Syarahan English Nurin
Syarahan English Nurin
Syarahan English Nurin
As Allah says,
“We have instructed those given the Book before you and you yourselves, to have taqwa
of Allah.”
And it is the first instruction given by every Prophet to his people. It is that which
ennobles the human being and raises him up above his fellows, for the Prophet said,
“The most noble of you in the eyes of Allah are those with the most taqwa.”
But what exactly is this taqwa upon which so much emphasis is placed? What is this
quality that every Muslim should have, this quality which raises up the slave in the eyes of
his Lord? It is typically translated as fear of Allah, and indeed that is a central part of it,
but fear of Allah is not a paralysing fear, it is not dread, it is an activating fear, one that
leaves no space for laziness and inertia. For to fear Allah means to know Him.
Allah says,
َ َّ شى
َللا مِنْ ِع َبا ِد ِه ا ْل ُعلَ َما ُء َ إِ َّن َما َي ْخ
“Only those of His slaves with knowledge have fear of Allah.”
And when you know your Lord, that means you know Him by His Names and His
Attributes. You know that He created you and He sent you guidance and Messengers. You
know that He is the only Judge and He possesses the Attributes of Majesty as well as
those of Mercy and Beauty. All power is His and He determines what is and what will be.
Your fate and final destination, indeed every moment of your life is in His hands, and He
has no obligation to you.
Taqwa is a high state of heart,which keeps one concious of Allah’s presence and His
knowledge and motivates us to perform righteous deeds and avoid those, which are
forbidden.The simple one that we can said is everything you do, everything you said ,Allah
is always watching you.
I would like to highlight here, the fact that every aspect of our life is govern by taqwa.
When we are walking at the street, the way our eyes gaze towards the right and the left
should be govern by the conciousness of Allah. If I’m concious the fact that Allah is
watchful, and I am answerable to him, nothing can go wrong or anything does
immediately I will repent to him. Knowing him that he is the one who accept the
Taqwa is our shield and our protection, taqwa is our path to honour and nobility. Taqwa is
what guarantees us salvation and a high station with Allah, the Jannaat an-na‘eem, the
Gardens of Delight. Taqwa is what nourishes us and keeps our hearts vibrant and alive. It
is the fuel of the heart.
Allah says,
Without it, everything we do is pointless and without benefit. Without it, our lives are
meaningless, for a life without acceptance is a life not worth living. And the key to
acceptance is taqwa.
We must be people whose hearts are submitted to Allah, whose beings are infused with
fearful awareness of Him, and whose limbs act only in obedience to Him. Therein lies our
success. We ask our Lord to place taqwa in our hearts and upon our limbs. And keep us
always in the company of the muttaqin. And make the establishment of the deen in these
times easy for us and open up all those doors that are currently closed to us.
Wassalammualaikum wbt.