Prepared By: Fatin Nur Farisha Binti Mohd Razali (2018460068) Class
Prepared By: Fatin Nur Farisha Binti Mohd Razali (2018460068) Class
Prepared By: Fatin Nur Farisha Binti Mohd Razali (2018460068) Class
Class: AA7001BF
In the present complex industrial world, managerial accounting has become an integral
part of management. Managerial accounting knowledge is commonly appreciated for its help in
the future planning of a business. For instance, activity-based costing in managerial accounting
helps CEO to decide how much to spend on a product, how much it will cost to service a
customer, and what customers and products are more profitable. The activity-based costing
provides the answers to these integral questions so that CEO can focus on maximizing revenue.
Information from activity-based costing has transformed how CEO makes decisions and how the
organization operates. Managerial accounting knowledge allows CEO to understand the financial
implications of their decisions. For instance, by understanding the key cost drivers and profit
contributors, CEO would be able to tell the board and top management which product, service,
business model or organization structure that made sense in the present or in the future. As a
result, resources would not be wasted, poor decisions are avoided, and consequently improve in
the financial performance of the organization.
No matter where a company is located or what it makes, it is a must for a CEO to develop
a guiding, over-arching managerial accounting knowledge about how he or she can best add
value to the organization. This knowledge determines the CEO’s approach to take judgement.
Managerial accounting knowledge enhances CEO’s skills and ability to read and analyze reports
such as income statements, balance scorecards, activity costing, etc. For instance, when CEO is
required to assess the need for an additional product line, consider the discontinuation of
operations, and determine the optimum advertising efforts, the decisions are depending upon the
appropriate budgeting and cost planning. The budget preparation process is a time to question
how resources are being used and if they could be used more effectively or efficiently and must
be aligned with organizational strategic plan. Thus, with managerial accounting knowledge, CEO
can make any possible effort to control unnecessary expenses by removing the incapability or
inefficiency through managerial accounting techniques, so that the organization can maximize its
profits. Therefore, managerial accounting knowledge provides CEO with useful skills which are
the ultimate source of sufficient data-driven input to all such critical decisions.