SFM - Annual Report - 2001 SOROS MOLDOVA PDF

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Soros Foundation - Moldova

Report prepared by: Varvara Colibaba

Editor: Varvara Colibaba

Design: Simion Zamºa

Photography: Iulian Sochircã, Octavian

Eºanu, Valeriu Corcimari, Iurie Foca,

Tudor Iovu, Oleg Kaneev

Published by: ARC Publishing House

Table of Contents
Mission Statement....................................................................................4
Message from the Executive Director .......................................................5

Educational Programs Step by Step Educational Program............................................................8

Pro Didactica Educational Center............................................................11
Secondary School Student Exchange Program........................................17
Higher Education Support Program (HESP) ............................................18
Invisible College Moldova .......................................................................27
Educational Advising Center...................................................................31
Participation in Scientific Conferences ....................................................33
Scholarship Programs.............................................................................35
International Language Training Center .................................................38

Youth Programs National High School Debate League......................................................40

Youth Development Center .....................................................................42
Youth Initiative Fund .............................................................................45

Information Programs Library....................................................................................................48

DNT ........................................................................................................56
Publishing ..............................................................................................58

Civil Society Programs Civil Society ............................................................................................62

CONTACT Center .....................................................................................74
Women’s Programs.................................................................................77
East East ................................................................................................81

Public Health Programs Public Health ..........................................................................................86

“MedNet” National Center for Medical Information ................................92

Economic Development Programs Rural Economic Development.................................................................98

Moldovan Microfinance Alliance...........................................................102

Arts, Culture and Mass Media Arts and Culture ...................................................................................106

Programs Center for Contemporary Art, Chiºinãu, KSA:K .....................................115
Independent Journalism Center.............................................................121

Public Administration Programs Public Administration ...........................................................................126

Institute for Public Policy......................................................................133

Law Programs Law ......................................................................................................138

Legal Clinic ...........................................................................................144

Financial Statements Independent Auditors’ Report...............................................................148

Statement of Expenditures ...................................................................149

Other Information SFM Boards ..........................................................................................152

SFM Staff..............................................................................................153
Contact Information..............................................................................153
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................155


The Soros Foundation – Moldova

(SFM), is a non-governmental,
non-profit, non-political organiza-
tion which was established by the
philanthropist George Soros in
1992 to promote open society va-
lues in Moldova. The Foundation
contributes to the democratization
of the society by developing and
implementing a range of programs
and activities that address specific
areas of needs including arts and
culture; education at all levels;
rural economic development; legal
reform and public administration;
media and information; the stre-
ngthening of civil society; and
public health.
Message from the Executive
During the ten years of its activity, the Soros Foundation - Moldova
has succeeded in many ways. Though opinions may be different, I dare to
assert that things have advanced beyond our expectations. For the past
decade the Foundation has granted over thirty six million dollars to pro-
mote open society values in Moldova.
The Foundation itself has radically changed. Starting with small but
extraordinarily accessible programs, it has become an institution with a
clear-cut strategy and with its own vision in all the areas of its activity.
The programs of the Foundation have been dictated by both the situation
in the country and its internal capacity.
In 2001 the Foundation has focused strategically on the promotion of
programs in rural areas and those that address social problems. One of
these programs – Community Development – implemented during the last
two years in partnership with the CONTACT Center, has been a great suc-
cess. This Program, new for Moldova, was aimed at bringing investments,
even though modest ones, to rural communities and at encouraging local
initiatives. The same may be said about the Public Health Program which
deals with health and social issues facing marginalized groups. The Harm
Reduction Program contributes to fighting against HIV infection. Other
components of the Public Health Program are targeted at mentally dis-
abled people and those who need palliative care.
During the last few years, the Rural Economic Development Program
has considerably expanded its scope of activity. The reason is not that the
Republic of Moldova is seen in the future as an exclusively agrarian coun-
try. The Program was developed for social purposes. The reforms in agri-
culture came late and at present are being regarded with much reticence
by the authorities. In order to bridge this gap, the Foundation has
launched itself in agriculture with micro-financing programs. At present,
in collaboration with USAID and EWMI, it supports a complex program of
post-privatization in agriculture as part of the PFAP project, aiming at
developing an efficient private agribusiness.
Another important priority area of the Foundation is the promotion of
the local public administration reform that affirms the principles of decen-
tralization and local autonomy. It would undoubtedly be easier to work in
a stable environment or at least under predictable conditions. Under the
present circumstances, we have to change the emphasis to activities
aimed at professional development, research and access to information in
the domain of public administration.
I am confident that in future the Foundation should continue to sup-
port programs that address the development of local human resources
and capacity building. To this end, we will maintain support for educa-
tional programs targeting young people.
I would like to acknowledge the efforts of all the employees, expert
committee members, the National Board of the Foundation, and particu-
larly, our beneficiaries, whose contribution in the last ten years proved
invaluable for building an open society in the country.
Victor Ursu
Executive Director
The Step by Step Educational Program

The Pro Didactica Educational Center

The Secondary School Student Exchange Program

The Higher Education Support Program (HESP)

The Invisible College Moldova


The Educational Advising Center


Participation in Scientific Conferences

The Scholarship Programs

The International Language Training Center

The Step by Step Educational
16A Puºkin Street,
Chiºinãu 2012,
Tel: (3732) 22-01-12, 21-27-70
Tel/Fax: (373 2) 22-01-13
E-mail: hs@moldnet.md
Web site:
www.issa.nl; www.proeducation.md
The Program’s mission is to promote the educational reform by changing
teacher training practices and by re-training a critical number of teachers at
preschool and primary school levels, that will ensure quality child-centered,
democratic education in classrooms and a real partnership with family and
community and by helping change teacher pre-service and in-service training

Program Developments in 2001

The basic Program activity was channeled towards enlarging, strengthen-
ing and making durable the application basis of the Step by Step (SbS) model
of developmental education, towards changing the school culture and making
it more open and inclusive for all children regardless of their needs. This
activity was materialized in the following:
a) organizing initiation and follow-up trainings for crèches, kindergartens
and schools implementing SbS. To be mentioned that a basic course for this
category of teachers requires eighteen days of training, within a period of
two years, and forty hours of observation in demonstrational classrooms of
SbS training centers. At the end of the course teachers get certificates that
are valid for teachers’ accreditation;
b) monitoring Program quality on-site through visits and consultations offe-
red by SbS experts to classroom teachers, methodologists, school/ kinder-
garten administrators, etc;
c) working out training packages and offering trainings to middle school
teachers in order to ensure continuity to SbS primary school practices: a
child-centered and holistic approach, an integrated curriculum, and par-
tnership with family and community;
d)training network schools/kindergartens’ administrators and community
representatives with a focus on modern management skills and institu-
tional development issues;
e) training faculty from pedagogical universities and teacher training colleges
in order to promote new curricular contents, change teaching practices in
these institutions and improve the quality of students’ school practicum so
as to better prepare would-be teachers for the challenges of developmental
f) promoting an inclusive environment in kindergartens and schools through
training classroom teachers and community members;
g)offering a new training module to mentors – faculty in charge of students’
h)continuous professional development of SbS trainers through local and re-
gional trainings;
i) technical support to network institutions in setting teachers’ and parents’
j) developing new materials promoting SbS methodology and advanced prac-
tices within the network.
In December 2001, the Ministry of Education issued the Program a license,
validating its training activity for a period of five years.
Activity Report – 2001 8 9

Program Achievements in 2001 Pre-school Child-centered Education

The pre-school SbS network covers 69 kindergartens – many including
crèches – as well as kindergarten classrooms inside two other types of insti-
tutions: 6 mixed type kindergarten-schools and 25 primary schools.
Beneficiaries of the SbS Program were 11,000 children and 880 teachers
working in 436 classrooms.
During the year, the Program offered 133 days of training (initiation and
follow-up trainings), meeting the professional needs of various categories of
trainees: administrators, caregivers and teachers working on the inclusion of
children with special needs, and parents. All in all, 1500 people participated
in trainings.
The two training centers serving the Northern and Central/Southern parts
of the country -- kindergartens #216, Chiºinãu, and #43, Bãlþi, respectively --
offered, besides courses, expert consultations and possibilities to observe in
demonstrational classrooms.
The Program contributed with resources to the classrooms literacy centers
and to parents’ rooms.
To monitor the Program quality, SbS experts made 57 on-site visits to net-
work kindergartens.

Student-centered Primary Education

The primary SbS network comprised 184 schools with 678 classrooms,
including 52 middle school classrooms (grades 5-6), mostly in the rural areas
across the country.
Primary teachers benefited from the following training possibilities:
– basic training for 1st- and 2nd-grade teachers (19 working groups) –
170 training days (initiation and follow-up)
– thematic workshops for 3rd- and 4th-grade teachers (8 working groups)–
23 days
– trainings for foreign language teachers of SbS classrooms (3 working
groups) – 6 days
– trainings for integrating children with special needs – 7 days
– trainings for school administrators, inspectors, etc. – 27 days.
The courses were offered at three training centers: CED, Chiºinãu, M.Emi-
nescu Lyceum, Bãlþi, and school #20, Bãlþi.
In order to ensure continuity at middle school level, SbS trainers cooperat-
ed with the WRCT project (Pro Didactica). In august, 5th-grade teachers from
SbS schools attended a training held by American trainers.
The massive expansion of the network imposed the need to select and
train new SbS trainers and to offer continuous opportunities for professional
growth to all trainers.
Given the disastrous condition of village teachers, the Program provided
them with a basic kit to start the year in their classrooms, renovated and
furnished specifically for SbS by the Social Investment Fund. The Program
also contributed encyclopedias, fiction books, alternative textbooks for chil-
dren and teachers to the school resource centers. These resources are need-
ed to develop in children life-long independent learning skills and critical

Higher Education
In 2001 the Program witnessed an increased interest from the faculty of 3
pedagogical universities and 6 teacher training colleges towards its training
modules. Consequently, besides the main seminar for a mixed group of
trainees from various institutions, 3 working groups were formed in Soroca
and Tighina colleges and at Tiraspol Pedagogical University. Total number of
training days – 25.
In March five faculty from three universities - Dina PUIU (BSU), Liuba
TOMAILÎ (BSU), Jana GRECU (I.Creangã PU), Nadejda BOCEAGOV (I.Creangã
PU), Ana GOREA (FIUM) - attended a training course for mentors at Iaºi
Center of Modern Languages. In November this module was offered to the fac-
ulty in charge of students’ practicum at all departments of Bãlþi State
At the end of the year a two -day conference under the title “Trends and
Future Prospects in Training Teachers” brought together faculty from practi-
cally all universities and teacher training colleges of the country. It was a
forum for sharing ideas about changes catalyzed by the SbS trainings that
affected curricular contents and teaching practices.

Maintaining and Improving Program Quality

In order to maintain and improve Program quality and build organiza-
tion capacity, great attention was paid to training opportunities for SbS
trainers within the international SbS network. Thus, during June 25-30, a
regional training for trainers from Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova took
place in Varna, Bulgaria. Attending it were: Maria PERETEATCU (BSU),
Maria VASILIEV (TPU), Cornelia REVENCU (A.Mateevici Teacher Training
College ), Cecili GRAUR (M.Eminescu Lyceum, Bãlþi), Silvia DEMIAN (school
#20, Bãlþi), Sergiu PLÃMÃDEALÃ (school #1,Chiºinãu), Ludmila ROTARU
(school #1,Chiºinãu), Efimia MOISEI (school #70,Chiºinãu), Tatiana COJO-
CARU (school #1,Chiºinãu), Victoria URSU (CED, Chiºinãu), Nadejda ISSA
(CED, Chiºinãu), Ana POPOV (kindergarten #216, Chiºinãu), Maria BARA-
NOV (kindergarten #216, Chiºinãu), Nadejda STRATAN (kindergarten #43,
Another opportunity for professional development for Program trainers
including Ana POPOV, Maria BARANOV, Elena PETUªCAN, Zinaida RAÞÃ,
Elena VEDUTENCO, Svetlana GAMEªCHI (kindergarten #216, Chiºinãu),
Nadejda STRATAN, (kindergarten #43, Bãlþi), Liliana SIMCOV (kindergarten-
school #199, Chiºinãu), Iulia BUJAC, Nina CIOBANU, Veronica COJOCARU,
Nadejda ISSA, Ana LUNGU, Uliana BOGHIU, Marina OLEVSCHI (CED,
Chiºinãu), Iulia BÃÞ, Ludmila Rotaru (school #1,Chiºinãu), Svetlana BOBE-
ICO, Rodica COSTAªCO (school #20, Bãlþi), Maria ROªCA (school #83,
Chiºinãu), Raisa RUSU, Neli URSU (M.Eminescu Lyceum, Bãlþi), Cornelia
REVENCU (A.Mateevici Teacher Training College), Maria VASILIEV (TPU) was
the visit they had to their colleagues from Botoºani, Romania. During this
visit SbS trainers had the chance to observe in pre-school and primary class-
rooms, to visit and share experience with faculty from the local teacher train-
ing college.
In November, a delegation made out of professional authors and SbS
trainers including Arcadie SUCEVEANU, Constantin DRAGOMIR (CIOBANU),
Sergiu PLÃMÃDEALÃ, Victoria URSU, Eudochia CERTAN, attended a seminar
for authors of children’s book in Prague, Czech Republic. This seminar
launched a new initiative under ISSA (International Step by Step Association)
on web-publishing.
In order to ensure a continuous flow of ideas and experience sharing
within the national network, a conference was held during November 23-24
reuniting 150 teachers and faculty.
To help teachers with classroom materials, an alphabet-poster and a set of
table manipulative toys were produced.
In 2001 the book “Step by Step. Let’s Get Acquainted” (1000 copies)
appeared -- the first in the tentative series of books meant to promote SbS
among a large audience of educators willing to make democratic changes in
the education system, in relations with families and community.
Financial Resources:
Soros Foundation – Moldova’s contribution - $200,000
Moldovan Social Investment Fund (direct contribution to the network) –
about $180,000
Activity Report – 2001 10 11

The Pro Didactica Educational

13 Armeneascã Street,
Chiºinãu, 2012 MD
Phone: (373 2) 541994, 542556
Fax: (373 2) 544199
E-mail: prodidactica@cepd.soros.md
Web site: http://www.prodidactica.md
Our mission is to become, through high quality educational services per-
formed by a team of dedicated professionals, a leading organization in pro-
moting essential changes in education, in order to contribute to the education
of personalities who share and promote the values of an open society.

Center’s Activity Highlights in 2001

During 2001, the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center oriented its efforts
towards supporting the educational reform through training and consultancy
programs. It operated on the basis of the license granted by the Ministry of
Education. The activity within educational programs implemented by the PRO
DIDACTICA Educational Center is based on the belief that a congruent effort
to promote educational change needs to consider the following:
– informational support (access to information)
– facilitation of experience sharing
– development of schools’ capacity for self-evaluation and assessment
– professional development of teachers and school managers
– teachers’ skills for development of teaching materials
– facilitation of community involvement in solving local and nation-wide
educational issues, all of the above being finally oriented towards the
development and improvement of students’ life long learning compe-
The specifics of the Center’s activities are based on several principles:
– holistic approach, meaning:
– support for individuals and for institutions as integral units
– establishment of learning communities
– measurement of impact through complex efforts: professional develop-
ment, informational development, cooperation, problem identification
and problem solving, etc.
– democratization of educational processes at all levels
– meeting the needs of educational institutions as integral entities, in
order to build learning communities that have and apply a variety of
skills: development, adaptation and application of self-evaluation tools,
identification and prioritization of problems, and action planning for
– meeting the professional needs of individual teachers and school admi-
nistrators, through scholarship training programs for teachers from ru-
ral areas
– informational support and facilitation of communication and experi-
ence sharing, through:
– dissemination of successful experiences (through national mass media,
“Didactica Pro...” journal, Internet Pro Education site etc., as tools for
information and sharing
– development and publishing of supplementary teaching materials (“Pro
Didactica” collection)
– translation of referential materials from other countries
– facilitation of roundtable discussions and conferences on current educa-
tional issues, with the involvement of decision makers and mass media
During 2001, the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center worked on the
implementation of three main projects: the School Improvement Program,
Internet Pro Education and Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking.
Teacher Training The school improvement program
Program coordinator: Violeta DUMITRAªCU e-mail: vdumitrascu@cepd.
– to improve the quality of teacher training programs of the Center and to
foster competition in the sector
– to develop and diversify training programs, including new topics at tea-
chers’ request
– to offer methodological assistance to County Educational Authorities
– to offer consultancy and pedagogical counseling services
– trainings for teachers from various school disciplines (teachers paid par-
tial fees)
– trainings for CEA representatives
– scholarships “Education for an Open Society”, for teachers from rural
– pedagogical consultancy services
– follow-up evaluation and counseling activities
– 236 teachers participated in trainings
– 28 CEA representatives were involved in training programs
– 153 teachers from rural areas applied for the “Education for an Open
Society” scholarships. 100 were offered the scholarship. The course con-
sisted of 56 hours of training in highly demanded subjects.
– an increase of trainees’ motivation for experience sharing and clarifica-
tion of problems which ensured participation of 333 teachers in the fol-
low-up and consultation activities

Curriculum Development
Program coordinator: Viorica POSTICÃ; e-mail: vpostica@cepd.soros.md
– to support the curricular reform
– to support the professional development of lyceum teachers, authors and
editors of teaching materials, in the area of curriculum implementation
– to raise public awareness on educational developments and issues
– to select and make the best use of the training materials developed with-
in educational programs
– to facilitate communication between decision makers and specialists
from various levels, in order to solve problems
– publication of supplementary teaching materials
– training for material developers and textbook authors
– organization of conferences and roundtables
– training seminars on curriculum implementation at lyceum level, in-
house at CEAs, for teachers of the Humanities, Math and Sciences, and
school managers
– The “Pro Didactica” collection was initiated, with 6 titles published du-
ring 2001:
– „Teaching Romanian Language and Literature in High School”, a tea-
cher’s guide, Tatiana CARTALEANU, Olga COSOVAN (2000 copies)
– „Curriculum for Lyceums”. Recommendations for Teaching – Learning –
Evaluation”, a group of authors (3000 copies).
– „Successful Strategies for Teaching Chemistry and Biology”, Rita GODO-
ROJA, Larisa BOTEZATU, Ana CIOBANU (1500 copies)
– „Summative Evaluation. Chemistry Tests”, Silvia LOZOVANU, Boris UN-
CULIÞÃ (1500 copies)
Activity Report – 2001 12 13

– „Creative Writing”, Ion IACHIM (3000 copies)

– „Exercises and Applications for Chemistry”, Vasile CURJOS (1000 copies)
Two training courses in “A Competency Development Approach to
Textbooks” for textbook authors were organized. 46 participants worked
under the guidance of Xavier ROEGIERS,Ph.D., director of the BIEF,
Louvain–la–Neuve, Belgium. This initiative was the first concrete contribu-
tion to professional growth of material developers to occur during the last 10
years of educational reform.
The roundtable “Functions and Problems of Textbooks in Use” (March 22)
gathered 30 participants: publishers, editors, authors, ministry specialists,
World Bank project representatives, teachers and parents.
The discussions within the pedagogical conference “Educational Out-
comes: Ideal, Goals, Objectives” (April 27), facilitated by Sorin CRISTEA,
Ph.D., Department of Teacher Training, University of Bucharest, generated the
interest of more than 30 educational specialists: teacher trainers, university
professors, ministry representatives.
Pedagogical conferences “Lesson Planning from a Curricular Perspective”
(August 21-22), facilitated by Sorin CRISTEA, Ph.D., involved more than 100
school directors, inspectors and methodology specialists from Lãpuºna county
and Chiºinãu.
The conference “Pedagogy of Communication. Basic Arguments” (October
19) with the participation of Laurenþiu ªOITU, Ph.D., A. I. Cuza University,
Iaºi, Romania, offered a ground for discussions to 35 participants, including
teachers, teacher trainers, and research specialists.
Between August 30 and November 1, a total number of 81 training work-
shops were organized for high school teachers from Chiºinãu, Soroca, Bãlþi,
Lãpuºna, Orhei, Ungheni, and Tighina. The topics of practical recommenda-
tions for lyceum curriculum implementation were focusing on 10 disciplines:
Romanian, French, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Geography, Physics,
Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. A total number of 1421 teachers partic-
ipated. 1084 teachers responded to a questionnaire designed for evaluating
the high school curricula and their implementation. An analysis and report
on this research was prepared and presented to the Ministry of Education.
The Competition for Supplementary Teaching Materials-2001 ended with
the recommendation for publishing 4 works out of 15 presented by 8 groups
of authors and 7 individual participants.

School 2001+
Program coordinator: Nicolae CREÞU, e-mail: ncretu@cepd.soros.md
– to offer training assistance in the area of school management
– to facilitate the development of cooperation links between schools and
– to offer a set of tools, methods and techniques that will help promote
changes at the individual and school levels, in order to develop strategic
planning and operational planning skills
– workshops for identification of priority problems and issues
– training programs for school managers
– training programs for teachers
– 14 schools participated in the program
– 22 training workshops, targeting the preparation for designing school
development programs, were organized for 270 members of school
– 41 training seminars involved 640 teachers and managers in the follow-
ing training courses:
– Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking. Introductory Course
– Critical Thinking Strategies. Application to School Subjects
– Reading Workshop
– Writing Workshop
– RWCT Lesson Planning
– 3 seminars for 46 school managers focused on teamwork management
and school and community partnership. 2 workshops with the same
themes brought together 23 school managers and community represen-

Educational Management
Program coordinator: Nicolae CREÞU, e-mail: ncretu@cepd.soros.md
– to train a group of local trainers, at the level of County Educational
Authorities (CEA)
– to offer professional development opportunities to individual school ma-
– training of trainers programs, in cooperation with CEA
– training programs for individual school managers
– 2 seminars for training of 20 local trainers focused on:
– working with adults
– elements of participatory management
– 36 training seminars for school managers, including the topics:
– features of strategic planning for school development
– elements of participatory management
In which 550 managers participated. CEA from Tighina, Bãlþi, Edineþ and
Soroca contributed with funds for transportation, lodging and food, as well
as training facilities for 21 seminars.

School Self-evaluation
Program coordinator: Vitalie POPA, e-mail: vitpopa@cepd.soros.md
– to facilitate the establishment of a network of pilot schools that apply
the model of self-evaluation
– to ensure support of CEA for this network
– to develop and publish a set of supplementary materials
– to initiate a research study on the implementation of the concept of
school self-evaluation in Moldovan schools
– to disseminate the results of the pilot project regionally and internationally
– selection of pilot schools
– self-evaluation workshops
– training programs for school managers and teachers
– school self-evaluation workshop for representatives from CEA, with par-
ticipation of Paul Clarke, Ph.D., expert, University of Leeds, UK
– school self-evaluation workshops with CEA representatives
– summer school for project participants
– 3 pilot schools currently apply the School Self-Evaluation model. Tea-
chers from these schools benefited from training programs oriented
towards their needs, identified during self-evaluation activities
– 5 CEA developed strategic plans for development of local networks that
can apply school self-evaluation models
– The research study on the application of the model was initiated. The
first findings of the research were presented at the International Cong-
ress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2002, Copenhagen, Den-
Activity Report – 2001 14 15

“Didactica Pro...” journal

Editor- in- chief: Nadia CRISTEA, e-mail: ncristea@cepd.soros.md
– to offer informational support for teachers
– to raise public awareness on educational issues
– to support dissemination of advanced experiences of teachers and schools
– to promote activities and initiatives of the Center and of other educatio-
nal institutions
– publication of the journal:
# 1, February 2001, topic: Postmodernism in Education
# 2, April 2001, topic: School Textbooks
# 3, July 2001, topic: Ongoing Professional Development of Teachers
# 4, August 2001, topic: The Student in the Educational Process
# 5, October 2001, topic: The Status of the Teacher in the Modern Society
# 6, December 2001, topic: Educational Outcomes
– roundtables:
Quality of School Textbooks, March 22
Roundtable Involving Students, June 1
A School for All or a School for Everyone?, June 29
Educational Standards and Outcomes, November 16
6 issues of the journal were published, with a print run of 3000 copies
There were 174 subscribers to the journal in December 2001.
Teachers from boarding schools, schools for children with special needs,
and Transnistrian schools received donations. The journal was also donated
to the PRO DIDACTICA’s trainees. From a total number of 133 articles submit-
ted to the journal, 105 were selected for publication.

Information and Documentation Center

Coordinator: Mariana Kiriakov, e-mail: mkiriakov@cepd.soros.md
Librarian: Rodica DAVID
– to develop the library fund
– to improve and diversify the collection of publications
– to offer informational support to other resource centers and schools
– to offer access to the latest information in the related fields to trainers
and trainees of the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center
– to facilitate exchange of information and experience sharing between
the Center’s beneficiaries and other potential partners, on the local and
international level
– book donations to educational institutions and individuals
– informational booklets on new acquisitions
– library services
– experience exchange projects
781 new titles were added to the library collection. 55 periodicals from
Romania, Moldova and Russia were available for readers.
35 Resource Centers from schools and lyceums were granted a subscrip-
tion to 3 most popular educational publications. 31 schools received dona-
tions of about 521 copies of recently published books. Other educational
organizations benefited from donations of up to 298 copies.
350 trainees from various training programs of the Center received dona-
tions of a total of 726 books. Trainers received donations as informational
support of a total number of 332 copies of referential materials.
More than 500 teachers were offered library services: trainees, teachers
from various schools, trainers, university professors, etc. 25 book exhibitions
and presentations were organized. 6 informational booklets on new acquisi-
tions were produced and disseminated.
During May 7-17, an exchange and training program entitled Democracy
in the Danish School and Society, for 22 Moldovan educational specialists
was organized. The Danish Democracy Fund financed the project. A discus-
sion round table with program participants was organized, with the participa-
tion of Ilie Vancea, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Moldova.

Internet Pro Education

Program coordinator: Silvia BARBAROV, e-mail: sbarbarov@cepd.soros.md
– to support the process of educational reform, through facilitation of ac-
cess to informational resources
– to promote new modalities of information sharing and professional de-
velopment among teachers and students
– to contribute to the on-going professional development of various stake-
holders and participants in the educational process (teachers, students,
administrators etc.)
– development of the Internet Pro Education site (www.proeducation.md)
– development, selection and translation of site materials
– cooperation with various institutions
11 subject domains were developed – Curriculum Development, Teacher
Training, Evaluation, Educational Technologies, Educational Management,
Mapamond, Educational Policies, Institutions, Student Page, Electronic
Library, News, - and 20 other sub-domains, which offer materials and infor-
mation to teachers, managers, students, researchers and administrators from
the educational field.
– local authors (school teachers, university professors, researchers, school
administrators) and foreign educational specialists
– Ministry of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences, Institute for
Public Policy
– NGOs: Junior Achievement, Step by Step, SIEDO, and “Tinereþe-Cunoº-
– RWCT project
– “Didactica Pro...” journal

Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT)

Program coordinator: Nicolae CREÞU, e-mail: ncretu@cepd.soros.md
– improvement of the educational process in Moldovan schools through
dissemination of a methodology that promotes independent active lear-
ning, in order to develop critical thinking skills
– to support the professional development of the RWCT trainers, certified
by the International Reading Association and the PRO DIDACTICA Edu-
cational Center
– to develop a coherent training program for high school and university
– to develop supplementary teaching materials
– to disseminate key concepts and approaches of the RWCT methodology
in the pedagogical community
– training programs for individual teachers
– open training programs for teams of teachers and administrators from
schools and universities
Activity Report – 2001 16 17

11 workshops (2 complete courses) were organized for 33 university and
high school teachers, including:
– Developing evaluation indicators
– Implementing RWCT in the higher education curricula
– RWCT. Introductory course
– Goals and objectives
– RWCT lesson planning
– Cooperative learning
4 workshops for trainers were organized in order to develop session plans
for the following modules:
– RWCT. Introductory course
– RWCT strategies for different disciplines
– RWCT lesson planning
– cooperative learning
The following materials were developed:
– RWCT. Introductory Course. Guide 1.
– Readings and handouts, session plans for the course
56 open training seminars attracted 863 teachers from universities and
schools. 44 of these programs were organized in-house, at the institutions
that signed up for them and contributed with food for participants and facili-
ties for training.
Financial Resources:
Contribution of the Soros Foundation - Moldova:
School Improvement 2000 funds - $ 262,430
School Improvement 2001 funds - $ 68,416
Internet Pro Education funds - $ 9,129
RWCT funds - $ 32,618
Other financial resources:
PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center’s income generating activities:
RWCT courses – 26,000 MDL
Teachers Training courses - 33,000 MDL
Organizational development consultancy – MDL 92,034.72
Teaching materials – MDL 12,130.80
Total: MDL 163,823.52 ($ 12,515.16)

Secondary School Student

This Program awards scholarships to 10th grade students to study in
Exchange Program
British and American high schools, as well as summer programs in the US
(Assist, Rotary, CCI year, West and the Czech Republic. The goal of the Program is to improve English lan-
Chester, Legacy, Olomouc - Czech guage skills and cultural awareness through classes, trips, and extracurricu-
Republic, HMC British Schools) lar activities. Students become actively involved in the school community and
come to know and appreciate people of different national backgrounds, as
well as exchange ideas with peers and adults, thus forming friendships that
cross national and cultural boundaries.
The effectiveness of the Program can be seen after students return with
improved language skills, new ideas and experiences, and new insights into
the attitudes and values of other cultures. Additionally, participation in the
program promotes self-confidence, social responsiveness and other skills
essential to the development of a society centered on democracy, intellect and
respect for individuals.
In 2001 there were 20 scholarship recipients:
Cristina DOAGÃ ASSIST (SUA – 1year)
Ludmila GARCIU Rotary (SUA – 1 year)
Oleg BOGDAN CCI (SUA – 1 year)
Laurenþia CHITIC
Alexandra MALANCO
Andrei ARTAMONOV West Chester (SUA –
Olga STARODUBOVA summer program)
Alexandru IAROªENCO Legacy (SUA – summer program)
Ludmila SÂRBU
Liviu ANDRONIC Olomouc (Czech Republic –
Victoria CORAI summer program)
Savelie CORNEGRUÞÃ HMC (UK – 1 year)
Diana ISAC
Victoria ROªIOR
Program expenditures: $ 14 574

The Higher Education Support

The mission of the Higher Education Support Program is to contribute to Program (HESP)
the advancement of higher education in the humanities and social sciences in
Moldova. The Program aims at influencing systemic changes in higher educa-
tion by launching innovative programs and supporting initiatives of the aca-
demic community towards democratization of the educational system.
Program objectives:
– to support efforts aiming at implementing the conceptual reform in
– to support higher education curriculum reform through developing new
courses and implementing new teaching/learning technologies
– to support local authors in developing teaching materials for higher
– to support the professional development of faculty and managers
– to support students’ initiatives aimed at the democratization of the society

Modernization of Higher Education Curriculum

The Program supported projects on restructuring the existing university
curricula, on the introduction of new disciplines, and projects that focused on
new methods of teaching/learning according to international standards. All
the grants were offered on a competitive basis.
Syllabus Design Projects for Master’s Degree Studies
The program supported the efforts of university faculty members that
aimed to introduce new courses in the postgraduate curriculum in the field of
social sciences and the humanities.
Syllabus Project Title Beneficiary Budget
Introduction in Social Synergy Ilarion CHISTRUGÃ, SUM $500
Pedagogy of Higher Education Ludmila PAPUC, SPU $500
Sociology of Genders Maria STRECHIE, SUM $500
Community Customs Law Ghenadie RADU, SUM $500
Semiotics and Metalanguage Irina CONDREA, SUM $500
Total grants for syllabus projects $2,500
Internship Program for University Lecturers and Visiting Professors
The Program offered financial support to university faculty members from
Moldova for their participation in programs of various universities from
abroad or for their research in the archives and libraries. The aim of this
Program was to help professors to develop new courses or to restructure the
Activity Report – 2001 18 19

existing ones, and to implement new teaching technologies. At the same

time, the Program supported the invitation of prominent lecturers from
abroad and important personalities from the academic community to teach a
course at one of the local universities.
Svetlana SUVEICÃ, Ph.D., senior lecturer, Department of Romanian His-
tory, SUM. Internship in the field of Contemporary International Relations,
March 19 – April 8, Department of Political and Administrative Sciences,
Banat University, Romania
Eleonora GHEORGHIEVA, lecturer, Department of Bulgarian Philology,
State University of Comrat. Internship in the field of Sociolinguistic Research
of the Bulgarian Language, April - May, Kl.Ohridski University, Sofia,
Liudmila ANTONOVA, lecturer, Academy of International Relations and
Diplomatic Studies, SUM Internship in the field of Political Sciences, May 17
– June 16, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest,
Aurel ZANOCI, professor, Department of Archeology and Ancient History,
SUM Internship in the field of Ancient History, May 27 – June 10, Vienna
University, Institute of Prehistory, Austria
Diana BUCATCÃ, lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Lite-
ratures, FIUM. Internship in the field of Italian Linguistics, August 1 – Sep-
tember 30, University for Foreigners, Perugia, Italy
Maria MURSA, assistant lecturer, Department of Universal Literature,
SUM. Internship in the field of Comparative Literature, October 1 – December
31, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Oxana CÃPÃÞÎNÃ, lecturer, Department of French Philology, SUM. Intern-
ship in the field of French Philology and Linguistics, November 1 – 30, Uni-
versity Center of French Studies affiliated to Stendhal-Grenoble University,
Tudor DUMITRAª, Ph.D., professor, deputy dean, Department of Polito-
logy and Philosophy, AESM. Internship in the field of Philosophy, October 22-
– November 22, Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux, France
Chira GALINA, Head of Department, Prometeu Lyceum, Silvia ROTARU,
senior lecturer, Department of English Philology, SUM, Elisaveta ONOFREICI-
UC, senior lecturer, Department of English Philology, SUM, Maria GÎSCÃ,
Head of Department, M.Eliade Lyceum. Internship in the field of English
Language Textbook Development, November 11 – 24, Bell Educational Trust,
Saffron Walden, Great Britain
Viorica MOLOªNIUC, lecturer, Foreign Languages and Literatures Depar-
tment, SUM. Internship in the field of French Grammar, December 1 – 31,
University Center of French Studies affiliated to Stendhal-Grenoble Universi-
ty, France
Sergiu MUSTEAÞÃ, senior lecturer, Department of Romanian History,
SPU. Internship in History, January 28 – February 24, 2002, Georg – Eckert
Institute, Braunschweig, Germany
Visiting Professors:
Viorel PÂSLARU, doctoral student at the Department of Philosophy, Uni-
versity of Bucharest, Romania. Seminar “Complexity – Approaches and Impli-
cations”, State University of Moldova, February 12 – March 1
Araceli ALONSO, Rosanna FOLGUERA, professors, Pompeu Fabra Univer-
sity, Barcelona, Spain. Courses in Terminology and Neology, State University
of Moldova, April 2 - 13
Vasile GHEÞÃU, professor, University of Bucharest, Romania. Courses in
Demography, State University of Moldova, October 14 – 27
Ilona CZAMANSKA, Ph.D., professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poz-
nan, Poland. Course “Poland and the History of South East European Count-
ries”, I.Creangã State Pedagogical University, November 12 – 23
Marie-France MARANDA, Ph.D., professor, Laval University, Canada
Course “Current Issues in the Field of Work Psycho - Dynamics”, I.Creangã
State Pedagogical University, November 16 – 23
Simona POPA, assistant lecturer, University of Oradea, Romania. Course
“Psychological Counseling”, State University of Moldova March, 4 – 10, 2002
Total grants for internships for university lecturers and visiting professors
Institutional Grants for Projects on Restructuring the University Curricula:
Curriculum Development of the State University of Cahul, 2000 - 2002
Elena ªIªCANU, Ph.D., Dean of the Department of Social Sciences and the
Humanities, State University of Cahul. Development of courses and subjects
offered within the State University of Cahul through co-operation with vari-
ous university centers from the Republic of Moldova and Romania. Profe-
ssional development of the faculty members, introduction of new courses

On-going projects, approved during the previous years:

Social – psychological Observatory, 2000 - 2001, Mihail ªLEAHTIÞCHI,
Ph.D., professor, A.Russo State University of Bãlþi. Researching the predomi-
nant psychological tendencies and applying them to the social field, creation of
a modern scientific library; on-site research development of books and articles
in the social - psychological field; invitation of experts book presentations.
Providing Cahul University with Technical Equipment and a Book Fund
for the University Library Ion ªIªCANU, Ph.D., rector of the State University
of Cahul. Providing the institution with the necessary equipment to ensure a
good progress of the study process, connecting the University to the interna-
tional information community; development of the library collection; purchas-
ing of electronic equipment; subscription to the EBSCO electronic library.
The University Laboratory “Applied Managerial Psychology - Development
and Research for Students” Larisa STOG, Ph.D., professor, senior researcher,
A.Russo State University of Bãlþi. Creating appropriate conditions for develop-
ing the managerial abilities and competencies of students related to their
social performances; development of the dictionary “Psychological, Social and
Managerial Abilities and Competencies”; development of the textbook “Mana-
gerial Psychology”; organization of the international scientific conference
“Applied Managerial Psychology and Efficiency of Human Factor”.
Other expenses (advertisements, reviews, evaluations) $2,038
Total expenses Curriculum Development Program $28,910
Activity Report – 2001 20 21

Development of Teacning Materials for Higher Education

The program supported the development of teaching materials for higher
education institutions by offering grants for textbook writing and by publishing
original works of local authors in the field of social sciences and the humanities.
Grants of $800 each were offered for textbook writing to the following
Textbook Title Author
Counterpoint and Run Adelina ªTEFÂRÞÃ
The Issue of Basarabia and the Basarabians Leonid CEMORTAN
Evolution of Genre Painting in the Republic Eleonora BARBAS
of Moldova (1945 - 1980)
Umberto Eco and the Rhetoric of Postmodernism Tatiana CIOCOI
International Organizations Iurie CIOCAN
Ancient Vestiges of the Republic of Moldova Ion HÎNCU
Banking Accounting Eudochia BAJEREAN,
Psycho - Diagnostics Carolina PLATON
History of the Hotin Region from Its Origin Until 1812 Ion GUMENÎI
Romanian Literature from Basarabia. 1920 – 1930. Alexandru BURLACU
History Teaching Methodology for Students Valentina HAHEU,
of History Departments Nina PETROVSCHI
National Press During the Inter-war Period Silvia GROSSU
Cultural and Social Anthropology Varvara BUZILÃ
History of Harmony (2nd volume) Galina COCEAROVA,
Victoria MELNIC
The following teaching materials for higher education were published and
distributed to university libraries through the Book Foundation:
School Psychological Counseling, Carolina PLATON, 1000 copies
Psycho - Neurology, Valentina OLÃRESCU, 500 copies
Introduction into the Theory of Literary Artistic Education, Vladimir PÂS-
LARU, 500 copies
The Theory of Harmony (1st volume), Victoria MELNIC, Galina COCEAROVA,
500 copies
Genuine Ancient History of the Republic of Moldova, Ion HÎNCU, 500 copies
National Historical Drama of the 19th Century, Victoria FEDORENCO, 500
Managerial Psychology, Larisa STOG, et al. 500 copies
Evolution of Genre Painting in the Republic of Moldova (1945 - 1980),
Eleonora BARBAS, 500 copies
Romanian Literature of Basarabia. 1920 – 1930, Alexandru BURLACU,
500 copies
The Anatomy of a Post-totalitarian Society, Mihail ªLEAHTIÞCHI, 500 copies
Mass Media vs. Politics, Victor MORARU, 300 copies
Other expenses (advertisements, reviews) $3,717
Total expenditures Teaching Materials Development $36,130
Programs for Teaching Assistants, Graduate Students and Young
Faculty Members
The aim of the Program is to provide support for the professional development
of young faculty members and teaching assistants, by encouraging them to deve-
lop new courses and contribute to the implementation of the curriculum reform.
Participation of Young Faculty Members in International Universities and
Summer Schools
Diana DUMITRU, lecturer, Department of Universal History, SPU. East-
European Summer School of Warsaw, July 1 – 21, Warsaw, Poland
Dragoº CUCEREANU, lecturer, Department of International Law, FIUM.
Summer Courses of the International Institute of Human Rights, July 2 – 27,
Strasbourg, France
Elvira POªTARU, lecturer, International Economic Relations, FIUM Inter-
national Summer School “External Relations of the European Union – Politics
and Tools”, July 1 – 31, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Liudmila STIHII, lecturer, Department of General Management, AESM.
Summer School “Environmental Management from a European Perspectives”,
July 16 – August 3, Academia Istropolitana Nova, Slovakia
Technology and Microelectronics Department, TUM International Summer
School “EUROLAN – 2001 – Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Lan-
guage Resources”, July 30 – August 11, Al.I.Cuza University, Iaºi, Romania
Victoria BOBICEV, lecturer, Electro-physics Department, TUM $197
Victoria MAXIM, lecturer, Computers, Information $201
Summer University “Democracy and Diversity”, July 15 – August 3, Kra-
kow, Poland
Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI, Master’s degree student, Central European Uni-
versity, Budapest $1,581
Daniela MURGULEÞ, lecturer, SUB $1,527
Total grants for participation of young faculty members in international uni-
versities and summer schools $5,651
Grants for Doctoral Students
The Project’s aim was to provide grants to support the research projects of
postgraduate students in social sciences and the humanities by covering expen-
ses related to research and documentation activity at different universities and
scientific centers in Moldova and abroad, thus facilitating their theses’ writing.
Beneficiary Grant
Ruslan DIMITRIEV $1,000
Maria DANILOV $1,000
Lilian NEGURÃ $1,000
Aurelia ZBÂRNEA $750
Victor CÃRÃUª $750
Eugeniu RÎBCA $750
Galina URECHEANU $750
Vlad CARAMAN $750
Vitalina BÃHNEANU $500
Valentina CHICU $500
Victor BURAC $500
Iurie STAMATI $500
Emilia MORARU $500
Sergiu DIGOL $500
Activity Report – 2001 22 23

Liliana LAUR $500

Total grants for postgraduate students: $11,000
Grants for Young Faculty Members
The Program’s objective is to foster students’ critical thinking by introduc-
ing participatory and interactive teaching methods into the teaching/ learning
process. The Program encouraged young faculty members who graduated
from higher education institutions in West-European countries, USA, or at
Central European University to teach in Moldovan universities.
Eugen SAVA, History of Ancient Greece and Rome, History of Internatio-
nal Relations in Ancient Greece and Rome, FIUM, September 1, 2001 –
August 1, 2002
Other expenses (advertisements, reviews) $891
Total expenses Teaching Assistants, Graduate Students and Young Faculty
Members Support Program $20,042

Higher Education Reform

The general aim of the Program was to foster the reform in the higher
education system of Moldova, thus contributing to its alignment to the educa-
tion development tendencies of the European countries. Two international
seminars organized within this Program addressed the issues of the higher
education reform implementation techniques.
Reform of the Educational System in the Context of European Integration
Chiºinãu, April 3 – 4, Institute for Public Policy, French Alliance, German Em-
bassy in the Republic of Moldova
Management of Higher Education Institutions, Chiºinãu, December 18 – 19
Institute for Public Policy
Total expenses Higher Education Reform Program $12,157

International Summer Schools for Undergraduate Students

The aim of this Program was to involve the youth in the process of democ-
ratization of the society and to facilitate their integration into the internation-
al academic community. The Program provided financial support to students
for their participation in international summer schools in social sciences and
the humanities.
Diana GOREA, Scottish Universities’ International Summer School, July 9
– 26, Edinburgh, Scotland
Cipriana MORARU, Summer Course on Refugees, International Institute of
Human Rights, June 18 – 29, Strasbourg, France
Victoria PLÃMÃDEALÃ, Summer School “Global Village for Future Leaders
of Business and Industry”, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA
Marcela JALBÃ, Courses of the American Institute on Political and Eco-
nomic Systems, July 12 – August 5, Prague, Czech Republic
Andrei PANICI, Courses of the American Institute on Political and Eco-
nomic Systems, July 12 – August 5, Prague, Czech Republic
Victoria TRIFÃUÞAN, Courses of the American Institute on Political and
Economic Systems, July 12 – August 5, Prague, Czech Republic
Vadim PISTRINCIUC, Diana POPA, Mariana NICOLAESCU, European Sum-
mer School 2001 “Development of Social Work in Europe”, July 15 – 29,
Berlin, Germany
Iulian POSTICÃ, American European Summer Academy, July 9 – 28,
Schloss Hofen, Austria
Olga PRINCU, Summer courses “Global Leadership Program”, Vision Re-
source Center, July 1 – 29, Prague, Czech Republic
Constanþa POPESCU - MEREACRE, American Institute on Political and
Economic Systems, July 12 – August 5, Prague, Czech Republic
Tatiana COLÞA, Institute of International and Comparative Law, July 2 –
August 4, Paris, France
Alina RUSSU, International Institute of Human Rights, July 2 – 27, Stras-
bourg, France
Vladimir CEBOTARI, Oleg BALMUª, Summer School “European Project
Self-Reliance-Democracy-Responsibility”, Christian Academy for European
Dialogue, August 23 – September 8, Leuven, Belgium
Diana GHERASIMCIUC, Seminar “Formation of Europe – Together Against
Phobia about Foreign Citizens, European Week Program, September 1 – 15,
Aachen, Germany
International Summer School “EUROLAN – 2001 – Creation and Exploitation
of Annotated Language Resources”, July 30 – August 11, Iaºi, Romania
Lilia LAZARI, Summer Courses of the Institute of Federalism, University
of Fribourg, August 27 – September 14, Fribourg, Switzerland
Roman RATEEV, International Seminar on Bulgarian Language and Cul-
ture, University of Veliko Turnovo, August 6 – 26, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Petru CULEAC, Summer School “Europenization and the Transformation
of European Politics: Policies, Interests, Institutions”, University of Crete,
September 10 – 15, Rethymnon, Greece
Olesea KOVALI, International Seminar “Eastern Enlargement and the De-
velopment of a Constitution for the European Union”, September 17 – 22,
Berlin, Germany
Maria NEAGU, Summer School “Prospects for European Union and NATO
Enlargement – What Is the Place of National and Ethnical Minorities”, European
Institute of Higher International Studies, August 20 – 29, Budapest, Hungary
Ira RURAC, Summer School “European Integration and Reform of the
European Union. European Security”, September 2 – 13, Poland
Other expenses (advertisements) $204
Total expenses International Summer Schools for Undergraduate Students
Activity Report – 2001 24 25

Students’ Initiatives Support Program

The aim of the Program is to provide support for extra-curricular initiatives
of students, as a force able to promote changes in the society and university life.
The Program supported research projects, seminars, student conferences, sum-
mer schools, research expeditions and various forms of collaboration and coope-
ration between/among institutions from Moldova and abroad. The Program also
supported projects related to students’ social life, their work in scientific and in-
terest groups, student associations, and formal and informal meetings. In 2001,
two contests were organized and 17 projects were supported with grants:
Club of Marketing, Viorica PASCARU, project director, 4th year student, Mar-
keting Department, AESM. The following market research was conducted: mar-
ket research on the Internet services in the Republic of Moldova the importance
of advertising in the process of making the decision to purchase something
International Student Conference “Protection of Patrimony in Post-totali-
tarian Societies in South-Eastern Europe”, Maria NEAGU, project director, 3rd
year student, History and International Relations Department, FIUM. real ex-
change of information between young people from different countries active
involvement of students in the democratization process of societies.
Research Project “Barometer of Students’ Opinion”, Natalia VLÃDICESCU, pro-
ject director, 2nd year student, Sociology Department, SUM. Analysis of students’
attitude towards the study process, their involvement in extra-curricular activities.
Involvement of Young Volunteers from Rural Regions in Solving Social
Problems, Veaceslav VLÃDICESCU, project director, 5th year student, Ecology
and Environment Protection Department, SUM. Organization of seminars,
debating the following subjects: moral, ethical and social aspects and modali-
ties of solving social problems tolerance between persons role of volunteers in
society social discrimination global ecological problems.
Involvement of Students in the Development of the Land Market, Dorin CI-
BOTARU, project director, 5th year student, Ecology and Environment Protec-
tion Department, SUM. Initiation of villagers from Vãrzãreºti into the aspects
of land market.
Co-operation: Local Public Administration – Students – Population, Valen-
tin BUTNARU, project director, 5th year student, Law Department, SUM. In-
volvement of persons living in rural regions in the decision making process
and providing access to local information.
Education Seminars “Understanding the Advertising”, Maxim ANMEGHI-
CHEAN, project director, 4th year student, Journalism Department, SUM.
Enhancing the level of perception and logical analysis of tobacco and alcohol
advertising among students.
Documentation Visit “Experience in Using the Methods and Techniques of
Sociological Research. Application of Data Bases in Sociological Investiga-
tions”, Anastasia BARBÃRASÃ, project director, 4th year student, Philosophy
and Psychology Department, SUM. Improving professional abilities in using
sociological methods and techniques of research.
Involvement of Students in Harmonizing the Relationship between Popu-
lation and Local Public Administration, Marcel MUDRENCO, project director,
4th year student, Ecology Department, SUM. Facilitating the access of the po
pulation from Tãtãreºti to local public information and their participation
into the decision making process.
Summer School “Orheiul Vechi 2001”, International Camp of Volunteers,
Sergiu NASTAS, project director, 5th year student, Law Department, SUM.
Organization of the first international camp of volunteers in the Republic of
Moldova in the field of patrimony protection.
Seminar “Involvement of Young People in the Protection of the European
Patrimony”, Marcel COBÂLEANU, project director, 3rd year student, History
and Ethno-pedagogy Department, SPU. Consolidating the connections bet-
ween the students of history in European countries, by promoting their active
participation in social life and the development of their responsibility for the
patrimonial values.
International Students Symposium “Anthropological and Cultural Dimen-
sions of Transition within the Romanian and Moldovan space”, Dumitru LA-
ZUR, project director, 3rd year student, Journalism and Communication
Sciences Department, SUM. Emphasizing the role and status of the individual
in society at present clarifying the role of the environment in promoting cer-
tain values studying the present social impact on the human being and
his/her behavior depending on social changes.
Workshop within the International Fine Arts Camp, held at Poiana Ur-
sului, Bacãu, Romania, Maria BORIVSCHI, project director, 4th year student,
Fine Arts Department, SPU. Development of collaboration between the specia-
lized schools in the region.
Summer Camp “From Folk Art to Postmodernist Art”, Ghenadie ªONÞU,
project director, 2nd year student, Fine Arts Department, State University of
Arts. A meaningful dialogue on the diversity of artistic languages, starting
with folk art and finishing with the post-modernist one.
Creative Camp “Cultural Inheritance – a Nation’s Asset”, Cornel CONSTAN-
CIUC, project director, 4th year student, History and Ethnopedagogy Depart-
ment, SPU. Study of the national - cultural patrimony and promotion of
Romanian and Moldovan people’s values.
Student Conference “Improving the Situation of the Disabled Students in
the Republic of Moldova”, Marina CÎRJEV, project director, 5th year student,
Chemistry Department, SUM. Development of information and education pro-
grams regarding the provision of disabled students with appropriate transport
services, access to information, professional training, jobs.
Sociological Research “The Status of the Professional Actor in the Republic of
Moldova”, Dorel GHENIÞÃ, project director, Statistics Department, AESM. A so-
ciological diagnostics of actors’ interests and attitudes, as a social group with a
specific structure and culture.
Other expenses (advertisements, reviews) $378
Total expenses Students’ Initiatives Support Program $11,657
Fellowships for Young Faculty Members at the Curriculum Resource Cen-
ter, CEU, Budapest
Beneficiary Higher Education Institution Budget
Valeriu CAPCELEA SUB $215
Sergiu MUSTEAÞÃ SPU $349
Nona IONAª AESM $292
Elena VÃRZARI SUB $277
Activity Report – 2001 26 27

Elvira POªTARU FIUM $281

Larisa ªAVGA CCU $389
Liudmila Stihii AESM $281
Other expenses (advertisements) $95
Total expenses Curriculum Resource Center Program $2,472
Participation of young faculty members in the Curriculum Development
Competition, organized by the Curriculum Resource Center and the Central
European University
Other expenses (advertisements) $205
Total expenses Curriculum Development Competition $470
Within the cooperation with the HESP International program in Budapest,
HESP disseminated information regarding the Program for Regional
Academic Cooperation of Students from Southeastern Europe (PRACS).
Program administration expenses PRACS: $4,254
HESP administration expenditures $10,049
Total HESP $117,998

The Invisible College Moldova

16/1 Puºkin Street,
Chiºinãu MD 2012,
Republic of Moldova
Tel: (+ 373 2) 22 25 03
Fax: (+ 373 2) 22 25 04
Web site: www.ic.soros.md
The mission of the Invisible College Moldova is to form a new generation
of intellectual elite in social sciences and the humanities, highly qualified
and open-minded professionals who will become active in governmental and
associative sectors and will be capable of facing the challenges of a society in

Developments and Achievements in 2001

During 2001 the Invisible College Moldova made sustained efforts to respond
to the changing political and social situation in the country. In this changing
environment, students need to be equipped with a diversity of knowledge, atti-
tude and practice, focused on the further promotion of democratic values and
reforms. One of the College’s goals during this period was to strengthen the role
of students in building open societies in the transitional period.
The Invisible College, as a center of excellence, is interested in the devel-
opment of regional cooperation and alternative educational initiatives in the
field of faculty and student mobility, summer schools, regional seminars and
workshops for both faculty and students.
The most important activities organized during 2001 were:
– international student conference “Restitutio in Integrum-2001” (February
23-24), organized in collaboration with the CEP Program, History Depart-
ment of the Free International University of Moldova, and the Laboratory
of Cultural Anthropology. The conference was open for students of social
sciences and the humanities departments from Moldova, Belarus and
Ukraine. The main goal of the conference was to support new methodolo-
gies and research themes in these areas.
– project “Raising Public Awareness on European Integration in Moldova“
organized with the financial support of the European Commission. The
main goal of this project was to raise awareness of the Moldovan pub-
lic, and first of all of the young generation, concerning the nature and
main aspects of European Integration and Moldova’s prospects for inte-
gration into the European Union.
– “CEP Week in International Relations”, April 3-7. This activity was orga-
nized in collaboration with CEP Program and Academy of International
Relations and Diplomatic Studies. In the framework of this activity, CEP
lecturers, students of the College and of the leading universities of Mol-
dova presented reports focused on the following topics: democracy, civil
liberties, nationalism, conflicts, Moldova in the changing world, etc.
– international conference “Moldova between West and East”, June, orga-
nized with the financial support of the CEP Program and European Co-
mmission. The discussions focused on the main aspects of Moldova’s
policy. The texts of communications presented at the Conference were
published in the Invisible College Collection “Moldova during the Pro-
cess of Change. Reality and Trends from the Perspectives of Young Re-
– international summer school “Political Communication in Societies in
Transition and European Values”, July 4-15, Vadul-lui-Vodã. The main
goals of the School consisted in informing the participants of the necesi-
ty of a dialog between the representatives of power and population in
the society, familiarization with the theory and practice of political com-
munication, education of practical social and political communication
skills, etc. The target group of the School was a group of 60 persons:
students, lecturers, mass media representatives, leaders of youth orga-
nizations from Moldova and Romania.
– scientific symposium of students “Anthropological and Cultural Dimen-
sions of Transition in the Romanian Space”, November 8-9. This Sym-
posium was organized by the students from the Philosophy Laboratory
with the financial support of the Soros Foundation - Moldova. The main
goal of the Symposium was to identify and analyze various aspects of
human anthropological perspectives in the Romanian society. Partici-
pants: students of Philosophy and Sciences of Communication Depar-
tments from: Chiºinãu, Bãlþi, Cahul, Iaºi and Bucureºti.
The Invisible College Moldova organized on December 22 a wide variety of
cultural and educational activities:
– the opening of an exhibition of works of young painters – members of
the “Oberliht” Young Painters Association from Moldova
– roundtable “Moldova’s Cooperation in the Framework of the Stability
Pact”. Participants: ICM students and professors, experts from the Insti-
tute for Public Policy and CONTACT Center
– One man show “From Human Being’s Life and the History of Humani-
ty”, actor – Dumitru FUSU, International Festivals and Contests Laureate

Tutorial program Invisible College Programs during

One of the main forms of the academic activity of the Invisible College is 2001 year
the tutorial program. Every student has individual consultations with
his/her professor-tutor on the selected research topics. The aim of this activ-
ity is to develop students’ analytical skills, the capacity of independent
work and of carrying out scientific research in the respective fields. The
research topics are focused on the most important problems associated with
the transitional period.

Visiting professors and experts

The Invisible College Moldova invites local and foreign lecturers and
experts in the field of social sciences and the humanities from USA, Ca-
nada, Central and Western Europe for presentation of courses and interdis-
ciplinary lectures. It is one of the most important aspects of the educational
programs provided by the College as visiting lecturers bring new ideas,
research and teaching practices, and every contact with a foreign specialist
contributes to the development of communication and good analytical
During 2001 the following foreign professors visited the Invisible College:
Activity Report – 2001 28 29

Ivan ADAMEI, Canada Marie-France MARANDA, Canda

Mihaiela BOZEA, Romania Alida MATKOVIC, Council of Europe
Mihai CURELARU, Romania Adrian NECULAU, Romania
Jerzy EISLER, Poland Skordas PANAGIOTIS, Greece
Walter GULICK, USA Marie-Louise SANDEN, Linkoping
Carter JOHNSON, Canada, University, Sweden
CEP lecturer Traian STÃNCIULESCU, Romania
Robert J.KORBACH, USA Ana-Maria VARY, Robert Shuman
Wlodzimierz LUGOWSKI, Poland Institute, Hungary

English language training

All students are to master the English language in order to extend the
area of communication and to have access to foreign academic resources and
informational network, which will contribute to a successful career in their
chosen field. Students are required to take the TOEFL test by the end of their
studies at the College. The fees for the language study course and the test reg-
istration are supported by the College.

Computer skills development

Invisible College students have compulsory computer training in computer
operating. They are taught efficient utilization of modern information tech-
nology in research work, Internet navigation, e-mail communication. Two
computer classrooms are available for students:
Internet Classroom: Invisible College, 16/1 Puºkin Street, Chiºinãu MD2012
Computer Classroom: SPU, 1 Ion Creangã Street, Chiºinãu MD 2039

Participation at international and local conferences, workshops, semi-

nars, and summer schools
Invisible College students are encouraged to take part in various extracur-
ricular activities. This practice allows them to extend the area of communica-
tion, to acquire new knowledge and practical skills in the field of social
sciences and the humanities, and to develop communication skills. The most
important activities the Invisible College students participated in were:
Regional student conference “Conflicts in Transition Societies”. Daniela
Dumitru LAZUR, Ion CRÃCIUN, March 1-2, Harkov, Ukraine
Regional seminar “De l’utilite et des inconvenients de la philosophie dans
les pays post-communistes”. Gheorghe BOBÎNÃ, Victor COJOCARU, Laboratory
of Philosophy, Anthropology and Culturology, May 11-19, Cluj-Napoca,
National conference “Transition and European Values”. Ana CALINIONOC,
Gabriela GHERMAN, Doina MACARU, Livia ROªCA, Laboratory of Psychology
June 1-2, Chiºinãu
International summer school “Educational Politics”. Lucia CIOCÎRLAN,
Political Science Laboratory Holland Institute of Education Sciences, July
European Summer School for Social Work. Vadim PISTRINCIUC, Mariana
NICOLÃESCU, Diana POPA, Laboratory of Sociology, July 13-28, Berlin
Conference “The Treaties and Mechanisms of the United Nations in
Solving the Problem of Refugees”. Iurie PROHNIÞCHI, Laboratory of Philoso-
phy, Anthropology and Culturology, June, Chiºinãu
Summer School “Europenization and Transformation of the European
Politics”. Petru CULEAC, Laboratory of Sociology Rethymnon, Greece, Sep-
tember 10-15
Training course for young people and youth workers “European
Citizenship” Sergiu TOMªA, Laboratory of Philosophy, Anthropology and
Culturology, October-November, Budapest
International conference “The Transnistrian Conflict and Moldova’s
Sovereignty”. Maria SALABUGA, Petru SÎRGHI, Alexandru COLOSIVSCHI,
Political Science Laboratory, October 12-13, Chiºinãu
Student symposium “From Popular Art to Postmodernism”. Vladimir US,
Ghenadie ªONÞU, Laboratory of Philosophy, Anthropology and Culturology,
November, Chiºinãu
Seminar “Courses of Volunteering for Young Leaders of NGOs”. Parasco-
via MUNTEANU, Vitalie MIHALAª, Laboratory of Sociology, November 21-30,
International conference “Sociological Aspects of the Informational Socie-
ty”. Petru CULEAC, Laboratory of Sociology, December 11-13, Kiev
CEP winter school “Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities in Enhan-
cing Political and Social Stability”. Maria SALABUGA, Petru SÎRGHI, Alexandru
COLOSIVSCHI, Political Science Laboratory, December 4-7, Chiºinãu
Conference “Social Policy and Problems of Raising the Quality of Life Ali-
na CORJAN, Olesea CRUG, Ana GANEA, Lilia TÃIETU, Laboratory of Socio-
logy, December 20, AESM, Chiºinãu
Seminar “The Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe –the Basis for Poli-
tical and Economic Reform Implementation in the Republic of Moldova”. Lau-
renþiu HADÎRCÃ, Political Science Laboratory, December, IPP, Chiºinãu

Invisible College members published articles, reports in local and foreign
mass media, which they had presented at seminars, debates, conferences,
summer schools, etc. The most important publications in 2001 were:
Vadim PISTRINCIUC published the article “Community Development in
Moldova” in “Working Materials of the 6th European Summer School for
Social Work”, Berlin, 2001.
Mariana NICOLÃESCU published the article “Family and Child Protection
in the Republic of Moldova” in “Working Materials of the 6th European
Summer School for Social Work”, Berlin, 2001.
Petru CULEAC, published the article “Moldovan “Team Spirit” and
Moldova’s Integration in the EU” in ICM Collection “Moldova during the
Process of Change. Reality and Trends from the Perspectives of Young
Researchers”, Chiºinãu, 2001 and the article “Why and How Is the Civil
Society Organized”, Chiºinãu, 2001
Andrei ILAªCIUC published the article “Moldo-Iranian Relations Review”,
in “Scientific Materials of SUM-2001”, and the article “International Rela-
tions of the Republic of Moldova” in “The Republic of Moldova: Successes,
Problems and Future Prospects”, Chiºinãu, 2001
Maria SALABUGA published the article “Individual Work Contract--
Specific Provisions”, in the magazine “Public Administration”, #.4, 2001
Iulian POSTICÃ published the article “European Integration – En Vogue”
in the Informative publication of the Association of Young Historians from

Study visits of students and professors abroad

The College established relations with the Sociological Department of the
Linkoping University (Sweden) and as a result, the project “Democratization
and Modernization of Higher Education: Common Moldovan-Swedish Efforts”
was developed. The project’s scope of interest is the comparative study of
educational reforms in the field of social sciences and the humanities in
Sweden and Moldova. The plan of activities includes experience exchange,
round tables and exchange of groups of faculty and students. During October
18-27, a group of students and professors from the College undertook a study
visit to Stockholm University, Uppsala University and Linkoping University.
They visited some non-governmental institutions, including scientific and
student organizations. The study visit of a Swedish group to Moldova is
planned for April, 2002. The project is sponsored by the Swedish Institute,
A group of students and professors from ICM Laboratories made a study
visit to the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucha-
Activity Report – 2001 30 31

rest, during November 30 - December, and discussed possible ways of collab-

Financial resources
Open Society Institute, Higher Education Support Program: $58,700
Soros Foundation - Moldova, HESP Program: $21,322
Soros Foundation - Moldova, Civil Society Program: $5,000
Swedish Institute: $12,000
European Commission: $13,755
CEP Program: $1,300

The Educational Advising Center

148 ªtefan cel Mare ºi Sfânt Blvd,
Chiºinãu, 2012,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (373 2) 22 11 67, 22 11 72
Fax: (373 2) 22 11 67
E-mail: eac@dnt.md
Web site: http://eac.iatp.md
The major objective of the EAC is to provide accurate, comprehensive, cur-
rent, and unbiased information concerning opportunities for degree or non-
degree, undergraduate or graduate programs at American colleges and
universities to everyone who is interested in education, training or research
in the USA, and in other countries as well. EAC also offers information about
financial aid for studies abroad.

Program Developments and Achievements in 2001

– providing regular consultations on U.S. education issues to the intere-
sted persons
– responding to inquiries about U.S. education, available scholarships,
English language courses, summer study opportunities in the US
– helping visitors to search for US universities, choose the appropriate
school, communicate with the institutions’ admission offices, fill out
and send the application materials
– coordinating the Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program in Moldova
– helping with the promotion of US Government sponsored programs in
– helping with the administration of Soros scholarships in Moldova
– assisting in promoting other US institutions’ scholarships
– providing bulletins and information about the dates and places of TO-
– organizing and delivering regular lectures on various issues concerning
education in USA
– providing free of charge Internet access to the Center’s visitors
– providing free of charge test preparation computer access
– maintaining a library and CD-ROM databases with wide information on
US education, as well as preparation materials for TOEFL, GRE, GMAT,
– maintaining and regularly updating a website with full information on
the Center’s services and US study
– maintaining an electronic list through which regular information and
news are delivered to subscribers
Scholarships and Programs Advertised:
– Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program
– FSA Undergraduate Fellowship program
– Regional Scholar Exchange Program
– FSA in Contemporary Issues
– Fulbright Program for University Professors and Researchers
– American University in Bulgaria Scholarship Program
– FSA FLEX Program
– C.V. Starr Fellows Program for Mid-Career Professionals
– Society for the Humanities Fellowship
– Master’s Degree at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
University – Kokkalis Fellowship
– SCOUT Program
– Alumni Local Initiative Grants Program
– Community Connections Program
– Humphrey Fellowships
– International Management Center MBA in Budapest
– Rotary World Peace Scholarship Program
– Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships Program
– University of Warwick Scholarship Program
– Oxford University Scholarships
– Central European University Scholarship Program
Local Events Attended:
– job Fair and Career Forum for the Muskie/FSA Program Alumni, February
– educational Fair “Alma - Mater” 2001, June 17 - 20
– 2001 Muskie/FSA Program Finalists’ Reception – May 18,
– meeting with the new US Government program alumni, June 29
– outreach trips with EAC Presentation and Muskie/FSA Program Recrui-
ting Lectures
– educational Fair “School of the 21st Century”, October 11 - 14
– presentation during the seminar “Higher Education in the 21st Century:
Public Needs and Institutional Response”, October 16, State University
of Moldova, Alumni Resource Center
– lecture with video presentation: Computer Based Testing: GRE, GMAT,
TOEFL, December 5, State University of Moldova, Alumni Resource
– two presentations during the seminar “Graduate Study in the US” –
Internet Capabilities, and Financing Graduate Study in the US and Stu-
dent Visa Issues, State University of Moldova, Alumni Resource Center,
December 14
International Education Week, November 12-16, provided an opportunity to
promote and celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange
worldwide. This initiative is part of the effort to encourage policies and programs
that prepare young people for a global environment and attract future leaders
from abroad to study in the United States (http://exchanges.state.gov/iew2001).
On the occasion of this event, the Educational Advising Center organized a semi-
nar “If You Want to Study in the US”. It took place in the State University of
Moldova, Department of Foreign Languages, IATP office, during November 12 –
16. 17 people interested in pursuing graduate study in the US signed up for the
seminar, which included 5 sessions (one session per day).
International Events Attended:
– fundraising workshop for NIS independent advising centers. Tbilisi,
Georgia, May 4 – 7
– 53rd Annual NAFSA Conference, Philadelphia, USA, May 27 – June 1
– Alumni Database Training Workshop, Moscow, Russia, June 5 – 8
– Annual Soros Scholarship Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 14 – 17
– 7th OSEAS Europe Regional Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus July 18 – 23

2001Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program

The Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program was established by the
U.S. Congress in 1992 to encourage economic and democratic growth in Ar-
menia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Rus-
sia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. The Muskie/FSA
Program is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the
Activity Report – 2001 32 33

United States Department of State, administered in Moldova by the Educa-

tional Advising Center. The program offers graduate study opportunities in
the following fields: Business Administration, Economics, Education, Envi-
ronmental Management and Policy, International Affairs Journalism and
Mass Communications Law, Library and Information Science, Public Admi-
nistration, Public Health, Public Policy.
The program offered 9 fellowships to Moldovan citizens in 2001.
Annual Statistics:
– total number of visitors: 2197
– total number of correspondence received (e-mails, letters, etc.): 2769
– total number of telephone calls: 2295
– total number of testing bulletins, CD requested: 903
Other Information:
In December, EAC launched an electronic newsletter for 290 subscribers.
The newsletter contains information about studies in the US, as well as
descriptions of ongoing scholarship programs for Moldovan citizens.
Financial Resources:
Soros Foundation - Moldova - $10,000
Open Society Institute, New York - $4,850
US Department of State - $6,000

Participation in Scientific
Conferences The goal of the Program is to offer partial financial support to scientists
pursuing basic research at a scientific institution in Moldova to enable them
to travel abroad to attend international scientific conferences. Scientists were
to be formally invited by the conference organizers to present papers or paper
communications at the conference.
Part ial grants awarded in 2001:
The 7th Holographic Materials Conference, January 21-26, San Jose, CA, USA
Igor CIAPURIN $941
The 2nd International Conference on Micro Penetration, July 15-21, Cam-
bridge, UK
Diana LEU $1,000
The 11th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, April 21-25, Pa-
ris, France
Rodica PASCAL $940
The 19th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, June 26-29, Dundee,
Iurie CARAUª $621
The 6th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, July 15-20, Barcelona, Spain
Igor POVAR $813
Workshop: Applied Mathematics in Europe, May 4-6, Belingen, Switzerland
Svetlana COJOCARU $386
Constantin GAINDRIC $386
The Symposium A2 on Optoelectronic Materials and Technology in the
Information Age, April 22-25, Indianapolis, USA
Sergiu PΪKIN $950
International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, July 29 –
August 3, San Diego, USA
Vasile ROTAR $1,080
The IV International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 8-11, Osaka, Japan
Victor ªEREMET $834
The XX Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society Congress, June 18-20, Ro-
ros, Norway
Eugenia MAXIMOV $758
AMPERE Specialized Colloquy, July 22-26, Stuttgart, Germany
Ion GERU $570
The 20th Conference in Coordinative Chemistry June 25-29 Rostov na
Donu, Russia
6th International Congress on Vertebrate Morphology, July 21-26, Jena,
Roman CROITOR $403
The 6th International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation,
July 8-12, Remis, France
Vladimir ROTARU $683
Religious and Philosophical Aspects in the Poetical Creation of Victorian
Writers Robert and Elisabeth Barrett Browning, October 11-14, Waco, Texas,
Dumitru USENCO $819
International Symposium on Foliar Nutrition of Perennial Fruit Plants,
September 11-15, Merano, Italy
Sofia VELICSAR $500
The 7th International Congress in Phycology, August 18-25, Thessalonica,
Tatiana DUDNICENCO $467
The 19th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline
Semiconductors, August 27-31, Nice, France
Mihail IOVU $551
EURESCO Conference: Photovoltaic Devices, September 8-13, Tomar, Portu-
Tamara POTLOG $408
The 10th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, September 9-14,
Bremen, Germany
Vitalie KOROTKOV $470
ECM 20: The 20th European Crystallographic Congress, August 25-31,
Krakow, Poland
Iurii CIUMACOV $267
European Aerosol Conference 2001, September 3-7, Leipzig, Germany
Alexandru BOLOGA $619
Seminar at the Institute of Evolution, August 12-16, Haifa, Israel
Svetlana BACA $506
Global Forum on Health Research, October 9-12, Geneva, Switzerland
Victor VOVC $537
CTW 2001 Conference, June 6-8, Koln, Germany
Dumitru LOZOVANU $520
International Rheumatology Congress, August 26-30, Edmonton, Canada
Vasile CEPOI $1,079
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations International Conference, August
20-28, Kiev, Ukraine
Nicolae JITÃRAªU $153
The 20th International Congress on Byzantine Studies, August 19-25, Pa-
ris, France
Emil DRAGNEV $500
Virgiliu PÂSLARIUC $500
European Pathology Congress, September 8-13, Berlin, Germany
Ilie ÞIPLE $500
Global Congress: Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility,
September 6-9, Paris, France
Rodica COMENDANT $500
Activity Report – 2001 34 35

DRIP XI International Conference, September 24-28, Rimini, Italy

Mihail NAZAROV $498
6th European Workshop on Thermo Electrics, August 19-21, Freiburg,
Dumitru GHIÞU $466
National Physics Conference, October 18 - 20, Iaºi, Romania
Vitalie EREMEEV $18
Viorel CIORNEA $23
Aurelia PREPELIÞA $37
Biological Resources and Stable Development, October 29 – November 2,
Pushchino, Moscow, Russia
Ana BÂRSAN $167
EURECA-2001, International Inventions, Research and New Technology
Exhibition, November 12-21, Brussels, Belgium
Mihail POLIACOV $490
Program administration expenditures $1,722
Total $22, 587

The Scholarship Programs

The network and national Scholarship Programs were designed to give the
young generation of Moldova the possibility to obtain adequate and quality
studies in relevant areas in educational institutions abroad. These programs
will lead to the increase of local capacity in different fields as well as to the
improvement of scholarship recipients’ professional training level.

Network Scholarship Programs

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute of New York and
American University in Bulgaria (AUBG)
Complete four years scholarships leading to a BA degree in social sciences
and the humanities
Alexandra YAROVA Andrei PANICI
Program administration expenditures $1,961
Undergraduate Exchange Program, USA
Scholarships for an academic year for second year students in social sci-
ences and the humanities
Diana ALBU Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg, VA
Cãtãlina SORBALÃ Westminster College, Fulton, MO
Cristina ZUBINSCHI Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA
Program administration expenditures $2,388
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Master (MA, MSc, LLM) and doctoral (PhD, SJD) degree programs in social
sciences, humanities, economics and environmental policy
Elena CARTALEANU Medieval Studies, MA
Andrei CUªCO History, MA
Veaceslav BALAN Legal Studies, CCL-HR LLM
Andrei CACIURENCO Legal Studies, CCL-HR LLM
Victor TAKI History, MA
Vlad KULIMINSKI International Relations, MA
Iulia CAPROª Medieval Studies, Ph.D.
Mariana GOINA Medieval Studies, Ph.D.
Program administration expenditures $5,506
The University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Master’s degree programs in arts, sciences and social sciences.
Andrei PORUMBRICA Economic Analysis and Policy, MSc
Nadejda MAZUR Legal Studies, LLM
Program administration expenditures $1,280
CEU Summer University, Budapest, Hungary
2, 3 or 4 week specialized courses for university lecturers, administrators
and other professionals in social sciences and the humanities
Adelina ªTEFÂRÞA History and Theory of Art after the Cultural Turn
Svetlana PÎNZARI The United Nations, Civil Society and the Private
Vitalie DIACONU Sector in Global Governance
Irina CUªNIR
Diana CHEIANU Poverty, Ethnicity and Spatial Change in Eastern Europe
Veronica GHEÞU Digital Literacy for Open Societies
Marina KAIM Language and Gender and Society
Galina GLOBA Cooperation Policy in the Transition:
Theory, Implementation and Challenges
Anatolie RADIÞA The Plight of the Gypsies: Culture and Politics
of Ethnic Transformations in Post-Communist Societies
Program administration expenditures $3,172
Soros Supplementary Grants Program (SSGP), Budapest, Hungary
Partial scholarships for students pursuing their studies in Central and
East European countries and ex-URSS
Arsenie COSEAC American University in Bulgaria
Olga DEMENTIENCO St.Kliment Ohridski University, Bulgaria
Olga ªIªCOVA
Galina MANOLOVA Ethnography Institute, Bulgaria
Mihai PISICA Babeº-Bolyai University, Romania
Corneliu PLOPA
Elena PLUJNIC M.Lomonosov State University, Russia
Grigorie ªEVCENCO Music and Dance Academy, Bulgaria
Program administration expenditures $581
Global Supplementary Grants Program (GSGP), New York, USA
Partial Scholarships for Ph.D. students pursuing their studies in West
European, North American, Asian and Australian universities
Ilean CAªU Syracuse University, USA
Viorel PÂSLARU University of Cincinnati, USA
Georgeta CΪLARU University of Paris, France
Program administration expenditures $605

National Scholarship Program

Merit Scholarships
In 2001 the Soros Foundation-Moldova conducted the sixth edition of the
annual Merit Scholarships Contest for students enrolled in higher education insti-
tutions from Moldova. Students in their 3rd, 4th and 5th years of study, with out-
standing academic records, involved in a number of extracurricular activities and
research were eligible to participate in this merit-based and open competition.
The value of a scholarship was established at 300, 500, and 800 USD.
Two hundred and twenty-five students from sixteen higher education institu-
tions participated in the competition. Seventy of the candidates were awarded
the 2001 Soros Foundation-Moldova’s Merit Scholarship.
First Tier Merit Scholarship ($800)
State University of Moldova
Denis NICA
Viorica OLARU
Sergiu RUSSU
I.Creangã State Pedagogical University
Activity Report – 2001 36 37

Free International University of Moldova

State University of Arts
Second Tier Merit Scholarship ($500)
State University of Moldova
Ludmila CENUªÃ
Diana POPA
Natalia-Maria-Vlada BUGA
Vitalie MEªTER
Technical University of Moldova
Octavian ENE
I.Creangã State Pedagogical University
Free International University of Moldova
Corneliu MANOLE
ªtefan cel Mare Police Academy
Alexandru BODAREV
A.Russo State University of Bãlþi
Third Tier Merit Scholarship ($300)
State University of Moldova
Cãtãlina BANTOª
Dumitru BRÎNZÃ
Andrei CUªCO
Ludmila ªALARI
Technical University of Moldova
Serghei FRUNZE
I.Creangã State Pedagogical University
Free International University of Moldova
Natalia TIMUª
Academy of Economic Studies
Teodor TOCAN
Margareta VOZIAN
N.Testemiþanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Alexandru BRÎNZÃ
Alexandru COTICI
State University of Arts
ªtefan RÃDVAN
ªtefan cel Mare Police Academy
State University of Tiraspol
Natalia BUZÃ
Ludmila IACUB
Academy of Public Administration
Viorica DANIÞA
International Management Institute
Elena RUSU
A.Russo State University of Bãlþi
Natalia BRANAªCO
Svetlana HALIUC
Program expenditures $20,591
Other sources: Moldova Agroindbank $12,000

The International Language

Training Center
The International Language Training Center, known as the English
Language School operating within the Pro Didactica Educational Center until
October 2001, was founded in 1994 with the financial support of the Soros
Foundation – Moldova to promote open society values through meeting the
local needs in English language instruction.
In 2001, the Foundation supported the Center’ s initiative to separate
from Pro Didactica and establish an independent institution. The Foundation
granted the Center institutional support for this purpose.
The International Language Training Center, Victoria GALII, director, Sup-
port for the establishment of the International Language Training Center.
Project in progress. The new entity was created on the basis of the English
Language School of the Pro Didactica Educational Center. The ILTC will con-
tinue to provide foreign languages courses. A new office and equipment for
the Center are to be purchased.
(of which $60,000 as a recoverable grant, to be reimbursed over the next 3
Travel Grants:
Annual Conference of the English Language Program, Ina ªEVCENCO, ins-
tructor, Pro Didactica English Language Center, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Total ILTC $125,664
National High School Debate League

Youth Development Center


Youth Initiative Fund

The National High School Debate
16 A Puºkin Street
Chisinau MD 2012
Republic of Moldova
Tel/Fax (373 2) 228365
E-mail: imoldoveanu@soros.md
Web site:
The mission of the National High School Debate League is to prepare the
youth for active participation in social life through the promotion and devel-
opment of skills necessary in an open society: critical thinking, tolerance for
the opinion of others, effective communication, team work and the opportu-
nity to examine issues affecting their lives and their communities.

Program Developments and Achievements in 2001

2001 was another exciting year for the National High School Debate
League. Throughout the year, activities focused on strengthening and expan-
ding the program. Some major accomplishments for the program include the
approval of Debate as an optional academic subject in the high school cur-
riculum, the expansion and development of the Debate Program in the
Transnistrian region, the implementation of the pilot-project “Senior Debate
Program,” the development of the Roma kids program, the development of
the Debate Manual, and the increase in the number of members and debate
centers. In conjunction with other organizations that actively participated in
the European Year of Languages, the Debate Program held debates in the
Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Polish and English languages. In
addition, the Debate Program activities were not limited only to Moldova.
Moldovan high school and university students participated in international
debate events in Romania, Russia, Macedonia, and Ukraine.
The Debate Program’s success throughout 2001 was largely due to the
help of a number of organizations such as the SOROS Foundation - Moldova,
the Ministry of Education, the Youth Initiatives Fund of the Open Society
Institute, New York, OSCE, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, A.
Russo State University in Bãlþi, the International Debate Education Associa-
tion, the Embassy of the U.S. in Moldova, and high schools and lyceums
actively involved in the program.

Program Presentation
Debate is a powerful means of personal expression, a tool which encour-
ages critical and independent thinking, as well as tolerance for the views of
others. It offers high school and university students, teachers and representa-
tives of society at large the opportunity to examine issues affecting their lives
and their communities. For these reasons, it is imperative to continue to
develop debate activities in Moldova.
The Debate Program in Moldova has always been a breath of fresh air to
our teacher-centered educational system where the lack of innovative pro-
grams for improving the quality of teaching has been one of the main prob-
lems that needs to be addressed. The Program was established in 1994, and
immediately showed positive results since its inception. As part of the
school curriculum, Debate offers teachers and students unique techniques
and tools to express ideas and to develop solutions to problems. Furt-her-
more, as a result of the Program, Debate participants are generally more
politically aware and better informed about current events of the country
and the world that surrounds them. Simply stated, Debate fosters an open
and civil society.
Moldova’s National Debate League (MNDL) is a non-profit, non-govern-
mental organization (NGO), registered by the Ministry of Justice in 1998. It is
a program that encourages an open and honest exchange of ideas among
people of different ages, social classes and educational backgrounds.
Activity Report – 2001 40 41

– to promote the culture of tolerance and understanding
– to develop oratorical and comprehension skills
– to develop critical thinking
– to increase the number of debate clubs
– to raise the quality of debates
– to improve the methods of conducting curricular and extracurricular
Debate Seminars
In 2001, the National High School Debate League continued to work on
increasing the quality of debates and to this end, conducted 84 workshops on
debate techniques (beginner and advanced levels). A special emphasis was
placed on creating new debate clubs in rural areas. During the National
Seminar, the debate coaches shared their knowledge and experiences on using
debate techniques in the classroom and during their extracurricular sessions.
Debate Camps
The main debate event of the year, the National Debate Summer Camp
was held during June 26 - July 2. The participants (92 high school students
from all over Moldova, 15 university students and 18 coaches) had the oppor-
tunity to improve their debate techniques and to exchange ideas on a variety
of topics. According to the project “Debating for Peace and Democracy” sup-
ported by the Youth Initiative Fund, a Winter Debate School was organized in
Tiraspol from January 2 to January 8. This School involved a total number of
120 participants (44 students being from the left side of the river Nistru
(Transnistria) and 56 from communities on the right side). The students
debated both in the Russian and Romanian languages. The aim of this activ-
ity was to promote a culture of tolerance and understanding among youth
from both sides of the river Nistru.
The Debate Program organized an alternative debate summer camp for
116 students and teachers from all over Moldova. The expenses for this activ-
ity were entirely covered by the community and parents. The second debate
camp held in August in Hîrjauca was supported by the Youth Initiative Fund
and had similar objectives as the Winter Debate School in Transnistria.
Debate Tournaments
The National High School Debate League organized 15 debate tourna-
ments for more than 1,000 high school students. The National Debate
Tournament was held during the National Summer Camp and had mixed
teams. This stimulated the cooperation between students from different clubs
and regions in Moldova and promoted tolerance and understanding among
them. The regional tournaments were held in Chiºinãu, Bãlþi, Cãlãraºi, Ci-
miºlia and Tiraspol. During the regional tournaments, two debate formats
were practiced: Karl Popper and Policy.
– 2,560 students practiced debate in 88 debate clubs;
– 1,172 students participated in 14 regional tournaments;
– 180 university students participated in the Debate Program;
– 2,723 students and teachers participated in 84 seminars
– a new debate center was created in Cãlãraºi, increasing the number of
debate centers in the Republic up to 5.
Financial Resources
Soros Foundation - Moldova - $60,000
Open Society Institute, Youth Initiatives Fund - $33,779
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - $2,670
International Debate Education Association - $547
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova - $1,830
Community support - $4,110
Bulgarian National Debate Association - $480
Total: $103,416
The Youth Development Center
32 A Bulgarã Street,
Chiºinãu, MD 2001
Tel.: (+373 2) 2700 31, 270232
Fax: (+373 2) 27 05 07
E-mail: imoldoveanu@soros.md
Web site:
The Youth Development Center’s mission is to promote information and
education among young people and educators on all aspects of youth devel-
opment, including physical, social, mental and moral development. We hope
to help solve the complex problems of our society by encouraging pro-active-
ness and creativity among young people through different activities, pro-
grams, and resources.

Program Developments and Achievements in 2001

The activities of the Youth Development Center in 2001 continued to focus
on building, molding and transforming values and mindset among today’s
youth, as well as educating the youth on careers in the new millennium.
– to establish theories and best model practices in order to maintain posi-
tive physical, mental, psychiatric and social health
– to develop leadership abilities and efficient communication skills among
the youth
– to promote democratic problem solving
– to foster respect and civility towards self and others
– to offer viable solutions to parents and teachers in regards to problems
in the areas of education and cognition with respect to children
The year 2001 was a success for the Youth Development Center largely
due to the collaborative efforts of the SOROS Foundation - Moldova, the
Youth Initiative Fund of the Open Society, New York, the US Embassy, and
the Consulate of the Netherlands. The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of
Internal Affairs, and the Departments of Education from the districts of
Edineþ, Bãlþi, Orhei, Ungheni, Tiraspol, Tighina, and Lãpuºna also played an
integral part in ensuring the Center’s success throughout the past year.
The activities of the Youth Development Center were implemented in the
northern part of Moldova as well as in the districts of Edineþ, Bãlþi, Orhei,
Drochia, Ungheni, Cahul, Cãlãraºi, Vãsieni and Chiºinãu. Of particular note
was the involvement of young people from localities in Transnistria, which
has traditionally been non-existent. The Center targets and seeks to work
with adolescents, teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents, and local public
administrators in order to achieve its mission.
The management of alternative projects has proved to be one of the major
accomplishments of the Youth Development Center during 2001. The project
“The Instruction of District Police Officers and Representatives of NGOs from
the District of Orhei after the Duluth Model” (Project Director Melania
MIHAILOV) had the objective of instructing law representatives and leaders of
NGOs from the district of Orhei aimed at eliminating domestic violence.
Seminars and round table discussions were just a few of the activities that
approximately 252 people benefited from under this project.
The objectives of the project “Prevention of Trafficking of Human Beings -
Creation of Clubs for Adolescents” (Project Director Margareta DUªCIAC) were
to create clubs for adolescents in rural localities and to eliminate the traffick-
ing of human beings by means of sharing information with high school and
university students. Five clubs for adolescents were created in schools in
Drochia, Bãlþi, Cãlãraºi, the village of Vãsieni and Chiºinãu. Club instructors
organized a national conference, seminars, and panels in these schools.
Beneficiaries: 600 persons.
Activity Report – 2001 42 43

The project “The Youth – the Messengers of Peace and Good Understan-
ding” (Project Director Serghei CARTAªOV) was designed for people living on
both banks of the river Nistru. The project’s activities were geared towards
fostering cooperation between the youth on both banks of the river Nistru
through mutual participation in different activities aimed at solving problems
with respect to interethnic relationships. In addition, the project promoted the
concept of tolerance and healthy lifestyles through seminars, summer camps,
round table discussions, and meetings. A network of youth organizations
similar to the Youth Development Center called “A Forum of the Youth” was
also created under this project.
The main objectives of the project “Elimination of Trafficking of Human
Beings” (Project Director Emilia MORARU) were to inform the public, particu-
larly young girls, about the consequences of illegal human trafficking and to
create and instruct volunteer groups to facilitate activities aimed at instruct-
ing and preventing human trafficking in the districts of Edineþ, Bãlþi and
Orhei. This project facilitated meetings, seminars, round table discussions, as
well as the Regional Conference of adolescents, being the most important
event. Approximately 1,070 individuals participated and benefited from this
Currently the Center has 3 departments: Youth Leadership, Out-of-School
Activities and the Training Department.

Youth Leadership Department Young Leaders’ School Program (YLS)

(YLD) Program Director: Emilia MORARU
– to prepare the youth for the future and social integration
– to educate the youth to respect human values
– to develop leadership and efficient communication skills
– to help the youth develop positive decision making skills
– creative workshops, instructional member panels, round table discu-
sions, radio broadcasting programs, and volunteer activities
– YLS members participated in radio broadcasting programs including the
radio program for adolescents “Semnal Junior” broadcasted by the Na-
tional Radio
– the regional conference “Expansion of the Phenomenon of Illegal Tra-
fficking of Human Beings and Its Means of Prevention” for adoles-
cents and teachers from schools in the northern region of Moldova
90 YLS graduates; 25 became volunteers and instructed 140 participants
at the Summer School

Extracurricular Mass Media Program

To involve the YDC’s volunteers in preparing and editing the YDC’s bul-
letin “Tînãr ºi Unic – T&U”.
3 issues were published with a total number of 4750 copies

Program Director: Melania MIHAILOV

– to promote the general ideas of the YDC and the most efficient modern
methods of conducting extracurricular activities for teenagers
– to develop useful tools to handle conflicts
Seven interactive seminars on “Conflict and Communication” for individu-
als from different professions such as professors, school managers, and local
administrators in Vãsieni, Costeºti, Floreºti, Cucorozenii-Noi, Ialoveni, Orhei
and Chiºinãu.
– 230 seminar participants
– promotion of the art of problem solving in 12 schools throughout Mol-

Odyssey of the Mind (OM) Out-of-School Activities

Program Director: Nina AMBROCI Department
– To support the Department of Education and to offer the youth the fol-
lowing opportunities:
– to learn creative and critical problem solving skills
– to learn the concept of teamwork
– to learn to make commitments, and work within budget and time con-
– to gain cultural experience by interacting with young people from differ-
ent countries
– formed thirty-three Odyssey of the Mind clubs in Bãlþi, Ungheni, Tighi-
na, and Lãpuºna
– organized 4 regional competitions totaling 231 participants
– held a national competition with 52 teams (364 pupils)
– participation of 35 pupils (representing the five winning teams from the
national competition) in the European Festival in Debrecen, Hungary
Beneficiaries - 595 pupils (members of 85 clubs) throughout Moldova

“Enigma” Psychological Club

Facilitator: Ludmila MAZÎLU
– to gain a better understanding of human conflict
– to form practical skills through the conflict resolution process
– to promote activities which minimize and prevent conflict situations in
rural localities
– conducted 120 sessions for 75 high school students
– organized and participated in Children’s Day, Youth Day, and special
holiday events
– organized the participation of volunteers of the GNM team and “Enig-
ma” club in the forum “Youth Without Frontiers” and in the follow-up
presentation at the House of Nationalities
– conducted one day instructive seminars in rural localities (Cãpriana,
Bãrdar, Brãila, Strãseni and Ialoveni)
– cooperated with the “ECO” NGO and involved juvenile delinquents in
the Club’s instructional activities
– organized a poll among volunteers of the GNM team on conflicts in
today’s society
150 club “Enigma” graduates
1,690 persons familiarized themselves with the activities of the “Enigma”
Club and of the “Conflict Resolution and Communication” Program
Activity Report – 2001 44 45

“Krug” Psychological Club and “Yes!” Volunteers School

Facilitators: Serghei CARTAªEV and Ana CARTAªEV
– to educate individuals in becoming socially active citizens
– to identify the priorities of constructive conflict resolution for society
– to apply and practice effective communication skills
– organized two club promotions
– implemented and participated in the project “The Youth – Messengers of
Peace and Good Understanding”
– organized the Youth Forum in Transnistria
– held an essay competition for club members
– prepared materials for the “Tînãr si Unic” YDC bulletin
– further developed teaching materials for the Summer School partici-
pants in Transnistria
– 61 new student members
– participation of 200 children in special holiday events
– participation of 121 students in the essay competition
– creation of the Web site: www.krug.da.ru

Roma Clubs
Facilitators: Maria VULPE, Petru BUNÃCALE
– to integrate and involve Roma children into society
– to familiarize Roma children with today’s society and democracy
– to promote individuality and civility
– to help promote a new social status for the Roma children
– organized 40 sessions for Roma children in the village of Parcani using
various methods of instruction
– conducted thematic lessons on culture, history and aesthetics
– facilitated creative lessons, poetry recitals, and essay writing
– coordinated 10 sessions and instructive seminars regarding the promo-
tion of healthy lifestyles, efficient communication and conflict resolu-
– organized free discussions on children’s rights
– conducted meetings with influential people within the Roma community
55 Roma children were instructed
Financial Resources
Soros Foundation - Moldova: $52,174
Open Society Institute, Youth Initiatives Fund: $25,964
Council of Europe, “Bridges for Education”: $ 3,900
US Embassy: $3,840
Community: $7,360
Total: $93,238

The Youth Initiative Fund

The mission of the Youth Initiative Fund is to encourage and support
regional/cross-border cooperation through financing activities that would
bring together the youth from South – East Europe. The program is financed
by the Open Society Institute, New York, and is addressed to organizations,
youth institutions (schools, lyceums, universities), and public institutions.
Program objective: to support projects that promote tolerance, understand-
ing and interethnic dialogue, as well as responsibility, self-respect, voluntary
work, entrepreneurship abilities, democratic values, cultural interaction and
non-violent conflict resolution, proposed and/or addressed to young people
aged between 14 and 21.
Grants awarded in 2001:
The Youth Development Center, Iulia MOLDOVAN, project director, The
Youth – Messengers of Peace and Understanding
The National High School Debate League, Sergiu LÎSENCO, Debate for
Unity and Understanding
The Independent Journalism Center, Angela SÎRBU, School Newspapers as
a Model of Communication and Cooperation among Children
“M-Club” Youth Social Assistance Center, Tatiana ALAMURADOVA, project
director, Educational Training “For Stability and Peace through Interethnic
“European Youth Exchange-Moldova” Association, Iosif MOLDOVANU,
project director, Young and Civic
The National High School Debate League, Vasile TOFAN, Solving Rural
Problems through Debate
Program administration expenditures $7,456
Total $92,547


r o

The Library Program
The Library Program’s aim is to support library activity and develop cus-
(In collaboration with the Network
tomer oriented services in a world of continuous flow of information and
Library Program, OSI-Budapest)
growth of advanced informational technologies, thus ensuring an efficient
user access to the first source information regarding the human develop-
– to provide and extend access to information through developing library
– to increase the importance of the library for community life through
developing services addressed to informational needs of different cate-
gories of users
– to support the professional development of the staff involved in library
– to integrate Moldovan libraries and librarians into the international
informational community

Library Collection Development

Program’s aim
The Program’s aim is to ensure access of library users to the latest infor-
mation through supporting projects related to library collections development
with reference materials and documents regarding human development.
The results of the grant competition regarding the development of collec-
tions of referential materials and creation of specialized collections in the
field of social sciences and the humanities:
Tighina County Public Library, Cãuºeni, Larisa ªESTACOVSCHI, library
director. Development of the Collections of Referential Materials. Develop-
ment of the library collection by 65 titles of referential materials and a total
number of 300 copies.
Edineþ County Public Library, Briceni, Nina NAVROÞCHI, library deputy di-
rector. Development of library collection by 150 titles of referential materials
and a total number of 362 copies.
Chiºinãu County Public Library, Strãºeni, Nadejda PÃDURE, library direc-
tor. Development of the Referential Literature Collection. Development of the
library collection by 200 titles of referential materials and a total number of
250 copies.
Cahul County Public Library, Rodica DERMENJI, library director. Develop-
ment of the Referential Materials Collection. Development of the library col-
lection by 105 titles of referential materials, and a total number of 275
Ungheni County Public Library, Victoria BERNIC, library director. Develop-
ment of the Referential Literature Collection. Development of the library col-
lection by 173 titles of referential materials and a total number of 200 copies
Orhei County Public Library, Lidia SITARU, library director. Creation and
Updating of the Referential Literature Collection. Development of the library
collection by more than 150 titles of referential materials and a total number
of 300 copies
State University of Moldova Library, Ecaterina ZASMENCO. Development
of a Specialized Collection in the Field of Psychology and Pedagogy. Develop-
ment of the library collection by 40 titles of teaching materials in the field of
psychology and psycho-pedagogy and a total number of 100 copies
Activity Report – 2001 48 49

Technical University of Moldova Library, Georgeta GHENGHEA, Chief of

the Acquisition Department. Development and Updating of the Collections in
the Field of Economics, Law and Cadastre. Development of the library collec-
tion by 34 new titles of teaching materials in the field of management, econo-
my, law and cadastre and a total number of 189 copies.
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova Library, Ala SUSARENCO, Chief
of Acquisition Department. Development of the library collection by 50 titles
of English language teaching materials in economics and a total number of
60 copies
International Institute of Management Library, Gabriela ROMANCIUC, lib-
rary director. Development of the library collection by 241 titles of teaching
materials in the field of economics and a total number of 361 copies
Comrat State University Library, Vera CIMPOIEª, library director. Develop-
ment of the Psycho-Pedagogical Collection. Development of the library collec-
tion by 90 titles of teaching materials in the field of psycho-pedagogy and a
total number of 300 copies
Engineering and Industrial College, Tatiana AMBROCI, library director.
Development of the library collection by 60 titles of referential and teaching
materials in the field of social sciences and the humanities and a total num-
ber of 230 copies

Acquisition of Books for University and Public Libraries from Outside the
Capital City
The program supported the acquisition of 13 titles, 100 – 250 copies each,
published by local publishing houses, to be distributed to university and
county public libraries through the Book Foundation.
Author Title Publishing House
Stanley Hoffman Ianus and Minerva ªtiinþa Publishing House
Michael Winock Les siècle des intellectuels Cartier Publishing House
Barry Buzan Nations, States and Fear Cartier Publishing House
Michael Ferber A Dictionary of Literary Cartier Publishing House
Jean-Michel Gaillard, The History of the Cartier Publishing House
Antony Rowley European Continent
Michel Beaud Histoire du Capitalisme Cartier Publishing House
Quentin Skinner Machiavelli Arc Publishing House
Loukas Tsoukalis The New Revised Arc Publishing House
European Economy
Eric R.Wolf Europe and People Arc Publishing House
without History
Herbert.Gierch, Fading Miracle Tehnica-Info Publishing House
Karl-Heinz Paque,
Holger Schmieding
Herbert Lionel Hart The Concept of Law Sigma Publishing House
Domenico Fisciella Political Science Publishing House of the State
University of Moldova
Mihai Eminescu Complete Works Gunivas Publishing House
in 8 volumes
Total $8,514
Subscription to National Journals of Art and Culture
County, municipal and village public libraries from outside the capital
received 250 subscriptions for 2001, and respectively 400 - for 2002 to each
of the “Sud-Est”, “Basarabia”, “Contrafort”, “Limba românã” and “Semn”
Other expenses (reviews, advertisements, administration SJDP, subscriptions
and book distribution, etc) $868
Total Collection Development Program expenditures $40,910

Professional Development Program

The aim of the program is to ensure the professional development of spe-
cialists involved in the informational activity, through facilitating their partic-
ipation in various international professional events, supporting their
in-service training and exchange of experience with their colleagues from
other countries.
Participation of librarians in international conferences, internships, and
study visits abroad
Symposium “Modern Technologies and Informational Resources – for
Modern Era Children”, April 26 - 27, Ion Creangã National Library for Child-
ren, Chiºinãu
Claudia BALABAN, president of the National Section of the International
Book Board for Youth (IBBY) $1,000
Participation in the Workshop “The Role of Libraries in Supporting the
Training of Blind Persons” within the Crimea Conference 2001, May 9 - June
17, Sudac, Crimea, Ukraine
Tatiana CHIPER, director, Specialized Republican Library of the Associa-
tion for the Blind of Moldova $89
Natalia DOROGAN, librarian, Specialized Republican Library of the Asso-
ciation for the Blind of Moldova $565
Olesea IONCU, manager of the Department for Disadvantaged Persons,
B.P.Haºdeu Municipal Public Library $89
Internship at the Mortenson Center for Informational Programs, March 19
– April 29, Urbana Champain, Illinois, SUA(co-financing OSI -Budapest)
Iraida DIGODI, responsible secretary of the National Librarianship Council
Participation in the Conference of the European Library Automation Group
(ELAG), June 6 - 8, Prague, Czech Republic (co-financing OSI -Budapest)
Eugenia BEJAN,deputy director, Ion Creangã National Library for Children
Participation in the IFLA Annual Conference, August 16 - 25, Boston, SUA
(co-financed by USA Embassy)
Vera OSOIANU, chief of Librarianship Research and Development Depart-
ment, National Library of Moldova $1,067
Zinaida SOCHIRCÃ, director of FIUM Library $1,067
Ala SUSARENCO, chief of Acquisition and Evidence Department, AESM
Library $1,067
Participation in the Meeting of the Library Consortia Coordinators, Sep-
tember 13 - 16, Budapest, Hungary (co-financed by OSI- Budapest)
Silvia GHINCULOV, director of AESM Library $374
Study Visit in Lithuania, November 18 - 24, National Library of Lithuania,
Vilnius(co-financing OSI- Budapest)
Rodica AVASILOAIE, deputy director, National Library of Moldova $731
Valentina CHITOROAGÃ, director, National Book Chamber of Moldova
Alexe RÃU, director, National Library of Moldova $701
Internship “Coordination of Projects in Library”, within the “Currant”
Program National School of Information Sciences and Librarianship, Paris,
Lyon (co-financing French Alliance)
Activity Report – 2001 50 51

Tatiana COªERI, chief of Automation Department, B.P.Hasdeu Municipal

Public Library $418
Study visit of librarians from public libraries from outside the capital city
in libraries of Denmark, October 15 – 22, Libraries of Denmark, Zinaida ADA-
MACHI, Eugenia BEJAN, Victoria BERNIC, Liuba DÃNUTÃ, Maria FURDUI,
Nina NAVROªCHI, Angela OLÃRESCU, Parascovia ONCIU, Vasilisa POMETCO-
VA, Elena ROªCA, Larisa ªESTACOVSCHI, Elena VULPE, (co-financing Danish
National Authority for Libraries)


Supporting In- service Training of Librarians

Librarians’ Association of Moldova, Ludmila CORGHENCI, director of Lib-
rarianship School of Moldova, deputy director of FIUM Library Librarianship
School. 6 new courses of continuous training for librarians; the project sup-
ports organization of 24 seminars where about 200 librarians from all types
of libraries participate.
Specialists from different types of libraries, M.ALECSANDRI, project direc-
tor, A series of seminars facilitated by Danish experts: Lars MUNKOE, Hans
Hansen, and Niels Aajaard, September 29 – October 2. The following issues
were discussed: access to information, interlibrarian cooperation, informa-
tional technologies, and library services for different categories of users (with
the contribution of the Danish Fund for Democracy).
The Librarianship School, M.ALECSANDRI, project director, Seminar “Inte-
grated Library System: Use of the UNIMARC International Standards” facili-
tated by OSI- Budapest expert Regina VARNIENE. Librarians from central and
university libraries attended this seminar held during October 17 – 22. $375
Other expenses (advertisements, reviews)
Total Professional Development Program expenditures $35,096

Improving Services for Public Libraries Users

(Co-financed by OSI-Budapest)
The aim of the program is to encourage public libraries initiatives of
improving and extending their services by addressing the informational needs
of various categories of users.
Children’s Branch of the Cahul County Library, Rodica DERMENJI, director.
Multimedia Reading Room. Providing electronic equipment for the reading
room, connecting it to the Internet, acquisition of multimedia informational
Alba Iulia Branch of B.P.Haºdeu Municipal Public Library, Elena ROªCA,
director. Summer Camp of Reading and Entertainment for Children from So-
cially Vulnerable Families of Buiucani District, Chiºinãu. Providing the library
with electronic equipment, connecting it to the Internet, development of the
library fund with multimedia materials, organization of extracurricular activi-
ties for children
Teleneºti Municipal Public Library, Orhei County, Maria FURDUI, director.
Creation of a Reading and Entertainment Room for Disabled Children.
Providing the library with technical equipment and necessary materials for
organizing activities with disabled children.
Comrat Central Library for Children, Vasilisa POMETCOVA, director. Dialog
with Young People Familiarization of the youth with pressing problems of
society by organizing meetings and discussions with specialists,providing
equipment connected to the Internet, acquisition of literature
Baraboi Village Library, Ungheni County, Claudia POSTOVAN, director.
Promoting informational services in rural regions. Providing the library with
electronic equipment necessary for ensuring access to information, supplying
the library collection with informational materials, subscribing to the
“Juristul” database, connection to the Internet
Donduºeni Municipal Public Library, Edineþ County, Liuba DÃNUÞÃ, director.
Creation of the Donduºeni Mini-multimedia Center. Supplying the library with
electronic equipment, connection to the Internet, development of the library col-
lection with materials on different informational supports
Total expenditures Improving Services to Public Libraries Users Program

Library Automation Program

The program’s aim is to support county public libraries’ initiatives to
establish information and documentation centers which would address com-
munity needs in these areas and would introduce new services based on the
use of informational technologies in the centers’ activity.
D.Cantemir County Public Library, Ungheni, Victoria BERNIC, director.
Agrarian Informational Center, Ungheni. Supplying the library with technical
equipment connected to the Internet, development of the library collection
with specialized literature, ensuring access to the “Juristul” database, and
providing technical assistance for entrepreneurs in the agrarian field (Co-
financed by OSI- Budapest).
Tighina County Public Library, Cãuºeni, Larisa ªESTACOVSCHI, director.
„Bugeac” Center of Information and Documentation. Supplying the library
with technical equipment connected to the Internet, development of the
library collection with specialized literature, ensuring access to the “Juristul”
database, introducing new services of information and documentation in dif-
ferent domains of community life.
Edineþ County Public Library, Cãuºeni Tatiana IUDCOVSCHI, director.
“Pro-Nord” Regional Information and Documentation Center, Briceni Sup-
plying the library with technical equipment connected to the Internet, devel-
opment of the library fund with specialized literature, ensuring access to the
“Juristul” database, introducing new services of information and documenta-
tion in different domains of community life.
M.Sadoveanu County Library of Chiºinãu, Strãºeni district, Nadejda PÃ-
DURE, directort. Strãºeni Information Community Center. Supplying the lib-
rary with technical equipment connected to the Internet, development of the
library collection with referential literature, ensuring access to the “Juristul”
database, introducing new services of information and documentation in dif-
ferent domains of community life.
Library Automation Program expenditures $42,715
Program administration expenditures $9,198
Total Library Program expenditures $159,394
Activity Report – 2001 52 53

The Internet Program

The mission of the Internet Program is to integrate Moldova into the infor-
mational community of an open society by using the opportunities provided
by communication electronic technologies and free access to informational
The Internet Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova (SMF) supports
projects which aim at creating WWW servers, web page development, train-
ing in the area of electronic technologies of communication, electronic pub-
lications. The implementation of these projects will contribute to the
development of the informational content of the Internet network in Mol-
In order to implement the Internet for Moldova project and develop the
academia network, the Soros Foundation-Moldova established in 1998 a
public institution – the DNT Association. With the financial support from the
Soros Foundation, ($28,600 in 2001), the DNT Association offered access to
the Internet -- either free of charge or at considerable discounts -- to mass
media organizations, NGOs in the capital and other different regions of
Moldova, high schools and lyceums around the whole country, the Ministry
of Education, the Center of New Informational Technologies, universities in
Chiºinãu, the Academy of Science, the Parliament of the Republic Moldova,
the Quality Assessment and Accreditation Board, legal Institutions, the
Republican Center for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Justice, etc. For
more detailed information please see page 56 of the report.
Grants offered in 2001:
Agency for Enterprise Restructuring and Assistance, Sergiu GANDEA, project
director, Moldovan Business Information Net. In 2001 the www.mbinet.md site
was created. The site offers an unlimited access to reliable, first-hand analytical
data about various industries in Moldova, relevant information and opportuni-
ties for economic development. There are 14 field studies placed on the site.
$18,000(2000 budget)
Moldovan - American Center for Private Initiative, Elena CHIªLARI, project
director, Small Business On-line. The WEB server “Small business on-line”,
http://www.smallbiz.md/ was created and launched. It contains normative
documents, guidance, recommendations, studies, analyses, etc, on how to
operate an efficient small business.
$6,098 (2000 budget )
Research and Development Association of the Republic of Moldova, Lidia
ROMANCIUC, project director, Database on scientific researchers of Moldova.
A database on the scientists of the Republic of Moldova was developed. An
Internet site including these data was created.
$5,000 (2000 budget)
Independent Journalism Center, Corina CEPOI, project director, Transnistrian
Conflict: information Resources. A Web site (http://www.iatp.md/transnistria/ )
that focuses on impartial presentation of the events covered by mass media
during the conflict in Transnistria in 1991-1992 was created.
$1,612 (2000 budget)
Association of Women of Legal Career, Jana COSTACHI, project director,
Development of a Web page for the Center for Eradication of Trafficking in
Women. A Web page of the Center for Eradication of Trafficking in Women:
www.antitraffic.md was created. This page contains a database that includes
information about existing local and international NGOs that are operating in
this field, as well as diverse materials, information about conferences, work-
shops, seminars dedicated to the problem of trafficking in human-beings.
Center of New Information Technologies, Grigore VASILACHE, project direc-
tor, Summer School in Computer Science – 2001. From August 13 to August 26
the Center of New Information Technologies organized a summer school for
teaching various computer skills. The school was attended by students from
secondary schools who got high scores at nation-wide contests in mathematics
and computer science. 160 students and 20 teachers participated in it.
“InfoTerra” Public Association, Sergiu SCATICAILOV, project director, Com-
puter Training Center, Strãºeni. A Computer Training Center was created In Strã-
ºeni. The Center offers access to Internet information to the community and is
involved in organizing and conducting training courses in computer education,
local and global networks, means of communication and web site creation.
AGROinform National Federation, Aurelia BONDARI, project director, De-
velopment of the Agravista Web site. The objective of the project is changing
the placement and passing the administration of the Agravista WEB site over
to the AGROinform National Federation; developing the structure and a new
web site design in compliance with the beneficiaries’ needs; identifying new
partners who are interested in contributing to developing the site; developing
fee-based services.
Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development, Gheorghe
MOLDOVANU, project director, Development of the Web site with information
on the innovation system of Moldova. Development of the Web site presen-
ting the innovation system of Moldova to facilitate the information exchange
between different entities involved in the innovation activity.
Municipal Traffic Police and Center for Noncommercial Law, Nicolae UÞICÃ,
project director, Design and maintaining a web site for the Traffic Police.
Development of the Web site for the Municipal Traffic Police. This site aims at
improving the image of Municipal Traffic Police and its relations with the socie-
ty. This will help the Traffic Police to better execute its duties and tasks.
ADEPT Association for Participatory Democracy, Igor BOÞAN, project
director, Monitoring the multi-party system in the Republic of Moldova. A
Web page containing information about legislation, policy, leaders, symbol-
ism and statistical data concerning Moldovan political parties.
Pro Didactica Educational Center, Iurie MOCANU, project director, Distance
learning course in Informatics. The goal of the project is to expand the educa-
tional services offered via Internet by implementing a distance learning
course in Informatics.
Cahul Center for Regional Development, Anatol NEBUNU, project director,
Internet Portal CAHUL. A well structured site containing general information
about Cahul, local government activity and services they offer to educational
institutions and legal entities from the Cahul county.

First Edition of the Competition “2001 Best Moldovan WEB Site”

For the first time in Moldova the following competitions were organized:
„2001Best WEB Site” and „2001Best WEB Design”
This project was aimed at supporting the development of the Moldovan
Internet content. Through a competitive process, the contest expert committee
selected the best sites created in the main priority fields supported by the
Foundation: education, science, art, culture, civil society, mass media, local
government, law, and public health.
49 sites participated in the „2001Best WEB Site” competition and 28 sites
-- in “2001Best WEB Design”.
Winners of „2001Best WEB Site” competition:
First Tier Prize - $1,000
Moldovan Association of Political Site „Yam”, http://www.yam.ro
Activity Report – 2001 54 55

Science Students (MAPSS)

“ADEPT” Association for Participatory Site „E-democracy”,
Democracy http://www.e-democracy.md;
MegaDat.com Ltd. Site „Moldova Cyber Community”,
Second Tier Prize - $600
Independent Journalism Center Site „Moldova Today”,
“Youth-Knowledge-Future” Site „Virtual School
Association of the Young Mathematician”,
Pro Didactica Educational Center Site „Pro-Education”,
BASA-press News Agency Site http://www.basa.md
“MedNet” National Center Site „PharmaPlus”,
of Medical Information http://www.pharmaplus.mednet.md
Moldovan Association of Political Site „Integrare Europeanã”,
Science Students (MAPSS) http://europa.yam.ro
Third Tier Prize - $300
“CONTACT” National Assistance Site http://www.contact.md
and Information Center for NGOs
The Agency for Enterprise Site „Moldova Business Information
Restructuring and Assistance. Network” http://www.mbinet.md
Moldovan Stock Exchange Site http://www.moldse.md
Independent Journalism Center Site „ Transnistrian Conflict in Media”,
Geological Society from Site „ Geological monuments”,
the Republic of Moldova http://www.geo.dnt.md
“Interlic” News Agency Site http://www.interlic.md
National Center of Preventive Medicine Site http://www.sanepid.md
Encouraging prize - $150
EKKLESIA magazine Site: „ EKKLESIA Orthodox Spirituality
Magazine” http://www.geocities.com/levitki/
„Nicolae Tafuni” Private Enterprise Site „Teenagers’ Agenda”,
Winners of the „2001Best WEB Design” competition:
Second Tier Prize - $400
Dmitrii VOLOªIN Site http://www.moldovanin.com
Vitalie CHIPERI Site „Yam”, http://www.yam.ro
Third Tier Prize - $100
MegaDat.com Ltd. Site „Moldova Agroindbank.”,
Vitalie CHIPERI Site „ Independent Journalism Center”,
Internet Access and Training Site „IATP Moldova”,
Program/ IREX Moldova http://www.iatp.md
3WebDesign Ltd. Site “Black Octopus” http://www.ckclub.md
“Youth-Knowledge-Future” Association Site “Biology-Chemistry On-Line”
Encouraging prize - Cordless Optical Mouse
ÎÎÎ “Computer World”. Site “Unofficial Tiraspol” http://city.tiraspol.net
Total $14, 978

Scholarships for the Local CISCO Academy

Dinu ÞURCANU, Margarita MIRONOVA, Egor MÂRGINEANU, Violeta SA-
Participation at International Conferences and Workshops
CEENet Network Technology Workshop 2001, Anton ELIÞÃ, Alexei GUÞA-
GA, Diana GUBA, Eugen GOROSENC, Veaceslav ÞENTIU, Hungary, Budapest,
ISP Backbone Routing and Network Security, Cisco Systems, Veaceslav
REVUÞCHI, USA, San Jose, October – November
Total Travel Grants $2,659
Program administration expenditures $9,285
Total Internet Program expenditures $123,888

The DNT Association

16 Puºkin Street,
Chiºinãu MD 2012,
Republic of Moldova
Tel. (+ 373 2) 229229
Fax (+ 373 2) 210572
E-mail: pr@dnt.md
URL: http://www.dnt.md
The aim of the DNT Association is to contribute to the development of
new informational technologies in Moldova, to implement the Foundation’s
projects in IT, and to provide qualitative services to a large area of users:
from personal to corporate. Internet solutions from DNT are developed to sat-
isfy the most diverse consumer demands.

Developments and Achievements in 2001

The DNT Association implemented several significant Internet projects in
2001 in co-operation with various organizations and with the financial sup-
port from the Soros Foundation:

Moldova Azi (http://www.moldova-azi.md)

The “Moldova Azi” Portal, aimed to support and develop independent
media in the country, is the most important and popular on-line source of
information about major events in the life of the Republic of Moldova.
The portal represents sections with original materials -- expert commen-
taries and independent journalist investigations. The journal provides space
for communication with its readers, giving the possibility to hold dialogues
with the most famous people from the country. Furthermore, there exists a
possibility of choice from news reflecting political, economic and social life in
the country, provided by central informational agencies. The “Moldova Azi”
archives are the largest and the most complete on-line source of news about
life in Moldova, beginning with December 1998.
The “Moldova Azi” Informational Portal was developed on the basis of the
“Moldova News” project founded on November 16, 1998 by the DNT
Association in co-operation with the Independent Journalism Center. In 2001
the “Moldova News” was completely re-organized and modified and starting
from May 20 appears in a new design formula with a new name.
The DNT Association provides for the technical part of the project imple-
menting the site design and supporting the software necessary for content
Since “Moldova Azi” appears in a new formula with a larger volume of
information, a re-design of the portal is planned again for 2002.

Theaters of Moldova (http://teatre.art.md)

The site “Theaters of Moldova” provides information about the most
important institutions in this area from the country and is oriented towards a
Activity Report – 2001 56 57

large audience including experts in the field from the Republic of Moldova
and abroad. Anybody willing to get acquainted with the history and life of
local theaters or visit plays in any of them will find a good guide on this site.
Each of the ten theaters is represented with an overview information,
actors, repertoire and distributions. The most important directors and actors
of each of the theaters are represented with profiles about their work. The site
contains rich illustrative material from different plays and actors’ profiles.
The review section provides critics’ and journalists’ opinions about the plays.
The site offers useful and current information about plays, so that visitors
could be informed about the repertoire and future first openings. Site visitors
are also informed about current events (festivals, tours, plays etc.).
With the help of a theater expert, the DNT Association implemented the
entire project, from the structural definition up to information placement and
editing. The Theater Portal is supplied with extended contents administration
software. At the moment, DNT is searching for an informational partner for
this project.
Expenditures $ 17,445

Museums of Moldova
The portal “Museums of Moldova” provides information about museums
in the Republic of Moldova. It describes each museum: history, most impor-
tant collections and sections, its staff, scientific and cultural activities, publi-
cations, etc. The portal presents articles and images about the history and
development of museum art in the country, a collection of biographical data
about the most famous museum experts from Moldova and a collection of
useful links.
The DNT Association provides for the technical part of the project, being
responsible for the creation of a comfortable interface and contents adminis-
tration software.
At the moment, the project is at the stage of collecting information.
The project budget is $ 3,520

Moldova Business Information Network (http://www.mbinet.md)

This is a Web portal offering unlimited access to analytical information
about industry in Moldova, relevant knowledge and development possibili-
ties. The most important enterprises from Moldova are presented in the form
of a standard “guestbook” within every area of industry. Besides that, a “vir-
tual market” was developed, where economic agents from Moldova, as well
as those from abroad, would be able to place on-line co-operation offers and
proposals or respond to the existent ones.
The DNT Association provided for the technological and design solutions
for the site.

“Sud-Est” Magazine (http://www.sud-est.md)

“Sud-Est” is a quarterly magazine about art, culture and civilization that
has been published in Chisinau since 1990 in the Romanian language. The
Web site of the magazine has the aim to provide a connection between the
magazine and its readers. At the same time, the site offers a more effective
communication form with existing and potential authors as well as with pub-
lications of the same profile. Taking into account that materials published in
the magazine do not get out-of-date, the electronic version of the magazine
does not exactly mirror the contents of the paper edition, having a more like-
ly advertising role. The site complements the magazine with many character-
istics specific for the Internet like archives, authors’ and staff’s profiles, for
which a non-electronic magazine does not usually find space.
Besides, the site and supporting software creation, the DNT Association
continues to administer the “Sud-Est” site, adding new material and complet-
ing the archives.
The project budget is $ 1,920
Institute for Public Policy (http://www.ipp.md)
The site of the Institute for Public Policy presents, along with basic infor-
mation about this institution, a large collection of materials from different
workshops, seminars, etc. It is a useful source of information about political
and social events in the country.
The DNT Association developed the structure and design of the site and
implemented technological solutions for content administration. A restructur-
ing and re-design of the site is planned for 2002, taking into account a larger
volume of information.

Cisco Networking Academy Program

As one of the aims of the DNT Association is the development and promo-
tion of modern network technologies, the first Cisco Local Academy was
launched in May 2000 in the framework of the Cisco educational program
(http://www.dnt.md/services/training/). A special lab with Cisco equipment
and Internet access for practical classes was established.
Cisco Networking Academy Program developed by Cisco Systems, is an
educational program, which has over 3000 centers all over the world - in US
and in other 52 countries. This program is a practical illustration of the most
effective educational methods: Distance Learning and E-Learning.
The main goal of the program is providing adequate training for high
school and university students, and other professionals with the eventual
vocational enrollment in the area of computer network design, installation
and administration. Another goal of the program is to support private enter-
prises by providing for trained and specialized workforce in the area of com-
puter networking. Last but not least, the Cisco Networking Academy strives
for supporting governmental initiatives in the area of implementing IT in
education. In 2000, 20 students graduated from Cisco Academy and in 2001 -
31. In 2001, the Soros Foundation - Moldova awarded scholarships to 5 stu-
dents for training at the Cisco Academy in the amount of $ 2,700

The Publishing Program

Network Translation and Publishing Program
(In collaboration with the Center for Publishing Development of the Open
Society Institute – Budapest)
Through open competition, the Program continued to provide support for
publishing houses in translating and publishing West classic books in social
sciences and the humanities.
Implementation mechanisms, partners, and eligibility criteria did not suffer
significant changes, however some improvement was necessary, including a
more active Foundation’s policy in establishing direct contacts of publishers
with copyright holders from abroad, and fostering co-operation among publish-
ing houses in establishing an institute of professional translators.
In the 2001 competition, 7 publishing houses participated with 25 titles
and six of which were granted support for translation and publishing:
Arc Publishing House, Iurie BÎRSA, director. Peter Baily, David Farmer,
Purchasing Principles and Management, 2000 copies
Cartier Publishing House, Gheorghe ERIZANU, director. R. Remond ,Reli-
gion et Societe en Europe, 3000 copies
Epigraf Publishing House, Oleg BUJOR, director. Antony D. Smith, Natio-
nalism and Modernism: Critical Survey of Recent Theories, 1000 copies
Museum Publishing House, Iurie COLESNIC, director. David Dutton, The
Politics of Diplomacy, 1000 copies
Activity Report – 2001 58 59

Prut Internaþional Publishing House, Oleg BODRUG, director. Stevan Pav-

lowitch, History of the Balkans, 2000 copies
ªtiinþa Publishing House, Gheorghe PRINI, director. G. Leclerc, La mondi-
alisation culturelle. Les civilisation a l’epreuve, 1000 copies
Due to serious difficulties in obtaining the copyright, the Museum and
Tehnica-Info Publishing Houses gave up the translation and publishing of
three titles approved in 1998 in a total amount of $18,122. They were
replaced with other three new titles within the limits of the same amount of
Cartier Publishing House, Gheorghe ERIZANU, director. M. Winock, Le voix
de la liberte, 3000 copies
Cartier Publishing House, Gheorghe ERIZANU, director. A. Guerreau,
L’Avenir d’un passe incertain, 3000 copies
ªtiinþa Publishing House, Gheorghe PRINI, director. North, Douglass C.,
Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, 1000 copies
Other Program expenditures (for review of translation and mail delivering
service) $1,350
In 2001, the following 5 books financed during the previous years were
Author Book Title Publishing House
Eric R.Wolf, Europe and People without History Arc
Skinner QUENTIN, Machiavelli Arc
Michael WINOCK, Les siècle des intellectuels Cartier
Michel Beaud, Histoire du Capitalisme (1500-2000) Cartier
Michel Ferber, A Dictionary of Literary Symbols Cartier
Agreements on translation and publication of the following 16 books,
approved in 1998-2001, were signed:
Author, Book Title Publishing House
M. Finley, The Use and the Abuse of History Arc
Charles Epping Randz, A Beginner’s Guide to the Economy Arc
Mark S.Frankel, Jane Cave, Evaluating Science and Scientists Tehnica-Info
Eric Bobsbawm, The Age of Revolution (1789-1848) Cartier
Eric Bobsbawm, The Age of Capital (1848-1875) Cartier
Eric Bobsbawm, The Age of Empire (1875-1914) Cartier
G.A. Cole Management. Theory and Practice ªtiinþa
Peter Collin, Dictionary of Marketing ªtiinþa
Richard Stutely, The Definitive Business Plan Arc
Charles King, The Moldovans: Romania, Russia and Politics of Culture Arc
Richard Lynch, Corporate Strategy Arc
Patrick Dunleavy & Brendan O’Leary, Theories Epigraf
of the State: The Politics of Liberal Democracy
Thuderoz Christian, Negociations. ªtiinþa
Essai de sociologie du lien social
Claude Dubar, La crise des identites ªtiinþa
Jean-Marie Schaeffer, Adieu a l’esthetique ªtiinþa
Gerard Leclerc, La mondialisation culturelle. ªtiinþa
Les civilisation a l’epreuve
Total Translation Projects Program Expenditures from the 2001 budget
Professional Development of Publishers
International Bookfair, October 8-16, Oleg BODRUG, „Prut Internaþional”,
director, Gheorghe IERIZANU, “Cartier”, director, Alexandru MARIN, “Tehni-
ca-Info”, director, Iurie BÎRSA, „Arc”, director, Gheorghe PRINI, „ªtiinþa”,
director, Iurie COLESNIC, „Museum” director, Frankfurt, Germany

Publishing Loan Fund Program

(In collaboration with the Soros Economic Development Fund)
The Program was designed to support the gradual transition of publish-
ing houses from a grant system to the bank loan financial mechanism. It is
run in collaboration with Victoriabank Joint - Stock Commercial Bank. The
Bank reviews the publishing house’s business plan and then decides upon
granting credit to it. The Foundation provides a gradually decreasing guaran-
tee as a bank deposit in the amount of a part of the credit requested by the
Publishing House.
Since 1999, Cartier, ªtiinþa, and Prut Internaþional Publishing Houses
have participated in the Program on a regular basis. All the credits have been
reimbursed in accordance with the agreements signed between the bank and
the publishing houses.
Guarantee fund offered by the Foundation in 2001 $60,000
Civil Society


a ms

l S

Women’s Program

The Civil Society Program
The aim of the Program is to support the transition of the country towards
an open and democratic society through the institutionalization of the civil
society basic norms – individual rights, free association, delimitation of pub-
lic and private spheres, rule of law, freedom of opinion, initiative, as well as
support in creating the mechanisms of control and influence of society over
the state and its institutions.
Projects and programs that addressed the pressing needs of the communi-
ty, were innovative in character, could represent models, contributed to pro-
moting NGO activities and involved citizens in them, were eligible for
financial support.
Open Grant Competition for NGOs
Association of Independent Electronic Press, Victor OSIPOV, project director.
Seminar “Mass Media in 2001- Parliamentary Elections: Regulations, Deontolo-
gy, Political Commitment”. A debate, held before the election campaign, took
place among public opinion leaders, political leaders and independent experts
on how to improve mass media activity during the elections. 80 people attend-
ed the seminar (co-financing IFES – Moldova, Embassy of USA).
“DEMO - LEX” Association, Victor ZAHARIA, project director. “Democracy
through Electoral Law”. 4 broadcasting programs promoting electoral juridi-
cal culture.
County Council for Youth, Bãlþi, Vasile GARBUZ, project director. “Demo-
cracy is Built through Voting”. A higher level of youth participation in elec-
tions was registered in Bãlþi (+32 per cent) (co-financing Grantee’s own
CONTACT Center, Aliona NICULIÞÃ, project director. The NGOs’ 3rd Forum
and 2nd NGO Fair. The Forum addressed current issues of the non-profit sector:
legal framework, NGOs’ image in the society, poverty reduction, and corruption.
The subjects of the Forum were discussed with the representatives of more than
120 non-governmental and governmental organizations from Moldova and
abroad. The Council of NGOs was created (co-financing: World Bank, Govern-
ment of RM).
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, ªtefan URÎTU, project director.
“A Week Against Torture”. A roundtable - “Together Against Torture”- was
organized in the framework of the International Day of the United Nations
Organization for the Support of the Victims of Torture. A series of TV and radio
broadcasting programs was organized in which concrete cases of torture appli-
cation and legal and practical aspects of its prevention were discussed.
Gender Doc Information Center, Alexei MARCICOV, project director. “Infor-
mational Aspects of Homosexuality”. Publishing of 6 issues of the “Zercalo” ma-
gazine (co-financing: Dutch Embassy, USA Embassy).
“Armonie” Center of Social Education, Tiraspol, Tudor GRANOVSCHI, proj-
ect director. A Course on Social Education of the Youth. More than 10 semi-
nars and conferences in the area of development of tolerance and conflict
solving (co-financing: Grantee’s own contribution).
Association of Protection of Human Rights, Bãlþi, Vlad GHIÞU, project
director. “Promoting of Consumer’s Rights in the Bãlþi county”. In progress. It
is planned to inform the population in the area of promoting consumer’s
rights through: radio and TV programs, advertisements, a press conference,
two roundtables, a library collection and a legislative database.
Invisible College Moldova, Eleonora DUPOY, project director. International
summer school “Political Communication in a Transition Society”. About 50
Activity Report – 2001 62 63

students, young lecturers, representatives of NGOs from Moldova, and 17 pro-

fessors and experts from Moldova and Romania participated. The materials of
the summer school were published in “Moldova in the Process of Change.
Realities and Trends from Young Researchers’ Perspective”.
Association of Roma Students, Nicolae RADIÞA, project director. Round-
table: “Roma and Public Authorities – Common Approach on Improving Roma
Students’ Situation in Moldova”. A framework for communication between
Roma leaders and state structures was created. About 30 people participated.
“Oikos” National Association for Rural Development, Liuba VALCOV, pro-
ject director. “The Development of Community Initiatives on Village Refor-
mation through Poverty Reduction and Democratization”. In progress. 2
informational seminars, trainings, 2 roundtables, a conference, and public
actions are planned (co-financing World Bank).
Center of Information and Documentation on Children’s Rights, Nicolae
BEªLIU, project director. “Human Rights Begin with Children’s Rights” Sum-
mer school for volunteers and teenagers. Seminars with inspectors for protec-
tion of human rights and children and youth. Publication of the UNO
convention regarding children’s rights (co-financing: UNICEF, Rada Barnen,
Dutch Embassy, USA Embassy, Center for Human Rights).
Association of People with Myopathic Disabilities from Moldova, Vitalie
TONU. project director, “Independent Life” In progress. Support for the activi-
ties of the “Independent Life” Center, an informational–consultative Center
for persons with disabilities.
Union of Journalists from Moldova, Valeriu SAHARNEANU, project direc-
tor. “Mass Media in RM in 2000. Findings. Evaluations. Trends” A report on
the situation, place, and impact of mass media in our society was written.
(co-financing: USA Embassy).
Society of Topology, Petre OSMOTESCU, project director. Publication of the
“Scripta Scentarum Mathematicarum”Scientific Journal. Publication of one
issue of the journal.
Leonid CEREPOVSCHI. Publication of the book “A Collection of Roma
Songs and Dances”. Publication of 500 copies.
“Lariola” NGO, Bãlþi, Olga ªEGOLEOVA, project director. “Children – Peace
Messengers”. 25 children were involved in activities related to children’s
rights in Moldova.
The Romanian Language Society, Val BUTNARU, project director. “The
High School of the Future”, competition for gifted children organized by the
“Jurnal de Chiºinãu”. Support for the organization of the competition “The
High School of the Future” (co-financing: “MoldATSA”, UNICEF, The Depart-
ment of Education and Sport, Chiºinãu).
“Spectru” Youth Center, Ursoaia, Tighina, Lidia JUBEA, project director.
“Friendship Forum”. An exchange of experience and collaboration between
villages from Moldova and Romania holding the same name took place.
NGOs and LPA were among participants (co-financing: County Department of
Youth and Sport Tighina, Ursoaia mayoralty).
“Humanitas” Association for Mentally Disabled Persons, Sergiu RACU,
project director. Organization of Trainings for Parents and Children. The sem-
inar had both a theoretical character (through the use of the method of lec-
ture - debates), and a practical – applicative one (groups/workshops).
“Health for Youth” Association, Tatiana BACIU, project director. Training
“Development of Ethnic Tolerance in Teenagers”. 96 teenagers, representa-
tives of different ethnic groups form various regions of RM (Sîngerei, Comrat,
Rîbniþa) were trained in ethnic tolerance.
The National Association of Young Managers, Natalia TITICA, project direc-
tor. “Job Placement Center”. A Job Placement Center, that will facilitate the con-
tact with economic agents and employment of young specialists, was created.
The National Commission of Moldova for UNESCO, Constantin RUSNAC,
project director. “Education for All”. Brain–Storming Session. An Education
for all National Forum was established, and an action plan was developed
(co-financing: UNICEF, World Bank, Univers-Moldova, UNDP).
The National Association of Scouts from Moldova, Valentina URSU, pro-
ject director. “Basic Pedagogical Course for Scout Leaders”. 30 new scout lea-
ders were trained, the materials needed to finish the “Manual of the Scout
Leader” were developed and the book was published.
The Union of Writers from Moldova, Serafim SAKA, project director. “Against
Our Oblivion” In progress. 12 meetings of a group of writers with the population
from rural communities are to be held.
CNG – Moldova (The Call of the New Generation), Vera Þurcan, project
director. “Teenagers’ Voice” Radio station. In progress. Establishment of a ra-
dio station in Vasile Alecsandri Lyceum is planned.
ACCEP – Association for Civic and Political Culture from Moldova, Radu
GORINCIOI, project director. Seminar “Youth and Democratic Leadership in
Transition Societies”. About 20 persons participated (co-financing: Depart-
ment of Youth and Sport RM, Ministry of Youth and Sport RM).
Pediatric Society of Moldova, Marcu RUDI, project director. The first repu-
blican conference with international participation in cardiological and pedi-
atric rheumatology. The materials of the conference were published (250
pages) (co-financing N. Testemiþanu State University of Medicine, Ministry of
Health form Moldova).
“Armonie” Center of Social Education, Tudor GRANOVSCHI, project direc-
tor, “Hot Line for Youth”. In progress. The Center will be staffed by trained
volunteers who will assist young people by supplying information, solving
problems, and helping in crisis situations.
Bucovina Cultural – Social Association, Arcadie SUCEVEANU, project di-
rector. Organization of the cultural symposium “Vasile Leviþchi and the
Destiny of Bucovina”. A commemorative action dedicated to the writer Vasile
Leviþchi was organized and a volume of his works was published (co-finan-
cing: Union of Writers).
“NOI” Association, Iulian FILIP, project director. The publication of the
magazine „Two Hours Plus Three Lambs”. A special Christmas edition of the
„Two Hours Plus Three Lambs” magazine was published (5.000 copies) and
distributed to orphanages.
Activity Report – 2001 64 65

The National Center of Information and Assistance on Family Problems,

Olga GAGAUZ, project director. “The Peculiarities and Demographic Trends in
Moldova”. Organization of the conference and publication of materials con-
taining scientific recommendations on how to improve the exiting demo-
graphic situation in Moldova.
CONTACT Center, Aliona NICULIÞÃ, project director. A Study on the Deve-
lopment of NGOs in Moldova. In progress. The publication of the study and
the Catalogue of NGOs are to be carried out.
“Health for Youth” Association, Irina CAUNENCO, project director. “Deve-
lopment of Tolerance – the Basis of Intercultural Dialogue of the Youth from
Moldova”. In progress. Organizing trainings, seminars, and roundtables with
the participation of children, parents and teachers is planned. All these activ-
ities will take place in Tiraspol, Comrat and Valea Perjei.
HUMANITAS Association for the Mentally Disabled Persons, Aurelia RA-
CU, project director. Publishing the booklet “Parents’ Voice”, # 4. The booklet
“Parents Voice” # 4 was published (400 copies)
FacilitAS Association, Lorina PÂSLARU, project director. International sci-
entific conference “Social Policy and Issues of Improving Life Quality”. Social
policy priorities were identified and analyzed. About 30 people participated.
“Vremea Jiti” Youth Organization, Tiraspol, Maxim BERLEAN, project di-
rector. The Monthly Campaign “Youth against AIDS”. In progress. Developing
and launching the monthly campaign “Youth against AIDS”; disseminating
information about AIDS; carrying out activities for youth.
The League for the Protection of Human Rights from Moldova, Paul
STRUTZESCU, project director. Training Course for Youth in Promoting and
Protecting Human Rights. In progress. Training the youth in the area of pro-
motion of human rights and, especially, in the legal and economic protection
of youth (co-financing EYE, DYS, personal resources).
Media Center of Communication for Democracy, Criuleni, Elena MOTRI-
CALÃ, project director. “The Promotion of NGOs’ Image in Chiºinãu County”.
In progress. Information activities for population about NGOs’ activity in
Chiºinãu county. The publication of the supplement “NGOs – Your Chance” in
the local press.
“Youth for the Right to Life”, Lilia RÃILEANU, project director. “Hot
Line”. Assistance on integrating vulnerable teenagers into society.
“Clipa siderala” Magazine, Eugenia BULAT, project director. “Iulia Haº-
deu” National Literary Contest, 3rd edition. Organization of the “Iulia Haº-
deu” National Literary Contest, 3rd edition.
Center of Information and Documentation Regarding Children’s Rights,
Nicolae BEªLIU, project director. “From Exclusion to Integration, Active Reco-
very and Social Integration of Children with Disabilities”. Seminars with par-
ents, children, social workers and doctors.
“ADEPT” Association for Participative Democracy, Ina GUTIUM, project
director. “Civic Voice”– a Journal on Civil Society in Moldova” Publication of 6
issues of the periodical magazine of culture and civic education. The maga-
zine has a board including the members of the National Council of NGOs.
“Mihaela”, Center of Placement, Criuleni, Natalia DRAGOMAN, project di-
rector. “Mihaela” Center of Placement Establishment of “Mihaela” Center of
Placement for children (co-financing Criuleni Mayoralty).
Participation in Conferences, Internships, and Training Courses
Training course for Moldovan farmers in Holland, 25 participants, Natio-
nal Farmers Federation from Moldova, Holland
Conference “European Integration: Getting Involved in EU Policy Towards
Collaborative Action in Sharing Information at European Level”, Aliona
NICULIÞA, CONTACT Center, Brussels, Belgium
Conference “Freedom of Expression” Grigorie VOLOVOI, “Novoe Vremea”
Newspaper, Tiraspol, Vienna, Austria
International conference “Medical Consequences of Chernobyl Disaster:
Findings during 15 Years of Research”, 6 persons, Chernobyl Society, Kiev,
Study visit of militaries in Romania, 4 persons, Veteran and Reserve
Officers’ Association from Moldova, Bucureºti, România
Experience exchange regarding the re-socialization of the veterans of
Army Forces, Simion PRUTIANOV, Vladimir CVITCO, Veterans and Reserve
Officers’ Association from Moldova, Odesa, Ukraina
Summer camp targeting active recovery and social integration of persons
with disabilities, Lilia CÃINÃREANU, “Pro-Youth M” Organization, Comorova,
International Youth Festival – Panama 2001, Mariana ÞURCANU, CNG –
Moldova, Panama, Panama
“33 – es Assises de la Presse Francophone”, Cristina GROSSU–CHIRIAC,
Beirut, Liban
International Conference of Leadership, Angela AMOAªEI, SIEDO Moldo-
va, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference “Prospects for Mass-Media Policies in South-East Europe”
Angela SÎRBU, Independent Journalism Center, Liubjana, Slovenia

Community Development Program

The Community Development Program is meant to build upon the success-
ful experience of the Rural Development Program, which was launched by the
CONTACT Center in 1998, and was financially supported by the TACIS Program
for Democracy and the Soros Foundation - Moldova. The goal of the Rural
Development Program was to provide logistical assistance to NGOs and initia-
tive groups in rural areas. The Community Development Program, which start-
ed in 2000, supports initiatives coming from rural communities. It is
implemented with the financial support offered by the Soros Foundation-
Moldova. The Program budget is comprised from contributions of the following
programs: Civil Society, Women’s Program, and Local Public Administration.
The mission of the Community Development Program is to support initiative
groups and community leaders, who encourage the participation and involve-
ment of the population from rural areas in building an open and civil society.
Activity Report – 2001 66 67

– to promote democracy through consolidation of communities
– to strengthen institutions and organizations in rural communities
– to train community representatives at a series of training courses at re-
gional level
– to organize a transparent and impartial process of decision making
within committees of experts
– to encourage the partnership between the community, local public ad-
ministration, institutions and organizations
– to support activities related to the equality of opportunities for all mem-
bers of the community
– to involve all social groups in addressing community problems
An open grant competition and a call for proposals initiated by non-gov-
ernmental organizations, initiative groups, local public administration, other
institutions in the rural areas (kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc) and
projects of cooperation between them was announced. One of the eligibility
criteria of the Program was the 10 per cent community contribution (financial
or in-kind) out of the total cost of the project. The total required amount was
not to exceed $ 1000.
The entire territory of the country was conventionally divided into three
areas, each of them being supervised by and subordinated to one of the five
CONTACT regional Centers. Thus every regional Center provides such services
as information, training, consulting, and technical assistance to potential
participants in the contest of grants and beneficiaries within the Community
Development Program. The applicants can ask for services indicated above at
any Center of the CONTACT network or submit their application forms written
either in Romanian or in Russian.
The Community Development Program has two main components: Grants
and Assistance and Consulting
Projects Funded in 2001
Initiative group from Ulmu village, Chiºinãu county, Elena MUNTEANU,
project director. Embroidering - a Continuity of Tradition. 20 students have
been taught to weave, embroider and do decorative needlework; an embroi-
dering club was created. (Other Sources of Funding: $96.4 - LPA resources).
Extension Center “PRIEL - AGRO”, Egoreni village, Soroca county, Emilian
PRISÃCARU, project director. Modern Technologies of Livestock Raising. The
building of the organization and a Center of Insemination was arranged and
repaired, and the necessary equipment was purchased for it. 3 seminars on
the topic were held for 60 farmers. (Other Sources of Funding: $1,371.3 -
NGO resources).
Initiative group, Andruºul de Sus village, Cahul county, Andrei MIRON, pro-
ject director. Decorative Carving in Wood. A carving workshop was created where
10 young men studied decorative carving in wood. The manufactured works of
art were exhibited at a fair. (Other Sources of Funding: $139.9 - LPA resources).
Initiative group, Dubãsari, Ecaterina CORNEVA, Integration of Disadvan-
taged Children (Äåòè – äåòÿì). Decorations, puppets, and costumes were man-
ufactured for the theater shows. A series of theater shows were organized for
420 children. A charity action was held for the children of the local orpha-
nage. (Other Sources of Funding: $50 - The Children’s Creative Palace).
Initiative group, Roºu village, Cahul county, Petru MITITELU, project direc-
tor. Health Education. An Educational Center was established and the neces-
sary equipment was purchased. 6 seminars and 3 parties on the danger of
alcohol, drugs, and AIDS were organized; approximately 235 students and
young people participated. (Other Sources of Funding: $116.6 - LPA resources).
“The Miracle of Moldova” NGO, Donduºeni, Edineþ county, Alexandru
TROTIUC, project director. The Þaul Park- at the 100th Anniversary. A mee-
ting of the inhabitants of Þaul took place; an Advisory Council was created,
designed to coordinate the rescue activities of the park. Booklets, leaflets,
posters, and a Web page raised the awareness of the problem. A well and a
greenhouse were restored. A roundtable took place with the participation of
the project team and LPA on the issue of the park rescue. (Other Sources of
Funding $524 - NGO resources).
Initiative group, Hruºova village, Chiºinãu county, Valentina COROTEEV,
project director. Training for Young Leaders. A series of contests and training
seminars for students and young people were organized. (Other Sources of
Funding: $83.2 - NGO resources).
Initiative group, Susleni village, Orhei county, Ecaterina MIHALACHE,
project director. Skillful Hands. The “Skillful Hands” Club was created. Theo-
retical and practical classes of carpet manufacturing were conducted. An
exhibition of carpets was organized at the Mayor’s Office. (Other Sources of
Funding: $100 - LPA resources).
Initiative group, Vasilievca village, Chiºinãu county, Irii BOLGARI, project
director. Modernizing the Look of Vasilievca. Cleaning and sanitation activi-
ties were organized. (Other Sources of Funding: $100 - LPA resources).
“Mileniul III” Association for Sustainable Development, Chiºcãreni village,
Bãlþi county, Gheorghe MEREUÞÃ, project director. The Youth Change the World.
A series of seminars were organized, where the youth were informed of the dan-
ger of alcohol, smoking, drugs, and AIDS, by means of instructive games and
interactive approaches. A contest and a roundtable on children’s rights and
problems of juvenile behavior in the society were organized. 250 students parti-
cipated in these activities. (Other Sources of Funding: $415- $200 NGO resources
$125 - LPA $90 – Center of Creativity for Children and Teenagers in the village).
Initiative group, Cliºova Nouã village, Orhei county, Ecaterina POPESCU,
project director. The Art of Traditional Carpet Manufacturing. A workshop
was created, where 25 young men and women learned the basic skills of the
trade. An exhibition and evaluation roundtable were organized. At the initia-
tive of the author of the project this activity continued owing to the financial
support of the Union of Popular Craftsmen and the Labor Office. (Other
Sources of Funding: $116.6 - initiative group resources).
Initiative group, Hîjdieni village, Bãlþi county, Gheorghe CUCOª, project
director. The Development of the Art of Ceramics. The necessary materials
and equipment were purchased and installed in the potter’s workshop. An
oven for pottery burning was built. A professional potter instructed 36 stu-
dents. (Other Sources of Funding: $116.6 - Secondary school in the village).
“My Generation” NGO, Grãtieºti village, Chiºinãu county, Maria BOICO,
project director. Launching a Newsletter. An editorial team which issued the
“Cugetul” newsletter was created. (Other Sources of Funding: $93.3 - NGO
“Vatra satului” NGO, Zberoaia, Ungheni, Nadejda COLODROÞCHI, project
director. Cleaning the Rangu Lake. A citizens’ meeting was held, where an
action plan was designed. A seminar on the environmental education was
organized. The lake and the unauthorized garbage area were cleaned. The
majority of the citizens got involved as volunteers. (Other Sources of Fun-
ding: $660 - Boris Axenti’s Private Company’s resources).
Activity Report – 2001 68 69

The Mayor’s Office, Bãlãneºti, Ungheni, Grigore PÎRÞAC. The Youth and
Social Vices: Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs. The gym hall was repaired; 3 seminars
on healthy lifestyle were held. Projects in Progress. (Other Sources of Fun-
ding: $1,321.7: $1,088 - PLA resources; $233.7 - community resources).
“Speranþa” NGO, Cãrpineni, Lãpuºna, Liuba BALAN, project director. Buil-
ding up a Library in the School. The project is designed to build up the school
library and develop its collection of books. A series of lectures, parties, liter-
ary debates and an evaluation roundtable will be organized. (Other Sources of
Funding: $100 - NGO resources).
“Raza soarelui” NGO, Ciorescu, Chiºinãu, Vasile CIOARIC, project director.
With Citizens - for Citizens. An opinion poll which indicated on how transpar-
ent the decision making process is in the community was conducted. 4 semi-
nars and 2 workshops with the members of the local council, public officials,
and citizens will be organized. At the end of the project a meeting of the com-
munity and the council will be organized. (Other Sources of Funding:
$413.37: $147.47 - NGO resources; $265.9 - LPA resources).
“Sfîntul Ioan Teologul” Foundation, Peresecina, Orhei, Vasile GARBUZ,
project director. Integration of Orphan Children and Children From Disadvan-
taged Families from Peresecina into the Economic and Social Life of the
Community. 6 trade workshops will be created, where 8 orphan children and
24 children from disadvantaged families will be trained. Social and psycho-
logical rehabilitation of these children will be provided. (Other Sources of
Funding: $3,693.29: $993.29 Maintenance station; $2,700 - World Bank).
Center of Education for Democracy NGO, Volintiri, Tighina, Angela ÞIH,
Homeless Children. A Day Center will be opened, where 50 homeless children
will be educated, instructed, and taken care of. Clothes and footwear will be
purchased for them. 3 training courses and a roundtable will be organized.
Booklets will be issued, where the ideas and the objectives of the project will
be promoted. (Other Sources of Funding: $338.71 - LPA resources).
Initiative group, Parcani, Dubãsari, Stanislav STANILEVICI, project direc-
tor. Knowledge is Power. A series of training courses and seminars will be
organized involving students, parents, and teachers. A school newsletter will
be issued (Other Sources of Funding: $84 - Community resources).
Terra-1530 NGO, Vorniceni, Chiºinãu, Petru BOTNARU, project director.
Transparency - Cooperation - Development. Planning to organize a roundtable
with LPA and local NGOs in Vorniceni, Lozova, and Gãleºti. Issuing a supple-
ment to the «Adevãrul» local newspaper dedicated to the problems of NGO-
LPA partnership. An action plan of the NGOs and LPA will be developed for
the year 2002 (Other Sources of Funding: $981.83 - NGO resources).
Theoretical Lyceum in Mãgdãceºti, Chiºinãu, Mariana OSTROFEÞ, project
director. Important Problems in the Education of Youth in the Community.
Lectures, contests, and debates on the destructive power of drugs, and the
danger of AIDS will be organized. Promotional materials and roundtables will
be organized. Experts in the area will be invited to all these events. (Other
Sources of Funding: $97.04 - community resources).
Initiative group, Hruºova, Chiºinãu, Aglaida SPETEÞCHI, project director.
Rebirth of Local Trades – New Opportunities for the Budgets of Rural Families.
Instruction of the unemployed in trades; exhibition of popular hand-made works
of art; specialized and informational seminars. (Other Sources of Funding:
$450.8 - community resources).
Initiative group, Ursari, Ungheni, Marin ALLA, project director. We Are
Ursari Inhabitants. This project aims at raising the quality of health of a Roma
community inhabitants. Medical doctors will visit the village. They will identify
and destroy the centers of contagious diseases; individuals who need emergency
care will be treated. (Other Sources of Funding: $53.48 - community resources).
Initiative group, Moleºti, Chiºinãu, Parascovia MUNTEANU, project direc-
tor. The Youth Are Confident, When Protected. This project will have an
informative character in the area of sexuality and drugs addiction of youth.
Training courses, meetings with experts, and specialized movies will be
organized (Other Sources of Funding: $60 - LPA resources).
“Spectru” Youth Center, Ursoaia, Tighina, Lidia JUBEA, project director.
The Forum for Prevention. Activities on sexual education will be organized
(Other Sources of Funding: $152.81 - LPA resources)
Initiative group, Satul Nou, Lãpuºna, Viorica CUÞITARU, project director.
Establishing Transparency of Decision Making in Satul Nou. The project pro-
motes the establishment of a transparent decision making process in the
community. A seminar on the relationship between the council members and
citizens was organized. 3 meetings with citizens, council members and public
officers will be held. 500 specialized booklets will be designed and distrib-
uted. 3 informative stands and 3 mailboxes will be installed. (Other Sources
of Funding: $114.61 - community resources).
“Pro – Acþiune” NGO, Rãzeni, Chiºinãu, Ana CARAMAN, project director. A
Sunrise on the Communication Alley. 40 children with communication dis-
abilities will be instructed through training courses. A radio station will be
created in the locality (Other Sources of Funding: $29 - NGO resources).
Initiative group, Lozova, Chiºinãu, Maria URSACHI, project director. Esta-
blishment of the Information Center. A radio station will be established in the
local school, which will facilitate the flow of information. (Other Sources of
Funding: $993.29 - LPA resources).
Secondary School in Maximovca, Chiºinãu, Tatiana DOBROVOLSCHI, pro-
ject director. Community Development. The project promotes the values of
music and theater. A Center of Arts will be created where music and a theater
group will run their activity. These two groups will be formed to involve 30
students. (Other Sources of Funding: $84.05 - LPA resources).
“Flacãra albastrã” NGO, Doroþcaia, Chiºinãu, Maria SEMION, project direc-
tor. Music Contest “La Nistru la mãrgioarã”. The project includes organization
of a traditional folk music contest. (Other Sources of Funding: $462.64 - LPA
“Era – Nova” NGO, Ivancea, Orhei, Grigore GANDRABUR, project director.
Mobilizing Resources for Sustainable Development of the Community in
Ivancea. A roundtable will be organized and target participants invited.
Instruction of 15 individuals in the area of popular trade. Contests and exhi-
bitions of the manufactured works will be organized. (Other Sources of
Funding: $660.16: $536 - Union of Craftsmen; $124.16 - NGO resources).
“Iniþiativa Social-Ruralã” NGO, Bardar, Chiºinãu, Maria BRODESCO, pro-
ject director. Community Development Through Involvement in the Solution
of the “Licurici” Kindergarten Problems. Instructive activities and actions
aimed at raising community awareness of the kindergarten issues will be car-
Activity Report – 2001 70 71

ried out. A seminar for parents will be organized. (Other Sources of Funding:
$95.89 - LPA resources).
“Helio”, Bãlþi, Elena FURTUNÃ, project director. Clean Water Is the Health
of the Citizens. The project is dedicated to decreasing the number of cases of
sickness caused by polluted water. Actions of instruction will be undertaken. 15
wells will be cleaned and arranged. The quality of the water will be repeatedly
tested. (Other Sources of Funding: $676.97: $492.83 - LPA resources; $184.14 -
NGO resources).
Initiative group, Elizaveta, Bãlþi, Liuba CEBAN, project director. Embroi-
dery – a Valuable Popular Art. The arrangement and equipment of the work-
shop is planned. 20 children will be instructed there. At the end, an
evaluation roundtable will be organized. (Other Sources of Funding: $88.25 -
LPA resources).
“Terra” NGO, Brînzeni, Edineþ, Petru BOLOGAN, project director. “Viitorul”
Rural Workshop. The project includes the establishment of a workshop of
trades for the instruction of 60 young people. (Other Sources of Funding:
$91.69 - NGO resources).
Initiative group, Pînzãreni, Bãlþi, Maria BANTEA, project director. Liqui-
dation of Unauthorized Garbage Areas and Plantation of Trees. The project is
dedicated to the improvement of the environmental conditions in the village.
(Other Sources of Funding: $102.1 - LPA resources).
Initiative group, Fãleºti, Bãlþi, Eleonora GÃINÃ, project director. The Im-
portance of Skill and Knowledge Transfer. (Ce ºtie Ionicã, îi va prinde bine ºi
lui Ion ºi Mãriuca de azi – Maria de mîine). This is a project promoting the
rebirth of traditional trades. A school will be opened where children will be
trained. A contest, a party, and an exhibition will be organized, as well as
study visits and instructive meetings with popular tradesmen in the commu-
nity. (Other Sources of Funding: $100 - LPA resources).
”Prut 2000” Association for the Youth and Environment, Pruteni, Bãlþi,
Elena LUNGU, From Information to – the Solution of Community Problems.
11 council members and 8 public officials, 8 managers of public institutions,
4 NGO members, and 5 Mayors will be instructed. (Other Sources of Funding:
$100 - NGO resources).
Agency for Local Economic Development NGO, Iabloana, Bãlþi, Veaceslav
LAPIN, project director. Rural Workshop. The project will promote traditional
trades through instructing 40 young people. (Other Sources of Funding: $105.75
- NGO resources).
“Speranþele Bãtrînilor al Nordului Moldovei” NGO, Trinca, Edineþ, Alexan-
dra TETIU, project director. Elderly People Assisted at Their Place of Residen-
ce. The project aims at providing assistance to elderly people. It includes the
establishment of a Training Center for 25 individuals - 15 medical assistants
and 10 volunteers. The training will consist of 3 seminars and a roundtable.
The trainees will provide medical and social assistance to elderly solitary peo-
ple. The beneficiaries of the project are 30 elderly people. (Other Sources of
Funding: $136.77 - NGO resources).
“Alianþa Fermierilor din Drochia” NGO, Cotova, Soroca, Petru FLOCOSU,
project director. The Cotova Spring. The project aims at rescuing the largest
spring in Moldova. (Other Sources of Funding: $214 - NGO resources).
Soroca Regional Organization of the Environmental Movement of Mol-
dova, Zastînca, Soroca, Valentina JAMBA, project director. Walnut Tree Park.
This project will put the basis for an ecological and cultural park. The plan of
the park will be worked out. The technical works will be carried out. The
seeds and seedlings will be purchased. (Other Sources of Funding: $91.70 -
community resources).
“Deco” Center for Development and Information, Visoca, Soroca, Emil
GORCEAG, project director. Radio Center of Information. The project is aiming
at informing community members and involving them into the solution of
community problems. (Other Sources of Funding: $51.19 - NGO resources).
Museum of History and Ethnography, Cosãuþi, Soroca, Vasile CEBAN,
project director. Restoration of the Cultural Heritage of the Museum of His-
tory. The project is dedicated to improvement of the activity of the local muse-
um. (Other Sources of Funding: $154.1 - LPA resources).
“Galateea” NGO, Vasilcãu, Soroca, Angela MUªENCU, Puppet Theatre. The
project attracts children in theater activities. A theater studio will be created,
where 40 children will be involved. They will go for a day trip to the
“Guguta” Theater in Chiºinãu. The show will be presented in 4 neighboring
villages. (Other Sources of Funding: $141.34: $49.66 - Parents; $34.38 - LPA
resources; $45.84 - “Alfa Nistru”; $11.46 - “Guguþã” Theater).
Mayor’s Office, Corneºti, Ungheni, Iurie FILIMON, project director. The
Waters of the Moldovan Forests. The project is dedicated to the solution of
problems related to the supply of high quality water to the population. (Other
Sources of Funding: $401.14 - LPA resources).
Initiative group, Þîpova, Orhei, Agnesa IFTODI, project director. Our
Motherland - the Beautiful Village of Tîpova. This project includes a series of
sanitation activities, improvement of water conditions and informing popula-
tion on the necessity of maintaining the village clean and in a good sanitary
condition. 6 wells will be cleaned. (Other Sources of Funding: $136 - commu-
nity resources).
Initiative group, Verejeni, Orhei, Constantin UNCU, project director. Trans-
parency in LPA. Local Radio The project includes the creation of an informa-
tional system that will facilitate the LPA’s work and its relations with the
community. (Other Sources of Funding: $305.78 - LPA).
“Mesia” Women’s Association, Cotiujenii-Mari, Soroca, Vera LAZÃR, project
director. Creation of the Day Center for Disabled Children. The project includes
the involvement of the community in the creation of favorable conditions of
activity for the Disabled Children’s Center (Other Sources of Funding: $1940.74:
$1757,36 - Soroca Educational Department, $183,38 - community resources).
Gymnasium # 2, Chetrosu, Soroca, Emilia SURLARU, project director. The
Heirs. The project includes the involvement of population in the creation of a
museum of the village in the local school, and the organization of research
activities. Meetings and roundtables will be organized for elderly people and
celebrities, who were born in the village. (Other Sources of Funding: $175.74 -
LPA resources).
Initiative group, Colibaºi, Cahul, Maria FLOREA, project director. The Ody-
ssey of the Mind. The project includes the promotion of principles of free
communication; involving children in club activities; organizing contests,
Activity Report – 2001 72 73

seminars, parties, and exhibitions. The beneficiaries of the project are 120
lyceum students. (Other Sources of Funding: $412.6 - LPA).
“Artizana” NGO, Manta, Cahul, Constantin OLTEANU, project director.
Learning Traditional Moldovan Trades. The project includes the instruction of
15 individuals in such trades as weaving and manufacturing of iron tools,
through a series of theoretical and practical courses. (Other Sources of Fun-
ding: $430 - NGO resources).
Bugeac Children NGO, Zîrneºti, Cahul, Leontina NISTREANU, project
director. Coming Back to Tradition. The project includes providing costumes
for the “Ilincuta” ethnographic group and the folk-orchestra in the locality.
Development and publication of 3 booklets about the national costume. An
ethnographic museum will be opened. (Other Sources of Funding : $328.61:
$146.7- NGO resources; $181.91- community resources).
“Vatra satului” NGO, Larga-Veche, Cahul, Maria MACHEDON, project
director. At the Origin of Traditional Art. The project targets teaching embroi-
dering and crochet making to 30 individuals through theoretical and practical
courses conducted by popular tradesmen. (Other Sources of Funding:
$106.97: $68.77 - Ion Mazîlu Company; $38.2 - Gymnasium).
Initiative group, Beºalma, Gagauzia, Ludmila MARIN, project director.
Studying the History and Culture of the Gagauz People The project aims at
creating a youth study club of the history and culture of Gagauzia. Meetings
will be held with Gagauzian historians and artists. A booklet will be released
and historical films will be viewed. The beneficiaries of the project are school
students and other interested persons. (Other Sources of Funding; $100 -
community resources).
Initiative group, Tvardiþa, Cahul, Lidia IAZADJI, project director. National
Moldovan Customs and Traditions. This project will make an attempt to reha-
bilitate popular traditions. A group was created to collect and process folk-
materials. (Other Sources of Funding: $993.29 - LPA resources).
Total Community Development Program expenditures (Budget contribution of
the Civil Society, Women’s, and Public Administration Programs - $80,000)

Public Opinion Barometer

In order to promote proper and transparent means of reflecting the social,
political, and economic life in the Republic of Moldova and equally, mecha-
nisms of access to information for the civil society, the Soros Foundation -
Moldova launched in 1998 the Public Opinion Barometer – a program of pub-
lic opinion research. The Public Opinion Barometer is a survey conducted on
a regular basis through the same type of questionnaire using a national rep-
resentative sample. Starting with 2000, the Public Opinion Barometer is
implemented in collaboration with the Institute for Public Policy. The topics
of research include:
– Living standards and quality of life
– Political options, popularity and ranking of the main political parties
and personalities in the Republic of Moldova
– Economic and social policy of the government
– Other issues of major interest
– Two Public Opinion barometers were conducted in 2001. The results of
the surveys can be viewed on the web page: http://www.ipp.md
Total Public Opinion Barometer Program expenditures $9,599.42
Support for the Bãlþi Information Center $8,593
Program Administration Expenditures $12,822
Total Civil Society Program expenditures $202,149
The CONTACT National Center of
Information and Assistance for
83 Bucureºti Street
Chiºinãu, 2012 MD
Tel: (373 2) 233946; 233947
Fax: (373 2) 233948
E-mail: info@contact.md
Web site: www.contact.mdd
The mission of the Center is to support democratic processes in society
and contribute to building a civil society, by encouraging civic initiative and
promoting and implementing the values and ideas of an open society. The
Center supports non-governmental organizations in the country by creating
strong and viable networks of NGOs; promoting an open and constructive
dialog between the representatives of the non-governmental sector and public
institutions; contributing to the facilitation of information exchange.

CONTACT Network of Resourse Centers Program Developments and

Goal: Achievements in 2001
To build a viable associative sector on the entire territory of the Republic
of Moldova by providing a continuous logistical and technical support and
promoting the activities of this sector in society.
The Structure of the Network
The CONTACT network of resource centers comprises five centers: the cen-
tral office in Chiºinãu and four regional branches -- in Bãlþi, Soroca, Cahul,
and Comrat.
The Central Office in Chiºinãu provides services to non-governmental
organizations, which operate on national level and to local organizations in
Chiºinãu, Ungheni, Tighina counties, and Dubasari (Transnistria).
The Regional Branch in Bãlþi provides services to local non-governmental
organizations, which operate in the counties of Bãlþi and Edineþ.
The Regional Branch in Soroca provides services to local non-governmen-
tal organizations, which operate in the counties of Soroca and Orhei.
The Regional Branch in Cahul provides services to local non-governmental
organizations, which operate in the counties of Cahul and Lãpuºna.
The Regional Branch in Comrat provides services to local non-governmen-
tal organizations, which operate in Gagauzia and the county of Taraclia.
The basic objective of the CONTACT Network of Resource Centers is to
respond to the needs of the associative sector in the Republic of Moldova,
especially in rural areas where the majority of the population is concentrated.
It provides a range of services including:
– information services
– technical assistance services
– consulting services
– training services
The associative sector in the Republic of Moldova is continuously growing
with an increasing number of areas of activity for NGOs. The rising number
of non-governmental organizations implies an increased demand for the serv-
ices provided by the CONTACT network. The new NGOs, which do not have
enough experience in the area, become permanent clients of the CONTACT
The consulting services include:
– procedures of establishing and registering a non-governmental organza-
– procedures of opening a bank account
– project design
– reporting: narrative and financial reports
– fundraising activities
– logistics of seminars, roundtables, trainings, etc.
Activity Report – 2001 74 75

With regard to information services, the most frequently requested infor-

mation is about financing programs by local and international donor organi-
zations, about various aspects of the associative management, and potential
partners, etc.
The training activities focused on editing techniques of a grant request,
organizational consolidation and institutional development, human resources
and volunteer management.
During 2001 over 751 visitors benefited from consulting services at the
CONTACT Center. A survey of the request forms for consulting showed that 72
per cent of the requests were referring to project design, and 28 per cent - to
the process of establishment and registration of an NGO.
In 2001 the technical services provided by the CONTACT Center were fre-
quently requested as well. Multiplying services were requested by 487 benefi-
ciaries, who made a total number of 43130 copies. About 314 beneficiaries
benefited from other 546 hours of services -- work on computer, access to the
Electronic Newsletter: An indispensable activity of the department is the
dissemination of the CONTACT Center electronic newsletter. All over the year
the news from the associative sector were sent to national and local non-go-
vernmental organizations, public institutions, foundations, etc., totally about
467 subscribers. The content of the newsletter includes events of the associa-
tive sector, such as project launching, initiation of financing programs, semi-
nars, conferences, etc.
61 issues of the informative newsletter were disseminated during the
reporting period. The demand for the electronic newsletter grew, as the num-
ber of the NGOs using e-mail services had increased.
ONEGENEZA journal: The first issue of the journal addressed the follow-
ing topics: The Advancement of the Digital Technologies, The State and the
Civil Society – A New Alliance?, Reflections on the New NGO Code of Ethics.
The Law on the Non-governmental Organizations, Homosexuality: from Mo-
ral Conflict to Social Harmony.
Another important component of the information services is the database
that offers information on NGOs. All throughout the year, questionnaires
were created and disseminated in order to collect the needed information.
Information from 564 NGOs has been received so far. New books and publica-
tions were added to the library of the Center.

Regional CONTACT Center in Soroca

The CONTACT Center in Soroca continued its efforts in supporting the civil
society in the north-eastern part of the Republic.
The non-governmental organizations and initiative groups benefited from
all kinds of services provided by the CONTACT Center.
The information services consisted in the dissemination of newsletters,
booklets, promotional materials, information released by press agencies. 92
NGOs benefited from these services.
Technical assistance was requested at a higher scale comparing with the
previous years. This is due to the continuously increasing number of NGOs
operating in the north-eastern part of the Republic of Moldova. Thus, in 2001
technical assistance was provided as follows:
– computer text processing - 215 requests;
– multiplying services – 167 requests;
– telephone services – 220 requests;
– e-mail services – 59 requests.
Referring to consulting services, a major growth of the requests related to
the design of projects was noticed. This is justified by the structure of the civil
society formed of newly registered organizations, which lack trained staff
members who are able to meet the standards of financing institutions. The
following consulting services were provided:
– legislation – 85 requests
– fundraising – 191requests
– project design – 94 requests
– NGO registration – 20 requests
During 2001 the Regional CONTACT Center in Soroca performed 15
instructive activities in various areas of the associative management, in
which 521 NGOs, public institutions, and initiative group’s representatives
were instructed.

Regional CONTACT Center in Bãlþi

During the reporting period, the Center organized a series of activities for
non-governmental organizations and initiative groups in the north of the
Consulting on institutionalization issues were provided to 90 initiative
groups. As a result, 63 NGOs were registered; 18 projects (12 in Balþi, and 6
regional) were provided consultancy. 208 beneficiaries benefited from other
types of consulting, including: NGOs, initiative groups, public institutions.
Technical assistance
During the reporting period, 920 NGO representatives and initiative
groups benefited from technical assistance services: 249 beneficiaries used
the computer, 247 used multiplying services, 276 benefited from telephone
and fax machine services, 38 beneficiaries requested e-mail services, 56 NGOs
were assisted in designing letters and other types of documents. The most
requested services remain multiplying materials and documents, operating
the computer word processing programs.
During 2001 the regional CONTACT Center in Bãlþi ran 22 training activi-
ties in various areas of the associative management, where 569 NGO, public
institution, and initiative group’s representatives were trained.

Regional CONTACT Center in Cahul

During 2001 the number of NGOs increased in the south. In Cahul munic-
ipality there are over 57 NGOs, while all over the area – approximately 163
During the reporting period the Center consulted:
– 19 NGOs on designing and processing documents necessary for registra
– 45 NGOs on project design
– 23 NGOs in fundraising
– 16 NGOs on legal framework
Technical Assistance
The Center provides technical assistance for all NGOs and initiative
groups. 529 beneficiaries benefited from technical assistance during the
reporting period. These services were registered as follows: 175 beneficiaries
used the computer, 167 requested multiplying services, 96 benefited from
telephone and fax machine services, 38 beneficiaries requested e-mail servic-
es, 53 NGOs were assisted in document and letter design. The most requested
services remain multiplying of materials and utilization of computer word
processing programs.
Besides the information related to financing of programs and on-going
projects, the CONTACT Center in Cahul issued the bimonthly “Contact de Sud”
informative regional newsletter, where information about current programs,
projects, and other useful information for NGOs or interested individuals is
Activity Report – 2001 76 77

Regional CONTACT Center in Comrat

The Regional CONTACT Center in Comrat extended its activity in 2001
over the Taraclia county. The process of consolidation of the associative sec-
tor in Gagauzia and Taraclia is in full process. Non-governmental organiza-
tions, initiative groups, the local public administration, and mass media
benefited from the assistance provided by the CONTACT Center in Comrat.
24 initiative groups benefited from consulting on registration issues; 72
NGOs – on project design and fundraising; 79 NGOs – on organizational man-
Technical assistance
Technical assistance was provided as follows:
– computer – 53 NGOs
– Internet services – 111 NGOs
– telephone – 18 NGOs
– printing and multiplying services – 35 NGOs (2,672 copies)
The training activities carried out with the support and participation of
the CONTACT Center in Comrat:
– The Role of Women in the Region, March 15th, Comrat,27 participants;
– Volunteer Management, April 13th –14th, Comrat, 24 participants;
– Regional Forum – Social Partnership, May 12th, 91 participants;
– Consolidation of Capacities of Organizations Dealing with Women’s
Issues in the South, September 21st –23rd, Comrat
Statistical data
In the reporting period over 6130 beneficiaries benefited from technical
services provided by the CONTACT network. The range of provided services by
CONTACT Centers could be presented as follows:
1904 NGOs and initiative group representatives benefited from consulting
Beneficiaries of technical services:
– Xerox machine – 1,103
– printing – 559
– telephone / fax machine services – 611
– e-mail services – 135
1,260 individuals benefited from training through 48 training activities.
Financial Resources:
Soros Foundation-Moldova: $26,625
Mott Foundation: $12,500
USIS: $3,000

Women’s Programs
(In collaboration with the Network In 2001, the Women’s Program continued to carry out several priority pro-
Women’s Program of OSI, NY) grams aimed at promoting women’s rights in social, economic, and political
spheres. The Program continued the initiatives that had proved successful
throughout the past four years but also implemented new programs such as
creating a database concerning women’s issues and implementing the „Oral
History” project. These initiatives aimed at improving women’s health, elimi-
nating violence against women, eliminating trafficking in women and chil-
dren, supporting programs for women-journalists who write on female
issues, increasing the Women’s NGOs’ role in solving social and economic
problems, promoting gender equality, developing and promoting new inter-
personal relationship models, and creating possibilities for women from
Moldova to participate in international events.
Gender and Education
The objectives of the program include supporting and promoting gender
equality; developing the gender concept in all aspects; developing and intro-
ducing gender studies in the high school and university curriculum.
Projects supported in this area:
Ion Creangã State Pedagogical University, Maia MORÃRESCU, project di-
rector. University course on gender communication culture. The course sy-
llabus and three issues of the “Gender Studies” magazine were published.
Youth Development Center, Margareta DUªCEAC, project director. Empo-
wering Education. Translation and publication of the “Empowering
Travel grants:
International training on “Empowering Education”, Kiev, Ukraine
Adelina STEFÂRÞÃ $229
Margareta DUªCEAC $197
Summer School on “Empowering Education”, Emilia MORARU, Neli COM-
PANIEÞ, Nadejda SCORNICI, Serghei MORCOV, Alexandru GUDIMA, Irina
ZGARDAN, Artur COMPANIEÞ, Mucacevo, Ukraine
Other expenses: $147.20
Total: $12, 287.20

Elimination of Violence Against Women

The Program’s aim is to instruct and familiarize women’s NGOs with new
methods and best practices on how to address violence against women; to
support crisis centers which offer medical, psychological and legal counseling
to women who suffered from both domestic and social violence; to protect
victims by supporting women shelters; to continue to instruct police officers
on how to file a report on violence.
Projects supported in 2001:
Youth Development Center, Melania MIHAILOV, project director. Training
policemen and NGO leaders from Orhei county on how to eliminate domestic
violence according to the Duluth model. Training of 83 police officers, 31 stu-
dents from the Orhei Pedagogical College, and 138 NGOs representatives.
Association of University Women, Silvia CHETRARI, project director. Sup-
porting the activity of the Center for Protection and Assistance to Victims of
Violence, IVth stage. Medical, legal, and psychological assistance and shelter
support provided for victims of violence. Opening of the “A New Beginning”
school in order to reintegrate victims in society (co-financed by USA Embassy
- $3,327).
Youth Development Center, Melania MIHAILOV, project director. Training
policemen and NGO leaders from Ungheni county on how to eliminate domes-
tic violence according to the Duluth model. Six training sessions for police
officers and NGO representatives, publishing of promotion materials.
Travel grants:
Workshop “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence” Maria Sahar-
neanu, journalist, “Ten Plus”, Viorica Bogatu, journalist, TVM, Budapest,
Total expenses: $20,000
Activity Report – 2001 78 79

Elimination of Trafficking in Human Beings

The aim of the Program is to contribute to the eradication of trafficking in
human-beings by supporting information and educational activities focusing
on prevention and protection of victims of trafficking; informing women and
parents on how to protect themselves and their children from trafficking;
organizing anti-trafficking public awareness campaigns.
Grants awarded:
“Cutezãtorul” Association of Family Doctors from Moldova, Vitalie CIMPOIEª,
project director. Combating trafficking in human beings from rural areas. Courses
organized in five rural localities, 25 training sessions with teachers and students.
Total expenses: $1,500

Information Initiatives
The aim of the Program is to promote and protect feminist values, con-
tribute to strengthening the family, raise general awareness of women’s
issues and women’s rights through information, studies on moral and physi-
cal women’s health, including reproductive health and to provide informa-
tion, documentation, and technical assistance services to women’s NGOs.
Projects supported in 2001:
“Ten Plus” Women’s Journalists’ Club, Maria SAHARNEANU, project director.
“Ten Plus” Women’s Journalists’ Club. 7 issues of the “Ten Plus”, magazine, 14
meetings of the Club, publishing of promotional materials (co-funding: $3,500 -
OSI- Budapest)
National Center for Information and Documentation on Women’s Problems,
Galina PRECUP, project director. National Center for Information and Documen-
tation on Women’s Problems. 7 meetings with women’s NGO leaders, creation of
the women’ s press archives, publishing of four numbers of the information bulle-
tin, technical assistance to 40 NGOs, creation of a database concerning women’s
issues (NGOs, literature, and newspapers), WEB site www.femei.moldova.md (co-
funding: $2,592 -N.Testemiþanu Medical State University; Women’s International
Club-$1,050; UNDP Moldova- $2,000; Global Ministries of the Uniting Churches
Bureau Europe/North America-13,613 euro; US State Department- $2,000).
Travel grants:
International Journalists’ Symposium „Women’s Contemporary Issues”
Emilia GHEÞU, Radio Moldova, Ala BUCEAÞCHI, “Ten Plus”, Aneta GROSU,
“Flux”, Warsaw, Poland
Total expenses: $21,691

Women’s Health Program

This Program was targeting NGOs dealing actively with women’s issues
and especially those related to women’s health. The major program’s objec-
tive is to support projects on eradicating breast cancer, a disease which in the
past few years has affected a large number of women, to initiate projects for
the prevention, timely diagnosis ant treatment of breast cancer and to sup-
port educational programs for women aiming at the development of a respon-
sible attitude towards their own health.
Grants awarded:
Association of Family Doctors, Grigore BIVOL, project director. Implemen-
tation of the screening to identify pre-cancerous breast tumors in offices of
family doctors. Training of 297 family doctors (project in progress).
(2000 budget)
“Progres prin alternativã” Association, Dumitru ªIªCANU, project director.
Physical and medico-social support for pregnant teenagers. 5 instructive sem-
inars for doctors, publishing of the brochure «Adolescence and Motherhood»
Menopause Society of Moldova, Ion BOLOGAN, project director. Co-coordinat-
ed efforts to improve medical care and quality of life in Moldova. Setting up a
team of doctors that is going to develop a program on improving women’s health
“Speranþa” Republican Children’s Foundation, Mircea CHISTRUGA, project
director. Design and production of anti-breast cancer TV spots. Spots broad-
cast by TVM, ProTV, NIT
Other expenses: $498.02
Total: $8,622.02

Open Grants Competition Program

Program’s objectives: to increase the role of NGOs dealing actively with
women’s issues; to support their initiatives aimed at solving problems faced
by women in the period of transition; to support NGOs’ activity in their effort
to increase their role and social efficiency; to support the creation of a net-
work of rural women’s NGOs.
Projects supported in 2001:
“Ora Împlinirilor” Women’s Club, Liuba ZAMÃ, project director. Raising
public awareness of family issues. 12 training sessions in Orhei county
International Society of Human Rights, Liubovi NEMCINOVA, project
director. Defense of convicted women’s rights and their children’s rights.
Providing free legal counseling to convicted women, facilitating meeting of
convicted women with their children; legislative suggestions were drafted to
update the national law related to this issue
“Tinerii pentru dreptul la viaþã” Association, Lilia RAILEANU, project direc-
tor. Training of Trainers on developing social skills in young - unemployed wo-
men. Publication of an information bulletin; a seminar and a round table were
„CONTACT” Center, Aliona NICULIÞÃ, project director. Increasing the mana-
gerial and organizational capacity of women’s NGO. Support for women’s
NGOs’ initiatives from rural areas (Please see details in the report of the Civil
Society Program)
“Armonie” Center of Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Natalia PERCIUN,
project director. The hot line phone for teenagers Psychological support to
girls in crisis situations
Travel grants:
Training course „Building Information and Documentation Centers”, Li-
liana DONÞU, Irina TURCULEÞ, NCSIWP, Zagreb, Croatia
„Globalization: Connection through Education” organized by the Interna-
tional Federation of University Women, Nadejda STOICA, ANFDU, Ottawa,
Other expenses: $392.45
Total: $26,130.45

Gender Integration
– to bring the principle of equal opportunities for women and men into all
programmatic areas and stages of program design, implementation, and
evaluation; to achieve gender balanced organizational structures and
Activity Report – 2001 80 81

Grants awarded:
“Ten Plus” Women Journalist’s Club, Irina NECHIT, project director. Work-
shop “Oral History”. 16 journalists were familiarized with techniques and
ways of writing the women’s oral history. This course was presented by
Andrea Peto, Hungary
National Center for Information and Documentation on Women’s Problems,
Irina NECHIT, project director. „Oral History” (project in progress). 12 journalists
were engaged in writing the book “Women in the Labyrinth of History”
Other expenses: $215
Total: $9,414

Mainstream Media and Gender Policy

Program objectives:
– to create a team of highly professional individuals - analysts and jour-
nalists - who will make a transition to the new conceptual level in gen-
der issues coverage, from the so-called “women’s” problems towards a
truly “gender” approach and who will be able to raise public interests
towards gender issues.
Grants awarded:
Ludmila VASILACHE, Vitalie DOGARU, Angela IERIZEANU, Grigore VASI-
LESCU, Ludmila VASILACHE. Mainstream Media and Gender Policy. Produc-
tion of a documentary about women and tobacco
Travel grants:
„Mainstream Media and Gender Policy” workshop for journalists. Ludmila
VASILACHE, Vitalie DOGARU, Alma-Ata, Kyrgyzstan
Other expenses: $95
Total: $2,269.1

Documentation and Evaluation of Women’s Program

Network Women’s Program initiated an evaluation of the Soros Founda-
tion – Moldova’s Women’s Program activity during 1998-2001 aiming at identi-
fying the impact of the programs and projects implemented with the financial
support of the Foundation during this period of time. This evaluation was car-
ried out by Adela SCUTARU, director of the „Junior Achievement” NGO.
Program expenses: $1,037.27

Book Translation and Publishing

The program aimed at translating outstanding books on women’s issues.
Sigma Publishing House, I. GHEOGHICIUC, director. Translation and pub-
lication of the book „Global Gender Issues-Dilemmas in World Politics”, Peter-
son, V. Spike, A. Sisson, 1000 copies
Total: $6,429
Program administration expenditures: $9,416
Total Women’s Programs expenditures: $116,884

The East East Program

The Program is facilitating democratic processes within the Moldovan
society by familiarizing with and learning from the experience of the coun-
tries from Central and Eastern Europe. The priority goal continued to be sup-
port for regional cooperation as a way to promote dialogue between the
countries of the region, promotion of interests and needs of the society in
transition aiming at building an open society. Through this Program, about
100 foreign experts visited Moldova as participants in various projects such
as seminars, roundtable discussions, study visits and workshops. About 70
experts, members of various social institutions, NGOs and mass media repre-
sentatives from Moldova had the opportunity to attend international events
in the region. At the same time, the events organized by the EEP brought
together about 300 local participants that took advantage of the opportunity
to obtain updated information and become familiar with achievements and
difficulties that the countries of the region are facing during democratization.

East East Hosting and Bilateral Initiatives

Center for Transparency and Democracy of Moldova. The Role of Youth
NGOs within Stability Pact Implementation and European Integration. Sub-
program for Southeast Europe, April 26-27, Chiºinãu
The East East Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova, ANTREC-Mol-
dova (National Association of Rural, Ecological and Cultural Tourism, Republic
of Moldova) and Rural Development Foundation of Poland. Opportunities for
Sustainable Development of Rural Communities: Moldovan-Polish Collabora-
tion, April 2-7, Warsaw and Ilawa, May 13-28, Gietrzwaid, Blaskowizna, Su-
walki and Wizna, September 27- October 2, Warsaw, Wola Uhruska
“Raza Soarelui” Association of Moldova and ECOSENS-Romania. Towards an
Efficient Dialogue between NGOs and Public Authorities: Moldova’s Experience,
May 20-30, Chiºinãu, Fãleºti, Soroca, Bãlþi, Edineþ, Orhei, Cimiºlia and Cahul
Moldovan Microfinance Alliance and Association of Lithuanian Credit Unions
(ALKU), Societe de Developpement International Representative in Lithuania
(SDID). Credit Unions in Lithuania and Savings and Credit Associations in Mol-
dova: Lessons and Opportunities for Collaboration, May 7-11, Vilnius, June 11-
15, Chiºinãu, Rãciula, Sãºeni, Manta, Cahul, Corjeuþi, Bahu, Tocuz and Podgoreni
Eco-zon Recea Association, Eco-Rãzeni Association and Ecological Move-
ment TABIYAT from Kyrgyzstan. Local Authorities and Environmental NGOs:
Community Development Partnership, May 23-30, Almaty, September 12-19,
Chiºinãu, ªtefan-Vodã, Soroca, Bãlþi, Glodeni, Ungheni
The East East Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova, Center of Infor-
mation and Documentation in Children’s Rights (CIDCR) and Association of
Students with Disabilities. Learning to Live Together: Integration of Young People
with Disabilities into the Academic Environment, June 24 - July 1, Holercani
ANTIM Association of Young Historians of Moldova and Soros Founda-
tion-Moldova. Religion, Society and Education in the Post-totalitarian So-
cieties of Central and Eastern Europe.
CONTACT Center for NGOs Assistance and Center for the Development of Par-
ticipatory Democracy. Empowerment of Moldovan Civil Society: Lessons to Learn
from the Experience of Central and Eastern Europe, November 15-17, Chiºinãu
Ungheni Town Hall Municipality and City Hall of Konin, Poland. Twin
Cities’ Experience: Konin-Ungheni. New Practices in the Process of Decentrali-
zation in the Context of the Local Administration Reform, November 4-10, Ci-
ty of Konin, Poland
Institute for Public Policy (IPP) and Soros Foundation-Moldova. Round-
table Discussion: Educating Tolerance in Multicultural Societies, October 4-6,
Chiºinãu, Comrat, Ciadîr-Lunga
Activity Report – 2001 82 83

The East East Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova and Euro-Bal-

kan Institute and Law School in Skopje, Post Graduate Course on Internatio-
nal Politics and Law. Confidence Building Measures and Conflict Regulating
Strategies in Divided Societies: Comparative View: Macedonia-Moldova. Sub-
program for Southeast Europe
Total EEP Hosting Projects $81,184

Participating Projects
Vanu JEREGHI, Olivia PARTAC. Liberty of Association and Expression:
Principles and Practices of Human Rights, January 22-26, Baku
Claudia COADA, Nicolae BESLIU. Broken Child – Incest and Paedophilia,
January 26-27, Zagreb
Vladimir ROTARI, Vasile ZGARDAN, Mihai BLANC, Oleg KABAKOV, Calina
MEÞ, Tatiana PÎRVU. Free Commerce in Southeast Europe, Subprogram for
Southeast Europe, February 2-6, Mangalia
Eugenia PARLICOV, Ludmila COVALENCO. Engaging Governments in Sup-
porting Volunteerism in Social Development, February 26-28, Bishkek
Oleg BOªCÃNEAN, Valentina CORNEA. Modern High School Education:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights, March 25-30, St. Petersburg
Constantin STRATULAT, Florentina CIUPRINEAC. Poland’s Integration in
European Structures: Relations with Ukraine, April 2-6, Warsaw, Poznan
Tamara GUVIR, Ioana BOBINÃ, Svetlana LEU, Stela GUVIR, Ala NOVAC.
Strategies for Sustainable Development in Industry: Kazakhstan, Moldova,
Czech Republic, April 9-14, Prague
Maria BÃLAN. European Coordination Committee on Human Rights Docu-
mentation, April 18-21, St. Petersburg
Ana COREÞCHI, Ion CEBAN. Students for Stability Pact: Student Unions in
Southeast Europe, Subprogram for Southeast Europe, April 21-24, Zagreb
Valentina CHICU, Gheorghe ªÃLARU. Civic Initiatives in Reforming Edu-
cational Policy in Rural Areas, April 24-28, Lviv
Stela SUHAN. HIV/AIDS Service Organizations: Partnership and Collabo-
ration, May 17-20, Tallinn
Maria ÞURCANU, Andrei PONIMARIOV, Sergiu MUSTEAÞÃ. Best Practices
in Youth Policy Legislation: “Together 2001 North-East”, May 24-27, Vilnius
Elena CIGRINA. Sexualities in Transition: Social Acceptance and Social Ca-
pital, Sex Education, Sexual Harassment, Defining/Legalizing Sanctions, Gay
and Lesbian Civil Rights, June 12-26, Dubrovnik
Valentin CIUMAª. Capital and Regional Cities in the Accession Process of
Candidate States to the EU, June 22-23, Bucharest
Viorel CIBOTARU. Early Warning and Conflict Prevention in South East
Europe, Subprogram for Southeast Europe, June 23-24, Sofia
Simion LUPAªCU. Environmental Protection Policies: Slovakia, Yugosla-
via, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, June 4-10, Ploieºti, Romania
Ion CUHAL. Anti-corruption Strategies for Transition Economies, July 18-
22, Kiev
Magareta GUÞU, Ludmila TULUZ. Summer School: Health Education for
Teenagers, August 24 – September 2, Bishkek
Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI, Sorin HANGANU, Igor GOLEA. Alternatives to Im-
prisonment, September 9-11, Bucharest
Nicu POPESCU. Ten Years of the CIS: Gains and Losses, September 25-28,
$ 499
Oleg BARBÃ, Neonelina SIMAN, Valeriu SAVA. Primary Health Care in
East European Countries, September 26-29, Sibiu
Ion CEBAN, Olga MELNICIUC, Oleg ÞULEA, Ina FUS. Common Problems -
Common Solutions in Southeast Europe: Southeast European Student Net-
work, Subprogram for Southeast Europe, October 1-7, Timiºoara
Veaceslav ROTARU, Igor CELAªEV, Igor GHERTEªCO. Disabled Students
in Higher Education, October 2-7, Belgrade
Victoria REªETNIC, Ion BURCIU. Possibilities and Limitations for Develo-
ping Environmental Markets, October 3-7, Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary
Natalia MORARU, Sergiu TOMªA. Monitoring Children’s Rights, Second
Stage, October 14-17, Mangalia
Inga BURLACU, Viorica CREÞU. Marketing Communication Tools to Em-
power Non-Profit Organisations, October 26-28, Warsaw
Victor ZAHARIA, Andrei HARGHEL. Probation for Major Offenders: Condi-
tions and Future Prospects, November 16-18, Dubrovnik
Vasile TOFAN, Cristina PANFILOV. Stability in Southeast Europe: A Regio-
nal Approach, November 16-26, Belgrade
Melania MIHAILOV, Victor BORª, Gheorghe BACIU. National and Interna-
tional Legal Prospects for Overcoming Domestic Violence, November 30-
December 2, Iaºi
Ana MELNIC, Zinaida ONICÃ. Small Business Support Technology: Add-
ressing Problems of Women’s Unemployment, December 10-16, Ialta
Victor COJOCARU, Ana COREÞCHI. Conflict Resolution in Community,
December 12-15, Ljubljana
Marin DOLINÞA. Churches and Religion After the Fall of Communism:
Religion and Patterns of Social Transformation, December 14-15, Zagreb
Total Participating Projects: $29,365
Program administration expenditures: $8,169
Total East East Program expenditures: $118,718
Public Health

MedNet National Center for Medical Information

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P ub
The Public Health Program
The mission of the Program is to develop a new thinking about health by
transforming the process of public health policy making and creating the ne-
cessary elements and mechanisms for it in the Republic of Moldova. The
Program contributes to the further development of human resources, struc-
tures and processes oriented toward the implementation of new methods of
decision making. By carrying out this mission, the Program contributes to
promoting a balanced relationship between citizens, government, scientific
researchers, service providers and health financing structures. The Program
encourages the development of a healthy open society through improving
information and knowledge exchange and through enhancing democratic

Health Care Initiatives Program

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
Projects supported:
N. Testemiþanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Grigore BI-
VOL, project director. Creation of Family Medicine Speciality in the Republic
of Moldova. Development of the university curricula. Setting up a model cen-
ter for family doctors. (co-financing: USAID, AIHA, World Bank).
Project in progress (1998 budget)
Independent Journalism Center, Irina ZATUªEVSCHI, project director. Na-
tional Health Communication Network. Development of the national network
of journalists writing about health issues; organizing and conducting semi-
nars and trainings for journalists; continuous monitoring of the mass media
and placing all the publications on the web page; publication of the
„Saninfo” informational bulletin (co-financing: WHO).
Project in progress (2000 budget)
N. Testemiþanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Victor RO-
TARU, project director. Participation in the Process of Health Care Reform
through Reinforcement of the Managerial Staff. Development of a reinforce-
ment program for managers in France Organizing study tours for students
with the purpose of developing hospital managerial abilities. (co-financing:
Hospital group, France, „Yvone-Aimee” Association).
Project in progress (2000 budget)
„St. Augustin” Project Coordination Unit/ Social Investment Fund in Mol-
dova, Victor VOLOVEI, project director. Evaluation of the Health Reform
Process in Moldova. Conducting an initial assessment for evaluating the
Health Care System in Moldova. (co-financing: World Bank).
Project in progress (2000 budget)
N. Testemiþanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Oleg LO-
ZAN, project director. Capacity Development in Public Health. Creation of the
Center, or Continuous Education for Health System Managers; Development
of the university curricula for the Master of Public Health degree; Organiza-
tion of short-module based education in Public Health. (co-financing: World
“PHARMAROS”NGO, Rostislav ROTARU, project director. Development of
„The Pharmaceutical Staff” medical database. Development of a database of
pharmaceutical specialists; Development of a reporting system via the
“Ecotox” Society of Ecotoxicologists in the Republic of Moldova, Elena
ZUBCOV, project director. The quality control of food products. Monitoring
heavy metals in food products. Development and printing of informational
„Health for Youth” Association, Olga GAGAUZ, project director. Round-
table „The Young Family: Medical and Social Problems”.
Activity Report – 2001 86 87

Society of Neurologists in Moldova, Oleg PASCAL, project director. Rehabi-

litation of people with neurological disabilities. Study tour at the Center of
Neuro-rehabilitation, New Castle upon Tyne. Development of a database of
persons that require socio-medical assistance
Association of Cardiologists in Moldova, Mihail POPOVICI, project director.
The IVth Conference of Cardiologists in Moldova A specialized conference wih
international participation
„MedNet ”National Center of Medical Information, Dmitrii VOLCOV, pro-
ject director. Creation of a WEB interface for an annual statistics report. Ma-
king medical information available to the public at large
National Center of Public Health and Management, Gheorghe RUSSU, project
director. Management of Change. Setting up an expert group responsible for
preparing the introduction of the new financing system in health: social and me-
dical insurances
Society of Neurologists in Moldova, Diomid GHERMAN, project director.
Educational Course in Neurology. Organizing the educational course in
Neurology with international participation (co-financing: FESN).
Travel and re-entry grants:
Study tour to the Public Policy Institute, Valeriu SAVA, Oleg LOZAN, Bu-
charest, Romania
Fellowship for Master of Public Health, Luminiþa APETRI, Igor CIOBANU,
Jerusalem, Israel
Re-entry grant for MPH, Dumitru MAXIMENCO, Chiºinãu, Moldova
Participation in the official opening of the School of Public Health in
Russia, Mihai CIOCANU, Valeriu SAVA, Dmitrii VOLCOV, Moscow, Russia
Participation in the ASPHER Annual Conference Dumitru TINTIUC, Vale-
riu SAVA, Viorel SOLTAN, Debrecen, Hungary
Other Program expenses: $380

Development of Information Systems

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
The goal of the Program is to improve public health decision making
through the development of the information infrastructure for the medical
community of the Republic of Moldova.
Program objectives:
– development of computerized networks of monitoring the infectious and
non-infectious diseases and immunizations
– development of local medical databases through financial support pro-
vided for medical units, NGOs and other actors in the field
– training of the personnel involved in the development of informational
– creation of a Computerized Medical Library that will operate within the
N. Testemiþanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the Repu-
blican Clinical Hospital and the National Center of Medical Information
Supported projects:
„MedNet” National Center of Medical Information, Dmitrii VOLCOV, pro-
ject director. Continuation of the Medical Internet Program. Development of
the computerized network between medical institutions in Chiºinãu; Moni-
toring the medical periodical press and placing it on the Web; Creation of the
Medical Portal; Insuring access of the medical community to the Internet, e-
mail, and medical database; Development of a consortium of medical libraries
(co-financing: UNICEF, WHO).
Project in progress (2000 budget)
National Center of Public Health and Management, Petru CRUDU, project
director. Development of the Health Information System at the County Level.
Analysis of the statistical documentation and statistical indicators in view of
alignment with the international standards; Development of the concept of
operation of a medical informational system; Development of the computer-
ized program of collection, stocking and analysis of information

Mental Disabilities Advocacy Program

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
The goal of MDAP is to raise the quality of life of the mentally disabled by
supporting mental disabilities advocacy in the Republic of Moldova through:
– the development of community-based services for mentally disabled
population groups aimed at family and society integration
– supporting the policy of deinstitutionalization of services for mentally
disabled persons
Supported projects:
“Somato” NGO, Jana CHIHAI, project director. Day Center for Mentally Di-
sabled People. Providing daily services for mentally disabled people in Bãlþi
(co-financing: Social Investment Fund).
„Mother and Child -- Protection and Support” NGO, Alexandra GRÃJDIAN,
project director. Day Center for Mentally Disabled Children. Providing daily
services for mentally disabled children in Criuleni (co-financing: Social In-
vestment Fund).
“ProUman” Center, Mihai MELNIC, project director. Integration of the
mentally disabled people in the society and family. Selection and re-training
of the involved medical personnel, selection of the target group. Psychological
counseling at home (co-financing: USA Embassy in Moldova)

Palliative and Hospice Care Program

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
The goal of the Program is to support the development of policies on pal-
liative and hospice care in Moldova by establishing a network of all organiza-
tions involved in palliative and hospice care in the country.
Priority fields:
– development of multidisciplinary centers for palliative care and treat-
ment services
– development of a national policy on palliative care
Supported projects:
National Center of Preventive Medicine, Silvia STRATULAT, project direc-
tor. Development of National Standards in Palliative Care for People Living
with AIDS. Two roundtables and a national conference were organized. The
standards were developed and approved by the Ministry of Health
Soros Foundation-Moldova, Viorel SOLTAN, project director. Translation
into Romanian and publishing the book “Symptom Control in Advanced Can-
cer” by Roger Woodruff; 500 copies
Activity Report – 2001 88 89

Association of the Myopathics in Moldova, Vitalie TONU, project director.

Development of informational materials. Development of the guide „Palliative
Care in Neuro-muscular Pathology”
“Bãtrânii” NGO, Ion RÃZLOG, project director. Educational program in
Palliative Care Laun-ching and developing a program of collaboration with
the Hospital Center Premontre, France
Soros Foundation-Moldova, Viorel SOLTAN, project director. Developing
the concept of Palliative Care in Moldova Standards of palliative care were
developed in 5 fields of medicine; 10 persons were trained as trainers in pal-
liative care in 5 fields.
Travel grants:
Course in Palliative Care, St. Christopher Hospice, Irina BAICALOVA, Lon-
don, United Kingdom
$ 4,099

Salzburg Seminars for Physicians

(In collaboration with the American Austrian Foundation and the Open
Society Institute of New York)
The goal of the Program is to contribute to increasing the quality of medical
services in the Republic of Moldova through offering doctors in different fields
the possibility to participate in seminars dedicated to advanced methods of
diagnostics and treatment. The Program is administered by the National Center
of Medical Information in collaboration with the N.Testemiþanu State Medical
University and the American - Austrian Foundation.
The program objectives:
– insuring the necessary conditions for participation of Moldovan doctors
and residents in the Salzburg Seminars and Internships
– launching the Virtual Center (Open Medical Club)
– collaboration with similar programs from other countries and the Ame-
rican-Austrian Foundation
Supported project:
„MedNet” National Center of Medical Information, Viorica ROTARU, pro-
ject director. Implementation of the project „Salzburg Seminars for Doctors”.
24 doctors attended 16 one-week seminars in different medical fields;4 doc-
tors conducted one-month internships in four different medical fields
Other Program expenses: 943$

Schweitzer Seminars Program

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York, and Albert
Schweitzer Institute)
The goal of the Program is to develop a network of ongoing relationships
among health professionals within the region.
The Program supports the participation of representatives from the Republic
of Moldova in a series of regional conferences, seminars organized for several
countries and seminars for a single country, organized by the Albert Schweitzer
Institute for Humanities. Several priorities have been identified for the PH field:
– development of public health and health care reform policy
– strengthening public health infrastructure
– professional quality standards and ethical values
– public involvement in the decision making process
Supported project:
Management and Insurance in Medicine Society, Valeriu SAVA, National
Conference ”The Prospects of Health Insurance in Moldova”. 103 profession-
als in public health in Moldova took part in the conference. Discussion of effi-
cient mechanisms of implementing the law regarding the compulsory medical
insurance (co-financing: WHO).
Travel grants:
Conference “Strategies for HIV/AIDS Control”, Tudor VASILIEV, Warsaw,
Conference “Alcohol Policy and Public Health”, Ion CUZUIOC, Anatol ADA-
JUC, Irina ZATUªEVSCHI, Budapest, Hungary
Conference “The Role of Professional Associations in the Licensing and
Re-Validation of Physicians”, Boris GOROªENCO, Grigore BIVOL, Budapest,

Child Abuse Prevention Program

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
Supported projects:
National Center of Child Abuse Prevention, Daniela POPESCU, project di-
rector. Network of psycho-social assistance of the child and the family. Deve-
lopment of a network of psycho-social assistance of the child and the family.
5 offices of psycho-social assistance for children-victims of different kinds of
abuse were opened in Chiºinãu, Grãtieºti (co-financing: Embassy of USA in
National Center of Child Abuse Prevention Daniela, POPESCU, project di-
rector. Workshop „Evaluation and Interventions into the Sexual Abuse of
Children”. 30 psychologists of field organizations took part in it. Practical
abilities of psychological rehabilitation of children-victims of sexual abuse
were developed
Travel grants
Seminar “Child Abuse Prevention for Psychologists”, Daniela POPESCU.
Ion NEGURÃ, Tatiana TURCHINA, Ecaterina STASII, Budapest, Hungary
Conference „Post Partum Home Visit”, Lucia COSTIª, Adela BUDECI, Tatia-
na PEEV, Tallinn, Estonia

Harm Reduction Program

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
The goal of the Program is to reduce the impact of health and social
harms related to illegal drug use by preventing the rapid and extensive
spread of HIV infection among injecting drug users in the Republic of Mol-
– to continue the support of activities in strategic important geographic are-
as of the Republic of Moldova (Soroca, Bãlþi, Fãleºti, Orhei, Chiºinãu)
– to support several harm reduction projects within the penitentiary insti-
Supported grants:
“Youth for the Right to Live” NGO, Bãlþi affiliation Ina, BIRIUCOVA, project
director. Harm Reduction, Bãlþi. Providing services to 628 IDUs; Launching a
hot line for IDUs, PLWA and their codependents (co-financing: UNDP, $7,500).
Activity Report – 2001 90 91

“Together to Save the Future”, NGO, Fãleºti, Iurie OSOIANU, project direc-
tor. Harm Reduction, Fãleºti. Providing services to 214 IDUs; Reducing the
number of new HIV cases by 15 per cent (co-financing: UNDP, $2,100).
“Adolescentul” Educational and Rehabilitation Center, Orhei, Tatiana SO-
ROCOVICI, project director. Harm Reduction, Orhei. Providing services to 214
IDUs; Expanding the project to Rezina (co-financing: UNDP, $2,100).
“AntiHIV” NGO, Ruslan DAVID, project director. Harm Reduction Anti-
HIV, Chiºinãu. 15 types of informational materials for the network with a
total number of 23,400 copies. Creation and maintenance of the web page
www.hr.mednet.md (co-financing: UNDP, $6,400).
National Center of Preventive Medicine, ªtefan GHEORGHIÞÃ, project di-
rector. Harm Reduction, Chiºinãu. Providing services to 647 IDUs’. Reducing
the number of cases HIV/AIDS among IDUs by 10 per cent (co-financing:
UNDP, $4,765).
“Alcohol and Drug Addiction” Educational Center, Soroca, Ion MARCOCI,
project director. Harm Reduction, Soroca. Providing services to 380 IDUs
among Roma population
“Medical Reforms in Penitentiaries” NGO, Dumitru LATICEVSCHII, project
director. Harm Reduction activities in penitentiaries. IEC activities in all the
penitentiaries regarding safer behaviors, HIV/AIDS and drugs; Peer education
and needle exchange in one penitentiary
$ 33,225
Travel grants:
Participation to the TRC meeting of Ukrainian projects, Stela BIVOL, Kiev,
Training for the development of organizational capacities, Ecaterina RO-
TARU, ªtefan GHEORGHIÞÃ, Iurie OSOIANU, Nicolae TALMACI, Dumitru LA-
TICEVSCHI, Alexei LEORDA, Ion MARCOCI, Vasile BRÎNZÃ, Sinaia, Romania
Training “Needs of People Living with AIDS”, Stefan GHEORGHIÞÃ, Ecate-
rina ROTARU, Ina BIRIUCOVA, Andrei STOLEAR, Minsk, Belarus
Training “Providing Services to Populations with Special Needs and Mino-
rities”, Ruslan DAVID, Viorica SÎRBU, Lucia MARCOCI, Ion MARCOCI, Iurie
OSOIANU, Sofia, Bulgaria
Training for outreach workers, Igor CΪLARU, Mihail IVANOV, Krakow,
Training and needs assessment for HR projects, MSF Ukraine, Ion MAR-
COCI, Veaceslav EFIMENCO, Ina BIRIUCOVA, Serghei STOLEAR, Libovi AN-
DREEV, Anatol MARANDICI, Ecaterina ROTARU, Nicolae BORDENIUC, Ruslan
NA, Tatiana SOROVICI, Chiºinãu, Moldova
Participation in the UNGASS, Ala SNIGUREAC, New York, SUA
Other Program expenditures: $1,102.21
Program administration expenditures: $ 11,326
Total Public Health Program expenditures: $ 432,551
Child Abuse Program expenditures: $25,623
The „MedNet“ National Center for
Medical Information
27 Testemiþanu Street
MD 2025, Chiºinãu
Republic of Moldova,
Telephone: (373 2) 727577
Fax: (373 2) 727577
E-mail: medinfo@mednet.md
Web site: http://www.mednet.md
Our mission is to become a leading organization in promoting and devel-
oping the informational network in the medical field and in developing the
national network of exchange of medical information, as well as in contribut-
ing to improving the quality of medical undergraduate, graduate and post-
graduate studies in the Republic of Moldova.

Developments and Achievements in 2001

The peculiarities of the Center’s activity in 2001 resulted from the necessi-
ty to continue the implementation of information resources in health care,
implementation of new projects, enlargement of the range of activities and of
health network and enhancing the effectiveness of the Internet connectivity
of network users via the enlargement of the access channel. In order to facili-
tate the Center’s access to information, the newest health databases and
training programs were purchased. A special computer room within the Cen-
ter was created in order to provide assistance to persons who do not have
other access to the network. The users are granted the possibility to use all
available resources of the INTRANET medical network and the INTERNET
global network, access to the computer room and to all the information, pro-
vided with no charge. 19.000 visits were made since the opening of the
Center. During 2 years, free training courses were held, which were oriented
towards users’ necessities.
A PharmaPlus Project was launched, which represents the first online
pharmacological guide, entirely designed for the local and international phar-
macological, pharmaceutical and clinical-pharmacological community. The
information placed on the site is being updated and renovated on an ongoing
basis. The partnership relations with the National Institute of Pharmacy con-
tributed to the translation of pharmaceutical products base into Russian,
placed within the PharmaPlus Project.
The first compartment of the medical portal was launched, which repre-
sents the first press-review magazine of this type in the Republic of Moldova.
It contains press releases on health related issues and articles in Russian and
Romanian languages.
A Medical Library Program was launched, whose primary objective is to
change the quality of management principles of the library collection by
improving and simplifying the principles of registering and usage of
resources. Eventually, the information on scientific materials will be accessed
via the Internet.
The Salzburg Seminars Program activities were continued. The doctors -
finalists in the competition, had an opportunity to benefit from practical
training courses during the year in the best clinics of Austria.
The “MedNet” NCMI created a site for the Moldovan Exhibition Center of
Moldova under the following URL http://www.moldmedizin.moldexpo.md/
and is updating the information on an ongoing basis. The “MedNet” NCMI
took part in the MoldMEDIZIN 2001 exhibition, where it presented the first
compartment (medical press) within the Medical Portal project, the Pharma-
Plus project, the Salzburg Seminars program, which proved to be extremely
The “MedNet” NCMI contributed to the organization and conducting of the
International Symposium of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons, which took
place during September 28-29 in Chiºinãu and provided informational sup-
port for neurologists: http://neuro.mednet.md/
Activity Report – 2001 92 93

Numerous promotion activities were undertaken - the Web compartment -

banners exchange service (1ha.ad.md and ad.md) and press compartment -
brochures, posters, calendars), which contributed to the popularity of the

The Pharmaplus Project

The PharmaPlus Project is one of the first on-line projects in health and
pharmaceutical care.
The objective of this project consists in creating a guide for the products
licensed in the Republic of Moldova, offering complete descriptions and re-
commendations for their use with a register of pharmaceutical resources and
representatives of pharmaceutical companies available in the Republic of
In 2000, the National Institute of Pharmacy published the book “Regis-
tered Drugs in the Republic of Moldova”, which describes all the drugs regis-
tered in the Republic of Moldova. The Institute granted exclusive rights to the
MedNet Center for the creation of the book’s on-line electronic version. An
original program was created which allowed placing a web page on the
Internet within a short period of time: http://www.pharmaplus.mednet.md/
using simple principles of navigation for finding the necessary drugs.
In parallel, a compartment was created, which reflects the legislative fra-
mework of the Republic of Moldova in the area of production and sale of
drugs and, of course, a catalogue of manufacturers and distributors of drugs
available within the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The catalogue is
being continuously updated and renovated. Currently, the interactive system
of information related to the availability and real prices of the drugs in
demand within pharmacies is under construction. The information for this
system is presented due to the support of BASAFARM Company.
This project is highly demanded and is frequently visited: total visits –
555,921, visits from com. domains – 335,669; in average – 2000 visits per
day. The access to information is free.

The Medical Portal Project

The objective of this project is to facilitate the free access of the health
community to information from various health areas. Given that the MedNet
Center is located in the middle of the medical network, it was decided to cre-
ate the medical informational portal on its basis. The portal will comprise the
greatest part or even the entire information on health care related news, on
published papers and scientific works from the Republic of Moldova, which
will allow the concentration of a maximum number of medical resources in
one place, so necessary for both the Center’s users and other persons con-
cerned with health care problems in the country. Therefore, a better organiza-
tion of specialized information and access to the Internet are ensured in this
The first compartment of the portal was launched in March 2001. Later,
other two were launched as well. Thus, at present, the users have access to
the following three compartments:
Press on Health
The first press-magazine in the Republic of Moldova, which reflects all
publications on health related issues. Articles in Romanian and Russian cov-
ering health related issues are being daily updated. This compartment has
been functioning since March 2000. It contains an archive of publications
since August 2000. The search engines, which function according to key
words, subjects and authors, facilitate the users’ activity and considerably
save their time. The author and publication are indicated for each article. The
URL of the press magazine on health related issues in the Republic of
Moldova are as follows: http://press.mednet.md
Health Related Events
This compartment reflects congresses, conferences, exhibitions, sympo-
siums and workshops related to health care, which take place in the Republic
of Moldova.
The first pages of the compartment present the international exhibition
MoldMEDIZIN & MoldDENT’2001 and the International Symposium of
Neurologists and Neurosurgeons, which took place in September 2001.
Currently, some new pages are under development.
Moldovan Health Communication Network is the project of the Indepen-
dent Journalism Center, which is funded by the Soros Foundation - Moldova
and the WHO Regional Bureau for Moldova. The project was designed for the
period 2000-2001 and aims at motivating and supporting all journalists cov-
ering health related issues, physicians, health managers, scientific resear-
chers, representatives of public associations in order to promote a healthy
lifestyle, thus improving the awareness of population of health and contribut-
ing to the development of the sense of personal responsibility for their own
health and, respectively, for public health. To this end, the following activities
were planned:
– on-going monitoring of publications on health related issues in national
press and provision of a broader access to this information by placing
them on the Internet;
– organization of thematic meetings between journalists and health per-
sonnel, press conferences and workshops, which would allow for stren-
gthening of relationships between mass media and specialists in health
area and a good chance to present reliable and unbiased health related
data to the population.
– publishing the «Sàninfo» bulletin, which contains methodological, sta-
tistical and informational materials in health area, addressed to the jour-
nalists and other specialists interested in this specific area;
– contests for the best publication (broadcast) in health area or a healthy
– contribution to the development and maintenance of thematic compart-
ments on health in periodicals, production of TV programs and radio
broadcasting programs, retransmission of materials offered by the World
Health Organization (WHO) and their partners;
– organization of thematic exhibitions and other actions in relationship
with the important events in the activity of the WHO. The National Health
Communication Network is one of the links of the European Health Com-
munication Network.
These unique health resources are highly demanded, the web page count-
ing around 500-600 visits per day. The total amount of visits is 47,174,
whereas the domain .com visits reached - 23,587.

The Medical Library Project

In January 2001, the Soros Foundation - Moldova granted financial sup-
port for the Medical Library Program. The objective of this Program is to cre-
ate an electronically shared catalogue of the Republican Scientific Library and
N.Testemiþanu State Medical University Library. Within the framework of this
project, a consortium between the above-mentioned libraries and the MedNet
Center was created.
This Consortium aims at changing the quality of management principles
of library collection by improving and simplifying the registering principles
and usage of their resources. In order to implement the project, a computer-
ized program was purchased designed to inform users about the library activ-
ity. An interactive system was put into function via the Medical Network of
MedNet Center. In future, the information about various scientific materials
will be accessed via the Internet. A new compartment will be created within
the National Medical Portal for this purpose.
Activity Report – 2001 94 95

The Salzburg Medical Seminars

The Soros-Moldova Foundation transferred the administration of the Salz-
burg Medical Seminars Program over to the MedNet Center in 2000. The project
is funded by the Soros Foundation and the Austrian-American Foundation, and
is designed for young health professionals willing to learn about the most cur-
rent methods of diagnosis and treatment used in the West. The candidates who
won the contest have the opportunity to benefit from practical courses in the
best clinics of Austria. The Salzburg workshops include: Adult Medicine Cornell
workshops from Salzburg, Pediatrics Philadelphia workshops from Salzburg,
Family Doctors and Public Health Professionals Duke workshops from Salzburg
and Columbia workshops from Salzburg. All travel, study and residence expen-
ditures are covered by the Open Society Institute from NY and the Federal
Ministry of Science from Austria. The project will be funded until 2005. The
schedule of specialized training courses can be accessed on the MedNet page:
http://www.mednet.md/salzburg/en.html. The contest for the scholarship takes
place twice a year. Over 160 professionals benefited from this Program so far,
having the possibility to set contacts with health professionals from various
countries. At the same time, partnership relationships have been developed
with the office of Austrian-American Foundation from Salzburg. An important
achievement was the creation of the Open Health Professionals’ Club, where
videoconferences and satellite - seminars for health professionals are organ-

The EBSCO Database

Since the first days of the Center’s existence, a special role has been given to
health databases. Thus, the Center subscribed to one of the best health data-
bases - EBSCO. This collection comprises the biggest part of health information.
The database may be accessed either via the Internet: http://search.epnet.com,
or on the local server of the MedNet NCMI. Starting with September, the EBSCO
database may be accessed by the users of the MedNet Center, without a regis-
tration name or password. The access takes place on the basis of IP determina-
tion - physical address of the network user. The database comprises a collection
of 20 CDs and 10 DVDs. It covers the period between 1960 – 2001, whereas the
online information is continuously updated.
The database is put at the disposal of all the MedNet NCMI users free of
charge, due to the financial support of the Soros Foundation -Moldova and
the N.Testemiþanu State Medical University.

Training Programs
This Program provides free of charge training courses for persons respon-
sible for the functioning of local networks within health institutions, physi-
cians and health personnel. During 2001, the „MedNet” NCMI, with the
support of IATP Center, organized courses for all the persons willing to regis-
ter. Over 280 persons had the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the area
of PC use, operational systems and the Internet.
At the same time, the Center’s staff had the opportunity to take part in
international conferences and workshops in order to develop professionally
in the area of new principles of development of networks and informational
Financial Resources:
Soros Foundation – Moldova $58,685 (2000-2002 year budgets)
UNICEF $25,620
AIHA $1,680
WHO $518
r am

E cono

Rural Economic Development

Moldovan Microfinance Alliance

The Rural Economic
The Rural Economic Development Program is part of the Private Farmers’
Assistance Program, co-financed by East-West Management Institute, Inc. Development Program
and US Agency for International Development (USAID).
It aims at ensuring that the transition to private farms results in a sus-
tainable economic growth, and it targets consistent rural enterprise develop-
ment as a way of ensuring private enterprise growth in general, creating new
jobs and increasing population’s income.
Program objectives:
– to create a favorable environment for rural enterprise and private farm-
ers’ development through amending existing legislation and drafting
new laws and legal acts
– to eradicate poverty by supporting small and medium sized agricultural
enterprises, supporting small enterprises’ cooperation in the area of
agricultural products purchasing and raw material distribution, as well
as technical and marketing service provision, which will turn them into
viable and effective businesses
– to improve and enhance legal service providers’ skills able to contribute to
farmers’ rights protection and improvement of their knowledge in legal
matters, to support information service providers in the area of agricultur-
al entrepreneurship, by assisting publications which help farmers to pur-
chase and sell their raw materials and products, offer information about
their rights and opportunities for rural enterprise development
– to raise public awareness and gain public support through correct infor-
mation dissemination and public policies development

Rural Enterprise Development

This program aimed at supporting not-for-profit and consulting compa-
nies in creating more than 40 business cooperatives planning to act in the
area of raw materials procurement, mecha nical service provision, marketing,
milk collection, etc.
Grants awarded:
“Invent Agro” NGO, Valeriu GHERBOVEÞ, project director. Business Coo-
perative Creation. 3 business cooperatives were created in Coloniþa (Chiºinãu
judet), Lozova (Chiºinãu judet) and Mîndreºti (Orhei judet)
‘Lactica’ Cooperative Movement Promotion Center, Igor BOXAN, project
director. Business Cooperative Creation. 3 business cooperatives were created
in Cuconeºti, Volodeni and Zãbriceni (Edineþ judet)
“Businessrural” Republican Center for Economic Knowledge Populariza-
tion, Tudor BAJURA, project director. Business Cooperative Creation. 4 busi-
ness cooperatives were created in Stoianovca (Cahul judet), Criuleni, Bãcioi
(Chiºinãu judet), and Cairaclia (jud. Taraclia)
MEGA NGO, Dan VULPE, project director. Business Cooperative Creation.
3 business cooperatives were created in Cotihana (Cahul judet), Jora-de-sus
and Susleni (Orhei judet)
‘Credit and Consulting in Agriculture’ NGO, Doina PALADE, project direc-
tor. Business Cooperative Creation 3 business cooperatives were created in
Horãºti and Puhoi (Chiºinãu judet), and Susleni (Orhei judet)
‚Agency for Agricultural Development’ NGO, Mihai SEREBREANSCHI,
project director. Business Cooperative Creation. 3 business cooperatives were
created in ªirãuþi, Viiºoara and Badragii Noi (Edineþ judet)
‚Agency for Agricultural Cooperation and Support’ NGO, Galina VACULIN,
project director. Business Cooperative Creation 3 business cooperatives were
created in Oclanda, Varvarãuca and Cuhureºtii de Jos (Soroca judet)
Activity Report – 2001 98 99

Lex Civitas NGO, Dumitru CROITORU, project director. Business Coope-

rative Creation. 3 business cooperatives were created in Hîrtop and Grãdiºte
(Lãpuºna judet) and Antoneºti (Cahul judet)
OIKOS National Rural Development Association, Vasile IONESII, project
director. Business Cooperative Creation. 3 business cooperatives were created
in Tîrnova, Scãieni and Fîntãna Albã (Edineþ judet)
National Frigorific Association (ANF), Vladimir ZUBATII, project director.
Business Cooperative Creation. 3 business cooperatives were created in
Ermoclia and Talmaza (Tighina judet), and Puhoi (Chiºinãu judet)
“CeVaPe ºi Semãnãtorul” NGO, Valerian CECAN, project director. Business
Cooperative Creation. 3 business cooperatives were created in Mihãileni (Bãlþi
Moldova Microfinance Alliance, Svetlana OJOG, project director. Business
Cooperative Creation. 10 business cooperatives were created in Bocani, Iº-calãu,
Albinuþul Vechi, Coºcodeni, Horeºti and Ilenuþa (Bãlþi judet), Bãcºeni, Iscani, Mã-
gurele, Hiroveanca, Boldureºti, Bahmut and Rãdeni (Ungheni judet), Mihailovca,
Carabetovca, Gradiºte, Abaclia and Javgur (Lãpuºna judet), Oniºcani, Coºerniþa,
Cocieri, Dubãsarii Vechi, Corjova and Zãicani (Tighina judet), Huluboaia, Cietul,
Cupcui, Sãrata-Nouã, Lãrguþa and Hîrtop-Lãrgeni (Cahul judet)

Consolidation of Saving and Credit Associations’ Network

(In cooperation with the Open Society Institute New York, USA)
This program aimed at supporting and consolidating the Saving and
Credit Associations’ (SCA) Network, financing the creation of 30 SCAs and
supporting and training 210 SCAs.
Grants awarded:
Moldova Microfinance Alliance, Igor PÃDURE, project director. SCAs Net-
work Development. 30 SCAs were created and 210 SCAs were strengthened, a
SCAs rating system has developed, 1,183 consultations were provided, 20
training courses with 487 participants were organized on 4 topics: Organiza-
tion of Office Activities, Accounting for SCAs, Internal Control for SCAs, Pla-
nning and Evaluation.
Saving and Credit Associations Operational Program Technical Assistance
for SCAs. In progress– more than 20 SCAs will receive office equipment
Travel Grants:
Financial Analysis in Microfinance Institutions, Iurie MILICENCO, Tbilisi,

Promoting Rural Women in Business

This program supported training programs for rural women in order to
facilitate the creation of small family enterprises, creating and finding new
jobs, and consequently, increasing rural households’ income.
Grants awarded:
International Center for Advancement of Women in Business, Tamara
BARBÃNEAGRÃ, project director. Training Course ‘How to Organize a
Successful Business’. 86 women were trained in Donduºeni sector, ATU
Gagauz Yeri and Chiºinãu district
Pro Business Nord NGO, Elena Rososhenko, project director. Training Course
for Women Entrepreneurs. In progress. During January-February 2002 PBN
organized 2 training courses for more than 40 women in Floreºti and Edineþ

Information and Training Support for Farmers

This program supported projectaimeds providing at information and trai-
ning services, as well as free or low cost information resources for farmers
and rural enterprises.
Grants awarded:
Independent Press Association (IPA), Dorina OSIPOV, project director. Pu-
blishing the ‘Farmer’ supplement to 13 IPA members-local newspapers. The
bi-monthly ‘Farmer’ supplement is being published and distributed through-
out the RM with a circulation of more than 54,000 copies
ACAI-Inform NGO, Iurie HURMUZACHI, project director. Training program
for farm store management and beneficiaries. 20 farm stores and more than
2000 farm store beneficiaries participated in more than 100 seminars (Co-
financed by Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs)
Independent Journalism Center (IJC), Angela SÎRBU, project director. In-
ternships for 14 students with local media, IJC and PFAP. 14 students under-
took one-month internships in local media, IJC and PFAP, as well as 2 courses
in agricultural journalism
Independent Journalism Center (IJC), Angela SÎRBU, project director. ‘Agra-
rian Reporting’ Contest for Journalists. In progress. As of March 01, 2002
data: 70 journalists participants with 293 materials and 38 winners from
local and national print and broadcasting media
Independent Journalism Center (IJC), Angela SÎRBU, ‘Agricultural Journa-
lism’: Training course for radio and print journalists. More than 40 experi-
enced journalists and beginners, from local and national media were trained
in agricultural journalism
Agency for Consulting and Extension Services in Agriculture, Constantin
OJOG, project director. 21 publications for farmers. In progress. As of March
01, 2002 data: 3 book printed: Accounting for Agricultural Businesses by
Gh.IPATI, Cutting and Forming Grapevine by V.COROBCA and Gh.NICOLAES-
CU; and Recommendations for Apple Trees and Pear Trees for 2001-2002 by
Moldova Microfinance Alliance, Artur MUNTEANU, project director. 2 publi-
cations for SCAs written by MMA staff. In progress. As of March 01, 2002 data:
Two publications ready for print – Accounting for SCAs and Internal Control
Moldova Microfinance Alliance, Igor PÃDURE, project director. Study Tour
‘Cooperation as a Tool of Rural Enterprise Development in a Market Eco-
nomy’. In progress
“Edinagronord” Agricultural Producers Association, Nicolai CREÞU, pro-
ject director. Edineþ Business Center
Agricultural Producers Association from Bãlþi district, Mihai VRONSCHIH,
project director. Bãlþi Business Center
“Floragrosper” Agricultural Producers Association, Alexei BELÎI, project
Activity Report – 2001 100 101

director. Soroca Business Center

“Uncalnis” Agricultural Producers Association, Iurie VRABIE, project di-
rector. Ungheni Business Center
“Asinprod” Agricultural Producers Association, Anatol STAVILÃ, project
director. Chiºinãu Business Center
“Uniagro-Prim” Agricultural Producers Association, Ion OLIFIR, project di-
rector. Tighina Busi-ness Center
“Viitorul” Agricultural Producers Association, Valentin DUBCEAC, project
director. Lãpuºna Business Center
“AgroUnic-Cahul” Agricultural Producers Association, Ion CURJOS, project
director. Cahul Business Center
“Prosagro” Agricultural Producers Association, Victor NEGRUÞÃ, project
director. Orhei Business Center
Agricultural Producers Association from UTA Gagauzia, Fedor IANIOGLO,
project director. Gagauzia Business Center
Between July 2001 and March 01, 2002, these associations, reuniting 542
agricultural producers, were active in the area of business and legal consult-
ing for agricultural enterprises, contributing to their members’ sales amount-
ing to 425, 000, 000 lei, providing 10, 425 consultations to 14,698 people,
organized 151 seminars with 4,277 participants, provided legal assistance in
69 cases, organized 40 roundtable meetings for their members and partners.

Direct Support to Business Cooperatives

This program supported a project implemented by the Agrostoc Business Coo-
perative, and provided working capital for cooperative’s activities, i.e. for purcha-
sing chemical and biological protection substances and plant growth stimulators.
Grants awarded:
Agrostoc Business Cooperative, Slava RODIDEAL, project director. Agricultural
Input Buying Cooperative. In progress. As of March 01, 2002 data: Agrostoc
reuniting 15 farm store members, selected suppliers and purchased the first lot of
mineral fertilizers (Co-financed by Citizens’ Network for Foreign Affairs).
$ 200,000

Economic Education
Junior Achievement
‘Junior Achievement’ NGO continued to implement the Course Applied
Economics in X-XII grades in high schools throughout Moldova.
Expenditures $20,000.00
Business Information Centers in municipal libraries in Chiºinãu, Bãlþi and
Managers of the three centers have visited similar libraries in US.
Expenditures $9,141.72
Program administration expenditures: $5,378
Total RED Program expenditures: $745 351,72
of which Soros sources: $578,834;
East-West Management Institute sources: $137,376
Moldovan Microfinance
Alliance (AMM)
16 Puºkin Street,
Chiºinãu MD 2012,
Republic of Moldova,
Tel :(373 2) 22-99-04
Fax: (373 2) 22-99-02
E-mail: mma@mma.dnt.md
MMA’s mission is institutional building and development of savings and
credit associations, cooperatives, and small and medium-sized enterprises
through assistance, consultancy and training in order to facilitate small
entrepreneurs’ access to financial markets and reach economic and social
development and empowerment.

Creation of Saving and Credit Associations (SCAs) Program Developments and

Since 1997, Moldovan Microfinancing Alliance has created and assisted Achievements in 2001
more than 200 saving and credit associations. According to the strategy
developed by MMA, the process of creation of SCAs includes several activities:
– conducting a feasibility study of the village
– developing a promotion and information dissemination campaign
– explaining SCAs functioning principles
– presenting key success stories of other rural micro-financing projects
implemented worldwide
– explaining the relationship between SCAs, MMA and financial institu-
– explaining the equity issues raised in SCAs
– explaining the laws regulating the activity of SCAs in the Republic of
– reviewing the statutes, by-laws, and prudential rules
– organizing the General Constitutive Assembly
– assisting in the process of registration and licensing
In 2001, MMA created 30 SCAs in Bocani, Iºcalãu, Albinuþul Vechi, Coºco-
deni, Horeºti and Ilenuþa villages (Bãlþi judet), Bãcºeni, Iscani, Mãgurele,
Hiroveanca, Boldureºti, Bahmut and Rãdeni villages (Ungheni judet), Mi
hailovca, Carabetovca, Gradiºte, Abaclia and Javgur villages (Lãpuºna judet),
Oniºcani, Coºerniþa, Cocieri, Dubãsarii Vechi, Corjova and Zãicani villages
(Tighina judet), Huluboaia, Cietul, Cupcui, Sãrata-Nouã, Lãrguþa and Hîrtop-
Lãrgeni villages (Cahul judet). To compare these data to the previous years
please see Appendix 1: Number of SCAs Created by MMA.

Monitoring and Consulting

According to MMA’s methodology, SCAs were monitored and consulted
according to the following stages:
– assisting in credit policy development
– training in loan analysis techniques
– preparing all documents for loan disbursement
– monitoring SCAs’ loan use
– assisting in financial (budget) planning
– assessing loan portfolio and reimbursement rates
– assisting in organizing the annual general assembly
– assessing SCAs’ performances according to the balanced scorecard
developed by MMA
– organizing and attending at least two general assemblies, or meetings
of the administrative board and supervisory committee in each SCA;
– supervising and assisting in the development of SCAs’ financial and
activity reports and internal control.
In response to SCAs’ needs, MMA offered 1,183 consultations and moni-
tored 180 SCAs, or 49 per cent of the total number of Moldovan SCAs, in
Activity Report – 2001 102 103

Each SCA created and assisted by MMA has the opportunity to benefit
from free training courses. The development of a training course includes sev-
eral activities:
– study the key success stories available in MMA library
– Internet research for success stories in other countries
– developing training modules
– presenting the modules to MMA staff
– organizing seminars for all interested SCAs
In 2001 MMA developed the modules and trained SCAs in evaluation and
planning activities, internal control, accounting, financial planning, risk
management and overdue loans, organizing more than 20 training courses
for more than 480 participants. For the topics of the seminars organized in
2001 and the number of beneficiaries please see Appendix 2: Topics of
Training Courses and Number of Participants.

MMA staff wrote 2 books in 2001: “Accounting Principles of SCAs” and
“Management Control System of SCAs” to be printed in March 2002.

Assistance in Crediting SCAs

MMA assisted 180 SCAs with a total of 17,000 borrowers, whose 2001
loan portfolio was 37,707,800 lei, which stands for about 48 per cent of the
total loan portfolio of Moldovan SCAs. A part of the SCAs borrowed from the
Rural Finance Corporation and a part of them -- from Moldova Agroindbank
S.A., with the support of the Economic and Business Development Fund,
Open Society Institute-New York. For details please see Appendix 3: Loan

Cooperative Creation
In 2001 MMA created 9 business cooperatives throughout Moldova: in
Ghetlova, Cuizãuca, Ghermãneºti and Bieºti, Orhei judet, in Tocuz, Tãnãtari
and Antoneºti, Tighina judet, in Baimaclia and Cucoara, Cahul judet, and in
Filipeni, Lãpuºna judet, planning to act in several areas: tobacco processing
and sales, milk collection, agricultural mechanical service provision, and
MMA Financial Resources:
Soros Foundation – Moldova: $237,556.28
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD): $26,393.94
APPENDIX 1: Number of SCAs Created by MMa
NB: Out of the 210 associations created, 180 were created with the finan-
cial support from SFM and 30-from others donors.

210 250





1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

APPENDIX 2: Topics of Training Courses and Number of Beneficiares

# Beneficiaries Topic of the Course

Organization SCAs Internal Planning and
of Office Work Accounting Control of SCA Evaluation
1 # of 35 30 96 84
2 # of 93 74 160 160

APPENDIX 3: Loan Portofolio (USD)

2 900 600

3 000 000

2 182 327 2 500 000

2 000 000

1 305 417
1 500 000

621 876 1 000 000

180 000 500 000

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Arts and Culture

Center for Conrtemporary Art, Chiºinãu, KSA:K

g ram s
P ro
A rts,

Independent Journalism Center

The Arts and Culture Program
The mission of the Arts and Culture Programs of the Foundation is to
ensure the continuity of the innovative artistic process, to support the decen-
tralization of culture, and to establish modern mechanisms of artistic and
cultural management.
Artists are encouraged to put on modern performances, to find out new for-
mulas, styles, schools, and to discuss common issues. The Program gives incen-
tives for art management to develop, new ideas to spread, ample art events to
be initiated, and organizational and managerial experience to be gained.
Program objectives:
– o support innovative artistic processes
– to stimulate artists’ creative potential and professional development in
the field
– to support the establishment of non-governmental artistic managerial
and impresario structures

Visual Arts
In 2001, the Program supported Visual Arts through financial assistance
provided for local cultural events and, in particular, by stimulating regional
and international exhibition exchange, offering artists new contact opportu-
nities and information. The Program’s priorities were to support artistic edu-
cation, cultural events of large interest, professional training and information
Grants offered:
“Papirus-Studio” Association Elena SAMBURIC, project director. Ion Creangã
State Pedagogical University. Seminar-workshop in visual arts, facilitator- fac-
ulty member Pierre BAQUÉ, (France), April 23 -May14. A theoretical and practi-
cal course for faculty and students of artistic education institutions from
Moldova (20 participants). Exhibition of the workshop participants’ works (Co-
financed by the Latin Union, French Alliance, Center for Contemporary Art,
Visual Artists’ Union of Moldova, Nicolae RURAC, chairman, project direc-
tor. Participation inthe inauguration of the Romanian Modern and Contem-
porary Art Gallery, Bucharest, March 24. 151 participants (visual artists,
students, faculty, from artistic education institutions)
Ludmila ÞONCEVA. Catalogue of painting. Publishing of the catalogue in
1000 copies
Tudor CATARAGA. Catalogu e of sculpture works “The Synthesis of Form
in Time”. Publishing of the catalogue in 1000 copies. Project in progress.
Mihai BRUNEA, artist. “Bacchanalia”. Personal exhibition of three-dimen-
sional objects. Project in progress.
Soros Foundation-Moldova’s initiative in collaboration with Arc Publi-
shing House. Victoria MIRON, Arts and Culture, Publishing Program Direc-
tor. A series of 12 visual arts albums. Implementation period - 2001-2004.
Publishing of a series of visual arts albums, 1000 copies each, under the
generic title “Moldovan Visual Arts of the XXth Century”. Project in pro-

Travel grants:
Personal exhibition of paintings (35 works painted during the last two
years), February 7-25, Veaceslav IGNATENCO, Minsk, Belorussia
Activity Report – 2001 106 107

“POAART 2001 for Peace” International symposium and exhibition of

paintings, July 21-29, Iurie and Ala SALCO, Maribor, Slovenia
Study trip to St. Athos Mountain, August 5-15, Pavel BALAN, cinema ope-
rator, photographer,Valeriu POTOROACA, chair of the Department of Cultural
Relations, Moldovan Metropolitan Church, vicar of “St. Pantelimon” Church
from Chiºinãu, Athos, Greece
The 12th edition of the “Impakt” Audio and Visual Festival, October 2-7,
ªtefan RUSU, Utrecht, Holland
Personal exhibition of paintings, October 10- November 10, Nadejda PRO-
NINA, Die, France
Residence at the Cite Internationale des Arts, November 2 - December 27,
Tudor ZBÂRNEA, Paris, France
Training in the field of fashion design, 16 October - 16 November, Angela
DOINA-BEZUÞCHI, chief of the Fashion Design Department, “Perspectiva”
International Relations Institute, Lvov, Ukraine
International Colloquium “The Memory of Europe in Sculpture”, December
3-4, Tudor STÃVILÃ, Director of the Institute for Art Research of the Academy
of Sciences of Moldova, Strasbourg, France

Other Expenditures $522.48

Total Visual Arts Program Expenditures $20,814.56

Workshops, Master-Classes and Training in Performing Arts and Li-

The Program supports the development of training courses, studios, edu-
cational programs etc. in the performing arts, with the invitation of experts,
artists, and faculty members from abroad.
It offered financial assistance to art and culture representatives to partici-
pate in international festivals, contests, conferences and seminars.
Grants offered:
Association for the Development of Contemporary Dance in Moldova, Ale-
xandra SOªNICOV, choreographer, president of the Association,
Choreography and Contemporary Dance workshop, facilitators: Vitalii
CONONOV and Angela DONII, February 5-14. Young dancers and choreogra-
phers’ introduction into the art of choreographic improvisation (25 partici-
“New Alternative” Association, Zinaida PLÃMÃDEALÃ, director. Drama
workshop, facilitator: Matei VIªNIEC, May 28-31, 20 playwrights participat-
ed, about 23 subjects were discussed
National Delphic Council (under the auspices of the National Commission
of Moldova for UNESCO), Ion UNCU, vice-chairman. Musical concert, May 9.
Performance in memory of all wars victims played in the square of the
National Opera and Ballet Theater before a few thousand audience (co-financ-
ing: Ministry of Culture, Chiºinãu City Hall)
Association for the Development of Contemporary Dance in Moldova,
Alexandra SOªNICOV, choreographer, president of the Association. The 2nd
Edition of the International Festival and Laboratory of Contemporary Dance
“National Traditions and the Contemporaniety”, October 21 – November 3.
Creative festival and laboratory for dancers, choreographers, actors and stu-
dents. Facilitator - Kurt Koegel, choreographer and teacher from Holland.
Miroslava Kovarova, rector of the Contemporary Dance Academy from Slo-
vakia. International participation: Estonia, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bul-
garia, Sweden, Hungary, and 12 participants – choreographers and dancers
from Moldova (co-financing: Pro-Helvetia, Cultural Network Program, OSI-
Budapest, USA Embassy in Moldova, “Ginta Latinã” Arts and Culture Centre,
Eugene Ionesco Theater, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, manager of the theater.
Participation in the European Theater Festival in Grenoble (France), July 1-9.
Participation in the festival, collaboration with theater companies from ab-
road (co-financing: European Theater Festival in Grenoble).
Ciprian Porumbescu Music Lyceum, Galina BUINOVSCHI, director. The 7th
E.Coca Edition of the International Contest of Young Interpreters, June 22-27.
70 young interpreters from Moldova, Ukraine, Belorussia, and Romania par-
ticipated. The Jury consisted of 11 professionals from Moldova, Ukraine,
Belorussia, Romania and Bulgaria. 28 participants were awarded prizes (co-
financing: Ministry of Culture, National Commission for UNESCO and
New Alternative Association, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, vice-director Se-
minar: “Re-structuring the Activity of Cultural Institutions in the Republic
of Moldova. Development of Principles”, September 20-24. 28 participants
from Moldova, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Holland,
Council of Europe, employees of the Ministry of Culture, county culture
units, Culture Department of the Chiºinãu City Hall, theater directors, jour-
nalists, etc (co-financing: Ministry of Culture, Culture Department of the
Chiºinãu City Hall, Parliament Commission for Science, Education, Culture
and OSI -Budapest).
Union of Musicians from Moldova, Parascovia BERGHIE, vice-chairman.
Choreography workshop “Dance in the Contemporary World”, September 4-6.
30 choreographers and dancers from Moldova participated in the master-class
facilitated by Mihai Mihalcea, choreographer, artistic manager of the
“Marginalii” Group, artistic director of MAD (Multidans) Center in Bucharest,
faculty member of contemporary dance at the Choreography Lyceum in
Licurici Republican Puppet Theater, Titus JUCOV, artistic director Partici-
pation in the “Burattini Senza Confini” Festival, Belluno (Italy), August 20
–September 5. Presentation of the “Magic Games” performance; networking
with other European theaters

Travel grants:
“Assemblies of Petro-Pavlovsk” International Festival-Contest, April 21-
28, Dmitrii SAHAROV, student of the S.Rahmaninov Music Lyceum, Alexan-
dru SAHARCIUC, first year student at the State University of Arts,
Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
1st Edition of the International Contest of Young Ballet Artistes, April 2-
10. Ana BACA, student of the Republican Choreography Lyceum, Kazan,
Activity Report – 2001 108 109

International Contest of Chamber Music, March 22-25. A group of stu-

dents of the ªtefan Neaga Music College, group leader Svetlana OVCINICOV,
faculty member, D’Illzach, France
Violin & Violoncello (March 19 - 26) and chamber music courses, (March
4-10). Aurica DUCA, student of the C. Porumbescu Republican Lyceum, Lich-
tenberg and Lehrte, Germany
“Gnesin” International Contest of Chamber Piano Duets, 12-18 March.
Stanislav JAR and Alexandru TIMOFEEV, students of the C. Porumbescu Re-
publican Lyceum; Larisa JAR, teacher, Novomoscovsk, Russia
The 28th Edition of the International Contest of Electro-acoustic Music
and Sound Art, 8-16 June, Mihail AFANASIEV, faculty member at the State
University of Arts, Bourges, France
Study course at the Music Academy in Maastricht (Holland), 2001-2002
academic year, Ilian GÂRNEÞ, graduate of the C.Porumbescu Music Lyceum,
Maastricht, Holland
Study course at the Louisiana University (Centenary College of Louisiana
Hurly School of Music), 2001-2002 academic year, Ana-Maria FUSU, student,
State University of Arts, and Stanislav JAR, graduate of the C.Porumbescu
Music Lyceum, Louisiana, USA
The 10th Edition of the “Mittelfest” International Festival, July 20-29,
Dumitru CRUDU, playwright, member of the Writers’ Union of Moldova, Civi-
dale del Friuli, Italy
The 2nd Edition of the “Jonahhes Brahms” International Contest for
Choirs, July 5-8, “Credo” Choir of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Valentina
BOLDURAT, choir conductor, Wernigerode, Germany
The 8th Edition of the International Theater Festival, May 5 – June 3, A
group of 19 students of the State University of Arts, Mihai FUSU, director,
group leader, Sibiu, Romania
International Orchestra Conducting Course, July 29- August 7, Mihai AMI-
HALACHIOAIE, musician, Igualada, Barcelona, Spain
“Tranzit Zero. Telling the Story” Project, August 11-15, Oleg BREGA, edi-
tor, “Antena C” Radio Station, Vickleby, Sweden
Study Trip at the Chateau de Lavigny, August 24 - September 13, Valenti-
na GHERMAN-TÃZLÃUANU, editor –in-chief, “Sud-Est” magazine, Lavigny,
Other Expenditures $1,192.77
Total Workshops, Master-Classes and Training in the Performing Arts and
Literature Program Expenditures $ 36,900.33

Arts Education
This Program aims to support projects in art education related to:
– the development and production of arts education materials – printed
materials, audio and video materials, electronic publishing
– organization of theoretical seminars, workshops, master-classes for stu-
dents of artistic education institutions
– improvement and development of art library collections of artistic edu-
cation institutions
Grants offered:
Ion Creangã Pedagogical State University, Alexandru VÃTAVU, dean,
Visual Arts and Design Faculty. Modern electronic equipment acquisition for
the educational process. Setting up a teaching laboratory equipped with 10
PCs, 1 graphic station and 1 server (co financed by Ion Creangã Pedagogical
State University).
State University of Arts, Victoria TCACENCO, faculty member. Creative
workshop “New Impro Music Fest 2001”, facilitators: Mihail Alperin
(Norway), “The New Jungle Trio” (Denmark), April 30 - May 6. Participants:
students of Variety Music Art and Musicology & Composition Departments
(49 persons)
Institute of Inter-Ethnic Research, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
Ludmila CIMPOIEª, chief of the unit. Publication of the Collection of Gagauz
National Songs (authors P. STOIANOV, M.DURBAILO, L.CIMPOIEª). A print
run of 1000 copies of the published book and audio cassettes distributed
among artistic education institutions, public libraries and culture institutions
State University of Arts, Victor GHILAª, researcher at the Art Studies
Institute, Academy of Science of Moldova. Publication of the book “Timbre
Aspect in the Traditional Instrumental Group Music”. Publishing of the book
in 500 copies
Other Program Expenditures $333.51
Total Arts Education Program Expenditures $ 21,440.51

Open Society Cultural Link Network Program

(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
Cultural Link
The Program supports professional arts and culture events (festivals, exhi-
bitions, performances, workshops and master-classes), involving the collabo-
ration and participation of individual artistes, of art groups from two or more
countries from Central and Eastern Europe.
The basic objective is to strengthen the ties with other Soros Foundations
in identifying and addressing common regional concerns in the field of arts
and culture.
Grants offered:
Eugene Ionesco Theater, Petru VUTCARÃU, art director. The 4th Edition of
the International Theater Festival BITEI - Biennial of Eugene Ionesco Theater
with the title “Cultural Interferences”, May 27-June 3. Nine foreign theater
companies from Russia, Romania, Italy, Japan, Czech Republic, France and 5
theaters from Moldova participated. The program included 4 workshops - for
young and prospective theater critics, a workshop in the psychology of acting,
a workshop in stage movement and one in choreography for drama actors
(co-financing: Ministry of Culture of Moldova, Ministry of Culture of Romania,
French Alliance from Moldova, Chiºinãu City Hall).
Association for the Development of Contemporary Dance in Moldova,
Alexandra SOªNICOV, choreographer, president of the Association. The 2nd
Edition of the International Festival and Laboratory of Contemporary Dance
“National Traditions and Contemporaniety”, October 21 – November 3,
Activity Report – 2001 110 111

Creative festival and laboratory for dancers, choreographers, actors and stu-
dents. Facilitator: - Kurt Koegel, choreographer and teacher from Holland.
Miroslava Kovarova, rector of the Contemporary Dance Academy from
Slovakia; International participation: Estonia, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Bulgaria, Sweden, Hungary, and 12 participants – choreographers and
dancers from Moldova (co-financing: Pro-Helvetia, Cultural Network Program,
OSI- Budapest, USA Embassy in Moldova, “Ginta Latinã” Arts and Culture
Centre, E.Ionesco Theater)
“One Man Show” Municipal Company, Dumitru FUSU, director of the
company. The 2nd Edition of the “One Man Show” International Festival,
October 6 – 13. The event consisted of two components: a festival and an
international symposium under the title “The Actor in the Context of New
Cultural Policies”. 23 theater companies from Austria, Bulgaria, Brazil, Ger-
many, Russia, Switzerland, France, Romania, Belorussia, and Moldova par-
ticipated. Conferences, artistic competitions, roundtable discussions were held
during the festival and covered in TV programs (co-financing: Pro-Helvetia
Reseaux Est-Ouest, Chiºinãu City Hall, UNESCO National Commission)
Centre for Contemporary Art, Chiºinãu, ªtefan RUSU, artist. “InvAsia”.
Creative Camp, September 16-24. The event consisted of two components: a
creative school (with 18 artists as participants) and a scientific conference
(11 participants) (co-financing: Pro-Helvetia Reseaux Est-Ouest)

Travel grants:
The 2nd Edition of the “Art of Improvisation in the Contemporary World”
Festival, April 16-21, “Arbore” Contemporary Dance Ensemble , Valentina
VARENEVA, art director, Odessa, Ukraine
The 2nd International Music Forum “Past and Future. Cultural Interfe-
rences in the Music of East-European and East-Asian Countries”, May 24-28,
Angela PIHUT, Pavel RIVILIS, Odessa, Ukraine
ENCATC General Meeting (European Network of Cultural Administration
Training Centres), April 27-30, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, vice-director of “New
Alternative” Association, director-manager of Eugene Ionesco Theater, Sankt-
Petersburg, Russia
“Gnesin” International Contest of Chamber Piano Duets, March 12-18
Anatolie LAPICUS, faculty member at the State University of Arts, Novomos-
covsk, Russia
“Moscow - Smolensk. Music of Friends” International Festival and
Conference, May 28 - June 4, Vladimir BELEAEV, Ghenadie CIOBANU, Pavel
RIVILIS, composers, Irina SUHOMLIN-CIOBANU, faculty members at the State
University of Arts and “Ars Poetica” Ensemble (Oleg PALÎMSCHI, Iulian
GOGU, Vasile HÃBêESCU, Viorel UZDRIª, Veaceslav TARAN, Iulia RIVILIS),
Smolensc, Russia
“Traditional Village Dancing Parties” International Conference, August 17-
21, Vasile CHISELIÞÃ, researcher at the Ethnography and Folklore Institute of
the Academy of Science of Moldova, Varvara BUZILÃ, researcher at the
Archaeology and Ethnography Institute of the Academy of Science of Mol-
dova, Maramureº, Romania
“Audience Development” Workshop, May 31 - June 3, Ala LADANIUC, re-
search assistant at the National Museum of Visual Arts, Bucureºti, Romania
“The New Visual and Media Image of Theaters (PR in Theater)” -special
seminar and master-class within the Interdisciplinary Festival (KUKART), July
3-6, Sergiu BARCARI, vice-director of the Eugene Ionesco Theater, Valeriu
GHIÞU, musical editor at the National Opera and Ballet Theater, Sankt-
Petersburg, Russia
International Video Art and Short Film Festival „DREAM CATCHER”, June
1-3, Marin TUREA, Centre for Contemporary Art, Chiºinãu, video programs
curator, Kiev, Ukraine
Creative Workshop “Choreography/Music/Lighting 2001”, September 2-24,
Serghei GOLOVNEA, dancer, choreographer, Polli Talu, Estonia
“Beyond the City” International Symposium within the International Sum-
mer Academy of Arts 2001, July 20-30, Igor ªCERBINA, artist, Perejaslavl-
Zalesskij, Russia
“Ethno Laboratory – Altai” Music Festival, August 24-27, “Trigon” Ensemb-
le: Anatol ªTEFÃNEÞ, Alexandru MURZAC, Oleg BALTAGA, Novosibirsk, Russia
“Novel Dance Art” Festival-Conference, September 27–October 2, “Arbore”
Contemporary Dance Ensemble, Valentina VARENEVA, art director, Odessa,
“Professional Music Education at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium”
International Festival including seminars and master-classes, October 24-27,
Boris DOLINSCHI and Valentin ZAGUMENOV, faculty members at the State
University of Arts, Anton COVANGI and Veaceslav GORDEI, faculty members
at the A.Rubinºtein Musical College in Tiraspol, Tula, Russia
“Open Stage - an Innovation Model of Contemporary Theater Develop-
ment. How to Manage an Art Institution” International Seminar, December1
5-17, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, director-manager at the E. Ionesco Theater,
Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
“Struggle For Coexistence” International Dance Symposium, November 9-
18, Alexandra SOªNICOV, choreographer, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
Total Cultural Link Program Expenditures $ 52 981

Museum Support
The main objectives of the Museum Support Program are: to break through
the information blockade faced by cultural centers from Moldova, including
museums; to facilitate information exchange and contacts with similar interna-
tional entities; to publish museum promotional materials (booklets, catalogues,
etc.); to develop museum library collections with publications in the field; to
modernize exhibition projects; to transform museums into cultural and knowl-
edge centers attractive especially to young people and tourists.
Non-governmental associations in the field were supported in the promo-
tion of the substantial changes in the museum policy and the development of
new functioning models of the public-museum relationship.
Grants offered:
“Museion” Cultural-Scientific Association, Lilia PRIPA, research assistant
at the National Museum of Ethnology and Natural History. Sociological Study
“The Portrait of the Museum Employee”, April 1 –December 1 60 museums
Activity Report – 2001 112 113

from Moldova participated in the study. 155 surveys containing 41 questions

were distributed. A scientific report was written based on the survey results.
History and Ethnography Museum in Ungheni, Vasile IUCAL, director, Mu-
seum Library Collection Development. History, ethnography, sociology, art and
museum books acquisition (about 100 titles) (co-financed by Ungheni City Hall)
“Museion” Cultural-Scientific Association, Tatiana TIHMANOVSCHI, direc-
tor. Book acquisition for museum employees. Acquisition of a few titles of
books in the field of museology developed by the Center for Human Resource
Development in Cultural Institutions (subordinated to the Ministry of Culture
of Romania). Project in progress
$ 760
“Museion” Cultural-Scientific Association, Vera BODRUG, chief of unit,
National Museum of Ethnology and Nature History, member of the “Mu-
seion” Cultural-Scientific Association. Publication of the museums’ promo-
tional materials for Moldovan museums. Publishing of the museums’
promotional materials for: The National Museum of Ethnology and Natural
History (20,000 copies), National Museum of Visual Arts (10,000 copies), A.
S. Puºkin Museum (10,000 copies), Museum of Archaeology from Chiºinãu
(10,000 copies), National Museum of History (20,000 copies), Municipal
Museum of Cahul (10,000 copies), Numismatic and Hoard Collection of the
National Museum of History (20,000 copies).
“Museion” Cultural-Scientific Association, Tatiana TIHMANOVSCHI, direc-
tor. Cultural Patrimony of the Republic of Moldova. Historical and Architec-
tural Monuments, Creation of the web-site on the Fixed Assets (Patrimony) of
the Republic of Moldova. In progress.
National Museum of Ethnology and Natural History of Moldova, Mihai
URSU, director. Development of an electronic database containing the muse-
um patrimony of Moldova, to be placed on the web-site. An electronic data-
base containing the museum patrimony of Moldova, web-site design.

Other Program Expenditures: $212.94

Total Museum Support Program Expenditures: $15,618.94

Grants for Art Projects

The Program supports valuable initiatives in performing arts whose pur-
pose is to improve, modernize and diversify the artistic process and cultural
life in Moldova.
Through this Program, the Foundation supports projects on exploring origi-
nal ways of artistic expression, non-traditional forms of collaboration between
artists, promotion of experimental works in music, choreography, theater.
Grants offered:
Eugene Ionesco Theater, Vitalie DRUCEC, actor. Staging of “Elizabeth the
1st” by Paul Foster. Production and premiere of the theater production.
“Flux Film Studio”, Viorica MEªINÃ-PRODAN, producer. “Procrustean
Bed” (Patul lui Procust) film promotion campaign at international cinema fes-
tivals. Inclusion of the film in the program of the International Cinema
Festival in Berlin, and in the 5th Cinema Forum of CIS and Baltic countries
(Co financed by „Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners” Attorneys at Law -
International Law Company).
Eugene Ionesco Theater, Petru VUTCÃRÃU, art director. Staging “Wolves
and Sheep” (Lupii ºi oile) by A.N. Ostrovski. Production and premiere of the
theater production.
“Ginta Latinã” Arts and Culture Centre, Petru HADÎRCÃ, art director.
Staging “A Tempestuous Night” (O noapte furtunoasã) by Ion Luca Caragiale.
Production and premiere of the theater production.
Eugene Ionesco Theater, Maria DONI, actress. Staging “Lady from the Vi-
llage of Dying Flowers” (“Doamna-Din-Satul-Florilor-Ce-Mor”), by Irina Ne-
chit. Production and premiere of the theater production.

Travel grants:
Training courses in opera and symphony music conducting at the
N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory, Alexei BOJONCÃ, faculty member
at the State University of Arts, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
Other Program Expenditures $409.94
Total Grants for Art Projects Program Expenditures $24,551.94

Publishing Projects
Program priorities:
– annual publishing of three literary debuts (Prima Verba);
– awarding grants to authors for the development of critiques and analyt-
ical studies in arts and culture;
– promotional and scientific book publishing (catalogues, albums, scien-
tific books);
– publication, on a competitive basis, of three best books in art literature
(prose, poetry, play writing).
Grants offered:
Information and Documentation Center of the Council of Europe, Chiºinãu
Bureau, Lilia SNEGUREAC, director. Translation into Romanian and publica-
tion of “Cultural Policy. A Short Guide”. Publication of the book in 500 copies
(co financing: Information Bureau of the Council of Europe in Chiºinãu).
ªtiinþa Publishing House, Gheorghe PRINI, director. Publication of “Instru-
mental Music from Northern Bucovina”, author Vasile CHISELIÞA. 1000 copies
(co-financing: ªtiinþa Publishing House).
Epigraf Publishing House, Oleg BUJOR, director. Publishing of “Myth and
Film”, author Ana-Maria PLÃMÃDEALÃ. 1000 copies (co-financing: Epigraf
Publishing House).
Arc Publishing House, Iurie BÎRSA, director. Publication of 1000 copies of
the three best literary debuts (Prima Verba). 13 manuscripts were reviewed.
The winners of the contest: Andrei GAMARÞ, “The Common Red Color”
(poetry); Leo HRISTOV, “Spring Rain” (poetry); Cornelia ªANÞEVAIA, “The
Meeting” (poetry).
Project launched by the Soros Foundation-Moldova, Victoria MIRON, Arts
and Culture, Publishing Program Director. Publishing of 1000 copies of the
three best books in art literature in the current year. 10 manuscripts were
reviewed. The winners of the contest: Vitalie CIOBANU, “The Waltz on the
Scaffold”; Dumitru CRUDU, “A Challenge to Rome”; Leo BUTNARU, “The
Lamp and the Mirror”.
Activity Report – 2001 114 115

Semn Literary Magazine, Drochia, Maria ªLEAHTIÞCHI, deputy editor –in-

chief. Electronic equipment for the Semn Literary Magazine, was purchased.
Contrafort Magazine, Vasile GÂRNEÞ, director. Electronic equipment for
the Contrafort Magazine was purchased.
Epigraf Publishing House, Oleg Bujor, director. Publication of ”Music at
the Basarabian Wedding. The Bride’s Song”, author Svetlana BADRAJAN.
1000 copies (co-financing: Epigraf Publishing House).
Tamara CARAUª, lecturer, National School of Political and Administrative
Studies in Bucharest, the State University of Moldova Branch, writer. Book
development giant: “Textual Postmodernist Intervention”
Other Program Expenditures $1,486.09
Total Publishing Projects Program Expenditures $24,702.36

Fellowships for Excellence in Arts

The Fellowships for Excellence in Arts Program organized the 3rd edition
of the professional contest for the best creative projects in theater, literature,
music, and fine arts fields.
The Arts and Culture Board of the Foundation reviewed and approved the
winners based on the opinions of expert committees, which included the fol-
lowing professionals:
Theater Music Literature Visual Arts
Constantin CHEIANU Svetlana BIVOL Nicolae LEAHU Constantin CIOBANU
Each of the twelve winner projects was awarded a fellowship in the
amount of $1,200.
Art Genre Fellow
Literature Valeria GROSU, Iulian CIOCAN, Irina NECHIT
Visual Arts Ion ZDERCIUC, Dumitru BOLBOCEANU, Simion ZAMªA
Theater Ala MENªICOV, Gheorghe PETRARU, Ion PUIU
Music Iurie SADOVNIC, Pavel RIVILIS, Svetlana POPOV
Total Fellowships for Excellence in Arts Program Expenditures $19,111
Program administration expenditures: $20,249
Total Program expenditures: $230,801

Center for Contemporary Art,

Chiºinãu [ksa:k]
16 Puºkin Street Centrul pentru Artã Contemporanã, Chiºinãu

Chiºinãu MD 2012,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (373 2) 212765, 212766
Fax: (373 2) 212768
E-mail: ksak@art.md
Web site: http://www.art.md
The Center’s mission is to support a new generation of artists who would
be able to question the legitimacy of the official cultural policy inherited from
the totalitarian past; to search for cultural forms that would correspond to the
new social, political and economic situation characteristic of a society in tran-
sition; to open up the local cultural landscape, which is to lead to its inclu-
sion into the wide international community; to encourage new methods of
artistic expression and the use of new media, complemented by correspon-
ding theories of criticism.

Developments and Achievements in 2001

Even though in the past we ran grant programs, the Center has always
been an operational organization. Since its inception and until recently, the
Center’s staff has administered projects, launched and organized exhibitions,
festivals, symposia, etc. This had to be done given the lack of curators and
organizers. As a result of our activities in the last five years, a number of
local artists, who have become able to develop and carry out their own proj-
ects, have appeared on the scene. Our plan for this period has been to find a
balance between the Center’s activities and those initiated by external actors,
based on grants.Besides organizing seminars, workshops and lectures, the
Center is also a hub of resources and information. We collect information on
symposia, competitions, exhibitions, residencies, and alternative educational
events, thus trying to open for the local art community the possibility to par-
ticipate in the international art process. The Center has been continuously
establishing contacts with international cultural organizations and collecting
information which is spread among the local art community on a regular
basis. Another of the Center’s objectives is to help local artists find informa-
tion on art education and international events such as festivals, competi-
tions, and contests.
During 2001 the Center supported the following curatorial projects:
– The Invisible Festival (Veaceslav DRUÞÃ), the Exil 2001 Camp and
Exhibition (Iurie CEBOTARI), the Super Light Action (Lucia MACARI),
the InvAsia Camp, Conference and Exhibition (ªtefan RUSU), the Video
Marathon (Marin TUREA), the CarbonArt Winter Camp (ªtefan RUSU).
The Center became a member of three international art networks:
SEECAN, BalkanKult and Danube. It became part of the State University of
Arts curriculum with its optional course Video Presentations from KSA:K’s Ar-
chive. Video work was produced in Moldova to be shown at international
events in Western Europe:
– “Regards projete”, Strasbourg, France,
– Triete Contemporanea, Italy
– “Festival of Balkan Video Art”, Thessalonica, Greece
With the informational support granted by the Center, artists from
Moldova participated in seminars, workshops, residencies and summer uni-
– The seminar “For Young Art Curators and Managers” organized by the
Union of Art Historians, Belgrade, Yugoslavia;
– “Beyond the City” residency, Pereslavli-Zalesk;
– The summer university “Artistic Mobility in a Multicultural Europe”,
Strasbourg, France;- The Media Art Biennale “WRO 01”, Wroclaw,
– The Angers Festival of European Film, France.
The Moldovan artist Pavel BRÃILÃ was invited to show a number of his
videos, produced with the support of the Center, at the most important
European art forum organized every four years in Kassel, Germany – DOKU-
MENTA XI – to take place in 2002.

KSA:K Events Programs Implemented in 2001

– to motivate young artists to use new forms of expression
– to stimulate the “institution of curators”-- a missing link in our art com-
munity - through offering artists the possibility to develop their own
– to focus on cultural events carried out outside the Center
Activity Report – 2001 116 117

– initiating curatorial contests
– offering artists the possibility to become curators and cultural producers
of such activities
– selecting winners based on criteria of social, political, and cultural rele-
vance of the approach and involvement of a large number of partici-
pants and viewers
„Invisible Festival”, July 10-15, Chiºinãu, Veaceslav DRUÞÃ, “SatElit” Art
Association, KSA:K
The event consisted of a number of exhibitions, actions, and performanc-
es, which concerned mundane aspects of life in Chiºinãu. The Festival’s pecu-
liarity was the attempt to establish an interaction between the artist and the
viewer, which was to take place in an alternative space - the city. The
Invisible Festival featured artists practicing performances, installations,
sculpture, theater, body art and other means of artistic expression. The event
was envisaged as a social project, during which the artists created an envi-
ronment in which representatives of various social groups came together.
An important factor was the presence of a new type of viewer - the man in
the street - and the interaction between him/her and the artist.
„InvAsia” Project (camp, conference, exhibition, catalogue), October
15–December 25, Archeological Site in Orheiul Vechi, National History
Museum of the Republic of Moldova, Ethnicity Museum of the Republic of
Moldova, ªtefan RUSU, KSA:K
As a ground for comparison concerning current debates on cultural impe-
rialism, globalization and Westernization of modern society, the major geopo-
litical factors of the past were evoked, such as the expansion of the Golden
Horde in the Middle Ages. Artists and theoreticians from Mongolia, Russia,
Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, Kazakhstan, and Romania, together with
Moldovan participants, were invited to take part in a cultural invasion of
Moldova. Unlike earlier projects, InvAsia suggested a redirection of the cultur-
al dialogue by involving people from the mentioned geographical areas.
At present the Center is working on the catalogue of this project.
„CarbonArt 2001” Winter Camp (6th edition), December 17–23, “Stejãriº”
Motel (Chiºinãu-Leuºeni highway), ªtefan RUSU, KSA:K
The winter camp was planned as a reverse of the summer camp. The par-
ticipants had to work together in a motel on the side of a road, isolated from
civilization. In such circumstances the participants had to work on their pro-
jects, designed for such a situation, and to use exclusively video and photog-
Artists from Yugoslavia, Romania and Moldova participated in the Camp.
During the Camp presentation, the audience could watch the videos, per-
formances, photo projects, video projections and slide shows, exhibited and
presented by artists in “Stejãriº” Motel.
Soros Foundation -Moldova’s contribution: $10,152.60
Other funders:
Cultural Link Program, OSI - Budapest $3,600 and $9,000 (travel expenses
for the Mongolian participants in the InvAsia project )
Pro Helvetia $3,561.68
In-kind contributions: Ministry of Culture of Moldova, Ministry of Culture of
Yugoslavia, the City Hall of Chiºinãu, the City’s Directorate for Parks, the
National Television.

Information and Educational Activities of the Program

– operating as an information resource Center
– offering the local art community the possibility to participate in the
international art process
– developing the Center’s collection of printed materials
– helping local artists to find information on artistic education and inter-
national events
– organizing informational and educational events such as seminars,
workshops, lectures
– collecting and distributing to the local art community information on
symposia, contests, exhibitions, residencies and alternative educational
– establishing contacts with international cultural organizations
– collecting catalogues, books, videos, and films from Centers for Con-
temporary Art in East and Central Europe, as well as from Western cul-
tural foundations and organizations, and subscribing to new magazines
on contemporary art
– periodical video presentations by local and international artists, video
events on the history of video art and other topics of interest in the field
– technical support for art projects and video support for seminars and
Video art presentations from KSA:K video library, State University of Arts
and the Institute of International Relations (Arts Department), Veaceslav
During the 2001academic year, a number of video presentations were
held, during which art students could watch films from the beginning of the
century, video pieces from the early years of video art, experiments performed
by artists from Western Europe at the end of the 20th century, as well as
pieces by young Moldovan artists who are exploring this genre.
These presentations were included in the curriculum of the institution as
an optional course.
Seminar-workshop of modern and contemporary art, April 23-28, Alliance
Francaise Moldova, Ion Creangã State Pedagogical University, UAP Gallery,
Elena SAMBURIC, “Papirus Studio” Association, KSA:K (co-funded)
The seminar-workshop targeted art students and teachers.
Presenter: Pierre Baqué (France), Topic: The Dichotomy Figurative/Abstract.
The seminar-workshop took place in three stages: conferences, practical
work in workshops, and a final exhibition.
Video workshop Kiev- Chiºinãu, April 24–May 11, CCA, Kiev, and KSA:K,
Chiºinãu, Marin TUREA, KSA:K
The guest of the event was George SAXON (United Kingdom). During the
workshop Mr.Saxon gave a comprehensive lecture accompanied by video pre-
sentations and discussions. The most important achievement, however, was
that the participants produced several films which, according to an earlier
agreement between organizers, were shot in Kiev and edited in Chiºinãu. As a
result, 8 films were produced, 4 of which by participants from Moldova.
Lecture “What Does ART Mean to Me?”, June 8, CONTACT Center’s
Conference Hall, Mark VERLAN, KSA:K
This was a free discourse during which the artist explained to the audi-
ence his own vision on the phenomenon of Art and his personal criteria of
perceiving and evaluating it.
„SUPER LIGHT” Action, August 18, La Victor Dance Club, Lucia MACARI,
Well-known personalities from local and international alternative art
scenes, artists, musicians and DJs presented during a whole night new DJ and
VJ mixes, inviting the viewers to dance and involving them into actions and
performances. The main invitee was DJ RIBA (Holland), who presented his
new program “Principle of Super Light” and a lecture on current trends in
contemporary music. Artists, musicians and DJs were present at the lecture.
Video Marathon 2001 (5th Edition), December 7-8, “ODEON” Cinema,
Activity Report – 2001 118 119

The 5th edition of the Video Marathon differed from the other editions by
an unprecedented geographical diversity of pieces projected, from Japan,
Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Estonia, Ukraine, Canada, Serbia,
Denmark, USA, Moldova, Georgia, Croatia, Holland, Austria, Palestine, as
well as by a significant number of short films.
The Center covered the cost for the residence visa of the Dutch artist Ron
SLUIK, who was invited to work with KSA:K as consultant of curatorial pro-
The membership fee was paid in the I_CAN – the Association of the
International Network of Contemporary Arts of the former Soros Centers for
Contemporary Art, with the headquarters in Amsterdam.
Video filming and editing:
The Center filmed and edited over 25 video works, carried out by artists
from Moldova and other countries, who took part in the Center’s events. Also,
all the Center activities were registered.
The KSAK library acquired the following books:
“On the Museum’s Ruins”, Douglas Grimp, “Voyage on the North Sea”,
Rosalind Krauss, “Conceptual Art”, Tony Godfrey, “Archigram”, Exposition,
Centre Georges Pompidou, “Victor Brauner”, Exposition, Centre Georges
Pompidou, “Cînd eram fotograf”, Felix Nadar, “Artã pe om”, Adina Nanu,
“Încornoraþii vîrstnicei picturi moderne”, Salvador Dali, “Convorbiri cu Dali”,
Alain Bosquet, „KOMPAS Moldova”, an information catalogue/guide
The Center subscribed to the following newspapers and magazines:
Flux, Jurnal de Chisinau, Logos Press, Art in America, Artext, Artforum
International, Camera Austria, Flash Art – International, Leonardo Music
Journal, NU – The Nordic Art Review, Parkett, Sculpture – Washington,
Balkon (Cluj, Romania).
The Center also subscribed the “Balkon” magazine to the following insti-
National Library, State University of Arts, I.Creangã State Pedagogical
University, Al.Plãmãdealã College, I.Vieru High School of Visual Arts,
Institute of International Relations, Alliance Francaise Moldova.
Contribution of the Soros Foundation -Moldova: $7,700
Other funders: In-kind contributions: Pro Helvetia, Kiev, CAC, Kiev, „La
Victor” club, „X-PLAY”, DNT Association, ORT-Moldova, TV-26, VELD compa-
ny, „Serebrianyi Dojdi” radio station.

KSA:K Archive and Virtual Museum

– enhancing the presence of Moldovan art on the international stage
– expanding the possibilities of information circulation, offered by new
– informing electronically the local and international art communities on
the achievements of the Center and of artists from Moldova
– offering possibilities to artists to extend their international contacts in
an efficient manner
– developing KSA:K’s Web site
– creating a database of Moldovan artists and theoreticians
– continuing the construction and expansion of the Virtual Museum
– transferring the KSA:K archive into an electronic format
– creating electronic portfolios of artists
– maintaining and expanding the KSA:K archives
The Virtual Museum of Contemporary Art is a virtual institution set up in
1997. Visitors can find in it works by contemporary artists from Moldova,
produced by them during the events organized by KSAK.
Besides the Museum, there is also an electronic archives containing a list
of artists, curators and local theoreticians http://arhiva.art.md. Twenty-six
artists’, curators’ and theoreticians’ portfolios were prepared and placed on
the Web.
KSA:K also created its own Web site www.art.md. The site contains
events organized or planned to be organized by the Center:
A news section was added (current events); banners were created, which
include announcements; works by artists were filmed and scanned for the
http://arhiva.art.md database of artists from Moldova; technical support was
provided to the KSA:K computer network; as well as additional images were
scanned for various art projects supported by KSA:K, and CDs were recorded
(to keep audio, video and graphical information in an electronic format).
The database of the artists from Moldova is a systematized file with a
comprehensive content of the artists’ and art critics’ profiles.
The database also contains Artists’ Files, which are being permanently
updated with new information from the artists’ activities and are kept in the
KSA:K archives. This information includes the artists’ CVs, catalogues, publi-
cations, slides, photographs, color reproductions, author notes, flyers, etc.
Expenditures: Contribution of the Soros Foundation -Moldova: $ 4,747.59

KSA:K Publications
– to explore the landmarks of local theoretical thinking
– to stimulate the appearance of new ideas in the local landscape
– to inform the public about local and international art events.
– publishing the ArtHoc –the Center quarterly bulletin
– encouraging artists to publish their own concepts and projects
– distributing the publication to art and culture organizations and institu-
tions across all Moldova and Romania.
ArtHoc Newspaper (four issues), editor-in-chief: Vladimir BULAT
# 15 – a thematic issue dedicated to the human body in art, # 16 – a the-
matic issue dedicated to violence in art,
# 18 –reflected events organized by KSA:K during August and September,
#17 – a thematic issue dedicated to art photography
Besides, these issues include information on the activity of the Center,
artistic events in Chiºinãu and abroad, information about the newly appeared
art networks, announcements.
Expenditures: Contribution of the Soros Foundation - Moldova: $3,569.97

Grants for Artists

– to stimulate an increase in the number of young artists
– to stimulate creativity in the area of contemporary art and exploration
of new artistic means and techniques
– to offer local artists the possibility of participating in events abroad
– Grants for exhibitions
– Grants for publishing author catalogues
– Covering travel costs to various international events
– Material support for artistic projects
EXIL 2001 Ceramic Camp, August 1-10, Dobruja community (30 km from
Chiºinãu), at the house of the pottery artist Vasile Enachi, Iurie CEBOTARI
In the course of 10 days, 15 people with different backgrounds “exiled”
themselves from society into a creative, communicational environment. Each
Activity Report – 2001 120 121

participant had the opportunity to carry out his/her artistic ideas in clay, and
receive advice on the technology of working with clay.
On November 8 the EXIL 2001 exhibition took place at the National
History Museum. The exhibition was supported by the Ministry of Culture of
Moldova and featured both the pieces which were produced and the process
of their production.
Other grants:
Veaceslav DRUÞÃ – travel grant, participation in the seminar “For Young
Art Curators and Managers”, Union of Art Historians, Belgrad, Yugoslavia
Vladimir ªIMANSCHI – grant for the photo service to carry out the project
“Chiºinãu Without Comments”
Vladimir US – grant for materials purchasing for the production of his
work “Meditation on Esthetics”
“Oberliht” Association – grant for promotional materials for “To the Sea”
Apartment exhibition – “The Move”, December 16-20, 7A Caraciobanu
Street, apt.21, Alexandru ZAIKIN, KSA:K
The idea was to organize/transform the space of an apartment into exhibi-
tion space by attributing to the objects of the interior functions different from
the usual ones.
Expenditures: Contribution from the Soros Foundation –Moldova: $2,424.50
Administrative Expenditures: $19,870
KSA:K Expenditures:
2000 Buget - $24,195
2001 Buget - $43,000

The Independent Journalism

53 ªciusev Street,
MD 2012 Chiºinãu
Republic of Moldova
Tel: 213652, 227539
Fax: 226689
E-mail: ijcnews@ijc.iatp.md
Web site: http://ijc.iatp.md
The mission of the Independent Journalism Center (IJC), a non-govern-
mental organization , is to facilitate the development of news media in
Moldova through the support and promotion of professionalism among jour-
nalists as well as through the development of independent media organiza-
tions in the country.

Developments and Achievements

During the seven years of its activity, the IJC earned the reputation of an
NGO, which channels its efforts into promoting professional journalism and
developing independent media organizations in Moldova.
The IJC is devoted to the goal of promoting the principles of an independ-
ent, objective and financially viable media in Moldova, and contributes to
their implementation with special programs, training materials, information-
al and technical resources, and consulting services. All these are designed for
working journalists, journalism academics, and students of journalism.
In 2001, the IJC activities focused on the following four strategic areas:
– Short-term training for students of journalism and mid-career profes-
– Publication of bimonthly information newsletters, a twice-yearly analyt-
ical bulletin, and training materials for journalists
– Legal assistance for journalists, including consultations and training,
as well as review of media-related legislation
– Assistance in association-building of media organizations and solidarity
actions of journalists.
All these activities address the professional needs of journalists and offer
them the possibility to update their knowledge of different journalism areas,
learn about recent media developments on the national and international le-
vels, establish contacts with peers from other countries, and avoid possible
legal pitfalls.
In 2001, 70 journalists from all types of national and local news media
participated in the IJC “Social Issues Reporting in Moldova” competition with
430 materials.
During the first edition of the competition for the best Web resources,
which was organized by the Soros Foundation-Moldova, MOLDOVA AZI infor-
mation portal won the second prize in the category “Web site of the year
2001.” The site, which was launched in May 2001, is a partnership project of
IJC, DNT Internet Service Provider, and the Institute for Public Policy.
MOLDOVA-AZI is the continuation of “Moldova News” project, which was
launched in 1998 by the DNT and IJC. Currently, the site is daily visited by an
average of 1,500 Internet users.

“Social Issues Reporting in Moldovan News Media”, November 2000 – Training Programs
November 2001.
In order to increase the coverage of social issues in the media and widen
its scope, in November 2001, IJC launched the project “Social Issues Repor-
ting in Moldovan News Media.”
The program aimed at raising professional journalistic standards in the
area of social reportage and included several components: seminars (orga-
nized during December 13 -16, 2000, and November 27 – 29, 2001), a boot
camp (July 2 – 6, 2001, Holercani), and a two-phase competition for journal-
ists from all types of news media (November 15, 2000 –April 15, 2001, and
May 15–September 15, 2001).
70 journalists from all types of local and national news media participa-
ted in the competition with a total of 430 materials. One of the program par-
ticipants mentioned in the evaluation form: “Social issues are a key topic,
and the competition should continue in 2002.”
Contribution of the Soros Foundation-Moldova $5,399

“Journalism Ethics,” April 9 – 13

The seminar for beginner journalists entitled “Journalism Ethics” was a
continuation of cooperation links between IJC and Johnson State College
(Vermont, USA). It was launched in 2000, by Tyrone SHAW, professor of jour-
nalism at Vermont State College.
The goal of the first seminar on the topic, which was organized in May
2000 in Chiºinãu, was to acquaint future journalists with the area of journal-
ism ethics – theoretical notions as well as case studies. This year’s course
offered students a possibility to improve their skills and to get familiar with
the international experience in the field.
36 candidates applied for the 14 seats available at the seminar.
Participant selection was based on motivation letters submitted to IJC.
Contribution of the Soros Foundation-Moldova $1,654.59

“Mass Media in Moldova” Publications and Journalism

This analytical bulletin has a special place among publications produced Resources
by the Center. It dates back to August 1995 and is the only journal providing
for written communication between journalists and media organizations. The
bulletin covers key media activities and development problems.
Coverage of the legal framework for the news media in Moldova, ways in
which authorities understand press freedom, the right to free expression, and
Activity Report – 2001 122 123

providing access to information of public interest, are among the highlights

of the bulletin.
Other issues that feature permanently in the bulletin are media ethics,
journalism education, especially under conditions of economic crisis. A spe-
cial section of the bulletin, which is entitled “Our Guest,” carries interviews
with foreign journalists, who come to Moldova as experts.

“Curier Media” Newsletter.

IJC continues to produce the “Curier Media,” a bimonthly newsletter,
which provides journalists with updates on recent local, regional, and global
developments in the field. It has a print run of 250 copies, and is also distri-
buted electronically.
Information, which features in the bulletin, is selected daily from the
news wires of BASA-Press, Flux, Infotag, Interlic, Moldpres, DECA Press agen-
cies, along with a number of specialized international newsletters.
Contribution of the Soros Foundation-Moldova: $ 5,302
Contribution of the Press Now Foundation, the Netherlands: $ 3,728

MOLDOVA–AZI (Moldova Today)

Information Web Site. On May 28, 2001, the Independent Journalism
Center in partnership with the DNT Association and the Institute for Public
Policy launched the MOLDOVA-AZI information portal (http://moldova-
azi.md). Financial support was provided by the Soros Foundation-Moldova.
MOLDOVA-AZI is an extension of the project “Moldova News,” launched
on November 16, 1998 by the DNT Association and the Independent
Journalism Center. For more than two years, “Moldova News” has carried top
news from Moldova in Romanian, Russian and English - a convenient and
balanced news source for Internet users. Currently, the site is daily visited by
an average of 1,500 Internet users.
MOLDOVA-AZI features daily news on political, economic and social
developments. Local commentators provide weekly analyses of the latest
events, while journalists have a possibility to publish investigations on the
most acute problems in society. Besides, MOLDOVA-AZI carries interviews
with various prominent personalities from the country and abroad, offering
site visitors the possibility to address questions to the interviewees. A special
section, entitled “Eveniment” (Event), monitors major news in their develop-
ment, facilitating their understanding and interpretation. Visitors can access
the site archives, which is equipped with an advanced search engine.
Contribution of the Soros Foundation-Moldova: $ 16,170

Special Projects Press Freedom Days in Moldova, May 2 - 4

This is the most significant event organized by the Independent
Journalism Center for the news media. The partners of IJC in this project are
Moldovan Journalists Union (UJM), Association of Independent Press (API),
Press Freedom Committee (PFC), and the Department of Journalism of the
State University of Moldova. The event was organized in the framework of
the World Press Freedom Day (May 3), and aimed at alerting the public opin-
ion about the necessity of creating a truly independent news media.
Press Freedom Days included a press conference, a competition for the
best poster, radio and TV public service announcement “A Free Press – a Free
Society,” a photo exhibition “2000 – 2001 a Year in Photography”, the con-
ference “Law, Mass Media and Defamation”, a “Day of Open Doors for
Regional Media,” and the media festival “A Free Press – a Free Society.” The
latter was organized in the ªtefan cel Mare Park in downtown Chiºinãu and
brought together representatives from a large number of print and broadcast
media outlets.
More than 200 media professionals and students of journalism participa-
ted in the “Press Freedom Days.” The third edition of the “Days” had a vast
impact both on media professionals and news consumers.
Contribution of the Soros Foundation-Moldova: $ 4,320

Press Club
It was launched in the fall of 1995, as a venue for informal gatherings
and discussions for journalists, spokespersons, and representatives of press
services. Club guests include prominent political figures, government officials,
representatives of public authorities - all invited in the framework of major
events that are of interest to the news media. In 1997, IJC launched a tele-
vised version of the Club, which was broadcast on the Catalan TV channel.
In 2001, the Press Club meetings were organized in conjunction with
those of the National Press Club. The invitees included: Dumitru BRAGHIª,
during his tenure as premier; Petru LUCINSCHI, during his tenure as presi-
dent of Moldova; Serafim URECHEANU, mayor of Chiºinãu; Rudolf PERINA,
during his tenure as U.S. ambassador to Moldova; Vasile TARLEV, premier;
Ilie ILAªCU; etc.
One of the traditional highlights of the Press Club is a special ceremony
organized every December to offer prizes to the best 10 journalists of the year.
Every year, more than 150 people take part in this event (journalists, press
secretaries, MPs, representatives of government and international organiza-
Contribution of the Soros Foundation- Moldova $ 2,499.61
Soros Foundation – Moldova: 96,000 USD
Other funders: 87,636 USD
Public Administration

Institute for Public Policy

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The Public Administration Program
The goal of the Program is to contribute to the reforming process in the
(Implemented in collaboration
field of public administration in the Republic of Moldova through support for
with LGI, Open Society Institute,
professional development of public servants and contribution to the dissemi-
nation of up-to-date information and best practices. The targeted outcomes of
the Program are increased efficiency and a higher degree of responsibility and
transparency of local authorities’ activity.
The objectives of the Program are:
– to facilitate access to up-to-date information of the local government
– to provide training and improve the professional level of public servants
and elected officials
– to support the development of a modern system of local public adminis-
tration in the Republic of Moldova
– to enhance the influence of local public administration in the develop-
ment of the local socio-economic capacity
– to facilitate the dialogue between authorities and citizens, by fostering
active participation of citizens in the local public administration
In 2001, the Public Administration Program identified as priority activities
with a strong social impact, aimed at improving this sector in the Republic of

Public Policy
The activities of this program were implemented by the Institute for Public
Policy, founded in April 2000. The Institute was financed by the Local
Government Institute (LGI) of OSI, Budapest. For details, please, see the IPP
report on page 132.

Travel Grants for Participation in Seminars, Conferences, Internships Programs and Activities Carried
and Study Visits in 2001
The goal of this Program is to facilitate the participation of local govern-
ment and NGO representatives in international seminars, conferences, fellow-
ships and study visits in order to obtain the most recent information and
raise their capacity in the field of Public Administration. During 2001, finan-
cial support was offered for the following activities:
Course in Applied Economic Policy, Lilia RÃZLOG, Vienna, Austria
Conference on Professionalization and Efficiency of Urban Management,
Eleonora STARCIUC, Anadela TOFILAT, Moscow, Russia
Conference on Interdependence between Democracy, Military Reform and
War Forecast, Iurie PÎNTEA, Moscow, Russia
Experience exchange related to the activity of Associations of Owners of
Privatized Dwellings / Condominiums, Oleg CERNEI, Anatolie PLEªCAN, Teo-
dor CÎRNAÞ, Braºov, Romania
“Days of Romanian Identity” Conference, Tamara RAZIN, Atlanta, SUA
The Interstate Council Meeting for Technical – Scientific Information
within CIS, Gheorghe GONÞA, Kiev, Ukraine
Study visit in the field of Municipal Administration, Ion TIMOFTI, Angela
PREPELIÞA - BEJENARU, Lilia MELNIC, Winnipeg, Canada
International Conference “Law and Public Administration in the Context
Activity Report – 2001 126 127

of European Integration”, Maria ORLOV, Svetlana COJOCARU, Sibiu, Romania

Specialized Internship on Numerical Photogrammetry - Metrical Pictures -
3D Vision, Mircea JUC, Marne La Vallee, France
Internship on Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, Radu ÞURCA-
NU, Paris, France
International Congress on Child and Family Psychiatry, Psychology and
Social Pedagogy, Viorica COLESNIC, Moscow, Russia
International Symposium “Informatics for Environmental Protection”, Ve-
ra MUNTEANU, Zurich, Switzerland
Symposium “Ecological Reconstruction– Theoretical Progress and Practi-
cal Accomplishments”, Gheorghe POSTOLACHE, Timiºoara, Romania
European Conference on Local Authority Self-Assessment within the Local
Agenda 21, Lidia ILAªCU, London, Great Britain
International Forum of Euro regions, Artur NEBUNU, Iacob AJDER, Gheor-
ghe NÃREA, Gheorghe POPAZU, Vladimir LÎSENCO, Ghenadie RUDEANU,
Andrei BALÎNSCHI, Lviv, Ukraine
The County Forum of NGOs, Elena SÎRGHI, Galaþi, Romania
International Workshop “Drafting Education Legislation – Art or Craft”,
Evlampie DONOS, Victor PITEI, Anatol GREMALSCHI, ªtefan TIRON, Bled,
Specialized Internship “Economy and Financing of Culture”, Rodica RO-
ªIOR, Paris, France
General Assembly of European Regions, Iacob AJDER, Sopron, Hungary
International Conference “Public Sector in Poland.” 1989-2001. A Study of
Transformation.” Ion NEAGU, Zakopane, Poland
Study visit at the North – East Agency of Regional Development, Andrei
BALÎNSCHI, Vitalie DARII, Vladislav BALÎNSCHI, Anastasia LIPCAN, Vasile TI-
MOFTI, Tatiana ROIBU, Piatra Neamþ, Romania
Study visit to the V West Agency of Regional Development, Maria AJDER,
Alexandru BICHIR, Grigore MUSTEAÞÃ, Victor PUªCUÞÃ, Alexandru MIJA,
Ivan GURÃU, Iulia IABANJI, Rodica OXANI, Arad, Romania
Other expenses $530
Total expenses $19,767

Local Government Training

The Training Program designed for local government representatives com-
prised two directions:
– a summer school organized by the Soros Foundation-Moldova and
– a grant competition for training of local government representatives
Training organized by the Soros Foundation-Moldova
Summer School on Strategic Management. 15 public servants were trai-
ned from Cahul, Edineþ and Lãpuºna Counties
Grants for the development of new training programs and for training
projects of local government representatives
Vasile CIOARIC, Tatiana SAVCA, Tudor DELIU, Nicu VREDNIC, Develop-
ment of the new training program on Participation of Citizens in the Decision-
making Process. The manual and training program were developed.
Elena ENACHE, Development of a new training program on Management,
Development and Strengthening of Community. This program will be used for
training workshops for local government and civil society representatives
Lãpuºna County Council, Anadela TOFILAT, project director. Training proj-
ect “The Art and Science of Local Government Leadership”. 5 training work-
shops for LG representatives of Lãpuºna County. The workshops will be
continued in 2002.
Soroca County Council Svetlana CALINIAC, project director. Training pro-
ject “The Art and Science of Local Government Leadership”. 2 training work-
shops for LG representatives of Soroca County. The training workshops will
be continued in 2002.
Ungheni County Council, Vasile PASCARU, project director. Training proj-
ect “The Art and Science of Local Government Leadership”. 2 training work-
shops for LG representatives of Ungheni County. The training workshop will
be continued in 2002.
Orhei County Council, Sergiu CARAMAN, project director. Training project
“The Art and Science of Local Government Leadership”. 3 training workshops
for LG representatives of Orhei County. 3 training workshops will be contin-
ued in 2002.
Center for Social Innovation, Elina PETROVICI, project director. Training
project “The Total Quality Management of the Local Governments’ Services”.
3 training workshops for local governments, NGOs and enterprises delivering
public services
“Raza Soarelui” NGO, Vasile CIOARIC, project director. Training project
“Participation of Citizens in the Decision-making Process”. 4 seminars for
local government representatives
CASI Counterpart, Lidia SURDU, project director. Training Workshops for
Local Government Representatives on Local Public Finances. 19 training
workshops in Bãlþi, Edineþ, Soroca, Lãpuºna Counties and in Chiºinãu munic-
ipality. Project in progress.
Other activities carried out:
A group of authors. Co-coordinator: Tudor DELIU. Adaptation of the
Training Manuals on Art and Science of Local Government Leadership. A set
of 12 manuals were adapted to the conditions of the Republic of Moldova
CARTIER Publishing House Gheorghe IERIZANU, director. Publication of
the training manual on Local Public Finances, 800 copies, distributed to the
participants in the training workshops on Local Public Finance
Activity Report – 2001 128 129

Prut Internaþional Publishing House, Oleg BODRUG, director. Publication

of the training manual on Financial Management, 500 copies
A group of authors. Coordinator: Svetlana ARIONESCU. The development
of a supplement to the training manuals on Financial Management. The sup-
plement will fill the set of training manuals with specific local information in
this domain. The set of manuals was translated into Romanian by FPLD,
Romania. This training is part of the regional training program for public ser-
PRO-NOI Book Distribution Society, Dumitru RUDEANU, project director.
Book storage and distribution services. The manuals will be used in training
for local government representatives.
Other expenses $581
Total expenses $64,621

Community Development
The Program was carried out in partnership with the CONTACT Center.
More details about the mission and aims of this program see in the activity
report of the Civil Society Program.
CONTACT Center, Aliona NICULIÞÃ, director. Community Development.
This program supported local government initiatives in community develop-
ment projects.
Total expenses $30,000

Economic Development
The goal of this Program was to support the initiatives coming from the
local governments and specialized NGOs with local development projects in
the economic, social and cultural areas. The projects were aimed at the sup-
port of the economic development initiatives, addressing some ecological and
territorial management problems, as well as decentralization and local auto-
Association for Sustainable Development, Orhei, Marina TUREAC, project
director. Support of local governments located on the banks of the Rãut river
in developing the Concept of “Potcoava de Aur “Tourist Route and its institu-
tionalization. The feasibility study for “Potcoava de Aur” Tourist area will be
conducted within this project in collaboration with INTA experts.
“Viitorul” Foundation, Igor MUNTEANU, director. Strengthening the Decen-
tralization and Financial Autonomy. Development of theoretical-comparative
studies and practical recommendations on capacity building, institutional
development of professional organizations and strengthening of the civil socie-
ty in the field.
National League of Mayors’ Associations from Moldova, Vasile BALAN,
project director. Involvement of the National League of Mayors’ Associations
from Moldova in the Decision – Making Process at the National Level. Deve-
lopment of mechanisms for raising public awareness of the needs of refor-
ming local governments and supporting local autonomy.
Other expenses $55
Total expenses $31,813
Information for Local Government
This Program includes grants for writing, publishing, purchasing and
translation of books in the field of public administration, public policy and
administrative law.
The goal of this Program was to support initiatives of university lecturers,
researchers and independent experts in the development and publication of
books in the field. It also assisted the university libraries in the development
of book collections in these areas. The published and purchased books were
donated to local, regional and municipal administrations and to university
The project on the development of informational resources in local,
regional and municipal levels of public administration, initiated in 2000, con-
tinued. Local experts selected a list of resources, useful for the everyday activ-
ities of local governments. They were donated to local, central and regional
authorities from Moldova.
The following grants were awarded on a grant competition basis:
Book Writing and Publishing:
Mihai ROªCOVAN, Ghenadie IVAªCENCO, Veaceslav BULAT. Cross-Border
Co-operation Guide. This guide is addressed to local governments, civil socie-
ty and private sector representatives, who are interested in cross-border co-
Victor POPA. The Public Authorities of the Republic of Moldova. The mono-
graph describes the system of organizing and functioning of public authorities.
Tatiana MANOLE. Strengthening of the Local Public Finance at the
Administrative – Territorial Units Level. A publication containing metho-
dological basis of the budget-financial policy, description of the budgeting
process at the administrative-territorial unit level, as well as a summary and
Viorel MIRON. Rural Tourism. A Guide for Local Governments. A guide for
local government representatives interested in the development of tourism in
the countryside.
Vasile CIOARIC. Public Relations: History, Theory and Practice. A publica-
tion addressed to public servants from local government bodies, state institu-
tions, higher education and social assistance institutions involved in public
Ion CREANGÃ. Administrative Law Course, Part I. Teaching material for
university students and lecturers
Nadejda DEMIAN. Collection of Teaching Materials – a Specialized English
Course for LG. A course addressed to students from Public Administration
Victor POPA, Tatiana MANOLE, Ion MIHÃILUÞÃ. Re-publication of the
book on Local Public Administration in the Republic of Moldova. Legislative
Commentaries 1000 copies
Maria ORLOV. Manual on Administrative Law, 500 copies
Viorel MIRON. Rural Tourism. A Guide for Local Governments, 1000 co-
pies (in progress)
Activity Report – 2001 130 131

Claudia CRÃCIUN. Negotiations: Theory, Applications, 500 copies (in prog-

Valeriu ZUBCO. The Government Representative in Territory in the Com-
parative Law, 500 copies (in progress)
Maria ORLOV. Course Syllabus in the Administrative Law, 300 copies, to
be donated to the APAM Library
Svetlana COJOCARU. Course Syllabus in Human Resource Management,
300 copies, to be donated to the APAM Library

Book Collections for Universities

SUB, Elena HARCONIÞA, project director. Book Collection on Public
Administration and Public Policy. The Library collection will be developed
with 118 book titles, 5 -10 copies per each title
SUM, Elena BALMUª, project director. Book Collection on Public Admini-
stration and Public Policy. The Library collection will be developed with 129
book titles, 2 -10 copies per each title
AESM, Ala SUSARENCO, project director. Book Collection on Public Admi-
nistration and Public Policy. The Library collection will be developed with 94
book titles, 1 – 8 copies per each title
APAM, Rodica SOBIESCHI-CAMERZAN, project director. Book Collection
on Public Administration and Public Policy. The Library collection will be de-
veloped with 93 book titles, 3 – 10 copies per each title

Book Acquisition for Local Government

Purchasing of a set of specialized books for local governments: 29 titles
for central and regional governments and 9 titles for 649 mayoralties were
purchased and donated.

Book Translation and Publishing

ARC Publishing House, Iurie BÎRSA, director. John M. Bryson, Strategic
Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, 1000 copies
Other expenses $2,143
Total expenses $51,511

Cross – Border Cooperation

The aim of this Program was to initiate cooperation between the border
counties of Moldova and the neighboring countries. During 2001, the concep-
tual framework of the subprogram was created and a grant competition was
launched for the support of the existing Euro Region Coordination Units – the
Lower Danube (Cahul County) and the Upper Prut (Edineþ and Bãlþi Counties),
as well as for promotion of cross-border co-operation.
“Raza Soarelui” NGO, Pavel COJOCARU, project director. The Development
of Terms of Reference for the Cross – Border Co-operation Program within the
Upper - Prut and Lower - Danube Euro regions. A study of the existing situa-
tion and needs assessment in the domain of cross-border cooperation were
Business Consulting Institute, Mihai ROªCOVAN, project director. The
Development of Terms of Reference for the Cross – Border Co-operation
Program within the Upper - Prut and Lower - Danube Euro regions. The Cross
– Border Cooperation Program, based on the study of the existing situation
and needs assessment, was prepared for launching.
Cahul County Council, Iacob AJDER, project director. A grant for purcha-
sing of equipment for the Co-ordination Center of the Lower Danube Euro
region in Cahul County. The equipment was offered in order to improve the
activity of the Co-ordination Center of the Lower Danube Euro region and to
facilitate the communication between Euro region members.
Bãlþi County Council, Andrei BALÎNSCHII, project director. A grant for pur-
chasing of equipment for the Co-ordination Center of Upper -Prut Euro region
in Bãlþi County. The equipment was offered in order to improve the activity of
the Co-ordination Center of the Upper Prut Euro region and to facilitate the
communication between Euro region members.
Edineþ County Council, Victor PUªCUÞÃ, project director. A grant for pur-
chasing of equipment for the Co-ordination Centre of Upper -Prut Euro region
in Edineþ County. The equipment was offered in order to improve the activity
of the Co-ordination Center of the Upper Prut Euro region and to facilitate the
communication between Euro region members.
Cahul County Council, Iacob AJDER, project director. Establishing of the
Service for Co-ordination of Activities within Euro region the Lower Danube in
Cahul County. The aim of this project is to support the creation and functioning
during one year of the Co-ordination Service of the Euro region activities.
Business Consulting Institute, Mihai ROªCOVAN, project director. Assis-
tance to Cahul, Edineþ and Bãlþi Counties Councils in Project Writing and
Financial Support within CBC TACIS Program. Three projects were developed
and proposed for funding.
Operational project, Seminar: Agencies for Regional Development (ARD):
Opportunities and Future Prospects. The seminar consisted of the presenta-
tion of ARD concept, structure, duties, the legal and the organizational frame-
work of ARD, the creation and activity prospects for ARD in the Republic of
Operational project. The Mentor Program, Mr. David Larter, LGI expert,
assisting in the development of the Cross – Border Cooperation Program.
Visits in Cahul, Bãlþi and Edineþ counties to collect local data for the develop-
ment of the Cross-Border Co-operation Program (co financed by LGI)
Other expenses $127
Total expenses $42 067
Administration Expenses of Local Government Program $10,847
Total Local Government Program Expenditures $492,360
Activity Report – 2001 132 133

The Institute for Public Policy

28 Bulgarã Street, MD 2001,
Tel.: (373-2) 27 67 85, 27 67 86
Fax: (373-2) 27 05 07
E-mail: ipp@ipp.md
Web site: http://www.ipp.md
The Institute for Public Policy is an independent, nonpartisan and non-
profit organization, committed to the values of individual liberty, democratic
society, rule of law, and free market economy. Through research, publica-
tions, policy recommendations and public forums the Institute provides polit-
ical, business, academic community and media leadership with a deep
analysis of public policy issues confronting our society in order to improve
the policymaking process.

The Institute for Public Policy activity is focused on the following fields:
– education
– European integration
– conflict management
– corruption
– public opinion polls
– national security and defense.
During 2001, the Institute developed its activities in a new social and
political environment. Some aspects of the recent political developments of
the country had a strong impact on the Institute is activity:
– Moldova joined the WTO;
– the country was accepted as a full member of the Stability Pact for
South-Eastern Europe;
– the new administration made some attempts to solve the Transnistrian
conflict using new approaches, even some radical ones;
– the country declared its new strategic orientation towards CIS, especial-
ly towards Russia, with all the economic, social, military, and cultural
– there is a strong tendency to establish a dictatorial style of governance;
– during the year a new territorial administrative reform was in prepara-
tion, with a clear tendency to liquidate the decentralization processes;
– there is a strong tendency to suppress the freedom and independence of
mass media, especially of the National TV and Radio.
The Institute for Public Policy established a network of more than 200
experts, working in partnership with them on the implementation of the
Institute programs, projects, and activities. The experts are from all the
domains of IPP main interests.
Some of the projects were carried out with the support of or/and the co-
operation with the following organizations: Local Government and Public
Service Reform Initiative, Budapest; World Bank; United Nations Develop-
ment Program in Moldova; Educational Training Foundation, Torino; Center
for Educational Policy Studies, Ljubljana; South East European Educational
Co-operation Network regional node; Conflict Studies Research Center, The
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Camberley; Scottish Center for Inter-
national Security, Aberdeen University; Central European Initiative, Trieste;
Institute for Defense Analysis, Washington; Friedrich Ebert Foundation; Soros
Foundation - Moldova’s Higher Education Support Program (HESP), East-East
Program and Local Administration Program; Agency for Restructuring and
Enterprise Assistance – ARIA; Invisible College of Moldova; the DNT Associa-
tion; “Viitorul” Foundation; Rectors’ Council of Moldova; European
Commission; Council of the Directors of Colleges of Moldova; etc.
The following quantitative indicators summarize the activity of the
Institute in 2001:
Over 40 articles, commentaries published by IPP staff inside and outside
the country; over 15TV and radio programs on IPP’s activities; 13 national
conferences and seminars; 10 international conferences and seminars.
European Integration Policies
Valeriu Gheorghiu, Ph.D., Program Director
Activities on this issue were carried out within the project entitled
“Assessment of the Current Status of the Process of Moldova’s Integration
into the European Union”. The aim of the project was to formulate recom-
mendations and possible scenarios or strategies on how to foster this
Research studies were conducted in which experts made some conclu-
sions related to this issue, including the following: CIS is an organization
where multilateral co-operation is missing and where there are no future
prospects for Moldova in this respect. As for Moldova’s way towards the
European Union, it seems that the only real channel to it is the Stability Pact.
All the conducted studies will serve as basis for further work on develop-
ing policy suggestions and recommendations.

Educational Policies
Anatol Gremalschi, Ph.D., Program Director
The following were the priority areas of activity within this field:
– educational reform in the context of European integration
– relationships between the educational system and labor market
– impact of new information technologies on education
– educational strategies at the county level
The current situation in the reforming process of the educational system
was analyzed in the research studies, as well as recommendations on amend-
ments to the Law on Education, Law on Assessment and Accreditation of
Educational Institutions, and Regulations on the Organization and Manage-
ment of Education were drafted.
Proposals were formulated on finalizing the Educational System Develop-
ment Concept, on implementing the European System of Transferable Credits,
on establishing a Service for Recognition and Equalization of Graduation
Documents, on correlating the educational system to the needs of market
economy, and on harmonization of the Moldovan educational system with
the European one.
New research priority issues were identified:
– ways of financing the educational system,
– education for an open society,
– quality assessment of education,
– university management,
– tolerance in education.

Policies for the Management of Internal Conflicts

Oazu Nantoi, Program Director
The situation concerning the Transnistrian conflict is well known – the
government of the Republic of Moldova does not control a part of the coun-
try’s territory. The Institute focused on this area by assessing the political,
legal, economic, military and informational aspects of the Transnistrian con-
The analyses that were made showed that the agreements signed within
the process of negotiations between Chiºinãu and Tiraspol have had a nega-
tive impact on the future of the Moldovan statehood. It has been proved that
the peacekeeping forces formula established in 1992 is wrong and is con-
tributing de-facto to the preservation of the conflict. A procedure for changing
the formula for peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone based on the interna-
tional experience was proposed.

Public Opinion Barometer

Viorel CIBOTARU, Ph.D., Program Director
The Institute for Public Policy organized in 2001 two public opinion polls
within the Public Opinion Barometer Program, with the financial support of
the Soros Foundation - Moldova. The research topics include:
Activity Report – 2001 134 135

– living standards and quality of life

– political options, popularity and ranking of the main political parties
and personalities in the Republic of Moldova
– economic and social policy of the government
– other issues of major interest
The results of the surveys can be viewed on the web page: http://www.ipp.md

Strategic Assessment of National Defense and Security of the Republic

of Moldova
Viorel Cibotaru, Ph.D., Project Director
The idea of this project, conducted by IPP in association with Euro-
Atlantic Center in Moldova and two UK institutions: the Scottish Center for
International Security at University of Aberdeen and the Strategic Research
Center within the Royal Military Academy of Sundherst, is to create a multidi-
mensional picture of the present status of the defense and security system of
the Republic of Moldova within a flexible geo-strategic context. The goal of
this project is to analyze the concepts of national defense and security of the
Republic of Moldova, and the democratic control over the army, to assess the
existing potential of the armed forces and to generate proposals and sugges-
tions for the implementation of some systemic models which to an equal
extent would correspond to both Moldova’s national interests and interna-
tional standards.

IPP’s Activity Main Outcomes

1. The Public Policies series:
– The Reform of the Educational System (2001)
– Moldova and European Integration (2001)
– Some Aspects of the Transnistrian Conflict (2001)
– Strategic Assessment of the National Security and Defense of the
Republic of Moldova (2001)
– Participation in the Stability Pact as an Accelerator of Social-Economic
Reforms in the Region (Conference papers)
2. Public Opinion Barometer:
– Report on the public opinion poll conducted in February 2001
– Report on the public opinion poll conducted in November 2001
3. Public Policies Revie: # 1, May 2001
The Institute activity main results can be viewed on the IPP’s web site:
National Seminars and Conferences:
– Computer Assisted Teaching: Results and Future Prospects
– The Reform of the Secondary Vocational Educational System. A Case
– The Role of Science and Technology in an Evolving National Security
– Assessment of the Current Situation of the Process of Moldova’s
Integration into EU
– The Relationship of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union.
Association and Integration Strategies
– The Impact of the Republic of Moldova’s Joining the WTO on the Trade
Relationship with Countries of CIS, EU and Other Structures
– Democratic Control over the Armed Forces in Moldova
– Legal Aspects of the Transnistrian Conflict Settlement Agreements
– Legal Assessment of the Peacekeeping Process in the Transnistrian
Conflict Settlement
– The Military Aspect of the Transnistrian Conflict Settlement
– Moldova’s National Interests. Threats and Risks
International Conferences and Seminars:
– Reforming the Educational System in the Context of European Integra-
– Strategic Assessment of the National Security and Defense of the Re-
public of Moldova
– International Meeting of the Working Group on Return and
Readmission of the Budapest Process
– Moldova’s Way to the European Union
– Roundtable Discussion: Educating Tolerance in Multi-Cultural Societies
– Reforming the Short Term Higher Education System
– The Transnistrian Conflict and Its Impact on the Future of the Moldovan
– Stability Pact: Real Steps against Corruption and Organized Crime in
South Eastern Europe. Presentation of SPAI and SPOC Initiatives in Mol-
Financial Resources
Local Government Institute - 241,734 USD
LGI/PPCI – 20,351 USD
Other sources– 9,345 USD

Legal Clinic

The Law Program
The general mission of the Law Program is to assist the legal reform
process in the Republic of Moldova through support provided for professional
legal community and fostering collaboration between governmental and non-
governmental bodies in promoting international legal standards.
Program goals:
– to develop and implement projects targeting legal education of the civil
society as a compulsory element for the development of the rule of law,
and projects aiming at adjusting the university legal education system
to European standards
– to adjust the legal framework to international standards with special
focus on the development of the judicial independence
– to rehabilitate institutions and principles of free legal aid
– to contribute to the development of public awareness of citizens’ role in
the process of judicial reform, legal protection and the development of
the state based on the rule of law
– to assist the reform of the police by implementing projects aiming at
supporting the partnership with the community and diminishing of
police actions based on repression
– to assist the reform of the prison system and of the legal framework
which governs the enforcement of the decisions of criminal courts
– to improve the mechanism of protection of the rights of the military and
to create a sustainable and efficient system of monitoring
– to ensure the continuity, fair trial and application of international stan-
dards by the national courts in the process of examination of criminal
cases related to corruption

Legal Education
The aim of the Program was to foster the relationship between the legal
education system at all levels and the legal reform process.
Law Curriculum Development
This Program was aiming at contributing to the improvement of the uni-
versity legal education system and to its adjustment to international stan-
dards. The Program offered grants to law school faculty members for the
development of new type courses, for the revision of the old curriculum, for
the development and publication of new textbooks, and for the development
and publication of academic style law journals.
Grants awarded for the development of textbooks:
Artur REªETNICOV, Roman CAZAN, “Legal Statistics”
Gheorghe GOLUBENCO, “Criminalistics”
Nicolae BELII, “Penitentiary Law”
Lilia GRIBINCEA, “International Sales Contract”
NOV, “Environmental Law”
The Program offered grants for the publication of legal textbooks and
course-materials, which were later distributed to Law Schools libraries. It also
financially supported the publication of two legal journals:
“Dictionary of Latin Juridical Quotations”, Lucian JITARU, 500 copies
“Transnational Organized Crime and Its Development in Moldova”, Igor
CIOBANU, 500 copies
“Legal Deontology”, Valeriu CAPCELEA, 500 copies
Activity Report – 2001 138 139

“Labor Contracts. Legislation”, Boris SOSNA, 500 copies

“The Evolution of the Legal Framework Governing the Protection of
Property Law”, Serghei BRÎNZÃ, 500 copies
“Responsibility in Civil Law”, Andrei BLOªENCO, 500 copies
Publishing of the “Non Profit Law Journal” Oleg EFRIM, Center for Non
Profit Law, 3 issues
Development and publication of three issues of the “Private Law Journal”,
Mihai TAªCÃ, 3 issues

“Land Law”, Victor URSU, Pavel ZAMFIR, Mihai COTOROBAI, 500 copies
“Protection of the Legal Norms”, Dumitru ROMAN, Andrei GRIGORIU,
Tatiana VIZDOGA, 500 copies
“Criminology”, Gheorghe GLADCHI, 500 copies
“Tax Law”, Alexandru ARMEANIC, Iurie PALADE, Eugen TETELEA, Tudor
GUJUMAN, Aurel ROTARU, Victor VOLCINSCHI, 500 copies
“Intellectual Property Law”, Victor VOLCINSCHI, Dorian CHIROªCA, 500
“Regulation of the Public Notary Activity”, Olga BONDARCIUC, Elena CON-
STANTINESCU, Gheorghe CHIBAC, 500 copies
Other Program Expenditures: $263.17
TOTAL: $47,746.179

Law Textbook Acquisition

The aim of the Program was to develop the collections of university
libraries by purchasing and donating collections of local and foreign juridical
literature. The goal of the Program was to offer legal students and faculty the
most recent publications in the field of law. In was strategically important to
buy small numbers of books in favor of a large number of titles.
Law literature published in Romania and purchased for University Law
Schools, 35 sets of 57 titles each.
“Administrative Territorial Division”, Authors: Ion CREANGÃ, Oleg UÞICA,
100 copies
“Social Protection Law”, Author: Nicolae ROMANDAª, 400 copies
“Civil Law. Tables”, Authors: Sergiu BAIEª, Nicolae ROªCA, 400 copies
“Roman Private Law. Tables”, Authors: Sergiu BAIEª, Nicolae ROªCA,
Victor VOLCINSCHI, 200 copies
“International Public Law”, Author: Oleg BALAN, 400 copies
Public Law Library, Mariana HARJEVSCHI. Collection and distribution to
the Law School libraries of the legal textbooks published and purchased with-
in the Law Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova. Collection and distri-
bution of legal textbooks.
Total: $18,472.78

The Legal Clinic

The Legal Clinical Education Program offered the law students of the State
University the possibility to practice both within real conditions with real
clients and in mocking trials. The students of the Legal Clinic were offered the
possibility to produce procedure documents and to represent natural persons
in different level courts. For a detailed report, see page 144.
Legal Clinic, Dragoº BLÃNARU, director, Grant for the development of the
Legal Clinic, 2001-2002.
Other Program expenditures: $396.50
Total: $22,996.50

Moot Courts Competitions

Moot courts are international oral advocacy competitions. According to
the rules, they allow students 6 months to submit written arguments on solv-
ing the proposed case. This method requires a long period of research and use
of different national and foreign databases. The briefs are written and re-writ-
ten, each draft being examined by the team coach. In 2001, the Program sup-
ported financially the participation of four teams in various moot courts:
CEE Moot Court Competition 2001, FIUM and SUM team members:
Alexandru MORARI, Angela AMOASII, Vera JITARI, Vsevolod VALIHMETOV.
Coach: Alexandrina ROMAN, Prague, Czech Republic, May 4-7
“TELDERS International Moot Court Competition 2001”, SUM team mem-
bers: Iulian RUSU, Cãlin HOLBAN, Cristina SCUTELNIC, Ana CUªNIR. Coach:
Constanþa OSIPOV, the Hague, Holland, April 25-28
“Rene Cassin” European Competition on Human Rights, FIUM team mem-
bers: Rodion TOCAN, Olga BEREGOI, Sorin MACRINICI. Coach: Carolina SMO-
CHINÃ, Strasbourg, France, April 9-12
“Rene Cassin” European Competition on Human RightsSUM team members:
Rodica GISCA, Victor BRAGOI. Coach: Olga DORUL, Strasbour’, France, April 9-12
Total: $3,933.60

Public Law Library

The Public Law Library succeeded in facilitating citizens’ access to legisla-
tion and increasing the role of ordinary people in the development of the
state based on the rule of law.
The Library, via its collections and facilities, has substantially contributed
to the development of legal education and facilitated the access of the popula-
tion to the results of scientific research in the field of law and to the profes-
sional development of the legal community in general.
Mariana HARJEVSCHI, Public Law Library. At the moment, the Public Law
Library has a collection of 3,900 books and 38 titles of periodicals. Statistics:
Beneficiaries – 3,050 (in less than 7 months of activity) Daily visitors – 720
Circulation / month (books, periodicals) – 20,153 units. Access to legal infor-
mation/databases (Jurist, EBSCO, Internet, OPAC) – 86,345.
Activity Report – 2001 140 141

Legislative Drafting
By the grants offered, the Program succeeded in contributing to the adjus-
tment of the national legislation to the requirements of bilateral and multilat-
eral treaties ratified by the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, through the
legislative commentaries which were developed, the Program reached a more
coherent and consecutive application of contradictory legislation.
The Program offered logistical and informational support for the drafting
of a number of laws indispensable for a state based on the rule of law.
“Ex Lege” Agency for the Support of Juridical Education and Law Insti-
tutions, Valeriu ZUBCO, project director. “Development of the Scientific Com-
mentary on the Land Law Case System” (co-funding: EWMI).
Parliamentary Juridical Commission, Ion CREANGÃ, project director. Prepa-
ration/Adjustment of the new projects of the Criminal, Criminal Procedure and
Administrative Offences Codes for the 2nd reading in Parliament; individual
grants for the following work groups: Criminal Code: Ion MÎÞU, Alexandru
BORODAC, Tudor POPOVICI, Igor CIOBANU, Mihai AVRAM. Criminal Procedure
Code: Raisa BOTEZATU, Dumitru ROMAN, Igor DOLEA, Igor SERBINOV,
Gheorghe MÎRZAC. Administrative Offences Code: Corneliu GURIN, Sergiu FUR-
DUI, Valeriu ZUBCO, Alexandru MARDARI, Sergiu COBÎNEANU. Project Coor-
dinator: Ion CREANGÃ
Law Center, Alexei BARBÃNEGRÃ, project director. Translation of the mul-
tilateral and bilateral treaties signed and ratified by the Republic of Moldova
in the period 1999-2000.
Center for the Support of Freedom of Expression and Access to Infor-
mation “Acces Info”, Vasile SPINEI, project director. Development, publication
and distribution of the “Access to Information” Guide.

Judiciary Reform
The Program was aiming at making the activity of the judiciary more effi-
cient and impartial. Through the projects supported by the Program, it con-
tributed to a better understanding of the principles of judicial independence,
to a more coherent application of the legislation in transitional periods and it
facilitated the direct enforcement of the international treaties ratified by the
Moldovan Parliament.
The Program also succeeded in producing commentaries on those law texts
which create difficulties in application because of frequent modifications.
“Ex Lege” Agency for Support of Juridical Education and Law Institutions,
Valeriu ZUBCO, project director. “Law on Administrative Jurisdiction – In-
strument of Protection of the Socially Vulnerable Groups Against Public
Authorities’ Abuse”. Publication of the “Citizen’s Guide on Administrative
Offences”, which is aiming at contributing to the citizens’ familiarization
with terms and notions of the Administrative Offences, procedure and legal
terms, the Law on Administrative Offences, etc. Free legal aid to the socially
vulnerable groups.
Constitutional Court, Victor PUªCAª, project director. Grant for the organiza-
tion of the International Conference of Constitutional Court Presidents of the
Black Sea member states Parliamentary Assembly on Economic Cooperation
(APCEMN), Chiºinãu, December 10-11. Constitutional Court Presidents from
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Greece, Romania, Russia, Turkey,
Ukraine, Germany and General Secretary of APCEMN participated in the
Total: $8,492
Democratization of Armed Forces
The Program was aiming at monitoring the respect of human rights in the
national army, ensuring the legal protection of militaries and conscripts and
the application of international norms in this field.
The Program reached its aim through the institutional grant offered to the
Center for Protection of Militaries’ and Conscripts’ Rights.
Center for Protection of Militaries’ and Conscripts’ Rights, Xenofont ULIA-
NOVSCHI, project director. Grant for the development of the Center for
Protection of Militaries’ and Conscripts’ Rights. Development of an informa-
tional system and monitoring of the respect of militaries’ and conscripts’
rights. Legal aid to militaries and conscripts, whose rights have been violated.

Police Reform
The Program for the assistance of the police reform offered a number of
grants which contributed substantially to the promotion of transparency in the
police system, to the improvement of the relations between the community and
police, and to the revival of the police image and citizens’ confidence in them.
Another success registered by the Program was the implementation of the
Police Training Modules developed by the Constitutional and Legal Policy
Institute (COLPI).
Center of Forensic Pathology, Gheorghe BACIU, project director. Organization
of the 1st Congress of Moldovan Forensic Pathologists, 27-28 September,
Chiºinãu. Exchange of experience and information, publication and distribution
of the Congress materials to the participants and other local and international
D. Cantemir Police College, Mihai BÎRGÃU, project director. Promoting new
approaches in the process of training future police officers in the Police
College. First medical aid. Purchasing the equipment and software. Creation
of a Training Center on first medical aid for the students of the Police College.
Central District Police Station, Chiºinãu. Publication of the book “Central
District Police Station. History”. 1000 copies
Municipal Police, Traffic Police. Nicolae UÞICA. Publication of the work
“Citizens’ Guide”. 3000 copies
OWH TV Studio, Virgiliu MÃRGINEANU, project director. Translation and
publishing of the module “Community Policing”. The module “Community
Policing” was translated into Romanian and published.
OWH TV Studio, Virgiliu MÃRGINEANU, project director. Translation and
publication of the module “Police and Media”. The module “Police and Media”
was translated into Romanian and published.
D. Cantemir Police College, Igor BANTUª, project director. Grant to D. Can-
temir Police College for the implementation of the modules: “Community
Policing” and “Police and Media”. A new methodology of teaching was intro-
duced in the Police College. The project is aiming at piloting the modules and
later, at introducing them into the curriculum.
Ruslan USKOV, Gheorghe GOLUBENCO, Gheorghe BOTNARU, Ion LISNIC,
Eduard MAICAN, Gheorghe FURDUI. Individual grants for the development of
the “Police Conflict Resolution. A Citizens’ Guide”. Practical recommendations
regarding relations between police officers and citizens.
Other Program expenditures: $658.24
Total: $29,249.15
Activity Report – 2001 142 143

Travel grants
Grant for the participation of the students from ªt. cel Mare Police
Academy in the international competition: “Human Rights. National
Legislation and International Standards”. Oleg BALAN, Ecaterina ELIÞCHIH,
Eugenia GORBACIOV, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 20-23

Prison Reform
The Penitentiary Reform Program was addressing two major domains: the
promotion of alternatives to imprisonment on the one hand and the reform of
the prison system on the other hand. With regard to the second domain, the
Program gave priority to access to information of the detainees, to the profes-
sional development of prison staff, to the reform of the legal framework and
regulations governing the prison system.
The Program contributed to reaching its objectives through a grant offered
to the Center for the Assistance of the Penitentiary Reform in the Republic of
MUSEUM Publishing House, Iurie COLESNIC, director. Publication of the
“Guide of Detainees”, 15,000 copies to be distributed to Moldovan prisons.
Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of
Moldova, Valentin SEREDA, project director. International seminar “Treat-
ment of Persons in Pretrial Detention”. November 14-15. 5 international
experts and 45 local experts in penology participated in the seminar.
Center for the Assistance of the Penitentiary Reform in the Republic of
Moldova, Igor DOLEA, project director. International workshop on alterna-
tives to detention and temporary release. October 3-5. Analysis of other coun-
tries’ experience and Moldovan practice in the implementation of the
alternatives to imprisonment.
Center for the Assistance of the Penitentiary Reform in the Republic of
Moldova, Igor DOLEA, project director. Grant for the “Assistance of the
Penitentiary Reform in the Republic of Moldova”. Period: November 2001 –
November 2002. Activities related to the promotion of the alternatives to
detention. Activities in the field of prison reform: monitoring surveys; access
to information, prisoners’ guide, professional training of prison staff. Public
awareness: radio and television programs, quarterly newsletters.
Other Program expenditures: $382.09
Total: $150,648.90
Travel Grants:
International conference: “Alternatives to Detention in Central and
Eastern European Countries”. Ion MOREI, Bucharest, Romania, September 9-14

Transparency and Corruption

During the last few years, the Program succeeded in attracting the atten-
tion of mass media on issues related to corruption, and contributed to raising
public awareness of the social danger that corruption carries and emphasized
the role of individual in fighting this phenomenon.
In 2001, the Program focused its attention on case studies related to cor-
The creation of a local case law collection in the field of corruption and
production of e loquent commentaries on the corruption case system repre-
sented the aim of the Program.
“Ex Lege” Agency for Support of Juridical Education and Law Institutions,
Valeriu ZUBCO, project director. Creation of and commentaries on the nation-
al case law collection in the field of corruption.January – September 2002.
Development of the commentaries on the national case law in the field of cor-
ruption. Publication of the work “Case Study of the Court Decisions on
Corruption. Theoretical and Practical Approaches”.

Programs financed by the Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI)

and administrated by the Law Program of the Soros Foundation – Moldova:
Regional Seminars and Conferences
Military Justice. Training for Trainers Judicial Training Center/Military
Court, Holercani, Moldova, October 5-10
Police Training in “Community Policing” and “Police and Media”, Tudor
TOMOZEI, Igor BANTUª, Budapest, Hungary
Military Justice Meeting, Xenofont ULIANOVSCHI, Alma-Ati
Legal Clinics Colloquium, Ion CÃPÃÞÎNÃ, Victor ZAHARIA, St. Petersburg,
Russia, May 1-5
COLPI/PILI Summer Reunion, Natalia MARDARI, Montenegro, July 26-31
Grant for the participation in the Summer School on Human Rights, Ion
CÃPÃÞÎNÃ, Stavropol, Russia, July 25 – August 2
Training for Law Librarians, Svetlana ANDRIÞCHI, Riga, Latvia, October 7
Judicial Independence Monitoring Project Alexandru TANASE, Gheorghe
SUSARENCO, Budapest, Hungary, October 19-20
Legal Clinics Colloquium, Dragoº BLÃNARU, Riga, Latvia, October 25-28
Annual Law Program Coordinators’ Meeting, Victor MUNTEANU, Violeta
FRUNZE, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, June 17-21
Total: $39,066.64
Law Program administration expenditures: $23,457
Total Law Program expenditures: $524,472

The Legal Clinic Public Association

60 Mateevici Street Chiºinãu,
MD – 2009 Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (373-2) 232453
Fax: (373-2) 243360
E-mail: dragos@lc.dnt.md
Web site: www.iatp.md/drept
The mission of the Legal Clinic Public Association is to contribute to the
development of students’ professional practical and deontological skills in
the process of education of professional lawyers.
This mission is accomplished through:
– creating professional skills via practical activities including simulation
and working with real clients (providing legal consultation, preparing
procedure documents and representation in court)
Activity Report – 2001 144 145

– building the deontological skills of students who will work in the area
of law in the future;
– developing teaching materials (course materials, collection of cases),
which will be used in the educational process;
– providing legal assistance to socially – vulnerable categories of people
for educational purposes.

Activity Highlights and Achievements in 2001

During the two semesters of the 2000 –2001 academic year, 105 students of
the Law School of the State University of Moldova and of the Law Academy
were involved in the Clinic’s activity. Most of them are in the 4th or 5th year of
study, but students of other years were also involved in the activity of the
Clinic. The students’ activity was coordinated and monitored by 11 supervising
attorneys in the first semester and by 10 supervising attorneys in the second.
Two contests for the selection of candidates to work in the Legal Clinic
were conducted during the year. The tests given to students included both
theoretical and practical (cases) topics.
In the above – mentioned period, students provided 444 legal consulta-
tions to representatives of the socially – vulnerable categories and prepared
more than 500 procedure documents for them.
Decisions ruled in favor of the clients represented by the Clinic include 54
cases. The cases addressed the following areas of law: Labor law – 14, Family
law – 12, Housing law – 11, Inheritance law – 9, Land law – 3, Compensation of
damages caused to a person’s health – 2, Cancellation of a building sale – pur-
chase contract –2, Cancellation of a contract regarding support for life –2, Enfor-
cement of court decisions – 1, Withdrawal of co - owners from joint tenancy – 1.
The above - mentioned cases were won in all the courts of Chiºinãu county.
Besides these cases, the Legal Clinic prepared other two cases and submit-
ted them to the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, on
which an answer is expected.
During 10 months, the students of the Legal Clinic provided live consulta-
tions in the weekly radio program entitled “Avocatul meu” („My Lawyer”),
broadcast by the national radio station. The first radio program was broad-
cast on January 22, 1999.
In collaboration with the American Bar Association / Central and Eastern
European Law Initiative (ABA/CEELI) students participated in activities devo-
ted to the Law Day, activities organized in three cities of the country -
Chiºinãu, Bãlþi and Comrat. Within these activities, students of the Legal
Clinic provided free of charge legal consultations to citizens.
Students of the Legal Clinic, together with their supervising attorneys,
took part in an activity organized in collaboration with the “CREDO” Public
Association, on providing legal consultations to convicts of Penitentiary # 15,
located in Cricova. Consultations offered here were mostly in the area of the
criminal procedure law, but also in family and inheritance law.
The Legal Clinic, in collaboration with the “DEMO-LEX” Public Association,
organized 24 meetings of students (particularly members of the Clinic) with
practicing lawyers, with whom they discussed the most pressing issues of
jurisprudence in the country. Among others, the following practitioners were
invited: Pavel BARBALAT, Eugenia FISTICAN, Raisa BOTEZATU, Elena ARAMÃ,
Alexandru ARSENI, Boris NEGRU, Gh. LEPÃDATU, Eugen BARANCEAN, Vasile
DULGHIERU and others. The following topics of discussion created the highest
interest: administrative courts, tax calculation for natural persons, the legal sta-
tus of Gagauzia, obtaining the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, minority
versus majority, the administrative contract, the contract on supply of electrici-
ty, shortcomings of the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova, etc.

Programs Implemented in 2001

In the summer of 2001, the Legal Clinic Public Association redirected its
priorities from providing free legal assistance to socially – vulnerable cate-
gories of the population towards the improvement of practical training of stu-
dents, through the introduction of an optional course on clinical education in
the Law School curriculum.
The project aimed at reaching the following objectives:
– to develop students’ professional skills through practical activities: sim-
ulation and working with real clients (providing legal consultation,
preparing procedure documents and representation in court);
– to build the moral-ethical values of students who will work in the area
of law in the future;
– to draft teaching materials (course materials, collection of cases), which
are to be used in the educational process;
– to provide legal assistance to socially – vulnerable categories of popula-
tion for educational purposes.
For the purpose of acquiring fundamental and systematized theoretical
knowledge, students attend the Clinical Education Course, which addresses the
most important aspects of a lawyer’s every day activity and includes the follow-
ing areas: the role of a lawyer in the society; the system of law enforcement
authorities; international models of professional unions; the national model of
the Union of Lawyers; professional ethics; lawyers’ responsibilities; legal rheto-
ric; aspects of legal psychology; establishing psychological contact; interviewing;
legal analysis of a client’s problem; consultation; writing procedure documents;
techniques of working on a file; specifics of arguments in court; ways of appeal;
writing applications in accordance with the European Convention on Human
Rights; and specifics of cases initiated in the public interest.
The Clinical Education Course is included in the Law School curriculum as
an optional course, and students who attend this course are given a grade,
which is included in their diploma of graduation of the Law School.
In the process of clinical training, supervising attorneys perform the fol-
lowing activities:
– analysis of students’ needs
– designing the substantive part of the educational process
– preparing the teaching materials
– implementation of training activities
– evaluation of students’ performance, of the course, as well as evalua-
tion of faculty members
– reviewing the content of the applied methods
For a more indepth and effective outcome of the course, the supervising
attorneys used a creative type of training, by using interactive methods such as:
– techniques of working in groups
– training through collaboration
– brainstorming
– debates
– case simulation
The course of clinical education paid special attention to training through
providing legal assistance, which consisted of the following stages:
– providing legal advice to real clients
– legal consultation
– writing procedure documents
– representation in court in cases used for training purposes
Some indicators of the Legal Clinic’s activity in 2001 are:
– a course in Clinical Education was developed
– the course was included into the Law School curriculum of the State
University of Moldova
– practical application of students’ theoretical knowledge
building of the students’ practical skills
– 54 cases won by the students of the Legal Clinic in court
Financial Resources
Soros Foundation –Moldova: $ 23,000
UNHCR BO Moldova: $ 29,450
Independent Auditors’ Report

Statement of Expenditures

t s

Itndependent Auditors’ Report
Auditors’ Report on Summarized Financial Statements
We have audited the financial statements of the Soros Foundation - Moldova, Chiºinãu, Republic of
Moldova, for the year ended 31 December 2001, from which the Statement of assets, liabilities and
fund balance as of 31 December 2001 was derived. The audit was performed in accordance with
International Standards on Auditing. In our report dated 30 April 2002 we expressed an unqualified
opinion on the financial statements, from which the Statement of assets, liabilities and fund balance
was derived.

In our opinion, the accompanying Statement of assets, liabilities and fund balance of the Soros
Foundation - Moldova as of 31 December 2001 is consistent, in all material respects, with the financial
statements, from which they were derived.

For a better understanding of the financial position of the Soros Foundation - Moldova and the results
of its operations for the period and of the scope of our audit, the Statement of assets, liabilities and fund
balance, should be read in conjunction with the financial statements, from which the Statement of
assets, liabilities and fund balance was derived, and our Auditors’ Report thereon.

Chiºinãu, April 30, 2002

KPMG Moldova S.R.L.

Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balance as of 31 December 2001

2001 2000


Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 2,146,803 163,991 612,701 49,478
Receivables 27,619,430 2,109,819 25,796,886 2,083,199
Prepayments 191,088 14,597 127,670 10,310
29,957,321 2,288,407 26,537,257 2,142,987
Non-current assets
Fixed assets at net book value 8,224,148 628,234 8,124,105 656,053
8,224,148 628,234 8,124,105 656,053
Total assets 38,181,469 2,916,641 34,661,362 2,799,040



Current liabilities
Liabilities 717,774 54,830 - -
Accruals 24,537,177 1,874,369 23,580,011 1,904,178
25,254,951 1,929,199 23,580,011 1,904,178
Fund balance 12,926,518 987,442 11,081,351 894,862
Total Fund balance and
liabilities 38,181,469 2,916,641 34,661,362 2,799,040
Activity Report – 2001 148 149

Statement of Expenditures
Soros Foundation-Moldova Ependitures - 2001 $
Education 590 013
Youth 264 173
East - East 110 549
Conference & Travel 20 864
Information 388 991
Public Health 421 225
Economic Development 710 833
Arts & Culture 253 552
Media 86 704
Local Government 481 512
Law & Criminal Justice 501 015
Women’s Programs 107 468
Civil Society 202 828
Other Programs 316
Administration 465 843
TOTAL $ 4 605 885

Soros Foundation-Moldova Expenditures - 2001

Other Programs
Education 10,11%
Civil Society
12,81% 4,40%
Women’s Programs
Youth 2,33%

East-East Law&Criminal Justice

2,40% 10,88%


Information Local Government

8,45% 10,45%

Public Health
Economic Development 5,50%
SFM Boards

SFM Staff

Contact Information

r In

List of Abbreviations
SFM National Board
Arcadie BARBÃROªIE National Board Chair
Executive Director, Institute for Public Policy
Constantin CHEIANU Writer, “Sud – Est” Literary Journal
Alexandru MURAVSCHI Program Manager, CPBR
Nicolae CHIRTOACÃ Director, Invisible College
Andrei CANTEMIR Program Manager, UNDP
Raisa BOTEZATU Judge, Supreme Court
Alexandru DOROGAN Head, Public Relations Department,
Chiºinãu City Hall

Educational Programs Sub-Board

Ivan OGURÞOV Head, Physics and Chemistry Department,
State University of Moldova
Lidia KULICOVSKI Director, B. P. Haºdeu Municipal Public Library
Vitalie POPA Professor, Philosophy Department,
State University of Moldova
Lucia PÃDURE Vice - rector, International Management Institute
Andrei POPA Vice-rector, State University of Cahul
Natalia CHERADI Deputy Director, Library of AESM
Gheorghe GÃRNEÞ Head of Department, Ministry of Education

Arts and Culture Programs Sub-Board

Constantin CIOBANU Art Critic , Head of Visual Arts Department,
Institute of Art Studies
Nicolae POPA Editor-in chief , “Basarabia” Journal, Writer
Elena PLOªNIÞÃ Head of Department,
National Museum of History
Svetlana BIVOL Director, National Theater of Opera and Ballet
Claudia CRÃCIUN Head, Department of Marketing
and Public Relations, IMI
Alexei SAINCIUC Artist
Nicolae LEAHU Faculty member, Universal and Romanian
Literature Department, SUB

Civil Society, Public Health, and Women’s Programs Sub-Board

Rodica COMENDANT Coordinator, Curriculum and Programs
Department, State Medical University
Vasile COTEÞ Mayor of Cantemir
Victoria MELNIC Dean, State University of Arts
Constantin MARIN Chair, Journalism and Communication
Sciences Department, State University of Moldova
Antoniþa FONARI Director of NGO
Ludmila MALCOCI Deputy Director, SIFM
Svetlana ªTEFÃNEÞ Faculty member, Department
of Public Health, State Medical University

Local Governance and Law Programs Sub-Board

Mihai BUªULEAC Head, Legal Department, ASITO Insurance Company
Vitalie VRABIE Mayor of Ungheni
Vladimir COVALI Deputy, Head of Municipal Police Department
Igor DOLEA (until June, 2001) Head, Criminal Procedure
Department, State University of Moldova
Adrian EVTUHOVICI Project Manager, Local Government Institute,
OSI, Budapest
Ion MIHAILUÞÃ Deputy Head, Local Public Administration
Department, Government Office
Activity Report – 2001 152 153

Aurel SÃMBOTEANU Faculty Member, Academy of Public Administration

Mihai POALELUNGI Vice- chairman, Court of Appeal

Rural Economic Development Programs Sub-Board

Viorel GUÞU Deputy Head, Department of Policy, Reform,
and Legislation, Ministry of Agriculture
Viorel OUª General Director, “Air Moldova International”
Viorel GHERCIU Team Leader, DFID
Aurelia NEIDER MBA Student
Liliana CAZACU Director, LGN Consultants

SFM Staff
Victor URSU, Executive Director vursu@soros.md
Varvara COLIBABA, Deputy Director vcolibaba@soros.md
Elena VACARCIUC, Finance Director evacarciuc@soros.md
Dumitru CHITOROAGÃ, Grant Manager, Automation dchitoroaga@soros.md
Ana COREÞCHI, East East acoretchi@soros.md
Mariana ALECSANDRI, HESP, Library malecsandri@soros.md
Oana UNGUREANU, HESP, Library oungureanu@soros.md
Iulia MOLDOVAN, Secondary School Student Exchange Program
Dumitru DEDIU, Secondary School Student Exchange Program
Angela MUªET, Scholarships, Youth Programs amuset@soros.md
Igor NEDERA, Civil Society inedera@soros.md
Doina MELNIC, Rural Economic Development dmelnic@soros.md
Victor MUNTEANU, Law vmunteanu@soros.md
Violeta FRUNZE, Law vfrunze@soros.md
Victoria ANTONIU, Local Governance vantoniu@soros.md
Rodica NOSKO, Local Governance rnosko@soros.md
Viorel SOLTAN, Public Health Programs vsoltan@soros.md
Antonina SÂRBU, Women’s Programs asarbu@soros.md
Victoria MIRON, Arts and Culture, Publishing vmiron@soros.md
Aurelia SPÃTARU, Arts and Culture, Publishing aspataru@soros.md
Iulia IGNATIUC, Bãlþi Information Center ignatiuc@usb.moldnet.md
Diana JARCOV, Bãlþi Information Center
Viorel URSU, Advisor to the Executive Director viorel.ursu@soros.md
Victor ANDRONIC, LAN Manager vandronic@soros.md
Vasile GîRLEA, Administrator
Elena VITIUC, Chief Accountant evitiuc@soros.md
Violeta GRAUR, Accountant vgraur@soros.md
Liuba COTOROBAI, Accountant - Cashier lcotorobai@soros.md
Ala DICUSARÃ, Receptionist adicusara@soros.md
Cristina GODOVANCIUC, Receptionist cgodovanciuc@soros.md

Contact Information
Soros Foundation - Moldova ‘Step by Step’ Educational Program
32 Bulgarã Street 16 Puºkin Street
MD 2001 Chiºinãu MD 2012 Chiºinãu
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (373 2) 270031, 270232 Tel.: (373 2) 220112
Fax: (373 2) 270507 Tel./Fax: (373 2) 220113
E-mail: Foundation@soros.md E-mail: hs@moldnet.md
Web site: www.soros.md Pro Didactica Educational Center
Bãlþi Information Center 13 Armeneascã Street
38 Puºkin Street MD 2012 Chiºinãu
A.Russo Bãlþi State University Republic of Moldova
Bãlþi Republic of Moldova Tel.: (373 2) 541994, 542556
Tel./Fax: (373 23) 24522 Fax: (373 2) 544199
E-mail: lnicolaescu@cepd.soros.md
Educational Advising Center MedNet National Center of Medical
148 ªtefan cel Mare ºi Sfânt blvd., apt. Information
22 27 Testemiþanu Street
MD 2012 Chiºinãu MD 2028 Chiºinãu
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (373 2) 246621 Tel./Fax: (373 (2) 727577
Tel./fax: (373 2) 246739 E-mail: medinfo@mednet.md
E-mail: eac@dnt.md Web site: http://www.mednet.md
Web site: http://eac.iatp.md
Legal Clinic
Invisible College - Moldova 60 A. Mateevici Street
16/1 Puºkin Street MD 2012 Chiºinãu
MD 2012 Chiºinãu Republic of Moldova
Republic of Moldova Tel: (373 2) 232453
Tel./fax: (373 2) 222503
Fax: (373 2) 245070
Tel.: (373 2) 222504
E-mail: dragos@lc.dnt.md
E-mail: NC@ic.soros.md
Web site: www.iatp.md/drept
Web site: www.ic.soros.md
Judicial Training Center
The National Debate League
18 Petru Rareº Street
16 A Puºkin Street
MD 2005 Chiºinãu
MD 2012 Chiºinãu
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (373 2) 212769 Tel: (373 2) 228186
Tel.: 228365 Fax: 373 2) 228185, 228187
http://www.ournet.md/~debate E-mail: jtc@jtc.dnt.md
Web site: www.jtc.md
Youth Development Center
32 A Bulgarã Street Institute for Public Policy
MD 2001 Chiºinãu 28 Bulgarã Street
Republic of Moldova MD 2001 Chiºinãu
Tel.: (373 2) 270031, 270232 Republic of Moldova
Fax: (373 2) 270507 Tel: (373 2) 276786, 276785
Web site: http://www.ournet.md/~cdt Fax: (373 2) 270507
E-mail: ipp@ipp.md
DNT Association
Web site: http://www.ipp.md
16 Puºkin Street
MD 2012 Chiºinãu International Language Training
Republic of Moldova Center
Tel/fax: (373 2) 229229 23 Armeneascæ Street,
E-mail: info@dnt.md, pr@dnt.md MD 2012 Chiºinãu
URL: http://www.dnt.md Republic of Moldova
Moldovan Microfinance Alliance Tel.: (373 2) 54 19 94, 54 25 56
16 Puºkin Street Fax: (373 2) 54 41 99
MD 2012 Chiºinãu E-mail:vgalii@cepd.soros.md
Republic of Moldova Center for Contemporary Art, Chiºinãu
Tel: (373 2) 229904; 229905 16 Puºkin Street
Fax: 22-99-02 MD 2012 Chiºinãu
mma@mma.dnt.md Republic of Moldova
The Independent Journalism Center Tel.: (373 2) 212765, 212766
53 ªciusev Street Fax: (373 2) 212768
MD 2012 Chiºinãu E-mail: ksak@art.md
Republic of Moldova Web site: http://www.art.md
Tel: (373 2) 213652, 227539 CONTACT Center
Fax: (373 2) 226681
83 Bucureºti Street
MD 2001 Chiºinãu
Information and Documentation Republic of Moldova
Center for Women Tel.: (373 2) 233946, 233048
137A 31 August Street, room 14 Tel./fax: (373 2) 233947
MD 2004 Chiºinãu E-mail: info@contact.md
Republic of Moldova Web site: www.contact.md
Tel./Fax: (373 2) 241393
E-mail: cnsipf@moldnet.md
Activity Report – 2001 154 155

Bãlþi CONTACT Center Soroca CONTACT Center

38 Puºkin Street 20 ªtefan cel Mare St.
Russo State University, block 2 “ASITO”
Bãlþi Soroca
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova
Tel/fax (231) 201-57 Tel: (230) 260-23
E-mail: contactb@bl.moldpac.md E-mail:contacts@moldnet.md
Cahul CONTACT Center Comrat CONTACT Center
1 Independentei Street, room 29, 5 Tretiakov Street, ASITO
Cahul State Universitaty Comrat
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova
Tel/fax (239) 28-993 Tel: (238) 23516
E-mail: contactc@moldnet.md E-mail: contactt@moldnet.md

List of Abbreviations
ASEM Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
APAM Academy of Public Administration of Moldova
ASM Academy of Sciences of Moldova
ASU Agrarian Sate University of Moldova
CCU Co-operatist – Commercial University of Moldova
EAC Educational Advising Center
FIUM Free International University of Moldova
HUM Humanities University of Moldova
IES Institute of Educational Sciences
IIM International Institute of Management
IPP Institute for Public Policy
IPS Institute of Physical Sciences
MES Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Moldova
NIPTS National Institute of Physical Training and Sport
OSI Open Society Institute
PA Stefan cel Mare Police Academy
SFM Soros Foundation Moldova
SMU Nicolae Testemiþanu State Medical University
SPU Ion Creangã State Pedagogical University in Chiºinãu
SUAM State University of Arts of Moldova
SUB Alecu Russo State University in Bãlþi
SUC State University of Comrat
SUM State University of Moldova
SUT State University of Tiraspol
TUM Technical University of Moldova
Printed by: Polygraphic Printing House

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