Prevention of Varicose Vein

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Prevention of Varicose Veins

Article · February 2014

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Akoijam Sangita Malar Kodi

Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh


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International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 2(1): January-March 2014 ISSN-2347–8632


Prevention of Varicose Veins

Mrs. Akoijam Sangita Devi1, Mrs. Malar Kodi Aathi2
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing,
M.M Institute of Nursing, M.M University Mullana, Ambala Haryana.133207
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Child Health Nursing,
M.M Institute of Nursing, M.M University Mullana, Ambala Haryana.133207
*Corresponding Author Email:,

Varicose veins are abnormal, dilated blood vessels caused by weakening in the vessel wall. Such conditions that
increase pressure on the leg veins such as overweight, lack of exercises, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and
menopause, smoking; constipation or people who are prolong standing or sedentary position or repeated heavy lifting
make veins of legs very weak and develop into varicose veins. Researchers reports that “A mild care of varicose veins
does not usually require a doctor’s care, it can relief from the discomfort with at-home treatment and various
alternative remedies, such as acupuncture and acupressure, aromatherapy, colour therapy, diet and supplements, herbal
therapy, exercise, Yoga, homoeopathy, hydrotherapy etc”. Other preventive measures are maintaining ideal weight and
to avoid prolong standing and tight clothing that constricts waist, groin or legs; avoid crossing legs when sitting, avoid
wearing high heels and eat low salt diet that is rich in high fibre food to reduce retention of water or swell. Superficial
varicose veins normally do not require medical attention but to relieve the discomfort; the doctor may recommend
elastic support stockings.

KEY WORDS: Varicose veins, hormonal fluctuations, acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, Colour therapy,
herbal therapy, homoeopathy, hydrotherapy, elastic support stockings.

Many research articles in vascular disease showed, 15-20% Although they can be painful and disfiguring, they are
of the population in India is suffering from varicose veins. usually harmless. If varicose veins are not treated early,
Women suffer this disease four times more than men(4). A there can be complications such as chronic venous
lot of occupations have sprung up where people are insufficiency. Patients with varicose veins are at increased
required to either prolong standing or sitting for a risk of deep vein thrombosis because venous stasis and
considerable time are more prone to get varicose veins. The injury often cause superficial phlebitis that can pass through
higher prevalence is due to the lack of preventive practice perforating vessels to involve the deep venous system(6).
(5). Varicose veins are often primary (affecting only the
superficial veins), often result from a congenital or familial Definition:
predisposition that leads to the loss of elasticity of the vein Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins near the surface
wall. Secondary varicosities occur when trauma, of the skin and they mostly develop in the legs and ankles.
obstruction, or inflammation that causes damage to the When sitting or standing for a long time, the blood in the
valves (which affect the deep veins). Varicose veins can veins of the legs can pool and the pressure in the veins can
appear anywhere in the body, but most often affect the legs increase and cause stretching. Stretching of veins can
and feet. sometimes weaken the walls of the veins and damage the
vein valves resulting in varicose vein (1-2). (Figure: 1)
Received on 17.12.2013 Modified on 06.01.2014
Accepted on 22.02.2014 © A&V Publication all right reserved
Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 2(1):Jan. - Mar., 2014; Page 40-45
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 2(1): January-March 2014

Why do varicose veins usually appear in the legs?

The force of gravity, the pressure of body weight, and the
task of carrying the blood from the bottom of the body to
the heart make legs the primary location for varicose veins.
Compared to other veins of the body, leg veins have the
toughest job of carrying blood back to the heart. They
endure the most pressure. This pressure can be stronger
than the veins out way valves (7).

Signs and symptoms of varicose veins

 Prominent dark blue blood vessels, especially in the
legs and feet.
 Aching pain or tenderness along the course of a vein.
 Easily tired legs.
 Leg heaviness.
Figure 1: Varicose veins  Swelling in the legs.
 Darkening of the skin (in severe cases).
Causes:  Numbness in the legs.
o In 40 percent of the persons, varicose veins are due to  Itching or irritating rash in the legs.
hereditary factors, which run into families and generations  Burning sensations.
in determining the susceptibility to primary valvular failure.  Night cramps.
o Prolonged standing and prolonged sitting with legs  Pigmentation.
down leads to increased hydrostatic pressure that can cause  Exercise intolerance.
chronic venous distension and secondary valvular  Bulging, rope-like, bluish veins indicate superficial
incompetence anywhere within the superficial venous varicose veins.
system.  Aching and heaviness in a limb, sometimes with
o Pregnancy is common cause of varicosities. During swelling, but without any prominent or visible blue veins,
pregnancy, circulating hormonal factors increase the may signal a deep varicose vein.
distensitiblity of vein walls and soften valve leaflets. Late in  Discoloured, peeling skin, skin ulcers, and constant
pregnancy, the enlarged uterus compresses the inferior vena rather than intermittent pain are signs of severe varicose
cava, causing further venous hypertension and secondary veins.
distension of leg veins.
 Subjective symptoms usually are more severe early in
o Varicose veins occur both in men and women, but are
the progression of the disease, less severe in the middle
more frequent in women because vein walls and valves
phases, and worse again with advancing age.
periodically become more distensible under the influence of
 Common symptoms of telangiectasia include burning,
cyclic increase in progesterone.
swelling, throbbing, cramping, and leg fatigue. Pain
o Due to lack of exercise and advanced overweight,
associated with larger varicose veins usually is a dull ache
veins become very weak and develop into varicose veins.
that is worse after prolonged standing.
Due to obesity a lot of fat gets deposited. This weakens the
support system of the veins, resulting in the veins dilating  Pain and other symptoms may worsen with the
and becoming tortuous. menstrual cycle, with pregnancy and in response to
o Dietary deficiencies or the loss of skin elasticity due to exogenous hormonal therapy (e.g., oral contraceptives) (5-
ageing are the contributing factors. 7)
o High-heeled sandals and tight clothing are significant
contributors to the development of varicose veins; they Diagnosis:
obstruct the normal flow of blood in the veins. Varicose veins are usually diagnosed by inspection, but
o Constipation, which can contribute to varicose veins. their extent can be determined only by palpation with the
o Repeated heavy lifting can interfere with normal patient standing.
circulation (to increase the likelihood that varicose veins
will develop and can worsen existing varicosities). Inspection
Visible varicosity, skin changes, telangiectasis, swelling
Today a lot of occupations and professions have sprung up around ankles, ulceration, prominent varicose veins,
where people are required to either continuously stand for a eczematous lesions, scars form a previous surgical
long time or made to sit hanging down for a considerable operation, stasis dermatitis (5).
time – computer professionals, security guards, traffic
police, salesmen working at counters in departmental stores, Palpation
teachers, nurses, paramedical workers working in various Palpable veins, hardness (thrombosis), tenderness.
hospital set ups and persons doing desk jobs day in and day
out are the sufferers of varicose veins (7).
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 2(1): January-March 2014

Techniques of test 3. Doppler auscultation: Doppler examination is an

i. Trendelenberg test. adjunct to the physical examination that can directly show
ii. Perthes test. whether flow in a suspect vein is antegrade, retrograde or
iii. Doppler auscultation. to-and-fro. (Figure 3)

1. Trendelenberg test: The Trendelenberg test can often

be used to distinguish patients with superficial venous
reflux from those with incompetent deep venous valves.
(Figure 2)
a. The leg is elevated until the congested superficial veins
have all collapsed. An examining hand or tourniquet is used
to occlude a varicose vein just below the sapheno-femoral
junction (5 cm below and medial to the femoral pulse). The
patient stands with the occlusion still in place (11).
b. If the distal varicosity remains empty or fills very
slowly, the principal entry point of high pressure into the
superficial system has been identified. Rapid filling despite
manual occlusion of the suspected high point of reflux that
some other reflux is involved. Fig. 3: Doppler auscultation

A mild case of varicose veins does not usually require a
doctor’s care. You can find relief from the discomfort of
varicose veins with basic at-home treatment and various
alternative remedies (7).

Prevention of varicose veins

Varicose veins may be prevented to some extent by:
1. Exercise regularly
Try to walk 10 to 20 minutes every day or participate in
other exercise, such as bicycling or jogging, swimming to
strengthen leg muscles and improve blood circulation.
Before beginning an exercise programme, check with your
doctor, especially if you have health conditions such as
heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, or breathing
difficulties (10).

2. Exercise your legs. When you are sitting down, rotate

your feet at the ankles in both directions, making small
circles. Extend your legs, and point and flex your feet.
Repeat for a minute or two once an hour.

3. High-impact exercises such as running may be

Fig.2: Trendelenberg test
uncomfortable for people with varicose veins.

4. Avoid long periods of standing or sitting: If you must

stand for a long time, shift your weight from one leg to
another every few minutes. Sit down frequently and elevate
2. Perthes test: The Perthes test is a traditional technique
your legs. Bounce up and down on the tips of the toes
intended to distinguish antegrade flow from retrograde flow
several times an hour. Take a walk if you can. Some people
in superficial varices. To perform the test, a tourniquet is
use a small stool to prop up first one foot, then the other
placed over the proximal part of the varicose leg in such a
when standing at work (11).
way as to compress superficial varicose veins, but not the
If you must sit for long periods of time, stand up and move
deep veins. The patient walks or performs toe-stands to
around or take a short walk
activate the calf muscle pump. The calf muscle pump
Every 30 minutes to let the legs pump blood back to the
normally causes varicose veins to be emptied, but if deep
heart. Stop for a brief walk every 30-45 minutes during long
system obstruction exists, then the varicose veins
car trips.
paradoxically become more congested (12).

International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 2(1): January-March 2014

5. Regularly elevating legs

Elevating the legs helps keep the blood from pooling in
the lower legs and improves blood flow to the rest of the
Keep the legs elevated when you sit or lie down, use a
foot rest at work and a foot stool at home to elevate the
feet.(Figure 4)

Fig. 6: compression stocking

For many patients, compression stockings effectively treat

varicose veins and may be all that are needed to relieve pain
and swelling, and prevent future problems. Compression
stockings also can help heal skin sores and prevent them
from returning. Usage of compression stockings will not be
Fig. 4: Elevating legs
beneficial if the person is lying down. For very mild
Lie down and raise the legs above the heart level at the end symptoms, start with using regular support panty hose, knee
of the day. Try lying on the back on a bed with feet propped socks (which end just above the calf, below the knee).For
on the wall or on pillows to improve blood flow back to the more serious symptoms, use special compression stockings
heart. from a medical supply store (with a doctor’s prescription).
These stockings are tighter at the feet and get looser as they
6. Avoid crossing legs: go up Replace the compression stockings when they lose
Try not crossing the legs at the knees when sitting. If you elasticity. For serious varicose veins symptoms, be sure not
can’t prop up the feet, set them flat on the floor or cross to buy stockings that are too tight and uncomfortable to
them at the ankles. Crossing legs at the knees squeezes wear. Compression stockings may help the problem from
veins and blocks blood flow. (Figure 5) getting worse and may help avoid surgery (11).

8. Maintaining ideal weight:

Too much body fat, particularly in the mid section, can put
pressure on the thighs and groin, weakening the walls and
valves of the veins in the legs and groin.

9. Avoid tight clothing:

Clothing that restricts blood flow in the waist, groin or legs
increases the risk of developing varicose veins.

10. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes:

They can restrict ankle movement and thereby affect the
pumping mechanism of the large veins in the feet and
calves. High-heeled shoes make use of the muscles of
buttocks, rather than calf muscles to walk. Low-heeled or
Fig.5: legs crossing
athletic shoes help strengthen the calf muscles and improve
circulation (6).
7. Wearing compression stockings:
Compression stockings help relieve symptoms and slow the 11. Eat a low salt, high fibre diet food:
progress of varicose veins. Compression stockings are Eating fibre reduces the chance of constipation which can
elastic stockings that squeeze veins and prevent blood from contribute to varicose veins. Eating too much salt can retain
flowing backwards. Put the stockings on before getting out water or swell.
of the bed every morning and wear all the day. (Figure 6)
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 2(1): January-March 2014

Preferred foods: Whole food diet with emphasis on the 12. Herbal therapies
following foods: fresh fruits, including berries and cherries,  Witch hazel: Application of this ointment three or
and citrus fruits, whole grains especially buckwheat, and more times is necessary for 2 or more weeks before
millet, garlic, onion, ginger and cayenne pepper. Eat plenty results can be expected (may cause minor skin
of fish and cut down on red meat as much as possible. irritation in some people and is not recommended for
Moderately restrict fats and refined carbohydrates in the internal use).
diet.  Horse chestnut: Used both internally and external
application for problems of venous circulation,
Foods to avoid: Sugar, salt, fried foods, processed and including varicose veins (should be avoided by anyone
refined foods, animal protein, cheeses and ice cream (8). with liver or kidney disease and internal use is
contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation).
12. Alternative remedies:  Gotu kola, Ginkgo and hawthorn: Strengthen blood
To cope with varicose veins, try a two-pronged strategy of vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
natural remedies to ease the discomfort and preventive  Bilberries: Supports normal formation of connective
maintenance to keep your body fit and strong. tissue and strengthens capillaries in the body and in
this way help prevent varicose veins (9).
13. Acupuncture and acupressure:
Legs may be pressed for ten minutes daily. Cannot help 13. Homoeopathy
aesthetically; only prevent the situation from worsening.  Hamamelis: Tincture or lotion may be applied locally
(Figure 7) at night. Hamamelis 3X every three hours when veins
are affected.
 Carbo vegetabilis: When constipation and with poor
circulation. In cases of ulcers of varicose veins.
 Ferrum metallicum: If legs look pale, but redden
easily and walking slowly relieves the weak, achy

14. Hydrotherapy:
It is beneficial to alternate between hot and cold baths to
stimulate circulation in the legs. Take 2 buckets or plastic
waste buckets tall enough to submerge the legs up to the
knees. Fill one container with hot water to cover the lower
legs and the other container with the same amount of cold
water. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts per quart of water
or can add aromatherapy oil to the water. Soak feet and legs
in the hot water for about 3 minutes. Then immerse them in
the cold water for about 30 seconds. Repeat three times,
finishing with cold soak. Perform this treatment once a day
for at least one month to see the results (for diabetes use
warm water). Sponging or spraying legs with cold water
can relieve aches and pain from superficial varicose veins.

15. Juice therapies:

Fresh fruit juices can be very helpful for those with varicose
veins. Dark coloured berries such as cherries, blackberries
Fig. 7: Acupuncture and acupressure and blueberries contain anthocyanins and
proanthocyanidins, pigments that tone and strengthen the
11. Colour therapy: Use red and yellow colour all over the walls of veins. Pineapples are rich in the enzyme bromelain,
affected area for thirty minutes once per day. In cases of which helps prevent blood clots (uncommon but serious
ulcers in the legs use blue light radiation for thirty minutes complication of varicose veins). One or two glasses of fresh
followed by ultraviolet for forty-five minutes, everyday for fruit or vegetable juices – especially any combination of
ten to sixty days. apple, beet, carrot, celery, citrus, parsley or pineapple – and
dietary may be helpful in preventing and treating
Aromatherapy: varicosities (5).
Diet of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) massaged gently
into the affected area may help stimulate circulation by 16. Yoga:
causing capillaries to dilate. Oils of cypress and chamomile Yoga’s stretching and relaxation techniques can be
(Matticaria recutita) may soothe swelling and inflammation particularly beneficial for varicose veins. The deep
and help relieve pain. breathing exercise in yoga may further alleviate discomfort
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 2(1): January-March 2014

by getting more oxygen into the bloodstream (start by lying Complications of untreated varicose veins
on the back on the flow, arms at sides with your feet resting 1. Phlebitis (inflammation)
above you on a chair. Breathe deeply through nose and 2. Blood clots (actually in very rare complications)
gravity helps pull blood form legs. The deep breathing 3. Varicose eczema
creates a pull in chest cavity that also draws blood from the 4. Bleeding and venous ulcers
legs. Fresh blood then enters the legs, easing the pain. The 5. Deep vein thrombosis
exercise should be done once a day for about ten minutes
The prevention of varicose veins begins by knowing the
Surgical or minimally invasive treatment risk factors and working on ones that can be controlled
These treatments include sclerotherapy, ablation, and vein (such as obesity and prolonged standing). Improving
stripping and laser treatment. circulation and muscle tone, especially in the lower legs,
1. Sclerotherapy: will also help in preventing varicose veins.
Sclerosant is injected directly into the veins using a very
fine needle. The solution irritates the veins, causing the REFERENCE:
veins to swell, stick together and seal shut, thus closing it 1. Society for vascular surgery, vascular Web:varicose veins
off and preventing any blood flow and the vein turns into [online]. [cited on 2006 Feb 7]. Available from:URL:http://www.
scar tissue. In a few weeks, the vein should fade, by the Vascular
body’s natural healing process. It may need to be treated 2. Luckmann’s. Medical and Surgical Nursing. Philadelphia:WB
Saunders Company;1996
more than once. (Figure. 8) 3. BUPA’s Health information Team.Varicose veins. Available at: veins.html.
Accessed 2006 June 11.
4. Varicose veins India-Introduction [online] 2007 March 7.
Available from:http://varicose veins India. Com/introduction.
5. E-medicine. Varicose veins.2004 [online text book]. Available
from: 2788.htm.
6. Varicose veins – Venous access, venous ulcers, thread veins,
venous surgery
[online].2006.Availablefrom:URL:http://www.Christopherimary. /varicose veins.htm.
7. Varicose veins- women living Naturally [online]. Available from:
http://www.women page phpzid=170.
8. Varicose veins [online]. Available from : URL : http :
// . / ecy/healthwise/hw 113838.
9. Acharya Shivanad Das. Varicose veins:Art of hypnotism.
Mumbai and Delhi.2007 Jul 3.
10. Craig Feied, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, FACPH, emedicine:varicose
Fig. 8: Sclerotherapy veins and spider veins. 2004 Oct 1.
11. Phipps, Sands, Marek. Medical surgical nursing 6th ed.
Philadelphia: Mosby Publication; 1999
2. Ablation: 12. Health J. varicose veins and spider veins. [online] Available
Use a thin, flexible tube (catheter) inserted into a varicose from:http;//body and
vein. Tiny electrode at the tip of the catheter heats the walls health/varicose.htm.
of varicose vein and destroys the vein tissue. As with
chemical sclerotherapy, vein is then no longer able to carry
blood, breaks up naturally, and is absorbed by the body.

3. Laser treatment:
Inserts a tiny fibre into a varicose vein through a catheter.
The fibre sends out laser energy that kills the diseased
portion of the varicose vein. The vein closes and the body
eventually absorbs it.

4. Vein stripping:
With this treatment, problematic veins are tied shut and
completely removed from the leg. Removing the veins does
not affect the circulation of the blood in the leg. Veins
deeper in the leg take care of the larger volumes of blood.
Most varicose veins removed by surgery are surface veins
and collect blood only from the skin (12).


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