Lorenzana Vs Austria

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SECOND DIVISION SCP and, at the same time, the external legal counsel of most of

SCP’s creditors; he is also a partner of the law firm that he engaged as

A.M. No. RTJ-09-2200 April 2, 2014 legal adviser.
(formerly OCA I.P.I. No. 08-2834-RTJ)
2. The respondent conducted informal meetings (which she termed as
ANTONIO M. LORENZANA, Complainant, "consultative meetings" in her Order2dated May 11, 2007) in places
vs. outside her official jurisdiction (i.e., a first class golf club, a hotel and
JUDGE MA. CECILIA I. AUSTRIA, Regional Trial Court, Branch 2, sports club facilities in Metro Manila) and where she arbitrarily dictated
Batangas City, Respondent. the terms, parameters and features of the rehabilitation plan she
wanted to approve for SCP. She also announced in the meetings that
DECISION she would prepare the rehabilitation plan for SCP.

BRION, J.: 3. The modified rehabilitation plan submitted by Atty. Gabionza is a

replica of what the respondent dictated to him. Thus, the respondent
We resolve in this Decision the administrative complaints1 filed by Antonio M. exceeded the limits of her authority and effectively usurped and pre-
Lorenzana (complainant) against Judge Ma. Cecilia I. Austria (respondent), empted the rehabilitation receiver’s exercise of functions.
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 2, Batangas City.
4. The respondent ordered that the proceedings of the informal
The records show that the administrative complaints arose from the case "In meetings be off-record so that there would be no record that she had
the Matter of the Petition to have Steel Corporation of the Philippines Placed favored Equitable-PCI Bank (EPCIB).
under Corporate Rehabilitation with Prayer for the Approval of the Proposed
Rehabilitation Plan," docketed as SP. Proc. No. 06-7993, where the 5. The respondent had secret meetings and communications with
respondent was the presiding judge. The complainant was the Executive Vice EPCIB to discuss the case without the knowledge and presence of
President and Chief Operating Officer of Steel Corporation of the Philippines SCP and its creditors.
(SCP), a company then under rehabilitation proceedings.
6. The respondent appointed Gerardo Anonas (Anonas) as Atty.
i. Complaint Gabionza’s financial adviser and, at the same time, as her financial
adviser to guide her in the formulation and development of the
In his verified complaint dated January 21, 2008, the complainant alleged that rehabilitation plan, for a fee of ₱3.5M at SCP’s expense. Anonas is
in the course of SP. Proc. No. 06-7993, the respondent committed Gross also the cousin-in-law of the managing partner of Atty. Gabionza’s law
Ignorance of the Law, Grave Abuse of Authority, Gross Misconduct, Grave firm.
Incompetence, Irregularity in the Performance of Duty, Grave Bias and
Partiality, Lack of Circumspection, Conduct Unbecoming of a Judge, Failure 7. The respondent encouraged EPCIB to raise complaints or
to Observe the Reglementary Period and Violation of the Code of accusations against SCP, leading to EPCIB’s filing of a motion to
Professional Responsibility, as shown by the following instances: create a management committee.

1. The respondent appointed Atty. Santiago T. Gabionza, Jr. as 8. When requested to conduct an evidentiary meeting and to issue a
rehabilitation receiver over SCP’s objections and despite serious subpoena (so that SCP could confront EPCIB’s witnesses to prove the
conflict of interest in being the duly appointed rehabilitation receiver for allegation that there was a need for the creation of a management
committee), the respondent denied SCP’s requests and delayed the The respondent vehemently denied the allegations against her. While she
issuance of the order until the last minute. admitted that she crafted a workable, feasible rehabilitation plan best suited
for SCP, she maintained that she did so only to render fairness and equity to
9. At the hearing of September 14, 2007, the respondent intimidated all the parties to the rehabilitation proceedings. She also submitted that if
SCP’s counsel, Atty. Ferdinand Topacio; blocked his every attempt to indeed she erred in modifying the rehabilitation plan, hers was a mere error of
speak; refused to recognize his appearances in court; and made judgment that does not call for an administrative disciplinary action.
condescending and snide remarks. Accordingly, she claimed that the administrative complaints were premature
because judicial remedies were still available.5
10. The respondent failed to observe the reglementary period
prescribed by the Interim Rules of Procedure on Corporate The respondent also argued that the rules do not prohibit informal meetings
Rehabilitation (Rules). She approved the rehabilitation plan beyond the and conferences. On the contrary, she argued that informal meetings are
180 days given to her in the Rules, without asking for permission to even encouraged in view of the summary and non-adversarial nature of
extend the period from the Supreme Court (SC). rehabilitation proceedings. Since Section 21, Rule 4 of the Rules 6 gives the
rehabilitation receiver the power to meet with the creditors, then there is all
11. The respondent erroneously interpreted and applied Section 23, the more reason for the rehabilitation judge, who has the authority to approve
Rule 4 of the Rules (the court’s power to approve the rehabilitation the plan, to call and hold meetings with the parties. She also pointed out that
plan) to include the power to amend, modify and alter it. it was SCP which suggested that informal meetings be called and that she
only agreed to hold these meetings on the condition that all the parties would
12. The respondent took a personal interest and commitment to decide attend.
the matter in EPCIB’s favor and made comments and rulings in the
proceedings that raised concerns regarding her impartiality. As to her alleged failure to observe the reglementary period, she contended
that she approved the rehabilitation plan within the period prescribed by law.
13. The respondent adamantly refused to inhibit herself and showed She argued that the matter of granting extension of time under Section 11,
special interest and personal involvement in the case. Rule 4 of the Rules7 pertains not to the SC, but to the rehabilitation court.

ii. Supplemental Complaint The respondent likewise refuted the allegations of bias and partiality. First,
she claimed that her denial of the complainant’s motion for inhibition was not
The complainant likewise filed a supplemental complaint3 dated April 14, due to any bias or prejudice on her part but due to lack of basis. Second, she
2008 where he alleged that the respondent committed an act of impropriety argued that her decision was not orchestrated to favor EPCIB, as evidenced
when she displayed her photographs in a social networking website called by the fact that EPCIP itself (as some other creditors did) promptly appealed
"Friendster" and posted her personal details as an RTC Judge, allegedly for her decision to the Court of Appeals (CA). Third, she did not remove Atty.
the purpose of finding a compatible partner. She also posed with her upper Gabionza as SCP’s rehabilitation receiver because she disagreed that the
body barely covered by a shawl, allegedly suggesting that nothing was worn grounds the complainant raised warranted his removal.
underneath except probably a brassiere.
She also found no merit to the allegation of conflict of interest. Lastly, she
The Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) in its 1st Indorsement 4 dated maintained that the rest of the complainant’s allegations were not
March 18, 2008, referred the complaints to the respondent for comment. substantiated and corroborated by evidence.

a. Comment to January 21, 2008 Complaint

The respondent further alleged that she did not gravely abuse her authority in She also added that while the CA resolved to set aside the respondent’s
not issuing a subpoena as Section 1, Rule 3 of the Interim Rules on decision in the rehabilitation proceedings, it was not by reason of her
Corporate Rehabilitation of the Rules specifically states that the court may ignorance of the law or abuse of authority, but because the rehabilitation plan
decide matters on the basis of affidavits and other documentary evidence. could no longer be implemented in view of SCP’s financial predicament.

On the allegation of conflict of interest, she maintained that the allegations On the allegation of grave bias and partiality in handling the rehabilitation
were not proven and substantiated by evidence. Finally, the respondent also proceedings, Justice Gonzales-Sison ruled that the complainant failed to
believed that there was nothing improper in expressing her ideas during the present any clear and convincing proof that the respondent intentionally and
informal meetings. deliberately acted against SCP’s interests; the complaint merely relied on his
opinions and surmises.
b. Comment to April 14, 2008 Supplemental Complaint
On the matter of the respondent’s inhibition, she noted that in cases not
In her comment8 on the supplemental complaint, the respondent submitted covered by the rule on mandatory inhibition, the decision to inhibit lies within
that the photos she posted in the social networking website "Friendster" could the discretion of the sitting judge and is primarily a matter of conscience.
hardly be considered vulgar or lewd. She added that an "off-shouldered" attire
is an acceptable social outfit under contemporary standards and is not With respect to the respondent’s informal meetings, Justice Gonzales-Sison
forbidden. She further stated that there is no prohibition against attractive found nothing irregular despite the out-of-court meetings as these were
ladies being judges; she is proud of her photo for having been aesthetically agreed upon by all the parties, including SCP’s creditors. She also found
made. Lastly, she submitted that the ruling of the Court in the case of Impao satisfactory the respondent’s explanation in approving the rehabilitation plan
v. Judge Makilala9 should not be applied to her case since the facts are beyond the 180-day period prescribed by the Rules.
The foregoing notwithstanding, Justice Gonzales-Sison noted the
On July 4, 2008, the complainant filed a reply,10 insisting that the respondent’s unnecessary bickering with SCP’s legal counsel and ruled that
respondent’s acts of posting "seductive" pictures and maintaining a her exchanges and utterances were reflective of arrogance and superiority. In
"Friendster" account constituted acts of impropriety, in violation of Rules the words of the Justice Gonzales-Sison:
2.01,11 2.0212 and 2.03,13 Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Conduct.
Rather than rule on the manifestations of counsels, she instead brushed off
In a Resolution14 dated September 9, 2009, the Court re-docketed the the matter with what would appear to be a conceited show of a prerogative of
complaints as regular administrative matters, and referred them to the CA for her office, a conduct that falls below the standard of decorum expected of a
investigation, report and recommendation. judge. Her statements appear to be done recklessly and were uncalled for.
xxx. Section 6[,] Canon 6 of the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
The CA’s Report and Recommendation Philippine Judiciary states that: judges shall maintain order and decorum in all
proceedings before the court and be patient, dignified and courteous in
On November 13, 2009, Justice Marlene Gonzales-Sison, the Investigating relation to litigants, witnesses, lawyers and others whom the judge deals in an
Justice, conducted a hearing, followed by the submission of memoranda by official capacity. Judicial decorum requires judges to be temperate in their
both parties. In her January 4, 2010 Report and Recommendation,15 Justice language at all times. Failure on this regard amounts to a conduct
Gonzales-Sison ruled that the complaints were partly meritorious. She found unbecoming of a judge, for which Judge Austria should be held liable.16
that the issues raised were judicial in nature since these involved the
respondent’s appreciation of evidence.
On the respondent’s Friendster account, she believes that her act of 4) respondent Judge Austria be ADMONISHED to refrain from further
maintaining a personal social networking account (displaying photos of acts of impropriety with a stern warning that a repetition of the same or
herself and disclosing personal details as a magistrate in the account) – even any similar act will be dealt with more severely.19
during these changing times when social networking websites seem to be the
trend – constitutes an act of impropriety which cannot be legally justified by In arriving at its recommendation the OCA found that the respondent was not
the public’s acceptance of this type of conduct. She explained that propriety guilty of gross ignorance of the law as the complainant failed to prove that her
and the appearance of propriety are essential to the performance of all the orders were motivated by bad faith, fraud, dishonesty or corruption.
activities of a judge and that judges shall conduct themselves in a manner
consistent with the dignity of the judicial office. The OCA also found that the charges of bias and partiality in handling the
rehabilitation proceedings were not supported by evidence. It accepted the
Finally, Justice Gonzales-Sison noted the CA’s May 16, 2006 Decision17 in respondent’s explanation in the charge of failure to observe the reglementary
CA-G.R. SP No. 100941 finding that the respondent committed grave abuse period.
of discretion in ordering the creation of a management committee without first
conducting an evidentiary hearing in accordance with the procedures Lastly, the OCA maintained that the allegations of grave abuse of authority
prescribed under the Rules. She ruled that such professional incompetence and gross incompetence are judicial in nature, hence, they should not be the
was tantamount to gross ignorance of the law and procedure, and subject of disciplinary action. On the other hand, on allegations of conduct
recommended a fine of ₱20,000.00. She also recommended that the unbecoming of a judge, violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility
respondent be admonished for failing to observe strict propriety and judicial (Code), lack of circumspection and impropriety, the OCA shared Justice
decorum required by her office. Gonzales-Sison’s observations that the respondent’s act of posting seductive
photos in her Friendster account contravened the standard of propriety set
The Action and Recommendation of the OCA forth by the Code.

In its Memorandum18 dated September 4, 2013, the OCA recommended the The Court’s Ruling
We agree with the recommendation of both Justice Gonzales-Sison and the
RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended for the consideration of OCA for the imposition of a fine on the respondent but modify the amount as
the Honorable Court that: indicated below. We sustain Justice Gonzales-Sison’s finding of gross
ignorance of the law in so far as the respondent ordered the creation of a
1) the Report dated January 4, 2010 of Investigating Justice Marlene management committee without conducting an evidentiary hearing. The
Gonzales-Sison be NOTED; absence of a hearing was a matter of basic due process that no magistrate
should be forgetful or careless about.
2) respondent Judge Ma. Cecilia I. Austria, Branch 2, Regional Trial
Court, Batangas City, Batangas, be found GUILTY of conduct On the Charges of Grave Abuse of Authority;
unbecoming a judge and for violation of Section 6, Canon 4 of the New Irregularity in the Performance of Duty; Grave
Code of Judicial Conduct; Bias and Partiality; and Lack of Circumspection

3) respondent Judge Austria be FINED in the amount of Twenty It is well settled that in administrative cases, the complainant bears the onus
Thousand Pesos (Php20,000.00); and of proving the averments of his complaint by substantial evidence. 20 In the
present case, the allegations of grave abuse of authority, irregularity in the
performance of duty, grave bias and partiality, and lack of circumspection are complainant cannot overturn the presumption that the respondent acted
devoid of merit because the complainant failed to establish the respondent’s regularly and impartially. We thus conclude that due to the complainant’s
bad faith, malice or ill will. The complainant merely pointed to circumstances failure to establish with clear, solid, and convincing proof, the allegations of
based on mere conjectures and suppositions. These, by themselves, bias and partiality must fail.
however, are not sufficient to prove the accusations. "[M]ere allegation is not
evidence and is not equivalent to proof."21 On the Charges of Grave Incompetence
and Gross Ignorance of the Law
"[U]nless the acts were committed with fraud, dishonesty, corruption, malice
or ill-will, bad faith, or deliberate intent to do an injustice, [the] respondent We agree with the findings of the OCA that not every error or mistake of a
judge may not be held administratively liable for gross misconduct, ignorance judge in the performance of his official duties renders him liable.27 "[A]s a
of the law or incompetence of official acts in the exercise of judicial functions matter of policy, in the absence of fraud, dishonesty or corruption, the acts of
and duties, particularly in the adjudication of cases."22 a judge in his judicial capacity are not subject to disciplinary action even
though such acts are erroneous."28
Even granting that the respondent indeed erred in the exercise of her judicial
functions, these are, at best, legal errors correctible not by a disciplinary In the present case, what was involved was the respondent’s application of
action, but by judicial remedies that are readily available to the complainant. Section 23, Rule 4 of the Rules, which provides:
"An administrative complaint is not the appropriate remedy for every irregular
or erroneous order or decision issued by a judge where a judicial remedy is Sec. 23. Approval of the Rehabilitation Plan. - The court may approve a
available, such as a motion for reconsideration or an appeal." 23 Errors rehabilitation plan even over the opposition of creditors holding a majority of
committed by him/her in the exercise of adjudicative functions cannot be the total liabilities of the debtor if, in its judgment, the rehabilitation of the
corrected through administrative proceedings but should be assailed instead debtor is feasible and the opposition of the creditors is manifestly
through judicial remedies.24 unreasonable.29

On the Charges of Grave Bias and Partiality The respondent approved the rehabilitation plan submitted by Atty. Gabionza,
subject to the modifications she found necessary to make the plan viable. The
We likewise find the allegations of bias and partiality on the part of the complainant alleged that in modifying the plan, she exceeded her authority
respondent baseless. The truth about the respondent’s alleged partiality and effectively usurped the functions of a rehabilitation receiver. We find,
cannot be determined by simply relying on the complainant’s verified however, that in failing to show that the respondent was motivated by bad
complaint. Bias and prejudice cannot be presumed, in light especially of a faith or ill motives in rendering the assailed decision, the charge of gross
judge’s sacred obligation under his oath of office to administer justice without ignorance of the law against her should be dismissed. "To [rule] otherwise
respect to the person, and to give equal right to the poor and rich. 25 There would be to render judicial office untenable, for no one called upon to try the
should be clear and convincing evidence to prove the charge; mere suspicion facts or interpret the law in the process of administering justice can be
of partiality is not enough.26 infallible in his judgment."30

In the present case, aside from being speculative and judicial in character, the To constitute gross ignorance of the law, it is not enough that the decision,
circumstances cited by the complainant were grounded on mere opinion and order or actuation of the judge in the performance of his official duties is
surmises. The complainant, too, failed to adduce proof indicating the contrary to existing law and jurisprudence. It must also be proven that he was
respondent’s predisposition to decide the case in favor of one party. This kind moved by bad faith, fraud, dishonesty or corruption 31 or had committed an
of evidence would have helped its cause. The bare allegations of the error so egregious that it amounted to bad faith.
In the present case, nothing in the records suggests that the respondent was ignorance of the law.36 On this basis, we conclude that the respondent’s act of
motivated by bad faith, fraud, corruption, dishonesty or egregious error in promptly ordering the creation of a management committee, without the
rendering her decision approving the modified rehabilitation plan. Besides his benefit of a hearing and despite the demand for one, was tantamount to
bare accusations, the complainant failed to substantiate his allegations with punishable professional incompetence and gross ignorance of the law.
competent proof. Bad faith cannot be presumed 32 and this Court cannot
conclude that bad faith intervened when none was actually proven. On the Ground of Failure to Observe
the Reglementary Period
With respect to the action of the respondent in ordering the creation of a
management committee without first conducting an evidentiary hearing for the On the respondent’s failure to observe the reglementary period prescribed by
purpose, however, we find the error to be so egregious as to amount to bad the Rules, we find the respondent’s explanation to be satisfactory.
faith, leading to the conclusion of gross ignorance of the law, as charged.
Section 11, Rule 4 of the previous Rules provides:
Due process and fair play are basic requirements that no less than the
Constitution demands. In rehabilitation proceedings, the parties must first be Sec. 11. Period of the Stay Order. – xxx
given an opportunity to prove (or disprove) the existence of an imminent
danger of dissipation, loss, wastage or destruction of the debtor-company’s The petition shall be dismissed if no rehabilitation plan is approved by the
assets and properties that are or may be prejudicial to the interest of minority court upon the lapse of one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of the
stockholders, parties-litigants or the general public.33 The rehabilitation court initial hearing. The court may grant an extension beyond this period only if it
should hear both sides, allow them to present proof and conscientiously appears by convincing and compelling evidence that the debtor may
deliberate, based on their submissions, on whether the appointment of a successfully be rehabilitated. In no instance, however, shall the period for
management receiver is justified. This is a very basic requirement in every approving or disapproving a rehabilitation plan exceed eighteen (18) months
adversarial proceeding that no judge or magistrate can disregard. from the date of filing of the petition.37

In SCP’s rehabilitation proceedings, SCP was not given at all the opportunity Under this provision, the matter of who would grant the extension beyond the
to present its evidence, nor to confront the EPCIB witnesses. Significantly, the 180-day period carried a good measure of ambiguity as it did not indicate with
CA, in its May 16, 2006 decision, found that the respondent’s act of denying particularity whether the rehabilitation court could act by itself or whether
SCP the opportunity to disprove the grounds for the appointment of a Supreme Court approval was still required. Only recently was this uncertainty
management committee was tantamount to grave abuse of discretion. As clarified when A.M. No. 00-8-10-SC, the 2008 Rules of Procedure on
aptly observed by Justice Gonzales-Sison: Corporate Rehabilitation, took effect.

[T]he acts of the respondent judge (Judge Austria) in creating a MANCOM Section 12, Rule 4 of the Rules provides:
without observing the procedures prescribed under the IRPGICC clearly
constitute grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess of jurisdiction.34 Section 12. Period to Decide Petition. - The court shall decide the petition
within one (1) year from the date of filing of the petition, unless the court, for
Indeed, while a judge may not be held liable for gross ignorance of the law for good cause shown, is able to secure an extension of the period from the
every erroneous order that he renders, this does not mean that a judge need Supreme Court.38
not observe due care in the performance of his/her official functions. 35 When
a basic principle of law is involved and when an error is so gross and patent, Since the new Rules only took effect on January 16, 2009 (long after the
error can produce an inference of bad faith, making the judge liable for gross respondent’s approval of the rehabilitation plan on December 3, 2007), we
find no basis to hold the respondent liable for the extension she granted and lapses, her snide remarks, as well as her condescending attitude, are conduct
for the consequent delay. that the Court cannot allow. They are displays of arrogance and air of
superiority that the Code abhors.
On the Ground of Conduct
Unbecoming of a Judge Records and transcripts of the proceedings bear out that the respondent
failed to observe judicial temperament and to conduct herself irreproachably.
On the allegation of conduct unbecoming of a judge, Section 6, Canon 6 of She also failed to maintain the decorum required by the Code and to use
the New Code of Judicial Conduct states that: temperate language befitting a magistrate. "As a judge, [she] should ensure
that [her] conduct is always above reproach and perceived to be so by a
SECTION 6. Judges shall maintain order and decorum in all proceedings reasonable observer. [She] must never show conceit or even an appearance
before the court and be patient, dignified and courteous in relation to litigants, thereof, or any kind of impropriety."44
witnesses, lawyers and others with whom the judge deals in an official
capacity. Judges shall require similar conduct of legal representatives, court Section 1, Canon 2 of the New Code of Judicial Conduct states that:
staff and others subject to their influence, direction or control.39
SECTION 1. Judges shall ensure that not only is their conduct above
A judge should always conduct himself in a manner that would preserve the reproach, but that it is perceived to be so in the view of a reasonable
dignity, independence and respect for himself/herself, the Court and the observer.
Judiciary as a whole. He must exhibit the hallmark judicial temperament of
utmost sobriety and self-restraint.40 He should choose his words and exercise In these lights, the respondent exhibited conduct unbecoming of a judge and
more caution and control in expressing himself. In other words, a judge thus violated Section 6, Canon 6 and Section 1, Canon 2 of the New Code of
should possess the virtue of gravitas.41 Judicial Conduct.

As held in De la Cruz (Concerned Citizen of Legazpi City) v. Judge On the Ground of Impropriety
Carretas,42 a judge should be considerate, courteous and civil to all persons
who come to his court; he should always keep his passion guarded. He can We are not unaware of the increasing prevalence of social networking sites in
never allow it to run loose and overcome his reason. Furthermore, a the Internet – a new medium through which more and more Filipinos
magistrate should not descend to the level of a sharp-tongued, ill-mannered communicate with each other.45 While judges are not prohibited from
petty tyrant by uttering harsh words, snide remarks and sarcastic comments. becoming members of and from taking part in social networking activities, we
remind them that they do not thereby shed off their status as judges. They
Similarly in Attys. Guanzon and Montesino v. Judge Rufon, 43 the Court carry with them in cyberspace the same ethical responsibilities and duties that
declared that "although respondent judge may attribute his intemperate every judge is expected to follow in his/her everyday activities. It is in this light
language to human frailty, his noble position in the bench nevertheless that we judge the respondent in the charge of impropriety when she posted
demands from him courteous speech in and out of court. her pictures in a manner viewable by the public.

Judges are required to always be temperate, patient and courteous, both in Lest this rule be misunderstood, the New Code of Judicial Conduct does not
conduct and in language." prohibit a judge from joining or maintaining an account in a social networking
site such as Friendster. Section 6, Canon 4 of the New Code of Judicial
Accordingly, the respondent’s unnecessary bickering with SCP’s legal Conduct recognizes that judges, like any other citizen, are entitled to freedom
counsel, her expressions of exasperation over trivial procedural and negligible of expression. This right "includes the freedom to hold opinions without
interference and impart information and ideas through any media regardless Thus, it may be acceptable for the respondent to show a picture of herself in
of frontiers."46 Joining a social networking site is an exercise of one’s freedom the attire she wore to her family and close friends, but when she made this
of expression. The respondent judge’s act of joining Friendster is, therefore, picture available for public consumption, she placed herself in a situation
per se not violative of the New Code of Judicial Conduct. where she, and the status she holds as a judge, may be the object of the
public’s criticism and ridicule. The nature of cyber communications,
Section 6, Canon 4 of the New Code of Judicial Conduct, however, also particularly its speedy and wide-scale character, renders this rule necessary.
imposes a correlative restriction on judges: in the exercise of their freedom of
expression, they should always conduct themselves in a manner that We are not also unaware that the respondent’s act of posting her photos
preserves the dignity of the judicial office and the impartiality and would seem harmless and inoffensive had this act been done by an ordinary
independence of the Judiciary. member of the public. As the visible personification of law and justice,
however, judges are held to higher standards of conduct and thus must
This rule reflects the general principle of propriety expected of judges in all of accordingly comport themselves.47
their activities, whether it be in the course of their judicial office or in their
personal lives. In particular, Sections 1 and 2 of Canon 4 of the New Code of This exacting standard applies both to acts involving the judicial office and
Judicial Conduct prohibit impropriety and even the appearance of impropriety personal matters.1âwphi1 The very nature of their functions requires behavior
in all of their activities: under exacting standards of morality, decency and propriety; both in the
performance of their duties and their daily personal lives, they should be
SECTION 1. Judges shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of beyond reproach.48 Judges necessarily accept this standard of conduct when
impropriety in all of their activities. they take their oath of office as magistrates.

SECTION 2. As a subject of constant public scrutiny, judges must accept Imposable Penalty
personal restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary
citizen and should do so freely and willingly. In particular, judges shall Under Section 8, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court, as amended by A.M. No. 01-
conduct themselves in a way that is consistent with the dignity of the judicial 8-10-SC, gross ignorance of the law or procedure is classified as a serious
office. charge. Under Section 11(A) of the same Rule, a serious charge merits any of
the following sanctions:
Based on this provision, we hold that the respondent disregarded the
propriety and appearance of propriety required of her when she posted 1. Dismissal from the service, forfeiture of all or part of the benefits as
Friendster photos of herself wearing an "off-shouldered" suggestive dress and the Court may determine, and disqualification from reinstatement or
made this available for public viewing. appointment to any public office, including government-owned or
controlled corporations; provided, however, that the forfeiture of
To restate the rule: in communicating and socializing through social networks, benefits shall in no case include accrued leave credits;
judges must bear in mind that what they communicate – regardless of
whether it is a personal matter or part of his or her judicial duties – creates 2. Suspension from office without salary and other benefits for more
and contributes to the people’s opinion not just of the judge but of the entire than three (3), but not exceeding six (6), months; or
Judiciary of which he or she is a part. This is especially true when the posts
the judge makes are viewable not only by his or her family and close friends, 3. A fine of more than ₱20,000.00, but not exceeding ₱40,000.00.
but by acquaintances and the general public.
On the other hand, conduct unbecoming of a judge is classified as a light
offense under Section 10, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court. It is penalized
under Section 11(C) thereof by any of the following: (1) A fine of not less than
₱1,000.00 but not exceeding ₱10,000.00; (2) Censure; (3) Reprimand; and (
4) Admonition with warning.

Judge Austria's record shows that she had never been administratively
charged or found liable for any wrongdoing in the past. Since this is her first
offense, the Court finds it fair and proper to temper the penalty for her

WHEREFORE, the Court finds Judge Ma. Cecilia I. Austria guilty of GROSS
IGNORANCE OF THE LAW for which she is FINED Twenty-One Thousand
Pesos (₱21,000,00). Judge Austria is likewise hereby ADMONISHED to
refrain from further acts of IMPROPRIETY and to refrain from CONDUCT
UNBECOMING OF A JUDGE, with the STERN WARNING that a repetition of
the same or similar acts shall be dealt with more severely.


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