Union Bank Po
Union Bank Po
Union Bank Po
Union Bank of India, Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office
in Mumbai and all India representation invites ON-LINE Applications for
recruitment to the following posts.
CASH PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEES Rs.300/- (for General & OBC Category Candidates
[Print this Entire Notification. APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT CHALLAN on Page 36 of this Notification.] to 22.11.2010
OPENING DATE for making ON-LINE Applications after Payment of Fees : 02.11.2010
[Choose Link to appropriate On-Line Application Form, available on the Banks website. ]
POST (As on -
Min.21 &*
03 Chartered Accountants III 28
Min.21 & #
04 Chartered Accountants II 22
Min.21 & #
05 Civil Engineer II 05
Min.21 & #
06 Architect II 04
Min.21 & #
07 Electrical Engineer II 04
Min.21 & #
08 Manager( IT) II 40
Min.21 & #
09 Manager( Technical) II 27
Min.21 & #
10 Manager (Forex) II 34
Min.21 & #
11 Security Officer II 16
Min.21 & #
12 Manager (Risk) II 15
Min.21 & #
13 Personnel Officer I 20
Min.21 & #
14 Probationary Officer I 1165
Min.21 & #
15 I 289
Assistant Manager (Marketing) Max.30
Min.21 & #
17 Fire Officer I 01 Max.30
Written Examination and a Group Discussion & / or Personal Interview will be held for
Junior Management Grade / Scale - I (JMGS-I) , i.e., for Post Codes 13 to 17. For all the
other Posts, the selection process may involve written Test & or / Group Discussion & / or
a Personal Interview. The Bank reserves the absolute right to decide as to whether
to hold all or any of the modes of Written Test & / or Group Discussion & /or
Personal Interview for selection of the candidates to the respective post. The
Bank also reserves the right to alter the structure of the written examination
depending upon factors like number of eligible applications, etc.
1. Category of Persons:
XSM - Ex-Servicemen
3. Visually Challenged (VC) (a) only those persons who suffer from either of the
following conditions:
(i) Total absence of sight,
(ii) Visual Acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting
lenses, or
(iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse and so
certified by a Medical Board appointed by the State Government.
(b) A person with Low Vision means one with impairment of visual functioning even after
treatment of standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using
vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.
4. Deaf & Hearing Impaired (HI): (a) Deaf are those persons in whom the sense of
hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of life, i.e. with total loss of hearing in both
ears. They do not hear and understand sounds at all - even with amplified speech.
(b) Hearing impairment means loss of more than 60 decibels in the better ear in
the conversational range of frequencies.
1. The candidate will have to arrange his / her own Scribe at his / her own cost.
2. The Scribe, where he / she assists in writing for the post of a Probationary Officer (Post
Code - 14) may be from any academic stream. However, where he / she assists in
writing for the post of Specialist Officers, he / she should be from an academic
discipline / stream different from that of the candidate.
3. The academic qualification of the Scribe should be one grade lower than the eligibility
criteria stipulated for the post, i.e., where the eligibility criteria stipulated is
Graduation, the scribe's qualification should not be more than HSC / XIIth / PUC and
Should possess marks less than the candidate and not more than 60% in his own
Academic stream.
4. Both the candidate as well as the Scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking
confirming that the Scribe fulfils all the above stipulated eligibility criteria. In case it
later transpires that the scribe did not fulfill any of the laid down eligibility criteria or
had Suppressed material facts, the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled,
Irrespective of the result of the written examination.
5. Candidates who use a Scribe will be eligible for extra time @ 20 minutes for every
One hour of the examination.
1 VI 0 0 0 2 02
2 III 5 2 7 14 28
3 II 25 24 54 64 167
54 54 26
4 I 275 167 468 815 1725
As the Reservation for Persons With Disabilities (PWD) Category candidates
is on a horizontal basis, the selected candidates will be placed in the
appropriate category to which they belong (viz. SC, ST, OBC, and General).
(b) Candidates belonging to and applying for a post under the Reserved OBC Category
are required to submit a Certificate regarding his / her "Community" in the prescribed
(Format available on Bank's website along with this Notification) and the
Certificate should contain the "NON-CREAMY LAYER CLAUSE" based on the Income
for the Financial Year ending 31.03.2010 or later. Candidates not producing the
above certificate will not be considered under the OBC Category.
(c) The number of vacancies indicated above and also the number of reserved vacancies
is provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank.
(d) In case of non-availability of reserved candidates, the Bank reserves its right to
inter-change these categories as per Government Directives.
(e) It is clarified that it may not be possible to employ candidates belonging to PWD
Category in all Offices/Branches of the Bank and they will have to work in the post
Identified by the Bank as suitable for them.
(f) The selected candidate is liable to be posted, at the sole discretion of the Bank
and as per its exigencies, at any of the Bank’s Branches / Offices, anywhere in
The Minimum & Maximum Age as indicated in Para 1 above will be reckoned as on
31.10.2010 .
Relaxation in the Upper Age Limit for reserved posts will be available as follows:
iii) Persons with Disability (PWD) by 10 years on cumulative basis. The cumulative age
relaxation for PWD category candidates will therefore be (a) by 15 years (10 + 5) for
SC/ST; (b) by 13 years (10 + 3) for OBC; and (c) by 10 years (0 + 10) for General
Candidates, subject to such cumulative relaxation not taking the age of the candidate to
beyond 50 years as on the date of his joining the service of the Bank.
IV) In the case of Ex-Servicemen and Commissioned Officers, including ECO’s/SSCO’S who
have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of
assignment (Including those whose assignment is due to be completed within the next one
year from the last date for receipt of application) other than by way of dismissal or
discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability
attributable to military service or on being declared as invalid , by 5 years for selection
through written test & interview and by 3 years plus period of service in armed forces for
selection through interview only, subject to his not exceeding the age of 50 years.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (As on 31.10.2010) :
(i) Nationality / Citizenship:
A candidate must be either (i) a Citizen of India or (ii) a subject of Nepal or (iii) a subject
of Bhutan or (iv) a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st Jan. 1962 with the
intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated
from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United
Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia
and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate
belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a
certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt. of India. A candidate in whose case a
certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination &/or interview but
on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility
certificate has been issued to him by the Government of India.
Subject to their fulfilling the eligibility criteria, existing employees of Union Bank of
India may apply through proper channel (HR Departments of the Nodal
Regional / Field General Manager’s Office under whose jurisdiction they work).
Such candidates, if selected, shall resign from their present positions in the bank and re-
join the Bank’s service afresh. For those under Indemnity Service Bond obligations, the
remaining incomplete service period contained in the Indemnity Service Bond earlier
executed and subsisting will be carried over and added to the new employment.
(iii) Age :
The Minimum and Maximum Age, including the Age with Relaxation, will be
reckoned as of 31.10.2010.
When called for the Personal Interview, the candidate MUST ATTACH TO THE
of clear and legible photocopies of (a) UNIVERSITY FINAL DEGREE
Certificate will be accepted only in case of those candidates who have passed
the Degree Final Examination during the last 1 year, i.e., after the academic
year 2009-2010 and the University has not conferred the Degree on the
concerned College & University, AND (c) COMPUTER COURSE PASSING
CERTIFICATE in support the stipulation of having completed the Computer
Awareness & Office Automation Course for duration of minimum 60 hours.
The requirement of having completed the Computer Awareness &
Automation Course will be waived in case of those Graduates having
Computer Awareness or Knowledge as part of the curriculum at the Degree
level and this fact should be indicated in the Application Form and also
evidenced by an duly highlighted entry of the subject in the relevant Mark
(i) The Percentage of Marks stipulated for the Educational Qualification for each
Post is for General Category Candidates. Candidates belonging to the Reserved
Category (SC / ST / OBC / PWD/), filling in vacancies reserved for the relevant
category, will be entitled to a relaxation of 5% Marks in relation to that stipulated
for General Category Candidates. Candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC / PWD
Categories, filling in “General / Unreserved” Vacancies will not be entitled to the
above referred relaxation.
(ii) For posts where Work Experience is essential / desirable, it should be full time,
Relevant to the post applied for, and should be post-qualification, i.e., it
will be counted from the date of acquiring the prescribed qualification
till 31.10.2010 (inclusive). The candidate will ensure to provide proof of
having the work experience claiming to have possessed.
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
Selection Procedure:
Educational Qualifications:
Degree of a recognised University or equivalent with 60% marks in the final year of Degree
Work Experience:
A minimum of 10 years post Qualification work experience in Brand Management, Strategy
Management, Media Relations of which atleast 05 years in a senior level position. The
candidate should posses' proficiency in Oral and Written Communication, especially in the
area of Banking and Finance. Should be well conversant in Media Relations and press
Liaisons for Planning and Organizing Press conferences and other Corporate Image Building
Selection Procedure:
Through a Group Discussion and a Personal Interview.
Educational Qualifications:
(1) Graduate Degree with minimum 60% marks (55% for Reserved Category
candidates) in the aggregate in the final year of Degree from a UGC recognised /
AICTE Accredited University / Institution.
Work Experience:
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
(1) A Graduate Degree with minimum 60% marks (55% for Reserved Category
candidates) in the aggregate in the final year of Degree from a UGC recognised /
AICTE Accredited University / Institution.
Work Experience:
Job Profile:
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
B.E/ B.TECH (CIVIL ENGINEERING) with minimum 60% marks (55% for Reserved
Category candidates) in the aggregate in the final year of Degree from a UGC recognised
University / AICTE Accredited institution.
Work Experience:
Minimum 5 Years post qualification experience in related electrical and interior works with
reputed consultancy firms/ Contractors for construction of multi storey buildings /repairs.
The applicant should be fully conversant with code of practice and relevant BIS code.
Job Profile:
The candidate will be required in the process of Designing, planning, identifying the works/
measures required, preparing tenders, estimation, bill of quantity, site supervision, testing
at site, quality control certification of bills, knowledge of structural design, estate
management, repairs and maintenance to properties, preparing pert chart, budgeting etc.
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
B.Arch (Architecture) with minimum 60% marks (55% for Reserved Category candidates)
in the aggregate in the final year of Degree from a UGC recognised University / AICTE
Accredited institution.
Work Experience:
Minimum 5 Years post qualification experience in related electrical and interior works with
reputed consultancy firms/ Contractors for construction of multi storey buildings /repairs.
The applicant should be fully conversant with code of practice and local Bye Laws.
The applicant should be fully conversant with liasoning activities with Municipal Authorities.
The applicant should be fully conversant with Computer based presentation in Auto CAD,
3D Studio, 3D Max, and Photo Shop Etc.
Job Profile:
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
(1) A B.E. / B.Tech. Degree in Electrical Engineering with 60% marks in the aggregate
(55 % for reserved category candidates)in the final year of degree from a UGC
recognised University / AICTE accredited Institution.
(2) A Certificate for having completed Computer Automation & Awareness Course for
duration of minimum 60 hours from a Government Recognised Computer Training
Institute or should have had subject course of "Computers" at the Graduation /
Post-Graduate Degree level.
Work Experience:
Job Profile:
(a) Supervision of supply and distribution of electrical load in the Central Office and other
Bank's buildings, rerouting cables for optimum usage and optimising the use of electricity,
and preparing and updating the circuit diagram accordingly; (b) Supervise Installation &
Maintenance of electrical sub-stations, circuit breakers, transformers, electrical switchgears
and instrumentation, (c) Supervise installation and maintenance and repairs of HT / LT
electrical installation of commercial and residential buildings; (d) Supervise Maintenance &
Repair of AC plants and window units, lifts, water pumps and DG sets, telecommunication
networks, lifts & escalators, CCTV, Access Control, sewerage plants, neon-signages; (e)
Maintain close liaison with BEST / other Power Suppliers and arrange for additional load of
power as per requirement from time to time; (f) Maintenance and upkeep of the entire
system, documentation and control of expenditure; (g) Devise ways and means to cut
down the consumption and wastage of electricity in the Central Office and other
Administrative Offices in Mumbai; (h) Prepare single line diagram, electrical layouts, tender
documents, bill of quantity, specification, certification of contractors' bills, measurement
books, etc. (i) Ensure Preventive Measures and Safety of Installations; (j) Act as Electrical
Adviser on projects.
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
A minimum of 3 years post-qualification work experience in implementation of
computerisation programmes in Banks / Financial Institutions or Large IT
Organisation, and more particularly having worked in one or more of the
following areas, viz., Data Base Administration; Development and
Maintenance of Web Sites & Portals; IT security like security design and
implementation for E-Business etc., Setting up of LAN, WAN, MAN with
experience on routers, VSATs, Switches etc.; Designing and developing of
Software Applications for Banks / Financial Institutions / Large Organisations.
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
(2) A Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office
Automation for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training
Institute, which will be waived where 'Computers' is a part of the curriculum at the
Graduation / Post-Graduation Level.
Work Experience:
2 years’ Post-Qualification industrial experience in the relevant field or in a Bank or
Financial Institution or Public Sector Undertaking. with exposure in preparing techno-
economic feasibility reports of projects of medium to large size, handling implementation of
medium to large industries, and having knowledge of various aspects of setting-up
industrial units in backward and forward areas is desirable.
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications :
(1) A Graduate Degree with minimum 55% marks (50% for Reserved Category
candidates) in the aggregate in the final year of Graduation from a UGC recognised / AICTE
Accredited University / Institution
(2) A Post-Graduation Degree in M.Com. / Finance , MFA / Management ,MMS -
Finance / Business Administration , MBA - Finance with 55% marks in the
aggregate in the final year of Graduation,
(3) A Certificate for having completed computer awareness and Office Automation
Course for duration of minimum 60 hours from a Government Recognised Computer
Training Institute or should have had subject course of "Computers" at the
Graduation / Post-Graduate Degree level.
Work Experience :
Minimum experience of 3 years in Forex Trade Finance in a Bank / Financial
Institution. Documentary Proof of possessing the relevant work experience as stated
above must be provided along with the Application Form.
Job Profile :
To understand customer needs and handle day-to-day operations at the Designated Forex
Branches spread across India.
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
(1) A Graduate Degree in any discipline with 50% marks in the aggregate in the final year
of Graduation (45% for Reserved Category candidates), from a UGC recognised
University / AICTE Accredited Institution;
(2) A Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office
Automation for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training
Institute, which will be waived where 'Computers' is a part of the curriculum at the
Graduation / Post-Graduation Level
Work Experience:
Minimum of 5 years’ experience as an Officer in Indian Army not below the Rank of
Captain and its equivalent rank in the Indian Navy, Indian Air force with minimum 5 years
of commissioned service.
An Officer of equivalent Rank and service in Police and Central Para Military forces /Central
Police Organisations.
Job Profile:
The Officer will be responsible to maintain the Bank Security systems, procedures and
Manpower in a state of high efficiency as per instructions / directions within the framework
of the Banks policy.
Selection Procedure:
Educational Qualifications:
Any Graduate Degree with 60% marks in the aggregate (55% for Reserved Category
candidates), from a UGC recognised / AICTE Accredited University / Institution;
M.Sc. [Statistics] / M. A. [Statistics]) with 55% marks in the aggregate (50 % for
Reserved Category candidates), from a UGC recognised / AICTE Accredited University /
A Masters in Management Studies (MMS) [Finance] Degree with 55% marks in the
aggregate (50 % for Reserved Category candidates) from a UGC recognised / AICTE
Accredited University / Institution;
An Associate Member (ICWA) of the Inst. of Cost & Works Accountants of India (ICWAI);
or intermediate of Cost & Works Accountants of India (ICWAI);
Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) from a UGC recognised / AICTE Accredited University /
A Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office Automation
for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training Institute, which will
be waived where 'Computers' is a part of the curriculum at the Graduation / Post-
Graduation Level.
Work Experience:
1 Year relevant experience in a Bank or a Financial Institution or Public Sector
Undertaking or a Rating Agency as mentioned in job profile below is desirable.
Job description:
Profit Planing
Risk Profiling
Capital Budgeting
Carrying out Analytical studies -Industry /sector etc.
Selection Procedure :
Educational Qualifications:
(1) A Graduate Degree in any stream with 55% marks in the aggregate in the final year
of Graduation (50% for Reserved Category candidates)
(2) A Graduate Degree in Law, or a Post Graduate Degree in Human Relations or a Post
Graduate Degree in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations or a Post
Graduate Degree in Social Welfare with a minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate in the final year of Graduation (45 % for Reserved Category candidates)
(3) A Certificate for having completed Computer Automation & Awareness Course for
duration of minimum 60 hours from a Government Recognised Computer Training
Institute or should have had subject course of "Computers" at the Graduation /
Post-Graduate Degree level.
Work Experience :
One years' experience in the field of Human Resources & / or Industrial Relations.
Documentary Proof of possessing the relevant work experience as stated above must be
provided along with the Application Form.
Job Profile :
The role of Personnel Officer would be that of effectively handling litigations concerning
staff service matters before various forums, besides attending to regular HR functions,
disciplinary matters and Industrial Relations related duties.
Selection Process:
Educational Qualifications:
A Graduate Degree with minimum 55% marks (50% for Reserved Category
candidates) in the aggregate in the final year of Graduation (50% for Reserved
Category candidates)from a UGC recognised / AICTE Accredited University / Institution;
(b) A Diploma in Banking & Finance (DBF) from the Indian Institute of Banking &
Finance (IIBF), (Preferable) ;
(3) A Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office
Automation for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training
Institute, which will be waived where 'Computers' is a part of the curriculum at the
Graduation / Post-Graduation Level.
Selection Process:
in (JMGS-I) :
Educational Qualifications:
(1) A Graduate Degree with 50% marks in the aggregate in the final year of Graduation)
(45% for Reserved Category candidates), from a UGC recognised University / AICTE
Accredited Institution;
(2) A Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office
Automation for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training
Institute, which will be waived where 'Computers' is a part of the curriculum at the
Graduation / Post-Graduation Level.
Work Experience:
A minimum 1 year's work experience in marketing Asset & / or Liability & / or Transaction
Banking Products (i.e., Products relating to Home Loans, Retail Loans, Trade Finance,
Channel Finance, High Value Loan Products, Savings / Current / Term Deposits, Personal
Banking, Mutual Funds, Cash Management Services, ECS, NEFT, RTGS, ATM & Internet
Banking, Government Business, etc.).
Selection Process:
Through a Written Examination & a Personal Interview.
Educational Qualifications:
(1) (a) B.Sc. / B. Tech. Degree in Agriculture / Agricultural Engineering with 50%
marks in the aggregate in the final year of Graduation (45% marks for Reserved
(b) M.Sc. / M. Tech. Degree with 50% marks in the aggregate in the final
year of Graduation (45% marks for Reserved Category) in the field of Agriculture /
Agricultural Science / Agricultural Engineering / Agronomy / Agri-Marketing &
Cooperation / Forestry / Horticulture / Animal Husbandry / Dairy Science /
Pisciculture, from a AICTE Accredited institution;
(2) Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office
Automation for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training
Institute, which will be waived where 'Computers' is part of the curriculum at the
Graduation / Post-Graduation Level
Work Experience:
Relevent work experience of minimum one year is desirable.
Selection Procedure :
Educational Qualifications:
(1) Divisional officer's course in the National Fire Service College, Nagpur.
(2) B. E (Fire) from National Fire Service College, Nagpur, or any other Institute
duly approved by all India Council for Technical Education with 50% marks in the
aggregate in the final year of Graduation (45% for Reserved Category candidates).
(3) A Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office
Automation for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training
Institute, which will be waived where 'Computers' is a part of the curriculum at the
Graduation / Post-Graduation Level
Work Experience:
Not Mandatory.
Job Profile:
The Fire Officer Shall:
a) Maintain the fire Protection /Fighting equipments in the Bank in good working
condition at all times.
b) Prepare Fire Orders and Fire Operational plans and get them Implemented.
c) Impart regular Training to the Staff members in the use of Fire protection/
Fighting equipments provided in the premises and keep them informed about
the Fire emergency evacuation plan.
d) Keep proper Liaison with city Fire Brigade, and
e) Ensure that all Fire precautionary measures are observed at all times.
Selection Process:
NOTE : (A) The Educational Qualifications prescribed above for the post is the
MINIMUM. Candidates MUST POSSESS these qualifications as
on 31.10.2010 (inclusive) and MUST ATTACH PROOF thereof, i.e.,
clear and legible photocopies of:
(1) (a) HSC Passing Certificate and (b) University FINAL DEGREE Passing
(CONVOCATION) Certificate for Graduate Candidates. (Provisional
Degree Passing Certificate will be accepted only in case of those
candidates who have passed the Degree Final Examination during
the last 1 year, i.e, Academic year 2010 and the University has not
conferred the Degree on the applicant);
(2) Year-wise / Semester-wise Mark sheet for each year / semester in
respect of the Degree Examinations from the educational institution they
have studied;
(3) Computer Course Passing Certificate from a recognised Computer
Training Institute in support of having completed the Computer Awareness &
Office Automation Course. Candidates who have acquired Computer
Awareness & Knowledge as part of the curriculum at the Degree level
should indicate this fact in the Application Form and also highlight
the Computer subject in the relevant Mark Sheet, which should be
attached to the Application Form.
The selected candidate will be on Probation for a period of 24 months (2 years) of active
service from the date of his / her joining the Bank.
The selected candidate will be required to execute a Service Bond undertaking
to serve the Bank for a period of 3 years or to pay the Bank a sum of
Rs.200000.00 in case of Probationary Officers, and a sum of Rs.250000.00 in case
of All other Officers, should he / she leave the Bank before the completion of the 3
year service period.
(1) All applicants for posts in Junior Management Grade / Scale - I (JMGS-I), will be
administered a Written Test, without verification of their age or qualification, or category or
any other eligibility criteria with relevance to documents, and will be on purely provisionally
basis, on the strength of the information provided by them in the On-Line Application. The
candidates must, therefore, ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria, has in his / her
possession the requisite documents and certificates specified by the Bank, and that the
particulars furnished in the On-Line Application are true and correct in all respects. Mere
admission to the Written Test and / or Passing the Test and being invited by the Bank for
the Personal Interview shall not imply that the Bank has been satisfied beyond doubt about
the candidate's eligibility.
(2) The short-listing of the candidates for Personal Interview for posts in Junior
Management Grade Scale (JMGS) - I will be made on the basis of the candidate’s
performance in a Written Test spelt out in Para 10(I)(i) and Para 10(I)(ii) of this
(a) The candidate shall be required to qualify in each Objective Test spelt out in Para
10(I)(i)(A) of this Notification, as per cut-off marks determined on the basis of Performance
in each test, subject to a minimum 40% marks (35% marks for Reserved Category) in the
aggregate of 200 marks. They shall also be required to obtain the minimum passing marks
of 50% (45% for SC / ST / OBC / PWD Category) in the Objective Test on 'Computer
Knowledge' and 'Subject of Specialisation relevant to the Post' spelt out in Para 10(I)(i)(B)
and Para 10(I)(ii). Wrong answers given in the Objective Test will attract Penalty
by way of Negative Marks. Mere eligibility / pass in the Written Test shall not vest any
right in a candidate for being called for Personal Interview.
(b) For the post of Probationary Officers (Post Code - 14, the status of the ‘Test of English
Language’ is only for “qualifying” and will not be included in the aggregate marks of the
written test for the purpose of Merit Ranking. Hence the candidates are required to
necessarily pass this Test scoring the minimum passing marks or else they will be deemed
to have not qualified for the further selection process. The Minimum qualifying marks in the
Objective Test on 'Computer Knowledge' will be 50% (45% for Reserved Category of SC /
ST / OBC / PWD). The marks obtained in this Objective Test will be added to the Marks
obtained in the other Objective Test specified in Para 10(I)(i)(A) below, Interview Marks,
and any other Test or Group Discussion, if held, for Merit Ranking..
(c) For the Specialist Officer post, while the status of the 'Test of English Language' will be
only for 'qualifying' and the marks would not be included in the aggregate marks for the
purpose of Merit Ranking, the candidate has to necessarily pass the Test scoring the
minimum passing marks or else he / she will be deemed to have failed and not qualified for
the further selection process. In the case of the two 'Objective Tests' on (1) Computer
Knowledge, and (2) Subject of Specialisation relevant to the Post', each of 30 Minutes
duration carrying 50 marks each, spelt out in Para 10(I)(ii), the minimum qualifying marks
will be 50% (45% for Reserved Category of SC / ST / OBC / PWD). The marks obtained in
these two Objective Tests will be added to the Marks obtained in the other Objective
Test specified in Para 10(I)(i)(A) below, Interview Marks, and any other Test or Group
Discussion, if held, for Merit Ranking.
(d)Depending on the number of vacancies, only those candidates who have secured the
minimum qualifying marks stipulated for Written Test and rank sufficiently high in the order
of merit based on the total marks scored in the Written Test shall be called for a Personal
Interview in the ratio of 1:3 for General / Unreserved Candidates and 1:5 in case of
candidates belonging to the Reserved Categories). In other words, for every single post, 3
General and 5 Reserved Category candidates respectively would be called for the Personal
interview depending upon their ranking as per the marks obtained by them. The Bank
reserves its right to call for the Interview candidates otherwise than in the above ratio at
its sole discretion.
(e) Candidates passing the Written Test and the Personal Interview will be ranked in a
descending order on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in the Written Test, Group
Discussion (where conducted) & Personal Interview under the respective SC / ST / OBC /
GEN Category.
(f) Subject to the vacancies available under the respective Category, only those candidates
who pass both the Written Test as well as the Personal Interview will be short-listed for
selection in the order of the Merit Rank obtained by them under the respective Category.
(3)For Selection of candidates for all other posts in MMGS-II, the selection process may
involve written Test & or / Group Discussion & / or a Personal Interview and the Merit List
will be drawn up on the basis of the candidates’ performance in these assessment tools.
(4) In case it is detected at any stage that the candidate does not satisfy with the
conditions stipulated or does not fulfill any of the eligibility criteria, and / or he / she has
furnished any incorrect information and / or has suppressed any material information /
fact(s) his / her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings are
detected even after appointment, his / her services will be summarily terminated.
The Bank shall, subject to its exigencies and as far as possible, endeavour to post the
candidate selected to the posts of Asst. Manager (Marketing) (Post Code - 15)
,Probationary Officer (Post Code - 14) and Assistant Manager (Rural Development) (Post
Code - 16) in the "Region" of his / her choice on the basis of the four preference indicated
by the candidate in the Application Form, his / her standing in the Final Merit List and the
Bank's exigencies. Should it not be possible to post him / her in one of the Region of his
choice on account of exigencies of the Bank, he / she will be posted at any one of the
other Regions at the sole discretion of the Bank and the decision of the Bank shall be final.
The 4 "Regions" with their area coverage is spelt out herein below.
Region States in which Bank's Branches / Offices located
Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &
Northern Region
1 Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Western Uttar
Pradesh consisting of Agra & Meerut Regions.
Southern Region Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerela, Puduchery, Tamilnadu.
Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Orissa,
Eastern Region
3 Sikkim, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh excluding Agra & Meerut
Regions, West Bengal.
Western Region Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Union Territories
(WR) of Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
(A) Objective Test – 225 Questions - 200 Marks (Duration : Composite 135
Name of the Test Paper No. of Questions & Marks
1. Test of Reasoning 75 questions carrying 80 marks.
2. Test of Quantitative Aptitude 50 questions carrying 60 marks.
3. Test of General Awareness 50 questions carrying 60 marks.
4. Test of English Language ** **50 questions carrying 50 marks.
Composite 2 Hours & 15 Minutes 225 questions carrying 200
Duration marks.
The candidate shall be required to qualify in each of the above Objective Test as per Cut-
Off Marks determined on the basis of the Performance in each test, subject to a minimum
of 40% (35% for Reserved Category) in the aggregate of 200 marks of the Objective Test.
Candidates failing to obtain the minimum qualifying marks will not be declared to have
cleared the Objective Test. The Bank However reserves the right to lower the minimum
qualifying marks determined on the performance in the written test. **The Test of English
Language is for ‘qualifying purpose’ only. Hence, though the candidate has also to pass in
the Test of English Language, the marks obtained in the Test will not be reckoned in the
aggregate of 200 marks of the written examination, for the purpose of Merit Ranking.
In addition to the Objective Test assessing aptitude and achievement, there will be one
Objective Test of 50 questions on 'Computer Knowledge' comprising 50 marks to be
answered within 30 minutes. The minimum qualifying marks will be 50% (45% for
Reserved Category). The Bank However reserves the right to lower the minimum
qualifying marks determined on the performance in the written test.
The marks obtained in this Objective Test will be added to the Marks obtained in the other
Objective Test specified in Para 10(I)(i)(A) above, Interview Marks, and any other Test or
Group Discussion, if held, for Merit Ranking.
For Specialist Officers in JMGS-I, besides the Objective Tests of Test of Reasoning, Test of
Quantitative Aptitude, Test of General Awareness and Test of English Language, which will
be administered on the lines of that for Probationary Officers as indicated in Para
10(I)(i)(A) above, there shall also be two additional Objective Tests administered - (1)
One Test on "Computer Knowledge' of 50 questions, carrying 50 marks and of a
duration of 30 minutes and (2) the Second Test on the 'Subject of Specialisation
relevant to the Post', of 50 questions carrying 50 marks and of a duration of 30 minutes.
The Minimum qualifying marks in each of these two Objective Tests shall be 50% (45% for
Reserved Category). The Bank However reserves the right to lower the minimum qualifying
marks determined on the performance in the written test. The marks obtained in this
Objective Test will be added to the Marks obtained in the other Objective Test specified in
Para 10(I)(i)(A) above, Interview Marks, and marks obtained in the Group Discussion, if
held, for Merit Ranking.
A Group Discussion, where conducted, shall carry 50 marks and shall be conducted to
assess the candidate's presentation skills, leadership qualities, inter-personal qualities,
team spirit, etc. The minimum qualifying marks for the Group Discussion would be 50%
marks (45% for Reserved Category Candidates).
A candidate who does not receive the Examination Call Letter by 02.01.2011
should contact from 03.01.2011 to 08.01.2011 from 11.30 a.m. to 4.30
p.m., the concerned Regional Office of UNION BANK OF INDIA located at the
Examination Centre he / she has opted for, at the addresses given below, with a
Written Application indicating (1) his / her Name, (2) Address, (3) Category, (4)
Registration Number and (5) Details of Application Fee paid i.e., Payment
TRANS ID allotted by the Application Fee Receiving Union Bank of India Branch,
for issue of Duplicate Exam Call Letters.
EXAM Name of Official & Address of
CENTRE Union Bank’s Office at Exam Centre
Mr. B. P. Rathi
Regional Office - Ahmedabad,
172 / 1, Premchand House,
41 Ahmedabad
High Court Way,
Ashram Road, Ahmedabad – 380009.
Tel.No.079 – 26576353 / 26580724. Fax No.079 - 26581049
Mr. R R Mohanty
Regional Office - Bengalooru,
No.23, 1st Floor,
Archana Complex,
42 Bengalooru
J. C. Road. Bangalore – 560002.
Tel. No.080 - 22958266 / 22958250. Fax No. 080 - 22277202
Mr. R. Sainath
Regional Office - Bhopal,
43 Bhopal Union Bank Bhavan, 1st floor, 1513/1/1,
Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462011.
Tel. No.0755 – 2676729. Fax No.0755 - 2676723
Ms Pragyna Samel
Regional Office - Bhubaneswar,
Plot No.3 / 1 - A, Civic Centre,
44 Bhubaneswar
I.R.C. Village,
Nayapalli, Bhubaneshwar - 751015.
Tel.No.0674 – 2558849 / 2557173. Fax No.0674 - 2557174
Mr. S K Kapoor
Regional Office - Chandigarh,
Chandigarh 64 / 65, 2nd floor,
Sector 17 - B,
Bank Square, Chandigarh - 160017.
Tel.No.0172 – 2703301 / 2713941. Fax No.0172 - 2704718
Mr.S Ravikumar
Regional Office - Chennai,
46 Chennai
139, Broadway, Chennai - 600108.
Tel.No.044 - 23460789. Fax No.044 - 25363373
Mr. Mohit Singh
78, Radha Palace, 2nd floor,
Rajpur Road, Dehradun – 248001.
47 Dehradun
Tel.No.0135 - 2743129 / 2744513. Fax No.0135 - 2745869
Mr. K. G. Hareendranath
Nodal Regional Office - Ernakulam,
Union Bank Bhavan,
49 Ernakulam
C.C. 38 / 542, M. G. Road,
Ernakulam, Cochin – 682035.
Tel.No.0484 – 2385208. Fax No. 0484 - 2385203
Mr. Bidit Bhattacharjee
Regional Office - Guwahati,
50 Guwahati G. N. B. Road, Chandmari,
District - Kamrup, Guwahati – 781003.
Tel.No.0361 – 2662546. Fax. No.0361 - 2660066
Mr. N. Nageshwara Rao
Nodal Regional Office - Hyderabad,
51 Hyderabad Jusbagh, 2nd Floor, Lata Complex,
Nampally, Hyderabad – 500001.
Tel.No.040 – 23420604 / 23420602. Fax No.040 - 23420609
Mr Meena
Regional Office - Jaipur,
52 Jaipur B/100, University Marg,
Jaipur - 302015.
Tel.No.0141 – 2705925 / 2700815. Fax No.0141 - 2705834
Mr. Lalchand
Regional Office - Jalandhar,
53 Jalandhar Veer Pratap Bhavan, Shastri Market,
Nehru Garden Road, Jalandhar – 144001
Tel.No.0181 – 2241775. Fax. No.0181 - 2457276
Mr. Vijay Vyas
Regional Office Kolkata
Alepe Court, 1st floor,
225A, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700020.
Tel.No.033 - 22905617. Fax No.033 - 22878518
54 Kolkata
Mr. Rajan Waykul
Field General Manager's Office - Lucknow,
55 Lucknow Sharda Towers, 2nd Floor, Kapurthala Complex,
Aliganj, Lucknow – 226024.
Tel.No.0522-2379796, 2371359, 2377039. Fax No. 0522-2376279.
Ms Padma Neelkanthan
Field General Manager's Office - MumbaI,
Union Bank Bhavan, 6th floor,
66 / 80, Mumbai Samachar Marg,
56 Mumbai
Opp. Mumbai Stock Exchange Building,
Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400023.
Tel.No.022 - 22632825 / 22629501. Fax No.022 - 22632824 /
Mr. U. N. Yadav
Regional Office - Patna,
Nasheman Bhavan, 1st floor,
57 Patna Beside Bihar State Financial Corporation,
(Frazer Road), Mazahrul Haque Path,
Patna – 800001.
Tel.No.0612 - 2222313 / 2231627. Fax No.0612 - 2216592
Ms Prashant Saraf
Regional Office - Pune,
Jeevan Prakash, LIC Building,
58 Pune 6 / 7, University Road,
Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411005.
Tel.No.020 – 25536103/ 25536208 / 25536961. Fax No.020 -
Mr. H. V. Chaudhary
Regional Office - Raipur,
Mahavir Gaushala Complex,
59 Raipur
K. K. Road,
Raipur - 492 001.
Tel.No.0771 – 2546004 / 2546005. Fax No.0771 – 2546013
Ms. Suneeta
Regional Office - Ranchi,
60 Ranchi Kalibabu Street, Behind Vyavahar Nyayalaya,
Ranchi – 834001.
Tel.No.0651 – 2207434 / 2307632. Fax No.0651 - 2206914
Mr. R. V. Kolekar
Regional Office - Varanasi,
61 Varanasi Taksal Theatre Building, 3rd floor,
Nadesar, Varanasi - 221002.
Tel.No.0542 – 2504151. Fax No.0542 - 2502671
NOTE: The Bank reserves the right to allot the candidate to any of the Centres other
than the one opted for by him / her, to prepone / postpone / reschedule the Written
Examination Dates & / or to add to or delete or modify / change the Examination
Centre and the Venues & / or to cancel the Written Examination on account of technical
or administrative exigencies or any other reason.
The Bank intends, in consonance with the guidelines issued by the Government of India, to
impart free non-residential Pre-Examination Training (PET) of six working days
to a limited number of candidates appearing for Probationary Officers' and belonging to
Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Minority Communities, who have not
attended for a Pre-Examination Training at any time earlier. The PET will be held
at 7 Centres located at Ahmedabad, Kolkatta, Bengalooru, Bhopal, Delhi, Lucknow,
& Mumbai.
Selection for the PET will be made from among the candidates who have not attended a
PET earlier, and on the priority of the date of payment of Application Fees and date of On-
Line Application. Therefore, those candidates belonging to the above categories who have
not attended any PET earlier and are now desirous of availing themselves of the PET may
indicate to that effect, with the PET Centre, at the appropriate place in the Application
All expenses for attending the Pre-Examination Training (PET) programme at the
concerned Training Centre relating to travel, boarding, lodging, etc. will have to be made
and borne by the candidate. The Bank has discretion to add to or delete from, the Centers
for PET indicated above.
Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars /
details / information or make statements that are false, incorrect, tampered, fabricated or
should not conceal or suppress any material information while filling up the application
form and submitting the attested copies of testimonials. In case it is detected at any time
that the candidate has indulged in any of the abovementioned activities, he / she will not
only be disqualified but he / she will be liable to be dismissed from the services of the bank
at any time, even after being selected and after joining the Bank's service.
At the time of Written Examination / Interview, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty
NOTE: The Bank would be analysing the responses of a candidate with other appeared
candidates to detect patterns of similarity. On the basis of such analysis, if it is suspected
that the responses have been shared and the scores obtained are not genuine / valid, the
Bank reserves the right to cancel the candidature.
(6) Obtain the Applicant's Counterfoil Copy of the Application Fee Payment Challan duly
receipted by the Bank with (a) Branch Name, (b) Branch SOL ID, (c) 7 to 10
Digit TRANS ID, and (4) Date of Deposit filled in by the Branch Official.
(7) You are now ready to Apply On-Line by re-visiting the Recruitment Notification on
the Bank's website and going to the link (1) "ON-LINE APPLICATION FOR
SPECIALIST OFFICERS) to open up the appropriate On-Line Application
Form Format.
(8) Fill in the details from the Recruitment Application Fee Payment Challan in the On-
Line Application Form at the appropriate place.
(9) A photocopy of the Receipted Application Fee Challan should be attached to the
System Generated Printed Application Form, which will have to be submitted only at
the time of the Personal Interview.
A Candidate can submit ONLY ONE ON-LINE APPLICATION for the post he
/ she consider himself / herself most suitable / eligible. MULTIPLE
Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages
at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be
produced for the purpose of the conduct of examination, interview, selection and
any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate.
In case it is detected at any stage of the recruitment that a candidate
does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished
any incorrect / false information or has concealed or suppressed any
material fact(s), his / her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these
shortcomings is / are detected even after appointment, his / her services
are liable to be terminated.
(b) After submitting the On-Line Application Form, with the Application Fee details duly
entered therein, candidates are required to obtain two (2) Print-outs of the
Computerised System Generated Application Form. On one Print-out of the
System Generated Printed Application Form, firmly paste with ONE
passport size photograph, duly signed across, at the appropriate place on
the first page, and keep ready for submission to the Bank, along with one
set of photocopies of documents listed in (c), (d), (e) & (f) below, only
when invited for the Personal Interview. The second Print-out of the
Application Form may be kept by the candidate for his record.
(c) The candidate should submit, when invited for the Personal Interview, one set of
photocopies of all the requisite documents along with the System Generated
Application Form, arranged chronologically in the order listed below, in support of
(1) his / her Date of Birth, (2) SSC & HSC Examination Passing Certificates & Marks
Sheets (3) the Semester-wise / Year-wise Marks Sheets for each semester / year &
(4) Degree Passing Convocation Certificate(s) (Provision Passing Certificate only in
case of those who have passed the relevant examination during the year 2007, (5)
Computer Awareness Training, (6) Work Experience Certificate, if any.
(d) Candidates claiming the benefit of reservations / age relaxation under the category
of Persons With Disabilities (i.e., Physically Challenged Persons) should also submit a
clear and legible copy of the Medical Certificate issued on or after 01.04.2010 and
as specified in "The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of
Rights & Full Participation) Act, 1995" in support of their disability issued by an
Authorised Certifying Authority [as indicated at Para 14(ii)], clearly indicating the
Nature & Quantum (Percentage) of Disability.
(e) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC Category should submit a photocopy of their
Caste Certificate, issued by the Competent Authority in the format prescribed by the
(Central) Government of India, Dept. of Personnel & Training, Office Memo
No.36012/6/88-Estt.(SCT), (SRD III), dated 24.04.1990 & No.36036/8/98-Estt.
(Res.) dated 16.03.1999. The prescribed format of the SC / ST Caste
Certificate is available on the Bank’s Website after this Notification,
which, if needed, may be downloaded, printed and made use of.
(g) Candidates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertaking (including Banks &
Financial Institutions) should submit a “No Objection Certificate” from the employer,
at the time of the Personal Interview.
(h) Candidates claiming to have work experience should ensure that they submit along
with the Printed On-Line Application Form, documentary proof thereof by way of
Work Experience Certificates for the periods mentioned in the Application Form,
from all their employers, clearly stating the period and nature of employment /
duties,. Copies of Appointment Offer Letters, Salary Certificates, etc., in lieu of
Work Experience Certificates will not be accepted.
(i) Candidates should ensure that they keep with themselves (and not attach with the
System Generated Application Form) sufficient copies of the same photograph
already affixed by them on the System Generated Application Form, for future use
during the entire recruitment process, i.e., at the time of the Written Examination &
/ or Group Discussion (where applicable), Personal Interview, Medical Examination,
Police Verification Formats and the Formal Application Formats. They are also
advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete.
(j) The candidates will appear for the written examination / group discussion / personal
interview / medical examination, etc., at the allotted centres at their own cost and
risks and the Bank will not be responsible for any injury / loss, etc., of any nature.
(k) The Bank may, at its discretion, hold a re-examination wherever necessary in
respect of a centre / venue / specific candidate(s).
(l) No candidate is permitted to use a calculator, telephones and mobile phones of any
kind, pagers or any other such instruments. Candidates are advised not to bring
such gadgets to the examination venue as these will not be allowed inside the
(m) Only those candidates (1) who have prima facie, on the basis of the
information given in the On-Line Application Form, met with the eligibility criteria & /
or (2) who have cleared their Written Examination and (3) who are short-listed for
appearing in the Personal Interview and (4) those selected for Pre-Recruitment
Medical Examination on the basis of their overall performance in the Written Test &
/ or Personal Interview, will be individually intimated by Post at the address
furnished by them in the Application Form. A List of all such candidates will
also be hosted on the Bank’s website ‘www.unionbankofindia.co.in’ under
attempt will be made to ensure that the Intimation to the eligible
candidates, short listed for attending the Interview, will be sent by post,
sufficiently in advance so as to give the candidate adequate time to
attend the Interview, the Bank will not be held responsible for delay in
receiving the intimation by the candidate through post for any reason
whatsoever. The candidates are therefore advised to keep track of the
status of their candidature by visiting the Banks website from time to
(n) Candidates should ensure that they produce for Bank's verification at the
time of the Personal Interview the ORIGINALS of the Documents
stipulated above. Candidates failing to produce the Original Documents
for verification will not be permitted to participate in the Personal
Interview for selection and their candidature shall stand cancelled.
(o) Candidates are advised to up-date their communication addresses to ensure prompt
receipt of postal mail sent by the Bank after the conclusion of the Written
Examinations. Candidates desirous of changing their communication address at
any time after the conclusion of the written examination may communicate
the change to the Bank giving therein (1) their Full Name, (2) System Generated
Registration Number, (3) Written Exam Roll Number, (4) Written Exam Centre, (5)
Earlier noted address and (6) the Changed Address. While every effort will be made
to incorporate the changed address, the Bank will bear no responsibility & / or
liability for not updating the change for any reason whatsoever.
(p) Candidates selected for appointment in the Bank will be required to execute a
Financial Service Bond for rendering service for a minimum period of 3 years
from the date of joining the Bank. The amount of the Financial Service Bond
presently is Rs.2,00,000.00 for Probationary Officers and Rs.2,50,000.00 for all other
Officers. Union Bank of India Officers who have been appointed earlier and have
executed a Service Indemnity Bond which is still subsisting and are now selected for
a position under this Recruitment Process will have the incomplete period of the
Service Bond Period added to the new Service Indemnity Bond required to be
executed on joining the Bank afresh under this recruitment project.
Further, such appointment will also be subject to his / her executing a Financial
Service Bond for rendering service for a specified tenure (where stipulated),
receiving satisfactory references from respectable referees, police verification of
antecedents, caste / class verification (all or any of which may be done even after
the candidate provisionally joins the Bank but before his confirmation in the Bank's
service), and compliance of the rules and regulations of the Bank.
(r) Selected candidates, who are presently in employment, will be required to produce
a clear and valid discharge certificate / relieving letter from their present employer
before joining the service.
(s) As Bank Officers are liable to be posted any where in India, only those candidates
willing to serve in any Branch / Office throughout the country need apply.
(t) The Bank reserves the right to alter, modify or change the eligibility criteria and / or
any of the other terms and conditions spelt out in this Notification.
(u) While due care and caution will be exercised, the Bank takes no responsibility for
any delay in receipt or loss in postal transit of any application or communication.
(v) In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation in version other than English,
the English version will prevail.
(w) Any resultant dispute arising out of this Notification shall be subject to the sole
jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Mumbai.
(x) Banking, being a versatile activity, needs all round grooming of the selected /
recruited candidate. Accordingly, the candidates recruited / selected in the Bank
will be required to inculcate overall knowledge of various facets of banking and
subjects for which the bank will provide necessary on-the-job/theoretical training. It
is expected that the candidates selected will endeavour to equip themselves with
skill sets that will enable them to rise to higher positions in the Bank in due course
of time.
d) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally
Authorised Certifying Authority will be the Medical Board at the District level. The Medical
Board will consist of a Chief Medical Officer, a Sub-Divisional Medical Officer in the District
and an Orthopedic Surgeon.
RECRUITMENT PROJECT. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-
mail id, he / she should create his / her new e-mail id. THIRD PARTY E-MAIL
(b) Eligible candidates are required to apply only ‘ON-LINE’ through our
website www.unionbankofindia.co.in. No other means/ mode of application will
be acceptable.
(C) Candidates should keep the particulars of their Application Fee Paid details,
Educational Qualifications, Work Experience details, and other Personal details ready
before applying as these details are required to be entered in the On-Line Application.
(a) The Last Date for making payment of Application Fees at any Union Bank of
India Branch (prior to applying on-line) is 22.11.2010.
SOL ID, PAYMENT DATE, and TRANSACTION ID enter in On-Line Application Form in
& APPLICANT'S NAME ARE CORRECTLY & Application Fee Payment Details (1) Branch
LEGIBLY NOTED IN THIS CHALLAN. Name, (2)Branch SOL ID; (3) Payment Date;
& (4) TRANS ID given above.
Fold & Cut Along this Midline
DATE : _______________
NOTE. - The term "Ordinarily resides" used here will have the same meaning as in
Section 20 of the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950.
This is also to certify that he / she does not belong to the persons/sections
(Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of
N.B. - (a) The Term 'Ordinarily' used here will have the same meaning as in Section
20 of the Representation of the People's Act, 1950.
(b) The authorities competent to issue caste certificate are indicated below:-
(i) District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner /
Note:- Deputy
(a) The term Commissioner
'Ordinarily' used here/ will
the same /meaning
Fist Class Stipendiary
as in Section
Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate /
20 of the Representation of the People's Act, 1950. Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate
/ Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of First Class Stipendiary
(b) The authorities competent to issue caste certificates are indicated below:-
(i) District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Collector / Deputy
(ii) Chief Presidency/ Magistrate
Commissioner / Additional
Additional Deputy Chief Presidency
Commissioner Magistrate
/ Deputy Collector /
/ First
Presidency Magistrate.
Class Stipendary Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate
/ Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank
(iii) Revenue
of FirstOfficer not belowMagistrate).
Class Stipendary the rank of Tahsildar; and
(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate /
(iv) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate &/or his family resides.