Mucinous Tumors of The Ovary: Current Thoughts On Diagnosis and Management
Mucinous Tumors of The Ovary: Current Thoughts On Diagnosis and Management
Mucinous Tumors of The Ovary: Current Thoughts On Diagnosis and Management
DOI 10.1007/s11912-014-0389-x
Abstract Mucinous tumors of the ovary represent a spectrum or tumor reduction, and adjuvant chemotherapy for all but
of neoplastic disorders, including benign mucinous early stage disease, usually with a taxane and a platinum
cystadenoma, pseudomyxoma peritonei, mucinous tumors of agent. Clinical decision making and prognostic information
low malignant potential (borderline), and invasive mucinous have been determined by pooling aggregate data from all
ovarian carcinoma. These tumors are related closely to each epithelial cancer subtypes, including serous, mucinous,
other and are distinct from other histologic subtypes of epi- endometrioid, clear cell, Brenner, mixed, and undifferentiated
thelial ovarian neoplasms from a clinical, histologic, and histologies. Mucinous ovarian carcinoma (mOC), however,
molecular standpoint. A continuum appears to be present from represents less than five percent of all epithelial ovarian ma-
benign to borderline to malignant, which is different from lignancies, and, until recently, the subtleties of this histologic
other types of epithelial ovarian cancer. Mutational profiles subtype were lost in the larger framework of investigating
are also distinct, as KRAS mutations are common, but p53 epithelial ovarian cancers as a whole [1].
and BRCA mutations are infrequent. These characteristics Beginning in 2004, however, the profile of mOC began to
lead to specific biologic behavior and guide both clinical emerge as a separate entity, with a specific clinical presenta-
management and research efforts in patients with mucinous tion and biological behavioral pattern [2]. It appeared that
ovarian tumors. outcomes were worse when mOCs were compared with all
other epithelial ovarian cancers, leading to further research
Keywords Mucinous . Mucinous tumor . Gynecologic and a body of work that has shown mucinous tumors of the
cancers . Gynecologic cancer . Ovary . Carcinoma . Tumor . ovary to be quite distinct from other forms of epithelial ovar-
Borderline . Pseudomyxoma . Neoplasm . Mucinous ovarian ian neoplasms. This article will examine the epidemiology,
tumors . Oncology clinical presentation, biologic behavior, pathologic character-
istics, molecular signatures, and research efforts aimed at
better understanding and improving the outcomes for women
Introduction with mucinous ovarian tumors.
the determination of a primary versus metastastic mucinous in hospital stay, earlier return to work, less pain, and less blood
tumor can be difficult [1, 39]. Therefore, the surgeon is often loss that characterize minimally invasive surgery [42]. Of
faced with making decisions about the extent of surgery with course, such procedures require a skilled minimally invasive
incomplete knowledge of the tumor histology. Since these surgeon, and if intraperitoneal spill is deemed likely, the
tumors are often early stage and unilateral, a patient in her surgeon should immediately convert to a laparotomy.
reproductive years with disease apparently confined to one
ovary can undergo fertility-sparing surgery with no adverse
effect on her prognosis [33–35]. Every patient with either
borderline or invasive components identified, however, Biologic Behavior
should undergo a staging procedure to exclude the possibility
of occult extraovarian disease, as this would change the prog- The biologic behavior of mucinous ovarian tumors depends
nosis and recommended adjuvant therapy. Staging in patients on the specific histologic variant and stage. Intraepithelial
with mucinous tumors includes a thorough evaluation of the (non-invasive) mOC, FIGO stage I, has a recurrence rate of
peritoneal cavity with sampling of any suspicious areas, pelvic only 5.8 % [36]. Patients with stage I invasive mOC have a 5-
washings, peritoneal biopsies, and infracolic omentectomy year survival rate of 91 %, whereas patients with advanced-
[32]. Sampling of the pelvic and para-aortic lymph nodes is stage tumor usually die of disease [16].
not warranted and should not be considered as part of the As a histologic group independent of stage, the prognosis
staging procedure, based on the zero incidence of nodal me- for primary mOCs is better than that of its serous counterparts,
tastases in these patients. Any enlarged lymph node, however, due in large part to the high frequency of mucinous tumors
should be sampled [25]. It should be noted that the need for being stage I at the time of diagnosis [22]. The average overall
staging in patients with borderline mucinous tumors is con- survival for over 6,000 women in the Swedish Family Center
troversial [40]; however, given the difficulty of definitively Database was just 34 months for patients with serous subtypes
excluding invasion at the time of intraoperative pathologic compared with 70 months for women with mucinous subtypes
evaluation and the substantial likelihood of a permanent diag- [43].
nosis being rendered as invasive disease, staging without When considered stage for stage, however, women with
lymph node sampling appears to be a low risk procedure with advanced stage mOCs do significantly worse than women
the potential to avoid another operation pending a final diag- with other histologic subtypes of advanced stage ovarian
nosis of invasive disease. cancer. In 2004, Hess et al., evaluated outcomes of stage III
As the use of minimally invasive surgery has increased and and IV patients with ovarian cancer who had undergone
the scope of indications has broadened, minimally invasive primary cytoreductive surgery followed by adjuvant therapy
surgery has been increasingly used for the management of with a platinum agent. The matched cohort included 27 pa-
patients with mucinous ovarian tumors, even when they are tients with mOC and 54 patients with non-mucinous ovarian
quite large. Multiple reports exist of the safe and feasible cancer (2:1 match). Histologic grade, stage, optimal vs. sub-
removal of mucinous tumors laparoscopically, with several optimal debulking status, chemotherapy regimen, and length
techniques reported to effect removal without spillage of the of follow-up were no different between groups. However, the
cyst contents [41, 42]. Morcellation in the peritoneal cavity or progression-free survival (PFS) for patients with mucinous
contamination of the peritoneal cavity and/or trocar sites ovarian cancer was 5.7 months, compared to 14.1 months
should be absolutely avoided. The mass, once detached, for patients with non-mucinous ovarian cancer (p<0.001).
should be placed into an intraperitoneal specimen bag, and Overall survival (OS) was also worse for patients with ad-
the edges of the bag drawn up through one abdominal inci- vanced stage mOC (12.0 months) compared with non-
sion, which can be enlarged. Once the mass is in this way mucinous ovarian cancer (36.7 months) (p<0.001) [2].
isolated from the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and peritoneal These observations have been supported by Winter et al.
cavity by its placement in the bag, it can be drained with a [44], who reviewed the data from six phase III trials of
large bore spinal needle attached to a syringe or with a suction adjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and paclitaxel conduct-
device without risking peritoneal contamination. Alternative- ed by the Gynecologic Oncology Group in women with stage
ly, a laparoscopic needle can be used to decompress a cyst, III epithelial ovarian cancer after primary debulking surgery,
which is thought to be benign, to allow its placement into a both optimal and suboptimal. Only 2 % of the 1,895 patients
laparoscopic specimen bag with subsequent removal as de- had mOC, but their PFS was 10.5 months compared to
scribed. This does risk spillage and should be used with 16.9 months for women with serous tumors, yielding a rela-
caution. Potential advantages to minimally invasive surgery tive risk of progression of 2.18 for women with mOC
include limiting the abdominal opening to several small inci- (p<0.001). The difference in OS was also significant, as
sions rather than the xiphoid to pubis incision often required women with mOC had a median OS of 14.8 months compared
for large mucinous neoplasms, with the concomitant decrease to 45.2 months for women with serous ovarian cancer,
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Research Efforts
Fig. 4 20x H&E image (same focus as the 10x); higher power view
showing prominent nucleoli and coarse chromatin. Atypia similar to the
intraepithelial carcinoma in the glands directly above the focus of inva- Since the pathogenesis and biologic behavior differ substan-
sion. (Credit: Elizabeth Euscher, MD) tially from non-mucinous histologies of ovarian cancer,
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investigators worldwide have started to propose clinical trials Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
that are specific to mOCs.
of the authors.
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