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Practice Teaching Portfolio

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Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University

College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon


A service-oriented state university known for its excellence in sciences, technology,

culture and the arts, and strong advocacy for the protection of ecosystem in the Region and
management of Mout Banahaw.


To be an active instrument of peace, economic upliftment, and overall community

development by producing globally prepared, morally upright and ecologically conscious, and
productive citizen.

Core Values

GO – God loving

S – Service-oriented
L – Leadership by example
S – Sustained Passion for Excellence
U – Undiminished Commitment to Peace and Environment Advocacy

Goals and Objectives of College of Teacher Education

Provide excellent instruction, relevant research, responsive extension and creative
production toward quality teacher education program.



Produce responsive, functional, values-oriented and globally-competitive professional

educators by providing deep and principled of the teaching-learning process.

Develop effective and creative future educators through exposure to meaningful experiential
Mould analytical and critical thinking educators through experience with varied
innovative teaching- learning approaches.


Generate pertinent research endeavors to enhance and develop teaching and learning
Initiative investigations to help intensify innovative programs and projects for alternative
learning systems for community development.

Conduct studies documenting the community’s socio-political and cultural practices to

enrich cultural heritage.


Incorporate immersion activities and extension endeavors with curricular and instruction
programs to intensify community-development agenda.
Offer relevant continuing education program to enhance and develop teaching and
learning practices.
Facilitate livelihood programs through non-formal education.


Produce books, manual, monographs and similar instructional materials to enrich and
developed curricular teaching-learning schemes.
Create technology-transfer materials to intensify networking of community-development


A service-oriented state university known for its excellence in sciences, technology,

culture and the arts, and strong advocacy for the protection of ecosystem in the Region and
management of Mout Banahaw.


To be an active instrument of peace, economic upliftment, and overall community

development by producing globally prepared, morally upright and ecologically conscious, and
productive citizen.

Core Values

GO – God loving

S – Service-oriented
L – Leadership by example
S – Sustained Passion for Excellence
U – Undiminished Commitment to Peace and Environment Advocacy

Each teacher can recount numerous highs and lows in their teaching career. Personally, I
experienced many great moments while teaching. These were days when I ended so happy and
enthusiastic that I knew I had selected the right profession. On the other hand, I had days where I
definitely questioned teaching as a career. Days where the students seemed uninterested, too
talkative, or worse a blow up occurred and nothing got taught. Thankfully the average combined
with the positive days outshines my negative days.

For us pre-service teachers preparing to enter the professions I believe that providing real
teaching experiences will enable us to be develop and prepared for the actual teaching
profession. The faculty members support us and supervised our performances. All the learning
that we acquired from our mentors and supervisors as well as our own experiences will serve us
a guide in the path of teaching. Their comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, and words
of encouragement for us as well as their correction, checking and supervision will make us finest
future teacher. We all know that we learn from our own mistakes and experiences. If you’re not
better this time, tomorrow is another chance to shine. We must put into our mind that there’s
always a room for improvement wherein we learn through training and practices. Let us not be
afraid to be corrected and given an advice from our superior because they want to help us
improve ourselves.

The Making of a Pre-Service Teacher

Being a teacher is not about grades. It’s about being who you are. No book can teach you
how to cry with your students. No class can teach you how to tell a family that their sons have
failed. No professor can teach you how to fid dignity in giving someone an advice. A teacher is
not about the chalk or the board. It’s about being able to love students when they are at their
weakest moments.

My first week at Luis Palad National High School was very pressuring yet exciting. I was
assigned with the sophomores while my fellow Pre-Service Teachers were assigned on the higher
years. I was given a four day observation period before I start my actual daily teaching.

Mrs.Vilma Fidelino, popularly known as Ma’am V.F. to her students was my new
cooperating teacher for this semester. I can say that she was very strict in teaching and manages
her time well. She holds position in various school organizations and programs. She speaks in a
loud voice and even louder when there are parts of the lesson that needs for emphasis. She wants
everything in order. She was very good in discipline that no student dares to oppose. Her students
obey her at all times. To this, I felt somewhat worried and conscious that I might not please her
or satisfy her standards of teaching. I was easily swallowed by the feedbacks of my other pre-
service teachers who knew her. They told me that Ma’am V.F was perfectionist but a very
dedicated teacher. I also felt drowned by the high expectations of my mentor every time she tells
me that she wants to see something incredible about my teaching. She also often asks me about
my grades and accomplishments at school.

When it comes to learning environment, we used two classrooms. The first one was
beside the Filipino Department rooms while the latter was the newest room on the Nantes Type
Building. Both classrooms were very conducive. The environment was organized, stimulating
and comfortable for effective learning. It is conducive and safe because the students feel free to
move and express themselves. The students could write, read and share ideas independently and
collaboratively. The area contains comfortable space for writing and discussion. The teacher’s
desk was elevated in an area where the teacher can view the entire classroom. The ventilation
and the lightings were also comfortable for learning.

The students that I handled were of various kinds. There are students who love engaging
themselves in organizations and peers while others prefer to be alone. There were students who
were fast learners, average learners or slow learners. Adjusting to the level of their capabilities
was a must. I believed that every student was unique and was capable of learning in different
ways. Using various strategies and instructional materials which were useful to meet students’
needs were important to attain desired learning goals.


These tamed students were the advisory class of my mentor. Discipline and well-behavior
were clearly shown on their actions as they welcome me to their class.

With regards to the students of II-VF is a type of students who followed instructions with
no protest and complain. They were students who follow any commands as instructed by their
teachers. I can easily get their attention especially when discussing literary materials. They like
reading, taking down notes as well as doing assignments. They are listening attentively to their
teacher. Honestly, I was not comfortable with the classroom aura. It was somewhat conducive
but it lacks in inner feeling of enjoyment and standing on one’s decisions and beliefs.

On that moment I really knew how it feels to be a teacher with those kinds of students but
I know this experience would help me when I'm already on the actual profession. When I am
already a teacher I would promote a democratic way of handling students as often asked what
way of teaching they would prefer or be comfortable of.

Seeing the positive side of the spectrum, II-VF exemplified the value of friendship and
camaraderie especially in doing assignments and projects. They treated one another equally and
as their own brothers and sisters. They were also the student who shown cleanliness and care for
their room.

I can say that this section teach me to be responsible and to value the importance of time.
Since it was my first class I had to wake up early and go to school with all my materials well-
prepared and the room cleaned.


Here, I learned the value of being professional and being equipped with adept knowledge
on the topic that I would teach. These young bloods taught me how to face challenges of
teaching almost know-it-all-stuff creatures. Best students really brought out the best teaching
strategies in teachers. Here, I learned to be careful on my grammar and pronunciation.

These students were the Paladian’s pride for wining various competitions in and out of
the school. On my first encounter with them, they flushed me with their smiles and greetings.
They were the type of students that can easily be motivated with intriguing topics that always
lead to classroom debates. During discussions, they cared to volunteer in recitations and
presentations that would enhance their competencies. They also enjoy seat works, assignments
and drills.

On the other hand, I notice that being the first section, they were all grade conscious and
competitive. They were somewhat argumentative when it comes to computation of scores. They
fight for what they believe is right and lawful. I find difficulty in checking their long quiz
because they always asked for rechecking and recounting of the results.

I would never forget our argument about a certain topic. It was a logical reasoning type of
question. The argument between me and those philosophers lasted almost half an hour and in the
end the case was still unsettled.

My mentor gave me suggestions that it would be better if my method of teaching to use

was student centered approach wherein the ideas and opinion will be coming from my pupils.
And I think it is effective because they all want to speak and share, but the worst thing is that
they want to speak in chorus. So As a teacher I must not allow them to answer in chorus. I must
guide them and give additional information with regards to our lesson. Another thing is giving
them interesting activity wherein everyone will participate. I'm thankful with my mentor because
she always gives words of encouragement. She told me that I shows enthusiasm in teaching and
must keep it up.

I could say that this section was really enjoying because I had been with those cute and
smart students. I was amazed with their performances at their innocent age. I didn’t find so much
difficulty in dealing with them aside from making lots of visual aids used to teach them. I really
had a great time with II-CL.

Here, I learned that the real nature of respect is by being true to our own selves and
accept the changes and the challenges that are happening around us. These all immature students
thought me how to value students and teaching more than I can expect.

My week of observing them was full of threats; I was warned by my mentors that this
section was the untamed among the section she was handling. I am bit worried that I might be
bullied by these students and not listen to my teaching but I am expecting that this class would be

On my first observation with them, I noticed that they kept on laughing and cracking
jokes regarding the mistakes committed by one another during recitations and activities. There
students do were not cared of committing mistakes and seemed unafraid to Ma’am VF. Honestly,
I really like to teach in II-JDC because I remember students who have the same behavior as them

My first teaching on them was very hazardous, I may say. II-JDC was a flock of 58
students ranging from the noisy, noisier and the noisiest. As I started to know them better, I
realized that they were not really brat but were cool and smart students who take things easily. In
every lesson, I can safely surmise that they are the real motivation. They love doing incredible
stuffs that made them unique from one another.

I was assigned with II-JDC who were sometimes naughty based from my observation but
I found out that they were sweet and polite students too because I had experienced that even
though I'm still young they asked me to bless them before they leave the classroom. Some of
them wait for me and join me walking outside the school. I can say that they are sweet in a way
that they hug me and I was surprised with that.


Teaching was for pleasure and enjoyment. This also goes the same with the feeling of
being respected and valued for as a teacher. II- RRS exemplified a true paradigm of respect for
teachers and love for keeping friends.

This section was the fifth on the sections of the Second Year. Ma’am V.F. reminded me to
be patient in teaching these kinds of students. She was right; this section was notably poor in the
academics. Most of them were hesitant to participate in activities especially the recitation but I
believed that these could be cured through giving them extra time and encouragements.

In my actual teaching I anticipated that it would be harder for me to motivate and get
their attention toward learning. But I was still hoping that time would come that they would
participate with the activities that I had prepared. During our discussion, I already expected that
there would be interruptions due to students’ unexpected behaviors but I still I shown patience
and continued the lesson for the sake of those students who showed some interest in the topic.

Whenever there were topics that seemed unclear to them, especially grammar lessons, I
never bothered to repeat discussion. I often encourage them to asked questions and never blamed
them for committing mistakes. I showed them that I was listening to them. I appreciated every
little thing that they accomplished each they. I often told them that they’re improving on quizzes
and formal themes.

My bonding moments with them were very memorable. They were not ashamed to open
up their feelings and thoughts regarding certain matters. They often go to our classroom after
their last subject to chat with me. They loved telling stories of events happening to them and on
what they feel about the subject and the other pre-service teachers. We enjoyed taking pictures on
vacant periods and listening to music.

I really enjoyed my stay in II-RRS. Here, I felt that I was really appreciated by my
students. Life was very ironical I may say. At first I found it hard to teach them but in the end I
find it difficult to leave them. I really had a great time with them it seems that in the deepest part
of my heart I can say that "napamahal na sila sa akin" and I will miss them so much.


When it comes to teaching experience, it was a combination of a sweet and spicy feeling.
This section was the combination of the four sections mentioned earlier. Here, I experience
seeing students quarrel inside the classroom (a boy vs. girl childish fight and hitting of books on
each other’s face). I also witnessed petty love affairs and crushes.

With regards to my observations, they were very active and energetic. They loved to
volunteer on activities and to participate in every discussion but some were not. As I started to
know them better, I realized that they were who find happiness from friendship and interaction
from one another.

During my teaching moments with them, they were very naughty but some were
behaved, both they see to it that they could answer my questions whenever I call them up to
recite. At first I got disappointed and easily irritated especially when I cannot control the boys’
naughtiness. As my teaching progresses, I had already established a strong impact and trade mark
on them. They usually call me by many nicknames such as Ma’am na rakista at astig magturo
and sometimes Ma’am Smiling Face.

In this section, my patience was really tested for so many times. I really got mad when
they left out the room (not yet time) without even bidding goodbye to me. I thought that they
boycott my class without any valid reasons. The next day, their class president approached me
and asked for forgiveness. She explained to me that they thought that I dismissed them earlier
because of my remarked “If all of you are too noisy and do not want to listen, you can go if you
want, I am not forcing you to stay. “ It was a misunderstanding. This class was really

I often smile and I didn't tell them that I'm getting mad with the misbehavior shown by
other students who were insensitive to the events that were happening around them. Deep inside
I really want to go out in times that I can’t control them but they could easily made me happy
whenever they crack jokes, sings and dance in front of me.

In teaching that kind of pupils the teacher must have a strong personality and unlimited
patience or else you will be brought into the hospital. I know that I should prepare myself to face
the challenges of teaching that there is worst thing to happen on the real world of teaching. So at
least that kind of situation is not new to me. And I knew the things that I must do to manage and
handle that kind of class.



My classes usually range between 50 and 60 students. The problems that I face were of
two types. There was not enough time for all of them to express themselves and students tend to
take too much time to react to questions due to their lack of proficiency.

Teaching students with different levels of English was really hard. I do believe that
speaking your mother tongue can be great at times, especially when the students were beginners
but overusing it was what I concern.

As in every class, there are always students whose English is, unfortunately, quite poor.
And, on the other hand, there are always students (yet, a small number of those) who speak
English fluently, or those who tend to speak it fluently. However, my job is to teach them all
speak English well. Sometimes, I have problems with certain classes, because the "climate" (so
to speak) in class is pretty alike, they all seem not to know even the basics. When this is the case,
I cannot follow the curriculum, I have to speak only in “TagLish”, which was worst of all,
because they'll never learn then, and they get used to speaking their mother tongue, and do not
feel obliged ever to learn a bit of English. As for me, I also get a bit disappointed, because, to tell
you the truth, teaching in the classroom was the only means for me to speak in English. I do not
have the chance often. Here, I really trying over and over again to get them say general things in
English, such as "May I go out?", "How do you spell this?"I tried to make them say something
about themselves whenever I have to ask them, making sure they use new vocabulary properly.

I also have problems on how to deal with trouble makers. But, although there have
been some difficult situations I've encountered; I strived to come out of them stronger and with
greater wisdom, if I may say. There have always been students who tend to be more aggressive,
or agitate with their behavior, and therefore impose an uncomfortable atmosphere in the
classroom, and thus unable others to comprehend the lesson, or me, as a lecturer, to teach the
lesson properly. When this happens, I bear in mind one important thing, "that student is an
individual, he/she is the only one who makes trouble, others are polite students, some of them
being "naive" so they get influenced by the trouble-maker, and the rest of the class would,
actually, like to learn something." So, how do I deal with the trouble-maker? I ask him politely,
(and as sweetly as possible, a smile disarms everyone), to stop. Usually, this helps, and they
immediately stop. I never yell in the class, I try to keep my voice friendly and soft, and try to
assure them I'm there only to help them. If the trouble-maker goes on, I ask him nicely to wait
for me after the lesson finishes, and I talk to him. This always helps, because if you talk to him
/her in front of others he/she will perhaps feel provoked, more agitated. By doing this you show
him he's also a person, and you're only trying to be a friend. Of course, nothing is 100 % sure,
but if this solves at least half of the problems I have encountered in teaching.

Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University

College of Teacher Education

Lucban, Quezon


Name: ____________________ Subject: ____________

Yr./Sec.____________ Date: _____________

1. Observe the teacher. List down his/her personal qualities.

Kind-49 Funny-11 Generous-2

Cheerful-51 Long curly hair-11 Beautiful-20

Laughing-12 Tall-9 Thin-1

Smiling-10 Fair complexion-2 Communicates well-7

Good teaching skills-3 Understanding-4 Industrious-9

Smart-4 Honest-3 Respectful-2

Clean-1 Shouting-3 Helpful-3

Tactful-3 Patient-2 Do not know how to be

2. What are the traits that he/she needs to improve?

Voice-45 Explaining-4 Tactics of discipline-3

Not to smile at all Seriousness-40 Communication-3

Be strict-7

Emotions-10 Responsible-1 Cooperation-1

3. How was the discipline instilled to learners?

Asking the students Being angry-2 Making herself happy even

to keep quiet-27 she’s angry-22
Slight discipline-7 Shouts loud-30 Talks to student-10
Drama-2 Calling noisy students-9 Doing her best for us-4
Smiling while Asking us to sit properly-1 Reminding us to listen-11
touching her curly

4. How he/she recognize individual difference or deal with students of various behaviors?

She becomes close to Asks us in decision making-3 Talk to us-10

Staring to everyone- Speak nicely to good Observing our attitude first-
1 students and shout to noisy 17
Teach well and Remember students who are Memorize all names of
carefully-2 quiet, noisy or smart-1 students-13
Recognize students Being careful-2 Treat students equally-1
on recitation(she
knows whose
reciting or not)-24

5. In what ways did the teacher inspires the learner?

I easily understand Be hopeful-1 Being a good person-3

the lesson-2
Give meaningful Give meaningful message-6 Always laughing can cause
message-6 students to be noisy-1
How to respect Teach students equally-3 Be happy even in bad
teachers-3 situations-6
She’s not boring so Never stop teaching us and Join us whether laughing or
I’m always listening- she always smiles so that we serious-2
5 were not afraid to recite-8
By being good in Teach clearly and not Telling stories-4
English-6 forcing us-4
We learn many She tries hard to teach even
things-9 she’s tired-1



I envision to be a responsible full-pledged teacher who will serve as an instrument in

upbringing student’s intellectual, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual capabilities
to their highest potential with the help of Almighty God.


To achieve this vision, I aim to develop the following:

 Create a conducive classroom environment suited for learning and sharing cultures
and beliefs.
 Strengthen the students’ sense of awareness on the events happening on their home,
school,, neighbor and community.
 Give the students progressive and meaningful activities that will hone up their
hidden skills and capabilities.
 To raise the quality of Filipino learners ad graduates who will become productive


 To prepare competitive high school students for higher education

 To use innovative, interdisciplinary and interactive modes of instruction on teaching
and learning whenever possible and appropriate
 To increase time for task in order to gain mastery of oral and written competencies
on English.


 College of Teacher Education Vision, Mission and Objectives

 Off campus pre-service teaching introduction
 Southern Luzon State University Mission, Vision, Core Values and
 Certificate of completion
 Contents
 Prayer for teachers
 My own Educational Philosophy
 Resume
 My own vision, mission and objectives
 Sample application letter
 Career plan
 Goals, vision, mission of Luis Palad National High School
 Brief description of the site of practice teaching
 History of Luis Palad National High School
 Case Study
Background of the student

 Narrative Report
 Evidences of Community Outreach
 Sample Lesson Plans
 Professional Readings
 Appendices
Rating Sheets
Mentor’s Feedback
Students’ Feedback, Work and Evaluation
Sample Test Papers
Sample Quizzes

A Teacher’s Prayer
I want to teach my students how--
To live this life on earth,
To face its struggles and its strife
And to improve their worth.

Not just the lesson in a book,

Or how the rivers flow,
But to choose the proper path,
Wherever they may go.

To understand eternal truth,

And know right from wrong,
And gather all the beauty of
A flower and a song,

For if I help the world to grow

In wisdom and grace,
Then I feel that I have won
And I have filled my place.

And so I ask your guidance, God

That I may do my part,
For character and confidence
And happiness of heart.

Woes of a Filipino Teacher

Imagine yourself a Filipino teacher. Imagine yourself a teacher in a public school. Imagine
yourself handling a class of 60 to 70 students. Imagine yourself handling two shifts of classes with
60 to 70 students.

Yes, it is a nightmare. And yes it happens in real life within the public school system. It is a
manifestation of the two most prevalent problems in the educational system: lack of classrooms and
lack of teachers.

In fairness, most private school teachers, especially those in small private schools, will
admit that public school mentors earn more than they do. But even with the relatively higher wages,
it does not seem to compensate for the daily travails of public school teachers.

The ideal ratio of teacher to student is 1:25. The less number of children handled by one
mentor, the more attention can be given to each individual, especially if their learning competencies
are not equal. With 25 students in a class, the teacher is likely to know each of her students, not only
by face but by name and how they are actually performing in class.

But with 60 children in a classroom, it is a miracle how teachers are able to stay sane every
single day. They hardly know their pupils, save for the excellent ones or unfortunately, the
notorious. She does not even bother to remember them. How can she? Classrooms are cramped, if
there are any at all. Many classes are held in makeshift rooms meaning a multi-purpose covered
court with partitions where 4 or 5 classes are merely separated by thin plywood walls. With 60 kids
north, east, south and west, it's a wonder teachers can hear themselves over the din.

And how do you tailor lessons with so many competencies to consider? Often, the result is
children are left to cope on their own. If they get the lesson, well and good. Otherwise, they are
lucky to pass at the end of the year.

Yes, students are still divided into sections and they are grouped into the level of their
academic skills. Which leaves those who are academically challenged lumped together and their
teacher to stretch her skills, patience, resources and dedication to addressing the need of her
Resources are another matter. Many public school classrooms are equipped with the most
basic of equipment: a blackboard, chalk and eraser. Some are fortunate to have visual aids, either
donated or purchased by the school. But many times, a teacher will not only have to be creative, but
will dig into her own pocket to produce the kind of materials she needs and wants to teach class.

It used to be that rolls of Manila paper were adequate to write down the lesson for the day.
But this can get to be very expensive, especially if the lessons are long. And with a class so huge,
children are barely able to see small handwriting from the back, so you need to write bigger, and use
more paper. Children always welcome additional and unique visual aids, and woe to the teacher
who has to create them if she wants her subject or lesson to be more interesting.

Which brings us to the budget for visual aids? It is non-existent, except if you choose to
shell out on your own. Teachers still have to make ends meet. And often, their pay is simply not
enough to cover their needs, as well as their families.

The Department of Education just announced that so many millions of pesos have been
released for the construction and repair of classrooms around the country. I believe this will only
cover those included in a priority list. But there are many more schools which lack classrooms, and
more communities that lack schools.

When additional classrooms are built, will there be additional teachers? If new teachers will
be hired, will there be a budget to support their wages?

It's a never-ending cycle, because the government has yet to come up with a plan that will
finally address these problems.

In the meantime, Ma'm or Sir will have to suffer through their public school experience.


Educating students in a Philippine setting with meager resources and facilities is a very hard
challenge that out teacher is facing nowadays. Students are of great number but teacher are very few
and some of them are not that competent enough to teach or handle diverse kinds of students.

One of the problems that teachers are experiencing is the growing scarcity of instructional
materials, lack of classrooms and small amount of visual aids for a very long lesson. Government
supports and programs are also lacking and inadequate budget for teachers’ salaries are also

These problems are the common scenario in a public school setting. It is in contrary with
those teaching in private schools.


I notice that this are somewhat true based on what I had observed and experience during my
course of study. There are schools that lack classrooms especially those of the public ones. Some are
co0nducting their discussion on the shade of a mango tree or in the stadium. Students often shared
their textbooks and other materials among their classmates. There lore schools which does not have
libraries and multi-media resources. Every classroom contains up to 80 students and being handled
by a single teacher.

I hope that this educational issue will be eradicated. the government must prioritize the
education section because large portion of the country’s population is mostly of the youth. They
must also have educational reforms and additional programs for the betterment of the Philippine
educational system.

Attracting and Retaining Teachers in Rural Areas

Author: Timothy Collins
Date: December 1999

The Association of School Administrators (1999) has observed that the main problem of
rural school districts is attracting and keeping quality teachers. The rural teacher shortage affects all
subject areas but particularly math, science, and special education. This Digest examines the
problem from a legislative and policy perspective. It suggests strategies to address the problem,
noting sample programs from several states.
The rural teacher recruitment and retention problem varies across the United States. Some
states have teacher surpluses; others have shortages. According to the National Association of State
Boards of Education, an adequate number of teachers is trained each year The problem is with
distribution. State legislatures deal with teacher recruitment and retention in various ways,
depending on their circumstances
To recruit rural teachers, administrators must target candidates with rural backgrounds or
with personal characteristics or educational experiences that predispose them to live in rural areas.
The emphasis on background and experience is crucial for racially or culturally distinct
communities. Selling points in recruitment efforts are the benefits of teaching in rural schools, such
as few discipline problems, less red tape, more personal contact, greater chance for leadership,
small class size, individualized instruction, greater student and parent participation, and greater
teacher impact on decision making.
Few provinces have developed specific programs to address the problems of rural teacher
recruitment and retention. If the national teacher supply-and-demand problem is the result of
distribution, not the number of teachers, states and rural school districts has an opportunity to put
their best foot forward and attract quality teachers. The Education Commission of the States (1999)
outlines a number of strategies for states: offer programs for high school and college students;
recruit midcareer professionals from other fields; forgive scholarship and loan debts in exchange for
teaching service; make a special effort to place teachers in low-performing schools suffering
economic hardships; and create programs, positions, and agencies to promote recruitment.
The degree to which a rural teacher becomes involved in community educational and
cultural programs influence his or her decision to remain; therefore, retention requires a coordinated
school-community effort. A school-community orientation can help new rural teachers overcome
feelings of isolation, acquire a sense of community security, and develop professional competence.
Some schools offer teachers scholarships, high-school-to-college programs, college courses,
and incentive loans for teachers who serve in rural areas experiencing teacher shortages,
scholarships for certified teachers seeking advanced training while working in a shortage area, and
home loans or rental housing for teachers in shortage areas.
Most rural teachers were raised close to where they now teach. Various "grow-your-own"
strategies offer incentives to local residents with potential to become teachers, such as assisting
them in obtaining the needed education and training.
The government has developed teacher supply-and-demand analyses to track teacher
availability in subject areas and across communities. For example, Alaska's annual teacher supply-
and-demand report notes the teacher shortage is worsened by the state's early-retirement incentive
program; low salary levels that put the state in a poor competitive position; procedural difficulties
with certification; and increased time needed to earn certification.

I believe that principals should select a new teacher's initial assignments carefully, set clear
goals, welcome feedback, establish an encouraging and nonthreatening environment, and provide
opportunities to interact with experienced colleagues and parents. Collegial mentoring--that is not a
part of teacher evaluation--can be crucial. The school also can ease the way for new teachers by
streamlining paperwork, providing a well-planned in-service program, and arranging release time
for visiting other teachers' classrooms.
The community should recognize new teachers' accomplishments and invite them to
participate in various activities. Universities also can play an important role by offering cost-
effective distance-learning courses to keep rural teachers up-to-date.
I admire those teachers remain teaching in rural and remote areas. They are really strong and
have the determination to serve those that are really in. It is a noble calling for them to extend their
hand and to remove illiteracy in every way that they can.
Regardless of policies, rural schools and their communities have many tools at their disposal
for recruiting and retaining teachers. They can create local programs, possibly in cooperation with a
nearby college or university, to attract local youth into teaching. Districts can develop orientation
programs and mentoring, and support joint school-community efforts to help new teachers feel more
at home. Most importantly, schools and communities should publicize the advantages of teaching in
a rural community.

New Teacher Mentoring: Hopes and Promise for Improving Teacher Effectiveness


Ellen Moir, Dara Barlin, Janet Gless, and Jan Miles

Teacher quality is the single most important lever schools have for raising student
achievement. A substantial body of research indicates that new teachers are less able than their more
experienced colleagues to help students fulfill their academic potential. Yet in many school districts
those in urban settings—as many as half of the teachers may have less than five years’ experience.
In addition, the students who face the greatest challenges are most likely to be assigned novice
teachers. By supporting new teachers, increasing their effectiveness, and reducing turnover, school
districts can give the children most in need of high-quality teaching a real chance at success.

They set forth the principles of high-quality instructional mentoring and describe the elements
of a rigorous professional development program. Detailed case studies show how these principles
can be applied at the district level and highlight the opportunities and challenges involved in
implementing these programs in different contexts. The book makes a powerful case for using new
teacher mentoring as an entry point for creating a strong professional culture with a shared, aligned
understanding of high-quality teaching.


One of the biggest challenges facing educational leaders today is finding strategies to keep
our best and brightest teachers in our nation’s classrooms. Mentoring new and veteran teachers is
critical to meeting that challenge. New Teacher Mentoring: Hopes and Promise for Improving
Teacher Effectiveness is a must read for educators who are serious about transforming Philippine
classroom setting.

The only way to improve education is to allow a full flowering of every talented teacher with
the advice and consent of every child's parents. Only in a free market of ideas will the whimsical
elements of learning be transferred to scientifically sound teaching practices. Every day we delay
leaves millions of children in the backwaters of institutional servitude. As one of our lesser lights
accidentally observed, "The waste is a terrible thing to mind".


It is necessary to improve the current educational system to meet people's needs in a fast-
changing society. It is done through continuous efforts of the teacher and support from

It is important to not only identify effective teaching, but provide teachers guidance and
support to become more effective. Numerous states have developed definitions of effective teaching
that incorporate essential knowledge, skills and classroom practices, and which do not rely
exclusively on outcome-based measures such as student achievement. Effective teaching includes
aspects of teacher leadership, the ability to embrace diversity and individual learning characteristics,
and content knowledge. Planning instruction to meet the needs of all students, provide relevant
instruction, make connection across content areas, develop effective communication, and foster
critical thinking skills are measures of teacher effectiveness as well. To have effective reform
strategy, it needs to recognize teacher development as a primary means to maximize classroom
effectiveness. It should require states not merely to identify the best teachers, but see that their
successes form the building blocks of a better understanding of effective teaching practice that can
upgrade the education status of our country.
A teacher's personal philosophy of education is a critical element in his or her approach to
guiding student along the path of enlightenment.
And this is how I bring up my students– every day I use daily things around us to educate
them to all sorts of different knowledge.
I certainly do not believe in just sitting in a classroom – which is unnatural, unhealthy, and
should be limited. It is obvious we did not evolve to learn by sitting in classrooms, in segregated
age groups - but to be active, out and about doing things, talking, watching and learning from other
people and other objects around us.
I also believe that:
To educate the individual as a free individual – To understand and use critical thinking skills
for determining what they have experienced and learned.
To educate the individual as a part of society –that every learner has their own distinctive
and important role in the environment they are into.
I believe that education should be fun rather than forced – that force and punishment play no
part in a good education. Thus I detest the attitude of punishing children for not doing their
I believe that lot of education problems could be solved by giving everyone 100 great books
to read and discuss with their children.
The fundamental principle of education is to understand learners, through this; we can
identify student’s needs strengths and weaknesses in a simple and sensible way.

“A teacher affects eternity, nobody can tell when

his influence stops.”
Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University

College of Teacher Education

Lucban, Quezon


Prepared by:
BSEd IV-A (English)

Second Semester
S.Y. 2009-2010
Villa Salvamen Gibanga Sariaya, Quezon
Contact No: 09106163447
Email Address: mharemagboo@yahoo.com

OBJECTIVE: To be employed in a productive institution where I could secure a work that

would enhance my knowledge and abilities in the service of God, country and mankind.



College of Teacher Education
BSEd-English Major
SY 2006-2010
Sariaya, Quezon
SY 2002-2006
SI Meritorious Awarde
Sariaya, Quezon
SY 1996-2002


Member Language Society

Member Pedantic Society

 Seminar on Family Planning and HIV Aids

GAB AVR ,SLSU Lucban, Quezon

March 2007

 Refined Structure Education Curriculum Seminar

GAB AVR, SLSU Lucban, Quezon

October 2007

 Seminar on Concept-Based on Selected

Secondary Subjects and Lesson Demonstration

MHDP AVR SLSU Lucban, Quezon

February 2008

 Turui, Sulati, Artehi (A Writing and Acting Workshop)

JR Building Hamlet Hall, SLSU Lucban, Quezon

March 2008

 Seminar on Campus Journalism

GAB AVR, SLSU Lucban, Quezon

October 2008

 Collaborative Learning

GAB AVR, SLSU Lucban, Quezon

November 2009

 Integrative Teaching Strategies

SLSU Main Library Lucban, Quezon

December 2009
 National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

SLSU Main Library Lucban, Quezon

December 2009

 Seminar Workshop in Understanding By Design (UbD)

GAB AVR, SLSU Lucban, Quezon

February 2010


 Matirang Matibay Quiz Bee

Buwan ng Wika

August 2006

Second Placer

 Pinoy Henyo Quiz Show

Education Days

December 2006

Second Placer

 Ist Science Wizard Society Quiz Show

Science and Technology Week

September 2007

First Placer

 Pinoy Henyo Quiz Show

Education Days

December 2007

First Placer
 Dean’s Lister

Ist- 2nd Semester

SY 2006-2007

 Dean’s Lister

Ist Semester

SY 2007-2008

 Editorial Writing

Seminar on Campus Journalism

October 2008

10th Place

 Copyreading and Headline Writing

Seminar on Campus Journalism

October 2008

10th Place

 Dean’s Lister

Second Semester

SY 2008-2009

 Dean’s Lister

Ist-2nd Semester

SY 2009-2010

 Has a commendable oral and written communication competence and can speak in
English and Filipino.
 Experienced in developing and improving students’ social skills and successfully
addressing behavioral problems.
 Computer literate and can teach in other subjects.
 Could train students in various academic quiz bees and competitions.


Age : 20

Gender : Female

Birth Date : August 14, 1989

Birth Place : Sariaya, Quezon

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Citizenship : Filipino

Height : 5’3”

Weight : 100 lbs.

Father’s Name : Mario Magboo

Mother’s Name : Mercedes Magboo



Dean,College of Teacher Education

Southern Luzon State University

BSEd Student Teacher Supervisor

College of Teacher Education


BSEd Chairperson

College of Teacher Education

I hereby certify that the above information is given in good faith, true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.






To apply for a teaching To be hired in a secondary April 2010

position in a private private school
secondary school

To review and to take the I will pass the licensure May 2010
Licensure Examinations for examination by applying
Teachers the theories and principles
that I learned in my
tertiary level.
To teach in a Private I will be competent and June 2010-March 2013
Secondary School dedicated to my work.
I will consider students’
individual differences in

To teach in a Public I will attend conferences June 2013-2016

Secondary School and seminars that will
enhance my knowledge and
skills in teaching.

To take up the Master’s I will support seminars and June 2016-2018

Degree other activities that are
concerned about teaching.

To teach in a Tertiary Level I will teach in a tertiary June 2018-2019

level to broaden my horizon
in different aspects of
teaching in higher

To take up Doctor’s Degree To take doctor’s degree in June 2018-2020

PNU and lead symposiums
and seminars about
modern trends in Teaching.

A Brief Lesson Plan in English II

Narrative Poetry Writing


 Read and discuss the poem

 Recall and interpret facts and extend meanings
 Respond to critical opinion about the poem
 Analyze narrative poetry and the use of repetition and metaphor in a poem
 Discuss the following themes: courage and honor; leaders and followers

A. Topic- Narrative Poetry Writing

B. Reference- Writing in English Made Easy

B. Wu, Murry Bergtraum pp.304-309

C. Instructional Materials- Poem" The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred, Lord

Overview: This lesson is designed to help students understand the literary elements in a narrative
poem and how to identify them. Through this lesson, students will be able to understand how to
analyze a narrative poem, which is a very necessary skill in writing Regents Task III essays.
They will also learn, through this lesson, how the stylistic techniques used in the poems help
illustrate the theme.


A. Routinary Activities

1.Classroom Management

2.Checking of Attendance

3.Collecting of Assignment

B. Procedures and Activities:

1. Motivation: Writing before Reading

Ask students to explain the purpose and style of fight songs and cheers at a sporting
event. Point out that such chants are rhythmical, direct, emotional, repetitive, and
chauvinistic in order to rouse the spirits of spectators and to elicit response from them.
Explain the poem we are going to read is a kind of fight song about the Battle of
Balaklava(1854), in which the British Light Cleverly Brigade charged enemy Russian

2. Reading and response:

o According to stanza 2, why do the men of Light Brigade charge when they know
the order is a mistake?
o According to stanza 5, what is the outcome of the battle?

o In the last stanza, how does the poet urge us to regard the Light Brigade?

o What effect does the repetition of words and lines have on the story of the battle?
o List some of the verbs used in stanzas 1,3, and 5. What effect do these verbs have
on the effect on the plot of the poem?
o What specific details suggest that very few members of the Light Brigade
survived the famous charge?
o After reading a newspaper account of the battle, Tennyson composed the poem in
just a few minutes, but the poem was an instant and lasting success. Soldiers
considered the poem "a fine rolling war-chant". In what ways do you think the
poem is a "war chant"? What do you think made the poem popular with soldiers?
o Literary elements: a) What is the meaning of the metaphor--"jaw of death"
"mouth of hell" ? b) Why did the poet use "half the league" in the first stanza and
" Rode the six hundred" in the first three stanzas repetitiously? C) What is the plot
and setting? Who are the characters? What is the rising action and falling action?
What is the climax and resolution of the story? What is the theme?

3. Reflecting on the poem: Do you agree that the light Brigade should be honored? Why or
why not?

Follow-up Activities:

1. Write a journal on " Are courage and devotion to duty necessary even if they lead to the
end of life"?
2. Find a newspaper story that causes you to react strongly. Write a response to the article in

Open-book Test: Answer the following questions:

 Why awes the brigade in the poem called " the Light Brigade"?
 The brigade may best be described as--
 In stanza 2, the soldier knows that some one has --
 What theme is implied in the title"The Charge of the Light Brigade" ?
 The repetition of words and lines stresses the brigade's a)action, weakness, fear, and
defeat b)reaction, violence, marching, and surrender c) charge, cannon fire, bloodshed,
and victory d) action, determination, losses, and honor

Class Notes:
Narrative is the recounting of a succession of events. Many narratives are fictional, including
epics and novels, but narrative can include nonfiction such as history and autobiography.
Narratives needn't be in prose: epics, for instance, are narrative verse.
Narratives are not always told in sequence. Many stories start in medias res and jump about

(In medias res is Latin for "in the middle of things." It usually describes a narrative that begins,
not at the beginning of a story, but somewhere in the middle -- usually at some crucial point in
the action.)

Analyze the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe.

Annabel Lee The angels, not half so happy in heaven,

Went envying her and me-
It was many and many a year ago, Yes!- that was the reason (as all men
In a kingdom by the sea, know,
That a maiden there lived whom you may In this kingdom by the sea)
know That the wind came out of the cloud by
By the name of ANNABEL LEE; night,
And this maiden she lived with no other Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
Than to love and be loved by me. But our love it was stronger by far than
the love
I was a child and she was a child, Of those who were older than we-
In this kingdom by the sea; Of many far wiser than we-
But we loved with a love that was more And neither the angels in heaven above,
than love- Nor the demons down under the sea,
I and my Annabel Lee; Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
With a love that the winged seraphs of Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
heaven For the moon never beams without
Coveted her and me. bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And this was the reason that, long ago, And the stars never rise but I feel the
In this kingdom by the sea, bright eyes
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
My beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by
So that her highborn kinsman came the side
And bore her away from me, Of my darling- my darling- my life and
To shut her up in a sepulchre my bride,
In this kingdom by the sea. In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1 Half a league half a league

2 Half a league onward
The Charge of the Light Brigade 3 All in the valley of Death
4 Rode the six hundred:
5 `Forward the Light Brigade
6 Charge for the guns' he said 29 Sabring the gunners there,
7 Into the valley of Death 30 Charging an army while
8 Rode the six hundred 31 All the world wonder'd:
32 Plunged in the battery-smoke
2 33 Right thro' the line they broke;
34 Cossack & Russian
9 `Forward the Light Brigade!' 35 Reel'd from the sabre-stroke,
10 Was there a man dismay'd? 36 Shatter'd & sunder'd.
11 Not tho' the soldier knew 37 Then they rode back, but not
12 Some one had blunder'd: 38 Not the six hundred.
13 Theirs not to make reply,
14 Theirs not to reason why, 5
15 Theirs but to do & die,
16 Into the valley of Death 39 Cannon to right of them,
17 Rode the six hundred. 40 Cannon to left of them,
41 Cannon behind them
3 42 Volley'd & thunder'd;
43 Storm'd at with shot & shell,
18 Cannon to right of them, 44 While horse & hero fell,
19 Cannon to left of them, 45 They that had fought so well
20 Cannon in front of them 46 Came thro' the jaws of Death
21 Volley'd & thunder'd; 47 Back from the mouth of Hell,
22 Storm'd at with shot & shell, 48 All that was left of them
23 Boldly they rode & well, 49 Left of six hundred.
24 Into the jaws of Death,
25 Into the mouth of Hell 6
26 Rode the six hundred.
50 When can their glory fade?
4 51 O the wild charge they made!
52 All the world wonder'd.
27 Flash'd all their sabres bare, 53 Honour the charge they made!
28 Flash'd as they turn'd in air, 54 Honour the Light Brigade,
55 Noble six hundred!

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English II

(The Gold Harvest)

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Summarize the story using concepts mapping.
B. Define unfamiliar words for better understanding of the story.
C. Demonstrate the value of optimism and industry through sole play.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic

The Gold Harvest

(A Thai Folktale)

B. Reference

English Expressways II
Bermudez, Virginnia et., Al
pp. 144 – 149

C. Instructional Materials

Brown Paper Technique

Pictures and Asian Map
Board and Chalk

D. Methodology

Teacher’s Activities

A. Routinary Activities
1. Classroom Management
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Checking of Assignment

B. Motivation
(The teacher post pictures of objects, landmarks, etc. that are often associated with

(The teacher gives additional background information about Thailand).

Thailand is a country found in Southeast Asia, bordering Laos, and Cambodia as well as
Myanmar, and Malaysia. It’s capital is Bangkok. Thailand is also known as “Siam”. The word
“Thai” means “freedom”in the Thai language and also the name of the majority Thai ethnic

Thailand is one of the fast-growing and developing countries in Asia. The country’s
development is distributed on the people’s way of living and aspirations. For this morning, you
will be acquainted with an inspiring story about a man who dreamed of changing copper into
gold. Find out what made him succeed to reach his goal.

A. Unlocking of Difficulties

Directions: on the blank provided before each number, place the appropriate meaning of
the underlined words in each sentences. Look for the underlined words in each sentence.
Look for the missing words below. Use the given words in a meaningful sentences.

________________1. The auspicious hour for planting bananas was the tenth day of the fourth
lunar month.
________________2. The enjoy the meal because the rice was fluffy and fresh from the pot.
________________3. The fuzz from banana leaves can be woven into malts and bags.
________________4. The gleaming stars guided Nene on her way home.
________________5. The children considered the plantation as an heirloom.
________________6. Myriads at shiny leaves sprouted because of her green thumb.
________________7. The scent of incense gives the visitors of a peaceful ambiance.








Sparkling plenty inheritance fiber
Smell light favorable

B. Lesson Proper

Folktales are traditionally tales common to the members of a tribe, race or nation that are
easily passed from language to language and spread all over the world. It usually explains natural
phenomena or suggest religious or morale truth.

Some of the story “The Gold Harvest” is a folktale, does it have a known authorshiGive
the setting of the story.

Who is the ain character in the story?

What was the Nai Han Rong’s idea of becoming rich?

Does Wai Hash Ong’s wige agree with his idea?

What does she believed instead?

The wife listened patiently to her husband and let him do with his experiments. When all
their resources had been used she decided that something would have to be done about her
husband is great expectation.

Give the experiments performed by Nah Hai Tong in his aim of turning copper into gold.

Did Tong succeed with all his experiment?

What did his wife ask him to do?

Where did Nah Hai Tong sit to have self-esteem and respect?

The servant places a large tray of bowls. What do the bowls contain?

Define what a namprick is?

Enumerate some of the customs of ancient Thai’s when eating.

Describe Wai Han Tong after meal.

State his father-in –law’s intent of inviting Tong to come over to dine with him.

Wah Hai Tong was really amazed for what he had heard. He listened to his father-in-law
carefully. He listened to were the things that the old man cannot perform and Tong had
volunteered to do for him?

Wai Hah Tong bowed low to his father-in-law. What values were shown here?
Why did Wai Han Tong go to the village Wai (temple) before preparing the fields?

As he waited for the priest what did he heard as a rare sign of good fortune?

With the painting of each banana tree, he uttered special secret words given to him by his

How did Wai Han Tong react upon hearing the truth?

How did his wife react in response?

What did Wai Han Tong say about a master magician?

What did Wai Tong do to the meaningless piles of banana fuzz?

What would be the purpose of the statue?

E. Valuing

Who was the character you admired in the story?

State your reason why you admire or her.

Give instances in your life when you demonstrate optimism and work hard to make it
come true?

Give instances in your life when you demonstrate optimism and work hard to make it
come true?

V. Assignment

Motive Question:

Are you artistic enough? Reveal your creative side. Recall some traditions and beliefs of
Thai people. Choose one and make a comic strip for it. Present your work on a short bond paper.

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English III

The Discontented Stone Breakers)

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
A. Summarize the flow of the story.
B. Share ideas regarding the story.
C. Reflect on the valves derived from the story.


A. Topic
The Discontented Stone Breaker
B. Reference
Communicate in English II
pp. 250 - 252
C. Instructional Materials
Brown paper technique
Board and chalk


A. Routinary Activities
1. Classroom Management
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Collecting of Assignment

B. Motivation
The teacher plays the trailer and the soundtrack of the animated film “Aladdin”.

If you were Aladdin having a

magical lamp who can ask for wishes what
would you feel?
I will feel happy and I will wish for the
things that I really wanted to have.

This day you will be acquainted with

a man who wishes for all the things that can make
him happy but still he was discontented. Find
out what will make him contented I the end.

C.Unlocking of Difficulties

Students are organized in groups of three. 5-7 new words will have been placed on the
word wall. Students will be provided with the K-W-L handout as they walk into class. They are
to immediately, with their groups, complete the handout using each word for the handout. After
approximately 5 minutes the teacher calls the class back together to discuss the words,
specifically what they know already, what they want to know and what they have learned that
relates to each of the words given. This serves as a great springboard into discussion around the
topic that will be the focus of the daily lesson.

Word What I Know What I Want to Know What I’ve Learned

e.g.mammoth A kind of huge animalWhat are otherMammoth means huge,

I the movie Ice Age meanings ofgigantic or enormous in
mammoth? size.





D .Lesson Proper

What was the man’s occupation?

Stone breaker

State the main reason why he was disconnected to

Break stones out of the mountainside

The toll was excessive and the

reward was tiny

Kindly give his first wish.

To become rich enough to lie prone

on a sort baleh0baleh with lovely
curtains of red silk.

Name the creatures who granted his wishes.

The good and mighty spirits that

dwelt in the upper realm.

Predict why the mighty spirits granted the

Stone breaker’s wishes

They were touched by the man’s

sorrow when they saw him weeping
and groaning over his heavy labors.

Of all his wishes, why do you think he was still disconnected?

He wanted to become the greatest of


Why did he wish to become the sun?

The sun was the greatest than the
king. The king could not be saved
from the
Torment of the heat.

According to the man, what was mightier than the sun?

The cloud

Why did he wish to become a rock.

The rock was strong that the rain

clouds couldn’t wash it away.

In paragraph 21, what words suggest the man’s


A stone breaker

How can you infer that the man was a stone breaker?

He appeared with a heavy hammer

and steel stone chisel.

Is there greater than a rock?

A man.

Compare the stone breaker described in paragraph 1

and the stone breaker described in the last paragraph.
How are they alike? How are they different?

They are the same man, the stone

breaker, they are different because
the man in the first paragraph was
disconnected while the man on the
second paragraph was contented.
If you were given a chance to have a
wish , what do you want to have or to become?

(Student’s answers vary).

What do you think can make a person complete or


(Student’s answers vary.)

With the use of a web, compare and contrast the characteristics of the discontented ad the
contented man.


With the use of a coloring material of your choice, you are going to create a comic a
comic strip out of the story “The Discontented Stone Breaker”. The main purpose is to reveal
your creative side through drawings.

Rubric for the Comic Strip

A.Content (50%)
1.Competeness of Entry
2.Readability of Entry


C.Mechanics (20%)
1.Correctness of Form (Tense and Pluralization)
2.Correctness in Spellig,Punctuation and Capitalization.

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English III

Informal Theme Writing
Love and Time

A. Use verbs correctly.
B. Express ideas through writing


A. Topic Love and time (Writing Activity)
B. Materials Pen and paper Technique

A. Routinary Actvities
1. Classroom Management
2. Checking of Attendance

B. Purposing

The teacher orients the student about an informal theme entitled “ Love and
Time”. The main purpose of course, is to train you to become familiar on the use
of verbs. Another aim is to enable you to express your ideas and concepts
regarding the topics and to write an informal essay or theme following the rules of
grammar as well as punctuation and capitalization.

C. Planning

The teacher gives a short recall on how to write an informal essay or theme. When
we say informal, it may deal with any subject, even the common place and
ordinary things. This deals with light subjects. Its language is familiar and the
tone is conversational. It commonly shares the opinion, an insight, an experience
or an observation.

D. Executing

The students write the informal theme in the best way they can. Given enough
time, the students submit their work to the teacher foe evaluation.

E. Evaluating

The teacher gives her evaluation on the informal theme written her students. The
teacher also gives her evaluative comments and suggestions for the improvement
of the student’s work. As a part of the evaluation process, the teacher may give a
mark or grade to each work.

Rubric for Informal Theme Writing

A. Organization (20%)
1. Application of Ideas
2. Unity, coherence and Parallelism

B. Content (35%)
1. Completeness of Entry
2. Readability of Entry
3. Neatness

C. Mechanics (45%)
1. Correctness of Form (tense and pluralization)
2. Correctness in spelling, Capitalization and Punctuation.


Behavioral disorders become apparent when the student displays a repetitive and impact
persistent pattern of behavior that results in the significant disruption in other students. Such
disturbances may cause significant impairments in academic, social, and or occupational
functioning. Such a behavior pattern is consistent throughout the individuals life
People learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those
behaviors. “Most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing
others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded
information serves as a guide for action.” (Bandura). Social learning theory explains human
behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and
environmental influences.

Skinner's theories have been implemented in school systems in a variety of ways.

Teachers and parents alike rewarded students for good behavior long before Skinner's theories
were developed. However, many behavior management systems used in today's schools are
directly influenced by his work. Skinner advocated for immediate praise, feedback, and/or
reward when seeking to change troublesome or encourage correct behavior in the classroom.
Teachers seeking to implement a reinforcement system in their classroom should use strategies
such as a "token economy" to reward students immediately for behaviors that they are
reinforcing. Skinner also advocated for teacher identification of and reflection on the
environmental effects on student behavior. Formalized strategies that focus on the identification
of "triggers" of student behavior are influenced by Skinner's work.

II. Background of the Student

The Student I choose caught my attention on my first week of teaching. On the first look
it was not different from the common crowd of students. I had met but as I observed his
behaviors I could say it was really unusual one. I will just label him as “Dazo”. He was a 14 year
old little boy with a dark complexions, dried lips and sometimes reddish to yellowish. His
physique was really small, that was why it’s hard to believe that he was already a sophomore.
His classmates often describe him as “the dog boy”, for he had a resemblance synonymous to a
dog. He loves biting object near to him. Aside from that, he loves roaming around the room as he
makes unnecessary noise.
He belongs to a poor family according to his classmates’ accounts. His shabby clothes
and worn-out things served as proves that they were rights. Dazo’s father was a vulcanizer and
his mother was a jueteng collector. He was the 4 th son among the eight children. His two older
sisters got married at an early age, three of them were on highshool, two of his siblings were on
the Elementary, and the youngest was only a seven month old baby. Only a few things have
known about his family background because he refrains from telling something about them. And
beside he doesn’t have friends in the class.

Regarding his intellectual aspects his report card tells that he was one of the slow learners
and he has the lowest grade among them. All of his subjects are almost failing. Even his
attendance was terribly affected; he has absences at least once a week and usually attends class
late at least twice a week. He was one of the students who cannot wait any longer for the opening
of the gate every 3:00 pm and prefers to jump off the back fence so he can do whatever he
wanted. It seems that he really not wanted schooling.

Regarding his social aspects since he belonged to the fifth section, he cannot find the
enjoyment of making friends with their academically inclined classmates. He was not that
cooperative to them in various school activities. He seeks companionship to those students of the
lower section. I often see him with the other groups with the same interests and way of thinking
as his.

There were some hearsays about his personality. His classmates accused him of using
drugs. His other classmates had confessed that they took drugs together with Dazo. They smoked
gamble and drink after classes. They were sometimes involved in community vandalism and
common trippings. There’s one I warned them and told them to delete all those files or else I
would subject them to referral or the guidance.
III. Problems of the Student
A – Describing the Problem (Examples and Patterns)

I first noticed Dazo’s when I thought the first lesson at the fifth section of the second year
English class. I had spent a lot of times on observing the students, including their interactions
and behaviors. Dazo had stood out to me almost from the beginning with his obvious problems
of attention seeking behavior. He created unnecessary noise in many ways. He loved singing the
famous Manny Villar jingle the “Tunay na Mahirap” and whenever I ask him to sing in front of
the class, he refrained from doing it’s and asked permission to go to the comfort room. He
always have his back pack with him even inside the room, he enjoyed roaming around the room
that’s why his classmates were irritated with him. They really protested of ejecting him inside the

I was having the student to work together in groups for a short dramatization of the story
I had just given. Dazo was ignoring his group mates, who seemed to rather work alone without
him anyway. He continued his attention seeking behavior by disturbing the other group
rehearsals. The activity turned to be a complete disaster because his classmates kept on
complaining about Dazo’s annoyance. I warned the class to work silently or else I would be
giving deductions for those groups who had a noisy members. All of the students seemed quiet
except for one it was Dazo. In fear of deductions, his group mates try to pacify him. He listened
to them and they continued working with their dramatization. I always walked by to ask if was
doing okay. I told his group mates to let Dazo share his ideas and to have the lead role. Dazo
realize it wasn’t difficult to cooperate and seemed to be enjoying the appreciations given by his
group mates as well as me. He was soon helping the other group and his entire mood seemed to
have change from the beginning of an hour. Next I went in front of the classroom to discuss the
criteria/rubrics for judging their presentation. I also asked the students who among them would
volunteer to start the dramatization. Dazo was actually jumping out of his seat, shaking his arm
on the air and begging for their group to be called on. He was confident with their presentations
and he seemed to have found a new kind of attention getting behavior that he enjoyed. I was just
happy to have him participating.

I thought that dramatization was the beginning of his cooperation/interaction with his
classmates. But the next day it seemed that he have returned into his previous behavior. He
always distracts my discussion and seemed enjoying the attention I gave him whenever I call his
name to keep quite to listen and to be seated. I often asked his classmates if he also behave that
way in other subject. They told me that he was also noisy and inattentive in other subjects. One
day, he told me that he named to go out their room for he would buy paper at the canteen. I let
him but he never returned. The next day I talked to him personally to ask what the matter was.
He only remained silent and tells me not to mind him.

I have talked with his adviser about Dazo’s behavior problems and she also believed that
she was attention seeking for many reasons. Dazo’s family life has been troubled and
inconsistent with many siblings and not a lot of attention for his alone at home. His issues with
lack of attention have caused many problems at school including physical fights with other
students and many verbal confrontations with students and teachers. Due to all of this he has
missed a lot of time in the classroom dealing with his behavioral problems. Mrs.RRS said that
although Dazo was EI (emotionally impaired) his biggest problems in the classroom were not
due to academic problems but rather due to the big holes in his education because of lessons

In my last day of teaching I asked them to make a letter giving their feedbacks regarding
my teaching. I ask Dazo if he has any letter for me and I’m glad to know that he has the whole
class presented an intermission number. For me as they gave their letters personally. One of the
students volunteered to read each letter in front of the class. When it was Dazo’s letter to be read
he immediately grab it from his classmate and crumpled it. I tried to get out the mysterious letter
but he immediately thrown it outside the room. The class reacted violently against him and felt
ashamed for his rudeness. I walked out of the room the student taught that I got really mad to
look for Dazo’s letter. I am glad that I have found it with the help of the student outside. Soon I
entered the room but I never told them that I have found Dazo’s letter. I read it secretly and was
touched with its content. Dazo was asking for forgiveness for all the problems that he had given
and promising most solemnly that he would be good student. He was also thankful for all the
encouragements and support I have given to him in times that his environment was pulling him
down. That was the happiest day of my teaching at Luis Palad.

B. Reasons for the Problems

Based on my own view he was really a good boy who wanted to be a good student and
person. He was just driven by the situation triggering his behavior. I know he listen to my
advices. One time I told him to read the informal theme he had written. At first he was really
hesitant to recite. I could feel he was a bit embarrassed, somehow uncomfortable of seeing him
by his classmates doing good things. I advice him to prove to his classmates that he can be a
good student and he was not only up to making noise he did and his classmates commended on
his accomplishments. He only turned to be an attention-seeker because he believed that his
behavior allows him to escape from frustrating situations.

IV. Treatment
Unfortunately, since I think that Dazo’s problems are mostly the result of problems at
home there isn’t much that the school can do about that. He should be involved with the
people around him and was required to have daily conversation with his parents who would
provide him the chance to talk about any issues school or home related that are bothering him.
However, there are ways that Dazo could be helped with his academic problems which
are largely in part to his self-esteem. I think that he would benefit greatly from a personal
tutoring from a friend or even a high school student looking to help out. The most important
part of this tutoring would be the one-on-one that Dazo needs to get his interested in learning
something. I remember that he responded so well when I worked with him one day and was so
excited to share his answers with the class, I’m sure that would happen again if provided the
opportunity. This attention that he craves may trigger a desire to learn which in turn would
help him with his self esteem problems and his avoidance of failure.

Albert suggests in ‘Cooperative Discipline’ two general principles of prevention

to apply toward attention seeking students. The first principle is to ‘catch them being good’ by
giving an increased amount of attention for any sort of positive behavior they engage in. The
second principle that he suggests is to teach them to ask for attention. One suggestion in the book
was to do this by giving the attention seeking students cards that say “Notice Me, Please.” This
seems like an extreme idea but these are the kind of students that have no problem making
themselves stand out from the rest of the class. This way they are receiving the attention they
crave but also asking for the help they need. Students feel good about themselves—and about their
ability to succeed in school—when they believe they’re capable learners who can connect in
positive ways with classmates and teachers. They’ll also feel good about themselves when they
find ways to contribute to the class and to the school. Keep in mind that encouragement
strategies not only prevent misbehaviour but are being used successfully as violence and gang
prevention measures.

IV. Conclusion

1. Unusual family structure, such as broken family and poverty, has damaging effects on an
individual’s socialization.

2. Teachers, classmates, and peers could create an impact either positive or negative, and
could play a definite role in the socialization of an individual.

3. The mass media of television, film and comics provide an individual a great variety of
models or influences capable of being imitated.

V. Recommendation

1. Continuous or frequent exposure to certain exemplary models, and positive

reinforcements can strengthen socially approved behaviors.

2. Keeping attention-seekers students busy in recitations and other classrooms activities

could minimize undesirable behavior without depriving his rights.

3. Expose students to socialization among others.


Chomsky, N. (1967). A review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior. Retrieved November 4, 2007,

Web site: http://www.chomsky.info/articles/1967---.htm
Ervin, R. A., Ehrhardt, K. E., & Poling, A. (2001). Functional Assessment: Old wine in new
bottles. School Psychology Review. 30, 173-179.

Kohn, A. (1993). Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A's, praise,
and other bribes. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Premack, D. (1965). Reinforcement theory. In D. Levine (ed.), Nebraska symposium on

motivation. (Vol. 13). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Rand, A. (1998). Philosophy: Who needs it?. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs Merrill.

Timberlake, W., & Allison, J. (1974). Response to deprivation: An empirical approach to

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Ulman, J. D. (1998). Applying behavioral principles in the classroom: Creating Responsive

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Retrieved from
Category: Classroom Management Theorist and Theories

Republic of the Philippines

Luis Palad National High School

Tayabas City

The Luis Palad National High School envisions a dynamic proactive community imbued
with strong moral, spiritual values fully equipped and globally competitive as lifelong learners.


The Luis Palad National High School is continuously serving as a friendly, caring-
learning school community in unity and excellence


We believe that:

1. Genuine learning takes place in an environment in which each individual can discover
and develop his/her own interest and skills; and where everyone is enabled to develop/gain self-
awareness, self-esteem and feelings of worth;

2. While all the subjects are equally important for the total development of the learner,
priority must be given to the basic skills, namely: mathematics, language, communication and
motor skills which are the foundations for learning other subjects and which make him/her a
lifelong learner.

3. Education in a wider sense and especially as it related to attitudes and values, is not
only a school matter, for significant roles are played by the family, the peer group, the media, the
church, and the other groups in the community. In this aspect of the learner’s development the
school takes the role of a learning center where opportunities and resources are provided so that
through the skillful guidance of the teacher and planned interaction with peers, the learner
assisted to process hi/her total experiences to facilitate his/her growth and total development in
the context of local, national and global situations.

4. There are absolute moral standards that clearly define the norms of human behavior
and from which we draw moral truth, rational certitude and a strong foundation upon which to
build character.


Luis Palad National High School is located at Barangay Ipilan, Tayabas City. The entire
campus was very huge in land area. It was near the Ipilan Alitao Elementary School and walking
distance from the public market. The buildings and classrooms were very numerous. You will
really get lost inside the campus when you are not familiar on the place.

The school was divided into departments namely Science, Math, Filipino, TLE, English,
MAPEH and Social Studies. Each department has their own designated faculty rooms and
buildings. There was the main canteen and some small canteens scattered around the campus.
The field was very wide suited to all sports events and school celebrations. The grandstand will
give you a good view of the field where you can relax and forget the tiring day.

Luis Palad National High School has also botanical gardens at the back of the Social
Studies and Filipino Department. The campus is surrounded by tall trees that give shade against
the suns rays. Almost all of buildings are newly – constructed and the old buildings are newly
relocated. There were also lots of building for various purposes corn, SSG, Gymnasium and

The school personnel were very accommodating and the security guard and students were
very polite and friendly. They have three gates but they only use two of them. Another amazing
thing in that school was their various bell guides (Bell Guide A, B and C) bell guides determine
the schedule of classes. Bell Guide A means that it was a regular schedule, one hour each subject.
Bell Guide B seldom happens. I think it signifies a half day class. Bell Guide A means that each
subject duration is forty five minutes or the class is cut at 3:00 P.M.


Luis Palad National High School was established as Luis Palad High School in 1931 by
virtue of Act No. 3757 of the Philippine legislature enacted on November 26, 1930 and was
initially funded out of the proceeds of a 20 hectare coconut land located in Barangay Talao-talao
(formerly Colong-colong). The land was donated by a former school teacher and a resident of
Tayabas, Quezon named Luis Palad.

On January 25, 1892, four years before his death on December 3, 1896 the donor
executed a will donating this land to the government and thereby creating a “Trust for the benefit
of a secondary school to be established to the town of Tayabas . . .“ Implementing the trust thus
created, the Philippine Legislature at that time passed Act No. 3232 on November 27, 1925
establishing a rural agricultural high school in Tayabas. This was later amended by Act No. 3462
on December 7, 1928 creating a board for the purpose of disbursing the funds from the Luis
Palad Estate. Before the proposed agricultural high school was established, Act No. 3757 was
passed on November 26, 1930 amending the two previous acts converting the proposed rural
high school into a general high school to be known as Luis Palad High School . The amending
act, according to the provincial Board of Quezon in 1958 abolished the board created by Act
3462 and restored to the Provincial Governor of Quezon the sole trusteeship of the Luis Palad
Estate. The school was later classified as Provincial High School like all high schools in Quezon
Province funded from Provincial funds, and was renamed Luis Palad High School .

Since the operation of the school however, the proceeds from the Estate accrued to the
general fund of the province which is not consistent to the general fund of the trust. It was only
in 1975 when this was corrected at the instance of the school’s Administration, Faculty, and
Employee’s club, and the P.T.A. A Luis Palad Estate Trust Fund was subsequently created where
proceeds from the estate accrue, the fund was, since then, spent solely for the benefit of the Luis
Palad Provincial High School .

On April 14, 1893, the Interim Batasang Pambansa enacted BP Plg. 562 converting the
school into a national high school to be known as Luis Palad National High School . This law
was subsequently signed by the former President Marcos on June 24, 1983, and was
implemented on January 1, 1984 with the initial funding of P 1, 167, 790.00 for the whole
calendar year. This is cone through the effort of the former Assemblyman Dr. Cesar A. Villariba.
At the start of the operation in 1931, classes are held at the Casa Communidad 500
meters away from the present location. The first building was a 4-room Gabaldon type. In 1947 a
Home Economics building was constructed followed by a shop building in 1953. The first
additional classroom was constructed in 1955.

After 65 years the number of classroom increased from 4 to 62 but the increase cannot
cope with the ever increasing student population. Moreover, some existing classrooms badly
need repairs. The campus is not even enclosed with the concrete fence. It was only in 1975 when
the fencing project started.

At present the school was composed of 150 teachers and employees which administered
by Dr. Ermelo I. Zalameda, the principal.


Last February 01-05, 2010 Luis Palad National High School celebrated its high school
week. Here students are free to enjoy and show their talents and abilities in various competitions.
Each department has prepared their own yells to showcase their prepared presentations. The first
day started with a parade followed by a mass. The succeeding days were scheduled for various
contests. The students enjoyed the Bingo Social hosted by the Math Department. The awards
boys (Sir Subeldia, Sir Sagocio and Sir Merano) hosted the event. The prestigious Mr. and Ms.
Paladian was also conducted. Everyone was amaze with the gorgeous and witty contestants this
year there’s also a contest called Talentadong Paladian where students belonging to their chose
department will show their hidden talents in dancing, singing, acting etc.

Another community event joined by some of my students was the Tai Ching Festival
during the town’s celebration of the Chinese New Year. Some of my students specially the
Rondalla joined the street dancing parade. Colorful costumes and marching bands were
pronounced on the different streets of Tayabas City Proper.

Name: Mrs. Vilma T. Fidelino
Subject: English II

Strength Weaknesses

 The teacher showed creativity in  Observe time management in every

preparing the materials discussion
 The teacher memorized the names of  Be more strategic in imposing
very students. discipline among naughty students
 Often gives incidental teaching and  Refrain from smiling when talking to
entertains student’s questions on parts students serious matters (Sermons)
not cleared to them.  Sometimes, instead if pacifying noisy
 Handles students disciplinary problems students the teacher provokes them to
with a smile and tries to understand further enjoyment.
each student’s needs  Sometimes you need to impose
 The teacher makes sure that everyone is authority because you’re a teacher
being called in the discussion  Avoid too much roaming around the
 Good in classroom management, she room while discussion
makes sure that the room is clean  The teacher should handle activity such
especially the board and the hallway as presentations in a smooth manner.
before leaving Control student’s unnecessary
 Appreciate student’s answers whether movements.
wrong or not. Handles students answers
 The teacher was able to adjust her art of
questioning for various students from
Section 1 to Section 5.

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