C rporation-Religious-Affivdavit of Organization: Moorish Science Temple of Ca A Da o TH
C rporation-Religious-Affivdavit of Organization: Moorish Science Temple of Ca A Da o TH
C rporation-Religious-Affivdavit of Organization: Moorish Science Temple of Ca A Da o TH
Affidavit of Truth
Book 7527 Pa ge 2 549
C~rporation-Religious-Affivdavit of Organization
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Moorish Science Temple of America Affidavit of Truth
Corporation-Religious-Affivdavit of Organization
These are the facts:
Moorish Science Temple of America Affidavit of Truth
Corporation-Religious-Affivdavit of Organization
Legal Notice! Name Declaration Correction Nationality Proclamation Status Correction Race
Correction and Publication
I, Tyrom· Ayharn R,1\ul Bey, being duly affirmed, standing squarely, Declare and Proclaim, upon Divine Law;
nature Law; Universal law; Ecclesiastical Law; International Law; Moorish Birthrights; Ma' at; Constitutional
Law; Law of Creation; Law of my Mother; law of the order of the Angels; Declare and say: I, being Previously
Identified by the Union States Society of North America- U.S.A. under the colorable, Wardship name, TYRONE
DEWYNE LINDSEY JUNIOR, do hereby refute the fraud; Make public and Publish my Corrected National Name
Nationality Status Race and Allegiance; Declare and Affirm my true ' Proper Person Status' ; and reclaim my
Rightful Social and Cultural Life of the State; in accord w ith my Moorish Nation of North West Amexum / North
America- acknowledging my Birthrights. Having Lawfully and Legally Obtained and Proclaimed my Moorish
Nationality and Birthright. ; Appellation and Title' ; in harmony with, in association with, and in accord with
Divine Law, the Customs; and the Laws, Rules, and Usages of The Moorish Science Temple of America: being
Aboriginal and Indigenous, and bound to the North American Continent by Heritage, by Primogeniture; by
Birthright; by Natural Birth; by Freehold; and by Inheritance. Declare for the Public Record, I have returned the
European cognomen and fictitious misnomer back to the Colonial possessors of its pedigree. I Am now
Rightfully Declaring, Publishing, and Proclaiming my own Free National Name/ Appellation; Affirming my
Actual, Rightful, and Civil 'In Full Life' Status; Conjoined to my Moorish American Consanguine Pedigree and
National Honor. Let it be Declared, let it be Known in the four Corners of the World in the Heavens through
the Universe on Earth in the mind of Allah and be it Resolved that I Am: Tyrone Ayh;im Rasul Bey 'In Propria
Persona Sui Juris' by Birthright!; With out the Foreign, Imposed COLOR-OF-LAW , or Assumed Due Process of
the Union States Society; pursuant to, but not limited to:
1. This Articles of Organization and Legal Name Declaration Correction Nationality Proclamation Status
Correction and Publication is completed for, " Tyrone Ayh;im R.:isul Bey- Natural Person in Propria
Persona Sui Juris,' ("Trust" hereafter).
2. This Affidavit is in existence as of the 17th Dey 4 th Cycle of the year 1440 MC[ln Concurrence with the
Christian Calendar April 17 2019],
3. This Legal Notice! Is Ecclesiastical and Is Our Authority on this and of this Land
4. Free Moorish-American Zodiac Constitution
5. United States Republic: Department of Justice: AA 222141- Truth A-1
6. United States Supreme Court: Supreme Law -Acts of State
7. Constitution for the United States- We the People: Article 3 Section 2 Amendment 5 Amendment 9
8. Resolution Number Seventy-Five: April 17 1933 A.O.
9. Universal Declaration of Human Rights[Article 15]
10. Right of Indigenous Peoples- United Nations: General Assembly Part 1, Article 4
"This Religious Corporation derives the Authority from the Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by
Prophet El Haii Shariff Abdul Abdul Ali [Noble Drew Ali) in 1913 incorported in 1928. The Jurisdjction of this
Estate is within the Ancestral Lands of, Samal Maghrib Amexum North America- 54.5260 degree North.
10s.2s51 degree West south America- 8,7832 degree south, 55,4915 degree West, Central America- 12.7690
degree North, 85.6024 degree West modernly today rcaiifornja) a State Republic, and All islands Associat ed
Moorish Science Temple of America Affidavit of Truth
Corporation-Religious-Affivdavit of Organization
Legal Notice! Name Declaration Correction Nationality Proclamation Status Correction Race
Correction and Publication
I, Tyrone Ayham Rasul Bey affirm under penalty of the perjury under the laws of the Zodiac Constitution of the
Moorish American Republic Government of Aboriginal Peoples and the United States Republic of North
America 1791 that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Tyrone Ayham ras,;I Bey: Sheik/ Trustee/ Moorish National/ Beneficiary Ph# 215-596-1010
t r.;· ~
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County INGHAM State Michigan Sworn and subscribed before Me\'4'r~ f½h0:M roS \J \ 1,~
This day ~~ Month \jQt (\ year__,?=o,...\_°l..:...___ _ _ _ _ __
Ancestral Estate: Samal Maghrib Amexum( North South Central and Islands of Amtrica)