Ashrae Ashraejournal 201905 PDF
Ashrae Ashraejournal 201905 PDF
Ashrae Ashraejournal 201905 PDF
MAY 2019
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CONTENTS VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2019
Selecting and Specifying
Airflow Measurement
By Stephen W. Duda, P.E.
A Case for Controllability
64 26 By Peter Alspach, P.E.
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Fax: 404-321-5478 | Jay Scott
Mark S. Owen
EDITORIAL Remote Testing for Actuated Dampers
Jay Scott Building codes require periodic test- Features, for structural fire resistance.
Managing Editor ing of life-safety dampers. These are referred to as “containment”
Sarah Foster An article this month deals with or “compartmentation” dampers. The
remote testing methods of actuated second, those required in Chapter 9,
Associate Editor
Rebecca Matyasovski dampers. Actuated dampers, such Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems, as smoke and combination fire and for “smoke control system dampers.”
Associate Editor smoke, can be remote tested per the The author provides several exam-
Jeri Alger 2019 versions of the National Fire ples of typical actuated life-safety
Associate Editor Protection Association (NFPA) 80 and dampers and control methods that
Mary Kate McGowan 105 standards, which are referenced in exemplify the majority of cases. He also
the International Building Code (IBC) includes information on the intervals
Associate Editor
Courtney Payne and International Fire Code (IFC). at which various types of life-safety The initial remote inspection dampers must be tested.
Assistant Editor includes a visual inspection con-
Tani Palefski firming that the position indication EXISTING CONTROLS APPLIED
Contributing Editor, Europe & Middle East method accurately reflects the full to smoke control system dampers
W. Stephen Comstock open and full closed positions. installed per IBC and IFC Chapter 9
PUBLISHING SERVICES According to the author, the advan- already provide methods for remote
Publishing Services Manager
David Soltis tages of remote testing are code com- testing. Remote operation and posi-
Production pliance before any intervention by a tion indication are included initially
Jayne Jackson
fire official, cost avoidance, no ceiling and can be used for periodic testing.
Associate Publisher, membrane disturbance, and the abil- At times they are automatically tested
ASHRAE Media Advertising ity to test inaccessible dampers. These in the weekly smoke control system
Greg Martin advantages result in an overall safety equipment tests.
Advertising Production Coordinator increase without undue increase in However, the author explains, con-
Vanessa Johnson costs.
tainment dampers installed per IBC
and IFC Chapter 7 will need additional
President A SMALL NUMBER of single- and controls and wiring to allow remote
Sheila J. Hayter, P.E.
multi-blade fire dampers are actuated. testing.
Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng. The same methods used for combina- Damper open and closed position
Treasurer tion fire and smoke dampers can be verification is required. The author
Charles E. Gulledge III, P.E.
used for them. Ceiling radiation and discusses two methods for remote
Vice Presidents
Julia A. Keen, Ph.D., P.E. most fire dampers must be manually testing.
Malcolm Dennis Knight, P.E.
Farooq Mehboob, P.E. inspected and tested. One, local test switch with position
Michael Schwedler, P.E. Actuated dampers are applied in two indication lights can be installed. The
Secretary & Executive Vice President general building applications. First, second, using the fire alarm or build-
Jeff H. Littleton
those required to meet Chapter 7 of ing automation system to remote test.
2018 – 19 Chair the IBC, Fire and Smoke Protection Enjoy the issue.
Publications Committee
José Correa, P.E.
Washington Office
Mission Statement: ASHRAE Journal reviews current HVAC&R technology of broad interest through publica-
tion of application-oriented articles. ASHRAE Journal’s editorial content ranges from back-to-basics features
to reviews of emerging technologies, covering the entire spectrum of professional interest from design and
construction practices to commissioning and the service life of HVAC&R environmental systems.
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HVAC&R in Spain
about airflow and temperature but
also about other factors for IAQ and
comfort like CO2.”
MADRID—At Spain’s largest biennial The show’s technical program and filtration units is manufac-
HVAC&R exhibition, suppliers and topics tell the story of issues facing tured in Spain. The company was
visitors alike spoke about “steady the industry: “Reality of near-zero established to serve the industrial
growth.” Ended is government energy consumption buildings”; market, adding commercial prod-
funding for large projects like “Relevant aspects of refrigerants”; ucts several years ago. Now it is
airports and arenas and incentives and “Updating regulations on moving into domestic solutions.
for alternative energy applications. thermal installations in buildings “Because our products are manu-
Health care, data centers, privately to meet Ecodesign Regulations factured in Spain, we are agile in
financed commercial construc- and the Technical Building Code meeting our customer’s needs.
tion, and residential retrofits drive Requirements.” We maintain adequate inventory,
the market as suppliers react to The European Commission’s and for turnkey projects, we work
European Union (EU) regulations renewable energy directive requires to have our products delivered as
for refrigerant transition, energy ef- the EU to fulfill at least 20% of its soon as possible,” said Antonio Lara
ficiency and indoor air quality. Some total energy needs with renewables Lorente, a Luymar analysist.
manufacturers have posted 20% by 2020. That is an opportunity for The market driver Luymar
gains over the past two years. the HVAC companies, says Pilar sees on the horizon is residential
CLIMATIZACIÓN Y Budi, managing director of AFEC, IAQ regulation by the European
REFRIGERACIÓN (C&R), held the Spanish air-conditioning manu- Commission. “Humans require
February 26 to March 1, attracted facturers association. “I think the high quality air. Regulations are
54,781 trade visitors from 88 coun- market is turning,” she said. “Some going to address that,” said Lorente.
tries, 9.7% more than in 2017, and companies are adding new prod- “The second objective will be to
374 direct exhibitors. Non-Spanish ucts to their offerings, like heat provide it at reasonable cost, with
visitors increased by 20.7%, account- pumps. The need to comply with minimal emission of CO2 and at low
ing for 11% of all attendance. the European directive for energy power consumption.”
Greenheck can help you design an air movement and control system that supports your data
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(Left) Eduard Roig said Lennox was launching a new chiller with R-32 gas, the first chiller in the market with an inverter scroll compressor. (Center) With the theme “For Indoor
Life Quality,” TROX displayed how it uses digital technology to increase the perceived well-being of building occupants to make daily work easier and to protect the environment
with energy-efficient systems. (Right) Luis Mena explains the third generation Daikin Altherma 3, which provides heating for new houses using heat pumps. Altherma 3 uses a
combination of Daikin compressors and refrigerant R-32 to achieve A++ seasonal efficiency.
The biggest Spanish-based com- situations that may appear. Its prin- demand-based system allows indi-
pany in the industry is Soler & Palau cipal features include fan selection vidual room control, optimization
(S&P), whose product line has more from a required working point, heat of the air-handling unit based on
than 10,000 models covering indus- recovery unit selection, pre-calcula- ventilation and air-conditioning
trial buildings, residential build- tion of airflow, possibility to recon- parameters, fan speed control,
ings, the tertiary sector, industrial figure a product after being added and control of the recirculation
processes and OEMs. “Every six to the project, and BIM objects damper based on the air quality.
seconds S&P places a product in the download. “It is a small EMS that connects to
market,” said Damian Fernandez Trox showed its new line of air dif- the building EMS,” said Aramburu.
Garcia, the company’s commercial fusers that blend invisibly into ceil- With new regulations requiring
director. “Our distribution struc- ing tiles. Air is added to the room in reductions in energy consumption
ture, through subsidiaries and an individually regulated manner. and greater use of energy recovery,
exclusive distributors, allows us to The objective is to obtain the best system solutions are how manu-
be present in all world markets. That possible air quality in the occupied facturers are responding.
enables us to take innovation from zone and stable, homogeneous “Building systems need to be
one market and apply it in others.” ambient temperatures. The diffus- designed according to energy con-
First and foremost, manufactur- ers act as design elements for archi- sumption during the year,” said
ers need to deliver energy efficiency tects while fulfilling ventilation and Aramburu. “Now we design for the
and, to an increasing extent, indoor acoustic requirements. extremes. We must change to design
air quality, said Fernandez. “In the The big story, though, is how for the whole year, address power,
EU this is driven by regulation, companies are expanding their capacity and energy. We need
especially in the residential sector, range of services to better serve improved simulation tools and CFD
which has greater oversight than their customers, moving from a reports, using big data to design
the commercial market. Because of focus on individual components for actual conditions throughout
our reach throughout the entire EU, to systems. Suppliers like Trox are the entire year, not just the worst
we focus on achieving full compli- packaging diffusers, fire dampers, conditions.”
ance with all the applicable regula- silencers and air handling units Big data is going to change how
tions. We push for compliance to with control systems to improve Fisair, a Spanish company that
deliver the best system performance service and monitoring through manufactures solutions for the
possible.” cloud-based services. “At Trox we control of air and humidity in
Among Soler & Palau’s services are offering a complete solution,” materials and industrial processes,
displayed was EASYVENT, an online said Javier Aramburu, technical designs and delivers its products.
selection tool to guide designers director in Spain. The company, which celebrated
from the beginning of the project Trox X-AIRCONTROL manages the 50th anniversary of its found-
and let them adapt to the different airflow from AHU to diffusers. The ing at the fair, produces hygienic
a full range of mini-split systems for Spain’s residential Chile and Morocco,” said Pedros, the company’s market-
market. “We offer high efficiency products with pric- ing director for air and food sectors.
ing that reduces one of the barriers to the refrigerant “Besides the European market we have cultural con-
transition.” nections to the Americas,” said Fisair’s Boeta. “In Spain
Data center cooling is one of the sectors leading we are in a good location for the global market.” That
private investment. “Cooling represents the biggest along with economic stability have brightened prospects
slice of the total cost in a data center,” said Systemair’s for HVAC&R in Spain.
Madrid. The most efficient data
centers use products that can
reach PUE value close to 1.0 as
well as focus on Energy Resource
Effectiveness (ERE) to recover as
much energy as possible in all types
of geographies and climate zones.
“Systemair’s free cooling solutions
are a highly efficient method that
use low temperature outdoor air
to control the data center, reduc-
ing total energy consumption. It is
possible to free cool all the time or
for some time of the year in most
countries,” said Madrid. The com-
pany says calculations based on a
one year power saving of approxi-
mately 180,000 kW in Madrid show
that it is possible to estimate over a
five-year period an average energy
saving of 3,600,000 kWh. In terms
of money, cost reduction would add
up to a total of more than 432,000€
during the same period.
Abel Pedros of Eurofred sees Spain
as a new HVAC&R leader in Europe,
saying that while some European
economies are contracting, Spain
is growing at 2.8% or 2.9% per year.
“The heat pump market for us has
grown 50% compared to last year,”
he said. “And IAQ is increasingly
important as the air quality in
Spain’s cities worsens. The equip-
ment we sell can provide indoor
conditions for living that are like
cleanrooms for industry.” After the
Spanish recession of 2008–2014,
Spanish companies also learned to
increase their exports. “We sell in
Buildings and Grid Experts Convene
and NREL.
Rapid changes in both the grid sector and building
sciences sector made the workshop both timely and ASHRAE President Sheila Hayter, P.E., and Juan Torres, associate laboratory director,
necessary. Previously, buildings were passive consum- Energy Systems Integration at NREL, meet with buildings and grid industry experts.
advantage of technology changes in their sector. Analysis provide the standards for communication needs to be
and research are required to understand and prioritize completed as quickly as possible. Signals from utilities
what goals buildings can help meet. For example, load could evolve from pricing signals buried in utility bills to
balancing and energy storage are very helpful to the real-time integration of controls.
grid, and buildings can play a significant role, while The grid needs to see a building as more than just a
demand response, voltage control, and frequency con- block load. Research is required to understand, from a
trol are not as mature. load balancing perspective, the internal building loads
Designing GEBs is not well understood by the build- such as HVAC, lighting, process loads, electric vehicle
ing sector. With evolving goals set by utilities, work is charging stations. For example, it is not possible to load
required to understand how to meet these challenges. shed a chiller plant (HVAC load) if the building is in
An example is leveraging passive and active building economizer mode and the chiller plant is not operating.
envelopes not just for thermal comfort and low EUIs but Research needs to identify what various loads can be
to help load balance. used for load balancing, how to prioritize them, and how
The gap between the grid and building sectors’ under- to communicate between buildings and the grid.
standing of each other’s challenges and opportunities Cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, big data, and
was a major takeaway and supported the need for work- balancing the need for privacy will evolve as building-
shops such as this. grid communication expands. There is a role for arti-
To manage load balancing, grid loads must be under- ficial intelligence in building-grid optimization and
stood well enough to know what can be adjusted to this too needs to be researched. Autonomous systems
optimize the grid. The smart grid will provide the means will be required for both rapid response and machine
to communicate needs and opportunities. The work to learning.
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understand this type of technology of ozone are very low and daytime well-known to form during these
and the meaningful benefits it can levels may increase when ozone is processes.
provide. formed by sunlight, but Figure 1 Mr. Guiles refers to the California
Ellis G. Guiles, P.E., Member ASHRAE, Wayne, Pa. shows the concentration of indoor Air Resources Board (CARB)
ozone rose during the nighttime Ambient Air Quality Standards for
The Authors Respond period when the corona discharge ozone, which is an outdoor air stan-
We thank Mr. Guiles for his com- was turned on. This study was inter- dard, not an indoor air standard.
ments. Our article describes a nally controlled so that we compared The more applicable CARB regula-
method of measuring the changes in the IAQ when the air cleaner was tions, those for ozone emissions for
indoor air quality caused by corona operating against conditions when it portable indoor air cleaning devices,
discharge. The study was designed was turned off. Table 1 and Figure 1 were not relevant to our evaluation
and executed in collaboration clearly show that indoor air con- of the corona discharge air cleaner.
with the manufacturer of the air tamination increased when the air The vendor claimed their system
cleaner. New York State Education cleaner was operating compared to would satisfy the requirements for
Department (NYSED) requested when it was turned off. the Exception in Mechanical Code
the study and New York State Mr. Guiles suggests that ion lev- 403.2. No numerical standards
Department of Health (NYSDOH) els should have been monitored to for any specific air contaminant
executed the air monitoring, sam- validate the operation of the corona apply in the Exception. Our study
pling and analysis of the indoor air discharge system. The manufacturer demonstrated that indoor air con-
quality. The vendor and manufac- and vendor were engaged through- taminants increase when the corona
turer installed the corona discharge out this study and at no time did discharge is operating in the ventila-
air cleaner in the classroom unit they suggest their air cleaner was tion system. NYSED used this data to
ventilator and made all the adjust- faulty, nor did they recommend respond to the vendor’s claims. This
ments for each phase of the study. measuring the ion levels. air cleaner system, installed and
Mr. Guiles argues the configura- However, if ion levels were ele- operated by the manufacturer in a
tion of the corona discharge affects vated when the corona discharge classroom, does not comply with the
the emission of ozone. Ozone is was operating that would have been requirements of Mechanical Code
one of the reactive oxygen species interpreted as another increase in 403.2.
(ROS) that may be formed by corona the indoor air contamination. Finally, Mr. Guiles attests “to the
discharge in air; other ROS include We are dismayed by Mr. Guiles’ effectiveness of bipolar ioniza-
hydroxyl radical and superoxide assertions that: 1) corona discharge tion when properly designed and
anion. The relative proportions of doesn’t create any contaminants implemented,” but did not share
the different ROS may be varied by other than ozone, and 2) there are the IAQ parameters upon which this
changing the configuration of the no mechanisms for the forma- experience is based. In broad terms,
corona discharge, but we leave it tion of indoor air contaminants. we concur that properly designed,
to others to demonstrate a corona We cited two papers to provide installed and operated corona dis-
discharge that won’t form any ROS readers with excellent summaries charge air cleaners may be appro-
in air. As noted in our article, the of corona discharge and indoor priate in some settings. This study
manufacturer’s marketing literature ozone chemistry (Goldman at al. describes a method for evaluating
stated this system does not form 1985 and Weschler 2000). Those air cleaning systems when they are
ozone. two papers reference some of the installed in ventilation systems to
Mr. Guiles questions whether the many scientific and technical pub- establish whether they meet indoor
outdoor air conditions influenced lications that describe in detail air quality requirements for specific
the indoor air quality (IAQ). corona discharge and reactions in settings, in this case a school.
There are no significant sources of indoor air. This column described
Todd Crawford, Patricia Fritz, Member ASHRAE, and
aldehydes or acetone in this subur- the methods that we designed to Thomas Wainman, New York State Department of Health,
ban location. Winter concentrations measure the contaminants that are Albany, N.Y.
Larry Felker is product manager fire & smoke actuators for Belimo Americas. He is the co-author of ASHRAE’s Dampers and Airflow Control.
testing could interfere with normal functions, such as FIGURE 3 Smoke control system—smoke damper.
when fans must be off to avoid duct damage and safety
Re-Openable Smoke Damper
concerns, step-by-step manual intervention allows test-
Area Smoke
ing. Both fire alarm and building automation system Detectors
companies have UL 864 UUKL7 listed panels. Central Damper
connection to either can be used for remote testing
depending on local codes. Typically, a networked system, Relay
rather than the hard-wired methods shown in Figures 3
and 4 would be used. The typical combination damper
wired to a network module is shown in Figure 5. Actuator
A very large system may have as many panels as shown Fire Fighters Smoke Control Panel
and an additional workstation that connects to both the Damper
building automation and the fire alarm and smoke con- Detail Smoke
trol panels. Small systems may have only one panel with Relay
the fire alarm panel doing many smoke control func- FSCS Panel
tions as well as containing the FSCS panel overrides and Auto
Close Actuator
position indication. Hot
Since the controls must be installed for smoke control, Switches
there is no extra cost in equipment for remote testing Open
with dampers installed for Chapter 9 smoke control sys- N
tems. Not all systems use a digital graphics display. Most Closed
Damper N
Heat Responsive Devices
Primary Secondary
Smoke Control Panel Smoke Relay 165°F 250°F
Close Actuator
Damper Open
Closed Damper Closed
FSCS Panel
Heat Pumps
WH Series Horizontal
WV Series
a higher level of safety. FIGURE 5 Networked fire and smoke control system architecture.
Life-safety dampers in
many buildings do not Damper and Damper Mounted Controls
have periodic testing per- Network Smoke
Primary Secondary
Connection Detection, etc. Input-Output Actuator
formed. Remote testing Sensors, etc. Module Sensor Sensor
165°F 250°F
can greatly increase the FSCS Graphic Panel COM
percentage of dampers Damper X
to be periodically tested. Open Smoke Control
System Panel
Where dampers are hid- Auto Sensors are
Manually Reset
den or difficult to access Position Indication Status Switches
remote testing offers the Damper Open
benefits of ensuring test- Fire Alarm Panel
ing as well as reducing
Damper Closed
the cost of that periodic Fault
Sensors, etc.
testing—for example in
hospitals, when ceiling
containment must be maintained or lifts required to FIGURE 6 Remote testing panel hard wired to combination fire and smoke damper.
access the damper. (Photos courtesy Pottorff)
Figure 6 shows a cost-effective method of remote testing Local Test Switch and Position Indication
containment dampers. While the damper itself is usu-
ally in a duct and requires penetrating both the ceiling Smoke Relay 165°F
and duct for visual access, a local momentary override COM
switch and position indication light panel can be uti- Test Switch
lized. The switch assembly is available from the damper Hot Actuator
manufacturer and should be ordered with the damper. Position Indication
The assembly can be key switch protected from tamper- Status Switches
ing and/or located where convenient for maintenance Hot
but out of public access. COM
Electrical power drives the damper open via the Closed Combination Fire and
actuator; the Open light is illuminated. The test switch Smoke Damper
breaks the power causing the actuator to spring closed;
the Open light goes off and when the damper closes,
the Closed light illuminates. Releasing the test switch
returns the damper to the open position and the lights
reverse. A smoke damper would use the same method
and the wiring would be the same except there would be
no 165°F (74°C) primary heat responsive device.
The use of a central controller for testing has wiring
similar to that shown in Figures 5 and 7. Momentary Keyed
remote testing are discussed. FIGURE 7 Remote testing using building automation. (The visual display is often shown on the workstationÕs screen.)
One, a local test switch with
position indication lights can Building Automation Panel Used for Damper Testing
Damper N
be installed. Or two, use of the
fire alarm or building automa- 120V ac or Actuator
Visual Display 24V ac/dc
tion system to remote test. 165°F
Damper N N or COM
Sensors, etc.
References Auto
1. NFPA 80-2019, Standard Test
for Fire Doors and Other Opening Open Building
Protectives. National Fire Protection Automation Panel
Association. Position Indication
Closed Damper Open
2. NFPA 105-2019, Standard for the
Installation of Smoke Door Assemblies and Fault
Other Opening Protectives, ibid. Connection
3. ICC. 2018. International Hot Damper Closed
Building Code. International Code
Council, Inc.
4. International Fire Code 2018.
ibid. 7. UL 864 Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems,
5. Chart taken from Felker, L. 2014. “Codes and damper testing.” 2003 with revisions dated Feb. 17, 2010, Underwriters Laboratories,
ASHRAE Journal 56(10). UL, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-2096, UUKL is the
6. Building Safety Journal, Dec 2016, Feb 2017, April 2017. ICC, category listing for the smoke control requirements contained
op.cit. within UL 864.
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Developing Field
An engineer who is as comfortable in the field as they are in the office is someone
you want on your team, especially if your team operates and maintains facilities.
Developing this competence can take years of experience, but appropriately focused
training early in one’s career can provide junior engineers an extremely valuable head
start. This is especially critical in the U.S. Air Force due to the high-turnover nature
of our personnel system and the typical project procurement methods implemented.
Engineers in the Air Force operate and maintain over 47,000 facilities across the globe
and field competence is critical to ensure the effective and efficient operation of all
those building systems. With these facilities spread across 183 locations, providing
service-wide professional development is particularly challenging. Many readers are,
in some capacity, involved in providing HVAC education. The intent of this article is
to demonstrate some of the innovative techniques used at the Air Force Institute of
Technology’s Civil Engineer School to kick start that path toward field competence.
often depart after a few years of experience TABLE 1 Current mechanical systems course offerings.
for the private sector or government posi-
civilians that make the Air Force a career, the WENG 460 Introduction to Mechanical 4 weeks Distance Learning
high performers often rise quickly through Mechanical Systems Engineers (On-Demand)
Energy Managers
the ranks into more managerial positions. The
HVAC Technicians
combination of these factors creates a revolv-
Controls Technicians
ing door of talent where the engineers relied
on the most typically have less than four years WENG 560 Fundamentals of HVAC Mechanical 6 weeks Distance Learning
Design and Analysis Engineers (On-Demand/Live)
of experience.
Despite their limited experience, these WENG 561 Applications of HVAC Mechanical 1 week In Residence
Design and Analysis Engineers
junior engineers are given significant respon- (Capstone)
sibility. They often oversee several simultane-
ous projects totaling millions of dollars. They WENG 563 HVAC Control Systems Mechanical 5 weeks Distance Learning
Engineers (On-Demand)
help define the owner’s project requirements Energy Managers
and ensure those requirements are adhered HVAC Technicians
to throughout the often-outsourced design Controls Technicians
process. They will be the continuity bridge
between design and construction, as design-bid-build occurred in recent years. Table 1 shows the current course
is still the standard project delivery method for large offerings in the mechanical program. The only in-resi-
facility sustainment, restoration and modernization dence course is WENG 561: Applications of HVAC Design
projects. It is these junior engineers who provide the and Analysis. The remaining courses are distance learn-
contracting officer the technical review and approval/ ing, which use a variety of technologies to improve their
rejection recommendation on construction submittals, effectiveness. Several of those technologies are detailed
as the Air Force rarely pays for such services from the in the article.
engineer-of-record. They will be the liaison between the WENG 460, WENG 563 and portions of WENG 560
construction and occupancy phases of a project, since have their content delivered through pre-recorded, on-
it is their squadron who acquires the responsibility of demand lessons. This provides flexibility to the instruc-
operating and maintaining the facility after the project tors who are balancing other teaching and consulting
ends. Placing this much responsibility on such junior commitments, deployments and instructor turnover
engineers is, admittedly, not a recipe for guaranteed (teaching assignments for military instructors are
success. Therefore, it is vital these engineers are given typically only three years in duration). It also frees up
all the tools available to foster their development and instructors’ time for more impactful interactions with
ensure their success. students, whether through phone calls, online discus-
sion boards or live help sessions. However, there are
The Program challenges to these pre-recorded lessons, primarily in
The Civil Engineer School’s mission is to support the keeping the content up-to-date.
Civil Engineers operating air bases throughout the Though the science governing mechanical systems
world. Over 75 different continuing education courses doesn’t change, Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) docu-
are taught to over 10,000 students each year on a wide ments, the codes and standards those UFCs reference,
range of topics. The remainder of this article will discuss and Air Force policies are constantly changing. Thus,
the suite of courses that provide HVAC education. recent shifts in the online platforms used for lesson
Possibly the greatest obstacle in reaching students is delivery primarily have been to allow for real-time
that they reside at air bases across the globe. Tightening changes to the content. If it is realized half-way through
budgets limit the amount of opportunities to fly students the course that a lesson contains out-of-date informa-
to the school to attend in-residence courses. Thus, a shift tion, the platforms now used allow for instructors to
to more distance learning course delivery methods has make edits and push updates to the versions being
PHOTO 3 Virtual reality models of mechanical spaces allow students to navigate PHOTO 4 Foresight during design of the school house allows the mechanical room
entire mechanical building systems from their desks. to be an extension of the classroom.
the pump and estimate flow from the pump curve. PHOTO 5 The building automation trainer allows for greater comprehension of
They then compare that to an estimate generated from common sequences of operation.
measuring differential pressure across the calibrated
balancing valve. They can adjust the position of the ball
valve to throttle the pump to gain a better understand-
ing of changing system curves and the concept of “rid-
ing the pump curve.”
2. The lesson which discusses air system balancing
is followed by students assembling an airflow capture
hood, taking airflow measurements across the class-
room’s diffusers, and comparing those values to as-
builts of the space.
3. The lesson on air-side economizers discusses the
concept of damper and chilled water valve sequencing,
Simulation of Efficiency
Improvements to an
Automatic Commercial
Ice Maker
Automatic commercial ice makers (ACIM) produce a variety of ice types for use
in food service, food preservation, hotel, and patient care industries. Types of ice
include cubes (approx. 0.5 oz. [14 grams]), nuggets, and flakes. Over 70% of the ACIM
market are units that produce a batch of cube ice at regular intervals (Goetzler et al.,
2009). ACIMs are referred to by their nominal capacity, defined as the weight of ice
produced in a 24-hour period. All commercially available batch-type ACIMs use a
vapor-compressor refrigeration cycle. A freeze mode forms ice by passing water over
an evaporator grid, allowing some of the water to freeze, while the remainder of the
water falls to a sump and is recirculated with a pump. The ice layer gradually grows.
When a cube is fully formed, a harvest mode is initiated. A thin layer of ice is subse-
quently melted, releasing ice into a storage bin. Detailed operation of a batch-type
ACIM is described in the following section.
The U.S. Department of Energy (AHRI Standards, requirements. High-fidelity, engineering simulation
2016) has adopted new energy efficiency standards for models can assist designers in investigating strategies to
automatic commercial ice makers that produce 50 lbs to surpass the new energy regulations.
4000 lbs per day. Starting in 2018, the standard requires The batch-type ice maker operation exhibits entirely
a 10% to 15% reduction as compared to the previous transient behavior, as the operation continually cycles
Haithem Murgham earned a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from University of Dayton and specializes in simulation of HVAC systems. David Myszka is a faculty member
at the University of Dayton whose research focuses on design and simulation of mechanical systems. Kyaw Wynn is a Senior Engineering Specialist at Emerson Commercial &
Residential Solutions in Sidney, Ohio.
circuit and a refrigerant FIGURE 1 Schematic of an ACIM that produces batches of cubes.
circuit. The water circuit Condenser
consists of a water sump
and circulation pump Refrigerant Condenser Fan
that distributes water Circuit
flow over the waffle-like
Water Circuit Hot Gas Valve
ice formation grid. The
grid serves as a mold, Ice Formation Grid
where ice cubes develop
and grow. The refrigerant
circuit is a standard vapor- Valve Compressor
compression system that is
operable in a freeze mode Sump Heat Exchanger
dard vapor-compression
circuit includes a compressor, condenser, expansion 4. Upon reaching the prescribed ice weight, the ma-
device and an evaporator. A liquid-line/suction-line chine switches to the harvest mode.
heat exchanger is used to further cool the refrigerant 5. Most ACIM use hot gas harvest, in which hot refrig-
entering the expansion valve. In the freeze mode, the erant vapor is sent directly from the compressor to the
vapor-compression system freezes the water that flows evaporator to warm the evaporator and melt enough ice
over the ice formation grid that is attached to the evapo- to free the cube from the grid. Ice can be released when
rator. In the harvest mode, a hot-gas bypass valve diverts approximately 5% is melted during the harvest process.
the refrigerant exiting the compressor directly into the Once melting occurs on the interface between the ice
evaporator. The hot exhaust from the compressor melts and grid, the ice falls by gravity into the storage bin be-
a small amount of the ice in the formation grid so that low. During the harvest process the condenser fan is off
the ice cubes can be easily ejected into a storage bin and the water circulating pump is off.
located beneath the ACIM. 6. Water fills the sump and the system returns to the
The conventional ACIM operating process is described freeze mode as detected by evaporator temperature and/
in detail as follows (Westphalen, 1996). or time.
1. Supply water fills the sump, which contains up to
40% more water than required to make a given batch of Fundamental ACIM Simulation Model Theory
ice. The fundamental transient ice machine model is
2. The freeze mode is activated. The hot gas valve is described in Murgham et al. (2016) and is presented
closed, causing the compressor to pull refrigerant from below for completeness. Throughout the analysis, refrig-
the evaporator and push the flow into the condenser. erant properties must be determined. One approach
About 80% of ACIMs have air-cooled condensers, as is is to use a database such as RefProp (Lemmon et al.,
considered in this article. The condenser fan and water 2010). To reduce computation time, Laughman (2012)
circulating pump are commanded to operate during the demonstrated the use of look-up tables that store ther-
freeze mode. The pump circulates the water, passing it modynamic properties for selected refrigerants that are
through a manifold, which distributes the flow over the generated from a database. The look-up table approach
ice formation grid. is used in the ACIM simulation model.
3. The water temperature flowing over the formation 1. Input parameters are specified:
grid reduces and begins to freeze. Ice gradually builds Operating conditions include the temperature of the
up in the grid until a full cube is formed as detected by a ambient air Ta and supply water Tsu. Empirical equations
sensor measuring either the thickness of ice in the grid, are used to determine the density of supply water rsu at
sump water level, or compressor suction pressure. Tsu (Incropera, et al., 2006).
71º 68º
to learn more about the P-K MACH® Condensing Boiler
with 10:1 mechanical turndown.
area Al, and the state of the FIGURE 3 Ice machine model operating in harvest mode.
refrigerant. For an orifice
Environment Ta, Va =0
or capillary tube expan-
sion valve, Al is fixed. A Condenser Heat Rejection: Q c = 0
m d = 0
thermal expansion valve
Condenser MC ,VC v Harvest Valve: Ah
(TXV) or electronic expan- m Compressor
Outlet Td ,pd
sion valve (EXV) provides
a feedback system (me- Compressor: Vd ,w,
Expansion hv ,hd , or 10-coeffs
chanical or electronic) Valve: Al = 0 m e
that alters the valve area Superheat pe
to maintain a certain level Compressor Inlet Ts
Ice Formation Model FIGURE 4 Schematic of an evaporator tubing coil (in black) and the ice formation grid divided into NCV = 56 control volumes (in
In Murgham et al. (2016), grey), having NR = 7 and NC = 8. Grid control volume k and evaporator element j numbering convention is shown.
the entire ice forma- k=1 k=NC
tion grid was treated as a j=1
kth Grid Control Volume
lumped system. The actual k=NC+1
ice formation process k=2NC
and interaction between
the grid and evaporator
is complex. The lumped Evaporator Refrigerant Element, jk
model lacks fidelity k=NCV –NC+1
e Evaporator Refrigerant Element, jk+1
to investigate design
parameters related to the
evaporator. The enhanced model discretizes the grid, transfer from the water in the ice formation grid to the
which allows more representative simulation of water refrigerant in the evaporator tube includes the inter-
flow and heat exchange with the evaporator tubing. faces through the water, ice, evaporator grid, tubing
The evaporator tubing is typically arranged as a single and refrigerant. The heat transfer in the kth grid control
layer of coils attached to the back side of the ice forma- volume is
tion grid. In modeling the ice formation, the grid is jk +1 1
Q ek = ∑ T − T (1)
divided into a rectangular array of NCV control volumes, wk ek
j = jk RTk j
having NR rows and NC=NCV /NR columns. As illustrated in j
Figure 4, the evaporator tubing coils are shown in black where RT is the effective thermal resistance for the jth
and the formation grid control volumes are in grey. Note element inkjthe kth grid control volume
that in order to maintain symmetry between the control
volumes and the evaporator tube, NR is set to the num-
ber of rows in the evaporator coil. Also notice that con- j
RTk = m Rwk + RI k + Rg + Rt + Rr j ) (2)
trol volumes are numbered along the evaporator tube.
A lumped parameter approach is used for each control The number of evaporator elements within a grid con-
volume. Thus, the kth control volume has water mass trol volume is accounted by including m. The total heat
Mw , water temperature Tw , ice mass MI and ice tem- transfer to the ice formation grid is
k k k
perature TI . A grid control volume may include several
ice cube pockets. Q e = ∑ Q ek (3)
k =1
As with the condenser, the refrigerant within evapora-
tor tube is divided into Ne discrete elements along the The individual thermal resistance components are:
length of the tube and a finite-volume method is used 1. Thermal resistance for convection heat transfer
to calculate heat transfer Q e . The refrigerant model from the flowing water
requires finer resolution than the ice, Ne >> NCV. Thus,
each grid control volume transfers heat with m=[Ne/ (
Rwk = 1 / α w A wk ) (4)
NCV] evaporator refrigerant elements, where [x] repre-
sents the integer nearest to x. Correspondingly, the kth The convection coefficient for the water flowing over
grid control volume has a volume of Vk=Vg /NCV and will the evaporator grid in each control volume is denoted
contain evaporator tube elements jk=[(k–1) m+1] through aW and Aw is the water surface area in contact with
jk+1=[(k)m]. Mass conservation, energy balance, and the ice for the same control volume. An average water
the momentum equations are satisfied in each control heat transfer coefficient is used in Equation 4 as the
volume. water thermal resistance is small comparing to the ice
At the start of the freeze mode, all grid control vol- resistance.
umes have the same water properties Tw =Tw∀k, 2. Thermal resistance for conduction heat transfer
Mw =Mw =rWVk∀k, and no ice mass, MI =0∀k. Heat through the ice being formed
k k k |
RI k = sI k / ( k I AI ) (5)
kr 2.22
αrj = 0.023Re L0.8 PrL0.4 1 +
di j j
X 0tt.98 (10)
The thermal conductivity of ice is kI, AI is the surface
area of the grid for one control volume, and SI is the ice
thickness in the kth control volume. Appropriate correlations were selected for the thermal
3. Thermal resistance for conduction heat transfer conductivities kt, kg, kI and heat transfer coefficients ar
through the grid and aw (Incropera, 2006).
Since heat is being exchanged with the water in the kth
Rg = s g / k g Ag( ) (6) control volume, water internal energy Uw will change
during each time increment
The thermal conductivity of the evaporator grid and
plate is kg, Ag is the surface area of the plate in each grid
Q ek ∆t
control volume, and sg is the effective thickness of the U wk (ti + ∆t ) = U wk − (11)
evaporator plate. M wk
4. Thermal resistance for conduction heat transfer
through the evaporator tubes The corresponding water temperature Tw is deter-
mined from water property lookup tables with Uw and
Rt = st / ( kt At ) (7) atmospheric pressure. Once the Tw reaches the freezing
temperature, a mass fraction xI of Mw will be converted
k k
where kt is the thermal conductivity of the evaporator to MI . The latent energy of water is used with Uw to
k k
tube, At is the tube surface area in each grid control vol- determine xI . The mass distribution in the grid control
ume, and st is the effective tube thickness. volume is
Thermal resistance for convection heat transfer to the
refrigerant within the evaporator tubes M I k = xI k M wk 0 (12)
Rr j =
α r j Ar
(8) (
M wk = 1 − xI k M wk 0 ) (13)
GreenTrol Automation, Inc. • 156 Holly View Lane, Loris, SC 29569 • Toll Free: 877 4GNTROL (446 8765) • Internet:
control volumes in the first row have TABLE 1 Comparison of summary results between experimental results and simulation model.
the same water temperature as the OPERATING CONDITION: Ta/Tsu
sump from the previous time itera-
100/110°F 90/70°F 70/50°F
tion, Tw =Tp, k = 1,…, NC. During the
k E S ∆ E S ∆ E S ∆
heat transfer analysis described in the
prior section, water thermal proper- Cycle Time (min.) 26.11 25.42 2.6% 18.3 17.44 4.7% 14.5 15.21 4.9%
ties are passed from a control volume Ice Per 24 hrs. (lbs.) 267.8 279.3 4.3% 393.4 393 0.1% 496.6 473.4 4.7%
to the next control volume in the same Energy Input Per 100 lb. (kWh) 8.86 8.61 2.8% 5.57 5.57 0% 4.09 4.24 3.7%
column. That is, at the end of each Energy Input Per 24 hrs. (kWh) 23.75 24.04 1.2% 21.93 21.7 1% 20.25 20.08 0.8%
time increment
Twr +1 (ti +1 ) = Twr (14) condenser is removed from the total simulation during
harvest. Within the condenser model, Tc , pc , and the
i i
where r and r+1 are adjacent members of the set Cc. state of the refrigerant are determined within each ith
The water mass in the sump after each time increment finite volume at each time increment. At the onset of
is determined by subtracting the ice mass MI and water harvest, the refrigerant mass trapped within the con-
mass in each control volume from the initial water mass denser is readily determined and subtracted from Mr
Mw in the sump Mp . when simulating the harvest mode.
k 0
M p (ti +1 ) = Mp − ∑ M wk + M I k (15) Heat Loss in Connecting Tubes
0 k =1
The major heat loss in connecting tubes occurs in the
The water in the last control volume in each column uninsulated compressor discharge line. The fan airflow
is mixed with the water in the sump where the overall crosses the discharge line and cools it before it cools the
sump water temperature is condenser. Churchill and Bernstein comprehensive
equation is used to calculate heat transfer coefficient for
1 Ne
T p (ti +1 ) = Tp M p + ∑ Twk M wk (16) the air crossing discharge line with outside tube diam-
M p (t + ∆t )
k = Ne − Nc +1
eter do (Incropera, et al., 2006) as shown below.
Temperature (°F)
80 150
60 100
20 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0
0 20 40 60
Time (Min.) Time (Min.)
Condenser and Evaporator Pressure
110/100°F Compressor Input Power 110/100°F
400 1,400
300 1,200
200 Environment 1,000
100 800
0 Expansion 600
0 20 40 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Valve Compressor
Time (Min.) Evaporator Time (Min.)
Temperature (°F)
160 80
Temperature (°F)
120 60
40 Water Sump Temperature 90/70°F
60 0
0 0 20 40 60
Temperature (°F)
0 20 40 60 50 Time (Min.)
Time (Min.)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (Min.)
of operating conditions. Figure 5 provides a compari- Thus, exploring strategies for improving harvest is
son of the transient response of pressures, tempera- warranted.
tures and compressor power at various locations on
the ice machine. Increasing Compressor Efficiency
First efficiency improvement strategy is increas-
Strategies for Improving ACIM Energy Efficiency ing the compressor efficiency. Typically, reciprocating
The enhanced simulation model is used to explore compressors are used in ACIMs, as is the case for the
strategies for improving the energy efficiency. The 500 lb (227 kg) batch-type ice maker described in the
improvement strategies focus on compressor efficiency previous section. Using current technology, compres-
and reducing energy during harvest. The primary com- sor efficiency can be improved 5 to 10% by replacing the
ponent of ACIM energy use is the compressor, which reciprocating compressor with a scroll, and/or adopt-
accounts for approximately 80% of energy input per 24 ing motor enhancements. A comparison in simulation
hours. The batch-type ACIMs discussed in this article results from 500 lb ACIM model with compressor effi-
use superheated refrigerant vapor discharged from the ciencies that are 5% and 10% higher than the production
compressor to release the ice from the evaporator grid model are shown in Table 2.
during the harvest cycle. This strategy is effective, but With a hot-gas harvest method, the refrigerant vapor
requires energy to reverse a portion of the freeze mode. temperature depends on the compressor efficiency.
Higher compressor efficiency will TABLE 2 Comparison of simulation results between ACIMs using compressors with increased efficiency.
increase the system efficiency
during the freezing cycle, but it
decreases the vapor temperature 100/110°F 90/70°F 70/50°F
during the harvest cycle, increasing Compressor Efficiency 0% 5% 10% 0% 5% 10% 0% 5% 10%
the time to release the ice. The over-
all energy input decreases by 9.2% Freezing (min) 24.61 24.34 24.18 16.37 16.41 16.31 13.80 13.75 13.72
per ice mass, which is lower per- Harvest (min) 0.81 0.85 0.93 1.07 1.10 1.20 1.41 1.61 1.63
centage than compressor efficiency Ice Per 24 hrs. (lbs.) 279.31 280.54 281.33 393.1 391.1 389.7 473.40 468.67 469.05
increase 10%. It must be noted that Energy Input Per 100 lb. (kWh) 8.61 8.23 7.82 5.57 5.3 5.1 4.24 4.06 3.88
a cost premium is required
Energy Input Per 24 hrs. (kWh) 24.04 23.07 22.01 21.90 20.7 19.9 20.08 19.02 18.21
to realize these compressor
efficiency increases.
TABLE 3 Comparison of simulation results between ACIMs using ice formation grid heating coils of various capacities (in
Watts). Scenarios are presented with the compressor turned ON or OFF during harvest.
Auxiliary Electric Heat OPERATING CONDITION: Ta/Tsu
A second efficiency 100/110°F 90/70°F 70/50°F
improvement strategy Electrical Heater (W) 0 500 500 1,000 0 500 500 1,000 0 500 500 1,000
focuses on harvest and
involves use of an electric
Harvest (min) 0.81 0.58 1.10 0.71 1.07 0.75 1.44 0.87 1.61 0.89 1.54 0.70
heater to assist, or replace,
Ice Per 24 hrs. (lbs.) 279.3 281.0 276.1 280.1 393.1 400.1 384.7 397.9 473.4 478.5 458.4 485.1
the compressor discharge.
Table 3 shows the simulation Energy/100 lb. (kWh) 8.61 8.66 8.35 8.38 5.57 5.58 5.28 5.30 4.24 4.20 3.95 4.21
performance results for the Energy/24 hrs (KWh) 24.04 24.34 23.03 23.48 21.90 22.13 20.12 20.91 20.08 20.10 18.11 20.42
500 lb (227 kg) ACIM model
FIGURE 6 Schematic of an ACIM with a waste heat reclamation circuit.
with various levels of electric
heat (in Watts) and the com-
pressor being turned ON or Condenser
Heating Tank
OFF during harvest.
The simulation results
Harvest Bypass
show that by turning the Ice Formation Grid
(Evaporator) Valve
compressor off and using
an electrical heating coil to Valve Warm Liquid
release the ice during har- Warm Liquid
Circulation Pump
vest will decrease the har-
vest time by up to 19% and Compressor
Harvest Bypass Warm Liquid Circuit
decrease the energy input Water Valve
per 24 hr by 2.4% to 7.3%. Circulation Pump Drain Water Fill
Moreover, using the heating
coil will cause the harvest cycle to be independent from shown in Figure 6, where a warm-liquid circuit is added
the compressor, which allows higher efficient compres- to the existing refrigerant and water circuits shown in
sors to be used in this type of commercial ice machines Figure 1. A heating tank is inserted within the refriger-
to increase the overall system efficiency. ant circuit between the compressor and condenser. The
compressor discharge tube containing the hot refriger-
Waste Heat Recovery ant enters the heating tank and exchanges heat with
The third efficiency improvement strategy introduces a liquid, prior to entering the condenser to reject any
a warm-liquid to capture and reclaim a portion of the remaining waste heat. During the freeze mode, the
condenser waste heat. A schematic of this strategy is remainder of the system operates as the conventional
ACIM. As the ice cubes are fully TABLE 4 Comparison of results between running the model using the waste heat recovery with running the model without
formed, the ice maker enters a the recovery unit.
harvest mode. A pair of harvest OPERATING CONDITION: Ta /Tsu
bypass valves redirect the flow
100/110°F 90/70°F 70/50°F
of the refrigerant from the ice
Recovery System No Yes ∆ No Yes ∆ No Yes ∆
formation grid to the water
Freezing Time (min.) 24.51 24.21 –1.2% 16.40 16.28 –0.7% 13.75 13.72 –0.2%
sump. Simultaneously, a pair
of warm-liquid valves open Harvest Time (min.) 0.80 0.41 –48.8% 1.07 0.60 –43.9% 1.61 1.38 –14.6%
and a circulation pump begins Ice Per 24 hrs. (lbs.) 279.30 286.50 2.6% 393.00 424.20 7.9% 473.40 505.41 6.8%
flow of the warm-liquid from Energy/100 lb (kWh) 8.61 8.24 –4.3% 5.57 4.78 –14.1% 4.24 3.88 –8.6%
the heating tank to a second set Energy/24 hrs (kWh) 24.04 23.61 –1.8% 21.70 20.29 –6.5% 20.08 19.67 –2.1%
of tubes that are formed within
the ice formation grid. Thus, the warm-liquid is used to Over all, there is almost no change in ice produced per
release the ice while the refrigeration system is used to day ±1%. Waste heat recovery strategy saves up to 8.6%
pre-cool the water that fills the sump. of the energy input per ice weight. The harvest time has
The results from the simulation model using 1 L dropped by up to 48.8% and freezing time by up to 1.2%.
(0.3 gallons) of warm liquid and 1 m (39 in.) of refriger-
ant coil within the heating tank are shown in Table 4. References
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Renewable Energy, Washington, DC.
Varone, A. (1995). Program FREEZE for Ice
Machine Product Development, US Department
of Energy.
Wang, C. C., Kuan-Yu, C. (2000). Heat
Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Plain
Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers, Part I: New
Experimental Data, International Journal of
Heat and Mass Transfer, 43(15), pp. 2681-2691.
Wang, C. C., Lin, Y. T., Lee, C. J., Chang,
Y. J. (1999) Investigation of Wavy Fin-and-
Tube Heat Exchangers: A Contribution to
Databank, Experimental Heat Transfer, 12 pp.
Wang, C. C. (2001). A Comparative Study
of Compact Enhanced Fin-and-Tube Heat
Exchangers, International Journal of Heat And
Mass Transfer, 44, pp. 3565-3573.
Wang, C. C., Lee, C. J., Chang, C. T., Lin,
S. P. (1999). Heat Transfer and Friction
Correlation for Compact Louvered Fin-and-
tube Heat Exchangers, International Journal of
Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, pp. 1945-1956.
Westphalen, D., Zogg, R., Varone, A.,
Foran, M., (1996). Energy Savings Potential for
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment, Arthur
D. Little, Inc. Cambridge, MA. Prepared for
U.S. Department of Energy.
With 90.1 Portal, view the standard and User’s Manual side-by-side in an all-new
interface. Copy, paste, print, and annotate content with one click, and see interpretations,
addenda, and errata in the context where they matter.
Local network subscriptions are also available to provide affordable access for your
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Transforming an
Occupied Office Into a
Zero Energy Building
The office renovation provides spaces suitable for concentration and communication. It also allows occupants to share
office equipment, terminals and other facilities, reducing plug loads, air conditioning and lighting, while enhancing
(Left) Vertical louvers that had been used before renovation were reattached to the outside surface after blinds and
single glass were installed to form a double skin. (Above) Daylighting is maximized through the renovated space.
(Right) Openings for natural ventilation are mounted at floor level.
May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
2016 2017
40 400 418 417
0 0
–40 –400
417 403
–80 –800
–120 1,396
–160 Generation (Before) Generation (Predicted) Generation (Actual)
Consumption (Before) Consumption (Predicted) Consumption (Actual) Before Predicted Actual
FIGURE 1 Total consumption of primary energy (May 2016 – April 2017) by month (left) and year (right).
slightly more than 21% of the heat energy for heating) Radiant Panel
(Figure 3). Dessicant Air Conditioner 2°F
Parking Space
IAQ and Thermal Comfort Ground 1°F
Level P
Indoor Temperature and Humidity P P
To provide occupants with a comfortable thermal envi- Heat Pump Heat Exchanger
Consumption Rates Before and After Renovation May
According to the surface tempera- 0.006
ture distribution (Figure 5), the tem- Feb
perature difference is small among 0.5 clo zone
the peripheral walls, the ceiling, and 0.000
the glass faces, and an ideal radiant 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
environment has been created. The Operative Temperature, °C
human-body exergy consumption FIGURE 4 Operative temperature and humidity in Aug., Feb., and May (ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 Graphic Method).
rate was reduced by the renovation.
back will drop to appropriately 14 years, and when the Primary Energy: 9.76 MJ/kWh
Reference Building is modeled by Japanese Web Program
time required for payback from improving workplace
FIGURE 7 Comparison of primary energy consumption before and after renovation.
productivity is taken into account, the payback will drop
to approximately eight years.
in the renovation work. This is extremely difficult to
Environmental Impact achieve even for new building construction.
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
The amount of annual CO2 emissions from the building Conclusion
was 25.8 ton·CO2/yr. Carbon neutralization was effectively This is Japan’s first project that renovated an occupied
achieved since the amount of CO2 reduction due to creat- building and converted it to zero net energy. It also cov-
ing energy through photovoltaics was 26.7 ton·CO2/yr. ers power consumption through plug load. This project
both achieved zero energy and brought about benefits
Energy Consumption and Energy Balance Before and After Renovation such as improved comfort, improved workplace pro-
Primary energy consumption was reduced by 71% for ductivity, workstyle innovation, a healthy office, and a
the reference building. Since energy generation was resilient building.
equivalent to 30%, a net positive energy building of 1%
was achieved (Figure 7). Bibliography
TAKENAKA Corporation. 2018. TAKENAKA’s Green Buildings.
Shukuya, M. 2013. Exergy: Theory and Applications in the Built
Reduction in Waste Discharge Environment.
By 100% recycling through reduce, reuse and recycle Springer. Kazanci, O., et al. 2016. “Theoretical analysis of the
activities, we achieved “a final disposal ratio of 0%” performance of different cooling strategies with the concept of cool
exergy.” Building and Environment 100(May):102 – 113.
(Minimum Flow Control) The operating airflow differential
(T-2) Geothermal (T-1) setpoint is automatically reset dur-
Locate Sensor Within
(T-2A) Heat Pump VFD (T-1A) Mechanical Room (Typ) ing periods of kitchen hood exhaust
Loop Pumps
(Typ of 2) CSR fan operation to maintain a posi-
DDC Panel
LS tive building pressure. Restrooms
Educational Dashboard and other constant-volume exhaust
Borehole Loop Pipe (Typ) DDC Controller spaces were provided with airflow
measuring stations and automatic
FIGURE 1 Geothermal pumping system control diagram.
control dampers to maintain a con-
stant airflow rate.
bypass valve to maintain required first year energy use was 64% lower Classroom heat pump units were
minimum pump flow. than the Standard 90.1-2007 base- provided with multispeed fans and
Conditioned outdoor air was dis- line, corresponding to an annual two-stage compressors, allowing
tributed throughout the school by CO2 emissions reduction of 568 met- for improved room dehumidifica-
three centralized dedicated outdoor ric tons. tion and thermal comfort during
air system (DOAS) units. Each DOAS part-load operation. Each classroom
unit was equipped with an exhaust Indoor Air Quality and was provided with a dedicated heat
air energy recovery enthalpy wheel Thermal Comfort pump unit, and each office was
for preconditioning outdoor air, a Compliance with ASHRAE provided with a dedicated variable
two-pipe chilled/heating water coil Standards 62.1-2007 and 55-2004 refrigerant flow terminal, allowing
supported by a modular water-to- was incorporated into the proj- for individual room temperature
water heat pump unit for outdoor ect’s design to achieve good indoor control within each space. Heat
air tempering and two direct-drive air quality and thermal comfort. pump units serving high occupancy
supply and exhaust fans. Outdoor air supplied from the building spaces with increased activ-
The proposed design’s building school’s DOAS is preconditioned and ity levels were equipped with hot-
energy model simulation predicted delivered to a series of variable-air- gas reheat to accomplish humidity
an annual energy consumption of volume (VAV) terminal units. Each control while promoting good ther-
639,740 kWh and a resultant site EUI classroom or assembly area was pro- mal comfort.
of 20.6 kBtu/ft2·yr (233.9 MJ/m2·yr), vided with a dedicated VAV terminal Heat pump unit overhead supply
yielding a 46.3% energy use reduc- unit that automatically adjusts the air devices were selected for a rela-
tion compared to the Standard 90.1- outdoor air supplied directly to each tive air speed of less than 40 fpm
2007 baseline. heat pump unit based on room CO2 (0.203 m/s), and return air devices
Building energy performance levels. were positioned near the floor to
results measured by the commis- Pressure-independent VAV termi- achieve a zone air distribution effec-
sioning agent from February 2017 nal unit control was implemented tiveness of 1.0. Outdoor air require-
through January 2018 outperformed for the outdoor air distribution ments for heat pump units serving
energy model predictions, with system, with the operating speed of both classroom and corridor areas
an actual first year energy con- all DOAS supply fans automatically were calculated in accordance with
sumption of 428,300 kWh and a adjusting based on duct-mounted the Multiple-Zone Recirculation
resultant site EUI of 13.8 kBtu/ft2·yr static pressure sensor readings to System Requirements set forth in
(156.7 MJ/m2·yr). (See Figure 2.) This maintain required VAV terminal Standard 62.1-2007.
units, reduced the school’s installed
outdoor air equipment capacity by
80,000 25.2 cfm/person (11.9 L/s·person)
60,000 compared to similar HCPSS middle
40,000 schools.
20,000 This innovative system sizing and
0 Feb 2017 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 2018 design, together with appropri-
ate control strategies, provided
Standard 90.1-2007 Appendix G Baseline Predicted Energy Consumption Measured Energy Consumption increased operating efficiency while
FIGURE 2 Monthly building energy consumption comparison. reducing mechanical and electrical
equipment and infrastructure costs.
The design metabolic rate (met) innovation was achieved through The domestic hot water system also
used for classroom and office the use of a centralized ventilation provided an opportunity to develop
occupants was 1.2, with kitchen system. a creative application-based energy
occupants having an increased All three DOAS units serving the conserving design. Two commercial-
metabolic rate of 1.8. A 0.6 and 1.0 school were centrally located and grade electric heat pump water
clothing value (clo) was applied for interconnected through a pair of heaters generate domestic hot
the cooling and heating seasons, common supply and exhaust air water for both the kitchen area and
respectively. header ducts, allowing all three plumbing fixtures throughout the
While the gymnasium and fitness units to function as a single ventila- school. These water heaters were
lab areas have a time-weighted aver- tion system. The installed airflow positioned adjacent to cooling-
age metabolic rate of approximately capacity of this system was sized intensive spaces with high air-
3.0 and fall outside the purview to accommodate the “block” occu- conditioning demands. Water heater
of Standard 55-2004, the thermal pancy, or total number of occupants compressors produce domestic hot
comfort analyses performed for expected to simultaneously occupy water at a 4.0 COP, while simultane-
LEED compliance within these areas the entire school during typical use, ously providing between 2.5 tons
assumed a metabolic rate of 2.0 as well as the floor area component and 3.5 tons (8.8 kW and 12.3 kW)
(per LEED Interpretation 10279). An of minimum outdoor airflow rate. of cool dehumidified air per water
ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 comfort This centralized ventilation system heater to the school’s kitchen, main
chart analysis demonstrated that the “block” occupancy sizing approach electrical room, and AV/IT rooms,
school’s design indoor conditions took advantage of occupant diversity significantly reducing the cooling
of 76°F (24°C) cooling/50% relative and student movement throughout energy for these areas.
humidity and 70°F (21°C) heating the day, requiring only 23,400 cfm Water heaters were sized to oper-
fall within the allowable comfort (11 044 L/s) of installed outdoor ate between 14 and 16 hours per
range. air capacity to accommodate over day to meet the building’s hot water
750 students and 100 teachers (or demand, with any unused domes-
Innovation 27.5 cfm/person [13 L/s·person]). tic hot water stored in an insulated
Significant reductions in building Similar HCPSS middle schools storage tank.
energy use required an innova- that use multiple independent
tive approach to ventilation system ventilation systems required nearly Operation and Maintenance
design, as outdoor air conditioning 39,500 cfm (18 642 L/s) of installed Engineering solutions that focused
is a major energy use component outdoor air capacity for only 670 on sustainable building opera-
in Baltimore’s 4A climate zone. students and 80 teachers (or tions and ease of maintenance were
For Wilde Lake Middle School, 52.7 cfm/person [24.9 L/s·person]). essential toward achieving NZE. The
ing a high level of energy efficiency Conditioned OA Ductwork
while eliminating the potential of
Automatic Flow Classroom Wall
a complete system shutdown due Control Valve
to equipment failure. The limited Min. 24 in.
physical size and availability of spare Two-Position Double-Wall
equipment allows for expedited Automatic Control Return Air Ductwork
replacement should a failure occur. Heat
Pump Filter Rack
Centralized HVAC system compo- Unit
nents such as the geothermal pumps
were provided with N+1 redundancy
to maintain ongoing building opera-
24 in. Support Support Frame
tion in the event of failure. Frame Height
All major mechanical equipment
Return Grille
was located indoors, facilitating Floor 8 in.
improved maintainability and
reduced freeze potential for the FIGURE 3 Typical heat pump unit within support closet.
water-source heat pump units and
DOAS equipment. Classroom heat browser, along with displaying this
pump units and VAV terminal units information at the school’s interac-
were integrated into support clos- tive educational dashboard.
It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Norm Mason passed
away on Friday, February 1, 2019. We have lost a great father, grandfather,
friend, mentor and confidant. Norm took great pleasure in being a problem
solver, characterized by always finding viable, practical and cost-effective
means to an end.
As Bob Jones (BBN) commented when he endorsed his book, Noise and
Vibration Control in Buildings, “If some things sound familiar in this book, it’s
because I learned it all from you. My sincere thanks for your invaluable contribution.”
operation. This production exceeded the building energy generation revenue while the student population con-
model simulation’s predicted annual energy consumption tinues to increase over the next several years.
by 181,878 kWh. This interim student growth timeframe has also pro-
Through a net-metering arrangement, surplus PV vided HCPSS the flexibility to transfer community activi-
energy production is continuously sold back to the local ties and other district-wide school functions to Wilde
utility company throughout the year, providing the Lake Middle School, decreasing the use of other higher
school district with a sustainable source of ongoing PV energy consuming district schools while maximizing the
energy cost benefit of the PV system.
Environmental Impact
The major environmental benefit of
a NZE building is its reduced carbon
footprint. The school’s 821,618 kWh
first-year PV system production
eliminated over 611 metric tons of
CO2 emissions. During that same
time period, the school’s energy con-
sumption resulted in only 319 metric
tons of CO2 emissions. Therefore, the
carbon reduction and environmental
impact of the school extends well
beyond the building footprint, with a
net positive 20-year CO2 reduction of
over 5,840 metric tons anticipated.
The school has helped reshape the
idea of what is possible for many
Maryland school systems. With
24 counties and over 1,400 public
schools, this school stands as an
example of environmental inno-
vation. However, innovation can
sometimes be met with resistance,
as new technologies often require
changes in the traditional process
approach. Wilde Lake Middle School
provides the ability for Maryland
school systems to evaluate these new
technologies first-hand, through on-
site observation and communication
with the school’s maintenance staff,
students and faculty. The positive
feedback generated from these
discussions will facilitate increased
innovation and the eventual con-
struction of future NZE schools.
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Innovative products and solutions for data center air conditioning and mission critical
environmental control, with capacity ranges from 3 kW to A Cool Megawatt.
Stephen W. Duda
Measuring airflow rates is an important part of most HVAC controls systems, and
this month’s column is intended to help designers and engineers select and specify
airflow measurement devices. At least three distinct non-proprietary types of airflow
measurement devices (often abbreviated AFMS for airflow measuring station) are
commonly applied in HVAC systems and are commercially available from multiple
manufacturers, so choosing which type and understanding the pros and cons of each
type is important.
It is also important to understand why we measure Key Selection Criteria
airflow rates, because sometimes the “why” influences A key theme in the list above is the measurement of
the choice of which type of AFMS to apply. Some com- outdoor air. Installing AFMS in unfiltered airstreams
mon reasons for measuring airflow rates in a general has the potential to create maintenance and control
HVAC system include: problems, because some AFMS types rely on very small,
• Continuous and ongoing proof of meeting code- almost pinpoint-sized orifices or tiny probes whose
required outdoor airflow rates, especially when code- effectiveness may be compromised over time by accu-
required rates are fixed or constant-volume but overall mulating dirt and dust. However, most air-handling
airflow delivery is variable volume; equipment is arranged to filter air downstream of the
• Energy conservation; i.e., ensuring during very hot point of mixing of return air with outdoor air, and
and/or humid weather and during very cold weather outdoor air needs to be measured upstream of the
that only the minimum code-required outdoor rates are point of mixing. So this leads to the dilemma of either
provided; and placing outdoor airflow measurement devices in unfil-
• Control of building pressure by measuring and tered airstreams, or adding another filter bank with an
comparing supply and return airflow rates, particularly unwanted first cost, maintenance cost, and energy cost
but not exclusively when applying outdoor air econo- penalty.
Stephen W. Duda, P.E., is senior mechanical engineer at Ross & Baruzzini, Inc.,
This discussion does not apply to VAV boxes that have in St. Louis. He is a member and research subcommittee chair of TC 9.1, Large
their own unique airflow measuring requirements. Building Air-Conditioning Systems.
Use of an AFMS downstream of a filter bank is prefer- are not precise enough as to require the complexity of
able but often not possible when measuring outdoor air- density adjustments.2 The standard allows either cfm
flow. When not possible or practical, the designer should or scfm to be used for compliance purposes, meaning
provide good access for cleaning the AFMS and make temperature or density compensation is acceptable but
sure the maintenance staff is aware of the situation, so not mandatory. To be most technically correct, engi-
they can make cleaning the AFMS part of their routine neers should be specifying measurement of mass flow
maintenance program. A more ideal solution would be or scfm/slps.
to find an AFMS whose performance is less impacted by
dirt or dust. Pitot Tube Array
Another important selection criteria may be AFMS The first type of AFMS I will consider is the pitot tube
performance over a widely varying airflow range. For array. It features multiple total- and static-pressure
example, if measuring building economizer relief air sensors positioned at the center of equal areas of the
as part of a building pressure control scheme, the relief station’s cross section, interconnected by averaging
air may vary from almost zero to full air-handling sys- manifolds. Based on known duct size, a transducer
tem capacity, and not all AFMS are rated to measure converts the pressure readings to an air velocity and
airflow rates that are an order of magnitude lower than then to an airflow rate.
design. In other words, some AFMS selected to measure The device itself has good accuracy under ideal con-
a peak of 20,000 cfm (9440 L/s) may not perform well at ditions, often quoted at ±2% of actual airflow when
2,000 cfm (944 L/s). tested according to AMCA Standard 610,3 over a veloc-
Finally, measurement accuracy, pressure drop, ity range of 400 to 18,000 fpm (2 to 91 m/s). But the
required duct straight lengths upstream and down- transducer (to convert pneumatic readings to a DDC
stream, and purchase cost are other factors that specify- signal) introduces an additional inaccuracy; even a
ing engineers need to consider. All three types of AFMS best-in-class 0.25% span transducer increases the over-
discussed in this column are rated for the ranges of tem- all device error to about 3%. And if the specifier is not
perature and humidity normally found in most HVAC careful, a very poor transducer could be substituted
applications, and therefore won’t be discussed further, which hurts accuracy significantly. Accuracy can be
but those temperature and humidity ranges should be improved by increasing the number of sensor locations
considered in other applications where unusual condi- within the array, and since the “sensor” is essentially
tions are encountered. just another hole in the tube, numerous sensor loca-
When dynamically measuring airflow for the purpose tions can be added and averaged to improve the overall
of proving compliance with ASHRAE Standard 62.11 reading.
ventilation rates, we should recognize that ventilation The output is a function of the square root of the
is fundamentally a function of mass flow, not volumet- velocity pressure, and velocities below 400 fpm (2 m/s)
ric flow. In other words, we care fundamentally about are so low that the device simply cannot distinguish
the quantity of outdoor air molecules brought into a airflows below this level. Thus, they are typically not
building; not the volume that those molecules occupy. recommended by their own manufacturers at applica-
Some types of AFMS actually measure true mass flow tions below 400 fpm (2 m/s), making them an unfavor-
inherently and then include altitude adjustment and able choice for VAV systems and air economizer appli-
temperature sensors to adjust the AFMS for density so cations with turndown to a low airflow. This situation
that they read in actual cfm (L/s); indeed many stan- can be mitigated somewhat by creating separate out-
dard engineering specifications require this feature. door air ducts for minimum flow and economizer flow,
But that is rather ironic—money could be saved by but that comes at added expense. Some manufacturers
just leaving that feature out entirely since Standard improve accuracy at lower velocities by using multiple
62.1 rates were originally derived based on mass flow transducers with different ranges and effectively stage
(expressed as standard cfm or scfm; in SI units stan- the transducers as velocity varies; with this technique,
dard L/s or sLps). But Standard 62.1 seems to more-or- reasonable accuracy is possible as low as 100 fpm
less acknowledge that the ventilation rates in its table (0.5 m/s).
An upstream filter is recommended because dirt can heated by a small electrical current. The probe works
plug the small orifices in the pitot tube, eventually ren- by sensing temperature in the active thermistor and
dering the device less effective, so this type may not be a comparing it to the temperature of the reference
good long-term choice in unfiltered outdoor air intakes thermistor—greater flow rates provide greater cooling
unless frequent maintenance is practiced. of the active thermistor and lesser flow rates provide
Long straight duct runs upstream (7½D – 7½ equivalent lesser cooling of that thermistor. Technically, the device
hydraulic duct diameters) and downstream (3D) are tra- measures the amount of power consumed to continually
ditionally recommended for best performance, because reheat the active thermistor to offset its cooling in an
the air velocity profile can be quite erratic near a distur- active airstream, and then converts that reading to a
bance. However, many pitot tube AFMS devices are sold mass flow rate.
with a honeycomb flow straightener or other devices It has a tested accuracy within ±3% of actual airflow
that reduces the necessary straight runs to 2D upstream when tested according to AMCA Standard 610, when
and 1D downstream. The pressure loss is typically not subjected to a velocity range of 150 to 5,000 fpm (0.8
more than 0.03 in. w.g. at 2,000 fpm (7.5 Pa at 10 m/s) to 25 m/s). The lower-end velocity range may make it a
without the honeycomb flow straightener, and not more good choice for VAV systems and outdoor air economizer
than 0.1 in. w.g. at 2,000 fpm (25 Pa at 10 m/s) with the applications with turndown to a low airflow. Because
flow straightener. this device is all electronic, there is no additional trans-
Pitot-type AFMS (and all other AFMS using differential ducer conversion error as there is with the pitot tube
pressure) require a temperature sensor to allow for mass device. As with the pitot tube array, accuracy can be
flow correction (i.e., to read in scfm instead of acfm). improved by increasing the number of sensor locations
With most manufacturers, this sensor is factory installed within the array. Unlike the pitot tube array, each sens-
and its reading is available to the control system, often ing point is an additional pair of thermistors, and add-
eliminating the need for another air temperature sensor ing numerous sensing points becomes very expensive
provided with the control system. in relative terms. Therefore, to remain competitively
This type of AFMS is also available in a configuration priced, thermal dispersion AFMS devices typically have
suitable for installation at the throat or face of a housed fewer sampling points than a same-size pitot tube array.
fan inlet cone, and may be a good choice for that appli- An upstream filter is recommended because accu-
cation because of its very high upper velocity range. mulation of particulate on the active thermistor acts
However, the impact on fan efficiency and noise due to as an insulator, eventually leading to false readings.
system effect must be considered. Additionally, thermal dispersion sensors are affected by
In summary, this device’s pros include good accuracy moisture in the airstream, because a droplet of liquid
at modest pressure drop; its cons are loss of perfor- moisture cools the active thermistor much more quickly
mance at low velocities (unless enhanced with mul- than does dry air, so the device will “think” moist air is
tiple transducers at added cost and complexity) and in traveling at a greater velocity than is actually the case.
unfiltered airstreams. I tend to favor this type of device Thus, you may need to avoid applying this sensor close
in higher-velocity and/or constant-volume systems, to an outdoor air intake where rain entrainment is pos-
in ducts with upstream filtration and reasonably long sible, or just downstream of a humidifier or cooling coil.
straight sections where I can get a reliable reading. Due to its nature, the thermistor also cannot detect flow
direction (the active thermistor will be cooled by air
Thermal Dispersion flowing in any direction), so avoid applying near a tur-
The next type of AFMS to consider is the thermal bulent air mixing box where backflow from one inlet to
dispersion type. That device consists of one or more another inlet is possible.
equally weighted and averaged sensor probes arranged As with the pitot tube array, straight duct runs for the
in a casing or upon a rod. Each probe contains two thermal dispersion device are recommended—a mini-
thermistors: one is a reference sensor that measures mum of 3D upstream and 2D downstream without a
the temperature of the airstream, and the other is flow straightener or 1½D upstream and ¾D downstream.
a temperature-dependent thermistor intentionally Some of these devices can be custom field-calibrated as
Differential Pressure Device WaterFurnace is a registered trademark of WaterFurnace International, Inc. ©2019 WaterFurnace International Inc.
The chief problems with measur-
ing incoming outdoor airflow rates
are (a) very low velocity in economizer systems when pressure drop device such as a perforated screen with,
not using economizer; and (b) the fact that outdoor say, a 0.2 in. w.c. pressure drop (50 Pa) at full design
air intakes are typically unfiltered until mixed with flow improves the range of measurement but drives up
return air inside an air-handling unit, after which it energy consumption compared to the first two options.
is too late to measure outdoor air. So this third AFMS On the other hand, using a perforated screen provided
option is a device for measuring outdoor air cfm right by the AFMS manufacturer does obviate the need for
at a louver or air intake without any straight duct and field calibration and allows for AMCA Standard 610
without any filter requirement. It consists of a differ- certification.
ential pressure sensor attached to either a louver or As with pitot-type AFMS, this AFMS uses differential
screen. It works off differential pressure, calibrated pressure so a temperature sensor is required if airflow is
against a known fixed resistance (i.e., its mounting to be measured as mass flow (scfm).
louver or screen). Any fixed resistance device such So this device’s pros include good performance at
as a louver or perforated screen has its own unique low turndown, in unfiltered airstreams, and with no
relationship between velocity and pressure drop. upstream straight duct; its cons include less accuracy
Measurement of differential static pressure upstream out of the box and a sometimes higher pressure drop
and downstream of that fixed resistance, compared than the other types discussed. I tend to favor this
with the known velocity/pressure drop curve for that type of device when measuring outdoor air flow rates
resistance device, yields an airflow velocity. at or near an intake where there is no opportunity for
Measured airflow is less affected by wind, moisture, upstream filtration. The accuracy out of the box is not
and dirt than other AFMS; it requires no upstream as good, but it still meets ASHRAE Standard 111 and
straight run; and it requires no upstream filter. Accuracy LEED, and the other devices studied in this column
is about ±5% of reading when tested according to AMCA may eventually lose their accuracy in this particular
Standard 610, so it is not as good as with the first two application due to buildup of particulate.
options out of the box, but ±5% still meets ASHRAE
Standard 1114 and LEED5 requirements. Its rated veloc- Conclusion
ity range is 150 to 1500 fpm (0.8 to 8 m/s), which cor- This column offers a quick overview of three available
responds favorably to the range of velocity normally technologies when selecting and specifying airflow mea-
encountered in an induced outdoor air intake. But this suring stations in building HVAC systems. There is not
may be too low on the upper end of range for fan-forced one correct answer for all airflow measurement applica-
supply, return, or exhaust systems but some manufac- tions; the proper selection varies with the application.
turers offer multiple sequenced transducers that extend One must consider the type of airflow (filtered, unfil-
the maximum velocity range. tered, outdoor air, supply air, etc.) being measured, the
This type of device relies on a pressure drop for flow range of air velocities anticipated, duct configurations,
measurement, and performance is improved when the and relative cost.
associated pressure drop is higher (such as through a A future column of mine may cover water, gas, and
perforated plate). But the trade-off is that higher pres- steam flow measurement devices.
sure loss costs the building owner money in terms of
operating cost long-term. So on one hand this device Notes
may be best applied directly on an outdoor air intake 1. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable
Indoor Air Quality, Article 6.2 Ventilation Rate Procedure.
louver—which presumably would be necessary with or
2. See Footnote 3 to Table of Standard 62.1
without airflow measurement, so no additional pres- 3. ANSI/AMCA Standard 610-06 (R2012), Laboratory Methods of
sure drop is realized—but lower pressure drop across Testing Airflow Measurement Stations For Performance Rating, Arlington
a louver oversized to avoid rain entrainment limits Heights, Ill.: The Air Movement and Control Association
International, Inc.
the device’s performance. If the louver only has a 0.05
4. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-2008, Measurement, Testing,
in. w.c. pressure drop (12 Pa) at full design airflow, Adjusting, and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems, ¶5.2.4.
there is not much of a range for the differential pres- 5. LEED v4 requires as a prerequisite ±10% accuracy for AFMS
sure device to work with. Introducing an additional controlling minimum outdoor air on VAV systems.
ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) takes a proactive role in training professionals with up-to-date requirements for
the design, construction, and renovation of new and existing buildings and their systems.
ALI’s professional development seminars and short courses provide high-quality, authoritative, and credible
technical information in areas that contribute to integral parts of the codes that govern the design and operation
of buildings.
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Peter Alspach
When I get in my car—a not particularly high-end car—I’ve got a plethora of thermal
comfort controllability options: three separate climate zones (driver, passenger, and
rear) and individual heated seats for the driver and passenger. I can then refine further
control through adjustable fan speed and air vent direction to further tune comfort
conditions. The front two passengers each have three methods of controlling for thermal
comfort (air temperature, air speed, and radiant/contact temperature), while the rear
two passengers share a thermal zone with some air speed control. All of this control is
provided for four occupants in a space with an interior volume of about 3 m3 (100 ft3).
Yet when I come to my office—brand new and striv- clothing. The designer then checks the expected com-
ing for LEED and WELL Certification—we have three fort of the occupant relative to the design setpoint
thermostats serving the open office floor plan housing for the season, typically the cooling setpoint for sum-
80 people. Luckily, we do have adjustable thermostats, mer evaluation and the heating setpoint for winter
although building management restricts their range. evaluation.
This difference in controllability is stunning when one This approach has several flaws when it comes to
considers the expense of construction, the amount of designing for and achieving thermal comfort for all
time we spend indoors, and the value of work generated the occupants, especially for the open plan offices that
in our indoor environments. dominate current workplace design:
In most building satisfaction surveys, thermal comfort 1. The full range of thermostatic dead band needs to
is consistently one of the top two areas of dissatisfaction be considered, with ASHRAE Standard 90.1 requiring a
(the other being acoustics), with little improvement minimum 2.8°C (5°F) between heating and cooling set
shown for sustainable buildings. What are we doing points.
wrong? What is driving this level of dissatisfaction? 2. Occupant activities are more diverse than can be
What can we do about it? expressed in a single metabolic rate assumption within
If we look at thermal comfort through the lens of the variance allowed by Standard 55 (±0.10 met).
ASHRAE Standard 55, some of the clues for thermal 3. Occupant clothing levels vary highly among indi-
dissatisfaction become apparent. One of the key viduals; in more casual work environments this varia-
tenets of ASHRAE Standard 55 is that of the represen- tion can be very significant and greater than the 0.15 clo
tative occupant. The representative occupant reflects variance allowed by Standard 55.
some average or assumed occupant that is occupying 4. Thermal variations within an HVAC zone, e.g., due
the space and includes assumptions about clothing to varying mean radiant temperature or simply non-
and activity levels. Most HVAC designers look at a uniform air mixing.
single representative occupant for each space, per- Peter Alspach, P.E., is the director of design performance at NBBJ in Seattle. He was a prin-
haps providing one or more seasonal variations for cipal at Arup in Seattle when he wrote this column.
Thermostatic Dead Band Impacts these factors can result in real loads well below the
Let’s look first at the thermostatic dead band. In a VAV box minimum turndown if the typical 30% to 40%
typical situation with a multi-zone VAV system, the of maximum rule of thumb is used. If that occurs and
heating setpoint may be 21°C (70°F) with a cooling there is no re-heat coil, the result can be zone tempera-
setpoint of 24°C (75°F). During summer conditions, tures below the heating setpoint. If a coil is present, then
perimeter zones under cooling demand will typically the result is wasted energy through re-heat and a zone
be maintained at the cooling setpoint. But what about maintained at the heating setpoint.
other zones on the same system and at other times of Regardless of the cause, the reality is that designers
the year? If an office building has one system per floor, need to consider occupant thermal comfort not just at
some perimeter zones may be in either dead band or in the setpoints but within the full dead band. The tem-
heating mode while another perimeter zone is in cooling perature swing of a zone over the course of a day through
mode (the common north/south or east/west situation). the dead band can, depending on the occupant charac-
Interior zones are a particularly interesting subject teristics, place occupants in and out of the comfort zone
with regards to temperature variations; many interior and ASHRAE Standard 55 compliance.
zones have two problematic design characteristics, no
re-heat coil and a relatively high minimum turndown. Occupant Activity Variations
The result for many interior office zones is over cool- Modern offices and workplace designs support a wide
ing, sometimes even below the heating setpoint. This variety of occupant activities that go well beyond the
occurs due to a few compounding factors; worst case or commonly assumed 1.1 met for a seated worker. In my
conservative design loads, low actual plug loads, and new office, just in the main workplace zone, we have
a real occupancy much lower than design. Combining standing desks, a treadmill desk, and under-desk cycling
obtain the
of a chilled
water system
on a
dx budget!
machines. With no private offices, occupants can be up thermal zone where the temperature is uniform
and about collaborating or sequestered away in a focus throughout the occupied area. The de facto approach
room. The met calculations for the range of possible for assessing uniformity, at least in cooling, is the use
activities runs the full spread allowed under Standard 55 of ADPI, with an ADPI of greater than 80 signifying
—a low of 1.0 (seated and reading) to a high of 2.0 (walk- acceptable thermal uniformity. To achieve an ADPI of
ing at 2 mph at a treadmill desk). Some occupants may 80 a space must have 80% of the occupied zone meeting
even be outside the range of the standard—meditation the acceptable parameters of an air speed of less than
rooms might see met rates (per Standard 55) as low as 0.35 m/s (70 fpm) and an effective draft temperature
0.8 and a vigorous treadmill or cycling desk user could between –1.5 and 1.0°C (–3 and +2°F) based on standard
easily exceed 2.0 met. If we look at the impact of those testing procedures. So even what we call uniform isn’t
metabolic rate variations in terms of how the operative uniform. Mean radiant temperature variations due to
temperature at neutral conditions (PMV = 0) changes, external envelope conditions and direct solar gains add
the metabolic rate variation impact across occupants further thermal variations into perimeter zones that
can be as high as 5°C (9°F) from 1.0 to 2.0 met. Taking undermine the notion of a thermally uniform zone. As
the treadmill/exercise desk out of the equation one an example, the prescriptive path of the direct incident
can still see met rate variations from 1.0 to 1.5 met in solar radiation calculations within Standard 55 shows an
a typical office setting – a minimum of three separate increase in mean radiant temperature (MRT) of 2.8°C
“representative occupant” calculations per Standard 55 (5.0°F) for occupants near the glazing with internal
(met = 1.1, 1.3, 1.5). This represents a neutral condition shading devices drawn.
range of 2.6°C (4.7°F). I don’t think there are too many The above cases clearly show the wide variations that
designers out there performing three separate represen- occur within a typical office HVAC zone. It is no wonder
tative occupant calculations for office space. Even if one that we get complaints—nailing down a single represen-
did the calculations, trying to find a control approach tative occupant in a spatially uniform condition is basi-
to keep everyone in their comfort zone and meeting cally impossible! So how does this bring us back to my
Standard 90.1 is a challenge. car? Well, my car allows for a lot of personal adjustment
of my thermal environment. I can vary the air tempera-
Occupant Clothing Variations ture, the air speed and location of air movement on my
Much like metabolic rates, a simple glance around an body, and the radiant temperature. Enough adjustment
office will show a wide variety of clothing ensembles and to get me to my happy spot and keep me there, even on a
insulation values. One representative occupant is not long drive. Swing me back to the office and you have the
reality. As an example, I did a visual survey of my office classic thermostat wars that nobody (well, maybe one
(located in Seattle in February) and found a clothing person…) is going to win.
insulation range from 0.48 clo to 1.0 clo. There were no What is the solution? I would say that the solution is
obvious gender biases; there were men and women at greater controllability by the occupants. The ideal is
or near both extremes and in the middle. The observed what the newest, high end cars have—heated and cooled
range is equal to the “classic” 0.5 clo for summer, 1.0 clo seats, adjustable air vents, and individual temperature
for winter assumptions of the Standard 55 Graphical zones. I would argue that a nice modern building should
Method. Yet, per Standard 55, this would require a at least be as good as a nice modern car! The cost is not
minimum of two representative occupant calculations, that far off—with office construction costs around at
one with a clo at 0.63 and one with a clo at 0.90, to cover $250-$300/ft2 and utilization about 150 ft2/person, each
the range of clothing ensembles observed on a single person’s space costs roughly the same as a new, pretty
day. Using a similar neutral condition impact analysis nice, car. That should surely buy the occupant comfort
approach as above, the full range impact on neutral and controllability equal to the vehicle they drive to
operative temperature is 3.1°C (5.6°F). work. We should take some notes from the automakers’
playbook and focus on the customers and their thermal
Thermal Variations Within a Zone needs and uniqueness. Give them what they want, and
Most conventional HVAC systems aim for a well-mixed they want control. Just ask.
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AAON Inc ..................................... 86 Daikin North America LLC........ 90 PVI Industries............................. 91 SOUTHEAST U.S.
Millennium Media, Inc. –
590 Hickory Flat Road
AAON Inc ..................................... 21 Delta Cooling Towers................. 86 Rawal Devices Inc. .................... 83 Alpharetta, GA 30004
Doug Fix (770) 740-2078 | Fax (678) 405-3327
ABB LOW Voltage Drives...........11 ebm-papst Inc ............................ 87 Lori Gernand-Kirtley (281) 855-0470 | Fax (281) 855-4219
Reliable Controls.......................... 3;
Aerco International Inc ............... 9 Ebtron...................................3rd Cvr
Reliable Controls........................ 91 OHIO VALLEY U.S.
Aerco International Inc ............. 88 Evapco.......................................... 92
LaRich & Associates – Tom Lasch
RenewAire .................................. 67 512 East Washington St.
AHR Expo Orlando 2020 ............17 Fuji Electric Corp of America .. 90 Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
A-J Manufacturing Co. Inc........13 Fujitsu General America Inc .... 39 Rotor Source Inc........................ 34 (440) 247-1060 | Fax (440) 247-1068
ASHRAE 2019 Annual Conference Fulton Management Services.. 69 Ruskin .......................................... 24 MIDWEST U.S.
Kansas.......................................... 61 Kingwill Company – Baird Kingwill; Jim Kingwill
Fulton Management Services.. 87 330 W. Colfax Street, Unit 102
Seiho International Inc ............. 51
ASHRAE Learning Institute...... 81 Palatine, IL 60057
Greenheck...................................... 7 (847) 537-9196 | Fax (847) 537-6519
ASHRAE Standard 55-2013...... 83 Sentech Corp .............................. 91;
Greentrol Automation Inc ......... 47
ASHRAE Stakeholders’ Guide......92 Shortridge Instruments Inc. .... 34 SOUTHWEST U.S.
Harsco Industrial Patterson-Kelley Lindenberger & Associates, Inc. –
ASHRAE AEDGs.......................... 92 ....................................................... 41 Gary Lindenberger; Lori Gernand-Kirtley
Shuangliang Eco-Energy Systems 7007 Winding Walk Drive, Suite 100
ASHRAE eLearning .................... 93 Hisense ........................................ 43 ....................................................... 77 Houston, TX 77095
(281) 855-0470 | Fax (281) 855-4219
Krueger ........................................ 45;
ASHRAE Certified HVAC Designer Stulz Air Technology Systems Inc
....................................................... 94 Mason Industries, Inc............... 71 ....................................................... 73 CANADA & WEST U.S.
LaRich & Associates – Nick LaRich, Tom Lasch
*ASHRAE 90.1 Portal................. 55 Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics 512 East Washington St.
Stulz Air Technology Systems Inc Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
Automatic Airflow Balancing ... 54 USA Inc........................................ 31
....................................................... 87
Belimo Aircontrols USA ............ 29 *Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada (440) 247-1060 | Fax (440) 247-1068
....................................................... 55 Taco Inc.......................................... 5
Belimo Aircontrols USA ............ 88 KOREA
Munters Corp.............................. 88 YJP & Valued Media Co., Ltd – YongJin Park
Taco Inc........................................ 89
Berner International.................. 72 Kwang-il Building #905, Dadong-gil 5
Munters Corp.............................. 35 Jung-gu, Seoul 04521, Korea
Berner International.................. 87 The Whalen Company ............... 92 82-2 3789-6888 | Fax: 82-2 3789-8988
Munters Corp......................4th Cvr
Bosch............................................ 89 Titus.............................................. 23
Niles Steel Tank ......................... 49 EUROPE & MIDDLE EAST
Bradford White Corporation..... 86 Steve Comstock
Niles Steel Tank ......................... 90 Tjernlund Products Inc ............. 88
32 (0)2 234 77 11 |
Buckaroos, Inc............................ 91
Panasonic Appliance Air Topog-E Gasket Co..................... 89
Cambridge Engineering............. 33 Conditioning North America..... 86 ASHRAE – Greg Martin
Tuttle & Bailey............................ 89 (678) 539-1174 |
Carrier Corporation.................... 92 Parker Boiler Company............. 20
Control Solutions ....................... 90 Petra Engineering ...................... 59 Uponor.......................................... 75 RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING AND REPRINTS
ASHRAE – Greg Martin
(678) 539-1174 |
Daikin North America LLC..CV2-1 PVI Industries............................. 25 Waterfurnace International...... 79
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