IGS Chemistry Paper 1 2014

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ITime Allowed : Three Hours I IMaximum Marks 200 I

Please read each of the followin g instruc tions
careful ly before attempt ing questio ns.
There are ELEVEN questio ns divided
under SIX Section s.
Candida te has to attemp t SIX questio ns In all.
The ONLY questio n in Section -A is compul sory.
Attemp t any ONE questio n from each of the other
Section s B, C, D, E and F.
The number of marks carried by a questio n/part is
indicate d against it. ·
All parts and sub-par ts of a questio n are to be
attempt ed togethe r in the answer- book.
Attemp ts of questio ns shall be counted In
chronol ogical order. Unless struck off, attemp t of a
questio n shall be counted even if attempt ed partly.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
answer- book must be clearly struck off.
Neat sketche s are to be drawn to illustra te answers ,
wherev er required .
Unless otherwi se mention ed, symbols and notatio ns
have their usual standar d meaning s.
Assume suitable data, if necessa ry and indicate the
same clearly.
Answer s must be written in ENGLISH only.

/52 I P.T.O.
1. Answer all of the following :
(a) Discuss the radius ratio rule for

predicting structure of ionic crystals. 5
(b) Discuss the effect of solvent on relative
strengths of acids and bases. 5

(c) How do you account for the following

d.isproportionation reaction? 5
Cu(l) --7 cオセiI@ + Cu (s)

(d) Explain Why square planar Ni(II)

organometallic complexes are stable
though they do not obey the 18-electron
rule. 5

(e) What do you mean by packing fraction? •

Explain how it indicates stability of
elements. 5

(f) Lithium has the highest ionization

potential among alkali metals, yet it is
the most powerful reducing agent.
Explain. 5

(g) Describe the structures of Cl03 and

Cl04 ions on the basis of concept of
hybridization. 5

(h) What are the important consequences of

lanthanide contraction? 5


(i) Apply the concept of EAN rule on
• [Fe(CN) 6 ] 4 - and (Fe(CN) 6 ] 3 - complexes,
and find out its validity to these
complexes. 5

(j) Explain the Hund's rule and determine

the ground state terms for Fe 2 + , Ni 2 +,
Ti 2 +, Mn 2 + and v 3 +.
(At. No. for Fe, Ni, Ti, Mn arid V are
26, 28, 22, 25 and 23) 5


Attempt any one question

2. (a) The radius of a cation is invariably

smaller and that of an anion is
invariably larger than that of
corresponding atom. Justify with
examples. 10
(b) With the help of molecular orbital
diagram, explain why-

(i) the bond order in nセ@ ion ts less

than that in N2 molecule, whereas
the bond order in Pセ@ ion is greater
than that in 0 2 molecule;

(ii) the bond energy of NO+ is higher

than that of NO. 10

A-FDN/RB-N-DIA/52 3 [ P.T.O.

(c) Discuss electronegat ivity according to
Pauling's approach and Mulliken's •
approach. 10

3. (a) Explain the cause of recurrence of

properties of elements at regular
interval of atomic numbers, with
suitable examples. 10
(b) Explain how atomic orbitals combine
to form bonding and anti-bonding
molecular orbitals. What are the
limitations to such combination s? 10
(c) Discuss the factors influencing
electronegati vity. 10


Attempt any one question

4. (a) Defme hard and soft acids and bases.

What is HSAB principle? Explain why-

(i) Agl2 complex is stable, but AgF2 is

(ii) [Co(NH 3 ) 5 F] 2 + 1s stable, while
[Co(NH 3 ) 5 1] 2 + is unstable;

(iii) CsF reacts with Lil to give LiF and

Csl. 15

A-FDN/RB-N -DIA/52 4

(b) (i) Explain briefly the term 'electrode
• potential'. Derive an expression for
calculating Ecell for galvanic cell.
(ii) Cr(II) is strongly reducing, but
Mn(III) is strongly oxidizing. Explain
Given :


5. (a} What is pKa value of a weak acid?

Derive its relationship with pH of the
weak acid. 15
(b) Explain the terms 'solubility product'
and 'common ion effect', and their role
in qualitative analysis of metal ions. 15


Attempt any one question

6. (a} Describe various reactions of ferrocene

which establish its aromatic character.
How is the aromaticity of ferrocene more
than that of benzene?· 15
(b) Explain briefly the theory of nuclear
fission reaction. Which of u 235 or u238
is easily fissionable with thermal
neutrons? Give reasons. 15


7. (a) Draw and discuss the stmctures of the
following :

(i) Fe 3 (COh 2
(ii) (Re 2 Cl 8 ] 2 -

(b) Explain briefly the theory of neutron

activation analysis. How is it used for
the determinatio n of an element in a
sample? 15


Attempt any one question

8. (a) Draw the complexes formed by Li+ and

Na + with salicylaldeh yde and with
acetylaceton e. Why do the coordination
numbers differ? 15
(b) What are metal carbonyls? Discuss
the methods of preparation, properties
and structures of some typical metal
carbonyls. 15

9. (a) Describe one method of preparation and

structure of each of the following : 15
(i) ClF 3
(ii) HC10 4
(iii) 1205
(iv) OF 2
(v) IF 5

A-FDN/RB-N -DIA/52 6

• (b) (i) What are silico nes? How are these
synth esize d? Discu ss their struc -
tures , prope rties and uses.

(ii) C0 2 is a gas, but Si0 2 is a highl y

stable solid. Expla in. 15

Sect ion-F
Attem pt any one quest ion

10. (a) (i) What are the vario us oxida tion

states of vanad ium? How would you
accou nt for them ?

(ii) The magn etic mom ent of

[Mn(CN) 6 ] ·- is 2 · 8 BM, while the
magn etic mom ent of [MnBr4 f- is
5 · 9 BM. What are the geom etries of
the comp lex ions?

(iii) Expla in why Pt(IJ) and Pd(IJ) form

squar e plana r comp lexes almo st
exclu sively but only a few Ni(IJ)
comp lexes are know n. 15

(b) What is Jahn- Telle r theor em? Descr ibe

symm etrica l. and unsym metri cal t g and
e 9 orbita ls. Discu ss the condi tions for
no distor tion, slight distor tion and
stron g distor tion. 15

A-FD N/RB -N-DI A/52 7 [ P.T.O.

11. (a) Give the general electronic configuratio n
of lanthanides . Explain-
(iJ the filling of 4 f sub-shell in the

lanthanide series;
(ii) the anomalous oxidation states of
+2 and +4 shown by some elements
in the series;
(iii) the problems in the separation of
lanthanides from one another. 15

(b) (i) Write the formula for the complex

dichlorobis (ethylenedia mine)
cobalt(III) ion. Draw its geometrical
and optical isomers.
(ii) Write the IUPAC names for

Hg[Co(NCS) 4 ] and [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 (N0 2 )(Cl)]S0 4



A-FDN /RB-N-DIA/5 2 8 BS4-13•


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