Neldisc Metal Seated High Performance Triple Eccentric Disc Valve

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Metal seated high

performance triple
eccentric disc valve
Series LW, LG
Installation, Maintenance and
Operating Instructions

2 LW 70 en •10/2017

Table of Contents
1 GENERAL...............................................................3
1.1 Scope of the manual ............................................3
1.2 Valve description ...................................................3
1.3 Valve markings .......................................................3
1.4 Technical specifications ......................................4
1.5 Valve approvals ......................................................4
1.6 CE marking...............................................................4
1.7 Recycling and disposal ........................................4
1.8 Safety precautions ................................................4
3 INSTALLATION .....................................................5
3.1 General ......................................................................5
3.2 Mounting into the pipeline................................5
3.3 Actuator ....................................................................9
4 COMMISSIONING .................................................9
5 MAINTENANCE .....................................................9
5.1 General ......................................................................9
5.2 Removing the valve from the pipeline ....... 10
5.3 Replacing the gland packing ......................... 10
5.4 Valve leakage ....................................................... 11
5.5 Replacing the seat ring..................................... 11
5.6 Replacing the disc, shafts and bearings ..... 11
5.7 Assembling the valve........................................ 12
6.1 General ................................................................... 13
6.2 Detaching the B1 series actuators................ 13
6.3 Detaching the EC and EJ actuators .............. 13
6.4 Installing the B1 series actuator .................... 13
6.5 Installing EC and EJ actuators ........................ 14
6.6 Detaching and installing other
actuator types...................................................... 15
6.7 Stop screw adjustment..................................... 15
7 TOOLS .................................................................17
8 ORDERING SPARE PARTS...................................17
9 EXPLODED VIEW AND PARTS LIST....................21
10 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS .............................22
ACTUATOR, B1J ................................................... 28
10.4 Flange drilling and compatibility ................. 31
11 TYPE CODE..........................................................32


These instructions provide information about safe handling and operation of the valve.
If you require additional assistance, please contact the manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative.
Addresses and phone numbers are printed on the back cover.
See also for the latest documentation.

Subject to change without notice.

All trademarks are property of their respective owners.

This product meets the requirements set by the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus,
the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

1 GENERAL 1.3 Valve markings

1.1 Scope of the manual Body markings are cast on the body. The valve also has an
identification plate attached to it (see Fig. 2).
This installation, operation and maintenance manual pro-
vides essential information on series LW and LG Neldisc® tri-
ple eccentric disc valves. The actuators and instrumentation (1) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9)
to be used with series LW and LG valves are also discussed
briefly. Refer to the separate actuator and control equip- AT T E N T I O N : R E A D I N S T R U C T I O N S B E F O R E I N S TA L L AT I O N O R S E R V I C I N G. C O N TA C T M E T S O AU TO M AT I O N F O R C O P Y.

BODY t max. TYPE

ment instruction manuals for further information. TRIM t min. No.
M a d e by M e t s o Fl o w C o n t ro l XXXX

Selection and use of the valve in a specific application

(2) (4) (7) (10)
requires close consideration of detailed aspects. Due to
the nature of the product, this manual cannot cover all the
individual situations that may occur when installing, using Fig. 2. Identification plate
or servicing the valve.
If you are uncertain about use of the valve or its suitability Identification plate marking:
for your intended purpose, please contact Metso for more 1. Body material
information. 2. Shaft material
3. Trim material
For valves in oxygen service, please see also the separate
4. Seat material
installation, maintenance and operating instructions for
5. Maximum operating temperature
oxygen service (see Metso document id:10O270EN.pdf) 6. Minimum operating temperature
7. Maximum shut-off pressure differential
1.2 Valve description 8. Type designation
Neldisc series LW are wafer type and series LG are lug type 9. Valve manufacturing parts list no.
metal seated triple eccentric disc valves. 10. Pressure class
The disc is elliptical and has a triple eccentric mounting.
When the valve is closed, the elliptical disc at the major axis
displaces the seat ring outward, causing the seat ring to
contact the disc at the minor axis. When the valve is
opened, the contact is released and the seat ring returns to
its original circular shape (see Fig. 1).
The disc is fitted to the shafts with pins and there are no
holes through the disc.
Construction details of individual valves are included in the
type code shown on the valve identification plate. To inter-
pret the type code, please refer to Section 11.
The valve operates both in control and shut-off applica-

Fig. 1. Construction of a triple eccentric disc valve


1.4 Technical specifications 1.8 Safety precautions

Type: metal seated triple eccentric CAUTION:
disc valve Do not exceed the valve performance limitations!
LW: wafer type Exceeding the limitations marked on the valve may cause
LG: lug type damage and lead to uncontrolled pressure release.
Pressure class Damage or personal injury may result.
Body: LW6L, LW7L, LG6L, LG7L:
PN 25, ISO PN 20, ASME150
Do not dismantle the valve or remove it from the pipe-
line while the valve is pressurized!
PN 40, ISO PN 50, ASME300
Dismantling or removing a pressurized valve will result in
Trim: LW6L, LW7L, LG6L, LG7L: uncontrolled pressure release. Always isolate the relevant
Sizes DN 80-150: PN 25 part of the pipeline, release the pressure from the valve
Sizes DN 200 - 600: ISO PN 20 and remove the medium before dismantling the valve.
LW8M, LG8M, LW5M, LG5M: Be aware of the type of medium involved. Protect people
PN 40, ISO PN 50 and the environment from any harmful or poisonous sub-
Body & trim: LW8C, LG8C: stances. Make sure that no medium can enter the pipeline
Sizes DN700 - DN1000: ASME 150 during valve maintenance.
Failure to do this may result in damage or personal injury.
Temperature range: -200 °C... +600 °C
(over 600 °C, please contact CAUTION:
the manufacturer) Beware of the discs cutting movement!
Flow direction: Free Keep hands, other parts of the body, tools and other objects out
of the open flow port. Leave no foreign objects inside the pipe-
Dimensions: See Section 10
Weights: See Section 10 When the valve is actuated, the disc functions as a cutting
device. The position of the disc can also be changed when mov-
1.5 Valve approvals ing the valve.
TA-Luft, chapter Close and detach the actuator pressure supply pipeline for valve
Fire test to BS 6755 and API 607. maintenance.
Failure to do this may result in damage or personal injury.
1.6 CE marking
The valve meets the requirements of the European Direc- Beware of noise emissions!
tive 2014/68/EU relating to pressure equipment, and has The valve may produce noise in the pipeline. The noise
been marked according to the Directive. level depends on the application. It can be measured or
calculated using Metso Nelprof software. Observe the rel-
1.7 Recycling and disposal evant work environment regulations on noise emission.
Most valve parts can be recycled if sorted according to CAUTION:
material. Beware of a very cold or hot valve!
Most parts have material marking. A material list is supplied The valve body may be very cold or very hot during use.
with the valve. In addition, separate recycling and disposal Protect yourself against cold injuries or burns.
instructions are available from the manufacturer. A valve
can also be returned to the manufacturer for recycling and CAUTION:
When handling the valve or the valve package, bear in
disposal against a fee.
mind its weight!
Never lift the valve or valve package by the actuator, posi-
tioner, limit switch or their piping.
Place the lifting ropes securely around the valve body (see
Fig. 3).
Damage or personal injury may result from falling parts.

Do not turn the disc more than 90° as this could damage
the seat. The valve is so constructed that the disc operates
only between 0-90°.


The recommended
STORAGE position of the
Check the valve and the accompanying devices for any perforated plate is at
the "top" of the
damage that may have occurred during transport. pipeline, on the
Store the valve carefully before installation, preferably downstream side and
to flow direction B.
indoors in a dry place.
Do not take the valve to the intended location and do not
remove the flow port protectors until the valve is installed.
The valve is delivered in the closed position. A valve Flow direction B
equipped with a spring-return actuator is delivered in a
position determined by the spring. During storage the
valve must be lightly closed. Fig. 4. Position of the flow balancing trim

It may be necessary to firmly support the pipeline to pro-

tect the valve from excess stress. Sufficient support will also
3.1 General reduce pipeline vibration and this ensures proper function-
Remove the flow port protectors and check that the valve is ing of the positioner. Do not fasten supports to the flange
undamaged and clean inside. bolting or to the actuator.
It is recommended that the length of any straight pipe pre-
ceding the control valve is at least 2 x pipe diameter.
When handling the valve or the valve package, bear in
mind its weight! The flow causes a so-called dynamic torque against the
Follow the lifting methods shown in Fig. 3. valve disc which attempts to close the valve. In a pipe
elbow the pressure on the outer edge is higher than on the
inner edge.
When installing the triple eccentric disc valve immediately
after a pipe elbow, the valve shaft must be directed toward
the centre point of the pipe (see Fig. 5). This is especially
important when the valve is used as a control valve.
The valve shaft of a valve mounted after the centrifugal
pump must be perpendicular to the pump shaft (see Fig. 6).
When thus installed, the valve discs will be more evenly
loaded and vibrations otherwise possible in the intermedi-
ate positions will be eliminated.
Fig. 3. Lifting of the valve

3.2 Mounting into the pipeline

Flush or blow the pipeline carefully before installing the
valve. Foreign particles, such as sand or pieces of welding
electrode, will damage the disc sealing surface and seat.
The valve may be installed in any position and offers tight-
ness in both directions.
Install the valve in the pipeline so that the shaft is horizon-
tal if possible. However, we do not recommend installing
the valve with the actuator on the underside because dirt in
the pipeline may then enter the body cavity and damage Fig. 5. Mounting after a pipe elbow
the gland packing.
If the valve is equipped with a flow balancing trim (type
code S-...), it must be on the down stream side of the valve
body. The valve must be mounted so that the perforated
plate will not collect any impurities in the pipeline (see
Fig. 4). The recommended mounting positions exclude the
use of mounting positions A-HL, B-HL, C-HL, D-HL.
Select flange gaskets according to the operating condi-
Do not attempt to correct pipeline misalignment by means
of flange bolting.
Fig. 6. Mounting after the centrifugal pump

Table 1. Minimum pipe inside dimensions (mm)

Valve size D


(mm / inch) (mm / inch)
80 / 3 69 / 2.71 69 / 2.72
100 / 4 90 / 3.54 90 / 3.54
125 / 5 112 / 4.41 112 / 4.41
150 / 6 144 / 5.67 143 / 5.63
200 / 8 193 / 7.60 190 / 7.48
250 / 10 243 / 9.56 241 / 9.49
300 / 12 290 / 11.42 287 / 11.30
350 / 14 329 / 12.95 321 / 12.64
400 / 16 374 / 14.72 315/12.40
450/18 422/16.61 335/13.19
500/20 464/18.27 385/15.16
600/24 565/22.24 425/16.73
700/28 520/20.47
750/30 635/25.00
800/32 685/26.97
900/36 735/28.94
Fig. 7. Minimum pipe inside dimensions 1000/40 825/32.48
Note: Sizes DN 700/28" ... DN 1000/40", available only for types
LW8C and LG8C.

Fig. 8. Stud bolt lenght

Table 2. Stud bolt dimensions, DIN flanges (mm)

LW6L DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange
Thread L Qty Thread L Qty Thread L Qty Thread L Qty
80 M16 130 8 M16 130 8 M16 150 8 M16 140 4
100 M16 140 8 M16 140 8 M20 170 8 M16 150 8
125 M16 150 8 M16 150 8 M24 190 8 M20 160 8
150 M20 160 8 M20 160 8 M24 200 8 M20 160 8
200 M20 170 8 M20 170 12 M24 210 12 M20 170 8
250 M20 180 12 M24 180 12 M27 220 12 M24 200 12
300 M20 190 12 M24 200 12 M27 230 16 M24 210 12
350 M20 190 16 M24 200 16 M30 260 16 M27 220 12
400 M24 220 16 M27 240 16 M33 270 16 M27 250 16

DN DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange

Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty
450 M24 240 16 120 8 M27 270 16 130 8 - - - - - M30 280 16 - -
500 M24 260 16 120 8 M30 310 16 140 8 M33 320 16 150 8 M30 310 16 140 8
600 M27 310 16 120 8 M33 360 16 160 8 M36 380 16 170 8 M33 360 16 150 8

LW7L DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange

Thread L Qty Thread L Qty Thread L Qty Thread L Qty
80 M16 130 8 M16 130 8 M16 150 8 M16 140 4
100 M16 140 8 M16 140 8 M20 170 8 M16 150 8
125 M16 150 8 M16 150 8 M24 190 8 M20 170 8
150 M20 170 8 M20 170 8 M24 200 8 M20 180 8
200 M20 180 8 M20 180 12 M24 210 12 M20 180 8
250 M20 190 12 M24 190 12 M27 220 12 M24 200 12
300 M20 200 12 M24 210 12 M27 230 16 M24 210 12
350 M20 200 16 M24 210 16 M30 260 16 M27 230 12
400 M24 220 16 M27 240 16 M33 270 16 M27 250 16

DN DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange

Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty
450 M24 240 16 120 8 M27 270 16 130 8 M30 280 16
500 M24 260 16 120 8 M30 310 16 140 8 M33 320 16 150 8 M30 310 16 140 8
600 M27 310 16 120 8 M33 360 16 160 8 M36 380 16 170 8 M33 360 16 150 8

Table 2. continued
LW8M DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 40 flange DIN PN 50 flange
DN Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty

80 M16 180 8 M16 180 8 M20 190 8

100 M20 190 8 M20 180 8 M20 200 8
Stud bolts pass the
125 M24 210 8 Stud bolts pass the M24 200 8 Stud bolts pass the M20 210 8 body in the neck
body in the neck body in the neck area (length L)
150 M24 220 8 area (length L) M24 210 8 area (length L) M20 220 12
200 M24 230 12 M27 240 12 M24 250 12
250 M27 270 12 M30 280 12 M27 300 12 170 8
300 M27 270 12 140 8 M30 290 12 150 8 M30 310 12 160 8
350 M30 300 12 150 8 M33 320 12 160 8 M30 330 16 160 8
400 M33 320 12 160 8 M36 350 12 170 8 M33 350 16 160 8

DN DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 40 flange DIN PN 50 flange

Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty
450 M33 340 16 150 8 M36 370 16 160 8 M33 380 20 160 8
500 M33 360 16 150 8 M39 390 16 170 8 M33 400 20 170 8
600 M36 410 16 165 8 M45x4 460 16 200 8 M39 440 20 185 8

LG6L DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange L4

Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty
80 M16 60 8 70 8 M16 60 8 70 8 M16 65 8 75 8 M16 65 4 75 4 16
100 M16 65 8 75 8 M16 65 8 75 8 M20 75 8 85 8 M16 70 8 80 8 19
125 M16 70 8 80 8 M16 70 8 80 8 M24 80 8 90 8 M20 75 8 85 8 20
150 M20 75 8 85 8 M20 75 8 85 8 M24 85 8 95 8 M20 75 8 85 8 20
200 M20 80 8 90 8 M20 80 12 90 12 M24 90 12 100 12 M20 80 8 90 8 23
250 M20 85 12 95 12 M24 85 12 95 12 M27 95 12 105 12 M24 95 12 105 12 26
300 M20 90 12 100 12 M24 95 12 105 12 M27 105 16 115 16 M24 100 12 11 12 30
350 M20 90 16 100 16 M24 95 16 105 16 M30 11 16 120 16 M27 105 12 115 12 35
400 M24 100 16 120 16 M27 110 16 130 16 M33 125 16 145 16 M27 115 16 135 16 38

DN DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange L4

Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty
450 M24 105 20 125 20 M27 125 20 145 20 M30 135 16 155 16 47
500 M24 105 20 125 20 M30 135 20 155 20 M33 150 20 170 20 M30 135 20 155 20 54
600 M27 120 20 145 20 M33 155 20 180 20 M36 165 20 190 20 M33 150 20 175 20 63

LG7L DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange L4

Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty
80 M16 60 8 70 8 M16 60 8 70 8 M16 65 8 75 8 M16 65 4 75 4 16
100 M16 65 8 75 8 M16 65 8 75 8 M20 75 8 85 8 M16 70 8 80 8 19
125 M16 65 8 85 8 M16 65 8 85 8 M24 80 8 100 8 M20 75 8 95 8 20
150 M20 75 8 95 8 M20 75 8 95 8 M24 85 8 105 8 M20 80 8 100 8 20
200 M20 80 8 100 8 M20 80 12 100 12 M24 90 12 110 12 M20 80 8 100 8 23
250 M20 85 12 105 12 M24 85 12 105 12 M27 95 12 115 12 M24 90 12 110 12 26
300 M20 90 12 110 12 M24 95 12 115 12 M27 105 16 125 16 M24 95 12 115 12 30
350 M20 90 16 110 16 M24 95 16 115 16 M30 110 16 130 16 M27 105 12 125 12 35
400 M24 100 16 120 16 M27 110 16 130 16 M33 125 16 145 16 M27 115 16 135 16 38

DN DIN PN 10 flange DIN PN 16 flange DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 20 flange L4

Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty
450 M24 105 20 125 20 M27 125 20 145 20 M30 135 16 155 16 47
500 M24 105 20 125 20 M30 135 20 155 20 M33 150 20 170 20 M30 135 20 155 20 54
600 M27 120 20 145 20 M33 155 20 180 20 M36 165 20 190 20 M33 150 20 175 20 63

LG8M DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 40 flange DIN PN 50 flange L4

DN Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty

80 M16 65 8 95 8 M16 65 8 95 8 M20 75 8 105 8 16

100 M20 70 8 100 8 M20 70 8 100 8 M20 75 8 105 8 19
150 M24 85 8 115 8 M24 85 8 115 8 M20 85 12 115 12 25
200 M24 90 12 120 12 M27 100 12 130 12 M24 105 12 135 12 34
250 M27 110 12 140 12 M30 120 12 150 12 M27 125 16 155 16 42
300 M27 110 16 140 16 M30 120 16 150 16 M30 135 16 165 16 45
350 M30 125 16 155 16 M33 135 16 165 16 M30 145 20 175 20 50
400 M33 135 16 165 16 M36 150 16 180 16 M33 155 20 185 20 55

DN DIN PN 25 flange DIN PN 40 flange DIN PN 50 flange L4

Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty
450 M33 150 20 160 20 M36 165 20 175 20 M33 160 24 170 24 70.5
500 M33 150 20 160 20 M39 175 20 185 20 M33 165 24 175 24 73
600 M36 165 20 185 20 M45x4 205 20 225 20 M39 185 24 205 24 78

Table 3. Stud bolt dimensions, ASME flanges (inch/mm)

LW_ LW6L, LW7L, ASME 150 flange LW5M, LW8M, ASME 300 flange
NPS / DN Thread L Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty
3 / 80 5/8 UNC 6.30 / 160 4 3/4 UNC 7.87 / 200 8
4 / 100 5/8 UNC 6.69 / 170 8 3/4 UNC 8.26 / 210 8 Stud bolts pass the
5 / 125 3/4 UNC 7.48 / 190 8 3/4 UNC 8.66 / 220 8 body in the neck area
6 / 150 3/4 UNC 7.87 / 200 8 3/4 UNC 9.05 / 230 12 (length L)
8 / 200 3/4 UNC 7.87 / 200 8 7/8 UNC 10.23 / 260 12
10 / 250 7/8 UNC 8.66 / 220 12 1 UNC 11.81 / 300 12 5.91 / 150 8
12 / 300 7/8 UNC 9.05 / 230 12 1 1/8-8 UN 12.20 / 310 12 6.30 / 160 8
14 / 350 1 UNC 9.84 / 250 12 1 1/8-8 UN 12.99 / 330 16 6.30 / 160 8
16 / 400 1 UNC 10.63 / 270 16 1 1/4-8 UN 14.17 / 360 16 6.69 / 170 8
LW6L, LW7L, ASME 150 flange LW5M, LW8M, ASME 300 flange
Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty
18/450 1 1/8-8UN 11.42/290 16 1 1/4-8UN 14.96/380 20 6.30/160 8
20/500 1 1/8-8UN 12.60/320 16 5.51/140 8 1 1/4-8UN 15.75/400 20 6.69/170 8
24/600 1 1/4-8UN 14.17/360 16 5.91/150 8 1 1/2-8UN 17.72/440 20 7.28/185 8

LG_ LG6, LG7L, ASME 150 flange LG5M, LG8M, ASME 300 flange
NPS / DN Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4 Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4
3 / 80 5/8 UNC 2.36 / 60 4 3.15 / 80 4 0.63 / 16 3/4 UNC 2.75 / 70 8 3.54 / 90 8 0.63 / 16
4 / 100 5/8 UNC 2.56 / 65 8 3.34 / 85 8 0.75 / 19 3/4 UNC 2.95 / 75 8 3.74 / 95 8 0.75 / 19
5 / 125 3/4 UNC 2.75 / 70 8 3.54 / 90 8 0.78 / 20 - - - - - -
6 / 150 3/4 UNC 2.75 / 70 8 3.54 / 90 8 0.78 / 20 3/4 UNC 3.54 / 90 12 3.93 / 100 12 0.98 / 25
8 / 200 3/4 UNC 2.95 / 75 8 3.74 / 95 8 0.90 / 23 7/8 UNC 4.33 / 110 12 4.33 / 110 12 1.34 / 34
10 / 250 7/8 UNC 3.34 / 85 12 4.13 / 105 12 1.02 / 26 1 UNC 4.92 / 125 16 4.92 / 125 16 1.65 / 42
12 / 300 7/8 UNC 3.54 / 90 12 4.33 / 110 12 1.18 / 30 1 1/8 - 8UN 5.31 / 135 16 5.31 / 135 16 1.77 / 45
14 / 350 1-8 UN 4.13 / 105 12 4.92 / 125 12 1.37 / 35 1 1/8 - 8UN 5.51 / 140 20 5.51 / 140 20 2.20 / 56
16 / 400 1-8UN 4.52 / 115 16 5.31 / 135 16 1.49 / 38 1 1/4 - 8UN 6.30 / 160 20 6.69 / 170 20 2.40 / 61
LG6, LG7L, ASME 150 flange LG5M, LG8M, ASME 300 flange
Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4 Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4
18/450 1 1/8-8UN 5.12/130 16 5.91/150 16 1.85/47 1 1/4-8UN 6.50/165 24 6.69/170 24 2.78/70.5
20/500 1 1/8-8UN 5.31/135 20 6.10/155 20 2.13/54 1 1/4-8UN 6.69/170 24 7.09/180 24 2.87/73
24/600 1 1/4-8UN 6.10/155 20 7.09/180 20 2.48/63 1 1/2-8UN 7.68/195 24 8.46/215 24 3.07/78

LW8CB ASME 150 flange1) LG8CB ASME 150 flange1)

Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty
28/700 3/4 UNC 5.118/130 4 5.512/140 4 28/700 3/4 UNC 3.937/100 40 5.118/130 40
30/750 3/4 UNC 4.330/110 8 5.512/140 8 30/750 3/4 UNC 3.937/100 44 5.118/130 44
32/800 3/4 UNC 4.724/120 8 5.299/160 8 32/800 3/4 UNC 4.330/110 48 5.905/150 48
36/900 7/8 UNC 5.118/130 8 5.299/160 8 36/900 7/8 UNC 4.724/120 44 5.905/150 44
40/1000 1 UNC 6.299/160 8 7.480/190 8 40/1000 1 UNC 5.118/130 44 7.086/180 44
1) ASME B16.47 series B class 150

Table 4. Stud bolt dimensions, ISO flanges (mm)

LW_ LW6L, ISO PN 20 flange LW5M, ISO PN 50 flange
DN Thread L Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty
80 M16 140 4 M20 160 8 Stud bolts pass the body
100 M16 150 8 M20 170 8 in the neck area (length L)
125 M20 160 8 - - - - -
150 M20 160 8 M20 190 12 Stud bolts pass the body
200 M20 170 8 M24 220 12 in the neck area (length L)
250 M24 190 12 M27 250 14 100 4
300 M24 200 12 M30 270 12 120 8
350 M27 230 12 M30 280 16 120 8
400 M27 250 16 M33 330 16 140 8
LW6L, ISO PN 20 flange LW5M, ISO PN 50 flange
Thread L Qty L1 Qty Thread L Qty L1 Qty
450 M30 290 16 M33 380 20 160 8
500 M30 320 16 140 8 M33 400 20 170 8
600 M33 360 16 150 8 M39 440 20 185 8

LG_ LG6L, ISO PN 20 flange LG5M, ISO PN 50 flange

DN Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4 Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4
80 M16 60 4 80 4 16 M20 70 8 90 8 16
100 M16 65 8 85 8 19 M20 75 8 95 8 19
125 M20 70 8 90 8 20 - - - - - -
150 M20 70 8 90 8 20 M20 90 12 100 12 25
200 M20 75 8 95 8 23 M24 110 12 110 12 34
250 M24 85 12 105 12 26 M27 125 16 125 16 42
300 M24 90 12 110 12 30 M30 135 16 135 16 45
350 M27 105 16 125 16 35 M30 140 20 140 20 56
400 M27 115 16 135 16 38 M33 160 20 170 20 61

LG6L, ISO PN 20 flange LG5M, ISO PN 50 flange

Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4 Thread L2 Qty L3 Qty L4
450 M30 135 16 155 16 47 M33 160 24 170 24 70.5
500 M30 135 20 155 20 54 M33 165 24 175 24 73
600 M33 150 20 175 20 63 M39 185 24 205 24 78

When mounting the valve it must be in a closed position 4 COMMISSIONING

and be carefully centred between the pipe flanges so that Ensure that no dirt or foreign objects are left inside the
the turning disc does not touch the pipe edge or flange valve or pipeline. Flush the pipeline carefully. Keep the
gaskets. valve 30-40° open during flushing.
Use caution when installing valve with Spring-to-open When starting up the pump, ensure that the valve in the
actuator. Valve must be in closed position during installa- pipeline is closed or, at the very most, 20° open.
tion if the disc exceeds the Face-to-face length. Energy sup- A waterhammer, which follows the start-up of high-capac-
ply for the actuator must be safely fastened and it cannot ity pumps, creates a torque peak in the disc. This can dam-
suffer damage or break off during the installation. age the pin connection between disc and shaft when the
In case of sudden shutdown of the energy supply the valve valve is 30-90° open.
will open unexpectedly due to pre-stressed spring package. The packing construction is live loaded. So tightening the
This may cause significant harm to people and material packing screws during service is not necessary.
around the valve.
In valves with certain nominal sizes some flange bolts do 5 MAINTENANCE
not pass the valve body. The valve body is thus equipped
with holes, see Fig. 2 and Tables 2...4.
Observe the safety precautions mentioned in
Ensure that the disc can turn to the open position after pre-
Section 1.8 before maintenance!
liminary tightening of the flange bolts. The actuators of
control valves can be equipped with position stops which CAUTION:
usually only allow the disc to open 80°. When handling the valve or the valve package as a
Lenght of stud bolts in Table 2 are based on: whole, bear in mind the weight of the valve or the
 gasket thickness of 1.5 mm entire package.
 heavy nuts with washers
 flange thickness of weldneck flanges per DIN or ISO CAUTION:
For safety reasons the retaining plates MUST
3.2.1 Valve insulation always be installed according to Section 5.3.
If necessary, the valve may be insulated. Insulation must not
5.1 General
continue above the upper level of the valve body, see Figure 9.
Although Metso’s Neles valves are designed to work under
severe conditions, proper preventative maintenancecan sig-
nificantly help to prevent unplanned downtime and in real
terms reduce the total cost of ownership. Metso recom-
Insulation limit mends inspecting the valves at least every five (5) years. The
inspection and maintenance interval depends on the actual
application and process condition. The inspection and main-
tenance intervals can be specified together with your local
Metso experts. During this periodic inspection the parts
detailed in the Spare Part Set should be replaced. Time in
storage should be included in the inspection interval.
Maintenance can be performed as presented below. For main-
tenance assistance, please contact your local Metso office. The
part numbers in the text refer to the exploded view and to the
Fig. 9 Insulation of the valve
parts list in Section 9, unless otherwise stated.
3.3 Actuator NOTE:
When installing the actuator on the valve, make sure that When sending goods to the manufacturer for repair, do
not disassemble them. Clean the valve carefully and flush
the valve package functions properly. See instructions for
the valve internals.
installing in Section 6.
Observe the space needed for removal of the actuator. For safety reasons, inform the manufacturer of the type of
medium used in the valve (include material safety data-
The upright position is recommended for the actuator cyl-
sheets (MSDS).
The actuator must not touch the pipeline, because pipeline NOTE:
vibration may damage it or interfere with its operation. In order to ensure safe and effective operation, always use
In some cases, e.g. when a large-size actuator is used or original spare parts to make sure that the valve functions
when the pipeline vibrates heavily, supporting the actuator as intended.
is recommended.
Please contact Metso’s Automation business for further NOTE:
information. For safety reasons, replace pressure retaining bolting if the
threads are damaged, have been heated, stretched or cor-

5.2 Removing the valve from the pipeline  Pre-compress the gland packing by tightening the
nuts with a tool until the disc springs have value of
CAUTION: compression (h1–h2) as in Table 5.
Do not dismantle the valve or remove it from the pipe-  Carry out 3…5 operation cycles with the valve. Suita-
line while the valve is pressurized! ble range of movement is about 80 %.
It is generally most convenient to detach the actuator and It is not necessary to fully close or open the valve
during the operation.
its auxiliary devices (see Section 6), before removing the
 Unfasten the nuts and disc springs.
valve from the pipeline. If the valve package is small or diffi-
 Measure the height h1 of the disc springs and use
cult to access, it may be more practical to remove the entire
these values as a basis when defining the final
package at the same time. height of the springs (as compressed condition).
Ensure that the valve is not pressurized and the pipeline is  Re-install the disc springs and tighten the nuts with
empty. Ensure that the medium cannot flow into the sec- the tool. Tighten the nuts until the set value of com-
tion where servicing is to take place. The valve must be in a pression (h1–h2) of disc springs is achieved, see
closed position when removing. Table 5.
Support the valve carefully with a hoist. Place ropes carefully Table 5. Tightening of gland packing
and unscrew the pipe flange bolts. Ensure that the ropes are
LW6L, LW8M, Spring Thread Compression (h1–
positioned correctly. Lift valve correctly (see Fig. 3). LG6L, LG8M, set dia h2), mm
LW7L, LW5M, Packing ring
LG7L LG5M material
5.3 Replacing the gland packing
DN DN mm M Graphite PTFE
Do not dismantle the valve or remove it from the pipe- 80 80 20 M8 2.0 1.0
100, 125, 150 100, 125 20 M8 2.5 1.5
line while the valve is pressurized!
200 150 25 M10 2.5 1.5
PTFE V-rings are used as a standard gland packing and 250 25 M10 3.0 1.5
graphite rings for high temperature constructions. The 300 200 25 M10 3.0 2.0
350 25 M10 3.0 2.0
packing construction is live loaded as standard.
400 250 35.5 M14 4.0 3.0
The gland packing (20) must be changed if leakage occurs
300 35.5 M14 4.5 3.0
even after the hex nuts (25) have been tightened as recom- 350, 400 35.5 M14 4.5 3.0
mended. 450 35.5 M14 4.5 2.5
 Make sure the valve is not pressurized. 500 35.5 M14 4.5 3.0
 Unfasten the nuts (25) and remove the disc spring 600 450, 500 40 M16 5.0 3.0
(TA-Luft) sets (43), the retaining plates (42) and the 600 40 M16 5.5 3.5
gland (9). LW8CB, --- Spring Thread Compression (h1–
 Remove old packing rings (20). Do not damage the sur- LG8CB set dia h2), mm
faces of the packing ring counterbore and shaft. It is not Packing ring
necessary to change anti-extrusion ring (22).
DN DN mm M Graphite PTFE
 Clean the gland packing and packing ring counter- + PTFE
bore. Install new set of packings (V-ring or graphite). 700 -- 40 M18 5.0 3.0
Slip the rings onto the shaft. Ensure that there are no 750 -- 40 M18 5.0 3.0
burrs in the keyway groove which could damage the 800 -- 40 M18 5.,5 3.5
packing. 900 -- 50 M20 6.0 4.0
 Install the gland. 1000 -- 50 M20 6.5 4.0
 Mount the retaining plates with the text UPSIDE on
top (see Fig. 10).

h2 h 1

stud (24)
hexagon nut (25)
disc spring set (44)
packing (20) retainer plate (42)
V-ring set or gland (9)
graphite packing
anti-extrusion ring (22)

Fig. 11. Gland packing

Fig. 10. Mounting the retaining plate  If the leakage still occurs when the valve is pressur-
ized, re-tighten the nuts but don't exceed the values
 Mount the disc spring sets.
in the Table 5 by 50 % or do not fully compress the
 Place the nuts on the studs.
disc springs.

5.4 Valve leakage  Check also the condition of the disc. A damaged disc
must be changed (see Section 5.6).
Valve leakage is not always caused by a damaged seat ring
 Check the condition of the pin connection. Repair it
or disc. The reason can also be that the disc is not in the if necessary (see Section 5.6).
closed position.  Mount a new, self-adhesive body seal (19) into the
 Check the position of the actuator relative to the body. The surface must be clean and free of grease.
valve. The screws may be loose or the bracket dam- Handle the ends of the seal according to Fig. 13.
aged.  Spray a thin layer of dry lubricating fluid, e.g.
 Check the adjustment in the closed position (see Molykote 321R or equivalent, into the seat groove,
Section 6.4). surfaces of the clamp ring and seat ring.
The marking line parallel to the disc on the valve shaft head  Centre the seat ring (4) carefully into its groove and turn
shows roughly the closed position of the disc (see Fig. 12). the disc to maintain light contact with the seat.
Pressure shocks can cause loosening of the pin connection  Mount the clamp ring and tighten the screws (27)
between disc and shaft; consequently the shaft moves lightly.
while the disc remains in place and this prevents full closing  Turn the disc slightly open and pull it back to set the
of the disc. seat into the proper position.
If the reason for the leakage does not become apparent  Tighten the screws (27) crosswise and evenly. Recom-
after doing the above, the valve must be disassembled for mended torque values for screws are listed in Table 6.
An unevenly tightened flange may damage the seat
replacing the parts.
ring. The screw heads must be below the flange sur-
face in lug type valves.
Table 6. Clamp ring/blind flange screw torque, Nm +/- 10 %.
Screw mm/(UNC) Clamp ring Blind flange
M6, 1/4 14 11
M8, 5/16 19 15
M10, 3/8 38 29
M12, 1/2 66 51
M14, 5/8 100 90
M16, 5/8 160 123
M20, 3/4 310 240
closed M24, 1 540 416
M30, 1 1/8 900 600
Fig. 12. Open and closed positions of the valve
 Check the position between the seat ring and the
disc. The valve closes clockwise (see Fig. 12).
5.5 Replacing the seat ring  Mount the actuator into the valve. Adjust the closed
CAUTION: position limit and check the open position limit (see
Do not dismantle the valve or remove it from the pipe- Section 6.4).
line while the valve is pressurized!
5.6 Replacing the disc, shafts and bearings
 Ensure that the valve is not pressurized.
 Remove the valve from the pipeline. The valve must 5.6.1 Disassembling the valve
be in a closed position during removal. The pin connection of the disc must be opened by drilling for
Follow the lifting methods shown in Section 3.
changing the disc (3), shafts (11, 12) and bearings (15, 16).
 Remove the clamp ring (2) by untightening the
 Remove the valve from the pipeline and the actuator
screws (27).
from the valve.
 Remove the old body seal (19) and the seat ring (4).
 Remove the clamp ring (2) and seat ring (4) accord-
Change the seat ring if it is damaged.
ing to section 5.4.
 Clean all the surfaces of the seats and check the sur-
 Set the valve horizontally on a sturdy surface so that
face of the seat ring.
the flat side of the disc lays against the surface (see
Fig. 14).

Fig. 13. Mounting the body seal Fig. 14. Drilling the pins

 Drill the holes carefully to the centre of the pins (14).

Choose a drill 0.2-0.5 mm smaller than the diameter
of the pin.
 Drill the holes deep, but not enough to reach the
 Pull the pins out.
 Dismantle the gland packing including anti-extrutionring
(22) and sheet ring (21) according to Section 5.3.
 Detach the screws (26) and the blind flange (10) and
remove the gasket (18).
 Place rubber strips or other protection between the
disc edge and the body and remove the shafts (see
Fig. 16. Mounting the standard bearings
Fig. 15).

Fig. 17. Mounting the metal bearings

Fig. 15. Protecting the disc during disassembly and assembly
 Remove the bearings (15, 16).
The pins must be pressed with enough force to deform them
 Clean and check all parts carefully.
so that the connection will be free from backlash.
5.7 Assembling the valve  Support the disc well in a horizontal position during
 Replace damaged parts with new ones. mounting of the pins. Push the new pins into the
 Set the disc and the shaft together beforehand. In case holes and press them in a press to final form (see Fig.
the pin holes have been damaged during removal of 18). Use a smaller tool than the pin diameter. See
the old pins the holes can be drilled to a larger pin size. Table 7 for forces.
File off any burrs from the shafts.
The bearing material of the standard construction valves is
PTFE-impregnated stainless steel net.
The bearings for the high temperature valves (N and H-con-
structions) are cobalt alloy bushings which are mounted
into the body together with the shafts.
 Mount the bearings into the body (see Fig. 16).
 High temperature-construction: Mount the bearing
into the shaft. Spray a thin layer of dry lubricating fluid,
e.g. Molykote 321R or equivalent, into the inside sur-
face of the bushing and the shaft bearing groove. Press
the bushing with a tightening ring into the shaft bear-
ing groove and fit the shaft with the bearings carefully
into the body through the tightening ring (see Fig. 17). Fig. 18. Pressing the pins
 Place the disc horizontally on a surface so that the
Table 7. Pressing the pins, forces
flat side of the disc lays against the surface. Lift the
body around the disc so that the shaft bores are Pin diameter, Force, kN Pin diameter, Force, kN
mm mm
aligned with the bores in the disc. Protect the disc
5 45 15 280
(see Fig. 15).
6 60 20 500
 Press the shafts into the disc drillings. Align the pin
8 80 25 780
holes. The shaft (11) position against the disc must
10 125 30 1125
be according to Fig. 12.
12 180
Use only pins supplied by the manufacturer!

 Install the gasket (18) and the blind flange (10). Screws of 6.3 Detaching the EC and EJ actuators
the blind flange must be tightened evenly. An unevenly
 Disconnect the actuator from its power source; detach
tightened flange will damage the seat.
the air supply pipe and control signal cables or pipes
 Install the seat ring. See details in Section 5.5.
from their connectors.
 Install the body seal (19) and the clamp ring (2). See
 First detach the positioner, or any other accessory, from
details in Section 5.5.
the actuator, and detach the coupling plate from the drive
 Install the gland packing (see Section 5.3).
shaft. Next, the bushing is loosened by turning the tight-
 Check the contact line between the seat ring and the
ening screw counter-clockwise. The tightening screw also
disc (see Fig. 12).
acts as an extractor. It is highly recommended to use a
suitable bushing from the tool set H061544 between
the tightening screw (I) and drive shaft. The bushing
dimensions are given in Table 8.
6.1 General  Detach the actuator finally from the valve after the
screws that attach the actuator to the valve have been
CAUTION: removed.
When handling the valve or the valve package, bear in
mind its weight!

The actuator must not be removed from the valve in a
pipeline under pressure as result of dynamic torque!

Do not detach a spring-return actuator unless a stop-
screw is carrying the spring force!

Do not turn the disc more than 90° as this could damage
the seat. The valve is so constructed that the disc operates
Fig. 20. Detaching the EC/EJ actuator
only between 0-90°.
Table 8. Bushing dimensions
Before dismantling, carefully observe the position of the Outer dim. Inner dim. Height
(mm) (mm) (mm)
valve with respect to the actuator and positioner/limit
EC/EJ05 24.5 12.5 15
switch so as to ensure that the package can be properly EC/EJ07 24.5 16.5 32.75
reassembled. EC/EJ10 24.5 20.5 45
The actuator is factory-mounted on the valve and the EC/EJ12
stroke limit stop screws are adjusted in advance.
6.4 Installing the B1 series actuator
6.2 Detaching the B1 series actuators  Turn the valve to the closed position before mount-
 Disconnect the actuator from its power source; detach ing the actuator.
the air supply pipe and control signal cables or pipes  Clean the shaft and the shaft bore and file off any
from their connectors. burrs which could interfere with mounting. Protect
 Unscrew the bracket screws. the joint surfaces from corrosion, e.g. with Cortec VCI
 Detach the actuator using a suitable extractor. The 369.
correct tool can be ordered from the manufacturer  If a bushing is required between the actuator shaft
(see Fig. 19). bore and the valve shaft, mount it first in the actua-
 Remove the bracket and coupling, if any. tor shaft bore.
 The valve keyway is on the side opposite the flat side
of the disc. The actuator shaft bore has two keyways
set 90° apart.
 For double-acting cylinder actuator, B1C, and spring-
return cylinder actuator, B1J (spring-to-close),
choose the keyway which establishes the piston in
its upper position (at the top end of the cylinder)
when the valve is closed.
In the spring-return cylinder actuator B1JA (spring-
to-open), choose the keyway which establishes the
piston in its lower position when the valve is open.
 Check visually that the actuator is correctly posi-
tioned relative to the valve. Tighten all the fastening
screws as tightly as possible.
Fig. 19. Pressing the pins

 Adjust the stop screws to the closed position (see

Section 6.7). DIN keyways at bushing
 The opening angle in a control valve can be limited
by a stop screw to 80°. The opening angle of a shut-
off valve is 90°.
 When a shaft extension is required, the sizing of the
shaft extension must be discussed with the valve

6.5 Installing EC and EJ actuators

The actuator is attached to a bracket via an ISO 5211 stan- ACTUATOR IN CLOSED POSITION ANSI keyways in the
dard mounting interface. The actuator is adapted to the middle of bushing
valve shaft with a separate bushing. The bushing (II + II) is a
Fig. 22. Keyway positions on the actuator
two-piece cone-shaped bushing, which is tightened firmly
with a tightening screw (I) around the valve shaft.

Stop screw for

closed position Closing pressure

Stop screw for

open position Loctite 225 or
Opening similar

Fig. 21. Actuator connections

 Mount the bushing and the tightening screw from the Fig. 23. Cone bushing installation
mounting interface side of the actuator, according to  The actuator construction allows axial movement of
Fig. 23. Insert cylindrical pins (III) in the bushing slots, the drive shaft. Check, before the screw is tightened,
these must be directed into the corresponding slots in that the drive shaft is in the upper position of its axial
the actuator during tightening. Before the installation movement, which is its normal position (the mounting
of the bushing and the tightening screw, remove impu- position shown in Fig. 23). Checking is important, as the
rities such as old threadlocking material from the actuator shaft drops down slightly when the screw is
threads of the tightening screw, and apply Loctite 243 tightened. The drive shaft axial movement can be
or similar threadlock carefully to the threads, as shown observed and measured before attachment to a valve.
in Fig. 23. Turn the tightening screw from inside the The actuator drive shaft is in the upper position when
actuator shaft using a suitable hex key, Fig. 23. its upper surface conforms to Table 9 (see Fig. 23).
 Prior to installation, the correct shaft position of the  The drive shaft will automatically find its correct posi-
valve has to be checked. In the key-type bushing there tion when the tightening screw is tightened, if the
are four keyways, two of which are intended for valves installation tool is used (see Figure 23). The installation
with DIN key and two for valve shafts with ANSI key. tool is attached instead of the coupling plate using M4
The DIN keyway is located in the split between the screws with the drive shaft in upper position (before
bushing halves, and the ANSI keyway is located in the the valve is installed). Tighten the screws in such a way
middle of the half bushing. Fig. 22 shows the keyway that the tool is tightened against the upper surface of
position when the actuator is in a closed position. the housing.
 The open or closed positions of the actuator can be  Install the actuator on the valve and attach the attach-
identified either by using compressed air, see Fig. 20, or ment screws normally. Finally, tighten the tightening
by checking the position of the pointer at the end of screw according to Table 9. The required torque is also
the drive shaft. The actuator is closed if the pointer on marked on a plate close to the drive shaft on the actua-
the coupling plate is transverse to the direction of the tor housing. The installation tool is removed, and the
actuator’s main shaft. coupling plate is reattached. The valve may malfunc-
 In the bushing having blade head connection checking tion if the tightening of the connection has been
the right position is more simple. Use the pointer in the carried out improperly.
end of the drive shaft to see the correct position.  Finally, the extreme positions of the valve are adjusted
 Mount the actuator to the valve bracket with four with the stop screws at the ends of the actuator. The
screws. The tightening screw of the bushing should be location of the screws for adjusting the Close and Open
loosened before mounting, to allow the shaft to fit eas- positions of the valve are marked with letters on the
ily into the actuator. ends of the actuator housing (see Figure 21).

6.7.3 Changing the mounting position

Installation tool CAUTION:
The actuator must not be removed from the valve in a
pipeline under pressure as result of dynamic torque!
Always remove the actuator from the valve shaft before
mounting it into another key groove. Readjust the closed
position limit as instructed.
If manually operated, the valve should close when the
handwheel is turned clockwise. In a double-action cylinder,
the piston must be in the upper position of the cylinder
when the valve is closed. In this position the actuator cre-
ates maximum torque. Do not turn the disc more than 90°
Fig. 24. Tightening of the cone bushing
as this could damage the seat.
Table 9. Mounting faces, tightening screws and drive shaft
Size Mounting Thread Key Nm ~X ~X
upper pos. lower pos.
(mm) (mm)
EC/EJ05 F05 M12 6 25 4.0 1
EC/EJ07 F07 M16 8 50 1.5 -2
EC/EJ10 F10 M20 10 100 2.5 -2
EC/EJ12 F12 M24 14 200 3.5 -2
EC/EJ14 F14 M36 19 700 4.5 -2

6.6 Detaching and installing other

actuator types
See actuator’s manual for details.
Fig. 25. Changing the mounting position
6.7 Stop screw adjustment
6.7.4 Double-acting cylinder actuator B1C
6.7.1 General
 Apply the tabulated shut-off pressure Pc to the air connec-
Close the metal seated triple eccentric disc valve by turning
tion at the cylinder base.
the disc with a torque against the seat. Choose the torque  With the stop screw removed, check through the air
from Tables 11 and 12 for adjusting the stop screw to the connection hole that the piston does not touch the
closed position of the actuator. Try not to exceed the given cylinder end. If it does, loosen the bracket screws
values since excessive torque would strain the seat and the and turn the actuator clockwise to increase the
joint between the disc and the shaft. Always readjust the adjusting margin.
stop screw after changing the seat and after mounting the  Turn the closed position stop screw until it touches
actuator. the piston, then turn back 1/4 turn and lock up. An
O-ring is used for leakproofing the stop screw.
6.7.2 Actuators other than tabulated  An extra long screw is needed for opening angles
< 80°.
Close the valve as per the tabulated torque Mc and adjust
the stops accordingly. Note the increased torque created by
the actuator while the valve is closed. Stop screw for the
closed position
Metso accepts no responsibility for compatibility of actuators
not installed by Metso.

Stop screw for the

open position

Fig. 26. Cylinder actuator, series B1C


6.7.5 Double-acting diaphragm actuator EC Stop screw for the

closed position
Follow instructions given in Section 6.7.4. See also Fig. 21.

6.7.6 Spring-return cylinder actuator B1J

 Before mounting the cylinder, screw in the closed
position stop screw completely.
Stop screw for the
 The table indicates *) spring when the spring-cre- open position
ated torque does not exceed the maximum permit-
ted closing torque Mc. Otherwise, apply the Fig. 28. Cylinder actuator, series B1JA
tabulated pressure Pc into the air connection at the
cylinder end against the spring force. The stop
screw must not be removed when the cylinder is
pressurized! Open the stop screw until it does not
touch the piston.
 Turn the closed position stop screw until it touches
the piston, then turn back 1/4 turn and lock up. An
O-ring is used for leakproofing the stop screw.
 After adjusting, check the adjusting margin through
the air connection hole. The piston must not touch
the cylinder end. If necessary, increase the margin by
loosening the bracket screws and turning the actua-
tor clockwise.
 An extra long screw is needed for opening angles
< 80°.

Stop screw for the

closed position

Stop screw for the

open position

Fig. 27. Cylinder actuator, series B1J

6.7.7 Spring-return cylinder actuator B1JA

 The actuator being unpressurized the valve is open.
Unscrew the close limit stop screw (actuator housing).
Apply tabulated shut-off pressure Pc to the air connec-
tion at the cylinder bottom end against the spring force
to close the valve.
 Check through the stop screw hole that the piston rod
does not touch the cylinder top end. If it does, loosen
the bracket screws and turn the actuator clockwise to
increase the adjusting margin.
 Turn the closed position stop screw until it touches the
piston, then turn back 1/4 turn and lock up. An O-ring is
used for leakproofing the stop screw.
 An extra long screw is needed for opening angles
< 80°.

6.7.8 Spring-return diaphragm actuator EJ 6.7.11 Electric operator

"Spring-to-close" Instructions for adjustment are given in a separate leaflet,
Follow instructions given in Section 6.7.6. See also Fig. 21. code D304568, which is available from the manufacturer.
Follow instructions given in Section 6.7.7. See also Fig. 21.

6.7.9 M-series operator

 Close the valve as per the tabulated primary torque
M1 (handwheel torque) given in Tables 11 and 12.
 Tighten the closed position stop screw until it
touches the linkage, then turn back 1/4 turn and lock
up with Loctite 225.

Stop screw for the

open position Fig. 31. Electric operator

No special tools are needed for servicing the valve. How-
ever, we recommend an extractor tool (ID-code table in
actuator's IMO) for removing the actuator from the valve.
Stop screw for the The tool can be ordered from the manufacturer.
closed position
Fig. 29. Actuator, series M
When ordering spare parts, always include the following
6.7.10 Hand lever RH
 type code, sales order number, serial number
 Mount the hand lever on the valve, but do not fasten (stamped on a valve body)
hex screws (A). Turn the lever using force F in Table 10.  number of the parts list, part number, name of the
 When closing torque is applied, turn the housing (B) part and quantity required
cog of the closing limit to contact with the lever arm. This information can be found from the identification plate
Fasten hex screws (A). or documents.

Fig. 30. Hand lever, series RH

Table 10. Hand lever RH, adjustment values

Size L L1 Torque Force
DN mm mm Nm Lbf ft N Lbf
80 400 350 40 30 115 26
100 400 350 70 52 200 45
125 400 350 100 74 285 63
150 500 450 135 100 300 67

Table 11. Series LW6L, LW7L, LG6L and LG7L,

closing torques
Mc Mc BC ja BJ BC pc BJ pc BJA **) pc BJK pc BJKA **) pc BJV pc BJVA **) pc
DN / SIZE (Nm) (lbf ft) SIZE (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi)
6 2,5 36 0,1 1,45 3,8 55 *)spring 3,3 48 0,5 7,251887 4,5 65
3" 45 33 8 2,1 30 0,7 10 3,3 48 0,3 4 2,8 41 1,1 16 4 58
10 1,6 23 1,1 16 2,8 41 0,7 10 2,2 32 1,6 23 3,4 49
6 4,1 59 *)spring 4,7 68 *)spring *)spring *)spring 5,4 78
8 3,4 49 0,2 3 3,8 55 *)spring 3,3 48 0,6 9 4,6 68
4" 75 55 9 2,1 30
10 1,9 28 0,9 13 3,1 45 0,5 7 2,6 38 1,4 20 3,7 54
11 1,1 16
6 6 87
8 5 72 *)spring 4,5 65 3,8 55 *)spring 5,3 77
125 9 3 43
5" 110 80
10 2,4 35 0,6 9 3,4 49 0,2 3 2,9 42 1,1 16 4 58
11 1,5 22
12 1,3 19 1,1 16 3 43 0,7 10 2,2 32 1,6 23 3,7 54
6 8,2 119
9 4,1 59
150 110 10 3,3 48 0,2 3 3,8 55 *)spring 3,2 46 0,8 12 4,3 62
11 2,1 30
12 1,6 23 0,9 13 3,1 45 0,5 7 2,6 38 1,5 22 3,9 57
10 6,5 94 *)spring 5 72 4,4 64 *)spring 5,6 81
11 4,2 61
200 300 220
8" 12 3,3 48 0,2 3 3,8 55 *)spring 3,2 46 0,8 12 4,6 68
13 2,1 30
16 1,6 23 0,9 13 3,1 45 0,5 7 2,6 38 1,3 19 3,8 55
12 5,5 80 *)spring 4,6 67 4 58 *)spring 5,5 80
250 13 3,5 51
500 370
10" 16 2,8 41 0,5 7 3,6 52 0 3 43 1 14 4,3 62
17 1,8 26
13 5,8 84
300 16 4,5 65 *)spring 4,2 61 3,6 52 0,3 4 5 73
825 610
12" 17 3 43
20 2,3 33 0,6 9 3,4 49 0,2 3 2,8 41 1,1 16 3,9 57
16 6,4 93 *)spring 4,9 71 4,3 62 *)spring 5,7 83
350 17 4,2 61
1160 860
14" 20 3,3 48 0,3 4 3,7 54 *)spring 3,1 45 0,8 12 4,2 61
25 1,7 25 0,9 13 3,1 45 0,5 7 2,6 38 1,4 20 3,6 52
16 9,5 138 5,9 86 5,2 75 *)spring 6,8 99
400 17 6 87
1650 1220
16" 20 4,7 68 *)spring 4,2 61 3,6 52 0,3 4 4,7 68
25 2,4 35 0,6 9 3,4 49 0,2 3 2,8 41 1,1 16 3,9 57
20 6,3 91 *)spring 4,8 70 4,2 61 *)spring 5,3 77
2200 1620 25 3,2 46 0,4 6 3,7 54 *)spring 3,1 45 0,9 13 4,2 61
32 1,6 23 0,9 13 3,1 45 0,5 7 2,5 36 1,4 20 3,7 54
500 25 3,9 57 0,1 1,45 3,9 57 *)spring 3,3 48 0,6 9 4,4 64
2700 1990
20" 32 1,9 28 0,8 12 0,4 6 2,7 39 1,3 19 3,8 55
600 25 6,4 93 *)spring 4,8 70 4,2 61 *)spring 5,3 77
4400 3240
24" 32 3,2 46 0,4 6 3,7 54 *)spring 3,1 45 0,8 12 4,3 62
*) spring = spring torque not adequete to reach tightness according to ISO 5208 Rate D, BS 6755 Part 1 Rate D, ANSI/FCI 70.2 Class V, IEC 534-4 or MSS-SP72/1970
**) Adjust the supply pressure regulator to the pressure below. Do not exceed given value.

Table 12. Series LW8M, LG8M, LW5M and LG5M,

closing torques
L8M, BC and
Mc Mc BC pc BJ pc BJA **) pc BJK pc BJKA **) pc BJV pc BJVA **) pc
DN/SIZE (Nm) (lbf ft) SIZE (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi)
6 2,5 36 0,1 1,45 3,8 55,1 *)spring 3,3 48 0,5 7,2 4,5 65
3" 45 33 8 2,1 30 0,7 10 3,3 48 0,3 4 2,8 41 1,1 16 4 58
10 1,6 23 1,1 16 2,8 41 0,7 10 2,2 32 1,6 23 3,4 49
6 4,1 59 *)spring 4,7 68,2 *)spring *)spring *)spring 5,4 78
8 3,4 49 0,2 3 3,8 55 *)spring 3,3 48 0,6 9 4,6 68
75 55 9 2,1 30
10 1,9 28 0,9 13 3,1 45 0,5 7 2,6 38 1,4 20 3,7 54
11 1,1 16
6 6 87
8 5 72 *)spring 4,5 65 3,8 55 *)spring 5,3 77
125 9 3 43
110 80
5" 10 2,4 35 0,6 9 3,4 49 0,2 3 2,9 42 1,1 16 4 58
11 1,5 22
12 1,3 19 1,1 16 3 43 0,7 10 2,2 32 1,6 23 3,7 54
10 5 72 *)spring 4,4 64 3,8 55 0,1 1 5 73
11 3,2 46
230 170 12 2,5 36 0,5 7 3,5 51 0,1 1 2,9 42 1,1 16 4,3 62
13 1,6 23
16 1,3 19 0,9 13 3 43 0,6 9 2,3 33 1,5 22 3,7 54
11 6,4 93
12 5 72 *)spring 4,4 64 3,8 55 0,1 1 5,3 77
200 13 3,2 46
460 340
8" 16 2,5 36 0,5 7 3,5 51 0,1 1 2,9 42 1 14 4,2 61
17 1,7 25
20 1,4 20 1 14 2,9 42 0,6 9 2,3 33 1,5 22 3,5 51
13 5,6 81
250 16 4,4 64 *)spring 4,2 61 3,6 52 0,4 6 4,9 71
10" 800 590
17 2,9 42
20 2,3 33 0,7 10 3,3 48 0,3 4 2,8 41 1,2 17 3,8 55
17 4,6 67
300 20 3,6 52 0,2 3 3,8 55 *)spring 3,2 46 0,7 10 4,3 62
1250 920
12" 25 1,8 26 0,8 12 3,2 46 0,4 6 2,6 38 1,3 19 3,7 54
32 1 15
17 6,4 93
350 20 5 72 *)spring 4,3 62 3,7 54 0,2 3 4,8 70
1750 1290
14" 25 2,6 38 0,6 9 3,4 49 0,2 3 2,9 42 1,1 16 3,9 57
32 1,3 19 1 14 2,9 42 0,6 9 2,3 33 1,5 22 3,6 52
25 3,6 52 0,2 3 3,8 55 *)spring 3,2 46 0,7 10 4,3 62
16" 2500 1840 32 1,8 26 0,8 12 3,2 46 0,4 6 2,5 36 1,3 19 3,8 55
40 0,9 13
25 4,9 71 *)spring 4,3 62 3,7 54 0,2 3 4,8 70
450 32 2,4 35 0,6 9 3,4 49 0,2 3 2,8 41 1,1 16 4 58
3400 2510
18" 322 1 15 2,9 42 0,6 9 2,2 32 1,5 22 3,4 49
40 1,2 17
25 5,2 75 *)spring 4,2 61 *)spring 3,6 52 *)spring 4,7 68
500 32 2,6 38 0,6 9 3,4 49 *)spring 2,7 39 1 15 3,9 57
20" 3400 2510
322 1 15 3 44 0,6 9 2,3 33 1,4 20 3,5 51
40 1,3 19
32 3,1 45 0,4 6 3,6 52 *)spring 2,9 42 0,8 12 4,1 59
600 40 1,5 22
4100 3020
24" 322 0,9 13 3,1 45 0,5 7 2,4 35 1,4 20 3,5 51
50 0,8 12

Mc BC ja BJ BC pc BJ pc BJA **) pc BJK pc BJKA **) pc BJV pc BJVA **) pc

(Nm) (lbf ft) SIZE (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi)
25 6,7 97 *)spring 4,8 70 4,2 61 *)spring 5,3 77
4400 3240 32 3,3 48 0,4 6 3,7 54 *)spring 3,1 45 0,8 12 4,3 62
40 1,6 23
32 4,9 71 *)spring 4,2 61 3,6 52 0,3 4 4,8 70
750 322 0,6 9 0,2 3
6500 4790
30" 40 2,4 35
50 1,2 17
32 6,1 88 4,6 67 4 58 *)spring 5,2 75
800 322 0,5 7 *)spring
8000 5900
32" 40 2,9 42
50 1,5 22
322 0,3 4 *)spring
9400 6930 40 3,5 51
50 1,8 26
322 *)spring
12600 9290 40 4,6 67
50 2,4 35
*) spring = spring torque not adequete to reach tightness according to ISO 5208 Rate D, BS 6755 Part 1 Rate D, ANSI/FCI 70.2 Class V, IEC 534-4 or MSS-SP72/1970
**) Adjust the supply pressure regulator to the pressure below. Do not exceed given value.

Manual Input torque M1

operator (Nm) (lbf ft)
700 M16 166 122
28" 190 140
750 M25 244 180

800 M25 103 76




LW7, LW6 Mc Mc Q-P spring close **) spring open Manual Input torque M1
DN / SIZE (Nm) (lbf ft) actuator (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) operator (Nm) (lbf ft)
80 45 33 QP2C 0,6 9 3,6 52 M07 4 3
QP3C 1,1 16 3,2 46
100 75 55 QP2C 4,3 62 M07 7 5
QP3C 0,8 12 3,5 51
125 110 80 QP3C 0,3 4 3,9 57 M07 10 7
QP4C 1 14 3,3 48
150 150 110 QP3C 4,3 62 M07 14 10
QP4C 0,8 12 3,5 51
200 300 220 QP4C 4,3 62 M07 26 19
QP5C 0,8 12 3,5 51 M10 27 20
250 500 370 QP5C 0,1 1 4,1 59 M10 43 32
M12 44 32
300 825 610 M12 69 51
M14 51 38
350 1160 860 M14 72 53

400 1650 1220 M14 125 92

M15 80 59
450 2200 1620 M15 107 79
M16 83 61
500 2700 1990 M16 102 75
M25 98 72
600 4400 3240 M16 166 122

L8M, L5M Mc Mc Q-P spring close **) spring open Manual Input torque M1
DN/SIZE (Nm) (lbf ft) actuator (bar) (psi) (bar) (psi) operator (Nm) (lbf ft)
80 45 33 QP2C 0,6 9 3,6 52 M07 4 3
3" QP3C 1,1 16 3,2 46
100 75 55 QP2C 4,3 62 M07 7 5
4" QP3C 0,8 12 3,5 51
125 110 80 QP3C 0,3 4 3,9 57 M07 10 7
5" QP4C 1 14 3,3 48
150 230 170 QP4C 0,3 4 3,9 57 M07 20 15
6" QPC5 1 14 3,3 48 M10 21 15
460 340 QPC5 0,3 4 3,9 57 M10 40 29
8" M12 38 28
M14 28 21
250 800 590 M14 49 36

300 1250 920 M15 61 45

12" M16 44 32
350 1750 1290 M15 85 63
14" M16 62 46
400 2500 1840 M16 94 69
16" M25 91 67
450 3400 2510 M16 128 94

500 3400 2510 M16 128 94


600 4100 3020 M16 155 114

24" M25 149 110


26a 10
18 16 1

14 3 15
12 22 20
4 24 44
14 11


Item Qty Description Spare part category

1 1 Body
2 1 Clamp ring
3 1 Disc 3
4 1 Seat ring 2
9 1 Gland
10 1 Blind flange
11 1 Drive shaft 3
12 1 Shaft 3
13 1 Key 3
14 3 Pin 3
15 1 Bearing 3
16 1 Bearing 3
18 1 Gasket 1
19 1 Body seal 1
20 1 set Gland packing 1
22 1 Anti-extrusion ring
24 2 Stud
25 2 Hexagon nut
26a Stud
26b Hexagon nut
27 Hexagon socket screw
29 1 Identification plate
42 2 Retaining plate
44 2 Disc spring set

Spare part set category 1: Recommended soft parts, always needed for the repair. Delivered as a set.
Spare part category 2: Parts for replacing of the seat
Spare part category 3: Parts for replacing of the closing element
Spares for the full overhaul: All parts from the categories 1, 2 and 3



O M DN 80 - 125


DN 350 - 600 T
DN 150 - 600

P N A1 A



DN Dimensions, mm U V Dimensions, mm Weight
Thread Thread kg
A (K1/API) A (K2)
80 18 46/48 49 128 80 168 248 70 - M10 M8 15 105 4.76 25 17.0 4
100 20 52/54 56 158 100 182 272 90 - M12 M8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 6
125 22 56/ - 64 190 135 205 295 90 - M12 M8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 9
150 23 56/57 70 212 150 227 317 110 32 M12 M8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 15
200 24 60/64 71 268 160 257 347 110 32 M12 M10 25 135 6.35 46 27.8 20
250 29 68/71 76 320 210 290 400 130 32 M12 M10 30 160 6.35 51 32.9 30
300 32 78/81 83 378 275 320 430 130 32 M12 M10 35 160 9.52 58 39.1 45
350 36 92/92 92 438 290 355 475 160 40 M16 M10 40 188 9.52 68 44.2 70
400 44 102/102 102 485 320 405 525 160 40 M16 M14 45 200 12.7 80 50.4 95
450 47 114/114 114 532 375 380 520 160 55 M20 M14 50 230 12.7 90 55.5 130
500 56 127/127 127 585 415 440 580 160 55 M20 M14 55 230 12.7 90 60.6 175
600 72 154/154 154 685 465 505 685 230 90 M20 M14 70 300 19.05 119 78.15 305


O M DN 80 - 125


DN 250 - 400 T
DN 150 - 600

P N A1 A



DN Dimensions, mm U V Dimensions, mm Weight
Thread Thread kg
A (K3) A (API)
80 18 64 48 128 80 168 248 70 - M10 M8 15 105 4.76 25 17.0 4
100 20 64 54 158 100 182 272 90 - M12 M8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 6
125 20 70 56 158 100 182 272 90 - M12 M8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 6
150 27 76 59 218 145 232 322 110 32 M12 M10 25 135 6.35 46 27.8 20
200 34 89 73 276 205 274 384 130 32 M12 M10 35 165 9.52 58 39.1 38
250 41 114 83 335 260 320 440 160 40 M16 M14 45 200 12.7 80 50.4 60
300 46 114 92 395 300 360 500 160 55 M20 M14 50 230 12.7 90 55.5 85
350 57 127 117 450 330 400 540 160 55 M20 M14 55 230 12.7 90 60.6 105
400 66 140 133 505 370 440 580 160 55 M20 M14 55 230 12.7 90 60.6 125
450 72 152 149 554 410 415 595 230 90 M24 M16 70 299 19.05 119 78.25 225
500 73 152 159 610 445 440 620 230 90 M24 M16 70 298 19.05 119 78.25 255
600 83 178 181 700 5204 500 680 230 90 M24 M16 85 326 22.225 146 94.625 405

LW8CB A1 LW8CB Weight
NPS/DN A(K3) ØB C E K S T U V O R M N P kg
28/700 115 229 - 762 510 505 685 230 90 M24 M16 70 399 19,05 119 78,2 360
30/750 102 229 - 813 530 575 755 230 90 M24 M16 85 326 22,23 146 94,6 470
32/800 102 241 - 864 615 600 780 230 90 M24 M16 85 326 22,23 146 94,6 540
36/900 107 241 - 972 655 630 850 330 120 M30 M24 95 376 22,23 156 104,8 730
40/1000 135 300 - 1080 745 724 944 330 120 M30 M24 105 400 25,4 180 116,1 1030


DN 80 - 125


DN 150 - 600

P N A1 A


DN Dimensions, mm U V Flange drillings Dimensions, mm Weight
Thread Thread kg
A (K1/API) A (K2)
Thread Qty Thread Qty Thread Qty Thread Qty
80 17 46/48 49 205 120 168 248 70 - M10 M8 M16 8 M16 8 M16 8 M16 4 15 105 4.76 25 17.0 9
100 21 52/54 56 235 135 182 272 90 - M12 M8 M16 8 M16 8 M20 8 M16 8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 14
150 22 56/57 70 300 160 227 317 110 32 M12 M8 M20 8 M20 8 M24 8 M20 8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 24
200 25 60/64 71 360 185 257 347 110 32 M12 M10 M20 8 M20 12 M24 12 M20 8 25 135 6.35 46 27.8 34
250 28 68/71 76 425 220 290 400 130 32 M12 M10 M20 12 M24 12 M27 12 M24 12 30 160 6.35 51 32.9 43
300 32 78/81 83 485 275 320 430 130 32 M12 M10 M20 12 M24 12 M27 16 M24 12 35 160 9.52 58 39.1 75
350 36 92/92 92 555 310 355 475 160 40 M16 M10 M20 16 M24 16 M30 16 M27 16 40 188 9.52 68 44.2 95
400 41 102/102 102 610 340 405 525 160 40 M16 M14 M24 16 M27 16 M33 16 M27 16 45 200 12.7 80 50.4 150
450 49 114/114 114 640 370 380 520 160 55 M20 M14 M24 20 M27 20 - - M30 16 50 230 12.7 90 55.5 205
500 56 127/127 127 730 415 440 580 160 55 M20 M14 M24 20 M30 20 M33 20 M30 20 55 230 12.7 90 60.6 297
600 65 154/154 154 835 465 505 685 230 90 M20 M14 M27 20 M33 20 M36 20 M33 20 70 300 19.05 119 78.15 446


DN 80 - 100

DN 150 - 600

P N A1 A


DN Dimensions, mm U V Flange drillings Dimensions, mm Weight
Thread Thread kg
A (K3) A(API)
Thread Qty Thread Qty Thread Qty
80 17 64 48 205 120 168 248 70 - M10 M8 M16 8 M16 8 M20 8 15 105 4.76 25 17.0 9
100 21 64 54 235 135 182 272 90 - M12 M8 M20 8 M20 8 M20 8 20 125 4.76 35 22.2 14
150 24 76 59 290 160 232 322 110 32 M12 M10 M24 8 M24 8 M20 12 25 135 6.35 46 27.8 25
200 34 89 73 365 205 274 384 130 32 M12 M10 M24 12 M27 12 M24 12 35 165 9.52 58 39.1 48
250 41 114 83 435 260 320 440 160 40 M16 M14 M27 12 M30 12 M27 16 45 200 12.7 80 50.4 90
300 46 114 92 500 300 360 500 160 55 M20 M14 M27 16 M30 16 M30 16 50 230 12.7 90 55.5 150
350 57 127 117 565 330 400 540 160 55 M20 M14 M30 16 M33 16 M30 20 55 230 12.7 90 60.6 200
400 62 140 133 649 370 440 580 160 55 M20 M33 M14 16 M36 16 M33 20 55 230 12.7 90 60.6 290
450 72.5 152 149 710 410 415 595 230 90 M24 M16 M33 20 M36 20 M33 24 70 299 19.05 119 78.25 382
500 75 152 159 770 445 440 620 230 90 M24 M16 M33 20 M39 20 M33 24 70 298 19.05 119 78.25 445
600 80 178 181 915 520 500 680 230 90 M24 M16 M36 20 M45x4 20 M39 24 85 326 22.225 146 94.625 725

NPS/DN A1 A(K3) ?B C E K S T U V O R M N P kg
28/700 115 229 - 835 510 505 685 230 90 M24 M16 70 399 19,05 119 78,2 550
30/750 102 229 - 885 530 575 755 230 90 M24 M16 85 326 22,23 146 94,6 590
32/800 102 241 - 940 615 600 780 230 90 M24 M16 85 326 22,23 146 94,6 600
36/900 107 241 - 1055 655 630 850 330 120 M30 M24 95 376 22,23 156 104,8 790
40/1000 135 300 - 1175 745 724 944 330 120 M30 M24 105 400 25,4 180 116,1 1150


V øZ

*) G2
*) F2


LW6LB, LW7LB + M series

VALVE DN OPERATOR/ L_6 L_7 LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm LW_L-M LG_L-M
ISO 5211 A(K1/API) A (K2) B C H B C H F1 G1 F2 *) G2 *) J V ØZ kg kg
80 M07/F07 46/48 49 128 80 390 205 120 430 196 152 - - 275 39 160 8 13
100 M07/F07 52/54 56 158 100 435 235 135 470 196 152 - - 299 39 160 10 18
125 M07/F07 56/ - 64 190 135 495 270 145 505 196 152 - - 322 39 160 13 24
150 M07/F07 56/57 70 212 150 530 300 160 540 196 152 - - 344 39 160 19 28
200 M10/F10 or M10E/F10 60/64 71 268 160 580 360 185 605 227 169 297 239 387 52 200 26 40
250 M12/F12 or M12E/F12 68/71 76 320 210 695 425 220 705 285 210 357 282 440 67 315 42 55
LW7L / LG7L 300 M12/F12 or M12E/F12 78/81 83 378 275 805 485 275 805 378 279 435 354 480 90 315 65 95
350 M14/F16 or M14E/F16 92/92 92 438 290 865 555 310 885 378 279 435 354 525 90 400 95 120
400 M16/F16 or M16E/F16 102/102 102 485 320 970 610 340 990 549 391 642 466 575 154 600 140 195
450 M15/F16 114/114 114 532 375 995 640 375 995 456 346 532 406 568 105 500 156.2 231.2
500 M15/F16 127/127 127 585 415 1095 730 415 1095 456 346 532 406 568 105 500 201.2 323.2
500 M16/F16 127/127 127 585 415 1120 730 415 1120 456 346 642 466 635 130 600 211.8 333.8
600 M25/F16 154/154 154 685 465 1310 835 465 1310 597 412 - - 744 182 600 365.8 506.8

LG8M, LG5M+ M series

VALVE DN OPERATOR L_8(K3) LW5M LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm LW_M LG_M
ISO 5211 A A (API) B C H B C H F1 G1 F2 *) G2 *) J V ØZ kg kg
80 M07/F07 64 48 128 80 390 205 120 430 196 152 - - 275 39 160 8 13
100 M07/F07 64 54 158 100 435 235 135 470 196 152 - - 299 39 160 10 18
150 M10/F10 or M10E/F10 76 59 218 145 540 290 160 555 227 169 297 239 327 52 200 26 31
200 M14/F14 or M14E/F14 87 73 278 205 670 365 205 670 378 279 435 354 414 90 400 58 68
250 M14/F16 or M14E/F16 114 83 335 260 800 435 260 800 378 279 435 354 490 90 400 80 110
LW8M / LG8M 300 M15/F16 or M15E/F16 114 92 395 300 910 500 300 910 457 331 532 406 550 123 500 120 185
LW5M / LG5M 350 M15/F16 or M15E/F16 127 117 450 330 980 565 330 980 457 331 532 406 590 123 500 140 235
400 M15/F16 or M15E/F16 140 133 505 370 1060 650 370 1060 457 331 532 406 630 123 500 160 325
450 M16/F16 152 149 554 410 1130 710 410 1130 456 346 642 466 650 130 600 261.8 418.8
450 M25/F16 152 149 554 410 1165 710 410 1165 597 412 - - 654 182 600 285.8 442.8
500 M25/F16 152 159 610 445 1225 770 445 1225 597 412 - - 679 182 600 315.8 505.8
600 M25/F16 178 181 700 520 1360 915 520 1360 597 412 - - 739 182 600 465.8 785.8





Valve DN Handlever L_6 (K1) L_7 (K2) LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm LW_L-RH LG_L-RH
A A B C H B C H J K L kg kg
80 RH415 49 49 128 80 355 205 120 395 275 100 400 5 10
LW6L / LG6L 100 RH420 52 56 158 100 410 235 135 445 310 100 400 7 15
LW7L / LG7L 125 RH420 56 64 190 135 495 270 145 505 330 100 400 11 22
150 RH520 56 70 212 150 530 300 160 540 370 130 500 17 26




1/4 NPT DN




VALVE DN ACTUATOR L_6 L_7 LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm NPT LW_L-B1C LG_L-B1C
A (K1 API) A (K2) B C H B C H F G I J V X kg kg
80 B1C9 46/48 49 128 80 445 205 120 485 450 315 220 307 43 110 1/4 20 25
100 B1C9 52/54 56 158 100 490 235 135 525 450 315 220 331 43 110 1/4 22 30
100 B1C11 52/54 56 158 100 510 235 135 545 535 375 225 337 51 135 3/8 28 36
125 B1C9 56/ - 64 190 135 550 - - - 450 315 220 351 43 110 1/4 25 38
125 B1C11 56/ - 64 190 135 570 - - - 535 375 225 360 51 135 3/8 31 44
150 B1C9 56/57 70 212 150 585 300 160 595 450 315 220 376 43 110 1/4 34 43
150 B1C11 56/57 70 212 150 605 300 160 615 535 375 225 382 51 135 3/8 40 49
150 B1C13 56/57 70 212 150 640 300 160 445 650 640 445 240 398 175 3/8 55 64
200 B1C11 60/64 71 268 160 645 360 185 670 535 375 225 412 51 135 3/8 45 59
200 B1C13 60/64 71 268 160 680 360 185 705 640 445 240 428 65 175 3/8 60 74
200 B1C17 60/64 71 268 160 715 360 185 740 785 555 255 443 78 215 1/2 83 97
250 B1C13 68/71 76 320 210 785 425 220 795 640 445 240 481 65 175 3/8 71 84
250 B1C17 68/71 76 320 210 820 425 220 830 785 555 255 496 78 215 1/2 94 107
LW7L / LG7L 300 B1C13 78/81 83 378 275 880 485 275 880 640 445 240 511 65 175 3/8 86 116
300 B1C17 78/81 83 378 275 915 485 275 915 785 555 255 526 78 215 1/2 110 140
300 B1C20 78/81 83 378 275 935 485 275 935 880 590 270 545 97 215 1/2 128 158
350 B1C17 92/92 92 438 290 975 555 310 995 785 555 255 571 78 215 1/2 135 160
350 B1C20 92/92 92 438 290 995 555 310 1015 880 590 270 590 97 215 1/2 145 180
350 B1C25 92/92 92 438 290 1040 555 310 1060 1075 725 310 613 121 265 1/2 215 240
400 B1C20 102/102 102 485 320 1075 610 340 1095 880 590 270 640 97 215 1/2 180 235
400 B1C25 102/102 102 485 320 1120 610 340 1140 1075 725 310 663 121 265 1/2 240 295
450 B1C25 114/114 114 532 370 1160 640 370 1160 1075 725 310 658 121 265 1/2 261 336
450 B1C32 114/114 114 532 370 1265 640 370 1265 1370 920 350 695 153 395 3/4 386 461
500 B1C25 127/127 127 585 415 1265 730 415 1265 1075 725 310 718 121 265 1/2 306 428
500 B1C32 127/127 127 585 415 1365 730 415 1365 1370 920 350 755 153 395 3/4 431 553
600 B1C32 154/154 154 685 465 1525 835 465 1525 1370 920 350 860 153 395 3/4 561 702
600 B1C40 154/154 154 685 465 1630 835 465 1630 1670 1150 370 910 194 505 3/4 751 892


A(K3) A (API) B C H B C H F G I J V X kg kg
80 B1C9 64 48 128 80 445 205 120 485 450 315 220 307 43 110 1/4 21 26
100 B1C9 64 54 158 100 490 235 135 525 450 315 220 331 43 110 1/4 23 31
100 B1C11 64 54 158 100 510 235 135 545 535 375 225 337 51 135 3/8 29 37
125 B1C9 70 56 190 135 550 - - - 450 315 220 354 43 110 1/4 26 -
125 B1C11 70 56 190 135 570 - - - 535 375 225 360 51 135 3/8 32 -
150 B1C9 76 59 218 145 605 290 160 620 450 315 220 387 43 110 1/4 36 41
150 B1C11 76 59 218 145 640 290 160 655 535 375 225 403 51 135 3/8 42 47
150 B1C13 76 59 218 145 675 290 160 690 640 445 240 418 65 175 3/8 58 63
200 B1C11 89 73 278 205 745 365 205 745 535 375 225 445 51 135 3/8 60 70
200 B1C13 89 73 278 205 780 365 205 780 640 445 240 460 65 175 3/8 76 86
200 B1C17 89 73 278 205 795 365 205 795 785 555 255 479 78 215 1/2 100 110
250 B1C17 114 83 335 260 910 435 260 910 785 555 255 536 78 215 1/2 120 150
LW8M / LG8M 250 B1C20 114 83 335 260 930 435 260 930 880 590 270 555 97 215 1/2 140 170
LW5M / LG5M 250 B1C25 114 83 335 260 975 435 260 975 1075 725 310 578 121 265 1/2 200 230
300 B1C20 114 92 395 300 1030 500 300 1030 880 590 270 615 97 215 1/2 230 165
300 B1C25 114 92 395 300 1075 500 300 1075 1075 725 310 638 121 265 1/2 225 290
350 B1C20 127 117 450 330 1100 565 330 1100 880 590 270 655 97 215 1/2 185 280
350 B1C25 127 117 450 330 1145 565 330 1145 1075 725 310 678 121 265 1/2 245 340
400 B1C20 140 133 505 370 1180 649 370 1180 880 590 270 695 97 215 1/2 205 370
450 B1C32 152 149 554 410 1380 710 410 1380 1370 920 350 770 153 395 3/4 481 638
450 B1C40 152 149 554 410 1485 710 410 1485 1670 1150 370 820 194 505 3/4 671 828
500 B1C32 152 159 610 445 1435 770 445 1435 1370 920 350 795 153 395 3/4 511 701
500 B1C40 152 159 610 445 1540 770 445 1540 1670 1150 370 845 194 505 3/4 701 891
600 B1C32 178 181 700 520 1570 915 520 1570 1370 920 350 855 153 395 3/4 661 981
600 B1C40 178 181 700 520 1675 915 520 1675 1670 1150 370 905 194 505 3/4 851 1171
600 B1C50 178 181 700 520 1780 915 520 1780 2060 1390 415 955 242 610 1 1235 1555




VALVE DN ACTUATOR L_6 L_7 LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm NPT LW_L-B1J LG_L-B1J
A (K1/API) A (K2) B C H B C H F G I J V X kg kg
80 B1J8 46/48 49 128 80 460 205 120 500 555 420 220 307 43 135 3/8 27 32
100 B1J8 52/54 56 158 100 505 235 135 540 555 420 220 331 43 135 3/8 29 37
100 B1J10 52/54 56 158 100 530 235 135 565 640 480 225 337 51 175 3/8 42 50
125 B1J8 56/ - 64 190 135 560 - - - 555 420 220 351 43 135 3/8 32 45
125 B1J10 56/ - 64 190 135 585 - - - 640 480 225 360 51 175 3/8 45 58
150 B1J8 56/57 70 212 150 600 300 160 610 555 420 220 376 43 135 3/8 41 50
150 B1J10 56/57 70 212 150 625 300 160 635 640 480 225 382 51 175 3/8 54 63
150 B1J12 56/57 70 212 150 660 300 160 670 815 620 240 398 65 215 1/2 81 90
200 B1J10 60/64 71 268 160 665 360 185 690 640 480 225 412 51 175 3/8 59 73
200 B1J12 60/64 71 268 160 700 360 185 725 815 620 240 428 65 215 1/2 86 100
200 B1J16 60/64 71 268 160 740 360 185 765 990 760 255 443 78 265 1/2 143 129
250 B1J12 68/71 76 320 210 805 425 220 815 815 620 240 481 65 215 1/2 97 110
LW6L / LG6L 250 B1J16 68/71 76 320 210 845 425 220 855 990 760 255 496 78 265 1/2 140 153
300 B1J12 78/81 83 378 275 900 485 275 900 815 620 240 511 65 215 1/2 112 142
300 B1J16 78/81 83 378 275 940 485 275 940 990 760 255 526 78 265 1/2 156 186
300 B1J20 78/81 83 378 275 1025 485 275 1025 1230 940 270 545 97 395 3/4 230 260
350 B1J16 92/92 92 438 290 1000 555 310 1020 990 760 255 571 78 265 1/2 180 205
350 B1J20 92/92 92 438 290 1085 555 310 1105 1230 940 270 590 97 395 3/4 245 280
350 B1J25 92/92 92 438 290 1160 555 310 1180 1490 1140 310 613 121 505 3/4 435 460
400 B1J20 102/102 102 485 320 1165 610 340 1185 1230 940 270 640 97 395 3/4 280 335
400 B1J25 102/102 102 485 320 1240 610 340 1260 1490 1140 310 663 121 505 3/4 460 515
450 B1J25 114/114 114 532 375 1285 640 375 1285 1490 1140 310 658 121 505 3/4 480 555
500 B1J32 127/127 127 585 415 1440 730 415 1440 1885 1435 350 755 153 540 1 846 968
600 B1J32 154/154 154 685 465 1325 835 465 1325 1885 1435 350 860 153 540 1 976 1117
600 B1J40 154/154 154 685 465 1736 835 465 1736 2095 1578 365 910 194 724 1 1405 1546


A(K3) A (API) B C H B C H F G I J V X kg kg
80 B1J8 64 48 128 80 460 205 120 500 555 420 220 307 43 135 3/8 28 33
100 B1J8 64 54 158 100 505 235 135 540 555 420 220 331 43 135 3/8 30 38
100 B1J10 64 54 158 100 530 235 135 565 640 480 225 337 51 175 3/8 43 41
125 B1J8 70 56 190 135 565 - - - 555 420 220 354 43 135 3/8 33 -
125 B1J10 70 56 190 135 590 - - - 640 480 225 360 51 175 3/8 46 -
125 B1J12 70 56 190 135 620 - - - 815 620 240 376 65 215 1/2 73 -
150 B1J10 76 59 218 145 625 290 160 640 640 480 225 387 51 175 3/8 56 61
150 B1J12 76 59 218 145 660 290 160 975 815 620 240 403 65 215 1/2 83 88
150 B1J16 76 59 218 145 700 290 160 715 990 760 255 418 78 265 1/2 128 133
200 B1J12 89 73 278 205 765 365 205 765 815 620 240 445 65 215 1/2 100 110
200 B1J16 89 73 278 205 805 365 205 805 990 760 255 460 78 265 1/2 145 155
200 B1J20 89 73 278 205 890 365 205 890 1230 940 270 479 97 395 3/4 220 230
250 B1J16 114 83 335 260 935 435 260 935 990 760 255 536 78 265 1/2 165 195
LW5M / LG5M 250 B1J20 114 83 335 260 1020 435 260 1020 1230 940 270 555 97 395 3/4 240 270
250 B1J25 114 83 335 260 1095 435 260 1095 1490 1140 310 578 121 505 3/4 440 470
300 B1J20 114 92 395 300 1120 500 300 1120 1230 940 270 615 97 395 3/4 300 330
300 B1J25 114 92 395 300 1195 500 300 1195 1490 1140 310 638 121 505 3/4 445 510
350 B1J20 127 117 450 330 1190 565 330 1190 1230 940 270 655 97 395 3/4 285 380
350 B1J25 127 117 450 330 1265 565 330 1265 1490 1140 310 678 121 505 3/4 465 560
400 B1J20 140 133 505 370 1265 649 370 1265 1230 940 270 695 97 395 3/4 305 470
400 B1J25 140 133 505 370 1340 649 370 1340 1490 1140 310 718 121 505 3/4 485 650
450 B1J32 152 149 554 410 1450 710 410 1450 1885 1435 350 770 153 540 1 896 1053
500 B1J32 152 159 610 445 1510 770 445 1510 1885 1435 350 795 153 540 1 926 1116
600 B1J322 178 181 700 520 1695 915 520 1695 2870 1435 - 870 153 610 1 2055 2375
450 BJ140 152 149 554 410 1586 710 410 1586 2095 1578 365 814 194 724 1 1325 1482
500 BJ140 152 159 610 445 1650 770 445 1650 2095 1578 365 846 194 724 1 1355 1545
600 BJ140 178 181 700 520 1800 915 520 1800 2095 1578 365 921 194 724 1 1925 2245


VDI/VDE 3845




Valve DN Actuator L_6 L_7 LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm VDI/VDE LW_L-EC LG_L-EC
A (K1) A(K2) 3845 kg kg
80 EC07 46 49 128 80 560 205 120 600 81 308 154 172 307 24 117 G1/4 14 19
100 EC10 52 56 158 100 640 235 135 675 112 406 203 191 350 32 155 G1/4 24 32
EC10 56 64 190 135 700 - - - 112 406 203 191 373 32 155 G1/4 27 38
LW6L / EC12 56 64 190 135 745 - - - 145 524 262 214 395 42 200 G1/4 44 55
LG6L EC10 56 70 212 150 731 300 160 745 112 406 203 191 391 32 155 G1/4 33 43
LW7L / EC12 56 70 212 150 780 300 160 790 145 524 262 214 417 42 200 G1/4 50 60
LG7L EC12 60 71 268 160 820 360 185 845 145 524 262 214 447 42 200 G1/4 55 70
EC14 60 71 268 160 880 360 185 905 196 696 348 243 477 56 259 G1/4 95 110
250 EC14 68 76 320 210 985 425 220 995 196 696 348 243 530 56 259 G1/4 105 120
300 EC14 78 83 378 275 1080 485 275 1080 196 696 348 243 560 56 259 G1/4 120 150

Valve DN Actuator L_8 L_5 LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm VDI/VDE LW_M- LG_M-EC
A (K3) A(API) 3845 EC kg
B C H B C H E F G I J V X kg
80 EC07 64 48 128 80 560 205 120 600 81 308 154 172 307 24 117 G1/4 14 19
LW8M / 100 EC10 64 59 158 100 640 235 135 675 112 406 203 191 350 32 155 G1/4 24 32
LG8M 150 EC12 76 59 218 145 780 290 160 795 145 524 262 214 422 42 200 G1/4 55 60
LW5M / EC12 89 73 278 205 885 365 205 885 145 524 262 214 464 42 200 G1/4 75 85
LG5M 200
EC14 89 73 278 205 945 365 205 915 196 696 348 243 494 56 259 G1/4 115 125
250 EC14 114 83 335 260 1075 435 260 1075 196 696 348 243 570 56 259 G1/4 135 165



VDI/VDE 3845 G1/4"

Model EJ_A spring to open



Model EJ_ spring to close

Valve DN Actuator L_6 L_7 LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm VDI/VDE LW_L-EJ LG_L-EJ
A (K1) A (K2) 3845 kg kg
80 EJ07 46 49 128 80 560 205 120 600 81 443 293 172 307 24 117 G1/4 18 23
100 EJ10 52 56 158 100 640 235 135 675 112 606 403 191 350 32 155 G1/4 30 38
LW6L / EJ10 56 64 190 135 700 - - - 112 606 403 191 373 32 155 G1/4 33 44
LG6L 125
EJ12 56 64 190 135 745 - - - 145 770 522 214 395 42 200 G1/4 63 74
, LW7L /
LG7L 150 EJ12 56 70 212 150 780 300 160 790 145 770 522 214 417 42 200 G1/4 70 80
200 EJ14 60 71 268 160 880 360 185 905 196 1030 692 243 477 56 259 G1/4 132 145
250 EJ14 68 76 320 210 985 425 220 995 196 1030 692 243 530 56 259 G1/4 142 155

Valve DN Actuator L_8 L_5 LW_ LG_ Dimensions, mm VDI/VDE LW_M-EJ LG_M-EJ
A (K3) A (API) 3845 kg kg
LW8M / 80 EJ07 64 48 128 80 560 205 120 600 81 443 293 172 307 24 117 G1/4 18 23
LG8M 100 EJ10 64 54 158 100 640 235 135 675 112 606 403 191 350 32 155 G1/4 30 38
LW5M / 150 EJ12 76 59 218 145 780 290 160 795 145 770 522 214 422 42 200 G1/4 75 80
LG5M 200 EJ14 89 73 278 205 945 365 205 945 196 1030 692 243 494 56 259 G1/4 175 185

10.4 Flange drilling and compatibility

-- = No marking allowed / Fits without extra machining. Rating is always the highest possible.Date
e.g. /K= Valve needs extra machining to fit the specified flange drilling. Code needed at the end of the Type code.
NA= Not available ( The drilling is not possible to do or is not logic).

LW6L, 7L DIN PN 10 DIN PN 16 DIN PN 25 DIN PN 40 ISO PN 20 ISO PN 50 ASME 150 ASME 300 JIS 10K JIS 16K JIS 20K JIS 30K
DN 080 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DN 100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DN 125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DN 150 -- -- -- N/A -- N/A -- N/A -- N/A N/A N/A
DN 200 -- -- -- N/A -- N/A -- N/A -- N/A N/A N/A
DN 250 -- -- -- N/A -- N/A -- N/A -- N/A N/A N/A
DN 300 -- -- -- N/A -- N/A -- N/A /R /S /T N/A
DN 350 /J /K /L N/A /X N/A /C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 400 /J /K /L N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R N/A N/A N/A
DN 450 /J /K N/A N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R N/A N/A N/A
DN 500 /J /K /L N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R N/A N/A N/A
DN 600 /J /K /L N/A /X N/A /C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

LW5M, 8M DIN PN 10 DIN PN 16 DIN PN 25 DIN PN 40 ISO PN 20 ISO PN 50 ASME 150 ASME 300 JIS 10K JIS 16K JIS 20K JIS 30K
DN 080 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DN 100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DN 125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DN 150 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- N/A -- -- --
DN 200 N/A N/A /L /M /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 250 N/A N/A /L /M /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 300 N/A N/A /L /M /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 350 N/A N/A /L /M /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 400 N/A N/A /L /M /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 450 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A
DN 500 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A
DN 600 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A

LG6L, 7L DIN PN 10 DIN PN 16 DIN PN 25 DIN PN 40 ISO PN 20 ISO PN 50 ASME 150 ASME 300 JIS 10K JIS 16K JIS 20K JIS 30K
DN 080 -- -- -- /M /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 100 /J /K -- /M /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 150 /J /K -- N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R N/A N/A N/A
DN 200 /J /K -- N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R /S /T N/A
DN 250 /J /K -- N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R /S /T N/A
DN 300 /J /K -- N/A /X N/A /C N/A N/A /S /T N/A
DN 350 /J /K -- N/A /X N/A /C N/A N/A /S /T N/A
DN 400 /J /K -- N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R /S /T N/A
DN 450 /J /K N/A N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R N/A N/A N/A
DN 500 /J /K /L N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R N/A N/A N/A
DN 600 /J /K /L N/A /X N/A /C N/A /R N/A N/A N/A

LG5M DIN PN 10 DIN PN 16 DIN PN 25 DIN PN 40 ISO PN 20 ISO PN 50 ASME 150 ASME 300 JIS 10K JIS 16K JIS 20K JIS 30K
DN 080 -- -- -- -- /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 100 /J /K -- -- /X /Z /C /D N/A /S /T /U
DN 150 /J /K -- -- /X /Z /C /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 200 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 250 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 300 N/A N/A N/A -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 350 N/A N/A N/A -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 400 N/A N/A N/A -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 450 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A
DN 500 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A
DN 600 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A

LG8M DIN PN 10 DIN PN 16 DIN PN 25 DIN PN 40 ISO PN 20 ISO PN 50 ASME 150 ASME 300 JIS 10K JIS 16K JIS 20K JIS 30K
DN 080 -- -- -- -- /X /Z /C /D /R /S /T /U
DN 100 /J /K -- -- /X /Z /C /D /R /S /T /U
DN 150 /J /K -- -- /X /Z /C /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 200 N/A N/A /L -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 250 N/A N/A /L -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 300 N/A N/A /L -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 350 N/A N/A /L -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 400 N/A N/A /L -- N/A /Z N/A /D N/A N/A N/A N/A
DN 450 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A
DN 500 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A
DN 600 N/A N/A /L /M N/A /Z N/A /D N/A /S /T N/A

Series LW and LG
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
LW 6 L B A 300 P A J A T / 03 K


Flow balancing trim on down stream side of body flow port. PTFE SOFT PARTS (GRAPHITE FREE)
S- Not available with LW6 or LG6. 1A - anti static device, ( ATEX II 3 G c )
STANDARD, anti static device
2A ( ATEX II 3 G c, with Teflon packing,"T", "T2")
2. PRODUCT SERIES / DESIGN (ATEX II 2 G c, with gr. packing, "G", "G2")
LW Wafer type, full bore, metal seated butterfly valve PTFE SOFT PARTS (GRAPHITE FREE) against the flow media
Graphite SOFT PARTS to enable the fire safe.
LG Lug type, full bore, metal seated butterfly valve 3A - anti static device, (ATEX II 2 G c, with PTFE/graphite packing,
PTFE SOFT PARTS (GRAPHITE FREE) against the flow media
3. FACE-TO-FACE LENGTH 3N Graphite SOFT PARTS to enable the fire safe.
EN 558-Part 1, Table 5 / Basic series 20, (DIN 3202-K1). (ATEX II 2 G c, with PTFE/graphite packing, "TG")
6 API 609 class 150 category B ( 4.sign is L) V STANDARD + stop screw for disc (only for LW)
7 EN 558-Part 1, Table 5 / Basic series 25, (DIN 3202-K2). EXTENDED SERVICE + stop screw for disc
8 EN 558-Part 1, Table 5 / Basic series 16, (DIN 3202-K3). (only for LW), (max. +425 °C).
5 API 609, category B, class 300 ( 4.sign is M) OXYGEN CONSTRUCTION
2 Face to face acc. to L2-series (Used LG2 for replacing old L2) Z - BAM tested non-metallic materials
- T= +200 °C to -50 °C, Oxygen cleaning acc. to Metso
Y Special procedure.
X LOW EMISSION, otherwise as construction N.
Y Special
Sizes DN 80-DN 125: 50 bar (ASME 300, PN 40, ISO PN 50, Note!
JIS16K, JIS20K, JIS30K) Only Z constructions available for oxygen flow media, (See IMO 10O270en.pdf )
Sizes DN 150-600: 25 bar (PN 10-25, ASME 150, ISO PN 20, JIS
L Max shut off pressure: 7. SIZE
sizes DN 80 - DN 125 max Δp 50 bar 080, 100, 125 (LW only), 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 and 600
sizes DN 150 max Δp 25 bar
sizes DN 200-600 Δp 20 bar MATERIALS
Body max pressure 50 bar 10. SHAFT &
M (PN 40, ISO PN 50, ASME 300, JIS 16K, JIS 20K, JIS 30K) 8. BODY 9. DISC
sizes DN 80-600 max Δp 50 bar
SS 329 (SIS
Other pressure ratings, flange drilling and compatibility, see Section 10.4 CF8M/F316 2324) only
A CF8M/1.4408 A J L_6L and
B Drive shaft with two key ways / bracket Neles standard.
P WCB/1.0619 - C Gr. 630
- - H Nimonic 80A
STANDARD (max. -50 °C...+260 °C) - - N (Nitronic 50)
A - bearings PTFE+ C25 + AISI 316 or PTFE+ C25 + Alloy 625.
- body and blind flange gaskets graphite ASTM A351 ASTM A351
EXTENDED SERVICE (max. +425 °C), valve (ATEX II 2 G c). C gr CG8M/ C gr CG8M/ -
AISI 317 AISI 317
N - shaft bearings surfaces nitrated
- bearings cobalt based alloy EN 10213- EN 10213-
- body and blind flange gaskets graphite B 4.1.4581 G 4.1.4581 -
- shaft bearings surfaces cobalt based alloy coated ASTM A217
H N gr. WC6 N gr. WC6 -
- bearings cobalt based alloy
- body and blind flange gaskets graphite
CRYOGENIC (min. -200 °C) U gr. CK3MCuN U gr. CK3MCuN U UNS31254
C - extended bonnet and drive shaft (SMO254)
(SMO254) (SMO254)
- otherwise as construction A
S ASTM A217 S ASTM A217 -
CRYOGENIC (Optional Cryo extension) gr C5 gr C5
1C - extended bonnet and drive shaft
T =+ 230 °C to -50 °C..-100 °C. ASTM A352
F gr. LCC -
CRYOGENIC (Optional Cryo extension)
2C - extended bonnet and drive shaft EN 10213.
T =+ 230 °C to -200 °C. - K 1.4408 (or eq. -
S STEAM JACKET (only for LW), valve (ATEX II 2 G c). 1.4401) /
CF8M /
T HIGH CYCLING (only for LW5M / LW8M), valve (ATEX II 2 G c). F316+cobalt
- B -
1B BEARING PROTECTION (higher temperature) on disc edge
P POLISHED (ONLY FOR LW), polished flow port and disc. HAST C Only
H gr. CW-6M H gr. CW-6M H1 soft bearings,
(Hastelloy C) (Hastelloy C)

Nimonic 80A, hard
H chrome plated (Not Nace)
Incoloy 825, hard chrome T = -200 °C to +650 °C.
A plated. (Nace MR 0103)
T = -200 °C to +500 °C. 2.4681, UNS R31233
K (ULTIMET), (Nace MR 0103)
T = -200 °C to +600 °C.


T Live loaded PTFE V-ring packing
G Live loaded graphite packing. Fire safe construction
(ATEX II 3 G c, with soft bearings)
Live loaded PTFE V-ring packing + Live loaded graphite
TG packing.
- Firesafe by design, (ATEX II 2 G c)
Y Special


Standard (Ra 3.2 - 6.3), without sign
- EN 1092-1 Type B1 (Ra 3.2 - 12.5)
ASME B16.5 (Ra 3.2 - 6.3, Smooth finish, AARH125-250)
DIN 2526 Form E (Ra 4)
Y Special


Without sign:
- L_6L, L_7L LW5M, LW8M multiple flange drillings available.
LG5M, LG8M flange drilling according to PN 40
C ASME 150 (20 bar)(available with LW_L and LG_L valves)
D ASME 300 (50 bar) (available with LW_M and LG_M valves)
J PN 10 (available with LW_L and LG_L valves)
K PN 16 (available with LW_L and LG_L valves)
L PN 25 (available with LW_M and LG8M valves)
M PN 40 (available with LW_M and LG_M valves)
X ISO PN 20 (available with LW_L and LG_L valves)
Z ISO PN 50 (available with LW_M and LG_M valves)
R JIS 10K (14 bar) (available with LW6L or LW7L)
S JIS 16K (27 bar) (available with LW6L, LW7L or LW8M, LW5M)
T JIS 20K (34 bar) (available with LW8M or LW5M)
U JIS 30K (51 bar) (available with LW8M or LW5M)
Y Special
*) See section in 10.4 for flange drilling and compatibility.
Note: DIN/EN PN drilling (J, K, L, M) is not possible in LG5M-series (API face
to face).

Metso Flow Control Inc.

Europe, Vanha Porvoontie 229, P.O. Box 304, FI-01301 Vantaa, Finland. Tel. +358 20 483 150. Fax +358 20 483 151
North America, 44 Bowditch Drive, P.O. Box 8044, Shrewsbury, M A 01545, USA. Tel. +1 508 852 0200. Fax +1 508 852 8172
South America, Av. Independéncia, 2500-Iporanga, 18087-101, Sorocaba-São Paulo, Brazil. Tel. +55 15 2102 9700. Fax +55 15 2102 9748
Asia Pacific, 238B Thomson Road, #17-01 Novena Square Tower B, Singapore 307685. Tel. +65 6511 1011. Fax +65 6250 0830
China, 11/F, China Youth Plaza, No.19 North Rd of East 3rd Ring Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China. Tel. +86 10 6566 6600. Fax +86 10 6566 2583
Middle East, Roundabout 8, Unit AB-07, P.O. Box 17175, Jebel Ali Freezone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Tel. +971 4 883 6974. Fax +971 4 883 6836

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