Polymer Composite 2018
Polymer Composite 2018
Polymer Composite 2018
Understanding the formation of ultrafine spinel CoFe2O4 nanoplatelets and their magnetic properties
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Cation Distributions in Octahedral and Tetrahedral Sites of the Ferrimagnetic Spinel CoFe2O4
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Grain Size Effect on Activation Energy in Spinel CoFe2O4
Sweety Supriya*, Sunil Kumar and Manoranjan Kar
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patna-800013, India. Email:
Abstract. Cobalt ferrite of different average crystallites (from nanocrystallite to micro crystallites) has been
prepared by the Sol-Gel Method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirms the cubic spinel phase with no
trace of impurity phases. The effect of annealing temperature on micro structure and electric transport properties as
a function of frequency and temperature has been studied. It is observed that the electric impedance and
conductivity are strongly dependent on grain size. The impedance spectroscopic study is employed to understand
the electrical transport properties of cobalt ferrite.
Keywords: Impedance, Electrical conductivity, XRD, Grain size
PACS: 61.05C; 72.15.Lh; 72.15.Eb; 2.20Ee
Ferrites are the extensively used nanomaterial in
The starting materials used for the synthesis are
today’s scenario of its application like sensors,
cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)3. 6H2O procured from (Merck),
actuators, microwave absorber, micro-radiowave-
Iron nitrate Fe(NO3)3.9H2O procured from Alfa Aesar
frequency range electronic devices etc. [1,2]. Spinel
and Citric Acid procured from Merck.
ferrites are preferred intensively due to their unique
CoFe2O4 was prepared using all the above
electrical property in the range from low to high
mentioned precursor materials by the sol-gel method
frequencies. Amongst all the spinel ferrite, cobalt
[2]. The one fourth part of synthesized samples were
ferrite is of great importance because of its high
annealed at 400 oC, 600 oC, 800 oC and 1000 oC
dielectric constant in wide frequency range along with
temperature separately in air atmosphere. The sample
very good magnetic properties, i.e., high saturation
is heated at different temperatures to obtain various
magnetization, magneto-crystalline anisotropy etc.
grain sizes. The X-ray Diffraction pattern has been
Moreover these materials exhibit excellent chemical
recorded using Rigaku TTRX III diffractometer. The
stability, mechanical hardness [2]. .CoFe2O4 belongs
FESEM micrographs of all the samples have been
to an inverse spinel structure having common formula
recorded. Electroding were done on the edges of each
AB2O4. This formula consists of two sites: A and B. In
pellet using silver paint to have electrical connections
this structure, half of the trivalent cation (Fe3+)
for electrical measurement. The ac impedance
completely occupied by A site and half of the
measurement has been carried out by using an
trivalent cation (Fe3+) and divalent cation (Co2+) are
impedance analyzer (N4L PSM LCR, Model: 1735,
fully occupied by B site. In inverse spinel structure,
the 32 divalent oxygen ions are incorporated to form
closed pack FCC through 64 tetrahedral interstitial A 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
sites. The electrical and magnetic properties of
CoFe2O4 highly depend on the site (A and B) The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of CoFe2O4
occupancy of Co and Fe. Also the electrical response with temperature variation is shown in the figure 1.
of cobalt ferrite depends upon grain size, grain XRD pattern confirms the phase formation without
boundary and porosity which depend upon the method any impurity and indexed to Fd 3m space group
of preparation, final sintering temperature and duration with cubic crystal symmetry. The average crystallite
[3]. Hence different grain size (nano to micrometer) size was calculated using a full width half maximum
cobalt ferrite has been prepared by the sol-gel method of the (311) peak by employing Debye-Scherrer’s
and post annealing at different temperatures to explore formula [4] and values are listed in the table I. Typical
the grain size effect on electrical transport properties. field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-
In this regard impedance and ac conductivity SEM) micrograph for CoFe2O4 is shown in the figure
properties of cobalt ferrite have been discussed. 2. The average particle size found to be 40 nm which
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is close to the crystallite size (38.9 nm) obtained from
the XRD. Similarly, it is observed that the crystallite CoFe2O4 400 oC 600 oC
size for the samples annealed d 800 oC are same with 800 oC 1000 oC
the particle size obtained from FE-SEM. This is
because the particle size can be calculated from XRD
Intensity (A.U.)
pattern correctly if size is ¢ 50 nm [4]. However the
sample annealed at 1000 oC is in larger grains. Hence
the particle size calculated from the XRD analysis is
different than FE-SEM. The particle size for this
sample found to be 120 nm from FE-SEM micrograph.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
The effect of the frequency on the real part of 2T (Degree)
impedance (Zˈ) with different grain sizes due to
different annealing temperature is illustrated in the FIGURE 1. XRD pattern of CoFe2O4 of particular
figure 3. The decrease in Zˈ with increase in frequency annealing temperatures.
is the normal behavior of the ferrite [5]. Small grain
size results in increase in number of grain boundaries.
Therefore the greater number of energy barriers
becomes an obstacle in the conduction of charge
carriers and results in high impedance. But it is not
valid for the samples where the bulk dielectrics are
highly dominated over the grain boundary. In this case,
if the particle size increases the bulk dielectric
contribution increases more compared to decrease due
to decrease of grain boundaries. Hence the above
discussion concludes that the dielectric constant can be
increased or decreased with the grain size which
entirely depends upon the material characteristics. In
the present case cobalt ferrite’s dielectric constant FIGURE 2. SEM micrograph of CoFe2O4 annealed at
increases with the increase of grain size. The grain can 800 oC.
be considered as a core-shell model, the dipole in
surface (shell wall) behaves differently compared to 500 (11.9 nm)
(15.5 nm)
the core (natural dielectric behavior of cobalt ferrite
400 (38.9 nm)
i.e., bulk dielectric). The increase in annealing (70.4 nm)
temperature, grain size increases, surface to volume 300
Z' (K:)
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increase in grain size. The reason for this is same as conductivity decreases with the increase particle size,
explained earlier for Zˈ. The activation energy is which supports the earlier observation found
obtained by analyzing the ac loss data (frequency corresponding to impedance. The nature of electrical
variation of Zˈˈ) where the data were plotted log (fmax) transport in the sample could be studied in terms of ac
verses 1000/T [3]. The activation energy is found to conductivity. The conductivity is observed to decrease
be 0.00029 eV , 0.00025 eV, 0.00027, 0.0.00057 eV with the increasing frequency corresponding to
for CoFe2O4 annealed at temperatures 400 oC, 600 oC, annealing temperature, which validate well with the
800 oC and 1000 oC respectively. Therefore the large results of impedance spectra of figure 4 and figure 5.
particle size sample requires high activation energy for The ac conductivity increases with frequency which is
the hopping of charge carriers. the normal behavior of the ferrite [5].
Authors are thankful to CSIR, DST and DAE, India
0 vide sanction number 03/1183/10/EMR-II,
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 SR/FTP/PS-103/2009 and 2011/20/37P/03/BRNS/007
Frequency (Hz) respectively for financial assistance and also UGC-ref.
No.: 4050/ (NET-JUNE 2013) for JRF.
FIGURE 4. Variation of the imaginary part of impedance
(Zˈˈ) with respect to frequency of CoFe2O4 annealed at
different temperature.
1. L. Ajroudi, N. Mliki, L. Bessais, V. Madigou, S. Villain
and Ch. Leroux, Materials Research Bulletin 59, 49–58
lnVa.c(Z) (:m)
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