Expandable Series Combiner Multicouplers: Features
Expandable Series Combiner Multicouplers: Features
Expandable Series Combiner Multicouplers: Features
400-550 MHz
n Ideal for Trunking and PMR systems
n Ideal for high-density sites
n Suited for use with broadband antennas
n Predictable Performance
n Long-Term Dependability
n RFI Systems Records support
n Rugged, high quality design
n Pegged Rack and other mounting styles available Mechanical - TP4055 Series Combiner
Most series combiner multicoupling designs can be satisfactorily implemented using ¼ wave, 168mm (6.625”) cavities,
but close channel spacings or a requirement to keep per-channel insertion losses to a minimum may determine that the
¾ wave or 254mm (10’) models are more suited in a particular application. For assistance in choosing the correct cavity
for your requirements please contact your nearest RFI Sales office.
Technical Specifications
Model No.
TP4055-1612-11 TP4055-1112-11
Frequency Range 400-550 MHz
Cavity Type and Diameter ¼ wave, 6.625” (168mm) ¼ wave, 10” (254mm)
Maximum Continuous Transmit Power 150W (higher powers available)
Dual Isolator Load Power (Continuous) 150 W
250KHz @ 1.5dB 200KHz @ 1.5dB
Minimum Tx-Tx Separation @ Cavity Loss
175KHz @ 2.5dB 100KHz @ 2.5dB
Typical Tx-Tx Separtation @ Minimum Separation 80 dB
Typical Antenna-Tx Isolation 70 dB
Typical Tx Noise suppression Depends on Cavity Loss setting - see curves
Nominal Input Impedance 50 ohms
Typical Series Combiner Channel Performance - 168mm (6.625 inch) 400-550 MHz
1 MHz -2.2 -2.5 -2.8 -3.2
-1.5 150W
250 KHz -2.9 -4.1 -5.1 -5.7
Typical Series Combiner Channel Performance - 254mm (10 inch) 400-550 MHz
1 MHz -2.4 -2.6 -2.9 -3.1
-1.5 150W
250 KHz -2.9 -3.8 -4.4 -4.7
150 KHz -2.0 130W -3.6 -4.8 -5.6 -6.0
Note: The use of cavity multicouplers for combining multiple channels with minimum frequency spacings may
result in undesirable levels of isolator load heat dissipation due to interchannel coupling. Applications involving
such requirements should be discussed with RFI prior to ordering to ensure the optimum solution is provided.
Technical Specifications
Transmit only
Model No.
TP4053-1632-11 TP4053-1132-11
Frequency Range 400-530 MHz
Cavity Type and Diameter ¾ wave, 6.625” (168mm) ¾ wave, 10” (254mm)
Maximum Continuous Transmit Power 150W (higher powers available)
Dual Isolator Load Power (Continuous) 150 W
Typical Series Combiner Channel Performance - 168mm (6.625 inch) 400-530 MHz
Channel Insertion Loss Tx Noise Suppression
Loss (dB) vs. No. of channels IL = -1.00dB
-5 IL = -1.50dB
Tx-to-Tx Cavity Loss Max
-10 IL = -2.00dB
Separation (dB) Power 2 4 8 12 IL = -2.50dB
-15 IL = -3.00dB
Attenuation (dB)
1 MHz -2.4 -2.6 -2.9 -3.1
-1.5 150W
250 KHz -2.9 -3.8 -4.4 -4.7 -30
Typical Series Combiner Channel Performance - 254mm (10 inch) 400-530 MHz
1 MHz -2.4 -2.5 -2.8 -3.1
-1.5 150W
250 KHz -2.7 -3.2 -3.7 -4.0
Technical Specifications
Transmit only Receive/Transmit/Simplex
Model No.
TP4055-2612-11 TP4055-2610-11
Frequency Range 400-550 MHz
Cavity Type and Diameter Quarterwave, 6.625” (168mm)
Maximum Continuous Transmit Power 150W (higher powers available)
Typical Isolation @ Minimum Separation 80 dB @ 175KHz Varies with minimum Tx-Rx spacing
Nominal Input Impedance 50 ohms
Note: 254mm (10”) versions of the above models available for higher selectivity and lower loss applications.
¼ wave or ¾ wave
Series combiner multicouplers in the 400-550MHz UHF band are available using either ¼ or ¾ wavelength cavities. ¾ wave
cavities have a higher Q (or selectivity), and as such they can accommodate closer channel spacings than the ¼ wave models
for a comparable insertion loss.
Most series combiner multicoupling designs can be satisfactorily implemented using ¼ wave cavities, but close channel
spacings, or a requirement to keep per-channel insertion losses to a minimum, may determine that the ¾ wave models are the
most suitable in a particular application. For assistance in choosing the more suited wavelength for your requirements, please
contact your nearest RFI Sales Office.
Technical Specifications
Transmit only Receive/Transmit/Simplex
Model No.
TP4053-2632-11 TP4053-2630-11
Note: 254mm (10”) versions of the above models available for higher selectivity and lower loss applications.