402 Information Tech MS X

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Marking Scheme-2018-19

Class X

Time: 2.5 Hrs Maximum Marks: 50

Section A
: Attempt any ten from the following 10 x 1=10

1. What is kept on ________ table

a. an b. the c. of d. a
Ans : the
2. The chemist shop is right next ____ the hospital. (for, to).
Ans : to
3. www stands for ________________ .
(a) Whole World Web
(b) World Wide Web
(c) World With Web
(d) Web Web Web
Ans : (b) World Wide Web
4. _____________ is designed to help users with auditory impairments.
(a) Filter Key
(b) Toggle Keys
(c) Sound Sentry
(d) Serial Key
Ans : (c) Sound Sentry
5. Default tab stop position is __________ .
Ans : 0.5”
6. _______________ can be used to break continuous text to one or more sentences.
Ans : Paragraph
7. ______________ can be used for inserting information at the top of each page automatically.
Ans : Header
8. AutoSum option is available in _________________ group under the Home tab.
Ans : Editing

9. __________ are used for playing sound files while making a presentation.
Ans : Audio clips
10. Selecting the__________ view shows calendar for a month.
Ans : Month

11. You can categorize appointments in time management software by giving specific
__________ to appointments.
Ans : colours

12. A _________________ creates a timeline of transactions that can be linked to a contact.

Ans : Journal

Very short Answer Questions (5X2=10)

13. Rohan’s father told him that they need to attach a modem for internet connection on their
computer. Explain the meaning and function of modem to Rohan.
Ans : A modem is a device that converts digital computer signals into a form (analog signals)
that can travel over phone lines. It also re-converts the analog signals back into digital signals.
The word modem is derived from its function MOdulator/DEModulator.

14. What are document templates? State the purpose of using document template. (2)
Ans : Templates or document templates refer to a sample fill-in-the-blank document that can
help in saving time. Usually templates are customized documents that may have sample content,
themes, etc. For example, if you want to create a resume you can use a resume template and modify
only the sections that require changes.
15. What are Clip arts? List any two websites that offer free clipart. (2)
Ans: Clip arts are pre-defined images available for use in documents. Clip Art can help in making a
document look colourful and presentable. 1 mark

Name of any two valid websites that offer free clipart ( ½ + ½ =1 mark)
16. Explain any two types of views available in Spreadsheet (2)
Ans : five types of views are ;
Normal View: The default view of the spreadsheet application is the Normal. It is a collection of
cells arranged in the work area.
Page Layout: You can select the Page Layout view in order to quickly fine tune a
worksheet that contains many charts or huge amounts of data and achieve professional looking
Page Break Preview: This option is similar to the Page Layout option except you can set the area that
is to be set as a page after inserting page break.
Custom Views: If you would like to view selected areas of a document, you can use the custom view
option. For example, if you would like to point out certain row and column, you can add that to the
Custom view.
Full Screen: Selecting this option makes the workbook cover the entire screen. All tabs are hidden
from view. To get back the tabs, click on File> Restore.

(Any two views)

17. Explain the purpose of grouping objects in a Digital presentation. (2)

Ans: Grouping can help when you want to move, rotate or resize multiple objects in a
presentation. You can group objects such as pictures, clip art, shapes and text box; once grouped they
appear as a single object.
2 marks for any two valid points
18. Differentiate between Animation and Transition in Digital Presentation.
Ans : Animation is used for applying effects on objects and text,
Transition is used for applying animation effects on slides
(2 marks for any two valid points of difference)
19. Pulkit has got a proposal for a meeting through Calendar. Suggest four types of responses
that are available under calendar software.
Ans : Four types of responses for a meeting are :
 Accept,
 Tentative,
 Decline or
 Propose New Time options
(1/2 mark for each type, total 2 marks)
Short Answer Questions (5X3=15)

20. A stranger has helped your grandfather and you want to appreciate him for the help extended
by him. Write any three lines to thank him.
Ans : Thanks a lot!
Thanks! You helped my grandfather.
Thanks! I really appreciate your help

(any three phrases).

21. You have recently visited a hill station. Describe it using appropriate phrases.
Ans : Example: Nainital is a beautiful hill-station in Uttarakhand.

1. Nainital is a beautiful hill-station…

2. It is surrounded by…
3. …in Uttarakhand.
4. …above sea-level.
5. …high mountain peaks
6. Nainital is a very…
7. …especially during winter…
8. …popular tourist spot,
9. …when the snow falls.
(3 marks for 3 Sentences using any of the above phrases)
22. List any three word wrapping options available under Word Processing software.
Ans : Various word wrapping options are :
- In line with text
- Square
- Tight
- Through
- Top and bottom
- Behind text
- In front of text
(3 marks for any of the three options)
23. Write steps to insert shape in a word document.
Ans : Steps to insert shapes are :-
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon. Click on the option Shapes in the Illustrations group
2. Once you click the Shapes option a dropdown list with pre-defined shapes such as box, circle, etc.
3. Select the shape from the list of shapes available and draw the shape by dragging the mouse with
the left button clicked. For example, if you like to insert a square, select the box shaped item from the
list, click and drag the shape to draw a square.
(3 marks for correct sequence of steps)

24. Yashika is preparing a Digital Presentation for her project. Give any three basic guidelines to
be followed while making a digital Presentation.
Ans : Do a thorough spell check across all slides
- Perform a manual spell check for terms that are not included during the standard spell
check in the presentation software; NOT all terms (particularly technical terms such as
biological names, etc.) will be checked
- Remove irrelevant content such as images or clip arts, terms, etc. if they are not
(any three valid guidelines)
(1 mark for each guideline)

25. Ankush has to present monthly report of his department to his managing committee. Suggest
him with appropriate tools to do the following in a digital presentation:
i. To show statistical data pictorially for analysis.
Ans : Charts may be used
(1 mark)
ii. Two ways to insert movie in his presentation.
Ans: You can insert a movie in two ways:
 Using Insert tab
 Using Title and Content Layout Option (1 mark)

iii. Which option he shall use to keep guided text used by presenter
Ans : He should use Presenter View in Slide Show Tab (1 mark)
26. Define the following terms
a. Tuple :
A row also called a record or tuple represents a single, data item in a table
b. Foreign Key
The foreign key identifies a column or set of columns in one (referencing) table that
refers to a column or set of columns in another (referenced) table.
c. DBMS : Database Management System is a software package with computer
programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and use of a database

Section B
Long Answer Questions (5X3=15)
27. Ananya uses Internet for her School Project. Suggest any five security measure to ensure
safety from online threats.
Ans : Five safety measures :
i) Use antivirus and antispyware software
ii) Use strong passwords
iii) Backup your data:
iv) Use encryption software
v) Keeping your username and password private
vi) Do not share personal information
vii) Secure transactions:
(5 marks for any 5 valid security measures)
(1 mark for each)
28. Explain the following terms :
a. Internet : The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks
that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide
b. LAN : A local area network (LAN) is one which connects computers and
devices in a limited geographical area such as home, school, computer
laboratory, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings
c. Instant Messaging: Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the
Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from
sender to receiver.
d. Blog : A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (and
technical users) users for creating personal web pages.
e. P2P Architecture : Peer to Peer : Networks in which all computers have an equal
status are called peer to peer networks.
29. Write command to create a table named ‘BOOK’ with following fields:
BOOK ID Char(4)
Bname Varchar(15)
Author Varchar(20)
Price Decimal
Create table BOOK
( BOOK_ID char(4),
Bname varchar(15),
Author varchar(20),
Price Decimal );
(2 marks)

a. Identify the primary key of the ‘Book’ Table, also mention the suitable reason for choosing
it as a Primary Key
Ans : Book_id may be chosen as the Primary key because every book has a unique id that may
be used to identify the book.
( ½ mark for primay key and ½ mark for reason)
b. Differentiate between (i) char and varchar datatype
Ans : char :
1. Stores exactly the length specified by user in field definition.
2. Pads with trailing spaces for shorter strings
1. It Stores up to the specified length.
2. No padding with extra spaces
(1 mark for 1 correct difference)
(ii) DDL and DML

DDL : A data definition language or data description language (DDL) is a standard for
commands that define the different structures in a database
DML : A data manipulation language (DML) is a language that enables users to access and
manipulate data in a database.
(1 mark for 1 correct difference)
30. Write the SQL commands to answer the queries based on Fabric table
FabricID Fname Type Disc
F001 Shirt Woollen 10
F002 Suit Cotton 20
F003 Tunic Cotton 10
F004 Jeans Denim 5
F006 Shorts Cotton 7

a. To insert the following record

(“F005”, “Kurta”, “Woollen”,5)
Ans : insert into Fabric values (‘F005’, ‘Kurta’, ‘Woollen’,5); (1 mark)
b. To display only those fabric whose disc is more than 10
Ans : select * from Fabric where Disc>10; (1 mark)
c. To display those record whose type is ‘Woollen'
Ans : select * from Fabric where type = ‘Woollen’; (1 mark)
d. To modify the fabric shirt by increasing discount by 10
Ans : update fabric
set Disc =Disc + 10
where Fname = ‘Shirt’; (1 mark)
e. To delete the record of fabric F003 from table
Ans : delete from Fabric where FabricID =‘F003’; (1 mark)

31. Given the Following Spreadsheet, Write the appropriate Formula/ Expression/ Function to
be used for (a) to (e) (5)

a. Write formula to calculate the Total Qty(C4:C7)) in cell C8

Ans : =sum(C4:C7) (1 mark)
b. Write the feature used for arranging the Price from Highest to Lowest
Ans : Sort in ‘Sort and Filter’ group under Data tab (1 mark)
c. To find the Maximum Price to be written in Cell D10
Ans : = max(D4:D7) (1 mark)
d. To find the Average Qty to be written in cell C9
Ans : = average( C4:C7) (1 mark)
e. Write formula to calculate the Total Amount in cell E8
Ans : = sum(E4: E7) (1 mark)

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