section 3-3 (Commencement of the • Removal and disposal of mines or other explosive
Enforcement of the Protection of Weapons and Other hazardous objects
Equipment of the Units of the U.S. Forces and the Armed
Forces of Other Foreign Countries [SDF Law Article 95-2]) • Protection measures for Japanese nationals, etc. in
emergency situations in foreign countries
• Activities to gather information by ships or aircraft
Expansion of the Provision of Supplies and
8 Services to the U.S. Forces about the movements of the armed forces of foreign
countries and other information that contributes to
Regarding the provision of supplies or services to the the defense of Japan
United States Armed Forces, the scope of the U.S. Forces b. The scope extended to the U.S. Forces participating
and the scope of supplies covered were expanded as in multilateral exercises of three or more countries,
follows with the revised legislation: including Japan and the United States, in addition to the
U.S. Forces participating in Japan-U.S. bilateral exercises
(1) Scope of the U.S. Forces Covered c. The scope extended to the U.S. Forces that are in
a. The scope extended to the United States Armed Forces field sites along with SDF units temporarily staying at
that are on field sites along with the units of the SDF facilities of the U.S. Forces for day-to-day operations,
carrying out the following actions or activities and in addition to the U.S. Forces temporarily staying at
engaged in activities similar to those of the SDF units: SDF facilities
Chapter 3
26 The Commandant of the Japan Coast Guard, the Director General of the Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, and the Director of the Airport Administrative Office may request a disaster relief dispatch.
With regard to disaster relief dispatch, earthquake prevention dispatch, and nuclear disaster relief dispatch, (1) SDF personnel ordered for the dispatch may take measures (Article 4 of the Police
Duties Execution Law) such as evacuation based on Article 94 of the SDF Law (Authority in Disaster Relief Dispatch, etc.); (2) SDF Reserve Personnel and SDF Ready Reserve Personnel may be
called up for service in the event of disaster relief dispatch, and SDF Ready Personnel in the event of earthquake prevention dispatch or nuclear disaster relief dispatch; and (3) special units may be
temporarily formed as necessary
27 The Prime Minister issues an earthquake alert with the endorsement of the Cabinet in the event that an earthquake prediction was reported by the Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency
(JMA) and when it is deemed necessary to urgently implement emergency earthquake disaster prevention measures.
Fig. II-3-2-6 Flow of Events from the Point of Request to Dispatch and Withdrawal
Outbreak of
a disaster
In case of particular urgency with no time to
wait for a request from prefectural governors
Ask the prefectural governor to submit a request • Prefectural governors Request for withdrawal
• Commandant of the Japan Coast Guard
• Director General of the Regional Coast Guard
Municipal mayor
1) Procedure for request
• Director of the Airport Administrative Office
Direct notification • Normally requested in written
(In case asking request is not possible) Request for dispatch form
• Requested verbally or by
The Minister of Defense or the individuals designated by the Minister telegram or telephone in
case of emergency (a written
Order to dispatch Order to dispatch Call up1 request should later follow)
2) Content of request
Dispatch of units Dispatch of units Call up in such cases as • Conditions of the disaster and
(discretionary dispatch) disasters reasons for the request
SDF ready reserve • Desired duration for dispatch
personnel • Desired area for dispatch
SDF reserve personnel
and desired activities
• Other items for reference
Disaster relief operations
Chapter 3
Disbandment of call up2
Withdrawal of units
Notes: 1. SDF ready reserve personnel and SDF reserve personnel will be called on by the Minister of Defense as necessary
with the approval of the Prime Minister.
2. Disbandment of call-up of SDF ready reserve personnel and SDF reserve personnel must be done by the Minister of Defense.
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
5 Framework for Contributing to the Peace and Stability of the International Community
28 The official title of the former Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Act is the “Special Measures Law Concerning Measures Taken by Japan in Support of the Activities of Foreign Countries Aiming to
Achieve the Purposes of the Charter of the United Nations in Response to the Terrorist Attacks Which Took Place on 11 September 2001 in the United States of America as well as Concerning
Humanitarian Measures Based on Relevant Resolutions of the United Nations,” and the official title of the Replenishment Support Special Measures Act is the “Special Measures law Concerning
Implementation of Replenishment Support Activities towards the Anti-Terrorism Maritime Interdiction Operation.”
29 The official title is the Act on Special Measures concerning Humanitarian Relief and Reconstruction Work and Security Assistance in Iraq.
(1) Requirements (3) Measures to Avoid Integration with the Use of Force
The requirement for Japan to offer cooperation and The following measures are set forth in order to avoid
support to the operations of foreign armed forces is the integration with the use of force by a foreign country and
issuance of one of the following UN resolutions (by the also to ensure the safety of SDF personnel:
General Assembly or the Security Council). • Japan does not implement support activities in
a. Resolutions that decide, call upon, recommend or the scene where a combat is actually taking place.
authorize the country, which is subject to Japan’s However, when the personnel having been stranded
support operations to respond to situations that threaten have already been found and rescue operations have
the peace and security of the international community commenced, the SDF units are allowed to continue
b. Other than (a), resolutions that regard the situations as search and rescue activities concerning them as long
a threat to peace or a breach of peace and call on UN as the safety of these units is ensured.
member states to respond to the situations concerned • The commanding officers of the SDF units, etc., order
a temporary suspension of support activities if combat
(2) Response Measures operations occur or are expected to occur at the site of
The following response measures can be implemented in their activities or in the vicinity.
situations threatening the international peace and security • The Minister of Defense designates the area for
that the international community is collectively addressing. implementing activities, and if it is deemed difficult
Chapter 3
a. Cooperation and support activities to implement operations smoothly and safely in the
Supplies and services to armed forces of foreign countries whole or part of that area, must promptly change the
(supply, transportation, repair and maintenance, medical designation of the area or order the cessation of the
services, communications, airport and seaport services, activities being implemented there.
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
30 At the time when the Ship Inspection Operations Law was enacted, the conduct of ship inspection operations in situations other than situations in areas surrounding Japan was positioned as a separate
issue on the agenda (an answer given by then Minister for Foreign Affairs Kono at a meeting of the House of Councillors Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense on November 28, 2000).
the Japanese government to take measures to provide is now able to participate in Internationally Coordinated
contributions in kind for those operations, thereby enabling Operations for Peace and Security, when any of the
Japan to actively contribute to international peace efforts following conditions is satisfied, in addition to the
centering upon the UN. The law also stipulates a set of fulfillment of the Five Principles for Participation.
basic guidelines, or the so-called “Five Principles for PKO 1. Based on resolutions of the General Assembly, the Security
Participation” for Japan’s participation in these activities. Council, or the Economic and Social Council of the UN
At the time of the enactment of the Act, it was 2. At the requests of any of the following international
assumed that Japan was to cooperate with the ceasefire organizations:
monitoring in conventional conflicts between states • The UN
within the framework of UN PKOs under the control • Organs established by the UN General Assembly
of the UN. However, the nature of conflicts that the or Specialized Agencies, Funds and Programmes
international community faces has transformed into of the UN such as the Office of the UN High
intra-state conflicts or a combination of inter-state and Commissioner for Refugees or otherwise specified
intra-state conflicts. Therefore, support for the nation by a Cabinet Order
building of state parties to conflict and the creation • Regional organizations, as prescribed in Article
of a safe environment necessary to achieve this end 52 of the UN Charter or organs established by
have become important tasks in international peace multilateral treaties, acknowledged as having the
Chapter 3
cooperation activities. Furthermore, there is a wide range actual achievements or expertise pertaining to the
of international peace cooperation activities that have activities of Internationally Coordinated Operations
come to be implemented outside of the UN frameworks.31 for Peace and Security such as the European Union
Given the diversification and qualitative change of or otherwise specified by a Cabinet Order
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
the international peace cooperation activities, through 3. At the requests of the countries to which the areas
the recent legal revision, Japan, in order to contribute where those operations are to be conducted belong
further to peace and stability of international community (limited to only those cases that are supported by any
under the policy of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” of the principal organs of the UN as prescribed in
based on the principle of international cooperation, has Article 7 (1) of the UN Charter).
expanded the scope of tasks that can be implemented in
UN PKOs and reviewed the authority to use weapons,
and also introduced new provisions to allow for active
So-called “Five Principles for Participation”
participation in humanitarian and reconstruction
in PKO
assistance, safety-ensuring, and other non-UN-led
operations (“Internationally Coordinated Operations for (1) Agreements on a ceasefire shall have been reached among the Parties
Peace and Security”). to Armed Conflict; (2) Consent for the conduct of UN Peacekeeping
Operations as well as Japan’s participation in such operations shall
have been obtained from the countries to which the areas where those
(1) Requirements for Participation operations are to be conducted belongs as well as from the Parties to
a. UN Peace Keeping Operations Armed Conflict; (3) The operations shall strictly maintain impartiality, and
While maintaining the framework of the Five Principles not favor any of the parties to the armed conflict; (4) Should any of the
requirements in the above-mentioned guideline cease to be satisfied, the
for Participation, the new law stipulates that the consent
International Peace Cooperation Corps may terminate the International
of acceptance of countries to which the areas where Peace Cooperation Assignments; and (5) The use of weapons shall
these operations are conducted belong needs to be stably be limited to the minimum necessity for the protection of the lives of
maintained throughout the period of the operations if the personnel dispatched, in principle. Following the latest amendment
SDF conducts so-called “safety-ensuring” operations or of the Act, additional condition, “when the consent for acceptance is
deemed to be consistently maintained, the use of weapons in defense of
so-called “kaketsuke-keigo” operations. the mission mandate is allowed for implementation of so-called ’safety-
b. Internationally Coordinated Operations for Peace and ensuring’ operations and the so-called ‘kaketsuke-keigo’ (coming to
Security protection of individuals related to operations in response to urgent
Besides the existing three types of operations (UN PKOs, request) operations as the use of weapons beyond self-preservation and
Article 95 of the SDF Law (the use of force for protection of weapons,
International Humanitarian Relief Operations, and
etc.)” has been added to (5) of the Five Principles for Participation.
International Election Observation Operations), Japan
31 These activities include the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM), implemented at the request of the European Union, and the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), implemented at the
request of the countries to which the area where those operations are to be conducted belongs with the support of the UN Secretary-General.
(2) Description of Tasks stationed in the camps are allowed as the use of weapons
In addition to ceasefire monitoring and humanitarian for self-preservation according to the revised legislation.32
relief operations for afflicted persons, the following tasks b. The Authority to Use Weapons in the So-Called
have been added and expanded to tasks in UN PKOs, etc. “Kaketsuke-Keigo” Operations
• Addition of monitoring, stationing, patrol, inspections In carrying out so-called “kaketsuke-keigo” operations,
at checkpoints and security escort for the protection uniformed SDF personnel are permitted to use weapons
of safety of specified areas including prevention and to the extent judged reasonably necessary according to
suppression of injury or harm against lives, bodies the circumstances, when reasonable grounds are found
and property of local population, afflicted persons for the unavoidable necessity to protect the lives or
and other populations requiring protection (so-called bodies of themselves or individuals related to operations
“safety-ensuring” operations) that they intend to protect (however, inflicting injury on
• Addition of protection of lives and bodies of individuals a person is permitted only in the cases of legitimate self-
engaging in international peace cooperation operations defense or aversion of clear and present danger).
or providing support for those operations, in response c. The Authority to Use Weapons for So-Called “Safety-
to urgent requests when unexpected dangers to lives Ensuring” Operations
or bodies of such individuals related to operations In carrying out so-called “safety-ensuring” operations,
occur or are imminent (so-called “kaketsuke-keigo” uniformed SDF personnel are permitted to use weapons
Chapter 3
the Government relating to national defense or other obstructive behavior for their duties (however, inflicting
organizations injury on a person is permitted only in the cases of legitimate
• Expansion of tasks conducted at organizations for self-defense or aversion of clear and present danger).
supervision and coordination of tasks to include
planning, drafting, coordination or collection and (4) Diet Approval
updating of information in Headquarters Office Diet approval is necessary prior to the commencement
or coordination offices conducting UN PKOs and of so-called “safety-ensuring” operations, in addition to
Internationally Coordinated Operations for Peace and ceasefire monitoring, in principle (ex-post facto approval
Security, for the implementation of tasks (of mission is permitted when the Diet is in recess or the House of
headquarters’ operations) Representatives is dissolved).
(3) Authority to Use Weapons (5) Ensuring the Safety of SDF Personnel
a. Expansion of the Authority to Use Weapons for Self- The provision for ensuring the safety of the personnel of
preservation (Joint Protection of Camps) the International Peace Cooperation Corps was added,
Camps of UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs), etc., are while the measures for ensuring the safety of the personnel
the bases where personnel of participating countries spend were incorporated into the matters to be stipulated in the
their time when not conducting operations outside camps, Implementation Procedures.
and the last bastion, so to speak, to secure the safety of lives
and bodies of those inside. Thus, in the case of unexpected (6) Other Key Points of Amendment
situations, such as attacks against camps, it is essential for • Dispatch of uniformed SDF personnel to the UN
SDF personnel stationed in the camps, even if they are (dispatch of Force Commanders of UN PKOs)
not the direct target of such attacks, to coordinate with the The Act was amended to make it possible to dispatch
personnel of other countries and protect each other and uniformed SDF personnel and have them engage
deal with the common danger. In light of this, the use of in the tasks of the UN and those concerning overall
weapons for the purpose of protecting individuals jointly management of tasks implemented by units of the
32 The authority to use weapons for self-preservation is allowed in view of the existence of particular circumstances, whereby armed personnel, who protect camps which are the last bastions of safety,
are in the relationship of mutually dependent upon each other in dealing with situations.
SDF, etc., or units of armed forces of foreign states 3 International Disaster Relief Operations
participating in UN PKOs, at the request of the UN,
with the consent of the Prime Minister.33 When large-scale disasters occur in regions overseas,
• Provision of supplies and services to the Armed Forces especially in less-developed regions, and the governments
of the United States, etc., for their operations to cope of the affected countries or international organizations
with large-scale disaster34 request assistance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall
The Act was amended to make it possible for the SDF consult with the chief of relevant administrative agencies
to provide the U.S. Forces or the Australian Defence including the Ministry of Defense as well as the National
Force with supplies or services when they request the Public Safety Commission regarding the details of such
provision and are located in the area together with the request if dispatch is deemed appropriate.
units of the SDF, etc., and is undertaking operations to Following such consultation, the Ministry of Foreign
cope with large-scale disasters, so far as it does not hinder Affairs may consult with the Minister of Defense to ask for
the performance of International Peace Cooperation cooperation with regard to operations of SDF units if there
Assignments, etc., of the SDF.35 is a special need.
The Minister of Defense can order units of the
SDF to carry out rescue and medical activities as well as
transportation of personnel and supplies based on the
Chapter 3
consultation above.36
6 Other Amendments in the Development of the Legislation for Peace and Security
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
for deliberation, and items for deliberation regarding
1 Revision of the Act for the Establishment of “situations in areas surrounding Japan” were changed to
the National Security Council
items for deliberation regarding “situations that will have
Responses to a Survival-Threatening Situation and an important influence on Japan’s peace and security.”
responses to situations threatening the international Furthermore, the following items (all items are related
peace and security that the international community to the stable maintenance of the consent of acceptance
is collectively addressing were added as the items of hosting countries) were specified as the items that the
33 The dispatch of uniformed SDF personnel is limited to cases where the consent of the countries hosting the UN PKOs for which the dispatched uniformed SDF personnel will conduct operations and
of state parties to the conflict regarding the implementation of the UN PKO (when the state parties to the conflict are nonexistent, the consent of the countries where the UN PKOs are to be conducted)
is deemed to be stably maintained throughout the duration of the dispatch and where circumstances that lead to the suspension of the dispatch are deemed unlikely to occur
34 The MOD/SDF participated in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) following the major earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, but was unable to provide supplies and services
to the U.S. Forces engaged in disaster relief operations in Haiti outside the framework of UN PKOs, due to the absence of necessary domestic legislation.
35 The revision of the International Peace Cooperation Act in June 2017 added the Armed Forces of the U.K. to the scope as well.
36 The Japan Disaster Relief Team is not to be dispatched if the use of weapons is recognized to be necessary in order to protect the lives and bodies of people engaged in international disaster relief operations
or transport, and equipment necessary for such operations due to apparent danger in accordance with the level of security in the disaster-affected country. Therefore, members of the team will not carry
weapons in the country concerned for the purpose of protecting the lives and bodies of people engaged in international disaster relief operations and equipment necessary for such operations.
The Ministry of Defense and Self Defense Forces are national administrative entities and obviously require a legal basis in carrying
out their respective duties. The Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Defense defines the administrative scope of the Ministry of
Defense, and Article 5 of the Act states that the Self Defense Forces Act determines the duties, actions, and authority of the Self
Defense Forces. The Self Defense Forces Act hence provides a list) similar to an index) of what the Self Defense Forces are allowed
to do in accordance with specified procedures to address various situations.
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
Article 3 in the Self Defense Forces Act divides the duties of the Self Defense Forces into main duties (Item 1 of the same article)
and secondary duties (items 1 and 2 of the same article). Defense actions to defend Japan correspond to main duties, and only the
Self Defense Forces carry out these duties.
Secondary duties consist of “duties for maintaining public order as necessary” (secondary duties under item 1) and duties
defined by other laws “to an extent that does not interfere with performance of the main duties” (secondary duties under item 2).
The former includes public order actions that police entities cannot handle alone, maritime guarding actions, measures to destroy
ballistic missiles and other weapons, and measures to deal with airspace intrusions. The latter covers actions conducted in response
to important impact situations (logistical assistance), international peacekeeping activities (international peacekeeping tasks and
international emergency assistance), and activities related to international peace joint action situations (cooperative assistance, etc.).
These main and secondary duties are jointly known as “inherent duties.”
Activities handled by the Self Defense Forces on the basis that it is appropriate to utilize skills, experience, and organizational
functions cultivated by the Self Defense Forces over many years are known as “additional duties” (separate from inherent duties).
These include transportation for national guests, education and training consignments, and cooperation with athletic events.
Overview of the Self Defense Forces’ duties
Defense of Japan
(Activities by the Self Defense Forces that directly ensure Main duty
Japan’s peace, independence, and national security)
Chapter 3
as these preparations were all but completed, each unit
of the SDF sets out to implement necessary training in In July 2017, the SDF conducted the first exercise related to the
connection with the Legislation for Peace and Security. protection of U.S. vessels based on SDF Act Article 95-2 with
Between Japan and the United States, and other bilateral the intention to enhance the relationship with the U.S. Navy.
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
and multilateral joint training, Japan started to conduct In the same year from July to August, the SDF took
necessary training related to the Legislation for Peace and part in multilateral exercise, Khaan Quest 2017, to elevate
Security after coordinating with the countries concerned. various capabilities through conducting UN PKO-related
exercise based on International Peace Cooperation Act.
Between September and October in Djibouti, and in operations under the International Peace Support Act as
Japan in December 2017, the SDF conducted a training on well as training for rescue of Japanese nationals overseas
rescue of Japanese nationals overseas provided in SDF Act to improve its joint operation capabilities.
Article 84-3 to improve its joint operation capabilities and Moreover, in June 2018, the SDF took part in the
to strengthen cooperation with the relevant organizations. multilateral joint exercise “Khaan Quest 18” and improved
Furthermore, between January and February 2018, various capabilities through conducting training related to
the SDF participated in a multilateral joint exercise the “joint protection of camps” and so-called “kaketsuke-
(Cobra Gold 18). In the command point exercise, the SDF keigo” as well as “safety-ensuring operations” based on
conducted training related to cooperation and support the International Peace Cooperation Act.
to the end of May 2017. Following the enforcement of the unit and there are no UN units or others around to take
Legislation for Peace and Security, after a comprehensive prompt actions. It is conducted in response to urgent
consideration in light of the local situation and the training requests as a quick and temporary measure, within the
for the new additional mission, the Government decided to abilities of the unit in light of the humanitarian and urgent
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
assign the duty of so-called “kaketsuke-keigo” starting with nature of such measures. In the past, when SDF units
the 11th Engineering Unit to be deployed to UNMISS, as were dispatched to Timor-Leste and then Zaire (now the
well as the duty of joint protection of camps. Following the Democratic Republic of the Congo), Japanese nationals
approval obtained at the 9-Minister Meeting of the National facing contingent circumstances in those countries asked
Security Council, the Cabinet approved the revision of the for protection by SDF units. On those occasions, the SDF
Implementation Plans for the International Peace Cooperation units, while they were not adequately trained for such
Assignment for UNMISS on November 15, 2016. protection operations and their duties and authorities under
law were limited, made every effort to protect Japanese
nationals within the limits of their means, rushing to the
2 Fundamental Concept regarding the Assignment scene and transporting them to safe locations.2
of New Duties
“Kaketsuke-keigo” is a mission entailing risks. As
In making the Cabinet Decision above, the Government long as Japanese nationals overseas have the possibility
indicated its basic concept regarding the so-called of facing contingent situations, however, the Government
“kaketsuke-keigo” and joint protection of camps.1 The believes that (1) the official assignment of the solid duty of
outline of the basic concept is as follows: “kaketsuke-keigo” and the necessary authority and (2) the
establishment of a steady structure with adequate training
(1) Premise beforehand, are conducive to not only contributing to the
The maintenance of security in South Sudan is, in safety of Japanese nationals overseas but also to reducing
principle, the responsibility of the South Sudan public risks to the SDF units.
security authorities and the South Sudan government Since SDF units have only self-protection
forces, complemented by troops of UNMISS. This capabilities, “kaketsuke-keigo” represents only responses
responsibility should be exclusively borne by the infantry that are feasible within their capabilities.
unit of UNMISS. What Japan deploys to South Sudan is The military personnel of other countries usually possess
the SDF engineering unit, and thus the maintenance of self-protection capabilities. Even then, if they are in a crisis
security there is not the duty of the unit. situation that they cannot handle by themselves, it is basically
1 “Fundamental Concept regarding the Assignment of New Duties” (announced by the Cabinet Secretariat, the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense on November 15, 2016)
2 At the Diet, Prime Minister Abe has responded as follows: “In the past, when SDF units were dispatched to Timor-Leste and then Zaire, Japanese nationals facing contingent circumstances in those
countries asked for protection by SDF units. The SDF units, while they were not adequately trained and their duties and authorities were limited, made every effort to protect Japanese nationals. If the
SDF unit is near the scene, the unit cannot just stand by and do nothing even though it has the ability to help them. (Abridged) Previously, however, a legal framework to deal with such a situation did
not exist, and as a result, the SDF personnel at the scene managed to deal with the situation by themselves. This should not happen essentially.” (Prime Minister Abe’s response, Plenary Session of
the House of Councillors, November 28, 2016)
the South Sudan government forces and the UNMISS even in the daily training.
infantry troops that are mobilized for their protection. The However, as long as the SDF unit shares the same
Government considers that the SDF engineering unit that camp with the military personnel of other countries, an
does not possess the capability needed for the maintenance injury to the personnel of other countries could lead to
of security is not assumed to conduct “kaketsuke-keigo” of SDF personnel being attacked. The military personnel of
the military personnel of other countries. other countries and the SDF personnel share a common
In view of the track record of past activities, the area destiny so to speak. If they coordinate their responses,
of activities in South Sudan is limited to “Juba and its they can better enhance the security of both of them.
surrounding area” starting with the 11th Engineering Unit Furthermore, it is believed that as SDF personnel and the
deployed in that country. The implementation of “kaketsuke- military personnel of other countries would be able to
keigo” is also limited to within this area of activities. constantly engage in joint training, this would lead to the
enhanced security of the camp as a whole.
(3) Joint Protection of Camps As seen above, the joint protection of camps is
In the field of UN PKOs, etc., it is usual practice for intended to enhance the personnel’s own safety in a
personnel of multiple countries to cooperate in their severe security situation. The Government considers
activities. In South Sudan as well, the SDF unit and units that the SDF unit is able to conduct its activities more
of Rwanda and some other countries share one camp as smoothly and safely, which would contribute to reducing
Chapter 3
their base of activities. the risks posed to the SDF unit.
Even if such a camp is attacked by an armed group, See Chapter 3, Section 2, Article 5-2 (International Peace Keeping
the SDF unit previously could not respond to the situation Operations), Part III, Chapter 2, Section 3, Article 2-2 (UN
Mission in the Republic of South Sudan)
in cooperation with other units and could not participate
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
3 The Operationalization of the Protection of Weapons and Other Equipment of the Units of the Armed
Forces of the United States and Other Countries (SDF Law Article 95-2)
This use of weapons does not fall under “use of (3) The request is recognized as peculiarly important,
force” which is banned in Article 9 of the Constitution. although not falling under the above two categories. In
b. Activities that Contribute to the Defense of Japan addition, in case asset protection under the situations that
“Activities that contribute to the defense of Japan” in the will have an important influence (*) is requested, the Prime
Article may include mainly the following ones, while the Minister should clearly state it in the Basic Plan and should
Government of Japan is to examine each activity on a ask for a Cabinet decision on it after deliberations in the
case-by-case basis: (1) ISR activities including ballistic NSC. (*) “Situations that will have an important influence”
missile alert; (2) transportation and replenishment is provided in Article 1 of the Law Concerning Measures to
activities in “situations that will have an important Ensure Peace and Security of Japan in Situations that Will
influence”; and (3) joint exercises to enhance capabilities Have an Important Influence on Japan’s Peace and Security,
required for defending Japan Act No. 11 of 1999. The National Security Council Board
c. Judgment on Whether or Not to Conduct Asset Protection is to be held flexibly and support the full National Security
When the Minister of Defense receives a request from the Council. In addition, the relevant ministries and agencies
U.S. Forces, etc., the Minister subjectively should judge are to share information on requests for protection and
whether the activities conducted by the units of the U.S. closely cooperate with each other.
Forces, etc. in cooperation with the SDF are “activities
that contribute to the defense of Japan” and whether (3) Disclosure of Information
Chapter 3
asset protection by the SDF personnel is necessary, by In the implementation ofArticle 95-2, if an unusual event occurs
considering the objective and content of the activities, in conducting asset protection operation, the Government
capability of the unit, types of weapons, etc. of the unit promptly discloses such an event, and releases a basic plan
and surrounding circumstances including possibility of that specifies matters concerning the implementation of asset
Development of Legislation for Peace and Security and the SDF Activities since Legislation’s Enforcement
combat activity as well as the impacts on performance of protection operations in a situation that will have an important
the SDF’s regular operations. influence on Japan’s peace and security. The Government
also strives for appropriate disclosure of information in light
(2) Involvement of the Cabinet of the Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative
Requests from the U.S. Forces, etc. based on Paragraph 2 Organs (Act No. 42 of 1999).
of the Article should be deliberated in the National Security
Council (NSC) before the Minister of Defense judges on 3 Track Record of Asset Protection Operations
conducting asset protection if the Minister receives requests
in the following cases. However, in case there is no time In 2017, during a joint exercises to improve the capabilities
for dealing with an urgent request by the U.S. Forces, etc., necessary to defend Japan, the SDF conducted asset
the Minister should promptly report to the NSC regarding protections for US military vessels and aircraft once
judgment of providing asset protection. (1) The U.S. individually in 2017.
Forces, etc. makes a request for the first time after the See Chapter 3, Section 2, Article 3-7 (Protection of Weapons and
operationalization of asset protection. (2) The request is Other Equipment of the Units of the United States Forces and
Other Foreign Countries)
made for asset protection in the territory of a third country.
In September, 2016, the Minister for Foreign Affairs a broad range of supplies and services between the SDF
and U.S. Ambassador to Japan signed the Japan-U.S. and the U.S. Forces, thereby raising the levels of specific
Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA). on-site cooperation between them.
ACSA was approved by the Diet and took effect in 2017. Japan also signed ACSA with the U.K and Australia
The ACSA was prepared as a new agreement to other than the United States in light of the Legislation for
replace the previous Japan-U.S. ACSA to enable the Peace and Security, etc., which obtained Diet approval along
application of existing settlement procedures to the with the Japan-U.S. ACSA and took effect in the same year.
provision of supplies and services from the SDF to See Chapter 3, Section 2-3-8 (Expansion of the Provision of
the U.S. Forces that become possible under the newly Supplies and Services to the United States Armed Forces
Chapter 4, Section 2-3-2 (5) (Logistics Support)
enacted Legislation for Peace and Security. The new
ACSA enables the smooth and expeditious provision of
Based on the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, the Japan- not only contributes to the defense of Japan, but also
U.S. Security Arrangements, together with Japan’s own functions as deterrence and response capabilities to address
efforts, constitute the cornerstone for Japan’s security. contingencies in the Asia-Pacific region, and serves as a
The Japan-U.S. Alliance centered on bilateral security core element of the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements.
arrangements functions as public goods that contribute to In this manner, the stationing of USFJ based on the
the stability and prosperity, not only of Japan but also of Japan-U.S. Security Treaty not only contributes to the
the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. interests of Japan but also to the interests of the United
As the security environment surrounding Japan States, which has an interest in this region.
becomes increasingly severe, it has become more On the other hand, since the stationing of USFJ
important than ever to strengthen the Japan-U.S. Alliance impacts the living environment of local residents,
for the security of Japan with the United States that efforts that correspond to the actual situation of each
maintains and strengthens its engagement and presence region must be made to mitigate the impact on regions
in the Asia-Pacific region. such as Okinawa.
Chapter 4
The military presence of U.S. Forces Japan (USFJ)
In the current international community, a robust defense Japan, based on Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security
system capable of responding to every contingency, Treaty, and Japan will provide facilities and areas for the
ranging from all types of armed attacks including the U.S. Forces, based on Article 6 of the treaty. If a nation
use of nuclear weapons to coercion or intimidation by plans to attack Japan, the attacker must be prepared to
military power, is necessary to secure the peace, security, confront not only the defense capability of the Self-
and sovereignty of the nation. Defense Forces (SDF), but also the overwhelming military
However, it is difficult even for the United States to
guarantee its security on its own. Much more than that, it
would be difficult for Japan to ensure its national security
solely through its unilateral efforts given its population,
land, and economy. Moreover, such a strategy would not
necessarily contribute to regional stability.
Consequently, Japan has maintained its peace and
security, centered on the Security Arrangements with the
world’s dominant military power, the United States, with
which it shares basic values such as democracy, the rule of
law, respect for human rights, and a capitalist economy as
well as an interest in maintaining the peace and security
of the world, and has strong economic ties.
Specifically, Japan and the United States will take
Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with U.S. President Trump at a Japan-U.S. summit meeting
bilateral action in the event of an armed attack against (November 6, 2017) (Photo courtesy of the Cabinet Secretariat Public Relations Office)
strength of the United States, due to the U.S. obligation to this serves as deterrence against attacks.
defend Japan in the event of an armed attack. As a result, Japan intends to create a seamless posture and
the opposing nation clearly recognizes that it will suffer secure its peace and security by effectively utilizing the
grievously if it carries out an invasion, and such desires deterrence capabilities of the U.S. military as well as
will be abandoned at the planning stage. In other words, maintaining its own adequate defense capability.
Article 6 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty states that contingencies caused by various security issues or
contributing to the security of Japan and the maintenance destabilizing factors, not only protecting the interests of
of international peace and security in the Far East is the Japan and the United States but also providing a great
purpose of the use of facilities and areas by USFJ. This sense of security to the nations in the region and thus
provision is based on the recognition that the security of fulfilling a role as public goods.
Japan is closely tied to the peace and security of the Far Also, the close bonds of cooperation based on
East region to which Japan belongs. the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements constitute the
In the regions surrounding Japan, there are many foundation of the United States’ commitment to the peace
states and the like with massive military power, including and stability of the region surrounding Japan. These
some states that retain nuclear weapons or continue arrangements, complemented by the alliances established
nuclear development. In addition to issues or tension between the United States and other countries in the
caused by changes in the balance of power, situations that region such as the Republic of Korea, Australia, Thailand
Chapter 4
we call “gray zones” over sovereignty of the territory or and the Philippines and also by the friendly relations
vested interests are likely to arise, and this risks further developed with other countries, play an indispensable
aggravation of the situation. role in maintaining the peace and stability of the Asia-
In such a security environment, the military Pacific region.
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
The Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements are the foundation work together from peacetime. The strong bonds forged
for a comprehensive and friendly cooperative relationship between Japan and the United States are also playing an
between Japan and the United States, not only in defense important role in the efforts implemented by Japan to
but also in a wide range of areas, including politics, effectively respond to such challenges.
economy, and society. In particular, under the Japan-U.S. Security
The Japan-U.S. Alliance, with these security Arrangements, the SDF and the U.S. Forces are working
arrangements at its core, also forms the axis of Japan’s together in peacetime in a variety of areas to strengthen
foreign policy. It contributes to Japan’s ability to their cooperation. This close coordination lays the
implement positive efforts to maintain the peace and foundation for various forms of global collaboration such
security of the international community, including as antipiracy, undertaken by the SDF and the U.S. Forces,
promotion of multinational security dialogue and and leads to enhancement of the operational effectiveness
cooperation, and cooperation with the United Nations. of the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements.
Currently, we are confronted with global security The peace and prosperity of the international
challenges that are extremely difficult for any single community are closely linked to those of Japan.
country to tackle alone, including the proliferation of Accordingly, by cooperating with the United States,
weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles, Japan is able to advance measures to further stabilize the
international terrorism, and acts of piracy, as well as global security environment. This in turn is enhancing the
new risks concerning stable use of the seas, outer space security and prosperity of Japan.
and cyberspace, and it is important for countries to
Since the conclusion of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty 2005; and the formulation of the United States-Japan
in 1960, Japan and the United States have built a robust Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, a program
alliance based on democratic ideals, respect for human for implementing specific measures for the realignment of
rights, the rule of law and common interests. During the USFJ, (third stage) in May 2006.
Cold War era, the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements See Reference 20 (United States-Japan Roadmap for Realignment
ensured the safety of Japan as a country with a liberal Implementation [tentative translation])
ideology and also contributed to the peace and stability in Japan and the United States at the “2+2” Meeting
the region, including the formulation of the Guidelines for in May 2007 reconfirmed and updated their common
Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation (“Guidelines”) in 1978 strategic objectives. In February 2009, the two countries
with a focus on responses to an armed attack on Japan. signed the Agreement between the Government of Japan
Following the end of the Cold War, the leaders of and the Government of the United States of America
Japan and the United States announced the Japan-U.S. Concerning the Implementation of the Relocation
Joint Declaration on Security in 1996, reaffirming the of III Marine Expeditionary Force Personnel and
importance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance in light of the Their Dependents from Okinawa to Guam (the Guam
state of affairs in the Asia-Pacific region following the International Agreement), which entered into force in
Chapter 4
Cold War. Upon the Declaration, the final report was May 2009.
compiled at the Special Action Committee on Okinawa At the “2+2” Meeting in June 2011, the two countries
(SACO) at the end of that year. As part of the promotion reviewed and revalidated their common strategic
of cooperative relations presented in the Declaration, the objectives set forth in the Joint Statements of the previous
strategic objectives to both countries, including enhancing Since the formulation of the 1997 Guidelines,
peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region (first stage) the security environment surrounding Japan has
in February 2005; the announcement of the results of become increasingly severe, and as the activities and
the examination of the roles, missions, and capabilities responsibilities of the SDF have expanded, it had
of Japan and the United States for accomplishing the become necessary for the nature of the Japan-U.S.
common strategic objectives (second stage) in October defense cooperation to adapt to those changes. Against
1 The 1997 Guidelines define the roles of Japan and the United States, and the cooperation of the two countries under three categories: (1) under normal circumstances, (2) in response to an armed
attack against Japan, and (3) in situations in areas surrounding Japan. They also stipulated that they would review the Guidelines in a timely and appropriate manner.
Fig. II-4-2-1 Major Milestones in Security Cooperation Between Japan and the United States
and the establishment of the new Guidelines Formulation of the New Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation (New Guidelines)
2017 Japan-U.S. Joint Statement (Abe-Trump)
that background, based on the Japan-U.S. SCC or “2+2” in the “2+2” Meeting held at the 70th anniversary of the
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
Meeting in October 2013 to draft recommended changes end of the Second World War.
to the 1997 Guidelines by the end of 2014, as a result See Fig. II-4-2-1 (Major Milestones concerning Japan – U.S. Alliance)
of extensive work to revise them on the part of both Reference 26 (Joint Statement (tentative translation) (February
10, 2017))
countries, new Guidelines were approved in April 2015
It is necessary for both Japan and the United States to environment surrounding Japan; such as more active
discuss and decide the roles each will fulfill in case of an military activities of neighboring countries, new threats
armed attack against Japan or other situation in advance, including international terrorist organizations and risks
with a view to responding rapidly to such an event. against the stable use of global commons such as oceans,
The Guidelines and the various policies for ensuring outer space and cyberspace. In addition, the activities of
their effectiveness provide a framework pertaining to role- the SDF have expanded to a global scale, as exemplified
sharing between Japan and the United States. Based on by anti-piracy activities, PKO, and international disaster
that framework and the changing security environment relief activities.
surrounding Japan, both Japan and the United States have As a result, it had become necessary for the manner
continuously studied bilateral cooperation plans for the two of Japan-U.S. defense cooperation to be adapted to these
countries, held consultations on them, and worked on the changes in the security environment and the expansion of
revision of the Guidelines to adapt to the current situations. the SDF’s activities and missions.
Against the backdrop of these changes in the security
1 Background to the Revision of the Guidelines environment, Prime Minister Abe directed then Minister
of Defense Onodera at the end of 2012 to work on the
Since the formulation of the 1997 Guidelines, various revision of the Guidelines and other matters. In addition,
issues and destabilizing factors have emerged, and at the Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting held in February 2013,
become more visible and aggravated in the security Prime Minister Abe stated to then U.S. President Obama
that, “in response to the changing security environment, 2 Content of the Guidelines
Japan would like to start reviewing the Guidelines
through discussions on the two countries’ views of the The Guidelines, which replace the 1997 Guidelines,
roles, missions and capabilities (RMC).” update the general framework and policy direction for
Against the background described above, at the the roles and missions of the two countries and manifest
Japan-U.S. SCC or “2+2” Meeting in October 2013, a strategic vision for a more robust Alliance and greater
the Ministers directed the Subcommittee for Defense shared responsibilities by modernizing the Alliance and
Cooperation (SDC) to draft recommended changes to the enhancing its deterrence and response capabilities in all
1997 Guidelines, and this task was to be completed by phases, from peacetime to contingencies.
the end of 2014.
The Joint Statement of the “2+2” Meeting at that (1) Defense Cooperation and the Aim of the Guidelines
time identified several objectives for the revision of The Guidelines newly specified the matters to be
the 1997 Guidelines, including ensuring the Alliance’s emphasized in security and defense cooperation. The
capacity to respond to an armed attack against Japan, objectives of the new Guidelines are retained in line with
as a core aspect of Japan-U.S. defense cooperation; the approach of the 1997 Guidelines.
expanding the scope of cooperation, to reflect the global • In order to ensure Japan’s peace and security under
nature of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, encompassing such any circumstances, from peacetime to contingencies,
areas as counter-terrorism and counter-piracy; evaluating and to promote a stable, peaceful, and prosperous
the concepts that guide bilateral defense cooperation in Asia-Pacific region and beyond, bilateral security and
contingencies to ensure effective, efficient, and seamless defense cooperation will emphasize:
Alliance response in a dynamic security environment that • seamless, robust, flexible, and effective bilateral
Chapter 4
includes challenges in emerging strategic domains such responses;
as space and cyberspace; and exploring additional ways • synergy across the two governments’ national
October 2013 and in line with approaches indicated in the well as international organizations; and
2013 National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG) and • the global nature of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) of the United • The two governments will maintain their individual
States, Japan and the United States conducted extensive defense postures based on their national security
work on the revision of the 1997 Guidelines. policies. The United States will continue to extend
In October 2014, based on the agreement reached at deterrence to Japan through the full range of
the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting held in July capabilities, including U.S. nuclear forces. The United
2014, the two governments announced “The Interim Report States also will continue to forward deploy combat-
on the Revision of the Guidelines for Japan- U.S. Defense ready forces in the Asia-Pacific region and maintain
Cooperation.” In addition, in December 2014, the SCC the ability to reinforce those forces rapidly.
(“2+2” Meeting), recognizing the significance of ensuring • The Guidelines provide the general framework and
consistency between the revision of the Guidelines and policy direction for the roles and missions of Japan and
Japan’s legislative process, decided to further deepen the the United States, as well as ways of cooperation and
discussions to work towards finalizing the revision of the coordination.
Guidelines during the first half of 2015, taking into account • The Guidelines promote domestic and international
the progress of Japan’s legislative process. understanding of the significance of the Japan-U.S.
The Japan-U.S. SCC approved the new Guidelines Alliance.
recommended by the SDC at the “2+2” Meeting in April
2015, thereby accomplishing the objective of revising the (2) Basic Premises and Principles
Guidelines as outlined by the Ministers in October 2013. The basic premises and principles maintain the approaches
See Reference 19 (The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense of the 1997 Guidelines as described below:
Cooperation (April27, 2015)) • The rights and obligations under the Japan-U.S.
Security Treaty and its related arrangements will
remain unchanged.
• All actions and activities undertaken under the
Item Outline
See the main text for I. “Defense Cooperation and the Aim of the Guidelines” and II. “Basic Premises and Principles.”
Effective bilateral cooperation under the Guidelines will require the two governments to conduct close, consultative dialogue and sound
policy and operational coordination from peacetime to contingencies. For this purpose, the two governments will establish a new, standing
Alliance Coordination Mechanism, enhance operational coordination, and strengthen bilateral planning.
A. Alliance Coordination Mechanism
In order to address issues seamlessly and effectively any situation that affects Japan’s peace and security or any other situation that
may require an Alliance response, the two governments will utilize the Alliance Coordination Mechanism, and will strengthen policy and
operational coordination related to activities conducted by the SDF and the United States Armed Forces in all phases from peacetime to
III. Strengthened Alliance
contingencies. The two governments will establish necessary procedures and infrastructure (including facilities as well as information and
communication systems) and conduct regular training and exercises.
B. Enhanced Operational Coordination
The two governments recognize the importance of collocating operational coordination functions. The SDF and the United States Armed
Forces will exchange personnel to ensure robust information sharing, to facilitate coordination and to support international activities.
C. Bilateral Planning
In peacetime, the two governments will develop and update bilateral plans through the Bilateral Planning Mechanism. Bilateral plans are to
be reflected appropriately in the plans of both governments.
● The two governments will take measures to seamlessly ensure Japan’s peace and security in all phases from peacetime to
contingencies, including situations when an armed attack against Japan is not involved. In this context, the two governments also will
promote further cooperation with partners.
● The two governments will utilize the Alliance Coordination Mechanism as appropriate, for assessment of the situation, sharing of
information, as well as flexible deterrent options and actions aimed at de-escalation. The two governments also will coordinate strategic
messaging through appropriate channels.
A. Cooperative Measures during Peacetime
• The two governments will promote cooperation across a wide range of areas, to strengthen the deterrence and capabilities of the Japan-
U.S. Alliance.
• The SDF and the United States Armed Forces will enhance interoperability, readiness, and vigilance. To these ends, the two governments
will take measures, including, but not limited to: (1) Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; (2) Air and Missile Defense;
(3) Maritime Security; (4) Asset Protection; (5) Training and Exercises; (6) Logistic Support; and (7) Use of Facilities.
B. Responses to Emerging Threats to Japan’s Peace and Security
Chapter 4
• The Alliance will respond to situations that will have an important influence on Japan’s peace and security. Such situations cannot be
defined geographically. The measures described in this section include those that may be taken, in accordance with the two countries’
respective laws and regulations, in circumstances that have not yet amounted to such a situation.
• In addition to continuing cooperative measures during peacetime, the two governments will pursue all avenues. Utilizing the Alliance
Coordination Mechanism, the two governments will take additional measures, based on their own decisions, including, but not limited
to: (1) Noncombatant Evacuation Operations; (2) Maritime Security; (3) Measures to Deal with Refugees; (4) Search and Rescue;
(5) Protection of Facilities and Areas; (6) Logistic Support; and (7) Use of Facilities.
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
Item Outline
Self-Defense Forces (SDF) United States Armed Forces
Conduct bilateral operations across domains to repel an armed attack against Japan and to deter further attacks
In cooperation with relevant agencies, strengthen their respective ISR postures, enhance the sharing of
intelligence, and provide protection for each other’s ISR assets
Cross- Space /
Cooperate to address threats in the space and cyberspace domains
Domain cyberspace
Operations Special
Special operations forces cooperate during operations, as appropriate
Strike May provide support, as necessary, for the strike Involve the use of strike power, to support and
operations operations of the United States Armed Forces supplement SDF
• Operational Support Activities
The Guidelines identify the following operational support activities: (1) Communications and Electronics; (2) Search and Rescue; (3)
IV. Seamlessly Ensuring Logistic Support; (4) Use of Facilities; and (5) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Protection.
Japan’s Peace and D. Actions in Response to an Armed Attack against a Country other than Japan
Security • When Japan and the United States decide to take actions involving the use of force in accordance with international law, including full
respect for sovereignty, and with their respective Constitutions and laws to respond to an armed attack against the United States or a
third country, and Japan has not come under an armed attack, they will cooperate closely to respond to the armed attack and to deter
further attacks.
• The SDF will conduct appropriate operations involving the use of force to respond to situations where an armed attack against a foreign
country that is in a close relationship with Japan occurs and as a result, threatens Japan’s survival and poses a clear danger to overturn
fundamentally its people’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to ensure Japan’s survival, and to protect its people.
• Examples of cooperative operations are: (1) Asset Protection; (2) Search and Rescue; (3) Maritime Operations; (4) Operations to Counter
Ballistic Missile Attacks; and (5) Logistics Support.
E. Cooperation in Response to a Large-scale Disaster in Japan
• When a large-scale disaster takes place in Japan, Japan will have primary responsibility for responding to the disaster. The SDF, in
cooperation with relevant agencies, local governments, and private actors, will conduct disaster relief operations. The United States, in
accordance with its own criteria, will provide appropriate support for Japan’s activities. The two governments will coordinate activities
through the Alliance Coordination Mechanism, as appropriate.
Chapter 4
• The two governments will work together closely, including through information sharing. The United States Armed Forces may participate
in disaster-related drills, which will increase mutual understanding in responding to large-scale disasters.
● In an increasingly interconnected world, Japan and the United States will take a leading role in cooperation with partners to provide a
foundation for peace, security, stability, and economic prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
● When each of the two governments decides to participate in international activities, the two governments will cooperate closely with
each other and with partners, as appropriate, such as in the activities described below.
A. Cooperation in International Activities
Guidelines will be consistent with international law. measures, nor do the Guidelines create legal rights
• All actions and activities undertaken by Japan and or obligations for either government. Since the
the United States will be in accordance with their objective of the Guidelines, however, is to establish an
respective constitutions, laws and regulations then in effective framework for bilateral cooperation, the two
effect, and basic positions on national security policy. governments are expected to reflect in an appropriate
Japan will conduct actions and activities in accordance way the results of these efforts, based on their own
with its basic positions, such as the maintenance of its judgment, in their specific policies and measures.
exclusively national defense-oriented policy and its See Reference 19 (The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense
three non-nuclear principles. Cooperation (April 27, 2015))
Fig. II-4-2-2 (Outline of the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense
• The Guidelines do not obligate either government to Cooperation)
take legislative, budgetary, administrative, or other
The Guidelines define that the two countries will work that (1) it is the standing mechanism utilizable from
on a variety of measures, including ISR activities, air and peacetime; (2) it can be utilized for large-scale natural
missile defense, maritime security, and bilateral training disasters in Japan as well as for cooperation in the Asia-
and exercises, and cooperate in response to a large-scale Pacific region and globally; and (3) it enables whole-of-
disaster in Japan in order to “seamlessly ensure Japan’s government coordination while ensuring the involvement
peace and security.” The Guidelines also require both of relevant Japanese and U.S. organizations. These
Chapter 4
countries to work on “Cooperation for Regional and Global characteristics enable the Japanese and U.S. Governments
Peace and Security,” through cooperation in international to respond appropriately and promptly when the need for
activities and trilateral and multilateral cooperation; to coordination arises. For example, in the event of a large-
cooperate for Space and Cyberspace Cooperation which scale natural disaster in Japan, it would require a diversity
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
are emerging as new strategic domains; and to develop of coordination in the policy and operational aspects
and enhance “Bilateral Enterprise” through defense related to activities of the SDF and the U.S. Forces. The
equipment and technology cooperation for further utilization of this mechanism makes it possible to conduct
improving the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation. close and appropriate coordination with the involvement of
Many of these items are incorporated into the NDPG relevant Japanese and U.S. organizations at various levels.
to “strengthen the Alliance’s deterrence and response Since the establishment of the mechanism, Japan
capabilities” and to “strengthen and expand cooperation and the United States have been utilizing the mechanism
in a variety of areas.” to coordinate closely, including in response to the 2016
Kumamoto Earthquake, the ballistic missile launches by
1 Strengthened Coordination within the Alliance North Korea, and Chinese activities in the waters and
airspace around the Senkaku Islands.
(1) Establishment of the Alliance Coordination See Fig. II-4-2-3 (The Framework of Alliance Coordination
Mechanism Mechanism (ACM))
Higher levels between the two nations including the Minister/Secretary level
As needed
Chapter 4
Japan Side U.S. Side
Representatives from each component of the SDF Representatives from each component of the U.S. Armed Forces
CCCs will facilitate component-level bilateral coordination.
As appropriate, if either Japan or the U.S., or both, establish Joint Task Forces (JTFs), JTFs may further establish CCCs.
Japan U.S.
Interagency Coordination Forum (IACF) DG: North American Affairs Bureau Assistant Secretary of State, Assistant
MOFA, Defense Policy Bureau MOD Secretary of Defense
Japan U.S. Joint Staff U.S. Embassy JP, USFJ, JS, PACOM
Representatives of Representatives of Assist SCC develop planning guidance in close coordination with BPC; advise SCC throughout
the Cabinet Secretariat, the U.S. Embassy JP, the bilateral planning; coordinate the actions of all the elements of BPM; discuss procedures
NSS, MOFA, MOD PACOM, USFJ and means for effective policy consultations, coordination and other relevant matters
GSDF personnel coordinating during a field training (Northern Viper) with the U.S. Marine Corps A scene from a meeting during the MSDF Exercise FY2018
(Field exercise [Japan-U.S. joint exercise and Japan-U.S.-Canada joint exercise])
(3) Maritime Security the deepening of mutual understanding of tactics and other
The Guidelines allow Japan and the United States to aspects and the enhancement of mutual communication,
develop and enhance the system for sharing maritime but also are useful in improving tactical skills on each
surveillance information from peacetime and to side. In particular, the knowledge and techniques that
cooperate where appropriate for the maintenance and the Japanese side can learn from the U.S. Forces, which
enhancement of the presence of Japan and the United have vast experience in actual fighting, are invaluable and
States through ISR as well as training and exercises. greatly contribute to improving SDF capabilities.
The Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) and the U.S. In addition, conducting bilateral training at effective
Navy plan to maintain and enhance both countries’ times, places, and scales demonstrates the unified
presence in the Western Pacific through multiple joint commitment and capabilities of Japan and the United
training and exercises. States, which has a deterrent effect. In light of these
perspectives, the MOD/SDF is continuing its initiatives
(4) Bilateral Training and Exercises to enrich the contents of bilateral training and exercises.
Bilateral training in peacetime not only contribute greatly Bilateral training have been expanded not only within
to maintaining and enhancing the Japan-U.S. bilateral Japan but also to the United States by dispatching SDF
response capabilities by improving interoperability through units there. Ongoing efforts are being made to enhance
VOICE Participation in the exercise with the U.S. Marines Corps COLUMN
in the United States (Iron Fist 18)
The Western Army Infantry Regiment was formed at the end of FY2017 as a central unit of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment
Brigade prior to its creation and engages in training throughout the year to be ready for immediate action.
Over roughly a month and a half from January 2018, it had the opportunity to participate in military training with the U.S.
Marines Corps in California (Iron Fist 18).
This training was very important in preparing the regiment before creation of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade and
improved proficiency beyond existing levels through bilateral joint operation by Japanese and U.S. forces and combined training of a
variety of groups. The Regiment aimed to make the fullest use of U.S. military training facilities by engaging in amphibious operations
that are difficult to carry out in Japan. It set training goals for collaboration with an Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) unit in landing
and subsequent ground battle and improvement of battle shooting proficiency on a Company scale. I believe Regiment members
were exuding confidence and returned to Japan as a more powerful unit after the training.
Leveraging this experience and confidence, I intend to put even more effort into improving my skills as a member of the Infantry
Regiment that is a core component of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade and hope to contribute to the unit defending
Japanese islands.
Chapter 4
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
AAV joint landing exercise scene
interoperability and Japan-U.S. bilateral response vessels including the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan
capabilities at the military service and unit levels, including that extended from the waters around Okinawa to the Bashi
the Japan-U.S. Bilateral Regional Army command post Channel from September to October 2017. In November
exercises, special anti-submarine exercises, and Japan- the same year, the MSDF conducted bilateral exercise
U.S. Bilateral Fighter combat training. in the Sea of Japan with a strike force comprising three
Since FY1985, mostly on an annual basis, aircraft carriers the USS Ronald Reagan, the USS Nimitz,
command post exercises and field training exercises and the USS Theodore Roosevelt and other vessels of the
have been conducted alternately as the Japan-U.S. U.S. Navy for the first time. In conjunction with this, the
Bilateral Joint Exercise. From January to February MSDF conducted Japan-U.S. bilateral crusing exercise
2018, command post exercises were conducted at the with the strike force from October to November 2017 in the
Ministry of Defense in Ichigaya. waters and air of the Sea of Japan, the East China Sea and
Also, in May and June 2017 Japanese and U.S. vessels, around Okinawa, and the Air Self Defense Force (ASDF)
including the destroyer JS Izumo conducted bilateral conducted tactical exercises with F/A-18, carrier-based of
maritime exercise in the South China Sea. Furthermore, as fighters from the aircraft carriers USS Ronald Reagan and
bilateral exercises in the waters and airspace around Japan, USS Nimitz.
the MSDF conducted cruising exercises with U.S. Navy Also in March 2018, the MSDF conducted bilateral
is believed that bolstering Japan-U.S. collaboration engaged in information collection and other activities.
and demonstrating bilateral ties as an outcome of See Chapter 3, Section 2-3-8 (Expansion of the Provisions of
implementing these Japan-U.S. bilateral training have the Supplies and Services to the United States Armed Forces)
Chapter 3, Section 3-2 (Conclusion of the New Japan-U.S.
effect of further enhancing the deterrence and response Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA))
capabilities of the overall Japan-U.S. Alliance and Fig. II-4-2-5 (Japan-U.S. Acquisition and Cross-Servicing
demonstrating Japan’s determination and high capacity Agreement (ACSA))
2 The official title is the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America Concerning Reciprocal Provision of Logistic Support, Supplies and Services
between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan and the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
3 The categories of supplies and services as provided under the Agreement include: food; water; billeting; transportation (including airlift); petroleum, oils, and lubricants; clothing; communications;
medical services; base support; storage; use of facilities; training services; spare parts and components; repair and maintenance; airport and seaport services; and ammunition (only in armed attack
situations and anticipated situations) (Provision of weapons is not included)
In general, supplies and services necessary for unit operations are replenished by the units themselves. However, in such cases where
units of allied nations are operating together, the reciprocal provision of supplies and services on site would enhance the flexibility of
the operations.
Multilateral drills with Japan & U.S. participation Armed attack situations
Transportation of Japanese
Disaster relief nationals overseas, etc.
Chapter 4
From SDF conducting international
peace cooperation operations
to U.S. Forces responding to disasters
*1 : Activities that came under the scope of the agreement due to the enforcement of the Legislation for Peace and Security.
*2 Provision of ammunition for all activities and situations other than armed attack situations, etc., falls under the scope of the new agreement.
Forces in disaster prevention drills, and examining resolution based on international law. The two countries
mechanisms for the sharing of information and more have been working closely together on various multilateral
effective coordination mechanism. maritime security cooperation initiatives supported by
In light of these issues, the December 2013 Response countries along the sea lanes, including participation in
Plan for a Massive Earthquake in the Nankai Trough listed the Combined Task Force (CTF) 151 for countering piracy
the Japan-U.S. Joint Response Plan, and the two countries since December 2013, and the Proliferation Security
conducted a bilateral joint comprehensive disaster Initiative (PSI)4 exercise Pacific Protector 17, hosted by
prevention training in Kochi Prefecture in February 2014 Australia in September 2017.
based on the scenario of an earthquake occurring in the See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 2 (Ensuring Maritime Security)
Nankai Trough. USFJ also participated in the Wakayama Part III, Chapter 2, Section 4-2 (Proliferation Security Initiative)
meeting was in February 2018). Going forward, Japan regardless of the Three Principles on Arms Exports
and the United States will leverage this working group to and related guidelines. In 1983, Japan established the
deepen discussions in a wide variety of areas, including Exchange of Notes concerning the Transfer of Military
(1) promoting space policy dialogue, (2) reinforcing Technologies to the United States of America.5 In 2006,
information sharing, (3) working together to develop the Exchange of Notes concerning the Transfer of Arms
and secure experts, and (4) continued participation to and Military Technologies to the United States of America6
tabletop exercises. was established to replace the foregoing Exchange of
Notes. Under these frameworks, Japan decided to provide
(2) Cooperation on Cyberspace the United States with 20 items of arms and military
Concerning cooperation on cyberspace, the Cyber Defense technologies, including military technologies related
Policy Working Group (CDPWG) was established in to joint technological research on BMD. Japan and the
October 2013 as a framework between the MOD and the United States consult with each other at forums such as
Department of Defense (DoD) to discuss a broad range the Systems and Technology Forum (S&TF) and conduct
of professional and concrete issues, including the sharing cooperative research and development regarding the
of information at the policy level, human resources specific projects agreed upon at these forums.
development, and technical cooperation. At the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting in
The Guidelines released in April 2015 and the June 2016, the Ministers signed a Reciprocal Defense
CDPWG Joint Statement published in May 2015 Procurement Memorandum of Understanding (RDP
cited the prompt and appropriate development of an MOU).7 The MOU promotes measures concerning the
information sharing structure and the protection of procurement of equipment by Japanese and U.S. defense
the critical infrastructure upon which the SDF and the authorities based on reciprocity (providing information
Chapter 4
U.S. Forces depend to accomplish their missions as necessary to submit bids to businesses of the other
examples of cooperation between the Japanese and country, protecting submitted corporate information,
U.S. Governments. In addition, as part of cooperation waiving restrictions on participation by businesses of the
between the SDF and the U.S. Forces, the securing of other country, etc.).
5 Official title: Exchange of Notes concerning the Transfer of Military Technologies to the United States of America
6 Official title: Exchange of Notes concerning the Transfer of Arms and Military Technologies to the United States of America
7 The official title is the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of Japan concerning Reciprocal Defense Procurement.
8 The GSDF plans to deploy 17 tiltrotors (V-22 Osprey), which are expected to supplement and enhance the capabilities of transport helicopters (CH-47JA), during the current Mid-Term Defense Plan
(five years; FY2014-2018) for responses to attacks on islands.
bilateral or multilateral seminars that include the United See Reference 42 (Exchange Student Acceptance Record (Number
States so that security and defense personnel can share of Newly Accepted Students in FY 2017))
Reference 43 (Multilateral Security Dialogues Hosted by the
knowledge and enhance cooperation. Ministry of Defense)
Reference 44 (Other Multilateral Security Dialogues)
through meetings such as the Japan-United States SCC with the U.S. DoD and others under the Japan-U.S.
(“2+2” Meeting), the Security Subcommittee (SSC) and Security Arrangements.
the SDC. As the framework for ministerial consultations The sharing of information and views at every
among the top officials in charge of defense and foreign opportunity and level between Japan and the United States
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
affairs of the two countries, the SCC (“2+2” Meeting) is undoubtedly conducive to the increased credibility of
represents such policy consultations. The SCC functions the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements, and results in
as an important consultative panel to discuss issues the further enhancement of close collaboration between
Fig. II-4-2-6 Major Consultations on Policies Held between Japanese and U.S. Government Officials concerning Japan-U.S. Security Issues
Consultative Participants
Purpose Legal Basis
Forum Japanese Side U.S. Side
Study of matters which would Established on the basis of
promote understanding between letters exchanged between the
Security Consultative U.S. Secretary of State, the Japanese and U.S. Governments Prime Minister of Japan and
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Committee (SCC) U.S. Secretary of and contribute to the strengthening the U.S. Secretary of State on
Minister of Defense
(“2+2” Meeting) Defense1 of cooperative relations in the areas January 19, 1960, in accordance
of security, which form the basis of with Article IV of the Japan-U.S.
security and are related to security Security Treaty
Security Exchange of views on security Article IV of the Japan-U.S.
Participants are not
Subcommittee Participants are not specified2 issues of mutual concern to Japan Security Treaty and others
(SSC) and the United States
Assistant Secretary Study and consideration of Established on July 8, 1976, as
Director-General of North American of State, Assistant consultative measures to Japan a subentry under the Japan-U.S.
Subcommittee for Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Secretary of Defense, and the United States including Security Consultative Committee
Defense Cooperation Director General of the Bureau of Defense Representative from: guidelines to ensure consistent joint in its 16th meeting reorganized
(SDC)3 Policy, Ministry of Defense; the U.S. Embassy in responses covering the activities of at the Japan-U.S. vice-ministerial
Representative from Joint Staff Japan, USFJ, Joint Staff, the SDF and USFJ in emergencies consultation on June 28, 1996
Director-General of North American Affairs Deputy Commander Consultation concerning Article XXV of the Status of
Japan-U.S. Joint Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; of USFJ, Minister at implementation of the Status of Forces Agreement
Committee Director General of the Bureau of Local the U.S. Embassy, and Forces Agreement
Cooperation, Ministry of Defense; and others others
Notes: 1. The U.S. side was headed by the U.S. Ambassador to Japan and the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Command before December 26, 1990.
2. Meetings are held from time to time between working-level officials of the two Governments, such as officials corresponding in rank to vice-minister or assistant secretary.
3. A Council of Deputies consisting of Deputy-Director General and Deputy Assistant Secretaries was established when the SDC was recognized on June 28, 1996.
Chapter 4
to be the cornerstone of the regional peace and security Term Defense Program.
in the Asia-Pacific region. • The United States committed to deploying its most
b. Regional Strategic Environment advanced capabilities to Japan.
❍ The Ministers concurred that North Korea’s nuclear • In order to expedite work already underway in this
communities for the presence and operations of USFJ. improvement of the defense posture and capability.
• The Ministers reaffirmed that the relocation of c. Enhancement of the Deterrence and Response
MCAS Futenma to the Camp Schwab-Henokosaki Capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
area is the only solution to avoid the continued use In light of increasingly severe security environment, the
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
of MCAS Futenma. They underscored their strong Ministers agreed to proceed with initiatives to ensure
determination to achieve relocation of facilities to effectiveness of the Guidelines and to further enhance the
Henokosaki and the return of MCAS Futenma as deterrence and response capability of Japan-U.S. alliance,
soon as possible. while advancing an effort to improve capabilities of both
• The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to Japan and the U.S.
steadily implement the existing realignment plan
(Consolidation Plan, relocation of marine corps (2) Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting (September 21, 2017)
stationed in Okinawa to Guam, field carrier landing (Security Field)
practice, relocation of training of tilt-rotor aircraft/ Prime Minister Abe visited New York to attend the United
rotary wing aircraft, etc.). Nations General Assembly, and held Japan-U.S. Summit
❍ Host Nation Support (HNS) Meeting with President Trump.
The Ministers reaffirmed the overall level of HNS, and The two leaders discussed the situation concerning
the Facilities Improvement Program (FIP) funding. North Korea. They once again shared the view that a
❍ Other issues series of provocative actions including North Korea’s
The Ministers reaffirmed promotion of joint/shared use. ballistic missile launch on August 29 as well as on
They welcomed supplementary arrangements of the Status of September 15 and its nuclear test on September 3
Forces Agreement regarding the environmental stewardship constitute an unprecedented, grave and imminent threat
and the civilian component, and they stressed the importance to the international community including Japan and the
of steadily implementing these arrangements. United States. They confirmed that the U.S. commitment
See Reference 25 (Japan-United States Security Consultative to defend Japan through the full range of U.S. military
Committee (2+2) Joint Statement (provisional translation) capabilities, both nuclear and conventional, is unwavering,
(August 17, 2017)
and that Japan and the United States are 100% together.
The two leaders welcomed the recent adoption
of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2375.
They affirmed the importance of continued cooperation
between Japan and the United States, trilateral cooperation
between Japan, the United States, and the Republic of dialogue in the region under the framework of ADMM
Korea, as well as to urge relevant countries including plus. Minister Onodera stated that Japan will proceed with
China and Russia to secure the full implementation of the effort to improve capability of ASEAN based on the
the resolution and to further work on maximizing the guidelines for Japan-ASEAN defense cooperation, “the
pressure against North Korea. Vientiane Vision.” The Ministers confirmed that Japan
and the United States will cooperate to promote defense
(3) Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting cooperation including capacity building assistance with
(October 23, 2017) South-East Asian countries.
Minister Onodera and Secretary Mattis took the In addition, as for the accident of CH-53E, Secretary
opportunity of ASEAN Defense Ministerial Meeting Plus Mattis showed recognition on the importance of flight
(ADMM plus) to hold the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial safety, and Minister Onodera conveyed to Secretary Mattis
Meeting from 12:45 (LT) for about 65 minutes. An that it is vital to win the support of local communities to
overview is as follows. ensure stable stationing of U.S. Forces in Japan and asked
a. Response to issues of North Korea to operate safely.
The Ministers shared information on the situation and
outlook of nuclear and missile development by North (4) Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting (November 6, 2017)
Korea. Minister Onodera described the situation where (Security Field)
threats of North Korea to security of the region including Prime Minister Abe held a working lunch and Summit
Japan have become unprecedentedly major and imminent. Meeting with U.S. President Trump when he visited
Based on that fact, Minister Onodera stated the necessity Japan, and held discussions on the bilateral security
of a proper discussion with Secretary Mattis to take situation, including North Korea, the regional situation,
Chapter 4
close measures to any situation as an alliance. Secretary and Okinawa.
Mattis expressed the similar view and renewed strong a. North Korea
determination on defense of Japan including commitment ❍ Introduction
for extended deterrence. The two leaders confirmed that both countries are 100%
any country that shares this vision of a free and open to be taken on the issue of North Korea including the
Indo-Pacific. upcoming U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting, and
❍ East China Sea and South China Sea expressed their intention for Japan and the US to remain
The two leaders expressed concern about the situation in fully aligned on all areas of talks with North Korea. They
the East and South China Seas and they reaffirmed their also confirmed the importance of Japan-U.S.-ROK close
opposition to unilateral coercive actions that could alter trilateral coordination.
the status quo and increase tensions. Both leaders shared the recognition that maximum
They reiterated that maritime disputes should be pressure campaign to North Korea under the close
settled peacefully in accordance with international law. cooperation among Japan, the U.S., and ROK and in
Taking note of the progress of discussion of the coordination with the international community including
Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), they China, has recently driven North Korea to seek dialogue.
emphasized the importance of demilitarization of the The two leaders also commended the efforts by the ROK
disputed features in the South China Sea. Government up to this point.
❍ China The two leaders noted that concrete measures toward
The two leaders welcome China’s positive contribution denuclearization hadn't been announced yet by North
to regional and global peace and prosperity, and stressed Korea, and shared the view that they needed to continue
the importance for Japan and the U.S. to continue careful analysis of its intention.
constructive dialogue with China. Nonetheless, both leaders affirmed that they would
c. Japan-U.S. Relations maintain maximum pressure against North Korea. As
The two leaders shared the view that they intend to the US maintains the policy of “all options are on the
continue to work toward enhancing the deterrence and table,” Prime Minister Abe reaffirmed his support for this
response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance amid an President Trump’s principled position. Moreover, both
increasingly severe security environment in the region. leaders shared the recognition that North Korea must
Along with appreciating the achievements made at the not be given any reward for merely engaging with other
Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee (Japan- countries, and that the international community should
U.S. “2+2”) held in August 2017, they directed relevant uphold this policy.
Both leaders reaffirmed that they are committed to operational and deterrent capability of the U.S. forces,
achieving the denuclearization of North Korea. They also Japan. The leaders reconfirmed that the relocation of
reaffirmed that North Korea needs to abandon all weapons Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Futenma to the Camp
of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs in a Schwab/Henoko area and in adjacent waters is the only
complete, verifiable and irreversible manner. The two solution that avoids the continued use of Marine Corps
leaders shared the recognition that specific actions need Air Station Futenma and as such called for the steady
to be taken by North Korea to realize these goals. implementation of the construction plan for the Futenma
Prime Minister Abe requested President Trump to Replacement Facility (FRF) to ensure the Alliance's
raise the abductions issue during the upcoming U.S.- ability to provide for peace and security in the region.
North Korea Summit Meeting, and President Trump Both leaders also shared a continued commitment to
assured that he will bring up the matter in his meeting safety operations.
with Kim Jong-un and urge North Korea to promptly The two leaders shared concern regarding the
resolve its abduction of Japanese citizens, referring to the situation in the East and South China Seas, and reaffirmed
strong impression he received when he met the families that Japan and the United States would continue to
of the abductees during his visit to Japan last November. coordinate together on this issue. The two leaders also
Both leaders agreed to work towards the early resolution reaffirmed that Article V of the U.S.-Japan Treaty of
of the abductions issue. Mutual Cooperation and Security covers the Senkaku
Both leaders shared the importance of addressing Islands in the East China Sea and that they oppose any
North Korea's sanctions evasion and full implementation unilateral action that seeks to change the status quo.
of the pertinent United Nations Security Council Prime Minister Abe conveyed President Trump
Resolutions by the international community under close that it is important for Japan to continue introducing
Chapter 4
cooperation with international partners including ROK. sophisticated equipment including U.S.-made defense
In this context, President Trump commended Japan's equipment in strengthening Japan's defense capability and
effort to counter illegal ship-to-ship transfers of goods by responding to the severe security environment. President
North Korea related vessels, and expressed that the U.S., Trump welcomed Prime Minister Abe’s remarks.
stated the necessity of maintaining maximum pressure ensure safe operations. Furthermore, Minister Onodera
against North Korea to make them abandon all weapons requested cooperation in efforts to mitigate the impact
of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs, and on local communities, such as those in Okinawa, and
the Ministers confirmed that they will continue exerting the Ministers agreed to work together in obtaining
pressure and sanctions, under the common principle of understanding of local communities.
realizing abandonment of all weapons of mass destruction
and ballistic missile programs. (7) Japan-U.S. Defense Ministers Meeting (May 29, 2018)
In light of illegal ship-to-ship transfers of goods, Minister of Defense Onodera and Secretary of Defense
Secretary Mattis applauded measures implemented Mattis held the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting
by Maritime Self Defense Forces, and noted the U.S. in Hawaii.
willingness to continue pursuing such activities in a. North Korea
coordination with Japan and other various partners. The Ministers, taking into account the recent situations
In addition, the Ministers reaffirmed to advance close regarding the issue of North Korea, closely compared
trilateral cooperation among Japan, the United States and adjusted the defense agencies’ understandings and
and the Republic of Korea as well as multinational policy on future response against North Korea issues.
cooperation through conducting joint exercises. Minister Onodera expressed his view that the meeting
The Ministers agreed that they will continue to between the leaders of U.S. and North Korea should be
maintain close communication to take concerted action an opportunity to advance outstanding issues of concern
as an alliance in response to any situations. such as nuclear, missile and abductions issues. The
b. Enhancing the Alliance Capability to Deter and Respond Ministers confirmed that they will continue exerting
The Ministers welcomed the Japan-U.S. cooperation in pressure and sanctions, under the common principle
Chapter 4
new areas implemented under Japan’s Legislation for of realizing abandonment of all weapons of mass
Peace and Security and the Guidelines for Japan U.S. destruction including chemical and biological weapons
Defense Cooperation such as protection mission against and ballistic missiles of all ranges in complete, verifiable
U.S. Forces’ assets and provision of goods and services and irreversible way.
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
to U.S. Forces by Self Defense Forces, and the Ministers In light of illegal ship-to-ship transfers of goods, the
reaffirmed to make further improvement of Japan-U.S. Ministers welcomed measures implemented by Japan
defense cooperation through steady implementation in coordination with partner countries including United
of Japan’s Legislation for Peace and Security and the Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and agreed that they will
Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation. continue to take actions with the voluntary countries, and
In light of the build-up of Japan’s future defense reaffirmed the importance of the deterrent capability of
capability, Minister Onodera explained that Japan is in regional U.S. Forces including U.S. Forces Korea.
the process to review the National Defense Program Secretary Mattis expressed U.S. renewed commitment
Guidelines and to develop the next Mid-Term Defense to Japanese defense. The Ministers agreed that they will
Program towards the end of this year, and the Ministers continue to maintain close communication to take concerted
agreed to continue to work closely and exchange action as an alliance in response to any situations.
information. Minister Onodera also stated that, in order b. Regional State of Affairs, etc.
to address the severe security environment, it is essential The Ministers exchanged opinions on regional challenges,
for the strengthening of Japan’s defense capability that and in light of China’s unilateral attempts to change the
Japan continues to introduce high-performance defense status quo by force, agreed that it is important for both
equipment including U.S. made assets. The Ministers countries to continue to closely watch on the situations
affirmed that both countries will make efforts to realize in the East China Sea, to cooperate for the peace and
Japan’s smooth and timely procurement of U.S. made stability, and to be continuously engaged in the South
assets, including Aegis Ashore, by making improvements China Sea. The Ministers noted that China has enforced
in challenges regarding Foreign Military Sales. its military capability and intensified its activities in the
c. U.S. Forces in Japan, Okinawa sea and airspace surrounding Japan, and also agreed to
Minister Onodera requested continued efforts to reinforce the Alliance capability to deter and respond
ensure safe operation of U.S. Forces, including U.S. through enhancement of defense capability based on the
military aircrafts in Okinawa and the CV-22 expected close cooperation of Japan and U.S. for the peace and
to be deployed in Yokota Air Base this year. Secretary stability of the region.
Mattis expressed his recognition that it is important to
c. Free and Open Indo-Pacific will work together to realize CVID of all of its WMD
The Ministers reconfirmed the importance of cooperating including biological and chemical weapons and ballistic
with the allied countries and various partners to assure missiles of all ranges in coordination with the international
the Free and Open Indo-Pacific, and agreed that Japan community, and confirmed that Japan and U.S. continue
and U.S. or Japan, U.S., and Australia proceed with to counter illegal ship-to-ship transfers of goods by North
coordination in the promotion of the basic principles Korea in coordination with their partner countries.
such as rule of law, freedom of navigation, and in Secretary Mattis explained the suspension of U.S.-
capacity building. ROK combined military exercises, and the Ministers
d. U.S. Forces in Japan reaffirmed that neither withdrawal nor reduction of
Minister Onodera requested efforts to ensure safe the USFK has been considered, and reconfirmed the
operations of U.S. Forces and cooperation in efforts to importance of the deterrent capability of regional U.S.
obtain consent from local communities including those Forces including U.S. Forces Korea. Secretary Mattis
in Okinawa. expressed renewed U.S. commitments to defend Japan,
and the Ministers agreed to proceed with the reinforcement
(8) Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting (June 7, 2018) of the alliance’s deterrence and response capability
(Security Field) including conducting Japan-U.S. joint exercises steadily,
Prime Minister Abe and U.S. President Trump held as planned. The Ministers agreed that they will continue
Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting in Washington, DC. to maintain a close channel of communication to take
The two leaders closely coordinated the future concerted actions as an alliance in response to every
policy with regard to the issue on North Korea , including situation.
responses to the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting that b. Regional Affairs
Chapter 4
was scheduled for June 12, and shared the view that Japan The Ministers exchanged their views based on Secretary
and the United States, as well as Japan, the United States, Mattis’s visit to China, the Ministers reconfirmed that
and the Republic of Korea (ROK), would coordinate Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty applies to
closely to ensure that the U.S.-North Korea Summit the Senkaku Islands, and that they would oppose any
secure the presence of the U.S. military in Japan and to The Status of Forces Agreement1 (SOFA) stipulates
maintain a posture in Japan and the surrounding areas matters pertaining to USFJ facilities and areas and the
from peacetime that enables USFJ to respond swiftly and status of USFJ, including furnishing of facilities and areas
expeditiously to emergencies. for use by the U.S. Forces (USFJ facilities and areas), and
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
For this purpose, based on the Japan-U.S. Security satisfying the labor requirements of USFJ.
Treaty, Japan allows the stationing of USFJ, which is a
core part of the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements. (1) Furnishing of JSDF Facilities and Areas
Further, the realization of a stable U.S. military Japan furnishes USFJ facilities and areas for the U.S.
presence is necessary for a swift Japan-U.S. joint response Forces under the provisions of the SOFA, in accordance
based on Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty in with agreements reached through the Joint Committee
the event of an armed attack on Japan. Additionally, the between the Governments of Japan and the United States.
actions of USFJ in the defense of Japan will be assisted The Government of Japan has entered into agreements
by the timely reinforcement of other U.S. Forces, and and concluded lease contracts with owners of private and
USFJ will serve as the basis of such support. public lands on which USFJ facilities and areas exist in
In order for USFJ to carry out the abovementioned order to ensure the stable use of these facilities and areas.
role, it is essential that all the services of the U.S. Forces, However, should the Government be unable to obtain the
including those in Japan, are functionally integrated. For approval of landowners, it will acquire title3 under the
instance, when responding to armed aggression against Act on Special Measures for USFJ Land Release,2 while
Japan in cooperation with the SDF, the U.S. Forces compensating the landowners for any loss they may have
primarily serve the role of “spear” through its offensive suffered in the process.
power. When the U.S. Forces function as an offensive
power, it can be expected that the U.S. Navy, Air Force, (2) Satisfying labor Requirements of USFJ
and Marine Corps stationed in Japan work in an integrated USFJ require manpower (labor) to maintain its forces, and
manner to fully exert their functions. the SOFA stipulates that the requirements of USFJ shall be
In addition, while Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security satisfied with the assistance of the Government of Japan.
1 The official title is the Agreement Under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between Japan and the United States of America, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of
United States Armed Forces in Japan.
2 The official title is the Act on Special Measures for USFJ Land Release, Incidental to the Agreement Under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between Japan and the United
States of America, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan
3 The term “title” means a legal cause that justifies a certain act.
As of the end of FY2017, 25,803 USFJ local See Fig. II-4-3-1 (U.S. Forces Japan-related Costs (budget for
employees (hereinafter referred to as the “employees”) FY2018))
Chapter 4
well as costs for implementing measures that will contribute as exceptional, limited and provisional measures under
to mitigating the impact on local communities associated with the cost principle in the SOFA.
the initiatives for the realignment of the U.S. Forces. Based on this agreement, the Government of Japan
Total: ¥182.0 billion (2) Total: ¥47.6 billion Total: ¥3.8 billion Total: ¥207.8 billion
Non MOD-related budget Burden from the Special Measures Agreement (¥158.8 billion)
• Expenditures borne by other
ministries (base subsidy, etc.) • Labor costs (basic salary, etc.) • Training relocation costs: ¥1.2 billion • Training relocation costs
• Estimated costs of government ¥125.1 billion (one of the projects aimed at ¥8.3 billion
owned land provided for use as • Utilities costs ¥23.2 billion enhancing training)
• Training relocation costs (NLP) • Artillery live-fire training over • Aviation training relocation
USFJ facilities3
¥0.9 billion Highway 104 as part of realignment
Total: ¥149.2 billion • Parachute training initiatives
Notes: 1. Training relocation costs under the Special Measures Agreement extend either into the cost sharing for the stationing of USFJ or the SACO-related costs and the
realignment-related costs.
2. The SACO-related costs refer to the cost for implementing the contents of the SACO Final Report to reduce the impact on people in Okinawa, while the
realignment-related costs refer to the cost relating to a step to contribute to reducing the impact on local communities as part of the realignment initiatives. Since the
cost-sharing for the stationing of USFJ is Japan’s voluntary effort to bear some costs in light of the importance of ensuring the smooth and effective implementation of the
Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements, its nature is different from the SACO-related costs and the realignment-related costs, and is categorized separately.
3. The costs related to the stationing of USFJ include the MOD-related budget, other ministry-related budgets (base subsidy, etc.: ¥38.2 billion, FY2017 Budget) and the
estimated costs of government-owned land provided for use as USFJ facilities (¥164.1 billion, FY2017 Estimated Costs).
4. Numbers may not add up due to rounding.
4 The official title is the Agreement between Japan and the United States of America concerning Special Measures relating to Article XXIV of the Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual
Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of America, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan
started to bear labor costs of eight categories such as the ❍ Utilities costs
adjustment allowance (currently replaced by the regional Over the new SMA period, the share of utilities costs to
allowance). As the Special Measures Agreement (SMA) be borne by Japan for each fiscal year is reduced from the
was revised later on, the costs borne by the Government of current 72% to 61%, with the upper limit for utilities costs
Japan expanded to cover labor costs for base pay, etc., and to be funded by Japan set at approximately 24.9 billion yen.
utilities costs from FY1991. The financial responsibility ❍ Costs for Facilities Improvement Program
of the Japanese Government was further expanded to The amount of costs for the FIP will not fall below 20.6
cover training relocation costs from FY1996. billion yen in each fiscal year during the new SMA
The Government of Japan has been reviewing period. For the period of the previous SMA, any amount
HNS while paying full attention to its tight fiscal of reductions in the labor costs and the utilities costs was
conditions, and as a result, HNS has been on a steady to be appropriated for an increase in costs for the FIP.
decline after peaking out in the FY1999 budget on an But such appropriation will not be made during the new
expenditure basis. SMA period.
(3) Scale of Host Nation Support
5 Current Special Measures Agreement The amount of HNS in FY2020, the final fiscal year of
the new SMA period, will be approximately 189.9 billion
As the former SMA was effective up until March 2016, yen, with the average amount for each fiscal year during
the current SMA was intended to “open discussions the same period coming to approximately 189.3 billion
pertaining to future arrangements for an appropriate yen (any change in wages based on recommendations
level for sharing of the costs of U.S. Forces stationed by the National Personnel Authority will be reflected
in Japan” based on the “2+2” agreement of April 2015. appropriately in labor costs for each fiscal year).
Chapter 4
Following this agreement, Japan and the United States (4) Cost-saving efforts: It is clearly stipulated that the
held consultations on a new SMA, and in December 2015, United States will make further efforts to economize
the Governments of Japan and the United States reached the above-mentioned expenditures.
agreement as follows: Subsequently, after the new SMA
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
As a fifth generation fighter, the F-35 has high stealth variant; F-35B, the short takeoff and vertical landing
performance and powerful fi re control capabilities. It variant; and F-35C, the aircraft carrier variant.
has three variants: F-35A, the normal takeoff and landing It was confirmed in the Japan-U.S. “2+2” joint
As for the realignment of USFJ, “the United States-Japan (MAGTF)—consisting of command, ground, aviation
Roadmap for Realignment Implementation” (Roadmap) and logistics support elements—in Japan, Guam, and
was set forth in May 2006. Subsequently, the Governments Hawaii, as well as in Australia as a rotational unit. In
Chapter 4
of Japan and the United States have conducted full-fledged addition, the Governments of Japan and the United States
bilateral discussions concerning coordination of the plan for decided to delink both the relocation of U.S. Marine
the realignment, in view of factors including the following: Corps personnel from Okinawa to Guam and the resulting
1) The necessity of implementing measures to promptly land returns south of Kadena Air Base from the progress
In comparison to areas such as the U.S. mainland, Hawaii, areas that could affect Japan’s peace and security, including
and Guam, Okinawa is located closer to potential conflict the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait, but at the
Fig. II-4-3-2 Progress of the Realignment of Force Structure of USFJ and the SDF Described in “Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation”-1
2. Realignment in Okinawa
MCAS Futenma (total return, about 481 ha)
Chapter 4
[Joint/Shared Use]
[Relocation within Okinawa Prefecture]
Transport capabilities using helicopters
Camp Hansen is used for JGSDF training Replacement facilities constructed in Camp Schwab
* Implemented on March 17, 2008
Henokosaki and adjacent water areas
JASDF uses Kadena Air Base for bilateral [Relocation of operations outside Okinawa Prefecture]
training with U.S. Forces, while taking into
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
account the noise impact on local communities Operations of air-refueling aircraft → MCAS Iwakuni
* Relocation to MCAS Iwakuni completed on August 26, 2014
Naha Port
(total return, about 56 ha)
Camp Zukeran (Camp Foster) Six candidate facilities for land return
A replacement facility will be (partial return, about 153 ha+ ) Implemented Continuing
located south of Kadena Air Base
constructed in the Urasoe-
Pier district under the Naha * Return of West Futenma Housing Area (Areas indicated are based on the consolidation plan. See Fig. II-4-3-8 for the current status on the
Port and Harbor Plan (approx. 51 ha) on March 31, 2015 returning of land south of Kadena Air Base)
same time has the advantage of having a certain distance which depends on marine transportation for over 99% of
from these areas that would not heighten military tension its overall international trade. Furthermore, its location
there unnecessarily. In addition, Okinawa, comprising a is extremely important from the perspective of security,
large number of small islands, is located roughly in the as Okinawa serves as a strategically important target for
center of the Southwestern Islands having a total length neighboring countries in both making access to the Pacific
of some 1,200 km and close to key sea lanes for Japan, from the continent and rejecting access from the Pacific
Fig. II-4-3-2 Progress of the Realignment of Force Structure of USFJ and the SDF Described in “Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation”-2
Tsuiki Iwakuni
Nyutabaru Relocation of MSDF E/O/UP-3 squadrons
and other units from Iwakuni to Atsugi
(“2+2” Joint Statement in 2013
confirmed the continued deployment of
these units in Iwakuni Air Base)
Chapter 4
Relocation of the KC-130 squadron
to Iwakuni Futenma
(Relocation completed in August 2014) The KC-130 squadron will deploy on a rotational
basis to MSDF Kanoya Base and Guam
Relocation of the functions of aircraft for
contingency use to Tsuiki and Nyutabaru
to the continent. Thus, the stationing of the U.S. Forces to the security of Japan but also to the peace and stability
in Okinawa—including the U.S. Marine Corps, which is of the Asia-Pacific region.
in charge of first response for a variety of contingencies On the other hand, Okinawa has many USFJ
and capable of high mobility and rapid response, and facilities and areas such as airbases, exercise fields and
also has readiness for wide-ranging missions—with the logistics facilities. As of January 1, 2017, approximately
above-mentioned geographical characteristics, further 70.6% of USFJ facilities and areas (for exclusive use)
ensures the effectiveness of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, are concentrated in Okinawa Prefecture, occupying
strengthens deterrence, and contributes greatly not only approximately 8% of the land area of the prefecture
Fig. II-4-3-3 The Geopolitical Positioning of Okinawa and the Significance of the U.S. Marine Corps Stationed in Okinawa
*2 The Marine Corps constantly utilizes all combat elements (land, sea and
Guam air) during its drills and deployments, so it is suited to providing a rapid
response in the event of any kind of situation.
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
and 14% of the main island of Okinawa. Therefore, it is in 1990 that both sides would proceed with the required
necessary to make utmost efforts to mitigate the impact adjustments and procedures for the return of land.
on Okinawa, while also considering the above-mentioned Moreover, it was agreed in 1995 that initiatives would
security standpoints. also be made to resolve the so-called Three Okinawa
See Fig. II-4-3-3 (The Geopolitical Positioning of Okinawa and the Issues,5 including the return of Naha Port (Naha City).
Significance of the U.S. Marine Corps Stationed in Okinawa) Subsequently, in response to an unfortunate incident
that occurred in 1995, as well as the refusal of the
then Governor of Okinawa to sign land lease renewal
Initiatives for Realignment, Consolidation, and
1 Reduction of USFJ Facilities and Areas in Okinawa documents under the Act on Special Measures for
USFJ Land Release, the Government of Japan decided
When Okinawa was returned to Japan in 1972, the to devote even greater initiatives towards realignment,
Government of Japan provided 83 facilities and areas consolidation, and reduction, believing that the impact
covering approximately 278 km2 for exclusive use by should be shared by the whole nation. In order to hold
the U.S. Forces under the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. consultations on issues related to USFJ facilities and areas
However, their concentration in Okinawa has led to in Okinawa, the Government of Japan established the
strong calls for their realignment, consolidation and Okinawa Action Council between the central government
reduction on the grounds that they seriously affect the and Okinawa Prefecture, and SACO between Japan and
lives of people in Okinawa Prefecture. the United States, and the so-called SACO Final Report
Both countries have continued their initiatives to was compiled in 1996.
realign, consolidate, and reduce USFJ facilities and areas, See Reference 27 (Outline of 23 Issues)
centering on those subject to the strong local requests,
and, in relation to the so-called 23 issues, it was agreed
5 The Three Okinawa Issues refer to the return of Naha Port, the return of Yomitan Auxiliary Airfield, and the relocation of artillery live fire training over Highway 104. The relocation (distribution and
implementation) of artillery live fi re training over Highway 104 in FY2018 is planned for East Fuji Maneuver Area, Yausubetsu Maneuver Area, North Fuji Maneuver Area and Ohjojihara Maneuver Area.
Chapter 4
Minister Inada, then U.S. Ambassador Kennedy, and
(1) Achievement of Majority Return Kunigami Village Mayor Miyagi and Higashi Village
On December 22, 2016, the return of approximately 4,000 Mayor Iju.
ha, a major portion of the Northern Training Area located Based on the Act on Special Measures Concerning
of Japan reached an agreement with the U.S. side to make (approximately 481 ha with a land area 100 times larger
considerations for the natural environment and to relocate than Tokyo Dome).
not all but six helipads, which is the minimum necessary, a. Relocation of MCAS Futenma and Mitigation of the
and has steadily made progress with the construction work. Impact on Okinawa
Some protesters impeded the expeditious execution The relocation of MCAS Futenma holds more significance
of the construction work for the relocation of the than merely moving the facility from one location to
helipads, through repeated obstruction such as parking another. Rather, it also contributes greatly to mitigating
cars and setting up tents in front of the entrance of the the impact on Okinawa. As such, the Government will
Northern Training Area. Thus, not only the Okinawa work as one to implement this initiative.
Defense Bureau but also the MOD headquarters and (a) Distribution of Functions Offered by MCAS Futenma
other regional defense bureaus dispatched personnel to MCAS Futenma fulfills the following functions
support the relocation construction work. relating to the aviation capabilities of the U.S.
Despite such efforts, the continuous obstruction Marine Corps stationed in Okinawa: (1) Operation
made it difficult to bring in material and equipment by of the Osprey and other aircraft; (2) Operation of air
land, leading to a decision to transport them by helicopter. refueling aircraft; and (3) Accepting a large number
However, some of the equipment was too heavy for of transient aircraft in contingencies. Of these three
civilian helicopters to transport. For this reason, the functions, only (1) “operation of the Osprey and
Ground Self-Defense Force’s CH-47JA helicopter was other aircraft” will be relocated to Camp Schwab. As
used for their transportation in September 2016. In such for (2) “operation of air refueling aircraft,” all 15 KC-
ways, utmost efforts were made towards the achievement 130 air refueling aircraft were relocated to MCAS
of the early return. As a result, the relocation of the Iwakuni (in Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture) in
Chapter 4
are located in areas requiring housing noise insulation Subsequently, at the “2+2” Meeting held in June
near MCAS Futenma, there will be zero households 2011, it was decided that the runway would take a “V”
requiring such insulation around the FRF. This means shape, and the Ministers confirmed their commitment
that the noise levels experienced by all households to complete the relocation project at the earliest
will comply with the environment criteria applied to possible date after 2014 in order to avoid the indefinite
exclusive housing areas. In the case that an aircraft use of MCAS Futenma and to remove the risks as early
encounters any contingency, safety on the ground can as possible.
be ensured by diverting the aircraft offshore. During the deliberation process which led to these
b. The Necessity of Constructing the Futenma conclusions, first of all, it was determined that, from a
Replacement Facility within Okinawa Prefecture security perspective, the deterrence of the U.S. Forces,
The U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa consists of air, including that of the U.S. Marine Corps stationed in
ground, logistics, and command elements. The interaction Okinawa that is located in a crucial area for the security of
of those elements is indispensable for U.S. Marine Corps Japan, cannot be lessened while there remains instability
operations characterized by great mobility and readiness, and uncertainty in the security environment in East Asia.
so it has been determined that the FRF needs to be Furthermore, concern was expressed that the functions
located within Okinawa Prefecture so that rotary-wing of the U.S. Marine Corps such as mobility and readiness
aircraft stationed at MCAS Futenma will be located near would be weakened if the helicopter units stationed
the elements with which they train, operate, or otherwise at MCAS Futenma were to be detached from the other
work on a regular basis. Marine units stationed in Okinawa and moved abroad or
c. Background Concerning the Futenma Replacement Facility out of the prefecture. Therefore, it was concluded that the
Considering the occurrence of the U.S. Forces helicopter FRF had to be located within Okinawa Prefecture.
Chapter 4
crash in Ginowan City in August 2004, bilateral At the “2+2” Meetings in October 2013 and April
discussions on the realignment have been made towards 2015, which followed the “2+2” Meeting of April
realizing the relocation and return of MCAS Futenma at 2012, and the joint statement issued at the first Japan-
the earliest possible date in order to resolve the concern U.S. Summit Meeting during the Trump administration
Fig. II-4-3-6 Comparison between the Replacement Facility and MCAS Futenma
Prefecture over a sufficient period of time, and reflected agreement, the Director General of the Okinawa Defense
them in the assessment. Bureau immediately suspended the land-fill work while
e. Promotion of the Futenma Replacement facility the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Construction Project Tourism issued an instruction for correction based on the
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
The Director General of the Okinawa Defense Bureau Local Autonomy Act to current Governor Onaga to repeal
submitted the land-fill permit request on public waters to the revocation of the land-fill permit. Subsequently, in
Okinawa Prefecture in March 2013, and then Governor December 2016, after examination by the Central and
of Okinawa Nakaima approved this in December 2013. Local Government Dispute Management Council and
However, Governor of Okinawa Onaga revoked the land- deliberation by the Fukuoka High Court Naha Branch, the
fill permit by then Governor of Okinawa Nakaima in Supreme Court set forth the decision that the revocation
October 2015, leading to the filing of three suits over the of the land-fill permit by Governor Onaga was illegal.
revocation of the land-fill permit between the Government In the judgment, the Supreme Court ruled that then
of Japan and Okinawa Prefecture. Governor Nakaima’s decision was not illegal. The court
Under these circumstances, the court came up with stated that no circumstances could be found indicating
a settlement recommendation, and the Government of that then Governor Nakaima’s decision that the landfill
Japan and Okinawa Prefecture reached a court-mediated was in compliance with the condition in Article 4
settlement agreement in March 2016. In the settlement, (1) (i) of the Act on Reclamation of Publicly-owned
the Government of Japan and Okinawa mutually affirmed Water Surface, “that it is appropriate and reasonable
that after the final judicial ruling is handed down by the as the use of national land,” had no foundation in fact,
Supreme Court, they would abide by the ruling and take or clearly lacked reasoning under socially accepted
steps in line with the spirit of the text of the ruling and conventions. The reasons given by the court include:
the reasons conducive to the text, and continue to take (1) the area of the replacement facilities and the landfill
responses in good faith by cooperating with each other in area will be significantly reduced from the area of the
accordance with the purpose of the ruling.6 MCAS Futenma facilities, and (2) aircraft flying over
Pursuant to the provisions of the settlement residential areas can be avoided by the land-fill in the
6 (1) The suit, filed by the Government of Japan as plaintiff based on Article 245-8 of the Local Autonomy Act, seeking a court ruling instructing a retraction of the revocation of the land-fill permit by
current Governor Onaga (the so-called subrogation suit); (2) the suit, filed by Okinawa Prefecture based on Article 251-5 of the Local Autonomy Act, seeking to invalidate the decision to suspend the
validity of the revocation of the land-fill permit (the decision to suspend execution) by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as the illegal “involvement of the state”; and (3) the
suit, filed by Okinawa Prefecture based on Article 3 of the Administrative Case Litigation Act, seeking to invalidate the decision to suspend execution by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism.
coastal area that puts the runway extension out to the a. Timing and Size of Relocation
sea, and the replacement facilities will be installed The 2006 Roadmap stated that approximately 8,000
using part of Camp Schwab, which is already provided personnel of the III Marine Expeditionary Force (III
to the U.S. Forces. MEF) and approximately 9,000 dependents will be
Moreover, regarding whether the construction of relocated from Okinawa to Guam by 2014, but the “2+2”
replacement facilities takes environmental protection and Meeting in June 2011 and other agreements set the timing
other considerations into adequate account, the Supreme of the relocation for the earliest possible date after 2014.
Court, finding that construction methods, environmental Subsequently, at the “2+2” Meeting held in April
protection measures and countermeasures that can 2012, the Governments of Japan and the United States
conceivably be taken at this point in time have been taken decided to delink both the relocation of III MEF
and that there is sufficient consideration for disaster personnel from Okinawa to Guam and the resulting land
prevention, determined that it cannot be said that then return south of Kadena Air Base from the progress on
Governor Nakaima’s decision was illegal. The court did the FRF and the United States reviewed the composition
not find that there was anything particularly unreasonable of the units and the number of personnel to be relocated
in then Governor Nakaima’s decision-making process to Guam. As a result, Marine Air-Ground Task Force
and the content of the decision that the construction (MAGTF) is to be stationed and deployed in Guam,
met the condition of Article 4 (1) (ii) of the Act on Japan, and Hawaii, approximately 9,000 personnel are to
Reclamation of Publicly-owned Water Surface, “the be relocated to locations outside of Japan (about 4,000
land-fill gives sufficient consideration to the protection of of whom are to be relocated to Guam), the authorized
the environment and prevention of disasters.” strength of the U.S. Marine Corps forces in Guam is to
Following this Supreme Court ruling, on December be approximately 5,000 personnel, and the end-state for
Chapter 4
26, Governor Onaga retracted the revocation of the landfill the presence of the U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa is
permit and the Okinawa Defense Bureau resumed the to be consistent with the level of approximately 10,000
replacement facilities construction project the following personnel envisioned in the Roadmap.
day. On April 25, 2017, it started the construction of the Accordingly, the “2+2” Meeting held in October
to the projects for which Japan has provided financial Mariana Islands Joint Military Training Environmental
support since FY2009.7 Impact Statement (CJMT-EIS), is now being implemented.
Subsequently, at the “2+2” Meeting held in April d. Progress of the Guam Relocation Project
2012, the unit composition and the number of personnel While the environmental impact assessment for Guam
to be relocated to Guam were revised and it was agreed was being conducted, the Government of the United States
that the preliminary cost estimate by the U.S. Government implemented infrastructure development projects at the
for the relocation was US$8.6 billion (in U.S. fiscal Andersen Air Force Base and the Apra area of the Naval
year 2012 dollars). With regard to Japan’s financial Base Guam as projects unaffected by the assessment. The
commitment, it was reaffirmed that it was to be the direct U.S. Government is currently implementing relocation
cash contribution of up to US$2.8 billion (in U.S. fiscal construction work in all project areas, following the lifting
year 2008 dollars) as stipulated in Article 1 of the Guam of the freeze on the Guam relocation funds pursuant to the
International Agreement.8 It was also confirmed that National Defense Authorization Act and the completion
Japan’s equity investment and loans for family housing of the environmental impact assessment for Guam.
projects and infrastructure projects would not be utilized. See Fig. II-4-3-7 (Progress of the Guam Relocation Project)
Moreover, it was stipulated that any funds that had already
been provided to the U.S. Government under the Guam (3) Return of Land Areas South of Kadena Air base
International Agreement would be counted as part of the The Roadmap stated that following the relocation to the
Japanese contribution. Furthermore, as a new initiative, a FRF, the return of MCAS Futenma, and the transfer of
portion of the direct cash contribution of US$2.8 billion III MEF personnel to Guam, the remaining facilities and
mentioned above would be used to develop training areas areas on Okinawa will be consolidated, thereby enabling
in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana the return of significant land areas south of Kadena Air
Chapter 4
Islands as shared use facilities for Japan and the United Base. However, at the “2+2” Meeting in April 2012, it
States. In addition, it was agreed that the remaining costs was decided to delink the progress on the FRF from both
and any additional costs would be borne by the United the relocation of the III MEF personnel from Okinawa
States, and that the two governments were to complete a to Guam and the resulting land returns south of Kadena.
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
7 As for projects for which Japan provides financial support, cash contributions of approximately 124.2 billion yen have been provided to the U.S. side using the budgets from FY2009 to FY2016.
8 In line with this, the special provisions for the operations of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (investment and loan) that had been prescribed by the Act on Special Measures on Smooth
Implementation of the Realignment of United States Forces in Japan were abolished by an act revising part of that act that was enacted on March 31, 2017.
Chapter 4
Progress of the project to develop the Headquarters building
(As of February 28, 2018) in the Naval Base Guam in Apra area.
southern parts of the main island of Okinawa. land areas, including the land areas that are to be returned
In the consolidation plan, both sides confirmed that as soon as required procedures are completed (shown
they would implement the plan as early as possible. The in red in Fig. II-4-3-8), since the announcement of the
Government of Japan will continue to work with all its consolidation plan in April 2013. These efforts resulted
strength so that land areas south of Kadena would be in the realization of the return of the north entrance of
returned at the earliest possible date. Makiminato Service Area (approximately 1 ha) in August
Furthermore, following the announcement of the 2013 and West Futenma Housing Area within Camp
consolidation plan, consultations have been held since Zukeran (approximately 51 ha) at the end of March 2015.
April 2013, involving Ginowan City, Ginowan City Furthermore, such measures as relocation to Kadena
Military Land Owners Association, Okinawa Prefecture, Ammunition Storage Area and Torii Communication
Okinawa Defense Bureau, and Okinawa General Bureau Station have been implemented to advance the land
in a bid to contribute to the promotion of the effective and return. Additionally, in December 2015, Japan and the
appropriate use of West Futenma Housing Area within U.S. agreed to such measures as the early return of partial
Camp Zukeran, and the MOD has also been providing land at MCAS Futenma for a municipal road, and the
necessary cooperation.9 early return of partial land at Makiminato Service Area
Efforts have been made to enable the early return of for the purpose of widening National Road to relieve
9 In addition to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Okinawa Office) and the Cabinet Office also participate in the consultations as observer.
While Route 58, which runs alongside Makiminato Service Area, experienced the prefecture’s worst traffic congestion at more than
70,000 cars a day, it is expected that the completion of the land return will help alleviate traffic congestion through use of this land
to widen the road from six lanes to eight lanes.
Japanese and U.S. people involved gathered for a ceremony commemorating the above-mentioned return of a portion of land at
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
Makiminato Service Area and transfer of the West Futenma Housing Area on May 20, 2018, including Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga,
Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs Fukui, State Minister of Defense Yamamoto, Vice Governor of Okinawa
Jahana, Ginowan Mayor Sakima, Urasoe Mayor Matsumoto, and Deputy Commander of the U.S. Forces in Japan. It was confirmed
that this land return and transfer will lead to realization of effective and appropriate land use.
The Japanese and U.S. governments intend to continue promoting local vitalization through utilization of returned land sites
and advancement of Okinawa as a whole by moving forward with such land returns especially in highly populated areas south of
Kadena Air Base.
A ceremony commemorating the return of land at Makiminato Service Area and transfer
of the West Futenma Housing Area (May 2018)
Chapter 4
Notes: 1. The timing and year are based on the best case scenario, the timing may be postponed depending on the progress of the efforts, including relocation to outside of Japan.
Furthermore, the timing and fiscal year in parentheses do not take into account the length of time necessary for relocation to outside of Japan because, though the conditions
for returning the areas include relocation to outside of Japan, its plan is yet to be decided. Consequently, the timing and year may be subject to change according to the
progress of the relocation to outside of Japan.
2. Land area of each area is an approximate figure and may be slightly modified based on the results of future surveys, etc.
3. Studies will be made in the process of developing a master plan to determine the feasibility of additional land returns.
4. The area to be returned at Camp Zukeran (West-Futenma Housing area) was listed as 52 ha in the Consolidation Plan, but it was revised to 51 ha according to actual
traffic congestion, and at the end of July 2017, partial land 5 Osprey Deployment by the U.S. Forces in Japan
at MCAS Futenma (approximately 4 ha) were returned to
the landowners, and at the end of March 2018, partial land (1) U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey Deployment in
at Makiminato Service Area (approximately 3 ha) were Okinawa
returned to the landowners and West Futenma Housing The Osprey is an aircraft that combines the vertical
Area within Camp Zukeran (approximately 51 ha) was takeoff/landing and hovering functions of rotary-wing
transferred to the landowners. aircraft on the one hand and the speed and range of
All-out initiatives are being continuously made to fixed-wing aircraft on the other. As the primary air unit
steadily implement the return of land areas south of Kadena of the U.S. Marine Corps, the MV-22 that has been
Air Base under the consolidation plan and mitigate the developed for the U.S. Marine Corps plays an important
impact on Okinawa as early as possible, and also to realize role in engaging in a broad range of activities, including
the respective returns of land in the shortest possible time transportation of personnel and goods.
for more visible mitigation of the impact on Okinawa. The U.S. Marine Corps was replacing aged rotary-
See Reference 31 (Estimated Timelines for the Return of Facilities wing aircrafts (CH-46) with MV-22s, which have superior
and Areas South of Kadena) basic performance. In September 2013, all the 24 CH-46s
Fig. II-4-3-8 (Return of Land Areas South of Kadena Air Base)
deployed at MCAS Futenma were replaced by MV-22s.
The MV-22 is a highly capable aircraft compared
with the CH-46; it can fly faster, can carry more payload,
and has a longer range. Its deployment to Okinawa will
strengthen the deterrence of USFJ as a whole and greatly
contribute to the peace and stability of the region.
(2) CV-22 Osprey Deployment by U.S. Air Force to the aircraft. For example, the cause of the MV-22 mishap
Yokota Air Base off the coast of Okinawa in December 2016 was pilot
In May 2015, the Government of the United States error during the mishap pilot’s attempts to conduct aerial
announced that CV-22 aircraft, tailored to meet the refueling training under challenging weather conditions.
requirements of the U.S. Air Force, would be deployed Additionally, the CV-22 has the same propulsion
to Yokota Air Base (which encompasses Fussa City, system with the MV-22 and the structure of both aircraft
Tachikawa City, Akishima City, Musashi Murayama City, is basically in common; therefore, the Government of
Hamura City and Mizuho Town of Tokyo Prefecture), Japan considers the safety of both aircraft to be at the
with the first three aircraft to be deployed in the latter half same level.
of 2017 for completion of the deployment of a total of 10 In any event, the Government of Japan considers that
aircraft by 2021. However, the Government of the United ensuring safety is of prime importance in operations of
States announced in March 2017 that it would delay the the U.S. Forces, and on various occasions, including the
arrival of the CV-22s to the U.S. fiscal year 2020. Japan-U.S. “2+2” Meeting in August 2017, Minister of
In April 2018, the Government of the United States Defense Onodera requested Secretary of Defense Mattis
announced 5 aircraft were scheduled to be deployed around and other high-ranking officials to give consideration to
the summer of 2018 to address regional security concerns local communities and ensure safety. The Government of
in the Pacific region, adjusting the previously announced Japan will continue to ask for the maximum consideration
timeline in 2017. The total of 10 aircraft are expected to be for safety.
deployed in stages over the next several years. See Reference 32 (Chronology of Osprey Deployment by the U.S.
The CV-22 aircraft to be deployed to Yokota Air Base Forces)
for Special Operation Forces of the U.S. Forces to deal (4) Usability of Osprey Deployed by the U.S. Forces in
with crises and emergencies in the Asia-Pacific region, Case of Disaster
including humanitarian assistance and natural disasters. In the aftermath of the devastating typhoon that hit the
As Japan faces an increasingly tougher security central part of the Philippines in November 2013, 14
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
environment, the deployment of high-performance CV-22 MV22 aircraft, deployed in Okinawa, were dispatched
from the perspective of the U.S. commitment to the Asia- for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief activities to
Pacific region and enhancing the readiness posture of the support Operation Damayan. The MV-22s were deployed
United States will enhance the deterrence and response promptly to affected areas that were difficult to access,
capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance and contribute to the and transported several hundred isolated victims and
defense of Japan and the stability of the Asia-Pacific region. about six tons of relief materials in a day. In April 2014,
The Government of Japan will continue to take the MV-22, deployed in Okinawa, was dispatched for
responses in a careful and sincere manner in order search and rescue activities in the wake of an accidental
to obtain the understanding and cooperation of local sinking of a passenger ship off the coast of Jindo in the
communities. Republic of Korea. Furthermore, in response to the large
earthquake that hit Nepal in April 2015, four MV-22s
(3) Safety of the Osprey deployed in Okinawa were dispatched to the country to
Prior to the deployment of the MV-22s to MCAS transport personnel and supplies.
Futenma in 2012, the Government of Japan conducted its In Japan, when the Kumamoto Earthquake occurred
own confirmation of the aircraft’s safety by establishing in 2016, MV-22s were dispatched to deliver daily
an analysis and assessment team composed of experts necessities to the disaster stricken areas.
from inside and outside the Government and aircraft In this manner, the MV-22 is capable of conducting
pilots, etc., In addition, when our country itself decided humanitarian assistance and disaster relief activities
to introduce Ospreys (V-22s) in 2014, the Government immediately and over a large range when large-scale
reconfirmed the safety of the aircraft by collecting and disasters occur because of its high performance and
analyzing all kinds of technical information. multi-functionality. It has also been used for disaster
Regarding recent accidents involving the MV- prevention drills since 2014. In September 2016, two
22, there has been no change in the recognition of the MV22s participated in the comprehensive disaster
Government of Japan that there is no problem with the prevention drills of Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture and
safety of the MV-22 aircraft, as the U.S. side has not given conducted delivery drills for isolated islands.
any explanation that there is any structural problem with Like the MV-22, the CV-22 can conduct humanitarian
MV-22 radius of action
Approximately 1,100 km (1 aerial refueling)
Izu Islands
MV-22 radius of action
Shanghai Approximately 600 km (no refueling)
CH-46 radius of action
Approximately 140 km
Ogasawara Islands
CH-46 range Approximately 700 km
(1) All distances are in straight-line distance
(2) CH-46 has no aerial refueling function
Chapter 4
About two times
Maximum speed Approximately 520 km/h Approximately 270 km/h
the maximum speed
Cruising speed Approximately 490 km/h Approximately 220 km/h
Range Approximately 3,900 km Approximately 700 km
Approximately 600 km About four times Approximately 140 km
Radius of action
6.7 m 5.1 m
17.5 m 25.7 m
SACO Final Report and the Roadmap. The MOD is have been held since January 2016, discussion took place
committed to further mitigating the impact on Okinawa on issues such as the relocation of MCAS Futenma and
through the Okinawa Policy Council, its subcommittee the suspension of its operation within five years and the
and other means, while listening to the opinions of the return of more than half of the Northern Training Area.
local residents.10 See Section 3-7 (Measures to Mitigate the Impacts of USFJ
At the Okinawa Policy Council Meeting in December Facilities and Areas)
by the State Minister of Defense in January 2014 to (1) conducts mediation in relation to access for surveys,
continually work on the reduction of the impact on etc., to be implemented by the prefectural government
Okinawa. and local municipalities on the USFJ Land which are
The Consultation between the Central Government agreed to be returned;
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
and Okinawa Prefecture, consisting of the Chief Cabinet (2) conducts measures applying to all the returned lands
Secretary, the Minister of State for Okinawa, the Minister to remove obstacles for use such as soil contamination
for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defense, the Deputy and unexploded ordnance, not only those caused by
Chief Cabinet Secretary (administrative) and the Governor the activities of the stationed forces, before handing
and Vice Governor of Okinawa, was established with over the land to the owners and
the purpose of holding consultations on measures for (3) provides financial benefits to alleviate the impact on
the mitigation of the impact on Okinawa and measures the owners of the returned lands and to promote use
for Okinawa’s development. In the three meetings that of the land.
In regions other than Okinawa, the MOD is implementing on the return of six facilities and areas in Yokohama
measures to secure the stable presence of the U.S. Forces City and on the construction of housing units for
by maintaining its deterrence and trying to mitigate the dependents of members of the U.S. Forces in the
impact on local communities. Yokohama area of the “Ikego Housing Area and
Navy Annex.” Of the area of approximately 419
ha to be returned, approximately 375 ha consisting
Realignment of USFJ Facilities and Areas in
1 Kanagawa Prefecture of four facilities and areas, including Kami Seya
Communication Station, have to date been returned.
Due to the strong desire from local public bodies See Fig. II-4-3-10 (Reorganization of the USFJ Facilities and Areas
and other organizations, the Japanese and U.S. in Kanagawa Prefecture)
10 In March, 2013, a subcommittee was established under the Okinawa Policy Council in order to address issues concerning mitigation of the impact relating to U.S. bases and Okinawa
development measures.
Fig. II-4-3-10 Reorganization of the USFJ Facilities and Areas in Kanagawa Prefecture
Number Name Location Area (ha) Plan for Land Return, etc.
Kamiseya Seya-ku and Asahi-ku, Approximately Land return completed at the end of
Communication Station Yokohama City Area 242 ha June 2015
Yokohama City,
Kanagawa Fukaya Izumi-ku, Approximately
Land return completed in June 2014
Prefecture Communication Site Yokohama City Area 77 ha
Naka-ku, Minami-ku
Asahi-ku Negishi Approximately To be returned upon completion of
and Isogo ku, construction of dependent housing in
Seya-ku Dependent Housing Area 43 ha
Yokohama City Area
Kanazawa-ku, Approximately
Minami- Tomioka Storage Area Land return completed in May 2009
Izumi-ku Naka-ku Yokohama City Area 3 ha
Isogo-ku Kanazawa-ku, Approximately
Koshiba POL Depot Land return completed in December 2005
Totsuka-ku Yokohama City Area 53 ha
Agreed in 2014 to change the number
Ikego Housing Area Approximately
Yokohama City Area of housing units to be constructed from
and Navy Annex 37 ha
Kanazawa- about 400, as initially planned, to 171
ku Detached part Kanazawa-ku, Approximately Return procedures to begin upon completion
of Yokohama City Area 1 ha of the current use
Fig. II-4-3-11 Initiatives for Improvement of U.S. Army Japan Command and Control Capability and Mitigation of Impact
Time Improvement
December 2007 Reorganized into the headquarters of the USARJ&I Corps (Forward) at Camp Zama
June 2008 Agreed on the partial return of land (approximately 17 ha) at Sagami General Depot
September 2008 Reorganization of the headquarters of the USARJ&I Corps (Forward)
Chapter 4
August 2011 The operation of the Mission Command Training Center commenced
October 2011 Agreed on the partial return of land (approximately 5.4 ha) at Camp Zama
June 2012 Agreed on the shared use of a portion of land at Sagami General Depot (approximately 35 ha) with Sagamihara City
March 2013 The GSDF Central Readiness Force Headquarters was relocated from GSDF Camp to Camp Zama
September 2014 Partial return of land (approximately 17 ha) at Sagami General Depot
(2) Yokota Air Base and Airspace ensure that all of its forward-deployed nuclear-powered
a. Commencement of the Operation of the Bilateral vessels, including USS Ronald Reagan, while anchored
Joint Operations Coordination Center (BJOCC) and the at Commander Fleet Activities, Yokosuka (Yokosuka
Relocation of ASDF Air Defense Command HQ City, Kanagawa Prefecture), adhere to the relevant safety
Enhancement of coordination between the headquarters policies. For example, the nuclear reactor will normally
of both countries, combined with the transition to joint be shut down while the aircraft carrier is anchored, and
operational posture, is highly important to ensure a repairing and refueling will not be carried out in Japan.
response with flexibility and readiness of the SDF and The Government of Japan intends to continue taking all
the U.S. Forces. Therefore, at the end of FY2011, the possible measures to ensure safety.
Bilateral Joint Operations Coordination Center (BJOCC)
commenced its operations at Yokota Air Base and the (4) Measures relating to Naval Air Facility Atsugi and
ASDF Air Defense Command HQ and its relevant units MCAS Iwakuni
were relocated to Yokota Air Base.11 These arrangements a. Relocation of Carrier-Based Aircraft
have made it possible to enhance coordination between Naval Air Facility Atsugi (Ayase City, Yamato City and
the headquarters of the SDF and the U.S. Forces, Ebina City in Kanagawa Prefecture) was used as a base
including the sharing of information concerning air for carrier-based aircraft. Since Naval Air Facility Atsugi
defense and BMD. is located at the center of an urban district, the noise of
b. Yokota Airspace carrier jets taking off and landing in particular had been a
To facilitate the operations of civilian airplanes in problem for a long time. It was necessary to resolve such
Yokota airspace, where the U.S. Forces conduct radar problems as soon as possible in order to stably maintain
approach control, measures have been taken since 2006 the operations of aircraft carriers.
Chapter 4
to temporarily transfer the responsibility for air traffic Thus, after the completion of the runway relocation
control of portions of Yokota airspace to Japanese project at MCAS Iwakuni (Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi
authorities, to deploy ASDF officers at the Yokota Radar Prefecture), which made aircraft operations possible with
Approach Control (Yokota RAPCON), and to reduce less impact on the living environment of the surrounding
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
the airspace by about 40% (i.e., the release of air traffic communities, it was decided that CVW-5 squadrons
control from USFJ). would be relocated from Naval Air Facility Atsugi to
c. Civilian-Military Dual Use of Yokota Air Base MCAS Iwakuni. The relocation began in August 2017
At the Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting held in May 2003, it and completed in March 2018.13
was agreed that the joint civilian-military use of Yokota As the security environment in the Asia-Pacific
Air Base would be studied, and a Liaison Conference region grows increasingly severe, while this relocation
was then established as a working panel attended by allows the long-term forward deployment of a U.S. aircraft
relevant government ministries and agencies and the carrier and carrier-based aircraft, ensuring deterrence, it
Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The Governments also alleviates issues regarding the noise to a significant
of Japan and the United States are also conducting a extent. This would not have been possible without the
study on the specific conditions and modalities, with the understanding of residents of Yamaguchi Prefecture and
understanding that both countries will not compromise Iwakuni City.
the military operations and safety of Yokota Air Base. In order to mitigate impacts of the increased
operations at MCAS Iwakuni due to the relocation,
(3) Deployment of U.S. Aircraft Carrier to Commander the related measures listed in Fig. II-4-3-13 are to be
Fleet Activities, Yokosuka taken. As a result, the noise problems are expected to
The presence of the U.S. Pacific Fleet plays an important be mitigated from the current situation, with the area
role in ensuring maritime security in the Asia-Pacific requiring residential noise-abatement work, or the so-
region as well as regional peace and stability. The U.S. called first category area, decreasing from approximately
aircraft carrier12 provides the core capability of the 1,600 ha to approximately 650 ha.
Fleet. The U.S. Navy affirms that it will continue to
11 The BJOCC functions to contribute to providing a joint response for Japan’s defense. To that end, it works to enhance information sharing, close coordination, and interoperability between the Japanese
and U.S. headquarters.
12 Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers do not need to replenish their fuel and they are able to maintain the high speeds necessary for the operation of aircraft, giving them excellent combat and operational
13 A project to relocate the runway of MCAS Iwakuni by approximately 1,000 m to the east (offshore), in response to the requests from Iwakuni City, etc. The new runway commenced its operations in
May 2010. The project was completed at the end of FY2010.
Chapter 4
2018), which exceeds the expectation and stays high.
Iwakuni has evolved together with the base and has been cooperative for the stable operations of the base.
It is true that we have faced various challenges as a city hosting the base, but I believe that our efforts contribute to
maintenance of the USFJ deterrence capabilities, Japan’s national defense/security policy, and mitigation of the impact on
Iwakuni Mayor Mr. Fukuda (center) on a tour of Atagoyama Sports Completion of the relocation of carrier-based aircraft on
Facility with U.S. Ambassador to Japan Hagerty March 30, 2018 (EA-18G in the photo)
See Fig. II-4-3-12 (Measures Related to Naval Air Facility Atsugi facility would be used to support operations in response
and MCAS Iwakuni and Their Status of Progress, etc.) to a variety of situations including large-scale disasters as
b. Field-Carrier Landing Practice well as regular exercises and other activities, including
The 2006 Roadmap prescribes that a bilateral framework use by the U.S. Forces as a permanent site for FCLP. In
to conduct a study on a permanent FCLP facility is to be addition, the 2005 SCC document confirmed that the
established with the goal of selecting a permanent site at U.S. Forces will continue to conduct FCLP at Iwo-To in
the earliest possible date. At the “2+2” Meeting of June accordance with existing temporary arrangements until a
2011, it was confirmed that the Government of Japan will permanent FCLP training facility is identified.
explain to local authorities that Mageshima is considered c. Resumption of Civil Aviation Operations at MCAS Iwakuni
to be the candidate site for a new SDF facility. This SDF Considering that the local public entities, etc., including
Fig. II-4-3-12 Measures Related to Naval Air Facility Atsugi and MCAS Iwakuni and Their Status of Progress, etc.
Yamaguchi Prefecture and Iwakuni City, had been (6) Training Relocation
working together to request the resumption of civil a. Aviation Training Relocation (ATR)
aviation operations, it was agreed in the Roadmap Based on the decision that U.S. aircraft from three USFJ
that “portions of the future civilian air facility will facilities and areas—Kadena, Misawa (Misawa City
be accommodated at MCAS Iwakuni.” Based on this and Tohoku Town in Aomori Prefecture) and MCAS
Chapter 4
agreement, Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport was opened in Iwakuni—would participate for the time being in
December 2012, resuming regular flights of civil aviation bilateral training with ASDF at ASDF facilities, training
aircraft for the first time in 48 years. relocation has been underway since 2007. The MOD has
been improving its infrastructure, as required, for the
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
14 The radar was deployed to ASDF Shariki Sub Base (in Aomori Prefecture) in June 2006, but was thereafter transferred to the neighboring U.S. Shariki Communication Site.
15 USFJ aircraft conduct bilateral exercises at ASDF facilities in order to improve interoperability and reduce the impact of training activities on the areas surrounding USFJ air bases.
Furthermore, in March 2014, both governments at of Okinawa Prefecture, including mainland Japan,
the Joint Committee agreed to add air-to-ground training while maintaining the deterrent of the Alliance, the
using the Misawa Air-to-Ground Range (Misawa City and Governments of Japan and the United States have been
Rokkasho Village in Aomori Prefecture). This agreement moving forward with the implementation of training,
resulted in air-to-ground training using the Misawa Air- etc. for the MV-22 at MCAS Futenma outside of
to-Ground Range in June 2014. Okinawa Prefecture.
The training relocation contributes to enhancing On September 1, 2016, it was agreed at the Japan-U.S.
interoperability between the two countries, and also to Joint Committee to relocate the training activities of Tilt-
relocating part of air-to-ground training conducted by Rotar / Rotary wing aircraft, such as the AH-1 and CH53,
using Kadena Air Base. Thus, this training relocation will and the MV-22 that are currently stationed at MCAS
help noise abatement around Kadena Air Base, thereby Futenma out of Okinawa Prefecture at Japan’s expense in
contributing to the mitigation of the impact on Okinawa. order to further promote training outside of Okinawa and
In addition to assisting USFJ, the MOD/SDF is mitigate the impact of training activities on Okinawa.
conducting efforts to ensure the safety and security Three training relocation programs were scheduled
of the local community, such as the establishment of a for FY2017. The training was held in Hokkaido in
liaison office, facilitating communication with related August 2017, in Kumamoto Prefecture in December, and
government agencies, and response to requirements from in Miyagi Prefecture between February and March 2018
the local community. These efforts have been contributing as Japan-U.S. joint training (field training between the
to successful training relocation. GSDF and the U.S. Marine Corps).
b. Relocation of Training for MV-22, etc. The MV-22’s amount of time located and training
Having decided in the “2+2” joint statement of October in Okinawa will continue to be reduced by relocating
Chapter 4
3, 2013 to reduce the MV-22’s amount of time located exercises participated by the MV-22 to places such as
and training in Okinawa and to utilize opportunities to mainland Japan and Guam, and the Government will
participate in various operations in mainland Japan and continue to promote initiatives that contribute to further
across the region in order to increase training outside mitigating the impact on Okinawa.
In order to smoothly implement the realignment of USFJ realignment. As of April 2018, 9 defense facilities in 15
based on the Roadmap, the Act on Special Measures on municipalities are eligible to receive the grant.
Smooth Implementation of the Realignment of United In addition, under the U.S. Forces realignment, some
States Forces in Japan (USFJ Realignment Special USFJ facilities and areas will be returned, and the U.S.
Measures Act) was enacted in August 2007. Realignment Marine Corps in Okinawa will be relocated to Guam.
grants, Special Subsidy Rates for Public Projects, etc. Since these developments may affect the employment
and other systems were established based on the law. of USFJ local employees, the Government of Japan will
During a period of time before and after the take measures to include education and skills training,
implementation of realignment (10 years in principle),16 which is to help retain their employment.
realignment grants will be awarded to help cover the The Realignment Special Measures Act was
expenses of projects17 which contribute to increasing the supposed to cease to be effective as of March 31, 2017.
convenience of the lives of residents of local municipalities However, since there remain realignment projects that
affected by the realignment,18 and to stimulate local require implementation, an act revising part of the Act
industries. To this end, they will be awarded in accordance including a ten-year extension of the time limit of the Act
with progress made in the steps of U.S. Forces realignment, to March 31, 2027 was enacted.
after the Defense Minister designates the specified defense See Reference 33 (Outline of the Act on Special Measures on
facilities and neighboring municipalities affected by Smooth Implementation of the Realignment of United States
Forces in Japan)
of taking a “Green Alliance” approach and studied the especially at summit and ministerial levels, in light of
adoption of renewable energy for the U.S. Forces facilities anxieties and concerns of local communities.
and areas under development in Japan. Causes of these accidents and incidents may vary
Furthermore, the Governments of Japan and the depending on the case, but the Government of Japan has
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
United States engaged in discussions aimed at the creation determined the rationality of results of investigations and
of a framework for increased initiatives in managing the preventive measures on the U.S. side through not only
environment associated with USFJ facilities and areas. hearing explanations from the U.S. side but also confirming
The Government of Japan then commenced negotiations with SDF expertise. Additionally, the MOD has strongly
with the United States on an agreement that supplements requested the U.S. side to provide information regarding
the SOFA on an environmental front, and they reached the accidents and incidents, and taken appropriate steps,
substantive accord in October 2014, before signing and including explaining to the local authorities in a timely
effectuating the supplementary agreement in September manner, when the relevant information was provided by
2015. This supplemental agreement represents an the U.S. side.
international commitment with legal binding force and
sets forth provisions concerning environmental standards 3 Other Measures
and access to USFJ facilities and areas.
This supplemental agreement is part of a more The Government of Japan has been taking measures for
comprehensive framework for recognizing the the improvement of the living environment in regions
significance of environmental protection. This agreement surrounding USFJ facilities and areas. The Ministry
is the first one to be created to supplement the SOFA of Internal Affairs and Communications also provides
since the SOFA entered into force and has a historical municipalities with base grants, which have alternate
significance that differs in nature from conventional features in terms of municipal tax on real estate.
improvements in the operations of the SOFA. Moreover, in the vicinity of USFJ facilities and areas,
incidents and accidents caused by U.S. Forces personnel
and others have affected local areas and their residents,
so the Government of Japan has requested USFJ to take
effective measures for the prevention of recurrence, such
19 Consisting of four items; (1) environmental governing standards, (2) information sharing and access, (3) response to environmental contamination, and (4) environmental consultation
20 JEGS is an environmental standard compiled by USFJ in order to ensure that USFJ activities and installations protect the natural environment and health of people, and stipulates the handling of
environmental pollutants and storage methods within the facilities and areas.
Commentary Exchanges between Local Residents and the U.S. Forces COLUMN
For the stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan (USFJ), it is imperative to gain understanding and cooperation from citizens who live
near USFJ facilities and areas.
The Ministry of Defense (MOD) has been arranging the Japan-U.S. friendship programs through sports, music, culture, and other
events for residents living near USFJ facilities and areas, and USFJ-related personnel based on the understanding and cooperation
of local residents and the USFJ as an initiative to deepen Japan-U.S. mutual understanding. In addition, the USFJ conducts various
exchange programs in collaboration with the local communities.
For example, the MOD arranged a “scarecrow-making activity” in FY2017 as a new initiative for elementary school students
living near Shariki Communications Site (Tsugaru City, Aomori) and military personnel working at the site where TPY-2 radar (X-band
radar) is deployed to improve BMD capabilities. The USFJ also interacted with the community by attending the graduation ceremony
of elementary school.
The MOD held the Japanese-American Friendship Music Festival with local residents and military personnel at Kyogamisaki
Communications Site (Kyotango City, Kyoto) where the same radar has been deployed since 2014 as a new initiative. The USFJ also
interacted with local residents through English conversation lessons.
The MOD believes that maintaining these exchanges over the years would foster trust relationships between local residents and
the USFJ, and will continue to host Japan-U.S. friendship programs with the understanding and cooperation of local residents and
the USFJ.
Chapter 4
Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
Participants who made the winning scarecrow Participants in a concert by Japanese and U.S. musicians Participants in interaction using English conversation
in the contest
as educating military personnel and others, and enforcing conducted intensive discussions to establish a legally
strict discipline among them. The Government of Japan binding document based on the joint statement, and
is cooperating with USFJ in these prevention measures; in January 2017 signed the Agreement between the
at the same time it has taken measures for prompt and Government of Japan and the Government of the
appropriate compensation for the damage caused by the United States of America on Cooperation with regard
incidents and accidents. to Implementation Practices Relating to the Civilian
The United States has also taken measures for its Component of United States Armed Forces in Japan,
part, putting in place its guidelines for off-duty action Supplementary to the Agreement under Article VI of
(liberty policy), including measures such as nighttime the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between
alcohol restrictions as well as curfews applying to U.S. Japan and the United States of America, Regarding
Forces personnel ranked below a certain rank. Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed
Following the case which occurred in Okinawa in Forces in Japan, which immediately went into force. This
April 2016 where a member of the U.S. Forces civilian supplementary agreement supplements and clarifies the
component became a suspect of murder, the Governments content of the “civilian component” prescribed by the
of Japan and the United States engaged in discussions SOFA and it is the second such supplementary agreement,
to develop effective prevention measures, and released following the Supplementary Agreement on Cooperation
the Japan-United States Joint Statement in July 2016 on in the Field of Environmental Stewardship, which was
clarifying the scope of the civilian component, among concluded in 2015. It is hoped that the recurrence of
other matters.21 incidents and accidents by the civilian component of
The Governments of Japan and the United States USFJ will be prevented by further promoting cooperation
21 The Joint Statement focuses on such areas as clarifying the scope of the civilian component and enhancing training and orientation processes for all U.S. personnel with SOFA status.
between Japan and the United States and further Meanwhile, the Government of Japan prepared
strengthening management of the civilian component Crime Prevention Measures in Okinawa in June 2016
of USFJ through the steady implementation of this under the understanding that in order to never allow a
supplementary agreement. recurrence of similar tragic incidents, it is necessary
In light of the aforementioned joint statement, for the Government to promptly promote measures to
training materials to deepen understanding about the deter crime and ensure the safety and security of the
history and culture unique to Okinawa, designed for people of Okinawa. The pillars of the Measures consist
all military personnel, the civilian component and their of bolstering crime prevention patrol operations and
families newly arriving in Okinawa, were revised taking the establishment of a safe and secure environment.
into account the views of Okinawa Prefecture and others. The MOD is participating in the Okinawa Local Safety
In November 2016, the relevant local governments Patrol Corps established in the Okinawa General Bureau
observed the actual training using the materials. and will continue to cooperate with relevant ministries
In March 2017, the U.S. Forces in Okinawa invited and agencies to ensure the implementation of effective
journalists to Camp Foster and showed them the training measures.
for new arrivals using the materials. See Part III, Chapter 5, Section 1-4 (Measures to Promote Harmony
See Reference 34 (Agreement between the Government of Japan between Defense Facilities and Surrounding Areas)
and the Government of the United States of America on
Cooperation with Regard to Implementation Practices Relating
to the Civilian Component of the United States Armed Forces in
Japan, Supplementary to the Agreement under Article VI of the
Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between Japan and
the United States of America, Regarding Facilities and Areas
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Interaction with Local Communities
and Japanese Citizens
Joint Exercises conducted by the ASDF, the U.S. Air Force, and the U.S.
Marine Corps in the airspace surrounding Kyushu (September 2017)
Organizations Responsible for
1 the Defense of Japan, and
Effective Deterrence and Handling
Defense Forces (SDF)
1 Organizational Structure Supporting Defense Capability
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
1 Organization of the MOD/SDF the Directors-General of each Bureau within the Internal
Bureaus shall, along with the Commissioner of ATLA who
To fulfill their mission of defending Japan, the Ministry is in charge of defense equipment administration, support
of Defense (MOD)/ the Self-Defense Forces (SDF)1 the Minister of Defense in accordance with their respective
consists of various organizations, mainly the Ground, responsibilities, by providing the Minister of Defense
Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces as armed forces. assistance from a policy perspective – namely, to ensure that
See Fig.III-1-1-1 (Organizational Chart of the Ministry of Defense) the affairs under the jurisdiction of the MOD are properly
Fig.III-1-1-2 (Outline of the Ministry of Defense) carried out in accordance with laws and regulations in order
to accomplish the mission of the MOD. The Joint Staff is
2 Systems to Support the Minister of Defense a staff organization for the Minister of Defense concerning
the operation of the SDF. The Chief of Joint Staff provides
The Minister of Defense is responsible for issues related centralized support for the operations of the SDF for the
to the defense of Japan as the head of the MOD, and is Minister of Defense from a military expert’s perspective.
in overall charge of the SDF duties in accordance with The Ground Staff, Maritime Staff and Air Staff are the
the provisions of the SDF Law. The Minister is supported staff organizations for the Minister of Defense concerning
by the State Minister of Defense, the Parliamentary Vice- their respective services except operations of the SDF,
Ministers of Defense (two) and the Senior Adviser to the with the Chiefs of Staff for the Ground Self-Defense Force
Minister of Defense. There are also the Special Advisers (GSDF), the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) and the
to the Minister of Defense, who advise the Minister of Air Self-Defense Force (ASDF) acting as the top ranking
Defense, and the Defense Council, which deliberates on expert advisers to the Minister of Defense regarding
basic principles concerning administrative affairs under these services. In this manner, the MOD has ensured that
the Ministry’s jurisdiction. Furthermore, there are the the support for the Minister from a policy perspective
Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense, who organizes and the support for the Minister from a military expert’s
and supervises the administrative affairs of each bureau perspective shall be provided in a well-balanced manner
and organization to support the Minister of Defense, and like the two wheels of a vehicle, so to speak, in order for
the Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs, the Minister of Defense to appropriately make decisions.
who is responsible for the overall coordination of duties This existing concept regarding the support system for the
such as those related to international affairs. Minister of Defense has been made even more explicit by
Moreover, the Internal Bureaus of the MOD, Joint Article 12 of the Ministry of Defense Establishment Act,
Staff, Ground Staff Office, Maritime Staff Office, Air which has been amended to stipulate that the support for
Staff Office, and the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics the Minister of Defense provided by the Director-General
Agency (ATLA) as an external bureau have been of the Minister’s Secretariat and the Directors-General
established in the MOD. The Internal Bureaus of the MOD of each Bureau as well as the Commissioner of ATLA
are responsible for basic policy relating to the duties of the shall be conducted in cooperation with the support for
SDF. The Director-General of the Minister’s Secretariat and the Minister by each Chief of Staff, since 2015, when the
1 The MOD and the SDF form a single organization for national defense. Whereas the term “Ministry of Defense” refers to the administrative aspects of the organization, which manages and operates
the GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF, the term “SDF” refers to the operational aspects of the organizations whose mission is the defense of Japan.
Prime Minister
Chapter 1
Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Local Branch
External Organ
Internal Bureaus Councils, etc. Institutions Attached Organizations
Minister’s Secretariat
Joint Staff
of Legal Compliance
Inspector General’s Office
Defense Council
Bureaus (eight)
Regional Defense
Security Command
SDF Intelligence
Communication Systems
Supervised Units of
Self-Defense Forces (SDF)
Act was amended for the establishment of ATLA and the City, and Kadena Town) as its local branch bureaus in
reorganization of Joint Staff, etc., as part of an initiative for charge of comprehensive defense administration.
the MOD reform.2 In addition to implementing measures to alleviate the
burden on local communities hosting bases and inspecting
3 Base of Defense Administration in Regional Areas equipment, Regional Defense Bureaus carry out various
activities to obtain the understanding and cooperation of
The MOD has Regional Defense Bureaus in eight locations both local public entities and local residents towards the
across the country (Sapporo City, Sendai City, Saitama MOD/SDF activities.
City, Yokohama City, Osaka City, Hiroshima City, Fukuoka See Part III, Chapter 5, Section 1 (Collaboration with Local Communities)
In order to rapidly and effectively fulfill the duties the ASDF are operated integrally. The MOD/SDF is
of the SDF, the MOD/SDF has adopted the joint also making efforts to strengthen the foundation of the
operations system in which the GSDF, the MSDF, and joint operations such as communication, education and
2 The Government has made remarks regarding civilian control and the role of the civilian officials in the Internal Bureaus during the Diet deliberations on the Amendment Act, stating: “Civilian control
means the priority of politics to the military in democratic countries. Civilian control in our country consists of control by the Diet, control by the Cabinet (including the National Security Council), and
control within the MOD. Control within the MOD means that the Minister of Defense, a civilian, manages, operates, and controls the SDF. In addition to support from political appointees such as the
State Minister of Defense and Parliamentary Vice-Ministers of Defense, support from civilian officials in the Internal Bureaus also plays an important role in aiding the exercise of civilian control by
the Minister of Defense. The role of civilian officials in the Internal Bureaus in civilian control is to support the Minister of Defense, and there is no relationship in which civilian officials of the Internal
Bureaus issue commands to units.”
Organization Outline
● Ground Component Command
Assumes unified nation-wide command over GSDF troops.
● Regional Armies
• Composed of multiple divisions and brigades, and other directly controlled units (such as engineer brigades and antiaircraft artillery
• There are five regional armies, each mainly in charge of the defense of their respective regions
● Divisions and Brigades
Composed of combat units and logistics support units which support combat units, and others
● Self-Defense Fleet
Chapter 1
• Consists of key units such as the Fleet Escort Force, the Fleet Air Force (consisting of fixed-wing patrol aircraft units and such), and
the Fleet Submarine Force
• Responsible for the defense of sea areas surrounding Japan primarily through mobile operations
● Regional Districts
There are five regional districts who mainly protect their responsible territories and support the Self-Defense Fleet
● Air Defense Command
• Composed of four air defense forces
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
training, as well as to enhance the functions of the Joint through the Chief of Joint Staff not only in cases where
Staff in light of the current security environment. a joint task force3 is organized, but also in cases where a
single SDF unit is employed to respond.
1 Outline of Joint Operations System
(2) Relationship between Chief of Staff, Joint Staff, and
(1) Role of the Chief of Staff Other Chief of Staff
a. The Chief of Joint Staff develops a joint operations The Joint Staff undertakes functions relating to the
concept for SDF operations, and centrally supports operations of the SDF, while the Ground, Maritime and Air
the MOD on SDF operations from a military expert’s Staff Offices undertake functions for unit maintenance,
perspective. such as personnel affairs, building-up defense capability,
b. The Minister’s commands concerning the operations of and education and training.
the SDF shall be delivered through the Chief of Joint See Fig. III-1-1-3 (Operational System of the SDF and Roles of
Staff and orders concerning operations of the SDF shall the Chief of Joint Staff and the Chiefs of Staff of the Ground,
Maritime, and Air Self-Defense Forces)
be executed by the Chief of Joint Staff. In doing this,
the Minister’s commands and orders shall be delivered
3 This applies to the case in which a special unit is organized to carry out a specific duty, or the required troops are placed partly under the authority of a commander outside of their usual command
structure based on Article 22, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the SDF Law, and refers to units, which are made up of more than two units of the GSDF, the MSDF, and the ASDF.
Operational System of the SDF and Roles of the Chief of Joint Staff and the Chiefs of Staff of the Ground, Maritime,
Fig. III-1-1-3
and Air Self-Defense Forces
Prime Minister
Minister of Defense
Chapter 1
Responsibilities for Responsibilities for affairs other than force operations
force operations (such as human resources, education, training,*
Force user buildup of defense capabilities)
Force provider
Chief of
Joint Staff Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff,
Joint Staff
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Ground Staff Joint Staff Air Staff
Office Staff Office Office
1 Background and Direction of the MOD Reform Council under law, the abolition of the post of the
Director of Defense and the establishment of the Senior
The MOD reform started in response to the frequent Adviser to the Minister of Defense (presently the Special
incidence of scandals within the MOD/SDF, and the Adviser to the Minister of Defense) were implemented
“Council for Reforming the MInistry of Defense,” on the basis of the report in order to strengthen support
which was held at the Prime minister’s office in 2007, for the Minister of Defense and to ensure civilian control
put together the report containing measures against the thoroughly in 2009.
incidence of scandals and central organization reform. Following this, in the “Direction of the MOD
Based on the report, the establishment of the Defense Reform” arranged in August 2013 at the “Committee for
policymaking functions and public relations capability. the increasing need to advance various measures more
effectively and efficiently.
• Enhancement of policy making function by establishing
Specific Initiatives on the Reform of the Ministry
2 of Defense the position of the Director-General for Evidence-
based Policymaking
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
In accordance with the “Direction of the MOD Reform,” For the building and strengthening of the function that
the MOD has fostered a greater sense of unity by plays the central role of promoting the Evidence-Based
promoting mutual posting of civilian officials and Policy Making (EBPM), the position of Director-General
uniformed personnel. In October 2015, in addition to for Evidence-based Policymaking responsible for the
the previously mentioned reorganization at the Joint overall coordination of the initiatives concerning the
Staff, a large-scale reorganization was implemented, promotion of the EBPM, such as conducting high-level
which included the establishment of the Acquisition, and flexible adjustment of complex policy issues across
Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA) by bringing various agencies within the MOD, has been established.
together and consolidating the departments of the MOD • Enhancement of the function of the Joint Staff Councilor
that had been related to procurement in order to accurately Considering the increasingly severe security environment
respond to the extending equipment administration. surrounding Japan, the position of the Joint Staff
By conducting duties at these new organizations, the Councilor has been upgraded from one councilor to
MOD/SDF needs to ensure that this reform will be firmly two councilors, and one of whom is called the Principal
established, while assisting the Minister of Defense both Joint Staff Councilor, in order to enhance and strengthen
from a policy perspective of the Internal Bureaus and functions at the Joint Staff of external briefings and
from a military expert’s perspective of the each Staff the communication and coordination with relevant
Office, with each of them playing the role as the two departments and divisions inside and outside the MOD.
wheels of a vehicle.
Chapter 1
the occurrence of a variety of contingencies before they effectively and minimize the damage.
happen by building a comprehensive defense architecture. See Reference 17 (Main Operations of the Self-Defense Forces);
If a contingency does occur, it is required to respond Reference 18 (Statutory Provisions about Use of Force and Use
of Weapons by SDF Personnel or SDF Units)
seamlessly to the situations as they unfold. Therefore, it
is important to ensure information superiority1 through
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
1 Ensuring Security of Sea and Airspace Surrounding Japan
Japan is comprised of a little over 6,800 islands, and is (2) Response by the MOD/SDF
surrounded by wide sea space, which includes the sixth The MSDF patrols the areas such as the waters
largest4 territorial waters (including inland waters) and surrounding Hokkaido, the Sea of Japan, and the East
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the world. The China Sea from peacetime, using patrol aircraft and
SDF is engaged in persistent intelligence collection and other aircraft. The ASDF uses radar sites at 28 locations
warning and surveillance during peacetime over Japan’s nationwide, and early warning and control aircraft
territorial waters and airspace, as well as the surrounding amongst others, to carry out warning and surveillance
sea and airspace. activities over Japan and its surrounding airspace. These
activities of the MSDF and ASDF are done 24 hours
a day. Warning and surveillance activities in major
Warning and Surveillance in Waters and Airspace
1 Surrounding Japan channels are also conducted 24 hours a day by MSDF
guard posts, GSDF coastal surveillance units, and other
(1) Basic Concept assets.5 Furthermore, warning and surveillance activities
The SDF persistently engages in warning and surveillance are carried out with the flexible use of destroyers,
activities in the waters and airspace surrounding Japan aircraft, and so on as required. The information obtained
during peacetime so that it can respond to various through such surveillance activities is shared with the
contingencies immediately and seamlessly. relevant ministries and agencies, including the Japan
Coast Guard, in order to strengthen coordination.
GSDF personnel conducting warning and surveillance activities Warning and surveillance activities around the offshore ASDF E-767 airborne warning and control system aircraft
platforms in the East China Sea (photo taken from MSDF conducting warning and surveillance activities
P-3C patrol aircraft)
1 To have an advantage over the opponent in terms of quickly and correctly identifying, collecting, processing, and conveying information.
2 Maritime superiority refers to the condition in which one side has a tactical advantage over the opposing force at sea and can carry out maritime operations without suffering substantial damages by
the opposing force.
3 Air superiority refers to the condition in which one side can carry out airborne operations without suffering a significant level of obstruction by the opposing force.
4 Excluding overseas territories. The EEZ is the eighth largest in the world if overseas territories are included.
5 Article 4(1)18 of the Act for Establishment of the MOD (Investigation and research required for the performance of duties within jurisdiction) provides the legal basis for early warning surveillance
activities by the Self Defense Forces.
intrusions into Japan’s territorial waters surrounding rendezvous between North Korean tankers and foreign-
the Senkaku Islands.6 In June 2016, a Chinese Navy flagged tankers in the East China Sea to the end of June.
combatant vessel entered Japan’s contiguous zone The information was shared with relevant agencies and
to the north of the Senkaku Islands for the first time. ministries. In a comprehensive judgment across the
Chinese Navy vessels continue their activities in the government, the vessels concerned are strongly suspected
sea areas surrounding Japan, and six vessels including of engaging in transshipment of cargo with the North
the Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier “Liaoning” passed Korean vessels, which is prohibited by UN Security
through the sea area between the main island of Okinawa Council resolution. Japan reported this to the UN Security
and Miyako Island, and entered the western Pacific in Council Sanctions Committee on North Korea, shared the
December 2016. This was the first time that the entry of information with relevant countries, sent letters of intent
this aircraft carrier into the Pacific Ocean was confirmed.7 to the relevant countries regarding the tankers concerned
In July 2017, a Chinese naval intelligence collection ship and made public announcements on the subject.9
entered Japanese territorial waters southwest of Kojima In response to these illicit maritime activities
(Matsumae, Hokkaido) passing east through the Tsugaru including transshipments with North Korean vessels
Strait to the Pacific Ocean for the first time. In January prohibited under the UN Security Council resolution, the
2018, the JSDF confirmed that a Chinese submarine United States and other concerned countries are carrying
and warship had been navigating through the Japanese out early warning surveillance activities using aircraft
contiguous waters of the Senkaku Islands at the same based at the United States Kadena Air Base in Japan.
time (more about the submarine below). Furthermore, in Australian and Canadian aircraft made patrol flights over
April, in waters some 350 km south of Yonaguni Island, a one-month period starting in late April. In the same
a number of (presumed) fighter jets were observed taking month, the United Kingdom also announced that it would
off from the aircraft carrier Liaoning for the first time. contribute to the international operation to monitor illicit
It has been pointed out that North Korea is attempting transactions in North Korean waters and in early May, the
to evade United Nations Security Council sanctions naval frigate HMS Sutherland conducted an information
through smuggling. As part of its regular warning and gathering operation in the international waters around
surveillance activities in Japanese territorial waters, the Japan. The Ministry of Defense and the Self Defense
Self Defense Force is carrying out information gathering Force intend to continue their close cooperation with
on vessels suspected of violating the UN Security concerned countries to ensure compliance with the UN
Council sanctions. In 2018, Self Defense Force patrol Security Council resolution.
aircraft have confirmed nine observations8 of seaborne
6 Since December 26, 2015, Chinese government vessels equipped with weapons, which appear to be machine guns, have intruded into the territorial waters of Japan.
7 Activity associated with the passage of Chinese naval vessels through the Ryukyu Islands between Okinawa Hondo and Miyakojima Islands was confirmed seven times in 2017.
8 Specifically, P-3C patrol planes of MSDF Air Patrol Squadron 1 observed rendezvous in the East China Sea on January 20, 2018 between North Korean tanker Rye Song Gang 1 and Dominican
Republic-flagged tanker Yuk Tung, on February 13 between North Korean tanker Rye Song Gang 1 and Belize-flagged tanker Wan Heng 11, on February 16 between North Korean tanker Yu Jong
2and a small vessel of unknown origin, on February 24 between North Korean tanker Chon Ma San and Maldives-flagged tanker Xin Yuan 18, on May 19 between North Korean tanker Ji Song 6 and
a small vessel of unknown origin, on May 24 between North Korean tanker Sam Jong 2 and a vessel of unknown origin, on June 21 between North Korean tanker Yu Phyong 5 and a small vessel of
unknown origin, and the next day between North Korean tanker Yu Phyong 5 and a small vessel of unknown origin, believed to be the same boat, and on June 29 between North Korean tanker An
San 1 and a small vessel of unknown origin.
9 The initiative of the Japanese government to counter this type of transshipment was lauded by President Donald Trump at the U.S.-Japan summit meeting and by Secretary of Defense James Mattis
at the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting in April 2018.
Fig. III-1-2-1 Conceptual Image of Warning and Surveillance of the Sea Areas and Airspace Surrounding Japan
E-2C Airborne
Fixed-wing Early Warning Aircraft
patrol aircraft
Chapter 1
E-767 Airborne Warning
and Control System SDF: Coast observation unit
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
SDF: Radar site
Fixed-wing Hachijo
patrol aircraft
Ministry of Defense
12 12
11 11 11 11
Jan.-Apr. May-Aug. Sep.-Dec. Jan.-Apr. May-Aug. Sep.-Dec. Jan.-Apr. May-Aug. Sep.-Dec. Jan.-Apr.
2015 2016 2017 2018 ASDF F-15J fighter scrambling
See Fig. III-1-2-1 (Conceptual Image of Warning and Surveillance against aircraft intruding into territorial airspace is
of the Sea Areas and Airspace Surrounding Japan); Fig. III-1- conducted as an act to exercise the right of policing
2-2 (Number of Incursions into the Territorial Waters around
the Senkaku Islands by Chinese Coast Guard Ships); Part I, intended to maintain public order. Unlike measures taken
Chapter 2, Section 2-1 (North Korea), Part I, Chapter 2, Section on land or at sea, this measure can be taken only by the
3-2 (Military Affairs) SDF. Therefore, the ASDF is primarily responsible for
conducting the actions based on Article 84 of the SDF Law.
Warnings and Emergency Takeoffs (Scrambles) in
2 Preparation against Intrusion of Territorial Airspace (2) Response by the MOD/SDF
The ASDF detects and identifies aircraft flying in
(1) Basic Concept airspace surrounding Japan using warning and control
Under international law, countries have complete and radars as well as early-warning and control aircraft. If
exclusive sovereignty over their airspace. Scrambling any suspicious aircraft heading to Japan’s territorial
Those of us assigned to destroyers and other vessels work 24 hours in shifts on surveillance of foreign ships in the East China Sea.
As Master Chief Petty Officer, I strive to maintain discipline and morale on the ship and strengthen cohesion.
It is not easy to sustain motivation, reduce stress, and preserve mental health when working in the closed space of a ship
Chapter 1
over a lengthy period. I am always making efforts in greetings and engaging in conversations. Greetings are the “lubricant of human
relationships” and serve to accelerate mutual understanding and trust building. Engaging in conversations is important to stay abreast of
changes in team spirit and health. In particular, I try to interact with younger members as much as I can. I learn about their personalities,
hobbies, concerns, and family members so that I can make conversation with them at any time. These conversations with younger
people often help me discover things about myself that I did not know. I reflect on myself and learn every day.
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Although it is a tough environment on the sea, I will continue to work hard while fostering communication among shipmates from
officers to young members through various events as well as taking rest in between duties.
Writer giving instructions to team members at the ship cafeteria Writer promoting interaction with team members at the ship
cafeteria (on the right)
airspace are detected, fighters and other aircraft scramble an area off the Kii Peninsula before returning. Then in
to approach them in order to confirm the situation and December, five aircraft including two fighter jets flew
monitor the aircraft as necessary. Furthermore, in the over the Tsushima Strait and entered the Japan Sea
event that this suspicious aircraft has actually intruded airspace. This was the first time that a Chinese fighter has
into territorial airspace, a warning to leave the airspace been confirmed entering the Japan Sea airspace. Then in
would be issued, among other responses. April 2018, a (presumed) unmanned Chinese aircraft flew
In FY2016, ASDF aircraft scrambled 904 times, across the East China Sea.
which was a decrease by 264 times compared with the With these kinds of acts, China is expanding the
previous fiscal year. However, this is the 6th highest scope of activities of its air force and escalating its actions
number of times since 1958 when scrambles commenced inside Japanese airspace. It is a troubling situation.
and the number continues to be kept relatively high. Planes were scrambled 390 times in response to
Breaking this figure down, planes were scrambled Russian aircraft, an increase of 89 events compared to
500 times in response to Chinese aircraft. This is 351 the year before. Russian aircraft remain active, including
fewer incidents than the previous year, which was a unusual long-distance flights by two bombers through
record, but it is clear that Chinese aircraft continue to Japanese airspace in August 2017 and February 2018.
be highly active, as this is the third highest figure since Even after the establishment of the “East China Sea
the number of scrambles by country or territory was first Air Defense Identification Zone” by China in November
made public in 2001. 2013, the MOD/SDF has implemented warning and
A distinctive example arose in May 2017 when surveillance activities as before in the East China Sea,
a drone caused an airspace violation as it flew above a including the zone in question, and has continued to
Chinese naval vessel entering Japanese territorial waters take all initiatives necessary to engage in warning and
near the Senkaku Islands. In August last year, six Chinese surveillance in both the sea and airspace around Japan.
military bombers were observed in an unprecedented The MOD/SDF also engages in strict airspace anti-
flight from the East China Sea over Okinawa Hondo intrusion measures in accordance with international law
and Miyakojima Islands northeast across the Pacific to and the SDF Law.
Fig. III-1-2-3 Number and Breakdown of Scrambles since the Cold War
1,200 1,168
1,000 943
944 904
812 810
464 851
567 500
600 571
Chapter 1
400 306
311 299 156
158 38 473
200 359 390
264 247 248 288 301
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
1984* 1989 1993 1998 2003 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Note: Peaked during the Cold War Russia China Taiwan Others Total
Example Flight Patterns of Aircraft to Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) of Japan and
Fig. III-1-2-4 Fig. III-1-2-5
Which Scrambles Responded Those of Neighboring Countries
“East China
August 24, 2017: Chinese *
bomber (H-6) makes
long-distance flight to area
off the coast of Kii Peninsula Japan ADIZ
(first confirmation) Senkaku Ogasawara
Islands Islands
Taiwan ADIZ
: Flight paths taken by Chinese aircraft
: Flight paths taken by Russian aircraft
Yonaguni Island
* The ROK expanded its ADIZ in December 2013
Philippines ADIZ ADIZ: Air Defense Identification Zone
The number of air sovereignty alert scrambles is on the sharp rise in the southwestern region. The number reached 803 in FY2016,
the highest on record. In such a situation, 9th Air Wing activated two fighter squadrons on January 31, 2016, followed by the
Southwestern Air Defense Force on July 1, 2017. The new structure ensures the air defense of the southwestern region.
Chapter 1
As maintenance personnel, we have a sense of urgency all the time to carry out air alert missions. Upon receipt of a scramble
order, we rush from the nearby facility to the alert aircraft and conduct final preparations so that the aircraft can take off as soon as
possible. I focus not only on swiftness, but also ensuring takeoff without a flaw in maintenance. Maintaining an alert aircraft means
bearing responsibility for pilots’ lives. Pilots must carry out their missions safely and surely, and more importantly, return safely. With
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
(2) Response by the MOD/SDF Chinese naval submarine has been observed operating in
The MSDF is maintaining and enhancing capabilities the Japanese contiguous zones of the Senkaku Islands.
for: expressing its intention not to permit any navigation Although international law does not forbid foreign
that violates international law; and responding in shallow submarines navigating underwater in the contiguous
water areas by detecting, identifying, and tracking zone of coastal states, Japan maintains a posture to
foreign submarines navigating under the territorial appropriately deal with such activities.
waters of Japan. In November 2004, the MSDF observed
a submerged Chinese nuclear-powered submarine 4 Response to Armed Special Operations Vessels
navigating under Japanese territorial waters around
the Sakishima Islands. In response to this incident, the (1) Basic Concept
MSDF issued an order for maritime security operations, The Japan Coast Guard, as a police organization, is
and continued to track the submarine with MSDF vessels primarily responsible for responding to suspicious
until it entered the high seas. armed special operations vessels (unidentified vessels).
Maritime Self-Defense Force P-3C patrol aircraft However, in the event that it is deemed extremely difficult
and others also confirmed observation of submerged or impossible for the Japan Coast Guard to respond to a
submarines navigating through the Japanese contiguous situation, an order for maritime security operations will
zones in May 2013 in waters south of Kumejima Island, be issued and the situation will be handled by the SDF in
in March 2014 off the east coast of Miyakojima Island cooperation with the Japan Coast Guard.
and in February 2016 in waters southeast of Tsushima See Part II, Chapter 3, Section 2-3-2 (Maritime Security Operations)
Island. Further, in January 2018, a submerged submarine
was spotted by Maritime SDF assets including a (2) Response by the MOD/SDF
destroyer moving through Japanese contiguous zones of In light of the lessons learned from the cases of an
the Senkaku Islands. The submarine was then observed unidentified vessel off the Noto Peninsula in 1999, an
surfacing in international waters of the East China Sea unidentified vessel in the sea southwest of Kyushu in
flying the Chinese flag. This was the first time that a 2001, and other similar incidents, the MOD/SDF have
been making various efforts. for the Vessel Boarding Inspection Team.
In particular, the MSDF has been taking the following Furthermore, based on the “Manual on Joint
steps: (1) deployment of Patrol Guided Missile Boats; Strategies concerning Unidentified Vessels” jointly
(2) establishment of the MSDF Special Boarding Unit;11 prepared by the then Japan Defense Agency and the Japan
(3) equipment of destroyers with machine guns; Coast Guard in 1999, the MSDF also makes an effort to
(4) furnishing forcible maritime interdiction equipment strengthen cooperation between these two organizations,
(flat-nose shells);12 (5) improving the sufficiency ratio of conducting activities such as joint exercises periodically.
military vessel personnel; and (6) enhancing equipment
Chapter 1
2 Defense of Japan’s Remote Islands
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
will be deployed and concentrated in an area expected
Japan has a number of remote islands. In order to respond to be invaded ahead of the deployment of enemy units,
to attacks on these islands, it is important to position units and, through the joint operation involving all the SDF
and so forth in accordance with the security environment, forces (the GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF), deter and remove
and also to obtain and secure maritime and air superiority enemy attacks. If there is an invasion of the islands, the
by detecting signs at an early stage through persistent enemy will be brought under control by ground fire from
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft and vessels, and then tactical operations will
conducted by the SDF in peacetime. be implemented to regain the islands by the landing of
vessels Deployment of units to remote island
Maritime air support
Landing by
Anti-submarine warfare amphibious
by boat
Enemy submarine Minesweeping
by ship
11 A special unit of the MSDF was newly established in March 2001 to deter expected resistance, and disarm suspicious vessels in the event of vessel boarding inspections under maritime
security operations.
12 A non-bursting shell launched from the 76-mm gun equipped on destroyer, the flat front nose of which keeps it from bouncing.
the ASDF established the 9th Air Wing in January 2016 In particular, for the operation of V-22 Ospreys,
and newly formed the Southwestern Air Defense Force the MOD determined that the KYUSHU-SAGA
in July 2017. The GSDF, in addition to the Yonaguni International AIRPORT was the best airfield to be used
coast observation unit formed in March 2016 and other as the deployment site for V-22 Ospreys due to positional
newly-formed units, established the Amphibious Rapid relationships with relevant units in joint operations, the
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Deployment Brigade with full-fledged amphibious length of the runway, and the geographic environment that
operation capabilities in March 2018. Moreover, the can reduce burdens borne by the local community. The
GSDF will deploy some units including an area security MOD/SDF hopes to gain understanding from the local
unit in charge of the initial responses in Amami Oshima, community through providing in-depth explanations.13
Miyako Island, and Ishigaki Island. Moreover, in addition to the acquisition of six fighter
In addition, the MSDF will acquire P-1 fixed wing aircraft (F-35A), one aerial refuelling and transport
patrol aircraft, SH-60K rotary wing patrol helicopters, aircraft (KC-46A) and four tilt-rotor aircraft (V-22) to
and other equipment. Through these initiatives, the serve in responding to attacks on remote islands, the
MOD/SDF will continue persistent ISR operations, FY2018 budget includes funds for research into the
and develop an immediate response posture in the case technologies required for high-speed glide bombs and
: GSDF Units : MSDF Units : ASDF Units
13 At the KYUSHU-SAGA International AIRPORT, the ramp, aircraft hangars, etc., are to be developed on the west side of the airport. Approximately 70 aircraft, consisting of 17 newly acquired V-22
Ospreys and approximately 50 helicopters transferred from Camp Metabaru are expected to be deployed.
Chapter 1
States from January to February 2018. And in May 2018,
the first exercises of the newly formed Amphibious Rapid
Deployment Brigade were conducted with the MSDF.
GSDF personnel getting off an amphibious vehicle and deploying during Iron Fist 18
Practical exercises were conducted outside SDF bases in (January 2018)
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
See Fig. III-1-2-7 (Deployment Status of Major Units in the
Southwestern Islands)
Japan began developing the Ballistic Missile Defense the introduction of Aegis Ashore).
(BMD) system in FY2004 to be fully prepared for the In case ballistic missiles or other objects are launched
response against ballistic missile attacks. Necessary against Japan as an armed attack, it will be dealt with
amendments were subsequently made to the SDF Law in by issuing a defense operation order for armed attack
July 2005, and in December of the same year, the then- situations. On the other hand, when such situation is not
Security Council and Cabinet decided to begin Japan-U.S. yet acknowledged as an armed attack, Japan will take
cooperative development of an advanced ballistic missile measures to destroy the ballistic missiles.
interceptor. To date, Japan has steadily built up its own As a response against ballistic missiles or other
defense system against ballistic missile attacks, by such objects, the Joint Task Force-BMD is formed, with the
means as installing ballistic missile defense capability to Commander of the Air Defense Command serving as its
the Aegis-equipped destroyers and deploying the Patriot Commander, and various postures for effective defense
Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3).15 are to be taken under a unified command through
See Reference 35 (History of Efforts for BMD Development in Japan) JADGE. Furthermore, the GSDF will play a leading role
in dealing with damage caused by the impact of a fallen
1 Japan’s Ballistic Missile Defense ballistic missile.
See Fig. III-1-2-8 (Build-up and Operational Concept of BMD
(1) Basic Concept (image)); Part II, Chapter 3, Section 2-3-4 (Destruction
Measures Against Ballistic Missiles)
Currently, Japan’s BMD is an effective multi-layered
defense system with the upper tier interception by Aegis- (2) Response by the MOD/SDF
equipped destroyers and the lower tier by Patriot PAC- Since 2016, North Korea has conducted three nuclear
3, both interconnected and coordinated by the Japan tests and 40 ballistic missile launches. These military
Aerospace Defense Ground Environment (JADGE).16 actions by North Korea are a severe and imminent threat
The upcoming introduction of the land-based Aegis to the safety of Japan. Meanwhile, we believe that the
system, Aegis Ashore, will enable our forces to clear commitment made by Chairman Kim Jong-un at the
intercept missiles in the upper tier not just from Aegis historic North Korea-United States summit held in June
destroyers but from land (see below for more details on 2018 to fully denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, and
14 In FY2017, it was conducted from November 6 to 24 at Numazu Beach Training Area, at Tanegashima/Tsushima and the surrounding areas, and at SDF facilities and related waters and airspace.
Approximately 15,000 personnel from the GSDF, MSDF and ASDF, approximately 1,500 vehicles, approximately 6 vessels, and approximately 170 aircraft participated in this exercise. They conducted
various exercises aimed at the maintenance and enhancement of their joint operational capabilities.
15 The Patriot PAC-3 system is one of the air defense systems for countering airborne threats. Unlike the conventional type of anti-aircraft PAC-2 missiles, which mainly intercepts aircraft and other
targets, the PAC-3 missiles are designed primarily to intercept ballistic missiles.
16 JADGE is a core system for the command and control as well as communication functions. It centrally processes the information regarding aircraft captured by radars installed nationwide, and it
provides fighters instructions required for scrambling against aircraft intruding into Japanese territorial airspace and air defense combat operations. In addition, it controls Patriot and radar, etc. in
responses to ballistic missiles.
Mid-course phase
In this phase, the rocket engine burns
out and the missile is flying in outer
space (exoatmosphere) inertially
Aegis Ashore
17 Information on the area and time of launch, the projected area and time, where and when objects fall relating to ballistic missiles launched in the direction of Japan, which is analyzed and conveyed
to the SDF by the U.S. Forces in a short period of time after the launch. (The SDF started to receive the information since April 1996.)
Maintenance, enhancement and validation of Japan- (3) Strengthening of the BMD System
U.S. bilateral response capabilities have been actively In light of the severe security environment, the MOD/
conducted through training and other activities. Since SDF have been taking necessary measures for improving
2010, BMD exercise has been held between the MSDF and its capabilities for responding to ballistic missile attacks
the U.S. Navy, connecting their ships and other equipment based on the National Defense Program Guidelines
via a network and conducting a simulation of response and the Mid-term Defense Program. For example, of
to ballistic missiles, to improve tactical capabilities and the six MSDF Aegis-equipped destroyers, the MOD is
strengthen bilateral coordination. In February 2018, the currently refurbishing two without BMD capabilities,
Chapter 1
Japan Air Self-Defense Force took part in this exercise Atago and Ashigara, to give them BMD capabilities
as a joint Japan-U.S. air defense/missile defense exercise and this refurbishment of Atago was already completed
with the goal of improving strategic and tactical skills in December 2017. The MOD also decided to acquire
and strengthening cooperation. additional two Aegis-equipped destroyers with BMD
Beyond Japan-U.S. cooperation, there is also a capabilities using the FY2015 and FY2016 budgets. These
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
need to bolster cooperation between the United States, projects will increase the number of Aegis-equipped
Japan and the Republic of Korea. In October and again in destroyers with BMD capabilities from the present five
December 2017, trilateral ballistic missile information- (including refurbished Atago) to eight by FY2020.
sharing exercises were held in waters off Japan with the Meanwhile, Japan and the United States are jointly
objective of strengthening coordination. developing advanced interceptor missiles for BMD (SM-
With respect to the handling of finely detailed 3 Block IIA), which will be the successor of SM-3 Block
information related to ballistic missiles, the passage IA to be mounted on Aegis-equipped destroyers, and
of the Specially Designated Secrets Act in December promoting the project to its deployment, in order to deal
2014 (Law no. 108, 2013) has established the basis for with future threats posed by increasingly advanced and
protection of highly confidential information related to diverse ballistic missile attacks.
national security. This has promoted increased sharing of At the National Security Council 9-Minister Meeting
information not just within the government but with the in December 2016, a decision was made to transition to
United States and other relevant countries. joint production and the deployment phase. Following
In addition, the General Security of Military the FY2017 budget, the expenses to acquire SM-3
Information Agreement (GSOMIA)18 entered into effect Block IIA were budgeted in the FY2018. Acquisition
on November, 2016. As GSOMIA serves as a framework and deployment of SM-3 Block IIA are planned to be
for protecting various confidential information including implemented in FY2021.
information regarding North Korea’s nuclear and missile In comparison with the previous SM-3 Block IA,
threat shared between Japan and the ROK, which will be SM-3 Block IIA will have not only extended interceptable
required for practical and effective responses to various altitude and coverage of protection, but also have enhanced
situations, further strengthening of the Japan-U.S.-ROK defeating capability and simultaneous engagement
relationship will be expected. capability. In addition, it is expected that the interception
The SDF engages in various training on a daily basis capabilities of SM-3 Block IIA will be enhanced against
to improve its capability to counter ballistic missiles. It has ballistic missiles equipped with interception avoidance
been conducting PAC- 3 maneuver deployment training measures such as a decoy and ballistic missiles launched
nationwide sequentially from June 2017 in an effort with an intention to avoid being intercepted by taking a
to strengthen the SDF’s capability to counter ballistic higher than nominal trajectory (lofted trajectory).19
missiles and generate a sense of safety and security There will be eight Aegis-equipped destroyers with
among the public. It had conducted 20 training sessions BMD capabilities, and SM-3 Block IIA will also be
as of the end of June 2018 including deployments to U.S. deployed. It is planned that there will be a strengthened
Forces Japan’s facilities. protection system by around FY2021.
See Part I, Chapter 2, Section 2-1 (North Korea); Chapter 2, With regard to Patriot PAC-3, necessary expenses
Section 1-4-2 (Japan-Republic of Korea Defense Cooperation have been appropriated in the supplementary budget
and Exchanges); Reference 35 (History of Efforts for BMD
Development in Japan) for FY2017, which continued from the supplementary
18 The official name is the “Agreement Between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Korea on the Protection of Classified Military Information,” which was signed by
Yasumasa Nagamine, Ambassador of Japan to the ROK, and Han Min-goo, then-Minister of National Defense of the ROK, in Seoul, ROK, on November 23, 2016.
19 By taking a higher trajectory than minimum energy trajectories (trajectories that enable efficient flying of a missile and maximize its range), it takes a shorter range than the maximum range, but the
falling speed of the missile becomes faster.
Fig. III-1-2-9 Overall Enhancement of Japan’s Capabilities to Respond to Ballistic Missiles (SSA) System
●Increasing the Number of Aegis-Equipped Destroyers with Ballistic Missile Defense Capabilities to Eight
Aegis-Equipped Destroyers
<To date> <Image of the defense structure around 2021>
Image Image
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
In the case of protecting all of Japan, three destroyers In the defense structure around 2021, continuous protection of
are necessary. However, since those destroyers may undergo all of Japan with two destroyers will be feasible even taking
regular inspections in turn, there is a difficulty in maintaining into consideration the inspections of the destroyers.
continuous protection.
●Introduction of Advanced PAC-3 (PAC-3 MSE)
Coverage of PAC-3
Coverage of
PAC-3 MSE PAC-3 MSE Missile
(the photo shows equipment of the same type)
budget of the previous year, to enable the acquisition attacks in addition to existing Aegis-equipped destroyers
of the enhanced capability type, PAC-3 (MSE) (Missile and Patriot batteries.20
Segment Enhancement). Introduction of PAC-3MSE The cost of obtaining all information from the
will realize the extension of interception altitude from United States related to acquisition of Aegis Ashore,
about 10 km to 20- 30 km, meaning that the coverage of improvement of ballistic missile response capability
protection (area) will expand more than twice compared of the Japan Aerospace Defense Ground Environment
with the current PAC-3. (JADGE),21 conversion to FPS-7 fixed warning and control
With North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles radars and addition of a BMD function22 is allocated in
posing an unprecedentedly severe and imminent threat to the FY2017 supplementary budget, while the cost of
the safety of Japan, the country must work to drastically geological survey and preliminary design work required
upgrade its ballistic missile defense capabilities in for the deployment of Aegis Ashore and development of
order to ensure constant and sustained protection. At next-generation warning and control radar with detection
meetings of the National Security Council and Cabinet and tracking functionality for ballistic missile attacks23 is
in December 2017, a decision was made to purchase two allocated in the FY2018 budget.
Aegis Ashore units, to be retained by the Ground Self See Fig. III-1-2-9 (Overall Enhancement of Japan’s Capabilities
Defense Force. The aim is to improve the capability for to Respond to Ballistic Missiles); Reference 36 regarding
(Fundamental Enhancement of Ballistic Defense Capabilities)
multi-layered defense of Japan against ballistic missile
20 The costs required to introduce the Aegis Ashore land-based defense system in 2017 and 2018 are to be covered within the scope of the total MTDP budget.
21 Upgrade to enhance capability against lofted trajectory attacks, attacks with little chance of advance detection and attacks by multiple ballistic missiles launched simultaneously.
22 Acquired FPS-7 fixed warning and control radar for deployment at Wakkanai, Hokkaido. Allocated infrastructure costs required for deployment of FPS-7 at Wakkanai, Hokkaido and Unishima Island,
Nagasaki Prefecture.
23 Development of next-generation warning and control radar with detection and tracking functionality to deal with future airborne threats and ballistic missile attacks, advanced survivability and
economic efficiency.
Chapter 1
Generally speaking, it takes a long time to acquire new defense equipment. This does not change even in the event of an
emergency. Securing the lives and the peaceful livelihood of the Japanese people is the most important duty of the Government,
and the MOD considers it a matter of course to be prepared fully so that Japan can respond to any contingencies. Furthermore,
the working environment for crew onboard Aegis-equipped destroyer is extremely severe. These ships must make port calls for
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
maintenance and replenishment, creating gaps in defense posture. This means frequent long-term deployments for the crew to
eliminate those undesired intervals. This burden on personnel is anticipated to be lifted significantly once Aegis Ashore is deployed.
Moreover, Aegis-equipped destroyer would be able to go back to their core duty of ensuring maritime security, and strengthening
Japan’s deterrence capability as a whole.
GSDF Araya Maneuver Area in Akita Prefecture and Mutsumi Maneuver Area in Yamaguchi Prefecture have been selected
as possible areas for the deployment of two Aegis Ashore sites after studies within the MOD. In light of this, Parliamentary Vice-
Minister of Defense Fukuda and Ono visited Akita and Yamaguchi prefectures on June 1, 2018. Defense Minister Onodera also
visited both prefectures on June 22 and gave a briefing on the necessity of the deployment. Not only will the MOD conduct a
thorough investigation and implement measures so that the deployment will not affect the livelihood of people in the communities,
but it will also continue to give sincere and detailed briefings with the hope that doing so will resolve any questions and anxiety the
communities may have.
24 Specifically, a TPY-2 radar (so-called “X-band radar”) for BMD has been deployed at the U.S. Shariki Communication Site in 2006, and BMD-capable Aegis ships have been forward deployed in Japan
and surrounding areas. In October 2006, Patriot PAC-3 units were deployed in Okinawa Prefecture, and in October 2007, a Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) was deployed in Aomori Prefecture.
Furthermore, the 2nd TPY-2 radar was deployed at the U.S. Kyogamisaki Communication Site in December 2014.
25 With regard to the Japan-U.S. cooperative development, it is necessary to export BMD related arms from Japan to the United States. In accordance with the Chief Cabinet Secretary’s statement issued
in December 2004, it was determined that the Three Principles on Arms Exports would not apply to the BMD system and related matters under the condition that strict controls are maintained. Based
on these circumstances, it was decided that the prior consent of Japan could be given to the third party transfer of the SM-3 Block IIA under certain conditions. This decision was formally announced
in the Joint Statement of the Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee (2+2 Meeting) in June 2011.
The Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology (Three Principles) received Cabinet approval in April 2014. However, with regard to exceptional measures instigated before the
Three Principles were decided, overseas transfers will continue to be organized in the guidelines for the principles as allowable under the Three Principles.
Fig. III-1-2-10 Example of Operations against the Attacks by Guerillas and Special Forces
Patrol helicopter
Enemy aircraft
Fixed-wing patrol aircraft
Mortar Bulldozer
Consequence Infantry unit
Establishment Wheeled
of positions armored vehicle
Base Leading local residents
for evacuation, etc. Police
NBC NBC attack
Howitzer reconnaissance
vehicle Rescuing hostage Special
operations unit
Mortar Decontamination vehicle
In Japan where most of the towns and cities are highly force, then public security operations by the SDF will be
urbanized, even small-scale infiltrations and attacks can implemented. Furthermore, if it has been confirmed that
pose a serious threat against the country’s peace and an armed attack is being carried out against Japan, the
security. These cases refer to various mode and forms SDF will respond under a defense operation order.
including illegal activities by infiltrated foreign armed
agents26 etc., and sabotage carried out by foreign guerillas
or special forces, which can be deemed as an armed attack 2 Responses to Attacks by Guerillas and Special
Operations Forces
against Japan.
Typical forms of attacks by guerrillas or special forces
1 Basic Concept include the destruction of critical private infrastructure and
other facilities, attacks against people, and assassinations
In the stage where the actual situation of intruders and of dignitaries.
the details of the ongoing case are not clear, the police In dealing with attacks by guerrillas or special forces,
primarily respond to the situation, while the MOD/SDF the MOD/SDF responds with a particular emphasis on
will collect relevant information and reinforce the security the establishment of a relevant information gathering
of the SDF facilities. When the situation is clearer and can posture, warning and surveillance to prevent invasions in
be dealt with by the general police force, various forms coastal areas, protection of key facilities, and search and
of assistance such as transportation of police officers and destroy of invading guerrillas or special forces. Efforts
provision of equipment to the police force will be carried will be made for early detection of attacks and indications
out. If the case cannot be dealt with by the general police through warning and surveillance, and, as required, the
26 Refers to persons committing illegal acts such as subversive activities in Japan while possessing weapons with significant wounding and killing power.
SDF units will be deployed to protect key facilities such as with suspicious vessels are also continuously conducted
nuclear power plants and necessary posture for protection between the MSDF and the Japan Coast Guard.
will be established at an early stage. Based on this, in
the event of an infiltration of our territory by guerrillas
Response to Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
or special operations forces, they will be searched for 4 Weapons
and detected by reconnaissance units, aviation units and
others and combat units will be promptly deployed to In recent years, there has been strong recognition of the
besiege and capture or to destroy them. danger of NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical)
Chapter 1
See Fig. III-1-2-10 (Example of Operations against the Attacks by weapon proliferation, which can cause indiscriminate
Guerillas and Special Forces) mass casualties and contamination of an extensive area,
and the means for transporting such weapons, as well
3 Response to Armed Agents as related equipment and materials, to terrorists and
countries under suspicion of proliferating such weapons.
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
(1) Basic Concept The sarin gas attack30 on the Tokyo subway in March
While the police assumes primary responsibility 1995 is one of the examples of an incident in which these
for responding to illegal activities of armed agents, weapons were used.
the SDF will respond in accordance with situational
developments. When this happens, the SDF cooperates (1) Basic Concept
with the police force. Accordingly, with regard to public In the event of the use of NBC weapons in Japan in a
security operations of the SDF, the Basic Agreement27 way that corresponds to an armed attack, the SDF will
concerning cooperation procedures between the SDF and conduct defense operations to repel the armed attack and
the police, as well as local agreements between GSDF rescue victims. Furthermore, in the event of the use of
divisions/brigades and prefectural police forces, have NBC weapons in a way that does not correspond to an
been concluded.28 armed attack but against which the general police alone
See Part II, Chapter 3, Section 2-3-1, (Public Security Operations) cannot maintain public security, the SDF will conduct
public security operations to suppress the armed group
(2) The MOD/SDF Initiatives and rescue victims in cooperation with related agencies.
The GSDF continues to conduct exercises nationwide with Furthermore, when the incident does not fall under
the police of each prefecture and has been strengthening the category of defense operations or public security
such collaboration by, for example, conducting field operations, the chemical protection units of the GSDF
exercises at nuclear power plants throughout the country and medical units of the ASDF, GSDF and MSDF will
since 2012.29 Furthermore, joint exercises in dealing cooperate with relevant organizations in information
gathering concerning the extent of the damage,
decontamination activities, transportation of the sick and
injured, and medical activities through disaster relief and
civil protection dispatches.
27 The Agreement on the Maintenance of Public Order in the Event of Public Security Operations, which was concluded between the then Defense Agency and the National Public Safety Commission
(concluded in 1954 and fully revised in 2000).
28 In 2004, guidelines were jointly formulated between the National Police Agency and the Defense Agency concerning dealing jointly with public security operations in the event of armed agent incidents.
29 The GSDF also conducted exercises at Ikata Nuclear Power Plant (Ehime Prefecture) in 2012, at Tomari Nuclear Power Plant (Hokkaido) and Mihama Nuclear Power Plant (Fukui Prefecture) in 2013,
at Shimane Nuclear Power Plant (Shimane Prefecture) in 2014, at Higashidori Nuclear Power Plant (Aomori Prefecture) and Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant (Niigata Prefecture) in 2015, at
Takahama Nuclear Power Plant (Fukui Prefecture) in 2016, and at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant (Shizuoka Prefecture) and Shiga Nuclear Power Plant (Ishikawa) in 2017.
30 An incident in which members of the Aum Shinrikyo spread extremely poisonous sarin gas in subway trains crowded with commuters, claiming the lives of 12 people (this number refers to the number
of deaths indicated in the judgment rendered to Chizuo Matsumoto (commonly known as Shoko Asahara, a guru of Aum Shinrikyo)). The SDF conducted decontamination operations on the trains and
stations as well as supported police forensics.
the GSDF has designated personnel to take initial action MSDF and the ASDF have also acquired protective
in the event of extraordinary disasters in order to allow equipment and materials to be used on vessels and at
operations to begin within approximately one hour. The bases.
1 Basic Approach by the Government approval in 2013. Taking a broad view of ocean policy
Chapter 1
6 Responses in Space
Utilization of satellites enables the remote sensing of, See Fig. III-1-2-11 (Image of the Use of Space)
communication at, and positioning on any area on Earth.
Thus, countries around the world actively use outer space 1 The Whole-of-Government Approach
and make efforts to enhance the capabilities of a variety
of satellites such as imagery satellites, communication The Office of National Space Policy32 established in the
satellites, and positioning satellites to enhance Cabinet Office in July 2012 engages in the planning,
information gathering capabilities as well as command drafting, coordinating, and other policy matters relating to
and control, and information and communications the Government’s development and use of space. In light
capabilities. Under such circumstances, for Japan whose of the environmental changes surrounding space policy
defense force is built in line with the basic principles of and the new security policies stated in the NSS that was
exclusively defense oriented policy, the use of space, approved by the Cabinet in 2013, the Basic Plan on Space
which does not belong to any territories of any nations Policy33 was decided upon in the Strategic Headquarters
and is not constrained by such factors as the surface of for Space Development established within the Cabinet in
the terrain, is extremely important when: collecting January 2015. This Basic Plan was prepared as a 10-year
information to detect indications of various incidents in development plan focusing on the next approximately 20
advance and strengthening the surveillance activities in years to improve predictability of industries’ investments,
its surrounding seas and airspace; and ensuring means of and strengthen the industrial base, and has the following
communication by the SDF in their international peace goals: (1) Ensuring space security; (2) Promoting the
cooperation activities and other activities. use of space in the civilian sector; and (3) Maintaining
31 In addition to “Comprehensive Maritime Security,” given recent changes in the oceanic environment, basic principles are being established for key policies on oceans with respect to 1) promoting the
industrial use of the oceans, 2) sustaining and preserving the oceanic environment, 3) improving scientific knowledge, 4) deepening polar policies, 5) international collaboration and cooperation and
6) promoting the fostering of human resources for oceanic profession and the understanding of citizens.
32 In April 2016, the Office of National Space Policy was reorganized into the National Space Policy Secretariat.
33 Cabinet decision on April 1, 2016
Geostationary orbit
Altitude approx. 36,000 km
(following the direction
of the Earth’s rotation) Positioning satellite
Chapter 1
to the moon
380,000 km Altitude approx. 20,000 km
Outer Space
● Freedom of use, exploration and entry
● Not subject to state acquisition
● Prohibition on the deployment of
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
weapons of mass destruction
Approx. 36,000 km
(approx. 1/10
of the distance Imagery Satellite, etc.
to the moon) International Space Station
(altitude approx. 400 km)
Altitude up to 1,000 km
● Sovereignty over territorial airspaces is
vested in each state.
● The upper limit of territorial airspace is
not defined. General aircraft (altitude approx. 10 km)
and strengthening of space industry and scientific/ that enables the Prime Minister to issue an order to a
technological bases. Amid rising dependence on space satellite remote sensing data holder to prohibit provision
systems and increasing threats and risks in space, of data under certain occasions.
“mission assurance” initiatives are underway to ensure
stable space operations including detection and avoidance 2 Initiatives of the MOD/SDF
of threats and risks, increased survivability of the systems
themselves and early recovery of functionality. The use of space is extremely important for the MOD/
Responding to Japan’s progress in development and SDF to conduct a range of tasks effectively and efficiently.
use of outer space, the Diet approved two laws—the Act Thus, it is critically important for the MOD/SDF to be
on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote able to continuously utilize space capabilities even in
Sensing Data (Remote Sensing Data Act) and Act on contingencies. In order to do so, NDPG stipulates the MOD/
Launch of Artificial Satellites and Launch Vehicles and SDF to strengthen information gathering, C2 (command
Control of Artificial Satellites (Space Activities Act) in & control) and satellite communication capabilities by
November 2016, and Remote Sensing Data Act and part using multiple types of satellites with various sensors
of Space Activities Act went into effect in November 2017. and by enhancing the survivability of satellites through
The Space Activities Act stipulates matters such initiatives as Space Situational Awareness (SSA). In
necessary to secure public safety and provide prompt implementing these initiatives, the MOD/SDF will form
protection of the victims from damages in Japan’s space partnerships with relevant institutions and organizations
development and use, such as a permission system for both in Japan and the United States. As part of this
launching, obligation for compensation, and government initiative, the MOD is advancing deliberations toward
compensation. The government began accepting Japan’s inaugural participation in the Schriever Wargame,
applications for permission after the enforcement of a multinational tabletop exercise hosted by the US Air
part of the Act. In addition, the Remote Sensing Data Force Space Command. This is meaningful for Japan in
Act established (1) a license pertaining to use of satellite terms of enhancing collaboration with partner countries
remote sensing instruments, (2) a certification of persons and drafting the national space policy in the future.
handling satellite remote sensing date and (3) a system Reflecting the formulation of the National Security
to promote consideration in broader fields such as: is speculated that the development and verification test
(1) promotion of policy-related consultation regarding of a killer satellite, which approaches the target artificial
space, (2) closer information sharing, (3) cooperation satellite to disturb, attack, and capture it, is underway,
for nurturing and securing experts, and (4) continued increasing the threat to the stable use of outer space.
participation to tabletop exercises. That is why the MOD, based on the Basic Plan on Space
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Furthermore, the MOD/SDF launched an X-band Policy and through cooperation with relevant domestic
defense communications satellite called Kirameki-2 in institutions such as the Japan Aerospace Exploration
January 2017 and Kirameki-1 in April 2018, owned and Agency (JAXA) and the U.S., aims to establish Space
operated by the MOD for the first time, to be used for Situational Awareness (SSA) by 2022 to monitor and
the information communications of extremely important maintain an accurate picture of conditions in space. It
command and control in unit operations. Going forward, is also working to deploy a radar and operating system
in light of the future increase in required communication, to monitor threats to Japanese satellites such as space
the MOD will conduct steady development of Kirameki-3 debris. For this to happen, the government agencies and
to realize integrated communications as well as high- ministries concerned need to work together to build an
speed and large capacity communications, thereby aiming effective operating system. On this point, JAXA is devising
for the early realization of a three-satellite system with all a plan to deploy radar able to monitor low orbit satellites
of the three X-band defense communications satellites. (at altitudes of up to 1,000 km) and a ground-based
optical telescope to monitor geostationary orbit satellites
Fig. III-1-2-12 Initiatives for the Development of the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) System
Information sharing
➢ In cooperation with MEXT/JAXA, complete the development of the MOD’s SSA System by FY2022 <Basic Plan on Space Policy>
➢ Started the overall system design in FY2016
➢ Planning to undertake the development of operation systems and sensors in or after FY2017
(at altitudes of around 36,000km). Combined with the future cooperation. The MOD has taken part in the
radar of the MOD that will principally be dedicated to annual SSA multinational tabletop exercise hosted by
the function of geostationary orbit monitoring, Japan is the U.S. Strategic Command since 2016 with the purpose
planning an effective SSA program. of acquiring knowledge related to the operation of SSA
As the project to establish the system gets underway, as well as of strengthening cooperation with the United
the preparation of the new radar and operating system States. Such initiatives to upgrade our SSA capability
will build on the knowledge acquired by the ASDF in also contribute to the strengthening of deterrence against
establishing defense capabilities. A new unit to operate new threats in space.
Chapter 1
the system is also being considered. See Fig. III-1-2-12 (Initiatives for the Development of the Space
To establish SSA, it will be vital to continuously Situational Awareness (SSA) System); Part II, Chapter 2,
Section 3, (Build-Up of Defense Capability in FY2018); Part II,
exchange views and share information with foreign Chapter 4, Section 2-3-5(Space and Cyberspace Cooperation)
allies, and to carry out discussions about the nature of
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
7 Response to Cyber Attacks
Information and communications technology has and serves as the control tower in taking measures and
developed and been rapidly and widely adopted. responding to significant cyber security incidents in
As a result, it is now an essential infrastructure for government organizations and agencies, as well as critical
socioeconomic activities. On the other hand, there is a infrastructures.
possibility that people’s life and economic activities will Furthermore, in September 2015, the Cyber Security
be severely affected if the computer systems or networks Strategy was formulated for the comprehensive and
fail. The same is true of both the MOD/SDF. If the critical effective promotion of measures pertaining to cyber
functions of the SDF are intercepted by a cyber attack, security, with the aims: to create and develop free, fair and
there is a possibility that problems that threaten the core safe cyber space; to enhance the vitality of the economy
of Japan’s defense may arise. and society and realize their sustainable development; to
realize society in which citizens can live safely and with
peace of mind; to contribute to peace and stability of the
1 The Whole-of-Government Approach and Other international community as well as the security of Japan.
With regard to cyber attacks, the number of cases recognized 2 Initiatives of the MOD/SDF
as threats to Japanese governmental organizations and
agencies in FY2016 reached approximately 7,110,000, (1) Contribution to the Whole-of-Government Approach
and these threats have become increasingly serious.34 Along with the National Police Agency, the Ministry
In order to deal with the increasing threat to cyber of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry
security, in November 2014, the Cyber Security Basic of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of
Act was enacted. The Act aims to contribute to the Foreign Affairs, the MOD, as one of the five government
security of Japan by clarifying the basic principles of agencies that cooperate particularly closely with the
Japan’s cyber security measures and the responsibilities NISC, participates in cyber attack response training and
of local governments, as well as by comprehensively personnel exchanges, and provides information about
and effectively promoting the measures regarding cyber cyber attacks, etc. to the cross-sector initiatives led by the
security. In response to this, in January 2015, the Cyber NISC as well as sending personnel to the Cyber incident
Security Strategic Headquarters was established in the Mobile Assistant Team (CYMAT).
Cabinet and the National center of Incident readiness The MOD is considering applying the knowledge
and Strategy for Cyber Security (NISC)35 was established and experience of the SDF to penetration tests of the IT
in the Cabinet Secretariat. The NISC is responsible for systems of government ministries and agencies conducted
planning and promotion of cyber security-related policies by NISC.
34 Cybersecurity Annual Report 2016 (submitted at the “Information Security Policy Council” on July 13, 2017).
35 With the enactment of the Cyber Security Basic Act in January 2015, the National Information Security Center (NISC) was reorganized as the National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for
Cybersecurity (NISC). The NISC is responsible for the planning and promotion of cybersecurity-related policies and serves as the control tower in taking measures and responding to significant
cybersecurity incidents in government organizations and agencies, as well as critical infrastructures.
DII open
The Six Pillars of
Comprehensive Defensive
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
DII closed
network Measures against Cyber Attacks 4) Research of cutting-edge technology
6) Coordination with other
organizations and agencies • Research on technology to develop the
cyber training environnent
• Information sharing with the
National center of Incident Cyber Training Environment
readiness and Strategy for
Cybersecurity, the U.S. Armed Simulated attacks
Simulated environment
Forces, and other relevant nations
5) Development of human resources
• For the purpose of human resources development, implementing
studying abroad programs at organizations affiliated with Carnegie
Mellon University and studying programs at graduate schools in Japan, Control and evaluation
as well as education at professional courses at the SDF
• For the purpose of fostering security awareness, offering education at • Allows for counter-cyber attack
training in a simulated environment
workplaces and professional education at the National Defense Academy
(2) Unique Initiatives by the MOD/SDF of units responsible for responding to cyber attacks is
As unique initiatives by the MOD/SDF, the SDF C4 increasing from 350 to 430 personnel.
(Command, Control, Communication & Computers) See Fig. III-1-2-13 (MOD/SDF Comprehensive Measures to Deal
Systems Command and other systems are monitoring with Cyber Attacks); Reference 37 (Efforts in Recent Years by
the Ministry of Defense)
MOD/SDF communications networks around the clock.
In March 2014, a “Cyber Defense Group” was established (3) Cooperation with the United States
under the SDF C4 Systems Command to enhance and Since comprehensive defense cooperation, including
strengthen the system. joint response, between Japan and its ally the United
In addition, the MOD/SDF is engaged in holistic States is vital, the two countries set up the Cyber
measures including the introduction of intrusion Defense Policy Working Group (CDPWG) as a
prevention systems in order to increase the safety of framework between the defense authorities of Japan
information and communication systems, development of and the United States. Under this framework, meetings
defense systems such as the security and analysis device have been held five times to discuss the following
for cyber defense, enactment of regulations,36 stipulating topics: (1) promotion of policy discussions regarding
postures and procedures for responding to cyber attacks, cyber issues, (2) closer sharing of information,
and development of human resources and technological (3) promotion of joint exercises incorporating response
bases, as well as research on cutting-edge technology. to cyber attacks, and (4) matters such as cooperation
In order to appropriately deal with cyber attacks for training and maintaining experts. Moreover, in May
that are becoming more sophisticated and skilful by the 2015, the two countries announced a joint statement on
day, the Cyber Defense Group expands from 110 to 150 the specific future direction of the cooperation.
personnel, approximately, by the end of FY2018 and the In addition, Japan’s cooperation with the United
cyber protection units of the three services of SDF forces States is to be further strengthened by such means as
are also to be increased. As a result, the total number participation in the “Japan-U.S. Cyber Dialogue,” a
36 There are directives relating to the information assurance of the MOD (MOD Directive No. 160, 2007).
I have been working at the U.S. Army’s cyber educational institute since October
2016 as the Self Defense Forces’ first cyber liaison officer along with liaison officers
Chapter 1
dispatched from various countries.
The institute conducts advanced education to train cyber personnel. My job
involves collecting information on initiatives by the U.S. military and coordinating
entry by members of the Ground Self Defense Forces into the U.S. military’s training
courses, as a new initiative, to help foster cyber personnel for the Ground Self
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Defense Forces.
As Japan’s first liaison officer, I intend to continue to promote closer collaboration
Writer in a meeting with liaison officers from other countries
between Japan and the U.S. and with other friendly countries and build a foundation (second from the right) (April 2018)
for future dispatched liaison officers to smoothly carry out their duties.
whole-of-government approach by both nations, holding 2018, the MOD is further developing collaborative
of the “Japan-U.S. IT Forum,” a framework between the relationships in the cyber area through the dispatch of
defense authorities since 2002, and dispatching liaison personnel to the Centre.
officers to the U.S. Army’s cyber educational institution. In addition, the IT Forum has been held between the
defense authorities of Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia
(4) Cooperation with Other Countries etc. to exchange views on initiatives in the information
Japan has held cyber dialogues with the respective defense communications area including cybersecurity and current
authorities of Australia, the United Kingdom, Estonia, trends in technology.
and others to exchange views on threat awareness and Considering the fact that cyber attacks occur beyond
relevant initiatives taken by each country. With NATO national borders, it is important to continue to strengthen
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization), Japan carries international cooperation in the cyber field through
out initiatives looking at possible future operational exchanges of views with defense authorities of other
cooperation, such as establishing a cyber dialogue between countries and relevant organizations such as the Cooperative
defense authorities called the Japan-NATO Expert Staff Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), and
Talks on Cyber Defense and participating in the cyber active participation in cyber defense exercises.
defense exercise (Cyber Coalition) hosted by NATO as In Japan, in July 2013, the “Cyber Defense Council”
an observer. Furthermore, Japan has participated in the (CDC) was set up, and its core members consist of
International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), around ten companies in the defense industry with a
and as an observer in a cyber defense exercise (Locked strong interest in cyber security. Efforts are being made
Shields) organized by the Cooperative Cyber Defence to improve capabilities to deal with cyber attacks by
Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) based in Estonia. As the MOD/SDF, and the defense industry, through joint
Japan received approval to join the CCDCOE in January exercise and other initiatives.
When disasters such as natural disasters occur, the SDF 1 Basic Principles
works in collaboration with local governments, engaged
in various activities such as the search and rescue of In the event of a major disaster, all possible measures will
disaster victims or ships or aircraft in distress, controlling be taken to rapidly transport and deploy the SDF units
floods, offering medical treatment, preventing epidemics, required and if necessary, to sustain the mobilization for
supplying water, and transporting personnel and goods. a long period. Not only will the SDF units respond to the
needs of affected residents and local authorities through governors of these prefectures, the SDF carried out
care, proper collaboration and cooperation, but they euthanization of poultries. Approximately 410 personnel
will also be engaged with institutions concerned, local and 75 vehicles from SDF were dispatched to cope with
authorities and the private sector to save lives, achieve this situation.
urgent rehabilitation and provide livelihood support. c. Disaster Relief in Response to Forest Fire
The SDF has put in place arrangements for an initial Over the period from June 2017 to the end of May
response to ensure that disaster relief operations are 2018, local authorities conducted firefighting operations
conducted promptly. This is called “FAST-Force.” against fighting forest fires in Iwate Prefecture, Gunma
Chapter 1
See Fig. III-1-2-14 (State of Readiness for Disaster Relief (Standard)); Prefecture, Tokyo, Nagano Prefecture (twice), Yamanashi
Part II, Chapter 3, Section 2-4(Disaster Relief and Others) Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, Oita
Prefecture and Miyazaki Prefecture but were unable to
2 Response of the MOD/SDF settle the situation despite their efforts. Based on requests
issued by the governors of these prefectures, the SDF
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
(1) Response to Natural Disasters contributed to aerial firefighting and other resources. SDF
a. Disaster Relief for Heavy Rain Disaster Caused by dispatches were conducted 10 times in total, including
Typhoon No. 10 a total of some 110 personnel, around 37 vehicles and
(1) On July 5, 2017, road flooding, landslide and other some 110 aircraft. Approximately 1,778 tons of water
damages occurred due to heavy rain, cutting off roads was applied on 414 occasions.
and isolating individuals in Toho Village, Asakura-gun, d. Disaster Relief in Response to Volcanic Eruption
Fukuoka Prefecture and many places in Hita City, Oita In January 2018, a number of people were injured by falling
Prefecture. On the same day, the SDF, responding to rocks at a ski resort in Kusatsu, Agatsuma District due to
disaster relief requests from the Governors of Fukuoka and the eruption of Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane. The SDF received
Oita Prefectures, carried out rescue operations for isolated a request from the Governor of Gunma for disaster relief
individuals, searches for missing people, elimination of and conducted a lifesaving mission. The mission was
road obstacles, transportation of personnel and goods, composed of dispatches of around 280 personnel, around
water supply assistance, meal providing assistance, and 75 vehicles and nine aircraft.
bathing assistance, which continued until August 20 in e. Disaster Relief in Response to Water Supply Relief
Fukuoka Prefecture and July 13 in Oita Prefecture. The Since January 2018, water supply failures have occurred
total scale of this disaster relief was approximately 81,950 in Sado, Niigata Prefecture, Uwajima, Ishikawa
personnel, 7,140 vehicles, and 169 aircraft. Prefecture, Oda, Shimane Prefecture and Miyako,
b. Disaster Relief in Response to Bird Flu Outbreak Okinawa Prefecture, due to water pipe breakage, etc. In
In January 2018, the occurrence of highly pathogenic response to disaster relief requests from the governors of
avian influenza was confirmed at poultry farms in Sanuki the prefectures affected, the SDF provided relief supplies
City, Kagawai Prefecture, requiring epidemic control of water. These missions engaged around 765 personnel,
measures to be taken such as euthanization of poultries. some 450 vehicles including water tank trailers, and
In response to the request for disaster relief from the supplied approximately 349 tons of water in total.
Common to All
The state of readiness with which SDF troops can begin gathering information immediately after an earthquake of seismic intensity
five-lower or higher occurs.
First response units throughout Japan (about 3,900 personnel, about 1,100 vehicles, and about 40 aircraft) are on standby around-
the-clock and will be deployed in an hour upon receiving an order as a standard procedure.
Various units including helicopters (video transmission), chemical protection units, and bomb disposal units are on standby in each
regional army.
Vessels on standby: Designate one response vessel in each regional district
Aircraft on standby (about 20 aircraft): Deploy in 15 minutes to two hours in each base as a standard procedure
Standby for scrambling against intrusions into airspace
Standby for aircraft rescue and emergency transport duties (about 10–20 aircraft): Deploy within 15 minutes to two hours in each
base as a standard procedure
*When an earthquake of seismic intensity five-upper or higher occurs, the mission of standby aircraft will be diverted to information collecting
f. Disaster Relief in Response to Heavy Snow sent to coordinate closely with local governments in up
In February 2018, Awara City , Echizen City and Eiheiji to 74 locations to save lives, rescuing stranded residents,
Town, Yoshida District in Fukui Prefecture were hit by supplying water, providing bathing facilities, distributing
a blizzard that caused a large number of vehicles to be goods, preventing water intrusion and clearing roads.
stranded on roads. In response to a disaster relief request In the wake of the flooding disaster, in order to take all
from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, a lifesaving possible measures for disaster relief operations, SDF
and snow-clearing mission was conducted. Some 4,960 Ready Reserve Personnel were called up for the third
personnel were dispatched along with some 820 vehicles, time following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Chapter 1
rescuing some 1,190 trapped vehicles, providing 6,750 and the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake with approximately
meals, clearing around 31.8 km of road and supplying 300 SDF Ready Reserve Personnel engaging in daily
some 15,320 liters of fuel. support of survivors at its peak. This mission involved
g. Disaster Relief to Save Lives after Landslide approximately 31,500 personnel, 25 boats and 38 aircraft.
In April 2018, Yabakei-cho in Nakatsu City, Oita In total, 2,265 people were rescued, 3,035 tons of water
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Prefecture was struck by a landslide. Houses were buried were supplied and 13,008 people were provided with
in mud and residents were missing, feared dead. In bathing facilities (as of July 11, 2018).
response to a disaster relief request from the Governor See Fig. III-1-2-15 (Record of Disaster Relief (FY2017)); Reference
of Oita Prefecture, a lifesaving mission was dispatched. 38 (Record of Disaster Relief (Past Five Years))
Some 3,250 personnel were deployed, along with some (2) Transportation of Emergency Patients
845 vehicles and two aircraft. The SDF uses its aircraft to transport emergency patients
h. Disaster Relief for Northern Osaka Prefecture Earthquake from isolated islands and remote areas with insufficient
In June 2018, an earthquake (magnitude 6.1) hit medical facilities (transportation of emergency patients).
northern Osaka Prefecture, resulting in water supply In FY2017, out of a total of 501 cases of disaster relief,
interruptions in Suita, Mino, Takatsuki and Ibaraki, 401 cases involved the transportation of emergency
Osaka Prefecture. In response to a disaster relief request patients, with dispatches to remote islands such as
from the Governor of Osaka Prefecture, relief water the Southwestern Islands (Okinawa and Kagoshima
supply and showering facilities were provided. The Prefectures), the Ogasawara Islands (Tokyo), and remote
mission involved some 1,145 personnel, around 280 islands of Nagasaki Prefecture representing the majority
water trailers and 12 aircraft. of such cases.
i. Disaster Relief in Response to July 2018 Flooding In addition, the SDF carries out sea rescues upon
Disaster requests by the Japan Coast Guard on such occasions as
In July 2018, record levels of rain fell across a wide swath transport of emergency patients from vessels navigating
of Japan from east to west, causing rivers to breach their areas of ocean far from the mainland where the aircraft of
banks and multiple large scale flooding and landslide other organizations are unable to respond, due to reasons
events. In response to disaster relief requests from including a short flight range; emergencies of vessels due
the governors of Kyoto Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, to incidents such as fire, flooding or capsizing.
Okayama Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture, Yamaguchi Furthermore, the SDF conducts wide-area medical
Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture and transport operations for serious-case patients, by the
Fukuoka Prefecture, around 300 liaison officers were ASDF transport aircraft C-130H utilizing its mobile
GSDF working on the establishment of bathing facilities after the earthquake with an epicenter in GSDF conducting search and rescue activities in the heavy rainfall disaster in July 2018
northern Osaka (June 2018) (July 2018)
Chapter 1
Search and
16 1,927 173 44 7
66 11,072 1,343 295 0
Other 13 2,717 786 20 32
ASDF 1st Tactical Airlift Group in training for medical responses in case of large-scale
Total 501 23,838 3,340 792 39 earthquakes (July 2017)
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Kumamoto Approx. Approx.
— 169 0
Earthquake 81,950 7,140
*Disaster relief for the Kumamoto Earthquake is excluded from the FY2017 record.
Ministry of Defense Disaster Prevention Plan to respond
to such earthquakes.
medical units in certain occasions.
Furthermore, in FY2017, the SDF carried out (5) Exercises Involving the SDF
66 dispatches of firefighting support, with 55 cases In order to respond to large-scale and various other
responding to fire in the areas near SDF facilities. disasters in a speedy and appropriate manner, the SDF
carries out various disaster prevention drills, and also
(3) The MOD/SDF Response to Nuclear Disaster actively participates in disaster prevention drills organized
In order to respond to nuclear disasters, the MOD/SDF has by the Japanese Government or local governments and is
formulated “The SDF Nuclear Disaster Response Plan.” seeking to ensure cooperation with various ministries and
The SDF also participates in general nuclear disaster agencies, and local governments.
prevention drills jointly implemented by the government, a. Joint Exercise for Rescue (JXR)
local governments, and nuclear operators, to confirm the From June to July 2016, the SDF conducted a command
effectiveness of municipal governments’ evacuation plan post exercise and a tabletop exercise in preparation for
and to strengthen cooperation with relevant agencies in the predicted Nankai Trough earthquake to enhance the
a nuclear disaster emergency. Moreover, since October SDF’s earthquake response capability.
2014, SDF personnel (5 personnel as of April 1, 2018) b. Tomodachi Rescue Exercise (TREX) Joint Disaster
were transferred (on temporary assignment) to a section Response Exercise with U.S. Forces
in charge of nuclear disaster prevention within the Cabinet In November 2017, joint exercises were held with U.S.
Office as part of an effort to enhance the effectiveness of Forces stationed in Japan in the scenario of a Nankai
nuclear disaster response capabilities. Trench earthquake. The purpose of the exercise was
to maintain and enhance earthquake disaster handling
(4) Formulating Plans for Responding to Various Disasters capabilities in collaboration between the SDF and U.S.
Formulating Plans for Responding to Various Disasters forces and to strengthen cooperation with relevant
in the event of the occurrence of various disasters, the local authorities.
MOD/SDF will take all possible measures such as swift c. Remote Island Disaster Relief Exercise (RIDEX)
transportation and deployment of sufficiently sized units In September 2017, the SDF participated in a general
in their initial response. By establishing a rotating staffing disaster prevention training planned and organized
posture based on a joint operational approach, the MOD/ by Okinawa Prefecture and conducted a field training
SDF will ensure that it is able to sustain a well-prepared exercise to deal with sudden large-scale disasters in a
condition for a long-term response. In doing so, the MOD/ remote island to maintain as well as enhance the SDF’s
SDF will fully take into account the lessons learned from ability to respond to disasters in remote islands and
the Great East Japan Earthquake and other disasters. strengthen collaboration with relevant local authorities.
The MOD/SDF is in the process of formulating d. Other
various contingency plans for responses to large-scale The SDF worked to enhance their earthquake response
earthquakes, which are under consideration at the capability, for example, by conducting the Nankai Rescue
Central Disaster Management Council, based on the 29, an exercise in preparation for the predicted earthquake
along the Nankai trough implemented by the GSDF Middle mutual exchange between administrative officials of
Army in June 2017, and “Big Rescue Azuma 2017,” an both the GSDF Middle Army and Hyogo Prefectural
exercise in preparation for the same predicted earthquake Government; and (3) Recommendation of retired SDF
implemented by the GSDF Eastern Army in the same month. personnel with knowledge in disaster prevention in
They also took part in the Ministry of Defense accordance with requests from local governments. As of the
Disaster Management Headquarters drill, drills held by end of March 2018, as many as 432 retired SDF personnel
the Government Disaster Management Headquarters on are working in disaster prevention and other sections in
Disaster Prevention Day, and more.37 291 local governments in 45 prefectures throughout the
Chapter 1
under normal circumstances for the purpose of conducting GSDF regional Army establishes a forum for interaction
disaster relief operations smoothly. For this reason, the SDF with senior directors for crisis management and other
implements various measures including: (1) Establishment officials from local governments and share information
of the post of Liaison Officer for Civil Protection and and exchange opinions to strengthen collaboration with
Disaster Management (administrative official) at the SDF those local governments.
Provincial Cooperation Offices; (2) Temporary assignment See Reference 65 (Employment Situation of Retired Uniformed
of SDF officers to the department in charge of disaster SDF Personnel in Disaster Prevention-related Bureaus in Local
prevention at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and
In the event of natural disasters, insurgencies, and other out constantly. From September to October 2017, the
emergencies overseas, the Minister of Defense can order exercise for the transport of Japanese nationals overseas
SDF units to rescue or transport Japanese nationals and was conducted in Djibouti with the aim of enhancing
other people overseas upon request from the Minister overseas deployment and activity capabilities and
for Foreign Affairs to guard, rescue or transport strengthening cooperation between the SDF and the
Japanese nationals overseas, etc. and upon subsequent U.S. Forces. Furthermore, in December 2017, the SDF
consultations with the Minister, on the basis of Article carried out an exercise in Japan for the rescue of Japanese
84-3 (rescue Japanese nationals overseas, etc.) or Article nationals overseas to practice the whole process of the
84-4 (transport of Japanese nationals overseas, etc.) of the
SDF Law. For prompt and, appropriate implementation
of these activities regarding Japanese nationals overseas,
the SDF is prepared to dispatch its units swiftly.
Specifically, the SDF maintains operational readiness,
with the GSDF designating a helicopter unit and leading
transport unit personnel, the MSDF designating vessels
such as transport ships (including ship-based aircraft),
and the ASDF designating airlift units and personnel
for dispatch.
Since the rescue and transport of Japanese nationals
overseas require close coordination among the GSDF,
ASDF personnel carrying out confirmation tasks during training for the rescue Japanese
MSDF and ASDF, exercises for this operation are carried nationals overseas (Thailand) (February 2018)
37 In addition, the following drills were conducted and participated in, in 2017: 1) government tabletop drills, 2) the Nuclear Energy Disaster Prevention Drill, 3) the large tsunami disaster prevention
drill, 4) the drill for medical treatment activities following a large-scale earthquake, 5) a drill related to the Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Drill of Nine Prefectural and City Governments, 6)
a drill related to the joint disaster drill among the Kinki prefectures, 7) a drill related to the Nankai Trough Massive Earthquake Countermeasure Tokai Block Council Joint Disaster Simulation Drill,
8) a drill related to the Nankai Trough Massive Earthquake Countermeasure Kyushu Block Council Joint Disaster Simulation Drill, and 9) comprehensive disaster prevention drills conducted by
local governments or other bodies.
actions and coordination with related organizations for the kidnapping of foreigners and Japanese in Iraq, 10
the rescue in order to enhance integrated operational Japanese evacuated to Kuwait by an ASDF C-130H
capabilities and strengthen coordination with related plane in April 2004. In January 2013, a government
organizations. In January and February 2018, the MOD/ aircraft was deployed to bring seven Japanese nationals
SDF also took the opportunity of the annual multilateral and the remains of a further nine nationals back to Japan
joint exercise “Cobra Gold” taking place in Thailand following the kidnapping in Algeria.
to conduct an exercise for the series of activities to With respect to the terrorist attack in Dhaka,
protect Japanese nationals overseas in cooperation Bangladesh, which occurred in July 2016, the bodies of
Chapter 1
with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japanese Japanese victims (seven nationals), their families, and
Embassy in Thailand. The staff of the embassy and their other involved parties were transported to Japan. In relation
family members participated in the exercise as well the to the deterioration of the situation in South Sudan in July
collaboration between the MOD/SDF and the Ministry of of the same year, the ASDF transport aircraft C-130H
Foreign Affairs was strengthened through this exercise. transported four embassy staff from Juba to Djibouti.
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
The MOD/SDF have conducted the transportation See Part II, Chapter 3, Section 2-3-6 Rescue and Transportation of
of Japanese nationals in four cases. Responding to Japanese Nationals Overseas
The NDPG states that only the necessary level of readiness the GSDF, MSDF or ASDF for their bases or troops.
against land invasions involving the mobilization of large Comprehensive aerial defense aims to deal with enemy
ground forces, which was expected primarily during the aerial attacks at the farthest point from our territory,
Cold War, will be retained. prohibiting enemies from gaining air superiority and
In the event of a military attack on Japan, the preventing harm to the people and the sovereign territory
SDF will respond with defensive mobilization. Their of Japan. At the same time, efforts will be made to
operations are categorized into (1) operations for aerial inflict significant damage on the enemy thus making the
air defense operations, (2) defense operations protecting continuation of their aerial attack difficult.
waters around Japan, (3) operations protecting the See Fig. III-1-2-16 (Example of Air Defense Operations)
land, and (4) operations ensuring security in maritime
communication, based on the characteristic of their
purposes. In executing these operations, the U.S. Forces 2 Defense Operations Protecting Waters
Surrounding Japan
will assist the operations implemented by the SDF and
deploy operations to complement the capabilities of the If an armed attack is carried out against Japan, which is an
SDF, including the use of striking power, in line with the island country, aerial attacks are expected to be combined with
Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation. attacks against our ships and territory by enemy destroyers.
In addition, transport vessels could be deployed to enable
1 Air Defense Operations massive enemy ground forces to invade our territory. Our
defense operations protecting the waters surrounding Japan
Based on the geographic features of Japan, in that it is are composed of measures at sea, measures in waters around
surrounded by the sea, and the features of modern wars,38 our coasts, measures in major straits, and aerial defense
it is expected that Japan will be repeatedly hit by rapid above waters around Japan. We need to protect the waters
and surprise aerial attacks by aircraft and missiles in the around our country by combining these multiple operations,
case where a full-scale invasion against Japan occurs. blocking the invasion of our enemies, and attacking and
Operations for aerial defense39 can be categorized into depleting their combat capabilities.
comprehensive aerial defense mainly conducted by See Fig. III-1-2-17 (Example of the Strategy for Defending Sea
the ASDF and individual aerial defense conducted by Areas Surrounding Japan)
38 Aerial attacks are important elements influencing the results of modern wars. It is vital to obtain air superiority before or at the same time as implementing ground or maritime operations.
39 A special characteristic of aerial defense operations is that initial response is critical and can influence the entirety of operations. Thus, Japan needs to maintain its readiness for a quick initial response
on an ongoing basis in peacetime, regularly collect information, and rapidly and comprehensively exert combat capabilities from the outset of operations.
Airborne Warning
and Control System
Destroy Combat air patrol
(CAP) 2
Aerial refueling/transport
Intercept aircraft (KC-767)
Chapter 1
Warning and
Detect Destroy control radar
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Identification of
friend or foe
Flow of air defense operations
order Air Defense Direction Center (DC)
Air wing command post
Notes: 1. Aircraft with airborne warning and control functions in waters distant from its national land and with alternative control capabilities for defense
ground environments
2. Keeping armed fighters on an airborne alert so that they can immediately respond to approaches by enemy aircraft
Fig. III-1-2-17 Example of the Strategy for Defending Sea Areas Surrounding Japan
Mine deployment warfare warfare
Patrol helicopter
Anti-mine warfare
Anti-submarine warfare
Fig. III-1-2-18 Example of Operations for Coping with the Landing of Invading Forces
Mobile of troops
Chapter 1
reconnaissance aircraft
Surface-to-air missile
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
Response to enemy
heliborne units
Mobile Combat
Surveillance radar
Response in sea waters
Armored Artillery
Response to enemy
airborne unit
Guiding evacuees
40 The act of systematically monitoring a specific area with the purpose of gathering information and intelligence to prevent a surprise attack by an opposing force.
41 Relatively safe marine areas defined to enable the transportation of ships. The locations and width of sea lanes change depending on the situation of a specific threat.
armed attack: 1) a land invasion, 2) an attack by guerrillas Disaster Management Agency) and local governments
or special forces, 3) a ballistic missile attack, 4) an air (Nagasaki Prefecture and Unzen City) held a civilian
attack and points to consider in taking measures to protect protection exercise in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture with
civilians depending on the type of attack. the scenario of a ballistic missile launch and landing,
The MOD/SDF, based on the Civil Protection Act and one of the anticipated types of armed attack. The GSDF
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
the Basic Guidelines, have developed a Civil Protection and MSDF as well as Provincial Cooperation Office
Plan of the MOD and the Acquisition, Technology and Nagasaki JSDF participated in the training.
Logistics Agency. This plan stipulates that in a situation See Document 39 (Participation of the Ministry of Defense and the
where Japan is under attack, the SDF would make utmost SDF in Civilian Protection Joint Training Exercises with Central
and Local Government Bodies (2017)
efforts to fulfil its basic task of repelling the attack It also
states that, within the scope of no hindrance to the task, (2) Ongoing Collaboration with Local Governments
the SDF would do as much as possible to protect civilians The Ministry of Defense and the SDF are establishing
through support on evacuation and disaster relief. liaison departments in Regional Armies and Provincial
See Part II, Chapter 3, Section 2-1-4 (Civil Protection) Cooperation Offices to ensure ongoing and close
collaboration with local governments and other bodies.
Civilian protection councils are also being established
Initiatives by the Ministry of Defense and the
2 SDF to Facilitate Measures for Civilian Protection in local governments for comprehensive implementation
of measures to protect civilians. Representatives of each
(1) Civilian Protection Training branch of the SDF and Regional Defense Bureau officials
For sound and expeditious implementation of measures have been appointed to the councils.
to protect civilians, it is important to conduct training Moreover, local governments are recruiting retired
on a regular basis to ensure effective and efficient SDF officers to serve as crisis managers. For example,
collaboration with concerned ministries, agencies and they act as coordinators with the Ministry of Defense and
local governments. The Ministry of Defense and the the SDF, as well as developing and implementing joint
SDF hold exercises in cooperation with concerned action plans and exercises.
42 Information Gathering Satellite (IGS) of the Japanese government is operated by the Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center. The MOD, along with other ministries and agencies, utilizes the imagery
intelligence provided by the IGS.
and other officials. and technology cooperation, and to Belgium, where NATO
As the security environment surrounding Japan has and the EU are headquartered, in view of the importance of
become increasingly severe, strengthening intelligence ensuring continued robust collaboration, cooperation and
capabilities is considered to be an increasingly important mutual security arrangements with Europe.
issue. For this reason, the MOD is currently promoting See Fig. III-1-2-19 (Dispatched Defense Attachés)
comprehensive enhancement of its intelligence capabilities
at all stages, including collecting, analyzing, sharing, and
Initiative against Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
securing intelligence. Specifically, the MOD will move 2 Attacks
Chapter 1
forward with the high-level use of geospatial data such as
visualization of situations by fusing various information, Electromagnetic pulse attacks place an extreme burden
securing highly competent analysts by such means as on electronics by generating instantaneous powerful
integrating and strengthening educational curricula, and electromagnetic waves through nuclear explosions and
enhancing the dispatch posture of defense attachés. other means leading to their malfunctioning or destruction.
Organizations Responsible for the Defense of Japan, and Effective Deterrence and Handling
In light of the changing situation in Europe, the This type of attack would impact not just the defense field
dispatch of defense attachés to Finland, which was but Japanese people’s lives in general. Led by the Cabinet
suspended in 2014, was resumed in February 2018. Secretariat, the MOD, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
In March, additional officers were dispatched to the Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
Philippines and Viet Nam, countries located on sea lanes and Tourism, and others are deliberating the necessary
vital to Japan. By the end of 2018, a new dispatch is cross-governmental countermeasures.
planned for Chile in view of the importance of collecting The MOD and the SDF will advance the multiplication
strategic information in Pacific Rim countries. Additional of the communications network required for information
attachés are also anticipated to be dispatched to Malaysia, sharing among the services, and conduct research on the
a country located on key sea lanes and with which Japan is protection of components against EMP attacks. The FY2018
increasingly engaged across a range of fields from military budget includes funding for research on a component of
exchange to capacity building support, defense equipment EMP warhead and EMP protection technology.
Sweden Finland
Delegation of Japan Mongolia
Ukraine to the Conference on
Germany (2) Disarmament (Geneva)
Kingdom (2) Russia (3)
*dispatch of one
additional personnel China (3)
scheduled in FY2018
Republic of Korea (3) United States (6)
France (2)
Permanent Mission
Austria Vietnam (2) of Japan
Myanmar to the United Nations
Italy (New York)
Morocco Philippines (2)
Kuwait As of April 1, 2018 (67 defense attachés dispatched to 45 embassies and 2 delegations of Japan)
In situations where the need and potential for international on the principle of international cooperation. Specifically,
cooperation in the security and defense areas are increasing the MOD/SDF plans to enhance bilateral and multilateral
unprecedentedly, the MOD/SDF is required to actively defense cooperation and exchanges, and more actively
contribute to ensuring the security of Japan, the peace promote the United Nations Peace Keeping Operations
Chapter 2
and stability of the region and the peace, stability, and (UNPKO), counter-piracy operations, international peace
prosperity of the entire international community from the cooperation activities, and other relevant missions as
perspective of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based avenues to address global security issues.
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
1 Significance and Evolution of Security Cooperation and Dialogue, and Defense Cooperation and Exchanges
The peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region are Regarding the form of defense cooperation and
closely linked to the security of Japan and growing more exchanges, Japan has long strived to alleviate any
important for the international community amid global conditions of confrontation and tension and foster a
balance of power changes. While nations with large-scale collaborative and cooperative atmosphere by building
military power concentrate in the region, any framework face-to-face relationships through bilateral dialogues
for regional security cooperation has not been sufficiently and exchanges. In addition, recognizing the increasing
institutionalized. As national political, economic and need for international cooperation, Japan has recently
social systems differ widely in the region, visions of enhanced bilateral defense relationships from traditional
security vary from country to country. Furthermore, there exchanges to deeper cooperation in a phased manner
have been an increasing number of unilateral actions by appropriately combining various means including
attempting to change the status quo by coercion without joint exercises and capacity building assistance,
paying respect to existing international law. The issues defense equipment and technology cooperation, and
involving the South China Sea, in particular, cause the development of institutional frameworks such as the
concerns over the maintenance of the rule of law at sea, Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements (ACSA).
freedom of navigation and overflight, and the stability In addition, multilateral regional security cooperation
of the Southeast Asian region. Thus, responses to these and dialogue are in the process of evolving from those
issues have become an important challenge to ensure the that focus on dialogue to cooperation that seeks to build
regional stability. regional order. It is important to promote bilateral and
Under such circumstances, strategic international multilateral defense cooperation and exchanges in a multi-
cooperation to promote bilateral and multilateral layered, practical manner for improving the regional and
security cooperation1 and exchanges more effectively global security environment.
in consideration of the international situation and See See Reference 40 (Record of Major Multinational Security
security challenges has been growingly required for Dialogues (Asia-Pacific Region, Last Five Years)); Reference
42 (Exchange Student Acceptance Record (Number of Newly
building confidence between the relevant countries and Accepted Students in FY2016))
establishing a foundation for their cooperation to resolve Fig. III-2-1-1 (Major Achievements in High-Level Exchanges
regional security issues. (June 2017-June 2018)) Fig. III-2-1-2 (Security Dialogues and
Defense Exchanges)
1 On December 16, 2015, at the Meeting of the Ministry of Defense and SDF Senior Personnel, Prime Minister Abe said: “I would like you to advance strategic international defense cooperation, boldly
and without being caught up in existing ideas. By doing this, I would like you to play a part in the strategic foreign and security policies that I develop by taking a panoramic perspective of the globe.”
Fig. III-2-1-1 Number of high-level bilateral dialogues and consultations (June 2017–June 2018)
*NATO (3 exchanges)
Sweden Russia
United Estonia
Kingdom Belgium Latvia Canada
Germany Ukraine
Czech Republic Kazakhstan Mongolia
Chapter 2
Spain Serbia
Italy Montenegro United States
Egypt Laos Republic
India of Korea
UAE Myanmar Vietnam
Bahrain Thailand
Cambodia Philippines
New Zealand
* “High-level” refers to Minister, State Minister, Parliamentary Vice-Minister, Administrative Vice-Minister,
Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs, and the Chief of Staff of each SDF branch.
2 The ARF, a forum aimed at improving the security environment in the Asia-Pacific region through dialogue and cooperation on political and security issues, has been held since 1994. The ARF currently
comprises 26 countries and one organization as members and holds various inter-governmental meetings that are attended by both foreign affairs and defense officials to exchange opinions on the
regional situation and the security area. The 26 countries are the 10 ASEAN members (Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia (since 1995) and
Myanmar (since 1996)), Japan, Australia, Canada, China and India (since 1996), New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Republic of Korea (ROK), Russia, the United States and Mongolia (since 1998),
North Korea (since 2000), Pakistan (since 2004), Timor-Leste (since 2005), Bangladesh (since 2006), and Sri Lanka (since 2007). The organization member is the European Union (EU).
3 It was founded in October 2010. As the non-ASEAN countries, Japan, the United States, Australia, the ROK, India, New Zealand, China and Russia participate in this meeting.
the situation of their defense units, as well as building mutual Defense Academy, GSDF/MSDF/ASDF Staff College, Joint
trust through the promotion of relatively long-term personnel Staff College
exchange and establishing human networks. ● Dispatch of students to overseas military-related organizations
Deepening mutual understanding between researchers of ● Research exchanges between Japan’s National Institute for
both countries through frank exchange of opinions for the Defense Studies and military-related research organizations in
maintenance and promotion of defense exchanges. other countries
● Dialogues at the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
the ADMM-Plus are (1) the ASEAN Defence Senior contributing to free and open seas.
Officials’ Meeting (ADSOM)-Plus, (2) ADSOM-Plus The joint declaration released by the ADMM, which
Working Group (ADSOM-Plus WG), and (3) Experts’ was held before the ADMM-Plus, included the promotion
Working Groups (EWGs).4 of procedures for the Standard Operating procedure
In October 2017, Defense Minister Onodera (SOP) on the Multi-National Cooperation Centre
participated in the fourth ADMM-Plus, emphasizing that (MNCC) to be adopted as part of an ASEAN’s SOP.
the international community should be united to exert MNCCs aim at maximizing the effectiveness of activities
maximum pressure on North Korea to change its policy of assisting states’ militaries, and SOP on MNCC was
to dismantle all nuclear and ballistic missile problems, prepared by the EWG on Humanitarian Assistance and
noting that Japan was implementing joint drills with the Disaster Relief, in which Japan and Laos served as co-
U.S. Navy in the South China Sea and other activities chairs from 2014 to 2017.
4 Japan has proactively contributed to the EWGs in 2017, participating in the EWG on Humanitarian and Disaster Relief in May and September in the EWG on PKO in May and October, in the EWG on
Humanitarian Mine Action in May and October, in the EWG on Cyber Security in July and November, in the EWG on Maritime Security in November, and in the EWG on Military Medicine in December.
See See Fig. III-2-1-3 (Organizational Chart and Overview of the Organizational Chart and Overview of
ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus)) Fig. III-2-1-3 the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus
Chapter 2
on MS) that has been held since 2009,6 for example, • Held annually
Japan has taken leadership in formulating a collection of • Director level
best practices concerning support for capacity building Overview of Experts’ Working Group (EWG)
in the field of maritime security. In the field of disaster Establishing EWGs in the seven specific regional security fields
Co-chaired with non-ASEAN countries
relief, the MOD/SDF has dispatched SDF personnel and Promoting information sharing, workshops and seminars, and multinational joint exercises
5 In addition to the Ministers’ meeting at the foreign minister level, the Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) and Inter-Sessional Meetings (ISM) are held each year, as well as meetings of the Inter-Sessional
Support Group on Confidence Building Measures and Preventive Diplomacy (ISG on CBM/PD) and the ARF Security Policy Conference (ASPC). Moreover, since the Ministers’ meeting in 2002, the ARF
Defense Officials’ Dialogues (DOD) has been held ahead of the main meeting.
6 In 2011, Japan, Indonesia and New Zealand co-hosted the third ISM on MS in Tokyo. In 2017, Japan, the Philippines and the United States co-hosted the ninth one in Tokyo.
MSDF Chief of Staff and Navy Chiefs of Staff from G7 countries participating in the Regional Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs participated as a chair in the 9th ASEAN
Seapower Symposium (October 2017) Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum held in Fukuoka (the sixth person from the left)
Chapter 2
(September 2017)
the development of human networks through seminars In addition, since 2001, the MOD has invited to
on Japan’s responses to experiences with large-scale Japan key figures who are primarily involved in security
disasters, and visits to SDF units. policy from countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with the
See See Reference 45 (Vientiane Vision: Japan’s Defense objective of promoting their understanding of Japan’s
Cooperation Initiative with ASEAN) security and defense policy as well as the current status
of the SDF.
(2) Japan-ASEAN Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum
Since 2009, the MOD has annually held the Japan- 4 Others
ASEAN Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum for the purpose
of strengthening bilateral and multilateral relationships (1) International Conferences Hosted by International
through the development of human networks between Organizations
Japanese and ASEAN vice-ministerial level officials. State Minister of Defense Yamamoto attended the United
Chapter 2
In September 2017, the MOD held the ninth Japan- Nations Peacekeeping Defense Ministerial conference
ASEAN Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum in Fukuoka, in held in Vancouver in November 2017 and delivered a
which vice-ministerial level officials from all ASEAN speech as representative of Japan that co-sponsored the
countries and the ASEAN Secretariat participated to conference. In the speech, he noted that Japan would make
exchange their views on three themes: (1) ASEAN further contributions to the United Nations Project for
9 This is a multilateral conference sponsored by the IISS, a private British think tank, in which defense ministers from various countries participate with the objective of discussing defense-related issues
and regional defense cooperation. It has been held in Singapore every year since 2002 and is known as the Shangri-La Dialogue, named after the hotel where it takes place.
10 This is one of the most prestigious international security meetings organized by private bodies in Europe and the United States and has been held annually (usually in February) since 1962. Usual
participants in the meeting include officials at the ministerial level from major European countries as well as top leaders, ministers, and lawmakers from countries in the world, and key executives of
international organizations.
At the 17th Shangri-La Dialogue in June 2018, The MSDF Chief of Staff attended the Regional
Defense Minister Onodera delivered a speech at the Seapower Symposium sponsored by the Italian Navy
second plenary session on “De-escalating the North in October 2017. Along with the U.S. Chief of Naval
Korean Crisis,” introducing Japan’s efforts to resolve Operations and the First Sea Lord of the British Royal
the issue of North Korea as well as expressing Japan’s Navy, the MSDF Chief of Staff publicized the importance
determination in working towards long-term stability and of cooperation through capacity-building support and
development at the Indo-Pacific region. The Minister also Japan’s maritime security initiatives. As naval chiefs
held bilateral and trilateral meetings with participants from the Group of Seven industrialized countries joined
from other countries, exchanging opinions on the regional the symposium, the MSDF Chief of Staff held talks with
situations including the ones in North Korea, East and his counterparts from other countries to discuss and share
South China Sea and defense cooperation among others, the recognition of what the naval branch should do to
and confirming the measures for strengthening future maintain maritime order based on the rule of law.
Chapter 2
cooperation with those countries. The ASDF Chief of Staff attended the Air Power
Conference and the Royal International Air Tattoo
(3) Service-to-Service Exchange Initiatives air show sponsored by the British Royal Navy at the
In October 2017, the Chief of Joint Staff participated invitation of the British Chief of Air Staff, attempting to
in a Japan-U.S.-ROK chief of defense conference, enhance bilateral air force relationship through talks on
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
agreeing with his counterparts to continue cooperation in regional situations, defense cooperation and exchanges,
addressing common security issues to enhance regional and other topics. In September 2017, the ASDF Chief
peace and stability. of Staff visited Hawaii to attend the Pacific Air Chiefs
The GSDF Chief of Staff participated in the 10th Symposium. At the symposium, the ASDF Chief of Staff
Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference (PACC) sponsored by held a meeting with his U.S., Australian and Philippine
the U.S. Army and the ROK Army in September 2017. counterparts to deepen mutual understanding and enhance
Through the conference, the GSDF Chief of Staff held confidential relationship. The ASDF Chief of Staff also
talks with his counterparts in other Pacific countries to participated in the Singapore Air Show in February 2018
enhance confidential relations at high levels. At Japan- and the Air Power Conference, a symposium sponsored
ROK and Japan-U.S.-ROK talks, particularly, the by the Australian Air Force, in March 2018, holding talks
GSDF Chief of Staff confirmed the need for enhancing with his counterparts from other participating countries
cooperation between Japanese and ROK army branches to enhance bilateral relations.
to secure regional peace and stability.
3 Promoting Capacity Building Assistance and Other Practical Multilateral Security Cooperation Initiatives
Chapter 2
ASDF personnel providing capacity building assistance (in the area of cyber security) in Vietnam
(December 2017)
Fig. III-2-1-4 Recent Implementation of the Capacity Building Assistance (April 2017 – June 2018)
Military medicine Aviation meteorology Civil engineering Humanitarian assistance Aviation medicine care, air rescue, Humanitarian assistance
humanitarian assistance military medicine and disaster relief cyber security and disaster relief
and disaster relief
Thailand Philippines
Chapter 2
Djibouti Brunei
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
Civil engineering Search and rescue Humanitarian assistance International law of the sea Vehicle maintenance, Military band development
and disaster relief civil
engineering (*)
2015 to August 2016, and from August 2016 to June terrorism, cyber security, humanitarian assistance and
2018. In exchange, the MOD dispatched an official to disaster relief, promotion of quality infrastructure, gender
the Australian Department of Defense each for three equality, and demining.
periods: three months from July 2015, one year from It is important for Japan and other countries providing
August 2016, and an ongoing period from April 2016. capacity building assistance to conduct such assistance
In November 2017, Japan and Australia held the first effectively and efficiently by closely coordinating with
working group on capacity building assistance. and mutually complementing each other.
Japan has also cooperated with the United States and
Australia in capacity building assistance to Timor-Leste. 2 Pacific Partnership
The SDF and the U.S. forces participated in the Harii
Hamutuk capacity building assistance program sponsored The Pacific Partnership (PP), which started in 2007, is
by the Australian forces in Timor-Leste in October in an initiative in which naval vessels, primarily those from
2015, 2016 and 2017, providing technical guidance on the U.S. Navy, visit countries in the Asia-Pacific region
engineering including construction for engineering units to provide medical care, conduct facility repair activities,
of the Timor-Leste forces. and engage in cultural exchange to strengthen cooperation
In the joint statement issued for the third Japan-UK between countries participating in the initiative and
Foreign and Defense Ministerial Meeting in December facilitate international peace cooperation activities
2017, Japan and the United Kingdom welcomed progress through cooperation with governments, military forces,
of coordination of capacity building in developing international organizations, and NGOs in those countries.
countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East Japan has sent SDF medical personnel and units
and Africa, and shared the view to use a coordination under the Pacific Partnership since 2007. In 2018, Japan
mechanism for future joint capacity building in strategic dispatched medical personnel to Micronesia, Palau
priorities such as maritime security and safety, counter- and Sri Lanka, and a lecturer to the Women, Peace and
Chapter 2
Cyber security
Vehicle maintenance
Timor-Leste Civil engineering
Oceanography Oceanography
aviation law
Aviation safety
assistance and
Brunei disaster relief,
search and rescue
Note: : Japan’s own projects, : Projects implemented in cooperation with other countries providing assistance, Green letters: ASEAN member states
Security (WPS) international engagement conference (2) Initiatives for Multilateral Joint Exercises
in Indonesia. It also sent the Osumi transport ship and a. Participation in and Hosting of Multilateral Joint
medical personnel to Vietnam for search and rescue Exercises
training and cultural exchange. The GSDF participated in the Khaan Quest multilateral
exercise in Mongolia in July 2017 and the Kamandag 2017
3 Multilateral Joint Training U.S.-Philippine joint exercise implemented the U.S. and
Philippine marines in the Philippines in September 2017.
(1) Significance of Multilateral Joint Training in the In June 2017, the MSDF implemented the first Pacific
Asia-Pacific Region Guardian multilateral joint exercise with the Canadian and
In the Asia-Pacific region, the MOD/SDF has actively New Zealand navies in waters south of Japan’s Shikoku
participated in multilateral joint training in non-traditional Island. In July 2017, the MSDF implemented the Japan-
security fields, such as HA/DR and Non-combatant U.S.-India Malabar 2017 exercise in waters east of India,
Chapter 2
Evacuation Operation (NEO), in addition to traditional sponsoring the annual trilateral naval drill for the first time.
training conducted in preparation for combat situations. In November 2017, the MSDF conducted a joint exercise
It is important to participate in such multilateral training with the U.S. and Indian navies in the Sea of Japan.
so as not only to raise the skill level of the SDF, but also In December 2017, the ASDF took part in the
to create a cooperative platform with relevant countries. Christmas Drop Japan-U.S.-Australia joint humanitarian
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
In light of this perspective, the MOD/SDF intends to assistance and disaster relief exercise in the Federal
continue to actively engage in such training. States of Micronesia.
See See Reference 46 (Participation in Multilateral Training (Last
Three Years))
Since August 2016, I have been working as the Australian Department of Defence Exchange Official within International Policy
Division in the Japan Ministry of Defense. I have been contributing to the planning and implementation of the JMOD’s regional capacity
building programs and engagement with security partners such as the United States and Australia. For example, I implemented a
new capacity building program to assist ASEAN member states improve their humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR)
capability. I also took part in coordinating the Australian Prime Minister’s visit to JGSDF Narashino Training Area and I joined the
Prime Minister’s office call with Defense Minister Onodera in January 2018. I greatly appreciate the opportunities provided through
this exchange program to contribute to the continued enhancement of the Japan-Australia Special Strategic Partnership and to work
with and learn from my JMOD and JSDF colleagues.
Chapter 2
humanitarian assistance and disaster relief and conducted
training for the Japan-U.S. Tomodachi Rescue Exercise
(TREX) for disaster prevention.
In promoting cooperation and exchanges in the area of have built up cooperation since then through the United
security, it is necessary to strengthen them based on a Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT),
combination of the most optimal means while taking into Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance in Iraq, and
account the situations of cooperation partner countries various international disaster relief operations. When the
and their relationship with Japan. Therefore, not only Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in March 2011,
comprehensive efforts within multilateral frameworks the Australian Defense Force (ADF) dispatched three
but also bilateral defense cooperation and exchanges out of its four transport aircraft to Japan to engage in
are important. a disaster relief mission. Cooperation between the two
countries has deepened and is becoming more practical.
In the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South
Japan-Australia Defense Cooperation and
1 Exchanges Sudan (UNMISS), for example, Japan accepted two ADF
officers dispatched to engage in UNMISS operations
(1) Significance of Defense Cooperation and Exchanges from January to May 2017 into the Japanese camp.
with Australia Against the background of the deepening defense
Australia is a “Special Strategic Partner” for Japan in cooperation between Japan and Australia, the two countries
the Asia-Pacific region as both Japan and Australia are in March 2007 announced the Japan-Australia Joint
allied with the United States and share not only universal Declaration on Security Cooperation, Japan’s first such joint
values11 but also strategic stakes and interests. In recent declaration focusing on security with a country other than
years, particularly, Japan and Australia as responsible the United States. Japan and Australia have also developed
countries in the Asia-Pacific region are strengthening the foundation for cooperation such as the Japan-Australia
mutual cooperation focused on areas such as HA/DR Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement ACSA, the
activities and cooperation in capacity building assistance. Japan-Australia Information Security Agreement, and
Defense cooperation between Japan and Australia the Agreement between the Government of Japan and
started with cooperation in the United Nations Transitional the Government of Australia concerning the Transfer of
Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The two countries Defense Equipment and Technology.
11 Universal values: The National Security Strategy stipulates “freedom, democracy, respect for fundamental human rights, and the rule of law” as universal values.
domestic laws were developed then. same month, an Australian Air Force C-130J transport
Japan will continue deepening its cooperative squadron visited Japan for interaction with its ASDF
relationship with Australia, a “Special Strategic Partner” counterpart squadron. In November 2017, C-2 transport
that has both intention and ability to contribute to the aircraft of the ASDF called at Australia’s Richmond Air
maintenance of peace and stability in the region jointly Force Base for a service-to-service exchange. Through
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
12 Official title: Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Australia concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan
and the Australian Defense Force. In addition to the activities this agreement currently applies to, the following activities and situations will also be newly subject to the agreement: (1) Internationally
coordinated operations for peace and security; (2) Situations threatening international peace and security that the international community is collectively addressing; (3) Perilous situations; (4) Armed
attack situations, etc.; (5) Activities in situations threatening survival; (6) Rescue measures for Japanese nationals and others overseas; (7) Counter-piracy activities; (8) Elimination of mines and other
dangerous objects; and (9) Intelligence gathering activities.
Chapter 2
circumstances through watching resident movements on genuine outlying islands. It is a valuable opportunity that provides training
very similar to actual mission conditions. The “Santa” mission also raises the motivation of members and contributes to significant
training results.
countries. They plan to utilize this agreement to further Japan, the United States and Australia have also
deepen their collaboration. carried out joint exercises by service branch. In May
On the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in June 2018, for example, the GSDF participated in the Southern
2018, Defense Minister Onodera held a Japan-U.S.- Jackaroo joint exercise with the U.S. and Australian
Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting with U.S. Defense forces in Australia.
Secretary Mattis and Australian Defense Minister In September 2017, the MSDF implemented a Japan-
Payne. The three ministers agreed on the importance U.S.-Australia joint exercise (an anti-submarine warfare
of maintaining free and open maritime order. They also drill) with two submarines, each from the United States
agreed to draft a strategic action agenda that would and Australia in waters south of Japan’s Honshu Island.
provide a long-term vision for trilateral cooperation In June 2017, the three countries and Canada conducted a
in the Indo-Pacific region. With regard to the regional joint cruising exercise in the South China Sea.
situation, the ministers agreed to remain united to support The ASDF participated in the Christmas Drop Japan-
for the diplomatic efforts to achieve complete, verifiable U.S.-Australia joint humanitarian assistance and disaster
and irreversible disarmament of its nuclear, chemical relief exercise in the Federal States of Micronesia.
and biological weapons and ballistic missile programs. In February 2018, the ASDF cohosted a Japan-U.S.-
They welcomed sustained international cooperation to Australia joint exercise and a trilateral humanitarian
deter, disrupt, and ultimately eliminate illicit activities, assistance and disaster relief exercise (Exercise Corp
such as illegal ship-to-ship transfers. In addition, they North Guam 2018) in Guam. Through these various
confirmed that they would continue to share concerns training and exercise opportunities among Japan, the
about the ongoing situation in South China Sea situation, United States and Australia, Japan continues efforts to
and underscored the shared commitment to upholding improve mutual understanding and interoperability.
lawful uses of sea, including the South China Sea.
2 Japan-ROK Defense Cooperation and Exchanges been accumulated. On the sidelines of the Shangri-La
Dialogue in June 2018, Defense Ministers Onodera and
(1) Significance of Japan-ROK Defense Cooperation Song met again and welcomed positive moves toward the
and Exchanges comprehensive resolution of pending issues involving
While Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) have North Korea. They also confirmed that their countries
difficult bilateral issues, it is important for them to would cooperate with the international community
advance their relations in future oriented manner, including the United States in line with the relevant United
Both Japan and the ROK confront wide-ranging Nations Security Council resolutions to lead North Korea
complex security challenges including not only the to take further concrete actions. The ministers welcomed
nuclear and missile issue of North Korea, but also counter- steady Japan-ROK defense cooperation and exchanges
terrorism measures, peacekeeping operations, responses and agreed to promote bilateral cooperation in a wide
to large-scale natural disasters, counter-piracy measures, range of areas to enhance the foundation for bilateral
Chapter 2
and maritime security. In order to effectively address such defense cooperation and exchanges.
security challenges, the two countries should carry out b. Japan-ROK General Security of Military Information
not just exchanges for increasing mutual understanding Agreement
and confidence building but also more broad-ranging Based on the Trilateral Information Sharing Arrangement
concrete defense cooperation. Concerning the Nuclear and Missile Threats Posed by
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
Secretary Mattis and ROK Minister of National Defense been strengthening their relations in the area of security
Song, where they agreed to support diplomatic efforts for in recent years.
the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization Defense cooperation and exchanges between Japan
of the Korean Peninsula and continue enforcement of all and India have steadily deepened since October 2008
relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. when the two countries signed the Joint Declaration
They also welcomed sustained international cooperation on Security Cooperation between Japan and India.
to deter, disrupt and ultimately eliminate illicit activities Meetings and consultations at various levels such as the
such as illegal ship-to-ship transfers. ministerial and Chief of Staff levels, as well as service-
At the working level, the three countries have to-service exchanges including bilateral and multilateral
coordinated with each other while closely sharing exercises, have been regularly conducted. Moreover,
information through such opportunities as Director- the two countries signed the Memorandum on Japan-
General and Director level meetings, video conferences, India Defense Cooperation and Exchanges in September
Chapter 2
and chief-of-staff level meetings based on the framework 2014 and saw the conclusion of the Agreement between
of the Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks (DTT). the Government of Japan and the Government of India
For example, they implemented a Director-General level concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and
DTT video teleconference in response to North Korea’s Technology as well as the General Security of Military
nuclear and ballistic missile tests from July 2017. They Information Agreement in December 2015, further
(From the left) Chief of Staff, Navy Chief Bartlet (Australia), Navy General Lanba (India),
and Admiral Harris (US) (January 2018)
Since July 2017, for example, the MSDF and the Indian
Navy conducted seven joint exercises including those
involving patrol aircraft. In December 2017, ASDF
helicopter crew members visited an Air Force Squadrons
in India.
Opportunities for Japan-U.S.-India trilateral
exercises have also increased. For example, the MSDF
implemented the Malabar 2017 exercise with the U.S.
and Indian navies in eastern waters of India in July 2017,
hosting the first annual trilateral naval drill. In November
2017, a Japan-U.S.-India joint naval exercise took place
in the Sea of Japan.
See See Reference 49 (Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges
with India (Past Three Years)) Prime Minister Abe and President Xi Jinping at the Japan-China Summit Meeting held during the
APEC Summit Meeting (November 2017) [Photo: Cabinet Secretariat Public Relations Office]
continues defense exchanges to improve the transparency China must strive to promote confidential relations and
of Chinese military and security policies and promote mutual understanding through dialogue at various levels
measures such as the development of a framework to in various areas and must proactively step up concrete
avert or prevent unexpected incidents. cooperation in non-traditional security areas, such as
counter-piracy measures.
(2) Recent Major Achievements in Defense Exchanges
Japan-China defense exchanges stagnated following the (3) “Maritime and Aerial Communication Mechanism
Japanese government’s acquisition of ownership of the between the Defense Authorities of Japan and China”
three Senkaku Islands (Uotsuri Island, Kitakojima Island, At Japan-China Summit Meetings in January and April
and Minamikojima Island) in September 2012, but have 2007, then Japanese Prime Minister Abe and Chinese
gradually resumed since the latter half of 2014. Premier Wen Jiabao agreed to develop a mechanism for
In November 2015, Japan-China Defense Ministerial communications, particularly maritime communications,
Chapter 2
Meeting was held for the first time in four years and five between the two countries’ defense authorities. Based
months on the margins of the ADMM-Plus meeting. Then on the agreement, their defense authorities held the first
Japanese Defense Minister Nakatani and Chinese Defense Joint Working Group Meeting on the mechanism in April
Minister Chang Wanquan held a frank exchange of views 2008 and accumulated talks. At the third Joint Working
regarding various issues between the two countries and Group Meeting in June 2012, they agreed on the basic
13 Memorandum on the Maritime and Aerial Communication Mechanism between the Japanese Ministry of Defense and the Chinese Ministry of Defense
The signing of the memorandum after a decade of Russia “2+2” Meeting, where the two countries’ defense
negotiations is an important step for promoting mutual and foreign ministers participate. At the first Japan-Russia
understanding and confidence between Japan and China “2+2” Meeting in November 2013, the two countries
and very significant for avoiding unexpected collision. agreed to conduct ground service unit exchanges and the
It is important for the mechanism to be operated in a mutual dispatch of exercise observers on a regular basis,
manner to contribute to building confidential relations and joint exercises of counter-piracy units of the MSDF
between Japanese and Chinese defense authorities. and Russian Navy in the Gulf of Aden, as well as the
See See Reference 50 (Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges regular Japan-Russia Cyber Security Meeting.
with China (Past Three Years)) At the Japan-Russia Summit Meeting in December
2016, the two leaders welcomed dialogues between the
national security councils of both countries as well as
Japan-Russia Defense Exchanges
5 and Cooperation defense exchanges and agreed to continue these dialogues
Chapter 2
Japan, it is very important for Japan to promote level meetings, unit-to-unit exchanges, and search and
confidential relations with Russia through bilateral rescue exercises. The Japanese side protested against
defense exchanges. As Japan-Russia relations have the activities of the Russian Armed Forces to enhance
continuously been developing in a wide range of areas, armaments in the Far East, including the deployment of
the MOD/SDF has continuously conducted various surface-to-ship missiles on the Northern Territories and
dialogues with Russian defense authorities according to the deployment of divisions on islands that may contain
the Memorandum on Japan-Russia Defense Exchanges the Four Northern Islands, expressing that these activities
signed in 1999 (revised in 2006), annual meetings conflicted with Japan’s stance that the Northern territory
based on the Japan-Russia Agreement on Prevention of is an inherent part of the territory of Japan and were
Incidents on and over the High Seas,14 and joint search regrettable.
and rescue exercises. In part of recent major Japan-Russia military
The Government of Japan deals with the relationships exchanges, Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff
with Russia appropriately while emphasizing the of the Russian Armed Forces, visited Japan and met with
solidarity of the G7 (Group of Seven), taking the Ukrainian the SDF Chief of Joint Staff in December 2017. They
situation and other factors into account. At the same time, exchanged opinions on matters of interest to the two
it is important to maintain constant contacts with Russia, countries regarding security and agreed on the need for
as one of Japan’s neighbors, at the working level to avoid Japan-Russia defense exchanges. In November 2017,
unforeseen circumstances or unnecessary conflicts. The Oleg Salyukov, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian
MOD considers these points in a comprehensive manner Ground Forces, visited Japan for talks with the GSDF
and advances defense exchanges with Russia accordingly. Chief of Staff, to build their confidential relations.
As for exercises and drills, the MSDF and the
(2) Recent Major Achievements in Defense Exchanges Russian Navy conducted a search and rescue exercise in
At the Japan-Russia Summit Meeting in April 2013, waters off Vladivostok in November 2017.
the two leaders affirmed the importance of expanding See See Reference 51 (Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges
cooperation between Japan and Russia in the field of with Russia (Past Three Years))
14 Official title: Japan-Russia Agreement on the prevention of incidents at sea beyond territorial waters and the air space above them
Chapter 2
the peace and prosperity of Japan as well as the entire in order to further promote close cooperation in the
region. Therefore, it is important for Japan to strengthen security and defense fields. Similarly, at the working
cooperation in the security and defense areas and enhance level, exchanges at various levels have been carried
confidential relations with ASEAN member states. out, including consultations between the diplomatic
Based on this principle, Japan and ASEAN member and defense authorities of both countries, consultations
Meeting held on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue on Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean
in June 2018, both ministers agreed to promote defense and exchanged opinions on the North Korean issue, as
cooperation and exchanges in specific areas such as well as bilateral and multilateral defense cooperation
U.N. peacekeeping operations and capacity building and exchanges.
assistance and shared the recognition of the South China As for recent major service-to-service exchanges,
Sea situation. In service-to-service exchanges between Melvyn Ong, then Chief of the Singaporean Army,
Japan and Vietnam, the GSDF Chief of Staff held talks visited Japan and held talks with the GSDF Chief of Staff
with Chief of General Staff Giang and other senior in October 2017, reaffirming that each ground service
Vietnamese military officers in Vietnam in January 2018, would work to strengthen their relationship. In November
and they agreed to cooperate in Vietnam’s participation 2017, ASDF C-2 transport aircraft visited the Paya
in the U.N. peacekeeping operations. In April 2016, an Lebar Air Base in Singapore for unit-to-unit exchange.
MSDF vessel visited the Cam Ranh Bay International In February 2018, the ASDF Chief of Staff attended the
Chapter 2
Port. In April 2017 the MSDF destroyers Izumo and Singapore Air Show and exchanged opinions with his
Sazanami participating in the multilateral exercise foreign counterparts.
“Pacific Partnership 2017” called at the Cam Ranh Bay Additionally, MSDF vessels have made port calls
International Port for medical and facility repairing in Singapore during international cooperation operations
activities deepening bilateral defense exchanges. In such as UN peacekeeping operations and counter-piracy
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
December 2017, an ASDF U-4 utility support aircraft flew activities. Also, service-to-service exchanges have been
to the Da Nang International Airport for an unit exchange. actively conducted.
In April 2018, Le Huy Vinh, Commander of Air Defense
and Air Force, Vietnam, visited Japan and held talks with (4) The Philippines
the ASDF Chief of Staff. They agreed to enhance the Between Japan and the Philippines, mutual visits by naval
Japan-Vietnam Service-to-Service relationship. vessels, working-level exchanges including consultations
As for capacity building assistance program to between their defense authorities, and service-to-service
Vietnam, the ASDF implemented programs on air rescue exchanges have been frequently conducted along with
in June 2017, on aviation medicine in November 2017, high-level exchanges. At the Japan-Philippines Defense
and on cybersecurity in December 2017. Ministerial Meeting held in January 2015, the two
It remains vital that Japan and Vietnam strengthen ministers signed a memorandum on defense cooperation
their relationship in order to achieve more concrete, and exchanges. This memorandum shows the intention of
practical cooperation, based on the memorandum on the two countries to conduct cooperation in non-traditional
defense cooperation and exchanges. security areas such as maritime security, in addition
to defense ministerial meetings and vice-ministerial
(3) Singapore consultations on a regular basis, reciprocal visits between
In December 2009, Singapore became the first country the SDF Chief of Joint Staff and the Chiefs of Staff of the
in Southeast Asia to sign a memorandum on defense each SDF Service, and the Chief of Staff of the Armed
cooperation and exchanges with Japan. Since then, Forces of the Philippines and the Commander of each
cooperative relationship is progressing steadily based service, and participation in training and exercises. At the
on the memorandum. Singapore and Japan have so far Japan-Philippines Summit Meeting in November 2015,
conducted 15 regular meetings between their defense the two leaders of both countries reached a consensus
authorities. Moreover, the two countries actively conduct in principle on the agreement concerning the transfer of
high-level defense exchanges as Japan’s Minister of defense equipment and technology, which was signed in
Defense attends the Shangri-La Dialogue organized by February 2016.
the IISS almost every year to explain Japan’s security At the Japan-Philippines Summit Meeting in
policy. In May 2018, Defense Minister of Singapore Ng September 2016, Prime Minister Abe and President
Eng Hen visited Japan for a Japan-Singapore Defense Duterte agreed on the transfer of MSDF TC-90 training
Ministerial Meeting, where defense ministers of both aircraft to the Philippines in order to enhance its
countries exchanged opinions on bilateral and Japan- capabilities in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief,
ASEAN defense cooperation and the regional situation transportation, and maritime situational awareness. At
covering the South China Sea. In June 2018 when the Japan-Philippines Summit Meeting in January 2017,
Defense Minister of Japan Onodera visited Singapore to the two countries agreed that they would promote defense
attend the Shangri-La Dialogue, he paid a courtesy call cooperation in various fields such as capacity building
assistance, defense equipment cooperation, and training the commencement of the dispatch of Defense Attachés
and exercises. and consultations between their defense authorities at an
At the Japan-Philippines Defense Ministerial Meeting early stage. As for the acceptance of foreign students at the
in October 2017, after the transfer of two MSDF TC-90 National Defense Academy, a Thai student became the first
training aircraft to the Philippine Navy, Defense Minister one to be accepted in 1958. Since then, Thailand has sent
Onodera announced to Defense Minister of Philippines the largest cumulative number of students to the academy.
Lorenzana that the transfer of TC-90 would be changed In November 2017, State Minister of Defense
from lease to grant. In March 2018, the remaining three Yamamoto visited Thailand, where he reviewed an
TC-90 aircraft were transferred to the Philippine Navy at international defense equipment exhibition the “Defense
Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City, and Security 2017” and agreed with the Thai side
in the presence of Japanese Parliamentary Vice-Minister to promote Japan-Thailand defense equipment and
of Defense Fukuda and Defense Minister of Philippines technology cooperation including an early conclusion
Chapter 2
Lorenzana. The grant of five TC-90 aircraft including the of the agreement concerning the transfer of defense
two transferred earlier was then completed. This transfer equipment and technology.
covers training for Philippine Navy pilots and maintenance Since 2005, the MOD/SDF, has been participating
support for Philippine Navy maintenance personnel. in the multilateral military exercise Cobra Gold cohosted
In June 2018, Minister Onodera had the Japan- by the United States and Thailand. In Cobra Gold 2018,
I participated in the International Fleet Review for the ASEAN 50th Anniversary held in Pattaya (Kingdom of Thailand) in November
2017 along with about 180 crew members and one on-board aircraft as the commanding officer of Destroyer Oonami. The
participation in the International Fleet Review and related events held with a unified crew under a slogan of “representing our country
despite being small” that showed the strength of Japan Maritime Self Defense Force to other participating countries.
The event that stood out the most to me was the city parade that took placein poor conditions with roads flooded to just
below the knee due to a sudden squall, though November is the dry season in Thailand. While the rain had stopped and water in
front of the viewing stand had pulled back when the parade began, conditions in starting point were not good and many countries
Chapter 2
proceeded carefully while closely watching their footsteps. Japan’s Oonami crew members advanced in an orderly manner and
proudly salutedthe inspector. We received praise from Thai people and other countries.
By publicly demonstrating the strength of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force at the city parade, rail manning in the fleet
review, and other unit actions as representatives of Japan, Japan obtained the trust of ASEAN countries and the US, Australia, and
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
Writer at the port entry welcome event Writer saluting the review officers (right side)
(second person from the right)
missions, security, and other matters. Through the Banh. They talked on the regional situation and gave high
seminar, the SDF shared its experiences and the lessons appreciation to progress in the Japan-Cambodia defense
learnt with the Royal Thai Army over five years of cooperation, including capacity-building assistance and
deployment to UNMISS service-to-service exchanges.
As for capacity building assistance programs to
(6) Cambodia Cambodia, GSDF has implemented practical training
In 1992, Cambodia became the first country to which for road construction and other programs. In July 2017,
Japan sent an SDF unit for UN peacekeeping operations. the GSDF conducted an education program for the
As indicated by Japan’s capacity building assistance engineering unit of the Royal Cambodian Forces to train
for Cambodia since 2013 and other programs, defense instructors on land survey.
cooperation and exchanges between the two countries
have made steady progress. At the Japan-Cambodia (7) Myanmar
Summit Meeting in December 2013, the bilateral Japan has been promoting exchanges with Myanmar since
relationship was upgraded to “strategic partnership.” Myanmar’s transition from military rule to democratic
After the summit, then Defense Minister Onodera government in March 2011, including the first visit to the
signed the Memorandum on Defense Cooperation and country by the Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense
Exchanges between the Ministry of Defense of Japan and the invitation of Myanmar to participate in multilateral
and the Ministry of National Defense of the Kingdom of conferences hosted by Japan. In November 2013, the two
Cambodia. In September 2017, Defense Minister Onodera countries’ defense authorities held their first consultation
held a ministerial meeting with Cambodian Deputy in Myanmar’s capital of Naypyidaw, exchanged opinions
Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Tea on how to proceed with their future defense exchanges
and agreeing to further promote exchanges. In November capacity building assistance and agreeing with him to
2014, then Defense Minister Eto held a meeting with then promote defense cooperation and exchanges between the
Defense Minister Wai Lwin of Myanmar and confirmed two countries. In March 2018, the first Lao students at
their intention to promote defense exchanges, while Japan’s National Defense Academy graduated.
visiting Myanmar for the Japan-ASEAN Ministerial With regard to recent capacity building assistance,
Roundtable Meeting chaired by Myanmar. the GSDF provided practical training on humanitarian
In August 2017, Senior General Min Aung assistance and disaster relief for the Lao People’s Army
Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Defense engineering and medical units in November 2017.
Services, visited Japan at the invitation of the Nippon
Foundation. He paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister (9) Malaysia
Abe and met with the Chief of Joint Staff to exchange Japan signed the agreement concerning the transfer of
views on the promotion of defense cooperation and defense equipment and technology with Malaysia in
Chapter 2
other matters. Under the Japan-Myanmar Military April 2018.
Officials Exchange Program sponsored by the Nippon As for capacity building assistance programs to
Foundation since 2014, general officers in Myanmar Malaysia, GSDF implemented a seminar on humanitarian
have been invited to visit SDF facilities in Japan. In assistance and disaster relief in Malaysia in November 2017.
September 2017, 10 senior Myanmar military officials
(2) Mongolia
Following the signing of a memorandum on Japan- (4) Sri Lanka
Mongolia defense cooperation and exchanges in January In July 2017, Sri Lankan State Minister of Defense
2012, Japan and Mongolia have promoted high-level Ruwan Wijewardene exchanged views with then Japanese
exchanges and worked to strengthen cooperation through Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Miyazawa
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
capacity building assistance. At the 14th Shangri-La on future defense cooperation and boarded the MSDF
Dialogue in May 2015, a Japan-Mongolia Defense destroyer Izumo that was at the Port of Colombo. When
Ministerial Meeting was held for an exchange of opinions the Sri Lankan minister visited Japan in November 2017,
regarding bilateral defense cooperation and exchanges. he paid a courtesy call on Defense Minister Onodera,
At a meeting between the Japanese Chief of Joint Staff exchanging views on cooperation in the improvement
and the Mongolian Chief of Defense in October of the of maritime surveillance capabilities and in search and
same year, agreement was reached to promote security rescue operations.
cooperation in the area of peacekeeping operations. In part of recent service-to-service exchanges, the
As for major service-to-service exchanges, the Chief of Joint Staff during his first visit to Sri Lanka
GSDF had sent observers to the Khaan Quest multilateral met with President Sirisena, sharing the recognition of
exercise, co-hosted by the United States and Mongolia the security environment and exchanging views on the
since 2006, and has dispatched a unit to the exercise need for deepening Japan-Sri Lanka defense exchanges.
since 2015 to maintain and improve capabilities for The MSDF implemented goodwill exercises in waters
U.N. peacekeeping operations and enhance mutual close to Sri Lanka in July, August and December 2017 to
understanding and confidential relations among the deepen mutual understanding, friendship, and goodwill.
participating countries. In April 2018, the MSDF destroyer Akebono in the 30th
anti-piracy operations unit called at the Port of Hambantota,
(3) Timor-Leste providing a capacity building assistance seminar for the Sri
In June 2016, for the first time in 14 years, then Defense Lankan Navy regarding search and rescue.
Minister Nakatani visited Timor-Leste to which the SDF
had dispatched a unit for UN peacekeeping operations to
Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with
support the country’s independence since 2002. Minister 8 European Countries
Nakatani and Minister Cristovão agreed that the two
countries would continue and deepen exchanges between Europe shares universal values with Japan and plays a
defense authorities through capacity building assistance, central role in working to address common challenges
the dispatch of students from Timor-Leste to Japan’s to global security, focusing primarily on non-traditional
National Defense Academy and other schools, and port security areas such as counter-terrorism and combating
calls by MSDF vessels. piracy, as well as international peace cooperation
As for capacity building assistance, Japan has activities. In this regard, promoting defense cooperation
continued educational assistance to the Timor-Leste and exchanges with European countries provides the
Defense Force for vehicle maintenance since 2012. foundations for Japan to become actively involved in
The GSDF has participated in Exercise Harii Hamutuk dealing with these challenges and is important for both
sponsored by the Australian forces in Timor-Leste since Japan and Europe.
2015, providing technical guidance on civil engineering.
Chapter 2
to promote cooperation with the United Kingdom by
working together on global issues such as international two countries to implement the mutual provision of goods
peace cooperation activities, counter-terrorism and and services such as water, food, fuel and transportation
counter-piracy operations and by exchanging information between the SDF and the British Armed Forces through
on regional situations. unified procedures in joint exercises and large-scale
15 The ACSA applies to the following activities: (1) joint exercises; (2) UN peacekeeping operations; (3) internationally coordinated peace and security operations; (4) humanitarian international relief
operations; (5) operations to cope with large-scale disasters; (6) protection measures for or transportation of nationals of either party or others for their evacuation from overseas; (7) communication
and coordination or other routine activities; and (8) any other activity in which the provision of supplies and services is permitted under the laws and regulations of the respective countries.
future fighter aircraft. On the North Korea issue, Defense and Japan-U.K. defense cooperation and exchanges. In
Minister Onodera stated that cooperation between the November 2017, the GSDF Chief of Staff visited the
British Navy and the MSDF in warning and surveillance United Kingdom and exchanged views with General
activities against offshore North Korean ship-to-ship Carter, Chief of the General Staff of the British Army,
cargo transfers of goods were significant for securing on Japan-U.K. cooperation in amphibian operations. In
the effectiveness of relevant United Nations Security April 2018, the MSDF conducted a joint exercise with
Council resolutions, and that such activities had come to the British Navy frigate HMS Sutherland in waters south
lead North Korea to change policies. As Defense Minister of Kanto region in Japan. In July 2017, ASDF KC-767
Onodera mentioned the need for continuing sanctions aerial refueling/transport aircraft participated in the Royal
on North Korea, Defense Minister Williamson said the International Air Tattoo (RIAT) air show and conducted
United Kingdom would support the Japanese stance. unit exchanges including a joint goodwill exercise with
In part of recent working-level exchanges, the Typhoon fighters and Voyager aerial refueling aircraft.
Chapter 2
Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense visited the In December 2017, three ASDF fighter pilots visited the
United Kingdom in February 2018 and paid a courtesy Coningsby Air Force Base for a sister squadron exchange.
call to Frederick Curzon, Minister of State for Defense
and Deputy Leader of the House of Lords. In part of recent (2) France
service-to-service exchanges, the Chief of Joint Staff France is a major power that has influence not only in
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
visited the United Kingdom in March 2018 for talks with Europe and Africa, but also in the world. It historically
Peach, Chief of the Defense Staff of the British Armed has had a close relationship with Japan and is positioned
Forces. They exchanged views on situational awareness as Japan’s special partner.
I took part in the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) at RAF Fairford, United Kingdom, as a KC-767 crew member. RIAT is the
world’s largest airshow and 246 military and commercial aircraft from 26 countries participated in the event. The Air Self-Defense
Force KC-767 on static display attracted many visitors both civil and military and there was a long queue to catch a glimpse of it.
We could see high interest in the Air Self-Defense Force by the visitors’ enthusiastic look on their faces staring at on-board panel
description. In addition, the Air Self-Defense Force taiko drummers performed beside the tanker every day. The taiko performance
was a huge success with the audience gathering around the drummers. Some came to see our performance several times and
called for encores. What surprised me most was that more visitors than I had imagined visited the UK all the way from Japan just
to see the airshow. It was a precious and worthwhile experience that I was involved in the event of a global attention to promote the
Air-Self Defense Force and to help deepen the understanding of its roles. I am proud and honored to have this opportunity and hope
to join the airshow again in the future.
Chapter 2
areas of defense equipment and technology and maritime occasion of the Shangri-La Dialogue. They exchanged
security. Then, the two countries signed the Agreement views on the regional situation covering the Korean
concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Peninsula and the South China Sea, and agreed to take
Technology. At the third Japan-France “2+2” Meeting in various opportunities to implement defense exchanges
Paris in January 2017, the two countries confirmed that and cooperation, including joint exercises in line with
In January 2017, then Defense Minister Inada Italy Information Security Agreement in June 2016 and
visited NATO Headquarters in Brussels for the first time the signing of the Agreement on the Transfer of the
in 10 years and held a meeting with NATO Secretary Defense Equipment and Technology in May 2017. In the
General Stoltenberg. In the meeting, they confirmed same month, Minister of Defense Pinotti visited Japan to
the importance of Japan-NATO cooperation in dealing hold a defense ministerial meeting, where the Japanese
with today’s security issues and agreed to promote and Italian ministers agreed to deepen collaboration
cooperation in various fields, such as maritime security between the two countries’ defense authorities through
including counter-piracy operations, cybersecurity, HA/ cooperation in various areas including equipment and
DR, and mainstreaming women, peace and security. On technology.
the dispatch of a Japanese liaison officer to the Supreme Spanish Defense Minister De Cospedal visited Japan
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), which had in January 2018 for a Japan-Spain defense ministerial
been proposed by the NATO side, then Defense Minister meeting, where the Japanese and Spanish ministers
Chapter 2
Inada in the meeting announced Japan’s intention to agreed to further enhance the relationship between
dispatch a liaison officer. The liaison officer was assigned the two countries’ defense authorities based on the
to SHAPE in February 2017. memorandum on defense cooperation and exchanges
In October 2017, NATO Secretary General signed in November 2014.
Stoltenberg on his visit to Japan exchanged opinions The Netherlands’ Minister of Defense Hennis-
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
with Defense Minister Onodera on Japan-NATO defense Plasschaert visited Japan in December 2016 for a Japan-
cooperation and exchanges, and the regional situation Netherlands defense ministerial meeting, where the
and reviewed the MSDF destroyer Teruzuki, attempting two ministers signed a memorandum regarding defense
to promote the NATO side’s understanding on Japan’s cooperation and exchanges.
maritime security initiatives. In June 2017, General Denis With Scandinavian and Baltic countries, Japan has
Mercier, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, tried to enhance relations through high-level and other
visited Japan for the first time. In March 2018, the Chief exchanges, including Military-Military Talks at the
of Joint Staff visited NATO Headquarters in Belgium and director-general level with Finland in September 2017
exchanged views with General Petr Pavel, Chairman of and with Sweden in October 2017. In January 2018,
the Military Committee, on situational awareness and State Minister of Defense Yamamoto visited Sweden
Japan-NATO defense cooperation and exchanges. and agreed with Swedish Defense Minister Hultqvist to
further promote defense exchanges and cooperation in
(4) Other European Countries areas such as defense equipment and technology.
With Germany, Japan signed the agreement on defense During his Europe tour16 in January 2018, Prime
equipment and technology transfer in July 2017. In the Minister Abe and Prime Minister Ratas confirmed that
same month, the Vice-Minister of Defense for International the two countries will continue to advance cooperation in
Affairs visited Germany for the first Japan-Germany the cyber domain, utilizing opportunities such as Japan-
defense vice-ministerial strategic dialogue, indicating Estonia Cyber Dialogue, and welcomed the approval of
progress in high-level and other bilateral exchanges. Japan’s participation in the NATO Cooperative Cyber
In June 2018, Defense Minister Onodera held Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) located in
a Japan-Germany Defense Ministerial Meeting with Estonia. In Latvia, the Japanese leader agreed with Prime
German counterpart Von der Leyen on the occasion of Minister Kučinskis to further deepen Japan-Latvia talks
the Shangri-La Dialogue. They welcomed progress in on security through such opportunities during Latvian
Japan-Germany defense cooperation in various areas and Defense Minister Raimonds Bergmanis’s visit to Japan.
agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation through NATO, In May 2018, then Defense Minister Onodera visited
particularly in the cybersecurity area. Finland and Estonia. In Finland, Defense Minister Onodera
Japan and Italy have been promoting institutional held talks with his Finnish counterpart Niinistö, offering
development for facilitating defense cooperation and to deepen bilateral defense cooperation in a wide range of
exchanges, including the entry into force of the Japan- areas while citing an MSDF training squadron’s planned
16 15 In January 2018, Prime Minister Abe became the first Japanese Prime Minister to visit the three Baltic Countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and the three southeastern European countries
of Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania.
visit to Helsinki in August 2018. They agreed to further Colombian ministers signed a memorandum on defense
enhance bilateral cooperation through consultations exchanges and agreed to proceed with specific exchanges
between their defense authorities and exchanges between going forward.
defense squadrons. In Estonia, Defense Minister Onodera From April to May 2018, State Minister of Defense
met his Estonian counterpart Luik to offer the further Yamamoto visited Brazil for talks with Brazilian Defense
development of bilateral cooperation through the dispatch Minister Silva e Luna. They exchanged views on bilateral
of MOD personnel to the CCDCOE. The two ministers defense cooperation and exchanges, and the regional
agreed to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in fields situation and agreed to sign a bilateral memorandum
including cyberdefense. on defense cooperation and exchanges at an early
date and further develop bilateral defense cooperation
9 Other Countries and exchanges including high-level exchanges and
collaboration in humanitarian assistance and disaster
Chapter 2
See See Fig. III-2-1-1 ((Major Achievements in High-Level relief. State Minister of Defense Yamamoto also
Exchanges (June 2017 – June 2018)); Reference 55 (Recent encouraged Japanese Brazilian military personnel active
Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with Other Countries
(Past Three Years)) in the Brazilian Armed Forces.
Kazakhstan and Japan implemented their first
Between Japan and Canada, high-level exchanges, talks deputy defense minister-level exchange in July 2017
State Minister of Defense Yamamoto shaking hands with Lieutenant General Hegazi, Chief of
Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces, during his visit in Egypt (September 2017)
State Minister of Defense Yamamoto paid a courtesy call to the Minister of Defence Bahdon
during his visit to Djibouti (September 2017)
date and promote a variety of defense exchanges. From Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman,
Between Japan and Jordan, a memorandum on Deputy Crown Prince and Minister of Defense, visited
defense cooperation and exchanges was signed when Japan in September 2014 to hold a Japan-Saudi Arabia
Jordanian King Abdullah II visited Japan in October Defense Ministerial Meeting and sign a memorandum
2016. In July 2017, then Defense Minister Inada held on defense exchanges.
talks with Jordanian Prime Minister and Defense Minister Prime Minister Abe visited the United Arab Emirates
Mulki and signed a memorandum on defense cooperation (UAE) in May 2013, followed by visits to Bahrain, Kuwait
and exchanges. They appreciated the memorandum as it and Qatar in August of the same year. During the visits,
paved the way for Japan-Jordan defense exchanges and he shared the view with the leaders of the countries on the
cooperation and agreed to promote concrete defense need for promoting cooperation with those countries in the
cooperation initiatives. security and defense fields. Japan signed a memorandum
With regard to the relations with Egypt, State on defense exchanges with Bahrain in April 2012
Minister of Defense Yamamoto visited the country in and with Qatar in February 2015. In November 2017,
September 2017, marking the first high-level visit from Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Ono visited the
the Japan Ministry of Defense. At the meeting between UAE to hold dialogues with Vice-Minister of Defence
the State Minister and Lieutenant General Mahmoud Dhahiri and other officials, and observed the Dubai Air
Ibrahim Mahmoud Hegazy, Chief of Staff of the Show 2017. ASDF C-2 transport aircraft, which was on
Egyptian Armed Forces, welcomed progress in bilateral operational training overseas, participated in the show,
defense exchanges and agreed to continue exchanges and and a special booth for C-2 aircraft was set up for the first
cooperation in the future. In part of recent major service- time by the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency.
to-service exchanges, the Chief of Staff of the Egyptian In May 2018, UAE Minister of State for Defense Affairs
Armed Forces visited Japan in August 2017 and held a Bowardi visited Japan and agreed with State Minister of
meeting with the Chief of Joint Staff, where they agreed Defense Yamamoto to further promote specific defense
to further developing bilateral defense exchanges. cooperation initiatives, based on the Memorandum on
Japan-UAE Defense Cooperation and Exchanges signed With Oman, Prime Minister Abe held a meeting with
on the day. Regarding service-to-service exchanges, Sultan Qaboos bin Said in January 2014 and they agreed
ASDF KC-767 aerial refueling/transport aircraft visited to enhance cooperation and promote defense exchanges
the Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE for a squadron-to- in the field of maritime security, including counter-piracy
squadron exchange in July 2017. measures to ensure the security and safety of sea-lanes.
Chapter 2
As the representative of Indonesia Navy, getting the chance to board on JS Izumo was an invaluable experience for me because it
was a grand opportunity to take a tour on the ship and meet with other participants from different parts of ASEAN countries, while
having discussions and exchanging ideas that would help broaden the networks and strengthen our friendships.
Throughout the week of the program, I was fortunate enough to get the chance to participate in various attractive activities such
1 Counter-Piracy Operations
Piracy is a grave threat to public safety and order on the of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden.
seas. In particular, for Japan, which depends on maritime To date, approximately 30 countries, including the
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
transportation to import most of the resources and food United States, have dispatched their warships to the waters
necessary for its survival and prosperity as a maritime off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden. As part
nation, it is an important issue that cannot be ignored. of its counter-piracy initiatives, the European Union (EU)
has been conducting Operation Atalanta since December
1 Basic Approach 2008, in addition to the counter-piracy operations
conducted by the Combined Task Force 151 (CTF 151)2
The Japan Coast Guard (JCG), one of the law enforcement that was established in January 2009. Meanwhile, other
agencies in Japan, is primarily responsible for coping with countries have been dispatching their assets to the area.
piracy. However, in cases where it is deemed extremely The international community continues to have a critical
difficult or impossible for the JCG to cope with piracy by interest in and take actions to tackle the acts of piracy off
itself, the SDF is to take action as well. the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden.
As these initiatives by the international community
have proved to be effective, the number of acts of piracy
Circumstances Surrounding Incidents of Piracy
2 and Initiatives by the International Community
Piracy Incidents Off the Coast of Somalia and in
For Japan and the international community, the waters Fig. III-2-2-1 the Gulf of Aden (Comparison with the number
of incidents in Southeast Asia)
off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden are
(Number of incidents)
extremely important, connecting Europe and the Middle 237
218 219
East with East Asia. Regarding the waters in this area, Somalia and
successive United Nations Security Council resolutions1 200 Southeast Asia
1 Other United Nations Security Council resolutions calling for cooperation in deterring piracy are: Resolutions 1838, 1846, and 1851 (adopted in 2008), Resolution 1897 (adopted in 2009), Resolutions
1918 and 1950 (adopted in 2010), Resolutions 1976 and 2020 (adopted in 2011), Resolution 2077 (adopted in 2012), Resolution 2125 (adopted in 2013), Resolution 2184 (adopted in 2014),
Resolution 2246 (adopted in 2015), and Resolution 2316 (adopted in 2016) and Resolution 2383 (adopted in 2017).
2 The Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), the headquarters of which is located in Bahrain, announced the establishment of the CTF in January 2009 as a multilateral combined task force for counter-
piracy operations.
Chapter 2
Escort Route
(900-1,100 km)
During the non-monsoon period
(March-May and
September-November), the escort route
Commander, Deployment Surface Commander, Deployment Air Force Commander, Deployment Support Combined Task Force 151 (CTF 151)
Force for Counter Piracy Enforcement for Counter Piracy Enforcement Group for Counter Piracy Enforcement Deployed unit at the Headquarters
Headquarter Headquarter Total of less than 20 personnel
Total approx. 200 personnel Total approx. 60 personnel Total approx. 110 personnel (about 30 maritime, about 80 ground)
Coast Guard Officers: 8 officials aboard [Deployment Surface Force for Counter Piracy Enforcement]
Escort private ships with destroyers and conduct zone defense within CTF 151
Chapter 2
nations from acts of piracy, regardless of their flag areas in the Gulf of Aden. In addition, there are JCG
states. Moreover, it also enabled the use of weapons to officers aboard the MSDF destroyer.4
a reasonable extent, if no other means were available, in In recent years, while there are still ongoing requests
order to halt vessels engaging in acts of piracy, such as for escort from vessels that are vulnerable to piracy such
approaching civilian vessels. as tankers with relatively low speed and low broadside,
Furthermore, the Act on Special Measures the demand for direct escort has been decreasing. This
concerning the Security of Japanese Flagged Vessels in is partly due to the existence of other initiatives for self-
Areas that Are Highly Susceptible to Acts of Piracy came defense of private vessels involving the boarding of
into force on November 2013, which made it possible to private armed security guards.
have security guards on board a Japanese ship provided As this trend was expected to continue, the
certain requirements are met, enabling them to carry Government of Japan determined that the SDF would
small arms for the purpose of security operations. decrease the planned number of direct escorts and carry
See Peference 17 (Main Operations of the Self-Defense Forces); out zone defense during the period when direct escort is
Reference 18 (Statutory Provisions about Use of Force and Use not conducted. Accordingly the Government of Japan
of Weapons by SDF Personnel or SDF Units);
changed the number of the deployed MSDF destroyers
from two to one for operations off the coast of Somalia
(2) Activities by the Self-Defense Forces and in the Gulf of Aden from December 2016: (1) based
See Fig. III-2-2-2 (SDF’s Counter-Piracy Operations) on the number of destroyers in recent years, the planned
Fig. III-2-2-3 (Structure of the Deployed Forces) number of direct escorts in a month would be decreased,
a. Deployment Surface Force for Counter Piracy and at the same time, (2) during the period when direct
Enforcement escort is not conducted, zone defense would be carried
The Deployment Surface Force for Counter Piracy out instead.
Enforcement (DSPE) is a unit that conducts counter- b. Deployment Air Force for Counter Piracy Enforcement
piracy measures using MSDF destroyers. The DSPE The Deployment Air Force for Counter Piracy
strives to ensure the safety of ships navigating in the area Enforcement (DAPE) is a unit conducting counter-
in two different manners – direct escort of private vessels piracy activities using the MSDF P-3C patrol aircraft
across the Gulf of Aden, and zone defense in allocated (two aircraft dispatched). The unit conducts warning and
4 Eight JCG officers are onboard and conduct judicial law enforcement activities, including arresting and interrogating pirates, as required.
surveillance operations in the flight zone that is determined while between March and June 2017 and March and June
in coordination with the CTF 151 headquarters5 and 2018 a CTF 151 commander as well as staff were also
confirms any suspicious boats. At the same time, the dispatched to the Headquarters.
unit also provides information to the MSDF destroyers, f. Achievements
the naval vessels of other countries and civilian vessels, As of May 31, 2018, the DSPE has escorted 3,826
responding by such means as confirming the safety vessels. Under the protection of the SDF destroyers, not a
of the surrounding area immediately, if requested. single vessel has come to any harm from pirates and these
The information gathered by SDF P-3Cs is constantly vessels have all passed safely across the Gulf of Aden.
shared with other related organizations, and contributes As for the DAPE, it commenced the counter-piracy
significantly to deterring acts of piracy and disarming operations in June 2009. As of May 31, 2018, the DAPE
vessels suspected of being pirate ships. has conducted the following activities: aircraft have flown
c. Deployment Support Group for Counter Piracy 1,951 missions with their flying hours totaling 14,910
Chapter 2
Enforcement hours; and information was provided to vessels navigating
In order to improve the operational efficiency and the area and other countries engaging in counter-piracy
effectiveness of the DAPE, the Deployment Support operations on around 13,160 occasions. The activities
Group for Counter Piracy Enforcement (DGPE) carries conducted by the DAPE account for approximately 70-
out activities such as maintenance of the facility set up 80% of the warning and surveillance operations carried
5 In addition, DAPE has been participating in CTF 151 since February 2014. This participation enabled the force to acquire information that was previously not accessible. Moreover, it became possible
to conduct more flexible warning and surveillance activities. For example, aircraft can be deployed as needed even to areas that are highly susceptible to acts of piracy, and as a result, coordination
between other countries’ units was further enhanced.
6 No member of the SDF had ever served as a commander of a multinational force since the foundation of the SDF.
2 Contribution to the Maintenance of Public Safety and Order on the Seas through Maritime Training
and counter-piracy teams from various countries and advancing mutual understanding and strengthening of
regional organizations, and contribute to the maintenance trust relationships with other participating countries. It
of public safety and order on the seas. implemented Malabar 2017, a joint training exercise by
Japan, the U.S., and India, in India’s eastern waters and
carried out joint cruise training by Japan and the U.S.,
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
The National Security Strategy and the National Defense strengthening cooperation related to maritime security
Program Guidelines state that Japan will play a leading with various countries through security dialogue and
role in maintaining and developing “Open and Stable defense interaction among defense authorities at bilateral
Seas,” including maritime security cooperation with and multilateral levels with the aim of maintaining and
other countries. advancing “free and open seas” supported by a maritime
Accordingly, the MOD/SDF implements capacity order defined by laws and rules. In response to this, the
building assistance in maritime security for Myanmar, MOD has been working on cooperation for maritime
Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines, security within regional security dialogue frameworks
thereby assisting countries such as coastal states enhance such as the ADMM Plus and the Inter-Sessional Meeting
their capabilities, and strengthening cooperation with on Maritime Security (ISMMS).
partners that share the same strategic interests as Japan. See Section 1-2 (Initiatives under the Multilateral Security
The Basic Plan on Ocean Policy, which was Framework and through Dialogue); Section 1-3 (Promoting
Capacity Building Assistance and Other Practical Multilateral
approved by a Cabinet decision in May 2018, calls for Security Cooperation)
7 The exercise took place in May 2017, and command post exercises were carried out.
Chapter 2
to be deployed.
1 Activities and the Significance of Stipulating such
In September 2015, the UN launched the
Activities as One of the Primary Missions of the SDF
Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System (PCRS) so
The international peace cooperation activities undertaken the UN Headquarters to be able to grasp the registered
by the MOD/SDF to date are as follows: (1) international items of each country more specifically in order to
Conducted by the SDF) Activities based on the “Act Concerning the Dispatch of
Reference 17 (Main Operations of the Self-Defense Forces); International Disaster Relief Teams”
Reference 18 (Statutory Provisions about Use of Force and Cooperation and Support Activities, etc. for the Armed Forces
Use of Weapons by SDF Personnel or SDF Units); Reference of Foreign Countries
56 (Summary Comparison of Laws Concerning International Activities in accordance with the “Act Concerning Cooperation and
Peace Cooperation Activities); Reference 57 (The SDF Record Support Activities to Armed Forces of Foreign Countries, in
Situations that the International Community is Collectively
in International Peace Cooperation Activities) Addressing for International Peace and Security”
1 Affairs prescribed in Article 8 of the SDF Law (miscellaneous provision) or supplementary provisions
2 Missions defined in Article 3 of the SDF Law. The primary mission is to defend Japan. The secondary missions are the preservation of public order, activities in response to situations in areas
surrounding Japan (in 2007) and international peace cooperation activities. In accordance with the entry into force of the Legislation for Peace and Security in 2016, “situations in areas surrounding
Japan” was revised to “situations that will have an important influence on Japan’s peace and security.”
Meanwhile, the SDF is enhancing information- complicated international peace cooperation activities.
gathering abilities and protection abilities, which are The initiative aims to contribute to more effective
required for the SDF units to carry out their missions while international peace cooperation activities by enhancing
ensuring the safety of personnel and unit in international the collaboration in the field of education.
peacekeeping activities, etc. In addition, in order to
respond to various environments and prolonged missions,
Welfare and Mental Health Care of Dispatched
the SDF is improving its capabilities for transport, 3 SDF Units
deployment, and information communication, as well as
developing a structure of logistic and medical support for SDF personnel are expected to fulfill their assigned duty
conducting smooth and continuous operations. under severe working conditions while being far away
With regard to the education necessary for from their home country and their families. Therefore, it
engaging in international peace cooperation activities, is extremely important to make necessary arrangements
Chapter 2
the GSDF International Peace Cooperation Activities so that dispatched SDF personnel can effectively carry out
Training Unit, which belongs to the Ground Component their assigned duty while maintaining both their physical
Command, provides training for GSDF personnel to be and mental health. For this reason, the MOD/SDF has
deployed to international peace cooperation activities, implemented various measures to support families to
as well as supports their training. In addition, the Japan reduce anxiety for the dispatched SDF personnel and
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
As a means to promote peace and stability in conflict restoration activities for the victims of conflicts and
regions around the world, UN Peacekeeping Operations large-scale disasters from a humanitarian perspective and
(PKO) have expanded their missions in recent years to from the viewpoint of stabilizing affected countries.
include such duties as the Protection of Civilians (POC), Japan has been promoting international peace
the promotion of political processes, providing assistance cooperation activities in various regions including
in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Cambodia, the Golan Heights, Timor-Leste, Nepal, and
(DDR) into society of former soldiers, Security Sector South Sudan for more than 25 years, and the results of
Reform (SSR), the rule of law, elections, human rights, these activities have been highly praised both inside and
and other fields, in addition to such traditional missions outside of Japan. From the perspective of “Proactive
as ceasefire monitoring. To date, there are 14 UN PKO Contribution to Peace” based on the principle of
missions ongoing (as of the end of May 2018). international cooperation, and in light of the appreciation
International organizations, such as the Office and expectations from the international community, Japan
of the United Nations High Commissioner for will continue to actively engage in international peace
Refugees (UNHCR), respective governments, and non- cooperation operations in a multilayered way. In this
governmental organizations (NGO) conduct relief and regard, to maximize the effect of Japan’s contribution to
Chapter 2
United Nations Mission in the Republic of South
the international community, it is necessary to deliberate 2 Sudan (UNMISS)
more deeply about how the SDF should contribute
to the international community. Therefore, regarding (1) Background to the Decision to Dispatch Personnel
3 A partnership for supporting the capability building of the personnel from UN PKO troop contributing countries through cooperation among the UN, UN PKO troop contributing countries, and third
countries that possess technologies and equipment.
be dealt with by the international community. Based On November 15, 2016, the Cabinet approved
on the accumulated experience through past PKO, the the changes to the International Peace Cooperation
MOD/SDF has contributed to the peace and stability of Assignment Implementation Plan for South Sudan
South Sudan by providing personnel-based cooperation after the deliberations by the National Security Council
in infrastructure development, on which the UN places (9-minister meeting). After the 11th rotation took over
great expectations. in December 2016, the dispatched unit was assigned the
See Part I, Chapter 3, Section 1-3-7 (Situation in South Sudan) task of so-called “kaketsuke-keigo” operations, which
was approved by the Legislation for Peace and Security,
(2) Activities by the SDF as well as the task to carry out joint protection of camps.
In January 2012, a then Coordination Center of the SDF The deployment of SDF engineering units marked a
was established for the first time in the SDF’s participation milestone of five years in January 2017 since the dispatch
in UN PKO, both in the South Sudan capital city of Juba of the first engineering rotation. In all of the PKOs
Chapter 2
and in Uganda, in order for coordination of the activities conducted by Japan, the unit has made a record number
conducted by the dispatched engineering unit. Since of achievements. The major achievements include a total
the commencement of its engineering activities within of approximately 260 km of road repair and a total of
UN facilities in Juba in March 2012, the dispatched approximately 500,000 m2 of development.
engineering unit has steadily expanded its activities. Japan could move on to a new phase regarding
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
The SDF has continued to dispatch over 300 personnel engineering activities in Juba that the SDF was in
after the second unit took over in June of the same year, charge of. Considering the above-mentioned issues
and carried out activities with great significance such as in a comprehensive manner, on March 10, 2017, the
repairing roads and constructing facilities for displaced Government of Japan came to the conclusion that the
people while ensuring the safety of the personnel. SDF engineering unit would withdraw from Juba around
I have been working in Juba as the engineering staff officer in the 9th UNMISS Headquarters since June 2017.
There are four headquarters members at UNMISS – myself, the intelligence officer, the logistics staff officer, and the air
operations officer. The Japanese embassy also has two Self Defense Forces members as liaison personnel.
The engineer Division that I belong to is the largest UNMISS organization with about 300 civilians, military people, and local
staff. I provide direct support to the engineer Division chief at the group Cheif’s office. Specifically, I handle national projects, such
as development of main roads in South Sudan.
I am very excited about using knowledge and skills cultivate as a commander in the Ground Self Defense Forces on behalf of
South Sudan and the United Nations despite facing numerous issues, such as difficult coordination with local agencies, equipment
and materials shortages, rainy season with intense rainfall that cripples work efforts, and poor infrastructure. I also feel responsibility
as someone wearing the Japanese uniform to serve as a goodwill ambassador for Japan in the area.
Writer coordinating with the British Corps of Engineers Writer: Second from the left
Fig. III-2-3-2 Organization of UNMISS government and the International Peace Cooperation
Corps in South Sudan with the aim of ensuring smooth
Assignment of Japanese Personnel
and efficient cooperation with UNMISS. They will
United Nations Headquarters continue to contribute to activities as UNMISS members.
António Guterres, Secretary-General See Part II, Chapter 3, Section 3 (The Situation of the Self-Defense
of the United Nations
Forces after the Enforcement of the Legislation for Peace and
Office of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General Security), Fig. III-2-3-2 (Organization of UNMISS)
David Shearer, Special Representative of the Secretary-General
Deputy Special
Deputy Special Representative
Representative of of the Secretary- Director of
Dispatch of Ministry of Defense Personnel to the
the Secretary-
Chief of Staff Force Commander General, UN
Resident &
Mission Support
Division 3 UN Secretariat
Joint Mission
Analysis Center
Headquarters Engineering Section
Aviation Section
(1 Aviation
The Ministry of Defense and Self Defense Forces
Logistics (1 Engineering
Chapter 2
(1 Intelligence Operation
Staff Officer)
(1 Logistics
Staff Officer)
Staff Officer)
Staff Officer) actively contribute to efforts of the United Nations to
Note: Double lines indicate a department/division in which Japanese personnel are placed. achieve international peace and dispatch personnel to the
United Nations Secretariat for the purpose of utilizing
experiences of dispatched personnel in Japan’s PKO
the end of May, 2017, and Minister of Defense Inada activity. As of June 2018, one Self Defense Forces member
During December 2-8, 2017, I was dispatched to Peace Assistance Training Center located in the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia as the instructor on gender in a “conflict prevention courses” with participation of about 30 trainees (military and civilian)
from African countries who are future PKO member candidates. I lectured to the trainees on “Introduction to Gender” and taught
them about the need to protect vulnerable gender groups during and after conflicts and have them participate in the policy decision
process in order to realize the PKO duty of civilian protection and the efficacy of including a gender perspective in various activities
as a method.
This was Japan’s first dispatch to a PKO Center in another country of someone from the Self Defense Forces as a gender
Chapter 2
instructor. Despite feeling considerable pressure and uncertainty ahead of the course, I enjoyed the instruction, including laughter,
after coming into contact with enthusiastic trainees.
Gender mainstreaming is one of the issues in security situations receiving the most attention in the United Nations and globally.
It is also a topic that should be covered in participation of Self Defense Forces in international peace cooperation activities and other
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
initiatives. I believe it should be actively promoted to ensure that PKO members from various countries effectively carry out their
duties with a gender perspective.
* Gender: Socially and culturally formed sexual distinctions for biological sexual differences.
* Gender mainstreaming: Measures and activities that incorporate a gender perspective with the aim of attaining gender equality
overseas activities by Self Defense Forces, dispatched Abe expressed Japan’s active support at the PKO
Self Defense Forces personnel provide courses on the Summit in September 2014, and it was embodied by
importance of building relationships with local residents the RDEC.
at locations where international peacekeeping activities In the RDEC, the UN Department of Field Support
take place and gender issues. (DFS) procures heavy equipment and carries out training
See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-2-4 (1) (International Conferences for engineers using funds provided by Japan. Japan has
Hosted by International Organizations) been dispatching SDF personnel to the International
Reference 58 (Dispatch of Ministry of Defense Personnel to
International Organizations) Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) in Nairobi, Kenya
as instructors since the trial training in September 2015.
Training took place twice during May-October 2017, to
Support to the UN Project for Africa Rapid
5 Deployment of Engineering Capabilities which SDF personnel were dispatched who provided
training regarding the operation of heavy equipment for
Japan has so far earned unquestionable trust in the areas personnel in the Tanzanian national military and others.
of facilities and transport that are essential for promoting Training has been provided in five sessions to date for
smooth peacekeeping operations. To continue to support a total of approximately 130 members from five East
the rapid deployment of peacekeeping missions and African countries.
implement high quality activities, Prime Minister The Ministry of Defense plans to actively support
future training, particularly following the speech by State Defense Ministerial conference held in Vancouver
Minister of Defense Yamamoto at the UN peacekeeping (Canada) in November 2017
In recent years, the role of military affairs has become participate in international disaster relief activities and to
more diverse, and opportunities for military to use their transport its personnel and equipment for this purpose.
capabilities in humanitarian assistance and disaster See Reference 17 (Main Operations of the Self-Defense Forces)
relief are growing. To contribute to the advancement
of international cooperation, the SDF has also engaged
International Disaster Relief Operations by the
in international disaster relief operations proactively 2 SDF and SDF’s Posture
Chapter 2
from the viewpoint of humanitarian contributions and
improvement of the global security environment. Responding to specific relief requests by the governments
To this end, the SDF maintains their readiness to of affected countries and the scale of disaster situations
take any necessary action based on prepared disaster in these countries, the SDF’s capabilities in international
relief operation plans. In consultation with the Minister disaster relief operations encompass (1) medical services,
Japan actively participates in international initiatives also working on projects aimed at disposing of abandoned
for arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation in chemical weapons in China, in accordance with the CWC.
Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
regard to WMDs, in the form of nuclear, chemical, and The MOD/SDF has seconded eleven personnel, including
biological weapons, as well as missiles as a means of GSDF personnel, to the Cabinet Office to work on this
delivery and associated technologies and materials. project, and since 2000, GSDF personnel with expertise
Japan has contributed to the Chemical Weapons in chemicals and ammunitions have been dispatched to
Convention (CWC) by offering its knowledge in the conduct excavation and recovery projects on a total of 17
field of chemical protection since the negotiating stage occasions. In addition, the MOD has been cooperating
and dispatching GSDF personnel who are experts on in endeavors aimed at increasing the effectiveness of
protection against chemical weapons to the Organization regulations and decisions, by dispatching MOD officials
for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which to major meetings such as those of the Biological Weapons
was established to continuously implement verification Convention (BWC), as well as international export control
measures following the entry of the CWC into force. In regimes in the form of the Australia Group (AG) and the
addition, small quantities of the chemical substances under Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). At the
the regulation of the CWC are synthesized at the GSDF same time, SDF personnel were dispatched to training to
Chemical School (Saitama City), in order to conduct foster substitute inspectors1 provided by the Preparatory
protection research. Thus, the school has undergone Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
inspections ten times in total since its establishment, in Treaty Organization (CTBTO).
accordance with the CWC regulations. See Reference 58 (Dispatch of Ministry of Defense Personnel to
Moreover, the whole of the Japanese Government is International Organizations)
Framework for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Relating to Conventional Weapons,
Fig. III-2-4-1
Weapons of Mass Destruction, Missiles and Related Materials, etc.
1 Experts in relevant fields registered with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Organization, in preparation for the implementation of On-site Inspections (OSI) following the effective date
of the CTBT. They are also expected to become inspectors who conduct OSI after the CTBT enters into force.
Chapter 2
The Ministry dispatches personnel to government dispatches personnel as needed to governmental expert
expert meetings related to Lethal Autonomous meetings and other meetings for reviewing and improving
Weapon Systems (LAWS) and other events under the these systems.
Deeply concerned about the development of WMDs of Foreign Affairs, the National Police Agency, the Ministry
and missiles by countries such as North Korea and Iran, of Finance and the Japan Coast Guard, and also participated
the United States announced its Proliferation Security in the PSI air interdiction exercise in July 2012, which
Initiative (PSI)4 in May 2003, and sought the participation Japan hosted for the first time. Recently, Japan participated
of other countries therein. Various initiatives are being in Pacific Protector 17, a PSI maritime prevention exercise
undertaken based on PSI; PSI interdiction exercises organized by Australia, in September 2017 and trained
aimed at improving the ability to thwart the proliferation in activities to prevent the spread of weapons of mass
of WMDs and related items and meetings to consider destruction with other participating countries.
issues on policies and legislations. Based on the proliferation cases in the areas
Since the 3rd PSI Meeting in Paris (September 2003), surrounding Japan, and from the perspectives of
the MOD/SDF has collaborated with relevant organizations preventing the proliferation of WMDs and improving the
and countries, dispatching MOD officials and SDF response capability of the SDF, the MOD/SDF strives
personnel to various meetings, as well as engaging in to strengthen non-proliferation frameworks including
ongoing participation in these exercises since 2004. PSI, as well as holding various relevant exercises and
The MOD/SDF has participated in PSI maritime meetings and participating in the same kind of activities
interdiction exercises, hosted by Japan, twice, working in which other countries hold.
partnership with relevant organizations such as the Ministry See Fig. III-2-4-2 (Participation of MOD/SDF in PSI Interdiction
Exercise (Since 2013))
2 CCW: Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects
3 Major producers and owners of cluster munitions such as the United States, China and Russia have not signed the Oslo Convention.
4 An initiative that seeks to strengthen the relevant domestic laws of respective countries to the maximum possible extent, and considers measures that participating countries can jointly take while
complying with existing domestic and international laws, in order to prevent the proliferation of WMDs and related materials.
1 Recruitment See Fig. III-3-1-1 (Changes in the Number of People Eligible to Join
the SDF)
It is vital to secure highly qualified personnel for the For this reason, the MOD/SDF holds recruiting
MOD/SDF to carry out various missions appropriately. meetings at schools and also maintains Provincial
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
Expectations from the public for the MOD/SDF have Cooperation Offices in 50 locations throughout Japan
continued to rise. In Japan, however, due to the recent to respond to the individual needs of applicants, with
economic and employment upturn, as well as the the understanding of educators and support from
advancement of declining birthrate and popularization recruitment counselors. Moreover, local governments
of higher education, the environment surrounding the are also carrying out some of the administrative activities
recruitment of uniformed SDF personnel is severe. In regarding the recruitment of uniformed SDF personnel
such a situation, it is necessary for the MOD/SDF to and candidates for uniformed SDF personnel, such as
recruit excellent human resources with a strong desire announcing the recruitment period and promoting the
to enlist, by explaining sufficiently to them the missions, SDF as a workplace, for which the MOD allocates them
roles, duties, and working conditions of the SDF. the requisite budget.
Fig. III-3-1-1 Changes in the Number of People Eligible to Join the SDF
The number of 18–26 year-olds Number of newly-employed
(thousand people) personnel (people)
20,000 The number of 18–26 year-olds: About 17 million 30,000
⇒ About 11 million (down by about 40%) The number of newly-employed personnel
19,000 The number of 18-26 year olds (thousand people)
About 17 million 25,000
18,000 people
The number of newly-employed personnel: varies from year to year
(approximately equal to or larger than that of FY1994)
About 14,000
15,000 people 15,000
About 12,000
About 11 million
12,000 people
10,000 0
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (FY)
Material sources: Data before FY2014 (excluding data for FY2005 and FY2010) are based on “Population Estimates of Japan 1920–2000” and “Annual Report on Population Estimates,”
Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Data for FY2005 and FY2010 are the proportionally adjusted populations of unknown age ascertained by the National Institute of Population and Social Security
Research based on “Population Census,” Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Data from FY2015 onward are based on “Population Projection for Japan” (medium estimates in April 2017), National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.
Division of Medicine
(2 officers per appointment, two/
Division of Nursing
Personnel (u)
National Defense
National Defense
(2 officers per appointment,
Second Lieutenant/
Private First Class (GSDF)
(3 years, Leading Private
Chapter 3
Seaman Apprentice (MSDF) 2nd Class (3 months)
Airman Third Class (ASDF)
1st Class
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
Legend : Exam or selection :Employment exam :Appointment after completing the program
Notes: 1. Staff candidates for the medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy faculties will be promoted to the position of First Lieutenant if they pass the national examinations in medicine.
2. Student candidates for enlistment (upper) refers to a candidate who has been appointed as an officer with the premise that he/she will be promoted to a fixed-term position of “Enlisted (upper).”
Until FY2006, there were two programs consisting of “Student candidates for enlistment (upper)” and “Enlisted (upper) candidates.” However, these two programs were reorganized and combined,
and since 2007, candidates have been appointed as “General candidates for enlistment (upper).”
3. As for the SDF candidates, in order to enhance the initial education of SDF personnel in short-term service, in July 2010, it was decided that their status for the first three months of their
enlistment would be as non-SDF personnel, and they would engage exclusively in fundamental education and practice as non-regular Ministry of Defense personnel.
4. GSDF High Technical School trains people to be SDF personnel who will be capable not only of operating and making full use of equipment in the GSDF but also of conducting missions in the
international community. For SDF students, starting from FY2010 appointments, their status was changed from SDF officer to “students,” which is a new non-regular status. New students receive a
high school diploma at the conclusion of a student course (three years) through distance learning. From the FY2011 appointments, a new recommendation system was introduced in which those
who are considered appropriate to be a GSDF High Technical School student are selected from among the candidates based on the recommendation of the principal of their junior high school etc.,
in addition to the conventional general examination.
5. A three-year program ended in FY2013. A new four-year program was established at the National Defense Medical College, Faculty of Nursing in 2014.
6. For student airmen, the Maritime Self-Defense Force selects from persons 18 or above and under 23 in age and the Air Defense Force 18 or above and under 21 in age.
2 Employment
1 SDF personnel are designated as special national government employees under Article 2 of the National Civil Service Law
Fig. III-3-1-3 Rank and Retirement Age of SDF Personnel (2) SDF Reserve Personnel, SDF Ready Reserve
Personnel, and Candidates for SDF Reserve Personnel
Rank Designation Retirement Age It is essential to secure the required number of uniformed
General (GSDF), Vice Admiral (MSDF), General (ASDF) Sho
Major General (GSDF), Rear Admiral (MSDF), Major
60 SDF personnel promptly depending on situational
General (ASDF)
Colonel (GSDF), Captain (MSDF), Colonel (ASDF) Issa 56 changes in the event of a crisis. To secure the required
Lieutenant Colonel (GSDF), Commander (MSDF),
Lieutenant Colonel (ASDF)
55 number promptly and systematically, the MOD maintains
Major (GSDF), Lieutenant Commander (MSDF), Major (ASDF) Sansa
Captain (GSDF), Lieutenant (MSDF), Captain (ASDF) Ichii
the following three systems: the SDF Reserve Personnel
First Lieutenant (GSDF), Lieutenant Junior Grade
(MSDF), First Lieutenant (ASDF)
Nii system, the SDF Ready Reserve Personnel system, and
Second Lieutenant (GSDF), Ensign (MSDF), Second
Lieutenant (ASDF)
Sani the Candidates for SDF Reserve Personnel system.2
Warrant Officer (GSDF), Warrant Officer (MSDF), 54 See Fig. III-3-1-4 (Overview of Systems Related to SDF Reserve
Warrant Officer (ASDF) Personnel)
Sergeant Major (GSDF), Chief Petty Officer (MSDF),
Senior Master Sergeant (ASDF)
Master Sergeant (GSDF), Petty Officer First Class SDF Reserve Personnel become uniformed SDF
(MSDF), Master Sergeant (ASDF)
Sergeant First Class (GSDF), Petty Officer Second
personnel upon the issuance of a defense call-up order
Class (MSDF), Technical Sergeant (ASDF)
Sergeant (GSDF), Petty Officer Third Class (MSDF),
53 or other orders, and carry out logistical support and base
Staff Sergeant (ASDF) guard duties. SDF Ready Reserve Personnel become
Leading Private (GSDF), Leading Seaman (MSDF),
Airman First Class (ASDF) uniformed SDF personnel and are assigned to carry out
Private First Class (GSDF), Seaman (MSDF), Airman
Isshi —
their mission together with incumbent uniformed SDF
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
the service term (actual serving days)
● Training Call-up Allowance: ¥8,100/day ● Training Call-up Allowance: ¥10,400–14,200/day ● Education and Training Call-up Allowance: ¥7,900/day
Benefits, ● SDF Reserve Allowance: ¥4,000/month ● SDF Ready Reserve Allowance: ¥16,000/month ● Allowance as Candidate for SDF Reserve Personnel
allowances, and ● Continuous Service Incentive Allowance: ¥120,000/one term is not paid because defense call-up duty or any
other terms ● Special subsidy for corporations employing other duties are not required
SDF Ready Reserve Personnel: ¥42,500/month
Call-up duty and ● Defense call-up, civil protection call-up, disaster ● Defense call-up, civil protection call-up, security call-up, disaster ● Education and training call-up
other duties call-up, training call-up call-up, training call-up
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
personnel, are appointed as SDF Reserve Personnel after
completing the necessary education and training.
Previously, it was stipulated that SDF Reserve
Personnel and SDF Ready Reserve Personnel who
received a disaster and other call-up orders3 would begin
their service as SDF personnel five days or later (ten days
in the case of a defense call-up order for SDF Reserve
Personnel) after the issuance of the order. However, based
on the performance of calling up the SDF Ready Reserve
Personnel in response to the Kumamoto Earthquake in
2016,4 the Order for Enforcement of the SDF Law was
partially revised in August 2016 to make it possible to SDF Ready Reserve Personnel engaging in their tasks, responding to the call-up order for
shorten the number of days, provided that those personnel the heavy rainfall disaster in July 2018
have no objection.
As SDF Reserve Personnel and others work in their Reserve Personnel and take necessary measures to allow
civilian jobs under normal circumstances, they need to such employees to attend training sessions for 30 days
adjust their work schedule to participate in periodic training a year, by taking into consideration the burden on such
exercises. Therefore, understanding and cooperation from companies. Also, the MOD issues special certificates5 to
the companies that employ these personnel are essential companies that create an environment for SDF Reserve
for the smooth operation of the systems. Personnel they employ to participate in training sessions.
For this purpose, the MOD provides a special Moreover, the MOD takes various measures to gain
subsidy to the companies that employ SDF Ready understanding and cooperation from the companies that
3 The call-up orders refer to the defense call-up order, civil protection call-up order, and disaster call-up order for SDF Reserve Personnel as well as the defense call-up order, civil protection call-up
order, security call-up order, and disaster call-up order for SDF Ready Reserve Personnel; they do not include the training call-up orders for SDF Reserve Personnel and SDF Ready Reserve Personnel.
4 In response to the Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016, a call-up order for SDF Ready Reserve Personnel was issued for the second time in the SDF’s history, and 162 Ready Reserve Personnel engaged
in activities such as livelihood support to the affected people. In this case, a considerable number of the SDF Ready Reserve Personnel who had received the call-up order arrived at their respective
SDF units prior to the date they were supposed to appear.
5 A system for recognizing companies that cooperate with the SDF Reserve Personnel program was introduced in FY2015. In that fiscal year, the directors of Provincial Cooperation Offices gave out
certifications and issued special certificates to those companies. In FY2016, the Minister of Defense gave out certifications. The certified companies are listed on the websites of the MOD and the
Provincial Cooperation Offices.
employ SDF Reserve Personnel. For example, the MOD and General Service National Public Employees
has been developing a framework that allows the MOD/ conducted by the National Personnel Authority (NPA),
SDF to provide such information as the scheduled term of and those who have passed the Recruitment Examination
a training call-up and scheduled term that SDF Reserve for Ministry of Defense Specialists conducted by the
Personnel are called up to perform actual operations MOD. After participating in the common training course,
and are appointed as uniformed SDF personnel, when civilian personnel recruited in this process work in a wide
requested by their employers. In addition, the MOD range of fields.
has established a new system where the employers are Administrative officials are engaged in defense-
provided with a subsidy if (1) SDF Reserve Personnel related policy planning in the Internal Bureaus of the
or SDF Ready Reserve Personnel respond to a defense MOD and at the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
operation call-up order, civil protection dispatch call-up Agency (ATLA); analysis and evaluation at the Defense
order, or disaster relief call-up order, etc. or (2) if they Intelligence Headquarters; and administrative works at
have no choice but to leave their regular occupations due the SDF bases, the Regional Defense Bureaus, and other
to injuries during their duties, etc. in order to contribute locations throughout the country.
to securing understanding and cooperation of the duties. Technical and engineering officials are working in the
Also, the MOD promotes the use of SDF Reserve Internal Bureaus of the MOD, ATLA, the SDF bases, the
Personnel in a wide range of fields, such as the appointment Regional Defense Bureaus, and other locations throughout
Chapter 3
of retired SDF pilots, who are to be reemployed in the the country. They are engaged in constructing various
private sector, to SDF Reserve Personnel through the defense facilities (headquarters, runways, magazines, etc.),
reemployment system.6 carrying out R&D, efficient procurement, maintenance and
improvement of a range of equipment, as well as providing
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
(3) Administrative Officials, Technical and Engineering mental health care for SDF personnel.
Officials, Instructors, and Other Civilian Personnel Instructors conduct advanced research on defense
There are approximately 21,000 civilian personnel and provide high-quality education to SDF personnel at
— administrative officials, technical and engineering the National Institute for Defense Studies, the National
officials, instructors, and others7 — in addition to Defense Academy, the National Defense Medical
uniformed SDF personnel in the MOD/SDF. Civilian College, and other organizations.
personnel are mainly recruited from those who have See Reference 61 (Breakdown of Ministry of Defense Personnel, etc.)
passed the Recruitment Examination for Comprehensive
1 Education of Uniformed SDF Personnel professional knowledge and skills, or that it is difficult
for them to acquire such knowledge and skills within the
Enhancing the ability of the individual uniformed SDF, the MOD/SDF commissions education to external
SDF personnel who comprise SDF units is essential institutions, including those abroad, as well as domestic
for the execution of the units’ duties. For this purpose, companies and research institutes.
the respective SDF training units and schools provide
opportunities for phased and systematic education 2 SDF Training
according to rank and duties to nurture necessary qualities
and instill knowledge and skills. (1) Training by Each SDF
A considerable extent of human, temporal, and Training conducted by units in each service can be
economic efforts such as securing instructors with broadly divided into training for individual SDF
special skills, and improving equipment and educational personnel to improve the necessary proficiency for
facilities, are necessary for providing education. In their respective fields, and training for units to enhance
the event that personnel need to further improve their their systematic capabilities. Training for individuals is
6 The reemployment system for SDF pilots aims to prevent the outflow of active young SDF pilots to civil aviation companies in an unregulated manner. This system is also designed to utilize SDF pilots
over a certain age as pilots of commercial airlines, and is also significant from the perspective of the development of the airline industry in Japan as a whole.
7 Among the employees of the MOD, special national government employees are called” SDF personnel,” which include administrative officials, technical and engineering officials, instructors, and others
in addition to uniformed SDF personnel.
Newly joined members of the GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF conducting basic training
conducted one-on-one in stages based on occupational joint exercises and other training and exercises in the United
classification and individual ability. Training for units States and surrounding sea and airspace where they can
is conducted depending on the size of unit, from small secure training conditions not available in Japan.
to large; meanwhile, large-scale comprehensive training See Reference 63 (Results of Firing Training and Related Training
including coordination between units is also conducted. by Dispatch of Each of the Self-Defense Forces to the United
States (FY2017))
In addition to training for national defense, the
MOD is endeavoring to improve training corresponding 3 Initiatives to Prevent Accidents, etc.
to the diversified SDF roles required in recent years,
Chapter 3
such as peacekeeping operations and large-scale disaster Any accident that can cause injury to the public, damage
relief operations. Moreover, in order to strengthen to its property, or the loss of life of SDF personnel,
joint operational capabilities and to respond to various must be avoided at all costs. Therefore, the MOD/SDF
situations, the MOD is making efforts to widen the scope constantly strive as one for safety management such as
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
of joint exercises and bilateral and multilateral exercises implementing the highest level of safety measures and
participated by the individual SDF services.8 precautions during routine training. Despite these efforts,
See Reference 62 (Major Exercises Conducted in FY2017) in August 2017, an SH-60J helicopter, assigned to the
MSDF destroyer Setogiri, fell into the sea to the west of
(2) Training Environment Tappizaki, Aomori Prefecture during a training flight and
SDF training has been planned and conducted under three members lost their lives on duty. Furthermore, in
conditions that are as close as possible to actual combat October 2017, a UH-60J helicopter, which belongs to the
situations, yet many restrictions remain. Therefore, the SDF ASDF Hamamatsu Air Base (Shizuoka Prefecture) fell
makes maximum use of its limited domestic training areas, into the Pacific Ocean to the south of Hamamatsu City,
including further use of the prime training environment Shizuoka Prefecture during a training flight and four
of Hokkaido stated in the National Defense Program members lost their lives on duty.
Guidelines (NDPG) and other guidelines. They also strive In February 2018, an AH-64D helicopter belonging
to carry out more practical combat training by conducting to the GSDF Camp Metabaru (Saga Prefecture) fell
and crashed into a civilian house in Kanzaki City, Saga
Prefecture, doing major damage to the local community
including injury of one resident, fire on three buildings and
damages to the buildings surrounding the crash site, as
well as losing two SDF personnel on duty. Following the
incident, the MOD/SDF has been committed to providing
psychological care and compensation for damages for the
people affected by it so they can return to their daily life
as soon as possible. The Aircraft Accident Investigation
Committee established in the GSDF has been taking special
measures by allowing civilian experts in aeronautical
engineering etc. to participate in this investigation and an
Minister of Defense Onodera encouraging the airborne brigade members during the “FY2018
First Drop Maneuver of the First Airborne Brigade” (January 2018) interim report9 was released in May 2018.
8 Training includes SDF Joint Exercises, Japan-U.S. Bilateral Joint Exercises, and Ballistic Missile Response training which are to prevent and repel direct threats to Japan. Other additional training
includes International Peace Cooperation Exercises that assumes SDF’s international peace cooperation activities and Joint International Humanitarian Operation Training, in which the treatment of
prisoners of war and other detainees is practiced.
9 The investigation progress of the AH-64D aircraft accident: http://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/news/press/2018/pdf/20180528.pdf
It is greatly regretted that incidents such as these making its utmost effort to prevent recurrence of such
have occurred as they compromise safety of the residents accidents by thoroughly investigating the causes of
in the regions, cause anxiety to the wide public regarding them and making sure each member has recognized the
the SDF’s operation and trainings and puts the lives of importance of safety management once again.
SDF personnel at risk. The MOD/SDF as a whole is
diversification and internationalization of SDF missions. such as e-mail and video conference systems. Support for
In light of such circumstances, it is stated in the sending comfort items from their families at a later date
NDPG that measures are to be implemented with regard to is also provided. Moreover, briefing sessions for families
personnel system reform in order to ensure the robustness of the dispatched SDF personnel are held to provide them
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
of the SDF and to make effective use of human resources with a variety of information, and a consultation desk
under the constrained budget. exclusively for families of the dispatched SDF personnel
Furthermore, due to the harsh environmental (family support centers), a website for the families of the
circumstances under which uniformed SDF personnel dispatched SDF personnel and similar facilities have been
have to perform their duties, the MOD/SDF strives to established to provide consolation for the various questions
provide salaries, allowances, welfare and other benefits and concerns raised by the families.
that reflect the special nature of their duties in order to let
uniformed SDF personnel concentrate on their duties with
Dealing with Retirement and Re-Employment of
pride, relieved of anxiety. The MOD/SDF also promotes 3 SDF Personnel
measures relating to awards and honors, beginning with the
expansion of the system of Defense Meritorious Badges. In order to maintain the strength of the SDF, many
uniformed SDF personnel retire in their mid-50s
2 Initiatives to Support Families (personnel serving under the early retirement system)
or in their 20s (most uniformed SDF personnel serving
In addition to exchanges between units and personnel’s under the fixed-term service system). Therefore, many of
families, as well as between the families, the MOD in them need to find another job after retirement in order to
cooperation with relevant external groups and organizations secure their livelihoods.
Briefing sessions for families of the personnel dispatched to the Gulf of Aden Personnel of the Deployment Support Unit for Counter Piracy Enforcement (GSDF) receiving
conform items
Since supporting re-employment is the responsibility duties without any concerns, the MOD allows uniformed
of the Japanese Government (the MOD) as the employer, SDF personnel after mandatory retirement to be reappointed
and is crucially important both for resolving any concerns for fixed terms within three years before the age of 60 (one
that uniformed SDF personnel may have about their future year for SDF administration officials and others). The Mid-
as well as for securing qualified human resources, the MOD Term Defense Program (MTDP) states that the SDF will
conducts support measures such as occupational training actively reappoint retiring personnel possessing advanced
useful for their re-employment. The measures to support knowledge, skills and experience where such personnel
the re-employment of retired uniformed SDF personnel prove beneficial to the SDF’s strength.
is also important from the perspective of enabling them Meanwhile, with regard to the re-employment of
to give back to society with their various skills, thereby SDF personnel, new regulations about re-employment
reinforcing human resources infrastructure. were introduced in October 2015 replacing the former
As the MOD does not have the authority to provide prior approval system. As are the cases in other national
them with employment placement, the Foundation for government employees, the following three regulations
the SDF Personnel Support Association provides free job were put in place in order to ensure the trust of the public
consultation services with permission from the Minister regarding the fairness of official duties: 1) regulation on
of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Minister of Land, requesting re-employment of other personnel and retired
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. personnel and requesting information; 2) regulation
Chapter 3
Retired uniformed SDF personnel have excellent on seeking employment opportunities at companies
abilities in planning, leadership, faculty, cooperativeness in which retired personnel had a stake whilst in office;
and responsibility gained through their work performance, and 3) regulation on re-employed personnel making
education, and training. Furthermore, they have various requests.10 In order to ensure strict observation of these
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
qualifications and licenses acquired through their duties regulations, bodies comprised of academic experts with
and vocational training. Therefore, they are making no history serving as SDF members (Defense Personnel
positive contributions in a broad range of sectors, Review Board’s Separate Meeting for Monitoring
including manufacturing and service industries, as Reemployment and Cabinet Office’s Reemployment
well as finance, insurance, real estate, and construction Surveillance Commission) monitor the situation and
industries, in addition to the areas of disaster prevention any violation will be met with penalties. Additionally,
and risk management at local governments. Based on for the purpose of appropriate implementation of
the NDPG, the MOD has promoted further utilization of unified management and disclosure of re-employment
retired uniformed SDF personnel in the areas of disaster information by institutionalizing notification and
prevention and crisis management at local governments, announcement of such information by the Cabinet, it
and has provided supports for these retired personnel’s has been decided that information on the re-employment
re-employment in the sectors that lack sufficient human status of retired SDF personnel who were in managerial
resources in collaboration with relevant ministries and positions (equivalent to the position of Senior Coordinator
agencies. The MOD will make further efforts to improve in the MOD or higher) is to be published every fiscal year
the re-employment environment for retired SDF personnel. by the Cabinet. In response to the introduction of this
See Reference 64 (Main Measures for Re-employment Support) system in FY2015, notifications of re-employment of the
Reference 65 (Employment Situation of Retired Uniformed SDF retired SDF personnel who were in managerial positions
Personnel in Disaster Prevention-related Bureaus in Local Government)
submitted during FY2016 were compiled, and a total of
For the purpose of ensuring an environment where 203 cases were officially announced in September 2017.
uniformed SDF personnel can devote themselves to their
1 Initiatives to Maintain Strong Discipline ability on duty, it is essential to achieve support and trust
from the public. To this end, the SDF is required to always
The MOD/SDF has gained great expectations from the maintain strong discipline.
public and in order for the SDF to perform its maximum The MOD/SDF has so far strived to foster well-
disciplined personnel by impressing in them an the MOD/SDF in terms of the loss of capable personnel,
awareness of compliance with the law through setting up and the MOD/SDF is taking ongoing measures to prevent
such campaign periods as the “MOD Anti-Drug Abuse suicides, including the following initiatives: (1) Expansion
Month,” “Self-Defense Forces Personnel Ethics Week,” and enhancement of the counseling system (internal/
“Self-Defense Personnel Sexual Harassment Prevention external counselors, a 24-hour telephone counseling
Week,” and “Self-Defense Personnel Power Harassment hotline, assignment of clinical psychotherapists at camps
Prevention Week” and implemented various measures and bases, etc.); (2) Strengthening of education to raise
such as thorough instructions on service discipline. awareness about mental health for commanders as well as
However, the number of personnel subjected enlisted personnel; and (3) Establishment of a campaign
to disciplinary action has remained high and taking period for enhancing mental health care, close monitoring
measures to eradicate violation of the law has become by commanders of the mental health condition of their
a pressing issue in order to achieve support and trust subordinates whose working environment has been
from the public. Based on this situation, in October 2017, changed due to personnel transfers, etc., and distribution
Minister of Defense Onodera issued the “Instructions of of various reference materials.
the Minister of Defense toward Eradication of Violation
of the Law,” which included strengthening disciplinary
action and expediting the administrative process of 3 Commemorating Personnel who Perished in
Chapter 3
report issues related to Iraq,12 the MOD/SDF has faced SDF personnel have been striving to accomplish the noble
issues such as uniformed SDF personnel’s inappropriate mission of protecting the peace and independence of
remarks toward diet members.13 Amid a situation Japan. They have been devoting themselves unstintingly
where the security environment surrounding Japan is to training, day and night, to live up to the expectations
extremely severe, it is necessary to gain understanding and trust of Japanese citizens, regardless of danger, and
and cooperation from the public, perform its duty and with a strong sense of responsibility. During this time
respond to the expectations from the public in order to period, however, more than 1,900 personnel have lost
maintain the nation’s peace and security. The MOD/SDF their lives in the line of duty.
will make its utmost effort to prevent recurrence of such In the MOD/SDF, funeral ceremonies in order
issues with the aim of recovering trust from the public. to express condolences are carried out by each unit to
which the personnel who perished in the line of duty
2 Initiatives to Prevent Suicide among SDF Personnel belonged. Moreover, in order to eternally recognize the
achievements of the SDF personnel who perished in the
SDF personnel suicides was a record 101 in FY2005, line of duty, and to express deep honor and condolences,
and have subsequently increased and decreased, with 90 memorial ceremonies are carried out in various forms,
suicides in FY2017. The suicide of SDF members is truly such as the Memorial Service for members of the SDF
a great tragedy for both the individuals themselves and personal who lost their lives in the line of duty conducted
their bereaved families. It also represents a great loss to with the participation of the Prime Minister.14
11 See Part III, Chapter 5, Section 2-2 for the results of the special defense inspection and measures to prevent recurrence
12 See Part III, Chapter 5, Section 2-4 for the overview of the cases and measures to prevent recurrence
13 For the final report on this case, see: http://www.mod.go.jp/j/press/news/2018/05/08b.html
14 The Monument for SDF Personnel who Perished in the Line of Duty was constructed in 1962 in Ichigaya. In 1998, the Memorial Zone in its current form was completed by combining this monument
with other monuments located in the same area. The MOD holds an annual memorial ceremony for SDF personnel who perished in the line of duty with the attendance of surviving family members,
the Prime Minister, high-ranking officials of the MOD/SDF including the Minister of Defense, former Defense Ministers, and others. At the Monument for SDF Personnel who Perished in the Line of
Duty in the Memorial Zone, there is an iron plate containing the names and other information of personnel who perished in the line of duty. When foreign dignitaries such as Defense Ministers visit the
MOD, they make offerings of flowers, expressing their respect and condolences to personnel who perished in the line of duty. Memorial ceremonies are also held at individual SDF posts and bases.
Chapter 3
1 Working Style Reform
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
(1) Value and Mentality Reform of Defense respectively honored particularly excellent
In order to implement working style reform, a focus initiatives, out of the applications received from various
needs to be placed especially on reforming the values organizations, and used them to help achieve work
and mentality of staff in managerial positions regarding reform of each workplace.
working style. In FY2017, the MOD/SDF carried out
educational initiatives such as seminars and lecture (3) Flexible Working Hours and Location
meetings for raising awareness concerning working style Realizing more flexible working hours and work locations
reform and the concept of work-life balance. The MOD/ is necessary in light of factors such as operational
SDF also implements the “Take more annual leave” fluctuations and time constraints faced by individuals.
promotional campaign to encourage staff to take a longer For this reason, the MOD/SDF introduced the flextime
leave during holiday seasons, with an intention to reform system in 2016 and enabled its staff to choose flexible
values related to working style. working hours by dividing early/late shifts into multiple
1 (1) “Action Plan for Promoting the Active Participation of Female Employees and Work-Life Balance at the MOD” (January 2015), (2) “Action Plan of the MOD Based on the Law to Promote the Role
of Women in the Workforce (FY2016-FY2020)” (April 2016), and (3) “Action Plan to Support a Good Work-Life Balance of the Personnel of the MOD based on the Act on Advancement of Measures
to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (FY2015-FY2020)” (March 2015).
periods. In addition, telework, a work style that allows the Internal Bureau of the MOD aim to begin adopting
working at home has become available in the Internal this work system from FY2019 and are steadily making
Bureau of the MOD in FY2017 after two years of test preparation by beginning to pilot the system.
introduction from FY2015. Organizations other than
In order for MOD/SDF staff, both male and female, to ministry is encouraging its male staff to take childcare
be successful in their careers while realizing work-life leave to promote their participation in family life.
balance, it is necessary to establish a system that enables The MOD/SDF is also developing an environment
balancing work with childrearing/nursing care, and to that enables staff to balance work life with their family life
ensure childcare services tailored to the irregular working by distributing e-mail newsletters to help its staff to return
patterns unique to the SDF. to work smoothly after childcare leave and encouraging
staff to use a “childcare form” to facilitate managers’ and
(1) Development of an Environment that Enables Staff the human resources department’s thorough and detailed
to Realize a Successful Career While Engaging in understanding of the situation regarding childcare.
Chapter 3
Childrearing and Nursing Care The MOD/SDF has a system to rehire SDF personnel
The MOD/SDF has developed various schemes, which who have previously resigned mid-career. It reassessed the
enable staff to balance work with childrearing/nursing system so that former SDF personnels who had resigned
care, such as ensuring substitute personnel for staff who in their mid-career due to childrearing and nursing care
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
take childcare leave and other leaves. In particular, the could be reemployed from January 2017. Based on this
VOICE Feelings about working again as a Ground Self Defense Force member COLUMN
Western Army Medical Unit, First Lieutenant, Tomomi Ikezaki
I joined the Ground Self Defense Force(GSDF) in 1993 as an officer candidate and worked as a treatment platoon leader in the
medical division, but in 1999, in my mid-career, I quitted in order to take care of my first daughter. After it, I raised my three children
and worked as a care welfare specialist at the same time. My husband, an active member of the Self Defense Forces(SDF), told
me about the renewed hiring program for former SDF members. I had not been thinking about coming back to the GSDF at all.
Nevertheless, the enthusiasm from my youthful years rekindled my motivation and I immediately decided to volunteer again. Receipt
of my appointment certificate after the interviews filled me with the same inspiration as when I first joined the GSDF.
I began working as a GSDF officer again on the 1st January, 2018. There have been many things to learn and remember given
significant changes in the environment surrounding the GSDF and its role since I left. While everyday was challenging, I felt that I
could be useful even after a blank of 18 years and was happy to be rehired. I greatly appreciate the support from my superiors, peers
and family, and will strive to become even more effective for my unit.
system, some previous Ground Seld Defense Force MSDF Yokosuka Naval Base district, and ASDF Iruma
personnels were recruited in January 2018. Air Base, respectively. Additionally, in April 2017, a
workplace nursery was newly opened at Ichigaya district
(2) Ensuring Childcare Services where the MOD is located in April within National
To allow SDF personnel who are rearing children to Defense Medical College in October 2017.
concentrate on their duties, it is important to ensure In addition, in the event of emergency operations
childcare services tailored to the irregular working such as disaster relief, the MOD promotes measures to
patterns unique to the SDF. Since April 2007, the MOD/ provide temporary care within SDF camps and bases for
SDF has set up workplace nurseries at GSDF Camp children of SDF personnel who have no alternative but to
Mishuku, GSDF Camp Kumamoto, GSDF Camp attend to duties with their children.
Makomanai, GSDF Asaka Camp dormitory district,
For the further expansion of the recruitment and promotion homogeneity among the members, into an organization
of female personnel in a unified manner, the MOD/SDF that is capable of incorporating diverse human resources
Chapter 3
has been making various efforts to advance the careers of in a flexible manner.
motivated and qualified female personnel by setting up At the present moment, the largest human resource
specific goals with regard to the recruitment and promotion that the SDF has not been able to fully utilize is women,
of female personnel based on the “Action Plan for who account for half of the population targeted for
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
Promoting the Active Participation of Female Employees recruitment. Promoting the active engagement of female
and Work-Life Balance.” Moreover, the MOD formulated SDF personnel has the following significance: (1)
the “Initiative to Promote Active Engagement of Female securing useful human resources; (2) utilizing diverse
SDF Personnel – Aiming for Attractive SDF that Adapts perspectives; and (3) reflecting values of the nation.
to the Times and Environment” (the “Initiative”) in April For this reason, the MOD/SDF has decided to open up
2017 to specify its conceptual policy for promoting the a path for female personnel with motivation, ability,
active participation of female SDF personnel. and aptitude to have opportunities to demonstrate their
abilities in various fields, and aim for doubling the ratio
(1) Significance of Promoting Active Engagement of Female of female SDF personnel.
SDF Personnel and Personnel Management Policy In terms of employing and promoting female SDF
The “Initiative” outlines the significance of promoting the personnel, the MOD/SDF sets out a personnel management
active engagement of female personnel and the MOD/SDF policy to ensure equal opportunity between men and
personnel management policy. Specifically, with SDF women and assign the right person to the right place based
duties becoming increasingly diverse and complex, SDF on the person’s motivation and ability/aptitude.
personnel are required to have multifaceted capabilities
including higher levels of knowledge, decision-making (2) Removal of the Assignment Restriction of Female
ability, and skills than before. In addition, under a severe SDF Personnel
recruitment environment due to the declining birthrate While the SDF has been accepting female SDF personnel
and greater advancement into higher education, it is since its establishment in 1954, assignment of female
anticipated that the number of SDF personnel with time personnel had been restricted in some units, such as the
restraint including those involved in childcare, nursing GSDF infantry companies and tank companies. However,
care, and other responsibilities will significantly increase. the Initiative, formulated in April 2017, virtually removed
In light of these changes, the SDF is required to evolve the restriction on the assignment of female personnel
from a conventional organization with an emphasis on across the SDF.2
2 With regard to part of the GSDF NBC Weapon Defense Unit, the GSDF Tunnel Company, and MSDF submarines, the assignment restriction has not been removed due to reasons in relation to protecting
motherhood and the characteristics of the equipment.
Also, certain units such as GSDF rifle platoons and tank platoons from which the assignment restriction has been removed, personnel will be assigned successively to the units whose preparation has
completed by proceeding with necessary preparation such as making of assignment standards.
GSDF personnel
13,000 MSDF personnel Recruitment of women started 6.0
for aviation students of
ASDF personnel the MSDF and the ASDF
Total number of female SDF personnel /
Total number of SDF personnel Recruitment of women
11,000 started for students the of 5.0
the National Defense Academy
Recruitment of
7,000 women started
Recruitment of women for students the of
started in the general the National Defense
6,000 service area of Medical College
the MSDF and the ASDF
4,000 Recruitment of
women started in
3,000 the general service
Chapter 3
2,000 1.0
0 0.0
54 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (FY)
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
Note: As of the end of March 2018, the total number of female SDF personnel is 14,686 (approximately 6.5% of the total number of the current SDF personnel)
(3) Expansion of the Recruitment of Female Personnel personnel in the overall SDF personnel and halve the
a. Female SDF Personnel mid-career retirement rate.
As of the end of March 2018, the number of female See Fig. III-3-2-1 (Trends in Incumbent Female SDF Personnel)
SDF personnel is about 15,000 (about 6.5% of total SDF b. Female Administrative Officials, Technical and
personnel). Compared with ten years ago (end of March Engineering Officials, Instructors, and Others
2008, about 4.9% of total SDF personnel), this is a rise of As of the end of March 2018, the number of female
1.6 percentage point, indicating that the ratio of female civilian personnel - administrative officials, technical
SDF personnel has been on the rise in recent years. and engineering officials, and instructors, and others
In order to increase the proportion of female SDF - is approximately 3,200 (about 24.0% of total civilian
personnel among total SDF personnel to over 9% personnel). Compared with ten years ago (end of March
by 2030, the MOD/SDF plans to ensure that women 2008 when females made up 22.8% of the total civilian
account for more than 10% of total newly employed SDF personnel), this is a rise of 1.2 percentage point, indicating
personnel in and after FY2017. Specifically, the increase that the ratio of female civilian personnel is on a rising
in the number of female recruits will be realized by trend in recent years.
measures such as the elimination of the gender quota and With regard to recruitment, in line with the overall
the increase in the scheduled number of female recruits. government target, the MOD has set up its goal of
In addition, with regard to promotion, the proportion of ensuring that women account for over 30% of recruits in
women among SDF personnel with a rank of field officer and after FY2016. Regarding promotion, as a goal to be
or higher will be increased from 3.1%. As for the careers achieved by the end of FY2020, the proportion of women
of the personnel anticipated to reach a rank of field officer of the Division-Director level at local organizations and
or higher in the future, an emphasis is given on assigning Assistant-Division-Director level at the ministry proper
them to a commander or assistant commander post at the or equivalent should be approximately 5%, and the
rank of company officer, with the hope of allowing them proportion of women of the Division-Director level at the
to gain experience. ministry proper or equivalent should be approximately
Furthermore, in addition to these specific numerical 2%, and the proportion of women of the Unit-Chief
targets, the “Initiative” formulated in April 2017 indicates level at the ministry proper or equivalent should be
that the MOD aims to double the percentage of female approximately 27%.
The role of SDF hospitals is to admit and treat injured SDF through measures such as promoting the consolidation
Chapter 3
personnel and other persons transported from their area of of SDF hospitals with increased performance levels, by
activity in various emergency situations, while in normal reorganizing 16 SDF hospitals located nationwide into
circumstances these hospitals provide medical care to roughly 10 locations to develop more efficient and higher-
SDF personnel and their families, etc. These hospitals also quality hospitals. For instance, MOD/SDF is promoting
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
play the role of educational institutions that train medical enhancement of medical care by making some SDF
personnel and maintain and enhance their skills. hospitals designated as secondary emergency medical
Based on the NDPG, etc., the MOD currently institutions by the local municipalities to welcome
aspires to establish a high-quality medical care system emergency patients, etc.
As the only educational institution for the training of College would be strengthened as the training and
physicians as well as public health and registered nurses research center for defense medicine. Based on these, the
under the jurisdiction of the MOD/SDF, the National MOD is strengthening the organizational structure of the
Defense Medical College plays the role of training and National Defense Medical College, enhancing its training
producing the primary medical staff for the medical and research functions, and strengthening its cooperation
activities of the SDF as well as maintaining and improving with all three branches of the SDF. Furthermore, the
their skills. National Defense Medical College conducts advanced
In such a situation, the NDPG, etc. states not only that research on defense medicine by incorporating advanced
the MOD/SDF will establish an efficient and high-quality medical technology in order to utilize specialized medical
medical care system, including improved management technology and to contribute to operation of SDF units as
of the National Defense Medical College Hospital, but well as education and research of the National Defense
also that the function of the National Defense Medical Medical College.
While greater abilities are required of personnel engaged which is the lack of opportunity to engage in medical
in medical care, such as medical officers, due to the training and practice. The MOD/SDF continues efforts to
diversification of missions, only 80% of the positions implement various measures to prevent medical officers
have been filled in the case of medical officers in from leaving the SDF by enhancing clinical education
particular. Such low sufficiency is caused by medical after graduation from the National Defense Medical
officers leaving the SDF, one of the major reasons of College and other institutions, promoting various
initiatives for ensuring more opportunities for medical 2014, which is training public health/registered nurses
officers to engage in medical practice, helping them who are capable of fully responding to the diversification
acquire and improve specialized knowledge and skills in of missions and the sophistication of medical technology.
areas such as infectious diseases, as well as increasing The first batch of students (109 students) graduated from
their motivation for work. the College in March 2018.
Furthermore, with the aim of training and securing Moreover, medical personnel and medical staff are
high-quality public health/registered nurses, a four- educated and trained at SDF hospitals, schools and other
year “nursing course”1 was established in the School of relevant institutions so that the SDF can perform diverse
Medicine at the National Defense Medical College in April missions and missions under special circumstances.
Based on the NDPG and other guidelines stating that frontline. Specifically, since 2017, the MOD commenced
the MOD “conducts a review on emergency medical specific education and training for SDF personnel who
treatment on situational responses and improves first aid are certified as both Licensed Practical Nurses and
capabilities on the frontline,” the MOD/SDF has conducted Emergency Life-Saving Technicians to acquire necessary
Chapter 3
research on relevant initiatives taken by the U.S. Forces knowledge and skills, so that the SDF personnel with
and carried out reviews for appropriate and accurate these qualifications will be able to provide specialized
life-saving activities. For the purpose of deepening this relief treatments3 on the spot to SDF personnel who were
review, the “Committee on accurate life-saving for the injured on the frontline, prior to their transfer to SDF
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
MOD/SDF first aid activities on the frontline” comprised hospitals and other medical facilities. Those who have
of external experts, was held at the MOD in April 2015, completed this education and training curriculum have
and a report2 was prepared in September 2016 based on been allocated to units as “Frontline Medics.”4 The SDF
the discussions in the Committee. The MOD/SDF is is also improving medical materials to be carried by the
working to develop a framework for providing maximum “Frontline Medics.”
protection for the lives of the personnel injured on the
In light of the response to the Ebola virus disease who have expertise that is necessary to contribute to the
outbreak in West Africa in 2014, the Ministerial Meeting Japan Self-Defense Forces’ overseas activities and by
on Measures on Emerging Infectious Diseases was accelerating the establishment of a framework including
established in September 2015 under close cooperation the National Defense Medical College.” In response to
among relevant administrative bodies, for the entire this, the MOD/SDF conducts various reviews on the
government to advance effective and comprehensive enhancement of capabilities to respond to infectious
measures on infectious diseases that could be a global diseases, a potential global threat. Based on these reviews
threat. In the same month of the same year, a decision was as well as other factors, the MOD/SDF is currently
made on the Basic Guidelines for Strengthening Measures improving the necessary facility equipment at the National
on Emerging Infectious Diseases. This basic guideline Defense Medical College Hospital and the SDF Central
stipulates that, “The Government of Japan will promote Hospital. The aims of this improvement are to provide
the improvement of the ability to address emerging personnel training for the enhancement of capabilities
infectious diseases at the Ministry of Defense and the to deal with infectious diseases and develop readiness
Japan Self-Defense Forces by training human resources for offering medical treatment to patients affected by
1 The nursing course consists of two training courses: one for fostering SDF officers who are certified nurses or public health nurses; and the other for fostering technical and engineering officials with
the same qualifications.
2 “Report on the committee on accurate life-saving for the MOD/SDF first aid activities on the frontline” (September 2016)
3 First aid treatment for those with symptoms such as airway obstruction and tension pneumothorax caused by injuries, and other treatments such as administration of analgesic for pain relief.
4 The “Frontline Medics” are of those who are certified as Licensed Practical Nurses (Refer to the Assistant Nurse stipulated in Article 6 of the Act on Public Health Nurses, Midwives, and Nurses (Act
No. 203 of 1948)) and Emergency Life-Saving Technicians (Refer to the Emergency Life-Saving Technician stipulated in Section 2, Article 2 of the Emergency Life-saving Technicians Act (Act No. 36 of
1991)), those who have completed the training curriculum approved by the council stipulated in Article 4 of the Directives Relating to Emergency Life-Saving Actions (MOD Directive No. 60 of 2016).
Frontline Medics conduct cricothyroidotomy and other emergency aid in limited situations to improve
the survival of the SDF personnel.
The training, based on the guidelines adopted by the US armed forces and others, was
practical, challenging, and fruitful. I felt nervous about the final exam, but I devoted all my energy
to using actual medical equipment as effectively as possible and analyzing the symptoms of patient
simulators as completely as possible. As a result, I managed to get the certificate.
I will show my full commitment to be a member of Frontline Medics, brush up my skills and
knowledge, and educate would-be Frontline Medics. Writer engaged in emergency aid
(Sergeant Major Takayanagi)
Chapter 3
Ground Self Defense Forces Medical School (Setagaya Ward, Tokyo),
Instructor, Major, Kazuki Koiwai
Introduction of Frontline Medics is a major leap for the SDF medical troops to change into the troops
Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force, and Active Participation of Female SDF Personnel
that can better save lives.
Advanced skills and knowledge are required to perform invasive procedures(*). To meet this
need, we focused on teaching trainees specialist knowledge and had them participate in reality-
oriented, physically and mentally strenuous exercises so that the trainees can perform procedures
properly even in extreme situations. The first-graduating personnel worked excellently hard and
acquired reliable skills. I feel proud of them.
I will remain committed to establishing medical support capabilities and operations
Writer supporting certification tests
* Surgical procedures including incisions and punctures. for Frontline Medics (Major Koiwai)
Class I infectious diseases,5 which are classified as the on advanced initiatives implemented by various
most dangerous category of infectious diseases. The SDF foreign countries, and collects information by seizing
Central Hospital was designated as a medical institution opportunities such as defense medicine exchanges for the
for Class I infectious diseases in April 2017 and has been purpose of contributing to the enhancement of capabilities
implementing trainings to deal with infectious diseases. to deal with infectious diseases.
In addition, the MOD also conducts research
5 Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, smallpox, South American hemorrhagic fevers, plague, Marburg disease, and Lassa disease (Article 6, Act on the Prevention of Infectious
Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases)
While defense equipment has become more advanced and over other countries. Hence, Japan is required to further
complex, the defense industry in Japan has been exposed develop defense equipment and technology policies
to harsh conditions due to a decrease in the number while also taking into account these points.
of units procured caused by Japan’s severe financial Amid such a situation, it is indispensable to work
conditions and an increase in imports of foreign-made on (1) strategic research and development for ensuring
equipment. In addition, other countries are aiming to Japan’s technological superiority, (2) maintenance and
acquire advanced military capabilities utilizing the latest strengthening of defense production and technological
technologies. In order to ensure the quality of defense bases, (3) strengthening of project management, and
capabilities sufficiently and to enhance deterrence as (4) promotion of defense equipment and technology
well as response capabilities amid the situation in which cooperation, in order to maintain an environment in which
rapid advancements in technological innovation have a defense equipment that meets the SDF’s operational
significant influence on the global security environment, needs will be procured into the future.
it is crucial that Japan ensure technological superiority
Chapter 4
As the security environment surrounding Japan perspective of creating superior defense equipment and
becomes increasingly severe, it is necessary to ensure ensuring Japan’s security, and also, improvement of
technological superiority by effectively utilizing Japan’s technology platforms is a pressing issue. The state-of-
advanced technological strength in order to protect the the-art military technologies in each country are sensitive
lives and property of Japanese people in any situation. technologies that shall not be easily shared with other
Particularly in recent years, with the rapid advances countries. From the perspective of Japan, for the areas,
in technological innovation, it is forecast that we will which should strategically maintain their domestic
see the operationalization of so-called game-changing technology platforms, it is necessary to promote research
technology that will completely transform combat aspects and development domestically. In the cases of defense
in the future, and the United States and other countries equipment procurement and technology cooperation
are proceeding hastily with research and development. such as international joint development, it is important
See Part I, Chapter 3, Section 6 (Trends Concerning Military to maintain the leading role by owning important cutting-
Science and Technology as well as Defense Production and edge technology (key technology). This requires not
Technological Bases)
only research and development by the MOD, but also
Thus, as a nation, strategically working on the the promotion of research and development by both the
ways to ensure technological superiority and ensuring public and private sectors together.
advanced technology platforms are important from the
Chapter 4
(i) Ensuring technical superiority
(ii) Delivering superior defense equipment through 2 Medium- to Long-Term Defense Technology Outlook
effective and efficient research and development
The Medium- to Long-Term Defense Technology
3 “Research and Development Vision” development. So far, the MOD has prepared and published
the “Future Fighter R&D Vision” in August 2010 and the
The “Research and Development Vision” provides “Research and Development Vision of Future Unmanned
the direction of medium to long-term research and Equipment: Focusing on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”
development by clarifying technical challenges regarding in August 2016. Based on these visions, the MOD is
equipment that are deemed to become important, and currently conducting various research and study toward
presenting a concept for defense equipment that looks technological demonstrations including those for beyond
ahead to the future and a roadmap for research and line-of-sight type unmanned aerial vehicles.
development to achieve the concept. The MOD will continue to establish and publish
The MOD publishes research and development research and development visions for equipment that
visions and shares them with the defense industry, with requires development and enhancement of technological
the aim of increasing predictability for relevant companies bases while ascertaining trends in defense technologies.
and realizing more effective and efficient research and
The MOD invents equipment that meets the needs of the development of the next-generation warning and control
SDF indicated in the Medium Term Defense Program radar equipment that can respond to future airborne
(MTDP), including (1) improvement of air defense threats and ballistic missiles with superior detecting
capability, (2) enhancement of intelligence, surveillance, and tracking capabilities, survivability, economic
Chapter 4
and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, (3) unmanned efficiency and other aspects as well as research aiming
equipment that can be used flexibly at times of various to load dual wavelength infrared sensors with superior
contingencies including large-scale disasters, and detecting and discriminating capabilities onto “advanced
(4) enhancement of the capacity of existing equipment. optical satellites,” which are currently being planned
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
The MOD also makes proposals regarding highly by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
promising technologies based on technological trends, and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Aerospace
as well as adopting advanced technologies and dual-use Exploration Agency (JAXA), and to operate them in the
technologies for prototyping, and conducts testing and space environment. The MOD also promotes research
evaluation of the prototype equipment. Particularly for on high mobility powered suits and the environmental
improving air defense capability, with regard to future awareness enhancement technology for remote control
fighters, the MOD conducts strategic studies including vehicles that can be used flexibly at times of various
research on the large-thrust and compact engines, the contingencies including large-scale disasters.
advanced sensor system that integrates radars and Furthermore, in the area of advanced research, which
infrared sensors to enable detecting and tracking of has the potential to ensure technological superiority,
stealth fighters, and integrated fire control technology for the MOD conducts research regarding the element
expanded shooting opportunities and improved shooting technology of the next generation of night vision devices
efficiency through cooperation among multiple aircraft to as well as components of EMP warheads (EMP radiation
be able to take into account the development (including part), which induce the malfunction and destruction of
the possibility of international joint development) of sensor and electronic equipment, and study on EMP
fighters as an option before the retirement of F-2 fighters. protection technology. The MOD also conducts research
The decision on the development will be made in FY2018 regarding the electromagnetic acceleration system that
and necessary measures will be taken accordingly. utilizes electric energy to accelerate the speed, extend the
Furthermore, the MOD carries out a study on the element range and realize the higher power of projectiles , which
technology based on the high-energy laser system, which are not feasible using conventional gunpowder, research
can be applied to close air defense of vessels and bases, regarding the high-energy laser system that responds to
and a study on the technology, which induces malfunction threats such as a large number of small unmanned aerial
or destruction of electronic equipment built into incoming vehicles and mortar shells that fly high and low in the
missiles to neutralize the missiles by generating and sky for a low cost and short reaction time, research on
irradiating high-powered directed microwaves. element technology of HVGP (Hyper Velocity Gliding
To improve ISR capabilities, the MOD undergoes Projectile) intended for the defense of remote islands
which can glide at high velocity and attack a target in of a new test and evaluation facility “Iwakuni Oceanic
order to enable island-to-island firing, and research Environmental Test and Evaluation Satellite (provisional
regarding miniaturization of high-power engines and the name)” in Iwakuni City to efficiently and effectively
entire system design through simulation models in order conduct research on unmanned underwater vehicles, etc.
to improve mobility on the sea for the future amphibious using dual-use technologies based on the “Basic Policy
technology. Furthermore, the MOD began development on the Relocation of Governmental Organizations.”3
The Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) smooth implementation of research projects, program
and domestic research institutions, such as universities officers, who are in charge of managing research progress,
and independent administrative institutions, proactively are assigned in the same manner as competitive research
engage in research collaborations and technological funding programs being conducted by other government
information exchanges in order to ensure that advanced ministries and agencies. The program officers provide
civilian technology is incorporated and efficient research support including checking research progress and
and development is conducted. In FY2015 the MOD processing budget execution procedures.
launched a competitive research funding program called Active utilization of advanced civilian technology
“Innovative Science & Technology Initiative for Security” through such programs is not only essential for securing
to discover creative research activities conducted in the lives and peaceful livelihood of the Japanese people
universities, research institutes, companies, etc., which into the future, but is also beneficial for the development
Chapter 4
are expected to apply defense equipment in the future and of Japan’s science, technology and innovation in
to promote promising research seeds. non-defense areas as well, similar to how investment
While total of 33 research projects were awarded in innovative technology by the Defense Advanced
by FY2017, this program was expanded in FY2017 in Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States
3 Decided at the Advisory Council on Vitalizing Towns, People and Jobs on March 22, 2016
Fig. III-4-1-1 FY2017 Awarded Research Projects for the “Innovative Science & Technology Initiative for Security” program
Representative Institution
Research Title Brief Summary
for the Project
This project aims to acquire a method that estimates combustion
phenomenon in a hypersonic speed range and aerodynamic heating from
Fundamental researches of fluid and Japan Aerospace Exploration
data obtained by ground-based facilities via wind tunnel tests, trial flight
combustion for the hypersonic flight Agency
tests, and simulators for the purpose of enhancing fundamental technology
that supports future hypersonic aviation.
Development of a mid-infrared quantum This project aims to realize a mid-infrared light source with high output and
National Institute for Materials
cascade lasers of high beam quality by high beam quality by introducing a surface emitting element using photonic
[Large-scale research projects (Type S)] Six projects
the adhesive strength in micro and macro scale, and simulating the molecular
dynamics of the interface chemical state, and evaluating the new surface
reformulation method.
This project aims to realize a measurement method for estimation of
High resolution stereoscopic image estimation
the stereoimage of buried material in the ground through observation of Japan Aerospace Exploration
of buried material in heterogeneous medium
electromagnetic wave scattering from the buried material with multiple Agency
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
I have studied heterogeneous catalysts working as well as adsorbents for safety removal of pesticides and other toxic substances
released in water and air. The final goal of the research is protecting agricultural workers from exposure to the harmful chemicals by
using a developed heterogeneous catalyst that can be applied to an agrochemical protection mask in future. This research is supported
by “Innovative Science & Technology Initiative for Security,” which has started one and a half years ago. Regularly scheduled meetings
with a program officer during the period are valuable opportunities to receive useful advice from an expert perspective.
Chapter 4
Writer analyzing test results (research representative)
The term “defense production and technological bases” equipment. In addition, while research and development
refers to the human, physical and technological bases expenditure is increasing, the ratio of research and
for development, production, operation, sustainment and development expenditure to defense-related expenditure
maintenance, remodeling, and refurbishment of defense has leveled off.
equipment required for the MOD/SDF’s activities. In Furthermore, changes in the international
Japan, most of those bases are covered by companies (the environment such as the realignment of the Western
defense industry) that manufacture defense equipment defense industries and advances in international joint
and associated items. Therefore, a broad range of development and production projects can be mentioned
companies,1 which own special and advanced skills and as the issues that impact on Japan’s defense production
Chapter 4
facilities are involved in the defense production and and technological bases. There are also new changes
technological bases. Meanwhile, the degree of defense emerging in the institutional framework, such as the
demand dependence (the ratio of defense-related sales that transfer of defense equipment and technology based on
accounts for the entire company sales) is approximately the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
3% on average, indicating that defense businesses are not and Technology (see Section 4), which was approved by
their primary business in many companies.2 Furthermore, the Cabinet in April 2014.
Japanese defense production and technological bases See Fig. III-4-2-1 (Maintenance and Upgrade Expenditures for
face some issues such as difficulties in maintaining Equipment, etc.)
Fig. III-4-2-2 (Current Status of Research & Development
and passing on skills and techniques and withdrawal of Expenditure)
some companies from defense businesses because the Part I, Chapter 3, Section 6-2 (Trends Concerning Defense
effect of mass production is hard to expect due to limited Production and Technological Bases)
Section 4-1 (The Three Principles on Transfer of Defense
demand, and unit costs and maintenance/sustainment Equipment and Technology)
costs are increasing due to the advances in recent defense
1 For example, it is said that there are approximately 1,100 fighter aircraft-related companies, approximately 1,300 tank-related companies, and approximately 8,300 destroyer–related companies.
2 According to the survey on defense demand dependence conducted with 46 defense-related companies based on their sales performance in FY2015. Although relatively small in scale, some
companies possess important technologies for supporting the defense industry with over 50% of the defense demand dependence, in which case the scale of defense demand has a significant
impact on the management of these companies.
3 The basic guideline for production and development of defense equipment, the development guideline for defense industry, and the stimulation guideline for R&D (Directive July 16, 1970)
0 0
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
FY FY1989 FY1990 FY1991 FY1992 FY1993 FY1994 FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
(100 million yen)
39,198 41,593 43,860 45,518 46,406 46,835 47,236 48,452 49,412 49,287 49,198 49,215 49,385 49,392 49,262 48,760 48,297 47,903 47,815 47,426 47,028 46,826 46,625 46,453 46,804 47,838 48,221 48,607 48,996 49,388
Upgrade Expenditures
(100 million yen)
Maintenance and
4,393 4,763 4,902 5,333 5,730 6,177 6,365 6,636 6,757 6,422 6,554 6,508 6,662 6,686 6,680 6,795 6,993 7,387 7,352 7,199 7,459 7,431 7,527 7,502 7,862 7,794 7,612 8,141 8,750 8,553
Chapter 4
Notes: 1. Excluding SACO-related expenses, the U.S. Forces realignment-related expenses (the portion allocated for mitigating the impact on local communities), and expenses for the introduction
of new government aircraft.
2.“Maintenance and upgrade expenditures for equipment” refers to the budget for repair costs for equipment, consumable goods costs, and service costs with each service of the SDF
(referring to the amount calculated by excluding repair costs for the extension of vessel life and modernization of aircraft from the repair costs of each SDF unit). The amounts represent
contractual figures.
Fig. III-4-2-3 Measures for Maintaining and Strengthening Defense Production and Technological Bases
Measures for Maintaining and Strengthening Defense Production and Technological Bases
● Utilize negotiated contracts
● Introduce longer-term contracts (multi-year procurements)
Improve contract system ● Establish flexible systems for taking orders such as joint ventures
● Decrease procurement cost and improve companies’ incentives to reduce cost
● Enhance project management throughout equipment’s life-cycle
● Formulate a R&D vision
● Develop ability to survey technological information including civilian advanced technology
Measures regarding Research and ● Strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutes
Development (R&D) ● Cooperation with and utilizing R&D programs including those that cover dual-use technology
● Fund advanced research with promising output for defense
● Strengthen cooperation with overseas organizations
● Deepen defense equipment and technology cooperation with the United States
● Establish new defense equipment and technology cooperation
Defense equipment and technology ● Contributing to international logistics systems
cooperation ● Improving bases for defense equipment and technology cooperation
● Promote application of defense equipment to civilian use
● Technology control and information security
● Promote understanding of significance of defense business and industry
Measures regarding defense
● Maintain resilient supply chains
industry organization
● Defense industrial organizations and applications of contract systems
● Implementation of efforts such as unification of departments associated with equipment acquisition, as a part of MOD reform
Strengthen MOD’s structure ● Implementation of strengthening inspection and audit functions as well as the training of human resources in project management
and procurement
Measures through cooperation with ● Consideration of support measures through the use of policies of other ministries such as Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
relevant ministries (METI)
(4) Methods of Defense Equipment Procurement (6) Courses of Actions for Each Defense Equipment
With regard to defense equipment procurement, currently Sectors
Chapter 4
multiple methods, such as domestic development, With regard to the main defense equipment sectors
international joint development and production, licensed (such as land equipment, supplies, etc., ships, aircraft,
domestic production, utilization of commercially explosives, guided weapons, communications electronics
produced goods, and imports, are adopted. These methods and command control systems, unmanned equipment,
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
directly affect defense production and technological space systems and cyber), the MOD will analyze the
bases. According to the characteristics of defense current situation of defense production and technological
equipment, it is necessary to select the acquisition method bases. At the same time, it will also take the following
appropriately, including international joint development actions. Based on the priority matters for developing the
and production, which became more agile and flexible SDF’s structure indicated in NDPG, the MOD will present
due to the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense the future direction of the maintenance and strengthening
Equipment and Technology. of defense production and technological bases and the
acquisition plan for each defense equipment sectors, and
(5) Measures for Maintaining and Strengthening thereby, seek to increase predictability for companies.
Defense Production and Technological Bases See Fig. III-4-2-4 (Direction in the Various Defense Equipment
In order to carry out the maintenance and strengthening Sectors (Outline))
● With regard to tanks and artillery, making use of its world-class level of strength in this area, the MOD will maintain its production and technological bases
to the appropriate level. In addition, production and technological bases for mobile combat vehicles etc., will be built.
● Through further promotion of standardization (categorization), effective and efficient acquisition as well as the maintenance and strengthening of
Ground equipment
production and technology bases of wheeled vehicles will be implemented.
● Regarding amphibious capabilities, aspects of Japan’s technological weakness will be reinforced as necessary, while defense equipment and technology
cooperation that make use of our strengths will be promoted.
● Based on factors such as compatibility with the physical characteristics of the Japanese people, the relevant foundations will be maintained, thereby
making it possible to continue the procurement of supplies from domestic companies.
Supplies, etc.
● As for fields where Japan can excel, such as chemical protection equipment, adapting equipment for civilian use, and defense equipment and technology
cooperation will be considered.
● With regard to vessels, in order to enable the MOD to respond to the latest technology such as stealth capabilities, production and technological bases will
be maintained and strengthened through the entry of multiple prime enterprises.
● Consideration will be given to the bulk order of multiple escort ships with a standardized design. In doing so, a review of the format of contracts will also
be considered, taking into account the effects of lowering prices.
● Since the National Defense Program Guidelines state that the number of submarines will be increased to 22, the existing bases will be maintained and
strengthened through continuous research and development for enhancing capabilities.
● For the acquisition of F-35A aircraft, the MOD will make efforts to promote the industrial participation of Japanese companies in production and to
prepare for the start of Regional MRO&U for F-35 aircraft in the Asia-Pacific region. As for future fighter aircraft, necessary measures including empirical
research will be taken so as to maintain the option of the development of future fighter aircraft including the possibility of international joint development
of an aircraft to replace the F-2 when it is time to retire it.
● With regard to transport aircraft and amphibian rescue aircraft, multifaceted use of the results of development such as the possibility of adaptation for
civilian use, and defense equipment and technology cooperation will be promoted. For rotary-wing aircraft, keeping both the civilian and defense demand
in mind, international joint development and production will be considered as an option based on the technologies cultivated through licensed domestic
production and domestic development.
● A certain scale of procurement from domestic companies will continue to be made possible and bases, which ensure the necessary scale of explosives in
various situations, will be maintained.
● In order to improve air defense performance, technological considerations regarding future SAMs will be pursued to further strengthen the relevant
technological bases. A vision for research and development for the implementation of technological examinations of future guided weapons will be
established including propulsion devices such as fixed rocket motors and other technologies required to improve the performance of various types of
guided weapons such as the extension of their launch range.
Guided weapons ● Regarding international joint development as one option, efficient acquisition methods will be selected based also on the enhancement of interoperability
with allied and friendly nations.
● Along with the continuous promotion of SM-3 Block IIA Cooperative Development (SCD) between Japan and the United States, necessary measures for
the transition to the production and deployment phases will be taken, considering the sustainment and enhancement of production and technological
Chapter 4
● Research and development on cutting-edge technology for the bases required for defense will be implemented with priority, involving the improvement of the
detection performance of fixed warning and control radar systems as well as the simultaneous, parallel use of multiple sonar systems. At the same time, the
Communications technological bases will be maintained and strengthened by pursuing the applicability of cutting-edge civilian technology.
electronics and ● Because systems capable of responding to battles based around network data are necessary for future command control systems, civilian technological
command control bases, which are progressing at a significant pace, will be adopted to ensure a system replacement at the appropriate timing reflecting the latest
systems technological standards.
● Defense equipment and technology cooperation, as well as civilian use of wireless software technology, radar technology, which uses high-output
• Formulation of Defense Technology Strategy, and price competitiveness while maintaining defense
Medium- to Long-Term Defense Technology Outlook production and technological bases, as well as using
and the Research and Development Vision for ensuring advanced design and construction technology.
the technological superiority, and implementation of
the “Innovative Science & Technology Initiative for (2) Future Initiatives
Security.” With the understanding that defense production and
• Formulation of the Acquisition Strategic Plan for technological bases are an important and indispensable
promoting project management, and improvement of foundation supporting Japan’s defense capabilities,
contract systems (see Section 3). ATLA plays the main role in promoting measures for
• Participation of Japanese companies in the international defense equipment and technology while cooperating
F-35 Program and defense equipment and technology with relevant ministries, government agencies, and private
cooperation involving joint research and development companies, etc. These measures include swift application
with other countries (see Section 4). of quickly progressing advanced civilian technologies,
• Grasping the supply chain in the defense industry and promotion of defense equipment and technological
responses to risks in order to maintain and strengthen cooperation as a package including maintenance, etc.,
defense production and technological bases. early detection of risks pertaining to supply chains, and
• Adopting a new procurement method for acquiring an promotion of the matching of small and medium sized
escort ship (new destroyer) to ensure future technologies enterprises with the MOD/SDF.
NANRI Co., Ltd., was founded in 1939 and manufactured automobile and special vehicle parts as a supervised plant for the Army
Arsenal during the war and as a registered vendor for the U.S. Military Procurement Bureau after the war. Our involvement in defense
products began with repairs of underbody parts (trackbelt, track rollers, and sprockets) of tracked vehicles (tanks, armored cars,
and others) provided to the Ground Self Defense Forces from the U.S. military. We developed our unique repair technologies by using
U.S. military manuals as reference. Now we are mainly conducting repairs of underbody parts of all armored vehicles of the Ground
Self Defense Forces as our primary business.
NANRI Co. Ltd is a small company with about 20 employees. We creatively produce machine tools and repair tools necessary
for our work so that we can perform almost all processes internally. All employees (including the president) are skilled workers who
are engaged in field operations. Given difficulties of technology transmission, which is an issue for small companies, we are making
efforts to assure the stable quality through the application of new technologies (such as welding robots).
The business environment for tracked vehicles has been getting severe in recent years. While this raises concerns about
continuing our business because we heavily rely on the defense industry, I believe that it is important to keep our repair technology
that has been cultivated over many years, and to maintain our pride and sense of responsibility as the only domestic repair company.
We will continue to work on maintaining our foundation with manufacturing capabilities that are trusted by customers.
Chapter 4
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
Chapter 4
and works to realize the most efficient acquisition in and strengthen project management.
accordance with operational needs.
To realize the efficient acquisition of equipment (1) Cost and Schedule Management Using WBS
that will enable effective and efficient operation and For project management of certain kinds of equipment,
1 Semi-project is an acquisition project of specific equipment with a limited application of project management without the designation of PM and IPT, focusing on risks in functions, performance, costs,
schedules and other risk factors as in the equipment for project management.
For the purpose of promoting acquisition reform, which is The production of defense equipment requires a
a prompt response to swiftly changing surroundings, the significant amount of time. Therefore, if a certain set
MOD has been holding meetings of the Comprehensive amount is to be procured in bulk, in many cases a
Acquisition Reform Committee since 2007, besides the contract for more than five years is needed. With regard
Contractual Systems Study Groups has been held since to defense equipment and services, economies of scale5
2010 to review acquisition systems. Since FY2016, a tend not to work mainly due to the following reasons:
special research officer system4 has been adopted in order (1) the annual procurement quantity is small; (2) the
to surely embody the review results. MOD is the only customer; and (3) companies that
provide such defense equipment, etc., are limited. In
addition, it is difficult for companies to systematically
move forward with their businesses with a high degree of
2 WBS is a hierarchical structure used to practice project management that systematically divides the project into manageable units, in which the schedule and cost of each deliverable (components
and services) are allocated.
3 Examples of “procuring common equipment and supplies in bulk,” “standardizing some components,” and “development of product families” are small arms, vehicles, and chemical supplies used
by the Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF), Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF), and Air Self-Defense Force (ASDF), short-range surface-to-air missiles used by the GSDF and ASDF, and anti-ship
missiles used by all three branches of the SDF, respectively.
4 This is a system to conduct research, which contributes to the acquisition system of defense equipment, by inviting experts such as associate professors from different universities specializing in
the areas of concern in order to review and reconsider an effective procurement system, based not only on the viewpoints of the Ministry of Defense personnel but also on theories that have been
proposed in the field of business administration and economics.
5 Economies of scale refer to the cost advantage that arises with an increased output of a product. For example, costs per unit can be reduced by a bulk purchase of materials.
predictability, which is peculiar to the defense industry. the construction technology base since February 2017.
For these reasons, the upper limit of acts that incur This is done by selecting a party that has made the
national debt prescribed in the Public Finance Act as best proposal with respect to the MOD’s requirements
within five years in principle was changed to within ten as a procurement counterparty, with the runner-up
years for specific equipment through the enactment of also involved in designing and building facilities as a
the Long-term Contract Act.6 The introduction of this subcontractor. The MOD concluded a proposal agreement
change regarding long-term contracts will make stable in April 2017 and decided on a procurement counterparty
procurement possible, leading to the realization of the and a subcontractor in August 2017.
systematic improvement of defense capability. At the
same time, for companies, given that the procurement
amount will be assured, the systematic use of personnel 3 Decrease Procurement Cost and Improve
Companies’ Incentives to Reduce Cost
and equipment, as well as cost reductions due to bulk
orders, will be made possible. Furthermore, this will With regard to the procurement of defense equipment,
prevent subcontractors from withdrawing from the there is a large variety of equipment without a market price,
defense industry. and therefore, they tend to have high prices. In light of this
See Fig. III-4-3-2 (Image of Long-term Contracts and the Cost characteristic, it is necessary to achieve both the reduction
Reduction Effect) of procurement cost and improvement of companies’
Part II, Chapter 2, Section 4 (3 Initiatives for Greater Efficiency)
incentives to reduce cost simultaneously. Thus, the MOD
In addition, by realizing longer-term multiple-year has been striving to achieve the reduction of procurement
contracts utilizing the PFI Act,7 it achieves the planned prices by confirming the actual costs incurred and ensuring
acquisition and execution of budgets through the that no excessive business profit will be added after the
Chapter 4
standardization of investment amounts of the national execution of the contract through cost audit contracts
expenditure and draws out certain benefits such as with a special provision requiring respective companies
cutting equipment procurement costs by reducing risks to conduct a review of the contract sum and return any
for those taking orders and by promoting the entry of excessive profit (audit contracts incorporating a provision
6 “Special Measures Law Concerning the Term of Expenditure Based on the Obligatory Assurance of National Subsidization for Specific Defense Procurement” (enacted in April 2015)
7 Act on Promotion of Private Finance Initiative
Fig. III-4-3-2 Image of Long-term Contracts and the Cost Reduction Effect
3 Initiatives Aimed at Increasing the Efficiency of Procurement, and Other Related Initiatives
the maintenance checks, after making sufficient effort software licenses, and other equipment.
to ensure safety. In addition, the MOD embarks on the In addition, the MOD is facilitating the compilation
introduction of Performance Based Logistics (PBL)8 from of a database on the breakdown of procurement price and
the perspective of improving the equipment availability actual price of major equipment in the past. By using
ratio and long-term cost reductions. In the FY2018 this database, the Ministry expects not only to verify the
budget, cost savings can be expected due to conclusion validity of procurement prices, but also to enhance the
of an umbrella agreement regarding maintenance parts accuracy and efficiency of life cycle cost estimation for
for the F110 engine (for fighter (F-2)) and transport new equipment.
helicopters (CH-47J/JA) and others. See Part II, Chapter 2, Section 4 (3 Initiatives for Increasing the
See Part II, Chapter 2, Section 4 (3 Initiatives for Increasing the Efficiency of Procurement)
Efficiency of Procurement)
8 PBL is a contract method that involves payment of compensation according to the level of equipment performance achieved, in terms of availability ratio and stable stock. It has achieved positive
outcomes upon application to the maintenance and servicing of equipment in Western countries.
9 Unlike the automatic bid system which focuses only on price, this is a system which the successful bidder is determined on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation that includes both the price and
other elements. This method is adopted when it is appropriate to carry out such procedures as evaluating the technological elements.
to these, based on reflection on the past, strengthening for stricter checks – namely, ATLA conducts internal
system investigation, reviewing penalties, ensuring the inspections, by establishing the inspection and audit
effectiveness of supervision and inspection, and other department, and through deliberations in the Defense
measures have steadily been carried out in order to Procurement Council, consisting of external experts, and
prevent recurrence of incidents such as overcharging and defense inspection conducted by the Inspector General’s
falsified results of equipment testing by defense-related Office of Legal Complaints. Moreover, ATLA has also
companies. Through these measures, the MOD strives to improved its education department and strives to enhance
surely prevent recurrence of scandals, enhance fairness compliance awareness by providing thorough education
and transparency, and make contracts more appropriate. pertaining to compliance for ATLA personnel.
In addition, ATLA carries out multilayered checks See Fig. III-4-3-3 (Inspection and Audit Functions regarding the
through both internal and external checking systems Procurement of Defense Equipment)
Fig. III-4-3-3 Inspection and Audit Functions regarding the Procurement of Defense Equipment
Acquisition, Technology
and Logistics Agency (ATLA)
Chapter 4
❍ Internal audit: an audit regarding accounting and
tasks such as project management, research and ❍ Study and deliberation will be
development and procurement conducted on rules regarding
Auditing Division at Internal procurement, project management,
the Minister’s Secretariat Human Resources ❍ 14 staff members inspection single bidder projects, and
Development Center (regular staff as of Internal
❍ Conducts an audit of ATLA as necessary. specifications, etc.
the end of FY2017) audit
Training and education Study and
Audit regarding compliance, etc. deliberation
Internal and external multi-layered checks and
in individual cases, such as the participation of domestic violating the obligations based on agreements signed by
companies in the joint development of Ballistic Missile Japan and other international agreements; (2) in the case
Defense (BMD) by Japan and the United States, it has of violating the obligations based on the Resolution of
taken separate measures in which arms exports are dealt the United Nations Security Council; or (3) in the case of
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
Fig. III-4-4-1 The First Principle “The Cases Where Transfers Are Prohibited”
1 In December 2011, the Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary on Guidelines for Overseas Transfer of Defense Equipment, etc. put in place exemptions from the Three Principles of Arms Exports
based on the premise of strict control, with regard to (1) cases related to peace contribution and international cooperation, and (2) cases regarding international joint development and production of
defense equipment, etc. that contributes to Japan’s security.
2 The term “defense equipment” is deemed appropriate for the title of “Three Principles for the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology,” since possible articles of overseas transfers help peace
contribution and international cooperation as was seen in the example of the provision of bulldozers and other items belonging to the SDF to disaster-stricken countries. Similarly, due to the fact that
there is provision of technology in addition to goods, the term “transfer” was adopted rather than “export.”
Fig. III-4-4-2 The Second Principle “Limitation to Cases Where Transfers May Be Permitted”
Chapter 4
whilst ensuring transparency, and the extent the overseas (3) Ensuring Appropriate Control regarding Extra-Purpose
transfer of such equipment and technology will raise Use or Transfer to Third Parties (the Third Principle)
concern for Japan’s security. In addition, it has been Overseas transfer of defense equipment and technology
decided that important cases would be deliberated at will be permitted only in cases where appropriate control
2 Deepening Relationships with the United States regarding Defense Equipment and Technology Cooperation
1 Cooperative Research and Development, etc. and parts, etc. related to the Aegis System and F100
engine parts that are installed in F-15 and F-16 from
Since 1992, Japan has implemented 21 cooperative Japan to the United States, Japan has affirmed since July
research projects and 1 cooperative development 2014 that these overseas transfers fall under the case,
project with the United States. At present, 4 cooperative which may be permitted, based on deliberations at the
research projects (cooperative research on Hybrid National Security Council.
Electric Propulsion, cooperative research on High-Speed See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 2-3-2 (Missile Defense of the United
Multi-Hull Vessel Optimization, cooperative research on States and Japan-U.S. BMD Technical Cooperation)
Reference 23 (Japan–U.S. Joint Research and Development
Comparison of Operational Jet Fuel and Noise Exposures, Projects)
cooperative research on Chemical Agent Detector-kit
Colorimetric Reader) are in operation. In addition, with
regard to the transfer of parts for Patriot PAC-2, software
engine parts (19 items) and radar parts (7 items), and the the Asia-Pacific regions. In December 2014, with regard
manufacture of some Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture to regional MRO&U in the Asia-Pacific region for F-35,
System (EODAS)3 parts (3 items). the U.S. Government announced the following decisions:
Possessing the skills and facilities required for (1) Regional MRO&U Capability for airframe will be
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
FACO for airframe and engines is important for Japanese provided to Japan and Australia with both capabilities
companies in implementing effective operational required not later than early 2018;4 (2) With regard to the
support for the F-35A fighter aircraft such as for the regional MRO&U Capability for engine, initial capability
following reasons: will be provided by Australia by early 2018, with Japan
❍ The ability to offer a swift response within Japan in providing additional capability at least 3-5 years later.5
the event that an airframe and engines suffer damage Establishing a maintenance depot that utilizes the
and require work that cannot be carried out by the SDF FACO facility for airframe and engine within Japan, and
unit itself, including the repair or replacement of major contributing to maintenance in the Asia-Pacific region are
significant from the perspectives of securing the operational
support system for F-35A fighter aircraft in Japan,
maintaining the foundation of the Japanese defense industry,
strengthening the Japan-U.S. Alliance, and deepening
equipment cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.
3 Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System (EODAS), comprising six built-in cutting edge infrared sensors per aircraft, realizes 360-degree spherical situational awareness, and enables missile
detection and tracking.
4 The regional MRO&U for airframe in Japan is scheduled to be located at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (Komaki-minami factory in Aichi Prefecture)
5 The regional MRO&U for engine in Japan is scheduled to be located at IHI Corporation (Mizuho factory in Tokyo)
6 The company was renamed SUBARU Corporation on April 1, 2017.
maintenance company for this purpose in October 2015. from the following perspectives: (1) Smooth introduction
From February 2017, the PMI has been performed at of the GSDF Osprey (V-22);7 (2) Smooth and effective
GSDF Camp Kisarazu. operation of the Japan-U.S. security arrangements; and
The MOD intends to establish common maintenance (3) Enhanced efficiency in maintenance. The establishment
base for both Japan’s and the United States’ Osprey by of common maintenance base at GSDF Camp Kisarazu
allowing the maintenance company to use the hangar at would be extremely significant in that it will lead to the
GSDF Camp Kisarazu for aircraft maintenance of the U.S. realization of the reduction of Okinawa’s burden as well
Marine Corps Osprey and also to implement the future as the “Strengthening the basis to repair and maintain
aircraft maintenance of the GSDF Osprey at the same camp common equipment” stated in the new guideline.
Chapter 4
production and technological base in Japan. Therefore, the defense authorities of the two countries was signed in
Japan seeks to establish and deepen relationships with March 2017. Based on the agreement of this arrangement,
these countries. the two countries are exchanging information regarding
future fighter and the FCAS that are under study by Japan
7 GSDF will introduce 17 tilt-rotor aircraft (Osprey (V-22)) that can complement and strengthen the capabilities of transport helicopters (CH-7JA) in terms of cruising speed and range. In June 2015, a
contract regarding 5 aircraft out of the 17 was signed with the United States Department of the Navy, and these 5 aircraft will be delivered by the end of FY2018.
8 Official name: Agreement Between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Concerning the Transfer of Arms and Military
Technologies Necessary to Implement Joint Research, Development and Production of Defence Equipment and Other Related Items
9 A missile component device for searching, detecting and tracking targets.
10 Generic name of the whole future fighter aircraft system in the United Kingdom.
11 Official name: Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of France concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology
on The Feasibility Study for Mine Countermeasure multifaceted cooperation, including the following:
Technological Activities and started the joint research in (1) exploration of potential cooperation opportunities in
the following June. the F-35 program; (2) acquisition reform dialogue with
In addition, State Minister of Defense Wakamiya the Defence Material Organisation of Australia; (3) at the
(then) visited France in June 2017, inspected the “Paris request of the Australian side, exploration of the possibility
Air Show 2017” in Paris and exchanged opinions with of Japanese cooperation in the Australian Future Submarine
high government officials. The MSDF P-1 Maritime Program; (4) defense technology exchanges with the
Patrol Aircraft participated in the event and ATLA set up Defence Science and Technology Organization of Australia
an exhibition booth to exhibit the P-1 aircraft for the first (in the field of marine hydrodynamics and exchanges
time at international defense equipment exhibition. among engineers and scientists); and (5) talks between
See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-8 ((2) France) defense industries in both countries. Subsequently, joint
research on Marine Hydrodynamics started in December
(3) Germany 2015. Moreover, even though Japan had submitted the
Japan and Germany signed the Agreement concerning proposal for the Future Submarine Program in November
the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology12 in 2015, the Government of Australia announced in April
July 2017. 2016, that they selected a French company as their partner
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Fukuda for the Program.
visited Germany in April 2018, inspected the “Berlin Air See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-1 (Japan-Australia Defense
Show 2018” held in Berlin, and met with high ranking of Cooperation and Exchanges)
ATLA set up an exhibition booth related to the P-1 aircraft. Defence equipment and technology cooperation with
See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-8 ((4) Other European Countries) India is considered an important field of cooperation
based on the special strategic global partnership between
(4) Italy Japan and India. At the Japan-India Summit Meeting in
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
At the Japan-Italy Summit Meeting held in March 2017, the December 2015, the Agreement between the Government
two countries agreed to start negotiations on an agreement of Japan and the Government of India concerning the
on the transfer of defense equipment and technology,13 and Transfer of Defence Equipment and Technology15 was
signed the Agreement in the following May. signed. The discussions on the US-2 amphibian aircraft
See Part III, Chapter 2, Section 1-4-8 ((4) Other European Countries) are underway for cooperation between the two countries.
Other than the US-2, discussions for forming the
case of defence equipment and technology cooperation
2 Defense Equipment and Technology Cooperation, etc., including dual use technologies have been held, including
with Partner Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region
the Third Joint Working Group on Defence Equipment
As partner countries in the Asia-Pacific region have and Technology Cooperation held in September 2017.
expressed their interest and expectation regarding At the Japan-India Defence Ministerial Meeting held in
defense equipment and technology cooperation with September 2017, the ministers agreed to commence the
Japan, the MOD proactively seeks to build relationships technical discussions for research collaboration in the
with these countries. area of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) and Robotics.
Moreover, in September 2017, ATLA and the Department
(1) Australia of Defence Production, jointly hosted the first-ever Japan-
With Australia, the Agreement between the Government India Defence Industry Forum in Tokyo with attendance of
of Japan and the Government of Australia concerning the government officials and Japanese and Indian companies,
Transfer of Defence Equipment and Technology14 was aiming to revitalize cooperation between the defence
signed in July 2014. industries. The said forum was an unprecedented event
Meanwhile, at the Japan-Australia Defence Ministerial that showed steady progress of discussions on defence
Meeting held in October 2014, it was agreed to seek equipment and technology cooperation in both countries.
12 Official name: Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology
13 Official name: Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Italian Republic concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology
14 Official name: Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Australia concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology
15 Official name: Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of India concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology
Chapter 4
technology cooperation in non-traditional security in November 2016.
sectors, such as humanitarian assistance, disaster relief Japan and Malaysia signed the Japan-Malaysia
and maritime security through the Japan-ASEAN Agreement concerning the Transfer of Defence
Defense Vice-Ministerial Meetings and other occasions. Equipment and Technology16 in April 2018. The MOD
16 Official name: Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Malaysia concerning the Transfer of Defence Equipment and Technology
defense have appropriate capabilities. It is also critical to the SDF Act. This provision enables the MOD to grant
develop a foundation that will serve as the basis for the or transfer to the governments of developing states the
international community to cooperate towards improving SDF’s equipment which is no longer used for a lower
the security environment. Among these friendly nations, price than the current price. (Legislation for the partial
some have difficulties in acquiring the adequate level revision of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry
of defense equipment by their own because of their of Defense and other Acts including this provision was
economic and financial situations. Some of these states approved in May 2017).
are requesting to use SDF’s equipment which are no Even in the case of granting or transferring equipment
longer used. However, Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the for lower price than the current price pursuant to this
Public Finance Act stipulates that the Government shall provision, whether or not to transfer such equipment and
receive reasonable consideration when transferring or to which government such equipment to be transferred
leasing any governmental properties including the SDF’s will be determined on a case-by-case basis in light of
equipment to other countries. Therefore, a transfer for the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment
lower price than the current price is not allowed unless and Technology and other regulations. In addition, an
otherwise provided. international agreement must be concluded between
Under these circumstances, to respond to the needs the Governments of Japan and the recipient countries to
of such friendly nations, a special provision to Article 9, prevent extra-purpose use and third party transfer of the
Paragraph 1 of the Public Finance Act17 was created in transferred equipment without the prior consent of Japan.18
With regard to aircraft involving many technological application procedure for private companies interested in
bases shared between the defense and the civilian sectors, civilian use. So far, technical data related to the civilian
the MOD has been considering the civilian use of aircraft use of the US-2 amphibian rescue aircraft and the F7-10
Measures on Defense Equipment and Technology
developed by the MOD from the perspective that taking engine that are mounted on P-1 maritime patrol aircraft
measures to contribute to the revitalization of the civilian have been disclosed in response to requests from the
sector will contribute to maintaining and activating the implementing companies. In December 2016, ATLA and
production and technological bases of Japanese aircraft, IHI Corporation, a manufacturing company of F7-10
and by extension, to maintaining and strengthening the engine, signed a contract for the civilian use of the F7-10
defense production and technological base in Japan. In for sales to JAXA for the first time.
August 2010, the MOD compiled a set of guidelines for The MOD will consider the possibility of civilian use
the development of a concrete system for converting of equipment other than aircraft based on the intention of
aircraft to civilian use, while in 2011, it also developed the defense industry.
5 Technology Control
In promoting defense equipment and technology Japan. At the same time, from the perspective of Japan’s
cooperation internationally, the MOD will properly security, the MOD will strengthen technology control in
evaluate the sensitivity and strategic value of defense cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
technology and dual-use technology, and protect these Industry, in order to avoid the risk of the diversion of
technologies that should be protected as strengths of technologies into weapons.
Chapter 4
technology possessed by Japanese manufacturers.
Moreover, taking this opportunity of government
officials gathered from different countries at these events,
meetings were held between high officials of various
The Public-Private Defense Industry Forum is held with a through explanation of various systems surrounding the
purpose of promoting defense equipment and technology defense industry in Japan and each country as well as
cooperation with partner countries in the Asia-Pacific presentations by each company on their products and
region as a joint effort between the public and private technology. Most recently, the said forum was held with
sectors. This forum is held to deepen understanding Indonesia in August 2017, with India in September 2017,
of the relevant parties and facilitate concrete defense with Vietnam in October 2017, and with Australia in
equipment and technology cooperation in the future March 2018.
Various activities of the MOD/SDF are hard to implement is necessary to further deepen the trust between local
without the understanding and cooperation of each communities and people, and the SDF.
and every person and local governments. Therefore it
The MOD/SDF conducts activities to support the lives of interfere with unit activities, thus striving to foster
citizens in a range of fields, in response to requests from friendly interaction with local communities. The SDF
local governments and relevant organizations. Such activities also provides transportation and other assistance at a
contribute to further deepening the trust in the SDF, and variety of athletic events. In addition, it supports regional
provide SDF personnel with pride and confidence. medical treatment efforts by providing general medical
The GSDF handles the disposal of unexploded care at some SDF hospitals as well as conducting urgent
ordnance and other dangerous explosives found transport for emergency patients from isolated islands.
Chapter 5
throughout Japan. In FY2017, there were approx. 1,611 Furthermore, based on national policy,1 the MOD/SDF
such cases (approx. 49.5 tons). In particular, cases ensures opportunities for local small and medium sized
handled in Okinawa Prefecture accounted for approx. enterprises to receive orders, while taking efficiency into
34% of the total cases. The MSDF clears and disposes account, by such measures as the promotion of separated/
Interaction with Local Communities and Japanese Citizens
of underwater mines and other dangerous explosives, divided ordering2 and the securing of competition
and approx. 15,550 explosives (approx. 7.8 tons) were amongst companies within the same qualification and
handled in FY2017. grade divisions.3
The SDF camps and bases allow the local residents See Reference 67 (Activities in Civic Life)
access to their facilities to the extent that it does not
2 Cooperation from Local Governments and Other Relevant Organizations for the SDF
Amid the harsh recruitment and employment situation, support and cooperation from the local community are
the cooperation from local governments and relevant indispensable for the SDF to conduct its diverse activities,
organizations is vital to secure highly qualified personnel including education and training, and disaster relief.
and to support the reemployment of uniformed SDF Moreover, units dispatched overseas for international
personnel who retire at a relatively young age under the peace cooperation operations and other duties receive
SDF’s early retirement system. support and cooperation from the relevant organizations
The SDF camps and bases maintain close relations for the procedures involved.
with local communities, and therefore, various forms of
1 “The Contract Basic Policy of the Government regarding Small and Medium Enterprises in FY2017” (Cabinet decision on July 25, 2017)
2 For example, this is a method through which grouping of products, etc. takes place when putting up the order for general competitive bidding, and then a successful bidder for the groups is decided.
3 This means that out of the bidding participation eligibility categorized into grade A-D, there is competition between grade C or D only, which comprise mostly of small and medium enterprises.
3 Activities for Securing Understanding and Cooperation of Municipal Governments and Local Residents
Regional Defense Bureaus established in eight locations Forces facilities and areas in Japan, U.S. Forces personnel,
nationwide make efforts to build cooperative relationships and the families to interact with each other through sports
with their respective local communities, through and music. Furthermore, Regional Defense Bureaus
collaboration with SDF units and Provincial Cooperation provide necessary explanations and conduct coordination
Offices. Specifically, Regional Defense Bureaus hold for relevant local governments when implementing the
seminars on defense issues for local residents and provide realignment of the U.S. Forces, the reorganization of
explanations about the annual white paper, Defense SDF units, deployment of equipment, and training. They
of Japan, to local governments in order to gain wide also conduct the necessary liaison and coordination in the
understanding on defense policies. They also host Japan- event of incidents and accidents, or any other emergency
U.S. friendship programs for citizens who live near U.S. situation, such as major earthquakes.
1 Scale and Features of Defense Facilities cause noise and other issues, impacting the living
environment of local residential communities.
The uses of defense facilities are diverse, and they often See Fig. III-5-1-1 (Status of SDF Facilities (Land Plots))
require large volumes of land. In addition, as of January Fig. III-5-1-2 (Status of Facilities and Areas of U.S. Forces in
Japan (Exclusively Used Facilities))
1, 2018, approx. 28% of the land area of the facilities and
areas (for exclusive use) of the U.S. Forces in Japan is
jointly used by the SDF in accordance with the Japan-U.S.
Status of Forces Agreement, with the purpose to enhance 2 Initiatives to Promote Harmony between Defense
Facilities and Surrounding Areas
the diversity and efficiency of Japan-U.S. bilateral training
Chapter 5
and exercises. Meanwhile, problems related to restricted Defense facilities, as the foundation that supports the
establishment and operations of defense facilities have defense capabilities of Japan and the Japan-U.S. Security
emerged due to the urbanization of areas around many Arrangements, are indispensable for our country’s
of the defense facilities. Also, another problem is that security. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain conditions
Fig. III-5-1-1 Status of SDF Facilities (Land Plots) Status of Facilities and Areas of U.S. Forces in
Fig. III-5-1-2
(as of January 1, 2018)
Japan (Exclusively Used Facilities)
Fig. III-5-1-3 Measures for Harmony Between Defense Facilities and Surrounding Areas
Environs Improvement
(1) Measures based on the Act on Improvement of Living Adjustment Grants
235 33
Environment of Areas Around Defense Facilities Other projects 10 2
Based on the Living Environment Improvement Act, the
MOD has implemented various measures to prevent, Regarding the Specified Defense Facilities Environs
Interaction with Local Communities and Japanese Citizens
alleviate, and mitigate impact such as aircraft noise in Improvement Adjustment Grants, the MOD has
the surrounding areas caused by the SDF or U.S. Forces implemented initiatives such as the PDCA Cycle process
activities, or by establishing and operating defense since April 2014, aiming to increase the effectiveness of
facilities including airfields. Furthermore, taking into these grants.
consideration the requests from the relevant local
governments, the MOD partially revised the Living (2) Considerations for Future Harmonization of Defense
Environment Improvement Act in 2011, and conducted a Facilities and Surrounding Areas
review to enable the Specified Defense Facilities Environs In response to the requests by related local governments,
Improvement Adjustment Grants to be applied to so- the MOD continues to consider practical ways to achieve
called soft projects, such as aid for medical expenses. more effective and efficient measures to harmonize
In addition, the MOD added defense facilities to be defense facilities and surrounding areas, in light of the
eligible for these grants. Focused work is also underway severe fiscal situation.
to provide sound insulation at residences and efforts are See Fig. III-5-1-4 (FY2018 Costs for Countermeasures in Areas near
being made to ensure its further progress. Bases (Based on Expenditures))
5 Other Initiatives
1 Response to Cases of Interference against SDF and 2 Response to Helicopters and Drones Flying over
U.S. Forces Aircraft by Kite Flying and Laser Irradiation U.S. Forces Facilities and Surrounding Airspace
Cases of interference against SDF and U.S. Forces Cases of flying a helicopter or a drone over the facilities
aircraft by kite flying and laser irradiation have of the U.S. Forces and its surrounding airspace have
frequently occurred in the areas surrounding air stations been identified. These are very dangerous acts that may
in Atsugi and Futenma. These are extremely dangerous cause a collision with U.S. Forces aircraft. In fact, there
and malicious acts that may disrupt a pilot’s ability to is negative impact on the safe operations of the U.S.
control aircraft and result in a catastrophe such as a crash. Forces aircraft, including a case where a helicopter of
Therefore, the MOD disseminates information regarding the U.S. Forces had to take a different route to avoid a
the risks involved in those acts to local residents by collision with a drone. Therefore, from the viewpoint of
putting up posters and requests their cooperation in preventing unforeseen accidents in advance,
別紙第2 as well as
reporting to the police while closely cooperating with
平成30年版防衛白書コラム(提出用) securing the safety of the area and the safe operations of
relevant local governments. Additionally, the Ordinance aircraft, the MOD calls on users of a helicopter or drone
for Enforcement of the Civil Aeronautics Act was revised to refrain from engaging in such an act by handing out
in December 2016, making these interference acts subject leaflets and putting up posters with the cooperation of
to regulation, as well as fines 部
第 and
第Ⅲ部 relevant local governments.
掲載箇所 第 章
第 章 第5章
第 節
第 節 第1節
種 別
別 92,&(
92,&( 解 説
解 説 ○
Initiatives taken by local authorities in the vicinity of defense facilities
Chapter 5
タイトル 防衛施設周辺の地方公共団体の取組
タイトル 防衛施設周辺の地方公共団体の取組
It is imperative to gain cooperation of related local authorities in order to achieve harmony between defense facilities and nearby areas.
Local authorities in the vicinity of defense facilities conduct initiatives to improve the living environments utilizing assistance
projects funded by the Ministry of Defense to address obstacles resulting from the presence of defense facilities in order to ensure
the stability of the lives of local residents and the enhancement of their welfare.
Example of noise
Example of park building insulation work Ventilation
absorption Temperature holding
and dehumidification
As the activities of the MOD/SDF cannot be carried out magazine, “Japan Defense Focus(JDF).” It is proactively
without the understanding and support of the Japanese transmitting information to the international community
people, it is important to be proactive in undertaking through efforts such as providing international media
easily comprehensible public relations activities and to with opportunities for press coverage, enhancement of the
gain the trust and cooperation of the public. English section of the MOD website, publishing English
According to a “Public Opinion Survey on the Self- versions of the defense white paper and brochures, as
Defense Forces and Defense Issues” conducted by the well as producing PR videos.
Cabinet Office (in January 2018), the public expectations
and evaluations towards the SDF have been increasing 2 Events and PR Facilities
as the scope of MOD/SDF activities has expanded both
domestically and internationally. In light of this result, The MOD/SDF conducts activities to widely inform
the MOD/SDF will continue to conduct a variety of PR nationals of the current circumstances of the SDF. These
activities, thereby striving to ensure better understanding activities include the GSDF Fuji Fire Power Exercise,
of the current status of the MOD/SDF. cruises to experience MSDF vessels, and demonstration
In addition, given that understanding and support flights and boarding experiences on aircraft. In addition,
from foreign countries are also of utmost importance at camps and bases throughout the country, events
for the SDF to conduct its missions successfully, it is including equipment exhibitions and unit tours are held on
essential that the MOD strengthens efforts to provide occasions such as the anniversary of a unit’s foundation.
information to foreign countries about MOD/SDF In some instances, they also hold parades throughout
Chapter 5
initiatives, including about SDF activities abroad. the cities, with cooperation from the local communities.
See Reference 68 (“Public Opinion Survey on the Self Defense Furthermore, as part of the commemoration of the
Forces and Defense Issues” (excerpt) (Public Relations Office SDF anniversary, the SDF Marching Festival is held at
of Cabinet Office))
Nippon Budokan arena every year. The festival attracted
Interaction with Local Communities and Japanese Citizens
1 In addition to Facebook and other SNS accounts, GSDF and MSDF opened an Instagram account in January and October 2017 respectively.
VOICE Self Defense Force Athletes Aiming for the Tokyo Olympics COLUMN
Second Lieutenant Yuki Irie
Last year I won at the Emperor’s Cup All Japan Championship Tournament
for the first time in a year and obtained the right to participate in various
international tournaments. I am committed to continue training as
a member of the Ministry of Defense Self Defense Forces and as a
representative of Japan, and I will give back to everyone by winning a
Gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics. I appreciate your continued support
and encouragement.
Chapter 5
but was called off due to stormy weather caused by the SDF camps and bases open to the public. Furthermore,
approaching Typhoon No. 22. In 2018, a troop review by the MOD/SDF provides cooperation for shooting films
the GSDF is planned to take place. and TV programs.
A scene from the spring tour with university students at the GSDF Camp Omiya
The summer tour for university students conducted at the ASDF Misawa Air Base
2 Information on the Summer Tour/Spring Tour for College Students, Ms. Parsley Tour (trial tour for women in their 20s); and One-Day Visit to SDF for Women, etc. is available on the MOD/SDF website.
companies and other organizations.3 FY2017, approximately 150 people participated in SDF
These programs are intended to promote participants’ Life Experience Tours. From the private sector, the SDF
understanding of the SDF by offering opportunities received approximately 1,900 requests for Enlistment
to experience the daily life and training of the SDF, as Experience Programs, and approximately 24,000 employees
well as to have direct contact with SDF personnel. In experienced SDF life.
3 Tours to experience the daily life of the GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF. They are implemented upon request from private companies and other organizations through the Provincial Cooperation Offices.
4 The scope of this special defense inspection is the management status of the daily reports written for a period between July 7 and 12, 2016 (local time) by the engineering unit dispatched to South
Sudan, for which information disclosure request in accordance with the Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs (Act No. 42 of 1999) was sought on October 3, 2016. To read the
body of the report, see http://www.mod.go.jp/igo/inspection/pdf/special04_report.pdf.
On the same day, the MOD imposed strict disciplinary Appoint “a person in charge of information disclosure”
measures against the relevant persons. at each organization with a document controller in
See Reference 70 (Results of the Special Defense Inspection place. Ensure that accurate judgment is made in
(Overview)) document identification through multiple reviews
b. Measures to Prevent the Recurrence and searches, even in cases where it was decided that
In response to what was pointed out in the results of there was no corresponding document subject to an
this special defense inspection which was announced on information disclosure request.
July 28, 2017, the MOD/SDF has taken the following • Ensuring close cooperation and information sharing
measures to prevent the recurrence of similar cases. among each of the Staff Offices, internal bureaus and
❍ Handling of daily reports Administrative Vice Chief of Staff of Joint Staff, etc.
• Review of the retention period of daily reports (to be Considering the possibility that the document
retained for 10 years) subject to a disclosure request might be retained in
Ensure that all daily reports written by SDF units, other organizations, each of the Staff Offices work
including those written by the engineering unit closely with relevant internal bureaus and try to share
dispatched to South Sudan will be retained for 10 information and further improve the accuracy of
years. After the retention period expires, they will be document search and identification.
transferred and archived under the management of the • Extensive and improved education and training to raise
National Archives of Japan. personnel awareness
• Central management under the Joint Staff Councilor5 Raise awareness of the personnel by developing
Ensure that the Joint Staff Councilor is responsible subjects regarding information disclosure operation
for central management of these daily reports by for the personnel (senior officials in particular) in
organizing and storing them in data format, and also various personnel training programs and make such
for centrally handling all subsequent information subjects mandatory, as well as prepare and distribute
disclosure requests. the “Information Disclosure Handbook” describing
• Strengthening structure attached to the Joint Staff Councilor the procedures for information disclosure in an easy-
Chapter 5
To appropriately respond to information disclosure to-understand manner.
requests, assign officials in charge of operating ❍ Management of administrative documents
information disclosure to the position attached to the • Review of retention period for documents including
Joint Staff Councilor reports regarding the SDF’s actions
5 The Joint Staff Councilor was the title then. It was divided into Principal Joint Staff Councilor and Joint Staff Councilor on April 1, 2018, responsible for centrally managing all documents including
daily reports.
the New Guidelines effective from April 2018 and investigation on the background of the cases in (b), (c)
(ii) accelerate the transition to an electronic approval and (d) listed below had also been put in place.
system designed for strict management of document The investigation indicates that the MOD/SDF had
history such as update information. not responded to the instruction of Defense Minister in
Interaction with Local Communities and Japanese Citizens
Prior to this instruction, on March 12, at the MOD, an appropriate manner, made inappropriate responses
Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera instructed senior to questions, document requests, information disclosure
officials to bear in mind once again the importance of requests from the Diet members, and failed to promptly
information disclosure, management of administrative correct such actions thereafter. The MOD regards them as
documents, and information protection while performing a problem to be reflected upon.
their duties. Then upon the instruction of Prime Minister The investigation has not identified any inappropriate
as mentioned above, the minister reminded them to ensure intentions in performing paperwork in connection with
that all administrative documents would be managed the instructions by the Defense Minister or questions
properly in accordance with the New Guidelines, and at the Diet. The daily reports in question were found
ensure that all the personnel would be aware of the need to and publicly announced while taking the recurrence
accelerate the transition to an electronic approval system, prevention measures under the instruction of the Defense
thereby making efforts to manage all the documents in an Minister. In addition, it is not considered that there was
appropriate fashion. any conduct that constitutes violation of any resolutions
6 Regular reports produced for senior officers (including command headquarters) by units carrying out actions based on deployment orders that will contribute to the decisions by the Minister of Defense
and the senior officers.
7 See footnote 5.
8 This case was triggered by the fact that a part of the Iraq daily reports were found at the Ground Staff Office's medical department and the Research and Development Command (which was
announced on April 2, 2017), but with regard to the said reports, the Defense Minister previously responded in the Diet that the MOD searched for retained daily reports of the unit in Iraq but failed
to find any of them.
9 The Ground Research and Development Command was reorganized into Japan Ground Self Defense Force Training Evaluation Research and Development Command on March 27, 2018.
10 At a later date, the MOD decided to conduct an investigation with assistance from a lawyer, a former superintending prosecutor of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office. The investigation team
visited the Japan Ground Self Defense Force Training Evaluation Research and Development Command to collect documents and other materials and check computers of relevant officials and files
of administrative documents, in addition, the team conducted interviews with approximately 70 people and questionnaires to approximately 400 people. The team held 34 meetings in total until the
investigation team’s report was published.
or approvals in the Diet. With such things considered c. Background of the Discovery of Daily Reports at the GSDF
the MOD concludes that there was no issue that could International Peace Cooperation Activities Training Unit
undermine civilian control itself. That said, the MOD Regarding this matter, the investigation concluded that it
must take it seriously that the case in question gave rise was considered inappropriate that adequate search had not
to concerns and distrust for civilian control among the been conducted in response to the document request from
public. The results of each investigation were announced the Diet member, and thus the response was provided to
on May 23, 2018, and are summarized as follows: the effect that the MOD did not retain the daily reports;
a. Investigation on Daily Reports in Iraq11 and it was also considered inappropriate that even when
When the special defense inspection on the daily reports the reports were found through the special defense
of the PKO unit in South Sudan had been underway, the inspection and the information disclosure request, any
existence of the daily reports from Iraq retained at the necessary effort to correct the response provided to the
GSDF Ground Research and Development Command document request or the answers to the Diet questions
was identified. As for this matter, the investigation found had not been made thereafter.
that the e-mail that notices the instructions about re- d. Background of the Discovery of the Daily Reports from
searching by the Defense Minister was not clear enough Iraq at the Air Staff Office
for the recipients to understand the message as intended. Within the ASDF, any daily reports from Iraq were not
In addition, it was also found that sufficient searches found in the searches conducted in February, August,
had not been conducted in response to the information and March 2018, but in April 2018, the daily reports
disclosure request, and appropriate paperwork had not from Iraq for 3 days were found. This is not considered
been performed. For such reasons, the existence of the appropriate as daily reports in its procession were not
daily reports in Iraq was not reported to the Defense fully understood by the ASDF.
Minister. As a result, this indicates that the MOD/SDF e. Measures to prevent the recurrence13
did not properly respond to the instruction of the Defense Based on the facts made clear through the investigation,
Minister, and took inappropriate responses to questions, the MOD publicly announced the investigation report
document requests, and information disclosure requests on May 23, 2018, imposed strict disciplinary measures
Chapter 5
from the Diet, and failed to promptly correct such against Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense and 16
response thereafter. This is extremely regrettable. relevant subordinates concerned, and also announced the
b. Background of the Report to Minister by Joint Staff following measures to prevent the recurrence of similar
Councilor and Others Regarding the Daily Reports cases. In the meantime, at the meeting of Cabinet members
❍ Appropriate response to administrative document ❍ Create an organization capable of the prompt and
management and information disclosure by maintaining accurate response to information disclosure, etc.
such documents as electronic files. • Examine a system to centrally retain and control
• Accelerate the transition to an electronic approval system administrative documents in the electronic format.
• Require all the personnel to notify a responsible person • Reinforce exclusive structure, particularly at the Joint
at a division in charge, etc., of the response status Staff Office. As part of this, reemploy retired SDF
❍ Reinforce the check system for administrative personnel with expertise on administrative document
document management and information disclosure management and information disclosure for daily
• Establish a new organization responsible for inspection reports and other documents as part-time officials.
of administrative document management and
information disclosure14
• Build a framework to receive instructions and advising
from external experts
❍ Reform a mindset of individual SDF personnel
regarding administrative document management and
information disclosure
• Develop extensive training programs designed to
help SDF personnel improve necessary judgment in
performing operations
• Consider designating administrative document
management and information disclosure as part of
Minister of Defense Onodera delivering a special address to the SDF personnel nationwide
criteria for personnel performance appraisal (April 2018)
1 Engagement in Policy Evaluation 3 Initiatives for the Personal Data Protection System
The MOD has been conducting the evaluation of various In light of respecting individual rights in line with the
Interaction with Local Communities and Japanese Citizens
policies based on its policy evaluation system. In FY2017, Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by
the MOD conducted policy evaluations of R&D programs Administrative Organs, the MOD takes measures to
and projects concerning taxation special measures as well ensure the security of the personal information under its
as the major policies and programs of the NDPG and the control, and discloses such information upon request.
Mid-Term Defense Program (MTDP).
In order to promote Evidence-Based Policy Making The MOD sets up a system to handle whistleblowing
(EBPM), the MOD has worked on the establishment of made by its officials, employees and outside workers,
the structure for promotion of EBPM within the ministry, establishing internal contact desks to deal with
including the establishment of a new position, “Director- whistleblowing and to protect whistleblower.
General for Evidence-based Policymaking,” who plays a See Part III, Chapter 1, Section 1 (Organization of the Ministry of
central role of the EBPM in FY2018. Defense (MOD)/the Self-Defense Forces (SDF))
IRBM DF-4 (CSS-3) 10
― ― ― ― DF-21 (CSS-5) 122
Reference 2 Outline of Military Power of Major Countries and Regions Reference 3 Outline of Regular and Reserve Forces of Major Countries
(Approximate Numbers) and Regions (Approximate Numbers)
Ground Forces Maritime Forces Air Forces Regular Reserves
Country or Region Military Service System
(10,000 persons) (10,000 persons)
Ground Number
Tonnage Number United States Volunteer 129 80
Country or Forces Country or Country or of
(10,000 of
Region (10,000 Region Region Combat Russia Conscription / Volunteer 90 200
tons) Vessels
persons) Aircraft
United Kingdom Volunteer 15 8
India 120 United States 636.8 945 United States 3,576
France Volunteer 20 3
North Korea 110 Russia 204.2 1,093 China 2,845
Germany Volunteer 18 3
China 98 China 178.7 754 Russia 1,468
Italy Volunteer 17 2
Pakistan 56 United Kingdom 58.0 130 India 950
India Volunteer 140 116
Republic of Republic of
49 India 47.8 315 640
Korea Korea China Conscription 204 51
United States 47 France 39.2 298 Egypt 573 North Korea Conscription 128 60
Vietnam 41 Indonesia 25.5 176 North Korea 545 Republic of Korea Conscription 62.5 310
Myanmar 38 Italy 23.6 183 Taiwan 495 Egypt Conscription 44 48
Republic of Israel Conscription 18 47
Iran 35 21.5 240 Pakistan 447
Ground 14 3.3 (0.4)
Egypt 31 Germany 21.1 118 France 430
Japan Volunteer Maritime 4.2 0.05
Indonesia 30 Australia 21.0 102 Turkey 377
Air 4.3 0.05
Russia 28 Turkey 20.8 210 Saudi Arabia 376
Turkey 26 Taiwan 20.5 392 Israel 364 1. Data from “The Military Balance 2018” and other sources.
Thailand 25 Spain 19.0 173 Iran 340 2. Figures for Japan show the actual strength of its Ground, Maritime, and Air Self-Defense Forces as
of the end of FY2017. The figure in parentheses shows the number of SDF Ready Reserve Personnel
United and is not included in the total figure.
Colombia 22 Brazil 17.8 109 295
Kingdom 3. Russia uses a personnel augmentation system which adds a contract employment system (a type of
volunteer system) to the preexisting conscription system.
Japan 14 Japan 48.8 135 Japan 400 4. In Germany, as a result of the enactment of the Military Law Amendment Act in April 2011, the
conscription system was suspended effective July 1, 2011, and the volunteer system was newly
introduced as a replacement of the former.
1. Data on ground forces and air forces is taken from “The Military Balance 2018” and other sources,
and data on maritime forces is taken from Jane’s Fighting Ships 2017–2018 and other sources.
2. Figures for Japan show the actual strength of its Self-Defense Forces as of the end of FY2017, and
combat aircraft (Air Forces) include ASDF combat aircraft (excluding transports) and MSDF combat
aircraft (only those with fixed wings).
3. Arrangement is in order of the scale of armed strength.
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0 0
Far East Russia China North Korea Japan Far East Russia China North Korea Japan Far East Russia China North Korea Japan
Reference 5 National Security Strategy (Outline) economy, contribute even more proactively in securing peace, stability,
(Approved by the National Security Council and prosperity of the international community, while achieving its own
and the Cabinet on December 17, 2013) security as well as peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, as a
“Proactive Contributor to Peace” based on the principle of international
I. Purpose
cooperation. This is the fundamental principle of national security that
❍ As Japan’s security environment becomes ever more severe, Japan Japan should stand to hold.
needs to identify its national interests from a long-term perspective, 2. Japan’s National Interests and National Security Objectives
determine the course it should pursue in the international community, National Interests
and adopt a whole-government approach for national security policies ❍ To maintain its sovereignty and independence; to defend its territorial
and measures in order to continue developing a prosperous and peaceful integrity; to ensure the safety of life, person, and properties of its
society. nationals, and to ensure its survival while maintaining its own peace
❍ In a world where globalization continues, Japan should play an even and security and preserving its rich culture and tradition.
more proactive role as a major global player in the international ❍ To achieve the prosperity of Japan and its nationals through economic
community. development, thereby consolidating its peace and security (to this end,
❍ The Strategy, as fundamental policies pertaining to national security, it is essential that Japan strengthens the free trade regime and realizes
presents guidelines for policies in areas related to national security. an international environment that offers stability, transparency and
❍ With the National Security Council (NSC) serving as the control predictability).
tower, as well as with strong political leadership, the Government of ❍ To maintain and protect international order based on rules and universal
Japan will implement national security policies in a more strategic and values, such as freedom, democracy, respect for fundamental human
structured manner through a whole-government approach. rights, and the rule of law.
❍ When implementing policies in other areas, the Government of Japan National Security Objectives
will give due consideration to national security so that Japan can utilize ❍ To strengthen the deterrence necessary for maintaining Japan’s peace
its strengths, such as its diplomatic ability and defense capability, in a and security and for ensuring its survival, thus deterring threats from
smooth and fully-functional way as a whole, based on the Strategy. directly reaching Japan; at the same time, if by any chance a threat
❍ The Strategy will guide Japan’s national security policy over the next should reach Japan, to defeat such threat and to minimize the damage.
decade. Through the implementation of concrete policies, the NSC will ❍ To improve the security environment of the Asia-Pacific region,
regularly carry out systematic evaluation and upgrade the Strategy in a and prevent the emergence of and reduce direct threats to Japan,
timely and appropriate manner. through strengthening the Japan-U.S. Alliance, enhancing the trust
II. Fundamental Principle of National Security and cooperative relationships between Japan and its partners within
1. Principles Japan Upholds and outside the Asia-Pacific region, and promoting practical security
❍ Japan is a country with rich culture and tradition, and upholds universal cooperation.
values, such as freedom, democracy, respect for fundamental human ❍ To improve the global security environment and build a peaceful,
rights and the rule of law. Japan has a wealth of highly educated human stable, and prosperous international community by strengthening the
capital and high cultural standards, and is an economic power with international order based on universal values and rules, and by playing a
strong economic capacity and high technological capabilities. Japan leading role in the settlement of disputes, through consistent diplomatic
has achieved its development benefiting from an open international efforts and further personnel contributions.
economic system. In addition, Japan as a maritime state has pursued III. Security Environment Surrounding Japan and National Security Challenges
“Open and Stable Seas.” 1. Global Security Environment and Challenges
❍ Japan has consistently followed the path of a peace-loving nation (1) Shift in the Balance of Power and Rapid Progress of Technological
since the end of World War II, and has adhered to a basic policy of Innovation
maintaining an exclusively national defense-oriented policy, not ❍ The balance of power between nations is changing due to the rise
becoming a military power that poses a threat to other countries, and of emerging countries (e.g., China and India). In particular, China
observing the Three Non-Nuclear Principles. is increasing its presence in the international community. The
❍ Japan has maintained its security, and contributed to peace and stability United States, which has the world’s largest power as a whole, has
in the Asia-Pacific region, by enhancing its alliance with the United manifested its policy to shift its emphasis of national security and
States (U.S.), as well as by deepening cooperative relationships with economic policy towards the Asia-Pacific region.
other countries. Japan has also contributed to the realization of stability ❍ The rapid advancement of globalization and technological innovation
and prosperity in the international community through initiatives has increased the relative influence of non-state actors, and the threat
for supporting the economic growth of developing countries and for of terrorism and crimes committed by non-state actors is expanding.
addressing global issues based on the principle of human security, as (2) Threat of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Other
well as through trade and investment relations with other countries. Related Materials
❍ Complying with the United Nations (U.N.) Charter, Japan has been ❍ The issue of the transfer, proliferation, and performance improvement
cooperating with the U.N. and other international organizations, and of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery,
has actively contributed to their activities. Japan has also continuously such as ballistic missiles, the issue of nuclear and missile development
participated in international peace cooperation activities. In addition, as by North Korea, and the nuclear issue of Iran remain major threats to
the only country to have ever suffered atomic bombings in war, Japan Japan and the international community.
has consistently engaged in disarmament and non-proliferation efforts, (3) Threat of International Terrorism
playing a leading role in international initiatives to realize “a world free ❍ International terrorism has spread and become diverse in its forms
of nuclear weapons.” due to the advancement of globalization.
❍ Japan will continue to adhere to the course that it has taken to date ❍ Terrorist attacks against Japanese nationals and interests have
as a peace-loving nation, and as a major player in world politics and
❍ There exist risks that could impede the continuous and stable use of principle of international cooperation.
outer space, including an increasing amount of space debris caused ❍ It is necessary to enhance diplomatic creativity and negotiating
by satellite collisions amongst others. power to deepen the understanding of and garner support for Japan’s
❍ Risks of cyber-attacks with the intent to disrupt critical infrastructure position in the international community.
and obstruct military systems are becoming more serious. ❍ By highlighting Japan’s attractiveness, Japan needs to strengthen its
(5) Challenges to Human Security soft power that would benefit the international community. Japan also
❍ Global issues that cannot be dealt with by a single country—namely, needs to strengthen its capacity to promptly and accurately identify
poverty, widening inequality, global health challenges including the needs of Japanese nationals and firms to support their overseas
infectious diseases, climate change and other environmental issues, activities.
food security, and humanitarian crises caused by civil wars and ❍ Japan will make even more proactive contributions to international
natural disasters—are emerging as critical and urgent issues of human organizations such as the U.N., including through increasing the
security, threatening the very survival and dignity of individuals. number of Japanese staff in such institutions.
❍ These challenges could have repercussions on peace and stability of (2) Building a Comprehensive Defense Architecture to Firmly Defend
the international community. Japan
(6) The Global Economy and Its Risks ❍ Amid the severe security environment, Japan will efficiently develop
❍ The risk of the expansion of an economic crisis from one country to a highly effective joint defense force, adapting to the change in
the entire global economy is growing. strategic environment with consideration of its national power, and
❍ Signs of protectionism and reluctance towards the creation of new strive to ensure operations with flexibility and readiness based on
trade rules are becoming apparent. joint operations.
❍ The rise of resource nationalism in resource rich countries as well as ❍ Japan will advance coordination within the government and with local
an intensified competition for the acquisition of energy and mineral governments and the private sector. In doing so, even in peacetime,
resources by emerging countries are observed. Japan will maintain and improve a comprehensive architecture for
2. Security Environment and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region responding seamlessly to an array of situations, ranging from armed
(1) Characteristics of the Strategic Environment of the Asia-Pacific Region attacks to large-scale natural disasters.
❍ The region has various political regimes and a host of countries with ❍ In developing the structure of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (SDF),
large-scale military forces including nuclear-weapon states. Yet a which plays a central role in these efforts, Japan will enhance its
regional cooperation framework in the security realm has not been defense structure for deterrence and response to various situations,
sufficiently institutionalized. prioritizing important functions from a joint and comprehensive
(2) North Korea’s Military Buildup and Provocative Actions perspective.
❍ North Korea has enhanced the capability of WMDs including nuclear ❍ With regard to the threat of nuclear weapons, the extended deterrence
weapons and that of ballistic missiles. At the same time, North Korea of the U.S. with nuclear deterrence at its core is indispensable. In order
has repeatedly taken provocative military actions including the use to maintain and enhance the credibility of the extended deterrence,
of provocative rhetoric against Japan and other countries, thereby Japan will work closely with the U.S., and take appropriate measures
increasing the tension in the region. The threat to the security of Japan through its own efforts, including ballistic missile defense (BMD)
and of other countries is being substantially aggravated. and protection of the people.
❍ As Kim Jong-un proceeds to consolidate his regime, the domestic (3) Strengthening Efforts for the Protection of Japan’s Territorial Integrity
situation in North Korea needs to be closely monitored. ❍ Japan will enhance the capabilities of the law enforcement agencies
❍ North Korea’s abduction is a grave issue affecting Japan’s sovereignty responsible for territorial patrol activities and reinforce its maritime
as well as the lives and safety of Japanese nationals. It is an urgent surveillance capabilities.
issue for the Government of Japan to resolve under its responsibility. ❍ Japan will strengthen coordination among relevant ministries and
(3) China’s Rapid Rise and Intensified Activities in Various Areas agencies to be able to respond seamlessly to a variety of unexpected
❍ There is an expectation for China to share and comply with situations.
international norms, and play a more active and cooperative role for ❍ Japan will proactively engage in the protection, management, and
regional and global issues. development of remote islands near national borders, and from a
❍ China has been rapidly advancing its military capabilities in a wide national security viewpoint, review issues related to the use of land
range of areas without sufficient transparency. in areas such as remote islands near national borders and areas
❍ China has taken actions that can be regarded as attempts to change surrounding defense facilities.
the status quo by coercion based on their own assertions, which (4) Ensuring Maritime Security
are incompatible with the existing order of international law, in the ❍ As a maritime state, Japan will play a leading role, in maintaining
maritime and aerial domains, including the East China Sea and the and developing “Open and Stable Seas,” which are upheld by
South China Sea (e.g., intrusion into Japan’s territorial waters and maritime order based upon such fundamental principles as the rule
airspace around the Senkaku Islands, establishment of its own “Air of law, ensuring the freedom and safety of navigation and overflight,
Defense Identification Zone”). and peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with relevant
❍ The cross-strait relationship has deepened economically. Meanwhile, international law, rather than by force.
the military balance has been changing. Thus, the relationship ❍ Japan will strengthen its maritime domain awareness capabilities in
contains both orientations towards stability and potential instability. a comprehensive manner that involves the use of outer space, while
IV. Japan’s Strategic Approaches to National Security paying attention to the establishment of international networks.
1. Strengthening and Expanding Japan’s Capabilities and Roles ❍ Japan will provide assistance to those coastal states alongside the sea
• To ensure national security, Japan needs to first and foremost strengthen lanes of communication and other states in enhancing their maritime
its own capabilities and the foundation for exercising those capabilities. law enforcement capabilities, and strengthen cooperation with
Japan must also steadily fulfill the role it should play and adapt its partners on the sea lanes who share strategic interests with Japan.
capabilities to respond to future developments. (5) Strengthening Cyber Security
• Enhancing Japan’s resilience in national security, through reinforcing its ❍ Japan as a whole will make concerted efforts to defend cyberspace
diplomatic power and defense force, as well as bolstering its economic and strengthen the response capability against cyber-attacks, so as to
strengths and technological capabilities, contributes to peace and stability protect cyberspace from malicious activities; to ensure the free and
in the Asia-Pacific region and the international community at large. safe use of cyberspace; and to guard Japan’s critical infrastructure
• In order to overcome national security challenges and achieve national against cyber-attacks, including those in which state involvement is
security objectives, as well as to proactively contribute to peace in suspected.
❍ Japan will fundamentally strengthen its information-collecting ❍ Japan will strengthen cooperative relations with countries in the Asia-
capabilities from a diverse range of sources, including human Pacific region with which it shares universal values and strategic
intelligence and open source intelligence. interests.
❍ Japan will enhance its intelligence analysis, consolidation, and sharing — ROK: Japan will strengthen the foundation for security
capabilities including by developing experts, and will promote all- cooperation. Japan, the U.S., and the ROK will work together
source analysis that makes use of the array of information-collecting closely in addressing North Korean nuclear and missile issues.
means at the Government’s disposal. Materials and intelligence — Australia: Japan will further strengthen the strategic partnership
will be provided to the NSC in a timely manner, and they will be by steadily sharing strategic recognition and advancing security
appropriately utilized in policy formulation. cooperation.
(8) Defense Equipment and Technology Cooperation — ASEAN countries: Japan will further deepen and develop
❍ From the perspective of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based cooperative relations with the ASEAN countries in all sectors
on the principle of international cooperation, Japan is required to based on the traditional partnership lasting more than 40 years.
contribute more proactively to peace and international cooperation Japan will also provide further assistance to ASEAN efforts
including through utilizing defense equipment, and to participate in towards maintaining and strengthening its unity.
joint development and production of defense equipment and other — India: Japan will strengthen bilateral relations in a broad range of
related items. areas, including maritime security, based on the bilateral Strategic
❍ While giving due consideration to the roles that the Three Principles and Global Partnership.
on Arms Exports and their related policy guidelines have played ❍ Japan will strive to construct a Mutually Beneficial Relationship
so far, the Government of Japan will set out clear principles on the Based on Common Strategic Interests with China from a broad, as
overseas transfer of arms and military technology, which fit the new well as a medium- to long-term perspective. Japan will encourage
security environment. In this context, considerations will be made China to play a responsible and constructive role for the sake of
with regard to defining cases where transfers are prohibited; limiting regional peace, stability and prosperity, and Japan will respond firmly
cases where transfers could be allowed with strict examination; and but in a calm manner to China’s recent attempts to change the status
ensuring appropriate control over transfers in terms of unauthorized quo by coercion.
use and third party transfer. ❍ Japan will endeavor to achieve a comprehensive resolution of
(9) Ensuring the Stable Use of Outer Space and Promoting Its Use for outstanding issues of concern, such as the abduction, nuclear and
Security Purposes missile issues, in accordance with the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang
❍ Japan will engage itself in enhancing the functions of information- Declaration, Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks, and relevant
gathering satellites and in making effective use of satellites. Japan Security Council resolutions.
will also enhance a system for space situational awareness. ❍ Japan will advance cooperation with Russia in all areas, including
❍ Japan will promote the development and utilization of outer space in security and energy, thereby enhancing bilateral relations as a whole.
a manner that contributes to national security in the medium- to long- ❍ In promoting these efforts, Japan will actively utilize and engage in
term, including the development of technologies. multilateral and trilateral cooperation frameworks.
(10) Strengthening Technological Capabilities ❍ Japan will cooperate with other partners of the Asia-Pacific region
❍ Japan should encourage the further promotion of technologies, towards ensuring the stability of the region.
including dual use technologies, thereby strengthening Japan’s ❍ European countries are partners for Japan which together take a
technological capabilities. leading role in ensuring the peace, stability and prosperity of the
❍ Japan will constantly grasp science and technology trends, and make international community. Japan will further strengthen its relations
effective use of technology in the area of security by combining the with Europe, including cooperation with the EU, NATO, and OSCE.
efforts of industries, academia, and the Government. ❍ Japan will endeavor to further develop relations with emerging
❍ Japan will proactively utilize its internationally outstanding countries, not merely on a bilateral basis, but in cooperative efforts in
technologies in diplomacy. tackling global challenges.
2. Strengthening the Japan-U.S. Alliance
❍ Japan will engage in constructing multilayered cooperative relations
• Japan and the U.S. have persistently strengthened and expanded their with the Gulf States, encompassing political and security cooperation
cooperation on a wide range of areas for peace, stability, and prosperity beyond natural resources and energy. In addition, Japan will play a
of not only the two countries themselves, but also the Asia-Pacific region proactive role in the resolution of major issues affecting the stability
and the broader international community. of the Middle East.
•The U.S., based on its Defense Strategic Guidance emphasizing a ❍ Japan will continue to contribute to the development and the
rebalancing towards the Asia-Pacific region, aspires to enhance its consolidation of peace in Africa through various avenues, especially
presence in the region and strengthen cooperation with its allies, the Tokyo International Conference on African Development
including Japan and its partners. (TICAD) process.
• In order to ensure the security of Japan and to maintain and enhance 4. Proactive Contribution to International Efforts for Peace and Stability of
peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the the International Community
international community, Japan must further elevate the effectiveness of As a “Proactive Contributor to Peace” based on the principle of
the Japan-U.S. security arrangements and realize a stronger Japan-U.S. international cooperation, Japan will play an active role for the peace and
Alliance. stability of the international community.
(1) Further Strengthening of Japan-U.S. Security and Defense Cooperation (1) Strengthening Diplomacy at the United Nations
in a Wide Range of Areas ❍ Japan will further engage in active efforts by the U.N. for the
❍ Japan will work with the U.S. to revise the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. maintenance and restoration of international peace and security.
Defense Cooperation, through discussions on a variety of issues such ❍ Japan will continue to strive to achieve the U.N. Security Council
as the concrete manner of defense cooperation and basic concepts of reform, including through an expansion of both permanent and non-
bilateral roles, missions, and capabilities, while ensuring consistency permanent categories, with Japan becoming a permanent member of
with various policies in line with the Strategy. the Council.
❍ Japan will strive to enhance the deterrence and response capability (2) Strengthening the Rule of Law
of the Japan-U.S. Alliance through working closely with the U.S. ❍ In order to establish the rule of law in the international community,
on operational cooperation and policy coordination on issues such Japan will participate proactively in international rule-making from
as response to contingencies and the medium- to long-term strategy, the planning stage, so that Japan’s principles and positions are duly
and strengthening its security cooperation with the U.S. in such broad reflected.
international peace cooperation activities. strengthen its information dissemination in foreign languages.
❍ Japan will promote coordination between PKO and ODA projects, ❍ Japan will cooperate with educational institutions, key figures, and
and make further strategic use of ODA and capacity building think tanks, and in doing so, promote Japanese language education
assistance. overseas and train personnel who are capable of contributing to
❍ Japan will proactively train peacebuilding experts and PKO strategic public relations efforts and other areas.
personnel in various countries in close consultation with countries or ❍ By precisely and effectively communicating information on Japan’s
organizations concerned. position based on objective facts, Japan will be able to gain accurate
(5) Promoting International Cooperation against International Terrorism understanding in the form of international opinion.
❍ Japan will promote consultations and exchanges of views with other (3) Reinforcing the Social Base
countries on the situation on international terrorism and international ❍ It is essential that each and every Japanese national hopes to
counter-terrorism cooperation, as well as reinforcement of the contribute to peace and stability in the region and the world, and
international legal framework. to the improvement of the welfare of humanity, as well as that they
❍ Japan will actively extend assistance to developing countries, etc. perceive national security as a familiar and immediate issue for them,
5. Strengthening Cooperation Based on Universal Values to Resolve Global and have deep understanding of its importance and complexity.
Issues ❍ Japan will foster respect for other countries and their people as well
Japan will endeavor to share universal values and reinforce an open as love for the country and region.
international economic system, which form the basis of peace, stability ❍ Japan will advance measures that raise awareness with regard to
and prosperity of the international community. At the same time, security on such issues as territory and sovereignty, and that increase
Japan will advance the following measures towards the resolution understanding of the activities of the SDF and the U.S. Forces in
of development issues and global issues that could hinder peace and Japan.
stability of the international community. (4) Enhancing the Intellectual Base
(1) Sharing Universal Values ❍ Japan will seek to enhance education on security-related subjects at
❍ Through a partnership with countries with which Japan shares institutions of higher education.
universal values, such as freedom, democracy, human rights, and ❍ Exchanges will be deepened between the Government and institutions
the rule of law, Japan will conduct diplomacy that contributes to of higher education, think tanks, etc.
addressing global issues. ❍ Japan will promote the fostering of private-sector experts and
❍ Japan will actively utilize its ODA and other schemes in supporting government officials.
democratization, the development of legal systems, and human rights.
❍ Japan will engage proactively in diplomatic issues on women.
(2) Responding to Global Development and Global Issues and Realizing
and beyond
Human Security
❍ It is necessary for Japan to strengthen its efforts to address (Approved by the National Security Council
development issues as part of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” and the Cabinet on December 17, 2013)
based on the principle of international cooperation. Stipulations regarding the National Defense Program Guidelines for FY2014
❍ Japan will strengthen efforts towards the achievement of the MDGs, and Beyond are included in the reference.
and play a leading role in the formulation of the next international Accordingly, the National Defense Program Guidelines for FY2011 and
development goals. Beyond (approved by the Cabinet on December 17, 2010) are discontinued as
❍ Japan will engage in further efforts in mainstreaming the concept of of the end of FY2013.
human security in the international community. (Additional reference)
(3) Cooperating with Human Resource Development Efforts in Developing National Defense Program Guidelines for FY2014 and beyond
Countries I. NDPG’s Objective
❍ Japan will invite a broad range of personnel from developing In light of the current security environment surrounding Japan, the Government
countries, including students and administrative officials, and provide of Japan sets out the “National Defense Program Guidelines for FY2014 and
them education and training. Japan will further promote human beyond” as new guidelines for Japan’s national defense, based on “Defense
resource development in order to ensure that these personnel can Capability Build-up in FY2013” (approved by the Security Council and the
contribute to development in their home countries. Cabinet on January 25, 2013) and the “National Security Strategy” (approved
(4) Maintaining and Strengthening the Free Trade System by the National Security Council and the Cabinet on December 17, 2013).
❍ Japan will promote economic partnership efforts, including through II. Security Environment Surrounding Japan
the TPP, the Japan-EU EPA, a Japan-China-ROK FTA, and the RCEP.
1. As interdependence among countries expands and deepens, there is a
Through these efforts, Japan will strengthen the vigor and prosperity
growing risk that unrest in the global security environment or a security
in the Asia-Pacific region.
problem in a single country or region could immediately develop into
(5) Responding to Energy and Environmental Issues
a security challenge or destabilizing factor for the entire international
❍ Japan will actively utilize diplomatic tools for efforts to achieve the
community. The multi-polarization of the world continues as a result of
stable supply of energy and other natural resources.
shifts in the balance of power due to the further development of countries
❍ In the area of climate change, Japan will implement a proactive
such as China and India and the relative change of influence of the United
strategy for countering global warming.
States (U.S.). At the same time, the U.S. is expected to continue to play
(6) Enhancing People-to-people Exchanges
the role in maintaining world peace and stability as it retains the largest
❍ Japan will expand two-way youth exchanges.
national power.
❍ Japan will promote people-to-people exchanges through sport and
There are ongoing regional conflicts involving various countries as
well as an increase in the number of so-called “gray-zone” situations, that
6. Strengthening the Domestic Foundation that Supports National Security
is, neither pure peacetime nor contingencies over territory, sovereignty
and Promoting Domestic and Global Understanding
and maritime economic interests.
• In order to fully ensure national security, it is vital to reinforce the
The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and
domestic foundation for diplomatic power, defense force, and other
ballistic missiles continues to be a deep concern despite non-proliferation
capabilities to be effectively demonstrated.
efforts by the international community. The presence of countries with
• It is important to seek a deeper understanding of Japan’s security policies
weak governance and failed states feeds the expansion and spread of
both at home and abroad to ensure national security.
international terrorism. These problems continue to pose imminent
(1) Maintaining and Enhancing Defense Production and Technological
security challenges.
are enhancing and strengthening their cooperative relationships to power plants, in coastal areas. In the event of another massive earthquake
resolve security challenges. Specific and practical cooperation and like the Great East Japan Earthquake, Japan may suffer enormous
collaboration have progressed to settle challenges particularly in non- damage and the impact may spread not only nationwide but also to other
traditional security fields. In the meantime, gray-zone situations over countries. The possibility of future huge earthquakes such as a Nankai
territory, sovereignty and maritime economic interests tend to linger, Trough earthquake or a Tokyo inland earthquake makes it increasingly
raising concerns that they may develop into more serious situations. necessary to take every possible measure to prepare for large-scale
North Korea is military-focused and deploys a massive military disasters.
force. It is also proceeding with the development, deployment and 4. In light of the above, while the probability of a large-scale military conflict
proliferation of WMDs including nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles between major countries, which was a concern during the Cold War era,
which may be used to deliver such weapons, and it maintains a large- presumably remains low, various security challenges and destabilizing
scale special operations force. Through these activities, North Korea is factors are emerging and becoming more tangible and acute. As a result,
maintaining and strengthening its asymmetrical military capabilities. the security environment surrounding Japan has become increasingly
North Korea has also repeatedly heightened tension in the region severe, since the formulation of “National Defense Program Guidelines,
by conducting military provocations in the Korean Peninsula and by FY2011 and beyond” (approved by the Security Council and the Cabinet
escalating its provocative rhetoric and behavior against Japan and on December 17, 2010). As the security challenges and destabilizing
other countries. Such North Korean military trend constitutes a serious factors are diverse and wide-ranging, it is difficult for a single country to
destabilizing factor to the security not only of Japan but of the entire deal with them on its own. Under these circumstances, it is increasingly
region and the international community. Therefore, Japan needs to pay necessary not only that the military sector cooperate with the non-
utmost attention to such activities. military sector but also that countries which share interests in responding
In particular, North Korea’s ballistic missile development has to shared security challenges cooperate and actively respond to maintain
presumably entered a new stage, as technological improvements have regional and global stability.
been made to extend the range and increase the accuracy of its missiles III. Japan’s Basic Defense Policy
through a series of missile launches. Also, North Korea has conducted 1. Basic Policy
nuclear tests in defiance of calls for restraint from the international In light of the National Security Strategy, Japan will strengthen its
community, so the possibility cannot be ruled out that it has successfully diplomatic and defense capabilities along the policy of “Proactive
miniaturized nuclear weapons for warheads and equipped them on Contribution to Peace” based on the principle of international
ballistic missiles. North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, cooperation, thereby expanding the role it can play. At the same time,
coupled with its provocative rhetoric and behavior, such as suggesting Japan will contribute even more proactively in securing peace, stability
a missile attack on Japan, pose a serious and imminent threat to Japan’s and prosperity of the international community while achieving its own
security. security as well as peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region by
As for China, while it is greatly expected to play an active role expanding and deepening cooperative relationships with other countries,
in a more cooperative manner in the region and the world, it has been with the Japan-U.S. Alliance as its cornerstone.
continuously increasing its defense expenditures and has been rapidly Under this basic principle, Japan will build a comprehensive defense
reinforcing its military in a wide range of areas. As part of such effort, architecture and strengthen its posture for preventing and responding
China is believed to be making efforts to strengthen its asymmetrical to various situations. In addition, Japan will strengthen the Japan-
military capabilities to prevent military activity by other countries in U.S. Alliance and actively promote bilateral and multilateral security
the region by denying access and deployment of foreign militaries to its cooperation with other countries while closely coordinating defense and
surrounding areas. However, China has not clearly stated the purposes diplomatic policies. Japan will also seek to establish an infrastructure
and goals of the military buildup and therefore, transparency concerning necessary for its defense forces to fully exercise their capabilities.
its military and security is not fully achieved. When implementing these measures, under the Constitution,
In addition, China is rapidly expanding and intensifying its Japan will efficiently build a highly effective and joint defense force
activities in the maritime and aerial domains in the region including in in line with the basic principles of maintaining an exclusively defense-
the East China Sea and the South China Sea. In particular, China has oriented policy, not becoming a military power that poses a threat to
taken assertive actions with regard to issues of conflicts of interest in other countries, while adhering to the principle of civilian control of the
the maritime domain, as exemplified by its attempts to change the status military and observing the Three Non-Nuclear Principles.
quo by coercion. As for the seas and airspace around Japan, China With regard to the threat of nuclear weapons, the extended deterrence
has intruded into Japanese territorial waters frequently and violated provided by the U.S. with nuclear deterrence at its core, is indispensable.
Japan’s airspace, and has engaged in dangerous activities that could In order to maintain and enhance the credibility of the extended
cause unexpected situations, such as its announcement of establishing deterrence, Japan will closely cooperate with the U.S. In addition, Japan
an “Air Defense Identification Zone” based on its own assertion thereby will take appropriate responses through its own efforts, including ballistic
infringing the freedom of overflight above the high seas. missile defense (BMD) and protection of the people. At the same time,
China is also expanding and intensifying its activities in the maritime Japan will play a constructive and active role in international nuclear
and aerial domains farther offshore than before. For example, Chinese disarmament and non-proliferation efforts so as to achieve the long-term
military vessels and aircraft routinely enter the Pacific Ocean, and are goal of creating a world free of nuclear weapons.
expanding their operational areas which include areas north of Japan. 2. Japan’s Own Efforts
As Japan has great concern about these Chinese activities, it will Recognizing that a country’s security depends first and foremost on
need to pay utmost attention to them, as these activities also raise its independent efforts, Japan will make full-scale efforts on its own
concerns over regional and global security. initiative to prevent various situations and will seamlessly respond to
As for Russia, it is observed that the country is proceeding to reform them as the situation evolves with the National Security Council as the
and modernize its military forces mainly by strengthening their readiness control tower, while maintaining cooperation with its ally, partners and
and introducing new equipment. The activities of Russian armed forces other countries concerned.
have been active. (1) Building a comprehensive defense architecture
The U.S. has clearly manifested its strategic decision to put greater Given the increasingly severe security environment, Japan will
emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region (the rebalance to the Asia-Pacific efficiently develop a highly effective joint defense force and make
region) and is maintaining and strengthening its engagement and efforts to employ it with a high level of flexibility and readiness based
presence in the region despite fiscal and various other constraints in on joint operations. Japan will also ensure close regular interagency
order to maintain the stability and growth of the region while enhancing cooperation in normal times. In the event of various situations, the
its relationships with its allies and expanding cooperation with partner Government, under strong political leadership, will appropriately and
training and exercises. Alliance and the alliance’s contingency response capabilities, while
(2) Japan’s defense forces – building a Dynamic Joint Defense Force strengthening Japan’s own capabilities as a premise for these efforts.
Japan’s defense forces are the ultimate guarantee of national security, At the same time, in response to the increasingly severe security
and represent Japan’s will and ability to deter threats from directly environment, while increasing the presence of Japan and the U.S.
reaching Japan and defeat them if threats should reach Japan. in the western Pacific region, Japan will build seamless cooperation
In the times of an ever-changing security environment with the U.S. ranging from situations on a day-to-day basis to various
surrounding Japan, defense forces need to be constantly reviewed to situations, including cooperation in responding to “gray-zone”
adapt to the environment. To this aim, Japan needs to allocate limited situations.
resources in a focused and flexible way to prioritize the functions To that end, Japan will continue to expand joint training and
and capabilities from a comprehensive perspective, identified through exercises, joint ISR activities and the joint/shared use of facilities
joint operation-based capability assessments of the Self-Defense and areas with the U.S. It will also tighten the Japan-U.S. operational
Force’s (SDF’s) total functions and capabilities against various cooperation and policy coordination including contingency response
situations. and medium-to long-term strategies, such as BMD, bilateral planning,
Amid the increasingly severe security environment surrounding and Extended Deterrence Dialogue.
Japan, the SDF, in addition to its regular activities, needs to respond (2) Strengthening and expanding cooperation in a broad range of fields
to various situations, including “gray zone” situations which require The Japan-U.S. Alliance will contribute to the peace and stability
SDF commitment. The frequency of such situations and the duration of the world, including the Asia-Pacific region, by strengthening
of responses are both increasing. Therefore, Japan will regularly cooperation not only in the fields of anti-piracy efforts, capacity
conduct persistent intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance building assistance, HA/DR, peacekeeping and counter terrorism but
(hereinafter “ISR”) activities. Moreover, the SDF will conduct also in maritime affairs, outer space and cyberspace.
strategic training and exercises in accordance with the development of As for disaster response, Japan will further strengthen its
the situation and swiftly build a response posture including advance cooperation between the SDF and the U.S. forces within and outside
deployment of units in response to the security environment and Japan in light of the fact that the U.S. forces, including its USFJ
rapid deployment of adequate units. Thus Japan will demonstrate its facilities and areas, greatly contributed to the safety of the Japanese
will and highly developed capability to prevent further escalation. In people during the Great East Japan Earthquake.
dealing with situations, depending on their development, minimizing In addition, Japan will constantly strengthen and expand the
damage by effective response through achieving maritime supremacy Japan-U.S. cooperative relationship over a broad range of fields,
and air superiority is essential in safeguarding the lives and property including efforts for intelligence cooperation and information
of the Japanese people, and the sovereignty of Japan’s territorial land, security, and cooperation in the field of defense equipment and
waters and airspace. technology, to build a firmer and effective alliance.
Therefore, Japan will enhance its deterrence and response (3) Steady implementation of measures relating to the stationing of U.S.
capability by improving the mission-capable rate of equipment and Forces in Japan
its employment to conduct tailored activities swiftly and sustainably Japan will provide stable support for the smooth and effective
based on joint operations, as well as by developing defense capabilities stationing of U.S. forces in Japan through various measures, including
adequate both in quantity and quality that underpin various activities Host Nation Support (HNS). At the same time, efforts will be made
to realize a more robust defense force. to steadily implement the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan and
At the same time, from the perspective of “Proactive Contribution mitigate the impact on local communities while maintaining the
to Peace” based on the principle of international cooperation, Japan deterrence provided by U.S. forces. In particular, Japan will seek
will strengthen its bilateral and multilateral cooperative relationships to mitigate the impact on Okinawa, located in a critically important
in order to ensure the stability of the Asia-Pacific region, which location in terms of national security and where the stationing of
is closely related to its own security. Japan will also engage in U.S. forces significantly contributes to the deterrence of the Japan-
international peacekeeping and other similar activities (peacekeeping U.S. Alliance, by realignment, consolidation and reduction of USFJ
operations by the United Nations, non-traditional security initiatives facilities and areas including through the relocation of Marine Corps
including Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR), Air Station Futenma as well as the dispersion of the impact and other
and other internationally collaborative activities to improve the measures, in light of the heavy concentration of such facilities and
international security environment) and other efforts more proactively areas there.
than before as efforts to address the global security challenges, in 4. Active Promotion of Security Cooperation
light of the diversified roles and increased opportunities of the (1) Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region
defense force. In the Asia-Pacific region, specific cooperative measures have been
From these viewpoints, given the changes in the security taken mainly in non-traditional security fields, including disaster
environment, the defense force based on this NDPG should prioritize relief. Multilateral frameworks such as the ASEAN Regional Forum
particularly important functions and capabilities through optimal (ARF), the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM
resource allocation as a whole. The defense force also must be an Plus) and the East Asia Summit (EAS) have been developed and
effective one which enables conducting a diverse range of activities the regional integration initiative led by ASEAN has been making
to be seamless as well as dynamic and adapting to situations as they progress. However, security challenges are becoming more serious
demand. To that end, Japan will build a Dynamic Joint Defense than ever in North East Asia. Japan will promote a variety of
Force, which emphasizes both soft and hard aspects of readiness, further cooperative initiatives in a multi-layered manner to ease the
sustainability, resiliency and connectivity, reinforced by advanced atmosphere of confrontation and the sense of curiosity toward one
technology and capability for C3I, with a consideration to establish a another in the region.
wide range of infrastructure to support the SDF’s operation. Japan will promote close cooperation with the Republic of Korea
3. Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance (ROK), which is in a position to support the U.S. presence in North
The Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements based on the Japan-U.S. Security East Asia together with Japan, and will make efforts to establish a
Treaty, together with Japan’s own efforts, constitute the cornerstone for foundation for further cooperation with the ROK, for example by
Japan’s national security. The Japan-U.S. Alliance centered on bilateral concluding an agreement on security information protection and an
security arrangements functions as public goods that contribute to the acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
stability and prosperity not only of Japan but also of the Asia-Pacific Japan will further deepen its relationship with Australia, with
region and the world at large. which Japan shares security interests and security cooperation
Under its policy of strategic rebalancing towards the Asia-Pacific has been advancing, and strengthen cooperation in fields such as
the air surrounding Japan. training of domestic and foreign personnel engaging in peacebuilding
Japan will promote security dialogues with Russia, including by making use of the SDF’s experience and knowledge.
the Foreign and Defense Ministerial Consultations (“2+2”), high- IV. Future Defense Forces
level exchanges, and unit-to-unit exchanges in order to deepen 1. The Role of the Defense Force
understanding about the intention of Russian military activities and Japan’s future defense forces will be developed as described in III. 2 (2)
develop mutual trust with Russia. In addition, Japan will enhance above, and will be capable of effectively fulfilling the expected roles in
bilateral training and exercises with Russia to promote regional the following fields, and will maintain the necessary posture.
stability. (1) Effective deterrence of and response to various situations
Japan will also further strengthen its relationships with partner In order to respond to various situations in a timely and appropriate
countries in the region, including Southeast Asian countries, and will manner, and certainly protect the lives and property of its people
actively promote joint training and exercises and capacity building and the sovereignty of its land, sea and airspace, Japan will achieve
assistance. In addition, Japan will strengthen its cooperation with these intelligence superiority through persistent ISR activities in an
countries in the field of disaster management in light of the increasing extensive surrounding area to constantly gain an understanding of
frequency and growing scale of disasters in the region. Japan will military developments in other countries and to detect any signs of
strengthen its relationship with India in a broad range of fields, development at an early stage.
including maritime security, through joint training and exercises as Through such activities, Japan will clearly express its resolve not
well as joint implementation of international peacekeeping activities. to tolerate the change of the status quo by force, thereby preventing
As capacity building assistance is effective in stabilizing the various situations from occurring.
security environment and strengthening bilateral defense cooperation, At the same time, Japan will swiftly and seamlessly respond
Japan will promote it in full coordination with diplomatic policy to situations including gray zone situations, and will establish the
initiatives, including the Official Development Assistance, and necessary posture to continuously address a protracted situation.
aligning it with joint training and exercises and international Moreover, Japan will implement an effective response tailored
peacekeeping activities. Japan will also strengthen cooperation with to each situation, even in cases when multiple events occur in a
relevant countries which actively provide such support, thereby consecutive or concurrent manner.
expanding the range of countries receiving support as well as its When implementing the initiatives above, the following points are
scope. emphasized in particular:
Under ongoing multilateral security cooperation and dialogue in a. Ensuring security of the sea and airspace surrounding Japan
the Asia-Pacific region, Japan in cooperation with the United States In addition to persistent ISR in an extensive area around Japan,
and Australia will proactively contribute to building cooperative Japan will immediately take appropriate measures to deal with
relationships in the region. Moreover, Japan will actively participate any incursions into its territorial airspace. Japan will respond
in multilateral joint training and exercises and play a major role in effectively and promptly to gray-zone situations or any other acts
enhancing confidence-building measures among countries in the that may violate its sovereignty. Furthermore, should the acts
region, attaching importance to multilateral frameworks such as the in question become protracted or escalate, Japan will respond
ARF and the ADMM Plus. seamlessly as the situation evolves, taking all possible measures
(2) Cooperation with the international community for the defense and security of the sea and airspace surrounding
It is very difficult for a single country to respond to global security Japan.
challenges on its own. Moreover, as the roles of military forces b. Response to an attack on remote islands
have diversified, there are increasing opportunities for such forces In responding to an attack on remote islands, Japan will intercept
to play an important role not only in preventing and responding to and defeat any invasion, by securing maritime supremacy and
conflicts and maintaining peace but also in supporting post-conflict air superiority, with the necessary SDF units swiftly deployed
reconstruction, building peace and promoting confidence-building to interdict, in addition to the units deployed in advance in
and friendly relationships. accordance with the security environment. Moreover, should any
Therefore, Japan will promote various initiatives to improve the remote islands be invaded, Japan will recapture them. In doing so,
global security environment on a regular basis in cooperation with the any ballistic missile or cruise missile attacks will be dealt with
international community. appropriately.
Japan will continue and strengthen various initiatives concerning c. Response to ballistic missile attacks
arms control, disarmament, nonproliferation and capacity building Japan will promptly detect any signs of a ballistic missile launch
assistance in order to respond to global security challenges, including and facilitate a swift, sustained response by establishing a multi-
regional conflicts, expansion and spread of international terrorism, layered defense posture. Should any damage result, Japan will
failed states, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and take steps to minimize it. Moreover, in the event of an attack by
problems related to the sea, outer space and cyberspace, while guerrillas or special operations forces concurrent with a ballistic
regularly cooperating with its ally and relevant countries with which missile attack, Japan will protect key facilities including nuclear
it shares security interests and with international organizations and power plants and search and destroy the infiltrating units.
other relevant bodies. d. Responses in outer space and cyberspace
In this respect, Japan will further strengthen its cooperation In regard with outer space and cyberspace, Japan will build up
with the European Union (EU), North Atlantic Treaty Organization persistent ISR capabilities to prevent any acts that could impede
(NATO), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe efficient action by the SDF. Furthermore, should any situation
(OSCE) and with the United Kingdom, France and other European arise, Japan will identify the event without delay and swiftly repair
countries and will work with them in responding to these challenges. any damage, while taking necessary steps to contain it. Moreover,
Japan will also promote cooperation and exchanges with regard to in light of society’s growing dependence on outer space and
equipment and technology with these countries and organizations. cyberspace, Japan will make effective use of the SDF’s capabilities
In order to stabilize the security environment in the Asia-Pacific when endeavoring to strengthen collaboration with relevant
region and improve the global security environment based on the organizations and clarify the division of roles, thereby contributing
policy of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the principle to comprehensive, government-wide initiatives.
of international cooperation, Japan will actively promote various e. Responses to major disasters
international peace cooperation activities, including international Should a major disaster occur, Japan will swiftly transport and
peace cooperation assignments and emergency relief activities, deploy the requisite units and take all possible measures as part
in a multi-layered manner. To this end, Japan will ensure close of its initial response, and maintain its presence in the longer
Moreover, working in partnership with its ally and partners, and capabilities that should be prioritized in order to pursue more
Japan will promote multi-tiered initiatives, including bilateral and effective build-up of the defense force.
multilateral defense cooperation and exchange, joint training and Based on the results of the capability assessments, in the defense
exercises, and capacity building assistance, effectively fulfilling its capability buildup, the SDF will prioritize the development of
key role in initiatives focused on the stabilization of the security capacities to ensure maritime supremacy and air superiority, which
environment, including the building and strengthening of intra- is the prerequisite for effective deterrence and response in various
regional cooperative frameworks in the Asia-Pacific region. situations, including defense posture buildup in the southwestern
As the roles played by military capacity diversify, in order to region. Furthermore, the SDF will emphasize the establishment of
respond appropriately to global security issues including regional rapid deployment capabilities with a consideration to establishing a
conflicts, the expansion and spread of international terrorism, failed wide-ranging logistical support foundation.
states, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Japan will At the same time, in terms of preparation for a Cold-War era style
strengthen various initiatives focused on arms control, disarmament invasion such as the landing of large-scale ground forces, the SDF
and non-proliferation, as well as actively promote international peace will possess the minimum necessary level of expertise and skills
cooperation activities, anti-piracy initiatives and capacity building required to respond to unforeseen changes in the situation in the
assistance, thereby working on improvement of the global security future and to maintain and inherit them, and thereby further promote
environment. efforts to achieve even greater efficiency and rationalization.
Japan will attach importance to the following in particular, when (2) Functions and capabilities to be emphasized
engaging in the aforementioned initiatives. From the perspective of efficiently developing an effective defense
a. Holding training and exercises force, the SDF will selectively strengthen the following functions and
As well as the timely and appropriate implementation of SDF capabilities in particular, paying attention to enhance joint functions
training and exercises, Japan will promote bilateral and multilateral with interoperability with the U.S. forces.
joint training and exercises in the Asia-Pacific region, proactively a. ISR capabilities
and visibly demonstrating our nation’s resolve and advanced In order to ensure effective deterrence and response to various
capabilities focused on regional stabilization. In addition, it will situations, while utilizing unmanned equipment, Japan will
build and strengthen cooperative relationships with relevant implement extensive persistent ISR on objectives such as aircraft
countries. and vessels in the seas and airspace surrounding it, and the SDF
b. Promoting defense cooperation and exchange will adopt a flexible approach to boosting its ISR posture according
Enhancing mutual understanding and relationships of trust with to the developments of situations.
other countries and international organizations is the cornerstone b. Intelligence capabilities
of efforts to stabilize the security environment. Japan will take Japan will strengthen its system for intelligence collection,
further steps to promote multi-layered defense cooperation processing information, and analyzing and sharing the collected
and exchange, such as building and strengthening cooperative information, so that the SDF can promptly detect and swiftly
relationships focused on wide-ranging security issues of common respond to signs of various situations and take necessary measures
interest including HADR and ensuring the stable use of the seas, based on medium-to long-term military trends mainly in its
outer space and cyberspace. vicinity.
c. Promoting capacity building assistance In doing so, the SDF will seek to augment its various
Utilizing the capabilities of the SDF, Japan will continuously information collection capabilities, including HUMINT, OSINT,
engage in capacity building assistance such as human resource SIGINT, and IMINT, as well as persistent ISR capabilities using
development and technical support on a regular basis in order to unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, the SDF will engage in integrated
enhance the ability of developing countries themselves, thereby efforts to strengthen its geospatial intelligence capabilities to
improving the security environment with particular focus on active combine various types of intelligence on images and maps to
creation of stability in the Asia-Pacific region. exploit them in a sophisticated manner, while establishing a
d. Ensuring maritime security framework for the integrated and systematic nurturing of highly
As it is particularly vital for Japan as a maritime state to maintain capable personnel in information gathering analysis.
an “Open and Stable Seas” order which serves as the cornerstone c. Transport capability
of peace and prosperity, Japan will take all possible measures to In order to secure swift and large-scale transport and deployment
secure the safety of maritime traffic. Japan will also conduct anti- capability, and to swiftly deploy and move necessary units, the
piracy activities in cooperation with countries concerned, and will SDF will strengthen integrated transport capacity including
promote various efforts including capacity building assistance of maritime and airborne transport capacity, with collaboration
coastal states in this field and enhancement of joint training and with the civilian transport sector. In doing so, the SDF will avoid
exercises by taking various opportunities in waters other than those redundancy in functions by clarifying roles and assignments
surrounding our country. among various means of transport, considering their respective
e. Implementing international peace cooperation activities characteristics.
Working in partnership with non-governmental organizations d. Command and control, and information and communications
and other relevant organizations, Japan will actively engage in capabilities
international peace cooperation assignments and emergency In order to establish a command and control system that can
relief activities to meet diverse needs, from peacekeeping to manage units nationwide in a mobile, joint integrated manner,
peacebuilding, placing greater emphasis on playing more of a the SDF will take steps to deploy the Ground Self-Defense Force
leading role. In doing so, as well as enhancing its readiness posture (GSDF), Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) and Air Self-
to facilitate rapid overseas dispatch according to the situation, Defense Force (ASDF) personnel in the main headquarters of each
Japan will strengthen its sustainable preparedness for a protracted service, making effective use of the knowledge and experience
overseas deployment. held by each respective service. Furthermore, the SDF will
f. Cooperating with efforts to promote arms control, disarmament, facilitate swift, resilient nationwide operation of the GSDF’s units
and nonproliferation such as basic operational units (divisions and brigades) through
Japan will be actively involved in arms control and disarmament the establishment of a new central headquarters to control all of
activities undertaken by the United Nations and other bodies. the regional armies, as well as greater efficiency and streamlining
In doing so, Japan will make active, effective use of the SDF’s of the command and control function in each regional army
knowledge, including through personnel contribution. Moreover, headquarters, and other measures.
capability, which enables the SDF to land, recapture and secure and international peace cooperation activities.
without delay in the case of an invasion of any remote islands. Keeping in mind that the role of these highly-proficient
Furthermore, the SDF will enhance its logistical support rapidly deployable basic operational units is to swiftly deploy and
capabilities, so that SDF units can swiftly and continuously move via the integrated transport capacity referred to in 2 (2) c.
respond in the event of a situation in the southwestern region. above, the GSDF will maintain half of these in Hokkaido, given
In addition, the SDF will also examine the desirable air the excellent training environment there.
defense posture in remote islands in the Pacific. The defense posture in the remote islands of the southwestern
f. Response to ballistic missile attacks region will be enhanced and strengthened via the permanent
To counter North Korea’s improved ballistic missile capability, stationing of the units where the SDF is not currently stationed, the
Japan will pursue comprehensive improvement of its response deploy ability of the aforementioned units, and the establishment
capability against the threat of ballistic missiles. of organic partnerships and networks with the MSDF and ASDF.
With regard to the BMD system, Japan will enhance b. The GSDF will maintain surface-to-ship guided missile units in
readiness, simultaneous engagement capability and sustainable order to prevent invasion of Japan’s remote islands while still at
response capability to strengthen the capability to protect the entire sea, as far as possible.
territory. c. The GSDF will maintain surface-to-air guided missile units in
Based on appropriate role and mission sharing between Japan order to effectively provide air defense to protect operational units
and the U.S., in order to strengthen the deterrent of the Japan- and key areas, working in tandem with the surface-to-air guided
U.S. Alliance as a whole through enhancement of Japan’s own missile units referred to in (3) d. below.
deterrent and response capability, Japan will study a potential form d. The GSDF will review the organization and equipment of the basic
of response capability to address the means of ballistic missile operational units (divisions and brigades) other than the rapidly
launches and related facilities, and take means as necessary. deployable ones referred to in a. above, with a particular focus on
g. Responses in outer space and cyberspace tanks/howitzers and rockets. Following thorough rationalization
While strengthening information collection capability using and streamlining, these units will be deployed appropriately,
satellites equipped with a variety of sensors, and reinforcing according to geographical characteristics.
command, control and telecommunications capabilities, the SDF (2) Maritime Self Defense Force (MSDF)
will secure effective, stable use of outer space so that satellites can a. The MSDF will maintain destroyer units and ship-based patrol
continuously exercise their capabilities even in contingencies by helicopter units strengthened by increased numbers of equipment,
enhancing the survivability of satellites through such initiatives as including the new destroyers, with additional multifunctional
space situational awareness. In implementing such initiatives, the capability and with a compact-type hull, in order to effectively
SDF will form organic partnerships with research and development conduct persistent ISR and antisubmarine operations etc., thereby
institutions in Japan, as well as with the U.S. facilitating agile response in such areas as the defense of the
As for cyberspace, Japan will enhance integrated persistent seas surrounding Japan, the security of maritime traffic, and
surveillance and response capabilities and expertise and latest international peace cooperation activities etc.
equipment will be continuously developed and secured in order to Along with the surface-to-air guided missile units referred to
prevent actions that hinder efficient SDF activities. in (3) d. below, the destroyer units will maintain Aegis-equipped
h. Responses to major disasters, etc. destroyers capable of providing Japan with multi-layered defense
In the event of a large-scale natural disaster such as a Nankai against ballistic missile attacks.
Trough earthquake, or an atypical disaster such as a nuclear b. The MSDF will maintain submarine units strengthened by
emergency, it is of vital importance to respond swiftly from the increased numbers of them, in order to effectively conduct patrol
initial stages of the impact and carry out such tasks as information and defense of the seas surrounding Japan, as well as regularly
gathering on the extent and nature of the damage from the air by engage in broad underwater intelligence gathering and warning
aircrafts, rescue operations and emergency repairs. In this regard, and surveillance in those seas.
the SDF will develop a response posture sustainable for long- c. The MSDF will maintain fixed-wing patrol aircraft units in order
term operation, through swift transportation and deployment of to effectively conduct patrol and defense of the seas surrounding
appropriately size units, and by establishing a rotating staffing Japan, as well as regularly engage in broad maritime intelligence
posture based on a joint operational approach. gathering and warning and surveillance in those seas.
i. Responses focused on international peace cooperation activities d. The MSDF will maintain minesweeper units in order to effectively
and other similar activities conduct minesweeping operations in the seas surrounding
In international peace cooperation activities and other similar Japan in collaboration with the new destroyers with additional
activities, the SDF will strengthen the necessary protective multifunctional capability and with the compact-type hull referred
capabilities to carry out its operations, ensuring the safety of to in a. above.
personnel and units. Moreover, the SDF will work on enhancing (3) Air Self-Defense Force (ASDF)
transport and deployment capability, information communication a. The ASDF will maintain air warning and control units consisting
capability with a view to long term activities in Africa and other of warning and control units and air warning units. Warning and
remote locations, and strengthening logistic and medical service control units will be equipped with ground-based warning and
structure for smooth and continuous operation. control radar that can detect and track any ballistic missiles flying
From the standpoint of carrying out international peace into Japanese air space, as well as providing persistent ISR in
cooperation activities more effectively, Japan will consider most air space over Japan and the surrounding areas. Air warning
measures for making more effective use of the SDF Operational units will be enhanced in order to conduct effective warning,
Facility for Deployed Air Force for Anti-Piracy Operation in surveillance and control in the air over long periods in the event of
Djibouti. “gray zone” situations.
Furthermore, while strengthening intelligence gathering b. The ASDF will maintain fighter aircraft units reinforced by highly
capability required for operations, the SDF will enhance its capable fighter aircrafts in order to provide aerial defense for Japan
education, training and personnel management systems in order based on a comprehensive posture that brings together fighter
to facilitate the continuous dispatch of adequate personnel for aircrafts and relevant support functions. In addition, the ASDF will
overseas cooperation activities. maintain enhanced aerial refueling and transport units that will
3. Architecture of each service of the Self-Defense Forces enable fighter aircraft units and air warning units, etc. to carry out
The organization, equipment and disposition in each service of the SDF various operations sustainably in the air space surrounding Japan.
ensure that it can function as effectively as possible. The key aspects of this Medical College Hospital. The SDF will also attach greater importance to
are as follows. securing and training of such medical staff as medical officers, nurses and
1. Training and Exercises emergency medical technicians.
Through routine training and exercises, the SDF will ceaselessly review The SDF will consider such matters as revisions of regulations of
and examine various plans for dealing with situations, as well as strive to emergency medical treatment on situation responses, and improve first
enhance and strengthen its training and exercises in order to improve the aid capabilities on the frontline, and will put in place a posture for rapid
tactical skills in each of its branches. In doing so, as well as making more medical evacuation that takes into account the viewpoints of enhanced
effective use of the excellent training environment in Hokkaido, the SDF joint capabilities.
will work in partnership with relevant organizations and the civilian sector, 5. Defense Production and Technological Bases
in order to ensure systematic implementation of more practical training Retaining an adequate level of defense production and technological bases
and exercises. is essential not only for the production, operation, maintenance and upkeep
In the southwestern region, where there are limitations on the of equipment, but also for research and development of equipment that fits
exercise areas, etc. of the SDF, the SDF will secure a favorable training the operational environment, and for the expected potential to contribute
environment through the joint use of U.S. military facilities and areas, to enhancing deterrence.
while remaining sensitive to relationships with the local community, so At the same time, against the backdrop of the severe fiscal
that timely and appropriate training and exercises can be carried out, situation and rises in the equipment unit price as it becomes increasingly
including Japan-U.S. bilateral training and exercises. sophisticated and complex, the numbers of units of procured equipment
2. Operational Infrastructure are on the decline. Moreover, the environment surrounding Japan’s defense
The SDF will improve survivability, including the recovery capabilities of production and technological bases is becoming more severe. For instance,
military camps and bases, etc., in order to maintain the support functions the competitiveness of foreign companies is growing, as a result of the
that serve as the operational infrastructure for units, so that units can be advance of large-scale and cross-border restructuring and consolidation of
deployed swiftly and respond to various situations effectively. the defense industry.
Moreover, in light of the fact that some SDF facilities are currently In this kind of environment, the Ministry of Defense will formulate
dilapidated, the SDF will implement a steady repair and maintenance a strategy that sets forth its future vision for Japan’s defense production
program, as well as expansion of the necessary quarters in order to ensure and technological bases as a whole and will promote participation in
an emergency call-up of personnel in the event of various situations, international joint development and production and adapting defense
thereby enhancing readiness. equipment to civilian use, in order to maintain and reinforce such bases
The SDF will undertake necessary deliberations concerning civilian without delay.
airports and ports, including approaches to the various systems on a day- With regard to contribution to peace and international cooperation,
to-day basis, in order to ensure that such facilities can be used as part of the there are increasing opportunities to cooperate in a more effective
operational infrastructure for the SDF, etc. from an early stage, depending manner through, for example, the utilization and provision to disaster-
on the situation. Furthermore, it will implement various family support stricken countries and others of heavy machinery and other defense
measures, in order to alleviate the anxieties both of troops serving away equipment carried to sites by the SDF. Moreover, internationally, it has
from home and of their families while they are away. become the mainstream to participate in international joint development
The SDF will enhance and strengthen the operational infrastructure and production projects in order to improve the performance of defense
in terms of equipment and materials, such as improving the operational equipment while dealing with the rising costs of the equipment. In this
availability of equipment, by taking all possible measures to maintain and context, from the perspective of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based
upgrade SDF equipment, as well as securing and stockpiling the necessary on the principle of international cooperation, Japan is required to engage
ammunition. more proactively in peacebuilding efforts and international cooperation by
3. Personnel and Education utilizing defense equipment in various ways, and to participate in joint
Given that equipment has become more advanced and complex, and development and production of defense equipment and other related items.
missions more diverse and internationalized in recent years, the SDF Against this backdrop, while giving due consideration to the roles that
will implement measures to reform the personnel management system, the Three Principles on Arms Exports and their related policy guidelines
in order to ensure the edge of its troops and the effective use of human have played so far, the Government of Japan will set out clear principles
resources amid a severe fiscal situation, taking into consideration a on the overseas transfer of arms and military technology, which fit the
variety of elements, including skills, experience, physical strength and new security environment. In this context, considerations will be made
morale. with regard to defining cases where transfers are prohibited; limiting cases
Accordingly, the SDF will implement measures to ensure an where transfers could be allowed with strict examination; and ensuring
appropriate composition of ranks and age distribution, taking into appropriate control over transfers in terms of unauthorized use and third
account the various missions and characteristics of each branch of the party transfer.
SDF. 6. Efficient Acquisition of Equipment
The SDF will implement measures to make effective use of In order to achieve effective and efficient acquisition of equipment,
human resources, such as more effective use of female SDF personnel including in research and development activities, the Ministry of Defense
and expansion of reappointment, and measures related to honors and will strengthen project management throughout the life-cycle of equipment
privileges. In order to strengthen the joint operations structure, the SDF through introducing a project manager system, as well as through
will enhance education and training, and, through secondments to the considering the possibility of further introducing long-term contracts and
Joint Staff and relevant ministries and agencies, retain adequate personnel further upgrading the contract system to provide cost reduction incentives
who have a broad outlook and ideas, as well as wide-ranging experience to companies, aiming to improve cost-effectiveness throughout the life-
in Japan’s security-affairs, and who can respond flexibly and rapidly to cycle of equipment.
various situations as part of the government. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense will try to improve readiness
In light of the deterioration of the recruiting environment resulting and response capabilities through reforms of the logistics posture through
from social factors such as the declining birthrate and popularization of effective use of capacity in the private sector. Furthermore, it will
higher education, the SDF will promote a diverse range of recruitment ceaselessly pursue greater transparency in the acquisition process and
measures to spread the perception that the SDF is an attractive job option. increased rationalization of the contract system, and strive to achieve more
Furthermore, as it is the responsibility of the Government of Japan to rigorous procedures for the acquisition of equipment.
secure the livelihoods of the SDF personnel, who are compelled to resign 7. Research and Development
at a younger age than ordinary civil servants, the SDF will promote support The Ministry of Defense will ensure consistency with the priorities
for re-employment by strengthening collaboration with local governments for upgrading defense capability when commencing research and
development as well as consolidating the capabilities of the government,
Medium Term Defense Program (FY2014-FY2018)
industry and academia. Under such recognition, the Ministry of Defense
will strive to make effective use of civilian technology that can also be I. Program Guidelines
applied to defense (dual-use technologies), by enhancing partnerships In carrying out the Defense Program for FY2014 to FY2018 in accordance
with universities and research institutes, while strengthening technology with the National Defense Program Guidelines for FY2014 and beyond
control functions to prevent the outflow of advanced technologies. (approved by the National Security Council and the Cabinet on December
The Ministry of Defense will examine its research and development 17, 2013) (hereinafter “NDPG2013”), Japan will develop a Dynamic Joint
initiative for achieving the aforementioned objectives. Defense Force. It will provide an effective defense which enables the SDF
8. Collaboration with Local Communities to conduct a diverse range of activities based on joint operations seamlessly
The Ministry of Defense and the SDF will further strengthen collaboration and dynamically, adapting to situations as they demand, while prioritizing
with relevant organizations, including local governments, the police and particularly important functions and capabilities through optimal resource
the fire service, in order to enable the SDF to provide accurate response allocation. At the same time, the Dynamic Joint Defense Force will serve
to various situations. Such close partnerships with local governments, etc. as a defense force which emphasizes soft and hard readiness capabilities,
are exceedingly important from the perspective not only of the effective sustainability, resiliency and connectivity, reinforced by advanced technology
improvement and smooth operation of defense facilities, but also of the and Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I) capabilities,
recruitment of SDF personnel, as well as the provision of re-employment with a consideration to establish a wide range of infrastructure to support
support for them. operations by the Self-Defense Forces (SDF). In strengthening the SDF
Accordingly, as well as continuing to advance measures targeting structure, a highly effective joint defense force will be efficiently developed by
the areas around defense facilities, with a view to their improvement comprehensively prioritizing particularly important functions and capabilities
and operation, the Ministry of Defense and SDF will routinely engage identified through joint operation-based capability assessments of the SDF’s
in various measures such as intensive public relations activities focused overall functions and capabilities against various scenarios.
on their policies and activities, in order to secure the understanding and Given the considerations mentioned above, the SDF will effectively and
cooperation of local governments and communities. efficiently build, maintain and operate defense forces based on the following
Given that the presence of SDF units makes a substantial contribution program guidelines:
to the maintenance and revitalization of local communities in some areas, 1. The defense forces will seamlessly and dynamically fulfill its
and supports community medicine through emergency patient transport responsibilities including providing an effective deterrence and response to
using SDF search and rescue aircraft in others, the Ministry of Defense a variety of security situations, supporting stability in the Asia-Pacific, and
and the SDF will give consideration to the attributes of each area in the improving the global security environment. With a focus on enhancement
reorganization of units and deployment of military camps and bases, etc., of joint operability, the SDF will place particular emphasis on Intelligence,
in order to secure the understanding of local governments and residents. At Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR), intelligence, transport, and C3I
the same time, in operating the military camps and bases, etc., the Ministry capabilities. In addition, defense forces will enhance their capabilities
of Defense will pay attention to the contribution of the operation to the to respond to an attack on remote islands, ballistic missile attacks, outer
local economy. space and cyberspace threats, large-scale disasters, and international peace
9. Boosting Communication Capabilities cooperation efforts (activities cooperatively carried out by the international
The Ministry of Defense and SDF will strengthen strategic public society to improve the international security environment such as U.N.
relations and communication to enhance the dissemination of information Peace Keeping Operations, Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/
via a diverse range of media, in order to secure domestic and overseas DR), and others in the fields of non-traditional security). The SDF will
understanding which is vital to effectively conduct SDF duties. steadily develop the foundations for maximizing the effectiveness of these
10. Enhancing the Intellectual Base functions and capabilities.
The Ministry of Defense will promote education on security-related 2. In relevant efforts, the SDF will prioritize the development of capacities to
matters at educational institutions, in order to enhance understanding of ensure maritime supremacy and air superiority, which is the prerequisite
security and crisis management among the populace. Moreover, in addition for effective deterrence and response to various situations, including
to strengthening the Ministry of Defense and SDF research systems, with a defense posture buildup in Japan’s southwestern region. Furthermore, the
particular focus on the National Institute for Defense Studies, the Ministry SDF will emphasize the establishment of rapid deployment capabilities.
of Defense will promote various partnerships, including education and At the same time, regarding preparation for a Cold-War era style
research exchange with other research and educational institutions within invasion such as the landing of large-scale ground forces, the SDF will
the government, as well as universities and think-tanks both within Japan establish the minimum necessary level of expertise and skill required to
and overseas. respond to unforeseen changes in its security situation in the future and to
11. Promoting Reform of the Ministry of Defense maintain them, and thereby further promote efforts to achieve even greater
The Ministry of Defense will further promote reforms by constantly efficiency and rationalization of its activities.
reviewing its work methods and organization in order to foster a sense of 3. Regarding equipment acquisition and maintenance, by properly
unity among civilian officials and uniformed personnel, total optimization combining the introduction of new, high-performance equipment, with
in building up defense capability, strengthening SDF’s joint operation life extension and improvement of existing equipment etc., the SDF
functions and enhancing policy-making and communication functions. will efficiently secure defense capabilities adequate both in quantity and
VI. Additional Points quality. In this effort, the Ministry of Defense (MOD) will strengthen its
project management throughout its equipment life-cycle, including during
1. These Guidelines set out the form of Japan’s defense force over the
its research and development activities, and reduce the life-cycle costs to
next decade or so. The National Security Council will conduct regular,
improve cost-effectiveness.
systematic review over the course of implementation of the various
4. Given the more advanced and complex equipment, and more diverse and
measures and programs. Smooth, swift and accurate transition to the
internationalized missions in recent years, to ensure SDF’s strength and
future defense force will be facilitated through validations based on joint
the effective use of defense force personnel, the SDF will implement
operational capability assessment while advancing such initiatives in a
measures, including the more effective use of female SDF personnel and
timely and appropriate manner.
reserve personnel, in order to reform its personnel management system.
2. When major changes in the situation are anticipated during the review and
5. In order to address an increasingly severe security environment and to
verification process, necessary examination of the security environment at
strengthen deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance,
that time will be taken into account and these guidelines will be revised
in conjunction with the U.S. policy of strategic rebalancing towards the
Asia-Pacific region, Japan will further promote a variety of cooperation
3. In light of the increasingly tough fiscal conditions, Japan will strive to
and consultations with the United States in a wide range of areas including
achieve greater efficiency and streamlining in the defense capability
the revision of the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation. Japan
addition, the GSDF promote efficiency and rationalize the command and the current operational situation of the existing AWACS (E-767)
control function of each regional army headquarters, as well as review and airborne early warning aircraft (E-2C), the SDF will procure
other functions of some regional army headquarters. As part of such new airborne early warning and control aircraft or airborne early
efforts, the Central Readiness Force will be disbanded and its subsidiary warning aircraft as stated in (1), and establish one squadron
units will be integrated into the Ground Central Command. consisting of airborne early warning aircraft (E-2C) in the air
In order to be able to respond swiftly to and deal effectively and warning unit and deploy it at Naha Air Base as stated in Section
nimbly with an attack on remote islands and various other situations, II-3. By preparing a deployment structure for mobile air defense
the GSDF will transform two divisions and two brigades respectively radar on remote islands in the southwestern region, a fully-
into two rapid deployment divisions and two rapid deployment brigades prepared surveillance posture will be maintained.
that are furnished with advanced mobility and ISR capabilities. By (b) Obtaining and Securing Air Superiority
establishing a coast observation unit, area security units in charge of For overall improvement of air defense capabilities including
initial response activities and so on, the defense posture of the remote cruise missile defense capability, the SDF will increase the
islands in the southwest region will be strengthened. In a bid to develop number of fighter aircraft units at Naha Air Base from one
sufficient amphibious operational capabilities, which enable the SDF to squadron to two as stated in Section II-3, continue to facilitate
land, recapture and secure without delay any remote islands that might procurement of fighter aircraft (F-35A), modernize its fighter
be invaded, an amphibious rapid deployment brigade consisting of aircraft (F-15), and improve the air-to-air combat capabilities and
several regiment-scale units specializing in amphibious operations will be network functions of its fighter aircraft (F-2). In addition, after
established. considering its options, it will take necessary measures to replace
From the perspective of enabling swift and flexible operations, fighter aircraft (F-15) unsuitable for modernization with more
while thoroughly facilitating efficiency and rationalizing preparations capable fighter aircraft. Along with continuing to procure middle-
for invasion, such as the landing of large-scale ground forces, the GSDF range surface-to-air guided missiles, the SDF will further improve
will steadily implement programs towards successive formation of units its surface-to-air guided missile PATRIOT systems by equipping
equipped with newly-introduced mobile combat vehicles and removal of them with new advanced interceptor missiles (PAC-3 MSE) that
tanks deployed in basic operational units stationed in locations other than can be used both for response to cruise missiles and aircraft and
Hokkaido and Kyushu. It will also concentrate tanks located in Kyushu into for ballistic missile defense (BMD). The SDF will also procure
newly organized tank units under direct command of the Western Army. new aerial refueling/transport aircraft, and continuously work to
In addition, the GSDF will steadily carry out programs that concentrate equip transport aircraft (C-130H) with aerial refueling capabilities
howitzers deployed in basic operational units stationed in locations other and procure rescue helicopters (UH-60J). In addition, the SDF
than Hokkaido into field artillery units to be newly organized under the will examine what is the appropriate air defense posture in remote
direct command of the respective regional armies. islands in the Pacific.
2. For the purpose of defending the seas surrounding Japan and ensuring the (c) Obtaining and Securing Maritime Supremacy
security of maritime traffic in the region, through the effective conduct of In defense of the seas surrounding Japan and to ensure the
various operations such as persistent ISR operations and anti-submarine security of maritime traffic, the SDF will effectively conduct
operations, as well as for agile response in international peace cooperation various activities including holding persistent ISR and anti-
activities, the Marine Self-Defense Force (MSDF) will retain four flotillas submarine operations; procuring Aegis-equipped destroyers
mainly consisting of one helicopter destroyer (DDH), and two Aegis- (DDG), destroyer (DD), submarines, fixed-wing patrol aircraft
equipped destroyers (DDG). Five divisions will consist of other destroyers (P-1) and patrol helicopters (SH-60K); and conducting service-
as well. Necessary measures to increase the number of submarines will extension activities on existing destroyers, submarines, fixed-
also be continued. wing patrol aircraft (P-3C) and patrol helicopters (SH-60J) as
3. To enhance the air defense posture in the southwestern region, the Air stated in (1). At the same time, it will introduce new compact-type
Self-Defense Force (ASDF) will relocate one fighter squadron to Naha Air hull destroyers with multifunctional capabilities. In addition, the
Base, and newly organize and deploy one airborne early warning squadron SDF will introduce ship-based multipurpose helicopters required
at Naha Air Base. for enabling destroyer units to sustainably conduct activities as
To prevent the relative decline of Japan’s air defense capabilities situations demand, and continue to procure Mine Sweeper Ocean
and ensure sustained air superiority, ASDF units equipped with training (MSO) vessels, amphibious rescue aircraft (US-2), and surface-
support functions will be integrated for further effective enhancement of to-ship guided missiles.
advanced tactical skills. (d) Improvement of Capabilities for Rapid Deployment and Response
4. The total number of authorized GSDF personnel at the end of FY2018 In order to secure capabilities for swift and large-scale
will be approximately 159,000, with approximately 151,000 being active- transportation and deployment operations and improve effective
duty personnel, and approximately 8,000 being reserve-ready personnel. response capabilities, transport aircraft (C-2) and transport
The authorized number of active-duty personnel of the MSDF and ASDF helicopters (CH-47JA) will continue to be procured. Besides the
through FY2018 will be approximately at the same levels as at the end of ship-based multipurpose helicopters mentioned in (c), the SDF
FY2013. will introduce tilt-rotor aircraft that complement and strengthen
the capabilities of transport helicopters (CH-47JA) in terms of
III. Major Programs regarding SDF’s Capabilities
cruising speed and range. In addition, the SDF will take necessary
1. Effective Deterrence and Response to Various Situations measures after considering the possibility of new multipurpose
(1) Ensuring Security of the Sea and Airspace Surrounding Japan helicopters that will success the existing multipurpose helicopters
In order to strengthen the posture to conduct persistent ISR in broad (UH-1J). In developing such aerial transport capabilities, the
areas and to detect any signs of significant development at an early SDF will avoid functional redundancy by clarifying the roles and
stage, the SDF will procure additional Aegis-equipped destroyers assignments among the various means of transportation.
(DDG), destroyer (DD), submarines, fixed-wing patrol aircraft (P-1) The SDF will reinforce transportation and deployment
and patrol helicopters (SH-60K), and conduct service-extension work capabilities, by such means as acquiring amphibious vehicles
on existing destroyers, submarines, fixed-wing patrol aircraft (P-3C) that support units’ amphibious landing efforts on remote islands,
and patrol helicopters (SH-60J), as well as take necessary measures after and refitting existing Tank Landing Ships (LST). The SDF will
fully reviewing the value of ship-based unmanned aerial vehicles with consider what the role should be of a multipurpose vessel with
patrol capabilities. With a view to increasing the number of destroyers, capabilities for command and control, large-scale transportation,
the SDF will also introduce new, compact-type hull destroyers with and aircraft operations, which can be utilized in various operations
additional multifunctional capabilities. The SDF will procure new such as amphibious operations, and reach a conclusion regarding
airborne early warning and control aircraft or airborne early warning
training for prompt unit deployment to remote islands. While to develop a sophisticated X-Band satellite communications
improving guidance capability of existing precision-guided system. With a view to ensuring the constant availability of these
bombs and procuring surface-to-ship guided missiles, the SDF capabilities in a variety of contingencies, the SDF will actively
will also promote the development of improved capabilities of promote space situational awareness efforts, and research on
ship-to-ship guided missiles, such as increasing their firing range. satellite protection, and work to enhance the resiliency of its
(e) Development of C3I satellites. In making such efforts, given that relevant domestic
From the perspective of improving joint force capabilities, aimed organizations and the United States possess the latest technologies
at establishing a command and control system which enables and knowledge related to outer space, the MOD will facilitate
the dynamic operation of units across the country so as to cooperation including in the area of personnel development with
immediately concentrate necessary units into the area to be dealt such organizations.
with, such as remote islands, the SDF will take steps to station (b) Response to Cyber Attacks
GSDF, MSDF and ASDF personnel in the main headquarters of To continuously ensure sufficient security against cyber attacks,
each of the other services, making effective use of the knowledge with consideration to enhancing capabilities through joint
and experience held by each respective service. In addition, as operations and efficiency in resource allocations, the SDF will
stated in Section II-1, the SDF will expedite the establishment of establish the necessary system by such measures as to enhance the
the Ground Central Command, while promoting efficiency and survivability of the command and control systems and information
rationalizing the command and control functions of each regional communication networks of the three services, to strengthen
army headquarters, as well as reviewing the functions of some capabilities for information gathering and research and analysis,
regional army headquarters. and to develop a practical training environment where response
With regard to the information and communications capabilities against cyber attacks can be tested. Through its efforts
capabilities which serve as a foundation for nation-wide to secure response capabilities in cyberspace where attackers
operations, and the goal of strengthening the communications have an overwhelming advantage, the SDF may consider the
infrastructure on remote islands, the SDF will extend the acquisition of capabilities to prevent them from using cyberspace.
secured exclusive communication link for the SDF to Yonaguni In addition, the SDF will strive to keep abreast of the latest risks,
Island, and newly deploy mobile multiplex communication response measures and technological trends, including through
equipment at Naha Air Base. The SDF will strive to enhance cooperation with the private sector, and strategic talks and joint
data link functions among the three services, upgrade the field exercises with allies.
communications systems, continue to promote the utilization of Given that it is essential to employ personnel with expertise
outer space for defense-related purposes, and develop an X-Band on a continuing basis and that methods of cyber attack are
communications satellite with high performance. The SDF will increasingly sophisticated and complicated, the SDF plans to
take additional necessary measures after considering the necessity develop personnel with strong cyber security expertise, through
of further enhancements to its communications systems. efforts such as improving the in-house curriculum for specialized
(3) Response to Ballistic Missile Attacks education, expanding learning opportunities at institutions of
Given North Korea’s improved ballistic missile capabilities, the SDF higher education at home and abroad, and cultivating expertise
will pursue the comprehensive improvement of its response capabilities through personnel management efforts.
against the threat of ballistic missiles. To enable a comprehensive response to cyber attacks through
For reinforcing its multi-layered and sustainable defense posture a whole-of-government approach, the SDF will enhance close
for the entire territory of Japan against ballistic missile attacks, the coordination with relevant government agencies by regularly
SDF will procure additional Aegis-equipped destroyers (DDG), and providing expertise and MOD/SDF personnel, and improve
continue to improve the capabilities of its existing DDGs. As stated in training and exercises.
(2)(b), the SDF will pursue further improvement of its surface-to-air (5) Response to Large-scale Disasters
guided missile PATRIOT system so as to equip it with new advanced In the event of a large-scale natural disaster such as the Nankai Trough
interceptor missiles (PAC-3 MSE) that can be used both for response earthquake, or a special disaster such as a nuclear emergency, the SDF
to cruise missiles and aircraft and for BMD. In addition, to reinforce will respond by immediately transporting and deploying sufficient
its ballistic missile detecting and tracking capabilities, the SDF will numbers of SDF units, as well as establishing a rotating staff posture
promote the improvement of its automated warning and control based on a joint operational approach. These efforts will enable a
systems (Japan Aerospace Defense Ground Environment), as well as sustained response over the long term. In these efforts, the SDF will
procurement and improvement of its fixed air defense radar (FPS-7) leverage lessons of vital importance learned from the Great East Japan
systems. Earthquake, to gather information on the extent and nature of the damage
Along with the continuous promotion of Japan-U.S. cooperative by aircraft from the initial stages of the impact and immediately engage
development of advanced interceptor missiles for BMD (SM-3 in rescue activities, for the purpose of protecting people’s lives, In
Block IIA), the MOD will, after examining options, take necessary addition, it will implement prompt emergency reconstruction activities
measures for the transition to the production and deployment phases. including elimination of road obstacles indispensable for the private
The SDF will conduct bilateral training and exercises to enhance the sector’s efforts including the smooth transportation of relief materials.
effectiveness of the Japan-U.S. bilateral BMD response posture, and With close coordination and cooperation with relevant government
make an effort to establish the basis for deployment of the SDF to agencies, local governments and private sector organizations, the MOD
respond to a ballistic missile attack. will promote such measures as to establish contingency planning and to
The MOD will conduct studies on the best mix of the overall conduct training and exercises, and secure alternative capabilities when
posture of its future BMD system, including the new BMD equipment. the basis for the SDF’s disaster and deployment operations is affected.
Also, based on appropriate role-sharing between Japan and the U.S., (6) Strengthening Intelligence Capabilities
with a view to strengthening the deterrence capacity of Japan-U.S. Given that advanced intelligence functions lay the foundation for
Alliance as a whole by enhancing Japan’s own deterrence and response MOD/SDF to sufficiently fulfill their roles, the MOD will strengthen
capabilities, the MOD will study its possible response capability to all stages of its intelligence capabilities, including gathering, analyzing,
address the means of ballistic missile launches and related facilities, sharing and securing intelligence.
and will take necessary measures. With regards to the methods for intelligence gathering and
In preparation for an attack by guerrilla or special operations analysis, with a view to flexibly meeting the demands of changes in
forces concurrent with a ballistic missile attack, the SDF will continue the security environment, the MOD will promote the development
to procure a variety of surveillance equipment, light armored vehicles, and improvement of its intelligence gathering facilities, and
In an effort to meet the increasingly complex and diverse needs Operation and U.N. Department of peacekeeping operations which
from policy departments and operational sides, in a timely and precise would help Japan in making more contribution in the field.
manner, in the increasingly severe security environment surrounding The Japan Peacekeeping Training and Research Center will expand
Japan, the MOD will strengthen its comprehensive information its curriculum, and strengthen cooperation with relevant government
gathering and analysis capabilities, through such efforts as the review agencies, foreign countries, and non-governmental organizations
of its recruitment efforts and the composition of its human resources to through efforts such as providing educational opportunities to not only
develop highly competent analysts, integration and enhancement of its SDF personnel, but also candidates from various backgrounds.
cross-organizational intelligence curriculum, and regularization of the To correspond to the reality of the U.N. peacekeeping operations,
efforts to place the intelligence side personnel for a given period in the Japan will continue to consider how it might expand its participation
policy departments and operational sides. in such operations.
Considering the importance of information security, under (6) Cooperating to Promote Arms Control, Disarmament and
the current severe fiscal situation, and in pursuit of more efficient Nonproliferation
intelligence gathering, the MOD will promote the all-source analysis In order to contribute to various activities in the field of arms control
expected to create great synergies, through seeking to enhance the and disarmament undertaken by the United Nations and other
posture of and the effective collection management, and facilitating organizations, Japan will continue its active engagement including its
complete information sharing between those who need to know, contribution of personnel to these efforts. Given that proliferation of
including relevant government agencies. weapons of mass destruction and missiles that serve as their means of
2. Stabilization of the Asia-Pacific Region and Improvement of the Global delivery pose a severe threat to the peace and stability not only to Japan,
Security Environments but also to the international community as a whole, in cooperation
From the perspective of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the with relevant countries and international organizations, Japan will
principle of international cooperation, aimed at stabilizing the Asia-Pacific facilitate efforts towards nonproliferation such as participation in the
region, Japan will enhance bilateral and multilateral cooperative relations Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI).
and conduct various activities including training and exercises in a timely 3. Basic Structure to Maximize Defense Capability
and appropriate manner, as well as actively engage in international peace (1) Training and Exercises
cooperation activities to properly address global security challenges. The To effectively respond to various contingencies and enhance its
following elements will be particularly important to these efforts: deterrence effectiveness, the SDF’s joint training and exercises
(1) Holding Training and Exercises and Japan-U.S. bilateral training and exercises will be conducted
In addition to timely and appropriate implementation of SDF training in a tailored and visible way. Leveraging the lessons learned from
and exercises, Japan will promote bilateral and multilateral combined these training and exercises, the SDF will conduct regular studies
training and exercises in the Asia-Pacific region, proactively and and reviews of its plans to address contingencies. Along with these
visibly demonstrating our nation’s resolve and advanced capabilities efforts, the SDF will expand the use of the good training environment
focused on regional stabilization. In addition, it will seek to improve in Hokkaido, by SDF units across the country, to conduct effective
interoperability and build and strengthen practical cooperative training and exercises. In addition, the SDF will facilitate active use
relationships with relevant countries. of LSTs and transport capabilities of the civilian sector, and improve
(2) Promoting Defense Cooperation and Exchanges unit mobility. Doing so will enable nation-wide deployment of well-
Enhancing mutual understanding and relationships of trust with other trained units stationed in Hokkaido. To carry out effective training
countries and international organizations is important as the cornerstone and exercises in the SDF’s southwestern region, where only limited
of efforts to stabilize the security environment. Japan will take further space is available for SDF training, and accounting for relations with
steps to promote bilateral and multilateral defense cooperation and local communities, the MOD will continue effort to expand the joint/
exchanges on various levels not limited to high-level exchanges, but shared use of U.S. Forces facilities with the SDF. In addition, actively
including unit-level exchanges, such as building and strengthening engaging in bilateral trainings at home and abroad with U.S. Forces
cooperative relationships focused on wide-ranging security issues of such as the U.S. Marines, the SDF will strive to promptly develop
common interest including HA/DR, maritime security, and ensuring sufficient amphibious operational capabilities.
the stable use of outer space and cyberspace. Seeking to respond to various situations with a whole-of-
(3) Promoting Capacity Building Assistance government approach, coordination with relevant agencies including
By utilizing the capabilities the SDF has accumulated, the MOD will police and firefighters, and the Japan Coast Guard will be reinforced.
help countries concerned to enhance their military capabilities in such In addition, the government will conduct various simulation exercise
fields as HA/DR, disposal of landmines and unexploded ordnance, and comprehensive training and exercises regarding various situations
and military medicine, so as to stabilize the security environment, as including civil protection on a regular basis in a tailored manner.
well as strengthen relations with defense authorities of those countries. (2) Operational Infrastructure
Cooperating with partners actively engaged in capacity building Given that SDF camps and bases are indispensable for rapid
such as the United States and Australia, with due consideration for deployment and response to various contingencies as well as for
coordination with diplomatic policies such as the Official Development ensuring a sustained response posture for the long term, the resiliency
Assistance (ODA), Japan will provide effective and efficient support in of military camps and bases will be enhanced. In particular, the SDF
capacity building. will strengthen its capabilities to immediately rebuild various camp and
(4) Ensuring Maritime Security base support functions such as runways, information-communication
For the purpose of maintaining “Open and Stable Seas,” which serve infrastructure, and stable fuel supply. For the SDF to immediately
as the cornerstone of Japan’s peace and prosperity efforts as a maritime utilize civilian airports and ports in contingency situations, necessary
state, and ensuring security of maritime traffic, the MOD will further measures will be taken with consideration especially to developing
cooperate with allies to engage in anti-piracy activities off the coast of a deployment structure in the southwestern region. In addition, for
Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden, as well as help gulf countries improve the purpose of establishing readiness capabilities, the SDF will store
their own capabilities. In other ocean not surrounding Japan such as necessary ammunition and spare ports in locations most appropriate for
the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, the SDF will also leverage operations, as well as steadily construct and maintain necessary living
a variety of opportunities to promote combined training and exercises quarters surrounding SDF camps and bases. From the perspective
with countries which share Japan’s goal of maintaining maritime of enabling a sustained response posture over the long term, various
security. measures supporting families of military personnel will be promoted.
(5) Implementing International Peace Cooperation Activities To keep availability ratio of equipment at higher standards with
To immediately commence international peace cooperation lower costs, the MOD will conduct research as to what activities hamper
Given the characteristics of respective units, for the purpose of In order to keep SDF personnel in good health and enhance its military
achieving a composition of ranks that enables the three services medicine capabilities to enable the SDF to cope with a diverse range
to accomplish their respective missions in the most appropriate of missions in responses to various situations and international peace
and sustainable way, the SDF will promote measures to secure cooperation activities, the SDF will upgrade its hospitals to hubs with
and nurture appropriate-numbers of officers, warrant officers and enhanced functions, and promote the formation of networks across
sergeants/petty officers equipped with necessary capabilities, as hospitals and medical treatment rooms. Along with contributions to
well as recruit in a planned manner high-quality privates/seaman/ medical services in local communities, the SDF will establish an efficient
airman. and high-quality medical care structure, including improvements in
To ensure an appropriate age distribution, in addition to the management of the National Defense Medical College Hospital.
reviewing the retirement age of 60, the SDF will work to adjust By reinforcing education for medical officers, nurses and emergency
the age distribution in the respective officer, warrant officer, medical technicians, the SDF will make efforts to secure personnel with
sergeant/petty officer, and private/seaman/airman ranks, by more specialized and advanced skills. In addition, the SDF will consider
encouraging early retirement and more appropriately managing such matters as revision of regulations of emergency medical treatment
its privates/seaman/airman. While taking into consideration the on situation responses, and improve frontline first aid capabilities, and
status guarantee of SDF personnel, the SDF will conduct research will put in place a posture for rapid medical evacuation that takes into
on new systems for early retirement including systems used account the need for enhanced joint service capabilities. Furthermore,
by other countries. With a view to maintaining the proper age the SDF will also reinforce the functions of the National Defense
distribution among airplane pilots, the SDF will take measures Medical College, establishing it as a hub for education, and research in
to allow them to be re-employed in the private sector. In addition, the field of defense medical science.
the SDF will review the final promotion rate of officers, warrant (5) Defense Production and Technology Base
officers and sergeants/petty officers, and manage personnel more Retaining an adequate level of defense production and a technology
appropriately with consideration to personnel’s physical strength base is essential not only for the production, operation, sustainment
so as to maintain SDF’s strength. of equipment, but also for research and development of equipment
(b) Effective Utilization of Human Resources that fits the operational environment in Japan, and for the expected
In order to more effectively make use of its personnel, including potential to contribute to enhancing deterrence. Given that and Japan’s
its female personnel, the SDF will actively reappoint retiring intention to maintain and reinforce above-mentioned base, the MOD
personnel possessing advanced knowledge, skills and experience will formulate a strategy that sets forth its future vision for Japan’s
where such personnel prove beneficial to the overall SDF’s defense production and technology base as a whole.
strength. With a view to enhancing the technological capability and
To enable SDF personnel to pursue their missions with improving productivity of Japan’s defense production and technology
high morale and a strong feeling of pride, the SDF will promote base, as well as increasing global competitiveness, Japan will
measures related to honors and privileges including expansion of actively promote cooperation on defense equipment and technology
the Defense Meritorious Badge program. development, such as through international joint development and
In order to strengthen the joint operations structure, the SDF production with other countries including the United States and the
will enhance education and training, and, through secondment to United Kingdom, utilizing the technological fields where Japan enjoys
the Joint Staff Office and relevant ministries and agencies, retain an advantage. In coordination with relevant government agencies,
adequate personnel in the government who have a broad outlook the MOD will promote adapting defense equipment, such as aircraft
and ideas, as well as wide-ranging experience in Japan’s security- developed by the MOD/SDF, to civilian uses.
affairs, and who can respond flexibly and rapidly to a variety of The MOD will promote international joint development and
situations. production and civilian uses of defense equipment in a way that benefit
(c) Recruitment and Re-employment Support both manufacturers and the government.
In light of the deteriorating recruiting environment, resulting from (6) Efficient Acquisition of Equipment
social factors such as the declining birthrate and the increased To carry out effective and efficient acquisition of equipment, a project
pursuit of higher education, in order to continue to secure competent manager system will be introduced so as to enhance consistent project
personnel in the coming years, the SDF will work to enhance public management including insertion of a technological perspective
understanding of national defense and security issues, effectively throughout the life-cycle of equipment design, R&D, full rate
engage in public relations to adjust to the changing times, and production, acquisition, sustainment, capability upgrade and eventual
coordinate and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies and disposal. In relevant efforts, the MOD will establish a database of
local governments, so as to spread the perception that the SDF is an past contracts, which it will use to develop a simulation model for
attractive job option. price estimation, so as to enable independent estimates of more
As it is the responsibility of the Government of Japan (GOJ) appropriate acquisition prices. While utilizing the private sector’s
to provide financially for SDF personnel, compelled to resign knowledge, the MOD will actively train and appoint personnel to
at a younger age than ordinary civil servants, by strengthening positions that require knowledge, skills and specialized expertise in
collaboration with local governments and relevant organizations, the acquisition of equipment, such as specialists in cost analysis. In
through sharing the knowledge, skills and experience of retired addition, the MOD will develop a system that allows for reconside-
SDF personnel with society, the GOJ will facilitate such efforts ration, including review of specifications and project plans, when
as measures to provide more incentives for companies to employ there is a significant discrepancy between the estimated life-cycle
retired SDF personnel, and encourage employment of retired SDF cost derived from the analysis concerned and the real value of the
personnel in the public sector, so as to improve their re-employment life-cycle costs.
environment. To allow for prompt and efficient acquisitions, while ensuring
(d) Utilization of Personnel including Reserve Staff transparency and fairness, parties available for negotiated contracts
In order to support sustainable unit operations in situations that will be sorted and ranked as necessary so as to be useful. To diversify
are becoming increasingly diversified and protracted, the SDF will contract types and allow for the efficient acquisition of various
promote the use of ready reserve personnel and reserve personnel equipment, the government will take necessary measures after
in broad areas To that end, the SDF will facilitate the appointment considering further development of its contract system, to incentivize
of reserve personnel and their assignment to duties commensurate companies to lower prices, introduce longer-term contracts, which
with their specialized knowledge and skills including possible raise the predictability for companies and lead to lower costs, and
opportunities to work at headquarters, and will also improve training establish a flexible system for accepting orders such as, the use of a
for development of next-generation fighter aircraft including the MOD faces in a timely and appropriate manner.
possibility of international joint development of an aircraft to replace (11) Promoting Reform of the MOD
the F-2 when it is time to retire it. Based on the findings, the MOD will The MOD will further promote its reforms by regularly reviewing its
take necessary measures. In an effort to improve ISR capability, the work methods and organization in order to foster a sense of unity among
MOD will promote development of SIGINT aircraft as well as research civilian officials and uniformed personnel, and to optimize the build-
on new fixed air defense radar, and sonars with higher detecting up of defense capabilities, promote SDF joint operation functions and
capabilities through simultaneous use of multiple sonars. In addition, enhance policy-making and communication functions. In doing so, with
the MOD will conduct research on unmanned equipment available the intention of optimizing its defense force build-up, the MOD will
for flexible operations in case of various contingencies including establish a planning system for defense build-up with a focus on joint
large-scale natural disasters, and promote R&D to improve existing operation-based capability assessments, and take measures to facilitate
equipment including vehicles, ships and aircraft. efficiency and optimization in acquisition of equipment, keeping in mind
With a view to addressing emerging threats and securing an option to establish a new agency in the MOD. Also, to enhance the
technological advantage in the areas of strategically important prompt and efficient operation of the SDF, by such effort as integration
fields, the MOD will set a vision of future equipment which shows a of duties related to actual unit operations into the Joint Staff Office, the
direction of medium- and long-term R&D with regard to development MOD will eliminate overlapping duties in the Internal Bureau and the
of major equipment, in order to systematically conduct advanced Joint Staff Office, and conduct an organizational review including the
research from medium and long term perspectives. It will do this reorganization or disbanding of the Bureau of Operational Policy.
while considering the latest trends in science and technology, changes IV. Measures for Strengthening the Japan-U.S. Alliance
in battle field techniques, the potential for international joint research 1. Strengthening Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation
and development, and availability of effective joint operations among In order to maintain and strengthen the U.S. commitment to Japan and
major pieces of equipment. the Asia-Pacific region and to ensure Japan’s national security, Japan will
From a security standpoint, the MOD will also make an effort to continue the revision of and revise the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense
actively utilize civilian technologies applicable to defense needs (dual- Cooperation while strengthening Japan’s own capabilities as a premise for
use technologies) by such means as enhancement of coordination with these efforts.
universities and research institutions, while strengthening the function Meanwhile, Japan will expand bilateral training and exercises, joint
of technology control to prevent outflow of advanced technologies. ISR activities and the joint/shared use of facilities and areas by the SDF
In doing so, the MOD will always pay attention to keeping abreast and the U.S. forces. In addition, Japan will further deepen various Japan-
of scientific technological trends including information relevant U.S. operational cooperation and policy coordination in areas such as
to technological development and gathering industry-academic- BMD, bilateral planning, and bilateral Extended Deterrence Dialogue.
government strengths. In a related effort, the MOD will also promote Japan will also strengthen cooperation not only in the fields of
to have military technologies employed in civilian activities. counter-piracy, capacity building assistance, HA/DR, peacekeeping and
In order to achieve effective and efficient R&D in consideration counter-terrorism, but also in maritime affairs, outer space and cyberspace.
of the items stated above, the MOD will re-examine its research and Furthermore, Japan will strengthen and expand Japan-U.S.
development posture, and take necessary measures. cooperative relationship over a broad range of fields, including intelligence
(8) Collaboration with Local Communities cooperation and information security, and defense equipment and
As it is essential to closely coordinate with local governments in such technology cooperation.
efforts as effective response to various contingencies, and recruitment 2. Measures for furthering Smooth and Effective Stationing of U.S. Forces in
and re-employment support for SDF personnel, in pursuit of facilitated Japan
harmonization between defense facilities and their surrounding local From the perspective of making the stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan
communities, the MOD will continue to advance measures targeting the more smooth and effective, Japan will steadily ensure the Host Nation
areas around defense facilities, as well as engage in various measures Support (HNS).
such as intensive public relations activities focused on their policies
V. Quantities of Major Procurement
and activities, in order to secure the understanding and cooperation of
local governments and communities. The Annex Table shows details of the quantities of major procurement
Given that the presence of SDF units makes a substantial described in Section III. With a view to developing the defense forces
contribution to the maintenance and revitalization of local communities described in the Annex Table of NDPG2013 over 10-year time frame, this
in some areas, and supports medical services in communities through program will focus on build-up of defense forces the best adapted to the
emergency patient transport by SDF search and rescue aircraft, etc., current security environment.
the MOD/SDF will give consideration to the attributes of each area in VI. Expenditures
the reorganization of units, and deployment and administration of SDF 1. The expenditures required to implement the defense force developments
camps and bases, etc. in order to secure the understanding of local described in this program amount to approximately ¥24, 670 billion in
governments and residents. In these efforts, based on the governmental FY2013 prices.
contract policies vis-a-vis small and medium-sized enterprises 2. For the duration of this program, in harmony with other measures taken by
(SMEs), while considering efficiencies, the MOD will promote various the Government, approximately ¥700 billion will be secured by means of
measures conducive to local economies such as securing opportunities further streamlining and rationalization through efforts such as equipment
for local SMEs to receive orders. procurement reform. The annual defense budgets for the implementation
(9) Boosting Communication Capabilities of this program will be allocated within a limit of approximately ¥23, 970
Given that understanding and support from Japanese people and foreign billion over the next five years.
countries are of utmost importance for successful accomplishment of 3. This program will be reviewed after three years as necessary, with
SDF missions, the MOD will strive to provide information actively and consideration to such factors at home and abroad as the international
effectively via various media sources such as social media networks security environment, trends in technological standards including
with due consideration to consistency in the information content. information communication technology, and fiscal conditions.
Efforts to provide information to foreign countries about MOD/SDF VII. Other
activities abroad will be facilitated by such means as improvement of While maintaining the deterrence of U.S. Forces, Japan will steadily
its English web site. implement specific measures including the realignment of the U.S. forces in
Japan and SACO (Special Action Committee on Okinawa) related programs
to mitigate the impact on local communities, including those in Okinawa.
Notes: Each type of gun, except those of tanks and armored vehicles, includes self-propelled guns.
(As of March 31, 2018)
Number Maximum Crew Full Length Full Width
Service Type Model Use Engine
Owned Speed (knots) (number) (m) (m)
Liaison and
Fixed-wing LR-2 7 300 2 (8) 14 18 Turboprop, twin-engines
AH-1S Anti-tank 56 120 2 14 3 Turboshaft
OH-6D Observation 27 140 1 (3) 7 2 Turboshaft
GSDF OH-1 Observation 37 140 2 12 3 Turboshaft, twin-engines
Rotary-wing UH-1H/J Utility 127 120 2 (11) 13 3 Turboshaft
CH-47J/JA Transport 56 150/140 3 (55) 16 4/5 Turboshaft, twin-engines
UH-60JA Utility 40 150 2 (12) 16 3 Turboshaft, twin-engines
AH-64D Combat 12 150 2 18 6 Turboshaft, twin-engines
P-1 Patrol 19 450 11 38 35 Turbofan, quadruple-engine
P-3C Patrol 54 400 11 36 30 Turboprop, quadruple-engine
SH-60J Patrol 22 150 3 20 16 Turboshaft, twin-engine
SH-60K Patrol 58 140 4 20 16 Turboshaft, twin-engine
Minesweeping and
MCH-101 10 150 4 23 19 Turboshaft, triple engine
F-15J/DJ Fighter 201 mach 2.5 1/2 19 13 Turbofan, twin-engine
F-4EJ Fighter 52 mach 2.2 2 19 12 Turbojet, twin-engine
F-2A/B Fighter 92 mach 2 1/2 16 11 Turbofan, single-engine
F-35A Fighter 4 mach 1.6 1 16 11 Turbofan, single-engine
RF-4E/EJ Reconnaissance 13 mach 2.2 2 19 12 Turbojet, twin-engine
C-1 Transport 17 mach 0.76 5 (60) 29 31 Turbofan, twin-engine
ASDF C-130H Transport 14 320 6 (92) 30 40 Turboprop, quadruple-engine
KC-767 Aerial refueling transport 4 mach 0.84 4-8 (200) 49 48 Turbofan, twin-engine
Addition of aerial refueling
KC-130H 2 320 6 (92) 30 40 Turboprop, quadruple-engine
functions transport
E-2C Early warning 13 330 5 18 25 Turboprop, twin-engine
E-767 Early warning and control 4 450 20 49 48 Turbofan, twin-engine
Rotary-wing CH-47J Transport 15 150 5 (48) 16 4 Turboshaft, twin-engine
Notes: 1. Parenthetical figures in the item “Crew” represents the number of people transported.
2. F-4EJs include 48 improved versions of the F-4EJ.
3. The number of aircraft possessed indicates numbers registered in the national property ledger as of March 31, 2016.
Category Destroyer Submarine Mine Warfare Ship Patrol Combatant Craft Amphibious Ship Auxiliary Ship
Number (vessels) 47 18 24 6 11 29
Standard Displacement
258 51 23 1 28 127
(1,000 tons)
Notes: Figures are rounded off, so the totals may not tally.
1985 3,146,000 524,996 3.7 325,854 △0.0 31,371 6.9 0.997 5.98 9.6
1995 4,928,000 709,871 △2.9 421,417 3.1 47,236 0.9 0.959 6.65 11.2
46,826 △0.4 0.985 5.07 8.76
2010 4,752,000 922,992 4.2 534,542 3.3
47,903 0.3 1.008 5.19 8.96
46,625 △0.4 0.964 5.05 8.62
2011 4,838,000 924,116 0.1 540,780 1.2
47,752 △0.3 0.987 5.17 8.83
46,453 △0.4 0.969 5.14 9.06
2012 4,796,000 903,339 △2.2 512,450 △5.2
47,138 △1.3 0.983 5.22 9.20
46,804 0.8 0.960 5.05 8.88
2013 4,877,000 926,115 2.5 527,311 2.9
47,538 0.8 0.975 5.13 9.02
47,838 2.2 0.956 4.99 8.47
2014 5,004,000 958,823 3.5 564,697 7.1
48,848 2.8 0.976 5.09 8.65
48,221 0.8 0.955 5.01 8.41
2015 5,049,000 963,420 0.5 573,555 1.6
49,801 2.0 0.986 5.17 8.68
48,607 0.8 0.937 5.03 8.41
2016 5,188,000 967,218 0.4 578,286 0.8
50,541 1.5 0.974 5.23 8.74
48,996 0.8 0.885 5.03 8.40
2017 5,535,000 974,547 0.8 583,591 0.9
51,251 1.4 0.926 5.26 8.78
49,388 0.8 0.875 5.05 8.39
2018 5,643,000 977,128 0.3 588,958 0.9
51,911 1.3 0.920 5.31 8.81
Notes: 1. The figures provided show GNP in and before FY1985, and GDP from FY1995 onward, in each case based on original estimates.
2. The upper figures for defense-related expenditures for FY2010 and thereafter exclude SACO-related expenses (16.9 billion yen in FY2010, 10.1 billion yen in FY2011, 8.6 billion yen in
FY2012, 8.8 billion yen in FY2013, 12.0 billion yen in FY2014, 4.6 billion yen in FY2015, 2.8 billion yen in FY2016, 2.8 billion yen in FY2017, and 5.1 billion yen in FY2018), the U.S. Forces
realignment-related expenses (the portion allocated for mitigating the impact on local communities) (90.9 billion yen in FY2010, 102.7 billion yen in FY2011, 59.9 billion yen in FY2012,
64.6 billion yen in FY2013, 89.0 billion yen in FY2014, 142.6 billion yen in FY2015, 176.6 billion yen in FY2016, 201.1 billion yen in FY2017, and 216.1 billion yen in FY2018), as well as
expenses related to the introduction of new government aircraft (10.8 billion yen in FY2015, 14.0 billion yen in FY2016, 21.6 billion yen in FY2017, and 31.2 billion yen in FY2018), while
the lower figures include them.
Reference 13 Changes in Major Area of Expenditures on General Account Budget (Original Budget Basis)
(Unit: 100 million yen, %)
Item Annual
National Composition Composition Education and Composition Composition
Expenditures on Social Security Public Works
Defense Ratio Ratio Science Ratio Ratio
Fiscal year General Account
46,826 5.1
2010 922,992 272,686 29.5 55,872 6.1 57,731 6.3
47,903 5.2
46,625 5.0
2011 924,116 287,079 31.1 55,100 6.0 49,743 5.4
47,752 5.2
46,453 5.1
2012 903,339 263,901 29.2 54,057 6.0 45,734 5.1
47,138 5.2
46,804 5.1
2013 926,115 291,224 31.4 53,687 5.8 52,853 5.7
47,538 5.1
47,838 5.0
2014 958,823 305,175 31.8 54,421 5.7 59,685 6.2
48,848 5.1
48,221 5.0
2015 963,420 315,297 32.7 53,613 5.6 59,711 6.2
49,801 5.2
48,607 5.0
2016 967,218 319,738 33 53,580 5.5 59,737 6.2
50,541 5.2
48,996 5.0
2017 974,547 324,735 33.3 53,567 5.5 59,763 6.1
51,251 5.3
49,388 5.1
2018 977,128 329,732 33.7 53,646 5.5 59,789 6.1
51,911 5.3
Notes: 1. The education and science expenditures for FY2010 are post-overhaul figures.
2. The upper figures for defense expenditures exclude SACO-related expenses (16.9 billion yen in FY2010, 10.1 billion yen in FY2011, 8.6 billion yen in FY2012, 8.8 billion yen in
FY2013, 12.0 billion yen in FY2014, 4.6 billion yen in FY2015, 2.8 billion yen in FY2016, 2.8 billion yen in FY2017, and 5.1 billion yen in FY2018) the U.S. Forces realignment-related
expenses (the portion allocated for mitigating the impact on local communities) (90.9 billion yen in FY2010, 102.7 billion yen in FY2011, 59.9 billion yen in FY2012, 64.6 billion yen
in FY2013, 89.0 billion yen in FY2014, 142.6 billion yen in FY2015, 176.6 billion yen in FY2016, 201.1 billion yen in FY2017, and 216.1 billion yen in FY2018), as well as expenses
related to the introduction of new government aircraft (10.8 billion yen in FY2015, 14.0 billion yen in FY2016, 21.6 billion yen in FY2017, and 31.2 billion yen in FY2018), while the
lower figures include them.
Fiscal year
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
47,838 48,221 48,607 48,996 49,388
Japan 48,848 49,801 50,541 51,251 51,911
(100 million yen) 2.2% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8%
2.8% 2.0% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3%
U.S. 577,897 562,499 565,370 568,896 612,542
(U.S. 1 million dollar) △4.9% △2.7% 0.5% 0.6% 7.7%
China 8,082 8,896 9,544 10,444 11,070
(100 million yuan) 12.2% 10.1% 7.6% 7.1% 8.3%
Russia 24,791 31,814 37,753 28,523 29,530
(100 million RR) 17.9% 28.3% 18.7% △24.4% 3.5%
Republic of Korea 357,056 374,560 387,995 403,347 431,581
(100 million won) 4.0% 4.9% 3.6% 4.0% 7.0%
Australia 29,303 32,695 32,882 35,191 36,231
(1 million Australian dollar) 15.2% 11.6% 0.6% 7.0% 3.0
U.K. 34,500 35,200 35,000 35,500 36,000
(1 million GBP) △0.9% 2.0% △0.6% 1.4% 1.4%
France 38,921 36,791 39,939 40,841 42,820
(1 million euro) 2.1% △5.5% 8.6% 2.3% 4.8%
Notes: 1. Data sources are national budget books, defense white papers and others.
2. % represents a rate of growth over the previous year.
3. U.S. defense expenditures represent the expense narrowly defined by the Historical Table. Figures for FY2018 are estimated values.
4. The figures for China are based on the initial budget for the central government expenditure in the Finance Budget Report to the National People’s Congress (However, since FY2015, only the defense
expenditure in the central ministry expenditure [a portion of the central government expenditure] was released. For FY2015, the defense expenditure of the central government expenditure was calculated
by combining the local transfer expenditure, etc. that were separately released.) In addition, through FY2015, the rate of growth over the previous year was calculated from the central government
expenditure. For FY2016 and FY2018, as only the defense expenditure in the central ministry expenditure was released, the rate of change was calculated by comparing with the FY2015 and FY2017
defense expenditure (886.9 billion yuan) in the central ministry expenditure.
5. Russia’s defense expenditure is based on the FY2014-2017 expenditures and the FY2018 budget amount in the Information on Excecution of Budgets of the Russian Federation released by the Federal
Treasury (initial).
6. The figures for Australia are based on the initial budget in the Defence Portfolio Budget Statements published by the Australian Department of Defence.
7. The figures for the Republic of Korea are based on the initial budget released on its Ministry of National Defense website.
8. The figures for the United Kingdom are based on the initial budget in the budget message.
9. The French defense expenditure for FY2018 is an estimation.
10. In Japan, the figures in the upper row exclude SACO-related expenditures (12.0 billion yen for FY2014, 4.6 billion yen for FY2015, 2.8 billion yen for FY2016, 2.8 billion yen for FY2017, and 5.1 billion yen
for FY2018), the expenditures associated with the U.S. Forces realignment (the portion allocated for mitigating the impact on local communities) (89.0 billion yen for FY2014, 142.6 billion yen for FY2015,
176.6 billion yen for FY2016, 201.1 billion yen for FY2017, and 216.1 billion yen for FY2018), as well as expenses related to the introduction of new government aircraft (10.8 billion yen for FY2015,
14.0 billion yen for FY2016, 21.6 billion yen for FY2017, and 31.2 billion yen for FY2018), while the figures in the lower row are based on the initial budget and include them.
(including joint exercises), in line with the provisions of Article 95 of the Self-Defense Forces Law. countries’ Armed Forces)
• So-called Logistics Support and “Integration with the Use of Force” (*1) * The Act Concerning the Measures for the
➢ The Government is of the recognition that Japan’s support activities such as supply and transportation conducted at Peace and Security of Japan in Situations
a place which is not “the scene where combat activities are actually being conducted” by a foreign country are not That Will Have an Important Influence on
regarded as “Integration with the use of force” of that country. Based on that recognition, the Government will proceed Japan’s Peace and Security (Revision of
with developing legislation which enables necessary support activities for the armed forces of foreign countries the Act Concerning the Measures for the
engaging in activities for ensuring Japan’s security or for the peace and stability of the international community. Peace and Security of Japan in Situations
➢ Japan does not conduct support activities in “the scene where combat activities are actually being conducted” by in Areas Surrounding Japan), Revision
armed forces of a foreign country to which Japan provides support. of the Ship Inspection Operations Act,
➢ Japan will immediately pause or cease support activities if the place where Japan is conducting support activities Enactment of the International Peace
becomes “the scene where combat operations are actually being conducted” due to changes in the situation. Support Act
• Use of Weapons Associated with International Peace Cooperation Activities * Revision of the International Peace
2. F urther Contributions Based on the following positions, the Government will proceed with developing legislation in order to enable the SDF’s use Cooperation Act, revision of the Self-
to the Peace of weapons associated with so-called “kaketsuke-keigo” (coming to the protection of individuals related to operations in Defense Forces Law (Rescue of measures
and Stability of response to urgent requests) and the “use of weapons for the purpose of execution of missions” in international peace for Japanese nationals overseas)
the International cooperation activities that do not involve the “use of force,” including U.N. peacekeeping operations, as well as police-like
Community activities that do not involve the “use of force,” including the rescuing of Japanese nationals with the consent from the
territorial State.
➢ As for U.N. peacekeeping operations, etc., under the framework of the Five Principles for PKOs, “a quasi-state
organization” (*2) other than parties to the conflict who have given consent of acceptance is, in principle, not expected
to appear as an adversary.
➢ When the SDF units conduct police-like activities that do not involve “use of force” including the rescuing of Japanese
nationals in a foreign country based on the consent of the territorial State’s Government, it is natural that the activities
be conducted in the area within which the consent of the territorial State’s Government is valid, i.e. the area within
which its authority is maintained. This means that no “quasi-state organization” exists in that area.
➢ The Cabinet will make a decision on whether the consent of acceptance is stably maintained and whether the area
within which the consent of the territorial State’s Government is valid, etc., based on deliberations, etc., at the National
Security Council.
• The Government understands that not only when an armed attack against Japan occurs but also when an armed attack * Revision of Legislation for Responses to
against a foreign country that is in a close relationship with Japan occurs and as a result threatens Japan’s survival and Armed Attack Situations, revision of the
poses a clear danger to fundamentally overturn people’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and when there is no Self-Defense Forces Law (The provision
other appropriate means available to repel the attack and ensure Japan’s survival and protect its people, use of force to concerning defense operations) etc.
the minimum extent necessary should be interpreted to be permitted under the Constitution as measures for self-defense
3. M
easures for Self- in accordance with the basic logic of the Government’s view to date.
Defense Permitted • The aforementioned “use of force” permitted under the Constitution could have, under international law, a basis on
under Article 9 of the the right of collective self-defense. Although this “use of force” includes that which is triggered by an armed attack
Constitution occurring against a foreign country, it is permitted under the Constitution only when it is taken as a measure for self-
defense which is inevitable for ensuring Japan’s survival and protecting its people, in other words for defending Japan.
• The Government will stipulate in the draft legislation that the prior approval of the Diet is in principle required upon issuing orders
for operations to the SDF for carrying out “use of force” permitted under the Constitution when an armed attack occurs not
against Japan but against a foreign country, in the same manner as the procedures related to defense operations stipulated in
the current laws and regulations.
Notes: 1. As for Japan’s support activities, however, legal frameworks limiting the area of such activities to “rear area” or so-called “non-combat area,” etc., have been established in past legislations to
ensure that the issue of “integration with the use of force” (forming an “integral part” of the use of force) does not arise, in relation to Article 9 of the Constitution. This is intended to avoid Japan
from being legally evaluated as carrying out by itself the “use of force” which is not permitted under the Constitution because its support activities would form an “integral part” of the use of
force (“integration with the use of force”) by other countries.
2. Use of weapons associated with so-called “kaketsuke-keigo” (coming to the aid of geographically distant units or personnel under attack) or “use of weapons for the purpose of the execution
of missions” could constitute the “use of force” prohibited by Article 9 of the Constitution if such use of weapons is directed against “a state or a quasi-state organization.”
Operation Applicable Situations Conditions Required for Operations Main Type of Authorized Actions
(1) When there is a situation in which armed attack (1) Authorized by: Prime Minister ❍ Use of force (only if the case fulfils 3
against Japan from outside occur or when it (2) Consent of the Diet: required (prior consent required conditions for exercising the right of self-
is considered that there is an imminent and in principle) defense)
clear danger of armed attack, and therefore it is (3) Cabinet decision: required ❍ Maintenance of public order (same as for
necessary to defend Japan against these attacks. public security operation)1
Defense operation (2) When there is a situation in which an armed ❍ Others (including control over the Japan
(Self-Defense Forces attack against a foreign country that is in a close Coast Guard, emergency passage,
Law Article 76) relationship with Japan occurs, which in turn poses appropriation of supplies, marine
an imminent and clear danger of Japan’s survival to transportation restriction, treatment of
be threatened and fundamentally overturns people’s prisoners, civil protection, etc.)1
right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and
ballistic missiles, etc. the damage caused by the missiles (3) Cabinet decision: required (approval of the Prime
(Self-Defense Forces Minister)
Law Article 82-3) (4) Additional requirements: for an urgent case, the order
can be made in advance according to the emergency
response procedures approved by the Prime Minister
When judged necessary in order to protect lives and (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense or those ❍ Partial application of the Police Duties Law
property in the event of natural calamities or other designated by the Minister (Refuge, entry, etc.) (all only when police
disasters4 (2) Consent of the Diet: not required officers are not present)
(3) Cabinet decision: not required ❍ Partial application of the Japan Coast Guard
Disaster relief dispatch
(4) Additional requirements: request of prefectural Law (request for cooperation)
(Self-Defense Forces
governors or other parties designated by Government ❍ Authority provided for under the Disaster
Law Article 83)
ordinance (excluding particularly urgent situations Measures Basic Law (Designation of alert
when it is deemed there is no time to wait for a zones, guarantee of passage for emergency
request to be made) vehicles, etc.; only when no municipal mayor
or police officer is present)
When the Director-General of the Earthquake Disaster (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense ❍ Partial application of the Police Duties Law
Warning Headquarters deems the support of the (2) Consent of the Diet: not required (the same as in the case of a disaster relief
Earthquake disaster SDF to be necessary for the swift and appropriate (3) Cabinet decision: not required (the Earthquake dispatch)
relief dispatch implementation of emergency measures to deal with Disaster Warning Headquarters is established by ❍ Partial application of the Japan Coast Guard
(Self-Defense Forces earthquakes and other disasters (Article 13-2 of the Cabinet decision) Law (the same as in the case of a disaster
Law Article 83-2) Special Law Concerning Countermeasures for Large- (4) Additional requirements: request of the Director- relief dispatch)
Scale Earthquakes) General of the Earthquake Disaster Warning
Headquarters (Prime Minister)
When the Director-General of the Nuclear Disaster (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense ❍ Same as in disaster relief dispatch
Response Headquarters deems the support of the (2) Consent of the Diet: not required
SDF to be necessary for the swift and appropriate (3) Cabinet decision: not required (the Nuclear Disaster
Nuclear disaster relief dispatch
implementation of measures to deal with emergency Response Headquarters is established by Cabinet
(Self-Defense Forces
situations (Article 20-4 of the Special Law Concerning decision)
Law Article 83-3)
Countermeasures for Nuclear Disasters) (4) Additional requirements: request of the Director-
General of the Nuclear Disaster Response
Headquarters (Prime Minister)
When a foreign aircraft intrudes Japan’s territorial (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense ❍ The action necessary to make intruding
Action against violation of
airspace in violation of international law and/or the (2) Consent of the Diet: not required aircraft land or withdraw from the territorial
territorial airspace
provisions of the Aviation Law or other relevant laws (3) Cabinet decision: not required airspace of Japan (guiding intruders away,
(Self-Defense Forces
and regulations issuing radio transmission warnings, use of
Law Article 84)
weapons, etc.)5
Elimination of mines and other (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense ❍ Elimination and disposition of mines and
dangerous objects (2) Consent of the Diet: not required other dangerous explosive objects found on
(Self-Defense Forces (3) Cabinet decision: not required the sea
Law Article 84-2)
Emergency situations overseas (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense ❍ Use of weapons to protect one’s own life
(2) Consent of the Diet: not required or body or other personnel on duty, and to
Rescue of Japanese (3) Cabinet decision: required (approval of the Prime execute duties
nationals overseas Minister)
(Self-Defense Forces (4) Additional requirements: request of the Minister for
Law Article 84-3) Foreign Affairs to conduct rescue measures such as
guarding and rescue of Japanese nationals who are
at risk for harm to their life or body
Natural disasters, unrest, and other emergency (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense ❍ Use of weapons to protect one’s own life or
Transportation of Japanese situations overseas (2) Consent of the Diet: not required body or other personnel on duty
nationals overseas (3) Cabinet decision: as necessary
(Self-Defense Forces (4) Additional requirements: request of the Minister
Law Article 84-4) for Foreign Affairs to evacuate Japanese nationals
whose lives and bodies are threatened
Situations that will have an important influence on (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense or person who is ❍ Use of weapons to protect one’s own life or
Logistics support and other
Japan’s peace and security a delegated authority by the Minister for supplies; body or other personnel on duty
Minister of Defense for services, search and rescue
(Self-Defense Forces Law Article
activities, and ship inspection operations
84-5, Law Concerning Measures
(2) Consent of the Diet: required (prior to taking measures
to Ensure Peace and Security
in principle)
of Japan in Situations that Will
(3) Cabinet decision: required (approval of the Prime
Have an Important Influence on
Minister to implement response measures, for the
Japan’s Peace and Security, and
draft basic plan and for the prescribed implementation
Ship Inspection Operations Act)
guidelines pursuant to the basic plan)
Situations where the peace and security of the (1) Authorized by: Minister of Defense or person who is ❍ Use of weapons to protect one’s own life or
international community is threatened, where the a delegated authority by the Minister-for supplies; body or other personnel on duty
international community is collectively addressing the Minister of Defense-for services, search and rescue
Logistics support and other situation to remove the threat in accordance with the activities, and ship inspection operations
activities objectives of the United Nations Charter, and where (2) Consent of the Diet: required (prior consent required
(Self-Defense Forces Japan needs to make independent and proactive with no exception)
Law Article 84-5, International contributions to these activities as a member of the (3) Cabinet decision: required (approval of the Prime
Peace Support Act, and international community Minister to implement response measures, for the
Ship Inspection Operations Act) draft basic plan and for the prescribed implementation
guidelines pursuant to the basic plan)
❍ Use of weapons to protect one’s own life or body
or other personnel on duty
peacekeeping force and are conducted by SDF units, etc.; prior consent
“safety-ensuring” operations) required in principle)
(Self-Defense Forces (3) Cabinet decision: required (for implementation of
Law Article 84-5 and international peace cooperation operations and the
International Peace draft implementation plan)
Cooperation Act) (4) Additional requirements: request of the Chief of the
International Peace Cooperation Headquarters (Prime
United Nations peacekeeping operations, internationally (1) Authorized by: Chief of the International Peace ❍ Use of weapons to protect one’s own life or
International peace coordinated operations for peace and security, and Cooperation Headquarters (Prime Minister) (SDF body or other personnel on duty
cooperation activities international humanitarian assistance personnel dispatched individually) Minister of ❍ Use of weapons for so-called “kaketsuke-
(Operations other than (operations other than the so-called primary operations Defense (SDF personnel dispatched as a unit) keigo”
primary operations of and “safety-ensuring” operations of peacekeeping (2) Consent of the Diet: not required
peacekeeping force) activities) (3) Cabinet decision: required (for implementation of
(Self-Defense Forces international peace cooperation operations and the
Law Article 84-5 and draft implementation plan)
International Peace (4) Additional requirements: request of the Chief of the
Cooperation Act) International Peace Cooperation Headquarters (Prime
Reference 18 Statutory Provisions about Use of Force and Use of Weapons by SDF Personnel or SDF Units
Article 36 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
SDF personnel ordered to provide services as logistics support activities or to conduct search and rescue operations may use weapons to the
extent considered proper and necessary in light of the situations: (1) when there are reasonable grounds for judging that no appropriate means
of overcoming such situations other than the use of weapons to protect their own lives or bodies, those of other SDF personnel engaged in
Article 11, Law Concerning Measures to Ensure the
duties together, or of those who, while conducting their duties, have come under the protection of SDF personnel; (2) in the case where there
Peace and Security of Japan in Situations that Will Have
are attacks against camps, which were established within foreign territories and where SDF units and SDF personnel jointly stationed with
an Important Influence on Japan’s Peace and Security -
personnel from other countries such as the U.S. Forces personnel, when there are no other places but the camps in the vicinity to ensure the
Logistics support activities, etc.
safety of the SDF units and others, and when there are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons jointly with those foreign personnel to
protect their own lives or bodies as well as those of other personnel stationed together at the camps. The use of weapons shall not cause harm
to persons, except for cases falling under Article 26 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
SDF personnel ordered to provide services, etc., as rear area support or to implement rear area search and rescue activities may use weapons
Article 6, Ship Inspection Operations Law - Ship to the extent considered proper and necessary in light of the situation when there are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons to protect
inspection operations their own lives and bodies and those of others engaged in duties together. The use of weapons shall not cause harm to persons, except for
cases falling under Article 36 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
SDF personnel engaged in duties in international peace cooperation operations may use weapons to the extent considered proper and
necessary in light of the situations: (1) when there are reasonable grounds for judging that no appropriate means of overcoming such
situations other than the use of weapons to protect their own lives or bodies, those of other SDF personnel engaged in duties together, of
International Peace Cooperation Corps, or of those who, while conducting their duties, have come under the protection of SDF personnel;
(2) in the case where there are attacks against SDF personnel jointly stationed with personnel from other countries such as personnel of
foreign armed forces’ units, and when there are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons jointly with those foreign personnel to protect their
Article 25 and 26, International Peace Cooperation own lives or bodies as well as those of other personnel stationed together at the camps; (3) with regard to SDF personnel engaged in so-called
Act – International peace cooperation operations “safety-ensuring” operations, when there are reasonable grounds for judging that no appropriate means of overcoming such situations other
than the use of weapons to protect their own lives, bodies or assets, or those of other individuals, or to eliminate actions which obstruct
their duties, in addition to (1) and (2) above; (4) with regard to SDF personnel engaged in so-called “kaketsuke-keigo (coming to protection
of individuals related to operations in response to urgent request)” operations, when there are reasonable grounds for judging that there are
no appropriate means of overcoming such situations other than the use of weapons to protect their own lives or bodies, or those of other
individuals involved in the operations whom they intend to protect, in addition to (1) and (2) above. The use of weapons shall not cause harm to
persons, except for cases falling under Article 26 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
Protection of SDF SDF personnel engaged in duties of protecting weapons, etc. of the SDF may use weapons to the extent judged to be reasonably necessary in
Article 95, Self-Defense
weapons and other the situation when there are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons to protect the weapons, etc. The use of weapons shall not cause harm
Forces Law
equipment to person, except for cases falling under Article 36 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
SDF personnel engaged in duties of protecting weapons, etc. of the U.S. Forces and other foreign armed forces, which are actually engaged in
Protection of weapons and
activities that contribute to the defense of Japan in cooperation with the SDF (including joint exercises and training, and excluding the activities
other equipment of the
Article 95-2, Self-Defense carried out in the scene where combat activities are actually being conducted), may use weapons to the extent judged to be reasonably
units of the U.S. Armed
Forces Law necessary depending on the situations when there are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons to protect the weapons, etc. The use of
Forces and armed forces
weapons shall not cause harm to persons, except for cases falling under Article 26 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the
of other foreign countries
Penal Code.
SDF personnel that meet certain conditions, engaged in duties of guarding the SDF facilities of the SDF in Japan may use weapons to the
Article 95-3, Self-Defense extent judged to be reasonably necessary in the situation when there are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons to execute their duties or
Guarding facilities
Forces Law to protect themselves or others. The use of weapons shall not cause harm to persons, except for cases falling under Article 36 (self-defense) or
Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
Maintenance of Article 96 (3), Self-Defense Article 7 of the Police Duties Execution Act applies mutatis mutandis to the execution of duties of SDF personnel exclusively engaged in
internal order Forces Law maintaining order within the SDF.
SDF personnel and others ordered to provide services in accordance with measures related to U.S. military actions may use weapons to the
extent judged to be reasonably depending on necessary in light of the situation when there are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons to
Article 12, The U.S. and others’ Military Actions Related
protect their own lives or bodies of themselves, those of other the SDF personnel who are with them, or of those who, while conducting their
Measures Act
duties, have come under the protection of SDF personnel. The use of weapons shall not cause harm to persons, except for cases falling under
Article 36 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
Article 7 of the Law Concerning the Execution of Duties of Police Officials applies mutatis mutandis to MSDF personnel ordered to execute the
measures in line with the Marine Transportation Restriction Law. If the crew of the vessel does not obey repeated orders to halt, persistently
Article 37, Maritime Transportation Restriction Act
resists or tries to escape and when there is a considerable reason to believe that there are no other means to halt the vessel, said personnel
may use their weapons within an extent that is judged to be reasonably necessary, following the orders of the Captain, etc.
SDF personnel ordered into defense operations and engaged in imprisonment and SDF personnel engaged in guarding prisoners may use
Article 152, Prisoners of War Act weapons to the extent considered proper and necessary in light of the situation. The use of weapons shall not cause harm to persons, except
for cases falling under Article 36 (self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
SDF personnel ordered to provide services as cooperation and support operations or to conduct search and rescue operations may use
weapons to the extent considered proper and necessary in light of the situations: (1) when there are reasonable grounds for the use of
weapons to protect their own lives or bodies, those of other SDF personnel engaged in duties together, or of those who, while conducting their
duties, have come under the protection of SDF personnel; (2) in the case where there are attacks against camps, which were established
Article 11, International Peace Support Act within foreign territories and where SDF units and SDF personnel jointly stationed with personnel from other countries such as those of foreign
armed forces, when there are no other places but the camps in the vicinity to ensure the safety of the SDF units and others, and when there
are reasonable grounds for the use of weapons jointly with those foreign personnel to protect their own lives or bodies as well as those of
other personnel stationed together at the camps. The use of weapons shall not cause harm to persons, except for cases falling under Article 36
(self-defense) or Article 37 (averting present danger) of the Penal Code.
Notes: The use of weapons is not specifically defined, but is generally covered under “necessary actions.”
• the global nature of the Japan-U.S. Alliance. to strengthen cooperation between the Self-Defense Forces and the
The two governments will continuously enhance the Japan-U.S. United States Armed Forces.
Alliance. Each government will maintain its individual defense posture The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces
based on its national security policy. Japan will possess defense capability will exchange personnel to ensure robust information sharing, to
on the basis of the “National Security Strategy” and the “National Defense facilitate coordination from peacetime to contingencies, and to support
Program Guidelines.” The United States will continue to extend deterrence international activities. The Self-Defense Forces and the United States
to Japan through the full range of capabilities, including U.S. nuclear Armed Forces, in close cooperation and coordination, will take action
forces. The United States also will continue to forward deploy combat- through their respective chains-of-command.
ready forces in the Asia-Pacific region and maintain the ability to reinforce C. Bilateral Planning
those forces rapidly. The two governments will continue to develop and update bilateral
The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation (“the plans to ensure smooth and effective execution of coordinated
Guidelines”) provide the general framework and policy direction for the operations by the Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed
roles and missions of Japan and the United States, as well as ways of Forces. To ensure the effectiveness of the plans and the ability to make
cooperation and coordination, with a view to improving the effectiveness flexible, timely, and appropriate responses, the two governments will
of bilateral security and defense cooperation. In this way, the Guidelines exchange relevant information, including identifying operational and
advance peace and security, deter conflict, secure the basis for economic logistic support requirements and sources in advance, as appropriate.
prosperity, and promote domestic and international understanding of the The two governments will conduct bilateral planning in
significance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance. peacetime for contingencies relevant to Japan’s peace and security
II. Basic Premises and Principles through an upgraded Bilateral Planning Mechanism, which includes
The Guidelines, as well as actions and activities under the Guidelines, are relevant agencies of the respective governments. Bilateral plans will
and will be consistent with the following basic premises and principles. be developed with input from relevant agencies, as appropriate. The
A. The rights and obligations under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation Security Consultative Committee (SCC) will continue to be responsible
and Security between Japan and the United States of America (the for presenting directions, validating the progress of the planning under
Japan-U.S. Security Treaty) and its related arrangements, as well as the mechanism, and issuing directives as necessary. The SCC will be
the fundamental framework of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, will remain assisted by an appropriate subordinate body.
unchanged. Bilateral plans are to be reflected appropriately in the plans of both
B. All actions and activities undertaken by Japan and the United States governments.
under the Guidelines will be consistent with international law, IV. Seamlessly Ensuring Japan’s Peace and Security
including the Charter of the United Nations and its provisions regarding Persistent and emerging threats can have a serious and immediate
the peaceful settlement of disputes and sovereign equality of States, as impact on Japan’s peace and security. In this increasingly complex
well as other relevant international agreements. security environment, the two governments will take measures to ensure
C. All actions and activities undertaken by Japan and the United States Japan’s peace and security in all phases, seamlessly, from peacetime to
will be in accordance with their respective constitutions, laws, and contingencies, including situations when an armed attack against Japan
regulations then in effect, and basic positions on national security is not involved. In this context, the two governments also will promote
policy. Japan will conduct actions and activities in accordance with further cooperation with partners.
its basic positions, such as the maintenance of its exclusively national The two governments recognize that these measures need to be taken
defense-oriented policy and its three non-nuclear principles. based on flexible, timely, and effective bilateral coordination tailored to
D. The Guidelines do not obligate either government to take legislative, each situation and that interagency coordination is essential for appropriate
budgetary, administrative, or other measures, nor do the Guidelines Alliance responses. Therefore, the two governments will utilize the whole-
create legal rights or obligations for either government. Since the of-government Alliance Coordination Mechanism, as appropriate, to:
objective of the Guidelines, however, is to establish an effective • assess the situation;
framework for bilateral cooperation, the two governments are expected • share information; and
to reflect in an appropriate way the results of these efforts, based on • develop ways to implement the appropriate Alliance response, including
their own judgment, in their specific policies and measures. flexible deterrent options, as well as actions aimed at de-escalation.
III. Strengthened Alliance Coordination To support these bilateral efforts, the two governments also will
Effective bilateral cooperation under the Guidelines will require the two coordinate strategic messaging through appropriate channels on issues that
governments to conduct close, consultative dialogue and sound policy and could potentially affect Japan’s peace and security.
operational coordination from peacetime to contingencies. A. Cooperative Measures from Peacetime
The two governments must be well informed and coordinate at In order to ensure the maintenance of Japan’s peace and security,
multiple levels to ensure successful bilateral security and defense the two governments will promote cooperation across a wide range
cooperation. To that end, the two governments will take advantage of all of areas, including through diplomatic efforts, to strengthen the
available channels to enhance information sharing and to ensure seamless deterrence and capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance.
and effective whole-of-government Alliance coordination that includes all The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces
relevant agencies. For this purpose, the two governments will establish will enhance interoperability, readiness, and vigilance to prepare for
a new, standing Alliance Coordination Mechanism, enhance operational all possible situations. To these ends, the two governments will take
coordination, and strengthen bilateral planning. measures, including, but not limited to, the following:
A. Alliance Coordination Mechanism 1. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
Persistent and emerging threats can have a serious and immediate In order to identify at the earliest possible stage any indications
impact on the peace and security of Japan and the United States. In of threats to Japan’s peace and security and to ensure a decisive
order to address seamlessly and effectively any situation that affects advantage in intelligence gathering and analysis, the two
Japan’s peace and security or any other situation that may require governments will share and protect information and intelligence,
an Alliance response, the two governments will utilize the Alliance while developing and maintaining common situational awareness.
Coordination Mechanism. This mechanism will strengthen policy This will include enhancing coordination and cooperation among
and operational coordination related to activities conducted by the relevant agencies.
Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces in all The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces
phases from peacetime to contingencies. This mechanism also will will conduct intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)
contribute to timely information sharing as well as the development activities based on the capabilities and availability of their respective
and maintenance of common situational awareness. To ensure effective assets. This will include conducting bilateral ISR activities in
The two governments will cooperate closely with each other on and inspection of ships based on a United Nations Security Council
measures to maintain maritime order based upon international law, resolution or other basis under international law.
including freedom of navigation. The Self-Defense Forces and 3. Measures to Deal with Refugees
the United States Armed Forces will cooperate, as appropriate, on If a situation develops such that a flow of refugees into Japan
various efforts such as maintaining and enhancing bilateral presence becomes likely or actually begins, the two governments will
in the maritime domain through ISR and training and exercises, cooperate to maintain Japan’s peace and security while handling
while further developing and enhancing shared maritime domain refugees in a humane manner consistent with applicable obligations
awareness including by coordinating with relevant agencies, as under international law. Primary responsibility for such refugee
necessary. response lies with Japan. The United States will provide appropriate
4. Asset Protection support upon a request from Japan.
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will 4. Search and Rescue
provide mutual protection of each other’s assets, as appropriate, if The two governments will cooperate and provide mutual support,
engaged in activities that contribute to the defense of Japan in a as appropriate, in search and rescue operations. The Self-Defense
cooperative manner, including during training and exercises. Forces, in cooperation with relevant agencies, will provide support
5. Training and Exercises to combat search and rescue operations by the United States, where
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces appropriate, subject to Japanese laws and regulations.
will conduct effective bilateral and multilateral training and 5. Protection of Facilities and Areas
exercises both inside and outside of Japan in order to strengthen The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces
interoperability, sustainability, and readiness. Timely and realistic are responsible for protecting their own facilities and areas in
training and exercises will enhance deterrence. To support these cooperation with relevant authorities. Upon request from the United
activities, the two governments will cooperate to ensure that training States, Japan will provide additional protection for facilities and
areas, facilities, and associated equipment are available, accessible, areas in Japan in close cooperation and coordination with the United
and modern. States Armed Forces.
6. Logistic Support 6. Logistic Support
Japan and the United States are primarily responsible for providing The two governments will enhance mutual logistic support (which
logistic support for their respective forces in all phases. The Self- includes, but is not limited to, supply, maintenance, transportation,
Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will provide engineering, and medical services), as appropriate, to enable
mutual logistic support where appropriate, including, but not limited effective and efficient operations. This includes rapid validation and
to, supply, maintenance, transportation, engineering, and medical resourcing of operational and logistic support requirements. The
services, for such activities as set forth in the Agreement between Government of Japan will make appropriate use of the authorities
the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States and assets of central and local government agencies as well as
of America Concerning Reciprocal Provision of Logistic Support, private sector assets. The Government of Japan will provide logistic
Supplies and Services between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan and or other associated support where appropriate, subject to Japanese
the Armed Forces of the United States of America (the Acquisition laws and regulations.
and Cross-Servicing Agreement) and its related arrangements. 7. Use of Facilities
7. Use of Facilities The Government of Japan will provide, as needed, temporary use
In order to expand interoperability and improve flexibility and of facilities, including civilian airports and seaports, in accordance
resiliency of the Self-Defense Forces and the United States with the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and its related arrangements.
Armed Forces, the two governments will enhance joint/shared The two governments will enhance cooperation in joint/shared use
use and cooperate in ensuring the security of facilities and areas. of facilities and areas.
Recognizing the importance of being prepared for contingencies, the C. Actions in Response to an Armed Attack against Japan
two governments also will cooperate in conducting site surveys on Bilateral actions in response to an armed attack against Japan remain a
facilities including civilian airports and seaports, as appropriate. core aspect of Japan-U.S. security and defense cooperation.
B. Responses to Emerging Threats to Japan’s Peace and Security When an armed attack against Japan is anticipated, the two
The Alliance will respond to situations that will have an important governments will take steps to deter the armed attack and to de-
influence on Japan’s peace and security. Such situations cannot escalate the situation, while making preparations necessary for the
be defined geographically. The measures described in this section defense of Japan.
include those that may be taken, in accordance with the two countries’ When an armed attack against Japan occurs, the two governments
respective laws and regulations, in circumstances that have not yet will conduct appropriate bilateral actions to repel it at the earliest
amounted to such a situation. Early recognition and adaptable, resolute possible stage and to deter any further attacks. The two governments
decision-making on bilateral actions will contribute to deterrence and also will take necessary measures including those listed earlier in
de-escalation of such situations. Chapter IV.
In addition to continuing cooperative measures from peacetime, 1. When an Armed Attack against Japan is Anticipated
the two governments will pursue all avenues, including diplomatic When an armed attack against Japan is anticipated, the two
efforts, to ensure the peace and security of Japan. Utilizing the Alliance governments will intensify, through a comprehensive and robust
Coordination Mechanism, the two governments will take additional whole-of-government approach, information and intelligence
measures, based on their own decisions, including, but not limited to, sharing and policy consultations, and will pursue all avenues,
those listed below. including diplomatic efforts, to deter the attack and to de-escalate
1. Noncombatant Evacuation Operations the situation.
When Japanese and U.S. noncombatants need to be evacuated from The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces
a third country to a safe haven, each government is responsible for will assume appropriate postures for bilateral operations, including the
evacuating its own nationals, as well as dealing with the authorities execution of necessary deployments. Japan will establish and maintain
of the affected area. As appropriate, the two governments will the basis for its support of U.S. deployments. The preparations by
coordinate in planning and cooperate in carrying out evacuations the two governments may include, but would not be limited to: joint/
of Japanese or U.S. noncombatants. These evacuations will be shared use of facilities and areas; mutual logistic support, including,
carried out using each country’s capabilities such as transportation but not limited to, supply, maintenance, transportation, engineering,
means and facilities in a mutually supplementary manner. The two and medical services; and reinforced protection of U.S. facilities and
governments may each consider extending evacuation assistance to areas in Japan.
The United States will coordinate closely with Japan and provide attacks in Japan, including those that involve infiltration.
appropriate support. The United States Armed Forces will support The United States Armed Forces will conduct operations
and supplement the Self-Defense Forces to defend Japan. The to support and supplement the Self-Defense Forces’ operations.
United States will take actions to shape the regional environment v. Cross-Domain Operations
in a way that supports the defense of Japan and reestablishes peace The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces
and security. will conduct bilateral operations across domains to repel an
Recognizing that all instruments of national power will armed attack against Japan and to deter further attacks. These
be required to defend Japan, the two governments respectively operations will be designed to achieve effects across multiple
will employ a whole-of-government approach, utilizing their domains simultaneously.
respective chains-of-command, to coordinate actions through the Examples of cooperation across domains include the
Alliance Coordination Mechanism. actions described below.
The United States will employ forward-deployed forces, The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed
including those stationed in Japan, and introduce reinforcements Forces, in cooperation with relevant agencies, as appropriate,
from elsewhere, as required. Japan will establish and maintain the will strengthen their respective ISR postures, enhance the
basis required to facilitate these deployments. sharing of intelligence, and provide protection for each other’s
The two governments will take actions as appropriate to ISR assets.
provide defense of each other’s forces and facilities in response The United States Armed Forces may conduct operations
to an armed attack against Japan. involving the use of strike power, to support and supplement
b. Concept of Operations the Self-Defense Forces. When the United States Armed Forces
i. Operations to Defend Airspace conduct such operations, the Self-Defense Forces may provide
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces support, as necessary. These operations will be based on close
will conduct bilateral operations to defend airspace above and bilateral coordination, as appropriate.
surrounding Japan. The two governments will cooperate to address threats in
The Self-Defense Forces will have primary responsibility the space and cyberspace domains in accordance with bilateral
for conducting air defense operations while ensuring air cooperation set out in Chapter VI.
superiority. For this purpose, the Self-Defense Forces will The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed
take necessary actions, including, but not limited to, defense Forces’ special operations forces will cooperate during
against attacks by aircraft and cruise missiles. operations, as appropriate.
The United States Armed Forces will conduct operations c. Operational Support Activities
to support and supplement the Self-Defense Forces’ operations. The two governments will cooperate in the following activities in
ii. Operations to Counter Ballistic Missile Attacks support of bilateral operations.
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces i. Communications and Electronics
will conduct bilateral operations to counter ballistic missile The two governments will provide mutual support to ensure
attacks against Japan. effective use of communications and electronics capabilities,
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed as appropriate.
Forces will exchange real-time information for early detection The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed
of ballistic missile launches. When there is an indication of Forces will ensure effective communication between the two
a ballistic missile attack, the Self-Defense Forces and the forces and maintain a common operational picture for bilateral
United States Armed Forces will maintain an effective posture operations under common situational awareness.
to defend against ballistic missile attacks heading for Japan ii. Search and Rescue
and to protect forces participating in ballistic missile defense The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed
operations. Forces, in cooperation with relevant agencies, will cooperate
The Self-Defense Forces will have primary responsibility and provide mutual support in search and rescue operations,
for conducting ballistic missile defense operations to defend including combat search and rescue, as appropriate.
Japan. iii. Logistic Support
The United States Armed Forces will conduct operations When operations require supplementing their respective
to support and supplement the Self-Defense Forces’ operations. logistics resources, the Self-Defense Forces and the United
iii. Operations to Defend Maritime Areas States Armed Forces will provide flexible and timely mutual
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces logistic support, based on their respective capabilities and
will conduct bilateral operations to defend waters surrounding availability.
Japan and to secure the safety of sea lines of communication. The two governments will make appropriate use of
The Self-Defense Forces will have primary responsibility the authorities and assets of central and local government
for the protection of major ports and straits in Japan and of agencies, as well as private sector assets, to provide support.
ships and vessels in waters surrounding Japan and for other iv. Use of Facilities
associated operations. For this purpose, the Self-Defense The Government of Japan will provide, as needed, additional
Forces will take necessary actions, including, but not limited facilities in accordance with the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and
to, coastal defense, anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine its related arrangements. The two governments will enhance
warfare, mine warfare, anti-air warfare, and air interdiction. cooperation in joint/shared use of facilities and areas.
The United States Armed Forces will conduct operations v. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Protection
to support and supplement the Self-Defense Forces’ operations. The Government of Japan will maintain primary responsibility
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed for emergency responses to chemical, biological, radiological,
Forces will cooperate in the interdiction of shipping activities and nuclear (CBRN) incidents or attacks in Japan. The United
providing support to adversaries involved in the armed attack. States retains primary responsibility for maintaining and
The effectiveness of these activities will be enhanced restoring the mission capability of the United States Armed
through information sharing and other forms of cooperation Forces in Japan. At Japan’s request, the United States will
among relevant agencies. support Japan in CBRN incident or attack prevention and
iv. Operations to Counter Ground Attacks response-related activities in an effort to ensure the protection
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces of Japan, as appropriate.
involving the use of force to respond to situations where an armed The two governments may coordinate the activities through
attack against a foreign country that is in a close relationship with the Alliance Coordination Mechanism, as appropriate, and also will
Japan occurs and as a result, threatens Japan’s survival and poses a pursue trilateral and multilateral cooperation in these activities. The
clear danger to overturn fundamentally its people’s right to life, liberty, Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will share
and pursuit of happiness, to ensure Japan’s survival, and to protect its procedures and best practices, as appropriate, for smooth and effective
people. cooperation. While the two governments will continue to cooperate
Examples of cooperative operations are outlined below: on a broad array of issues that may not be explicitly included in the
1. Asset Protection Guidelines, common areas for cooperation by the two governments in
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will regional and international activities will include:
cooperate in asset protection, as appropriate. Such cooperation will 1. Peacekeeping Operations
include, but not be limited to, protection of assets that are engaged When the two governments participate in peacekeeping operations
in operations such as Noncombatant Evacuation Operations or authorized by the United Nations (UN) in accordance with the
Ballistic Missile Defense. Charter of the United Nations, the two governments will cooperate
2. Search and Rescue closely, as appropriate, to maximize interoperability between the
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces, in Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces. The two
cooperation with relevant agencies, will cooperate and provide governments also may cooperate in providing logistic support for
support in search and rescue operations, including combat search and protecting UN and other personnel who participate in the same
and rescue, as appropriate. mission, as appropriate.
3. Maritime Operations 2. International Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will When the two governments conduct international humanitarian
cooperate in minesweeping, as appropriate, including to secure the assistance/disaster relief (HA/DR) operations in response to
safety of sea lines of communication. requests from governments concerned or international organizations
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces, in the wake of large-scale humanitarian and natural disasters, the
in cooperation with relevant agencies, will cooperate in escort two governments will cooperate closely to provide mutual support,
operations to protect ships and vessels, as appropriate. as appropriate, maximizing interoperability between participating
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces, Self-Defense Forces and United States Armed Forces. Examples
in cooperation with relevant agencies, will cooperate in the of cooperative activities may include mutual logistic support and
interdiction of shipping activities providing support to adversaries operational coordination, planning, and execution.
involved in the armed attack, as appropriate. 3. Maritime Security
4. Operations to Counter Ballistic Missile Attacks When the two governments conduct activities for maritime security,
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces the two governments will cooperate closely, as appropriate.
will cooperate in intercepting ballistic missiles, as appropriate, in Examples of cooperative activities may include efforts for: safe
accordance with their respective capabilities. The two governments and secure sea lines of communication such as counter-piracy and
will exchange information to ensure early detection of ballistic minesweeping; non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
missile launches. and counterterrorism activities.
5. Logistics Support 4. Partner Capacity Building
When operations require supplementing their respective logistics Proactive cooperation with partners will contribute to maintaining
resources, the Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed and enhancing regional and international peace and security. The
Forces will provide flexible and timely mutual logistic support, two governments will cooperate in capacity building activities,
based on their respective capabilities and availability. as appropriate, by making the best use of their capabilities and
The two governments will make appropriate use of the experience, with the objective of strengthening the capability of
authorities and assets of central and local government agencies, as partners to respond to dynamic security challenges. Examples of
well as private sector assets, to provide support. cooperative activities may include maritime security, military
E. Cooperation in Response to a Large-scale Disaster in Japan medicine, defense institution building, and improved force readiness
When a large-scale disaster takes place in Japan, Japan will have for HA/DR or peacekeeping operations.
primary responsibility for responding to the disaster. The Self-Defense 5. Noncombatant Evacuation Operations
Forces, in cooperation with relevant agencies, local governments, and In circumstances when international action is required for the
private actors, will conduct disaster relief operations. Recognizing evacuation of noncombatants, the two governments will utilize,
that immediate recovery from a large-scale disaster in Japan is as appropriate, all possible avenues including diplomatic efforts
essential for Japan’s peace and security and that such a disaster could to ensure the safety of noncombatants, including those who are
affect the activities of the United States Armed Forces in Japan, Japanese or U.S. nationals.
the United States, in accordance with its own criteria, will provide 6. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
appropriate support for Japan’s activities. Such support may include When the two governments participate in international activities,
search and rescue, transportation, supply, medical services, incident the Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will
awareness and assessment, and other specialized capabilities. The cooperate in ISR activities, as appropriate, based on the respective
two governments will coordinate activities through the Alliance capabilities and availability of their assets.
Coordination Mechanism, as appropriate. 7. Training and Exercises
To improve the effectiveness of the United States Armed Forces’ In order to enhance the effectiveness of international activities,
cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief activities the Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will
in Japan, the two governments will work together closely, including conduct and participate in joint training and exercises, as appropriate,
through information sharing. In addition, the United States Armed to strengthen interoperability, sustainability, and readiness. The two
Forces also may participate in disaster-related drills, which will governments also will continue to pursue opportunities to work
increase mutual understanding in responding to large-scale disasters. with partners in training and exercises to contribute to enhancing
V. Cooperation for Regional and Global Peace and Security interoperability with the Alliance and the development of common
In an increasingly interconnected world, Japan and the United States will tactics, techniques, and procedures.
take a leading role in cooperation with partners to provide a foundation 8. Logistic support
for peace, security, stability, and economic prosperity in the Asia-Pacific When participating in international activities, the two governments
region and beyond. For well over half a century, both countries have will cooperate to provide mutual logistic support. The Government
Recognizing the security aspects of the space domain, the two with partners on information sharing.
governments will maintain and strengthen their partnership to secure C. Educational and Research Exchanges
the responsible, peaceful, and safe use of space. Recognizing the importance of intellectual cooperation concerning
As part of such efforts, the two governments will ensure the security and defense, the two governments will deepen exchanges
resiliency of their space systems and enhance space situational of members of relevant organizations and strengthen communication
awareness cooperation. The two governments will provide mutual between each side’s research and educational institutions. Such efforts
support, as appropriate, to establish and improve capabilities and will serve as the enduring foundation for security and defense officials
will share information about actions and events that might affect the to share their knowledge and reinforce cooperation.
safety and stability of the space domain and impede its use. The two VIII. Processes for Review
governments also will share information to address emerging threats The SCC, assisted by an appropriate subordinate body, will regularly
against space systems and will pursue opportunities for cooperation evaluate whether the Guidelines remain adequate in light of the evolving
in maritime domain awareness and in space-related equipment and circumstances. The two governments will update the Guidelines in a
technology that will strengthen capabilities and resiliency of the space timely and appropriate manner when changes in situations relevant to the
systems, including hosted payloads. Japan-U.S. Alliance relationship occur and if deemed necessary in view of
To accomplish their missions effectively and efficiently, the Self- the circumstances at that time.
Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will continue to
cooperate and to contribute to whole-of-government efforts in utilizing
space in such areas as: early-warning; ISR; positioning, navigation, Reference 20 United States–Japan Roadmap for Realignment
and timing; space situational awareness; meteorological observation; Implementation
command, control, and communications; and ensuring the resiliency of
relevant space systems that are critical for mission assurance. In cases (Washington, DC, May 1, 2006)
where their space systems are threatened, the Self-Defense Forces Overview
and the United States Armed Forces will cooperate, as appropriate, in On October 29, 2005, the U.S.–Japan Security Consultative Committee (SCC)
mitigating risk and preventing damage. If damage occurs, they will members approved recommendations for realignment of U.S. forces in Japan
cooperate, as appropriate, in reconstituting relevant capabilities. and related Japan Self-Defense Forces (SDF) in their document, “U.S.– Japan
B. Cooperation on Cyberspace Alliance: Transformation and Realignment for the Future.” In that document,
To help ensure the safe and stable use of cyberspace, the two the SCC members directed their respective staffs “to finalize these specific and
governments will share information on threats and vulnerabilities interrelated initiatives and develop plans, including concrete implementation
in cyberspace in a timely and routine manner, as appropriate. The schedules no later than March 2006.” This work has been completed and is
two governments also will share, as appropriate, information on reflected in this document.
the development of various capabilities in cyberspace, including Finalization of Realignment Initiatives
the exchange of best practices on training and education. The two The individual realignment initiatives form a coherent package. When
governments will cooperate to protect critical infrastructure and the implemented, these realignments will ensure a life-of-the-alliance presence
services upon which the Self-Defense Forces and the United States for U.S. forces in Japan.
Armed Forces depend to accomplish their missions, including through The construction and other costs for facility development in the
information sharing with the private sector, as appropriate. implementation of these initiatives will be borne by the Government of Japan
The Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will: (GOJ) unless otherwise specified. The U.S. Government (USG) will bear
• maintain a posture to monitor their respective networks and systems; the operational costs that arise from implementation of these initiatives. The
• share expertise and conduct educational exchanges in cybersecurity; two Governments will finance their realignment associated costs consistent
• ensure resiliency of their respective networks and systems to achieve with their commitments in the October 29, 2005 SCC document to maintain
mission assurance; deterrence and capabilities while reducing burdens on local communities.
• contribute to whole-of-government efforts to improve cybersecurity;
Key Implementation Details
• conduct bilateral exercises to ensure effective cooperation for 1. Realignment on Okinawa
cybersecurity in all situations from peacetime to contingencies. (a) Futenma Replacement Facility (FRF)
In the event of cyber incidents against Japan, including those The United States and Japan will locate the FRF in a configuration
against critical infrastructure and services utilized by the Self-Defense that combines the Henoko-saki and adjacent water areas of Oura
Forces and the United States Armed Forces in Japan, Japan will and Henoko Bays, including two runways aligned in a “V”-shape,
have primary responsibility to respond, and based on close bilateral each runway having a length of 1,600 meters plus two 100-meter
coordination, the United States will provide appropriate support overruns. The length of each runway portion of the facility is 1,800
to Japan. The two governments also will share relevant information meters, exclusive of seawalls (see attached concept plan dated April
expeditiously and appropriately. In the event of serious cyber incidents 28, 2006). This facility ensures agreed operational capabilities while
that affect the security of Japan, including those that take place when addressing issues of safety, noise, and environmental impacts.
Japan is under an armed attack, the two governments will consult In order to locate the FRF, inclusive of agreed support facilities, in
closely and take appropriate cooperative actions to respond. the Camp Schwab area, necessary adjustments will be made, such
as reconfiguration of Camp Schwab facilities and adjacent water
VII. Bilateral Enterprise
surface areas.
The two governments will develop and enhance the following areas as a Construction of the FRF is targeted for completion by 2014.
foundation of security and defense cooperation, in order to improve further Relocation to the FRF will occur when the facility is fully
the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation: operationally capable.
A. Defense Equipment and Technology Cooperation Facility improvements for contingency use at ASDF bases at
In order to enhance interoperability and to promote efficient acquisition Nyutabaru and Tsuiki related to replacement of Marine Corps Air
and maintenance, the two governments will: Station (MCAS) Futenma capabilities will be made, as necessary,
• cooperate in joint research, development, production, and test and after conducting site surveys and before MCAS Futenma is returned.
evaluation of equipment and in mutual provision of components of Requirements for improved contingency use of civilian facilities
common equipment and services; will be examined in the context of bilateral contingency planning,
• strengthen the basis to repair and maintain common equipment for and appropriate arrangements will be made in order to realize the
mutual efficiency and readiness; return of MCAS Futenma.
• facilitate reciprocal defense procurement to enhance efficient
Makiminato Service Area. A bilateral, joint operations coordination center (BJOCC), established
The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) forces remaining on Okinawa at Yokota Air Base, will include a collocated air and missile defense
will consist of Marine Air-Ground Task Force elements, such as coordination function. The USG and GOJ will fund their own required
command, ground, aviation, and combat service support, as well as equipment and systems, respectively, while both sides will coordinate
a base support capability. appropriate funding of shared use equipment and systems.
Of the estimated $10.27 billion cost of the facilities and infrastructure The following measures will be pursued to facilitate movement of
development costs for the III MEF relocation to Guam, Japan will civilian aircraft through Yokota airspace while satisfying military
provide $6.09 billion (in U.S. FY2008 dollars), including $2.8 billion operational requirements.
in direct cash contributions, to develop facilities and infrastructure Establish a program in Japan FY2006 to inform commercial
on Guam to enable the III MEF relocation, recognizing the strong aviation entities of existing procedures to transit Yokota airspace.
desire of Okinawa residents that such force relocation be realized Return portions of Yokota airspace to Japanese control by
rapidly. The United States will fund the remainder of the facilities September 2008; specific portions will be identified by October
and infrastructure development costs for the relocation to Guam 2006.
estimated in U.S. FY2008 dollars at $3.18 billion in fiscal spending Develop procedures in Japan FY2006 for temporary transfers of
plus approximately $1 billion for a road. air traffic control responsibility to Japanese authorities for portions
(c) Land Returns and Shared Use of Facilities of Yokota airspace, when not required for military purposes.
Following the relocation to the FRF, the return of MCAS Futenma, Study the conditions required for the possible return of the entire
and the transfer of III MEF personnel to Guam, the remaining Yokota airspace as part of a comprehensive study of options for
facilities and areas on Okinawa will be consolidated, thereby related airspace reconfigurations and changes in air traffic control
enabling the return of significant land areas south of Kadena Air procedures that would satisfy future patterns of civilian and
Base. military (U.S. and Japanese) demand for use of Japanese airspace.
Both sides will develop a detailed consolidation plan by March The study will take into account both the lessons learned from the
2007. In this plan, total or partial return of the following six Kadena radar approach control (RAPCON) transfer experience
candidate facilities will be examined: and the lessons learned from experiences with collocation of
Camp Kuwae: Total return. U.S. forces and Japanese controllers in Japan. This study will be
Camp Zukeran: Partial return and consolidation of remaining completed in Japan FY2009.
facilities and infrastructure to the extent possible. The USG and GOJ will conduct a study of the specific conditions and
MCAS Futenma: Total return (see FRF section above). modalities for possible civilian-military dual use of Yokota Air Base, to
Makiminato Service Area: Total return. be completed within 12 months from commencement.
aha Port: Total return (relocated to the new facilities, including The study will be conducted on the shared understanding that
additional staging constructed at Urasoe). dual-use must not compromise military operations and safety or
Army POL Depot Kuwae Tank Farm No. 1: Total return. the military operational capabilities of Yokota Air Base.
All functions and capabilities that are resident in facilities Based upon the outcome of this study, the two governments will
designated for return, and that are required by forces remaining in consult and then make appropriate decisions on civilian- military
Okinawa, will be relocated within Okinawa. These relocations will dual-use.
occur before the return of designated facilities. 4. Relocation of Carrier Air Wing from Atsugi Air Facility to Marine Corps
While emphasizing the importance of steady implementation of the Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni
recommendations of the Special Action Committee on Okinawa The relocation of Carrier Air Wing Five (CVW-5) squadrons from
(SACO) Final Report, the SACO relocation and return initiatives Atsugi Air Facility to MCAS Iwakuni, consisting of F/A-18, EA-6B,
may need to be reevaluated. E-2C, and C-2 aircraft, will be completed by 2014, subsequent to the
Camp Hansen will be used for GSDF training. Shared use that following: (1) completion of necessary facilities, and (2) adjustment of
requires no facility improvements will be possible from 2006. training airspace and the Iwakuni RAPCON airspace.
ASDF will use Kadena Air Base for bilateral training with U.S. Necessary facilities will be developed at Atsugi Air Facility to
forces, taking into account noise impacts on local communities. accommodate MSDF E/O/UP-3 squadrons and other aircraft from
(d) Relationships among Initiatives Iwakuni, taking into account the continued requirement for U.S.
Within the overall package, the Okinawa-related realignment operations from Atsugi.
initiatives are interconnected. The KC-130 squadron will be based at MCAS Iwakuni with its
Specifically, consolidation and land returns south of Kadena depend headquarters, maintenance support facilities, and family support
on completing the relocation of III MEF personnel and dependents facilities. The aircraft will regularly deploy on a rotational basis
from Okinawa to Guam. for training and operations to MSDF Kanoya Base and Guam. To
The III MEF relocation from Okinawa to Guam is dependent on: support the deployment of KC-l30 aircraft, necessary facilities will be
(1) tangible progress toward completion of the FRF, and (2) Japan’s developed at Kanoya.
financial contributions to fund development of required facilities U.S. Marine Corps CH-53D helicopters will be relocated from MCAS
and infrastructure on Guam. Iwakuni to Guam when the III MEF personnel relocate from Okinawa to
2. Improvement of U.S. Army Command and Control Capability Guam.
U.S. Army command and control structure at Camp Zama will be Training airspace and Iwakuni RAPCON airspace will be adjusted to
transformed by U.S. FY2008. The headquarters of the GSDF Central fulfill safely the training and operational requirements of U.S. forces,
Readiness Force subsequently will arrive at Camp Zama by Japan Japan SDF, and commercial aircraft (including those in neighboring
FY2012; SDF helicopters will have access to Kastner Heliport on airspace) through coordination by the Joint Committee.
Camp Zama. A bilateral framework to conduct a study on a permanent fieldcarrier
Along with the transformation of Army headquarters in Japan, a landing practice facility will be established, with the goal of selecting
battle command training center and other support facilities will be a permanent site by July 2009 or the earliest possible date thereafter.
constructed within Sagami General Depot (SGD) using U.S. funding. Portions of the future civilian air facility will be accommodated at
In relation to this transformation, the following measures for efficient MCAS Iwakuni.
and effective use of Camp Zama and SGD will be implemented. 5. Missile Defense
Some portions of land at SGD will be returned for local As both sides deploy additional capabilities and improve their
redevelopment (approximately 15 hectares (ha)) and for road and respective ballistic missile defense capabilities, close coordination will
underground rail (approximately 2ha). Affected housing units will continue.
Iwakuni — will participate in relocated training conducted from the support (investment or loan) will not be utilized.
following SDF facilities: Chitose, Misawa, Hyakuri, Komatsu, Tsuiki, Any contributions under the cooperation in 2. (2) below will be a part
and Nyutabaru. Both sides will work toward expanding use of SDF of the aforementioned commitment.
facilities for bilateral training and exercises in the future. II. New Initiatives to Promote Regional Peace, Stability, and Prosperity
The GOJ will improve infrastructure for training relocation at SDF
(1) The Ministers confirmed the importance of promoting peace, stability,
facilities as necessary after conducting site surveys.
and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. The government of Japan will
Relocated training will not diminish the quality of training that is
take various measures, including strategic use of ODA (ex: providing
currently available to U.S. forces in Japan, taking into account facilities
coastal states with patrol boats).
and training requirements.
(2) The two governments will consider cooperation for developing training
In general, bilateral training will commence with participation of
areas in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
1–5 aircraft for the duration of 1–7 days, and develop over time to
Islands for shared-use by the two countries, and will identify areas of
participation of 6–12 aircraft for 8–14 days at a time.
cooperation by the end of 2012.
At those SDF facilities at which terms of joint use are stipulated by
Joint Committee agreements, limitations on the number of joint III. Land Returns in Okinawa
training events will be removed. Limitations on the total days and (1) (i) Areas eligible for immediate return upon completion of
period per training event for joint use of each SDF facility will be procedures:
maintained. Portions of Camp Zukeran (West Futenma Housing area and a
The USG and GOJ will share costs for bilateral training as appropriate, portion of the warehouse area of the Facilities and Engineering
bearing in mind the priority of maintaining readiness. Compound), portions of Makiminato Service Area (north access
(Attached conceptual diagram omitted) road, area near Gate 5)
(ii) Areas eligible for return following relocation within Okinawa:
Portions of Makiminato Service Area (including the preponderance
of the storage area), portions of Camp Zukeran (Industrial
Reference 21 Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Corridor, etc.), Camp Kuwae, Naha Port, Army Petroleum, Oil,
Committee and Lubricant Depot Kuwae Tank Farm No.1
(iii) Areas eligible for return following Marine Corps’ relocation to
(April 27, 2012)
locations outside of Japan:
Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee (Outline) Portions of Camp Zukeran, the remainder of Makiminato Service
Preamble Area
(1) The U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee decided to adjust the (2) The two countries will jointly develop a consolidation plan for facilities
plans outlined in the May 2006 Realignment Roadmap. and areas remaining in Okinawa by the end of 2012.
(2) The Ministers decided to delink both the relocation of the Marine Corps IV. Futenma Replacement Facility (FRF) and MCAS Futenma
from Okinawa to Guam and resulting land returns south of Kadena (1) The Ministers reconfirmed that the existing relocation proposal is the
from progress on the Futenma Replacement Facility. only viable solution.
(3) The Ministers affirmed that the new posture of the U.S. Marine (2) The two countries will contribute mutually to refurbishment projects
Corps, coupled with the enhancement of Japan’s defense posture and necessary to safely operate MCAS Futenma until the FRF is fully
promotion of bilateral dynamic defense cooperation, would strengthen operational and to protect the environment.
the deterrence capabilities of the overall U.S.-Japan Alliance. (END)
For the full text of the Joint Statement, see the MOD website.
Joint Training
Training Designation Date Location Japan United States Reference
Joint Staff Office, Self-Defense Fleet
Japan-U.S. Joint Exercise ASDF Yokota, Kasuga, Exercise and training for Japan-
Feb. 16, 20-23, HQ, JS Kongo and Teruzuki, Air Defense U.S. 7th Fleet HQ, several vessels,
for Air Defense / Naha, and U.S. Yokosuka U.S. coordination, enhancement of
2018 Command HQ, 2nd and 5th Air Defense etc.
Missile Defense Naval Base interoperability
Nov. 29-Dec. 13, Readiness Force, Ground Research and Brigade, U.S. Army Japan HQ, etc.
Army command and post Camp Sendai, etc. enhancement for command and
2017 Development Command, etc. Totaling approximately 1,600
exercise (Japan) staff activities of the Regional Army
Totaling approximately 5,000 personnel personnel
Ohyano Maneuver Area, Major units from 43rd Infantry Regiment, Major units of 2-1 Battalion, 4th Exercise and training for Japan-
Field training with U.S.
Dec. 8-20, 2017 Vice-Camp Takayubaru, 8th Division Marine regiment, 3rd Marine Division U.S. coordination, enhancement of
etc. Totaling approximately 350 personnel Totaling approximately 400 personnel interoperability
Major units of 2-1 Battalion, 4th
Ohjojihara Maneuver Major units of 39th Infantry Regiment, Marine Regiment; major units of C Exercise and training for Japan-
Joint exercise with U.S. Feb.15-Mar. 2,
Area, Camp Kasuminome, 9th Division Regiment, 31st Marine Expeditionary U.S. coordination, enhancement of
Marines 2018
Camp Tagajo Totaling approximately 600 personnel Battalion interoperability
Totaling approximately 550 personnel
tactical skills
Airspace over Sea of Enhancement of joint response
Fighter combat training,
Dec. 4, 2017 Japan and around 4 aircraft 4 aircraft capabilities, improvement of
Okinawa tactical skills
Enhancement of joint response
Navigation and Kyushu area and
Dec. 6, 2017 2 aircraft 1 aircraft capabilities, improvement of
formation training airspace
tactical skills
Enhancement of joint response
Navigation and Okinawa area and
Dec. 12, 2017 5 aircraft 11 aircraft capabilities, improvement of
formation training airspace
tactical skills
Enhancement of joint response
Navigation and Over the vicinity of the
Jan. 22, 2018 4 aircraft 4 aircraft capabilities, improvement of
formation training East China Sea
tactical skills
Training area for
Airfield Damage runway reconstruction, Southwestern Air Facility Unit / 9th U.S. Air Force 18th Civil Engineer Enhancement of capabilities,
Feb. 26-28, 2018
Repair Training Ammunition storage site, Air Wing Squadron enhancement of interoperability
Kadena Air Base
Training area for runway
Airfield Damage U.S. Air Force 35th Civil Engineer Enhancement of capabilities,
Mar. 28, 2018 reconstruction, Misawa Northern Air Facility Unit / 3rd Air Wing
Repair Training Squadron enhancement of interoperability
Air Base
Training area for runway
Airfield Damage 7th Air Wing / Central Aircraft Control Enhancement of capabilities,
Mar. 29, 2018 reconstruction, Yokota U.S. Air Force 374th Airlift Wing
Repair Training and Warning Wing enhancement of interoperability
Air Base
Date of conclusion of
intergovernmental agreement
Item Summary Completion date
to implement joint research
and development
Ducted rocket engine, advanced steel technology, fighting vehicle propulsion technology using ceramic materials, eye-safe laser radar,
ejection seat, advanced hybrid propulsion technology, shallow water acoustic technology, ballistic missile defense technology, low-
vulnerability gun propellant for field artillery, software radio, advanced hull material/structural technology, sea-based radar system, Completed
combat system for ship, palm-sized automated chemical agent detector, human effects of exposure to aircraft fuel and their engine
exhaust, image gyro for airborne applications
SM-3 Block IIA Development of advanced missile interceptor June 2006 Ongoing
Research on technologies that enable vehicles to be electrically powered using a motor, and
Hybrid Electric Propulsion November 2012 Ongoing
technologies that enable both an engine and a battery to function as power sources for the motor
High-Speed Multi-Hull Vessel Research aiming to design a multi-hull (trimaran, in particular) vessel featuring high-speed, adequate
March 2014 Ongoing
Optimization stability and large deck area
Comparison of Operational Jet Research on the combined effects of exposures to both jet fuel and noise on the risk of hearing loss
November 2015 Ongoing
Fuel and Noise Exposures for flight line personnel
Chemical Agent Detector-kit
Research on automatically interpreting the colorimetric response of the Chemical Agent Detector-kit February 2017 Ongoing
Colorimetric Reader
• With regard to the Futenma Replacement Facility, shared the position that the relocation to Henoko is the only solution and agreed that they
would continue to cooperate closely on this matter
• The Japanese side requested U.S. cooperation for the mitigation of the impact on Okinawa, and the U.S. side stated that it would continue to
cooperate on this matter
Feb. 4, Japan-U.S. Defense Minister of Defense • Shared the view that China’s activities in the East and South China Seas pose security concerns in the Asia-Pacific region
2017 Ministerial Meeting/ Inada • Shared the view that advances in North Korea’s nuclear and missile development constitute grave security threats to the stability of Japan
Tokyo Secretary of and the United States and the region
Defense Mattis • Confirmed the U.S. position regarding the Senkaku Islands
• Agreed to strengthen engagement in the East China Sea
• Agreed to strengthen trilateral defense cooperation including Japan-U.S.-ROK cooperation as well as cooperation under multilateral
• The Japanese side stated that it will strengthen its defense capabilities and expand Japan’s role in the Alliance
• The U.S. side stated that it will remain committed to the defense of Japan, and underscored that the U.S. commitment to the region will be
enhanced through its ongoing presence
• Confirmed the importance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, including the United States’ unwavering commitment to extended deterrence
• Shared the view on the need to further strengthen the deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance while taking into
account the Guidelines established in 2015
• The Japanese side requested U.S. cooperation for the steady progress of the realignment of the U.S. Forces Japan. The U.S. side stated that
it seeks to advance the realignment through Japan-U.S. collaboration.
• With regard to the relocation of MCAS Futenma, shared the position that the relocation to Henoko is the only solution and agreed that they
would continue to cooperate closely on this matter
• The Japanese side requested U.S. cooperation for the mitigation of the impact on Okinawa, and the two sides agreed to cooperate to ensure
the stable stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan
Jun. 3, Japan-U.S. Defense Minister of Defense • Shared the view that North Korea’s successive ballistic missile launches and other acts are flagrant provocations against the stability
2017 Ministerial Meeting/ Inada of Japan and the United States and the region and are absolutely intolerable, and that it is important to have close Japan-U.S.-ROK
Singapore Secretary of collaboration in addition to Japan-U.S. collaboration
Defense Mattis • The Japanese side highly praised the United States’ visible commitment to the peace and stability of the region, including the dispatch of its
carrier strike group, and stated that it is important to strengthen pressure on North Korea
• Confirmed the U.S. position regarding the Senkaku Islands
• Confirmed that Japan and the United States will deepen their cooperation on ensuring peace and stability in the East China Sea and
regarding engagement in the South China Sea
• Shared the view on the need to further strengthen the deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, and welcomed the
joint training between the SDF and the carrier strike group being conducted in the Sea of Japan as an activity contributing to this end
• Agreed that they will continue to coordinate for the prompt holding of a Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee (SCC) meeting
• Agreed to make steady progress on the plan for the realignment of the U.S. Forces in Japan, and the U.S. side announced its commitment to
continue to promote close Japan-U.S. cooperation
• Shared the position that the relocation of MCAS Futenma to Henoko is the only solution and agreed that they would continue to cooperate
closely on this matter
• The Japanese side requested U.S. cooperation for the mitigation of the impact on Okinawa, and the two sides agreed to cooperate to ensure
the stable stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan
Aug. 17, Japan-U.S. Security Minister of Defense • Reaffirmed the two government’ commitment to bolster the Japan-U.S. Alliance and the Alliance is the cornerstone of the Asia-Pacific
2017 Consultative Onodera region’s peace and security.
Committee (“2+2”) Minister for Foreign • Reaffirmed the Alliance’s commitment to the security of Japan through the full range of capabilities, including U.S. nuclear forces.
Meeting / New York Affairs Kono • Condemned in the strongest terms North Korea’s development of nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, and agreed on taking concrete
Secretary of actions to bolster the defense capabilities of the Alliance to deter threats of North Korea while closely coordinating between Japan and the
Defense Mattis U.S., and the two countries and the Republic of Korea.
Secretary of State • Confirmed the U.S. position regarding the Senkaku Islands.
Tillerson • Reaffirmed the importance of working together to safeguard the peace and stability of the East China Sea.
• Underlined the significance of continued engagement in the South China Sea, including through respective activities to support freedom of
• Confirmed their shared intent to develop specific measures and actions to further strengthen the U.S.-Japan Alliance, including through
reviewing roles, missions, and capabilities, to ensure seamless Alliance responses across a full spectrum of situations.
• Japan intends to expand its role in the Alliance and augment its defense capabilities, with an eye on the next planning period for its Mid-
Term Defense Program.
• The United States remains committed to deploying its most advanced capabilities to Japan.
• Directed respective staffs to proceed with the policy making process based on the guidance given by the ministers.
• Reaffirmed the two governments’ commitment to implementation of the 2015 Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation.
• Welcomed important steps within the Alliance to operationalize mutual asset protection and to bring into force the Acquisition and Cross-
Servicing Agreement (ACSA).
• Reaffirmed the critical role that U.S. extended deterrence plays in ensuring the security of Japan as well as the peace and stability of the
Asia-Pacific region.
• Confirmed their shared commitment to enhance and accelerate cooperation in such areas as bilateral planning, air and missile defense,
non-combatant evacuation operations, defense equipment and technology cooperation, intelligence cooperation and information security.
• Affirmed their desire to expand bilateral cooperation in space and cyber, and called for deepening consultations for such cooperation.
• Highlighted ongoing efforts to advance trilateral and multilateral security and defense cooperation with other partners in the region.
• Emphasized the need to enhance information-sharing and expand trilateral exercises between Japan, the U.S. and the Republic of Korea.
• Affirmed their intention to further enhance capacity building programs and defense equipment and technology transfers to Southeast Asian
• Confirmed their shared commitment to launch a whole-of-government dialogue on maritime security capacity building.
• Reaffirmed the relocation of MCAS Futenma to Henoko is the only solution.
• Reaffirmed the two Governments’ commitment to implement the existing arrangements for the realignment of U.S. Forces in Japan.
• Reaffirmed the overall level of Host Nation Support.
• Reaffirmed the two Governments would promote joint/shared use.
• Stressed the importance of steadily implementing supplementary agreements to SOFA regarding environmental stewardship and the civilian
• Given the increased level of North Korean ballistic missile threat, the two governments agreed on ensuring a reliable defense posture. Also
confirmed working together for the introduction of new BMD assets including the Aegis Ashore. Agreed on bringing even closer coordination
to the operation of Japanese and U.S. assets including Aegis-equipped ships.
• Welcomed the high level of communication through telephone meetings on continued provocations by North Korea, and reaffirmed to
continue to share information between Japan and the U.S.
• Confirmed the importance of continuously pressuring North Korea in a visible way and the importance of close coordination between Japan
and the U.S.
• Reaffirmed the two governments’ intention to promote close cooperation between Japan, the U.S., and the Republic of Korea.
• Shared the position that Japan and the U.S. will work together for the peace and security of the East China Sea while keeping a close watch
on the situations.
• Agreed on the importance of engagement in the Southeast Asia region while keeping a close watch on the situations in the South China Sea,
and welcomed progress in multilateral security cooperation as well as dialogues in the region through the framework of ADMM Plus.
• The Japanese side mentioned its intention to take initiatives to help ASEAN with capacity building based on the “Vientiane Vision,” Japan’s
defense cooperation initiatives with ASEAN.
• Confirmed that Japan and the U.S. will continue to cooperate closely to provide capacity building assistance to Southeast Asian partners.
• The Japanese side requested the U.S. Forces to make efforts to operate safely as understanding from the local communities is vital in
ensuring the stable stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan.
Apr. 20, Japan-U.S. Defense Minister of Defense • Held close discussion and agreed on future course of action concerning the North Korea issues, including the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting.
2018 Ministerial Meeting / Onodera • Agreed on the need to keep a close watch on North Korea, given no concrete initiatives by North Korea to give up its nuclear development
Washington D.C. Secretary of has been confirmed, despite the changes in the regime’s posture such as requesting for talks.
Defense Mattis • The Japanese side spoke about the necessity to put maximum pressure on North Korea in order to make it abolish its nuclear and missile
development, and affirmed that the two governments will maintain pressure and sanctions on North Korea with the goal of having North
Korea relinquish all weapons of mass destruction and all ballistic missile plans in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.
• The U.S. side commended efforts by the MSDF to address the issue of illegal ship-to-ship transfers by North Korean vessels, and showed its
commitment to continue these efforts with Japan and other partner nations.
• Affirmed the importance of cooperation among Japan, the U.S., and the Republic of Korea and other nations through joint training and exercise.
• Agreed on the importance of continuing close information-sharing to ensure the Alliance’s response capabilities to any situation.
• Welcomed progress in cooperation between Japan and the U.S. under Japan's Legislation for Peace and Security and the Guidelines such
as the SDF protecting and providing supplies and services to the U.S. Forces, and reaffirmed the further promotion of Japan-U.S. defense
cooperation through the steady enforcement of the Legislation and the Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation.
• The Japan side talked about moving forward on the review of the National Defense Program Guidelines towards the end of FY2018 and the
study of setting forth a next Mid-Term Defense Program, and reaffirmed on sharing information between the ministers.
• The Japanese side spoke about the need to introduce high-performance equipment including those used by the U.S. military to bolster
Japan’s defense capabilities amid an increasingly severe security environment. The two ministers affirmed to work together to make
it possible for Japan to smoothly and swiftly acquire equipment made in the U.S. including the Aegis Ashore by addressing the issues
regarding FMS.
• The Japanese side requested the securing of safe operations by the U.S. Forces, including the CV-22 to be deployed to Yokota Air Base and
U.S. Forces aircraft in Okinawa, and the U.S. side acknowledged the importance of ensuring flight safety.
• The Japanese side requested U.S. cooperation for the mitigation of the impact on the local community of Okinawa and other places, and
concurred that the U.S. will continue to cooperate with Japan on efforts to gain the understanding of the local community.
Reference 25 Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee United Nations Security Council resolutions including the newly adopted
Resolution 2371. The Ministers strongly encourage China to take decisive
(August 17, 2017)
measures to urge North Korea to change its course of action. The Ministers
called on North Korea to end its systematic human rights violations and to
Begin Text:
immediately release all foreign nationals held in North Korea, including
I. Overview Japanese abductees and U.S. citizens.
The U.S.-Japan Alliance (“the Alliance”) is the cornerstone of the Asia- The Ministers expressed continuing concerns about the security
Pacific region’s peace, prosperity, and freedom. This dynamic partnership environment in the East China Sea. They also recalled the situation in early
is also increasingly important in promoting values shared by both nations, August 2016. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of working together to
including freedom, democracy, peace, human rights, free and fair markets, safeguard the peace and stability of the East China Sea and reconfirmed that
and the rule of law. The Ministers renewed their resolve to uphold the rules- Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty applies to the Senkaku Islands and
based international order amid the challenging security environment. that the United States and Japan oppose any unilateral action that seeks to
Today the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee (“SCC”) charted undermine Japan’s administration of these islands.
a path forward for the Alliance in addressing the ongoing and emerging The Ministers expressed serious concern about the situation in the South
threats that pose a challenge to regional peace and security, based on the Joint China Sea and reaffirmed their opposition to unilateral coercive actions by
Statement by the leaders of both countries on February 10, 2017. The SCC claimants, including the reclamation and militarization of disputed features,
reaffirmed its commitment to implement the 2015 Guidelines for U.S.-Japan that alter the status quo and increase tensions. They reiterated the importance
Defense Cooperation and to pursue further ways to strengthen the Alliance. of the peaceful settlement of maritime disputes through full respect for legal
The Ministers also reaffirmed the Alliance’s commitment to the security of and diplomatic processes, including arbitration. They also emphasized the
Japan through the full range of capabilities, including U.S. nuclear forces. importance of compliance with the international law of the sea, as reflected in
II. The Regional Strategic Environment the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, including respect for
The Ministers condemned in the strongest terms North Korea’s recurring freedom of navigation and overflight and other lawful uses of the sea. In this
provocations and development of nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, regard, the Ministers recalled the award rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal on
which have entered a new phase, and pose an increasing threat to regional July 12, 2016. The Ministers acknowledged the adoption of the framework of
and international peace and stability. The Ministers committed to bolster the the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) and look forward to the
capabilities of the Alliance to deter and respond to these threats. They also conclusion of a meaningful, effective and legally binding COC. The Ministers
concurred on continuing to pressure North Korea, in cooperation with other underlined the significance of continued engagement in the South China Sea,
countries, to compel it to take concrete actions to end its nuclear and ballistic including through respective activities to support freedom of navigation,
missile programs, and to achieve the complete, verifiable, and irreversible bilateral and multilateral training and exercises, and coordinated capacity
denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The Ministers called on the building assistance.
international community to comprehensively and thoroughly implement the
Cooperation and pursue additional types of cooperation under Japan’s The Ministers confirmed their intent to continue to promote aviation
Legislation for Peace and Security; and, training relocation, including tilt-rotor/rotary wing training relocation, which
• Explore new and expanded activities in various areas, such as Intelligence, has helped to mitigate the impact of training activity on Okinawa.
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR), training and exercises, research (2) Host Nation Support (HNS)
and development, capacity building, and the joint/shared use of facilities. The Ministers welcomed the entry into force of the current Special Measures
(2) Implementation of the 2015 Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Agreement (SMA) in April 2016, which serves as a pillar of the Alliance and
Cooperation a symbol of Japan’s enduring support for the U.S. military presence in Japan.
The Ministers reaffirmed the two Governments' unwavering commitment to The Ministers confirmed that the overall level of HNS is to be maintained
continue implementation of the 2015 Guidelines. The Ministers welcomed roughly at the Japan Fiscal Year 2015 level. The Ministers reaffirmed that the
important steps within the Alliance to operationalize mutual asset protection Facilities Improvement Program (FIP) funding in the current SMA period is
and to bring into force the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement to be no less than a budget of 20.6 billion yen per year.
(ACSA) as milestones in enhancing bilateral defense cooperation. The (3) Other Issues
Ministers noted the successful use of the Alliance Coordination Mechanism The Ministers reaffirmed the two Governments would promote joint/shared
(ACM) to respond to regional events. The Ministers reaffirmed the critical use to enhance interoperability and deterrence, build stronger relationships
role that U.S. extended deterrence plays in ensuring the security of Japan as with local communities, and strengthen the Self-Defense Forces’ force
well as the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, and they expressed posture, including in Japan’s southwestern islands.
their intention to deepen engagement on this subject through the Extended The Ministers reiterated their determination to address issues related
Deterrence Dialogue. They also confirmed their shared commitment to to the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) through mutual consultations.
enhance and accelerate cooperation in such areas as bilateral planning, air and The Ministers welcomed the entry into force of supplementary agreements
missile defense, non-combatant evacuation operations, defense equipment and regarding environmental stewardship and the civilian component, and they
technology cooperation, intelligence cooperation and information security. stressed the importance of steadily implementing these agreements. The
The Ministers affirmed their desire to expand bilateral cooperation in space, Ministers acknowledged the United States’ enhanced training and orientation
particularly in resiliency, Space Situational Awareness, hosted payloads and processes for personnel with SOFA status.
satellite communications. They called for deepening consultations in a timely
manner on Alliance responses to serious cyber incidents, underscoring the
critical importance of further enhancing Allied deterrence and defense. Reference 26 Joint Statement (February 10, 2017)
IV. Trilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
The Ministers highlighted ongoing Alliance efforts to advance trilateral and President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held their
multilateral security and defense cooperation with other partners in the region, first official meeting today in Washington D.C. and affirmed their strong
notably the Republic of Korea, Australia, India and Southeast Asian countries. determination to further strengthen the U.S.-Japan Alliance and economic
The Ministers underscored the importance of cooperating to promote a relationship.
rules-based international order, taking note of the United States’ continued U.S.-Japan Alliance
commitment to maintain a strong presence in the region and Japan’s initiatives The unshakable U.S.-Japan Alliance is the cornerstone of peace, prosperity,
demonstrated by its “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy.” and freedom in the Asia-Pacific region. The U.S. commitment to defend
Regarding cooperation with the Republic of Korea, the Ministers Japan through the full range of U.S. military capabilities, both nuclear
emphasized the need to enhance information-sharing and expand trilateral and conventional, is unwavering. Amid an increasingly difficult security
exercises, including missile warning, anti-submarine warfare, and maritime environment in the Asia-Pacific region, the United States will strengthen its
interdiction operations exercises. presence in the region, and Japan will assume larger roles and responsibilities
Regarding cooperation with Southeast Asian nations, the Ministers in the alliance. The United States and Japan will continue to implement
affirmed their intention to further enhance capacity building programs and and expand defense cooperation as laid out in the 2015 U.S.-Japan Defense
defense equipment and technology transfers in areas including maritime Guidelines. The United States and Japan will further enhance cooperation with
security, defense institution building, and humanitarian assistance and disaster allies and partners in the region. The two leaders underscored the importance
relief (HA/DR). Recognizing the importance of upholding the maritime order of maintaining international order based upon the rule of law.
in the region, the Ministers confirmed their shared commitment to launch a The two leaders affirmed the commitment of the United States and
whole-of-government dialogue on maritime security capacity building, which Japan to the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan, to ensure the long-term,
would incorporate existing efforts in this regard. sustainable presence of U.S. forces. They affirmed that the United States
V. The U.S. Force Presence in Japan and Japan are committed to the plan to construct the Futenma Replacement
(1) Realignment of U.S. Forces in Japan Facility at the Camp Schwab/Henoko area and in adjacent waters. It is the
The Ministers, in view of maintaining a robust U.S. force presence in Japan, only solution that avoids the continued use of Marine Corps Air Station
reaffirmed the two Governments’ commitment to implement the existing Futenma.
arrangements for the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan, which aim to The two leaders affirmed that Article V of the U.S.-Japan Treaty of
maintain operational and deterrent capability in an increasingly severe security Mutual Cooperation and Security covers the Senkaku Islands. They oppose
environment, while also mitigating the impact on local communities and any unilateral action that seeks to undermine Japan's administration of these
enhancing support from local communities for the presence and operations islands. The United States and Japan will deepen cooperation to safeguard
of U.S. forces in Japan. the peace and stability of the East China Sea. The two leaders underscored
As an essential element of this effort, the Ministers welcomed the the importance of maintaining a maritime order based on international law,
resumption of Futenma Replacement Facility (FRF) construction and including freedom of navigation and overflight and other lawful uses of the
reconfirmed that the plan to construct the FRF at the Camp Schwab- sea. The United States and Japan oppose any attempt to assert maritime claims
Henokosaki area and adjacent waters is the only solution that addresses through the use of intimidation, coercion or force. The United States and
operational, political, financial, and strategic concerns and avoids the Japan also call on countries concerned to avoid actions that would escalate
continued use of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Futenma. The Ministers tensions in the South China Sea, including the militarization of outposts, and
reaffirmed the two Governments’ unwavering commitment to the plan and to act in accordance with international law.
underscored their strong determination to achieve its completion as soon The United States and Japan strongly urge North Korea to abandon its
as possible and the long-desired return of MCAS Futenma to Japan. In this nuclear and ballistic missile programs and not to take any further provocative
context, the Ministers called for the steady implementation of the construction actions. The U.S.-Japan Alliance is fully capable of ensuring the security
plan, noting the adverse impact of further delays on the ability of the Alliance of Japan. The United States is fully committed to defending its homeland,
to provide for peace and security. forces, and allies, through the full range of U.S. military capabilities. The
The Ministers welcomed the return of a major portion of the Northern two leaders affirmed the importance of an early resolution of the abductions
the respective roles, missions, and capabilities of the two countries. In addition, the two leaders expressed interest in exploring cooperation
U.S.-Japan Economic Relations across sectors that promote mutual economic benefits to the United States
The United States and Japan represent 30 percent of the world’s GDP and share and Japan.
an interest in sustaining a strong global economy, ensuring financial stability, The two leaders decided to have their countries engage in an economic
and growing job opportunities. To advance these interests, the President and dialogue to discuss these and other issues. They also reaffirmed their intent to
the Prime Minister reaffirmed their commitments to using the three-pronged continue cooperation in regional and global fora.
approach of mutually-reinforcing fiscal, monetary, and structural policies to Invitations to Visit Japan
strengthen domestic and global economic demand. Prime Minister Abe invited President Trump for an official visit to Japan
The two leaders discussed opportunities and challenges facing each of during the course of this year, and also welcomed an early visit of Vice
their economies and the need to promote inclusive growth and prosperity President Pence to Tokyo. President Trump accepted these invitations.
in their countries, the Asia-Pacific region, and the world. They emphasized
Kadena Air Base 12. A part of southern area (Tobaru) 2 ◎ Returned on January 31, 1996
Returned on December 31,
Chibana Site 13. In whole 0.1 ◎ 1996
Returned on December 31,
14. A part of Kin-cho (Kin) 3 ◎ 1996
Returned on June 30, 2014
Camp Hansen
23. A part of East China Sea side slope (Nago City) 162 ◎
Returned on June 30, 2017
(22. Eastern Side of National Highway 58 (Kino–Hija), Southwestern corner
(Yamanaka Area))
74 ○ Returned on March 25, 1999
Kadena Ammunition 15. Kadena bypass (west side of Route 58) 3 ○ ◎ Returned on March 25, 1999
Storage Area
(22. Kurahama: site for waste incineration facilities) 9 ○ Returned on March 31, 2005
(22. Continuing use area for GSDF) 58 ○ Returned on October 31, 2006
Torii Communication Station 16. Kadena bypass 4 ◎ Returned on March 31, 1999
Returned on September 30,
Deputy Division Engineer Office 17. In whole 4 ◎ 2002
Returned on December 31,
(19. Southern side of the eastern part) 2 ○ ○ 1994
Camp Kuwae 18. Northern part (Ihei) 38 ◎
Returned on March 31, 2003
(18. Along Route 58) (5) ○
MCAS Futenma 21. Lands along eastern side (Nakabaru - Ginowan) 4 ◎ Returned on July 31, 2017
Notes: 1. For the “Area” column, the value within parentheses is a portion of the value indicated immediately above.
2. A single circle in the “Classification” column expediently indicates that the scope of the case overlaps that of another issue.
3. The numbers in the “Scope” column were assigned only for the purpose of classifying 23 issues.
4. “SCC” in the “Classification” column indicates issues for which release was not achieved by June 1990 with respect to realignment, consolidation, and reduction plans of facilities and areas in Okinawa
which were approved by the 15th and 16th Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee meetings. “Gun-Ten-Kyo” indicates issues for which release was requested by the Council for promotion of dezon-
ing and utilization of military land and consultation of problems accompanying bases in Okinawa Prefecture chaired by Okinawa’s governor. “Governor” indicates issues for which then-Governor Nishime of
Okinawa requested the U.S. government to release facilities and areas. “U.S. Forces” indicates issues in which the U.S. side declared to be returnable with respect to facilities and areas in Okinawa.
Relocate Navy aircraft operations and supporting facilities at Kadena Air Report called for the Special Working Group on Futenma to examine
Base from the Navy ramp to the other side of the major runways. The three specific alternatives: 1) incorporate the heliport into Kadena Air
implementation schedules for these measures will be decided along with Base; 2) construct a heliport at Camp Schwab; and 3) develop and
the implementation schedules for the development of additional facilities construct a sea-based facility (SBF).
at Kadena Air Base necessary for the return of Futenma Air Station. Move b. On December 2, 1996, the SCC approved the SACO recommendation
the MC-130s at Kadena Air Base from the Navy ramp to the northwest to pursue the SBF option. Compared to the other two options, the
corner of the major runways by the end of December 1996. SBF is judged to be the best option in terms of enhanced safety and
— Noise reduction baffles at Kadena Air Base quality of life for the Okinawan people while maintaining operational
Build new noise reduction baffles at the north side of Kadena Air Base capabilities of U.S. forces. In addition, the SBF can function as a fixed
with the intention to finish the process by the end of March 1998. facility during its use as a military base and can also be removed when
— Limitation of night flight training operations at Futenma Air Station no longer necessary.
Limit night flight training operations at Futenma Air Station to the c. The SCC will establish a bilateral U.S.–Japan working group under
maximum extent possible, consistent with the operational readiness of the supervision of the Security Sub-Committee (SSC) entitled the
U.S. forces. Futenma Implementation Group (FIG), to be supported by a team of
Improve Status of Forces Agreement Procedures: technical experts. The FIG, working with the Joint Committee, will
develop a plan for implementation no later than December 1997. Upon
— Accident reports
SCC approval of this plan, the FIG, working with the Joint Committee,
Implement new Joint Committee agreement on procedures to provide
will oversee design, construction, testing, and transfer of assets.
investigation reports on U.S. military aircraft accidents announced on
Throughout this process, the FIG will periodically report to the SSC on
December 2, 1996. In addition, as part of the U.S. forces’ good neighbor
the status of its work.
policy, every effort will be made to insure timely notification of appropriate
2. Decisions of the SCC
local officials, as well as the Government of Japan, of all major accidents
a. Pursue construction of an SBF to absorb most of the helicopter
involving U.S. forces’ assets or facilities.
operational functions of Futenma Air Station. This facility will be
— Public exposure of Joint Committee agreements
approximately 1,500 meters long, and will support the majority of
Seek greater public exposure of Joint Committee agreements.
Futenma Air Station’s flying operations, including an Instrument Flight
— Visits to U.S. facilities and areas
Rules (IFR) — capable runway (approximately 1,300 meters long),
Implement the new procedures for authorizing visits to U.S. facilities and
direct air operations support, and indirect support infrastructure such
areas announced by the Joint Committee on December 2, 1996.
as headquarters, maintenance, logistics, quality-of-life functions, and
— Markings on U.S. forces official vehicles
base operating support. The SBF will be designed to support basing of
Implement the agreement on measures concerning markings on U.S. forces
helicopter assets, and will also be able to support short-field aircraft
official vehicles. Numbered plates will be attached to all non-tactical U.S.
forces vehicles by January 1997, and to all other U.S. forces vehicles by
b. Transfer 12 KC-130 aircraft to Iwakuni Air Base. Construct facilities at
October 1997.
this base to ensure that associated infrastructure is available to support
— Supplemental automobile insurance
these aircraft and their missions.
Education programs for automobile insurance have been expanded.
c. Develop additional facilities at Kadena Air Base to support aircraft,
Additionally, on its own initiative, the U.S. has further elected to have all
maintenance, and logistics operations which are currently available at
personnel under the SOFA obtain supplemental auto insurance beginning
Futenma Air Station but are not relocated to the SBF or Iwakuni Air
in January 1997.
— Payment for claims
d. Study the emergency and contingency use of alternate facilities, which
Make joint efforts to improve payment procedures concerning claims
may be needed in the event of a crisis. This is necessary because the
under paragraph 6, Article XVIII of the SOFA in the following manner:
transfer of functions from Futenma Air Station to the SBF will reduce
• Requests for advance payments will be expeditiously processed and
operational flexibility currently available.
evaluated by both Governments utilizing their respective procedures.
e. Return Futenma Air Station within the next five to seven years, after
Whenever warranted under U.S. laws and regulatory guidance, advance
adequate replacement facilities are completed and operational.
payment will be accomplished as rapidly as possible.
3. Guiding Principles
• A new system will be introduced by the end of March 1998, by which
a. Futenma Air Station’s critical military functions and capabilities will
Japanese authorities will make available to claimants no interest loans,
be maintained and will continue to operate at current readiness levels
as appropriate, in advance of the final adjudication of claims by U.S.
throughout the transfer of personnel and equipment and the relocation
of facilities.
• In the past there have been only a very few cases where payment by the
b. To the greatest extent possible, Futenma Air Station’s operations
U.S. Government did not satisfy the full amount awarded by a final court
and activities will be transferred to the SBF. Operational capabilities
judgment. Should such a case occur in the future, the Government of
and contingency planning flexibility which cannot be supported by
Japan will endeavor to make payment to the claimant, as appropriate, in
the shorter runway of the SBF (such as strategic airlift, logistics,
order to address the difference in amount.
emergency alternate divert, and contingency throughput) must be
— Quarantine procedures
fully supported elsewhere. Those facilities unable to be located on the
Implement the updated agreement on quarantine procedures announced by
SBF, due to operational cost, or quality-of-life considerations, will be
the Joint Committee on December 2, 1996.
located on existing U.S. facilities and areas.
— Removal of unexploded ordnance in Camp Hansen
c. The SBF will be located off the east coast of the main island of
Continue to use USMC procedures for removing unexploded ordnance in
Okinawa, and is expected to be connected to land by a pier or
Camp Hansen, which are equivalent to those applied to ranges of the U.S.
causeway. Selection of the location will take into account operational
forces in the United States.
requirements, airspace and sea-lane deconfliction, fishing access,
— Continue efforts to improve the SOFA procedures in the Joint Committee
environmental compatibility, economic effects, noise abatement,
survivability, security, and convenient, acceptable personnel access to
other U.S. military facilities and housing.
d. The design of the SBF will incorporate adequate measures to ensure
platform, aircraft, equipment, and personnel survivability against
severe weather and ocean conditions; corrosion control treatment
and prevention for the SBF and all equipment located on the SBF;
Studies have been conducted by a “Technical Support Group” comprised capabilities at each location, including facility design, construction,
of Government engineers under the guidance of a “Technical Advisory installation of required components, validation tests and suitability
Group” comprised of university professors and other experts outside the demonstrations, and transfer of operations to the new facility.
Government. These studies suggested that all three construction methods c. The FIG will conduct periodic reviews and make decisions at
mentioned below are technically feasible. significant milestones concerning SBF program feasibility.
a. Pile Supported Pier Type (using floating modules) — supported by a
number of steel columns fixed to the sea bed.
[Return of Lands]
1. Already returned facilities
Name of Facility (Project) State of Progress
• April 1999: The Japan–U.S. Joint Committee came to an agreement on land return after seven HLZs are relocated, etc.
Northern Training Area • February 2006: The Japan–U.S. Joint Committee came to an agreement on changes to the agreement of April 1999 (HLZs: from 7 HLZs to 6 HLZs, reduction
(Return of major portion) of the scale of the site preparation from 75 m to 45 m in diameter)
• December 2016: Major portion (approximately 4,010 ha) was returned
Aha Training Area
• December 1998: Total return completed (release of joint use)
(Return of total area)
• January 2008: The Japan–U.S. Joint Committee came to an agreement on land return after the helicopter landing zone (HLZ) is relocated to Kin Blue Beach
Gimbaru Training Area
Training Area and the other facilities are relocated to Camp Hansen
(Return of total area)
• July 2011: Total return completed (approximately 60 ha)
• April 1999: The Japan–U.S. Joint Committee came to an agreement on land return after communication systems including communication facilities such as
Sobe Communication Site antennas and others are relocated to Camp Hansen
(Return of total area) • June 2006: Land to which the Special Measure Law for USFJ Land was applied (approx. 236 m2) was returned
• December 2006: Remaining portion (approximately 53 ha) returned (total return of Sobe Communication Site [approximately 53 ha])
• October 2002: The Japan–U.S. Joint Committee came to an agreement on land return after the Sobe Communication Site is relocated
Yomitan Auxiliary Airfield
• July 2006: Partially returned (approximately 138 ha)
(Return of total area)
• December 2006: Remaining portion (approximately 53 ha) returned (total return of Yomitan Auxiliary Airfield [approximately 191 ha])
• March 2002: The Japan–U.S. Joint Committee came to an agreement on return of most land after communication systems including the antenna facilities
Senaha Communication
and others are relocated to Torii Communication Station
• September 2006: Partially returned (approximately 61 ha excluding the microwave tower portion)
(Return of most areas)
• October 2006: The microwave tower portion consolidated into Torii Communication Station
Makiminato Service Area * May 2006: Described as total return in the United States–Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementation
(Return of partial area → • December 2015: the Japan-U.S. Joint Committee came to an agreement on partial land return for the expansion of national highway
Return of total area)* • March 2018: Partially returned (approximately 3ha)
Naha Port Facility
(Return of total area → * May 2006: Described as total return in the United States–Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementation
Return of total area)*
• February 2010: 24 townhouses constructed in Futenma and Upper Plaza Area were furnished
* May 2006: Camp Zukeran was described as partial return in the United States–Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementation
* April 2013: It was written in the Consolidation Plan for Facilities and Areas in Okinawa that the OHC plan will be reassessed under SACO, and that 910 family
housing (including alternatives for housing that are to be removed in consolidated areas) will be built in addition to 56 housing already agreed to build based
on the request for family housing after the realignment of the U.S. Forces in Okinawa.
→ Construction in the Nago City Henoko coastal region in the water area of Camp Schwab
“Basic Agreement Regarding the Use of Replacement Facilities” concluded between the Director General of Defense Agency and the Governor of Okinawa.
July 2002 “Basic Plan for Replacement Facilities for MCAS Futenma” was prepared.
→ Scale, construction methods, and specific construction site decided.
November 2003 Then Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld visited Okinawa.
August 2004 A U.S. Forces helicopter crashed into a university campus in Ginowan City, Okinawa.
“2+2” Joint Statement
October 2005
→ Agreement on a new plan (an L shape plan connecting the coastal area of Camp Schwab with the adjacent water area of Oura bay)
“Basic Agreement Regarding the Construction of the Futenma Replacement Facility” concluded between the Director General of the Defense Agency, the Mayor of Nago,
April 2006 and the village mayor of Ginoza.
→ Agreement was reached by creating flight paths avoiding overflight of the surrounding region (the V shape plan).
• “2+2” Joint Statement
→ Final adjustments made for the “U.S.-Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementation,” V shape plan approved
“Basic Confirmation Regarding the Realignment of U.S. Military Forces in Okinawa” concluded between the Director General of the Defense Agency and the Governor of
May 2006
• “GOJ Efforts for USFJ Force Structure Realignment and Others” (Cabinet decision)
→ The cabinet decision of December 1999 was abolished.
August 2006 Establishment of “the Council on Measures for Relocation of MCAS Futenma”
August 2007 The EIA scoping document was sent to the governor, municipal mayors etc. of Okinawa.
April 2009 Draft Environment Impact Statement was sent to the governor and municipal mayors of Okinawa.
Conclusion of a three-party coalition government agreement between the Democratic Party of Japan, the Social Democratic Party, and the People’s New Party.
September 2009
→ Agreement on reviewing the status of the U.S. Forces realignment and U.S. Forces bases in Japan.
Establishment of the Ministerial-Level Working Group on the Replacement Facility for Futenma Air Station. Japan-U.S. summit meeting
November 2009
→ Agreement on resolving the relocation of Futenma Air Station expeditiously through the working group.
December 2009 Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies convened, Exploratory Committee for the Okinawa Bases Issue was established.
“2+2” Joint Statement
May 2010 → Confirmed the intention to locate the Futenma Replacement Facility at the Camp Schwab Henokosaki and adjacent water areas
Cabinet approval of “immediate actions by the Government of Japan on items decided by the Japan-United States Security Consultative Committee on May 28th, 2010”
August 2010 Futenma Replacement Facility Bilateral Experts Study Group Report
“2+2” Joint Statement
June 2011 → Confirming the commitment that a replacement plan should be completed as early as possible after 2014, while deciding that the shape of the runway in the
replaced facility should be V-shaped.
December 2011–
The Environmental Impact Statement report was sent to the governor of Okinawa.
January 2012
The Japan-U.S. Joint Statement was announced on the realignment of the U.S. forces stationed in Japan.
February 2012
→ Official discussion was initiated to delink two issues—the movement of Marines to Guam and resulting land returns south of Kadena—from progress on the FRF.
“2+2” Joint Statement
April 2012 → The current plan to relocate the air base from Futenma to Henoko was reconfirmed to be the only viable solution.
Agreement reached to delink two issues—the movement of Marines to Guam and resulting land returns south of Kadena—from progress on the FRF.
December 2012 Revised Environment Impact Statement was sent to the governor and municipal mayors of Okinawa.
March 2013 Application for approval of public water body reclamation was submitted to the governor of Okinawa.
Release of “the consolidation plan of USFJ facilities and areas in Okinawa”
April 2013
→ MCAS Futenma can be returned in FY2022 or later through relocation, etc.
“2+2” Joint Statement
October 2013
→ Recognition was reaffirmed that the plan to construct the Futenma Replacement Facility in Henoko is the only solution that avoids continued use of MCAS Futenma
December 2013 Governor of Okinawa approved reclamation of the public water body related to the Futenma Replacement Facility construction project
July 2014 Started the construction of replacement facilities
Joint press release by Japan and the United States
October 2014
→ Reaffirmed that the plan to construct the Futenma Replacement Facility in Henoko is the only solution to avoid the continued use of MCAS Futenma
“2+2” Joint Statement
April 2015 → Reconfirmed that the plan to construct the Futenma Replacement Facility at the Camp Schwab-Henokosaki area and adjacent waters is the only solution that
addresses operational, political, financial, and strategic concerns and avoids the continued use of MCAS Futenma
• Governor of Okinawa revoked the landfill permit for the Futenma Replacement Facility project
• The Okinawa Defense Bureau requested the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to review the governor of Okinawa’s revocation of the landfill permit
October 2015 for the Futenma Replacement Facility project, and requested the suspension of its execution
• The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism recognized the request of the Okinawa Defense Bureau and decided to suspend execution of the revocation
of the landfill permit
• Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting and Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting
November 2015 → Reconfirmed that constructing the Futenma Replacement Facility in Henoko is the only solution that avoids the continued use of MCAS Futenma
• The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism filed an administrative suit seeking a retraction of revocation of the landfill permit
• The Central and Local Government Dispute Management Council notified the results of the review
• Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting
June 2016
→ Japan stated that its position remains unwavering that the relocation to Henoko is the only solution. The U.S. stated that it fully understands the views of the
Japanese Government and will continue to work closely with Japan.
July 2016 • The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism filed a suit seeking confirmation of the violation of law for the failure to act
• Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting
September 2016
→ Japan stated that its position remains unwavering that the relocation to Henoko is the only solution. The U.S. stated that it will continue to work closely with Japan.
• Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting
→ Shared the position that the relocation of MCAS Futenma to Henoko is the only solution, and agreed to continue to work together closely
• The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of Governor of Okinawa in a suit seeking confirmation of the violation of law for the failure to act (finalized victory of the
national government)
December 2016 • Governor of Okinawa retracted the revocation of the landfill permit for the Futenma Replacement Facility construction project
• Resumed the Futenma Replacement Facility construction project
• Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting
→ Japan explained that its position remains unwavering that the relocation of MCAS Futenma to Henoko is the only solution, that construction has resumed following
the Supreme Court ruling, and that the Government will steadily move forward with the construction
• Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting
→ Shared the position that the relocation of MCAS Futenma to Henoko is the only solution, and agreed to continue to work together closely
February 2017
• Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting
→ Confirmed that the relocation of MCAS Futenma to Henoko is the only solution
April 2017 Began construction of the seawall, the main part of the public waters reclamation
Okinawa Prefectural Government filed a lawsuit against the central government arguing it is illegal to damage rock on the seabed without securing permission of the
July 2017
Joint statement of "2+2"
August 2017
→ The four ministers reaffirmed that the relocation to Henoko is the only solution to avoid the continued use of MCAS Futenma.
Reference 31 Estimated Timelines for the Return of Facilities and Areas South of Kadena
1: Shirahi River area can be returned at the same timing.
2: Part of the logistics support units in this area are scheduled to be relocated to locations outside of Japan. Efforts will be made to minimize the impact of the relocation on the approximate
timing for return. However, the relocation sequence is subject to change depending on the progress of relocation.
3: Area south of the Industrial Corridor (Camp Foster) can be returned at the same timing.
4: Plans for USMC relocation to locations outside of Japan have not yet been determined. The relocation sequence is subject to change depending on the progress of relocation.
June 6, 2011 The U.S. Department of Defense announced that the CH-46 deployed at MCAS Futenma would be replaced with the MV-22 Osprey in the latter half of 2012.
June 13, 2012– Provided an explanation on the results of the Environment Review, MV-22 pamphlet, etc. to Okinawa Prefecture, relevant local governments and other organizations.
Host Nation Notification and U.S. Department of Defense press release regarding the deployment of the MV-22 Osprey to Okinawa
• Deployed a squadron in October 2012 (off-loaded at MCAS Iwakuni in late July).
June 29- • Deployed an additional squadron in summer 2013.
• The results of the investigation of the crash accident were provided to the Government of Japan; the MV-22 Osprey did not conduct any flights in Japan until the
safety of flight operations was reconfirmed.
July 23 Off-loaded at MCAS Iwakuni.
Released the report “MV-22 Osprey deployment in Okinawa” (that safety was confirmed by the government).
September 19
The Joint Committee agreed on matters related to the Osprey’s operations.
October 6 Relocation to MCAS Futenma was completed.
January 28, 2013 The Okinawa Citizens’ Council, the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly, and other organizations sent a statement to the Prime Minister.
The MOD provided explanation to the relevant local governments and other organizations regarding the U.S. explanation on the deployment of the MV-22 squadron
April 30
(off-loaded at MCAS Iwakuni in summer 2013).
July 30 The second squadron off-loaded at MCAS Iwakuni.
September 25 Relocation to MCAS Futenma was completed.
May 11, 2015 The U.S. Department of Defense announced that it would deploy the CV-22 Osprey at Yokota Air Base starting in the latter half of 2017.
December 13, 2016 Emergency landing of an MV-22 Osprey off the coast of Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture.
February 1, 2017 Periodic aircraft maintenance of the MV-22 Osprey was commenced at Camp Kisarazu.
Informed relevant local governments and other organizations that the U.S. Department of Defense announced the postponement of the arrival of the CV-22 Osprey
March 14
that were to be deployed at Yokota Air Base.
August 5 Accident of a MV-22 attached to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Force (Futenma) off the east coast of Australia.
United States Forces, Japan announced that five CV-22 Osprey would be deployed to Japan around summer of 2018, and a total of ten Osprey would be deployed
April 3, 2018
gradually over the next few years.
Reference 33 Outline of the Act on Special Measures on Smooth Implementation of the Realignment of United States Forces in Japan
1. Purpose
It is critically important to realize the realignment of the United States Forces in Japan (USFJ), in order to contribute to the maintenance of peace and
security in Japan and to mitigate the impact of defense facilities on surrounding residents by all of Japan. In this light, the purpose of this Act is to
contribute to the smooth implementation of USFJ realignment by taking the following special measures, etc.
(2) Public project special provisions for areas incurring particularly large impacts
Designate areas that include municipalities incurring particularly large impacts as Special Area for Development concerning Realignment, and promote the
development of these areas by establishing special provisions for cost sharing by local governments when developing roads, ports, and other infrastructure.
Set up at the MOD the Council for Local Development concerning Realignment of U.S. Forces in Japan and Related SDF Forces comprised of relevant
ministers, and at the Council’s meetings discuss matters such as the designation of the Special Area for Development concerning Realignment and the
establishment of the development plan for the area (Development Plan for Special Area for Development concerning Realignment).
Implement skills education and training that contribute to the continuous employment of USFJ local employees.
The Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America
(hereinafter referred to as the “United States Government”), hereinafter ARTICLE 4
referred to as the “Parties”; Through the framework of the Joint Committee, the Parties also shall
Confirming that the United States armed forces in Japan (hereinafter cooperate to strengthen mechanisms and procedures to ensure that persons
referred to as the “United States armed forces”) under the Treaty of Mutual ordinarily resident in Japan are excluded from being members of the Civilian
Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of America Component.
(hereinafter referred to as the “Treaty”) and the Agreement under Article VI of
the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United ARTICLE 5
States of America, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United 1. The Parties, through the framework of the Joint Committee, shall establish
States Armed Forces in Japan (hereinafter referred to as the “Status of Forces a procedure so that the Government of Japan is notified promptly of
Agreement”), both signed at Washington on January 19, 1960, contribute to contractor employees who have been designated as members of the
the security of Japan and the maintenance of international peace and security Civilian Component. The Parties shall consult in the Working Group upon
in the Far East; the request of either Party regarding such notification.
Bearing in mind the “Japan-United States Joint Statement on Reviewing 2. Upon the development of criteria as directed in Article 3, the United States
Implementation Practices of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Related Government is to establish and maintain procedures for formalized, regular
to U.S. Personnel with SOFA Status, Including the Civilian Component” reviews of contractor employees who are designated as members of the
announced by the Parties on July 5, 2016, and its recognition of the spirit of Civilian Component to ensure that they are in fact eligible for such status.
Alliance cooperation and the mutual commitment of Japan and the United 3. The Parties, through the Working Group referred to in Article 2, shall
States to strengthen the Alliance further and to enhance deterrence in a establish procedures for regular reports regarding the Civilian Component.
complex regional and global security environment; The United States Government is to provide such reports to the Government
Acknowledging the essential role of members of the civilian component of Japan.
defined in subparagraph (b) of Article I of the Status of Forces Agreement
(hereinafter referred to as the “Civilian Component”)in fulfilling the United ARTICLE 6
States’ obligations under the Treaty, as well as the importance of training If any dispute arises between the Parties relating to the implementation of this
and education processes for United States personnel with Status of Forces Agreement, the Parties shall settle it in accordance with the procedures for
Agreement status; resolving matters set out in Article XXV of the Status of Forces Agreement.
Wishing to strengthen cooperation between the Parties by establishing a
framework, including this Agreement which supplements the Status of Forces ARTICLE 7
Agreement, with regard to implementation practices relating to the Civilian 1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature.
Component; 2. This Agreement shall remain in force as long as the Status of Forces
Affirming the continuing effectiveness of the Joint Committee provided Agreement remains in force.
for in paragraph 1 of Article XXV of the Status of Forces Agreement 3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Article, either Party may terminate
(hereinafter referred to as the “Joint Committee”) as the means for consultation this Agreement by giving one year’s written notice through diplomatic
between the Parties on all matters requiring mutual consultation regarding the channels to the other Party.
implementation of the Status of Forces Agreement; and
Convinced that enhanced cooperation with regard to implementation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized for the
practices relating to the Civilian Component further contributes to achieving purpose, have signed the present Agreement.
the objective of the Treaty and strengthening the Alliance; DONE in duplicate at Tokyo in the Japanese and English languages, both
Have agreed as follows: texts being equally authentic, this sixteenth day of January 2017.
The purpose of this Agreement is to enhance cooperation between the Parties
with regard to implementation practices relating to the Civilian Component.
The Parties shall establish a Working Group within the framework of the Joint
Committee. Through the Working Group, the Parties shall retain the right to
initiate consultations regarding implementation of this Agreement.
1993 May 29: North Korea launched a ballistic missile that fell into the Sea of Japan
1995 Commenced a comprehensive study on the posture of the air defense system of Japan and a Japan-U.S. joint study on ballistic missile defense
August 31: North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Japanese territory
1998 The Security Council and the Cabinet meeting approved the commencement of the Japan-U.S. joint cooperative technical research on ballistic missile defense
(BMD) for parts of the sea-based upper-tier system
1999 Started the Japan-U.S. joint cooperative technical research on four major components for advanced interceptor missiles
2002 Decision by the United States on the initial deployment of BMD
2003 The Security Council and the Cabinet meeting approved the introduction of BMD system and other measures, and the deployment of BMD in Japan started
Amendment of the Self-Defense Forces Law (ballistic missile destruction measures)
The Security Council and the Cabinet meeting approved the Japan-U.S. cooperative development of advanced interceptors for BMD
2006 July 5: North Korea launched seven ballistic missiles, six of which fell into the Sea of Japan while the other exploded immediate after the launch
The deployment of Patriot PAC-3 units started
SM-3 launch tests by Aegis destroyers started
March 27: First shoot-down order for ballistic-missiles, etc. issued
2009 April 5: North Korea launched a ballistic missile that it claimed was a “satellite,” which flew over the Tohoku region and passed through to the Pacific Ocean
July 4: North Korea launched seven ballistic missiles, which fell into the Sea of Japan
March 30: Shoot-down order for ballistic-missiles, etc. issued
April 13: North Korea launched a ballistic missile that it claimed was a “satellite,” which flew a minute or longer, then separated into several parts and fell into the
2012 Yellow Sea
December 7: Shoot-down order for ballistic-missiles, etc. issued
December 12: North Korea launched a ballistic missile that it claimed was a “satellite,” which flew over Okinawa Prefecture and passed through to the Pacific Ocean
North Korea launched ballistic missiles in March, June, and July
March 3: Launched two ballistic missiles, both of which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
March 26: Launched two ballistic missiles, both of which flew approximately 600 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
2014 June 29: Launched two ballistic missiles, both of which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
July 9: Launched two ballistic missiles, both of which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
July 13: Launched two ballistic missiles, both of which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
July 26: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
2015 March 2: Two missiles were launched and flew approx. 500 km before landing in the Sea of Japan
North Korea launched over 20 ballistic missiles including those claimed to be “satellites” in a single year
February 3: Shoot-down order for ballistic-missiles, etc. issued
February 7: North Korea launched a ballistic missile that it claimed was a “satellite,” which flew over Okinawa Prefecture and passed through to the Pacific Ocean
March 10: Launched two ballistic missiles, both of which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
March 18: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 800 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
April 15: Launched a ballistic missile
April 23: Launched a ballistic missile
April 28: Launched two ballistic missiles
May 31: Launched a ballistic missile
June 22: Launched two ballistic missiles, the first of which flew approximately 100 km and fell near the east coast of North Korea
The second flew approximately 400 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
July 9: Launched a ballistic missile
July 19: Launched three ballistic missiles, the first of which flew approximately 400 km and fell into the Sea of Japan; the second failed to fly on and did not fall
into the Sea of Japan, the details being unclear; and the third flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
August 3: Launched two ballistic missiles, one of which flew approximately 1,000 km and fell in the Japanese EEZ in the Sea of Japan while the other exploded
immediately after the launch
August 24: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
September 5: Launched three ballistic missiles, all of which flew approximately 1,000 km and fell in the Japanese EEZ in the Sea of Japan
October 15: Launched a ballistic missile
October 20: Launched a ballistic missile
December 22: At the Nine Ministers’ Meeting of the National Security Council (NSC), it was decided that the ballistic missile defense enhanced-capability
interceptor missile (SM-3 block IIA) would progress to the joint production and deployment stage
North Korea launched ballistic missiles beginning in February
February 12: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
March 6: Launched four ballistic missiles, which flew approximately 1,000 km and fell into the Sea of Japan (three in the Japanese EEZ)
April 5: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 60 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
April 16: Launched a ballistic missile that exploded immediately after launch
April 29: Launched a ballistic missile, which fell inland approximately 50 km from the launch site
May 14: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 800 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
May 21: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan
May 29: Launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 500 km and fell into the Japanese EEZ in the Sea of Japan
June 22: Conducted a test shot of the SM-3 Block IIA at the sea
July 4: North Korea launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 900 km and fell in the Japanese EEZ in the Sea of Japan.
July 28: North Korea launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 1,000 km and fell in the Japanese EEZ in the Sea of Japan.
August 29: North Korea launched a ballistic missile, which flew for approximately 2,700 km over Japan and fell in the Pacific.
September 15: North Korea launched a ballistic missile, which flew approximately 3,700 km over Japan and fell in the Pacific.
November 29: North Korea launched a ballistic missile, which flew for approximately 1,000 km and fell in the Japanese EEZ in the Sea of Japan.
December 19: NSC and the cabinet meeting approved introducing 2 Aegis Ashore systems.
2018 January 31: The U.S. conducted a test shot of the SM-3 block IIA
April: Agreed in a Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting to start a comprehensive dialogue on cybersecurity in order to strengthen the engagement of the governments as a
June: Cyber Incident Mobile Assistance Team (CYMAT) established in the National Information Security Center (NISC)
September: “Towards the Stable and Effective Utilization of Cyberspace by the Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces” formulated
May: The First Japan-U.S. Cyber Dialogue was held in accordance with the Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting
July: The MOD and defense industry members deeply interested in cybersecurity established the Cyber Defense Council (CDC)
2013 August: Agreed at the Japan-U.S. Defense Ministers’ Meeting to consider a new framework for cooperation between the defense authorities from the perspective of
further promoting Japan-U.S. defense cooperation in the cybersecurity area
October: Cyber Defense Policy Working Group (CDPWG) established between the Japanese and U.S. defense authorities
March: Cyber Defense Group newly formed under the Command Control Communication Computers Systems Command
November: The Basic Act on Cybersecurity enacted
January: Cybersecurity Strategy Headquarters established under the Cabinet
January: National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC) established in the Cabinet Secretariat
May: Joint statement issued by the CDPWG
September: Cybersecurity Strategy established by Cabinet Decision
2016 April: MOD established Deputy Director-General for Cybersecurity and Information Technology
2018 January: Japan was approved to join the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence located in Estonia.
* Kumamoto Earthquake and Northern Kyushu torrential rains excluded from fiscal 2016 and fiscal 2017 results respectively.
Location Location
Types of Exercise Training content (estimated) Date Types of Exercise Training content (estimated) Date
(cumulative times) (cumulative times)
October 30, Toyama Prefecture Simulation and Terrorism using explosives February 1, Tokushima Prefecture
Terrorism using explosives
2017 (8 times) Field exercise Falling ballistic missile 2018 (10 times)
Simulation exercise
Terrorism using chemical November 7, Tochigi Prefecture
February 2, Tottori Prefecture
agents 2017 (3 times) Falling ballistic missile
2018 (5 times)
Terrorism using explosives November 9, Kanagawa Prefecture
Field exercise February 5, Kagawa Prefecture
and chemical agents 2017 (5 times)
November Fukuoka Prefecture 2018 (3 times)
Simulation exercise Terrorism using explosives Simulation exercise
22, 2017 (5 times) February 6, Miyagi Prefecture
Terrorism using explosives
2018 (2 times)
Simulation and November Nagasaki Prefecture
Falling ballistic missile
Field exercise 22, 2017 (4 times) February 7, Aomori Prefecture
Terrorism using explosives November Saitama Prefecture 2018 (4 times)
Simulation exercise
and chemical agents 24, 2017 (4 times)
Terrorism using chemical February 8, Shizuoka Prefecture
November Oita Prefecture Field exercise
Field exercise agents 2018 (4 times)
Terrorism using chemical 25, 2017 (4 times)
agents January 12, Aichi Prefecture February 9, Fukushima Prefecture
2018 (4 times) 2018 (3 times)
Terrorism using explosives
January 15, Kochi Prefecture February Osaka Prefecture
Terrorism using explosives Simulation exercise
2018 (2 times) 13, 2018 (3 times)
Terrorism using chemical January 16, Yamagata Prefecture Terrorism using chemical February Gunma Prefecture
agents 2018 (6 times) agents 15, 2018 (2 times)
January 17, Iwate Prefecture
2018 (5 times) Notes: Implemented in 15 Prefectures in FY2007.
Terrorism using explosives
January 18, Yamanashi Prefecture Implemented in 18 Prefectures in FY2008.
2018 (3 times) Implemented in 14 Prefectures in FY2009.
Simulation exercise
January 19, Gifu Prefecture Implemented in 10 Prefectures in FY2010.
Terrorism using chemical 2018 (4 times) Implemented in 12 Prefectures in FY2011.
agents January 23, Nara Prefecture Implemented in 11 Prefectures in FY2012.
2018 (3 times)
Implemented in 12 Prefectures in FY2013.
Terrorism using explosives January 24, Chiba Prefecture
Implemented in 13 Prefectures in FY2014.
and chemical agents 2018 (3 times)
Terrorism using chemical January 25, Wakayama Implemented in 15 Prefectures in FY2015.
agents 2018 Prefecture (2 times) Implemented in 22 Prefectures in FY2016.
January 26, Nagano Prefecture
Terrorism using explosives
2018 (3 times)
January 30, Miyazaki Prefecture
2018 (5 times)
Simulation exercise Terrorism using explosives
January 31,
Tokyo (6 times)
Reference 40 Record of Major Multinational Security Dialogues (Asia-Pacific Region, Last Five Years)
(Apr. 1, 2013 - Jun. 30, 2018)
Dialogue Date
❍ ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus
• Ministerial Meeting (Aug. 2013, Nov. 2015, Oct. 2017)
• Senior Officials’ Meeting (ADSOM Plus) (Apr. 2013, Apr. 2014, Feb. 2015, Apr. 2016, Apr. 2017)
• Senior Officials’ Meeting Working Group (Feb. 2014, Jan. 2015, Feb. 2016, Mar. 2017, Jan. 2018)
• Experts’ Working Group (EWG)
• Maritime Security EWG (May 2013, Sep. 2013, Jan. 2014, Jun. 2014, Oct. 2014, Feb. 2015, Sep. 2015, Oct. 2015,
Mar. 2016, Nov. 2016, Nov. 2017, May 2018)
• Military Medicine EWG (Oct.2013, Jun. 2014, Oct. 2014, May 2015, Sep. 2015, Jan. 2017 Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018)
Participation in Intergovernmental • Counter-Terrorism EWG (Sep. 2013, Oct. 2014, Oct. 2015, Dec. 2016, Jul. 2017)
Security Dialogues • Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief EWG (Jun. 2013, Jan. 2014, Jul. 2014, Dec. 2014, Aug. 2015, Dec. 2015, May 2016, Dec.2016,
in the Asia- Pacific May 2017, Sep. 2017, Feb. 2018, Apr. 2018)
Region • Peacekeeping Operations EWG (Apr. 2013, Feb. 2014, Sep. 2014, Mar. 2015, Sep. 2015, Oct. 2016, May 2017, Oct. 2017,
Apr. 2018)
• Humanitarian Mine Action EWG (Jun. 2014, Dec. 2014, Oct.2015, Oct. 2016, May 2017, Oct. 2017, Apr. 2018)
• Cyber EWG (Jul. 2017, Nov. 2017, May 2018)
❍ ASEAN-Japan Defence Ministers' Informal Meeting (Nov. 2014, Nov. 2016, Oct. 2017)
❍ ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
• Meeting among defense authorities (Apr. 2013, May 2013, Dec. 2013, Apr. 2014, Jun. 2014, Dec. 2014, May 2015, Jun. 2015,
Apr. 2016, May 2016, May 2017, Jun. 2017, May 2018, Jun. 2018)
Hosted by • IISS Asia Security Summit (Shangri-La Dialogue) (Jun. 2013, Jun. 2014, May 2015, Jun. 2016, Jun. 2017, Jun. 2018)
the private sector
❍ Japan-ASEAN Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum (Feb. 2014, Oct. 2014, Sep. 2015, Sep. 2016, Sep. 2017)
Security Dialogue
❍ Forum for Defense Authorities in the Asia-Pacific Region (Oct. 2013, Mar. 2015, Mar. 2016, Mar. 2017, Mar. 2018)
hosted by
(Tokyo Defense Forum)
the Ministry
❍ International Seminar for Military Science (Jul. 2013, Jul. 2014, Jul. 2015, Jul. 2016)
of Defense
❍ International Conference of Cadets (Mar. 2014, Mar. 2015, Mar. 2016, Mar. 2017, Feb. 2018)
Defense Equipment and Technology Transfer Acquisition and Cross-Serving Agreement Security and Defense Cooperation
Information Security Agreement
Agreement (ACSA) Documents
Japan-U.S. Security Treaty
Signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Signed in September 1951 and entered into
Agreement between Japan and the United Signed in April 1996 and entered into force in April 1952
States of America in March 1954 and entered force in October 1996 Signed in January 1960 and entered into
into force in May 1954 Signed in April 1998 and revised in force in June 1960
Established the Transfer of Military September 1999 Signed and entered into force Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense
United States
Technologies to the United States of America Signed in February 2004 and revised in in August 2007 Cooperation
(exchange of notes) in November 1983 July 2004 Set forth in November 1978
Established the Transfer of Arms Signed in September 2016 and entered Set forth in September 1997
and Military Technologies to the United States into force in April 2017 Set forth in April 2015
Notes: Signed Memorandum with Singapore, Viet Nam, Mongolia, Bahrain, Cambodia, Sweden, Spain, Qatar, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Colombia the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, and Czech; signed
statement of intent with Turkey
Reference 42 Exchange Student Acceptance Record (Number of Newly Accepted Students in FY2016)
(Number of students)
Country Timor- Republic United United Sub
Thailand Philippines Indonesia Singapore Malaysia Vietnam Cambodia Laos Myanmar India Pakistan Mongolia Australia Germany France Canada Bangladesh Kazakhstan Mexico Czech Spain
Institution Leste of Korea States Kingdom total
National Institute
for Defense 1 1 1 1 2 2 8
National Defense
Academy 5 2 11 2 2 4 2 3 3 1 9 7 51
Ground Self-
Defense Force 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 3 20
(Staff College, etc.)
Maritime Self-
Defense Force 1 4 1 1 1 2 10
(Staff College, etc.)
Air Self-Defense
Force 1 1 1 4 7
(Staff College, etc.)
Total 10 6 0 1 1 12 3 2 4 7 5 7 15 4 4 14 1 0 7 1 1 2 1 1 2 111
Japan-ASEAN Defense to Japan to hold candid dialogues on regional security issues. The Candid and constructive opinions were exchanged among participants regarding
Vice-Ministerial Forum objective is to strengthen multilateral and bilateral relations by the following three topics of “50th Anniversary of ASEAN - Achievement and
building close interpersonal relationships. Enhancement of Unity,” “Current Regional Security Status,” and “Vientiane Vision -
Status Quo and Prospects for the Future.”
Hosted by the Ministry of Defense, this forum has been held Having the participation of 27 countries, 25 in the Asia-Pacific region, France and
annually since 1996 with Director-General-level officials in charge the U.K. with the ASEAN Secretariat, the European Union (EU), and the International
Forum for Defense Authorities in
of defense policy and defense exchanges, all of who are from the Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the 22nd Forum was held in March 2018.
the Asia-Pacific Region
Asia-Pacific region, participating. The forum is designed to provide Opinions were exchanged on 1) Current situations on the Korean Peninsula 2)
(Tokyo Defense Forum)
defense officials with opportunities to exchange views on ways to Response to a wide range of contingencies 3) Facilitating mutual trust between
promote confidence building focusing on the defense field. defense authorities - Communication and transparency.
Hosted by the GSDF, these talks have been held annually since In November 2017, with the participation of 11 countries from the Asia-Pacific
2014, inviting officers in charge of actual work of the militaries region and other regions, group discussions under the theme of “The Role of Army
Multinational Cooperation
from major countries in the Asia-Pacific region to provide them Types during Large-Scale Disasters” were held. In addition, training related to the
program in the Asia Pacific
with opportunities to exchange multinational views on concrete Japan-U.S. joint disaster prevention exercise (TREX) was conducted.
cooperation and initiatives toward issues each country in the region
has in common.
Hosted by the GSDF for the first time in 2017, this dialogue provides With the participation of 5 service branches from 4 countries to include the U.S.
a platform for the army and other services of like-minded countries (including the Marines), Australia, the U.K. and France, group discussions under
G5 Dialogue
that has close ties with the GSDF to exchanges views on multilateral the theme of “Direction of defense cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region the army
engagement in the Asia-Pacific region for the armies to actively should aim for” and field trip to the GSDF Chemical School were carried out.
Army Command and General 2001 with the participation of students of army colleges from the Pacific region, the 17th Army Command and General Staff College Seminar was
Staff College Seminar Asia-Pacific region. The seminar is designed to provide them with held in August 2017. Opinions were exchanged on the theme of “Armies’ initiatives
opportunities to exchange views on training of military units. and partnership in large-scale disaster and international disaster relief operation.”
Hosted by the MSDF, this seminar has been held annually since The 21st seminar was held in February 2018 with the participation of navy military
1998 with the participation of naval college staff from the Asia- personnel from 17 countries, personnel from the National Graduate Institute for
Pacific region. The seminar is designed to provide them with Policy Studies (GRIPS), personnel from Keio University, and personnel from the
Asia Pacific Naval College
opportunities to exchange views on the roles of naval forces with Canon Institute for Global Studies. Presentations by the participants and active
a view to encouraging school education/research and contributing opinion exchanges were conducted on the theme of “Changes in the Role of the
to the promotion of defense exchange and mutual understanding Navy.” In addition, unit and cultural study tours were also held to deepen the
between participating countries. understanding of the MSDF as well as Japanese culture and history.
Hosted by the MSDF, this programs has been held annually since With the participation of naval officers and other personnel from 25 countries, the
Western Pacific naval
2011, with the participation of junior naval officers from the 7th WPNS STEP was held in October 2017. Presentations and exchange of candid
Symposium Short Term
WPNS countries. The program is designed to provide them with views were carried out under the theme of “Maritime Security in the Asia-Pacific
Exchange Program
opportunities to deepen their understanding of Japan's security Region of the 21st Century.”
environment, defense policy and buildup, and culture and history.
Hosted by the ASDF, this seminar has been held annually since Air staff college personnel and researchers from seven countries were invited in
2015, with the participation of officials related to air staff colleges November 2017 to provide keynote speeches and presentations and to exchange
Japan Air Self-Defense Force Air mainly from the Asia-Pacific region. The seminar is designed to their views on the theme of “Initiatives on the Gray Zone Issues.”
Staff College Seminar provide them with opportunities to exchange views on officer’s
education. (From 1996 to 2014, this seminar was held as
International Seminar on provides opportunities to discuss international affairs and security 10 countries. Opinions were exchanged on the theme of “Commitment to national
Defense Science by inviting military academy representatives from the Asia-Pacific cybersecurity by military academy and services in education and research.”
Hosted by the National Defense Academy, this conference has been In February 2018, 20 countries were invited to the 21st conference, and opinions
held annually since 1998 with the participation of cadets from the were exchanged on the theme of “To Become Ideal Leaders.”
International Cadets’ Conference
Asia-Pacific region. The conference is designed to provide them with
opportunities to exchange views on militaries in the 21st century.
Hosted by the National Institute for Defense Studies, this In July 2017, notable researchers and practitioners from the United States, China,
symposium has been held annually since 1999 with researchers Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan were invited to this symposium to
Hosted by Ministry of Defense
International Symposium on and experts participating. The symposium is designed to provide exchange opinions under the theme “Maintaining Maritime Order in the Asia-
Security Affairs opportunities to hold debates and offer reports on security in the Pacific.”
public for the purpose of promoting public understanding of current
National Institute for Defense Studies
security issues.
Hosted by the National Institute for Defense Studies, this seminar In July 2017, researchers and practitioners from the United States, China,
has been held annually since 1999 with officials at home and abroad Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan were invited to this seminar to
International Security Colloquium knowledgeable about defense being invited. The seminar is designed exchange opinions under the theme “Maintaining Maritime Order in the Asia-
to provide them with opportunities for advanced and professional Pacific.”
reports and discussions on security issues.
Hosted by the National Institute for Defense Studies, this forum In September 2017, researchers from the United States, the United Kingdom,
has been held annually since 2002 with participation by military Israel, and Japan were invited to this forum to exchange opinions under the
International Forum on War
historians. The forum is designed to deepen the mutual theme “Historical Analysis of Unconventional Wars.”
understanding of its participants by making comparative studies
of military history.
Hosted by the National Institute for Defense Studies, this workshop- In January 2018, researchers were invited from Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar,
style group study session has been held annually since 2010 to Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, China and the United States
Asia-Pacific Security Workshop
discuss emerging security issues that the Asia-Pacific region faces to exchange opinions on the theme of “Security outlook of the Asia Pacific countries
in common. and its implications for the defense sector.”
through various government-to-government meetings to discuss the current regional situation and security area.
Asia-Pacific Military Operations ARMORS is a forum held by Asia-Pacific countries on a rotational basis to exchange views on defense operations and research technology.
Research Symposium (ARMORS) Japan has participated in the forum since the second meeting in 1993.
This event, hosted by the Ministry of National Defense of the ROK and participated in by the defense vice ministers of Asia-Pacific and
Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD) Western countries, is a forum for exchanging opinions regarding regional security issues, including the issues of the Korean Peninsula. Japan
has participated since the first meeting in 2012.
CHOD is an annual conference hosted either by the United States or jointly with other participating countries on a rotational basis. Senior
Asia-Pacific Chief of Defense
defense officials and others of Asia-Pacific countries meet to exchange views on security issues. Japan has participated in the conference
Conference (CHOD)
since the first meeting in 1998.
Joint Staff
PASOLS is a seminar hosted by an Asia-Pacific country on a rotational basis mainly to exchange information on logistic-support activities.
Pacific Area Senior Officer
Japan’s participation in the seminar as an official member started in 1995 when the 24th session was held. The 36th Seminar will be held in
Logistics Seminar (PASOLS)
Japan with participation of nearly 30 countries.
PACC is a conference hosted jointly by the United States and a member country on a rotational basis every other year when PAMS is held.
Pacific Armies Chiefs
Army chiefs of Asia-Pacific countries and others meet to exchange views. Japan has participated in the conference since the first meeting in
Conference (PACC)
1999. The conference was held in Japan for the first time in 2009.
PAMS is a forum held jointly by the U.S. and the participating countries in rotation. It provides opportunities for exchanging information about
Pacific Armies Management
efficient and economical management techniques so that armies in the Asia-Pacific region can develop their ground troops. The GSDF has
Seminars (PAMS)
participated in PAMS since the 17th meeting in 1993. The 33rd seminar was held in Japan in 2009 at the same time as PACC.
Hosted by the Government
LANPAC is a symposium hosted by AUSA, the first event of which was held in April 2013. The GSDF Chief of Staff was officially invited to the
Land Forces Pacific (LANPAC) second symposium held in 2013 as a guest speaker and he gave a speech on the theme of the “Current situation and the future of Japan-
U.S. Cooperation” which gained support from the U.S. Army Pacific Commander and other participants from different countries.
GSDF CAEX is an exercise hosted by the Australian Army every other year. Senior officers of the Australian Army as well as the heads of land
forces in the Asia-Pacific region and experts attend and exchange a wide range of views on the issues facing the land forces in the
Chief of Army’s Exercise (CAEX)
region. The GSDF participated in CAEX for the first time in 2012. In September 2014, the GSDF Chief of Staff attended for the first time
and delivered an address.
Held for the first time in May 2015, hosted by the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific from the perspective of contributing to the amphibious
PACOM Amphibious Leaders operations capacities of friendly countries in the Asia-Pacific region and to contribute to regional stability through strengthening relations
Symposium (PALS) with the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific and enhancing interoperability. It has been held annually since then. Japan has participated
from the first meeting.
Annual Meeting of the Hosted by AUSA, the annual meeting provides opportunities for exchanging opinions among the General-class officers from the U.S. Army,
Association of U.S. Army (AUSA) and since 2014 the Chief of the Staff of the GSDF participated in the meeting twice to deliver speeches.
International Sea Power ISS is a symposium hosted by the United States every other year. Navy Chief of Staff of member countries and others meet to exchange
Symposium (ISS) views on common issues for their navies. Japan has participated in the symposium since the first meeting in 1969.
Western Pacific Naval WPNS is a symposium hosted by a member country on a rotational basis every other year when ISS in not held. Senior navy officials and
Symposium (WPNS) others of Western Pacific countries meet to exchange views. Japan has participated in the symposium since the second meeting in 1990.
This seminar is hosted by a WPNS member country on a rotation basis to exchange views on minesweeping in a year when minesweeping
International MCM Seminar exercises are not conducted in the Western Pacific. Japan has participated in the seminar since the first meeting in 2000. Japan’s MSDF
hosted this seminar in Yokosuka in October 2007.
Hosted either by the United States or jointly with other participating countries in the Asia-Pacific region on a rotational basis to exchange
Asia Pacific Submarine
views on issues centering around submarine rescue. Japan has participated in the conference since the first meeting in 2001. The MSDF
hosted the conference in October 2006.
This symposium is held every two years hosted by a different participating country on a rotational basis. It is a platform for the Navy Chief
Indian Ocean Naval Symposium of Staff from the Indian Ocean coastal countries to exchange their opinions concerning the maritime security of the Indian Ocean. Japan has
MSDF participated since the third event in 2012.
This symposium is held every two years hosted by a different participating country on a rotational basis. It is a platform for the Navy Chief
Indian Ocean Naval Symposium of Staff from the Indian Ocean coastal countries to exchange their opinions concerning the maritime security of the Indian Ocean. Japan has
Hosted by the Government
Colleges and Institutions Meeting based on certain themes. From Japan, the National Institute for Defense Studies has been attending all of the meetings since the first
National meeting in 1997, and hosted the fifth meeting in Tokyo in 2001. Japan co-chaired the meeting held in the Philippines in September 2017.
Institute for CoC is an annual international conference hosted by the NATO Defense College, defense educational institutions from NATO member
Defense countries and NATO partner countries in turns. During the meeting, the heads of participating educational institutions exchange opinions
Studies NATO Defense College from the perspective of improving advanced defense education, while at the same time the meeting focuses on the promotion of educational
Conference of Commandants exchange among the heads of the educational institutions, NATO member countries, and the dialogue partners in the Central and Eastern
(CoC) Europe as well as the Mediterranean region. From Japan, the National Institute for Defense Studies has been attending most of the
conferences since FY2009 (no invitation in FY2013). The NIDS also attended the conference held in Poland in May 2016, and the conference
held in Croatia in May 2018.
Hosted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the United Kingdom, this conference has been held since 2002 with defense
IISS Asia Security Summit (Shangri-La Dialogue) ministers and others of the Asia-Pacific region and other areas participating to exchange views on issues centering around regional security.
Japan has participated in the conference since the first meeting in 2002.
A sherpa meeting (preparation meeting) for the Shangri-La Dialogue hosted by the IISS. Defense authorities (director / vice chief level) of the
IISS Fullerton Forum countries that attend the Shangri-La Dialogue exchange opinions on regional security issues. Japan has participated since the 1st meeting
in 2013.
Hosted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the United Kingdom, this conference has been held since 2004. Foreign and
Hosted by the Private Sector
defense ministers, national security advisors and chiefs of intelligence from the Gulf countries participated to exchange views on issues
Regional Security Summit (Manama Dialogue) centering around regional security. Japan participated at the senior official’s level for the first time in the 6th conference in 2009, sending the
Senior Vice-Minister of Defense. The Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Defense participated in the 7th Conference in 2010. The Summit did
not take place in 2011.
Hosted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the United Kingdom, this conference has been held since 2004. Foreign and
defense ministers, national security advisors and chiefs of intelligence from the Gulf countries participated to exchange views on issues
Munich Security Conference
centering around regional security. Japan participated at the senior official’s level for the first time in the 6th conference in 2009, sending the
Senior Vice-Minister of Defense. The Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Defense participated in the 7th Conference in 2010.
Hosted by Halifax International Security Forum with the support of the Canadian Department of National Defense, the Forum is attended by
Halifax International Security Forum many government officials from the United States and Europe (including NATO Ministers and Defense Ministers from each country), who
exchange opinions on security at the Forum. Japan has participated since the first Conference in 2009.
Organized mainly by the Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) of the University of California in San Diego, this dialogue is
designed for participants — private-sector researchers and government officials from member countries (China, DPRK, Japan, ROK, Russia
The Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD)
and the United States) — to freely exchange their views on security situations and confidence-building measures in the region. Japan has
participated in the dialogue since the first meeting in 1993.
Ø “Vientiane Vision: Japan’s Defense Cooperation Initiative with ASEAN” is Japan’s own initiative for the future Japan-ASEAN defense cooperation
Ø Annually follow up the implementation of the specific and practical activities listed in the Vision through the Japan-ASEAN Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum
starting from 2017
1. Background of Japan-ASEAN Defense Cooperation
(1) The Asia-Pacific region faces increasingly serious challenges for the security, which makes more difficult for any single country to respond alone
(2) ASEAN is a hub for the regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region with an increasing importance. Japan and ASEAN have traditionally maintained strong
ties; Further enhancement of bilateral/multilateral cooperation is crucial in ensuring a stable regional security environment
(3) Japan welcomes the establishment of ASEAN Community at the end of 2015 and supports its centrality and unity. Since the establishment, ASEAN-Wide
multilateral cooperation has become even more important, in addition to bilateral cooperation with its individual member states
2. Evolution of Japan-ASEAN Defense Cooperation: deepening “exchanges” toward “cooperation”
(1) Starting defense exchanges from 1990s: enhancing mutual understanding and confidence through defense exchanges
(2) Developing defense cooperation from 2000s: more practical/ operational defense cooperation with ASEAN member states
(3) Deepening defense cooperation from 2010s: starting new projects such as capacity building cooperation with further specific and practical activities and
promoting multilateral cooperation through regional frameworks such as ADMM-Plus
3. Future Direction of Japan-ASEAN Defense Cooperation: Toward the “ASEAN-Wide” Practical Cooperation
(1) Purpose: In addition to the cooperation with “Individual ASEAN Member States,” “ASEAN-Wide” cooperation will be expanded through promoting practical
cooperation with a view to 1. respecting and promoting shared principles such as freedom, democracy and basic human rights, 2. promoting and enhancing the
rule of law, 3. supporting ASEAN efforts to strengthen its centrality and unity which is a cornerstone of regional cooperation
(2) Direction: In order to contribute to regional peace, security and prosperity, future Japan-ASEAN defense cooperation will be focused on the following three points
Ø To consolidate the order based on the principles of international law governing peaceful conduct among states, Japan supports ASEAN efforts to uphold
principles of international law, especially in the field of maritime and air space
Ø To promote maritime security which is a foundation for the regional peace and prosperity, Japan supports ASEAN efforts to build up capabilities for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Search and Rescue (SAR) at sea and air space
Ø To cope with increasingly diversifying and complex security issues, Japan supports ASEAN efforts to build up capabilities in various fields
(3) Measures: Conducting practical defense cooperation by effectively combining the following diverse measures
1) Promotion of International Law (PIL): sharing understanding and experience regarding international law, especially in the field of maritime security, through i.e.
conducting researches and sponsoring seminars, etc., with a view to its effective implementation.
2) Capacity Building Cooperation (CBC): conducting CBC in various fields such as HA/DR, PKO, landmine and UXO clearance, cybersecurity, defense buildup
planning (sharing know-how), etc.
3) Defense Equipment and Technology Cooperation (DETC): transferring equipment and technology, developing human resources regarding DETC, holding
seminars on defense industries, etc.
4) Joint Training and Exercises (JTE): continued participation in multilateral joint training and exercises, inviting ASEAN observers to Self- Defense Forces’ training, etc.
5) Human Resource Development and Academic Exchange (HRD/AE): Inviting Opinion Leaders from ASEAN, etc.
(4) The JMOD institutional development to better address “ASEAN-Wide” practical cooperation based on the Vision
Malaysia, China and India Readiness Force, Self-Defense Fleet, Air Defense
Command, Air Support Command, Internal Bureau, etc.
May – August 2015 1 vessel
Japan, U.S., Australia, Canada, ROK, Malaysia, Singapore
(Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Philippines) Approximately 60 personnel
July – August 2016 Japan, U.S., Australia, U.K., Canada, ROK, Malaysia,
1 vessel
(Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Palau, Singapore,
Approximately 70 personnel
Indonesia) New Zealand
Pacific Partnership
March – May 2017 2 vessels
Japan, U.S., Australia, U.K., ROK
(Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Vietnam) Approximately 70 personnel
March - June 2018
(Micronesia, Palau, Indonesia, Japan, U.S. Australia, U.K., ROK Approximately 50 personnel
Sri Lanka, Vietnam)
Approximately 10 personnel from Joint Staff Office,
Japan, U.S., India, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, China,
ARF-DiREx May 2015 (Malaysia) Internal Bureau, Eastern Army, Air Training Command,
Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Mongolia, Laos, etc.
SDF Yokosuka Hospital, SDF Ominato Hospital
Japan, U.S., India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Joint Staff Office, Ground Staff Office, Air Staff Office,
ADMM-Plus Humanitarian Assistance and
September 2016 (Thailand) Thailand, ROK, China, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Eastern Army, Central Readiness Force, Self-Defense
Disaster Relief/ Military Medicine Exercise
Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Australia, New Zealand, Russia Fleet, Air Support Command, Internal Bureau
Japan, U.S., India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore,
ADMM-Plus Maritime Security Field Training May 2016
Thailand, ROK, China, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, 1 vessel
Exercise (Counterterrorism Exercise) (Brunei and Singapore)
Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Russia
November 2016
ADMM-Plus Maritime Security Field Training
(Waters and airspace around New Japan, U.S., Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, etc. 1 vessel
Exercise (Mahi Tangaroa 16)
Japan, U.S., Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, ROK, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, 5 personnel from Joint Staff Office, Joint Staff College,
Global Peace Operations Keris Aman August 2015 (Malaysia)
Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Australia, Central Readiness Force
Initiative Capstone etc.
Japan, U.S., India, Indonesia, Cambodia, ROK, Nepal, Central Readiness Force
Shanti Prays III March – April 2017 (Malaysia)
Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, etc. 2 personnel
June – July 2015 (Mongolia) Japan, U.S., etc. Approximately 40 personnel
May – June 2016 (Mongolia) Japan, U.S., etc. Approximately 50 personnel including observers
Multilateral Training (Khaan Quest)
Approximately 50 personnel
July - August 2017 (Mongolia) Japan, U.S., etc.
*including observers
Japan, U.S., Indonesia, Singapore, ROK, Philippines,
May 2015 (Australia) Brunei, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Approximately 30 personnel
Australian Army–Hosted Shooting Guinea, Canada
April - May 2016 (Australia) Japan, U.S., ROK, China, Australia, UAE, etc. Approximately 30 personnel
April - May 2017 (Australia) Japan, U.S., ROK, Australia, UAE, etc. Approximately 20 personnel
KOMODO Multilateral Joint Naval Exercise
April 2016 (Indonesia) Japan, U.S., Indonesia, China, Russia, etc. 1 vessel
organized by the Indonesian Navy
December 2015 1 aircraft
(Waters around Micronesia) Approximately 25 personnel
January – February 2016
1 vessel
(Waters around Singapore - India)
December 2016 1 aircraft
Japan-U.S.-Australia Trilateral Training Japan, U.S., Australia
(Waters around Micronesia) Approximately 25 personnel
September 2017
4 vessels / 4 submarines / 30 aircraft
(Waters around Japan)
December 2017
1 aircraft / approximately 25 personnel
(Waters around Micronesia)
June 2016
1 vessel
(Waters and airspace around Hawaii)
October 2016
1 vessel
(Waters west of Kyushu)
November 2016
1 vessel
(Waters around Japan)
January 2017
1 vessel
(Waters around Japan)
Japan-U.S.-ROK Trilateral Training Japan, U.S., ROK
March 2017
1 vessel
(Waters around Japan)
April 2017 1 vessel
(Waters west of Kyushu) 1 aircraft
October 2017
2 vessels
(Waters around Japan)
December 2017
1 vessel
(Waters around Japan)
Japan-U.S.-India Joint Exercise June 2017
Japan, U.S., India 2 vessels
(Malabar) (Waters and airspace east of India)
November 2017
Japan-U.S.-India Joint Exercise Japan, U.S., India 1 vessel
(Waters around Japan)
Australian Navy-Hosted Multinational September 2016 1 vessel
Japan, U.S., Australia, etc.
Maritime Exercise (Kakadu) (Waters around Australia) 2 aircraft
Australia-Hosted Proliferation Security September 2016
1 aircraft
Initiatives (PSI) Maritime Interdiction (Australia and waters and airspace Japan, U.S., Australia, etc.
Approximately 20 personnel
Exercise around Australia)
September 2017
U.S.-Hosted International Mine
(Waters around the Arabian Japan, U.S., etc. 2 vessels
Countermeasures Exercise
U.S.-Hosted International Maritime Exercise May 2017 (Bahrain) Japan, U.S., etc. Several personnel
August 2015
Western Pacific Mine Countermeasures (Waters around Singapore and Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, etc. 3 vessels
Exercise Indonesia)
June 2017 (Waters around Guam) Japan, U.S., etc. 5 personnel
Western Pacific Submarine Rescue Exercise May 2016 (Waters around ROK) Japan, U.S., ROK, Malaysia, Australia, Singapore 2 vessels
February 2016
Approximately 20 aircraft
(U.S. Guam Island and surrounding
Approximately 460 personnel
Japan-U.S.-Australia Trilateral Training February 2017
Approximately 20 aircraft
(Cope North Guam) (U.S. Guam Island and surrounding Japan, U.S., Australia
Approximately 480 personnel
February - March 2018 Approximately 20 aircraft
(Guam and its surrounding airspace) Aprroximately 460 personnel
Field Training with U.S. and Australian
May 2015, May 2016, May 2017
Forces in Australia Japan, U.S., Australia Approximately 100 personnel
(Exercise Southern Jackaroo)
Northern Army Headquarters
Japan-U.S.-Australia Joint Training
August 2015 (Hokkaido) Japan, U.S., Australia Approximately 3,300 personnel, approximately 300
(Northern Rescue 2015)
Middle Army
Japan-U.S.-Australia Joint Training
July 2016 (Central District) Japan, U.S., Australia 5,500 personnel, approximately 700 vehicles, 10
(Nankai Rescue 2017)
June – August 2016
RIMPAC (Waters and airspace around Japan, U.S., India, Indonesia, ROK, China, Philippines,
2 vessels, 2 aircraft, Western Army, etc.
(Rim of the Pacific Joint Exercise) Hawaii, and waters around U.S. Malaysia, Australia, Columbia, Chile, etc.
West Coast)
November 2016
New Zealand Navy-Hosted Multilateral
(Waters and airspace around New Japan, New Zealand, etc. 2 aircraft
Training (Ngatahi)
Multilateral Training hosted by French Japan, U.S., Singapore, Australia, Tonga, New Zealand,
Forces in New Caledonia (Exercise Croix November 2016 (New Caledonia) Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Canada, Chile, U.K., 5 personnel
du Sud) France
Japan, U.S., Singapore, Australia, Tonga, New Zealand,
September 28-October 7, 2015
Multilateral Training hosted by French Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Canada, Chile, U.K., 7 personnel
(New Caledonia)
Forces in New Caledonia France
(Exercise Équateur 2015) Japan, France, U.S., Australia, Tonga, New Zealand,
September 2017 (New Caledonia) 1 personnel
Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, U.K.
May 2015
Japan-France-U.S. Joint Training Japan, U.S., France 1 vessel, 2 aircraft
(Waters west of Kyushu)
May 2017
Japan-France-U.K. Joint Training (Waters west of Kyushu – Guam – Japan, France, U.K., U.S. 220 personnel, 1 vessel, 2 aircraft
Northern Mariana Islands)
Pakistani Navy-Hosted Multinational February 2017
Japan, Pakistan, etc. 2 aircraft
Maritime Training (Aman-17) (Surrounding airspace of Pakistan)
Malaysian Navy-Hosted Multinational March 2017
Japan, Malaysia, U.S., etc. 1 vessel
Maritime Exercise (Waters around Malaysia)
Multilateral Counter-Piracy Joint Training April 2017 (Gulf of Aden) Japan, U.S., U.K., ROK 1 vessel, 1 aircraft
✰ Issued Joint Statement (Next steps of the Special Strategic Partnership: Asia, Pacific and Beyond)
High-level talks between
Aug. 2016 Visit to Japan by Defense Minister of Australia (Defense Ministerial Meeting)
heads of state and defense
✰ Agree to further progress in defense cooperation through capacity building support, joint exercises, etc.
Jan. 2017 Visit to Australia by Prime Minister of Japan (Summit Meeting)
✰ Sign Japan-Australia ACSA
Apr. 2017 Visit to Japan by Defense Minister of Australia (7th “2+2” Meeting, Defense Ministerial Meeting)
✰ Identified series of new initiatives for further strengthening Japan-Australia defense cooperation
Jun. 2017 Visit to Japan by Chief of Australian Army
Jul. 2017 Visit to Australia by Vice Defense Minister of Japan
Sep. 2017 Visit to Japan by Chief of Australian Air Force
Sep. 2017 Telephone conference between Japanese and Australian Defense Ministers
Oct. 2017 Japan-Australian Defense Ministerial Meeting (Philippines (4th ADMM-Plus))
Jan. 2018 Visit to Japan by Australian Prime Minister (summit meeting, meeting with Japanese Defense Minister)
Mar. 2018 Visit to Australia by ASDF Chief of Staff
Regular discussions Japan-Australia Military-Military Consultations (MM) (Sep. 2015)
between defense ministry Japan-Australia Military-Military Consultations (MM) (Jan. 2018)
Oct. 2015 Participation in Japan-Australia Trident exercise 2015
Mar. – May 2016 Participation in Japan-U.S.-Australia joint cruising exercise
Apr. 2016 Participation in Japan-Australia Trident exercise 2016
May 2016 Joint exercise with Australian Navy submarines
Sep. 2016 Participation in multinational joint exercise Kakadu 2016 hosted by the Australian Navy
Sep. 2016 Visit to U.S. Yokota Air Base by Australian Air Force aircraft (KC-30A) and implementation of exchanges between inflight refueling and
airlift troops
Dec. 2016 Visit to Chitose Air Base by Australian Air Force aircraft (government plane: B-737) and implementation of exchanges between special
airlift troops
Unit-level exchange, etc.
Dec. 2016 Participation in Exercise Southern Jackaroo, U.S.-Australia military training exercise hosted by Australia Army
Dec. 2016 Visit to Chitose Air Base by Australian Air Force aircraft (government plane: B-737) and implementation of exchanges between special
airlift troops
Feb. 2017 Dispatch of ASDF KC-767 to Australia
Aug. 2017 Visit to Australia by Central Readiness Force
Oct. 2017 Japan-Australia Trident (Navy)
Nov. 2017 Japan-Australia joint exercise (Navy)
Nov. 2017 Dispatch of C-2 to Australia (overseas flight training) and implementation of exchanges between troops
Dec. 2017 Implementation of exchanges between Central Readiness Force and Australian Army 1st Division
May 2015 Japan-U.S.-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jun. 2015 3rd Japan-U.S.-Australia Senior-level Seminar (Townsville) (GSDF Chief of Staff)
Jun. 2016 4th Japan-U.S.-Australia Senior-level Seminar (Hawaii) (GSDF Chief of Staff)
Feb. 2016 Japan-U.S.-Australia Security and Defense Cooperation Forum (SDCF)
See reference 46 for trilateral
Oct. 2016 Japan-U.S.-Australia Security and Defense Cooperation Forum (SDCF)
training and exercise)
Jun. 2017 5th Japan-U.S.-Australia Senior-level Seminar (Japan) (GSDF Chief of Staff)
Jun. 2017 Japan-U.S.-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (16th Shangri-La Dialogue))
May 2018 Japan-U.S.-Australia Security and Defense Cooperation Forum (SDCF)
Jun. 2018 Japan-U.S.-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (17th Shangri-La Dialogue))
High-level talks between heads Mar. 2016 Visit to the ROK by MSDF Chief of Staff
of state and defense Apr. 2016 Visit to Japan by ROK Army Chief of Staff
Sep. 2016 Japan-ROK Defense Vice Ministerial-Level Meeting (ROK (Seoul Defense Dialogue))
Sep. 2016 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Teleconference
Mar. 2017 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Teleconference
May 2017 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Teleconference
Jun. 2017 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (16th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jul. 2017 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Teleconference
Sep. 2017 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Teleconference
Sep. 2017 Visit to ROK by Chief of Staff, GSDF (to participate in PACC)
Oct. 2017 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Philippines (4th ADMM Plus))
Apr. 2018 Visit to Japan by Chief of ROK Army
Jun. 2018 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (17th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Regular discussions Apr. 2015 10th Japan-ROK Security Dialogue (Seoul)
between defense ministry Aug. 2015 21st Japan-ROK Working-level Defense Dialogue (Seoul)
representatives Mar. 2018 11th Japan-ROK Security Dialogue (Tokyo)
Oct. 2015 Japan-ROK joint search and rescue exercise (MSDF), participation of ROK naval vessels in Fleet Review
Nov. 2015 Participation of the ROK Navy Band in Japan Self-Defense Force Marching Festival
May 2016 Participation of MSDF vessels in Pacific Reach (MSDF) hosted by the ROK
May 2016 Visit to the ROK by Western Army Commanding General (GSDF)
Jun. 2016 Visit to the ROK by Sasebo District Commandant (MSDF)
Unit-level exchange, etc.
Jul. 2016 Visit to Atsugi Air Base by ROK Navy P-3C (MSDF)
Feb. 2017 Visit to Japan by Commander of the 2nd Operations Command of the ROK (GSDF)
Oct. 2017 Port visit to Pyeongtaek by MSDF Training Squadron (MSDF)
Dec. 2017 Port visit to Japan by the training squadron of the Korean navy, Japan-ROK joint search and rescue training (Yokosuka) (MSDF)
Mar. 2018 Visit to base in Pohang by MSDF P-3C (MSDF)
Apr. 2015 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks (Washington, D.C.)
May 2015 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jan. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Feb. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Japan-U.S.-ROK Chief of Staff Video-Teleconference
Jun. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (15th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jun. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK missile warning exercise Pacific Dragon 2016
Sep. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Oct. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Chief of Staff level Meeting (Washington, D.C.)
Oct. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Trilateral Exercise (maritime interdiction exercise)
Nov. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Trilateral Exercise (ballistic missile information sharing exercise)
Dec. 2016 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks (Seoul)
Japan – U.S.– ROK trilateral Mar. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Cooperation Mar. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Trilateral Exercise (ballistic missile information sharing exercise)
Apr. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Trilateral Exercise (anti-submarine exercise)
Apr. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks (Tokyo)
May 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Chief of Staff Video-Teleconference
Jun. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (16th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jul. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Aug. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Sep. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Oct. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Philippines (4th ADMM Plus))
Oct. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Chief of Staff Meeting (Hawaii)
Dec. 2017 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks Video-Teleconference
Mar. 2018 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense working level meeting (Washington D.C.)
Jun. 2018 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (17th Shangri-La Dialogue))
May 2017 Visit to Japan by Defense Minister of India (Defense Ministerial Meeting)
Sep. 2017 Visit to Japan by Indian Defense Minister (Defense Ministerial Meeting)
Jan. 2018 Visit to India by Chief of Staff (to participated in the Raisina Dialogue)
Mar. 2018 Visit to India by Chief of Staff
Apr. 2015 3rd Vice-Minister/Secretary level “2+2” dialogue, 4th Defence Policy Dialogue
Regular discussions
Feb. 2016 1st Japan-India Air Component Staff Talks
between defense ministry
Mar. 2017 4th Vice-Minister/Secretary level “2+2” dialogue, 5th Defence Policy Dialogue
Jan. 2018 7th Japan-India Navy Staff Talks (Delhi)
Dec. 2015 Expert-to-expert exchanges in aviation safety (Japan)
Feb. 2016 MSDF Participation in International Fleet Review hosted by the Indian Navy (in waters east of India)
Mar. 2016 Expert-to-expert exchanges between test pilots (India)
Mar. 2016 Unit-to-unit exchanges between U-4 transport aircraft crews (in India)
Mar. 2016 Expert-to-expert exchanges between test pilots (Japan)
Jun. 2016 Unit-to-unit exchanges involving Indian Air Force transport aircraft crews in ASDF bases.
Jul. 2016 ASDF KC-767 aerial refueling/transport aircraft dispatched to India.
Unit-level exchange, etc. Aug. 2016 Japan-India goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Dec. 2016 Japan-India goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Mar. 2017 Unit-to-unit exchanges in the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief area (Japan)
Sep. 2017 Japan-India goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Oct. 2017 Japan-India goodwill and joint exercise (MSDF)
Dec. 2017 Unit-to-unit exchanges in the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief area with Indian Air Force helicopter units (India)
Jan. 2018 Japan-India joint exercise (MSDF)
May 2018 Japan-India joint exercise (MSDF)
Reference 50 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with China (Past Three Years)
(Apr. 1, 2015 - Jun. 30, 2018)
May 2015 Japan-China Defense Vice-Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
High-level talks between heads
Nov. 2015 Japan-China Defense Ministerial Meeting (Malaysia (3rd ADMM-Plus))
of defense
Jun. 2016 Japan-China Defense Vice-Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (15th Shangri-La Dialogue))
May 2015 2nd Japan-China defense director-general-level consultations (Tokyo)
Jun. 2015 5th Joint Working Group meeting on the Maritime and Air Communication Mechanism between Japan and China’s defense authorities
Nov. 2016 14th Japan-China Security Dialogue (Foreign Affairs and Defense Vice-Ministerial Meeting) (Beijing)
Regular discussions
Nov. 2016 6th Joint Working Group meeting on the Maritime and Air Communication Mechanism between Japan and China’s defense authorities
between defense ministry
Oct. 2017 15th Japan-China Security Dialogue (Foreign Affairs and Defense Vice-Ministerial Meeting) (Tokyo)
Apr. 2018 7th Joint Working Group meeting on the Maritime and Air Communication Mechanism between Japan and China’s defense authorities
May 2018 ✰ Signing of the “Maritime and Aerial Communication Mechanism between the defense authorities of Japan and China” (Memorandum)
Reference 51 Recent Defense Cooperation and Exchanges with Russia (Past Three Years)
(Apr. 1, 2015 - Jun. 30, 2018)
May 2015 Japan-Russia Vice-Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
High-level talks between heads Mar. 2017 Visit to Japan by Defense Minister of Russia (2nd Foreign and Defense Ministerial Dialogue (2+2), Defense Ministerial Meeting)
of defense Nov. 2017 Visit to Japan by Chief of Staff, Russian Army
Dec. 2017 Visit to Japan by Chief of Joint Staff, Russian Military
Jan. 2017 16th bilateral Japan-Russia search and rescue exercises
Unit-level exchange, etc. Oct. 2017 Port visit to Vladivostok by MSDF Training Squadron
Nov. 2017 17th Japan-Russia joint search and rescue training
May 2015 Visit to Vietnam by ASDF Chief of Staff
Sep. 2015 Visit to Japan by Vietnamese Vice-Minister of National Defence
Oct. 2015 Visit to Japan by Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army
Nov. 2015 Visit to Vietnam by Minister of Defense (Japan-Vietnam Defense Ministerial Meeting)
Jul. 2016 Visit to Vietnam by Chief of Joint Staff (Pacific Partnership)
Aug. 2016 Visit to Vietnam by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Sep. 2016 Visit to Japan by Vietnamese Vice-Minister of National Defence
Vietnam Nov. 2016 Visit to Japan by Vietnamese Vice-Minister of National Defence
Jun. 2017 Visit to Japan by Vietnamese Vice-Minister of National Defence
Aug. 2017 Visit to Vietnam by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Sep. 2017 Visit to Japan by Vietnamese Vice-Minister of National Defence (Fukuoka (9th Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial meeting))
Oct. 2017 Japan-Vietnam Defense Ministerial Meeting (Philippines (4th ADMM Plus))
Jan. 2018 Visit to Vietnam by Chief of Joint Staff
Apr. 2018 Visit to Japan by Vietnamese Minister of Defence (Defense Ministerial Meeting)
High-level exchanges between heads of state and defense
Jun. 2018 Japan-Vietnam Defense Ministerial meeting (Singapore (17th Shangri-La Dialogue))
May 2015 Japan-Singapore Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
May 2015 Japan-Singapore Vice-Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
May 2015 Visit to Singapore by Chief of Joint Staff (14th Shangri-La Dialogue)
Jul. 2015 Visit to Singapore by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Feb. 2016 Visit to Singapore by ASDF Chief of Staff
Jun. 2016 Japan-Singapore Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (15th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jun. 2016 Japan-Singapore Defense Vice-Ministerial Meeting (15th Shangri-La Dialogue)
Singapore Jul. 2016 Visit to Singapore by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
May 2017 Visit to Singapore by MSDF Chief of Staff
Jun. 2017 Japan-Singapore Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (16th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jun. 2017 Japan-Singapore Vice-Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (16th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Oct. 2017 Visit to Japan by Chief of Singapore Army
Feb. 2018 Visit to Singapore by ASDF Chief of Staff
May 2018 Visit to Japan by Singaporean Minister of Defence (Defense Ministerial Meeting)
May 2015 Visit to the Philippines by ASDF Chief of Staff
May 2015 Japan-Philippines Vice-Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jun. 2015 Visit to Japan by Commanding General of the Philippine Army
Jun. 2015 Visit to Japan by President and Philippine Secretary of National Defense
Aug. 2015 Visit to the Philippines by Chief of Joint Staff
Sep. 2015 Visit to Japan by Philippine Undersecretary of National Defense
Sep. 2015 Visit to the Philippines by GSDF Chief of Staff
Nov. 2015 Japan-Philippines Defense Ministerial Meeting (Malaysia (3rd ADMM-Plus))
Feb. 2016 ✰ Concurred that the two countries would enhance capacity building assistance and deepen defense equipment and technology
May 2016 Japan-Philippines Defense Ministerial Teleconference
Sep. 2016 Visit to Japan by Philippine Undersecretary of National Defense (Sendai (8th Japan-ASEAN Vice Ministerial Meeting))
Oct. 2016 Visit to Japan by Commander-in-Chief of the Philippine Air Force (AFFJ)
Philippines Feb. 2017 Visit to Japan by Commanding General of the Philippine Navy
Mar. 2017 Visit to the Philippines by Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense
Apr. 2017 Visit to the Philippines by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
May 2017 Visit to the Philippines by ASDF Chief of Staff
Sep. 2017 Visit to Japan by Philippine Undersecretary of National Defense (Sendai (9th Japan-ASEAN Vice Ministerial Meeting))
Oct. 2017 Visit to the Philippines by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Oct. 2017 Japan-Phillipines Defense Ministerial Meeting (Phillipines (4th ADMM Plus))
Nov. 2017 Visit to the Philippines by MSDF Chief of Staff
Mar. 2018 Visit to the Philippines by Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense
Apr. 2018 Visit to Japan by Commanding General of the Philippine Navy
Apr. 2018 Visit to the Philippines by Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense
Jun. 2018 Visit to the Philippines by ASDF Chief of Staff
Jun. 2018 Japan-Phillipines Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (17th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Ministerial Meeting))
Jul. 2015 Visit to Japan by Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Air Force
Aug. 2015 Visit to Japan by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services of Myanmar and the Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Army
Sep. 2015 Visit to Japan by Myanmarese Deputy Minister of Defence
Apr. 2016 Visit to Myanmar by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Jun. 2016 Visit to Myanmar by Minister of Defense
Jul. 2016 Visit to Myanmar by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Myanmar Sep. 2016 Visit to Japan by Myanmarese Secretary of National Defense and Deputy Minister of Defence (Tokyo (Defense Ministerial Meeting),
Sendai (8th Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial Meeting))
Oct. 2016 Visit to Japan by Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Air Force (AFFJ)
Aug. 2017 Visit to Japan by Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services of Myanmar
Sep. 2017 Visit to Japan by Myanmarese Deputy Minister of Defense (Fukuoka (9th Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial Meeting))
Jan. 2018 Visit to Myanmar by GSDF Chief of Staff
Sep. 2015 Visit to Japan by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Defence of Laos
Nov. 2015 Japan-Laos Defense Ministerial Meeting (Malaysia (3rd ADMM-Plus))
Concurred that the two countries would continue to coordinate and cooperate with each other through the humanitarian assistance
and disaster relief EWG
Feb. 2016 Visit to Laos by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Laos Apr. 2016 Visit to Laos by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Aug. 2016 Visit to Laos by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Sep. 2016 Visit to Japan by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Defence of Laos
Nov. 2016 Japan-Laos Defense Ministerial Meeting (Laos (2nd ASEAN-Japan Defence Ministers’ Informal Meeting))
Nov. 2016 Visit to Laos by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Nov. 2016 Visit to Laos by Chief of Joint Staff
May 2015 Visit to Malaysia by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
May 2015 Japan-Malaysia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Sep. 2015 Visit to Japan by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Defence of Malaysia (Sapporo (7th Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial
Nov. 2015 Visit to Japan by Chief of Defence Force, Malaysian Armed Forces
Nov. 2015 Japan-Malaysia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Malaysia (3rd ADMM-Plus))
Aug. 2016 Visit to Malaysia by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Malaysia Sep. 2016 Visit to Japan by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Defence of Malaysia (Sendai (8th Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial
Feb. 2017 Visit to Japan by Chief of Navy of Malaysian Navy
Jun. 2017 Japan-Malaysia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (16th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Sep. 2017 Visit to Japan by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Defence of Malaysia (Fukuoka (9th Japan-ASEAN vice-Ministerial
Apr. 2018 ✰ Signed an agreement on the transfer of defense equipment and technologies
Sep. 2015 Visit to Japan by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Brunei (Sapporo (7th Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial Meeting))
Feb. 2016 Visit to Brunei by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Aug. 2016 Visit to Brunei by Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Brunei Sep. 2016 Visit to Brunei by Administrative Vice Minister of Defense
Sep. 2016 Visit to Japan by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Brunei (Sendai (8th Japan-ASEAN Vice Ministerial Meeting))
Feb. 2018 Visit to Brunei by Vice Minister of Defense for International Affairs
Laos Jul. 2017 2nd Japan-Laos Defense Consultation (Vientiane)
Malaysia Jun. 2017 6th Japan-Malaysia Defense Consultation (Kuala Lumpur)
Aug. 16 Japan-Indonesia goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Indonesia Jan. 2017 Japan-Indonesia unit-to-unit exchanges (Halim) (ASDF)
Jul. 2015 Japan-Vietnam unit-to-unit exchanges (Ho Chi Minh) (ASDF)
Dec. 2015 Japan-Vietnam unit-to-unit exchanges (Ho Chi Minh) (ASDF)
Vietnam Feb. 2016 Participation in Japan-Vietnam goodwill exercise (Vietnam) (MSDF)
Dec. 2016 Japan-Vietnam unit-to-unit exchanges (Da Nang) (ASDF)
Dec. 2017 Japan-Vietnam unit-to-unit exchanges (Da Nang) (ASDF)
May 2017 MSDF Participation in International Fleet Review hosted by the Singapore Navy (Singapore) (MSDF)
Singapore Oct. 2017 Japan-Singapore unit-to-unit exchanges (Tokyo, etc.) (GSDF)
Nov. 2017 Japan-Singapore unit-to-unit exchanges (Paya Lebar) (ASDF)
May 2015 Participation in Japan-Philippines joint exercise (coast of Manila)
Jun. 2015 Participation in Japan-Philippines joint exercise (coast of Palawan)
Jul. 2016 Japan-Philippines unit-to-unit exchanges (Clark) (ASDF)
Sep. 2016 Japan-Philippines goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Jan. 2017 Japan-Philippines goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Philippines May 2017 Japan-Philippines goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Unit-level exchange, etc.
May 2017 Participation in U.S.-Philippines joint naval exercise Balikatan 2017 (Philippines)
Sep. 2017 Japan-Philippines goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Nov. 2017 Japan-Philippines goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Feb. 2018 Japan-Philippines goodwill exercise (MSDF)
May 2018 Japan-Philippines goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Jan. 2017 Japan-Thailand unit-to-unit exchanges (Chiang Mai) (ASDF)
Sep. 2017 Japan-Thailand goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Nov. 2017 Japan-Thailand unit-to-unit exchanges (U-tapao) (ASDF)
Nov. 2017 Participation in fleet review hosted by the Royal Thai Navy in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of ASEAN (Pattaya) (MSDF)
Jan. 2018 Japan-Thailand unit-to-unit exchanges (Don Mueang) (ASDF)
Feb. 2018 Japan-Thailand goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Myanmar Mar. 2016 Japan-Myanmar unit-to-unit exchanges (Mingaladon) (ASDF)
Mar. 2016 Japan-Laos unit-to-unit exchanges (Vientiane) (ASDF)
Jan. 2017 Japan-Laos unit-to-unit exchanges (Vientiane) (ASDF)
Aug. 2015 Japan-Malaysia goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Apr. 2016 Japan-Malaysia goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Malaysia Jan. 2017 Japan-Malaysia unit-to-unit exchanges (Subang) (ASDF)
May 2017 Japan-Malaysia goodwill exercise (MSDF)
Jan. 2018 Japan-Malaysia goodwill exercise (MSDF)
May 2017 Japan-Brunei goodwill exercise
Brunei Jul. 2017 Japan-Brunei unit-to-unit exchanges (Bandar Seri Begawan) (ASDF)
Feb. 2018 Japan-Brunei goodwill exercise (MSDF)
New Zealand
Feb. 2017 10th Japan-New Zealand Bilateral Defence Talks (Wellington)
Regular discussions
Jan. 2016 3rd Consultation between foreign affairs, defense, and security authorities, 3rd Japan-Mongolia Consultation between defense and
security authorities (Tokyo)
Aug. 2017 4th Japan-Mongolia Consultation between foreign affairs, defense, and security authorities, 4th Japan-Mongolia Consultation between
defense and security authorities (Ulaanbaatar)
Aug. 2016 8th Japan-Pakistan Consultation between defense authorities (Islamabad)
Apr. 2018 9th Japan-Pakistan Consultation between defense authorities (Tokyo)
Nov. 2015 PSI Exercise
Oct. 2016 Visit to Komaki Air Base by New Zealand Air Force aircraft (C-130H)
Nov. 2016 Participation in international naval review hosted by New Zealand Navy
New Zealand Nov. 2016 Multilateral joint exercise hosted by New Zealand Navy
Feb. 2017 Dispatch of ASDF’s KC-767 aerial refueling and transport aircraft to New Zealand
Jun. 2017 Japan-New Zealand goodwill exercise
Nov. 2017 Dispatch of C-2 aircraft to New Zealand (overseas flight training) and implementation of unit-to-unit exchanges
Unit-level exchange, etc.
Nov. 2017 Visit to the U.K. by GSDF Chief of Staff
Dec. 2017 Visit to the U.K. by Minister of Defense (3rd Foreign and Defense Ministerial meeting, Defense Ministerial Meeting)
Feb. 2018 Visit to the U.K. by Administrative Vice-Minister of Defence
Feb. 2018 Visit to Japan by First Sea Lord
Mar. 2018 Visit to the UK by Chief of Joint Staff
Jun. 2018 Japan-U.K. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (17th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jan. 2016 Visit to France by Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense
Mar. 2016 Visit to Japan by Chief of Staff, French Navy
Jun. 2016 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (15th Shangri-La Dialogue))
Jun. 2016 Visit to France by State Minister of Defense
Jan. 2017 Visit to France by Minister of Defense (3rd Foreign and Defense Ministerial Meeting, Defense Ministerial Meeting)
Jun. 2017 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (16th Shangri-La Dialogue))
France Jun. 2017 Visit to France by State Minister of Defense
Sep. 2017 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Teleconference
Nov. 2017 Visit to France by GSDF Chief of Staff
Jan. 2018 Visit to Japan by Minister of Armed Forces (4th Foreign and Defense Ministerial Meeting, Defense Ministerial Meeting)
May 2018 Visit to France by MSDF Chief of Staff
Jun. 2018 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (17th Shangri-La Dialogue))
May 2015 Japan-Germany Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore (14th Shangri-La Dialogue))
High-level exchanges between heads of state and defense
Regular discussions between defense ministry representatives
Sep. 2015 18th Japan-France Consultation between foreign affairs and defense authorities (Tokyo)
Jul. 2016 19th Japan-France Consultation between foreign affairs and defense authorities, 17th Japan-France Consultation between defense
France authorities (Paris)
Dec. 2017 20th Japan-France Consultation between foreign affairs and defense authorities, 18th Japan-France Consultation between defense
authorities (Tokyo)
Jun. 2016 Jun. 2016 15th Japan-Germany Consultation between foreign affairs and defense authorities, 13th Japan-Germany Consultation between
defense authorities (Berlin)
Dec. 2015 3rd Japan-Italy Consultation between defense authorities (Tokyo)
Sep. 2017 4th Japan-Italy Consultation between defense authorities (Rome)
Oct. 2016 1st Japan-Spain Consultation between defense authorities (Madrid)
Spain Jul. 2017 2nd Japan-Spain Consultation between defense authorities (Tokyo)
Oct. 2015 3rd Japan-Sweden Consultation between defense authorities (Stockholm)
Sweden Oct. 2017 4th Japan-Sweden Consultation between defense authorities (Tokyo)
Oct. 2015 1st Japan-Finland Consultation between defense authorities (Helsinki)
Finland Sep. 2017 2nd Japan-Finland Consultation between defense authorities (Tokyo)
Poland Mar. 2016 2nd Japan-Poland Consultation between defense authorities (Warsaw)
Norway Oct. 2015 3rd Japan-Norway Consultation between defense authorities (Oslo)
Feb. 2016 14th Japan-NATO High-Level Consultation (Tokyo)
NATO May 2017 15th Japan-NATO High-Level Consultation (Tokyo)
EU Oct. 2016 1st Japan-EU Consultation on Security and Defense (Belgium)
Jul. 2015 Dispatch of MSDF P-1 patrol aircraft to the U.K.
Apr. 2016 Japan-U.K. goodwill exercise
Jul. 2016 Dispatch of ASDF’s KC-767 aerial refueling and transport aircraft to the U.K.
Jul.-Aug. 2016 Port call in London by MSDF training squadron
United Kingdom Oct.-Nov. 2016 Japan-U.K. bilateral exercise
Nov. 2016 Japan-U.K. goodwill exercise
Jul. 2017 Dispatch of ASDF KC-767 aerial refueling and transport aircraft to the U.K. and implementation of unit-to-unit exchanges
Apr. 2018 Japan-U.K. joint exercise
Unit-level exchange, etc.
Apr. 2018 Visit to Brazil by State Minister of Defense
May 2015 Visit to Japan by Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces
High-level exchanges between heads of defense and others
Dec. 2017 10th Japan-Canada Consultation between foreign affairs and defense authorities, 11th Japan-Canada Consultation between defense authorities
Turkey Nov. 2017 3rd Japan-Turkey Consultation between defense authorities (Ankara)
Jordan Nov. 2017 2nd Japan-Jordan Consultation between defense authorities (Anman)
Jun. 2015 1st Japan-Saudi Arabia Consultation between defense authorities (Tokyo)
Saudi Arabia
Nov. 2016 1st Japan-Saudi Arabia Security Dialogue (Riyadh), 2nd Japan-Saudi Arabia Consultation between defense authorities
Egypt Oct. 2015 1st Japan-Egypt Consultation between foreign affairs and defense authorities, Japan-Egypt Consultation between defense authorities
Kuwait Mar. 2016 1st Japan-Kuwait Security Dialogue (Tokyo)
Dec. 2015 1st Japan-UAE Security Dialogue (Abu Dhabi)
Nov. 2017 1st Japan-UAE Consultation between defense authorities (Abu Dhabi)
Qatar Nov. 2015 2nd Japan-Qatar Security Dialogue (Doha)
Dec. 2015 2nd Japan-Bahrain Security Dialogue (Manama)
Dec. 2016 3rd Japan-Bahrain Security Dialogue (Tokyo)
Jul. 2017 Japan-Canada unit-to-unit exchange (Komaki) (ASDF)
Jul. 2017 Japan-Canada bilateral exercise “KAEDEX” (MSDF)
Jul. 2017 Japan-Canada unit-to-unit exchange “Komox” (ASDF)
Dec. 2017 Japan-Canada bilateral exercise “KAEDEX” (MSDF)
Unit-level exchange, etc.
reconstruction of Iraq
Provisions in ❍ Provision under Article 84-5 (Chapter ❍ Provision under Article 84-5 (Chapter 6) ❍ Supplementary provisions of the SDF ❍ Supplementary provisions of the SDF
the SDF Law 6) of the SDF Law of the SDF Law Law Law
❍ Cooperation and support activities1 ❍ International peacekeeping activities ❍ Humanitarian and reconstruction ❍ Replenishment support activities
❍ Search and rescue activities1 ❍ Internationally coordinated operations for assistance activities
❍ Ship inspection operations3 peace and security ❍ Support activities for ensuring security
❍ International humanitarian assistance
❍ International election monitoring activities
❍ Supplies cooperation for the
abovementioned activities
❍ Territories of Japan ❍ Areas excluding Japan (including the high ❍ Territories of Japan ❍ Territories of Japan
❍ Territories of foreign countries seas) ❍ Territories of foreign countries ❍ Territories of foreign countries
Areas of (consent of the agency in charge of (A ceasefire agreement between the (consent of the agency in charge of (limited to the Indian Ocean States)
Operation administration (in such countries) is parties of the dispute and an agreement administration is required in such (consent of such countries is required)2
required. by the receiving country are required) countries and in Iraq)2 ❍ High seas (limited to the Indian
❍ High seas and the airspace above ❍ High seas and the airspace above2 Ocean, etc.) and the airspace above2
❍ Prior approval required without ❍ To be discussed in advance in the Diet ❍ To be discussed in the Diet within (Note 5)
exception in principle, only for cases where SDF 20 days from the day since the SDF
Diet Approval units, etc. conduct so-called ceasefire initiates such measures4
monitoring and safety-ensuring
❍ Report on the details of operation ❍ Report about the details of operation plan ❍ Report on the details of operation plan is ❍ Report about the details of operation
Diet Report
plan is required without delay is required without delay required without delay plan is required without delay
(3) Replenishment activities based on the Replenishment Support Special Measures Law
Place of Dispatch Period of Dispatch Number of Personnel Description of Principal Tasks
MSDF Indian Ocean Jan. 2008 – Feb. 2010 Approx. 330 • Materials supplies for foreign vessels
Period of Total Number
Number of Personnel Description of Principal Tasks
Dispatch of Personnel
Ceasefire Sep. 1992 – • Monitor custody of weapons collected and observance of ceasefire
8 16
United Nations Transitional monitors Sep. 1993 • Monitor observance of ceasefire at the border
PKO Authority in Cambodia • Repair roads, bridges and other infrastructure
(UNTAC) Sep. 1992 –
Engineer unit 600 1,200 • Supply fuel and water to UNTAC components and other groups
Sep. 1993
• Supply food and accommodation, provide facilities
Headquarters May 1993 – • Draft mid-and long-term plans, plan and coordinate transport operations at
5 10
United Nations operation in staff Jan. 1995 UNUMOZ Headquarters
PKO Mozambique Transport
(ONUMOZ) May 1993 – • Support customs clearance work and provide other transport related
coordination 48 144
Jan. 1995 technical coordination in the allocation of transport
Sep.– Dec.
refugee relief 260 • Medical care, prevention of epidemics, water supplies
Humanitarian Relief • Air transport of Rwandan refugee relief unit personnel and supplies
Operation for Rwandan between Nairobi (in Kenya) and Goma (in former Zaire and current Republic
Refugees Air transport Sep.– Dec. of the Congo)
unit 1994 • Make use of spare capacity to airlift personnel and supplies of
humanitarian international organizations engaged in refugee relief
Feb. 1996 –
1st-3th personnel: 2
Headquarters Feb. 2009 • Create PR and budgets for UNDOF operations, plan and coordinate
United Nations 38
staff Feb. 2009 – transport, maintenance and other operations at UNDOF Headquarters
Disengagement Observer 14th-17th personnel: 3
Jan. 2013
PKO Force
(UNDOF) Feb. 1996 –
1st-33rd personnel: 43 • Transport food and other supplies
(Golan Heights) Aug. 2012
Transport unit 1,463 • Store goods at supply warehouses, repair roads and other infrastructure,
Aug. 2012 – maintain heavy machinery, conduct firefighting and snow clearance
34th personnel: 44
Jan. 2013
• Air transport of aid materials for UNHCR
Humanitarian Humanitarian Relief Air transport Nov. 1999 –
113 • Make use of spare capacity for the air transportation of UNHCR related
aid Operations in Timor-Leste unit Feb. 2000
Humanitarian Relief
Humanitarian Air transport
Operations for Afghanistan Jan. 2001 138 • Air transport of relief supplies for UNHCR
aid unit
Headquarters Feb. 2002 – 1st rotation: 10 • Plan and coordinate engineering and logistics operations at military
United Nations Transitional 17
staff Jun. 2004 2nd rotation: 7 headquarters
Administration in Timor-
Leste (UNTAET) (United • Maintain and repair roads and bridges that are necessary for PKO unit
PKO 1st and 2nd rotation: 680 activities
Nations Mission in Timor- Mar. 2002 –
Leste (UNMISET) from May Engineer unit 3rd rotation: 522 2,287 • Maintain reservoirs used by units of other nations and local inhabitants that
Jun. 2004
20, 2002) 4th rotation: 405 are in Dili and other locations Civic assistance
• Public welfare support operations
Humanitarian Relief
Humanitarian Air transport Mar. – Apr.
Operations for Iraqi 50 • Air transport of relief supplies for UNHCR
aid unit 2003
Humanitarian Humanitarian Relief Air transport Jul. – Aug.
98 • Air transport of materials for the relief of Iraqi victims
aid Operations for Iraqi Victims unit 2003
United Nations Mission in Mar. 2007– • Monitor management of weapons of Maoist soldiers and those of the
PKO Arms monitors 6 24
Nepal (UNMIN) Jan. 2011 Nepalese government force
United Nations Mission in Headquarters Oct. 2008– • Coordination in UNMIS concerning overall logistics of the military sector
PKO 2 12
Sudan (UNMIS) staff Sep. 2011 • Database management
• MINUSTAH headquarters carries out coordination of overall military
Headquarters Feb. 2010 – logistics, which includes the prioritization of engineering activities such
2 12
staff Jan. 2013 as coordinating facility- related duties, and procurement and transport of
military items
United Nations
Stabilization Mission 1st rotation: 203
PKO 2nd rotation: 346
in Haiti
(MINUSTAH) 3rd and 4th rotation: 330
Feb. 2010 –
Engineer unit 5th and 6th rotation: 317 2,184 • Remove rubble, repair roads, construct simple facilities, etc.
Jan. 2013
7th rotation: 297
Withdrawal support unit:
United Nations Integrated
Military liaison Sep. 2010 –
PKO Mission in Timor-Leste 2 8 • Intelligence gathering on the security situation across Timor-Leste
officer Sep. 2012
• Coordination within the UNMISS units regarding the demand of overall
military logistics
Nov. 2011 – 4 29 • Management of database
• Planning and coordination of engineering duties
• Planning and coordination of aircraft operation supports
1st rotation: 239 • Development of infrastructure such as roads (The following duties were
United Nations Mission in 2nd – 4th rotation: 349 added after 5th personnel)
the Republic of South Jan. 2012 –
PKO Engineer Unit 5th and 6th rotation: 401 • Consultation and coordination with UNMISS regarding engineer unit
Sudan May 2017
7th – 10th rotation: 353 activities
(UNMISS) 11th rotation: 354 • Coordination regarding logistics
Withdrawal support unit: 3,912
Local support • Consultation and coordination with UNMISS regarding engineer unit
Jan. 2012 – (Number of personnel for
coordination 1st to 4th rotations includes activities
Dec. 2013
center personnel at the local • Coordination regarding logistics
support coordination center)
Notes: 1. Other operations have included support activities in the areas of transport and supply carried out by units of the MSDF (in Cambodia and Timor-Leste) and the ASDF (in Cambodia,
Mozambique, the Golan Heights, Timor-Leste, and Afghanistan).
2. An advance unit of 23 people was additionally sent as part of the Rwandan refugee relief effort.
Air transport unit Approx. 30 • Transport of equipment and supplies needed for medical treatment
International disaster relief activities in Nov. 15 – 18,
Air patrol unit Approx. 30 • Evaluation of damages by aircraft (one P-1 aircraft)
New Zealand (earthquake disaster) 2016
Notes: The OPCW Inspectorate Division Director served in office until July 2009 after his retirement from the SDF on August 1, 2007.
December 15 – 19, 2012 Cairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA) (Egypt) 1 ASDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
March 9 – 14, 2013 South African National Peace Mission Training Centre (PMTC) (South Africa) 1 MSDF personnel (Captain)
August 28 – September 1, 2013 International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) (Kenya) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
October 5 – 9, 2013 International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) (Kenya) 1 MSDF personnel (Captain)
March 8 – 13, 2014 South African National Peace Mission Training Centre (PMTC) (South Africa) 1 MSDF personnel (Captain)
March 23 – May 25, 2014 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
August 12, 2014 International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) (Kenya) (dispatched to give lecture in South Sudan) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
October 5 – 9, 2014 International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) (Kenya) 1 MSDF personnel (Captain)
October 6 – 23, 2014 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
March 19 – April 1, 2015 UN Peacekeeping Centre (India) 1 MSDF personnel (Captain)
June 4 – July 1, 2015 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
September 5 – 20, 2015 South African National Peace Mission Training Centre (PMTC) (South Africa) 1 MSDF personnel (Captain)
October 22 – November 7, 2015 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
March 21 – April 1, 2016 UN Peacekeeping Centre (India) 1 MSDF personnel (Captain)
May 31 – June 17, 2016 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
November 4 – 19, 2016 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 1 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
March 6 – 19, 2017 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 2 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
June 2 – 18, 2017 Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia) 2 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) (Ethiopia)
December 1 - 15, 2017
2 GSDF personnel (Lieutenant Colonel)
Notes: 1. Figures in parentheses denote the number of females included in the preceding value.
2. The number of authorized personnel is determined based on the budget.
Notes: 1. Number of personnel refers to the numbers specified in the laws and regulations
2. “Others” in the title includes Minister of Defense, State Minister of Defense, Parliamentary Vice-Ministers of Defense, Senior Adviser to the Minister of Defense, and Private Secretary of
the Minister of Defense
❍ Integrated training
Exercise Period Location Main Participating Units, etc. Note
To enhance ability to deploy units overseas
Joint Staff, Ground Staff Office, Air Staff Office, Defense
Training for protection measures and their operational capabilities relating to
Sep. 25 - Oct. 2, Camp Utsunomiya, Komaki Airbase, Intelligence Headquarters, Central Readiness Force, Air
for overseas Japanese nationals transport of overseas Japanese nationals and
2017 Republic of Djibouti, etc. Support Command, etc.
and others others, and strengthen coordination between
Approximately 110 personnel
SDF and U.S. Forces
Internal Bureaus, each Joint Staff, Defense Intelligence
Headquarters, Armies of the GSDF, Central Readiness
Numazu Kaihin Training Site,
Force, Self-Defense Fleet, Regional District HQs,
Tanegashima Island and waters To maintain and enhance the SDF’s joint
SDF joint exercise (command Air Defense Command, Air Support Command, SDF
Nov. 6 - 24, 2017 around Tsushima Island, other SDF operations capabilities through studying and
post exercise) Command Control Communication Computers Systems
facilities and waters and airspace practicing SDF joint operations
Command, SDF Central Hospital etc.
surrounding Japan
Approximately 15,000 personnel, approximately 1,500
vehicles, 6 vessels, approximately 170 aircraft
To enhance joint operations capabilities
MOD Ichigaya, Soumagahara Western Army, Central Readiness Force, MP, Air Defense
Training for protection measures relating to protection measures for overseas
Training Area, Iruma Airbase, route Command, Air Support Command, Air Training Command,
for overseas Japanese nationals Dec. 11 - 15, 2017 Japanese nationals and others, and
connecting Soumagahara Training ASDF MP, Air Materiel Command, etc.
and others strengthen coordination between SDF and
Area to Iruma Airbase Approximately 390 personnel
relevant organizations
Exercise Period Location Main Participating Units, etc. Note
Hokkaido-Dai Maneuver Area,
Yausubetsu Maneuver Area, Camp Northern Army, etc.
Army Corps field training
Sep. 16 - 28, 2017 Sapporo, Camp Higashi Chitose, Approximately 17,000 personnel, 3,200 vehicles,
exercise (Northern Army)
Sapporo city, Otaru city, Kushiro 50 aircraft, and 2 vessels To maintain and enhance Army’s capability to
city, wakkanai city, Ishikari city, etc. respond to various situations
Cmaps, bases, maneuver areas Western Army, etc.
Army Corps field training Oct. 23 - Nov. 22,
and privately owned land inside Approximately 14,000 personnel, 3,800 vehicles,
exercise (Western Army) 2017
the Western Army District 60 aircraft
Middle-Northern Regional Army Major units of 10th Division
Joint relocation exercises (camp Jun. 27 - Jul. 31,
Districts (Hamataiki Training Area, Approximately 2,600 personnel, 1,000 vehicles and
relocation for divisions) 2017
Yausubetsu Training Area, etc.) 3 aircraft
Eastern - Northern Regional Army
Joint relocation exercises (camp One Infantry Regiment of the 12th Division
Sep. 2 - 28, 2017 Districts (Hokkaido-Dai Maneuver
relocation for regiments) Approximately 900 personnel, 260 vehicles, and 6 aircraft
Area etc.)
Northern-Eastern Regional Army To enhance control capability and
Districts (Kita-Fuji Training Area, adjustability necessary for long-range
Joint relocation exercises (camp One Infantry Regiment of the 11th Brigade
Nov. 3 - 13, 2016 etc.) mobility
relocation for regiments) Approximately 410 personnel and 180 vehicles
Jumonjihara Maneuver Area,
Amami Oshima Island etc.
Major units of one Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Division
Joint relocation exercises (camp Northeastern-Western Regional Approximately 1,200 personnel, 400 vehicles, and
Oct. 14 - Dec. 4,
relocation for regiments) Army Districts (Hijudai Training 4 aircraft
2nd Division, 5th Division Area, etc.) Major units of one Infantry Regiment of the 5th Division
Approximately 650 personnel, 300 vehicles, and 2 aircraft
Exercise Period Location Main Participating Units, etc. Note
Maritime Staff Office, MSDF Staff Commands of the Self-Defense Fleet, Regional District
MSDF exercise Oct. 31 - Nov. 9, To conduct drills for unit operations, maritime
College and the locations of other HQs, Maritime Materiel Command, etc.
(Table Top Exercise) 2017 operations, etc.
participating Units Approximately 3,200 personnel
MSDF exercise Nov. 10 - 26,
Waters and airspace around Japan Approximately 25 vessels and 60 aircraft Conduct drills for maritime operations
(Field Training Exercise) 2017
Reference 63 Results of Firing Training and Related Training by Dispatch of Each of the Self-Defense Forces to the United States (FY2017)
Occupational aptitude testing Testing aimed to provide retiring uniformed SDF personnel with guidance based on individual aptitudes
Provide retiring uniformed SDF personnel with skills usable in society after retirement (large-sized vehicle operation, forklift
operation, boiler maintenance, large-sized special vehicle operation, electrician, regular-sized vehicle operation, first-level
Technical training
training for nursing care workers, heavy-duty vehicle operation, chief hazardous material engineer, crane operation, mid-sized
vehicle license [new in FY2018], etc.)
Provide uniformed SDF officer retiring at an early age with technical knowledge on disaster prevention administration and
Disaster prevention and
Measures for retiring the Civil Protection Plan (attending lectures in this area are a prerequisite for receiving the Cabinet Office's Regional Disaster
risk management training
uniformed Prevention Manager license)
SDF personnel Provide retiring uniformed SDF personnel with the capability to acquire public qualifications (hazardous materials engineer,
Correspondence courses electrician, financial planner, (class B), real estate transaction specialist, property administrator, medical clerk, data security
officer [new in FY2018], etc.)
Support uniformed SDF personnel retiring at an early age to cultivate social adaptability, as well as provide necessary
Business management training
knowledge to lead a stable life after reemployment and retirement
Career guidance Provide retiring uniformed SDF personnel with knowhow to choose new occupation and right mindset toward reemployment
Outsourcing career counseling, etc. Outsource career counseling, etc. to external experts to meet the needs of each retiring uniformed SDF personnel
Measures for internal
Training for support personnel Training of labor administration, support activities, etc. to improve quality of support personnel
support personnel
Support for publicity aimed at
Measures for promotion Publicizing to business owners, etc. the effectiveness of retiring uniformed SDF personnel who plan to retire
to business owners
outside of SDF
Inviting business owners on unit tours Invite business owners to SDF units, etc. and provide them with tours, explanations of the employment support situation, etc.
Reference 65 Employment Situation of Retired Uniformed SDF Personnel in Disaster Prevention-related Bureaus in Local Government
(As of March 31, 2018 432 personnel)
Government employment situation
Hokkaido Prefectural Government (three persons), Sapporo City Government (two persons), Hakodate City Government (two persons), Asahikawa City Government (two persons), Muroran
City Government, Kushiro City Government, Obihiro City Government (two persons), Iwamizawa City Government (two persons), Rumoi City Government, Tomakomai City Government,
Bibai City Government, Ashibetsu City Government, Akabira City Government, Nayoro City Government (two persons), Chitose City Government (three persons), Takikawa City Government,
Sunagawa City Government, Eniwa City Government (two persons), Kitahiroshima City Government, Hokuto City Government, Matsumae Town Office, Nanae Town Office, Shikabe Town
Office, Naganuma Town Office, Kamifurano Town Office, Nakafurano Town Office, Rebun Town Office, Bihoro Town Office (two persons), Engaru Tow Office (two persons), Shiraoi Town
Office, Abira Town Office, Shinhidaka Town Office, Otofuke Town Office, Memuro Town Office, Shibecha Town Office, Teshikaga Town Office
Aomori Prefectural Government, Aomori City Government (three persons), Hirosaki City Government, Hachinohe City Government (three persons), Towada City Government, Misawa City
Government, Ajigasawa Town Office, Fukaura Town Office, Oirase Town Office
Iwate Prefectural Government, Morioka City Government, Miyako City Government, Hanamaki City Government, Hachimantai City Government, Takizawa City Government, Yamada Town
Miyagi Prefectural Government, Sendai City Government (two persons), Ishinomaki City Government, Tagajo City Government, Iwanuma City Government, Oohira Village Office,
Minamisanriku Town Office
Akita Akita Prefectural Government, Yokote City Government, Odate City Government, Yuzawa City Government, Yurihonjo City Government, Daisen City Government, Senboku City Government
Yamagata Yamagata Prefectural Government, Yamagata City Government, Sakata City Government, Tendo City Government, Higashine City Government, Asahi Town Office
Fukushima Fukushima Prefectural Government, Fukushima City Government (two persons), Koriyama City Government
Koga City Government, Ryugasaki City Government, Shimotsuma City Government, Joso City Government, Ushiku City Government (two persons), Moriya City Government, Hitachi Omiya City
Government, Ami Town Office, Sakai Town Office
Tochigi Tochigi Prefectural Government, Utsunomiya City Government
Gunma Gunma Prefectural Government, Maebashi City Government, Numata City Government, Shibukawa City Government
Saitama Saitama Prefectural Government, Saitama City Government, Fukaya City Government, Soka City Government, Asaka City Government, Wako City Government, Yoshikawa City Government
Chiba Prefectural Government, Chiba City Government, Ichikawa City Government, Funabashi City Government, Tateyama City Government, Matsudo City Government (two persons),
Chiba Mobara City Government, Narita City Government, Narashino City Government, Ichihara City Government, Nagareyama City Government, Kimitsu City Government, Urayasu City
Government, Yotsukaido City Government, Tomisato City Government, Katori City Government, Oamishirasato City Government
Tokyo Metropolitan Government (four persons), Shinagawa Ward Office (two persons), Ota Ward Office, Shibuya Ward Office (two persons), Toshima Ward Office, Arakawa Ward Office,
Itabashi Ward Office (two persons), Adachi Ward Office
Kanagawa Prefectural Government (three persons), Yokohama City Government (eight persons), Kawasaki City Government (four persons), Sagamihara City Government, Yokosuka
Kanagawa City Government, Kamakura City Government, Fujisawa City Government (two persons), Chigasaki City Government, Zushi City Government, Ebina City Government (two persons),
Zama City Government
Niigata Niigata Prefectural Government (two personnel), Murakami City Government, Tsubame City Government, Jouetsu City Government, Sado City Government, Tainai City Government
Toyama Toyama Prefectural Government, Toyama City Government, Himi City Governmet
Ishikawa Ishikawa Prefectural Government, Kanazawa City Government, Kaga City Government, Nomi City Government
Fukui Fukui Prefectural Government (two persons), Fukui City Government, Awara City Government, Takahama Town Office
Yamanashi Yamanashi Prefectural Government (two persons), Fujiyoshida City Government, Minami-Alps City Government, Yamanakako Town Office
Nagano Nagano Prefectural Government, Matsumoto City Government, Ina City Government, Chino City Government
Gifu Gifu Prefectural Government (two persons), Gifu City Government, Minokamo City Government, Kakamigahara City Government, Hida City Government, Kaizu City Government
Shizuoka Prefectural Government (six persons), Shizuoka City Government, Hamamatsu City Government, Atami City Government, Ito City Government, Shimada City Government (two
persons), Gotenba City Government (two persons), Susono City Government, Izu City Government, Makinohara City Government, Oyama Town Office
Aichi Prefectural Government, Toyohashi City Government, Handa City Government, Kariya City Government, Nishio City Government, Gamagori City Government, Tokai City Government,
Takahama City Government, Toyoake City Government, Aisai City Government, Kiyosu City Government, Kitanagoya City Government (two persons), Yatomi City Government, Miyoshi City
Government, Ama City Government, Nagakute City Government, Toyoyama Town Office, Oharu Town Office, Kanie Town Office, Tobishima Village Office, Minamichita Town Office (two
persons), Mihama Town Office, Taketoyo Town Office, Handa City Government
Mie Prefectural Government, Tsu City Government, Yokkaichi City Government, Ise City Government, Kuwana City Government, Nabari City Government, Owase City Government, Toba City
Government, Shima City Government
Shiga Shiga Prefectural Government, Konan City Government
Kyoto Kyoto Prefectural Government, Joyo City Government, Yawata City Government, Kyotango City Government, Kizugawa City Government, Seika Town Office (three persons)
Osaka Prefectural Government, Osaka City Government (two persons), Sakai City Government, Ikeda City Government, Kaizuka City Government, Hirakata City Government, Ibaraki
Osaka City Government, Izumisano City Government, Tondabayashi City Government, Kawachinagano City Government, Matsubara City Government, Daito City Government, Takaishi City
Government, Shijonawate City Government, Osakasayama City Government, Toyono Town Office
Tokushima Prefectural Government (three persons), Komatsushima City Government, Anan City Government, Yoshinogawa City Government (two persons), Awa City Government, Miyoshi
City Government
Kagawa Kagawa Prefectural Government, Marugame City Government, Zentsuji City Government, Sanuki City Government, Manno Town Office
Ehime Ehime Prefectural Government, Matsuyama City Government, Imabari City Government
Kochi Kochi Prefectural Government, Konan City Government
Fukuoka Prefectural Government, Fukuoka City Government (two persons), Kurume City Government, Iizuka City Government (two persons), Tagawa City Government, Nakama City
Fukuoka Government, Kasuga City Government, Onojo City Government (two persons), Munakata City Government (two persons), Dazaifu City Government, Itoshima City Government, Kasuya Town
Office, Chikuzen Town Office
Saga Saga Prefectural Government (four persons), Yoshinogari Town Office
Nagasaki Prefectural Government (five persons), Nagasaki City Government, Sasebo City Government (three persons), Shimabara City Government, Omura City Government (three
persons), Matsuura City Government, Iki City Government
Kumamoto Prefectural Government (three persons), Kumamoto City Government, Yashiro City Government, Minamata City Government, Kikuchi City Government, Ozu Town Office, Kuma
Village Office
Oita Oita Prefectural Government (two persons), Oita City Government, Beppu City Government, Kitsuki City Government
Miyazaki Prefectural Government (five persons), Miyazaki City Government, Miyakonojo City Government (three persons), Nobeoka City Government, Nichinan City Government, Kobayashi
City Government, Hyuga City Government, Kushima City Government, Saito City Government, Ebino City Government (two persons), Mimata Town Office, Tsuno Town Office
Kagoshima Prefectural Government (four persons), Tarumizu City Government, Satsuma-Sendai City Government, Soo City Government, Kirishima City Government, Aira City Government,
Minami Okuma Town Office
Notes: Provided by the Ministry of Defense as of March 31, 2018 (part-time personnel included).
Reference 66 Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and peace and security through timely and effective implementation of
Technology contribution to peace and international cooperation such as international peace
(Approved by the National Security Council cooperation, international disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, responses
and the Cabinet on April 1, 2014) to international terrorism and piracy, and capacity building of developing
The Government has made it its basic policy to deal with overseas transfer countries (hereinafter referred to as “peace contribution and international
of defense equipment and technology in a careful manner in accordance cooperation”). Such transfer also contributes to strengthening security and
with Prime Minster Eisaku Sato’s remarks at the Diet in 1967 (hereinafter defense cooperation with Japan’s ally, the United States as well as other
referred to as “the Three Principles on Arms Exports”) and the collateral countries. Furthermore, it contributes to maintaining and enhancing Japan’s
policy guideline by the Miki administration in 1976. These policy guidelines defense production and technological bases, thereby contributing to Japan’s
have played a certain role as Japan has been following the path of a peace- enhancement of defense capability, given that international joint development
loving nation. On the other hand, these policy guidelines including the non- and production projects have become the international mainstream in order to
permission of arms exports to communist bloc countries have increasingly improve the performance of defense equipment and to deal with their rising
proved unsuitable for the current situation. Also, the Government has costs.
repeatedly taken exemption measures depending on the individual necessity On the other hand, since the distribution of defense equipment and
of each case since arms exports to substantially all areas were not permitted, technology has significant security, social, economic and humanitarian impact
as a result of not promoting arms exports regardless of the destinations. on the international community, the need for each government to control the
Japan has consistently followed the path of a peace-loving nation since transfer of defense equipment and technology in a responsible manner while
the end of World War II. Japan has adhered to a basic policy of maintaining taking various factors into account is recognized.
an exclusively national defense-oriented policy, not becoming a military In light of the above, while maintaining its basic philosophy as a peace-
power that poses a threat to other countries, and observing the Three Non- loving nation that conforms to the Charter of the United Nations and the course
Nuclear Principles. At the same time, surrounded by an increasingly severe it has taken as a peace-loving nation, Japan will control the overseas transfer
security environment and confronted by complex and grave national security of defense equipment and technology based on the following three principles.
challenges, it has become essential for Japan to make more proactive efforts The overseas transfer of facilities related to arms production will continue to
in line with the principle of international cooperation. Japan cannot secure be treated in the same manner as defense equipment and technology.
its own peace and security by itself, and the international community expects 1. Clarification of cases where transfers are prohibited
Japan to play a more proactive role for peace and stability in the world Overseas transfer of defense equipment and technology will not be
commensurate with its national capabilities. Against this backdrop, under the permitted when:
evolving security environment, Japan will continue to adhere to the course 1) the transfer violates obligations under treaties and other international
that it has taken to date as a peace-loving nation, and as a major player in agreements that Japan has concluded,
world politics and the world economy, contribute even more proactively 2) the transfer violates obligations under United Nations Security Council
in securing peace, stability and prosperity of the international community, resolutions, or
while achieving its own security as well as peace and stability in the Asia- 3) the defense equipment and technology is destined for a country party
Pacific region, as a “Proactive Contributor to Peace” based on the principle of to a conflict (a country against which the United Nations Security
international cooperation. Council is taking measures to maintain or restore international peace
From the view point of achieving the fundamental principle of national and security in the event of an armed attack).
security by implementing concrete policies, the Government, in accordance 2. Limitation to cases where transfers may be permitted as well as strict
with the National Security Strategy adopted on December 17, 2013, decided examination and information disclosure
to review the Government’s existing policy guidelines on overseas transfer In cases not within 1. above, cases where transfers may be permitted will be
of defense equipment and technology, and set out clear principles which fit limited to the following cases. Those cases will be examined strictly while
the new security environment while giving due consideration to the roles that ensuring transparency. More specifically, overseas transfer of defense
the existing policy guidelines have played so far and by consolidating the equipment and technology may be permitted in such cases as the transfer
policy guidelines comprehensively with consideration on the past exemption contributes to active promotion of peace contribution and international
measures. cooperation, or to Japan’s security from the viewpoint of—implementing
An appropriate overseas transfer of defense equipment and technology international joint development and production projects with countries
contributes to further active promotion of the maintenance of international cooperating with Japan in security area including its ally, the U.S.
Government will disclose their information in accordance with the Act Order No. 378 of 1949), and are to be used by military forces and directly
on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs (Law No. 42 employed in combat; and “military technologies” refers to technologies
of 1999). for the design, production or use of arms.
3. Ensuring appropriate control regarding extra-purpose use or transfer to The Government will contribute actively to the peace and stability of
third parties the international community as a “Proactive Contributor to Peace” based
In cases satisfying 2. above, overseas transfer of defense equipment and on the principle of international cooperation. Under such policy, it will
technology will be permitted only in cases where appropriate control is play a proactive role in the area of controlling defense equipment and
ensured. More concretely, the Government will in principle oblige the technology as well as sensitive dual-use goods and technologies to achieve
Government of the recipient country to gain its prior consent regarding the early entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty and further strengthen
extra-purpose use and transfer to third parties. However, appropriate the international export control regimes.
1 Interest in the Self Defense Forces 2 Impression toward the SDF
Good impression Bad impression
(subtotal) 89.8 (subtotal) 5.6
Interested (subtotal) 67.8 Not Interested (subtotal) 31.4
Good More of More of Bad
Very Somewhat Not that Totally impression a positive a negative impression
interested interested interested uninterested impression impression
3 Defense capabilities of the SDF 6 Role expected of the Self Defense Forces
(multiple responses)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Disaster dispatches
Should be decreased (relief activities, emergency patient transport, 79.2
Should be and other activities during disasters)
increased Current strength is sufficient Don’t know Protecting national security
(Eligible (national security in surrounding sea and airspace, 60.9
number response to attacks on islands, and others)
29.1 60.1
of people)
Total (1,671) 6.2 Maintaining public order in Japan 49.8
5 Efforts in international peace cooperation activities Cooperating with arms control and disarmament
and non-proliferation effects
Unsure 1.7
Reference 70 The Results of the Special Defense Inspection (outline) In addition, in February 2017, in order to ensure consistency with
the fact that only the Daily Reports that exist at the JS had been made
July 27, 2017 public, the Director of Operations Support & Intelligence Department,
The Inspector General’s Office of Legal Compliance GSO deemed this appropriate document management, then, among other
things, requested the disposal of the daily reports, and the Daily Reports
The Results of the Special Defense Inspection (outline) were disposed of. Although this does not directly constitute a violation of
1. Subject Items the Information Disclosure Act, it was inappropriate because it could be
said that a request for disposal, etc. was made to make the facts match the
An inspection was conducted regarding “the state of management of “The
non-disclosure decision by reason of the non-existence of the documents.
Daily Reports Prepared between July 7-12, 2016 by the GSDF Engineering
(4) Inappropriate response including the delay in reporting to the Minister of
Unit Dispatched to South Sudan” (hereinafter referred to as “the Daily
Defense and the public explanation (December 2016-January 2017)
Reports”), for which a disclosure request was made pursuant to the provisions
The Director of Operations Support & Intelligence Department, GSO
of the Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs (Act
caused confusion in mutual understanding because he/she explained to
No.42 of May 14, 1999; hereinafter referred to as “the Information Disclosure
the Administrative Vice Chief of staff, JS that daily reports existed as
personal data while recognizing that the possibility that the daily reports
2. Subject Organizations, etc. existing at the GSDF were administrative documents.*2 Meanwhile, the
The organizations, etc. of the Ministry of Defense related to the management Administrative Vice Chief of staff, JS received instructions from the
of the Daily Reports (Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense, Internal Minister of Defense to search again for the Daily Reports but did not
Bureau, and the Joint Staff (hereinafter referred to as “JS”), the Ground Staff instruct the GSO, etc. to conduct a search again. Later, although he/she
Office (hereinafter referred to as “GSO”), and the Central Readiness Force confirmed the existence of the Daily Reports, he/she took approximately
(hereinafter referred to as “CRF”) Headquarters). one month to make a report to the Minister of Defense. In addition, he/
3. Outline of the Inspection Conducted she did not confirm the state of the GSDF daily reports and was unable to
The special defense inspection began on March 17, 2017, and the acquisition grasp them accurately. It is inappropriate that the Ministry of Defense was
and analysis of the related documents, etc., questionnaire surveys, on-site, etc. unable to respond appropriately as the result, having created documents for
confirmation, and interviews were conducted. public explanation that were different from the facts among other things.
4. The Results of the Inspection *2 Media reports that the GSO said to the JS civilian officials in this
exchange that “it’s too late to say that they exist” could not be confirmed.
(1) Inappropriate response to the disclosure request dated July 19*1 (July-
(5) Continuing the posture regarding the public explanation (February 2017)
September 2016)
The Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense and the Administrative Vice
Regarding the disclosure request dated July 19 that is related to the
Chief of staff, JS received the explanation from the Chief of Staff, GSDF
disclosure request for the Daily Reports, the Vice Commanding General
and others that the Daily Reports data existed at the CRF Headquarters
(international), CRF, while recognizing the existence of daily reports
but it was unclear whether they were being managed as administrative
as administrative documents, provided guidance with the intent that
documents. The Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense recognized the
it was desirable to remove daily reports from such documents and did
data as personal data, did not confirm the state of the GSDF daily reports,
not disclose existing daily reports. This is inappropriate since the Daily
and indicated the policy for public explanation to the effect that there were
Reports were not disclosed pursuant to their disclosure request by reason
no problems as the response under the Information Disclosure Act since
of the nonexistence of the documents as the consequence of this response.
the Ministry of Defense was making the Daily Reports public. In addition,
It is also inappropriate that disclosure procedures for the documents
the abovementioned response to the question was explained to the
excluding daily reports were taken by reason of the non-existence of the
Minister of Defense and approved. On that occasion, it was not mentioned
documents even though the GSO and GSO staff were in a situation where
by the Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense or the Administrative
they could recognize the existence of daily reports.
Vice Chief of staff, JS that the Daily Reports existed within the GSDF.
*1 “All documents exchanged during July 6-15, 2016 (Japan Time)
It is inappropriate that because of this, the posture regarding the public
between CRF Headquarters and the GSDF engineering unit dispatched
explanation to the effect that the Daily Reports were being appropriately
to South Sudan (including electronic format)”
handled within the GSDF was maintained by the GSDF even though the
(2)Inappropriate response to the disclosure request dated October 3 (October-
opportunity existed to change the posture regarding the public explanation
December 2016)
by confirming the state of the GSDF daily reports.
Regarding the disclosure request for the Daily Reports, it is inappropriate
*3 Separately from this, there was an occasion on which an explanation
that the GSO and CRF Headquarters staff, while recognizing the existence
was given to the Minister of Defense regarding the handling of daily
of daily reports as administrative documents, based on the response to the
reports at the GSDF among other matters. However, although the
disclosure request dated July 19, made a non-disclosure determination
possibility cannot be denied that there may have been some statements
by reason of the non-existence of the documents and did not disclose the
regarding the existence of daily report data at the GSDF as part of the
Daily Reports, which existed.
exchange on that occasion, there were no facts to the effect that a report
It is also inappropriate that non-disclosure procedures were taken by
was made by document indicating the existence of daily report data at
reason of the non-existence of the documents even though the GSO and JS
the GSDF or that a report was made seeking approval for nondisclosure.
staff were in a situation where they could recognize the existence of daily
In addition, there are no facts to the effect that any decision or approval
by the Minister of Defense was made concerning whether or not to
(3) Inappropriate response concerning the management of the Daily Reports
make public.
(December 2016, February 2017)
In December 2016, the Director of Operations Support & Intelligence 5. Rectification Measures
Department, GSO gave guidance regarding the appropriate management (1) Implementing appropriate information disclosure operations
of bulletin boards under the premise that they would be disposed of after A) It is necessary to thoroughly conduct the education, etc. of the related
use without taking measures regarding disclosure even though he/she staff to raise their awareness regarding the appropriate implementation
recognized that nondisclosure procedures had been taken regarding the of information disclosure operations.
disclosure request for the Daily Reports by reason of the non-existence of B) In the case where it is to be decided that an administrative document
the documents. This is inappropriate because it is unavoidable for this to be does not exist, it is necessary to conduct multiple searches and to
interpreted that guidance was given to make the facts fit the non-disclosure expand the scope of the searches, actually confirm the state of document
decision based on the nonexistence of the documents. management, and otherwise thoroughly conduct meticulous searches
documents such as clarifying the responsibility in the case where
multiple document managers possess the same administrative
right over Ryukyu and Ogasawara Islands Oct. 15 National Safety Force inaugurated
Oct. 30 Inauguration of fourth Yoshida Cabinet; Kimura becomes denying counteroffensive against mainland China
Feb. 26 Far East Commission formed
Director-General of the National Safety Agency Dec. 17 U.S. test-launches Atlas ICBM
Mar. 05 Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech
Oct. 31 U.K. carries out its first atomic bomb test 1959 Jan. 12 Ino becomes Minister of State for Defense
Apr. 05 First meeting of Allied Council on Japan
Nov. 01 U.S. carries out its first hydrogen bomb test Mar. 30 Tokyo District Court rules the stationing of U.S. Forces
Apr. 24 Civil administration of Okinawa established unconstitutional in the Sunagawa case
May 03 International Military Tribunal for the Far East opened Nov. 12 Japan–U.S. Ship Leasing Agreement signed
1953 Jan. 01 Security Advisory Group in Japan inaugurated Jun. 18 Inauguration of second reshuffled Kishi Cabinet; Akagi
May 22 Yoshida Cabinet established becomes Minister of State for Defense
Oct. 01 International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg renders Apr. 01 National Safety Academy (predecessor of National
Defense Academy) established Aug. 25 China–India border dispute
judgment Sep. 18 USSR General Secretary Khrushchev proposes complete
Nov. 03 The Constitution of Japan promulgated May 21 Inauguration of fifth Yoshida Cabinet
Jul. 27 Korean War Armistice Agreement signed military reductions at U.N.
Dec. 19 First Indochina War starts (through 1954) Sep. 26 Disaster relief teams dispatched after Typhoon Vera
1947 Mar. 12 Truman Doctrine announced Aug. 12 USSR carries out its first hydrogen bomb test
Sep. 27 Yoshida and Shigemitsu talk Sep. 27 U.S.–Soviet summit; joint statement issued at Camp David
May 03 The Constitution of Japan takes effect Nov. 06 National Defense Council decision to produce 200
Jun. 01 Katayama Cabinet established Oct. 01 U.S.–ROK Mutual Defense Treaty signed
F-104 aircraft domestically, approved by Cabinet on
Jun. 05 Marshall Plan announced Oct. 30 Ikeda–Robertson talks; joint statement issued on gradual November 10
increase in self-defense strength
Aug. 15 India and Pakistan gain independence Dec. 01 Antarctica Treaty signed
Dec. 25 Japanese administrative rule over Amami Islands restored
Aug. 15 First India–Pakistan conflict (through 1965) Dec. 16 Supreme Court reverses original ruling in the Sunagawa
1954 Jan. 21 U.S. launches world’s first nuclear submarine case
Oct. 05 Cominform established (USS Nautilus)
Dec. 17 Police Law promulgated (National Rural Police and 1960 Jan. 11 Defense Agency moves to Hinoki-cho
Mar. 01 U.S. carries out hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll
municipal police forces established) Jan. 19 New Japan–U.S. Security Treaty is signed (enters into
Mar. 01 Daigo Fukuryu maru (Lucky Dragon V) incident force June 23)
1948 Mar. 10 Ashida Cabinet established
Mar. 08 Mutual Defense Assistance (MDA) agreement signed Feb. 13 France conducts its first nuclear test in the Sahara
Apr. 01 USSR imposes Berlin blockade (through May 12, 1949)
May 14 Japan and U.S. sign Land Lease Agreement on naval May 01 U-2 reconnaissance plane belonging to U.S. shot down
Apr. 27 Japan Coast Guard Law promulgated vessels
May 14 Israel gains independence; First Middle East War starts in Soviet airspace
Jun. 02 House of Councillors passes resolution prohibiting May 24 Disaster relief teams dispatched after the earthquake and
(through February 24, 1949) dispatch of troops overseas
Jun. 11 U.S. Senate Vandenberg resolution tsunami in Chile
Jun. 09 Promulgation of Defense Agency Establishment Law, Self- Jul. 19 Ikeda Cabinet established; Esaki becomes Minister of
Jun. 26 Berlin airlift starts Defense Forces Law and Protection of National Secrecy State for Defense
Aug. 15 Republic of Korea (ROK) declares independence Law pertaining to the MDA
Jul. 20 U.S. conducts successful underwater launch of Polaris
Sep. 09 North Korea established Jul. 01 Defense Agency established; Ground, Maritime and Air SLBM
Oct. 19 Inauguration of the second Yoshida Cabinet Self-Defense Forces inaugurated
Dec. 08 Inauguration of second Ikeda Cabinet; Nishimura becomes
Nov. 12 International Military Tribunal for the Far East renders Jul. 21 Geneva Agreement on armistice in Indochina signed Minister of State for Defense
judgment Sep. 03 Chinese People’s Liberation Army shells Quemoy and Dec. 20 Formation of the South Vietnam National Liberation Front
1949 Jan. 25 Council for Mutual Economic Cooperation (COMECON) Matsu for the first time
1961 Jan. 13 National Defense Council decides to reorganize GSDF
established Sep. 08 South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed by units (into 13 divisions); presented to Cabinet January 20
Feb. 16 Inauguration of third Yoshida Cabinet signing of collective defense pact
Apr. 12 USSR successfully launches manned spacecraft
Apr. 04 North Atlantic Treaty signed by 12 nations (becomes Dec. 02 U.S.–Taiwan Mutual Defense Treaty signed
May 16 Military junta seizes power in a coup in ROK
effective August 24) (NATO established) Dec. 10 Hatoyama Cabinet established; Omura becomes Minister
of State for Defense Jul. 06 Soviet–North Korea Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and
Apr. 21 Nationalist-Communist talks break up; Chinese
Mutual Assistance signed
Communist Army launches general offensive 1955 Mar. 19 Inauguration of second Hatoyama Cabinet; Sugihara
becomes Minister of State for Defense Jul. 11 Sino–North Korean Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and
May 06 Federal Republic of Germany established (West Germany)
Mutual Assistance signed
Jul. 05 Shimoyama incident Apr. 18 Africa–Asia conference held at Bandung
Jul. 18 Inauguration of second reshuffled Ikeda Cabinet; Fujieda
Jul. 15 Mitaka incident May 05 West Germany formally admitted to NATO becomes Minister of State for Defense
Aug. 17 Matsukawa incident May 06 Live shell fire by U.S. forces at Kita Fuji Maneuver Area; Jul. 18 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted
Sep. 24 USSR declares possession of atomic bomb opposition to firing intensifies on Second Defense Build-up Plan
Oct. 01 People’s Republic of China established May 08 Protests begin at Sunagawa Base Aug. 13 Construction of Berlin Wall
Oct. 07 German Democratic Republic established (East Germany) May 14 Signing of Warsaw Pact (WPO starts) 1962 Jul. 18 Inauguration of second reshuffled Ikeda Cabinet (second
Dec. 07 Chinese Nationalist Party takes refuge in Taiwan Jul. 31 Sunada becomes Minister of State for Defense term); Shiga becomes Minister of State for Defense
1950 Jan. 27 U.S. signs MSA agreement with NATO countries Aug. 06 First World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Jul. 23 International Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos signed
Feb. 14 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Bombs held in Hiroshima in Geneva International Conference
Assistance signed Aug. 31 Shigemitsu-Dulles meeting; joint statement issued on Aug. 15 GSDF completes 13 division organization
Jun. 21 John Foster Dulles, adviser to the U.S. Department of revision of Japan–U.S. Security Treaty Oct. 15 Type 61 tank first introduced
State, visits Japan Nov. 14 Japan–U.S. Atomic Energy Agreement signed Oct. 20 China–India border dispute (through November 22)
Jun. 25 Korean War (ends July 27, 1953) Nov. 22 Inauguration of third Hatoyama Cabinet; Funada becomes Oct. 24 U.S. Navy imposes sea blockade of Cuba (through
Jun. 28 Inauguration of third reshuffled Yoshida Cabinet Minister of State for Defense November 20)
Jul. 07 United Nations Force formed for dispatch to Korea Dec. 19 Atomic Energy Basic Law promulgated Oct. 28 Premier of the Soviet Union Khrushchev declares
Jul. 08 General MacArthur authorizes the establishment of the 1956 Feb. 09 House of Representatives passes resolution to ban dismantling of missile bases in Cuba
National Police Reserve, consisting of 75,000 men, and atomic and hydrogen bomb tests (House of Councilors, Nov. 01 Defense Facilities Administration Agency established
the expansion of the Japan Coast Guard by 8,000 men February 10)
Nov. 09 Shiga visits U.S. for first time as Minister of State for
Aug. 10 National Police Reserve Ordinance promulgated and put Feb. 14 Stalin criticized at the 20th Congress of Soviet Communist Defense (through November 26)
into effect Party in Moscow; Khrushchev proclaims policy of peaceful
co-existence with the West 1963 Jun. 20 Agreement signed for U.S.–Soviet hotline
Aug. 13 Ordinary personnel recruitment for the National Police Jul. 18 Inauguration of second reshuffled Ikeda Cabinet (third
Reserve begins Mar. 23 Defense Agency moved to Kasumigaseki
term); Fukuda becomes Minister of State for Defense
Aug. 14 Masuhara appointed first Director-General of the National Apr. 17 USSR announces dissolution of Cominform
Aug. 08 Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed by U.S.–USSR–
Police Reserve Apr. 26 First Japan-made destroyer Harukaze completed U.K. (enters into force on October 10)
Sep. 07 National Police Reserve headquarters moves from the Jul. 02 National Defense Council Composition Law promulgated Aug. 14 Japan joins Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
National Police Agency headquarters to Etchujima Jul. 26 Egyptian President Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal Sep. 16 Malaysian Federation established
Sep. 15 U.N. troops land at Inchon Sep. 20 First domestically-produced F-86F fighter delivered Dec. 09 Inauguration of third Ikeda Cabinet
Oct. 25 Chinese Communist volunteers join Korean War Oct. 19 Joint declaration on restoration of Japanese–Soviet Dec. 17 ROK transits to civilian government, Park Chung-hee
Nov. 24 U.S. announces the seven principles for concluding a relations becomes President
peace treaty with Japan Oct. 23 Hungarian Revolution 1964 Jun. 15 Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty enters into force for Japan
Dec. 18 NATO Defense Commission agrees to establishment of Oct. 29 Second Middle East War (Suez War; through November 6) Jul. 18 Inauguration of third reshuffled Ikeda Cabinet; Koizumi
NATO Forces Dec. 18 Japan joins the U.N. becomes Minister of State for Defense
1951 Jan. 23 Minister of State Ohashi takes charge of the National Dec. 23 Ishibashi Cabinet established; Prime Minister concurrently Aug. 02 Gulf of Tonkin incident
Police Reserve becomes Minister of State for Defense Oct. 16 China successfully carries out its first nuclear test
Jan. 29 First Yoshida-Dulles talks (peace treaty negotiations) 1957 Jan. 31 Acting Prime Minister Kishi concurrently becomes, ad Nov. 09 Sato Cabinet established
Mar. 01 Special recruitment of Military and Naval Academy interim, Minister of State for Defense
Nov. 12 U.S. nuclear submarine (Sea Dragon) enters a Japanese
graduates to serve as police officers 1st and 2nd class Feb. 02 Kotaki becomes Minister of State for Defense port (Sasebo) for the first time
begins Feb. 25 Kishi Cabinet established 1965 Feb. 07 U.S. starts bombing of North Vietnam
Apr. 11 MacArthur was dismissed as Supreme Commander of Mar. 15 House of Councillors passes resolution to ban atomic and
the Allied Powers Feb. 10 Diet debate on Mitsuya study
hydrogen bombs
Jul. 04 Inauguration of third reshuffled Yoshida Cabinet (second Jun. 03 Inauguration of reshuffled Sato Cabinet; Matsuno
May 15 U.K. conducts its first hydrogen bomb test becomes Minister of State for Defense
term) May 20 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted
Aug. 30 Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers dismissed Jun. 22 Japan–ROK Basic Treaty signed
on Basic Guidelines for National Defense
Sep. 01 U.S.–Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty signed Australia– Sep. 01 Second India–Pakistan conflict (to September 22)
Jun. 14 National Defense Council decision and Cabinet
New Zealand–U.S. sign ANZUS Treaty understanding adopted on First Defense Build-up Plan Nov. 10 Icebreaker Fuji leaves on first mission to assist Antarctic
Sep. 08 49 countries sign Peace Treaty with Japan; Japan–U.S. observation (through April 8, 1966)
Jun. 21 Kishi–Eisenhower talks; joint statement on the early
Security Treaty concluded withdrawal of the USFJ issued 1966 May 16 Cultural Revolution starts in China
Oct. 20 Ozuki unit dispatched for the first time on a rescue relief Jul. 10 Inauguration of reshuffled Kishi Cabinet; Tsushima Jul. 01 France withdraws from the NATO command (rejoined
operation to Kita Kawachi Village, Yamaguchi Prefecture, becomes Minister of State for Defense April 4, 2009)
in the wake of Typhoon Ruth Aug. 06 Japan–U.S. Security Council inaugurated Aug. 01 Inauguration of reshuffled Sato Cabinet (second term);
Oct. 26 House of Representatives approves Peace Treaty and Kambayashiyama becomes Minister of State for Defense
Aug. 26 USSR announces successful ICBM test
Japan–U.S. Security Treaty (House of Councilors approval Oct. 27 China successfully carries out its first nuclear missile test
given November 18) Aug. 27 Trial startup of reactor at Tokaimura
Nov. 29 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted
Dec. 26 Inauguration of third reshuffled Yoshida Cabinet (third Sep. 10 National Defense Council decision to produce P2V-742 on Outline of Third Defense Build-up Plan
term) aircraft domestically, Cabinet report on September 17
Dec. 03 Inauguration of reshuffled Sato Cabinet; Masuda becomes
1952 Jan. 19 ROK proclaims sovereignty over neighboring ocean areas Oct. 04 USSR launches the world’s first artificial satellite, Minister of State for Defense
(Rhee Line) Sputnik 1
1967 Jan. 27 Outer Space Treaty signed
Feb. 28 Japan–U.S. Administrative Agreement signed Nov. 23 World Congress of Communist Parties issues the Moscow
Declaration Feb. 17 Inauguration of second Sato Cabinet
Apr. 26 Maritime Guard established within the Japan Coast Guard Mar. 14 National Defense Council decision adopted on Key matters
1958 Jan. 01 Japan becomes non-permanent member of the U.N.
Apr. 28 Japan–Taiwan Peace Treaty concluded Security Council for inclusion in Third Defense Build-up Plan (Cabinet
decision on March 14)
Jan. 01 European Economic Community (EEC) starts
Jul. 01 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed Nov. 15 U.N. forces in Korea discovers a North Korean infiltration Apr. 02 Falklands dispute (ends June 14)
Aug. 20 Soviet and Eastern European troops invade tunnel
Apr. 25 Israel returns all of Sinai Peninsula
Czechoslovakia Nov. 23 U.S. President Ford visits USSR, makes joint statement
May 15 Use of some sections of land within facilities and areas
Aug. 24 France carries out its first hydrogen bomb test in the on SALT II
located in Okinawa starts under the Special Land Lease
South Pacific Dec. 09 Miki Cabinet established; Sakata becomes Minister of Law
Nov. 30 Inauguration of second reshuffled Sato Cabinet (second State for Defense
Jun. 06 Israeli forces invade Lebanon
term); Arita becomes Minister of State for Defense 1975 Apr. 01 Director General instructs to create draft plan for defense
Jun. 08 BWC enters into force in Japan
1969 Jan. 10 National Defense Council decision to produce 104 F-4E forces after FY1977 (second instruction October 29)
Jun. 09 Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), Protocols I,
aircraft domestically, approved by Cabinet Apr. 23 U.S. President Ford declares end of Vietnam War
II and III concluded
Mar. 02 Armed clashes between Chinese and Soviet forces on Apr. 30 South Vietnamese Government surrenders unconditionally
Jun. 29 Commencement of Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
Chenpao Island (Damansky Island) Aug. 01 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) (START-I) U.S.–Soviet Union (Geneva)
Apr. 15 North Korea shoots down U.S. EC-121 reconnaissance adopts the Helsinki Declaration (Helsinki)
Jul. 23 1981 Mid-Term Defense Estimate presented to and
plane Nov. 17 First summit meeting of most industrialized nations approved by National Defense Council
Jun. 10 South Vietnam announces establishment of Provisional (Rambouillet, through November 17), held annually since
Aug. 17 U.S.–China Joint Statement about U.S. weapons sales
Revolutionary Government 1976 Apr. 05 Demonstrators and police clash in Tiananmen Square in to Taiwan
Jul. 25 U.S. President Nixon announce Guam Doctrine (later the Beijing, China (1st Tiananmen Incident)
Sep. 09 Supreme Court renders judgment on Naganuma Nike
Nixon Doctrine) Jun. 04 Publication of second white paper on defense, “The Missile Base Case
Nov. 21 Sato–Nixon joint statement (extension of Japan-U.S. Defense of Japan” (henceforth published annually)
Oct. 12 China successfully tests SLBM water launch
Security Treaty, return of Okinawa to Japan by 1972) Jun. 08 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty comes into force for
Oct. 20 Yokohama District Court renders judgment in 1st Atsugi
1970 Jan. 14 Inauguration of third Sato Cabinet; Nakasone becomes Japan
Air Base noise suit
Minister of State for Defense Jul. 02 Socialist Republic of Vietnam (unified Vietnam) proclaimed
Nov. 27 Nakasone Cabinet established; Tanikawa becomes
Jan. 24 Formation of integrated WPO (Warsaw Pact) forces Jul. 08 Sub-Committee for Defense Cooperation (SDC) Minister of State for Defense
(involving seven countries) established
1983 Jan. 01 U.S. establishes new Unified Combatant Command
Feb. 03 Japan signs Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Aug. 05 Sapporo High Court renders judgment in Naganuma (Central Command)
Feb. 11 First domestically produced artificial satellite successfully Nike suit
Jan. 14 Government decides to pave the way for the transfer of
launched Aug. 18 U.S. military officers slain at Panmunjom by North Korea military technologies to the U.S. (Statement by the Chief
Mar. 05 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty comes into force Sep. 06 MiG-25 forced to land at Hakodate Airport Cabinet Secretary)
Mar. 31 Yodo hijacking Sep. 15 Inauguration of reshuffled Miki Cabinet Mar. 23 U.S. President Reagan announces Strategic Defense
Apr. 16 U.S. and USSR begin SALT I strategic arms limitation talks Oct. 29 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted Initiative (SDI)
Apr. 24 China successfully launches its first satellite on Defense Plan for Defense Build-up beyond FY1977 Jun. 12 Director Tanigawa first Minister of State for Defense to
Jun. 23 Automatic extension of Japan–U.S. Security Treaty Nov. 05 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted inspect Northern Islands
Aug. 12 West Germany–USSR sign non-aggression pact on Immediate-term Defense Build-up and Handling Major Sep. 01 KAL airliner shot down by Soviet fighters near Sakhalin
Oct. 20 Publication of “The Defense of Japan,” the first white Items in Preparations for Defense Forces Oct. 09 19 ROK Government officials, including cabinet ministers,
paper on defense Dec. 24 Fukuda Cabinet established; Mihara becomes Minister of killed in Burma by North Korean terrorists
Nov. 25 Yukio Mishima commits suicide by ritual disembowelment State for Defense Oct. 25 U.S. and six Caribbean nations send troops to Grenada
at the GSDF Eastern Army Headquarters in Ichigaya 1977 Feb. 17 Mito District Court renders judgment in Hyakuri Base suit Nov. 08 Signing of negotiation statement for sharing military
1971 Feb. 11 Signing of treaty forbidding the use of the seabed for Jun. 30 South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) dissolved technology with the U.S. based on the U.S. and Japan
military purposes (Treaty remains effective) Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement
Jun. 17 Agreement on the Return of Okinawa signed Jul. 01 Implementation of two maritime laws, proclaiming a 200- Dec. 12 (ASDF) First Japan–U.S. bilateral command post exercise
Jun. 29 Okinawa Defense Agreement (Kubo-Curtis Agreement) mile fishing zone and 12-mile territorial waters (staged at Fuchu, through December 15)
signed Aug. 01 North Korea establishes military demarcation lines in Sea Dec. 27 Inauguration of second Nakasone Cabinet; Kurihara
Jul. 05 Inauguration of third reshuffled Sato Cabinet; Masuhara of Japan and Yellow Sea becomes Minister of State for Defense
becomes Minister of State for Defense Aug. 10 Defense Agency starts Emergency Legislation Study 1984 Jan. 01 Brunei gains independence from the U.K. (joins ASEAN
Jul. 30 All Nippon Airways plane collides with SDF aircraft Nov. 28 Inaguruation of reshuffled Fukuda Cabinet; Kanemaru on January 7)
(Shizukuishi) becomes Minister of State for Defense Jun. 11 (MSDF) First Japan–U.S. bilateral command post exercise
Aug. 02 Nishimura becomes Minister of State for Defense Dec. 29 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted (staged at Yokosuka, through June 15)
Aug. 09 India–Soviet Friendship Treaty signed on introduction of F-15s and P-3C Oct. 16 Defense Agency announces procedures, etc., of
Sep. 30 U.S. and USSR sign agreement on measures to reduce the 1978 Apr. 12 Chinese fishing fleet infringes on waters around Senkaku future Studies on Emergency Legislation in Studies on
danger of nuclear war Islands Legislation to Deal with Emergencies
Oct. 25 U.N. General Assembly adopts resolution to admit China Aug. 12 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the Nov. 01 Inauguration of second reshuffled Nakasone Cabinet; Kato
and expel Taiwan People’s Republic of China signed in Beijing becomes Minister of State for Defense
Nov. 24 House of Representatives resolution on nonnuclear Sep. 21 Defense Agency announces modality and purpose of 1985 Mar. 12 U.S.–Soviet Union arms control talks begin
weapons emergency legislation study Apr. 02 USAF begins to station F-16 fighters at Misawa
Nov. 27 ASEAN declares SEA neutrality Nov. 03 Vietnam–Soviet Friendship Agreement signed Jun. 04 China announces the reduction of one million personnel
Dec. 03 Third India–Pakistan conflict Nov. 27 (ASDF) First Japan–U.S. bilateral training exercises (east from the People’s Liberation Army
Dec. 03 Esaki becomes Minister of State for Defense of Misawa and west of Akita, through December 1) Aug. 12 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to the JAL
Dec. 05 ASDF first domestic supersonic aircraft ASDF XT-2 delivered Nov. 27 Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee approves aircraft crash
Guidelines for Japan–U.S. Cooperation, presented to and Sep. 18 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted
1972 Jan. 07 Sato–Nixon joint statement on the agreement of the return approved by Cabinet following deliberation by the National
of Okinawa and the reduction of bases on Mid-Term Defense Program; National Defense
Defense Council on November 28 Council decision and Cabinet understanding adopted on
Feb. 08 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted Dec. 05 Afghanistan–Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Good Relations introduction of Patriots
on Outline of 4th Five-Year Defense Build-up Plan and Cooperation signed Dec. 27 Detailed arrangements for the supply of military
Feb. 27 U.S. President Nixon visits China; China–U.S. Joint Dec. 07 Ohira Cabinet established; Yamashita becomes Minister technologies to the U.S. concluded
Communique of State for Defense Dec. 28 Inauguration of second reshuffled Nakasone Cabinet
Apr. 10 Japan signs Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Dec. 25 Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia (withdrawal (second term)
(BWC) completed on September 26, 1989) 1986 Feb. 24 First Japan–U.S. bilateral joint command post exercise
Apr. 18 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted 1979 Jan. 01 U.S. and China normalize diplomatic relations, U.S. notifies (Hinoki-cho, headquarters of USFJ, etc., through
on SDF deployment in Okinawa termination of the U.S.–Taiwan Mutual Defense Treaty February 28)
May 15 Return of Okinawa after one year Apr. 09 Tokyo High Court renders judgment in first Atsugi Air
May 26 SALT I and agreement to limit ABM signed during the visit Jan. 07 Fall of Phnom Penh, establishment of Heng Samrin regime Base noise suit
of U.S. President Nixon to USSR announced Apr. 26 Accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet
Jul. 03 India–Pakistan truce signed Jan. 11 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted Union
Jul. 04 ROK and North Korea make a Joint Statement for peaceful on introduction of E-2C Jul. 01 Security Council Establishment Law enacted
unification Feb. 11 Islamic Revolution takes place in Iran Jul. 22 Inauguration of third Nakasone Cabinet; Kurihara becomes
Jul. 07 Tanaka Cabinet established; Masuhara becomes Minister Feb. 17 Sino–Vietnamese War (through March 5) Minister of State for Defense
of State for Defense Mar. 26 Egypt–Israel peace treaty signed Aug. 10 U.S. announces suspension of its obligations to New
Sep. 29 Prime Minister Tanaka visits China; normalization of Jun. 18 SALT II signed Zealand under the ANZUS Treaty in treaty talks (San
diplomatic relations between Japan and China Francisco, through August 11)
Jul. 17 Announcement of Mid-Term Defense Estimate (FY1980–
Oct. 09 National Defense Council and Cabinet decisions adopted FY1984) Aug. 15 Japan, U.S., USSR open hotline operations
on Situation Judgment and Defense Concepts in the Sep. 05 Government approves the first transfer of military
Fourth Defense Build-up Plan, Key Matters for Inclusion in Jul. 25 Minister of State for Defense Yamashita makes first visit to
ROK as an incumbent Minister (through July 26) technology to the U.S.
Fourth Defense Build-up Plan, and Measures to Enhance
Civilian Control Nov. 09 Inauguration of second Ohira Cabinet; Kubota becomes Sep. 22 Conference on Disarmament in Europe (CDE) adopts final
Minister of State for Defense documents (Stockholm)
Dec. 21 East–West Germany Basic Treaty signed
Dec. 27 Soviet Union invades Afghanistan Oct. 15 USSR announces partial withdrawal of its troops from
Dec. 22 Inauguration of second Tanaka Cabinet Afghanistan
1973 Jan. 23 14th Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee 1980 Feb. 04 Hosoda becomes Minister of State for Defense
Feb. 26 Maritime Self-Defense Force takes part in RIMPAC for the Oct. 27 First Japan–U.S. bilateral joint field training exercise
meeting agrees on consolidation of U.S. bases in Japan (eastern and southern part of Honshu island, etc., through
(Kanto Program) first time (through March 18)
Apr. 11 Sino–Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual October 31)
Jan. 27 Vietnam peace agreement signed (ceasefire takes effect 1987 Jan. 24 Security Council of Japan and Cabinet decisions adopted
on January 28) Assistance lapses
May 18 China tests an ICBM in the direction of the South Pacific on a program for the future build-up of defense capacity
Feb. 01 Defense Agency publishes Peacetime Defense Strength Jan. 30 Special Measures Agreement concerning the cost sharing
Feb. 21 Laos Peace Treaty signed Ocean for the first time
Jul. 17 House of Councillors establishes special committee for of the stationing of U.S. Forces in Japan signed (effective
Mar. 29 U.S. forces complete their withdrawal from Vietnam June 1)
Security Treaty, Okinawa, and Northern Territories issues
May 29 Yamanaka becomes Minister of State for Defense May 27 Metropolitan Police Department arrests two employees
Jul. 17 Suzuki Cabinet established; Omura becomes Minister of
Jun. 22 General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev of the Soviet Union State for Defense of Toshiba Machine Co., Ltd., in connection with unfair
visits U.S.; convention on the prevention of nuclear war exports that breach the rules of the Coordinating
signed Aug. 18 Interceptors begin to be armed with missiles Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Controls
Jul. 01 Commencement of SDF air defense mission on Okinawa Aug. 19 Arming escorts with live torpedoes announced (COCOM) to Communist areas
Sep. 07 Sapporo District Court rules SDF unconstitutional Aug. 21 Soviet nuclear submarine has an accident off the main May 29 Director Kurihara first incumbent Director to visit China
(Naganuma Judgment) island of Okinawa (through June 4)
Sep. 21 Japan–North Vietnam establish diplomatic relations Sep. 03 First meeting of the Japan–U.S. Systems and Technology Jul. 15 Tokyo High Court renders judgement in 1st Yokota Air
Forum (Washington, D.C., through September 4) Base noise suit
Oct. 06 Fourth Middle East War (ends October 25)
Sep. 22 Iran and Iraq enter into full-fledged war Jul. 20 U.N. Security Council adopts Iran–Iraq Conflict Cease Fire
Oct. 08 Japan–Soviet summit (Moscow)
resolution (Number 598)
statement signed (Beijing), and demarcation of the China–
Russian eastern border declared February 17) Korean President, admits and apologizes for abductions
Dec. 03 Japan signs Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty Apr. 01 Enactment of the “Self-Defense Forces Personnel Sep. 20 U.S. Government announces “National Security Strategy”
Dec. 03 Final Report of the Administrative Reform Committee Ethics Act” Sep. 30 Inauguration of reshuffled Koizumi Cabinet; Ishiba
Dec. 04 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty signing ceremony in Apr. 05 Mori Cabinet established becomes Minister of State for Defense
Ottawa (121 nations) Apr. 14 Russian Duma ratifies the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Oct. 01 Personnel deployed to the Organisation for the Prohibition
Dec. 19 Security Council of Japan and Cabinet decisions adopted II (START-II) of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Head of Operations and
on Review of the Mid-Term Defense Program (FY1996– May 07 Russian Acting President Putin officially assumes duties Planning Branch) (through July 6)
FY2000) as President Oct. 13 First International Fleet Review in Japan (Tokyo Bay)
1998 Mar. 26 Introduction of a system of SDF ready reserve personnel May 08 Defense Agency moves to the Ichigaya building Oct. 15 Five of those abducted return to Japan
Apr. 28 The signing of an agreement to revise the Japan–U.S. Jun. 16 The Special Law for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Oct. 16 U.S. Government issues statement that North Korea
Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (Establishment of nuclear disaster relief dispatch) comes admitted to having a program to enrich uranium for
May 11 India carries out underground nuclear tests (repeated into force nuclear weapons, during Assistant Secretary of State
May 13) Jul. 04 Inauguration of second Mori Cabinet; Torashima becomes Kelly’s visit to North Korea
May 22 Naha branch of Fukuoka High Court renders judgement in Minister of State for Defense Oct. 16 Yokohama District Court renders judgement in 3rd Atsugi
1st Kadena Air Base noise suit Jul. 21 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit (through July 23) Air Base noise suit
May 28 Pakistan carries out underground nuclear tests (repeated Jul. 21 U.S.–Russia summit meeting held, Cooperation on Oct. 31 Naha branch of Fukuoka High Court renders judgement
May 30) Strategic Stability announced in the suit pertaining to the surrender of land for Sobe
Jun. 06 U.N. Security Council resolution adopted that condemns Aug. 25 Replacement Facilities Council on the Relocation of Communication Site
nuclear tests by India and Pakistan Futenma Air Station established Nov. 01 Introduction of stricter penalties in order to protect
Jun. 12 Announcement and enactment of Basic Act on Central Sep. 13 SDF personnel dispatched to dispose of Abandoned classified information (defense secrets)
Government Reform Chemical Weapons (ACW) in China Nov. 14 KEDO Executive Board decides to freeze provision of
Jun. 12 Revision of the International Peace Cooperation Law Oct. 12 U.S. and North Korea announce U.S.–North Korea Joint heavy oil to North Korea from December
promulgated and comes into force (the section concerning Communique Nov. 18 First SDF and police authority hold joint command post
use of force enters into force July 12) Oct. 12 Terrorist attack on the U.S.S Cole, an American destroyer, exercise in Hokkaido
Jun. 22 A North Korean submarine intrudes into the east coast of in Yemen Nov. 21 NATO Prague Summit decides new membership for seven
ROK, seized by ROK forces Nov. 20 The 22nd Japanese Communist Party Convention decides countries in Central and Eastern Europe
Jul. 27 China publishes its first comprehensive defense white to accept the SDF Dec. 02 SDF personnel dispatched for the first time to the U.N.
paper, “Defense of China” Dec. 05 Inauguration of second reshuffled Mori Cabinet; Saito Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO)
Jul. 29 Bilateral search and rescue exercise between MSDF/ becomes Minister of State for Defense Dec. 12 North Korea announces it will resume operation and
ASDF and Russian Navy — the first full-fledged bilateral Dec. 15 Security Council of Japan and Cabinet decisions adopted establishment of nuclear-related facilities
exercise between Japan and Russia on Mid-Term Defense Program (FY2001–FY2005) Dec. 16 Kirishima, vessel equipped with Aegis air defense
Jul. 30 Obuchi Cabinet established; Nukaga becomes Minister of 2001 Feb. 05 SDF units dispatched to India for International Disaster systems, departs the port of Yokosuka, according to
State for Defense Relief Operation (through February 11), following the revision (December 5) in Implementation Plan based on
Aug. 31 North Korea launches a ballistic missile which flies major earthquake which hit western India on January 26 the Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law
through Japanese airspace Feb. 09 Personnel dispatched to UNMOVIC (through March, 2005) Dec. 17 U.S. announces deployment of a missile defense system
Aug. 31 Government refuses to sign Korean Peninsula Energy Feb. 10 Collision between Ehime Maru and U.S. submarine 2003 Jan. 10 North Korea announces it is leaving the Nuclear Non-
Development Organization (KEDO) resolution on cost Mar. 01 The Ship Inspection Operations Law comes into effect Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
sharing after North Korean missile launch Mar. 07 Former Maritime Self-Defense official is given a jail Jan. 24 U.S. Department of Homeland Security established
Sep. 01 Temporary freezing of Japan–North Korea normalization sentence for providing confidential documents to officer of Jan. 28 Establishment of Consultative Body on Construction of
talks the Russian Embassy Futenma Replacement Facility concerning Futenma Air
Sep. 02 Additional sanctions on North Korea (suspension of charter Apr. 01 Information Disclosure Act (IDA) comes into force Station Replacement
flights) implemented Apr. 01 Collision between U.S. and Chinese military planes Feb. 08 Disposal of antipersonnel landmines complete (with some
Sep. 24 Japan–ROK Fisheries Agreement concluded (Takeshima exceptions)
Apr. 26 Koizumi Cabinet established; Nakatani becomes Minister
Issue shelved) of State for Defense Mar. 20 U.S. and U.K. Forces begin military operations in Iraq
Sep. 30 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty concluded May 14 Diplomatic relations established between North Korea Mar. 27 Act for Partial Revision of the Defense Agency
Oct. 21 KEDO signed and EU Establishment Act, etc. (changes in SDF personnel quota
Nov. 14 Departure of GSDF dispatch units to Honduras (operations and number of Ready Reserve personnel) enters into force
Jun. 15 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) established
in region November 18–December 1, return to Japan Mar. 30 International peace cooperation activities are conducted
Aug. 08 Disaster relief teams dispatched for submarine rescue for relief of Iraqi refugees (Airborne unit for Iraqi refugee
December 5) ship Chihaya to cooperate in raising the Ehime Maru
Nov. 15 First joint exercise involving all three branches (a total relief returns to Japan on April 2)
(returned December 16)
of 2,400 personnel from the GSDF, MSDF and ASDF) Apr. 21 ASDF in-flight refueling training (through May 1)
Sep. 11 Terrorist attacks in the U.S. occur
(Iwo Jima) May 01 U.S. President G.W. Bush declares termination of major
Sep. 12 U.N. Security Council adopts resolution condemning the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
Nov. 20 Norota becomes Minister of State for Defense terrorist attacks
Dec. 17 U.S. and U.K. forces initiate Operation Desert Fox against May 13 Hachioji branch of Tokyo District Court renders judgement
Sep. 19 Prime Minister Koizumi announces immediate measures in 3rd Yokota Air Base noise suit
Iraq as a punishment for refusal to cooperate with in response to the September 11th terrorist attacks in
UNSCOM inspections (through December 20) the U.S. May 31 U.S. President G.W. Bush proposes Proliferation Security
Dec. 22 Cabinet decision adopted on introduction of information Initiative (PSI) for the first time
Sep. 21 First Meeting of the Committee to Consider the Modality
gathering satellite of National Defense Jun. 01 U.S.–Russia leaders talk, enforcement of Treaty Between
Dec. 22 Aha Training Area returned (the first resolved issue of the United States of America and the Russian Federation
Oct. 01 U.S. announces Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) on Strategic Offensive Reductions
SACO) Oct. 02 In response to the September 11th terrorist attacks in the
Dec. 25 Security Council approves Japan–U.S. Cooperative Jun. 06 Three Armed Attack Situation Response related laws
U.S., NATO invokes Article 5 (on collective self-defense) of passed in the House of Councillors plenary session
Research on Ballistic Missile Defense Technologies the North Atlantic Treaty
1999 Jan. 14 Inauguration of reshuffled Obuchi Cabinet Jun. 13 Cabinet decision adopted on Bill Concerning the Special
Oct. 06 International peace cooperation for the relief of Afghan Measures on Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance
Mar. 01 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty enters into force in Japan refugees (through October 12) in Iraq
Mar. 23 Discovery of a suspicious ship off the Noto Peninsula Oct. 07 U.S. and U.K. forces begin attacks in Afghanistan (October
(Maritime security operations ordered on March 24) Jul. 04 Cabinet decision adopted on “Implementation Plan for
19, U.S. Forces sends special operation forces, first International Peace Cooperation Assignment for Iraqi
Mar. 29 GSDF establishes first brigade ground fighting) Afflicted Persons”
Apr. 01 Establishment of Committee for the Promotion of Oct. 08 Government of Japan establishes the Emergency Anti- Jul. 17 International peace cooperation activities are conducted
Information Gathering Satellites (Cabinet) Terrorism Headquarters and decides upon Emergency for relief of affected people in Iraq (Airborne unit for relief
May 24 Agreement between Japan and U.S. to amend the Response Measures at the first meeting of affected people in Iraq returns to Japan August 18)
“Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement” (adding Oct. 29 Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law and other measures Jul. 26 Law concerning Special Measures on Humanitarian and
cooperation for operations to respond to situations in passed in the House of Councillors plenary session Reconstruction Assistance in Iraq passed in the House of
areas surrounding Japan) approved in Diet (effective Nov. 02 Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law and Law to Amend Councillors plenary session
September 25) the Self-Defense Forces Law are promulgated and Jul. 29 Cabinet decision adopted on changes to the
May 28 Act Concerning the Measures for Peace and Safety enforced (strengthening penalties to ensure secrecy is implementation plan of the International Peace
of Japan in Situations in Areas Surrounding Japan separately enforced on November 1, 2002) Cooperation Operations in the Golan Heights
promulgated (enters into force August 25), Act for Partial Nov. 16 Cabinet decision adopted on basic plan based on the
Revision of the Self-Defense Forces Act promulgated and Aug. 27 First Round of the Six-Party Talks held (Beijing, through
Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law August 29)
enters into force Nov. 25 Based on the Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law, an
Jun. 15 Shooting incident between North Korean Naval ships Sep. 11 Ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Memorial
MSDF supply vessel, minesweeper tender, and destroyers Zone
which had crossed the Northern Limit Line and South depart for cooperation and support activities
Korean Naval ships Sep. 12 First joint exercise of PSI held in the Coral Sea northeast
Nov. 27 Exchange of fire in the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Australia (through September 14)
Jul. 23 Tokyo High Court renders judgment in second Atsugi Air Dec. 05 U.S. and Russia complete implementation of START-I
Base noise suit Sep. 14 Government survey mission dispatched to Middle East
Dec. 20 U.N. Security Council adopts a resolution establishing an countries, including Iraq
Aug. 05 First Bilateral Exercise of Search and Rescue Exercise International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)
between MSDF and ROK Navy (waters west of Kyushu) Sep. 22 Inauguration of reshuffled Koizumi Cabinet (second term)
Dec. 22 Afghanistan Interim Authority formed, with Hamid Karzai Sep. 30 Cabinet decision adopted on establishment of award for
Aug. 25 The Law Concerning Measures to Ensure the Peace and serving as Chairman
Security of Japan in Situations in Areas Surrounding people engaged in dangerous activities (November 3,
Dec. 22 Suspicious boat incident in waters southwest of Kyushu 2003 Former SDF personnel are conferred the award for
Japan comes into force
Dec. 29 Russia withdraws troops from its base in Cuba people engaged in dangerous activities for the first time)
Sep. 02 North Korea announces the invalidation of the Northern
Limit Line in the Yellow Sea and the establishment of a 2002 Jan. 29 U.S. President G.W. Bush depicts “Axis of Evil” in the State Oct. 07 Joint communique signed for the first time at Japan–
new military demarcation line on the sea of the Union Address China–ROK Summit meeting
Sep. 23 SDF personnel dispatched to implement the transportation Feb. 15 Cabinet decision adopted on international cooperation Oct. 10 Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law remains in force for
of necessary resources for international disaster relief execution plan for Timor-Leste another two years
operations in the Republic of Turkey (through November Mar. 02 680 SDF personnel dispatched on the First Dispatch Oct. 15 China launches its first manned spacecraft Shenzhou 5
22) Engineering Group to Timor-Leste (through June 25, 2004) Nov. 15 SDF special research group dispatched to Iraq
Sep. 29 Russian military unit advances into the Republic of Mar. 06 Kanazawa District Court renders judgement in 2nd Nov. 19 Inauguration of second Koizumi Cabinet
Chechnya Komatsu Air Base noise suit Nov. 29 Ambassador Oku and First Secretary Inoue shot to death
Sep. 30 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to the Mar. 27 Introduction of Candidates for SDF Reserve Personnel in the central region of Iraq
accident at a uranium processing facility in Tokaimura System Dec. 04 Australia decides to participate in missile defense
(through October 3) Apr. 22 2nd Western Pacific Submarine Rescue Exercise held (the program
Oct. 05 Inauguration of second Obuchi Cabinet; Kawara becomes first multilateral exercise organized by Japan, through Dec. 18 Iran signs IAEA agreement
Minister of State for Defense May 2)
Dec. 19 Libya announces abandonment of weapons of mass
May 04 Independence of Timor-Leste destruction program
March 11) Oct. 31 Partial amendment of the Anti-Terrorism Special Measures 18, 2011)
Mar. 22 EU General Affairs Council agrees upon development Law comes into force (validity is extended for one year) Apr. 16 Japan–U.S.–India naval drill conducted for the first time
of the structure and organization of EU rapid response Nov. 09 First session of the Fifth Round of the Six-Party Talks held Apr. 16 Nagoya District Court, Kanazawa Branch renders
capabilities (Beijing, through November 11)” judgment on the third and fourth trials for the suit
Mar. 26 Diet decides on installation of ballistic missile defense Nov. 11 Cabinet decision adopted on “the Government’s actions pertaining to noise generated by the Komatsu Air Base
system (FY2004 draft budget passed in the House of to be taken for the time being in connection with the May 01 Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee (“2+2,”
Councillors plenary session) matters approved at the Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Washington, D.C.) announces the joint statement “Alliance
Apr. 15 First transport of Japanese nationals living overseas Committee held on October 29, 2005” Transformation: Advancing United States–Japan Security
implemented, 10 nationals transported from Iraq to Kuwait Nov. 16 India and Pakistan complete the opening of five areas and Defense Cooperation”
Apr. 15 Ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the on the effective control line in Kashmir to enable May 18 ASDF controllers positioned at the Yokota RAPCON facility
Defense Agency/SDF disaster rescue activities for the sufferers from the great May 29 Russia announces that it succeeded in launching a new
Apr. 28 U.N. Security Council unanimously adopts Resolution earthquake in Pakistan etc. intercontinental ballistic missile
1540 calling for the nonproliferation of weapons of mass Nov. 27 Field training under the Civil Protection Law takes place May 29 Supreme Court renders judgement in 4th Yokota Air Base
destruction for the first time in Fukui Prefecture noise suit
May 20 United Nations Mission of Support to East Timor Nov. 30 Tokyo High Court renders judgement in 4th Yokota Air Jun. 01 Partial amendment (abolition of the Defense Facilities
(UNMISET) transfers defense and security authority to Base noise suit Administration Agency and its consolidation into the
Timor-Leste Dec. 01 Partial revision of the Act on Remuneration of Defense Ministry of Defense, establishment of the Inspector
May 22 Japan–North Korea Summit held (Pyongyang). Five family Agency Personnel (revised remuneration) enters into force General’s Office of Legal Compliance and the Local
members of abductees return to Japan Dec. 14 The first East Asia Summit is held (Kuala Lumpur) Defense Bureau, joint units of GSDF, MSDF and ASDF, etc)
Jun. 01 Interim Iraqi Government inaugurated (sovereignty Dec. 16 U.N. General Assembly adopts resolution criticizing the of the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law and the
transferred on June 28), and Iraqi Governing Council human rights situation in North Korea Self-Defense Forces Law enacted
dissolved Dec. 24 Security Council of Japan and Cabinet decisions adopted Jun. 28 Russia succeeds in the experimental launch of new
Jun. 01 U.N. Security Council unanimously adopts Resolution 1546 on “Japan–U.S. Joint Development of Interceptor Missiles submarinelaunched ballistic missile (SLBM), Bulava
on reconstruction of Iraq Having Improved Capability of Ballistic Missile Defense” Jul. 04 Koike becomes Minister of Defense
Jun. 14 Seven bills on legislation concerning contingency 2006 Jan. 10 Iran begins an uranium enrichment experiment Jul. 14 Russian President Putin signs presidential order on the
response measures passed in House of Councillors Feb. 03 The United States releases “Quadrennial Defense termination of the execution of the Conventional Armed
plenary session and conclusion of three treaties approved Review” (QDR) Forces in Europe (CFE)
Jun. 14 Special Measures Law for the Embargo on Specific Feb. 04 Japan–North Korea negotiations concerning abduction Jul. 20 Enactment of the “Basic Act on Ocean Policy”
Ships passed issue, normalization of diplomatic relations and nuclear/ Jul. 31 The U.N. Security Council adopts Resolution 1769 on the
Jun. 18 Cabinet agreement for SDF’s activities in Iraq for missile issues are held (through February 6) dispatch of the U.N./AU Joint PKO Unit (UNMID) to the
humanitarian and reconstruction assistance after Mar. 06 At the Japan–China intergovernmental conference, China Darfur region in Sudan
reestablishment of Iraq sovereignty (joining multinational makes a proposal of joint development of gas field in East Aug. 10 Signing and entry into force of the Japan-U.S. General
forces) China Sea (through March 7) Security of Military Information Agreement
Jun. 23 Third Round of the Six-Party Talks held (Beijing, through Mar. 16 The United States announces the National Security Aug. 27 Inauguration of reshuffled Abe Cabinet; Koumura becomes
June 26) Strategy Minister of Defense
Jun. 28 Transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqi Interim Government Mar. 27 Partial amendment (measures for destructing ballistic Aug. 29 Enactment of the USFJ Realignment Special Measures
Jul. 20 In the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, patrols missiles, etc., establishment of Joint Staff Office, etc.) of Law
commenced by the navies of three countries, Indonesia, the Defense Agency Establishment Law is enacted. With Sep. 01 Local Cooperation Bureau, Equipment and Facilities
Singapore and Malaysia the creation of the Joint Staff Office, the SDF establishes a Headquarters, Inspector General’s Office of Legal
Aug. 13 U.S. helicopter crash at the university campus in Ginowan joint operations posture Compliance, and Local Defense Bureau created
City, Okinawa Apr. 23 Japan and the United States agree to the sharing of Sep. 26 Fukuda Cabinet established; Ishiba becomes Minister
Sep. 27 Inauguration of second reshuffled Koizumi Cabinet; Ohno expenses of relocation of U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa to of Defense
becomes Minister of State for Defense Guam as part of realignment of USFJ Sep. 27 Second session of the Sixth Round of the Sixth Six-Party
Oct. 04 Final report by “Council on Security and Defense May 01 The Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee (“2+2,” Talks held (Beijing) (through September 30) (October 3,
Capabilities” Washington, D.C.) announces the “United States– Japan Sixth Six-Party Talks Agreement “Second-Phase Actions
Oct. 06 The U.S. and ROK announce a plan of three stage Roadmap for Realignment Implementation” for the Implementation of the Joint Statement” published)
reduction of 12,500 U.S. forces stationed in the ROK May 05 Peace agreement between Sudanese Government and Oct. 03 The Six-Party Talks Joint Statement, the “Second-Phase
by 2008 certain rebel forces in Darfur Conflict Actions for the Implementation of the Joint Statement,”
Oct. 25 PSI exercise for maritime interdiction operation hosted by May 11 The Governor of Okinawa Prefecture and Minister of State is announced
Japan for the first time (in the offing of Sagami Bay and in for Defense sign a basic agreement on the realignment Oct. 17 First Japan–U.S.–Australia trilateral exercises (MSDF, U.S.
Yokosuka Harbor, through October 27) of USFJ Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force)
Oct. 25 EU leaders sign the EU Constitution May 15 U.S. rescinds designation of Libya as a state sponsor Nov. 01 Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law expires Order
Nov. 07 Defense Agency/SDF 50th anniversary commemorative of terrorism issued on termination of response measures based on
troop review May 27 Large-scale earthquake takes place in the middle part of Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law
Nov. 10 Intrusion of submerged Chinese nuclear powered Java, Indonesia Nov. 16 Council for MOD Reform established
submarine into Japan’s territorial waters–Maritime May 29 First P-3C visit to Australia Nov. 21 The USS Kitty Hawk is denied docking in Hong Kong
security operations order issued (through November 12) Jun. 01 SDF units dispatched to Indonesia to conduct international and returns to Yokosuka via the Taiwan Strait (through
Nov. 16 Chinese Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses regret disaster relief activity for damages from the earthquake November 25)
over its nuclear submarine’s intrusion into Japan’s that occurred in central Java (through June 22) Nov. 28 Chinese naval vessel visits Japan for the first time
territorial waters Jun. 16 Nepalese Government and Maoists sign peace accord (through December 1)
Dec. 26 Sumatra earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami disaster Jun. 19 Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki announces that the authority Dec. 13 Russia seizes four Japanese fishing vessels off Kunashiri
Dec. 27 China releases a white paper, “China’s National Defense to maintain public order in the province of Muthannna is Island
in 2004” transferred from the multilateral forces to Iraq Dec. 18 Review of USFJ Local Employee Wages (Abolishment of
Dec. 10 Security Council of Japan and Cabinet decisions adopted Jun. 20 The Government makes a decision to discontinue the USFJ Differential, etc.) Aegis vessel MSDF Kongo conducts
on “National Defense Program Guidelines, FY2005” and activities of the GSDF contingent dispatched to Iraq. ASDF a successful test on counter-missile by ballistic missile
“Mid-Term Defense Program for FY2005–FY2009” units continue to support the United Nations and the Dec. 19 Front headquarters of 1st Corps headquarters of U.S.
Dec. 28 MSDF ships dispatched to the offing of Thailand’s Phuket multinational forces forces formed at USFJ Camp Zama in line with the USFJ
Island to engage in the international disaster relief Jun. 23 Agreement concerning provision of arms and military realignment
activities for Indonesia’s Sumatra earthquake and Indian technologies to the United States is signed Dec. 24 “Improvement of next fixedwing aircraft” and “Important
Ocean tsunami disaster (through January 1, 2005) Jun. 29 Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting, joint document “The Japan- issues among contents of Defense Capability Buildup
2005 Jan. 04 SDF units dispatched to Indonesia to engage in the U.S. Alliance of the New Century” announced in FY2008”
international emergency assistance in response to the Jul. 05 North Korea launches a total of seven ballistic missiles Dec. 24 Cabinet decisions adopted on “Changes of emergency
major earthquake off the coast of Sumatra and tsunami in into the Sea of Japan response measures on destruction measures by ballistic
the Indian Ocean (All teams returned home by March 23) Jul. 13 Tokyo High Court renders judgement in 3rd Atsugi Air missiles”
Jan. 19 The Japanese Government newly formulates measures Base noise suit 2008 Jan. 16 Enactment of the Replenishment Support Special
to cope with intrusion of the submerged submarines in Jul. 31 Partial enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment Measures Law (units depart for Indian Ocean on January
Japan’s territorial waters of the Defense Agency Establishment Law (inc. 24, 25)
Feb. 10 North Korean Foreign Ministry releases a statement reinforcement of facilities administration function of the Jan. 25 New Special Measures Agreement concerning the Cost
implying its manufacture of nuclear weapons (May 11, agency, establishment of the Equipment headquarters and Sharing on the Stationing of U.S. forces in Japan signed
announces the unloading of 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods) reorganization of the Prefecture Liaison Offices into the Feb. 19 Collision between Aegis vessel MSDF and fishing boat
Feb. 17 Okinawa branch of Naha District Court renders judgement Provincial Cooperation Offices) Feb. 20 U.S. Navy Aegis ship succeeds in shooting down
in 2nd Kadena Air Base noise suit Aug. 16 A Russian patrol boat fires on a Japanese fishing boat, out-of-control satellite outside the earth’s atmosphere
Feb. 19 Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee (“2+2,” killing one of its crew members. The Government files a with an SM-3
Washington, D.C.) — common strategic objectives strong protest to Russia Feb. 21 Based on the Replenishment Support Special Measures
confirmed Aug. 29 U.S. Navy, deploys Aegis ships equipped with SM-3 at Law, MSDF replenishment ships resume refueling U.S.
Mar. 08 “ROK’s Government protest over Asahi Shimbun aircraft Yokosuka naval facility ships in the Indian Ocean (through January 15, 2010)
approaching Takeshima without authorization” Aug. 29 The Council Meeting on Measures for Relocation of Mar. 14 Demonstration by Buddhist monks in the regional capital
Mar. 14 National People’s Congress adopts “Anti-Secession Law” Futenma Air Station established, and its first meeting held of Lhasa in the Tibet Autonomous Region, China
Mar. 14 A Japanese boat attacked in the Straits of Malacca, and Sep. 20 Chinese Navy performs joint search and rescue exercises Mar. 18 Cabinet decision adopted on “Basic Plan on Ocean Policy”
three crew abducted (Released on March 20) with U.S. Navy (sea around San Diego) Mar. 26 Enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment of
Mar. 16 Shimane Prefecture establishes “Takeshima Day” Sep. 26 Abe Cabinet established; Kyuma becomes Minister of the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law (inc.
Mar. 25 Cabinet decision adopted on Basic Guidelines for the State for Defense reorganization of the SDF Command and Communication
Protection of Civilians Oct. 09 North Korea conducts an underground nuclear test Unit)
Apr. 25 Disaster relief teams dispatched after the railroad Oct. 13 Sanctions implemented against North Korea, which Apr. 24 Announcement by U.S. Government that North Korea
accident on JR West’s Fukuchiyama Line announced that it had conducted a nuclear weapon test assisted with the construction by Syria of nuclear facilities
Jul. 14 Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry announces Dec. 19 U.N. General Assembly adopts draft resolution destroyed in an air attack
permission granted to Teikoku Oil for trial drilling in the condemning abduction of foreign citizens by North Korea May 12 M7.8 earthquake occurs in Sichuan Province, China
East China Sea 2007 Jan. 09 Enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment of the May 30 The Convention on Cluster Munitions is adopted at an
Aug. 05 An MSDF vessel dispatched to conduct international Defense Agency Establishment Law (reorganization of international conference in Dublin
disaster relief activity in Connection with the accident of a the Defense Agency into the Ministry of Defense and Jun. 24 First visit of MSDF vessel to China (through June 28)
small submarine of the Russian Navy off Kamchatka (All stipulation of the SDF’s international peace cooperation Jun. 26 Agreement reached between the Government of Japan
units returned home by August 10) activities as its primary mission) and Government of China on the joint development of
Sep. 09 First China-Russia joint military exercises “Peace Mission Jan. 09 Kyuma becomes Minister of Defense natural gas in the East China Sea
2005” (through August 25) Jan. 12 China conducts an anti-satellite test
Aug. 29 TRDI receives prototype of next-generation fixed-wing Nov. 10 North and South Korean ships engage in fire in the Feb. 04 The United States releases “National Security Space
patrol aircraft XP-1 no. 1 Yellow Sea Strategy” (NSSS)
Sep. 09 U.S. President G.W. Bush announces reduction of Nov. 11 Government Revitalization Unit “project screening” Feb. 05 New START comes into effect
U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and increase of troops in (through November 27) Feb. 08 The United States releases the “National Military Strategy”
Afghanistan Nov. 12 Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Emperor of Feb. 22 Iranian naval ships pass through Suez Canal
Sep. 24 Aso Cabinet established; Hamada becomes Minister of Japan’s coronation Feb. 23 Japan Disaster Relief Team dispatched in response to the
Defense Nov. 23 Deployment Surface Force for Counter Piracy Enforcement earthquake in New Zealand (through March 3)
Sep. 25 The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS “George (DSPE) receives the IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery Mar. 11 Four pirates that had shot at Japanese vessels off the
Washington”arrives in the port of Yokosuka for the at Sea Oman Coast in the Arabian Sea were arrested under the
first time Dec. 01 Lisbon treaty comes into effect Anti-Piracy Law
Sep. 25 China launches a manned spacecraft “Shenzhou 7,” Dec. 03 Tokyo High Court rejects appeal by MSDF Lieutenant Mar. 11 Great East Japan Earthquake strikes
and conducts successful extravehicular activity for the Commander in Aegis information leakage case (appeal to Mar. 11 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to the Great
first time Supreme Court) East Japan Earthquake (through August 31)
Oct. 03 U.S. DoD informs Congress of sale of PAC-3s, AH-64Ds, Dec. 05 START I lapses Mar. 12 Nuclear disaster relief teams dispatched in response to
attack helicopters, etc., to Taiwan Dec. 17 Security Council of Japan and Cabinet decisions adopted the Great East Japan Earthquake (through December 26)
Oct. 10 U.S. removes North Korea from its list of state sponsors on the build-up of defense capability for FY2010 Mar. 16 Cabinet decisions adopted on first disaster call-up of SDF
of terrorism 2010 Jan. 11 China announces that it has performed missile reserve personnel and ready reserve personnel in the
Oct. 19 Four Chinese naval warships including a destroyer sail interception test wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake
through Tsugaru Strait for the first time Jan. 12 M7 earthquake occurs in Haiti Mar. 16 Disaster relief call-up order is issued to dispatch GSDF
Oct. 22 Japan–India Summit Meeting: Japan–India Joint Jan. 17 Japan Disaster Relief Team dispatched in response to the ready reserve personnel and reserve personnel (through
Statement on the Advancement of the Strategic and earthquake in Haiti (February 14, operation completed) August 31)
Global Partnership, and Joint Declaration on Security Jan. 19 “2+2” joint statement on the 50th anniversary of Mar. 17 U.N. Security Council adopts Resolution 1973 allowing use
Cooperation signed Japan–U.S. Security Treaty of force against Libya
Oct. 24 SDF personnel dispatched to United Nations Mission in Jan. 29 First test flight of Russian fifth-generation fighter PAK FA Mar. 19 The coalition force led by the U.S., U.K., and France
Sudan (UNMIS) (through September 30, 2011) Feb. 05 Decision made to dispatch SDF units to United Nations commence military operations against Libya
Nov. 02 Four Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (February 6, Apr. 05 U.S. President Obama gives speech in Prague
Okinawa and Miyako Island and advance to the Pacific deployment commences) (January 25, 2013, operation Apr. 11 Reconstruction Design Council in Response to the Great
Ocean for the first time completed) East Japan Earthquake established
Dec. 02 U.N. Security Council adopts Resolution 1846 on Feb. 27 U.S. announces “Quadrennial Defense Review” (QDR) and Apr. 15 Disaster relief call-up order is issued to dispatch MSDF
countering piracy off the coast of Somalia “Ballistic Missile Defense Review” (BMDR) and ASDF reserve personnel (through August 31)
Dec. 03 Convention on Cluster Munitions signed Mar. 07 Russia publishes new Navy doctrine Apr. 27 Partial revision to the Environmental Improvement Law
Dec. 20 Security Council of Japan and Cabinet decisions adopted Mar. 11 ASDF Hyakuri Base, joint civilian use of runway (extended target projects for subsidies to improve the
on Review of the Mid-Term Defense Program (FY2005– Mar. 26 ROK naval patrol ship “Cheonan” sank in the Yellow Sea environment surrounding specified defense facilities)
FY2009) by a torpedo attack from a North Korean submarine May 02 U.S. President Obama announces the killing of Osama bin
Dec. 23 ASDF Airlift Wing that was deployed under the Law Mar. 26 Partial enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment Laden, leader of the international terrorist organization
Concerning Special Measures on Humanitarian and of the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law (new Al-Qaeda
Reconstruction Assistance in Iraq returns to Japan establishment of the 15th Bridge and reorganization of the Jun. 01 SDF activity base in Djibouti initiates operation
Dec. 26 Chinese naval fleet of three destroyers sets off to Somalia Youth Technical School) Jun. 21 Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee (“2+2” in
for escort mission Apr. 01 Partial enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment of Washington, D.C.) joint statement; release of “Toward a
2009 Jan. 08 ASDF deploys F-15s to Okinawa (Hyakuri) the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law (establishment Deeper and Broader Japan–U.S. Alliance: Building on 50
Jan. 15 Ministry of Defense decides on “Basic Policy Relating to of the job status of GSDF students) years of Partnership”
the Development and Use of Space” Apr. 02 In Thailand, Thaksin supporters occupy the center of Jun. 22 U.S. President Obama announces guidelines to withdraw
Jan. 27 Japanese fishing boat No. 38 Yoshimaru caught by cities such as Bangkok. On April 10, they clash with Thai U.S. troops from Afghanistan
Russian Coast Guard in Sea of Japan Government security forces (through May 19) Jun. 24 Exercise of the Basic Act on Reconstruction
Jan. 31 Provisional government in Somalia, Ahmed elected as Apr. 06 U.S. announces “Nuclear Posture Review” (NPR) Jun. 28 First meeting of the headquarters for reconstruction
new president Apr. 12 1st Nuclear Security Summit (Washington, D.C., through measures
Feb. 10 Order issued relating to the conclusion of withdrawal April 13) Jul. 08 U.N. Security Council adopts Resolution 1996 to establish
duties for the Iraq Reconstruction Support Group by the May 01 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to foot and UNMISS
redeployment group mouth disease in Miyazaki Prefecture (through July 27) Jul. 09 Independence of the Republic of South Sudan
Feb. 17 Signing of the “Agreement on the Relocation of USMC in May 19 Signing of Japan–Australia ACSA Jul. 11 U.N. Security Council adopts Resolution 1997 to terminate
Okinawa to Guam” May 23 MOD/SDF participate in Pacific Partnership 2010 (through UNMIS
Feb. 17 U.S. President Obama decides to increase the number of July 15) Jul. 14 U.S. DoD releases “Department of Defense Strategy for
troops dispatched to Afghanistan by approximately 17,000 May 26 Enactment of the “Act on the Preservation of the Law-Water Operating in Cyberspace”
Feb. 27 Naha branch of Fukuoka High Court renders judgement in Line and Development of Basic Infrastructure of Remote Aug. 10 Conducts its first navigation Chinese aircraft carrier
2nd Kadena Air Base noise suit Islands for the Maintaining and Promoting Utilization of the Varyag
Mar. 06 U.S.–Russia Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, agreement to Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf” Aug. 24 The Chinese fisheries patrol ships enter Japan’s territorial
“reset” bilateral relations (Geneva) May 27 U.S. announces “National Security Strategy” (NSS) waters near the Senkaku Islands
Mar. 13 Cabinet decision adopted on Anti-Piracy Measures Law May 28 Joint Statement of Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Sep. 02 Noda Cabinet established; Ichikawa becomes Minister
Mar. 13 SDF mobilization order issued for maritime security Committee (“2+2”) of Defense
operations as part of anti-piracy measures off the Coast of Jun. 08 Kan Cabinet established Sep. 09 24 Russian vessels sail through Soya Strait
Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden Jun. 09 U.N. Security Council adopts Resolution 1929 regarding Sep. 19 Detection of cyber attacks against defense industry
Mar. 14 2 MSDF ships are dispatched to protect vessels with ties additional sanction on Iran Sep. 27 Japan-Philippines Summit (Tokyo), Japan-Philippines joint
to Japan from the piracy off the coast of Somalia and in Jun. 25 Signing and entry into force of the Japan-Nato Information statement made
the Gulf of Aden Security Agreement Sep. 29 Chinese space laboratory “Tiangong 1” launched
Mar. 27 SDF action order for implementation of destruction Jun. 28 Release of the U.S. “National Space Policy” (NSP)
measures against ballistic missiles is issued Sep. 30 Cabinet decisions adopted on “Promotion of the
Jul. 01 Partial enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment of operational Quasi-Zenith Satellite System project” and
Mar. 30 MSDF ships begin escort missions as part of anti-piracy the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law (establishment “Promoting development and utilization of aerospace”
measures of the job status of SDF recruits) Oct. 10 ATR to Guam as part of the U.S. Forces realignment
Apr. 03 Foreign Minister Nakasone signs Status of Forces Jul. 13 Cabinet decision adopted on “Act on the Preservation (through October 28)
Agreement with Djibouti of the Law-Water Line and Development of Basic Oct. 11 Supreme Court renders judgement in 1st Futenma Air
Apr. 05 North Korea launches a ballistic missile which flies Infrastructure of Remote Islands for Maintaining and Station noise suit
through Japanese airspace Promoting Utilization of the Exclusive Economic Zone and Oct. 24 Signing and entry into force of the Japan-France
Apr. 05 U.S. President Obama delivers speech in Prague Continental Shelf” Information Security Agreement
Apr. 06 SDF action order for termination of destruction measures Jul. 29 Naha branch of Fukuoka High Court renders judgement in Oct. 31 NATO ends operations in Libya
against ballistic missiles is issued 1st Futenma Air Station noise suit Nov. 15 Cabinet decision adopted on dispatch of SDF personnel
Apr. 10 Supreme Court renders judgement in 3rd Yokota Air Base Aug. 01 Coming into effect of the Convention on Cluster Munitions as headquarters staff for the United Nations Mission in
noise suit Aug. 31 Air transport activities by helicopter in aid of flood disaster the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) (departing Japan
May 04 1st ARF Disaster Relief Training (Philippines) in Pakistan (through October 10) on November 28)
May 15 Order issued for P-3C to be dispatched to Djibouti for Sep. 07 Release of the “Future Direction of Procurement Reform” Nov. 22 Six Chinese vessels pass between the main island of
counter-piracy activities off the coast of Somalia and in by the Comprehensive Procurement Reform Promotion Okinawa and Miyako Island and advance to the Pacific
the Gulf of Aden Committee Ocean
May 19 “Agreement on the Relocation of USMC in Okinawa to Sep. 07 Chinese fishing boat collides with Japan Coast Guard Dec. 18 Completion of U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq
Guam” comes into force patrol vessel in waters near the Senkaku Islands Dec. 20 Decision made by the Security Council and seconded by
May 25 North Korea conducts the underground nuclear test Sep. 10 Cabinet decision adopted on dispatch of SDF officers as the Cabinet regarding “acquisition of the next-generation
Jun. 02 Basic Plan for Space Policy formulated key military contact personnel (military observers) to the fighter aircraft”
Jun. 11 Commencement of warning and surveillance flights in the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) Dec. 20 Cabinet Decision on dispatching engineer units, etc. for
Gulf of Aden by P-3Cs (dispatched on September 27) United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan
Jun. 16 Provisional government of Somalia declares a state of Sep. 17 Inauguration of reshuffled Kan Cabinet (deployed from January 11, 2012) (Operation completed
emergency due to outbreak of fighting Sep. 28 North Korea holds conference of the Workers’ Party of on May 31, 2017)
Jul. 04 North Korea launches a total of seven ballistic missiles Korea and a Plenary Meeting of Central Committee; Dec. 27 Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary on Guidelines
into the Sea of Japan Kim Jong-un is appointed Vice-Chairman of the Central for Overseas Transfer of Defense Equipment etc.
Jul. 14 Ratification of Convention on Cluster Munitions Military Commission Dec. 28 Environmental impact statement for the Futenma
Jul. 17 Announcement of Law Concerning the Prohibition of Oct. 01 Partial enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment of Replacement Facility construction project is submitted to
Manufacture of Cluster Munitions and Regulation of their the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law (abolition of Okinawa Prefecture (through January 6, 2012)
Possession the lowest enlisted ranks) 2012 Jan. 05 U.S. announces the defense strategic guidance
Jul. 24 Anti-Piracy Measures Law enacted, Order issued for Oct. 19 The United Kingdom releases “Strategic Defence and Jan. 11 1st Advance unit for UNMISS starts departing Japan
anti-piracy operations Security Review” (SDSR) Jan. 13 Inauguration of reshuffled Noda Cabinet; Tanaka becomes
Jul. 28 The exterior of the body of oil tanker “M. STAR” damaged Nov. 01 Russian President Medvedev visits the Kunashiri Island Minister of Defense
in an explosion at the Straits of Hormuz Nov. 19 NATO adopts New Strategic Concept Feb. 10 Establishment of the Reconstruction Agency
Jul. 31 Completion of withdrawal of non-American multinational Nov. 23 North Korea shells the ROK’s Yeonpyeong island Mar. 16 Chinese government ship “Haijian” enters Japan’s
forces from Iraq Dec. 07 Establishment of a governmental committee to review territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands
information security, as a result of the leakage of the video Mar. 26 Transfer of ASDF Air Defense Command to Yokota Air Base
showing the fishing boat collision off the Senkaku Islands Mar. 27 Prime Minister Noda attends the Nuclear Security Summit
Feb. 02 Disaster relief teams dispatched to help remove Mar. 24 Japan-New Zealand summit meeting (Tokyo) Apr. 02 EU3+3 and Iran agree on “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”
snow to eliminate isolated areas as a result of the Mar. 27 Japan-Portugal summit meeting (Tokyo) Apr. 23 U.S. DoD releases “The DoD Cyber Strategy”
severe snowstorm in Rausu Town, Hokkaido (through Apr. 28 Japan-U.S. summit meeting (Washington, D.C.) Apr. 26 ASEAN Summit (Kuala Lumpur) (through April 27)
February 3) May 13 Japan-Belgium summit meeting (Tokyo) May 08 U.S. DoD releases “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving
Feb. 08 Inaugural airborne exercise under Japan-U.S. joint May 14 Cabinet decision on “Bill for the Development of the People’s Republic of China”
exercise (North Wind 2) (through February 22) Legislation for Peace and Security” and “International May 09 North Korea announces SLBM launch test was conducted successfully
Mar. 13 Second Japan-France Foreign and Defense Peace Support Bill” May 11 China-Russia naval combined exercise Joint Sea 2015 (I) is held (Mediterranean Sea) (through
Ministers’ Meeting (2+2) (Tokyo) May 14 Cabinet decisions on “Responses to Foreign May 21)
Mar. 13 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Naval Vessels Carrying Out Navigation through May 21 Two Chinese bombers fly between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island to the
Mar. 13 Japan-France Agreement concerning the Transfer of the Territorial Sea or the Internal Waters of Japan Pacific Ocean (Air Force spokesperson announces first flight by Chinese Air Force aircraft in
Defense Equipment and Technology is signed (Tokyo) that Does Not Fall Under Innocent Passage in this airspace)
Mar. 14 Japan-Colombia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) International Law,” “The Government’s Responses to May 25 Signing of India-Vietnam Joint Vision Statement on Defense Cooperation (Vietnamese Minister
Illegal Landing on a Remote Island or its Surrounding of National Defence visits India)
Mar. 20 Japan-Timor Leste Defense Ministerial Meeting Seas by an Armed Group,” and “Responses to Acts
(Tokyo) May 26 China releases defense white paper, “China’s Military Strategy”
of Infringement When Self-Defense Force Ships or
Mar. 30 Japan-India Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Aircraft Detect Foreign Ships Committing Said Acts Jun. 12 Two Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and
Apr. 08 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Against Japanese Private Ships on the High Seas” advance to the Pacific Ocean
Apr. 21 National Defense Medical College instructor May 20 Japan-Mongolia summit meeting (Tokyo) Jul. 01 U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Dempsey releases National Military Strategy
dispatched to support WHO’s epidemiological studies May 25 Japan-Malaysia summit meeting (Tokyo) Jul. 07 Oral arguments in the South China Sea arbitral tribunal proceedings instituted by the
on the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease in West Philippines (The Hague) (through July 13)
May 29 Japan-EU Summit (Tokyo)
Africa, etc. (through May 29) Jul. 18 Three Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and
Jun. 04 Japan-Philippines summit meeting (Tokyo) advance to the Pacific Ocean
Apr. 27 Japan Disaster Relief Team dispatched in response
to earthquake in Nepal (through May 22) Jun. 07 Japan-France summit meeting (Germany) Jul. 29 China’s intelligence gathering aircraft, early warning aircraft, and two bombers fly between
Apr. 27 The new “Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Jun. 07 Japan-Germany summit meeting (Germany) the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island through to the Pacific Ocean (July 30)
Cooperation” is approved at the Japan-U.S. Security Jun. 08 Japan-U.K. summit meeting (Germany) Aug. 01 Russia creates Aerospace Force by merging the Air Force and Aerospace Defense Forces
Consultative Committee meeting (“2+2,” New York) Jun. 11 Naha District Court’s Okinawa Branch renders Aug. 05 France and Russia agree to annul agreement on France’s delivery of two Mistral-class
Apr. 28 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Washington, judgment in 3rd Futenma Air Station noise suit amphibious assault ships
D.C.) Jul. 30 Tokyo High Court renders judgment in 4th Atsugi Air Aug. 17 Seven Chinese vessels sail Tsushima Strait northward. Subsequently, China-Russia naval
Apr. 30 Promulgation and enforcement of the Special Facility noise suit combined exercise, Joint Sea 2015 (II), is held (Sea of Japan) (August 20-28). Following the
Measures Act on the Number of Years of the National Aug. 03 Japan-Italy summit meeting (Tokyo) exercise, five vessels sail Soya Strait eastward (August 29), sail in the high seas in the Bering
Subsidization of Specific Defense Procurements Sep. 15 Japan-Vietnam summit meeting (Tokyo) Sea (statement by U.S. DoD official, September 2), and enter into U.S. territorial waters near
(so-called “Long-term Contract Act”) Sep. 19 Legislation for Peace and Security (“Bill for the the Aleutian Islands (statement by U.S. DoD official, September 4).
May 29 Disaster relief teams dispatched after the eruption at Development of Legislation for Peace and Security” Aug. 20 Shelling incident occurs between North Korea and the ROK
Kuchinoerabu Island (through June 1) and “International Peace Support Bill”) is passed in Aug. 20 U.S. DoD submits Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Strategy to Congress
May 30 Defense Minister Nakatani attends 14th Asia Security the House of Councillors plenary session Aug. 22 Russian Prime Minister Medvedev visits Etorofu Island
Summit (held by IISS) (Singapore) (through May 31) Sep. 26 Prime Minister Abe visits the United States (through Aug. 25 Agreement on inter-Korean joint press statement (August 25 agreement)
May 30 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) September 29)
Aug. 26 Signing of agreement on the resolution of the conflict in South Sudan
May 30 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministers’ Meeting and Sep. 27 Japan-Qatar summit meeting (New York)
Sep. 03 China holds commemorative event for the 70th anniversary of the victories against Japanese
Japan-U.S.-Australia Defense Ministers’ Meeting Sep. 27 Japan-Iran summit meeting (New York) aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. In an address, President Xi Jinping announces
(Singapore) Sep. 28 Japan-Russia summit meeting (New York) reduction in troop strength by 300,000.
May 31 Pacific Partnership 2015 (through August 14) Sep. 28 Japan-Ukraine summit meeting (New York) Sep. 15 Presumed Russian aircraft intrudes into Japanese territorial airspace over the coast of the
May 31 Dispatched MSDF personnel as commander of Sep. 28 Japan-Bangladesh summit meeting (New York) Nemuro Peninsula
Combined Task Force (CTF 151) for counter-piracy Sep. 28 Japan-Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (New York) Sep. 30 Russia’s second Borey-class SSBN Alexander Nevsky arrives in Kamchatka
operations (through August 27)
Sep. 29 Signing of the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field Sep. 30 Russia begins airstrikes on ISIL forces, etc. in Syrian territory
Jun. 03 Japan-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) of Environmental Stewardship Relating to the U.S. Oct. 03 Shooting attack in Bangladesh (one Japanese national is killed; ISIL Bangladesh claims
Jun. 07 Joint disaster response exercise with U.S. Forces Armed Forces in Japan, Supplementary to the Status responsibility for the attack in a statement)
(TREX) of U.S. Forces Agreement (SOFA) Oct. 10 North Korea holds commemorative event of the 70th anniversary of the Korean Workers’
Jun. 29 SDF Joint Exercise for Rescue (through July 3) Oct. 05 Japan-France summit meeting (Tokyo) Party (KWP)
Jul. 03 Disaster relief teams dispatched to support search of Oct. 06 Japan-Sri Lanka summit meeting (Tokyo) Oct. 26 U.S. naval destroyer USS Lassen sails within 12 nautical miles of Subi Reef, Spratly Islands in
missing persons in Mt. Ontake (through August 7) Oct. 07 Inauguration of the third reshuffled Abe Cabinet the South China Sea and conducts Freedom of Navigation Operation
Aug. 18 Joint exercise in the United States (Dawn Blitz 2015) Oct. 08 Japan-Turkey summit meeting (Tokyo) Oct. 29 The tribunal rules that it has jurisdiction with respect to some of the matters in the South
(through September 9)
Oct. 15 Yamaguchi District Court’s Iwakuni Branch renders China Sea arbitral tribunal proceedings instituted by the Philippines (The Hague)
Sep. 01 Exercise for medical activities in the aftermath of judgment in 1st Iwakuni Air Base noise suit Oct. 31 A Russian jetliner crashes in the Sinai Peninsula, killing all passengers and crewmembers.
large-scale earthquakes
Oct. 27 Cabinet verbal understanding regarding “Revocation ISIL’s Sinai Province claims responsibility for the incident.
Sep. 01 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water of reclamation approval based on the Act on Nov. 03 ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) (Kuala Lumpur) (through November 4)
supply supports in Tsushima City, Nagasaki Reclamation of Publicly-owned Water Surface
Prefecture (through September 2) Nov. 07 China and Taiwan hold first summit meeting since their split
pertaining to the Futenma Replacement Facility Nov. 08 Myanmar general election (opposition party NLD wins majority)
Sep. 10 Disaster relief teams dispatched after the heavy rain construction project”
in Kanto and Tohoku in September 2015 (through Nov. 11 A Chinese Navy AGI repeatedly conducts east-west passages near the contiguous zone south
Oct. 28 Written notice regarding start of construction work of the Senkaku Islands (through November 12)
September 19) related to Futenma Replacement Facility construction
Oct. 01 Enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment of the project is submitted to Okinawa Prefecture Nov. 13 Terror attacks in Paris, France. ISIL France claims responsibility for the attacks in a statement.
Ministry of Defense Establishment Law (unification of Nov. 01 Japan-China-ROK summit meeting (Seoul) Nov. 15 G20 Antalya Summit (Antalya, Turkey) (through November 16)
actual unit operations into Joint Staff, establishment Nov. 18 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (Manila) (through November 19)
Nov. 01 Japan-China summit meeting (Seoul)
of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency, etc.) Nov. 22 East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Summit (November 21-22)
Nov. 02 Japan-ROK summit meeting (Seoul)
Oct. 01 Technical Research and Development Institute and Nov. 23 The United Kingdom releases “National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security
Equipment Procurement and Construction Office Nov. 10 Japan-Netherlands summit meeting (Tokyo)
Review 2015” (NSS-SDSR 2015)
are abolished; Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Nov. 13 Japan-Turkey summit meeting (Istanbul)
Nov. 24 Oral arguments in the South China Sea arbitral tribunal proceedings instituted by the
Agency is established Nov. 15 Japan-Australia summit meeting (Antalya, Turkey) Philippines (The Hague) (through November 30)
Oct. 18 FY2015 SDF Fleet Review Nov. 15 Japan-EU summit meeting (Antalya, Turkey) Nov. 24 CMC Reform Work Conference is held, and President Xi Jinping delivers address on the
Oct. 20 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Seoul) Nov. 15 Japan-U.K. summit meeting (Antalya, Turkey) direction of military reforms (through November 26)
Oct. 23 SDF Joint Exercise (Field Training Exercise) (through Nov. 15 Japan-Russia summit meeting (Antalya, Turkey) Nov. 24 Turkish Armed Forces shoots down Russian Armed Forces aircraft saying it violated Turkish
November 13) Nov. 16 Japan-Germany summit meeting (Antalya, Turkey) airspace
Nov. 03 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Malaysia) Nov. 16 Japan-Saudi Arabia summit meeting (Antalya, Nov. 27 China’s four bombers and intelligence gathering aircraft pass between the main island of
Nov. 03 3rd ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM- Turkey) Okinawa and Miyako Island through to the Pacific Ocean (Air Force spokesperson of China
Plus) (Kuala Lumpur) (through November 4) Nov. 18 Japan-Canada Summit (Manila) announces flight by PLA Air Force aircraft). At around the same time, four bombers and early
Nov. 04 Japan-China Defense Ministerial Meeting (Kuala Nov. 19 Japan-U.S. summit meeting (Manila) warning aircraft conduct operations near the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island.
Lumpur) Nov. 26 Suit is instituted for “Case regarding retraction order Dec. 02 Shooting terror attack in California, United States
Nov. 06 Japan-Vietnam Defense Ministerial Meeting request for revocation of the landfill permit based on Dec. 07 Three Chinese vessels sail through Osumi Strait to the Pacific Ocean
(Vietnam) provisions of Article 245-8, Paragraph 3 of the Local Dec. 07 U.S. P-8 aircraft are deployed to Singapore (through December 14)
Nov. 12 Japan-Georgia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Autonomy Act” (“administrative suit”) Dec. 13 Two Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and
Nov. 22 Japan-Australia Foreign and Defense Ministerial Nov. 30 Japan-France Summit (Paris) advance to the Pacific Ocean
Consultations (Sydney) Dec. 04 Japan-U.S. Joint Press Release “Implementation of Dec. 16 The United States decides to sell weapons including two missile frigates to Taiwan and
Nov. 22 Japan-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Sydney) Bilateral Plans for Consolidating Facilities and Areas notifies Congress
Dec. 04 Japan-Czech Republic Defense Ministerial Meeting in Okinawa” Dec. 21 Two Russian bombers conduct flight along the perimeter of Japan
(Tokyo) Dec. 12 Japan-India summit meeting (New Delhi) Dec. 23 A Chinese Navy AGI repeatedly conducts northeast-southwest passages near the contiguous
Dec. 12 Japan-India Agreement Concerning the Transfer Dec. 12 Signing and entry into force of the Japan-India zone southeast of the Boso Peninsula (through December 26)
of Defense Equipment and Technology is signed General Security of Military Information Agreement Dec. 24 Russia-India joint statement (includes cooperation on military technology, joint development
(New Delhi) Dec. 18 Japan-Australia summit meeting (Tokyo) of military equipment, etc.)
Dec. 17 Japan-Indonesia Foreign and Defense Ministerial Dec. 26 A China Coast Guard vessel carrying weapons that appear to be cannons intrudes into
Meeting (Tokyo) Japanese territorial waters surrounding the Senkaku Islands for the first time
Dec. 30 The leaders of Russia, France, Germany, and Ukraine agree to extend ceasefire agreement in
eastern Ukraine that was set to expire in end of 2015
Dec. 31 China announces its first domestic aircraft carrier is being built in Dalian, Liaoning Province
Dec. 31 China establishes PLA Army Headquarters, Rocket Force, and Strategic Support Force
Dec. 31 Russia revises National Security Strategy
2016 Jan. 06 Special survey of radioactivity related to North Jan. 22 Cabinet decision on 5th Science and Technology Jan. 01 U.S. bombers conduct low-level flight over the Osan Air Base in the ROK
Korea’s nuclear test (through January 15) Basic Plan Jan. 02 China conducts aircraft test flights to Fiery Cross Reef (January 3 and 6)
Jan. 08 Japan-U.K. Foreign and Defense Ministerial Meeting Jan. 22 The New Special Measures Agreement (SMA) Jan. 06 North Korea conducts fourth nuclear test which it called a “hydrogen bomb test”
(2+2) (Tokyo) between Japan and the United States is signed Jan. 08 The ROK declares setting of new air defense identification zone. It also resumes loudspeaker
Jan. 08 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Telephone Jan. 28 Council between the Government and Okinawa broadcasts targeting North Korea.
Conference Prefecture is established Jan. 11 Chinese Ministry of National Defense announces organizational realignment of the Central
Jan. 09 1st escort flotilla U.S. deployment exercise in FY2015 Feb. 02 Judgment is rendered on appeal suit requesting Military Commission (dismantlement of four general departments, CMC’s introduction of
(Guam) (through January 30) termination of the monitoring activities of the Appeal multiple section system)
Jan. 09 Japan-U.K. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Intelligence Security Command
Mar. 19 Signing of the Japan-Italy Information Security Jan. 31 China’s intelligence gathering aircraft and early warning aircraft pass Tsushima Strait for the
measures against ballistic missiles is issued first time through to the Sea of Japan
Feb. 10 Japan-U.S.-ROK Trilateral Joint Chiefs of Staff Video- Feb. 01 Chinese Ministry of National Defense dismantles seven Military Regions and announces the
Teleconference is held Mar. 23 Okinawa Prefectural Government applies for a
review by the Central and Local Government establishment of five theaters of operations
Feb. 12 State Defense Minister Wakamiya attends Munich Dispute Management Council regarding the Feb. 02 Four Chinese vessels sail through Tsugaru Strait to the Pacific Ocean
Security Conference (through February 14) correction instruction issued by the Minister of Land, Feb. 04 A Chinese Navy AGI conducts round-trip northeast-southwest passages near the contiguous
Feb. 29 Japan-Philippines Agreement Concerning the Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Futenma zone southeast of the Boso Peninsula (through February 8)
Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology is Replacement Facility construction project)
signed (Manila) Feb. 07 North Korea launches a ballistic missile disguised as a “Satellite”
Mar. 29 Enforcement of Legislation for Peace and Security Feb. 07 ROK decides to begin formal consultations on THAAD deployment by U.S. Forces Korea
Mar. 16 20th Tokyo Defense Forum (Forum for Defense (“Act for the Development of the Legislation for
Authorities in the Asia-Pacific Region) is held Feb. 09 U.S. President Obama presents his budget for FY2017
Peace and Security” and “International Peace
(through March 18) Support Act”) Feb. 10 The ROK decides to completely suspend operations at the Kaesong Industrial Complex in
Mar. 28 Enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment response to North Korea’s nuclear test and long-range missile launch
Mar. 31 Japan-U.S.-ROK summit meeting (Washington, D.C.)
of the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law Mar. 31 Japan-ROK summit meeting (Washington, D.C.) Feb. 11 North Korea declares the Kaesong Industrial Complex a military control zone and expels all
(establishment of JGSDF Camp Yonaguni, etc.) ROK nationals from the zone
Mar. 31 Japan-Canada summit meeting (Washington, D.C.)
Apr. 06 U-125 accident Feb. 12 U.S. DoD submits “Annual Report: Military and Security Developments Involving the
Apr. 01 Japan-U.S. summit meeting (Washington, D.C.) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” to Congress
Apr. 14 Disaster relief teams dispatched after the 2016
Kumamoto Earthquake (through May 30) Apr. 01 Cabinet decision adopted on “Basic Plan on Space Feb. 15 U.S.-ASEAN summit meeting (California) (through February 16)
Apr. 17 Cabinet decision regarding disaster relief call-up of Feb. 15 A submerged submarine sails Tsushima Strait southwestward from the Sea of Japan to the
ready reserve personnel in the wake of the 2016 Apr. 08 Japan-Estonia summit meeting (Tokyo)
East China Sea
Kumamoto Earthquake Apr. 28 Alleged murder case involving a civilian component
member of the USFJ in Okinawa Prefecture Feb. 16 Locations of equipment deemed to be surface-to-air missile in Woody Island, Paracel Islands
Apr. 17 Disaster relief call-up order for to ready reserve are confirmed
personnel is issued (through May 9) May 02 Japan-France Summit (Paris)
Feb. 17 Terror attack occurs in Ankara, Turkey
Apr. 18 Disaster relief teams dispatched to remove fallen May 06 Japan-Russia summit meeting (Sochi)
Feb. 25 Australia releases “2016 Defence White Paper”
trees in Hiroo Town, Hiroo District, Hokkaido (through May 13 Japan-Kuwait summit meeting (Tokyo)
Mar. 07 U.S.-ROK Key Resolve and Foal Eagle combined exercise (through April 30)
April 21) May 24 Japan-Canada summit meeting (Tokyo)
Mar. 10 North Korea launches two ballistic missiles
Apr. 22 First flight of Advanced Technology Demonstrator May 25 Japan-U.S. summit meeting (Ise Shima)
(X-2) Mar. 18 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
May 26 G7 Ise-Shima Summit (through May 27)
May 02 Japan-Philippines Defense Ministerial Telephone Mar. 18 The United States and the Philippines agree to utilize five Philippine bases for carrying out
May 27 U.S. President Obama visits Hiroshima defense cooperation based on the EDCA
Conference Jun 07 Entry into force of the Japan-Italy Information
Jun. 03 Defense Minister Nakatani attends 15th Asia Security Mar. 22 Terror bombing attacks occur in Brussels, Belgium
Security Agreement
Summit (held by IISS) (Singapore) (through June 5) Mar. 28 Two Chinese vessels sail through Osumi Strait to the Pacific Ocean
Jun. 21 Central and Local Government Dispute Management
Jun. 04 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) Council announces ruling (Futenma Replacement Mar. 31 U.S.-China summit meeting (Washington, D.C.)
Jun. 04 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting and Japan- Facility construction project) Mar. 31 Nuclear Security Summit (Washington, D.C.) (through April 1)
U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) Jul. 1 U.S. returns FAC3162 Yugi Communication Site Apr. 07 Three Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and
Jun. 04 Japan-Italy Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) (Hachioji City, Tokyo) advance to the Pacific Ocean
Jun. 04 Japan-U.K. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) Jul. 14 Prime Minister Abe visits Mongolia and attends the Apr. 08 Three Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and
11th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Summit Meeting advance to the Pacific Ocean
Jun. 05 Japan-U.K. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore)
(through July 16) Apr. 15 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
Jun. 06 Defense Minister Nakatani visits Myanmar, Thailand,
and Timor-Leste (through June 10) Jul. 15 Japan-Germany summit meeting (Ulaanbaatar) Apr. 17 Chinese naval patrol aircraft lands in Fiery Cross Reef in Spratly Islands and evacuates sick
Jul. 15 Japan-Bangladesh summit meeting (Ulaanbaatar) people
Jun. 13 MOD/SDF participate in Pacific Partnership 2016
(through August 24) Jul. 15 Japan-China summit meeting (Ulaanbaatar) Apr. 20 China’s early warning aircraft flies between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island
Jul. 15 Japan-EU summit meeting (Ulaanbaatar) through to the Pacific Ocean
Jun. 28 Japan-U.S.-ROK missile warning exercise (PACIFIC
DRAGON2016) (Hawaii) Jul. 15 Japan-Viet Nam summit meeting (Ulaanbaatar) Apr. 20 China releases images from President Xi Jinping’s visit to the Central Military Commission
Joint Operations Command Center
Jun. 29 FY2016 SDF Joint Exercise for Rescue (through Jul. 16 Japan-Cambodia summit meeting (Ulaanbaatar)
July 8) Apr. 23 North Korea launches an SLBM
Jul. 22 Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Jul. 11 ASDF aircraft dispatched to Juba, the capital of South Tourism files a suit with the Naha branch of the Apr. 28 North Korea launches two ballistic missiles
Sudan, to transport Japanese nationals overseas Fukuoka High Court seeking the declaration of Apr. 29 Transitional Government of National Unity of South Sudan is established
due to the situation dererionation in South Sudan illegality of inaction (Futenma Replacement Facility May 02 China deploys landing ship to Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands
(through July 26) construction project) May 06 7th KWP Congress (through May 9)
Jul. 13 Japan-India Defense Ministerial Meeting (Delhi) Jul. 22 Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and May 10 A U.S. destroyer sails within 12 nautical miles of Fiery Cross Reef, Spratly Islands in the South
Aug. 03 Inada becomes Minister of Defense Tourism files a suit with Okinawa Prefecture seeking China Sea as part of the “Freedom of Navigation Operation”
Aug. 15 Japan-Djibouti Defense Ministerial Meeting (Djibouti) confirmation of the violation of law for the failure to act May 14 An expedition unit comprised of approximately 200 personnel led by the Deputy Commander
Aug. 20 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water (Futenma Replacement Facility construction project) of the Russian Pacific Fleet arrives in Matsuwa Island of the Chishima Islands and
supply supports in Shibetsu City, Hokkaido Aug. 03 2nd Reshuffled 3rd Abe Cabinet is established subsequently begins survey activities
Aug. 23 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water Aug. 25 Prime Minister Abe attends TICAD VI (6th Tokyo May 17 A Chinese PLA fighter jet flies abnormally close to a U.S. Navy reconnaissance aircraft over
supply supports in Biei Town, Kamikawa County, International Conference on African Development) the South China Sea
Hokkaido (through August 28) and visits Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya (through May 19 Russia-ASEAN summit meeting (through May 20)
Aug. 23 FY2016 training of transportation of Japanese August 29) May 20 Tsai Ing-wen, Chairperson of DPP, becomes President of Taiwan
nationals overseas Aug. 28 Japan-Kenya summit meeting (Nairobi) May 22 U.S. President Obama visits Vietnam (through May 25), fully lifts arms embargo on Vietnam
Aug. 25 Trainings for new duties based on the Legislation for Sep. 02 Japan-Russia summit meeting (Vladivostok) May 23 China and Russia hold first joint missile defense exercise (through May 28)
Peace and Security begin Sep. 04 Japan-Egypt summit meeting (Hangzhou) May 24 ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) (through May 27)
Aug. 25 Japan-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Sep. 05 Japan-Brazil summit meeting (Hangzhou) May 25 Hibatullah Akhundzada is chosen as new Emir of the Taliban in Afghanistan
Aug. 26 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water Sep. 05 Japan-China summit meeting (Hangzhou) May 31 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
supply supports in Akadaira City in Hokkaido (through Sep. 06 ASEAN-related summit meeting (Vientiane, Laos) Jun. 03 15th Shangri-La Dialogue (Singapore) (through June 5)
August 27) (through September 9) Jun. 06 8th U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (Beijing) (through June 7)
Aug. 30 Disaster relief teams dispatched after the heavy Sep. 06 Japan-Philippines summit meeting (Vientiane); Jun. 07 A Chinese PLA fighter jet conducts dangerous flight, approaching a U.S. Air Force
rainfall due to Typhoon 10 in Iwate Prefecture transfer of TC-90, etc. to the Philippines is officially reconnaissance aircraft at a high speed over the East China Sea
(through September 16) agreed
Jun. 08 New Zealand releases “Defence White Paper 2016”
Aug. 31 Disaster relief teams dispatched after the heavy Sep. 06 Japan-Lao PDR summit meeting (Vientiane)
rainfall due to Typhoon 10 in Hokkaido (through Jun. 09 A Chinese naval combatant vessel enters the contiguous zone near the Senkaku Islands for
Sep. 07 Summit meeting with the State Counsellor of the first time
September 18) Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi (Vientiane)
Sep. 01 Operational training by the MOD Disaster Jun. 12 Shooting terror attack in Florida, United States
Sep. 07 Japan-Viet Nam summit meeting (Vientiane)
Countermeasures Headquarters Jun. 14 Police workers are killed in Magnanville in western Paris
Sep. 07 Japan-Australia summit meeting (Vientiane)
Sep. 02 Japan-Saudi Arabia Defense Ministerial Meeting Jun. 15 A Chinese naval intelligence gathering vessel sails in Japan’s territorial waters near
Sep. 07 Japan-ROK summit meeting (Vientiane) Kuchinoerabu Island and Yakushima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture and then sails within
(Tokyo) Sep. 07 Japan-India summit meeting (Vientiane)
Sep. 03 ADMM-Plus Military Medicine and Humanitalian Japan’s contiguous zone north of Kitadaito Island. Subsequently, the vessel repeatedly
Sep. 12 First trainnig relocation involves Tilt-Rotor/Rotary wing conducts east-west passages outside the contiguous zone near the Senkaku Islands. (June
Assistance and Disaster Relief Joint Exercise 2016 aircraft outside of Okinawa Prefecture in the context of
(Thailand) (through September 9) 19 through 20)
the realignment of the U.S. Forces (through October 5) Jun. 16 Five Chinese naval vessels sail between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and
Sep. 08 State Minister of Defense Wakamiya attends UN PKO Sep. 13 Japan-Canada summit telephone talk
summit follow-up meeting (U.K.) advance to the Pacific Ocean
Sep. 16 Naha branch of Fukuoka High Court renders the Jun. 22 North Korea launches two ballistic missiles
Sep. 10 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Telephone judgement in favor of the central government in
Conference Jun. 23 Group in favor of separation from EU wins national referendum in the U.K.
the action for the declaration of illegality of inaction Jun. 28 Bombing at Istanbul Airport in Turkey
Sep. 15 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Washington, (Futenma Replacement Facility construction project)
D.C.) Jun. 30 The new Duterte administration is established in the Philippines
Sep. 19 Prime Minister Abe visits New York (through
Sep. 21 Japan-Myanmar Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) September 21) Jul. 02 Australian federal election is held; Prime Minister Turnbull is to remain in office
Sep. 22 Search and rescue of U.S. military aircraft off the Sep. 19 Japan-Qatar summit meeting (New York) Jul. 02 Bangladeshi militants take hostages (7 Japanse nationals are killed); ISIL claims responsibility
east coast of Okinawa Prefecture on the Internet
Sep. 20 Third Japan-Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting
Sep. 26 Signing of Japan-U.S. Acquisition and Cross- Jul. 05 Chinese military exercise in South China Sea (through July 11)
Sep. 21 Japan-Turkey summit meeting (New York)
Servicing Agreement (ACSA) (Tokyo) Jul. 07 Collision between the Sudan Armed Forces and anti-mainstream groups occurs in South
Sep. 21 Japan-Iran summit meeting (New York) Sudan’s capital, Juba
Oct. 08 Defense Minister Inada visits South Sudan’s capital,
Juba Sep. 21 Japan-Cuba summit meeting (Havana) Jul. 08 The U.S. and ROK decide on the deployment of THAAD to U.S. Forces Korea
Oct. 14 Japan-U.S.-ROK Chief of Joint Staff Meeting Sep. 23 Okinawa Prefecture files an appeal with the Supreme Jul. 08 NATO Warsaw summit meeting (through July 9)
(Washington, D.C.) Court regarding the action for the declaration of
illegality of inaction (Futenma Replacement Facility Jul. 09 North Korea launches a submarine-launched ballistic missile
Oct. 17 Japan-U.K. joint exercise “Guardian North 16” construction project) Jul. 12 China conducts test flight over the Subi Reef and Mischief Reef (through July 13)
(through November 6) Jul. 12 The arbitral tribunal renders a final award in which nearly all of the Philippines’ submissions
Sep. 28 Japan-Singapore summit meeting (Tokyo)
Oct. 21 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to 2016 are ruled in favor of the Philippines with regard to arbitral proceedings pursuant to the South
Tottori Earthquake (through October 28) Oct. 14 Japan-Mongolia summit meeting (Tokyo)
China Sea
Oct. 22 Japan-U.S.-ROK trilateral exercise (maritime Oct. 19 Japan-Brazil summit meeting (Tokyo)
Jul. 13 Germany releases “Defense White Paper 2016”
interdiction operations exercise) (through October 23) Oct. 26 Japan-Philippines summit meeting (Tokyo)
Signing of detailed arrangements for the transfer Jul. 15 Terror attack with a truck occurs in Nice, France
Oct. 23 Troop review in commemoration of the SDF Jul. 16 Coup d’etat attempt in Turkey fails
anniversary of TC-90, etc.
Oct. 27 Japan-Jordan summit meeting (Tokyo) Jul. 18 Chinese Air Force announces that it will be conducting combat patrol in the South China Sea
on a regular basis
Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS)” (mission of Nov. 18 Japan-Peru summit meeting (Lima) Okhotsk
“kaketsuke-keigo” was added) Nov. 19 Japan-Columbia summit meeting (Lima) Aug. 15 U.S. Forces deploys B1B bombers to Guam
Nov. 16 2nd ASEAN-Japan Defence Ministers’ Informal Nov. 19 Japan-Russia summit meeting (Lima) Aug. 18 A Chinese early warning aicraft and two bombers fly over Tsushima and advance to the Sea
Meeting (Vientiane) Nov. 20 Japan-China summit meeting (Lima) of Japan
Nov. 16 Japan-Lao PDR Defense Ministerial Meeting Nov. 20 Japan-Viet Nam summit meeting (Lima) Aug. 20 Three Chinese naval vessels pass through the Tsushima Strait in the southwestern direction
(Vientiane) Nov. 21 Japan-Argentina summit meeting (Buenos Aires) Aug. 22 U.S.-ROK bilateral exercise “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” (through September 2)
Nov. 25 6th working group consultation meeting on the Nov. 23 Signing and entry into force of Japan-ROK General Aug. 24 North Korea launches a submarine-launched ballistic missile
Maritime and Air Communication Mechanism Security of Military Information Agreement Aug. 31 Police officers are shot in Copenhagen, Denmark
between the defense authorities of Japan and Dec. 01 Japan-Singapore summit meeting (Tokyo) Sep. 04 G20 (Summit on the Financial Market and the World Economy)
China (Tokyo) Dec. 01 Naha branch of Fukuoka High Court renders Hangzhou Summit (Hangzhou, China) (through September 5)
Nov. 28 Japan-China Security Dialogue (Beijing) judgement in 3rd Futenma Air Station noise suit Sep. 05 North Korea launches three ballistic missiles (fell into Japan’s EEZ)
Nov. 29 Dispatch of disaster relief teams in response to bird Dec. 01 Japan-France defense equipment and technology Sep. 09 North Korea conducts its fifth nuclear test
flu in Niigata Prefecture (through December 4) agreement takes effect Sep. 12 China-Russia joint maritime exercise “Joint Sea 2016” (in the South China Sea) (through
Dec. 03 Japan-Netherlands Defense Ministerial Meeting Dec. 08 Supreme Court renders judgement in 4th Atsugi Air September 19)
(Tokyo) Facility noise suit Sep. 17 Bombing in New York, U.S.
Dec. 07 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Dec.13 Emergency water landing of MV-22 Osprey (off the Sep. 25 Four Chinese bombers, two intelligence gathering aircraft, and two fighter jets (probable) pass
Dec. 07 Disaster relief teams dispatched for search and coast of Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture) between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and advance to the Pacific Ocean
rescue of U.S. military aircraft off the coast of Tosa Dec. 15 Japan-Russia summit meeting (Yamaguchi (fighter jets [probable] are observed for the first time passing)
Shimizu in Kochi Prefecture (through December 8) Prefecture) (through December 16) Sep. 26 Third Russian Borey-class SSBN “Vladimir Monomakh” arrives in Kamchatka
Dec. 09 Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Kobayashi Dec. 20 Supreme Court dismisses Okinawa’s appeal in Sep. 29 U.S.-ASEAN Defense Ministerial Meeting (through October 1)
attends Manama Dialogue (Bahrain)(through the action for the declation of illegality of inaction Sep. 29 Indian Army announces it hit terrorist bases on the Pakistan side of the line of control in
December 10) (Futenma Replacement Facility construction project) Kashmir (tensions remain)
Dec. 13 Japan-Netherlands Defense Ministerial Meeting Dec. 22 Return of a major portion of the Northern Training
(Tokyo) Oct. 07 The U.S. concludes Russian involvement in the Democratic National Committee cyber attacks
Area based on the SACO Final Report (1996) Oct. 07 The U.S. lifts economic sanctions on Myanmar
Dec. 16 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks (DTT) (Seoul) Dec. 26 Governor of Okinawa Onaga withdraws his
Dec. 16 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to bird Oct. 09 Attack on a U.S. naval vessel occurs in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen
cancellation of the reclamation approval (Futenma
flu in Shimizu Town, Kamikawa County in Hokkaido Replacement Facility construction project) Oct. 13 King Bhumibol of Thailand passes away
(through December 22) Dec. 27 Japan-U.S. summit meeting (Hawaii) Oct. 15 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
Dec. 19 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to bird Prime Minister Abe and Defense Minister Inada visit Oct. 17 Operation to recapture ISIL-controlled Mosul begins
flu in Kawaminami Town, Koyu County in Miyazaki Arizona Memorial (Hawaii) Oct. 17 China launches manned spaceflight “Shenzhou 11”
Prefecture (through December 21) Dec. 27 Construction of Futenma Replacement Facility is Oct. 19 U.S.-ROK foreign and defense ministerial meeting (2+2) (Washington, D.C.)
Dec. 22 The implementation Guidelines for Article 95-2 of the resumed Oct. 20 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
SDF Law (decided by the National Security Council) Oct. 20 Three Chinese naval vessels pass through the Osumi Strait and advance to the Pacific Ocean
Dec. 22 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to Oct. 21 A U.S. destroyer sails around the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea as part of the
fire in Itoigawa City in Niigata Prefecture (through “Freedom of Navigation Operation”
December 23) Oct. 24 Sixth plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (through
Dec. 22 Transition to the joint production and deployment October 27)
phases of advanced interceptor missiles for BMD Oct. 27 China’s early warning aircraft and intelligence gathering aircraft pass between the main island
(SM-3 Block IIA) (decided at the National Security of Okinawa and Miyako Islad and advance to the Pacific Ocean
Nov. 01 Battle in the City of Mosul begins
Dec. 27 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to bird
flu in Nankan Town of Tamana County in Kumamoto Nov. 08 Presidential candidate Trump wins U.S. presidential election
Prefecture (through December 28) Nov. 13 Earthquake occurs in New Zealand
Nov. 15 Russia deploys aircraft carrier “Kuznetsov” in combat for the first time in the history of the
Russian Navy
Nov. 18 The Russian Forces announces the deployment of surface-to-ship missile on the islands of
Etorofu and Kunashiri
Nov. 19 Peru APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (through November 20)
Nov. 22 Russian patrol helicopter flies near Japan’s airspace over the Senkaku Islands
Nov. 25 Two bombers, two intelligence gathering aircraft, and two fighter jets fly over the sky between
the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island (four aircraft except the fighter jets fly from the
south of Sakishima Islands)
Dec. 01 Prince of Thailand’s accession to the throne
Dec. 10 Two Chinese fighter jets, two bombers, and two intelligence gathering aircraft fly between
the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island (four aircraft except the fighter jets fly toward
the Bashi Channel)
Dec. 12 Vice Prime Minister English becomes Prime Minister of New Zealand
Dec. 15 Capture of U.S. unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) by China in the South China Sea
Dec. 16 UNMISS Mandate is extended for one year (December 15, 2017)
Dec. 17 Libyan Government of National Accord declares the liberation of Sirte in Northern Libya from
Dec. 18 Hostage situation occurs in a tourist site in Jordan
Dec. 19 A truck drives into pedestrians in Berlin, Germany’s capital
Dec. 19 Russian Ambassador is murdered in Turkey’s capital Ankara
Dec. 20 Tsai Ing-wen, Chairperson of DPP, holds telephone conference with then U.S. President-elect
Dec. 25 Six Chinese naval vessels including an aircraft carrier sail between the main island of
Okinawa and Miyako Island and advance into the Pacific Ocean (first time a Chinese aircraft
carrier is observed sailing into the Pacific Ocean)
Dec. 27 “China’s Space Activities in 2016” is released
Dec. 30 Russia and Turkey-led ceasefire agreement between the Assad regime and the opposition
parties takes effect in all regions of Syria (excluding ISIL, etc.)
2017 Jan. 05 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting (Paris) Jan. 06 Resumption of aerial refueling training by the Osprey Jan. 02 Chinese Navy announces its aircraft carrier “Liaoning” conducted training in the South China
Jan. 06 3rd Japan-France Foreign and Defense Ministerial of the U.S. Forces Sea
Meeting (“2+2”) (Paris) Jan. 12 Japan-Philippines summit meeting (Manila) Jan. 05 Chinese naval vessels sails through the Tsugaru Strait westward
Jan. 14 Signing of Japan-Australia Acquisition and Cross- Jan. 14 Japan-Australia summit meeting (Sydney) Jan. 09 Six Chinese bombers, an early warning aircraft, and an intelligence gathering aircraft fly over
Servicing Agreement (ACSA) (Sydney) Jan. 15 Japan-Indonesia summit meeting (Jakarta) the Tsushima Strait and advance to the Sea of Japan
Jan. 14 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to Jan. 16 Japan-Viet Nam summit meeting (Hanoi) Jan. 10 Chinese naval vessels sail through the Tsushima Strait
bird flu in Yamagata City, Gifu Prefecture (through Jan. 16 Signing of the Agreement on Cooperation with Jan. 11 The ROK release “Defense White Paper 2016”
January 16) Regard to the Implementation Practices Relating to Jan. 20 Trump becomes President of the U.S.
Jan. 21 Japan-U.S.-ROK trilateral exercise (ballistic missile the Civilian Component of the U.S. Armed Forces in Jan. 24 Two Russian bombers fly and circle around Japan
information sharing exercise) (through January 23) Japan, Supplementary to the Status of U.S. Forces Jan. 27 U.S. President Trump signs a memorandum on the rebuilding of the U.S. Forces
Jan. 23 FY2016 SDF joint exercise (command post exercise) Agreement (SOFA) Jan. 28 U.S. President Trump signs a memorandum requesting the establishment of comprehensive
(through January 27) Jan. 20 193rd session (extraordinary session) of the Diet is plans to destroy ISIL
Jan. 24 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to bird convened (through June 18) Jan. 29 Iran conducts test launch of a mid-range ballistic missile
flu in Kijo Town in Koyu County, Miyazaki Prefecture Jan. 21 Relocation of navy aircraft operations at Kadena Air
(through January 26) Feb. 08 U.S. Navy P-3 patrol aircraft and Chinese military aircraft fly abnormally close to each other
Base based on the SACO Final Report (1996) (South China Sea)
Jan. 24 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to Jan. 28 Japan-U.S. summit telephone talk
heavy snow in Chizu Town in Yazu County, Tottori Feb. 12 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
Feb. 10 Japan-U.S. summit meeting (Washington, D.C.) Feb. 28 U.S. President Trump delivers address to Congress
Feb. 22 Japan-Canada summit telephone talk Mar. 01 U.S.-ROK joint military exercise (ROK) (through April 30)
Jan. 24 Launch of X-band communications satellite
Feb. 23 Okinawa branch of Naha District Court renders U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS “Carl Vinson” participates in the exercise
“Kirameki 2”
judgement in 4th Kadena Air Base noise suit Mar. 02 A Chinese early warning aircraft, six bombers (probable), and six fighter jets (probable) fly
Jan. 26 Signing of Japan-U.K. Acquisition and Cross-
Mar. 06 First relocation of training involves Tilt-Rotor/Rotary between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and advance to the Pacific Ocean
Servicing Agreement (ACSA) (London)
wing aircraft to main land Japan from Okinawa (total of 13 aircraft, the largest fleet so far)
Feb. 04 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Prefecture in the context of the realignment of U.S.
Feb. 04 Test launch of advanced interceptor missiles for Mar. 02 Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and moves to
Forces (through March 17) the East China Sea
BMD (Hawaii) Mar. 07 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
Feb. 04 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to Mar. 05 Chinese vessels sail west bound from the Osumi Strait
Mar. 13 Japan-Saudi Arabia summit meeting (Tokyo) Mar. 06 North Korea launches four ballistic missiles (three of them fell into Japan’s EEZ)
bird flu in Kohoku Town, Kishima County in Saga
Prefecture (through February 6) Mar. 15 Japan-Mozambique summit meeting (Tokyo) Mar. 10 President of the ROK Park Geun-hye is dismissed
Feb. 18 State Minister of Defense Wakamiya attends the 53rd Mar. 20 Japan-Germany summit meeting (Hannover) Mar. 16 The Trump administration submits the FY2018 budget blueprint to Congress
Munich Security Conference (Munich) Mar. 20 Japan-France summit meeting (Paris) Mar. 22 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
Feb. 20 Japan-Finland Vice-Ministerial Consultation Mar. 21 Japan-EU summit meeting (Brussels) Mar. 22 An attack with a car occurs in central London, U.K.
Feb. 22 Japan-Sweden Vice-Ministerial Consultation
Apr. 25 Commencement of seawall construction (Futenma May 14 Macron becomes President of France
information sharing exercise) Replacement Facility construction project)
Mar. 16 Conclusion of arrangements regarding Japan-U.K. May 14 China hosts an international conference pertaining to “One Belt, One Road”
Apr. 27 Japan-Russia summit meeting (Moscow)
joint study on the possibility of cooperation with the May 17 Chinese fighter jets intercepts a U.S. military radiation-detecting aircraft (East China Sea)
U.K. on future fighter jets Apr. 28 Japan-U.K. summit meeting (U.K.)
May 18 An object believed to be a small unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) flies over the front of the
Mar. 20 GPOI Capstone Multilateral Exercise (Nepal) (through May 01 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk bridge of a Chinese government ship which is within Japan’s territorial waters near the
April 3) May 11 Japan-ROK summit telephone talk Senkaku Islands
Mar. 20 Japan-Russia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) May 17 Japan-New Zealand summit meeting (Tokyo) May 19 Hassan Rowhani is re-elected as the President of Iraq
Mar. 20 Japan-Russia Foreign and Defense Ministerial May 19 Japan-Argentina summit meeting (Tokyo) May 21 North Korea launches a ballistic missile
Meeting (2+2) (Tokyo) May 22 Japan-Italy defense equipment and technology May 22 Terror attack by a suicide bomber occurs in Manchester, U.K.
Mar. 24 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to bird transfer agreement is signed May 23 The Trump administration submits FY2018 budget proposal to Congress with a 10% increase
flu in Kurihara City in Miyagi Prefecture (through May 26 Prime Minister Abe attends G7 Taormina Summit and in defense budget
March 27) visits Malta (through May 28) May 23 Martial law is declared in Mindanao in the Philippines
Mar. 24 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to bird May 26 Japan-U.S. summit meeting (Taormina) May 24 A U.S. naval destroyer sails within 12 nautical miles of the Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands
flu in Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture (through March 25) May 26 Japan-EU summit meeting (Taormina) in the South China Sea and conducts the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” (reported)
Mar. 24 Cabinet Decision on changes to “Implementation May 26 Japan-France summit meeting (Taormina) May 25 A Chinese fighter jet intercepts a U.S. naval patrol aircraft (South China Sea)
Plans for the International Peace Cooperation May 27 Japan-Malta summit meeting (Malta) May 25 NATO Brussel summit meeting
Assignment for UNMISS” May 30 Japan-ROK summit telephone talk May 29 North Korea launches a ballistic missile (fell into Japan’s EEZ)
Mar. 27 Disaster relief teams dispatched for rescue Jun. 06 Japan-Vietnam summit meeting (Tokyo)
operations in response to an avalanche in Nasu May 30 The U.S. successfully intercepts ICBM target for the first time
Jun. 06 Japan-Canada summit telephone talk May 31 Bombing in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul
Town, Nasu County in Tochigi Prefecture
Jun. 07 Japan-Lao PDR summit meeting (Tokyo) Jun. 02 The 16th Shangri-La Dialogue (Singapore) (through June 4)
Mar. 31 Enforcement of the law for partial amendment of the
USFJ Realignment Special Measures Law (validity is Jun. 20 Japan-Guinea summit meeting (Tokyo) Jun. 03 A car runs into pedestrians and a bombing occurs in central London, U.K.
extended for 10 years, etc.) Jun. 27 Japan-Czech summit meeting (Tokyo) Jun. 04 President Duterte of the Philippines goes aboard MSDF JS Izumo
Apr. 03 Japan-U.S.-ROK trilateral exercise (ASW exercise) Jul. 03 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk Jun. 05 Montenegro joins NATO
(through April 5) Jul. 08 Japan-U.S. Summit (Hamburg) Jul. 01 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return
Apr. 12 Defense Minister Inada pays courtesy call on Sri Jul. 24 Okinawa Prefectural Government files lawsuit with Jul. 02 A Chinese naval Dongdiao-class intelligence gathering ship sails within Japan’s territorial
Lankan prime minister (Tokyo) Naha District Court to seek an injunctive order for waters near the southwest of Kojima Island, Matsumae Town, Hokkaido
Apr. 14 Pacific Partnership 2017 (through May 18) actions that crush the reef, etc. (construction of
Jul. 02 A U.S. naval destroyer conducts the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” within 12 nautical
Apr. 14 Diet approval of Japan-U.S. Acquisition and Cross- Futenma Replacement Facility)
miles of Triton Island, Paracel Islands in the South China Sea (reported)
Servicing Agreement Jul. 31 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
Jul. 04 North Korea launches a ballistic missile (lands in Japan’s EEZ)
Apr. 19 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Trilateral Talks (DTT) Jul. 31 Return of the land along the eastern side of MCAS
Jul. 07 Chinese Navy’s aircraft carrier “Liaoning” enters a port in Hong Kong and is shown to the
(Tokyo) Futenma
public (through July 11)
Apr. 19 Japan-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Aug. 03 3rd Reshuffled 3rd Abe Cabinet is established
Jul. 10 The Iraqi government declares liberation of Mosul
Apr. 20 Japan-Australia Foreign and Defense Ministerial Aug. 15 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
Jul. 11 China conducts a completion ceremony of the Support Base in Djibouti in Guangdong Province
Meeting (2+2) (Tokyo) Aug. 29 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
Jul. 13 Two Chinese bombers pass between the main island of Okinawa
Apr. 22 Disaster relief teams dispatched for rescue Aug. 30 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk and Miyako Island and advance to the Pacific Ocean. Four other bombers pass between the
operations in Futaoijima, Shimonoseki City, Aug. 30 Japan-U.K. Summit (Tokyo) main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and fly toward the East China Sea
Yamaguchi Prefecture Sep. 03 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk Jul. 15 Two China Coast Guard vessels sail in Japan’s territorial waters in the southeast of Tsushima-
Apr.25 Enactment of Japan–U.S. Acquisition and Sep. 08 Japan-France summit telephone talk shimojima (Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture) and north of Okinoshima (Munakata City,
Cross-Servicing Agreement and its procedural Sep. 14 Japan-India Summit (Gujarat) Fukuoka Prefecture)
Sep. 20 Japan-France summit (New York) Jul. 17 Two China Coast Guard vessels sail in Japan’s territorial waters in the west-northwest
May 03 Japan-France-U.K.-U.S. joint exercise (through of Henashisaki (Nishitsugaru County, Aomori Prefecture) and northeast of Tappizaki
May 22) Sep. 21 Japan-U.S. Summit (New York)
Sep. 28 194th session (extraordinary session) of the Diet is (Higashitsugaru County, Aomori Prefecture)
May 08 Japan-France-U.K.-U.S. joint exercise (through Jul. 20 A Chinese electronic warfare aircraft, an intelligence gathering aircraft and four bombers pass
May 22) convened (through September 28)
Oct. 04 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and fly toward the East China Sea.
May 08 Japan-India Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Four bombers pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and advance from
May 15 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Telephone Oct. 11 A U.S. Forces helicopter conducts an emergency
the East China Sea to the Pacific Ocean
Conference landing and catches fire in Higashi-son, Kunigami-
gun, Okinawa Prefecture Jul. 21 China-Russia joint exercise “Joint Sea 2017 (1)” (Baltic Sea) (through July 28)
May 15 Search of missing GSDF aircraft (LR-2) in Hakodate Jul. 22 A new U.S. navy aircraft carrier “Gerald R. Ford” commissioned
City, Hokkaido (through May 16) Oct. 11 Tachikawa branch of the Tokyo District Court renders
judgement in the 6th Yokota Air Base noise suit Jul. 23 A Chinese vessel advances to the Sea of Japan (through August 14)
May 22 Japan-Italy Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Jul. 24 Chinese bombers pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and flies
Oct. 23 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
May 22 Memorandum on Japan-Italy Defense Cooperation toward the East China Sea
and Exchanges signed (Tokyo) Oct. 26 Japan-Canada summit telephone talk
Oct. 30 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk Jul. 28 North Korea launches a ballistic missile (lands in Japan’s EEZ)
May 22 Japan-Italy Agreement concerning the Transfer of Jul. 30 The Chinese military holds a parade for the 90th anniversary of the foundation
Defense Equipment and Technology signed (Tokyo) Oct. 31 Japan-France summit telephone talk
Nov. 01 195th session (special session) of the Diet is Aug. 01 China conducts a flag raising ceremony for the Support Base in Djibouti
May 30 Return of Colors ceremony of JSDF engineering
convened (through December 9) Aug. 09 A Chinese electronic warfare aircraft passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako
dispatched to South Sudan
Nov. 01 Inauguration of the fourth Abe Cabinet Island and flies toward the East China Sea
May 31 Dispatch of SDF units to UNMISS is terminated
Nov. 06 Japan-U.S. Summit (Tokyo) Aug. 10 A U.S. naval destroyer conducts the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” within 12 nautical
Jun. 03 Dispatch of rescue teams in response to the crash of miles of the Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea (reported)
a civilian aircraft (light aircraft) (through June 4) Nov. 10 Prime Minister Abe attends APEC Economic Leaders’
Meeting and ASEAN-related summit meeting Aug. 12 A Chinese electronic warfare aircraft and two bombers pass between the main island of
Jun. 03 Defense Minister Inada attends the 16th Shangri-La Okinawa and Miyako Island and fly toward the East China Sea
Dialogue (hosted by IISS) (through June 4) (through November 14)
Nov. 10 Japan-Canada Summit (Da Nang) Aug. 13 Two Chinese electronic warfare aircrafts pass between the main island of Okinawa and
Jun. 03 Japan-U.S.-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting Miyako Island and fly toward the East China Sea
(Singapore) Nov. 29 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
Aug. 14 A Chinese electronic warfare aircraft passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako
Jun. 03 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) Dec. 05 Japan-Madagascar Summit (Tokyo)
Island and flies toward the East China Sea
Jun. 03 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting Dec. 06 Japan-Latvia Summit (Tokyo) Aug. 17 A car runs into pedestrians in Barcelona, Spain
(Singapore) Dec. 13 Fall of a U.S. Forces helicopter window onto Futenma Aug. 23 Two Russian bombers fly and circle around Japan
Jun. 03 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) Dai-ni Elementary School in Ginowan City, Okinawa
Prefecture Aug. 24 Six Chinese bombers, after passing between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako
Jun. 03 Japan-Singapore Defense Ministerial Meeting Island, fly over the Pacific Ocean in the south of Kyushu and Shikoku, turn around off the Kii
(Singapore) Dec. 14 Japan-Myanmar Summit (Tokyo)
Peninsula, and fly to the East China Sea on a similar route (First time for a Chinese aircraft to
Jun. 03 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting fly northeast bound after advancing to the Pacific Ocean)
(Singapore) Aug. 25 Inflow of fugitives, mainly Muslims, into Bangladesh following the clash between Myanmar’s
Jun. 04 Japan-Malaysia Defense Ministerial Meeting security forces and a Muslim armed group
(Singapore) Aug. 26 India announces agreement between India and China on disagreement of border personnel at
Jun. 04 Japan-New Zealand Defense Ministerial Meeting Doklam following the confrontation of their forces
(Singapore) Aug. 29 North Korea launches a ballistic missile (flies over Japan)
Jun. 20 FY2017 SDF Joint Exercise for Rescue (through Sep. 03 North Korea conducts sixth nuclear test which it called a “hydrogen bomb test for ICBM”
June 23)
Sep. 08 A ceremony to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties
Jul. 01 Establishment of Southwestern Air Defense Force between Japan and China
Jul. 05 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to the Sep. 14 A Chinese vessel sails Tsushima Strait northward
heavy rain in North Kyushu in July 2017 (through
Sep. 15 North Korea launches a ballistic missile (flies over Japan)
August 20)
Sep. 18 China-Russia joint exercise “Joint Sea 2017 (2)” (Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk) (through
Jul. 05 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Telephone Call
September 25)
Jul. 28 Minister of Defense Kishida came into office
Sep. 24 Chinese vessels sail Soya Strait eastward
Aug. 03 Minister of Defense Onodera came into office
Sep. 30 Chinese vessels sail Osumi Strait westward
Aug. 17 Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee (2+2)
Oct. 01 Catalonia, Spain conducts a referendum on whether to become independent
(Washington, D.C.)
Oct. 01 Shooting in Las Vegas, United States
Aug. 17 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Washington,
D.C.) Oct. 10 A U.S. naval destroyer conducts the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” around the Paracel
Aug. 26 MSDF SH-60J helicopter falls into the sea west of Islands in the South China Sea (reported)
Tappizaki, Aomori Prefecture Oct. 13 U.S. President Trump announces a new Iran strategy
Aug. 31 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Telephone Call Oct. 13 France releases the “Strategic Review”
Sep. 04 Participation in the multinational joint exercise Oct. 14 Bombing in Mogadishu, Somalia
EQUATEUR 2017 hosted by the French Armed Forces Oct. 17 Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) declares liberation of Raqqa
in New Caledonia (through September 15) Oct. 18 19th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (through October 24)
Sep.06 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Telephone Call Oct. 31 A car runs into pedestrians in New York, United States
Sep. 06 Participation in the PSI maritime interdiction exercise, Nov. 05 U.S. President Trump visits Japan, ROK, China, Vietnam and the Philippines (through
Pacific Protector 2017 hosted by the Australian November 14)
government (through September 9) Nov. 11 Three U.S. carrier strike groups conduct joint exercises in the western Pacific (through
Sep. 12 Japan-Cambodia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) November 14)
Sep. 13 Japan-ASEAN Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum Nov. 13 31st ASEAN Summit (Manila)
(Fukuoka) Nov. 18 A Chinese intelligence gathering aircraft passes between the main island of Okinawa and
Miyako Island and flies toward the Bashi Channel
Oct. 23 3rd ASEAN-Japan Defence Ministers’ Informal
Meeting, Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting, Dec. 06 The U.S. government recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
Japan-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting, Japan- Dec. 07 A Chinese early warning aircraft and four bombers pass between the main island of Okinawa
ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting, Japan-U.S.-ROK and Miyako Island to reach the Pacific Ocean and thereafter pass between the main island of
Defense Ministerial Meeting , Japan-Philippines Okinawa and Miyako Island again
Defense Ministerial Meeting (Clark, Philippines) Dec. 07 A Chinese vessel passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and moves
Oct. 24 Japan-Vietnam Defense Ministerial Meeting (Clark, to the East China Sea
Philippines) Dec. 08 The United States announces a strategy regarding the INF Treaty
Oct. 27 Japan-China Security Dialogue (Tokyo) Dec. 09 Four Chinese bombers and an electronic warfare aircraft pass between the main island of
Nov. 05 FY2017 joint disaster response exercise with the Okinawa and Miyako Island to reach the Pacific Ocean and thereafter pass between the main
U.S. Forces island of Okinawa and Miyako Island again to fly toward the East China Sea
Nov. 06 Visit of Srilankan State Minister of Defence to Dec. 09 The Iraqi government declares liberation of all areas from the ISIL
Ministry of Defence Dec. 11 Two Chinese bombers, two fighter jets (probable), an intelligence gathering aircraft and an
Nov. 06 FY2017 SDF joint exercise (field training exercise) electronic warfare aircraft pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island
(through November 24) to reach the Pacific Ocean and thereafter two fighter jets (probable) turn around and pass
Nov. 14 State Minister of Defense Yamamoto attends UN between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island again to fly toward the continent. The
peacekeeping Defense Ministerial conference bombers, electronic warfare aircraft and intelligence gathering aircraft fly toward the Bashi
(Vancouver) Channel via the south of Sakishima Islands on the Pacific Ocean side
Dec. 01 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Telephone Call Dec. 11 Terror attack by a suicide bomber occurs in New York, United States
Dec. 05 Japan-China high-working-level maritime discussion Dec. 11 President Putin visits Syria and announces withdrawal of the main part of troops (The two
(Shanghai) (through December 6) bases in Syria will continue daily operation)
Dec. 09 Parliamentary Vice-Minister Ohno attends Manama Dec. 13 80th anniversary ceremony of “the Nanking Incident in China”
Dialogue (Bahrain)(through Dec.10) Dec. 14 The mandate of the UNMISS is extended for three months (through March 15, 2018)
Dec. 11 Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Dec. 17 A Chinese intelligence gathering aircraft and two electronic warfare aircrafts pass between
Forces Valery Gerasimov visits Japan (through the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and fly to the East China Sea
December 12) Dec. 18 A Chinese electronic warfare aircraft passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako
Dec. 11 FY2017 exercise for the rescue of Japanese Island and flies to the East China Sea
nationals overseas (Japan) (through December 16) Dec. 18 The United States releases the National Security Strategy
Dec. 14 Japan-U.K. Foreign and Defense Ministerial Dec. 18 A Chinese Su-30 fighter jet’s advance to the Sea of Japan is confirmed for the first time
Consultations (2+2) (London) Dec. 19 The United States denounces North Korea for the cyber attack using malware “WannaCry”
Dec. 14 Japan-U.K. Defense Ministerial Meeting (London) in May 2017
Dec. 19 National Security Council and Cabinet approval on Dec. 20 A Chinese electronic warfare aircraft passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako
the “fundamental improvement in ballistic missile Island and flies to the East China Sea
defense capability” Dec. 26 Taiwan releases the National Defense Report
2018 Jan. 09 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Telephone Call Jan. 12 Japan-Estonia Summit (Tallinn) Jan. 09 North-South High Level Official’s Meeting
Jan. 09 FY2017 Japan-U.S. joint exercise (command post Jan. 13 Japan-Latvia Summit (Riga) Jan. 10 A Chinese submerged submarine enters Japan’s contiguous zone near Miyako Island and
exercise) (through February 3) Jan. 13 Japan-Lithuania Summit (Vilnius) Taisho island (through January 11)
Jan. 11 Dispatch of disaster relief teams in response to Jan. 14 Japan-Bulgaria Summit (Sofia) Jan. 11 A Chinese vessel enters Japan’s contiguous zone near Taisho island
bird flu in Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture (through Jan. 15 Japan-Serbia Summit (Belgrade) Jan. 17 A U.S. naval destroyer conducts the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” within 12 nautical
January 12) miles of Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea (reported)
Jan. 16 Japan-Romania Summit (Bucharest)
Jan .15 Japan-Spain Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) Jan. 19 The U.S. National Defense Strategy is released
Jan. 18 Japan-Australia Summit (Tokyo)
Jan. 21 Participation in multinational joint exercise Cobra Jan. 29 A Chinese intelligence gathering aircraft passes Tsushima Strait and advances to the Sea of
Feb. 02 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
Gold 2018 (through February 23) Japan from the East China Sea
Feb. 06 Japan-Germany Summit (Tokyo)
Jan. 23 Disaster relief teams dispatched for rescue Jan. 29 A Chinese vessel sails Tsushima Strait northward and after advancing to the Sea of Japan
operations, etc. in response to the eruption of Mt Feb. 07 U.S. Vice President Pence pays courtesy visit to
Prime Minister Abe temporarily, sails the strait southward
Kusatsu-Shirane Jan. 31 U.S. President Trump delivers the State of the Union address
Jan. 26 Japan-France Foreign and Defense Ministerial Feb. 09 Japan-ROK Summit (PyeongChang)
Feb. 14 Japan-Norway Summit (Tokyo) Feb. 02 The United States releases the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR)
Meeting (2+2) (Tokyo)
Feb. 14 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk Feb. 05 Maldives declares a state of emergency
Jan. 26 Deployment of the first F-35A at ASDF Misawa
Feb. 20 U.S. military aircraft throws away a fuel tank into Feb. 08 North Korea conducts a military parade
Air Base
Lake Ogawara in Tohoku Town, Kamikita Country, Feb. 09 PyeongChang Olympics (through February 25)
Jan. 27 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo)
Aomori Prefecture Feb. 10 Sri Lanka declares a state of emergency
Jan. 29 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water
supply supports in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture Feb. 23 Japan-Chile Summit (Tokyo) Feb. 14 South African President Zuma resigns
(through February 2) Mar. 06 Japan-Canada Summit Telephone Talk Feb. 15 Ethiopian Prime Minister resigns
Jan. 30 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water Mar. 09 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk Feb. 15 The United States and other countries denounce Russia for a large scale of damage caused by
supply supports in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture Mar. 13 Naha District Court renders judgement regarding ransomware “Not Petya” in June 2017
(through February 2) the demand of an injunctive order for actions that Feb. 16 Ethiopia declares a state of emergency
Feb. 05 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to forest crush the reef, etc.(Futenma Replacement Facility Feb. 23 U.S.-Australia Summit
fire in Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture (through construction project) Feb. 26 A Chinese vessel advances to the Sea of Japan (through February 28)
February 6) Mar. 14 Japan-Sri Lanka Summit (Tokyo) Feb. 27 A Chinese intelligence gathering aircraft passes Tsushima Strait and advances to the Sea of
Feb. 06 Disaster relief teams dispatched in response to heavy Mar. 23 Okinawa Prefectural Government appeals against Japan from the East China Sea
snow in Fukui Prefecture (through February 10) the judgement of the Naha District Court to the Feb. 27 A Chinese Y-9 intelligence gathering aircraft’s passage of Tsushima Strait Western Channel is
Feb. 15 Disaster relief teams dispatched to help remove Naha Branch of the Fukuoka High Court(Futenma confirmed for the first time
snow in Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture (through Replacement Facility construction project) Mar. 05 1st session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) (through March 20)
February 18) Mar. 31 Return of the land at Makiminato Service Area Mar. 05 ROK special envoys visit North Korea and meet with Chairman Kim Jong-un
Feb. 16 State Minister of Defense Yamamoto attends the adjacent to Route 58
Mar. 09 PyeongChang Paralympics (through March 18)
Munich Security Conference (through February 18) Apr. 05 Japan-Iraq Summit (Tokyo)
Mar. 18 President Putin is re-elected as president (4th term)
Feb. 16 Cabinet Decision on revision of the “Implementation Apr. 11 Japan-Bhutan Summit (Tokyo)
Plans for the International Peace Cooperation Mar. 18 The Turkish government announces taking control of Afrin, Syria
Apr. 12 Japan-Switzerland Summit (Tokyo)
Assignment for the United Nations Mission in the Mar. 23 Four Chinese bombers, an intelligence gathering aircraft and an electronic warfare aircraft
Apr. 17 Japan-U.S. Summit (Florida) pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island to reach the Pacific Ocean and
Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS)”
Apr. 28 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk thereafter turn around, pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island again and
Feb. 16 Japan-ASEAN Cope North Guam 2018 exercise
program (through February 21) (Guam) Apr. 29 Japan-ROK summit telephone talk fly to the continent. At the same time, two fighter jets (probable) fly between the main island
May 04 Japan-China summit telephone talk of Okinawa and Miyako Island from the East China Sea
Feb. 21 Disaster relief teams dispatched for collection of
fuel, etc. in Tohoku Town, Kamikita Country, Aomori May 09 Japan-China-ROK Summit (Tokyo) Mar. 23 Hostage siege in Trèbes, south of France
Prefecture (through March 7) May 10 Japan-U.S. summit telephone talk Mar. 23 A U.S. naval destroyer conducts the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” within 12 nautical
Feb. 26 Japan-ASEAN HA/DR Invitation Program (Kanto May 15 Japan-Samoa Summit (Tokyo) miles of the Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea (reported)
Region) (through March 2) May 16 Japan-Fiji Summit (Tokyo) Mar. 25 Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea visits China (through March 28)
Mar. 20 Participation in Pacific Partnership 2018 (through May 18 Prime Minister Abe attends the 8th Pacific Islands Mar. 26 China-North Korea Summit
June 2) Leaders Meeting (Fukushima) (through May 19) Mar. 26 Presidential election in Egypt
Mar. 27 Establishment of the Ground Component Command May 24 Prime Minister Abe visits Russia (through May 26) Apr. 05 Chinese vessels pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and advances
and Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade, and May 25 Japan-France Summit (St. Petersburg) to the Pacific Ocean
first reorganization of rapid deployment divisions/ May 26 Japan-Russia Summit (Moscow) Apr. 10 An aircraft that appears to be a Chinese unmanned aircraft vehicle (BZK-005) files over the
brigades East China Sea (within Japan’s air defense identification zone)
May 28 Japan-U.S. summit telephone talk
Mar. 27 22nd Forum for Defense Authorities in the Asia- Apr. 12 China conducts a naval review on the South China Sea
Jun. 07 Japan-U.S. Summit (Washington, D.C.)
Pacific Region (Tokyo) (through March 28) Apr. 14 The United States, United Kingdom and France conduct military operations against facilities
Jun. 08 Prime Minister Abe attends the G7 Summit in
Apr. 06 Launch of X-band communications satellite related to chemical weapons in Syria
Charlevoix (through June 9)
“Kirameki 1” Apr. 18 Two Chinese bombers pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island to reach
Jun. 08 Japan-Germany Summit (Charlevoix)
Apr. 0 9 Japan-Vietnam Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo) the Pacific Ocean and fly toward the Bashi Channel
Jun. 08 Japan-U.K. Summit (Charlevoix)
Apr. 09 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water Apr. 19 Two Chinese bombers, two fighter jets (probable), an electronic warfare aircraft and an
supply supports in Oda City, Shimane Prefecture Jun. 08 Japan-Italy Summit (Charlevoix) intelligence gathering aircraft pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island
(through April 11) Jun. 08 Japan-Canada Summit (Charlevoix) to reach the Pacific Ocean and thereafter the two bombers, electronic warfare aircraft and
Apr. 11 Disaster relief teams dispatched for rescue Jun. 11 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk intelligence gathering aircraft fly toward the Bashi Channel
operations in response to the landslide in Nakatsu Jun. 12 Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk Apr. 20 North Korea announces a halt to “nuclear test and intercontinental ballistic rocket test-fire”
City, Oita Prefecture (through April 23) and abolishment of nuclear test sites
Apr. 20 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Washington, Apr. 20 Two Chinese bombers pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island to reach
D.C.) the Pacific Ocean and fly toward the Bashi Channel
Apr. 22 Signing of the Japan-Canada Acquisition and Cross- Apr. 20 A flight of carrier-based fighter jets (probable) of the Chinese aircraft carrier “Liaoning” over
Servicing Agreement (ACSA) (Toronto) the Pacific Ocean is confirmed for the first time
Apr. 29 Disaster relief teams dispatched to provide water Apr. 21 Chinese vessels including the aircraft carrier “Liaoning” pass between the main island of
supply supports in Irabujima, Miyakojima City, Okinawa and Miyako Island and advance to the East China Sea
Okinawa Prefecture (through May 2) Apr. 24 A Chinese vessel advances to the Sea of Japan (through April 29)
May 04 Japan-Finland Defense Ministerial Meeting (Helsinki)
May 06 Japan-Estonia Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tallinn)
Jun. 02 Defense Minister Onodera attends the 17th Shangri- May 13 Terror attacks by suicide bombers occur in churches in Subaraya, Indonesia
La Dialogue (hosted by IISS) (through June 3) May 13 China conducts the first sea trial of its first domestic aircraft carrier (through May 18)
Jun. 02 Japan-U.K. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) May 18 A Chinese H-6K bomber and other aircraft conduct a takeoff and landing training in the South
Jun. 02 Japan-Philippines Defense Ministerial Meeting China Sea (pointed out as Woody Island, Paracel Islands)
(Singapore) May 21 The United States releases a new Iran strategy
Jun. 02 Japan-Germany Defense Ministerial Meeting May 25 Two Chinese bombers pass between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island through
(Singapore) to the East China Sea
Jun. 02 Japan-U.S.-Australia Defense Ministerial Meeting May 26 The Inter-Korean Summit
(Singapore) May 27 A U.S. naval destroyer and cruiser conduct the “Freedom of Navigation Operation” within 12
Jun. 02 Japan-Vietnam Defense Ministerial Meeting nautical miles of Paracel Islands in the South China Sea (reported)
(Singapore) Jun. 03 A Chinese vessel passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and
Jun. 03 Japan-U.S.-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting advances to the Pacific Ocean
(Singapore) Jun. 04 A Chinese intelligence gathering aircraft passes between the main island of Okinawa and
Jun. 03 Japan-ROK Defense Ministerial Meeting (Singapore) Miyako Island to reach the Pacific Ocean and after flying toward the Bashi Channel, it turns
Jun. 03 Japan-France Defense Ministerial Meeting around and passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island again
(Singapore) Jun. 04 A Chinese vessel passes between the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island and moves
Jun. 18 Disaster Relief for Northern Osaka Prefecture to the East China Sea
Earthquake (through June 26) Jun. 12 U.S.-North Korea Summit
Jun. 29 Japan-U.S. Defense Ministerial Meeting (Tokyo)
Jul. 06 Disaster Relief in Response to July 2018 Flooding
Disaster (through August18)