Practice Question Paper

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MGM’s College of engineering and Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai

Chemical engineering Department

Course Code: CHC602 Practice question Paper Course Name: Mass Transfer Operation II

TE AY: 2018-2019
Que Question Mar M Le CO
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No. d *
a. Define q factor in distillation and give its significance [5] 1 2 CO1
b. Explain factors affecting Leaching operation
[5] 3 1 CO3
c. Write the properties of adsorbents. [5] 4 1 CO4
d. Write methods of supersaturation in crystallisation [5] 5 1 CO5

2. a. Derive the equation relating the equilibrium vapor and liquid [6] 1 3 CO1
composition in the separator of a flash distillation.
b. A mixture of 40 mol% A and 60 mol% B is to be separated in a 1 5 CO1
distillation column. The concentration of A in the distillate is 93 mol% [9]
and 96% of A is recovered in distillation. The feed is half vapor. The
reflux ratio is 4 and relative volatility is 2.5.How many equilibrium
stages are required in each section of column? What would be the
minimum reflux ratio for such column?
c. Explain mechanism of steam distillation
[5] 1 2 CO1

3. a. Nicotine-water solution containing 1% nicotine by weight is to be [15]] 3 5 CO3

extracted with kerosene at 293 K (20 ºC). Water and kerosene are
essentially insoluble. Determine: (i) the percent extraction of nicotine
if 100 kg of feed solution is extracted once with 150 kg of solvent, (ii)
repeat for three theoretical (ideal) extractions using 50 kg of solvent
each time.
The equilibrium data for extraction of nicotine expressed as kg nicotine/kg of
liquid are as follows:
X= 0 0.00101 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.00998 0.0204
46 02 51
kg.nicotine/kg water

Y= 0 0.00807 0.001 0.004 0.006 0.00913 0.0187

96 56 86
kg.nicotine/kg kerosine
[5] 3 1 CO3

b. Write properties of solvent for extraction

4 a. Seeds containing 20% percent by weight oil are to be extracted in a counter [15] 4 5 CO4
current plant and 90% of the oil is recovered in a solution containing 50%
by weight oil. If the seeds are contacted with fresh solvent and 1 kg of
solution is removed in the underflow in association with every 2 kg of
insoluble matter, determine the theoretical stages required.
[5] 3 2 CO3
b. Compare leaching and extraction

5 a. A hot solution containing 5000 kg of Na2CO3 and water with a [12] 5 5 CO5
concentration of 25% by weight Na2CO3 is cooled to 293 K (20 ºC) and
crystals of Na2CO3.10 H2O are precipitated. At 293 K(20 ºC), the
solubility is 21.5 kg anhydrous Na2CO3 per 100 kg of water. Calculate the
yield of Na2CO3 crystals obtained if 5% of the original water in the system
evaporates on cooling.
b. Explain the working principle of Swenson Walker crystallizer with [8] 5 2 CO5
neat diagram.

6 Write short notes on: [5] 6 2 CO6

a. Pervaporation [5] 1 2 CO1
b. Azeotropic distillation [5] 6 2 CO6
c. Reverse osmosis [5] 5 1 CO5
d. Oslo cooling crystalliser

*As per Blooms’ Taxonomy

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