Theory Time Curriculum Map
Theory Time Curriculum Map
Theory Time Curriculum Map
‘X’ shows where the concept is introduced. It continues to be drilled in subsequent levels, tho not marked by an X.
Medallion Series is included using the following letters:
BRZ – Bronze SIL – Silver GLD – Gold PLT – Platinum DMD - Diamond
Primer thru Grade 3 & BRONZE are Fundamental levels (keyboard, staff, note
reading, rhythms with Q, H, DH and W notes.) Major Scale Pattern and the keys of C,
F and G are introduced in Grade 3. An introduction to two-beamed 8th notes is in
Grades 2 & 3, but not drilled much. Two-beamed 8ths are drilled with counts in Bronze
Grade 4 & SILVER (Early Intermediate) introduces naming & drawing Major key sigs
thru 4 sharps & 1 flat, first on a keyboard with the MS pattern, then on a staff & drills 8th
notes & 8th rests. (single and beamed)
Grade 5 & SILVER (Early Intermediate) drills: 16th notes, all combinations of 16th and
8th notes, & 16th rests, dotted quarter & dotted 8th notes & Major key signatures thru 5
#’s and 5 flats (first on a keyboard with the MS pattern, then on a staff). Silver covers
all the Major scales and Major key signatures.
Grade 6 & GOLD: (Intermediate) 6/8 time, ALL Major key signatures, Root position I,
Grade 7 & GOLD: (Intermediate) Relative minor / natural minor, simple & compound
meter, conducting patterns, I, IV & V in root position and inversions with figured bass
Grade 8 & GOLD: (Intermediate) 3 types of minors, Perfect & Major intervals,
Primary chords in inversions with figured bass
Grade 9 & PLATINUM: (Advanced) Authentic and half cadence with voice-leading
rules, parallel keys, 32nd note, altering intervals, inverting intervals, Maj, m, d, A chords
root position
Grade 10 & PLATINUM: (Advanced) Four-part harmonic analysis in root position, all
types of chords in inversions, melody writing
Grade 11 & DIAMOND: (College Prep) Four-part harmonic analysis in root position /
WRITING four-part progressions in root position, plagal cadence & voice-leading rules
Grade 12 & DIAMOND: (College Prep) Writing and analyzing four-part progressions
in root position and inversions, figured bass, doubling rules, general rules for four-part
writing and secondary chords, Italian sixth, French sixth, German sixth chords,
sonatina analysis, twelve-tone-row, modes