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5 authors, including:
Francisco Esquembre
University of Murcia
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Content of this paper is derived from experiences with materials of SUPERCOMET2 (SC2) that have served to
training teachers as for education in class. This work has been organized for the equipment of the University of
Murcia, in collaboration with the Institute of Secondary Education Juan of the Cierva and Codorniu, located in the
Region of Murcia (Spain). For one hand, Teacher Guide is digital (pdf) and printed. For the other, Teacher Seminar
has been very useful resource to planning teacher training. It was distributed in digital format, it using documents with
processor of texts and visual presentations.
El contenido de este artículo se deriva de las experiencias con los materiales del SUPERCOMET2 (SC2) que han
servido para la formación de maestros así como para la educación en clase. Este trabajo ha sido organizado por el
equipo de la Universidad de Murcia, en colaboración con el Instituto de Educación Secundaria Juan de la Cierva y
Codorníu, ubicado en la Región de Murcia (España). Por un lado, la Guía del profesor es digital (pdf) e impresa. Por
el otro, el Seminario de Maestro ha sido un recurso muy útil para la planificación de la formación docente. Se
distribuye en formato digital, usando documentos con el procesador de textos y presentaciones visuales.
A. Case study
Training Teachers of Obligatory Secondary School and
Teacher training of Obligatory Secondary Education and Bachillerato. Summons: Center of Teachers and Resources
Bachillerato was thanks Seminar. It was coordinated by of Lorca (Murcia). Date: 23 of February of 2006.
the Center of Teachers and Resources in Lorca Assistance: 37 teachers.
(municipality of Murcia).
Seminar aims were in the line of help to overcome Phase 1: Project SC2 introduction and multimedia SC2.
fears of teachers inside classroom when they decided use We facilitated to teachers a provisional copy of CD and a
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in guide, also provisional.
the classroom. Of one hand, integration of content with Phase 2: Show superconductivity phenomenon using kit of
hypertext/hypermedia characteristics was made like hands of low technology (figure 2).
hypertext favours exploration and autonomy as well.
Hypertext is friendly to navigate between information and
use. Nevertheless, seminar will help to use media with
expert, of confidential environment. Of another hand, it
shows different ways to teach Physics, thinking in
methodologies. Finally, the last aim is offer inspiration to
continue teaching Physics, and to extend this motivation to
his/her students.
In the registry of the seminar three phases are
identified: 1) Exhibition of project SC2 and multimedia
materials (CD-ROM and Teacher Guide); 2) Show in
practice the superconductivity phenomenon; 3) Use of
media in the classroom.
Training teachers made with adaptations from
suggested timetables from SC2. Presentation program
indicated that the result of SC2 is the elaboration of one
work-guide, next to Teacher Guide, for teachers use in FIGURE 2. Superconductivy.
classroom. Medias offered by SC2 were multimedia CD-
ROM and one hand on kit. It was necessary analysis of
teachers about new topics on Physics teaching and ICT in Phase 3: Use multimedia CD-ROM in the classroom. It is
classroom. Followed program was: review the modules 1 to 6 of the CD. Later, the teachers
● Introduction of seminar: talking about SC2 and its aims, were divided approximately in teams of 5 people, grouping
showing objectives of the seminar, details of SC2 in by subjects and/or courses that they are teaching, actually.
Murcia and how the superconductivity could solve some of They identify their delegates (see figure 3).
problems about Physics Education. Visual presentation
used was “Introduction to seminar of teachers” adapted
from “SUPERCOMET_teacher_seminar_EN_1_
introduction” file. SUPERCOMET Teacher Seminar - Curriculum mapping
● What is the superconductivity: showing “Teacher activity
seminar superconductivity presentation” (figure 2).
● Using ICT in Physics Education: we adapted visual Objective of activity
presentation “Teacher seminar using ICT” after the This exercise is designed to help the delegates become
translation of English language to Spanish. It was familiar with the contents of the SUPERCOMET CD-ROM
necessary to introduced SC2 media in curriculum of and how it can be used to deliver their own curriculum.
teachers from Secondary Education at the Murcia Region.
This information was saved keeping the idea of “Teacher
seminar lesson plan”. FIGURE 3. Curriculum mapping activity. File:
● Show CD-ROM and hands on kit. SUPERCOMET_teacher_seminar_EN_3_curriculum_mapping.
Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2010 175
Teacher Guide and Seminar: experience in Physics Education
The number of groups we had depended to some extent on
the number of curricula we have to map too. The idea was
have a number of different national-regional curricula, so
we would try and get one group working on each
curriculum. We tried as far as possible to place delegates
in groups that were of particular relevance to them.
We ask each group finding curricular subject areas or
learning objectives that can be taught through SC.
Encourage them to consider the ‘softer’ targets, such as
“show awareness of the limitations inherent in scientific
activity” as well as the more knowledge-based objectives
like “State the factors which affect the size of the induced
voltage, i.e. field strength, number of turns on a coil,
relative movement.” We include possibilities with FIGURE 5: Knowledge about media uses, thanks Seminar and
hardware too, according with characteristics of centers of Teacher Gide.
everyone. 20 minutes spent to debate and show in common
and in great group ideas. We ask them to designate a
recorder who will very briefly feed back their findings to Seminar deepens enough in detail on the phenomenon of
the group. the superconductivity for a 48.6%. 10,8% consider that
much is deepened. Of the 37 teachers asked, 3 (8.1%)
considers that little has been deepened. 32.4% the normal
B. Useful aspects in the national context thing. 43,2% shows that seminar has allowed him/her to
explore superconductivity phenomenon with exciting form
18,9% of teachers think that the seminar has shown many enough and 13,5% that has allowed much to him/her.
ways to do different Physics teaching. 37,8% consider that Normal thing is for 40.5%.
enough. Seminar offers a use of the quite constructive Attending [1] the interview [2] recognizes explanations
computer for the 62,2%. 10,8% consider that it has been of our conduct on the reflection of our actions.
very useful (figure 4) and a 24.3% that is normal. Questionnaire is considered like a formal, streamlined
interview. Formally, it is similar to an expensive interview
face to face, only that questionnaire is done without the
presence of the researcher. Between advantages it
emphasizes that potentially it implies an identical stimulus
to numerous subjects. The disadvantages have to do with
the production of data in mass and the lack of
interpretation opportunities.
Questionnaire is made up of 7 items with scale of
Likert valuation. Internal items took like departure point
the objectives and topics to the Project (available in
Likert scale measures attitudes and is the most popular
model and intuitive [3]. The degree in agreement or
discord with the statement is asked for to the subject. The
FIGURE 4: Constructive use of computers, thanks Seminar and
obtained score informs into the position of the interviewed
teacher Guide. one with respect to the study object. [4] indicates that the
objects are used with the purpose of generating data in the
subjects, improving scale-information. The scale can have
40,5% thinks that the seminar inspires enough to continue different number of answer options. Usually five
giving classes and to extend motivation to the students. categories have been used and it has been verified that are
18,9% consider that it inspires much. equally valid (see table I).
48,6% of teachers think that seminar is very useful to
know SC2 media. 13,5% considers that it allows much it TABLE I. Categories applied in a Likert scale.
(figure 5). 37.8% think it was normal.
1 2 3 4 5
Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2010 176
Martínez, F., Fernández, L. Ma., Amorós, L., Esquembre, F. and Zamarro, J.M.
For the analysis of data has been used SPSS program [5] in Moreover, we use the researcher diary and perform of
its 13 version. Analysis descriptive is unvaried, with direct internal activities.
readout of qualitative variables or that allows a treatment We have products of own elaboration as propaganda,
like such (variable with ordinal scale or of interval), audio-visual presentation and photographs. Audio-visual
calculation of frequencies and percentage. presentation served to spread SC2 at the national and
beyond the national context [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13].
For the Seminar questionnaire was used, internal
C. Teacher Seminar like a method of teaching perfom as “Report of the seminar with teaching staff
referring to SUPERCOMET2 project” and advertising
February- 23rd of 2006, at 16.00 to 20.00, the Seminar to propaganda to participate inside Teacher Seminar.
training teachers was carried out in the Faculty of About the activity referring to integration of SC2 CD-
Mathematics at the University of Murcia. Title of this ROM in the curriculum, it is possible to gather some
event was “Presentación de SUPERCOMET 2. Los reflections thank training teachers. Software seems very
Superconductores en el Aula de Secundaria”. Aims was useful to visualize phenomena that come gathered in the
offer an attractive title, in this case is like superconductors text book. Also it is useful so that students appreciate
were people and these visitants stay in a secondary importance of models like an explanation near to the
classroom for a time. The second phase showed reality. Moreover, it is possible to explain theoretical
superconductivity phenomenon. contents, for the accomplishment of practical exercises and
It had a demonstrative representation of the to observe experiments that could not be made in the
superconductivity phenomenon using: liquid nitrogen, the laboratories. SC2 CD-ROM is excellent to
kit, 1 container, 1 webcam, 1 notebook and 1 datashow. include/understand and to visualize electromagnetic
Part of the equipment takes shelter in figure 6. He phenomena with no need to have great amount of
interested teachers directly made the experiment with their materials. It is an agile material, sure easy to handle by the
hands. student and very interactive.
Taking care of the methods of education suggested in
the guide and the teachers´ seminar, documents offered by
SC2 were translated to Spanish (documents with text
processor and displays on technical, pedagogical aspects
and of Physics contents). In order to organize the
seminary, we used a collaborative network of people.
Teachers proposed four methodologies (A, B, C and D)
for the integration of contents based on his/her topics and
academic courses:
● Proposal A: Teacher uses the multimedia during the
explanation, using datashow as complement to the
theoretical explanation.
● Proposal B: Student is following modules of SC2 in
his/her computer. According to the guide of the teacher
they make activities of the material. Learning by
● Proposal C: Students analyzed (small group) experiences
FIGURE 6. Liquid nitrogen recorded by the webcam. and later they make an exhibition (great group) about
practical application in the real experience. After, they
comment the experience individually (objective test or
We have used a questionnaire to teacher’s interviews examination).
(about seminar, CD and kit). Items were about objectives ● Proposal D: Teachers use the material like support to
and topics from SC2 (item 3.4 of the final report). With the explain abstract concepts (virtual experiments vision and
students (module 3) it was used: questionnaire for the make exercises that offer CD-ROM).
measurement of attitudes and abilities towards the
computer, questionnaire for the evaluation of the Feeling about methodology has been researched asking
multimedia, registry of observable conducts [6] and a teachers. Items are: “it shows new ways in the physics
learning test. Last one was facilitated by Doctor Erika teaching” (figure 7), “use of computer as a constructive
Mechlova (Polland). On the general CD, evaluation of way”, “inspiration to continue teaching and to motivate
experts registered with the questionnaire “Tool of his/her students” and “exploration of exciting form”
evaluation of multimedia didactic”, translated in English (figure 8).
thanks to SC2 and published in Spanish in Pixel-Bit [7].
In Exposition Hall and Fair we resorted to indirect
documentary sources as digital newspaper and webpages.
Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2010 177
Teacher Guide and Seminar: experience in Physics Education
ROM is excellent to include/understand and to visualize
electromagnetic phenomena with no need to have great
amount of materials. Moreover, it is an agile resource, sure
easy to handle and very interactive.
Evidences for these responses are:
− Conducted registries using questionnaires directed to
the pupils, “Questionnaire of attitudes and knowledge
about computer” and “Questionnaire to evaluate
multimedia didactic material (EVALALU)”[6].
− Conducted registries of the questionnaire directed to
teachers, questionnaire made up of 7 items with Likert
scale test. These items was made over internal aims
and topics of SC2 project. Backgrounds are available
FIGURE 7. Methodology in SC2. Show new ways in the Physic in [14].
Teaching. − About the CD, the evaluation of experts was
registered with the questionnaire “Evaluation tool to
educational multimedia” [6].
Answers of these items recommend the networks
collaboration work and seminar as teaching-learning
methodology as well. III. RESULTS
When teachers knew SC2 we offered these four
possibilities of curriculum integration (A, B, C and D). Attending teaching seminar, up to 25% of teachers do not
The collaboration network with people is noticed in C emphasize the use of computers under a constructive set
(learning by discovery) favouring autonomy in B, an up. We conclude that it is necessary to insist in the
adaptation of the methodology of traditional education in A methodologies that promote cognitive knowledge. As a
and D. result it is recommended to work with artificial
environments and communication tools that help to
connect such as MOODLE, wikis, weblogs, searchers,
instant message, chats and so on.
More than 35% point out that the seminar, normally,
allow them to know SC2 resources. To improve the
satisfaction level it would be convenient to foster
innovative proposals about the use of teaching resources.
More than 40% of teachers consider that superconductivity
has not been treated in depth; therefore it would be
important to attend the phenomenon in a particular way.
Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2010 178
Martínez, F., Fernández, L. Ma., Amorós, L., Esquembre, F. and Zamarro, J.M.
● Document: SUPERCOMET_teacher_seminar_EN_2_ possible to proceed with adaptations because the lack of
superconductivity (slide 13, slide 27) Gren Ireson, time. Later on, at the Murcia Workshop SC2, held on 16-
Loughborough University 19 May 2007, some guide was offered about evaluation
● Document: SUPERCOMET_teacher_seminar_EN_5_ and GE.
description_hands-on_activities. About test and assessmente tools:
● Title: “Hands-on superconductivity activities and a) Need of incorporating gender variable in our test and
thinking tasks. Instruction booklet” by Jenny Frost and assessment: Murcia did not consider them inside Teacher
Gren Ireson. Seminar.
b) Population and sample in the line we worked with a
Take time to analyze the results about the item “To explore sample of 11 males: It would be of interest to work with
superconductivity in a passionate way” using SC2 females students to be for a representative sample.
resources is very interesting. In that question more than
40% shows a normal or low score. This data collides with About teaching-learning methods, future considerations
the fact that up to 60% of teachers confess to be enough o are in the way of incorporate social-cultural aspects. We
very motivated. If they claim to be inspired for lecturing must meet students to personalize learning process and to
and to motivate students, it could be convenient to focus promote a customized learning. For instance, could be
the way SC2 allows the exploration of the phenomenon good use common phrases, popular films clips, familiar
(validity and aesthetics and pedagogic utility, new teaching sounds, images. It could be useful the socio cultural
and evaluation methods). questionnaire by Mindy Myers and Amorós [6] based on
Taking into account the number of teachers trained at the anthropologic statements [19, 20, 21), cross-cultural
the seminar, there are not question/answer about the considerations [22, 23, 24] and education [25, 26, 27, 28].
number of schools. It is relevant to take it into At the level “Sex/Learning” there is issues with attention
consideration for an impact evaluation. We have not in gender.
considered the teaching experience of the teachers, neither About content of teaching in SC2 modules, future
his/her knowledge in Science and ICTs. It would be considerations are:
convenient to attend them in the future. a) EG content: considering backgrounds about Physics
Attending teacher guide, we have not established history about woman role in Sciences.
specific registers for aspects of Teacher Guide therefore it b) Considering used code: to begin lectures asking
is not possible to determine what particular aspect has questions to detect relations with gender and audiovisual
been valid and useful. To future actions in assessment will code thinking in aesthetics and pedagogic. Some on these
be good an evaluation about printed media (aesthetic and aspects was treated in Action Point 14.08.
The evidence for our response is based in the analysis
of the following documents: “Questionnaire about attitudes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and knowledge of the computer environment”,
“Assessment questionnaire about the didactic multimedia
This work was supported by Leonardo Da Vinci Program
material (EVALALU)” [6]. The strategies to elaborate the
(EU, SUPERCOMET 2 Research Project). L Amorós is
conclusions have been the content analysis, the scales
supported by Ardeen Cheshire Home (European Volunteer
(Semantic differential of Osgood and the Scale of attitudes
Service, Project 2006-IE-13, Ireland).
of Likert), data matrices, schematic diagrams (concept
maps, flux diagrams) and the analysis of the final report.
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