Eric Van D

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IN SCHOOLS(Eric VanDamme)
Year 2012
Problem Statement Bullying is becoming a widely recognized problem
in the world, along with being
Recognized as a neglected problem as well.
Over the past 15 years there are studies that link
bullying others, and being bullied to both short
and long term academic problems. There is a link
with bullying to anger, aggression, violence,
hyperactivity, and externalizing problems and also
later problems such as delinquency and
criminality. In order to prevent these problems, it
is important to come up with a
comprehensive school-wide plan to prevent these
bullying behaviors.
Respondents The results of these studies conclude that as the
awareness of bullying continues to increase, we
are becoming aware that it starts at a young age.
The study also concludes that several factors go
into making what a bully is, and we need to
identify as many as possible at a young age so that
an intervention and program can help the student
to avoid that behavior in the future.

Method Quantitative

Result Bullying behavior has emotional consequences not

only for the bullied student, but also for they bully.
This chapter explores these consequences, as well
as the underlying causes of bullying behavior. It
concludes by examining different programs
designed to prevent bullying, and identifies those
programs with the greatest efficacy.
Year 2014
Problem Statement This study examined whether childhood bullying
victimization was associated with psychosocial and
academic functioning at college.
Respondents The sample consisted of 413 first-year students
from a large northeastern university.

Method Quantitative

Result The prevalence of bullying was 47%; significantly

more boys reported being bullied than girls. The
percentage of students subjected to name-calling
was 40.9%. a significantly greater proportion of
victims of bullying reported playing truant from
school and disliking school than those who where
Year 2015
Problem Statement Learning institution brings together students from
different backgrounds with the aim of providing
them with education. Students are able to interact
in class and also outside the classroom; outside
the classroom students are often alone without
their teachers. School going children and youths
undergo different experiences while in school,
these experiences are either positive or negative.
Respondents Studies have documented several factors that
propagate or slow down the possibilities of
bullying occurring in schools; boys are more often
likely to be involved in bullying than girls, both as
bullies and as victims. Children from families with
low socioeconomic status, divorce or separation,
harsh home environments, child abuse, or
authoritarian parenting styles, may be at higher
risk for both bullying and victimization. Race/
ethnicity and urban/rural locale also play
significant but minor roles in predicting bullying


Result Participants were categorized as belonging to

one or four groups: cyber victims, cyberbullies,
cyber bully/victims, and those not involved in
cyberbullying. A similar categorization was
done with traditional bullying.
Title, Journal Relationships among cyberbullying, school
bullying, and mental health(AMERICAN JOURNAL
Year 2015
Problem Statement The aims to study were to investigate the
experience of bullying in a representative
sample of Jordanian schoolchildren in amman,
to look at its effect on school attendance,
perception of academic performance, to look at
the contribution of general physical and
dentofacial features to this phenomenon.
Respondents Both cyberbullying and school bullying and/or
victimization experiences were independently
associated with increased depression.

Method qualitative

Result More than one third of students had either engaged

in cyberbullying or had been the target
(cybervictim) of it in the last year. About 18.4% had
been cyberbullied (cybervictim); 5.8% had
cyberbullied others (cyberbully); 11.2% had both
cyberbullied others and been cyberbullied
(cyberbully-victim). About 8.2% had been bullied in
school (victim); 10.6% had bullied others (bully);
and, 5.1% had both bullied others and had been
bullied in school (bully-victim). Students with
Internet risk behaviors were more likely to be
involved in cyberbullying and/or cybervictimization;
students who had cyberbullying or victimization
experiences also tended to be involved in school
Title, Journal Bullying and victimization behaviors in boys and
girls(Journal of National Institutes of Health)
Year 2014
Problem Statement Bullying has made the headlines whether on the
television, or in the newspaper,
mostly for the negative effects it has on students.
Bullying negatively affects students on the
playground, in the classroom, and on the Internet.
Since educators have a responsibility to
protect the children in the school setting, student
bullying directly impacts the role of the
Respondents Victims of bullying have taken their own
lives, and even bullied themselves. In addition,
bullying in conjunction with depression results in
much worse outcomes than bullying a student free
of other problems. A school district’s job is to
ensure that its
students get the best education possible. To
establish an effective learning environment within
district, school leaders need to establish ways to
identify and combat bullying.

Method quantitative

Result The prevalence of bullies, victims, and

bullies/victims was 12.0%, 5.3%, and 7.2%,
respectively. Boys were significantly more likely to
be bullies and bullies/victims. In the multivariate
analyses, bullying and victimization behaviors were
associated with gender, greater than average
height, higher depression, higher trait anxiety,
lower self-esteem, and total difficulties of the
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
Differences in the associations were found
between boys and girls.
Title, Journal Bullying at elementary school and problem
behaviour in young adulthood: A study of bullying,
violence and substance use from age 11 to age 21(
A journal of criminal behavior and mental health)

Year 2016
Problem Statement the main aim of this paper is to investigate to
what extent self‐reported bullying at Grade 5
predicts later violence, heavy drinking and
marijuana use at age 21
Respondents within the past year, 72% of respondents reported
at least 1 online incident of bullying, 85% of whom
also experienced bullying in school

Method qualitative

Result Childhood bullying was significantly associated

with violence, heavy drinking and marijuana
use at age 21. These associations held up
after controlling for prior risk factors.
Title, Journal The predictive efficiency of school bullying versus
later offending: A systematic/meta‐analytic review
of longitudinal studies.(A journal of WILEY)
Year 2015
Problem Statement To investigate the extent to which bullying
perpetration at school predicts offending later
in life, and whether this relation holds after
controlling for other major childhood risk
Respondents Age also seems to determine whether someone is
likely to be bullied or not,
most victims had been bullied at younger ages, 7
to 9 years, and the bullies
bullied others most often at a later period, 10 to
12 years.


Result Effect sizes were smaller when the follow‐up

period was longer and larger when bullying was
assessed in older children. The age of participants
when outcome measures were taken was
negatively related with effect sizes. Finally, the
summary effect size did not decrease much as the
number of controlled risk factors increased.
Title, Journal The Impact of Bullying on Academic Success for
Students With and Without
Year 2014
Problem Statement This study will take a look at students and their
teachers in the mainstream
elementary classroom and the special education
classroom. The study will primarily
focus on how academic success is being hindered
by bullying, but it will also consider
how teachers’ beliefs and practices play a part in
the understanding of bullying in the
elementary schools



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