Relationship Synastry
Relationship Synastry
Relationship Synastry
Venus (attraction, sensuality, desire, pleasure) and Mars (drive, libido, will,
getting what you want) vibrations. Not everybody wants easy-going love
(Venus trine Mars); some don't feel much grand passion unless there is combat
(Venus square Mars) involved. Couples who have Venus opposing or squaring
the other's Venus (differences in feminine ideals, desires and personal values)
or Mars square or opposing the other's Mars (differences in life goals, how
drive and desires are expressed and needs met) have their work cut out for
them in reaching cooperative agreements; however once the needs of each are
understood and engaged like gears in a clockwork, these energies can operate
as dynamos not only within the relationship but also the relationship as a
force to be reckoned with out in the world.
The Nodes of the Moon: The Nodes are the two places, expressed as degrees
and minutes of a tropical zodiac sign, where the Moon will cross the ecliptic or
apparent path of the Sun relative to earth at a given point in time. The South
Node is where the Moon will cross as it moves from north to south of the
ecliptic; the North Node is where the Moon will cross moving from south to
north of the ecliptic. The two Nodes of the Moon are always directly opposite to
one another in space. Here is where we find those fascinating karmic
connections that whisper of soul contacts and lessons moving in a continuum
through the apparent past, present and future of linear time. The South Node
is associated with the past, including established behavior patterns,
deficiencies, talents and skills; it represents where we feel most comfortable
and safe, where its easy for us to function due to familiarity but also where we
owe service, where we must toil in some way to resolve past karmic
The North Node associates with path of soul growth, therefore resides in an
area of life where we are striving for new understanding and mastery.
Western astrological thought tends to favor the North Node because western
culture favors growth of all kinds and material acquisition; more is better,
etc. Whereas Eastern astrological thought associates the North Node with the
lower human traits such as greed and power-seeking, traditionally
considering the area a distraction, a way to stay trapped on the Wheel of Life
while the South Node emphasizes the spiritual life; where we will be challenged
to deal with loss and limitations that bring forth realization of spirit and
release from the wheel of karma. As relates to synestry, when one person's
planets are right next to another's nodes, the bond is sure to be complex and
magnetizing in nature. So even if the contacts are difficult, as when involving
Saturn (limitations, loss, burdens, ego) or Mars (violence), chances are the two
involved will compulsively be drawn back again and again to re-inact certain
unfinished business.
Are belief systems and personal values similar? Here we would examine the
position and aspects of Neptune, who represents spirituality, mysticism, and
artistry but also the potential for substance abuse, unrealistic expectations
and tendency to lie. We would also purview the position and aspects made by
Jupiter, who is an indicator for organized religion, ethics, morals, dogma and
the law. Another potent indicator is Venus, who besides representing personal
values also has to do with self-esteem and how finances and assets are
managed. It's also useful to examine the house affairs covered by the signs
pertinent to these planets, including Pisces for Neptune and Jupiter,
Sagittarius for Jupiter, and Taurus and Libra for Venus.
Wealth or poverty; finances, paying bills, sharing joint finances: The second,
fourth, eighth and eleventh houses contain primary indications for money or
lack thereof. The second house is money made and assets acquired by the
individual; someone with many planets in another's second is either after the
other's money or will be a source of abundance for the other. The fourth house
indicates money made through real estate, minerals and oil or wealth of the
immediate family; the eighth is money made through extended family
connections, other people (such as corporations or institutions) or
inheritance; the eleventh is abundance to be attracted through community
connections, networking and friends. In synestry, mutual hard aspects given
some ease by harmonious aspects from the personal planets can indicate a
dynamic financial partnership; the interplay of Jupiter (over the top), Saturn
(restrictive) or Uranus (disruptive, changeable) in aspect can make the
situation more complicated and prone to stress, whether the aspects are hard
or soft. Jupiter and Venus are the classic indicators for all matters financial,
however don't discount Pluto as a power-player and Saturn for taking
responsibility. Uranus is always active in the charts of creative entrepreneurs,
and Mars provides the get up and go to compete, however Neptune is not
always grounded in reality or interested in balancing the checkbook.
For example, an individual who has many natal planets placed very close
together tends to focus and concentrate their energy into a few key areas of
interest; they are already learning lessons of balance, as in acknowledging the
reality of the existence of other people or the value of maintaining a healthy
body. Two people with a concentration of natal planets either in the same
quadrant of the horoscope or the one right next door will have a mutual task
of achieving balance with those areas of life represented by the empty side of
the chart; there will be no relief via the other "doing it for you" in
compensation. For example what nature of creature is the mutual private life,
if one in a partnership has an intense focus into career, the other specialises in
nurturing themselves at spiritual retreats?
Speaking and listening to each other? The primary planetary indicator to use
is Mercury, which rules the facilities of thought and speech. Within a natal
chart Mercury takes on many flavors depending on the sign it is located in
natally and the aspects it makes to other planets. For example Mercury in
Pisces would rather use telepathy than words to communicate, whereas a
Gemini Mercury never shuts down the verbage.
How would children fit into the picture?? Children are ruled by the fifth house
of a horoscope chart, while indications for adopted or foster children are to be
found in the eleventh house. It is likely useful to examine the natal charts of
each person interested in partnership first, before putting the charts together
for purposes of synestry. Considered separately, a natal chart can provide
much insight into how an individual was treated as a child, the potentials for
fertility and of course themes and attitudes they would have around raising
children in general. An individual chart with hard contacts and complex
aspect patterns especially involving the fourth, fifth, eighth, tenth or eleventh
houses, or the parental signs Cancer and Capricorn prominent, likely has had
serious dealings with family matters and parental influences already.
Children brought in from a previous relationship are unique souls with their
own wants and needs; therefore a synestry comparison between the potential
parter and each child in question might provide the most useful information.
Hard aspects involving mutual Sun, Moon, Mars or Saturn could certainly
indicate some hard work ahead with personality clashes, keeping the peace or
establishing boundaries of respect. If the outer, transpersonal planets of one
individual meet in hard aspect to the personal planets of another, this can
indicate unconscious triggers operating to generate friction out of personal
interaction, that are not always fairly or easily going to be resolved. One
person's Saturn in the fifth or eleventh house of another or making hard
aspects to those houses generally indicates either few children or those that
appear could be a disappointment or burden of responsibility in some way.
Uranus placed in the same fashion indicates potential for rebellion and
disruption, sometimes the task of dealing with potential genius. A Neptune
placement can indicate issues with drug or alcohol use, sometimes mental
instability; positively, Neptune can foster artistic development, spark an
interest in metaphysical matters or promote ideals by which to live. A
potential partner's Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in hard aspect to a
child's Ascendant or planets in the angular houses, including the first house of
basic persona, the fourth house of root psyche and home, the seventh of
partners, enemies and projected parts of self; or the tenth of dealings with
authority, would call for special sensitivity on the part of the adult, to realize
the great impact their attitudes positive or negative, would have on the child's
growth and development.