Karl, John - Celestial Navigation in The GPS Age

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John Karl
Copyright ©2007, 2009, 2011 John H. Karl
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles and reviews. For information, contact the publisher.
Nautical Almanac data is reproduced with permission from Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, © CCLRC 2004. CCLRC
is an abbreviation for Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils, who own the copyright on the data.
No copyright claimed for sight reduction worksheets in Appendix E, pages 277-283.
Cover design by Rob Johnson, www.johnsondesign.org
Editing and book design by Linda Morehouse, www.webuildbooks.com
Revised edition editing by Rebecca S. Bender
Painting on inside front cover, oil on canvas,
“Captain Sumner Discovers the Celestial Line of Position” by John H. Karl
Printed in the United States of America
First Edition, Third Printing
ISBN 978-0-939837-75-7
Published jointly by

Paradise Cay Publications, Inc. Celestaire, Inc.

P. O. Box 29 4609 E. Kellogg Drive

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To Karen, shipmate in life

Celestial navigation is seen today in a different light than before GPS became affordable
and ubiquitous. Yes, it is the only manual way to navigate at sea (and one needs a manual
way to do anything important at sea). But when celestial navigation was required, it seemed
like work. Now it can be fun. It frees us from keys and menus that only serve to summon
the expertise of some programmer and lets us do something by ourselves—with our own
two hands.
Today's navigator needs not be an expert anymore, but should know enough to use
celestial fixes as a backup. Of course he may take the study further, and therein lies the
enticement. Celestial navigation is easy to start, but can take time and study to master.
Activities like this have always held lasting fascination (some would say addiction) for us.
John Karl's book lets the reader proceed in this way. A line of position is put on a chart
after only 40 pages. But then he will take you further in understanding the science and art
of celestial navigation than any other book I have seen. Celestial Navigation in the GPS
Age is a mixture of history, math, and rational explanations that the reader may sample as
This may not be the only book to which you are exposed in learning celestial
navigation, but it certainly should be one of them.
—Kenneth Gebhart
Kenneth Gebhart is the author of the Celestaire Navigation Catalog. He is well known for
his celestial navigation seminars given at most sailboat shows.

Browsing in a bookstore when I was about nine, I bought a book called American
Practical Navigator by someone I had never heard of—Nathaniel Bowditch. I guess it
caught my eye because I was interested in boating and sailing. Wading through Bowditch
was tough going at that age. I had never heard of logarithms or haversines. But I did learn
something about navigation and astronomy, which, looking back, I think was responsible
for leading me into science.
After this encounter, Bowditch sat on my bookshelf for many years. Then while
studying physics at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I stumbled upon a sextant
in a pawn shop, bought it, and dragged out Bowditch again. This time I understood a whole
lot more about astronomy and mathematics. Living in Marblehead made practice sights
easy from the top of a hill near Red's Pond where I could view the sea horizon. At that
time, I practiced sight reductions using the log-haversine method taught in Bowditch.
Much later during my sporadic 60-year sailing experience, and after retiring from a
physics career, I left Hawaii headed for San Francisco on a 34-foot cutter. Having not
sailed blue waters for some years, I discovered how very simple sight reduction has
become with a scientific hand calculator. Moreover, I realized that all modern sight
reductions are based on just one math formula, expressed in two ways. How very simple
modern methods have become. Nonetheless, the practice of celestial navigation has
changed little over two hundred years, for navigators still use ancient tables of logarithms or
trig functions. Yet today, I can't imagine a scientist or engineer who, faced with evaluating a
simple trig expression, would reach for a set of tables rather than a hand calculator. After
all, handheld scientific calculators have been available for over three decades and now cost
under $10.
Recently I had the opportunity to teach celestial navigation aboard the three-masted S/V
Denis Sullivan on a leg from Milwaukee to Montreal. That experience inspired me to write
this book. My goal as a scientist and teacher is to explain away the mystery of the subject
in a simple fashion while covering the fundamental concepts better than ever before. My
goal as a sailor is to provide the simplest possible sight reduction procedure that can be
reliably and comfortably used at sea, using either calculators or tables—that's a personal
choice. My tenet is that modern developments can be used to provide deeper understanding
and much broader applications of celestial navigation than the old ways.
You and I will take a navigator's celestial journey that integrates the old with the new,
tables with calculators, celestial navigation with GPS. We'll assume no mathematical
sophistication. Rather, we'll first explain how anyone can easily do the math as a series of
instructions, perfunctorily punching designated calculator buttons. Then we'll explain how
the math relates to sight reduction tables, how to use the tables, and their advantages and
disadvantages. We'll not develop the math; we'll explain it. It tells us everything. Listening
to its simple story, we'll gain deep insight that will stick with us long after the celestial
voyage ends with the rattle of the anchor chain. By understanding the mysteries of the
heavens, we'll rapidly arrive at a simple, cheap, memorable, and reliable sight reduction
Please read with care, interest, and pleasure, and come away with a useful, if unusual,
–– John Karl, February 2007


In addition to making minor corrections and improvements from the first printing, I've
adopted a more conventional notation for the azimuth angle from true north, changing it
from Az to Zn. Also, beyond these slight improvements, the section on Polaris sights has
been revised, and the sextant arc error tables in Appendix G have been made more
–– John Karl, February 2009


My goal in writing this book has been to present an accurate, clear, and comprehensive
treatment of celestial navigation, while simultaneously enabling the reader to work a sight
reduction after reading only a few pages. This edition now provides an even shorter and
easier path to useful celestial navigation by introducing simple tabular methods first. Then
optional calculator methods follow for those wishing to take full advantage of their
The section on stars has been expanded to include a more complete treatment of using
H.O. 249 (UK's NP 303) for stars, which then leads into planning sights of stars and
planets, along with details on star-planet identification and viewing. The chapter on special
sights has been expanded to treat three different Polaris sight reductions, speed corrections
for meridian shots, and even obtaining LOPs without a sextant. Chapter 10 now includes
more discussions on constructing plotting sheets; using universal plotting sheets; making
three different kinds of running fixes; performing compass deviation checks at sea; and
using ocean pilot charts for planning voyages.
Finally, in several places it was possible to improve the discussion by making minor
changes, adding more detail, and more figures.
–– John Karl, October 2010

John Karl is a physicist, artist, pilot, writer, and sailor. He learned celestial navigation 50
years ago and has been sailing for 60 years. Karl has sailed the Pacific Ocean, East Coast,
Great Lakes, Florida Keys, and the Bahamas. He has taught celestial navigation workshops
at the University of Wisconsin and aboard the 3-masted S/V Denis Sullivan. He has also
conducted marine research in the Great Lakes on the R/V Salmo and in the Gulf of
California aboard the R/V Melville.

It's a pleasure to gratefully thank my son, John, for his critique of early versions of the
manuscript; Michael Briley for providing proper-motion star data; James McKee for his
helpful and productive review of the manuscript; and my two publishers for their
commitment to celestial navigation.
I'm also very appreciative of the time and effort of Stan Klein, Geoffrey Kolbe, and
Steve Whiteside in reviewing the book and suggesting valuable changes and corrections for
the 2nd printing. George Huxtable not only was very helpful suggesting corrections, but also
helped me improve the way stellar aberrations are handled in Appendix G.

The Heroic Era
The Story Retold
The Fundamental Idea
An Ancient Observation
The Key Concept
The Mariner's Angle
The Equal-Altitude Line of Position
The 3-D Picture
The Limitations of Mechanical Methods
The Only Solution
Latitude and Longitude
Greenwich Hour Angle and Declination
The Navigation Triangle
Sun and Earth
The Local Hour Angle
Azimuth Angle and Azimuth
Three Plotting Methods
The Concept
Plotting Variables
The Captain's Idea
The Straight-Line Approximation
The Error
Why St. Hilaire?
In Summary
The Daily Pages
The Altitude Corrections
Using Inspection Tables
The Worksheet
Altitude Corrections
The GHA and Declination
The Sketch
Using H.O. 249 Tables
Using H.O. 229 Tables
Using Direct Computation
Calculator Details
Four Examples of Sun Sights
The Planets
The Moon
The Stars
Star Sights by Tables or Calculator
Star Sights by H.O. 249, Volume 1
Viewing Stars and Planets
Identifying Stars and Planets
Polaris by the Nautical Almanac
Polaris by H.O. 249, Vol. 1
Polaris with Only a Sextant
Meridian Sights
Latitude without Meridian Shots or UT
Latitude and Longitude from Meridian Sights
Longitude from Altitude and Latitude
Time from a Lunar LOP and a Star Fix
Position without St. Hilaire
St. Hilaire without a Sextant
The Concept
Taking the Lunar Sight
The Distance Clearing Concept
Clearing the Lunar Distance
The Sight Reduction
A Lunar Example
So Why Lunars Today?
Other Lunars
The Sextant
The Horizon Mirror
The Telescope
Eye Relief
Telescopes with Traditional Horizon Mirrors
Field of View
Sextant Checks and Adjustments
The Telescope
The Index Mirror
The Horizon Mirror
Index Error
Sextant Arc Error
Sextant Observations
Observations at Home
Taking a Sight
Averaging Sights
Altitude Corrections
Upper and Lower Limbs
Celestial before GPS
Celestial with GPS
Those Special Sights
Running Fixes
The Traditional Running Fix
The Estimated Position Running Fix
The Short-Run Fix
Special LOP Orientations
Great-Circle Sailing
Compass Deviation
Swinging the Ship
Sun Azimuths
Ocean Pilot Charts
Sight Reduction Tables
Calculators and Computers
Equivalent Triangles
The Azimuth Rules
Understanding Inspection Tables
Special Cases of the Azimuth Equation
Sight Reduction and the Navigation Triangle
Navigational Astronomy
Courses, Distances, and Charts
Lunar Distances
Computer Programming
A. Navigation Triangle Formulae
B. Calculator Keystrokes
C. Excerpts from the Nautical Almanac
D. Sight Reduction Tables
E. Sight Reduction Worksheets
F. Concepts in Plane Trigonometry
G. Sextant Arc Error Tables
H. Dip Short of Horizon
I. Sunrise/Sunset Azimuth Tables
J. A Brief History of Navigation
K. Annotated Bibliography

Abbreviations Used in the Text





The Heroic Era

Nearly 500 years ago an adventurous fleet of five ships sailed from Spain to explore the
world, searching for a western route to the Spice Islands. Three years later, after losing one
ship to the rocks, one to a storm while at anchor, one to desertion, one to fire, and losing
the fleet commander, Ferdinand Magellan, to death at the hands of Philippine natives, the
ship Victoria returned home, having completed the first circumnavigation of the world.
This was the heroic era of discovery, and with the advent of the mariner's quadrant and
primitive declination tables, it was the dawn of a new age of celestial navigation. From the
ancient Babylonians and Greeks through all the centuries of exploration and discovery,
studies of the heavens have been awe-inspiring, satisfying, and useful. Early transatlantic
explorers such as Eric the Red and Leif Ericson must certainly have navigated by the
Improvements in celestial navigation aided great sea expeditions to follow, such as those
of Vasco de Gama and Sir Francis Drake. By the time Captain James Cook commanded
the Resolution on his 1772–75 around-the-world expedition (aided by his infamous first
mate, Mr. William Bligh), John Harrison had developed his H-4 chronometer, Hadley had
designed the modern sextant, and the Nautical Almanac had been published for six straight
years. The era of modern celestial navigation had begun.
One heroic example of celestial navigation in the twentieth century is the open-ocean
voyage made by Ernest Shackleton during his 1915 Antarctic expedition. After the
Endurance was crushed by pack ice in the Weddell Sea, Shackleton and his company of 28
men and three lifeboats drifted on Antarctic ice floes for well over a year. When they finally
reached open water, they navigated to Elephant Island near the northern tip of the Antarctic
Peninsula. After setting up camp there, Shackleton selected a four-man crew—which of
course included his navigator, Frank Worsley—and set out in a jury-rigged 22-foot lifeboat
for the whaling station on South Georgia Island, a speck in the mid South Atlantic some
800 miles away. Fighting ice and bad weather all the way, they used infrequent breaks in
overcast skies to navigate safely to help in just twelve days. Shackleton saved his entire
exploration party—by using celestial navigation.
For many centuries scores of similar episodes dramatized the role of reliable and
practical methods of celestial navigation. The sailors who risked their lives at sea not only
found adventure for themselves and inspired the stories we now enjoy, but they also
discovered new worlds and new trading partners that changed cultures, governments, and
economic conditions for everyone—forever.

The Story Retold

Today we study celestial navigation because of a romantic attachment to world history and
to those who went to sea before us. We learn celestial navigation because it's a universal
icon of the sea, because it's as interesting as the heavens are, because we love the
independence it provides, and because we'll need it when our GPS fails. It's soul food,
practical soul food. When we practice the noble shipboard ritual of the sextant, we join a bit
of the lives of the seafaring heroes that have gone before us. We live the heritage.
Why do we still find our place on earth by searching the stars? Because a good sea
story is always retold. Celestial navigation has served adventurous mariners from before
Cook's time; it continues to serve today's commercial, military, and blue-water pleasure
Yet much of celestial navigation has changed little over the past 200 years—for
instance, tabular methods are still used—but there have also been modern developments:
Inexpensive and portable computer technology has given us PCs, laptops, handheld
calculators, and the Internet. The quartz digital watch and the GPS have changed the
practice of celestial navigation at home and at sea.
We'll explain all of this, the old and the new, the simple and the more advanced,
beginning… well, at the beginning.

The Fundamental Idea

An Ancient Observation

In 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer and mathematician Eratosthenes observed that at noon,
near the time of the summer solstice, vertical posts at Alexandria cast the sun's shadow on
the ground, whereas at Syene (now called Aswan) in southern Egypt, it was reported that
posts there cast no shadows at that time, and that the sun illuminated the entire bottom of a
well, the sun being directly overhead at that time and place. Eratosthenes's belief that the
earth is spherical, and that the sun's rays are essentially parallel to one another, enabled him
to make inferences and calculations that were truly elegant in their simplicity and great
power—the power to offer proof that the earth is spherical and, moreover, to measure its

Figure 1.1 The sun casts a shadow of the post at Alexandria, but the sun is
directly overhead the well at Syene. The arc distance d along the surface of the
earth, between the post and the well, is proportional to the angle θ, the angle
between the sun's rays and the post.
Eratosthenes's ideas are shown in Figure 1.1, where we see the spherical earth, the well
at Syene, the post with its shadow at Alexandria, and the parallel rays of the sun. We label
the angle between the sun's rays and the vertical post θ (the Greek letter theta that
Eratosthenes might have used and that is still widely used for angles today). In the figure
we draw the radial line that extends from the center of the earth through the post at
Alexandria. The sun's rays make the same angle θ with this radial line, both at the center of
the earth and at its surface. The arc distance d is the distance along the earth's curved
surface from Alexandria to Syene. We see that it's a fraction of the earth's circumference.
Now, looking at the angle θ at the center of the earth, we discover a fact of central
importance to celestial navigation: the arc distance d is proportional to the angle θ. For
example, if θ is halved, d is halved also. This means that d equals some constant times θ.
Or we say in equation form that d = constant x θ. In fact we can see, as Eratosthenes did,
that when θ goes all the way around the earth (that is, when θ = 360°), d must equal the
circumference of the earth. Therefore, the constant must be equal to the circumference of
the earth divided by 360°. We can see this by writing this statement in the language of
equations. It then becomes

d = (circumference / 360°) x θ (1.1)

Now when we substitute 360° for θ, the equation says that d equals the circumference,
confirming that the equation must be right.
Eratosthenes determined θ from the ratio of the post's height to its shadow. Then using
the known distance from Alexandria to Syene for d (about 500 miles), he solved Equation
1.1 to calculate the earth's circumference. He got 25,500 miles. That's within 2.5 percent of
today's value of 24,874 miles, not bad for over two millennia ago.

The Key Concept

Eratosthenes's observation in the form of Equation 1.1 leads to the kernel of celestial
navigation. It tells how far an observer is from the spot directly under the sun by measuring
the angle θ. Substituting 2πR for the circumference, and using for the earth's radius today's
mean value of 3440 nautical miles (nm) gives
d = (2 π 3440/360°) θ = 60.04 θ
or, rounding off we get

d = 60 nm x θ (1.2)

Equation 1.2 is the guts of celestial navigation. It shows that by measuring the sun's
angle from the vertical we can determine our distance from the spot directly under the sun.
Moreover, each degree simply represents 60 nm, or each minute of angle is one nautical
mile. (Because of geodetic complications, the nautical mile is not defined exactly equal to
60 per degree. However, rounding it off to 60 nm is sufficiently accurate for most
purposes.) The spot “directly under the sun” is called the sun's geographical position, its
GP. If your shadow falls completely within your feet, you're standing at a unique spot on
earth, the sun's GP. Of course this unique spot is constantly moving because of the earth's
rotation. But that inconvenience is handled by the Nautical Almanac, which lists the sun's
GP for every second of universal time, UT. (UT used to be called GMT, Greenwich Mean
Time.) So by measuring the angle θ, you can determine your distance from the GP, and the
almanac tells you where the GP is located.

The Mariner's Angle

At sea, because of a ship's motion, it's difficult to measure the angle from the vertical that
Eratosthenes used. Instead, navigators use a marine sextant to measure the angle from
horizontal, as shown in Figure 1.2. This angle of the sun's rays from the horizontal is called
the sun's altitude (H). It's just 90° minus the angle of Eratosthenes. In celestial navigation,
we call the Eratosthenes angle the co-altitude (coH).

Figure 1.2 The sextant measures the sun's altitude H, which is the angle the sun's
rays make with the horizon at the observer's location.
The two angles are just complements of each other, meaning simply that their sum is 90°.
We've focused on the sun because of its role in the history of navigation, and because
the sun is the most available and easiest body to shoot. We'll delay the treatment of the
moon, planets, and stars until we have a practical, understandable, and reliable sun-sight
reduction procedure. Then with only a few perfunctory modifications we'll be able to
handle the other bodies. (Actually, potential celestial navigators who are only interested in
the bare-bones fundamentals couldn't be faulted too much for limiting their skills to sun
So far we've been able to visualize the problem in two dimensions because Alexandria
is almost due north of Syene, with the plane of Figure 1.1 containing the earth's center (that
is, Alexandria, Syene, and the earth's center all lie in a plane). For more general cases, we
need to extend our thinking to three dimensions.

The Equal-Altitude Line of Position

The 3-D Picture

For a complete understanding of navigational astronomy we must picture the sun's rays in
relationship to the spherical earth as shown in Figure 1.3. By neglecting tiny geometrical
considerations (as Eratosthenes did), we can consider the sun's rays coming from a point
on the sun's disk to be parallel to one another. The altitude and co-altitude of a sun's ray at
one observer's location are shown at the top of the figure. And all the other observers
shown in the figure are located where they see identical altitudes. With a little 3-D
perception, we can see that these equal-altitude locations must lie on a circle centered on
the GP, with a radius equal to the observer-GP distance, as shown in Figure 1.3. This
radius is the same distance d as in the example of Eratosthenes, and as we have just seen in
Equation 1.2, its length is just 60 nm times the co-altitude. This equal-altitude circle is
called a line-of-position, or LOP, determined by the measured sextant altitude.

Figure 1.3 All the equal-altitude points lie on a circular LOP with radius equal to
the co-altitude, centered on the geographical position of the sun.
One way to visualize the geometry of this circular LOP is to imagine a cylinder (sailors
might imagine a beer can) open on both ends. The parallel line elements of the cylinder
represent the parallel rays of the sun. Now visualize a sphere, such as a tennis ball, fitted to
the end of the cylinder to represent the earth. The circle where the can's rim contacts the
tennis ball is the equal-altitude LOP on earth.
Figure 1.4 This observer sees a higher altitude than the observer does in Figure
1.3. Therefore this observer is closer to the sun's GP, and consequently the
radius of his LOP is smaller.
The altitude measured by each observer depends on his distance from the sun's GP.
Figure 1.4 shows an observer who sees the sun's altitude higher than do the observers in
Figure 1.3. The closer the observer is to the GP, the greater the observed altitude, and
conversely, the farther away the observer is, the less the altitude. If you're at the sun's GP,
it's directly overhead, and therefore its altitude would be 90°. If you're a quarter of the
earth's circumference away from the sun's GP, its altitude is zero, and you're seeing a
sunrise or sunset. Furthermore, since all observers who are the same distance from the GP
will measure the same altitude, a single altitude measurement doesn't tell them where they
are. Rather, it tells them that they're somewhere on this line of equal-altitudes—that is, on
the sun's LOP.
It's important to emphasize that the radius of this circular LOP is the great-circle
distance from the GP, while the LOP itself is a small circle. The plane of a great circle
passes through the center of the earth, whereas the plane of a small circle does not. The
meridians and the equator are examples of great circles; parallels of latitude are examples of
small circles.
Since one sextant observation just tells us we're somewhere on the LOP, we need more
information to fix our location on this circle. This information can take on many different
forms, such as a bottom sounding, a radar bearing from shore, or even another celestial
LOP. In the latter case, shown in Figure 1.5, these two circular LOPs would usually
intersect in two places, leaving an ambiguity between two possible observer locations.
However, as we'll see later, these locations are almost always so far apart that ambiguity is
not an issue. The intersection of two LOPs of any kind is called a fix, as discussed later in
Chapter 10. Determining fixes is a simple matter of plotting intersecting LOPs, for now our
emphasis will be on determining celestial LOPs.
Figure 1.5 When plotted on the earth's surface, two celestial LOPs usually
intersect at two locations so widely separated that selecting the right one is not a
And determining a celestial LOP is simple—conceptually, at least. Here's a summary of
what we'd think of doing: (1) We measure the sun's altitude with a sextant and subtract it
from 90° to get the co-altitude, (2) then we get the sun's GP from the Nautical Almanac
using the time of the sight, and (3) finally, we plot a segment of the circular LOP with its
center at the GP and its radius equal to one nautical mile per minute of co-altitude. So we're
done; our ship is somewhere on that LOP. This process of converting our celestial
observations into latitude and longitude (or other information) useful to the navigator is
called sight reduction.
We've now described our first sight reduction procedure, but there's a catch. The LOP's
small circle with its corresponding great-circle radius forms a 3-D figure in space, as you
remember from Figure 1.3. And we do know everything there is to know: the location of
the LOP and its radius. The question becomes, exactly how do we use this knowledge of
the 3-D figure to plot the LOP on a flat chart?
To clearly and correctly explain the resolution of this question, we approach it in stages.
First we show the limitations of mechanical methods; then in Chapter 2, after some
preliminaries, we discuss methods that lead to understanding the fundamental nature of the
solution (they're also useful computer techniques). Following that, Chapter 3 explains the
St. Hilaire method, the standard method of sight reduction used in celestial navigation since

The Limitations of Mechanical Methods

Since the small-circle LOP and its great-circle radius occupy three dimensions, they could
be properly represented mechanically, on a globe. By measuring the circle's radius along a
meridian (using the fact that each minute of latitude is one nautical mile), then using the
sun's GP (which we get from the sight's time and the almanac) as the center of the circle,
we strike an arc of the LOP in the geographical region of interest. The result is exact, in
principle. But to read off the resulting ship's position to the same accuracy as the common
1:1,000,000 marine chart, we would need a rather large navigator's station—it would have
to house a 42-foot globe.
Since a globe of this size is pretty unreasonable, why not use a flat chart? Because flat
charts present two problems. First, just as with the globe, the chart would have to be
unreasonably large. For example, an observed altitude of 20° would have a co-altitude of
70°. Multiplying the 70° by the 60 nm per degree gives 4,200 nautical miles for the
observer-GP distance. The smallest scale charts (i.e., ones that cover the largest area) used
in marine navigation cover about 600 miles. So our GP is way off the chart.
We might propose charts of much smaller scale, say ten times smaller covering ten
times the distance. They would cover some 6,000 miles. But that produces another
problem. The plotting resolution and the associated accuracy of locating the LOP would
drop tenfold. So the chart size is a problem, but it's not the fundamental problem.
The second limitation of the mechanical method is more severe—it is fundamental:
Even with an unreasonably large chart, it's impossible to accurately plot the large great-
circle radius of the LOP on a flat surface to the accuracy required in marine navigation.
The small-circle LOP with its great-circle radius is a 3-D figure in space that cannot be
directly transferred to a flat surface. A spherical orange skin cannot be pressed flat without
breaking it.
It is true, however, that for sufficiently high altitude sights we can stretch the orange's
skin, i.e., plot the LOP approximately. With an altitude greater than 80°, and its co-altitude
less than ten degrees, the GP-LOP distance becomes a manageable 600 miles or less. Then
in this case of smaller GP-LOP distances, the error of measuring and plotting the great-
circle distance on a flat chart starts to become acceptable. But the great majority of sights
have lower observed altitudes whose larger GP-LOP distances can't be accommodated. So
we're forced to conclude that, except for very high altitudes, using mechanical methods
with flat charts, regardless of size or scale, will not work.

The Only Solution

Since mechanical methods will not work, we'll have to use mathematical ones—we'll have
to use our heads rather than our hands. We needn't delve into the development of this
mathematics, known for over 1,000 years, but we will use it. By doing so, we can correctly
transfer the known 3-D information into coordinates that can be plotted on a flat chart. We
rightfully expect that we can calculate any point we wish on the LOP because we know
everything there is to know: its radius, the location of its center, and the necessary
mathematics. Therefore we can use this information to plot the points of the all-important
equal-altitude LOP. The next chapter explains how we can plot these LOPs.


If the mathematical formula d = 60 nm × θ is the guts of celestial navigation, then geometry
is its heart and soul. In this chapter we'll discuss the geometry necessary to describe the
locations of the observer and the celestial body, both relative to the North Pole. These three
locations form corners of a very important triangle, called the navigation triangle. We'll see
that understanding the geometry of this triangle enables us to do everything, such as plotting
the coordinates of the all-important celestial LOP, computing fixes from two altitude
observations, and finding time from lunar-distance sights. We first describe the coordinates
used to define this triangle. Then, without delving into any math, we explain how
knowledge of this triangle is used to plot celestial LOPs, enabling us to fully appreciate
subsequent discussions of modern methods.


Latitude and Longitude

Navigational astronomy uses the familiar spherical coordinates of latitude and longitude,
with some minor name differences for celestial bodies. Furthermore, navigational
astronomy takes the view that all celestial bodies rotate around the earth, a view expressed
by Pope Urban VIII during the 1633 Roman inquisition. Galileo was forced to accept this
same view under the threat of a heresy conviction—and possible death. We use the earth-
centric view, not because of a death threat, but because it gives a useful, simplified
description of celestial astronomy that's necessary for practical navigation. We're not
astronomers—we're navigators.

Figure 2.1 Latitude is reckoned north or south of the equator. Longitude is

reckoned east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
The coordinates of a point on earth are given by the familiar latitude and longitude as
shown in Figure 2.1. Latitude is designated north or south of the equator. To distinguish
between these two in the equations that follow, we'll use a positive sign for northern
latitudes and a negative sign for southern latitudes. For longitude, measured east or west
from the Greenwich prime meridian, we'll designate east as positive and west as negative.

Figure 2.2 Declination is analogous to latitude, and Greenwich Hour Angle is

analogous to longitude.

Greenwich Hour Angle and Declination

The coordinates used to describe the location of celestial GPs are analogous to latitude and
longitude. But now they're called Declination (d, or Dec) and Greenwich Hour Angle
(GHA) respectively. See Figure 2.2. Declination, like latitude, is reckoned from the equator,
positive north and negative south. Greenwich Hour Angle is the same as longitude, but it's
reckoned from the Greenwich meridian westward from 0° to 360°. It's called an hour angle
because it also can be measured in hours, according to the earth's rotation of 360° per day,
or 15° per hour. We can either say, for example, that Papeete is 150° west of Greenwich or
that its GHA is 10 hours. Thus it's easy to convert from degrees and minutes of arc to
hours, minutes, and seconds of time (or the reverse). But we must be careful to distinguish
between minutes of time and minutes of arc, and likewise between seconds of time and
seconds of arc. (For example, four seconds of time equal one minute of arc.) Declination
and GHA are tabulated for every second of Universal Time (UT) in the Nautical Almanac
for all the bodies used in celestial navigation. The almanac solves the problem of using
celestial bodies while they're moving.

The Navigation Triangle

Sun and Earth

Now that we can locate the ship and the sun by their coordinates, we'll see how these
coordinates relate to each other. Since both sets are described relative to the earth, we can
place them on the same drawing, as shown in Figure 2.3a. Next, to make explanations
efficient, we need to introduce some terminology. The first new term, discussed at greater
length below, is the local hour angle, labeled LHA in the figure. It's the polar angle
between the ship's meridian and the sun's meridian. Next, recall that the angle from directly
overhead of the observer to the sun's GP is the co-altitude (coalt, or coH). So we draw this
co-altitude, in Figure 2.3b, by connecting the ship's location and the sun's GP with a great-
circle arc. Now just as the co-altitude is the complement of the altitude (remember, that's
90° minus the altitude), we introduce the co-declination (codec) as the complement of the
declination and the co-latitude (colat) as the complement of the latitude. Thus the co-
declination is the great-circle arc from the sun to the North Pole, and the co-latitude is the
great-circle arc from the ship to the North Pole, as shown in Figure 2.3b.

Figure 2.3 (a) Coordinates of the sun and of the ship superimposed. (b)
Connecting the ship and sun locations with the co-altitude completes the
navigation triangle, shown in heavy line. The co-declination and the co-latitude
are the other two sides. The LHA is one of the three included angles in the
navigation triangle.
Next we see, as shown in Figure 2.3b with a heavy line, that these three coordinates—
the co-altitude, the co-declination, and the colatitude—describe a triangle on the earth.
These three lines form the navigation triangle, which is of primary importance to sight
reduction. Since this is a triangle on the surface of a sphere, understandably it's called a
spherical triangle. And just like a triangle in plane geometry, it has three sides, three
apexes, and three included angles. But that's about where its similarity ends, for spherical
triangles have very different properties than the more familiar plane triangles. Not
surprisingly, the navigation triangle is the road map to most sight reductions. After all, it
relates everything of interest: the ship and sun locations, their coordinates, and the all-
important co-altitude, which is the radius of the celestial LOP.
We now have two sets of terms that describe the navigation triangle. First we have the
familiar altitude, latitude, and declination, used when talking about navigation in general.
Second, we have their complements, the co-altitude, co-latitude, and co-declination, which
are necessary when talking about the actual sides of the triangle. One is just 90° minus the
other, so we can easily switch from one coordinate to the other. Furthermore, for our
convenience, this switch is automatically included in the sight reductions themselves.
In the following, it's important to know a few things about the navigation triangle. It has
six parameters: three included angles and three sides. The sides are all great circles. If any
three of these six parameters are known, the other three can be calculated. Knowledge of
either the LHA or the longitude is equivalent, because they're simply related via the GHA of
the sun, which we know from the almanac. All the relationships among the angles and sides
of the triangle are well known to mathematicians; the ones relevant to celestial navigation
are given in Appendix A, where they're formulated in terms of the more familiar variables:
declination, latitude, and altitude. It might be of interest to the curious, and a relief to the
timid, to know that in this book we will use just one of these equations, in only two
different ways, for all of our sight reductions. This one equation, discussed first in Chapter
5 (also see Appendix A), correctly gives us everything we need. We needn't worry about
how it's derived, we just need to use it, and Chapter 5 will show how.

Figure 2.4 The three sides of the navigation triangle are the great circle arcs, the
colat, the codec, and the coalt. Two of the three angles are the LHA, and the
azimuth angle A. In (a), the GP is west of the observer, and Zn = 360 – A. In (b),
the GP is east of the observer, and Zn = A.

The Local Hour Angle

In addition to the three sides of the navigation triangle, we'll now discuss some details of
three angles that are also major players in the game. These angles, shown in Figure 2.4, are
the LHA, introduced earlier; the azimuth angle (A); and the azimuth (Zn). By convention
the LHA, the polar angle between the sun's meridian and the observer's meridian, is
measured westward from the observer's meridian, ranging from 0° to 360°. The LHA gets
its name because it's an hour angle of the sun, but it's reckoned from the observer rather
than from Greenwich. A schematic diagram, viewed looking at the North Pole in Figure
2.5, shows how the LHA is related to the observer's longitude and the sun's GHA. By
inspecting the figure, we see that west longitudes are subtracted from the GHA to get the
LHA, and east longitudes are added to the GHA to get the LHA. Therefore, by using the
convention that east longitudes are positive and west longitudes are negative, we can cover
both cases by simply writing

LHA = GHA + longitude (2.1)

When needed, 360° is added to or subtracted from the result of Equation 2.1 to bring
the LHA into the 0° to 360° range. This is the convention used in sight reduction tables, but
we'll see later that the sign of the LHA and multiples of 360° are irrelevant in computer
calculations. As an exercise in applying the 360°, you might redraw Figure 2.5 (left) with
the west longitude greater than the GHA, and Figure 2.5 (right) with the sum of the east
longitude and the GHA greater than 360°. Then you can see how Equation 2.1 also
correctly gives the LHA because it's always measured westward toward the sun. Drawing
these will increase your understanding and confidence.

Figure 2.5 Diagrams, looking at the North Pole, show how to combine GHA with
either west longitudes or east longitudes. Both cases are covered by using LHA =
GHA + long, with the convention that west longitudes are negative, and east
longitudes are positive.

Azimuth Angle and Azimuth

The other two angles are also shown in Figure 2.4. The azimuth angle A is the angle
between the co-latitude and the co-altitude. Since it's an included angle, it's always less than
180°. The mariner's azimuth, Zn in the figure, is quite different. It's also an angle between
the co-latitude and the co-altitude, but it starts at 0° at true north and ranges clockwise
around to the co-altitude. So its range is 0° to 360°. It's the familiar angle that compasses
use, but in celestial navigation Zn is always reckoned from true north, not magnetic north.
The relationship to the angle A can be seen in each case in Figure 2.4. When the sun is
west of the observer as in (a), the LHA is less than 180° and Zn = 360° − A. When the sun
is east of the observer as in (b), the LHA is greater than 180° and Zn = A. Sight reduction
tables use a different azimuth angle, called Z, which is also simply related to Zn. More
detail is given in Chapters 5 and 12.

Three Plotting Methods

The Concept

In preparation for understanding all of our following discussions, and without actually using
the mathematical relations for the navigation triangle, we'll take a verbal walk through three
different approaches to plotting LOPs. This vicarious stroll through direct ways of plotting
the equal-altitude LOP will enable us to better appreciate the standard, although seemingly
indirect, method of sight reduction of the next chapter.
The whole purpose of sight reduction is to determine the latitude and longitude of some
points on the all-important equal-altitude LOP. And we observed above that it takes three
known parameters of the navigation triangle to solve for any of the other three parameters.
But after taking a celestial observation, we only know two pieces of information: the sun's
altitude and its declination. (We don't know the LHA because that requires knowledge of
the ship's longitude.) Thus we're stumped; we are short one piece of information.
However, if we use these two known sides of the triangle (the co-altitude and co-
declination) and assume a value for a third parameter, we can solve for the latitude and
longitude of an LOP point that has that third parameter's value. Thus by varying this third
parameter and keeping the co-declination and co-altitude constant, we can trace out the
latitude and longitude coordinates of points on the LOP, plotting them on a chart. This is
how we use the navigation triangle to solve the 3-D geometry problem that cannot be
solved using a flat chart.

Plotting Variables

Since the third navigation-triangle parameter suggested above varies along the LOP, giving
us sequential points on the LOP, we'll call it a plotting variable. Any third variable will
work. We could, for example, pick the longitude as the plotting variable. Then using three
known quantities, LHA (from this assumed longitude and the sun's GHA), observed
altitude, and declination, we could calculate the latitude of that point on the LOP (Equation
A.9 of Appendix A). Repeating this process for selected longitudes traces out the LOP by
its latitude and longitude coordinates; that's just what we want.
Also we could do the reverse: we could pick the latitude as the plotting variable. Then
we would calculate the longitude of a point on the LOP from this latitude, declination, and
observed altitude. (The resulting longitude comes from calculating the LHA, and using the
known GHA of the sun, see Equation A.10 of Appendix A.) This is exactly what Captain
Thomas H. Sumner did while commanding the Cabot off the coast of Ireland on 18
December 1837. He was bound ENE up St. George's Channel, closed-hauled with a SE
wind making Ireland's coast a lee shore. By calculating the longitude for three separate
latitudes, he unwittingly demonstrated that it's possible to compute, and hence to plot, the
location of any number of points on the LOP. Fortunately, the plotted LOP fell right in line
with his course, which safely guided him to Small's Light (off the coast of Wales) for his
Figure 2.6 The location of any point x on the LOP is calculated from the sun's
declination, observed altitude, and the bearing from the sun to that point.
A third plotting variable (which is particularly convenient for computer use) is the
bearing angle BX between the sun's meridian and the co-altitude arc. As shown in Figure
2.6, it's the bearing from the sun to a variable point x on the LOP. By incrementing BX, we
can conveniently sweep out any desired arc of the LOP. Now, the three known quantities
are the co-altitude, the co-declination and the variable angle BX. So we increment BX,
computing the latitude and longitude of points that trace out the LOP. For interested
readers, Exercise 1.22 shows how the equations are developed for this method.
It's significant to point out that all of these methods produce the same exact LOP (i.e.,
within the accuracy of the almanac and the altitude measurement). There are no
assumptions—no assumed position, no dead reckoning. Using any of these three methods,
we can easily and exactly plot the latitude and longitude coordinates of the LOP on any
map projection. To emphasize this point, Figure 2.7 shows the result of using the BX
method to map out a portion of an equal-altitude LOP in the region of the Great Bahama
Banks with the sun's GP located at a declination of N17.8° and a GHA of 82°. In this
example, the observed altitude was a rather high 83°, demonstrating the curvature of the
circular LOP.

Figure 2.7 An 83-degree equal-altitude plot, using the bearing Variable BX to

calculate points that trace out the LOP in the region of the Great Bahama Banks.
This discussion shows that there is no problem calculating the points on an equal-
altitude LOP directly and accurately. But now the question becomes, what is the best
approach, given limited computational facilities at sea? What is the minimum number of
points needed: ten, three, or even two? Ten points, such as we used in Figure 2.7, can be
easily plotted using a computer. But if we wanted to trade off accuracy for less
computation, what would be the absolute fewest number of points? Clearly one point won't
do, but two points do determine a straight line.
That's the concept behind the sight reduction method universally used today to reduce
the computation so it can be done by hand: Use the known mathematics of the navigation
triangle to solve the great-circle problem, then reduce the calculation load by using a
straight-line approximation to the LOP.




The Captain's Idea

The adoption of the above ideas to the simplest straight-line LOP approximation has two
requirements. First, the calculation of the straight line's position should be as simple as
possible. And second, we want a convenient way to specify the geographical region where
we wish to plot a segment of the LOP.
The method published by Captain Marq de Saint Hilaire in 1875 meets both of these
requirements simultaneously. It finds the bearing and distance from any preselected point,
defining the region of interest, to the nearest point on the LOP. It then uses that result to
simply draw the straight-line approximation tangent to the LOP at that point. It's
appropriate to call this preselected point a reference point, because it refers to the
geographical area where we want to plot the LOP. This point can be anywhere, such as
near a ship or sometimes elsewhere. Traditionally this point has been called the assumed
position, the AP of the ship. But that's misleading; we are not assuming the ship is there—
to the contrary, we usually expect it is not. In fact, Chapter 10 discusses the desirability of
plotting special LOPs that are far away from any ship. Specifying the AP simply says that
we want the portion of the LOP that is nearest to this location.
For continuity with the rest of the celestial navigation world, as a concession to history,
and against all sensibility, we'll continue to call this point the AP. But please remember, in
spite of using this misnomer, we are making no assumptions.
Specifying this AP by its latitude and longitude gives three known quantities in the
navigation triangle: the LHA (from the AP's longitude and the sun's GHA), the latitude of
the AP, and the declination of the sun. As Figure 3.1 illustrates, we use these three known
quantities to solve two navigation triangle equations, one for the azimuth angle A (the
bearing to the GP), and the other for the altitude that would be observed at the AP, called
the calculated altitude, HC.
Figure 3.1 The St. Hilaire method uses the navigation triangle to calculate the
altitude at AP from the LHA, latitude, and declination. (The equivalent variables
coHC, codec, and colat identify the triangle in the drawing.)

At first this may seem like a strange approach, but we can see its advantage by
imagining the equal-altitude contours in the vicinity of the AP, as shown in Figure 3.2.
Because we calculate the altitude at the AP, by definition the HC contour passes through
this AP. But the actual observed altitude (HO) is on the LOP of our ship, labeled the HO
contour. The contours increase in altitude toward the GP and decrease away from it, as we
saw earlier. The great-circle distance along the azimuth line between these two contours is
just their altitude difference in minutes of arc, or equivalently, in nautical miles. If we step
off the difference HO – HC (measured in one nautical mile per minute of arc) along the
azimuth line from AP, we arrive at point A shown in Figure 3.2. This distance is called the
intercept distance. In this example, A is toward the GP, which means that the observed HO
must have been greater than HC. Of course, with a different AP, the intercept might be
away from the GP.

Figure 3.2 Equal altitude contours. The AP is on the calculated contour, HC.
Both point A and the ship are on the observed altitude contour, HO.
So now we have calculated one point on the LOP. And there is no approximation; point
A is, for all practical purposes, exactly on the LOP. We could call this point a “PLOP,” that
is, a point on the LOP. Therefore, as in the tracing methods discussed in the previous
chapter, we could repeat this process with as many different APs as we wish, finding other
PLOPs all along the LOP, as shown in Figure 3.3. This shows that specifying the AP
contains no assumptions; rather, it functions exactly like the plotting variable we discussed
in the previous chapter. That is, it specifies where we wish to calculate a PLOP. It specifies
our area of interest. Recall that Sumner took a different approach: he specified a latitude of
interest, then asked what longitude his LOP crosses that given latitude. The St. Hilaire
approach asks for the location of that unique PLOP which is closest to the AP. This is very
handy because this one special PLOP allows a very convenient approximation to the LOP
without further computation.

Figure 3.3 Any AP, such as AP 1 and AP 2, will lead to intercepts that give points
exactly on the ship's LOP, such as PLOP 1 and PLOP 2. Selecting more APs and
calculating more PLOPs will trace out the LOP exactly.

The Straight-Line Approximation

We know the straight-line LOP that is nearest to the AP must pass through point A. And we
know the LOP must be perpendicular to the azimuth because the azimuth is directed
toward the sun's GP, in the direction of the greatest rate of change of altitude. So the
direction of the least rate of change of altitude, i.e., constant altitude, is perpendicular to the
azimuth line. Thus without further calculation, the straight-line LOP is drawn at right angles
to the azimuth at point A, as shown in Figure 3.4, as an approximation to the true LOP.
That's it. That is the St. Hilaire method (sometimes called the intercept method).

The Error

The St. Hilaire method uses mathematical spherical geometry to cover the great majority of
the GP-AP distance; this permits mechanical plotting to cover the remaining small intercept
distance. The accuracy of locating point A in the above figures is dependent only on the
tiny error in approximating the great-circle intercept distance as a rhumb line (i.e., a straight
line on a Mercator map) over small distances. In practice this error is always negligible, as
demonstrated in Exercise 3.5 in Chapter 13.
Another error arises from the divergence of the straight-line LOP from the true curved
LOP. This depends on the distance along the LOP from the tangent point, A, compared to
the curvature of the LOP. For altitudes less than about 75°, the curvature of the LOP is
small enough that this discrepancy is acceptable. And the curvature of the LOP is even less
for lesser altitudes. For example, with a 80° altitude, a point along the straight-line LOP 60
nm from the point of tangency lies 3.0 nm from the true LOP. But if the altitude is reduced
to 75°, and the distance along the LOP reduced to 15 nm, the error drops to only 0.1 nm.
This is the justification of the straight-line approximation for altitudes that aren't too great.
Figure 3.4 The straight-line approximation to the true LOP. The ship lies near,
but not exactly on the approximate LOP.
We can see from Figure 3.4 that this error in the straight-line approximation lessens as
the AP approaches the ship's actual position. So it's natural to use the ship's estimated
position for the AP, as is usually done in direct calculation methods. Many tabular methods
use whole degrees of latitude and LHA in order to permit tables of reasonable size. This
whole-degree limitation can increase the intercept distance by as much as 40 miles. Even
so, the error in approximating this larger intercept distance by a rhumb line is still quite
We'll make different choices for the AP, depending on circumstances. For example,
using estimates of factors such as speed, course, and drift to plot our current position is
called dead reckoning, DR. We might select an AP latitude and longitude in whole degrees
nearest to our DR position in order to make calculations easier, plotting easier, or less
confusing (as in a two- or three-body fix). Or, as we'll see in Chapter 10, we can have an
occasion to use an AP that is completely unrelated to our current DR position. In all cases
it's important to remember the distinction between the DR position and the AP. The DR
position is an estimate of our current location. The AP is a reference point of our choice,
specifying where we want to compute a section of the celestial LOP. In selecting the AP,
we assume nothing.
When Captain Sumner first plotted his three points from three different assumed
latitudes, he seemed to be surprised that they fell on a straight line. That revelation is
curious because it should have been obvious to contemporary mathematicians, such as
Nathaniel Bowditch, that over short distances the small-circle LOP would plot as a straight
line at any reasonable scale. Nevertheless, because Captain Sumner seems to have been the
first to realize this fact, the straight-line LOP approximation is sometimes called the Sumner
line. He published his result in 1843, six years after his discovery. Eight years later he was
committed to an insane asylum, where he spent his remaining 26 years. It's never been
reported that his mental state was due to practicing celestial navigation.

Why St. Hilaire?

We have seen that chart size, chart scale, and large GP-observer distances are not the
problem in plotting celestial LOPs. Using a plotting variable and sufficient calculations, an
LOP can easily be plotted exactly—with no assumptions and no approximations. Sumner's
use of three latitudes to calculate three points on the LOP is an example. Indeed, we could
use Sumner's method to compute just two points and connect them with a straight line to
get an approximate LOP. That's exactly the same amount of work as calculating the two
equations in the St. Hilaire method.
So then, why St. Hilaire? The answer is, the St. Hilaire method is insensitive to
problems that plague other methods that use only two solutions to the navigation triangle.
The Sumner method runs into problems with LOPs of certain orientations. For example, a
selected parallel of latitude might not even intersect the LOP, giving no solution at all. See
Exercise 1.24. On the other hand, the Bx plotting method is robust, but it requires solving at
least five equations, two for each of two points’ latitude and longitude for the straight-line
LOP, plus a fifth to specify where to start the plot. St. Hilaire accomplishes all we need
with just two solutions.

In Summary

The St. Hilaire method selects a reference point, the AP, in the area of interest, usually near
the ship and the true LOP. It combines this point's longitude with the sun's GHA to get the
LHA. Then it takes this LHA, the sun's declination, and the AP's latitude to calculate HC
and Zn. The difference between HC and the observed sextant altitude HO measured in
minutes of arc becomes the intercept distance in nautical miles. Finally, the bearing to the
sun is plotted on a chart at the AP position, and the intercept distance is stepped off either
toward or away from the GP, depending on whether HO is greater or less than HC. At that
point, the LOP is drawn at right angles to the azimuth. This short paragraph states the
entire St. Hilaire sight reduction method. The remainder is details: looking up altitude
corrections and the GP in the almanac, and solving the navigation triangle.



Before we can actually work up a St. Hilaire sight, we'll take a (perhaps welcomed)
interlude from the intricacies of the navigation triangle. We need to familiarize ourselves
with the Nautical Almanac in order to locate the body's GP, which is in constant motion
while we're trying to get a bead on it. Published annually since 1767, the almanac tabulates
the GHA and declination of all the celestial navigation bodies, as well as the necessary
altitude corrections to be applied to sextant readings. It is published by the U.S.
Government Printing Office, and jointly by Paradise Cay, Inc. and Celestaire, Inc. It's
widely available directly from these publishers and from marine supply stores.

The Daily Pages

We'll be using the excerpts from the almanac in Appendix C. Most of the almanac consists
of daily pages, as they are called (three days per page). For a sight reduction of the sun, we
simply look on the daily pages for the sun's declination and GHA at the date and UT hour
before the sight, and then add an increment to the GHA for the sight's extra minutes past
the tabulated hour. This increment simply accounts for the earth's rotation of one degree in
four minutes (360° in 24 hours). A convenient table at the back of the almanac, called
Increments and Corrections, gives these additional degrees and minutes to add to the GHA.
Later on, we'll use these pages for the moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the first
point of Aries (a reference point discussed later), used to determine the GHA of stars. In
some cases, we'll need an interpolation factor, called v, used for interpolating the GHA for
the moon and planets. Similarly, another factor, called d, is used for interpolating the
declination of the sun, moon, and planets. All together, these tables give the GHA and
declination for every second of UT to the nearest 0.1’ of arc. The extraction of the
declination and GHA data from the almanac will be discussed in more detail in the
individual sight reductions that follow.
Of less interest, the daily pages also list supplemental data, such as the Local Mean
Times (LMT) of sunrise, sunset, twilight, moonrise, and moonset at the Greenwich
meridian for various latitudes. The sun's equation of time, the time of meridian passage of
the sun and moon, and their semidiameters are also included.

The Altitude Corrections

Three altitude corrections must be applied to the sextant altitude to get the observed
altitude (HO). These are discussed in more detail in Chapter 9. The first correction, the
index correction, is not listed in the almanac because it depends on the individual sextant
whose arc normally doesn't read exactly zero at zero altitude. The next two corrections are
listed in the beginning of the almanac on page A2, and on a special tear-out card that can be
used as a handy bookmark. The first of these is the dip correction, which is due to looking
past the true horizon because the observer's eye is above sea level. This means the sextant
altitude is always too great, so this correction is always subtracted. The index and dip
corrections are applied to the sextant altitude (HS) to give the apparent altitude (HA ).
The correction applied to HA to give HO is the altitude correction (sometimes called the
main correction). For the sun and the moon, it consists of two parts: the effect of refracting
(bending) light in the atmosphere and the body's semidiameter. The almanac conveniently
combines these two effects into just one correction. The sun's altitude correction is listed
on the left side of the almanac's page A2. The stars and planets are listed separately
because their semidiameter is not needed in the altitude correction, which in their case only
includes the effects of refraction. Additional tables, for correcting HA to HO for altitudes
below 10° for the sun, stars, and planets, are on page A3. Because the moon is so close to
the earth, a separate table, on page xxxiv, must be used to correct lunar altitudes to get HO.
We'll see how to use this almanac data as we discuss the individual sight reductions;
further description of the tables and their use is given in the almanac. The almanac is also
very handy for learning about navigational astronomy from a careful study of its data, as
we encourage you to do via the exercise set in Chapter 13. For now, we'll concentrate on
the essentials of sight reduction.



We're now equipped to work up sights. First we'll address sun sights, then we'll explain the
slight modifications required to treat all the other navigational bodies. A sight reduction has
four distinct components: (1) applying altitude corrections, (2) obtaining the declination and
GHA from the almanac, and finding the LHA from the AP longitude, (3) solving the
navigation triangle for HC and Zn, and (4) plotting the LOP from the intercept distance and
azimuth. Since the last step is rather perfunctory, we'll concentrate on the first three. And
of the first three tasks, computing HC and Zn contains the biggest mystery for most
beginners. So we'll treat it in detail using two different methods: first by looking up HC and
Zn in sight reduction tables, then by direct computation using a handheld calculator.
In either case, the St. Hilaire method requires obtaining the altitude and azimuth of a
celestial body from the body's declination and GHA, using the AP's latitude and longitude.
The longitude is added (observing its sign) to the GHA, yielding the LHA. Thus the three
inputs to the triangle problem are the latitude, declination, and LHA. Whether from tables
or by direct calculation, the solutions originate from the same relatively simple equations.
Using tables, we look up somebody else's solutions; using the calculator, we calculate them
ourselves. First we'll discuss using H.O. 249 tables, then the H.O. 229 tables, and finally
the calculator. The United Kingdom's version of H.O. 249 is Nautical Publication NP 303
(also called Air Publication AP 3270), and the equivalent to H. O. 229 is their Nautical
Publication NP 401.

Using Inspection Tables

The sight reduction tables list solutions (for altitude and azimuth), with H.O. 249 and H.O.
229 functioning nearly the same. Both tables tabulate all three inputs (latitude, declination,
and LHA) to whole degrees; this limits the otherwise unfeasible number of entries to a
useable size. This works perfectly with the St. Hilaire method, which allows flexibility in
selecting the AP: The AP latitude can be selected in whole degrees, and the AP longitude
can be selected to make the LHA whole degrees. But there's no such freedom for the
declination, so we're left with the necessity of interpolating the tabulated altitude and
azimuth for the declination minutes between its tabulated whole degrees. In practice, the
major difference in the two tables is that H.O. 249 was developed for air navigation,
tabulating to 1.0´, while H.O. 229 was developed for marine navigation, tabulating to 0.1´
of arc. Sight Reduction Tables H.O. 249 are published in three volumes. Volume I is for the
major navigation stars, while volumes II and III are for the solar system bodies, the sun,
moon, and planets. This means that volumes II and III only include declinations up to 29°.
So they can't be used for stars with larger declinations. For our sun-sight examples we'll use
Volume II (see Appendix D), which covers latitudes 0° to 40°. There's more discussion on
the tables in Chapters 11 and 12.

The Worksheet

Introducing a worksheet to formally organize our work will aid the explanation, and help
avoid mistakes. Some navigators view them with a condescending eye, but I see them as a
neat solution to the organization task. They remind us of the required steps, allowing us to
focus on the more interesting aspects of navigation. In practical experience, many
navigators jot down data as if they were using a worksheet when they are not. They
probably learned by using worksheets—and they benefited from it.

Figure 5.1 A sun sight reduction worksheet using direct calculation.

We'll start with a simple worksheet that is limited to sun sights, and then in the next
chapter introduce a universal worksheet, good for all sights. Blank copies of these
worksheets are available in Appendix E. Figure 5.1 shows a blank worksheet for a sun shot
to be worked up with sight reduction tables (either H.O. 249 or H.O. 229). Reducing a
sight is as easy as filling in this simple worksheet. The worksheet is partitioned off to reflect
the three tasks mentioned above: The top-right block contains the three sextant corrections
discussed in the previous chapter. The left and right blocks second from the bottom contain
the almanac declination and GHA data along with the LHA calculation. And the bottom two
blocks contain the solution of the navigation triangle, the HC and intercept calculation being
on the left, the azimuth calculation on the right.

Figure 5.2 The sun sight reduction using H.O. 249.

Now we'll fill in this worksheet with an example of an afternoon sun sight on the Great
Bahama Banks, just west of Andros Island. On 10 May 2005, at DR position N24° 17´,
W78° 29´, we observed the sun's lower limb to the west at an altitude of 59° 33.1´ at
19:18:39 UT. The eye height above sea level was 8.5 feet. The sextant index correction is
The completed worksheet is shown in Figure 5.2. The top three shaded items indicate
the data used to enter the reduction tables. The bottom two shaded values are our final
result, the intercept and azimuth. The worksheet is not completed in a sequential left-to-
right, top-down fashion, as we would read. Rather, it's filled in as we collect the various
required items, letting the worksheet provide the organization. First, in the upper left-hand
block of the worksheet, we enter the lower limb of the sun, the time and date. At the same
time, we write in the DR latitude and longitude in the next block below.

Altitude Corrections

Since the altitude corrections are completely independent of the rest of the sight reduction,
they can be done at any time. I usually do them next. Looking at the almanac excerpts in
Appendix C, you can verify the dip and altitude corrections shown in the upper right-hand
corner of the worksheet. (For the altitude corrections, we'll maintain the 0.1´ precision
that's listed in the almanac and provided on many sextants.)

The GHA and Declination

Now with the almanac still in hand, turning to the daily pages for 10 May 2005 (see
Appendix C again), looking down the left-hand column (of the right-hand page) for the sun
at 19 hours, and finding GHA = 105° 54.5´, enter that in the middle right-hand block of the
And while your finger is still on the 19-hour row, read off the declination of N17° 47.9´,
which we mentally interpolate for the 18 min 39 sec past the hour. Since we're now only
working to one minute of arc, we'll interpolate the almanac's tabulated declination to the
nearest whole minute: The hourly declination change, listed at the bottom of the sun's
column (appearing as d 0.6´), is used to decide between rounding the 47.9´ portion of the
tabulated declination down to 47´ or up to 48´. In the present case, 18 minutes past the
hour is roughly one-third of an hour, so the declination changes roughly a third of the
hourly 0.6´ increment, or 0.2´. Thus 48´ is the closest whole minute of declination. So we
enter N17° 48´ on the worksheet.
Before putting down the almanac, turn to the 18-minute page of the Increments and
Correction table in the back (Appendix C). This table gives the adjustment to the GHA for
the minutes and seconds past the hour (“m s” on the worksheet). Then, looking down the
left-hand column for the extra 39 seconds, find 4° 39.8´ in the column labeled Sun and
Planets. Write this 4° 39.8´ in the middle right-hand block on the worksheet right under the
GHA. Now close the almanac and set it aside—we're finished with it.
Next, from the DR latitude of N24° 17´ in our example, we pick an AP latitude of N24°
for the nearest whole-degree to the DR's latitude, and enter it in the left-hand side of the


Next, add the tabulated GHA to its minute and seconds adjustment, then combine the GHA
and the DR longitude to get the LHA. As we saw in Equation 2.1, add east longitudes to
the GHA and subtract west longitudes from the GHA to get the LHA, as the E+ and W– on
the worksheet remind us. If the sum exceeds 360°, subtract 360° from it. If the difference
is negative, add 360° to it.

The Sketch

At this point, to keep the big picture in mind, I highly recommend making a sketch of the
navigation triangle, scaled to the particular sight. In Figure 5.3 you see such a sketch drawn
appropriate to this sight. The DR is roughly at the right place with a latitude 24° north of
the equator; the sun is drawn in a bit lower, representing its 17° declination. Likewise, the
DR's longitude and the sun's GHA are drawn in proper relationship with the sun west of the
DR (because its GHA is 110° while the DR's longitude is only W78°) with a LHA that looks
like 32°. The sketch immediately shows that the DR longitude should be subtracted from
the sun's GHA to get the LHA, agreeing with the (E+, W−) reminder on the worksheet.
Also, we verify that the azimuth is to the west, which surely the navigator would be aware
of when the shot was taken. These sketches keep the big picture in mind and help us to
avoid catastrophic mistakes.

Figure 5.3 A sketch of the sun sight, drawn roughly to scale. With the LHA less
than 180°, the GP lies west of the AP, and Zn = 360° − Z.

Using H.O. 249 Tables

Now we're ready for H.O. 249. Since the computed altitude is going to be interpolated for
declination, the declination is always entered in the tables as the whole degree part of the
actual declination found in the almanac. So instead of entering the table with N17° 48´ for
declination, we enter with N17°.
Thus we enter H.O. 249 (see Appendix D) with the arguments Lat = N24°, Dec =
N17°, and LHA = 32°. Being careful to look in the Latitude-Same-Name-as-Declination
section (because both are north in our example), we find HC = 59° 18´, d = +18´, and Z =
97°. On the worksheet we enter the altitude of 59° 18´ as HTAB, the tabulated value,
because it's not yet the calculated value corresponding to our declination.
Consequently, HTAB is next interpolated to the actual value of declination. Interpolation
tables are provided (see H.O. 249, Table 5, Appendix D), but I think it's just as easy to do
it yourself (well, only if you have a calculator handy). The d-interpolation factor is just the
difference between tabulated altitude for 17° declination and for 18° declination. (You can
verify this by inspecting the table.) So we add to HTAB the fraction that it changes as the
declination increases from 17° to 17° 48´. Thus the correction is +18´ x (48´/60´) = +14´,
as shown in Figure 5.2, where we've used the bottom right-hand block as a workspace.
Then we carry the +14´ correction to the bottom-left block for addition to HTAB, giving HC
= 59° 32´. Since HO is greater than HC, the intercept is toward.
Although the d-correction is positive in this example, it can be negative. That is,
increasing declination produces a decreasing HC. The sign of d is indicated in the tables,
which you can also tell by inspecting the values of HTAB versus declination.
In the bottom-right corner is the azimuth treatment. The azimuth angle Z in the tables
is not the azimuth from true north, but simple rules for converting Z to Zn are conveniently
given at the top and bottom of the left-hand side of each page in the tables. In this case,
you find in the tables that Zn = 360° − Z because the LHA is less than 180° and the latitude
is north. This azimuth angle Z is an auxiliary angle used to simplify the inspection tables.
(We'll see later that direct computation uses a different auxiliary angle, called A. Both are
simply related to Zn, the azimuth from true north, but by different rules. For interested
readers, more detail is also given in Chapter 12.)
Just as with the tabulated altitude, we must also interpolate the tabulated azimuth angle
Z for declination. But because we only determine Z to one degree, we can interpolate
mentally: The table shows that as the declination increases from 17° to 18°, Z drops two
degrees from 97° to 96° to 95°. The middle value of 96° corresponds to a 17° 30´
declination. But our 17° 48´ declination is closer to 18°, so we pick its corresponding Z of
95°. It might seem that we're being too picky by interpolating the azimuth. But at times the
difference in azimuth between consecutive declination entries can be ten degrees, leading to
appreciable error in the LOP if this interpolation is omitted. Always check the Z tabulated at
the next higher degree of declination.
It just remains to plot the intercept toward the sun in the Zn direction and draw the
LOP at that point, at right angles to the intercept, as shown in Figure 5.4. If you know your
position at the time of the sight, you can compare the two by plotting them on a chart to
see how well they agree. However, when using direct computation, to simplify practice you
can use the known position (from the GPS, for example) as the AP position, avoiding the
extra plotting step. Then the intercept distance would ideally be zero. Any departure from
zero is a measure of the sight quality. Under ideal conditions, an experienced navigator will
usually agree with the known position to within one nautical mile. Under average
conditions, expect differences of one to three miles. However, this GPS comparison can't
be done with tables because they restrict the AP latitude and longitude to integer degrees. In
that case, you need to plot the AP and LOP on a chart and then compare the LOP to your
GPS position.

Figure 5.4 A plot of the azimuth and intercept for our sun sight example.

Using H.O. 229 Tables

Sight Reduction Tables H.O. 229 are published in six volumes, each covering 15° of
latitude. We use Volume II, covering 15° to 30° latitude, in our examples (excerpts are in
Appendix D). Because H.O. 249 was designed for air navigation, it's tabulated to only one
minute, implying it's accurate to the nearest minute (an accuracy of ±0.5´). Similarly, with
its values tabulated to 0.1´, H.O. 229 seems to imply ten times the accuracy, i.e., to the
nearest 0.1´ (or ±0.05´). Unfortunately, that's not the case at all. The best H.O. 229 can do
is ±0.2´, which, compared to H.O. 249's ±0.5´ accuracy, is only marginally better. The
price paid for higher accuracy is twofold: First we have to interpolate the almanac's data for
the hourly change in the body's declination. And second, fortunately only in some cases,
we must use a double interpolation to achieve the full accuracy of the tables.
The declination interpolation is rather easy: While looking at the almanac's daily page
for 10 May 2005, at the bottom of the almanac's sun column you'll find the hourly change
in declination where it says d 0.6´. Write the 0.6´ increment next to the declination on the
worksheet (as shown in Figure 5.5), observing that it's positive because the sun is
increasing toward the summer solstice, which can be verified by observing the increasing
declinations in the almanac.
Then while you're looking at the 18-minute page of the Increments and Correction table
in the back (Appendix C) to get the adjustment for the 39 seconds, look across to the right
in the column labeled v/d corrn. There you'll find that our d-value of 0.6 indicates a
declination correction of 0.2´. This correction is written on the worksheet as +0.2 because
the declination is increasing. So add this 0.2 to the 17° 47.9´ declination to get the 17° 48.1´
shown on the left side of the worksheet.
The second-order interpolation of H.O. 229, called a double second difference (DSD) is
more complicated: but it's only necessary in some cases at high altitudes (above about 60°).
When the DSD correction is required, the tables show a dot next to the d-interpolation
factor. You will find this dot by scanning the HC column in the tables under the high altitude
conditions, such as at small LHAs and nearly equal latitudes and declinations. The
introduction to H.O. 229 gives instructions for applying the DSD correction using
interpolation tables provided. Even when the indicated DSD corrections are made, the
accuracy can drop to ±0.3´. For practicing sight reduction, you might simply avoid this
complication by checking the table before the observation at the expected altitude to see if
the DSD interpolation will be required. Or you can just accept the loss of accuracy in these
rare cases. The DSD corrected altitude is always better than the 1.0´ accuracy of H.O. 249.
Without the second-order interpolation, the two tables function practically the same, but
they have their arguments ordered differently: H.O. 229 has LHA page headings,
declination in rows, and latitude in columns; H.O. 249 has latitude page headings, LHA in
rows, and declination in columns. (See Appendix D for the H.O. 229 excerpt.) This
arrangement means that for the azimuth interpolation you look in the row below, whereas
in H.O. 249 we looked in the column to the right of the table entry. Figure 5.5 shows that
the sight reduction is nearly identical to the reduction of Figure 5.2, which used H.O. 249.
The only difference is the declination interpolation and all work carried out to tenths of
Figure 5.5 Sun sight reduction with H.O. 229.

Using Direct Computation

With the advent of the first digital computers in 1936, the U.S. Hydrographic Office
published the first precomputed sight reduction tables, H.O. 214. These were called
inspection tables because one simply looks up the altitude and azimuth for a given latitude,
declination, and LHA (as opposed to dealing with logarithms). Later H.O. 249 followed in
1947 for air navigation, and the more precise H.O. 229 was produced for marine use.
Now in this GPS age, with the widespread use of handheld calculators, programmable
calculators, computers, and spread sheets, many navigators are abandoning these tables in
favor of doing their own calculations. There are advantages and disadvantages to each
approach, as discussed in Chapter 11. It's a personal choice. But it's nice to learn and
practice both methods, preferably never settling for just one. Advantages of direct
computation include better accuracy, no required interpolation, and the freedom to use your
DR position as the AP. And this comes about with relatively simple equations. Writing L for
latitude and d for declination, the equations giving HC and Zn are:

sin HC = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA (5.1a)

cos A = (sin d – sin L sin HC) / (cos L cos HC) (5.1b)

where A is an azimuth angle playing the role of the Z azimuth angle used in tables. But
although A and Z are the same in the northern hemisphere, they are different in the
southern hemisphere, see Chapter 12 for details. The rules to get Zn from A are simple:

if the LHA is greater than 180°, Zn = A,

if the LHA is less than 180°, Zn = 360° − A.

Readers not familiar with trig functions shouldn't be scared off by these equations.
(They are really applications of the same triangle relationship. The second equation is just a
relabeling of the triangle sides and angles, now solved for cos A. See Appendix A.) We'll
discuss the use of the simplest handheld scientific (meaning they have trig functions)
calculator. Those not familiar with calculators will want to look at the detailed discussion in
Appendix B on using handheld scientific calculators for direct computation. There we show
how to use a calculator at a purely mechanical level, reading our equations as a series of
instructions, simply telling us which buttons to press on a calculator. Viewed in this way,
using equations is as simple as looking up numbers in tables. Anyone can do it.
Our approach is to store L, d, and LHA in memory locations, numbered one though
three respectively, immediately after the required conversion from degrees and minutes to
decimal degrees. By using this storage sequence we look upon Equation 5.1a as a set of
keystroke instructions by writing it in the form

sin HC = sin [1] sin [2] + cos [1] cos [2] cos [3] (5.2a)

where [1] means to recall memory number one, where the latitude is stored; [2] means to
recall memory number two, where the declination is stored; and [3] means to recall
memory number three, where the LHA is stored. Then after multiplying out and adding the
sines and cosines on the right-hand side, the inverse-sine button gives HC. After we
calculate HC, we immediately store it in location [3], reusing that location in preparation for
the azimuth equation, which now reads

cos A = (sin[2] − sin[1] sin[3]) / (cos[1] cos[3]) (5.2b)

Figure 5.6 The sun sight reduction worksheet using direct calculation.
Then similarly using this form as another keystroke reminder, we compute A, and then
find Zn from azimuth rules given along with Equation 5.1b. Using the three memory
locations saves reentering L, d, and HC multiple times (and most inexpensive calculators
only have three memory locations). We'll see more details and nuances of the method as
we present actual examples of sight reductions.
Figure 5.6 shows our previous sun shot worked up with a worksheet designed for
calculator use, having reminders of the equations and their use. Blank copies of this
worksheet are available in Appendix E. Of course, the only departure from our worksheet
for tables is obtaining HC and Zn from the latitude, declination and LHA. All the other
blocks in the worksheet are the same.
First note the icons STO[1], STO[2], and STO[3] that remind us to store the preceding
values into memories [1] through [3] for subsequent calculation of HC and azimuth angle A.
At the top of the bottom two blocks we find the altitude and azimuth angle equations in
calculator format telling what buttons to press (you don't need to know more than that).

Calculator Details

Taking the calculator in hand and looking at the worksheet, convert the latitude, declination,
and LHA from degrees and minutes to decimal degrees before storing each one of them
into memory. (The calculator function that converts degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal-
degrees, the DMS → DD key, isn't useful because celestial navigation uses decimal
fractions of minutes, not seconds. So do the conversion yourself, which is really no more
work for our application.) The first conversion is for the N24° 17´ latitude. Enter the 24°
into the calculator, press +, enter the 17´, press ÷, enter 60, press =, and you have added
24° to 17´/60 to get decimal 24.283333°. Next immediately store this decimal latitude in
location [1] by pressing the store key followed by the number 1. The STO[1] icon in the
latitude line of the worksheet is a reminder. In principle there is no reason to write down the
decimal value as shown on the worksheet, except for checking possible errors later on.
Next convert the declination and the LHA, storing them in memories [2] and [3]
respectively. Notice that this procedure avoids entering long decimal values, which are
susceptible to data-entry errors. Remember to negate southern latitudes and declinations
using the +/− key, just before the store operation.
Next, using the reminder equations on the worksheet, execute the keystrokes we
discussed (also see Appendix B) to compute HC followed immediately by storing HC into
memory [3]. Then convert HC back to degrees and tenths of minutes. Do this by
subtracting the 59° from the 59.43155 appearing in the display, and then multiplying by 60
to get minutes, rounding it off to the nearest tenth-minute when you write HC on the
worksheet. Then compute the angle A (again see Appendix B if necessary), and using the
azimuth rules on the worksheet write down Zn. Since HO is greater than HC, the difference
gives an intercept distance of 7.3 nm toward the sun's GP. (Notice that the intercept is
different than in the same previous sight example because we are now using a different
This completes the sight reduction. It might seem complicated at first because we've
given a lot of details, including calculator nuances, that will soon become second nature.
With a little practice it will become infinitely simpler than it first appears. In fact, it's so
simple, it will fit on a 4x6 card and take less than ten minutes.
There's a whole spectrum of computers that can be used to solve Equations 5.1 for
altitude and azimuth, from calculators, to PCs, to the Internet. In fact, at first you might
prefer to use the NGA website's celestial navigation computer (see the bibliography in
Appendix K) for armchair introductory practice. That way you can learn different
components of sight reduction separately, concentrating first on the big picture.

Four Examples of Sun Sights

Now you're ready to practice sun-sights. Here are four examples you can work with the
almanac excerpts in Appendix C. Calculate the intercept distance (toward or away) and the
true azimuth. You can work them using tables H.O. 249, H.O. 229, or a calculator, or for
an easy start you might even use the online calculators at the government websites listed in
Appendix K. If you use direct computation, still take the AP latitude and the LHA to be the
nearest whole degree so that you can compare your results with our discussion in the
following pages where you'll find workups of these four sights, using all three methods. If
all these numbers make you uncomfortable, read the beginning of Chapter 13 for a
recommended easy entry into practicing celestial navigation. When you've mastered these
exercises, you'll be well on your way to being a celestial navigator.
Northwest of Hawaii your DR position on 11 May 2005, UT 00h 19m39s , was
estimated to be N24° 13´, W153° 21´. An observation of the sun's lower limb, bearing
westward, gave 59° 26.9´ with an index correction of – 3.2´. Your eye height above sea
level was 10.3 ft.
Northwest of Brisbane on 12 May 2005, UT 03h18m 13s , your DR position was S24°
15´, E161° 42´. Looking to the northwest, you observed an altitude of 37° 45.3´ for the
sun's lower limb. The index correction was − 1.3´ and eye height 8.5 ft.
Southeast of the Canary Islands at UT 11h18m03s on 10 May 2005, with an estimated
DR position of N23° 41´, W22° 54´, an index correction of + 2.4´, and an eye height of
21.3 feet, you observed the sun bearing eastward with an upper limb altitude of 59° 40.5´.
About 200 miles west of West Australia on 11 May 2005 at UT 02h 19m55s your first
mate estimated the ship's DR position at S23° 44´, E111° 51´. The sun's lower limb altitude
was 37° 41.5´ to the northeast, with an index correction of −2.9´ and a height of eye at
15.2 feet.
Listed below are the workups of the above four practice sun-sights. The workups are
shown in the H.O. 249 format, but results are given for all three methods. The associated
recommended sketches for the sights are shown in Figure 5.7, where we've labeled the
LHA and the azimuth Zn. Remember that the calculator azimuth rules are different than the
ones listed in the tables, because the azimuth angles A and Z are different. In each method
we've rounded off Zn to the nearest degree, the practical limit of plotting precision. Note in
each sketch that the altitude and the actual azimuth seen by the navigator agree, giving
some assurance that a huge goof hasn't occurred. These sketches help to keep the big
picture in mind as opposed to just following rote instructions. We've used the same AP
position for all three methods so that their results can be compared. But of course, in actual
practice, the direct calculation method normally uses the DR position for the AP. Some
advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed in Chapter 11.
Figure 5.7 Sketches of the four sun-sight examples.
Northwest of Hawaii: The workup of this sight, shown below, with H.O. 249 gives HC
= 59° 33´ and Zn = 265°. Using interpolated declination of N17° 51.3´, H.O. 229 gives HC
= 59° 33.2´ and Zn = 265°. Direct computation gives HC = 59° 33.4´ and Zn = 265°. They
all agree within the expected accuracies. The difference between the exact calculated
altitude (using eight decimal digits) and H.O. 229 (the 33.2´ compared to the 33.4´)
demonstrates the ±0.2´ limitation of H.O. 229 when using simple first-order interpolation,
even though DSD interpolation isn't indicated in this case.

Northeast of Brisbane: Entering H.O. 229 with an interpolated declination of 18° 8.5´
gives HC = 37° 33.5´ with Zn = 321°. Direct computation also gives HC = 37° 33.5´ and Zn
= 321°. Note that the east AP longitude adds to the GHA to run over 360°, but is reduced
by that amount to the integer 32° for use in the tables.
Southeast of the Canary Islands: Interpolated declination from the almanac is 17° 42.9´.
Using H.O. 229 gives HC = 59° 30.7´ with Zn = 96°. Direct calculation gives HC = 59° 30.9
´ and Zn = 96°. Here again, H.O. 229 demonstrates its lack of 0.1´ accuracy when using
the simple first-order interpolation. This verifies that H.O. 229 using only first order
interpolation at ±0.2´ accuracy is not really much better than H.O. 249 with its ±0.5´

West of Australia: Declination interpolated from the almanac for this UT is 17° 52.6´.
Here H.O. 229 gives HC = 37° 46.0´ and Zn = 40°. Direct calculation shows HC = 37° 46.1
´ and Zn = 40°.

Why all the fuss about precision? Yes, you can have a lot of fun with celestial
navigation, and even rely on it in certain emergency situations, without thinking much about
accuracy. But accuracy is important for selecting the sight reduction method appropriate to
individual needs and circumstances, for evaluating a navigator's skill, and for cross-
checking the GPS. We have discussed precision because it's an important distinction among
the three methods, varying from 1.0´ to 0.1´. If a cavalier one-minute precision were used
for all seven additions and subtractions in a sight reduction, and ±0.5´ errors all
accumulated in the same direction, the result would suffer a 3.5-mile error. Even when the
navigator is being careful, almanac data, altitude corrections, sextant calibration, and timing
can easily contribute a 0.2´ error each. (Although the almanac is tabulated to 0.1´, it's only
accurate to from 0.2´ to 0.3´.) Thus the accumulation of these uncertainties, exclusive of
the sight reduction itself, can well exceed one mile. See Chapter 10 for more detail. It's the
individual navigator's decision whether to compound these errors with unnecessary error
from the sight reduction. Many navigators find an immense satisfaction from learning and
practicing celestial navigation that transcends open-water requirements. One doesn't shoot
at a target without aiming for the bull's-eye.
We've discussed these three methods for both comparison and completeness, believing
it's best to get the details straight in the beginning. These sun-sight reductions form the basis
for all the sight reductions that follow. Once you thoroughly understand these examples,
you have a couple of options. You can read on through the following chapters learning
more sight reductions.
Or since you now fully understand sun sights, you might prefer to pause and practice
your own sun shots, gaining confidence and satisfaction. Of course, you'll need a sextant,
current almanac, watch, and calculator or tables. Armed with these essentials of celestial
navigation, first read the section in Chapter 9 on Sextant Checks and Adjustments and the
following one on Sextant Observations. Next read the beginning of Chapter 13 for ideas on
starting practice. Then go to the nearest horizon (natural or artificial) where you know the
exact latitude and longitude for checking your results, and begin your life anew—life as a
celestial navigator.


Appropriately, we've used the sun for our model celestial sight. And now, with just
minor modifications, we can treat all the other navigational bodies: four planets, 173 stars,
and the moon. Given the vicissitudes of conditions at sea, the complete celestial navigator
wants to take advantage of these additional opportunities.


The moon has unique availability. For more than half of its 28-day lunar cycle the moon is
available over large portions of the daytime or nighttime. The planets and stars suffer from
limited availability. A major problem is the visibility not of these bodies themselves, but of
the horizon. Usually, it's only during the hours of twilight, just before sunrise or just after
sunset, that they are both simultaneously visible. Venus (with a magnitude of −3.8) is the
third brightest object in the sky after the sun and the moon, so it's the easiest to see during
twilight, and can be even seen in broad daylight if you know where to look (hint:
precompute its expected altitude). Morning star and planet sights are easier than evening
ones. In the morning you can take all the time you need to locate the objects before the
horizon becomes visible. In the evening, by the time you get familiar with all the celestial
landmarks, the horizon might be dark. The actual prime viewing time can be quite limited,
depending on latitude—as short as 20 minutes at low latitudes to 24 hours near the
Antarctic and Arctic Circles during their seasons of long twilight.
Obviously, for celestial bodies to be seen, their GHA can't be too close to the sun's. A
graph in the beginning of the Nautical Almanac shows the position of the planets relative to
the sun. That is, it plots the difference between the planet's GHA and the sun's, and adds
12 hours to give the local mean time of meridian passage. The almanac also lists the
universal times of sunrise, sunset, and twilight so the navigator can compute which stars
and planets will be simultaneously observable with the horizon.
Star charts are readily available form a variety of sources, including the Nautical
Almanac and the back inside cover of this book. Later we'll discuss identifying and viewing
stars and planets. And we'll see shortly that H.O. 249, Volume I, makes a very effective
star finder, but only for seven stars at any one time. One might think that all this fuss is
contrary to one of the splendors of celestial navigation, which is learning and absorbing
nature's wonders. Just gather the necessary stargazing items: a good viewing location away
from cultural lighting, a couple of good star charts, a blanket, a bottle of wine, and a soul
mate. The rest is easy. Then with just a minimal effort in the first couple of days at sea, or
preferably the first couple of weeks before putting to sea, one can learn the position of all
the important planets and stars that will be available during your upcoming voyage. And of
course, the more one is familiar with the night sky the easier each of these “relearning”
sessions will be. Isn't that a far better approach to appreciating the world around us than
studying a bunch of tables? Why go to sea without already knowing the whereabouts of the
beacons that nature has provided for the ship's safe journey? However, even with this
intimate knowledge of the sky, under some conditions, such as haze or breaks in clouds,
star and planet identification can be difficult. In those cases, by all means, precalculate the
expected altitudes and azimuths from your estimated position so that you can readily spot
the right ones in the available time.

The Planets

The four navigation planets are Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Because each of these
executes rather different motion compared to each other and to the sun, their GPs are
tabulated individually in the Nautical Almanac. This means that their sight reduction is
practically the same as for the sun. A sample planet sight reduction is shown in Figure 6.1,
where we introduce our universal worksheet, accommodating all the navigation celestial
bodies (a blank copy is in Appendix E). The left middle side of this worksheet has free
space where we can sketch the navigation triangle for the sight.
Our planet example is from the Pacific: While eight days southwest of Hawaii and about
700 nm northwest of Christmas Island, Jupiter was observed to the east at an altitude of
39° 15.4´ in the early morning twilight of 11 May 2005 at 05h19m44s UT. The vessel's
estimated position was N5° 16´ W168° 58´. The eye height was 9.5 feet and the index
correction was +0.5´.
The sight reduction shown in Figure 6.1 uses a whole-degree AP derived from the DR
position so that it can be followed using either direct computation or sight reduction tables.
There are two very minor differences from a sun sight: First, the refraction altitude
correction is taken from a different table in the almanac, the one right next to the sun's
altitude correction table. This table differs from the sun's because it doesn't include the
sun's semidiameter and parallax correction. Also, because of the variation in earth-planet
distances during the year, there is a slight additional altitude correction (never exceeding 0.5
´) for Venus and Mars.
The other difference from a sun sight is a small adjustment to the planet's GHA. This
adjustment, called the v-correction, is handled similarly to the d-correction for the sun. The
value of v, with its sign, is taken from the bottom of the planet's GHA-declination column
in the daily pages. Then entering the v-or-d section of the Increments and Corrections
Table at the back of the almanac, the amount to be applied to the planet's declination,
honoring the sign of v, is found for that particular value of v, exactly as is done for the d-
correction. The general-purpose sight reduction worksheet has a line in the GHA calculation
to remind us to enter these v corrections for planets.

Figure 6.1 Jupiter Sight Reduction using the universal worksheet with an AP for
use with either a calculator or tables.
After we've found the LHA, we sketch the sight's navigation triangle to help us better
understand nautical astronomy and to help us avoid huge goofs. Note how the co-altitude
seems to be about 50°, and hence the altitude is about 40°. The azimuth seems right also,
somewhere around 90°. So everything makes sense, giving us confidence in our work.

The Moon

The moon's orbit about the earth gives it several unique properties relevant for navigation.
First, a full moon is seen for only about six days during the lunar month, while a partial disk
is seen in one of its phases for the remaining 12 useable days (or so). So the observer must
select the upper or lower limb to make sure that the full radius of the disk is used for the
sight. Second, on those beautiful moon-lit nights the moon's bright reflections from water-
surface wavelets can fade out short of the natural horizon, giving a depressed false horizon.
While these two considerations require some caution, they introduce only limited possible
error, and in known directions. Thus coupled with its unique day/night availability, and the
excellent LOP crossing angles the moon frequently has with the sun and stars, the navigator
shouldn't neglect or demean moon shots.
Because of the moon's close proximity to the earth, we can no longer use the
approximation that the observer is effectively at the earth's center. The error in this
approximation is called parallax, which is based on its maximum value, called horizontal
parallax (HP), as discussed in Chapter 9. At the back of the almanac there is a special two-
part altitude table for the moon that combines all three corrections: refraction, parallax, and
semidiameter (including augmentation, see Chapter 8 and Exercise 4.7). The top table is
entered with apparent altitude and gives the main correction. Then the bottom table is
entered with the HP and the second parallax correction is extracted. (There's a separate
column for the upper and lower limb.) Both corrections are always added, and 30´ is
subtracted from these two if it's an upper limb sight.
Figure 6.2 shows an example of the universal sight reduction worksheet of Appendix E
filled in with a moon sight from the Tasman Sea. The DR position was S34° 13´, E161° 43
´ at 02:19:14, on 11 May 2005, when an observation of the moon bearing northeast gave a
sextant altitude of 25° 21.6´. Eye height was nine feet and the sextant index correction was
The moon's motion relative to the earth is quite different than either the sun or the stars
and therefore requires its own listing in the almanac's daily pages. And because of this more
variable motion, both d and v corrections are given for each hour. When entering the
almanac's daily pages for the moon, simply read across the five columns, and copy onto the
sight reduction worksheet the GHA, v, the declination, d, and HP. Give d a sign
corresponding to whether the declination is increasing or decreasing. Then using the
Increments and Corrections Table at the back of the almanac, treat the v and d corrections
just as for the planets, except note that there is a separate column for the moon's
increments because its apparent daily rotation around the earth is less than the sun's. The
corrections are a bit more complicated than for the other bodies, resulting in almanac errors
that can reach 0.3´. You can confirm the whole sight reduction in Figure 6.2 by looking in
Appendices C and D, paying particular attention to corrections for d and v, and for the
moon's altitude.
Figure 6.2 A lunar sight reduction using the universal form with a calculator.
Our favorite sketch for this sight is shown on the worksheet. As in the previous
example, we have a case where the LHA is greater than 180°, making it exterior to the
navigation triangle. (The interior angle, 360° – LHA, called the meridian angle, is
conventionally labeled t.) In direct calculation it doesn't matter which angle is used: The
cosine function in the calculation of HC is insensitive to adding or subtracting 360° and even
to positive or negative LHAs (see the cosine plot in Appendix F). So it wouldn't matter if
the GHA and east longitude added up to more than 360°. We could use that number as is.
That's why the calculator rule for finding the LHA is so simple: Add east longitudes to the
GHA, and subtract west longitudes from the GHA. These nuances can save a few
calculator operations, but remember that the precomputed sight reduction tables require the
conventional LHA ranging westward from 0° to 360°.

The Stars

The sextant altitude corrections are the same for the stars as for the planets, but with no
additional corrections, such as for Mars and Venus. But their GHA is treated differently
than all the other celestial bodies. Because of their vast distance from our solar system,
they have very little apparent motion among themselves, their daily motion being entirely
due to the earth's rotation about its axis. Their GHA changes by the second because of the
earth's rotation, but the hour angles among themselves and their declinations are constant
over periods of many days. Therefore, a huge amount of almanac space can be saved by
listing the GHA of a single point among the stars, and referencing the star's hour angles to
that point, rather than to Greenwich. The vernal equinox (the point where the sun's path
crosses the equator in the spring) is chosen for that reference point, and is called the first
point of Aries because it lies in the constellation of Aries. Frequently we just call it Aries.
Sometimes the symbol γ is used for Aries.

Figure 6.3 The GHA of a star is the GHA of Aries plus the SHA of the star.
So the hour angle of a star is reckoned from Aries instead of from Greenwich. This
hour angle from Aries is called the sidereal hour angle SHA of the star. The GHA of the
star is obtained by adding its SHA to the GHA of Aries, as shown in Figure 6.3. If the sum
exceeds 360°, then 360° is subtracted from the sum. Notice that both the SHA and the
GHA of Aries are measured westward from zero to 360°.
Since both the SHA and the declination change only slowly, they are listed only once on
the daily pages for the 57 common navigation stars. (And even that is far more often than
needed, but is tabulated on each page for convenience.) The GHA of Aries is then listed by
the UT hour, and adjusted to the second with the Increments and Correction Table at the
back of the almanac. Aries has its own column in the increments table because the table is
now interpolating sidereal time rather than solar time. Because the celestial position of the
stars is so stable, there are no d- or v-interpolation corrections for them.

Star Sights by Tables or Calculator

We'll take an example of a star sight while approaching Rio de Janeiro from the south. On
12 May 2005 Sirius was observed to the west at 20h18m
Figure 6.4 A star sight reduction using the universal worksheet with either a
calculator or H. O. 249.
The sextant index correction was −4.1’ and the eye height was twelve feet.
The sight reduction is shown in Figure 6.4, using the universal worksheet of Appendix
E. The AP was selected to make both the latitude and LHA integer degrees so that the
example can be worked with either tables (Appendix D) or a calculator. As shown on the
right-hand side, the major distinguishing feature of the star reduction is the extra step of
adding the GHA of Aries to the star's SHA to get the star's GHA. Minor differences are the
absence of d and v corrections, and the altitude correction taken from the star-and-planets
table on page A2 of the almanac. The sketch of the star sight (which I always recommend)
is shown on the worksheet.
The calculated altitudes are shown in the lower left-hand block for both the calculator
results and the tabular results. The table's HC of 54° 40´, comes from the tabulated value of
54° 26´ plus the altitude's declination interpolation of 14´, as shown at the top of the lower
right-hand block. The 0.0´ intercept has no special significance—it's just another intercept,
dependant on the AP selected. Also notice the different azimuth angles, Z from the tables,
and A from the calculator, and how they're converted to true azimuth Zn differently. You
can follow this workup using the almanac excerpts from Appendix C, and tables from H.O.
229 or H.O. 249, Vol. II, in Appendix D. Or you can use a calculator. However, since H.O.
249 Volumes II and III only cover the solar body declinations from zero to 29°, they are
not intended for star sights. But H.O. 229 does cover all declinations, and H.O. 249, Vol. I,
has a simplified, although restricted, method of treating star sights.

Star Sights by H.O. 249, Volume I

Because a star's declination is essentially constant throughout the year, the solution of the
navigation triangle for a particular star depends on only two variables (rather than the
normal three): the observer's latitude and the LHA of Aries. This makes it feasible to
precompute the altitude and azimuth for a few selected stars and list the results in one
volume under the observer's latitude and the LHA of Aries. Volume I of H.O. 249 does just
that (see Appendix D, H.O. 249, Volume I). It lists seven stars selected for observability
and for good LOP crossing angles, given the latitude and LHA of Aries. The three stars
labeled with the diamond symbol have the best crossing angles for a fix. Stars in all capital
letters are the brightest (magnitude 1.5 or brighter). Because a star's availability depends on
the LHA of Aries and the observer's latitude, the selection of the seven stars changes as the
LHA and latitude change throughout the volume.
This simplification is readily apparent by using Volume I of H.O. 249 in the above
example. We simply compute the LHA of Aries as follows:

GHA of Aries 170° 41.1’ from almanac: 2000 hrs 12 May 2005

time adjustment 4° 41.8’ for 18 min and 44 sec

GHA of Aries 175° 22.9’

AP longitude −;37° 22.9’ makes Aries LHA integer degrees

LHA of Aries 138°

Then turning to Appendix D, H.O. 249, Volume I, on the Latitude-24°-South page of

Volume I under LHAγ = 138°, we find under Sirius that HC = 54° 58’ and Zn = 275°.
That's it—simple, a major advantage of star sights with H.O. 249. The resulting HC is
slightly different than in the above H.O. 229 example because it's reckoned from a slightly
different AP longitude.
This simplification of Volume I allows many star sights to be worked up on one
worksheet. Figure 6.5 shows an example of five star sights worked up using the worksheet
from Appendix E. It uses the same example from our approach to Rio de Janeiro on 12
May 2005 at DR position S23° 44´, W37° 23´. The sextants altitudes shown were shot
with an index correction of − 4.1. The height of eye was 9 ft on the leeward side of the
boat, and 12 ft on the windward side.
Note that, while the AP latitude is the same for each star, the different GHA of Aries
forces a different AP longitude for plotting their intercepts. Additionally, the resulting LHA
of Aries is not always the same for each star as you look up their HC and Zn in Volume I.
Another attractive feature of H.O. 249, Volume I, is star selection and identification. It's
pretty easy to compute the LHA of Aries for an anticipated round of stars: Look in H.O.
249 for the best ones for a fix, and then go on deck to look for them at their listed altitude
and azimuth. So Volume I offers some unique advantages, but as usual, there are
compromises. It's another book added to the celestial navigation kit, one that covers only
seven stars for each LHA and one that goes out of date. The volume is published every five
years and is useable for nine years with special corrections for the earth's precession and

Figure 6.5 The workup of five stars using the worksheet in Appendix E for H.O.
249, Vol. I.

Viewing Stars and Planets

As noted in the beginning of this chapter, the stars and planets have the advantage of
providing a true fix (essentially) among several bodies. We say “essentially“because unless
the vessel is dead in the water, small running fixes actually connect the several sights. (See
Chapter 10 for a discussion on the short-run fix.) However, many navigators neglect this
complication on vessels running under ten knots, or so.
The trade-off for this multi-body fix, selected among the navigation stars, the four
planets, and the moon, is the time window where the bodies and the horizon are
simultaneously visible. In addition to this viewing window, which can vary from just a few
minutes up to hours at extreme polar latitudes, is the problem of identifying the various
stars and planets. In this GPS age of celestial navigation we can easily take the
“earthy“approach discussed earlier, perhaps taking a few star shots as the occasion
conveniently arises. But for the navigator who wishes to conquer difficult shots, such as
through broken clouds, or wishes to pass certification exams, a more methodical approach
is called for.

Figure 6.6 Twilight locations of the sun. The almanac gives times of (A) sunrise,
sunset, (B) the darkest civil twilight, and (C) the darkest nautical twilight. These
times are the UT on the Greenwich meridian and are also the approximate Local
Mean Times (LMT) on other meridians.
The nautical almanac lists twilight, rising, and setting times in the daily pages for
predicting the best viewing window. Figure 6.6 shows the definitions of sunrise/sunset, civil
twilight, and nautical twilight. While the visibility of the stars, planets, and horizon can vary
considerably, depending on sky conditions, generally the time of best viewing is centered on
the darkest civil twilight, labeled B in the figure. At the sunset or sunrise it's generally too
bright to see the bodies, and at the darkest nautical twilight (C in figure), it's generally too
dark to see the horizon.
The times tabulated in the almanac can be used directly as the approximate LMT (local
mean time) on your meridian. Thus a quick look at the Civil Twilight Time column gives
the center of the best viewing at your latitude, mentally interpolating for latitude if you
Or if more accuracy is desired, these times can be adjusted for your DR longitude,
converted to time. Alternatively, the almanac times can be interpolated for latitude and
longitude using somewhat tedious Tables I and II on page xxxii of the almanac (not shown
in our appendices).
As an example of a detailed estimate of best viewing time, we'll consider our position
southwest of Rio de Janeiro is expected to be near S23° 44’, W37° 23’ when evening
twilight approaches on 12 May 2005. In preparation for a round of star shots, we wish to
know the UT of the best viewing conditions. First we convert our W37° 23´ longitude to
time from Greenwich. We can use the almanac Arc-to-Time table, or a calculator which
gives (recalling earth motion is 15°/hr):
Longitude to time conversion (37° + 23´/60´)/15 = 2.4922 = 2:30
Then we interpolate each of the times for our latitude south of the tabulated 20° in the
almanac: First we round off our 23° 44´ latitude to 24°. This places our latitude the fraction
4°/10° of the interval between the tabulated times of 20° and 30°. We multiply this fraction
of 0.4 by the time interval between the 20° and 30° latitudes. For example, the sunset time
interval is 33 − 17 = 16 min, giving 16 x.4 min past the 20° tabulated time of 17 hr 33 min.
So the three times are:
Sunset: 17 + (33 − 16 x 0.4) = 17:27
Civil twilight: 17 + (56 − 14 x 0.4) = 17:50
Nautical twilight: 18 + (23 − 12 x 0.4) = 18:18
Each of these three events occurs 2:30 later at our longitude. In particular, the middle of
the good viewing window is at: 17:50 UT at Greenwich, plus the 2:30 later, gives 20:20 UT
at our DR longitude.

Identifying Stars and Planets

You can learn to identify stars using any of a wide variety star charts, such as the simple
one inside the back cover of this book, to sophisticated devices that are almost home
planetariums. One extreme example is a hand-held telescope called the Sky Scout, which
uses an internal GPS receiver, magnetic compass, and gravity sensor to tell where it's
pointed and therefore what star you're looking at (and it even talks to you).
One simple approach starts with the handy diagram from the Nautical Almanac on its
page 9, which for a given date, shows the Local Mean Time (LMT) of meridian passage of
the sun and five planets (See Figure 6.7). The straight dashed diagonal lines, sloping
downward to the right across the diagram, show the Sidereal Hour Angle (SHA) on the
meridian at the selected date and time. Note that the sun line (solid line near 1200 LMT),
which represents actual solar time, is always near local noon, but at times can lead or lag
LMT by about 15 minutes, representing difference between mean solar time and actual
solar time (called the equation of time). The shaded band, centered on the sun line,
represents the time that planets are too near the sun for observation. A lot can be learned
and appreciated from this diagram. For example, checking the slope of the SHA lines over
one month shows that a given SHA occurs on the same meridian two hours earlier, making
up 24 hours per year. That is, the stars rise one day earlier over a year's time, because the
sidereal year is one day shorter than the solar year see (Exercise 2.2).
Figure 6.7 The planet diagram from the almanac, showing times of meridian
crossings (shown also in Appendix C).
The SHA information from this planet diagram can make the star chart inside the back
cover more useful. First look at the almanac's diagram for the date and time of interest to
find the SHA on your meridian. Then look at our back-cover star chart keeping in mind
which point is directly overhead (on your zenith) at that time: the SHA from the almanac's
chart is on your meridian, and the declination of the overhead point is equal to your
latitude. Now the portion of the sky that is within your field of view is a hemisphere,
centered on your zenith (on a clear unobstructed night). This gives a good idea of what to
expect when you start sky gazing.
Figure 6.8 The star chart showing our expected hemispherical view of the night
sky centered on our zenith at S24° and SHA 220°. The horizontal and vertical
scales differ. The view is to the south, making the east to the left and the west to
the right.
And an even better picture emerges when we consider where the horizon will be.
Consider for example, that when we were southwest of Rio de Janeiro 12 May 2005, at
position S24° W37°, we found that our best viewing was centered around 1748 LMT, call
it 1800. Entering our almanac's 2005 planet chart with this date and time, we locate our
zenith's SHA at 220°. Then moving to the star chart we plot our zenith at SHA 220° and
declination S24°, corresponding to our latitude. Mark this zenith (with a pencil) as shown in
Figure 6.8. Then sketch in a 180° by 180° ellipse, representing the visible hemisphere, by
measuring off the star chart, using the scales appropriate for each axis. Now the zenith with
its horizon, shown in the figure as a thick hazy ellipse, gives us a pretty fair picture of what
to expect at viewing time.
Viewing the chart as shown in the figure, we're looking south with east to our left and
west to our right. North is at the top. To coordinate this sky chart with the vast hemisphere
of outside open sky, turn the chart so that the direction you're facing is at its bottom: facing
east, the left-hand side goes to the bottom, facing north, hold it upside down, facing west,
hold the chart's right-hand side to the bottom.
For example, we see Alphard nearly overhead, due north just a bit (about 15°). On our
meridian about 35° to the north, we see Leo, with its navigation stars Denebola, and
Regulus just slightly east of north. And about 50° to the southeast lies the Southern Cross,
Crux. To the northwest at 50° (about 40° altitude) we see Orion with its easily identifiable
stars. The great arc of Capella, Pollux, Procyon, and Sirius (the brightest star in the sky)
lies just to the east of Orion. But judging from the arc distance on the chart, it looks like
Cappella is very near the horizon.
On the opposite end of the big picture scale is the tiny picture of precomputing
individual star altitudes and azimuths. This is particularly easy with H.O. 249, Volume I.
Again using our Rio de Janeiro example, we expect to be at approximate DR coordinates
S24°, W37° at the center of the best viewing time, the end of civil twilight, at 20:18 UT.
So using an abbreviated form of our H.O. 249 star worksheet, in Figure 6.9, we
compute the GHA of Aries at 12 May 20:18 and use an AP longitude of 37° 11´ to get a
LHA of Aries of 138° for all seven stars listed in the tables. The simple computation is
shown in Figure 6.9, listing the expected altitudes and azimuths for all seven stars. With the
2° to 4° field of view of most sextant scopes, the one-degree precision is plenty good for
locating stars. Sweeping the horizon about 30°, or so, on each side of the precomputed
azimuth, with the sextant set to the star's altitude, should easily locate the desired star for a
shot—even through broken clouds.

Figure 6.9 An abbreviated version of our star worksheet showing the pre-sight
computation of the seven stars in H.O. 249, Vol. I.
We've made good use of the almanac's planet diagram for stars, but it's called a “planet
diagram” for good reason. Its principal purpose is to give a quick insight into the location of
the four navigation planets relative to the sun and the backdrop of the stars. Being members
of our solar system, the planets are very, very, close to us compared to the stars. The
closest navigation star, Sirius is 8.6 light-years away, and the Polaris you see is back in
history by 650 light-years. Because the stars are so far away, their motion among
themselves (called their proper motion) appears very small compared to the planets which
circle our sun as shown in Figure 6.10, just as our Earth does. It's the planet's motion in
front of the star field that gives them their name from ancient Greek, asteres planetai,
meaning wandering stars.
The almanac's planet diagram (Figure 6.7 again) shows the LMT of meridian crossing
of five planets for each day of the year. (For some reason Mercury is shown, even though
it's too close to the sun for observation.) First, notice the difference in the behavior of
planets whose obits lie outside of the earth's orbit, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (called outer
planets) and the paths of the inner planes, Mercury and Venus. The outer planets,
particularly Jupiter and Saturn, nearly follow the SHA lines throughout the whole year. In
other words, they have very little east-west motion among the stars. But the inner planets,
Venus and Mercury, always remain close to the shaded 1200-hour band, that is close to the
sun. Looking at Figure 6.10, we can understand why this is by visualizing the view of
Venus from earth as they both travel in their orbits about the sun. Venus never can be seen
far from the sun as Jupiter and Saturn can, which, clearly, can be 180° from the sun as
viewed from earth.
Another feature of the four planets’ orbits is they all lie within a couple of degrees of
the earth's orbit, as implied by Figure 6.10. This means that they are always close to the
ecliptic, the sun's path, which is indicated by the dotted sinusoidal curve shown on our
back-cover star chart.
So just as we located stars by combining the planet diagram and the star chart, we can
do the same with planets to conveniently place them among their backdrop of the stars: We
transfer the planet's SHA from the planet diagram to the ecliptic on the star chart. For
example, for all of 2005, Jupiter's SHA varies about 15° either side of 165°. Therefore for
most of 2005, Jupiter is located near where the ecliptic intersects the 165° SHA near Spica,
in the constellation of Virgo. Not much of a wandering body. In contrast, the two inner
planets, Mercury and Venus, cross the SHA lines at sharp angles indicating much more
rapid motion against the background of stars. If we want to know if Jupiter will be north or
south of Spica, we can compare their declinations from the almanac's daily pages for the
date of interest.

Figure 6.10 The four navigation planets in their orbits around the sun (not to
scale). Mercury's orbit, now shown, lies inside Venus's and is not used in normal
We can also get an idea of which planets might be viewable at our twilight from a quick
look at the planet diagram alone. In our Rio de Janeiro example on 12 May 2005, looking at
the diagram shows that Saturn will be 1:30 hours to the west of our meridian at the
expected best viewing time of 1800 LMT. And at the same time Jupiter will be a little more
than 2:00 hours east of our meridian. Under a clear sky both of these planets would be
easily recognizable in early evening twilight when few, if any, stars are apparent to confuse
the identification. This is particularly true of Jupiter which is almost half as bright as Sirius,
the brightest star. As twilight settles in on a clear night, Jupiter should be the first “star”
So we've now learned how to shoot the stars and planets, how to work up their sights,
and how to predict where they'll be at their best observation times. Another great pay off is
when you're on deck between evening and morning twilight, you can gather in the wonders
of our universe. You can now recognize several of our solar system's planets, and many of
its brightest stars that share our Milky Way galaxy. You can contemplate its vastness, Sirius,
a meager 8.6 light years away (51 trillion miles), to the dying orange supergiant Enif at
about 700 ly, one of our dimmest navigation stars. On a dark night at sea you can see up to
1,000 stars (looking on all sides of the rig). They may smite you with their charm and
mystery, compelling you toward a little astronomy. You might learn about our 100,000
light-year-wide galaxy whose fuzzy disk, in the center of the Milky Way, hides a black hole
controlling the galaxy's spiraling arms. Then there's the vast majority of the universe that
lies beyond our galaxy, such as the galaxies Andromeda (3.5 million light-years) and
Messier (3 million light years), both visible with the naked eye on a good night. The more
we discover about our universe, large and small, the more we understand and appreciate
our place in it. Sitting at the helm on a clear dark night with the caress of whispering waves
and a force three gentle breeze, we steer her by a star while contemplating our existence in
nature's majestic universe, musing on that age-old unanswered question—why?


This chapter is a bag of tricks and a pile of fun, perhaps a relief from the standard St.
Hilaire method discussed so far. We'll explain special sights that have their own particular
advantages, such as simplified sight reductions, insensitivity to observation time, or the
ability to determine UT. We'll see that some of these qualities make them invaluable in
emergency situations, where we might be willing to relax our accuracy standards a bit, or
where UT has been lost. Captain Joshua Slocum (1844–c1910) wrote in his account of
sailing single-handed around the world in his sloop, Spray, that his time came from an old
alarm clock that even lacked a minute hand. In addition to using lunar distance sights (see
Chapter 8) for finding longitude, he probably employed good dead reckoning and some
tricks of this chapter to safely navigate the globe.


Polaris is special because it is always within 1° of the north celestial pole. If Polaris were
exactly at the North Pole, its observed altitude would be equal to the observer's latitude, as
shown in Figure 7.1. And since Polaris is very nearly at the North Pole, the ship's latitude is
equal to the observed altitude of Polaris plus small corrections. This allows Polaris to be
treated more simply than the other navigation bodies. Of course we can still reduce a
Polaris sight by the standard St. Hilaire reduction using our universal sight reduction form
as we did for the other stars. (However, note that the SHA and declination of Polaris is not
included in the list of the 57 stars in the daily pages of the almanac. But they are listed
separately near the back of the almanac.) We will discuss three simplified Polaris sight
reductions, starting with the most accurate and proceeding to the least accurate. The least
accurate, still useful at sea, requires only a sextant, and is therefore useful in emergency
situations, or for showing off to your shipmates.

Figure 7.1 The observed altitude of a body exactly at the North Pole would be
equal to the latitude of the observer.

Polaris by the Nautical Almanac

Near the back of the almanac, there is a table that lists three corrections to the observed
altitude of Polaris to get the observer's latitude (see Appendix C). You enter the table with
the LHA of Aries to get a0, the largest correction, then you enter with your DR latitude and
the month of the observation to get to get a1 and a2, two corrections that are usually less
than a minute of arc.
For example, a sight reduction for an observation on 21 April 2005 at 23:18:56 and at a
DR position N50° and W37° 14´ would look like this:

GHA of Aries at 23 hrs 195° 6.6´

Increment for 18:56 4° 44.8´

W lon − 37° 14.0´

LHA Aries 162° 37.4´

HO 49° 31.6´

a0 for LHA 162° 37.4´ 1° 22.3´

a1 for Lat 50° 0.6´

a2 for April 0.9°

Subtract 1° − 1° 0.0°

Latitude 49° 55.4´

First the LHA of Aries is computed from the DR longitude and the observation time and
date, just as in other star sights. Then the three corrections are found in the almanac's
Polaris table. For convenience, the corrections are arranged so that they always add,
resulting in a constant 1° always subtracted from the calculation. Note that the total
correction is only 23.8´, and that the last two are each less than one minute of arc.

Polaris by H.O. 249, Vol. I

The next step in simplicity is to work only to one minute of accuracy by lumping the three
above corrections into just one. This is done in Table 6 at the back of the H.O. 249, Vol. I.
where it lists a correction called Q, as shown in Figure 7.2. Entering the table with the same
LHA of Aries of 162° 37.4´ as in the above example of the almanac sight reduction, gives a
correction of +24´ for a final latitude of N49° 55.6´, within the expected agreement of one
minute, compared to the above almanac Polaris reduction.

Figure 7.2 This table in H.O. 249, Vol. I, entered with the LHA of Aries, gives
the correction (called Q) to be applied to the observed altitude to get latitude.

Polaris with only a Sextant

As seen in the above two reduction methods, if we're willing to sacrifice a little accuracy,
there is really only one major altitude correction to get our latitude from Polaris. In fact, as
we discuss in Exercise 2.16, it is easy to see that the great majority of the correction is
given by

Lat = HO – cd cos(LHA P ) (7.1a)

where LHAP is Polaris's local hour angle and cd is its co-declination—about 41 minutes.
This provides a rare opportunity to use celestial navigation without tables (almanac or H.O.
249) and even without a knowledge of time, such as might occur under some emergency
We can estimate the LHA of Polaris from our knowledge of the stars: As shown in
Figure 7.3, we'll use two guide stars: Alkaid, the trailing star in the handle of the Big Dipper,
and ε-Cassiopeia, the trailing star in the “W” of Cassiopeia. The line connecting ε-
Cassiopeia and Alkaid will be our guideline for estimating the LHA of Polaris. Polaris is
displaced from the true north pole by 41’ toward ε-Cassiopeia, and trails this guideline by
13°. Therefore the LHA of Polaris is 13° less than the LHA of ε-Cassiopeia, or

Lat = HO − 41´ cos(LHAε − 13°) (7.1b)

For example, when ε-Cassiopeia is exactly vertically above Alkaid, the LHA of ε-
Cassiopeia is zero, giving Lat = HO − 41´ cos(−13´) = HO − 40´.

Figure 7.3 Polaris lies near the line connectingε-Cassiopeia and Alkaid.
It's easy to express the correction given by Equation 7.1b pictorially, as shown in Figure
7.4. This diagram depicts positions of ε-Cassiopeia every 15° around the perimeter of a
circle with Polaris at the center. We enter the diagram with our observed angle between the
guideline and the horizontal. Then we read off the correction next to the corresponding
location of ε-Cassiopeia: For example, when ε-Cassiopeia is 30° above the horizontal to the
east of Polaris, the indicated correction is −12', negative because the observed altitude is
too high. With ε-Cassiopeia to the west and 45° below the horizontal, the correction is +22',
positive because Polaris's altitude is now too low. Note that when ε-Cassiopeia lies on the
horizontal to the east, the correction is a plus 9’ because now Polaris is below the
horizontal, lagging by the 13°.
Figure 7.4 A diagram showing the correction to Polaris's altitude in terms of the
locations of ε-Cassiopeia.
Sometimes ε-Cassiopeia is unobservable. It might be below the horizon, dimmed by
haze, or obscured by clouds. We can always use the brighter Alkaid by just reading the
opposite side of the circle: If we judged Alkaid to be 45° above the horizontal to the west of
Polaris, the correction would not be −35', but the +35’ read on the opposite side.
Figure 7.5 A Polaris altitude correction table giving corrections to 2'.
We can see from Figure 7.4 that when ε-Cassiopeia is close to the horizontal, the angle
measurement is most critical; a 15° error can produce a 10 mile error in our latitude. As ε-
Cassiopeia moves away from the horizontal, accuracy is improved to the point where we
can get our latitude to a couple of miles.
Those interested in increasing accuracy can try devising their own method to actually
measure the angle of the guideline relative to the horizontal. Using a straight edge held
against the protractor of a chart plotter is one possibility. A long-arm chart plotter works the
same. Just hold it at a convenient distance from your eye with the protractor's center on
Polaris, one side parallel to the horizon (the best you can), and the straight edge lined up
with the two stars. Then read the angle from the horizontal. If you're able to significantly
improve the measurement of the guideline angle, consult the more detailed table of Polaris
altitude corrections shown in Figure 7.5. If you can squeeze out a 3° accuracy in your
measurement, you are rewarded with a latitude within 2 minutes, even in the worst case.
This is one example of the use of guide stars, which dates back many centuries. With its
historical roots and simplicity, Polaris is hard to resist.
Meridian Sights

As we have just seen in our discussion of ε-Cassiopeia, a body crosses an observer's

meridian in two ways; its upper transit occurs when its LHA = 0°, and its lower transit
occurs when its LHA = 180°. (Note at lower transits, the body's altitude is a minimum,
rather than maximum.) The best-known upper transit case is the noon sun shot, which
made its debut when tables of its declination were published in the fifteenth century. The
sun's altitude at local apparent noon (i.e., when the sun's altitude is a maximum), combined
with the sun's declination gives latitude by simple addition and subtraction. In general there
are two upper transit possibilities, depending on whether the body is north or south of you.
As in any meridian transit, you can find the latitude by drawing a simple 2-D diagram in the
meridian's plane.
By remembering that both latitude and declination carry negative signs in the southern
hemisphere, you can easily verify that the following rule covers all upper transit cases (also
see Exercise 1.21):

if the body is south of you, L = dec + (90° − HO) (7.2a)

if the body is north of you, L = dec − (90° − HO) (7.2b)

(Of course, we recognize that 90° − HO is just the co-altitude, but we prefer this form
because it relates directly to the measured altitude.) And for the less-common lower transit
we get:

for northern latitudes, L = 90° − dec + HO (7.2c)

for southern latitudes, L = −90° − dec − HO (7.2d)

So the meridian sights offer latitude with extreme simplicity, like Polaris, a feature so
attractive that they are hard to pass up when they're available. (Note how all the equations
give the expected result for the special cases of ± 90° declination.)
Furthermore, the result is insensitive to time because of the slow change in declination
of most bodies. In the sun's worst case, at the equinox, its declination is changing about 1.0
´ per hour. So a timing error of one hour would result in only a one-mile error in latitude.
And at the solstices, you wouldn't even need to know what day it is; it would take a timing
error of almost a week to produce a mile of error in latitude. This sight reduction is equally
valid for any celestial body on your meridian. Timing is more critical for the moon because
its declination changes more rapidly than the sun's. On the other hand, the stars change
their declination only slightly over years. In fact, meridian sights of the stars, such as
Polaris and others, have played an important role in the early history of sea voyages, as you
can learn in the brief history of navigation in Appendix J, and from the titles in the
bibliography in Appendix K.
This idea of using special stars (as we discussed above in connection with Alkaid and ε-
Cassiopeia) as guide stars dates back to at least the fifteenth century when the Portuguese
started exploring south of the equator, making Polaris unavailable. In the Southern Cross
constellation, Acrux and Gracrux almost lie on the same meridian. So when the line
connecting them is vertical, it's easy to judge when a meridian sight occurs. Furthermore at
this time, the line connecting them gives the direction to true south (within 1°), another aid
to the early explorers of the southern oceans.

Latitude without Meridian Shots or UT

It's also possible to obtain latitude from star shots, away from the meridian and without a
knowledge of UT. The essentially simultaneous observation of two (or better, three or four)
stars gives a fix, determining both latitude and longitude. And if the time used for reducing
the sights were incorrect, the SHA of all the stars are incorrect, but all by the same amount,
in the same direction. Hence their LHAs are also all incorrect by the same amount, in the
same direction. This means that only the longitude is wrong, not the latitude. Thus we can
find latitude from stars without meridian sights or UT. So without a knowledge of UT
onboard, there are quite a few possibilities for obtaining latitude: daytime meridian shots of
the sun, moon, and possibly Venus; nighttime meridian shots of the moon; and morning and
evening twilight shots of the stars, whether they're on the meridian or not.

Latitude and Longitude from Meridian Sights

For centuries before John Harrison developed his sea-fairing chronometer, navigators relied
on the noon sun shot for their latitude, accepting longitude as unknowable in the open
ocean. Now, in the GPS age with our inexpensive quartz watches, we can easily determine
longitude from our meridian sights. The latitude is relatively insensitive to the timing of a
meridian sight, but the longitude is sensitive to time. This means we can use the time of
meridian passing to determine longitude.
When a body is on the observer's meridian, the LHA is zero (for upper transit) and the
observer's longitude is equal the GHA of the body at that time. Thus with the sun as an
example, the local hour angle is zero at local apparent noon (LAN) and the longitude is
equal to the GHA of the sun. So if you're going to take a noon sun shot, you could start
recording altitudes a few minutes before LAN, and continue for a few minutes after. A plot
of the altitudes versus time should show an increase in altitude toward the maximum at
LAN, and a symmetrical decrease afterwards. A fair curve drawn though these points
locates both the time of LAN and the noon altitude. The GHA of the sun at the time of
your LAN is your longitude. (Of course, GHAs greater than 180° mean the longitude is east
and it would be written as 360° − GHA.)
Figure 7.6 shows a plot of sun shots taken to the northwest after our departure from the
Galapagos Islands, approaching the Juan Fernandez Island group off the coast of Chile, on
12 May 2005. We've drawn a smooth curve through the somewhat scattered data which
serves to average the shots. (Looking through the paper folded about the vertical axis
though LAN will average twice the data points over half the distance.) Note the scale's
units. While the vertical scale is in minutes of latitude, and the horizontal scale is minutes of
time, their significance is quite different: a minute of time corresponds to 15´ of longitude.
Plus inspecting the faired curve shows that the time of LAN can be determined to only
within a few minutes of time, or tens of minutes of longitude. And this rather poor
sensitivity to longitude gets worse at higher latitudes.
Figure 7.6 A smooth curve drawn through observed sextant altitudes, at times
near local apparent noon, as we approached the Juan Fernandez Islands on 12
May 2005.
With careful inspection we can see from the plot that the meridian altitude is 39° 53.1´
at about 17:18:00 UT. Our height of eye is 9 feet and the sextant index correction is +2.3´.
Using the simplified worksheet for this sight in Appendix E (for upper transits only) and the
almanac data from Appendix C, we perform the sight reduction discussed above as follows:

On the right you see the normal altitude corrections, but now HO is subtracted from 90°
to get the co-altitude, coH, which is then carried over to upper left side of the worksheet to
compute the latitude. There's a reminder there to subtract the co-altitude from the
declination if the body is observed to the north (otherwise it is added). Also remember we
are observing our sign convention for declination and latitude, but we're not using our
standard sign convention for longitude. Instead, the reminder in the bottom left-hand
section tells us that if the GHA turns out to be greater than 180°, we subtract the GHA
from 360° because we have an east longitude.
This is a very simple sight reduction indeed. And it can be done without calculators,
tables, or plotting. Besides, it even gives a fix. It also applies to any body on the meridian—
using the appropriate corrections, of course. But its disadvantage is the narrow availability
window of meridian shots and the extra work of determining the time of meridian passage.
The sight can also have its accuracy limited by the determination of meridian passage time,
which is particularly poor for low altitudes because of their slow rate of change in time, and
for vessels having rapid northerly or southerly motion. These timing inaccuracies affect the
longitude more than the latitude.
Some navigators call this a time sight. Historically, any sight that determines longitude
was called a time sight because UT is always required to find longitude; the sight discussed
in the next section is also called a time sight. At any rate, the latitude can be determined
from the maximum altitude, as in the normal noon sun shot. So this combination provides a
fix, instead of just an LOP—and by using simple arithmetic rather than solving the
navigation triangle.
To help plan sights, the UTs of meridian passage at Greenwich for the sun, moon,
planets, and Aries are shown on the bottom of the daily pages of the almanac. Although
these times are for passage at the Greenwich meridian, they are approximately the local
mean time on the local meridian.
Another complication of this sight is the distance covered by a moving vessel while
we're taking successive sights. It turns out we need only consider the vessel's north-south
velocity component because the east-west component has much less affect. So let's
consider that the ship in our Juan Fernandez Island example were sailing north at 10 kn,
then we would have recorded the solid-line plot as shown in Figure 7.7.
The dotted curve is the observation from the stationary ship (both curves are exact
computer plots). As might be expected, since we'd be moving toward the sun during our
observations, we see continuing increasing altitudes above the observations made when our
vessel was stationary. These increasing altitudes also mean that the maximum altitude
occurs a little later, as shown. If we were traveling south, these two effects would be
reversed: we'd see a lower maximum altitude at an earlier time. Considering that 10 kn is a
pretty good clip for many small vessels, the shift in LAN is not too extreme in latitude, the
maximum has been shifted up about 3.5´. But the time of maximum altitude is later by
about 3 min, or 45´ in longitude, a significant shift.
Figure 7.7 A vessel traveling north at 10kn sees an altitude versus time curve
distorted by its change in latitude during the sextant observations. Correcting each
observed HS by the change in latitude of Vn x T brings the observations back to
what a stationary vessel would obsrve at its latitude at 17:00.
This plot from the moving vessel can be easily corrected back to what would have been
observed on a stationary vessel. By thinking that the increasing altitude is due to the ship's
increasing latitude because of the northerly velocity, it makes sense that the correction
ought to be Corr = Vn x T, where Vn is the northern velocity and T is the time referring
back to an arbitrary reference position and time. As a point of mathematical interest, it's
easy to show that our basic altitude equation (Equation A.1 of Appendix A) verifies our
above intuition for reasonable altitudes and times. But this simple correction ignores the
triangular geometry when the sun (or other body) is off the observer's meridian, producing
an overcorrection for times either side of LAN. However, even though this correction is
only an approximation, it's quite satisfactory for observations taken over less than an hour
and at altitudes less than about 70°.
Now, to apply this simplified speed correction to our example, we'll write the velocity in
minutes of latitude per minutes of time. With our Vn = 10 kn = 10´/60 min, the correction
becomes Corr = (0.167´) T, where T is the time, in minutes, past our reference position.
This correction has been used in Figure 7.7 to recover the altitude plot of a stationary
reference vessel at 17:00 UT by subtracting (0.167´) T from the altitudes seen from the
moving ship. For example, the downward black arrow represents the correction at 35 min
past 17:00 UT, or (0.167´) times 35 min = 5.8´. In practice one would apply this correction
to each sextant altitude before the smooth curve is drawn for measuring the altitude and
time of local apparent noon. The position determined from the corrected Vn = 0 plot, was
the vessel's position at 17:00 UT. This reference time at 17:00 is arbitrary: a different one
produces different corrections with a corresponding different position at the selected
reference time.
This may seem like a lot of fuss, or perhaps even antithetic for what is supposed to be a
simple sight. But we have the option of handling this sight several ways, depending on our
situation. After all, the desired accuracy in open ocean is quite different than making land
fall on a small low island. The simplest and least accurate procedure is to just follow the
body up to maximum altitude and mark the time when it just “hangs” there.
The next simplest, which still avoids data plotting, is to record an observation 20 to 30
minutes, depending on latitude, before LAN; catch the altitude at LAN as its maximum;
reset the sextant to the first reading before LAN; and then record the time that the sun
returns to this first altitude. The time of LAN is just the average of the time of the first
observation and the time when the altitude returned to this same altitude.
Going a step further by plotting the data gives the additional advantage of averaging the
sextant readings, producing a more accurate latitude and longitude. And even more fussy is
correcting for the ship's north-south velocity component, as discussed above. Beyond that,
you can carry it one more final step by including the declination change (for the sun, moon,
and planets): just add (or subtract) d, the change in declination per hour listed in the
almanac from the north-south component of velocity. So in our example the declination is
increasing in time, so we'd use (Vn + d) T for the correction (d in the same units as Vn).
That's the ultimate treatment. The main advantage of this latitude and longitude meridian
sight is it uses simple concepts and simple arithmetic without the need for sight reduction
tables; and you can make it as simple as you want. The choice is yours.

Longitude from Altitude and Latitude

Longitude also can be calculated directly from a sight if the latitude is known. This is the
Sumner case, discussed earlier, of computing longitude from altitude and latitude by

cos LHA = (sin HO − sin L sin d) / (cos L cos d) (7.3)

which is nothing more than the altitude equation solved for cos LHA (we're using the same
old altitude equation, as promised earlier). This time sight, as it was sometimes called, is
mainly of historical interest. Latitude was found by any of the methods discussed above,
and then the longitude was found from this time sight. Until Sumner's 1843 publication, a
commitment to this traditional method prevented navigators, including the famous ones,
from realizing that they were actually calculating one point on the equal-altitude LOP, as we
discussed earlier in Chapters 1 and 2. Now it usually serves no useful purpose because the
St. Hilaire method gives the best information possible from a single altitude observation and
estimated position (as we also discuss in Chapter 10).

Time from a Lunar LOP and a Star Fix

Imagine you have an excellent star fix from, say, three or even more stars, whose LOPs
cross almost at the same point, (meaning that the individual LOPs are in excellent
agreement). Additionally, you have plotted a lunar LOP at essentially the same time as the
star fix. But the lunar LOP doesn't run through the star fix. In fact, it's not even close
enough to be explained by any of the usual suspects, such as sextant, abnormal refraction,
or observation error. The situation is shown in Figure 7.8. What can be the problem?

Figure 7.8 Three star LOPs agree to give a good fix. But the moon's LOP lies
considerably to the west, indicating that the watch time is incorrect.
Without any other explanation, it no doubt means the time used to reduce the sight was
incorrect. The quartz watch is wrong. This means that we can use the differential motion of
the moon and stars to find the true UT of the sights. The stars move through the sky a bit
faster than the sun's 15°/hr. Their GHA increases at the Aries rate of 15.041667°/hr (see
exercise 2.2). The moon's motion is more complicated, with a GHA speed that varies
somewhere between 13.6°/hr and 14.6°/hr. So as all navigators and students of the sky
know, the stars come up a bit earlier each night, while the moon rises quite a bit later each
night. These facts, combined with a good lunar LOP and a good star fix, allow us to
determine UT independently of outside sources.
Figure 7.9 shows the two possible cases: the moon's LOP lies to the west of the star fix,
or its LOP lies to the east of the fix. If we move the clock time forward from the one used
to reduce the sights, both the LOP and the fix will advance westward. Then the stars,
moving faster westward, will catch up to the moon's LOP case of LOP #1. On the other
hand, if we retard the clock, the star fix will fall back eastward to the case of LOP #2. So if
the lunar LOP is west of the star fix, the watch is slow; if it's east of the star fix, the watch
is fast. Now that we know which way our watch is off, how do we determine how much?

Figure 7.9 The horizontal arrows show that the star fix advances farther
westward with an increased UT than does the lunar LOP. So advancing UT by
the right amount will bring LOP#1 into agreement with the fix. Retarding UT will
bring LOP#2 into agreement with the fix.
The key is to appreciate that both the lunar LOP and the star fix are correct except for
the observation time, since all other sources of error have been eliminated. Therefore, if we
correctly adjust the time of the two sights, the moon's LOP will pass through the star fix. In
other words, the calculated moon's altitude, given by our usual relation,
sin HC = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA (7.4)

will give the observed moon altitude HO when computed using the correct time and star fix
location to determine the moon's declination and LHA. Furthermore, the time-corrected
star location has a new longitude, but the same latitude. (We saw this in our above
discussion of obtaining latitude without UT.) However, there's a Catch 22 in trying to use
this reasoning: We can't determine d or LHA for use in Equation 7.4 without knowing UT,
which is what we're trying to find in the first place. Situations such as this, common enough
in mathematics, call for a numerical solution rather than a simple closed-form equation. So
we use interpolation.
We'll use our standard altitude equation above to calculate the moon's altitude from the
position at the star fix at two times that are estimated to be somewhat before and somewhat
after the true UT of the fix, and then interpolate between these times using the calculated
altitudes compared to the actual measured altitude of the moon. When we select these two
times we'll move the longitude of the star fix westward according to its LHA speed of
15.041667°/hr (also 15.041667´/min) if we're advancing the clock, and eastward if we're
retarding the clock. An example will show how easy it is to find UT from a moon LOP and
a star fix.
Let's say on 10 May 2005, in the Pacific Ocean west of the Mexican coast, plotting a
star fix puts us at W120° N20° (we're using some round numbers to simplify discussion),
and a lunar observation gives a fully corrected altitude of 25° 40.7´. Although we know the
clock is off of UT, we believe the observations were made between 0200 and 0300 UT.
When the sights were worked up and plotted, the lunar LOP fell to the west of the star fix,
indicating a clock slow on UT (the case of LOP #1 in Figure 7.9). First we calculate the
moon's altitude that would be observed at 0200 at W120°, N20°. Then we calculate the
altitude again from a location of the same latitude with the longitude advanced westward to
the 0300 UT position of the star fix. Finally, we interpolate our actual observed lunar
altitude between these two calculated altitudes and times. Using almanac data from
Appendix C, our workup looks as follows:

At 0200 UT, 10 May 2005:

Moon's GHA 190° 31.0´

Longitude 120° 0.0´

LHA 70° 31.0´

Latitude 20° 0.0´

dec N25° 41.7´

This gives HC = 25° 30.8´ for the moon from direct calculation using the above latitude,
declination, and LHA. Next we repeat the calculation at 0300 UT with our longitude
increased by 15.041667°/hr x 1 hr = 15° 2.5´:

At 0300 UT, 10 May 2005:

Moon's GHA 204° 59.5´

advanced lon 135° 2.5´

new LHA 69° 57.0´

Latitude 20° 0.0´

dec N25° 48.3´

Now HC = 26° 2.1´ at 0300 UT using the same latitude, but the time-advanced
declination and LHA. So now we have an interpolation table of the moon's altitude versus
time as follows:
HC at 0200 UT: 25° 30.8´
HO at time T: 25° 40.7´
HC at 0300 UT: 26° 2.1´
The difference in the two altitudes one hour apart is 31.3´. And the altitude difference
between the observed altitude and the 0200 UT altitude is 9.9´. So the interpolated
unknown UT is found from the ratio T/60 min = 9.9´/31.3´ or T = 60 x 9.9/31.3 = 18.9776
min = 18m 59s past the 0200 hour. So our observations determined that the sights were
observed at 02:18:59.
Note that the whole concept of finding UT from a moon's LOP and a star fix depends
on the fact that stars don't change their declination in time and therefore the latitude
determined by the fix is correct. Also we see that the sensitivity to the moon's altitude is
only 31.3´ in an hour (about 0.5´ per minute). Furthermore, this sensitivity is near the
maximum possible, so the sensitivity of UT to altitude is quite a bit less than we would like
for setting our modern quartz watches. The exact sensitivity depends on the detailed
geometry of a particular sight. If the moon were making a meridian passage, the sensitivity
would be even worse, near zero. This low altitude sensitivity to UT means that in making
these observations and sight reductions, we want to push for the ultimate accuracy. It also
means that the one-hour interpolation interval used here is perfectly adequate, even when
the moon's GHA and declination are changing rapidly. A more direct method of obtaining
UT is discussed in Chapter 8 on lunar distances, which is less sensitive to the vagaries of
altitude observations, such as refraction corrections.

Position without St. Hilaire

The Nautical Almanac gives an iterative procedure for calculating a fix from several
intercepts and azimuths determined from their St. Hilaire sight reductions. But it's possible
to directly calculate your position from two simultaneous altitude sights, which can be
implemented on a computer or hand calculator. Figure 7.10 shows the LOPs from
observing two bodies. The observer, shown by a solid dot labeled Ship, is at one of the two
intersections of these equal-altitude LOPs. The standard coordinates locate the observer
and the GPs of the two bodies. The western most body is labeled number 1, and the
eastern most body number 2. Also shown are the great-circle distance between the two
bodies, D12, and two bearing angles from the GP of body 1: Angle A is the angle between
true north and D12, and B is the angle between the co-altitude of body 1 and D12.

Figure 7.10 LOP 1 and LOP 2 from bodies 1 and 2 intersect at two points whose
coordinates can be computed from the normal relationships of navigation
By the generic application of our standard sight reduction equations (see the discussion
in Appendix A), we can show that the latitude and longitude of the observer are given by
sequentially solving the following equations:

cos D12 = sin d 1 sin d s + cos d 1 cos d 2 cos(GHA 1 − GHA 2) (7.5a)

cos A = (sin d 2 − sin d 1 cos D12) / (cos d 1 sin D12) (7.5b)

cos B = (sin Hs − cos D12 sin H1) / (sin D12 cos H1) (7.5c)

sin Lat = sin d 1 sin H1 + cos d 1 cos H1 cos(A − B) (7.5d)

cos LHA1 = (sin H1 − sin d 1 sin Lat) / (cos d 1 cos Lat) (7.5e)

Lon = LHA 1 − GHA 1 (7.5f)

The ship's latitude comes from Equation 7.5d, and its longitude from the last equation.
OK, so this looks like a lot of computing. And at first glance, it would seem that this is
definitely not for those back-to-basics navigators who want to keep it simple. But in fact, it
looks pretty favorable when compared to the two St. Hilaire reductions of the two
observations. This direct calculation of this fix requires solving five trig equations of exactly
the same form as the four needed for two St. Hilaire reductions. So by solving just one
more trig equation of the same type, we get an exact computed fix, without plotting
approximate straight lines or using APs. It's a sight reduction in its own right, completely
avoiding the St. Hilaire intercept method.
Although the five equations may seem forbidding at first, they're really quite easy to
understand. The first five are just repeated applications of our standard equations to three
different spherical triangles in Figure 7.10 as follows: The first two are our great-circle
equations applied to the triangle GP 1-GP 2-Pole. Equation 7.5c applies our standard azimuth
equation to triangle GP 1-GP 2-ship. Equations 7.5d and 7.5e are the standard St. Hilaire
equations applied to the triangle GP 1-ship-Pole. So we're standing behind our initial
promise, that all our mathematical relationships are really just one equation, Equation A.0
of Appendix A.
From symmetry, you can see that the angle B has the same value for both fix
possibilities. The argument (A − B) for the cosine function in Equation 7.5d selects the fix
shown in the figure. You can see from inspecting Figure 7.10 that the other fix uses (A + B)
for the cosine argument. Simply drawing a sketch for your particular sight, somewhat to
scale, such as Figure 7.10, will immediately indicate which to use, (A + B) or (A − B), and
how GHA1 and LHA1 are related to your ship's longitude.
Calculators and computers return only one of the two possible solutions for the inverse
trig functions. The first three equations, requiring the inverse cosine, give angles from 0° to
180°, which are valid solutions in all cases. The inverse sine in Equation 7.5d returns angles
from −90° to +90°, spanning the range of valid latitudes for the two fixes. In writing
computer code, the easiest approach would be to simply calculate the latitudes and
longitudes for both possible fixes and let the navigator select the correct fix. (After all,
Equations 7.5 can't possibly know which fix is desired.)
For those readers who wish to write a general computer code, note that Equation 7.5f
covers all possible relationships among LHA1, GHA1, and longitude. Our usual convention
measures the LHA positive westward of the observer from 0° to 360°. But the computer
inverse cosine (Equation 7.5e) for LHA1 returns positive angles from 0° to only 180°. So if
body 1 is east of the ship, the computer's returned LHA1 must either be made negative or
subtracted from 360° for use in Equation 7.5f. For example, if the body is east of the ship
and GHA1 = 330° and LHA1 returned by the inverse cosine is 170°, then Lon = − 170° −
330° = − 500°. And adding one multiple of 360° gives longitude of − 140°, or 140°W, by
our convention that west longitudes are negative. Of the two LHAs for body 1, the positive
and the negative one, only one is valid. One way a computer code can decide between
these two is to compare the computed altitudes from body 2 to the observed altitude H2 for
each of the two LHA possibilities. Alternatively, the navigator could just simply specify
whether LHA1 is positive (body 1 west) or negative (body 1 east).
Since Equations 7.5a through 7.5d depend only on the declinations and GHA
differences of the two bodies, we can see that this direct calculation of latitude
mathematically confirms our earlier discussion of finding latitude without a meridian sight or
knowledge of UT. And since these don't change significantly with time for stars, any two-
star observation gives latitude without knowing UT. Furthermore, we get latitude without
selecting two APs and plotting two LOPs—and the equations are exactly the same form as
a traditional two-star fix. More aspects of this sight reduction are discussed in Exercises 5.7
and 5.8.

St. Hilaire without a Sextant

Is it possible to work up a celestial LOP without a sextant? Sure, the one altitude that can
be measured to useful accuracy without a sextant is zero altitude. Because of the normal
haze on the horizon, plus their relatively low intensity, stars and planets are not candidates
for a zero-altitude “shot“. But under good viewing conditions the time the sun or moon
crosses the horizon can be readily observed, giving us an LOP without a sextant. We
certainly don't want to look directly at the sun's full disk as it approaches the horizon, and
for that matter, the moon is sometimes too bright to view directly also. The simple and
practical solution is to use the upper limb so that most of the body is well below the horizon
when we finally take a direct look to mark the time. This means that sights of setting bodies
are preferred because it can be tedious timing the upper limb's first appearance of a rising
Once the setting time is observed this zero observed-altitude is corrected as usual for
dip (but of course, not for index error). The altitude correction for the sun's upper limb is −
49.6’ and the moon's is upper limb is + 4.5’ plus its parallax correction (see Appendix C).
The sight reduction is a rather standard St. Hilaire, except for two things.
The altitude refraction correction is quite critical at this zero altitude. So be sure to use
the Additional Correction Table from page A4 of the Almanac (Appendix C). As you can
see from the zero-altitude row, the additional temperature-pressure dependence can easily
range over a few minutes of arc.
The sun's upper-limb negative altitude is not a problem when using H.O. 249 or when
using a calculator. The H.O. 249 Aviation Navigation Tables were designed to handle the
negative apparent altitudes possible from aircraft sights, and calculators automatically return
negative altitudes from their inverse sign function. Even when using H.O. 229 you may
only have to make a simple adjustment to your AP: When looking on the proper LHA page,
following across the declination row and down the latitude column, you might find you're
forced into the wrong “Contrary-Same“region of the table. Simply adjust your AP latitude
one column over to stay in the proper region. This one-degree revision in AP latitude will
not significantly affect the sight's accuracy. Finally, when plotting the intercept remember,
for example, that an observed altitude of −53’ places the sun farther below the horizon than
does the calculated altitude of − 27’. So in this case the intercept is plotted 26 nm away. Or
if the calculated altitude were +3’, this intercept would be 56 nm away.
This ultimate low-altitude sight suffers from the vagaries of low-altitude refraction, not
only for the body, but for the horizon which can sometimes be appreciable and is not
accounted for in the dip correction. So be aware that this “sextantless“LOP might be off
several miles in intercept, but the orientation of the LOP should be as reliable as a normal
sight. Try this sight the next time you and your crew are watching for the green flash.
As an example, consider on 11 May 2005 we're now about 500 nm out of Las Palimas,
in the Canary Islands, heading for our life-time dream of cruising the southern oceans. Our
DR position is N24° 28´, W25° 17´, our height of eye is 9 ft, the temperature is a balmy
83°F, and the barometer is a nice steady 29.9“. While on a broad reach enjoying the north
east trades, we time a lovely clear sunset at 20:19:18 UT.
Our workup using H.O. 249 follows: Even though we're using H.O. 249, which
tabulates only to the nearest minute of arc, we do the rest of the calculation to 0.1´, just to
avoid any unnecessary round off errors on our first non-sextant shot. Of course we could
have easily used the calculator if we wanted to. The worksheet is the standard sun-
worksheet in the Appendix, modified to accommodate the almanac's declination adjustment
and to include the temperature and pressure corrections in the zero sextant altitude. Note
that we have extrapolated the sun's upper limb altitude correction from the lowest tabulated
apparent altitude of 0° 00’ to our HA of − 2.9’ which is off the chart. We can easily see that
the table's next lower HA would be −0.3’ with a correction of − 50.2’. (This extrapolation
would be valid even on very large vessels where the dip correction could approach 6’,
giving a correction of −50.8’.) Because of the refraction uncertainties, it doesn't pay to get
too fussy about these corrections.


In the previous chapter we obtained UT from a lunar LOP and a star fix, using the fact that
the moon's GHA advances significantly slower than the star's. This is an indirect approach.
Why not directly measure the great-circle distance between the moon and a star? For that
matter, wouldn't the same idea apply to the distance between the moon and any other
celestial body?
Well, this very idea was suggested, as early as 1472 by Johann Muller and by John
Werner in 1514, to determine Greenwich time at sea and hence to find a ship's longitude.
But the required mathematics was intractable for the average seaman until around the time
Bowditch published his first edition of the New American Practical Navigator in 1802.
Even though marine chronometers were perfected by John Harrison around 1760, they
were impractical because they were expensive and impossible to check on long voyages. So
lunar distances became the preferred method of determining longitude; their explanations
and tables were included in Bowditch until 1914.
Today there's a renewed interest in lunar distances for the same reason that there's an
interest in celestial navigation. Many people find celestial navigation interesting, challenging,
of historical importance, satisfying to have mastered, and useful. All this can also be said of
lunar distances, with an emphasis on satisfaction and a de-emphasis on useful. Nonetheless,
there's always the possibility that accurate time at sea will be lost, along with radio and
GPS, leaving us with no knowledge of UT. Lunars are just one more backup.
Because of its challenge, many see celestial navigation as the Holy Grail of navigation.
If that's a fair evaluation, then it's fair to say that lunar distances are the Holy Grail of
celestial navigation. Yet the explanation and use of lunars, as they are informally called, is
straightforward. Their sight reductions use the same principles and equations that we've
already discussed (as promised, no new equations). It is true that there are a couple more
steps involved, but they are simple ones. Perhaps their largest drawback is their
impracticality—and in a perverted way, perhaps that's their attraction. As in the previous
chapter, we'll see that an observational precision of one minute of arc usually translates to
about a two-minute time precision. With the one-second accuracy of reliable, cheap quartz
watches, lunars fade in importance for the practical navigator. But the complete (elitist?)
navigator couldn't ask for anything more than mastering the esoteric lunar.
Perhaps the value of lunars is best expressed by Captain Joshua Slocum in his account
of his 1895-98 solo circumnavigation of the world in his sloop Spray: “The work of the
lunarian, though seldom practiced in these days of chronometers, is beautifully edifying,
and there is nothing in the realm of navigation that lifts one's heart up more in adoration.”

The Concept

By measuring the great-circle distance between the moon and another celestial body (we'll
use the sun in our discussion), we can determine UT. The moon's relative motion among
the backdrop of other celestial bodies provides a clock because the Nautical Almanac
tabulates the position of the moon versus UT. Better yet, UT could be tabulated versus the
moon's position relative to other bodies. In fact, such tables, published in the Nautical
Almanac until 1913, tabulated lunar distances at intervals of three hours for the sun and
some stars near the ecliptic. The accurate measurement of these lunar distances was a
major impetus for establishing the British Royal Observatory in Greenwich.
Today, anyone with a little computer savvy and the celestial navigation knowledge
we've gained already could easily compute and tabulate the moon-sun arc distance versus
UT. (Adapt Equation 5.1a by replacing the earth coordinates with appropriate celestial
ones, and sin HC with cos LD, for lunar distance. Also see Appendix A and Equation 8.5
below.) Then a navigator could simply measure this lunar distance with a sextant, make
some altitude corrections (naturally), page through this lunar table for the observed lunar
distance, and read off the UT of the sight across from this lunar distance.
The UT thus obtained can be used to adjust clocks that keep time poorly, thus avoiding
the need for expensive chronometers. Today, of course, an inexpensive quartz watch is all
that's needed for celestial navigation, and it can be checked against outside time signals
from radio or GPS. Historically, latitude was found by meridian sights that do not require
accurate knowledge of UT (remember, time is only needed for the declination, which
changes relatively slowly). Using the latitude previously obtained from a meridian sight, the
LHA was calculated (Equation A.10, Appendix A). Then the longitude was extracted from
this LHA and the GHA of the body, using the time found by lunars, or later by marine
In keeping with our approach to celestial navigation, using modern developments,
simple tools, and a full understanding of fundamental principles, we'll explain how lunars
can be used to find UT without the use of specialized tables or mysterious rote procedures.

Taking the Lunar Sight

The principle observational difference between lunars and conventional sights is, of course,
measuring the lunar distance itself. (The discussion on taking conventional sights is in
Chapter 9.) The lunar measurement is made by bringing the near limbs of the sun and
moon into coincidence with the sextant. Of course we always use the limb of the moon that
is fully lit: the side toward the sun. Since we are measuring to these near limbs, we will
need to add both semidiameters to the sextant reading. So the index-corrected reading LD is
increased to the semidiameter-corrected distance, which we'll call LDSD.
At first, taking a lunar distance sight may seem awkward, particularly at large sun-moon
distances. I've found that the simplest idea for finding both bodies in the field of view
works perfectly well: Set the index arm at an eyeball-estimate of the LD (point your arms
and estimate the angle); set the sun shades; aim the telescope at the moon with the index
mirror toward the sun; rotate the sextant about the telescope's axis so that the moon's
terminator line (the light-dark boundary on the moon) is perpendicular to the sextant's
frame. (This last step more accurately aims the index mirror at the sun.) Then while slightly
rocking the sextant about the telescope's axis, swing the arm back and forth a bit. Soon the
sun's image pops into view. From then on the sight is conventional: Rock the sextant while
keeping the moon in the center of view, and adjust the near limbs so they just kiss. You'll
soon notice how very slowly the LD changes compared to the more familiar altitude rate of
You might think that you can measure a lunar distance as large as the arc reads on your
sextant (up to around 120° to 140°, depending on the sextant). But the limitation is on the
foreshortening of the index mirror's projection onto the horizon mirror. At large angles this
projection becomes smaller and smaller, making these wide-angle sights difficult. Also at
wide angles the telescope's collimation error becomes more important, again see Chapter 9.
(These considerations are equally important for any wide-angle shots, such as some
terrestrial sights used in coastal navigation.)
Obviously, because lunar sights use two bodies, they have more availability limitations
than other sights. Not only are two bodies required above the horizon, but both bodies also
have to be clear of clouds; the new moon (its dark phase) puts it out of commission for
three days a month; and in the crescent and gibbous phases, only one of its two limbs can
be used for the required altitude shot.
Now we assume that we've overcome these lunar challenges, made the sights, and
recorded the time of the observations with a watch set somewhere near UT, one that keeps
time poorly and that we want to correct with lunars. Using the GHA and declination for the
sun and the moon from the almanac, we calculate the lunar distance LD at two times, say
the whole hour before our lunar sight and the whole hour after it. We also measure both the
sun's and moon's altitudes at the time of the LD measurement. Using these two altitudes
we somehow correct LDSD for refraction and parallax. (As we've seen earlier, parallax is
quite large for the moon, being as great as 61 minutes.)
Next we interpolate the UT of the lunar sight by using the two LDs that were calculated
before and after the observed LD. Comparison of this interpolated time with the watch time
of the sight tells how much the watch is fast or slow. For example, if the value of the
observed LD is, say, 73 percent of the way between the LD calculated for the whole hour
before the sight and the LD calculated for the whole hour after the sight, then the true UT
of the sight was 73 percent of 60 minutes, or 0.73 × 60m = 43.8m = 43m 48s past the
hour. This determination of the time of the sight is, in fact, an interpolation between two
LD values from a lunar table of our own making, one with just two entries, the only two
that are needed. And that's all there is to lunars—well, except for that Holy Grail thing.

The Distance Clearing Concept

As for conventional sights, altitude corrections must be made to the sextant's measurement
of the lunar distance. Since the measurement is between two celestial bodies, not
referenced to the horizon, there is no dip correction. But corrections for refraction by the
earth's atmosphere and parallax, particularly for the moon, must be applied to the
semidiameter-corrected distance LDSD. Historically, correcting the LD for altitude has been
called clearing the lunar distance. Apparently the name comes from the idea of clearing
the lunar distance of refraction and parallax effects. The situation is shown in Figure 8.1,
where a navigator, located at Ob, observes the great-circle distance LD between the moon
and the sun. The conventional altitude corrections for the sun and the moon adjust their
individual altitudes, but how do they affect the LD observed at Ob?
To answer this question we redraw part of Figure 8.1 showing only the horizon system
of coordinates as depicted in Figure 8.2a. The familiar co-altitudes extending from the body
to the observer's zenith, and the altitudes extending from the body to the horizon, are along
great circles, called vertical circles. They pass through the observer's zenith and the body,
intersecting the horizon at right angles. We call the angle between the two vertical circles the
relative bearing angle (RBA), because it's the relative bearing between the sun and the
moon observed at the observer's location Ob. As shown in the figure, the sun's altitude HSD
and the moon's altitude hSD extend the apparent altitudes into the centers of the bodies to
form a closed triangle having vertices sun-moon-Ob. Applying the refraction and parallax
corrections gives us the conventional fully-corrected altitudes HO and hO. They alter the
shape of the triangle by moving the sun and moon locations as shown in Figure 8.2b.

Figure 8.1 An observer at Ob sees the lunar distance LD. The relative bearing
angle at Ob between the sun and the moon is RBA.
Exclusive of the semidiameter corrections, these altitude corrections always produce an
increase in altitude for the moon and a decrease for the sun. Although the refraction
correction is always negative while the parallax correction is always positive, the sun's
parallax is always quite small, so its combined correction is always negative. On the other
hand, the moon's parallax is so large that it always trumps refraction, producing a combined
correction that is always positive. These corrections are shown in Figure 8.2b, where
semidiameter-corrected LDSD is cleared to produce LDO. We can find the altitude
corrections in the almanac. But we're left with a geometry question: How do we calculate
the true lunar distance LDO, given the lunar distance LDSD and the altitude adjustments
along the vertical circles?

Figure 8.2a. (right) The semidiameter corrected lunar distance and altitudes
extend their length to the center of the bodies to from a closed triangle.

Figure 8.2b. The fully corrected altitudes, HO and hO, adjust the sun's altitude
downward and the moon' upward, the RBA remaining constant.
The answer to the above question lies in the observation that in altering LDSD to LDO,
as shown in going from Figure 8.2a to 8.2b, the angle RBA remains constant. This fact is
confirmed by thinking of how light from a celestial body is refracted in the plane of the
vertical circle containing the body and the observer. This is emphasized in Figure 8.3,
where the earth is shown very small compared to a greatly exaggerated atmosphere that
bends the light rays. It's also easy to see that parallax operates in this same plane (see
Figure 9.11 and its discussion). Thus if we adjust the altitudes of the sun and the moon
along their vertical circles, the RBA must remain constant, as pictured in Figures 8.2 and
8.3. This constant RBA is the key to the geometry problem.
Figure 8.3 Because refraction in the earth's atmosphere (shaded) is confined to
the plane of the vertical circle defined by the observer and the body, it does not
alter the relative bearing angle RBA.

Clearing the Lunar Distance

All that remains is to transform our above verbal observation into a computational form
useful for obtaining the LD altitude correction. As always, we need no new equations, only
the ones already used in conventional sights (also see Appendix A). Our familiar altitude
equation 5.1a gives exactly what we need; it gives the side of a spherical triangle in terms of
the opposite angle and its adjacent sides. A minor detail is that Equation 5.1a solves for sin
HC, which is the complement of the side. The side itself is given by the cosine. So with this
modification, the generic application of Equation 5.1a to Figure 8.2a gives

cos LDSD = sin HSD sin h SD + cos HSD cos h SD cos RBA (8.1)

where HSD and hSD are the sun's and moon's altitudes (respectively) corrected for index,
dip, and semidiameter. These semidiameter corrections adjust the length of the LD and the
altitude coordinates to close the triangle, making Equation 8.1 applicable. Now, if we
further adjust HSD and hSD for refraction and parallax, we have the fully corrected altitudes
HO and hO, which are obtained from the sextant altitudes in the conventional manner. And
adapting our same great-circle distance Equation 8.1 to the fully-corrected triangle in Figure
8.2b gives the new lunar distance LDO from

cos LDO = sin HO sin h O + cos HO cos h O cos RBA (8.2a)

where we have used the key fact that RBA has not changed. Furthermore, solving Equation
8.1 for cos RBA also gives

cos RBA = (cos LDSD − sin HSD sin h SD)/cos HSD cos h SD (8.2b)

So we substitute cos RBA from the above equation into 8.2a to get the final answer:

cos LDO = sin HO sin h O + cos HO cos h O (cos LDSD – sin HSD sin h SD)/cos HSD cos h SD (8.3)
Thus we have the cleared lunar distance LDO in terms of the lunar distance LDSD, the
semidiameter-corrected altitudes HSD and hSD, and the conventionally corrected altitudes
HO and hO. This is a complete and exact result for clearing the lunar distance.
Equation 8.3 might appear complex, but in fact it consists of the same equations and
thus requires the same work as a St. Hilaire sight reduction. First we solve Equation 8.2b,
which is the azimuth equation in the St. Hilaire method. Then we substitute cos RBA into
Equation 8.2a and solve for LDO, which is the altitude equation in the St. Hilaire method—
the same two equations, the same amount of work. In fact, historically these same solutions
of the navigation triangle were first used to solve lunar distance problems, long before St.
Hilaire thought of using them in his sight reductions.
To use a calculator, we store HSD in [1] and hSD in [2], then Equation 8.2b becomes in
terms of keystroke instructions

[3] = (cos LDSD − sin [1] sin [2])/cos [1] cos [2] (8.4a)

where LDSD is not stored because it's only entered once. The [3] means to store the result
of the right-hand calculation in location [3] because cos RBA is used next in Equation 8.2a,
which now reads

cos LDO = sin [1] sin [2] + cos [1] cos [2] × [3] (8.4b)

after we've stored HO in [1] and hO in [2]. So the calculator operations are practically the
same as in the St. Hilaire reduction.
There are other mathematical expressions for clearing the lunar distance. One method
approximates Equation 8.3 by extracting the effects proportional to the relatively small
differences in the sun and moon's altitude corrections HO − HSD and hO − hSD (and to their
squares, when needed). But the two required proportionality constants are each calculated
from equations just like Equation 8.2b. So that approach saves no effort and unnecessarily
introduces approximations. With today's ten-digit accuracy of hand calculators, the above
exact equations are easily evaluated accurately. (See Exercises 4.8 and 4.9.)

The Sight Reduction

As we've discussed earlier, high accuracy of sights might not be important in the open
ocean where uncertainties of even 20 miles can be of no particular significance to
navigation. But high accuracy in lunars is always useful for determining UT. This is
because one minute of arc in the LD translates into about two minutes of UT, which is
much poorer time resolution than our normally desired one second. Again, the sextant
observation itself is clearly the limitation. But we don't want to compound this problem
with inaccuracies in the sight reduction. So we'll aim for a sight reduction accuracy of 0.1´
of arc, which becomes a bit tricky when treating lunar altitude corrections because of the
moon's relative closeness to the earth. Perhaps these subtleties add to the mystique of
The sight reduction procedure discussed above for reducing a lunar is summarized in
the flow chart of Figure 8.4. We'll use this chart to keep the big picture in mind while we
move through the individual steps.
The flow chart starts in the upper left-hand corner by demanding an impossibility:
Measure the sun's altitude, moon's altitude, and sunmoon distance simultaneously. Well,
who said lunars were easy? One way to approximate these simultaneous observations is to
take several LD readings, say three. Then take the two altitudes, followed by three more
LD readings. Average the six LD readings and their times to get an improved LD
observation, which is really needed anyway. If the first group of LD observations took
nearly the same time as the second group, their average time will satisfactorily approximate
the time of the altitude readings. This is just one of many ways of approximating these
simultaneous readings. Also, we could graph several observations of all three readings,
draw the best curve through each of the three graphs, and read off the three measurements
at one common time.

Figure 8.4 Flow chart for reducing a lunar-distance sight.

The three principle columns of the flowchart divide the sight reduction into its major
tasks: The left column corrects the LD for semidiameters to get LDSD. The middle column
computes four altitude corrections to get HSD, hSD, HO, and hO. At the bottom of these two
columns, these four altitudes are used to clear the lunar distance LDSD to get LDO.
Quite independently of these corrections for LDO, the right column shows the
calculation of the lunar distances that would be observed at times 1 and 2, before and after
the expected time of the actual observation. And finally at the bottom, the cleared lunar
distance is interpolated between the two calculated ones for times 1 and 2 to give us the
actual UT of the observation.
Now, with the flowchart's big picture in mind, we can organize the details sequentially
as shown in the worksheet of Figure 8.5. Before we give an example of an actual sight
reduction, we'll describe the worksheet layout: The top block contains the observed data. It
contains the date and time, the lunar distance, and the altitudes of the sun and moon. These
blocks, or bins, containing the lunar calculations, we appropriately call loony bins.
The top loony bin calculates the semidiameters and the semidiameter-corrected lunar
distance LDSD. The second bin calculates the semidiameter corrected altitudes and uses
them to calculate the cos(RBA) which it stores in calculator location [3]. The third loony
bin calculates the conventional altitude corrections and uses them to clear the lunar
distance, giving us LDO.
Independently of these calculations, the fourth bin (second from the bottom) calculates
the lunar distances that would be observed at times 1 and 2, the times before and after the
expected time of observation. And finally, the bottom loony bin interpolates between these
calculated lunar distances at times 1 and 2 to give the actual observation UT.
Figure 8.5 Lunar distance worksheet.

A Lunar Example

Consider that on 12 May 2005 we've observed lunar distances in the moon's waxing phase
using some averaging procedure to get the altitudes. This led to a LD of 51° 52.3´ at the
averaged watch time of 21h 18m 16s UT. Also we've found HA = 38° 23.9´ for the sun's LL
apparent altitude and hA = 30° 21.3´ for the moon's LL apparent altitude. (Remember that
apparent altitudes have been corrected for index error and dip.) We want to correct the
watch's UT using lunar distances.
First we fill in the data at the top of the worksheet in the first loony bin. Because we've
measured the LD from the nearest limbs of the sun and moon, we need to add their
semidiameters to the LD to get the distance between the centers of the bodies. Looking at
the bottom of the almanac's daily page, we find the sun's SD is 15.9´ on 12 May 2005
(Appendix C).
Finding the SD of the moon to within our accuracy requirement demands one more
step because it appears larger at greater altitudes, since it's then closer to the observer. This
tiny increase, called augmentation, can be approximated for our purposes by 0.26´ sin (hA ).
So we need to add this augmentation to the 14.9´ SD found in the daily page for 12 May
Next we enter bin 2, applying the semidiameters to the apparent altitudes, and storing
HSD and hSD in calculator locations [1] and [2]. Then we use the keystroke reminder
equation (which is Equation 8.4a) to calculate cos RBA and store that in location [3].
Loony bin 3 is next, where we calculate the observed altitudes HO and hO in the
conventional manner from the almanac's sun and moon altitude-correction tables. These
tables include corrections for parallax, augmentation, and refraction. So turning to the
almanac's altitude correction tables (Appendix C), we enter with the sun's HA = 38° 23.9´
and find a correction of 14.8´ and add it to HA to get HO. Looking in the moon's correction
tables with hA = 30° 21.3´, we find a main correction of 58.8´. Using the HP of 54.4´ from
the daily pages, we interpolate the LL correction, getting 1.3´. Adding these to hA gives hO.
Also remember that when we're being fussy about accuracy, we must include additional
corrections when the temperature and pressure deviate from the standard atmosphere of
10° C and 1010 millibars (Table A4 in the almanac).
Having found LDSD, HSD, hSD, HO, and hO (the first five shaded items on the
worksheet), we are ready to clear the lunar distance: Taking a calculator in hand, we
execute the keystrokes as indicated by the reminder equation in bin 3 (which represents
Equation 8.4b) to get the cleared distance LDO = 52° 2.9´.
Now it's time to make our personal lunar distance table in bin 4. Looking in the almanac
on the 12 May 2005 page, we extract the GHA and declination for the sun and moon for
2100 UT and 2200 UT, the hour before our sight and the hour after. Then using these
declinations and the GHA differences, we execute the keystroke reminder equations to
calculate LD1 and LD2. These equations represent the great-circle equation

cos LD = sin d sun sin d moon + cos d sun cos d moon cos(GHA sun−GHA moon) (8.5)

Finally, we're at the bottom of the flow chart and worksheet. We are ready to find the
sight time by interpolating the time of LDO between the times of LD1 and LD2. (Notice
how LD2 has increased from LD1 as expected with the moon east of the sun, trailing in its
waxing phase.) The interpolation is done by equating the LD-difference ratios to their
corresponding time-difference ratios: The difference LD2 – LD1 = 27.5´ corresponds to
their 60-minute time difference. Similarly, the difference LDO − LD1 = 8.7´ corresponds to
the unknown time interval ΔT after 2100 UT. Therefore ΔT/60 = 8.7´/27.5´. This gives
ΔT = 60(8.7/27.5) = 18m 59s past 2100 UT. But the watch read 21h 18m 16s UT at the
sight time T. So the lunar indicates that the watch is 43 seconds slow on UT.


The interpretation of any observation requires thinking about the accuracy of the facts.
Celestial navigation is no different. The above example shows the watch to be 43 seconds
slow on UT. However, before we rush to advance the watch by this 43 seconds, we'd
better think a bit.
Looking at the LD1-LD2 difference of 27.5´ over 60 minutes means that about one
minute of LD corresponds to about two minutes of time, an observation claimed at the
beginning of our lunar discussion. So we see the hard, cruel fact that the lunar distance is
not nearly as sensitive to time as we would like. And how accurate was the observation
itself? At sea we expect sights to be within perhaps 1´ to 3´, depending on conditions and
the observer's skill. Each of us must learn to evaluate our own accuracy capability; see the
discussion at the end of Chapter 10. To conclude that the watch deserves resetting in this
case, would mean that we can dependably measure to much better than one minute of arc.
I would need proof of that assertion before tampering with the watch. Put another way, this
lunar confirms that the watch is correct within the lunar's uncertainty.
Moreover, we need to take into account the possible accumulation of other errors. The
almanac itself claims no more than 0.3´ accuracy for its tabulated coordinates of the moon.
We've neglected the oblateness of the earth in the parallax correction, which can amount to
a 0.2´ error. Even perfectly adjusted sextants have from 0.15´ to more than 0.33´ of arc
error, depending on the quality of the instrument. So it's idealistic to think that any sight
reduction, even with many averaged readings, is much better than one minute of arc.
Accepting this one-minute uncertainty in LD then gives us a two-minute uncertainty in
UT. Remembering that the earth rotates 1.0´ in four seconds of time, this 120-second
uncertainty in UT determines longitude to within only 30´. Maybe this explains how the
British Parliament selected its accuracy requirement when it posted the £20,000 (millions in
today's U.S. dollars) award for anyone who could determine longitude at sea to within 30´.
It's practically impossible to do so by using lunars. Instead, John Harrison's marine
chronometers came to the rescue.

So Why Lunars Today?

For appreciation and confidence. With cheap quartz watches (several, for reliability) we can
do all the modern celestial navigation we could want. But learning and practicing lunars
gives us deeper insight into celestial navigation; an appreciation for their historical
importance and difficulty; and perhaps most significant of all, after conquering lunars we
can appreciate the great convenience of St. Hilaire sights and modern quartz watches.
Moreover, in the rare event of losing UT, with lunars and only a poor watch we can still be
confident of finding our longitude at sea (well, OK, to within 30´).

Other Lunars

Lunar moon-star or moon-planet sights simply follow the above moon-sun example with, of
course, no semidiameter corrections for stars or planets. So their apparent altitudes are used
in place of the sun's semidiameter-corrected altitude. Select bodies near the ecliptic because
they have the most lunar-distance sensitivity to time.
For practicing lunars, we can simplify a bit, thereby avoiding three simultaneous sights,
altitude measurement errors, and interpolation for UT. And we don't require a horizon.
From an accurately known location, make a LD observation (averaging for better accuracy,
if you like). But then calculate the altitudes HO and hO for the time and location of the sight.
Using the altitude correction tables, calculate the apparent altitudes corresponding to these
corrected altitudes (i.e., we make the corrections in reverse). Then using these synthetic
apparent altitudes find HSD and hSD, and clear the lunar distance. Next, calculate the lunar
distance at the actual UT of the sight using the daily pages from the almanac. Comparison
of the cleared lunar distance with the calculated one demonstrates the combined limitations
of lunars and navigator skill.
Star-star sights offer an even better test of combined observational skill and sextant
accuracy. The Nautical Almanac claims an accuracy better than 0.2´ for the coordinates of
stars. And if two stars are selected with reasonably high altitudes, the refraction corrections
will be very small and reliable. Therefore, comparing an observed star-star distance that is
cleared of refraction with the calculated value is an excellent measure of combined
navigator-sextant performance. For a simpler evaluation of navigator-sextant performance,
Appendix G offers a direct approach. It tabulates the arc distance, already adjusted for
refraction, between twelve star pairs. So your star-star distance reading corrected only for
index error, should agree with those tabulated distances. You can also see from these tables
how very insensitive is the refraction correction in the altitudes of the two stars.


We've now covered sight reductions from keel to mast truck—sights by direct calculation
and by tables; sights of all the navigational bodies; and sights of all types, from St. Hilaire to
lunar distance sights. That's the hard part of celestial navigation. As outlined much earlier,
the other tasks of taking observations and plotting results pale in difficulty by comparison.
But of course, they're of equal importance. Plotting and related issues come in the next
chapter. Here we treat the important aspects of altitude observations: checking and
adjusting the sextant, using it in observations, and correcting the altitude readings.

The Sextant

The marine sextant, shown in Figure 9.1, has three major optical parts: two mirrors, and an
optional telescope. In addition there are separate shades for adjusting the brightness of the
celestial body and the horizon. Beyond the obvious protection that shades provide for
bright objects (the sun, moon, and sun-lit horizon), they can be very useful for getting
optimum contrast under difficult conditions. The index mirror is located over the pivot point
of the index arm. It reflects the image of the celestial body onto the horizon mirror. As
shown in the figure, the horizon mirror is located in line with the observer's sight to the
horizon; it not only reflects the body's image from the index mirror into the observer's eye,
but also allows the observer to see the horizon directly. Thus, looking at the horizon mirror,
you see both the horizon and the body in the same view. By looking at this composite view,
the body and horizon are brought into coincidence by moving the index arm; then the
altitude is read from the scale on the arc and the micrometer drum. Most sextants use a
telescope, but sometimes a simple sight tube, or even just a peep sight, is used to view the
horizon mirror (as in some antique octants). They all function perfectly well, but scopes
have certain advantages discussed below.

The Horizon Mirror

There are two types of horizon mirrors that produce a composite view of the horizon and
the celestial body. The older traditional mirror is silvered (or aluminized) on the right half
(toward the frame), and clear on the left half. So you see a split image, the body on the
right side of the horizon mirror, and the horizon on the left with a slight overlap of the two
images in the middle. The newer type isn't divided into halves. Rather, its whole surface is
uniformly treated with a thin film (dielectric or metal oxide) designed to give the mirror
good reflectivity from the side facing the index-mirror, and good transmissivity from the
side facing the horizon. Since both the horizon and the body are treated the same all the
way across the mirror, there's no split image; the two are simply superimposed to make one
combined image. Since there's no split in the image, these mirrors are called various names,
such as whole-horizon mirrors, allview mirrors, or sometimes , beamsplitters (as
Michelson and Morley called them in their famous 1887 experiment, showing the speed of
light is a constant).
Figure 9.1 A marine sextant by Celestaire, showing the light rays from a celestial
body and the horizon combining in the telescope to form a composite image.
(Courtesy of Celestaire)
In bright-light conditions the whole-horizon mirror, with its two images completely
superimposed across the field of view, is convenient for locating celestial bodies and is
particularly nice for keeping them in view in rough weather on small boats. However, under
certain conditions it produces a washed-out image. This occurs whenever the index-mirror
image has little contrast between the body and its background, such as a dim star in a
partially lit twilight sky. And it's further exacerbated when the direct image of the horizon
has little contrast, such as in hazy conditions. Then superimposing this uniform wash from
the index mirror with a low-contrast horizon-mirror image reduces the contrast in the
combined images.
This loss of contrast is easily demonstrated with the whole-horizon sextant. Just look at
a daytime horizon with the arc set just off of zero so that you see two horizons; then cover
the index mirror with an opaque card, or the darkest sunshade. The increased contrast is
dramatic. (Although the eye can just detect a 100 percent intensity change, it's sensitive to a
mere 2 percent contrast change.)
Thus, the whole-horizon mirror makes high-contrast sights (such as the sun and stars
against a dark sky) more convenient, but it makes low-contrast sights (such as dim stars
against a twilight sky) more difficult—sometimes impossible. So with bright stars under
reasonably good viewing conditions, the whole-horizon mirror's convenience outweighs the
washout problem, but with poor viewing conditions, such as dim stars or haze, the
traditional mirror can make the shot possible. Or to put it another way, the whole-horizon
mirror makes easy sights easier, and hard sights harder.

The Telescope

Some common sextant telescopes are designated 3.5x40, 4x40, 6x30, 7x35, or 8x30, where
the first number is the magnification and the second is the objective lens diameter in
millimeters. Magnification is familiar to everyone. In sextant applications, as in all
astronomical applications, the object is effectively at infinity, so all rays entering the
objective lens from a given point on the object (e.g., a point on the sun's disk) are parallel
to each other, as diagramed in Figure 9.2. Those same rays exiting the eyepiece are also
parallel to each other. These exiting rays leave the scope at a greater angle to the scope's
axis than the entering rays. The ratio of the larger exiting angle to the smaller entering angle
is called the angular magnification, or more simply, just magnification. A 4x scope will make
the sun's 0.5-degree diameter appear to the observer as a 2-degree diameter. If, looking
through a 4x scope, an observer looks at the sun's lower limb, and then shifts his eye to
focus on the upper limb, he's rotated his eyeball 2 degrees.
Higher magnification helps to bring the celestial body more exactly into coincidence
with the horizon. A person with 20/20 vision can resolve 1´ of arc. So with a 4x scope this
person would theoretically be able to determine this coincidence to 0.25´, but other factors,
such as instrument quality, atmospherics, and star patterns, can limit this resolution.
(Parenthetically, quite a few people have 20/15, and very rarely, 20/10 vision.) Useful
magnification is normally limited by ship motion with 3.5x or 4x useful on small boats, and
7x or 8x about the limit on large ships (or in many handheld applications, for that matter).
The diameter of the parallel rays exiting the eyepiece is called the exit pupil; see Figure
9.2. Simple geometric optics show that this exit pupil is equal to the objective lens diameter
divided by the scope magnification. Hence a 4x40 scope has a 10mm exit pupil. The human
eye pupil varies from 2-4mm (larger for older people) in bright light to 8mm in dim light, so
even with the largest eye pupil of 8mm, this 4x40 scope wastes a little, although
insignificant, light.

Figure 9.2 With the telescope focused at infinity, parallel rays from the distant
object emerge from the eyepiece at a greater angle to the axis than they went in,
producing an angular magnification. The exiting rays also have a smaller cross
section than the entering rays, producing increased light intensity from a point
source, such as a star.
Since the bundle of parallel light exiting a telescope's eyepiece is smaller than the
corresponding parallel rays going in, the intensity (light per area) of the exiting rays has
been increased. The eye focuses these parallel rays to a point on its retina. Thus the light-
gathering power of a scope with a 40mm objective lens is much greater than the 8mm eye
pupil: The ratio of this scope's aperture to the eye's is 40/8 = 5. The ratio of these areas is 5
squared, or 25. This is the ratio of brightness that the scope delivers compared to the
unaided human eye when looking at a point source, such as a star. However, because of the
logarithmic response of the human eye, this 25-fold increase in intensity doesn't seem that
great. A single doubling of intensity is just detectable by the human eye. Thinking as the
eye does, this 25-fold increase is only 4.64 doublings, which, although still appreciable, is
not as great as you might have thought.
However, the above analysis of brightness versus aperture size is only for point sources,
such as stars. Extended sources, such as the water and sky, also have their brightness
altered by the telescope's magnification. For example, 3.5x40 scope and a 7x35 have an
insignificant difference in aperture size. But the 3.5x has one-half the magnification of the
7x scope, producing an image of an extended source with one-half the linear dimensions of
the 7x scope's image. Thus the light intensity (light per unit area again) of the 3.5x scope is
four times the 7x scope's. In terms of the eye's log response, the 3.5x40 scope is two
doublings brighter than the 7x35 (still neglecting aperture differences). Normally it's not the
overall brightness that's important for detecting the horizon, but rather the sky-water
contrast—and contrast is everything in taking difficult sights. But in dim light, the eye is
more sensitive to slight contrast differentials when the brightness is increased. Therefore,
the superior surface brightness of the lower magnification 3.5x scopes makes the horizon
more visible for star sights with their dim light. However, I've found that this surface effect
is somewhat subtle, verified only in the most difficult dim conditions. Nonetheless, some
navigators call the 3.5x and 4x star scopes, and the higher magnification 6x, 7x, and 8x sun
scopes. The star scopes work out well for both star and sun shots on small boats because
the higher magnification of sun scopes isn't useful under small-boat conditions anyway. But
having both is ideal for navigators of large ships.
We ignored pupil size in the above discussion because it's not critical: The nighttime eye
pupil can effectively accommodate the 11 and 10mm exit pupils of the 3.5x40 and 4x40
scopes since the wasted light is negligible from the small aperture mismatch between the
scope and eye pupil; and the wasted light is irrelevant for sun sights with the daytime's
abundance of light. Also, the 5mm exit pupils of 6x30 and 7x35 scopes accommodate either
night or day eye pupils. Thus all of these scopes accommodate all the eye pupil sizes (the
same is true for the 8x30). But as we saw above, the low magnification scopes are better
for seeing the horizon in dim light.

Eye Relief

The largest distance between the eyepiece's rear lens and the observer's eye for which the
entire field of view can still be seen is called the eye relief. This is an important
consideration for eye comfort, for rolling around in choppy seas, and for using eyeglasses.
For a variety of reasons, some navigators will want to use their eyeglasses with their
sextant. They may wear astigmatism-correcting eyeglasses (the scope's focus adjustment
can't correct for this), or they may wish to avoid flipping their glasses on and off all the
time. For them a minimum eye relief somewhere around 15mm is needed, which falls in
the middle of the range of a few millimeters to 23mm found in sextant telescopes. Even
without eyeglasses, too small an eye relief has the eyepiece bouncing off your eye in rough
rides, and even in friendly seas it's uncomfortable having the eyepiece brushing your
eyelashes. Normally, eye relief isn't specified for a sextant, but generally, telescopes having
higher magnification tend to have the shorter eye relief. Just as with most binoculars, many
sextants come with soft eyepieces, sometimes as an option, to help stabilize the sextant
against your eyebrow.

Telescopes with Traditional Horizon Mirrors

So far we've discussed telescope properties common to all sextant scopes. But four quite
different types of telescopes are found on sextants: two unusual ones, found on older
sextants, are the terrestrial and the inverting telescopes. The terrestrial scope has an internal
lens system to rotate the inverted image formed by the objective lens so that the viewer
sees an upright image. This is the type of scope used on gun telescopic sights, for example.
The second unusual type is called an inverting scope which lacks these internal lenses,
making the image viewed by the observer upside down. These are frequently used in
astronomical telescopes. At least one model of a Russian sextant uses this inverting scope.
It apparently takes some practice to get accustomed to it.
By far the most common two scopes are the prism and the Galilean telescopes. The
Galilean scope is the most common on modern sextants; the prism scope is sometimes an
optional scope (usually the higher power 6x30 or 7x35). Each of these uses a different
optical system to upright the inverted image that would be produced at the focal plane of
the objective lens. As the name implies, the prism scope uses prisms, as commonly seen in
binoculars. The Galilean scope uses a diverging lens for the eyepiece to make the final
image upright. So it's the simplest, lightest, and least expensive design, having only two
lenses. The significance of these different designs is that the prism and terrestrial scopes
produce a very different view of a traditional half-silvered horizon mirror than does the
Galilean scope.
The prism (and terrestrial) scopes have an internal focal plane where the separate views
from each half of the traditional half-silvered mirror are superimposed to form one
composite image: they produce a whole-horizon view, very similar to the thin-film whole-
horizon mirrors. They can focus light anywhere across their entire field of view according
to the entrance angle of the rays falling on only one-half of their objective lens. The ray
tracing of Figure 9.3 shows how the entire horizon is imaged by using only half of the
horizon mirror. The same is true for the silvered half of the horizon mirror; so the entire
sun-sky image is produced all the way across the field of view. Therefore, a complete
superposition of both sides of the horizon mirror is achieved, just as with the thin-film
whole-horizon mirror. But the quality of the resulting superimposed image depends on the
relative contrast between the images from each side of the horizon mirror. Since we're
superimposing the light from the two images, a brighter image can wash out a dimmer one.
But viewing two non-competing images will produce a complete overlap all across the field
of view. For example, the bright sun viewed through the shades is perfectly dark except for
the sun's disk. Thus we see a complete superposition of the sun and horizon all across the
field of view, exactly as we do with the thin-film horizon mirror.
Figure 9.3 Rays coming from both the left and right directions through just the
left side of the horizon mirror form a complete image of the horizon. The same is
true for rays coming from the silvered half of the horizon mirror, superimposing
with the horizon's image. The eyepiece projects this composite image onto the
eye's retina (not shown here). The ray's off-axis angles are exaggerated for
But many star sights have a relatively bright sky superimposed over dimly lit water.
Light triumphs over darkness, so under these difficult contrast conditions the prism scope
with the traditional mirror will produce a washed-out view, just as the thin-film whole-
horizon mirror does. But rather than a uniform wash-out across the entire view, the horizon
fades out toward the right edge of the view, and a body's image fades out toward the left
edge of the view. Thus the whole-horizon effect grades gradually across the view. This
effect is easily demonstrated by looking at a normal daytime horizon through one of these
sextants using a prism scope: Split the horizon into two images, the directly viewed horizon
and the one reflected from the index mirror. Then by blocking the light from the index
mirror with an opaque card (or dark sunshade), the washed-out effect will be eliminated,
leaving a complete horizon of the directly viewed image.
To help control this grading of the wash-out, some sextants have a lateral adjustment of
the telescope that can be used to optimize the intensity contribution of the star-sky image
relative to the directly viewed horizon. (Unfortunately, some scopes have a recessed seat
for the scope's mounting screw that locks the scope in the center position. This can be
modified with a little machining.) This slight change in relative intensities likewise produces
only a slight change in contrasts. But as noted earlier, the eye is very sensitive to contrast
differences in dim light, such as between similar sky and water illuminations. So this
adjustment is effective in coaxing a difficult horizon into view, balancing a necessary
horizon against an acceptable star brightness. In other words, it's possible to adjust the ratio
of the effect of thin-film whole-horizon mirror to the effect of the traditional mirror. It's
also somewhat possible to control the effect of the wash-out by simply sighting to the left
or right of center. Frequently these controls over the composite image make possible an
otherwise impossible star shot.
On the other hand, Galilean telescopes, with their simple optics having no internal focal
plane, do not achieve this superposition. Hence they show a split view when used with the
traditional half-silvered horizon mirror: The direct view from the horizon is seen on the left
and the index mirror's image is seen on the right. Usually this combination of the traditional
horizon-mirror viewed with a Galilean scope produces an overlap of the two images across
about 1/2° in the middle of the field of view.
It's interesting, and perhaps somewhat surprising, to learn exactly how the Galilean
scope works with the traditional horizon mirror. In high contrast sights, using horizon
shades with a sun shot for example, you see the sun pretty much across the whole field of
view, but only the horizon on the left. The sun's image on the left side is not from the
silvered half of the horizon mirror. It's from the left side of the horizon mirror: it's the
reflection from the horizon mirror's clear glass. You can easily verify this by covering the
silvered half of the mirror with a piece of black paper. You'll see no difference in the image
on the left where the sight is actually taken. Thus these high-contrast sun (and moon) sights
don't actually use the silvered half of the horizon mirror. So with the sun seen across the
whole field of view, but the horizon seen only on the left, the observer must bring the sun's
disk tangent to the horizon slightly to the left of the center of the field of view.
But in star shots, where there's usually low contrast, no excess starlight, and no shades,
the silvered half of the horizon mirror contributes all of the star's image. Again, you can
verify this by blocking off the silvered half of the horizon mirror. In these shots there is
only that small 1/2° overlap in the center, as shown in Figure 9.4, available for making the
Incidentally, it follows that a perfectly acceptable whole-horizon mirror can be
improvised from clear glass (optical quality, preferably). The normal reflection from the
surface of the glass is more than adequate for sun (shades are still needed) and nighttime
moon shots. But the reflected image is very dim for star shots and daytime moon shots.
The challenge of improvising your own horizon mirror is not cutting the glass, but rather
cutting it into a circle to fit the common mirror holder.

Figure 9.4 View of the traditional horizon mirror through a Galilean telescope. (a)
In the center there is a small region of overlap between the left and right views.
(b) Because of its brightness, the sun can be seen in the entire field of view.
Finally, we summarize this discussion of telescopes and horizon mirrors: The thin-film
horizon mirror has the advantage of its full view of the horizon, making it easy to locate
bodies and, as we discuss later in connection with Figure 9.7, making it easy to take the
sight. Its disadvantage is taking sights in adverse contrast conditions, such as a relatively
bright sky against a poorly defined horizon, which can occur frequently in star shots.
The behavior of the traditional half-silvered mirror depends on whether it's viewed with
a Galilean scope or one with an internal focus, such as the prism scope. The Galilean scope
has the advantage of low expense. But used with the traditional horizon mirror it has the
disadvantage of the split view, which makes locating the body and taking the sight more
difficult because the horizon is only seen in the left half of the view. However, this
combination has the advantage of not exacerbating poor viewing conditions with the wash-
out of the whole-horizon mirror. Finally, the traditional mirror viewed with the prism scope
permits optimizing the advantage of both the whole-horizon view and the traditional mirror.
Its disadvantage is more expense, and normal availability is limited to the higher 6x or 7x

Field of View

The field of view (FOV) of a sextant is important for easily locating celestial bodies,
particularly in star, wide-angle, and coastal navigation sights—concerns that are exacerbated
in rough seas. Typically the FOV of Galilean scopes is around 4°. But since traditional
horizon mirrors with these scopes show only the horizon on the left, these combinations
have an effective working FOV of only about 2°, as shown in Figure 9.4. In some sextants,
shade and mirror frames further obstruct the FOV. Since the shades aren't used on star
shots, and frequently dim stars aren't sufficiently bright to show in the left half, then only
about the middle 1/2° overlap remains to take the sight. On the other hand, prism scopes
typically have a much wider FOV, around 7°, effectively, several times that of the lower
power scopes.

Sextant Checks and Adjustments

A good celestial shot begins with a good sextant—and one properly adjusted. The three
major optical parts discussed above—the telescope, the index mirror, and the horizon
mirror—all require checking, and sometimes adjusting.

The Telescope

The telescope's axis should be parallel to the frame and centered on the middle of the
horizon mirror. Some older sextants have one or two adjustments for this alignment, but
improved manufacturing techniques have rendered this unnecessary, so that all modern
sextants have only one or no adjustment for telescope alignment. However, for older
sextants, ones that might have been damaged, or inexpensive ones, you might want to
check the telescope alignment. Some sextants have an adjustment for centering of the
telescope in the middle of the horizon glass. As mentioned earlier, this lateral adjustment
can be used to vary the ratio between the intensity of images coming from the left and right
sides of the traditional half-silvered horizon mirror when used with prism scopes. In any
case, it's not critical and can be simply done visually.
Adjusting the telescope to be parallel to the frame, as mentioned above, is called
collimation, and it requires a little more effort. This adjustment is particularly important for
large angle measurements as sometimes encountered in terrestrial sights and lunar distance
sights. One way to check this is to observe two stars at angles greater than 90°. If they
move out of coincidence when moved from side to side in the field of view, the scope is
not collimated correctly.
Another way is to find a flat surface, such as a dining room table, that is some distance
from a wall. Sighting across the surface of the table at the wall, have an assistant place a
mark (such as a piece of tape) on the wall at the elevation of the table's surface. Then place
the sextant on the table and measure, as accurately as you can, the distance from the table
to the center of the telescope. Place another mark on the wall this same distance above the
first mark. This second mark will appear in the telescope's center of view if it's parallel to
the frame. This, of course, assumes the surface defined by the end of the legs is parallel to
the sextant's frame. Check this out when the sextant is on the table. Also, if a large
adjustment was necessary, the distance from the table to the telescope's center might have
changed significantly from the first adjustment, requiring repeating the procedure.

The Index Mirror

For proper optical alignment both mirrors must be perpendicular to the sextant's frame. The
index mirror is checked for this by looking into the index mirror from the direction that a
celestial body would “look” at it. By holding the sextant as shown in Figure 9.5, you should
be able to see both the reflected image of the sextant's arc and the arc itself. You may have
to place the index arm just right in order to expose the arc to your view. When you can see
both the reflected image of the arc and the arc itself, they should appear as one continuous
inline image. If they appear offset, the index mirror should be adjusted with the screws
provided. Figure 9.5 shows what to look for: On the left, you see the direct view of the arc
inline with its reflected image in the index mirror. But in the right-hand inset, the reflected
arc image is offset (higher) from the direct image, indicating that adjustment of the index
mirror is required.
This adjustment method assumes the reflecting surface of the index mirror is exactly
over the center of the arc, i.e., over the pivot of the index arm. This is not true for all
sextants, making this method an approximation for them. For those cases, this
approximation is best when your line of sight is as parallel as possible to the sextant's frame.
This is achieved when the arc appears as low as possible in the index mirror, unlike Figure
9.5, which shows the arc rather high in the mirror.

Figure 9.5 The index mirror is adjusted so that the reflected view of the arc in
the index mirror is inline with its direct view. The telescope has been removed
from the sextant for a better view of the arc. In the upper right inset, the reflected
arc's image is misaligned with its direct image, indicating adjustment of the index
mirror is required. (Photos by author.)
A more accurate approach is to place two objects of equal height (about half the height
of the mirror) on the arc's perimeter so that they appear adjacent to each other in the
mirror. Use identical objects, such as dice or machine nuts. You can also buy specially
machined calibrating cylinders for this adjustment. Place one at point A, as shown in Figure
9.6, and the other somewhere near point B, so that its reflected image is adjacent to the
direct image of the cylinder at A. When using these cylinders, sight level with their top
surfaces, so that the top surfaces of the cylinders just disappear as you lower your line of
sight from above (as shown in the figure). Adjust for no offset between the top of the
directly viewed cylinder A and the top of the reflection of cylinder B, as shown in the

Figure 9.6 Correct alignment of the index mirror using calibrating cylinders. The
top of the directly viewed cylinder and the top of the reflected cylinder are in line.
(Photo by author.)

The Horizon Mirror

Two adjustments are required for the horizon mirror. One makes its plane perpendicular to
the sextant's frame. The other adjusts its orientation so that the sextant reads zero when it's
measuring a zero angle. A non-zero reading when the sextant is actually reading a zero
angle is called the index error. The slickest way to make these two adjustments is to use a
star. First, carefully set the arc to read exactly zero. Then (unless the sextant is extremely
out of whack, or in exact adjustment), when observing a star (a fairly isolated one), you
will see not one, but two images. One image is the direct view through the horizon mirror;
the other is the reflected image from the index mirror. Usually, the reflected image will be
separated a little from the direct image. Turning one of the two mirror-adjusting screws will
move the reflected image left-right, the other will move it up-down. Tuning these screws
until the two images coincide completes the horizon mirror adjustment.
There is another way of adjusting the horizon mirror that doesn't require a starry night.
This approach divides the adjustment into two parts, one for the perpendicularity, and one
for the index error. The perpendicularity adjustment is made by looking at the horizon and
its reflected image. Bring these two horizon images into coincidence. Then rotate the
instrument about the telescope axis, observing whether or not the two horizons stay in
alignment. If after rotating the sextant, the two images of the horizon go out of coincidence,
the horizon mirror is not perpendicular to the frame. Adjust it with one of the two screws
provided. Since these two screws provide movements that are orthogonal to one other, you
should be able to distinguish between the two by inspecting your particular sextant.

Index Error

After adjusting the horizon mirror to be perpendicular to the frame, with the horizon and its
reflected image in coincidence, we would like the sextant's arc to read exactly zero. This
really never happens; instead, there's an index error. So carefully set the micrometer drum
to zero. Then by adjusting the index correction screw on the horizon mirror, bring the two
images into coincidence. This can affect the previous perpendicularity adjustment, so repeat
that one. After readjusting these interacting adjustments a couple of times, quit when the
index error is small—say, under a few minutes of arc. But the last adjustment you make
should be the perpendicularity adjustment. Then just accept the remaining index error and
apply it to your observation before any other corrections. This correction is listed on our
sight reduction forms because we expect that it is always needed. A decent quality sextant
will hold these adjustments for quite some time, but nonetheless, you should check the
index error before each series of sights.
Another index correction method is to look at the sun and its reflected image. The best
sensitivity is obtained not by aligning the sun's disk with itself, but by bringing one limb of
the sun into coincidence with its other limb. Then do the reverse. A little thought,
particularly with the aid of a sketch, shows that the sum of these two readings should be
four times the sun's semidiameter, whereas the difference is twice the index error. I like this
idea because of the sensitivity of aligning the edges of the sun's disk, the increased accuracy
by dividing by two to get the index error, and the double check on the sextant by comparing
the sun's semidiameter with the almanac's report for that date. (Some older sextants do not
have a horizon shade sufficiently dark to look at the sun.)


Many practical navigators satisfactorily ignore backlash. Backlash is lost motion, or play,
among mechanical parts (such as a gear train) when reversing direction. In the marine
sextant the micrometer-drum worm gear meshes with the arc's worm wheel, with the worm
gear spring loaded against the arc to prevent backlash. Theoretically then, there would be
no backlash; identical readings would occur when approaching the reading from either
direction, i.e., from altitudes either higher or lower than the final reading. On the other hand
(also theoretically), the slightest force on any material item, such as a gear or index arm,
will deflect it, if only slightly.
Therefore, we can expect that, even though the worm gear is spring loaded, there might
be a slight amount of backlash in a marine sextant. Depending on the direction of approach
to the final reading, parts might deflect slightly; and the worm might ride slightly higher up
one side of the arc's teeth than the other side. On a sextant with a 6.5” arc radius, an
accumulation of these slight deflections to only one thousandth of an inch will produce a
one-minute arc error (a good reason to keep the arc gear and worm very clean).
When you check for the index error, you can easily check for backlash by recording
separate index errors, divided into two groups, one for approaching from each side of the
reading. Take five to ten readings from each approach and average each group separately.
If these two averages are identical, there is no backlash. Normally you don't get exactly
zero, but you might find one or two minutes of backlash.
Some navigators believe that a directional bias, called personal error, can masquerade as
backlash. The idea is that the observer might unconsciously achieve a slightly different
visual coincidence when approaching the same reading from different directions. Also it
could be different for different kinds of sights, such as using a star's point image compared
to the sun's disc. Because this effect would appear the same as backlash, we needn't
establish whether personal error is real. We just group the two effects together and call it all
backlash. In any case, the navigator who is aiming for maximum accuracy can measure
backlash and apply it with the index error according to the direction of approach taken to
the reading. Others can happily ignore it, while those wishing to delve deeper into sextant
mechanics can look at Morris's book cited in Appendix K.

Sextant Arc Error

No instrument is 100 percent accurate. Sextants have errors in the measured angle that
varies along the arc, called arc error. With the exception of inexpensive plastic sextants,
manufacturers of modern sextants usually certify a maximum arc error. Typically this
maximum error ranges from 10 to 20 arc seconds, depending on the manufacturer. Many
older sextants have a correction table of arc error versus angle, which may run from some
small number to 35 seconds or more.
The arc error can be checked by measuring star-star distances as discussed at the end
of Chapter 8, where we explain that to get the required accuracy, refraction corrections
must be made by the same method used in clearing lunar distances. Using this method,
Appendix G gives handy tables of precomputed star-star distances of twelve selected star
pairs for checking sextant arc error. You only have to correct your sextant's reading for
index error and then compare the result to the tabulated values of arc distances. These
corrections are quite reliable, particularly when the star's altitudes are high, making the
corrections small—say, under a few minutes of arc. This exercise will produce a useful and
reliable indication of the combined observer-sextant accuracy capability—perhaps a
humbling indication.

Sextant Observations

Observations at Home

Those not living on the ocean or a large body of water, yet wishing to practice sextant shots
at home, have a couple of options for a substitute sea horizon. By far the nicest option, if
convenient, is to use an inland lake. The distance to the natural sea horizon is given by

d = 1.169 √ h (9.1)

where h is the height of the observer's eye above the water in feet, and d is the distance to
the natural horizon in nautical miles. If the distant shore is farther away than this, then that
visible horizon can be used as is. But if the shore is closer, it's obstructing the true horizon,
and a special dip correction must be substituted for the one in the almanac. This correction
—dip short of the horizon, as it's called—is calculated from

Dip s = 0.415767 × d + 0.565786 × h/d (9.2)

where the dip is in minutes of arc, d is the shore distance in nautical miles, and h is the
observer's height in feet.
The table in Appendix H gives dip values calculated from this equation for a range of
values. Notice that for shore distances less than about 0.5 nm, the correction is very
sensitive to eye height, making it unreliable. Also note that, for a given eye height, as the
distance increases, the correction becomes constant. At these distances, the lakeshore is
over the natural horizon, and therefore the correction becomes equal to the normal
correction in the almanac.
If a natural water horizon is unavailable, you can use several types of artificial horizons
that fit onto the marine sextant. If all else fails, you can place a pan of water in an
appropriate spot for viewing the body's reflection on the water's surface. Floating oil on the
water's surface reduces the ripples, making better viewing. You aim the sextant at the
reflected image from the water, then bring the image of the body from the index mirror into
coincidence with the water image. Since you're bringing the two images into coincidence,
their centers also coincide. So there's no semidiameter correction, which means use the star
and planet altitude correction table in the almanac for the sun. And for the moon, follow the
instructions for bubbles sextants given in the almanac's altitude correction table for the
moon (Appendix C). Since this water surface is a true horizon, there is no dip correction.
Observing the sun this way can be too bright for sextants that don't have very dark horizon
shades, and stars can be difficult to see and identify. By drawing a simple sketch showing
the body's rays reflected both from the water surface and the index mirror, you'll see that
the sextant is measuring twice the true altitude. This is nice because when you divide the
sextant altitude by two to get the true altitude, you also cut your observing error in half.

Taking a Sight

Conceptually, taking a sextant sight is as simple as pie. Looking through the telescope and
adjusting the index arm, you bring two points into coincidence. Then, reading the angle
from the arc and micrometer drum gives the angle subtended at your location by the two
But there's a catch. The horizon is not a distinct point—it's a line. The measurement we
need in celestial navigation is the arc distance from the body to the horizon, measured
perpendicular to the horizon. That's also the shortest distance between the two. So we use
this fact to make sure the sextant is vertical, i.e., perpendicular to the horizon, when we
make the measurement. This is done by rotating the sextant back and forth about an axis in
the vertical plane, so that the observed body stays in the center of the field of view. When
you keep the body stationary in the center of the field of view, you're rotating about the
body's line of sight, making the body appear to describe an arc with the horizon zipping
back and forth (and up and down) across the field of view. You'll find that to keep the body
in the center of the view, you'll also have to turn slightly to the left and right (more so at
high altitudes than low). You're looking for that one point on the horizon that is directly
beneath the body. That lowest point on the arc occurs when the sextant is held vertically.
That's the shortest distance, the measurement we want. So in taking the sight we
continuously swing the arc or rock the sextant, as it's called, while simultaneously bringing
the body down (or up) so that the lowest point of the arc just “kisses” the horizon. Figure
9.7 diagrams this view seen through the sextant's telescope when swinging the arc. For the
sun or moon, we use the upper or lower limb of the body's disk, bringing it tangent to the
horizon, as shown in the figure for the lower limb.
Swinging this arc is the most basic and important part of taking a sight. If it's not done
carefully, taking a measurement with the sextant just slightly off of vertical can produce a
considerable error: At a 45° altitude, a 5° error from vertical produces about a 13´ error in
the observed altitude.
With experience come nuances. The arc's width may become smaller, approaching zero
exactly at the time of the kiss. Sometimes, to avoid doing two things at once, I like to stop
adjusting the sextant when the bottom of the arc and the horizon are not quite yet in
coincidence and continuously swing the arc waiting for the exact second of coincide. This
way, I make sure the sextant is vertical when I mark the time. With experience, both the
width of the arc and the time interval are decreased.

Figure 9.7 Swinging the arc by keeping the body centered in the field of view of
the sextant's telescope, viewed through a whole-horizon mirror. The index arm is
properly set for reading when the body's disk just kisses the horizon at the lowest
point of the arc. Then the sextant is vertical because it's reading the shortest
distance from the body to the horizon.
Notice in comparing the whole-horizon view of Figure 9.7 with the traditional-mirror
Galilean-scope sextant (see Figure 9.4), that the traditional-mirror sextant effectively has
only half the field of view for swinging the arc—a four-degree field-of-view scope only
gives you two degrees. This can be a serious disadvantage to any navigator aboard small
boats in rough seas, a stumbling block for beginners on dry land, and an inconvenience for
anyone at anytime.
Of course, the first job is to get both the body and the horizon in the same view. This is
one place where a wide-view sextant really is nice. Several different methods are used by
navigators. In the case of all celestial bodies, except for some minor stars and Venus, I have
always found the common approach satisfactory: Set the sextant at zero; aim the telescope
at the body, using appropriate shades; then in a coordinated fashion move the index arm
outward as you move your aim downward toward the horizon, keeping the body centered
in the view. As your aim approaches the horizontal, the horizon will come into view from
below. Now both the horizon and the body are in view. A refinement of this idea that I use
to avoid looking at the bright sun (or moon) with insufficiently dark horizon shades, is to
set the index arm to just a little more than the field of view (about 6°). Then aiming just a
little below the sun, I easily find the well-shaded index-mirror image of the sun in the center
of view, rather than being blinded by the sun through the left side of the horizon mirror.
Beyond keeping the sextant vertical and locating the body in the field of view, the rest is
common sense or personal preference. For example, some navigators believe that the sun's
and moon's upper limbs provide a better sighting arrangement than the lower ones. One
reason is that the gap between the disk and the horizon might be a confused cloud pattern
when using the lower limb, but it's a nice clear view of the sea when using the upper limb.
There are other fairly obvious considerations: Pick a location on the vessel that is
comfortable and has the least motion. Take that position and practice the body motion
required to keep your upper body suspended in inertial space while holding the sextant
steady in both hands. Time the sight to take the reading on the top of a wave crest so
you're looking at the true horizon, rather than a nearby wave. (And don't add wave height
to your eye height for the dip correction because when you're at the top of a wave, you're
also looking at the tops of distant waves on the horizon.) Also, it might be interesting to
note that inadvertent vertical motion of the sextant doesn't affect its reading, because the
resulting dip correction would be negligible. Be alert to false horizons produced by various
effects, such as fog, clouds, and wave patterns. Reflections from the water under the sun
or moon can also produce a false horizon. Incorrect selection of both index and horizon
shades can lead to problem sights. In fact, the proper selection of shades shouldn't be taken
lightly. They can make all the difference in optimizing that all-important contrast in difficult
High altitudes offer their own challenges. As altitudes approach 90°, the arc becomes
very flat, which causes the body to run out of sight to left or right as you rock the sextant.
Then you have to twist around in azimuth, searching for the low point of the arc while
keeping the body in the center of the view. The reason for this is clear if you think about
the azimuth behavior versus altitude. In fact, right at 90° altitude the azimuth becomes
undefined, and the altitude is the same in all directions. Particularly in high seas, this
simultaneous twisting around and rocking the sextant through large angles can result in quite
a circus, to the amusement of your shipmates.
Furthermore, alignment of the sextant with the vertical becomes increasingly critical at
high altitudes, as we see from the data below. Here we tabulate the altitude error (in
minutes of arc) versus the altitude H, for three values of sextant misalignment. Note the
rapid increase in altitude error, both with altitude (particularly above 45°), and with the
sextant-off-vertical errors. Perhaps one saving grace is the split-view horizon mirror: I
estimate that by carefully judging the vertical edge of the mirror to be perpendicular to the
horizon, one can hold the sextant vertical to within 2°, considerably reducing the potential
error at high altitudes. Even so, at altitudes above 75° you should probably forego those
noon sun shots, substituting off-meridian sun lines. (The table's blank entry in the bottom
right-hand corner is another example of our tricky spherical geometry: The more the body's
altitude approaches 90°, the more every direction from it approaches right angles to the
horizon. At an 85° altitude, it's impossible to have a great-circle arc from body-to-horizon
deviate 6° from vertical at the horizon.)
Averaging Sights

The first step in going all out for accuracy is, of course, to make sure the sextant is adjusted
correctly, as discussed above. Then, under most conditions the altitude measurement itself
limits the final accuracy. In addition to becoming ever more careful, experienced, and
skillful, about the only way one can improve sextant observations is to average sights. The
best method, although it's a bit of work, is to plot each individual altitude reading versus
time. Simple quadrille graph paper will do. Be sure to use a scale that allows plotting to 0.1´
of arc and one second of time. Plot the data and draw through it a curve that you have
eyeballed as a best fit. (With a computer, a best-fit curve can be exactly determined
mathematically.) If the overall elapsed time of the observations is reasonably short, say ten
minutes, and the sight is not near the meridian, the altitude-versus-time curve will be nearly
a straight line. Figure 9.8 shows a plot of the five readings that produced the sextant altitude
used in the Great Bahama Banks example of Chapter 5.

Figure 9.8 A plot of five sextant altitude readings versus observation time. Scatter
from the best fit line varies from 0.2´ to 4.0´ of arc.
Such a plot has several advantages. First, we immediately see the scatter in readings
from the best-fit line. This gives an indication of our accuracy limitation due to random
errors in reading the sextant, and it also points out rogue readings that are suspect because
of abnormal deviations from the best-fit line. In Figure 9.8 we see sextant readings that
deviate from 0.1´ to 4.0´ from the line. Is the 59° 25.8´ reading, with its 4.0´ deviation
from the line, an anomaly that should disqualify it? Judging by the other deviations, several
of which are nearly as large, we conclude that it is a valid reading. On the other hand, if all
the of the other four readings were, say, within only 1.0´ of the trend line, this deviation of
four times that amount would indeed make it suspect. This brings us to two conclusions
about the data shown: First, the fluctuations from the average seem to be normal random
ones, and second, these fluctuations indicate about a 4.0´ random error.
Having come to this conclusion, we now can either read off the averaged reading from
the best-fit line at anywhere near the middle of the plot, or we can average the five readings
arithmetically. Figure 9.9 shows the arithmetic average. (Note how we average the minutes
and seconds of UT separately for convenience, and how the 0.2 of the 18.2 minutes is
carried over as 12 seconds. The same can be done with the degrees of altitude and hours
when necessary.) For completely random fluctuations, by averaging N numbers we expect
an improvement of a factor of one over the square root of N. So the average of five sights,
each good to our maximum 4.0´ deviation, should provide an improvement of 1/√5 = 0.45,
giving us now 0.45 times the 4.0´ random fluctuation, or about an accuracy of ±2.0´.
Remember, of course, we are talking here about random observational error, not systematic

Figure 9.9 Averaging five sextant shots.

Plotting altitudes as in Figure 9.8 suggests comparing observed values with calculated
ones at a known location. This exercise serves several purposes: Not only does it give
practice calculating HC, but it evaluates index, backlash, and arc errors. We might calculate
sun altitudes, say every 20 to 30 minutes from noon to several hours afternoon for a fixed
location. Then throughout that same time period, we take sun sights at about 20 minute
intervals. At each time for evaluating backlash, we take readings by approaching the
horizon-body coincidence from higher, and also from lower, altitudes, recording which is
which. (Of course, it doesn't matter if we observe first, or calculate first.)
Next we plot the calculated values of altitude versus observation time, and carefully
draw a fair curve though them producing a HCcurve similar to Figure 9.8; however, since
this is HC versus time, and is not a straight-line average, it will display some curvature,
depending on latitude and azimuth of the body (according to Equation A.2b). Then after,
reducing the sextant altitudes to HO, we plot them on the same graph for evaluation. If the
data extends over more than a few degrees of altitude, we'll have to break it up into several
plots to resolve errors of the order of minutes of arc.
Comparing the HC curved to the HO observations will immediately show the amount of
random and systematic errors. Random errors will show the observed altitudes scattered
about the HC curve, while systematic errors can show some type of correlation: For
example, pure index error would show all the HO data displaced vertically by a constant
amount from the HC curve. Pure backlash error would show the HO data divided into two
groups, one group consistently above and the other group consistently below the HC curve.
And pure arc error might show up as gradual divergence of the HO data from the HC curve.
Of course, it's quite possible to have these systematic errors intertwined such that they can
not be separated from one another. In that case, they combine to produce a random error
which can't be corrected—but at least this exercise measures it.
A somewhat different approach to this same exercise is to measure star-star distances as
mentioned early in Chapter 8 and in the previous section on Arc Errors in this chapter.

Altitude Corrections

All the required altitude corrections are provided in the Nautical Almanac along with
complete instructions for their use. They can be used quite blindly with no further
knowledge than the directions for their use, as we did in our previous examples. But the
curious celestial navigator wants to know more. A deeper knowledge of altitude effects will
put these corrections into perspective, which is important for taking sights in various
conditions and for judging accuracy. In other words, understanding them will make us
better celestial navigators.


After the index correction, the first altitude correction applied to the sextant reading is for
the height of the observer's eye above sea level. The higher the eye, the more the observer
is looking over the true horizon, as shown in Figure 9.10. The Nautical Almanac includes
the effect of refraction in its correction table using
Dip = 1.76 √h when h is in meters,
Dip = 0.971√h, when h is in feet.
In these equations, the dip is in minutes of arc and h is the height of the observer's eye
above sea level. Since this effect increases the observed altitude, the correction is always
subtracted from the sextant reading.

Figure 9.10 The observed altitude is always greater than the true altitude.

Acute observers of the shoreline witness refraction. As waves approach the shore at an
angle, the portion of the wave near the shore slows down in shallower water, while the
portion farther out travels faster in the deeper water. This results in the portion farther out
catching up with the portion nearer to shore, bending the wave toward the shore. This
bending is particularly dramatic around a point where the wave can change direction more
than 90°. This bending, called refraction, also occurs under normal conditions when light
passing through the atmosphere encounters increasingly more dense air, which slows it
down and bends the light downward toward the observer. This bending of the light rays
makes the observed altitude appear higher than it really is. So this correction is subtracted
from the observed altitude. The higher the altitude, the more the rays are making a 90°
angle to the variations in density, so the correction is less with higher altitudes, becoming
zero for 90° altitudes.
The almanac uses a formula for the refraction correction that is based on standard
conditions of pressure and temperature, 1010 millibars, and 10° Celsius. When pressure
and temperature deviate significantly from these conditions, additional corrections may
have to be used. These additional altitude corrections are in a table on page A4 of the
almanac, which shows deviations in altitude for non-standard conditions as great as 7.0´ for
low altitudes and extreme conditions.
Atmospheric refraction becomes tricky to predict at low altitudes, where the effect is
the greatest. So it's best to avoid observations below altitudes of about 10°. If you must use
them, the almanac gives a table on page A3 for altitudes less than 10°, where you can see
the correction getting as large as 33´. Remember that's 33 nautical miles, and it's at low
altitudes where unpredictable abnormal refractive effects might occur.

Upper and Lower Limbs

All of the solutions to the navigation triangle assume that the location of the body is at the
geometrical center of its optical disk. When we take a sight of either the sun or the moon,
we measure the altitude either to the top or to the bottom of its disk, that is, either to its
upper or lower limb, as they're called in astronomy. This is the simplest of corrections to
understand. For example, if we shoot the lower limb, as is more frequently the case, we
need to add the body's semidiameter to get from the horizon up to its center. This
correction is included in the altitude correction table, so we don't need to account for it,
except to make sure we're looking in the correct column in the table. Nonetheless, the
semidiameter of the sun and the moon are also given at the bottom of the daily pages in the
Nautical Almanac.


Just as our computational geometry neglects the diameter of celestial bodies, assuming that
we're measuring altitudes to their center, it likewise assumes that the observer is at the
center of the earth. That is, the calculations have also neglected the diameter of the earth.
In reality, because of the earth's diameter, the ray passing through the body's GP is not
exactly parallel to the ray reaching the observer. This is shown in Figure 9.11, where we've
drawn the case of maximum parallax, called the horizontal parallax (HP) when the body is
on the horizon. When the body is overhead, the two rays coincide and the effect is zero.
It's easy to calculate the HP with a little trig. Using the definition of the sine of an angle
from Appendix F, we can write
sin HP =R/d
where R is the radius of the earth and d is the distance to the body. Using an average earth-
sun distance we get
sin HP = 3440 nm/80,780,000 nm
which gives us 0.146´ for the solar horizontal parallax. This small correction depends on the
altitude and is therefore included in the solar altitude correction table. Jupiter, Saturn, and
the stars are so far from the earth that their parallax is negligible, while Venus and Mars
have a tiny additional correction listed in the altitude correction table on page A2. The
correction depends on the time of year because their distance from the earth varies
throughout the year.
The moon, being the closest to the earth, has the largest parallax, sufficiently large that
its correction requires a special lunar table. Using our above equation for HP and using an
average earth-moon distance gives
sin HP = 3440 nm/207,559 nm
which yields HP = 57.0´ for a typical lunar parallax, which is quite large for navigational
purposes. Because the earth-moon distance varies throughout the month and year, the lunar
HP is listed in the daily pages for each hour of UT. Inspection of these pages shows that
the moon's HP varies somewhere between 53.9´ and 61.4´, our average calculated value
being in the middle of this range. The parallax (PA) at altitudes above the horizon becomes
less than HP, being zero at H = 90°, which is easily seen from Figure 9.11. In between it is
given by PA = HP cos H. Since the parallax depends on the observed altitude, the lunar-
altitude correction table in the back of the almanac tabulates both the upper and lower limb
corrections versus altitude.

Figure 9.11 Parallax is due to the observer not being at the center of the earth.
From the figure, an observer at Ob experiences horizontal parallax sin HP = R/d.
When the body is above the horizon, the parallax PA = HP cos H.



In the late 1980s, navigation using range-range fixes from satellites came into
widespread public use. Since this GPS can determine position anywhere on earth to an
accuracy of tens of feet, the lore of the sextant no longer reigns supreme in guiding ships
over the oceans. Nonetheless, celestial navigation remains unique. It is the only system
completely independent of shipboard electronics and of signals originating from remote
equipment. Thus modern navigation has shifted the importance and transformed the
practice of celestial navigation.

Celestial before GPS

When celestial navigation is the primary mode of open ocean navigation, a rigorous daily
routine should be followed, weather permitting. The day starts with a round of morning
twilight star shots for a fix. These star sights are valuable because a round of stars can give
good LOP crossings at nearly the same time, avoiding the uncertainty of dead reckoning
required for running fixes. The same routine is followed in the evening twilight.
Midmorning sun shots, a noon fix at LAN for latitude and longitude, and afternoon sun
shots compose the standard observations. To these, when possible, are added day shots of
the moon and Venus, and night shots of the moon and stars when the night horizon is
useable. Bodies are always chosen with an awareness of the crossing angles of LOPs from
other bodies and running fixes. In summary, all possible beneficial sights are taken.
These sights are augmented with running fixes as needed. For example, a noon sun
latitude/longitude fix might be missed because of weather. Then the midmorning estimated
position would be updated to an afternoon DR position, which would then be upgraded to a
new EP from the next available LOP (as discussed later), using the sun, moon, or Venus.

Celestial with GPS

With today's normal GPS navigation, the above primary routine can be replaced with just a
sufficient number, and type, of observations to keep the celestial navigator sufficiently
skilled for backing up and checking the other navigational systems. This makes it less
demanding—and more fun. Of course, a celestial navigator may choose to faithfully
observe the primary routine, and even keep a separate chart for that purpose, complete
with the whole suite of observations and running fixes.
But it's possible to simplify things, if desired. The first simplification is to skip averaging
four or five sextant readings when the main goal is practice and proficiency. When really
needed, or when evaluating the effect of averaging, it can easily be added to the routine, as
discussed in Chapter 9.
Another simplification is to omit plotting every LOP, because that's rather perfunctory
compared to honing and maintaining skills of sight observation and reduction. For that
purpose the best approach is to use the GPS position for the DR position (which can't be
done with the inspection tables). Then work up the sight and see how close HO is to HC. At
sea we expect they should agree within one or two nautical miles, except under some poor
conditions, such as rough seas or an indistinct horizon. Then, even a several-mile
discrepancy might be expected. For sight quality checks, the observation and sight should
be worked up within 0.1 nm so that we can be confident that altitude disparity is entirely
due to other factors. The GPS also provides a method of discovering systematic errors. If
the fluctuations between HO and the HC computed from the GPS position are truly due to
random observer errors, then the algebraic differences between the two averaged over
many observations should be zero. If they don't average to zero, there is a systematic error,
such as an index error, which should be investigated. The azimuth cannot be checked
accurately, but the calculated Zn should be compared to the ship's compass as a cross
check on the compass and the navigator. Remember that the celestial Zn is a true bearing,
not magnetic.
Usually three plotted LOPs wil not all intersect at the same point, but will enclose a
triangle, sometimes called a cocked hat. Errors can cause the true position to fall outside of
this triangle—a location that you might not intuitively expect. Even though the single most
probable position is near the center of the cocked hat, with random altitude errors the
probability can be quite high that the true position is somewhere outside. Moreover, many
locations have equal, or nearly equal, probability of being the true position. All the practical
navigator can do is to plot the position in the center of the cocked hat, realizing that the true
position can be outside of the triangle as far as the possible random error extends beyond
each LOP.
Perfect agreement among three LOPs, as shown in Figure 10.1a, tells us very little
about the fix's accuracy. And just like random errors, systematic errors can easily cause the
true position to lie outside of the cocked hat. Figure 10.1b shows how altitudes that are
consistently too high can cause the true fix to lie outside of the resulting triangle. However,
note that in the figure the azimuths of the bodies span less than 180° among themselves.
Now if we switch the azimuth of body three by 180° in Figure 10.1b, the three azimuths
will span more than 180°; and you can see that the true fix will would lie inside the cocked
hat with the same altitude errors (all too high). Furthermore, the true fix lies at the center of
the cocked hat (even if the constant altitude errors were all reversed). So a three-body fix
with azimuths spread out more than 180° is preferable because the center position will
cancel unknown constant altitude errors.

Figure 10.1 In (a), a correct three-body fix with the arrows pointing toward the
bodies. At (b), the same altitude error for all three LOPs produces erroneous
LOPs, the dotted lines, which leave the correct fix outside of the cocked hat.
In the old days, consistently tiny cocked hats were one of the celestial navigator's
satisfying rewards. But this is deceiving because there are many kinds of errors. For
example, the timing error (discussed in Chapter 7) in a multi-star fix alters the longitude but
not the latitude, with the LOPs still intersecting at a point. In today's GPS age, there is no
need to rely on cocked hats as a quality criterion. We modern navigators would do much
better evaluating our skills by calculating, and recording, our intercept distances when using
the GPS position as the AP. The distribution of many intercept distances about their
average tells us the size of our random errors, and the deviation of this average from zero
tells how well we agree with the GPS. Consistent agreement means the GPS is working
right, and our celestial navigator is working well.
By acquiring this knowledge of expected errors, we become safer navigators. If we get
a cocked hat unreasonably large compared to our known random-error potential, we
suspect a mistake. If we get an usually tiny cocked hat, we know that we can't assume
increased accuracy. But rather, its accuracy is still limited by the size of our known
potential random errors. Cocked hats remind us that we can't be cock sure.

Those Special Sights

The use of the special sights discussed in Chapter 7 depends on the navigator's objective.
Broader experience, understanding, flexibility, confidence, and satisfaction can be gained
from learning and practicing special sights. But if the only interest is a reliable and simple
backup system, it might be reasonable to forget about special sights. Particularly as a
backup system for the part-time navigator, the advantage of having good proficiency in one
method might trump the advantages of these additional sights. These special sights have lost
their importance from the days when accurate sight timing was difficult and the calculations
had to be worked out by hand, adding quite a few six-digit numbers (logarithms). But now
they offer little advantage over using the St. Hilaire method with calculators or inspection
tables. Moreover, meridian latitude shots require the extra job of finding the maximum
altitude. Additionally, I think there has been an irrelevant historical carryover on the
importance of determining latitude rather than a regular LOP. After all, a known latitude is
just an east-west LOP. And if a sun shot is taken anywhere near local apparent noon,
without regard to how near, and worked up as a regular St. Hilaire sight, the LOP will be
nearly east-west anyhow. And that's the real consideration, the LOP crossing angle at noon
relative to the morning and afternoon sun lines, used for running fixes.
Of course, some navigators are interested in delving deeper into the possibilities of
celestial navigation for both pleasure and for novel emergency capabilities. For them, there
are plenty of special sights to play with (as discussed in Chapter 7) such as the use of guide
stars, and the meridian-latitude-longitude sight, which deserves special consideration
because it requires neither a calculator nor sight reduction tables and it provides a fix
instead of just an LOP.
The star sights retain their importance because of their ability to provide a fix from two
or more nearly simultaneous observations. They should be practiced, plotted, and the
resulting position reconciled with the GPS. Here again, the GPS simplifies the job of the
backup celestial navigator. Since the GPS is the primary navigation, you can study the night
sky at your leisure. One of the pleasures of celestial navigation is gaining familiarity with the
stars. And of course, that can be done with any of the readily available star charts before
you set out to sea. Once at sea, you can become familiar with the position of the navigation
stars at your ship's location to discover which stars are appropriate for your sights. Except
in poor weather conditions, there should be no need to precompute star positions and
twilight times for star observations. But for those who want precomputed altitudes and
azimuths, H.O. 249, Volume I, lists them according to the LHA of Aries and the observer's
latitude. It even designates the stars with the preferred LOP crossing angles. See Chapter 6
for a discussion on indentifying and viewing stars and planets.


The final step in most celestial navigation problems is plotting; using the St. Hilaire method,
it's plotting the azimuth and intercept to arrive at the LOP. In order not to clutter up the
primary navigation chart, particularly when just practicing sights, it's convenient to use
plotting sheets. Universal plotting sheets (sometimes designated VP-OS), are available
commercially in 13x14-inch sheets, 50 in a pad. Each sheet has a compass rose and
unlabeled latitude lines, and a single meridian in the center. An example is shown in Figure
10.2. To customize this sheet for your use, first assign the meridian passing through the
middle of the compass rose the desired longitude; then assign the parallels of latitude
according to the scale you wish. Finally, scale the locations of the other meridians using the
chart in the lower right-hand corner of the sheet.

Figure 10.2 A portion of a commercially available VS-OP universal plotting sheet

using S24° as the center latitude and W38° as center longitude. Three star lines
are plotted from the H.O. 249, Vol. I, workup in Chapter 6.
In the figure's example the central latitude was chosen to be S24° for plotting three star
lines from our example in Chapter 6. The parallel of latitude below the central S24° is thus
labeled S25°. Next a horizontal line drawn at the 24° level through the small graph at the
lower right-hand corner of the sheet provides the proper longitude scale according to a
Mercator projection at the 24° mid latitude. Using a dividers to pick off a full 60´ along this
24° latitude line places the W37° meridian as shown, with the meridian passing through the
rose's center at W38°. The layout of the universal plotting sheet is now complete, and the
three LOPs are plotted using the latitude scale from the central meridian and the longitude
scale from the lower right-hand graph (it's easy to forget this!). Remember all distances are
plotted using the latitude scale—we all know that one minute of latitude equals one nautical
Also we can use any physical distance scale we wish. For example, if we halved the
scale from our above example (making distances appear larger), the lower parallel below
the S24° central meridian would be at S24° 30´. And the latitude labeled W37° would
become W37° 30´.
You can also make your own plotting sheets from scratch as shown in Figure 10.3. Plot
three parallels of latitude using a scale of your choice. Then draw in the center meridian.
Using a compass draw a circle with radius equal to the latitude spacing, centered on the
middle latitude and meridian. Plot a line from the center of this circle at an angle to the
horizontal equal to the chosen middle latitude, as shown. Then draw another meridian at
the intersection of this line with the perimeter of the circle. Plot the remaining meridians
with this spacing. The secondary minute longitude tics are placed by equally dividing the
distance between 1° meridians.

Figure 10.3 Construction of a plotting sheet centered at N39° E4°.

This construction is a graphical method of arriving at the Mercator ratio of longitude to
latitude according to

Map Longitude Distance = Map Latitude Distance x cos (Lat) (10.1)

So if in our construction, 3 inches were a degree of latitude, then a degree of longitude

would be 3 x Cos (24) = 2.74 inches.
Whether you use the commercial plotting sheets or construct your own, for large-scale
plotting, these sheets are a satisfactory approximation to a true Mercator projection, which
requires the parallels of latitude to expand toward the poles, rather than being equally

Running Fixes

The position of a vessel determined by the intersection of two or more LOPs is called a fix.
Because the vessel is usually moving, either all the LOPs would have to be acquired
simultaneously, which rarely happens, the vessel is moving slowly enough that its motion
can be ignored, or the fix is adjusted for the vessel's motion. The position determined by
correcting for the ship's motion between LOPs acquired at different times, and hence
different ship locations, is called a running fix.
Running fixes can mix very different kinds of navigation that have very different
accuracies. In one case at sea, we might have taken a morning sun line which is followed
by another sun line some hours later, perhaps in the afternoon when the sky cleared once
again. In the traditional running fix the first LOP is advanced to the time of the second
one by dead reckoning, DR, according to the speed and heading of the ship along the run
between sights. In another case, the ship may have moved appreciably during a round of
star shots, or shots among the sun, moon, or Venus.
These two cases, the long run between morning and afternoon shots, and the short run
between a round of stars, are fundamentally the same running-fix problem. But they differ
greatly in the relative accuracy of the DR and LOP positions. In the long-run fix the DR
position may be off by many miles compared to the one or two mile accuracy of a celestial
LOP. In the short-run fix, spanning perhaps under 20 minutes of time, the DR accuracy is
usually considerably better than the LOP accuracy (at least in slow moving vessels).
Because of the DR uncertainty and these accuracy limitations, we must treat running fixes
as problems in estimation theory. And the rules for making the best estimation are simply
common sense, that is the process of rational thinking: use all available information without
invoking unnecessary assumptions or contradictions.

The Traditional Running Fix

An example of a long-run fix is the traditional running fix. It's used after a considerable run
between LOPs where the assumption is the accuracies of the LOPs trump the accuracy of
the estimated track. As shown in Figure 10.4, the fix is obtained by advancing the first LOP
parallel to itself according to the DR estimated track made good between the two LOPs.
The ship is placed where the advanced LOP intersects LOP2, shown by the point RFIX in
the figure.
First note that this traditional running fix completely ignores any information about the
location of the ship along LOP1. This means that any estimated track with the same
component perpendicular to LOP1 yields the same RFIX, regardless of our knowledge of
the ship's location along LOP1. And in actual reality, we always have some idea of where
our ship is. Why not use this information?
Even more significant, as can be seen from the figure, this traditional running fix
assumes that the component of estimated track perpendicular to LOP1 is exact; while on
the other hand, it assumes that the component of the estimated track along LOP1 can have
unlimited error. As can be visualized from the figure, this means that RFIX can even be
forced in the opposite direction of the track component along LOP1. It's trapped into
allowing arbitrary error along the advanced LOP1, otherwise LOP2 would necessarily pass
through DR2. Thus it nonsensically allows the orientation of LOP1 to decree both the
directions of exact information and of arbitrarily large error. Neither of which exist in dead
reckoning. Furthermore, it's obvious that whatever the direction of dead-reckoning errors,
they don't depend on LOP1’s orientation. So that's a contradiction piled upon unjustified
assumptions, all while disregarding available information. Is there a worse approach to
rational reasoning—to estimation logic?
Figure 10.4 The traditional running fix at RFIX assumes that the component of
the estimated track perpendicular to LOP1 is accurate, while the component of
the estimated track parallel to LOP1 is completely ignored. But in reality, the
reliability of the track estimate in different directions is entirely independent of the
orientation of LOP1.

The Estimated Position Running Fix

We'll now take a quite different approach to the above problem by using estimation logic.
We are still considering the situation where the LOP accuracy is substantially greater than
the dead reckoning, as is usually the case after a run of some length. (Many kinds of LOPs
will satisfy this, such as range, bearing, and celestial.) Let's first consider dead reckoning
from a known departure point, followed by establishing an LOP. Figure 10.5 shows this
situation with our position at DR1 when LOP1 was acquired. The information used to
obtain DR1 can be speed, time, heading, current, and leeway. It's simply the best
information we have, or that we believe is useable. We now wish to upgrade our DR
position to an estimated position using the new and more accurate LOP1 information. We
know that this new LOP1 only constrains our position perpendicular to itself, with no
constraint whatsoever along it. So if we drop a line from DR1 to EP1 which is
perpendicular to LOP1, we make full use of the LOP's perpendicular constraint, while
retaining all of the DR information parallel to LOP1. So that is the best estimate, meeting all
the logical criteria—it uses all available information without invoking unnecessary
assumptions or contradictions.

Figure 10.5 The newly acquired LOP improves the estimate of the ship's position
by simultaneously constraining the ship's position to be as close as possible to
DR1, while still fully honoring LOP1.
Next, let's say at some later time a second observation provides LOP2 when the ship's
position is placed at DR2, as shown in Figure 10.6. Over time, the run from EP1 has
degraded our position estimate into a DR position by using estimates of heading, distance,
and perhaps other estimates. So we again have a DR position with a newly acquired LOP,
just as in Figure 10.5. Therefore we again drop a perpendicular line to the new LOP to get
our estimated position at EP2. This is an EP running fix. We use this method for each
newly acquired LOP, continually improving our estimate with adding newly acquired LOPs,
but always retaining DR information that has not been contradicted by the latest LOP.
So the EP running fix is the best estimate, meeting all our rational criteria—it uses all
available information without invoking unnecessary assumptions or contradictions.
Moreover, we see that for all crossing angles and dead reckoning uncertainty, the estimated
position EP2 always lies closer (or equal) to our best previous estimate at DR2 than does
RFIX. Indeed, you can see from Figure 10.4, that for sufficiently small crossing angles,
RFIX could be off by many miles, magnifying the DR error, rather than reducing it as the
estimated position does. Thus the EP increases the value of LOPs having narrow crossing
angles. After all, any new LOP must improve the dead-reckoned estimate by constraining it
to a line. And this is exactly what the EP does—it always improves the DR estimate, while
the traditional running fix can easily conflict with it.

Figure 10.6 The same estimated position is used in a running fix by constraining
the DR estimate perpendicular to LOP2, but retaining all the information in the
DR estimate that is not constrained by LOP2.
On a leg of several running fixes, LOPs at different orientations will continually limit the
DR error in the direction perpendicular to each new LOP. And successive LOPs as near as
possible to right angles will continually limit the error the most. Note, as can be visualized
from Figure 10.4, that as the angle between two successive LOPs approaches 90°, the
results of the EP running fix and the traditional running fix approach one another.
The ultimate example of narrow LOP crossing angles is successive meridian shots in
celestial navigation (such as the famous noon-sun shots). Since every sight gives a new
latitude, these successive east-west LOPs never cross. Without even thinking about running
fixes, navigators of old corrected their DR position by the newly observed latitude, but
retained their dead reckoned longitude: in plotting terms, they're dropping a perpendicular
from the DR position to the LOP – a perfect example of using the estimated position
between successive LOPs.

The Short-Run Fix

On the opposite end of the accuracy spectrum we have the short-run fix, where the
accuracy of the estimated track is greater than that of the LOPs. The most common
example is a round of star shots. Other bodies, such as the sun, moon, and Venus, can also
be shot within a very short time interval, providing another opportunity for a short-run fix.
In many small vessels the speed is sufficiently slow, and the time between LOPs is short
enough that the distance made good between observations can be ignored if the ultimate
accuracy is not required, such as in the open ocean. But for large ships, making perhaps 10
kn or more, the short-run fix is the solution for the discriminating navigator.
When the time interval is short, the accuracy of the ship's travel between the first sight
and the last can be as accurate, or more accurate, then the uncertainty in the LOP
positions. For example, a one knot error in the ship's speed over a half-hour round of sights
produces a 0.5 nm error, which is better than many celestial LOPs. So in this case the logic
of the traditional running fix is valid. But instead of plotting each LOP and then advancing it
to the latest one, it's easier to simply adjust the observed altitudes for the ship's position.
We used the same treatment of the vessel's motion for meridian shots, where we adjusted
the body's observed altitudes for the north-south motion of the observer along the meridian.
The only difference here is that the bearings to the bodies are in the direction of the
calculated azimuths, Zn, rather than along the meridian. Figure 10.7a shows the direction to
the body, Zn, and the ship track T. As diagrammed in Figure 10.7b, the component of
velocity in the direction to the body is just Cos(T – Zn). (The cosine function is even, so it
doesn't matter if we use T – Zn or Zn – T. See Appendix F for the concept of the cosine
function.) Furthermore, when the angle T– Zn is greater than 90°, the cosine is negative,
meaning that the velocity is away from the body. So as is easily visualized, when cos (T –
Zn) is positive, the ship is moving toward the body, so that body's altitude is increasing.
And conversely, when the cos(T – Zn) is negative, the ship is moving away from that body,
so that body's altitude is decreasing.
So we'll adjust the sight's intercepts by the amount the ship has moved toward, or away
from, that body during the time elapsed between when that body was shot and the time of
the last sight (or any other reference sight). And we see that the ship has moved V cos(T –
Zn) times the time difference between the sights, where V is the speed of the vessel.

Figure 10.7 (a) The difference in the estimated track angle T from true north and
the azimuth Zn determines the component of the ship's velocity V in the direction
to the body. (b) This velocity component is Cos(T – Zn).
As an example, we'll use a round of four stars as shown in Figure 10.8, where the sight
times, azimuths, and intercepts are shown that resulted from the standard work up. During
the round of shots, the vessel had an estimated track of 270° true with a speed of 15 kn.
Before plotting these azimuths and intercepts, we adjust the intercepts to be what would
have resulted if all the stars were shot at the time of the last shot, that of Acrux.
The first four rows of the worksheet are the given results of the standard workup. The
last six rows are the short-run fix calculations. The first entries in the second group are the
tracks relative to the body's azimuths, T – Zn (its algebraic sign is irrelevant because the
cosine is an even function). The third row contains the cos(T – Zn) factors, multiplied by
the 15 kn ship's velocity. Note that for (T – Zn) angles greater than 90°, the velocity made
good along the Zn direction is negative, that is, the ship is moving away from the body. The
next row lists the our calculated time intervals of each of the first three sights relative to
Acrux, the last sight. The times are in minutes and seconds. Multiplying each of these times
by the entry just above it gives the adjustment to each intercept. This is easy using a
calculator: First we convert the time interval to hours because V is in knots. For example, in
the Sirius calculation take 37/60, add the 34 minutes, then divide this sum by 60 to get
hours, and finally multiply by the 14.9 kn above, getting an intercept adjustment of + 8.6
nm. The plus sign means the distance is toward the body, as we can also see from the 5°
relative bearing angle.
Finally, we apply these intercept adjustments to the original calculated intercepts,
observing the Toward/Away directions. Of course when these directions are the same, they
accumulate, as in the Betelgeuse case: the 12.1 Toward adjustment is added to the original
1.2 Toward intercept to give 13 Toward (rounding to the whole arc minute). But for Sirius
the 8.6 Toward is subtracted from the 28.8 Away intercept since they're in opposite
For those who don't want to think about cosines, or use a scientific calculator, Table 1
of H.O. 249 Sight Reduction Tables gives the product of the ship's speed with the cosine of
the (T – Zn) angle. The table is constructed for aircraft speeds from 50 to 900 knots. But
just mentally divide the speed by 10 or 100 and likewise the intercept adjustment to make it
useful for marine use.

Figure 10.8 The workup of a 4-star short-run fix.

Special LOP Orientations

The direction of LOPs is not only important for making accurate fixes (i.e., true fixes from
simultaneous LOPs), but can also be useful in special situations. Suppose, for example, that
you're on your final leg heading for your destination. Your arrival time is important. Then
the best LOP orientation would be at, or nearly at, right angles to your course. On the other
hand, suppose that the ETA isn't critical, but you want a landfall as accurate as possible,
right on the button. Or, you may wish to clear an obstacle, such as a reef or a low island.
Then an LOP that is parallel to your course would provide the best guidance. Of course,
we're not at liberty to arbitrarily pick a given orientation of a celestial LOP. Generally, we
could not pick an LOP to coincide with our course. However, in special situations, we may
want to do the reverse—pick our course to coincide with an available LOP.
A primitive example of a course selected to match an LOP was the pre-nineteenth
century practice of “chasing down the latitude” when no knowledge of the ship's longitude
was available, but only the latitude was known from meridian or Polaris sights. So the
navigator selected the port's latitude as the special LOP. Then, making sure the ship arrived
at this latitude well ahead of time, the ship would sail along the parallel toward port, waiting
for a landfall, not knowing when to expect it. Days or even weeks could be wasted at sea
because of not knowing the longitude.
Francis Chichester carried this idea much further on his 1931 solo flight in his Gypsy
Moth biplane across the Tasman Sea. Risking certain death in the open ocean, using only a
marine sextant and dead reckoning, his challenge was finding a tiny speck in the Tasman
Sea. His goal was Norfolk Island, 481 miles away from his departure at the northernmost
tip of New Zealand. He laid out his course, not directly to the island, but to a point some 90
miles to the southwest of the island where he could intercept a precomputed sun line
pointing right to the island. The 90-mile offset was selected to be sufficiently large that he
could be assured, even with the uncertainties of dead reckoning, which way to head at the
turning point. When Chichester reached the turning point, he made four extra sun shots to
be sure he was on the precomputed sun line; then he changed course to match the sun line,
heading straight for the island, where landfall dramatized the value of a little ingenuity
applied to celestial navigation.
To see if Chichester's idea is adaptable to marine use, we'll explore an example from the
mid-Pacific: The Midway Islands consist of two small, low islands (about 25 feet elevation)
at the southern edge of a rounded atoll. We're approaching the atoll from northeast, on a
southwesterly course, on the morning of 11 May 2005, expecting to be some 20 miles out
around 2300 UT. Since we want to stay clear of the atoll's reefs, and the islands are to the
south, we select a landfall target off the southeast corner of Eastern Island, located at N28°
13´, W177° 18´.
Following Chichester, we precompute several sun lines before and after 2300 UT, using
our target location as the AP. (This exercise dramatizes our earlier claim that the AP is not
an assumed position, as it's traditionally called. Rather, it is a reference point designating
where we wish to draw the straight-line approximation to a given equal-altitude LOP.)
Plotting these precomputed sun lines, as sketched in Figure 10.9a, shows disappointing
behavior. They are very fast moving targets, and as time goes on, they move faster and
faster. The 9° orientation change between the 2200 and the 2230 UT line corresponds to a
speed of 6 kn at 20 nm from our landfall target. And at the same 20 nm out, the 26°
orientation change from 2300 to 2330 UT corresponds to a speed of 18 kn. So timing
arrival to intersect one of these sun lines, pointing right at the target, requires very sharp
navigating indeed—or an airplane.

Figure 10.9 (a) Precomputed sun lines leading to a point on the east side of
Midway Atoll. (b) An actual 2300 altitude of 75° 06´ places us on a LOP 6 nm
southeast of the precomputer 2300 UT line.
But all is not lost. As noted earlier, intentionally approaching the atoll so that our sun
LOP is nearly parallel with our desired course vastly improves our estimated position, and
subsequently improves our landfall.
Suppose now, while approaching the atoll our actual 2300 observation gives an 75° 06´
altitude LOP, instead of the desired 75°, as shown in Figure 10.9b. So using this, we find
our estimated position, as discussed above under Running Fixes, by dropping a
perpendicular to the LOP from our DR position. Then we plot our new course to the atoll,
and use that to establish our new heading by converting to magnetic north and adjusting for
estimated current and drift. Furthermore, we can continually monitor our progress toward
the landfall. For example, we might repeat this procedure by taking another sight at 2315
UT, when the sun line pointing to the atoll has a 234° orientation (not shown in the figure,
but you can compute any of these LOPs as exercises).
To demonstrate the superiority of this method, suppose that by not planning ahead, we
approach the atoll in the afternoon with the sun's LOP running at nearly right angles to our
course. Then the LOP would provide virtually no course guidance to the atoll. For example,
in Figure 10.10 we show the same EP as Figure 10.9b, but with two different LOPs, having
different orientations. On the left, LOP 1 is at right angles to our desired course, and on the
right we have the same 222° LOP as in Figure 10.9b, which isn't quite aligned with the
atoll, but falls six miles southeast. The figure shows the difference in course ambiguity
generated by the two different LOP orientations. In both cases the EPs are in the same
location, determined by dead reckoning updated with a sun line, and are 20 miles from the
atoll. In both cases we have celestial accuracy perpendicular to the sun line, and an
estimated 10-mile dead reckoning uncertainty (5 miles each side of the EP) along the sun
line, as shown in the figures. We see that the celestial accuracy of LOP 1 is wasted in terms
of improving the course estimate to the atoll; the course still has the DR uncertainty of 29°.
On the other hand, the 222° LOP 2 has reduced the course uncertainty to just 9°, which is
over three times better. So it pays to plan our landfall ahead of time.

Figure 10.10 The effect of DR uncertainty and LOP orientation on the best
estimated course to the atoll. In both cases the EP is 20 miles from the atoll.
LOP 2, nearly directed at the atoll, has a 9° course uncertainty compared to the
29° course uncertainty of LOP 1.

Great-Circle Sailing

We've already seen many different applications of our basic altitude equation to great-circle
problems, such as lunar distance clearing. One of the more obvious applications is
computing the great-circle distance between two geographical locations.
The latitude and longitude of the AP is simply replaced with the coordinates of the first
location. And the latitude and longitude of the GP is replaced with the coordinates of the
second location. Then remember that the great-circle distance between the two is not HC
given by the altitude equation, but corresponds to the co-altitude. So the angular distance
between them is 90° minus HC. Our rule for converting the angle A to Az gives the bearing
from the first body to the second. This is not the reciprocal of the bearing from the second
body to the first. Thus calling the great-circle distance D, replacing L with L1, d with L2,
and identifying the LHA with the longitude difference, LonD, the great-circle-distance
adaptation of the equations become

cos D = sin L1 sin L2 + cos L1 cos L2 cos(LonD) (10.2a)


cos A = (sin L2 − sin L1 cos D) / (cos L1 sin D) (10.2b)

The first equation is symmetric in points one and two, but the second equation is not. The
azimuth angle given by Equation 10.2b, combined with our rules for getting Zn from A,
yields the azimuth at point one to point two. This bearing is not the reciprocal of the
bearing at point two to point one. Again, a sketch (similar to Figure 3.1) will clarify
Calculating great circle courses is a case where the calculator trumps tabular methods.
Instructions are included in H.O. 229, but they require plotting similar that of the intercept
method, interpolation, and selecting among four different cases.
After the great-circle distance is calculated, multiply it by 60.04 nm per degree to get
the great-circle distance in nautical miles. (For large distances we use the more accurate
60.04 rather than rounding off to 60 nm per degree.) The azimuth calculated by our rules is
the initial course at the departure point, which, of course, changes along the great-circle
It's useful to know a few properties of great circles, both for visualizing great-circle
tracks and for sketching other applications of the navigation triangle. A generic great circle
can be envisioned as the equator rotated about a line connecting any two of its points 180°
apart. On a Mercator chart great-circle tracks bow toward the nearest pole. At each
meridian they have a greater latitude than the rhumb line connecting the same two points. If
a great-circle track is sufficiently long, it reaches a maximum latitude where its direction is
east-west, a point called its apex. The difference in distance between the great-circle track
and the rhumb-line track is greatest at high latitudes; it's least for tracks near the equator
where the meridians are nearly parallel. It's also greater for east-west courses than north-
south courses. After all, a true north-south course lies on a meridian, which is a great circle.
Great circles plot as straight lines on gnomonic charts (sometimes called great-circle charts).
But distances are so distorted on these charts that they're limited primarily to planning
routes. Once at sea, with our equations and a calculator it's easy to determine your great-
circle course to your destination after each fix. You can't do better than heading directly
toward your destination from wherever you are.


The twentieth-century development of the digital quartz wristwatch has simplified celestial
navigation. No longer are three expensive chronometers required to find longitude. These
highly accurate and easy-to-read digital watches are so inexpensive and ubiquitous that just
about every crewman has one. On a well-run ship, time-rating logs could be kept for at
least three of these wristwatches. For each, regularly record its time relative to time from
the GPS or other radio signals; establish a rate of gain, or loss, for each watch; and observe
whether these rates remain constant. Any watch that doesn't keep a uniform rate should be
replaced with another candidate. Then if the outside time signal fails, a comparison of at
least three watches will reveal if one of them loses accurate time. Fortunately, these rates
are usually very good, typically better than one second per several weeks. So for most
voyages these rates can be ignored, rather being used to correct sight times. The digital
watch is so easy to read that immediately after your sextant is aligned on the sight, you can
quickly look at the seconds on the watch. This can be done in less than one second,
requiring no help from another person.
Accurate time is available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) via WWV (Boulder, CO) and WWVH (Hawaii) radio stations on 2.5, 5.0, 10.0,
15.0, and 20.0 MHz. Canada's station CHU broadcasts time signals similar to WWV's, on
3.33, 7.335, and 14.679 mHz. You can also set your quartz watch by using the NIST
phone number. And at their website (see Appendix K) an animated clock displays the time,
along with its current accuracy, which is typically 0.3 to 0.2 sec, determined by measuring
the internet delay time to your particular computer.
Clocks that are synchronized to WWVB's low-frequency radio signal on 60 kHz are
convenient, small, portable, and inexpensive for use at home or at sea. Unfortunately,
reception is only satisfactory in the vicinity of North America, having the largest coverage
during nighttime hours. The delays along the 60 kHz propagation paths are less than 0.03
sec, but an actual clock's accuracy depends on its design. Although many manufactures
don't give accuracy specs, most WWVB clocks should be plenty accurate for celestial
navigation. The other obvious choice for checking your quartz watch is your GPS receiver.
As celestial navigators we've concentrated on using universal time, UT, in our sight
workups. But aboard ship and on shore the commonly used time is zone time, ZT. Zone
time is a crude attempt to make the sun reach its peak altitude at around 12:00 local time
for every location on earth, which means we have to have different zone times at different
longitudes. So for each hour difference in ZT, the longitudes would differ by 360°/24 hrs =
15°. These 15° wide time zones are reckoned from Greenwich with the zero-hour zone
centered on Greenwich, extending 7.5° on each side of the prime meridian. The longitude
in the middle of a time zone is exactly divisible by 15, called the zone meridian.
The twelve time zones west of Greenwich each have their ZT progressively an hour
earlier than UT. And twelve zones east of Greenwich progressively each have their ZT an
hour later than UT. For example, Papeete at 150° west longitude is right on the 10-hour
zone meridian, so it has a ZT 10 hours behind UT, as do longitudes up to 7.5° on each side
of the W150° meridian.
The time zone centered on 180° longitude has its western half 12 hours behind UT, and
its eastern half 12 hours ahead of UT. So for example, as you sail west through 180°
longitude your zone time goes from being 12 hours behind Greenwich to 12 hours ahead of
Greenwich. Thus the zone time has increased by 24 hours, meaning the ZT clock hasn't
changed, but the date has. It's increased by a day. As an example, Figure 10.11 shows the
ZT in the 24 zones on a Sunday at 1500 UT. As the sun marches westward, the new day,
Monday in this example, expands out of the international dateline, and the old day, Sunday,
get absorbed at the dateline.
Instead of religiously following the time zone meridians spaced 15° apart, the
boundaries of these 24 time zones frequently deviate around areas, such as island groups
and political units, for the convenience of those region's inhabitants. And in some places
they differ by half hour increments.
Figure 10.11 A diagram looking at the earth's Northern hemisphere, showing
zone times on a Sunday when it's 1500 at Greenwich.


Three major factors limit the accuracy of celestial navigation: the sextant observation, the
timing of the sight, and the sight reduction method. Under normal conditions the largest
limitation, and hardest to control, is the altitude observation (which we've also discussed in
Chapter 9). The human eye, limited by the performance of its optical nerve cells, provides
navigators having 20/20 vision with 1.0´ resolution. A five-power scope increases this
resolution to 0.2´. Quite a few people have 20/15 vision, giving them a resolution
approaching 0.1´ with the same five-power scope. But these are theoretical values,
achievable in the optometrist's office. Individual technique and conditions at sea can
degrade these results immensely. Using star-star distance checks as discussed in Chapter 8
and altitude averaging as discussed in Chapter 9 will reveal your individual accuracy
capability. You'll be doing great if you can consistently measure altitudes at sea to 1´ or 2´.
Even averaging sights, as discussed in Chapter 9, will only improve this accuracy by a
factor of two or so.
Usually the rest of the sight reduction procedure trumps the altitude measurements in
accuracy, but these other errors certainly can accumulate: The three altitude corrections,
index, dip, and refraction each should be within 0.1´, totaling 0.3´ if they all accumulated in
the same direction (being somewhat generous on measuring index error, and neglecting
extreme atmospheric conditions). Timing using today's quartz watches should be within one
second, which translates into 0.25´ arc minutes (based on earth rate of 15°/hr). The
almanac claims its GHA and declination data accurate to 0.25´ for the sun, 0.3´ for the
moon, and better than 0.2´ for the stars and planets. Sight reduction tables H.O. 249 seem
to have a maximum error of 0.5´ (that is, accurate to the nearest 1.0´), while H.O. 229, can
perform their functions to within 0.2´ to 0.3´of arc. Calculators and computers usually have
a precision and accuracy greater than 0.01´ minutes of arc (with their 8 to 10 digit accuracy
and precision), so they should not contribute to a loss of accuracy. The best combination of
these errors comes from star and planet shots using a calculator for all of the calculations.
With this combination, if all these possible errors accumulated in the same direction, the
maximum possible error would be 0.95´. The worst combination would be moon shots
using H.O. 249. The seven additions and subtractions of data, all accurate to only 0.5´,
have a maximum possible error of 3.5´. Adding in the almanac's limitation of 0.3´ gives a
3.8´ maximum error.
To summarize, depending on the sight reduction used, the maximum possible error is
between about 1´ and 4´ of arc. To these errors we must then add the observation error in
the sextant altitude itself. Of course normally, many of these errors will cancel on the
average, giving much better results. But in navigation it's essential to appreciate what the
worst case can be.
So the next obvious question is, what is the best balance between these limitations and
the need, or desire, for superior accuracy? For practicing observations and their sight
reductions, we've maintained a precision of 0.1 minutes of arc throughout most of our
discussion, believing it's easier to relax this requirement than to tighten it. Besides, this
calculation precision allows you to evaluate your sights when practicing from a known
location, knowing that any disagreement, beyond the reduction error discussed above, must
be from observation error.
In actual practice at sea, under various situations and considering navigator preferences,
we could reasonably relax this 1.0´ goal. Knowing position to within a mile is of little
significance when 10 or even 20 miles would make little difference while far offshore. An
old navigator's saw is, you don't need to know where you are; you just need to know
where you are not. On the other hand, navigating ocean races, navigating near shallow
reefs, or attempting a landfall to a small, low island are obviously different situations.
Whatever the individual navigator's requirement, it is important to have a clear perception
of the factors affecting accuracy.
Knowing the relationship between timing and accuracy will increase our overall
understanding of celestial navigation—and increase its usefulness in unusual situations.
Timing errors affect the values of declination and LHA that go into the calculation of HC.
Generally, the declination errors are negligible compared to the LHA errors, except for the
moon when its declination is changing at the maximum rate. For example, at the equinox,
where the sun's rate of change in declination is maximum, it would take a one-hour timing
error to produce a one-mile latitude error due to a declination error in a noon sun shot. But
a St. Hilaire sight of a body bearing east or west, feeling the full effect of the earth's
rotation, would suffer the same one-mile error in only four seconds because of the resulting
LHA error. Likewise, a whole minute timing error would produce a 15-mile error.
On the other hand, a St. Hilaire sight near the meridian is comparatively insensitive to
errors in the LHA, and hence to timing. For example, at 40° latitude and an azimuth angle
8° off of the meridian, the same one-minute timing error would produce only a 1.6-mile
error in the intercept distance. These errors can be seen from Equation A.2 of Appendix A,
as explained in Exercises 2.17 and 2.18.
Relaxing accuracy requirements, to one or even several miles, permits simplified sight
reduction procedures. Extracting data from the almanac can be simplified. Except for the
moon, declination could be taken from the almanac with mental interpolation, or even no
interpolation. You could forget the d and v corrections. Altitude corrections could likewise
be simplified. For example, for the stars and planets a simple constant altitude correction of
−2.5´ for altitudes greater than ten degrees would suffice if we were content with a 2.5-mile
error. Taking this same approach, correct the sun's lower limb with +13.5´ and its upper
limb with −18.5´. Tables, such as H.O. 249 or even custom-made ones, as suggested in
Exercise 5.6, can also simplify the sight reduction.
These shortcuts offer advantages in special situations where a quick-and-dirty sight
might be satisfactory: examples are beginning practice (as discussed in Chapter 13),
experiencing lifeboat conditions, or just having fun at sea. This cavalier approach should
still get you within several miles, depending on how you choose to carry it out. But under
other conditions this computational advantage has to be weighed against the knowledge that
the sight reduction is not as good as it could be.

Compass Deviation

In this GPS age, with its continuous readout of position, sailors can easily neglect the
accuracy of the ship's compass. But the compass is the most fundamental navigation
instrument on board; also the most reliable—when it's treated right. In addition to being
ever mindful of magnetic variation, the difference between true north versus magnetic
north, the navigator must measure and correct for the compass's deviation from magnetic
north due to the magnetic disturbance of the vessel itself. Many modern fiberglass and
aluminum boats have small to negligible deviation, but some have significant deviation
errors that can seriously degrade your dead reckoning and your ability to travel the desired

Swinging the Ship

A compass deviation table is made by comparing the ship's compass to known magnetic
headings. This means accurately observing the magnetic bearings of distant objects whose
bearings are known independent of the ship's compass. This can be done with several
different kinds of sighting vanes that mount over the ships compass to read the object's
bearing relative to the ship's compass. But generally, such instruments are only available on
large vessels, and would not be of much use on small boats where a view from the binnacle
can be quite limited. Another option is the Pelorus (named after Hannibal's navigator on his
trip to Italy, 203 BC). It's a portable compass card with no directional properties that can be
set to various directions, such as the current ship's heading, with sighting vanes for taking
But perhaps the simplest method for small vessels is to use a handheld bearing compass
aimed at a distant onshore object (greater than three miles away): The first step is to find an
onboard location with no magnetic deviation. To do this, station a crew member at a
prospective spot, such as on the forward deck away from magnetic objects. As the boat is
slowly maneuvered in a tight circle, the handheld compass is kept steadied on the distance
object. If there is no deviation at the location of the handheld compass, it will read a
constant magnetic bearing as the boat is maneuvered around the circle.
Once a satisfactory location is found, the handheld is kept sighted straight forward as
the boat is again maneuvered in a circle while the handheld reading and the ship's main
compass are compared. The difference in the two readings is the ship's compass deviation.
A tabulation of these differences, labeling them plus when the ship's compass reads more
than the handheld and minus when it reads less, is the compass deviation table, giving the
correct compass reading for a given desired magnetic heading. So in converting from
magnetic heading to compass heading, follow the sign in the table. That is, if the sign is
plus, add the correction to the magnetic heading to get the compass heading; if it's minus,
subtract it to get the compass heading.
Note that when you tabulate the results, first apply the correction to the compass
reading. That is, if the ship's compass were 10° too high when the compass was reading
120°, then you tabulate the compass correction +10° across from magnetic 110° (not across
from 120°). Then when calculating the compass heading from a magnetic heading, apply
the sign in your deviation correction table.

Sun Azimuths

As discussed above, in coastal waters, bearings to any distant object will do. In open waters
one only has celestial bodies, and only bodies close to the horizon provide convenient
sighting. And the rising and setting sun provide a convenient reference azimuth. Swinging
the ship can be done with your sunrise coffee right after your morning Polaris shot. The
other opportunity is at sunset with your evening grog, just before twilight sets in for
updating your latitude from Polaris. This is a wonderful way to observe sunrises and
sunsets, combining beauty with utility.
Of course, we now know how to calculate the azimuth of any of the navigation bodies
from our known location. But for convenience, a table of Sunrise/Sunset Azimuths is
provided in Appendix I. This table is constructed using our standard altitude equation with
an altitude of −36.6´, which represents the zero altitude of the sun's center, corrected −33.8
´ for refraction, plus a height-of-eye correction of − 2.8´ corresponding to 8.5 feet. (The
effects of greater eye height would be negligible in practical cases.) The table can be used
for both the sun's upper and lower limbs with negligible error, except at polar latitudes. For
example, at latitude N65° on the summer solstice, the sun will change its azimuth by as
much as 4° as its disk moves from its center (the tabulated value) to one of its limbs.
Furthermore, we can easily visualize that for the right combination of polar latitudes and
declinations, the sun can be very near the horizon while it sweeps out 360° of azimuth.
For lesser latitudes, the tables give the azimuth angle Z (used in sight reduction tables)
from which the true-north azimuth Zn of the rising or setting sun is calculated. The table is
entered with the sun's declination (from the almanac) and our current latitude. Note that
neither must be precisely known. Then Z is extracted from the table (making sure you're in
the correct table—same or contrary), and use the formulae at the top of the table to give
the azimuth from true north at the instant the sun's center is on the horizon.
Say, for example, that we're at 18° north latitude and we want the sun's azimuth at
sunset: At sunset on this date, suppose the almanac gives the sun's declination of S23° 15.
7’. Entering the contrary-name azimuth table with the 18° latitude and the declination
rounded off to 23°, we find Z = 114°. Finally the relevant formula at the top of the table
gives Zn = 360° − 114° = 246° at sunset. This true-north azimuth then is converted to
magnetic by adding west magnetic variation, or subtracting east variation, as given by your
Next the boat is held on a selected heading while the sun's azimuth is read from the
compass sighting vanes (or from the handheld compass in a deviation-free location). The
difference between the reading from the sighting vanes and the magnetic azimuth is the
deviation error for the vessel's current heading. By recording these differences, for various
ship's headings, you can construct a compass deviation table as discussed earlier. Label
them plus when the compass reads more than the actual magnetic azimuth, otherwise,

Ocean Pilot Charts

All of our studies of celestial navigation, including planning landfalls and great circle routes,
might well be for naught if we don't select the proper route for a given passage. No sane
mariner would set out on an offshore passage without considering the likely conditions to
be found enroute. The likelihood of specific winds, currents, waves, fog, ice, temperatures,
and storms all have to be considered in selecting the optimum route.
And fortunately, the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) publishes
digital maps of the world's five ocean regions giving exactly this kind of vital information
for planning ocean passages (See the Bibliography at the end of the book for their website).
These maps, called pilot charts, are published for each month of the year, giving monthly
average conditions of importance to mariners. The main body of the chart displays graphic
information (in color) on winds, currents, wave heights, magnetic variation, and some great
circle routes. Additional text includes further information on pressure, temperature, winds,
cyclones, wave heights, and visibilities.
As an example, Figure 10.12 shows a small section (in gray scale here), south of the
Cape of Good Hope, of the July pilot chart for the South Indian Ocean. The most
prominent feature is the wind roses, with barbed arrows showing the average direction of
winds for that month. The number of barbs on each arrow indicate the average wind force
on the Beaufort scale. And the length of the arrow is proportional to the percent of time
that wind blows this strength, with numbers given when the percentage is over 29% of the
time. For example, just south of the Cape we expect a force six wind (22-27 kn) from the
west 31% of the time. The number in the center of the rose indicates calm winds only 3%
of the time. The thick semi-horizontal contour line (red when in color) indicates a wave
height greater than 12 feet 30% of the time, and further south 40% of the time. The
curvilinear arrows (green when in color) show current from the west at about 0.7 to 1.0 kn.
The gray northeast-southwest trending contours indicate magnetic variation (one is marked
30°W here).
Figure 10.12 A small section of the pilot chart of the Indian Ocean, showing
average conditions off the coast of the Cape of Good Hope in July.
We see that the pilot chart offers readily digestible information that immediately tells us
that an eastward trip around the Cape promises a fast lively winter passage in July, while a
westward one would be a tough upwind slog. Of course pilot charts are just the “tip of the
iceberg” in ocean passage planning. There are many cruising handbooks and passage-
making guides available on the subject, beginning with Bowditch with its chapters on
oceanography and marine meteorology, that the ocean passage maker should consult before
weighing anchor.



Many experienced celestial navigators adopt one method of sight reduction, stick to it, and
vigorously defend its use. But actually, all methods have their advantages and
disadvantages. So why not become competent in a couple of them? As usual, in the interest
of dependability and safety, the best answer is redundancy. Anyhow, here's more
information on these methods—grist for debating comparisons among them.

Sight Reduction Tables

Using tables precludes even thinking about the navigation triangle equations and is therefore
preferred for some purposes and by some navigators. An appreciation for the various types
and uses of tables relates to their history, which is inextricably related to that of
Our knowledge of trigonometry dates back to an Egyptian papyrus of Ahmes, c. 1550
B.C. Following centuries of mathematical advancement, an Arab astronomer, Al-Battani (c.
850-929), developed the essence of the equation for HC that we use today. But this
equation, with its three multiplications of numbers each having six or seven digits, made
maritime sight reductions impractical until Scottish mathematician John Napier published
the first logarithm tables in 1614. Since multiplication of the required trig functions is
equivalent to adding their logarithms, it then became practical to perform sight reductions at
sea. By the late eighteenth century, several texts had been published on sight reduction
methods. Then came the famous 1802 book The New American Practical Navigator, by
Nathaniel Bowditch, a revision of a book first written and revised by two authors before
him. The 2002 edition of Bowditch still carries the log-trig tables for those wishing to
reenact this 200-year-old procedure.
This method of adding logarithms was the only method available until a large number of
precomputed tabular solutions to the navigational triangle appeared near the end of the
nineteenth century. Later the U.S. Hydrographic Office published H.O. 208 in 1928 and
H.O. 211 in 1931. These short tables (as they are called now) break the navigation triangle
into two right triangles. It's this division, not obvious to the normal user, that allows many
fewer entries than otherwise. But this advantage is offset by tedium and obfuscation of
concepts. For example, the Nautical Almanac’s short table, constructed by Admiral
Thomas D. Davies, USN, requires extracting eight numbers from the tables, performing
several additions, and applying about thirteen different rules. Bennett and Pepperday also
offer similar versions of short tables in their books cited in Appendix K.
Much less tedious to use are the so-called inspection tables. The first was H.O. 214,
published in 1936. Then came Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation, H.O. 249, (now
called NIMA Pub. No. 249) with its Volume I published in 1947. The last was H.O. 229
(NIMA Pub. No. 229) called Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Use, which was computed
on an IBM 1410 electronic computer. These tables give precomputed altitude and azimuth,
limited to whole degrees of latitude, declination, and LHA. This whole-degree limitation is
necessary to reduce the enormous number of entries that would otherwise be required. As a
result (unless you are willing to consider three-dimensional interpolation), the whole-degree
limitation prohibits some other uses, such as directly comparing the GPS with the celestial
sights for accuracy and redundancy, and conveniently computing great-circle courses and
distances. (Actually, these tables can be used to solve great-circle problems by using
graphical methods at the end points to cover the non-whole degrees of latitude and
longitude, though the whole process seems quite obtuse to the modern navigator. Details
are given in H.O. 229.)
The H.O. 229 tables are published in six volumes, each covering 15° of latitude. These
are the only inspection tables that cover all possible ranges of latitude, declination, and
LHA. They tabulate HC and Zn to 0.1 minutes, but their accuracy doesn't match their
tabulated precision. At best they can only be relied upon to ±0.2´. And when using
inconvenient second-order interpolation where required, their accuracy falls to ±0.31´.
Designed for air navigation, H.O. 249 is published in three volumes and gives results
that are accurate to the nearest whole minute of arc (i.e., ±0.5´ accuracy), which is
perfectly adequate for most marine applications. The real significance of H.O. 249 is the
way it treats stars separately from the solar system bodies, which have limited ranges of
declinations. Volume I, by internally accounting for each star's declination individually,
directly gives HC and Zn for each star according to the LHA of Aries and the latitude.
Volumes 2 and 3 function just as does H.O. 229, giving the solutions to the navigation
triangle. However, since Volume I covers the stars separately, Volumes 2 and 3 only cover
the declinations of all the solar system bodies, so they only cover declinations up to 29°.
That's a disadvantage to H.O. 249. And not only are Volumes 2 and 3 an incomplete set of
tables, but Volume I inherently contains the declination of stars, making it somewhat
ephemeral. Each edition covers an epoch of three years, and with certain corrections can be
extended another three years. Epoch 2005.0 covers from 2004 though 2009, and can be
used without corrections to 2007 with errors no greater than two minutes of arc.
One advantage of H.O. 249 is its organization, for it lists latitude by page openings,
rather than listing one LHA for each page opening, as does H.O. 229, which has us flipping
through about 180 pages for the particular LHA of each sight. With H.O. 249, the active
pages change very slowly because a ship's latitude changes more slowly and uniformly than
do the required LHAs. A handy bookmark will open H.O. 249 near the correct page every
Although tables have their disadvantages, they are relatively easy to use and have
certain other advantages, such as being dependable and quite rugged (when not soaked in
sea water). Also, they are particularly useful for quickly scanning values of HC and Zn to
learn about the behavior of the navigation triangle. The precomputed altitudes and azimuths
for selected stars in Volume I of H.O. 249 is a real plus for star shots, providing easy sight
planning, star identification, and a very simple sight reduction. Furthermore, unlike H.O.
229, with H.O. 249 we use the same AP for all stars in a fix, simplifying the plotting.
The availability of tables is shifting. With the role of celestial navigation diminishing in
government and commercial service, continued Government Printing Office reproduction
of these tables is uncertain. Some volumes of H.O. 229 are currently out of stock, and are
not readily available on the used book market. Some used book sources are demanding
prices three times the original price of H.O. 249. However, Celestaire publishes both H.O.
229 and H.O. 249, reprinted from government electronic files in soft cover at 90% of the
original size. Furthermore, the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency provides the
complete H.O. 229 and H.O. 249 tables on their Web site. (See Appendix K.) They can be
downloaded free of charge in Adobe PDF format, in whole or in selected sections.
For navigators who like to travel light, such as backpackers, boat delivery crews, or
sailors jumping from leg to leg, labeling pages by latitude in H.O. 249 becomes an
additional asset. There's no need to carry the weight and bulk of tables covering 40° or 50°
of latitude, or of star tables that cover latitudes of the entire globe. Just remove the pages
for the latitudes of your trip from both the star and the sight-reduction volumes, combine
them into one binding, and you have one compact book, containing all that's needed and no
more. Alternatively, with an Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download H.O. 249 from the
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's Web site and print out just the pages desired.
(The government's printed version of H.O. 249, Volume I, also comes with a PDF CD of
the complete star table.) I think that the ideal celestial navigator's go-kit should fit inside a
sextant case.

Calculators and Computers

In today's world, when one thinks of solving the trig equations of the navigation triangle,
computers naturally leap to mind. There's a range of possibilities, useable even at sea. The
simplest is the inexpensive handheld scientific calculator. Then come programmable
calculators, followed by handheld mini PCs, sometimes called Personal Digital Assistants,
PDAs. The most powerful likely to be used is a laptop or full-size PC running on ship's
power. Where Internet access is available, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's
Web site (see the bibliography, Appendix K) has a celestial navigation calculator, where you
just type in L, d, and LHA, and it solves the equations for HC and Zn.
Programs residing in PCs or programmable handheld calculators are very valuable for
allowing the navigator to concentrate on other aspects, such as perfecting sextant
observations, practicing different kinds of sights, and building confidence. However, those
navigators who are attracted to the simplicity, independence, and redundancy of celestial
navigation will want to try common handheld scientific calculators. They cost far less than
tables, are available most anywhere, and are cheap enough to allow having several on
board. Plus, such a calculator is no doubt already on board for a myriad of other uses, such
as calculating speed and distance, making plotting sheets, computing ETAs, estimating the
number of beer-days remaining, and so forth.
The scientific calculator has several other advantages over tables. With its ten-digit
precision, interpolation is never needed for altitude or azimuth, for entering data to 0.1´
accuracy produces results to that accuracy. Mistakes, such as accidentally pressing the
wrong key or entering the wrong number, are likely to result in large, and therefore
detectable, errors. (An exception is a mistake in entering a low-significant digit.) In a table,
being off just one column or row can produce undetectable, but significant errors. Once
learned, a calculator's use is faster and less likely forgotten—especially when it's used for
other applications. Sight reduction tables H.O. 249 don't cover all declinations, and H.O.
229 is a heavy, bulky set of six volumes. Only the calculator is inexpensive, complete,
accurate, small, and light.
Furthermore, unlike all the precomputed tables, the calculator allows the selection of an
arbitrary AP, as opposed to tables that are limited to whole-degree arguments. This means
that inspection tables do not allow us to reduce many of the special sights discussed in
Chapters 7 and 8, or to directly check our sight quality to within 0.1 nm when comparing
HO to HC at a known position. Considering that our normal accuracy goal is 1 nm, we need
a sight reduction with accuracy close to 0.1nm in order to evaluate degrading effects, such
as sextant observation accuracy, ship motion, and false horizons. Cross-checking the
celestial navigation with the GPS is an essential redundancy for affirming that both these
independent systems are operating correctly. Also, the whole-degree requirement prohibits
the convenient use of tables for the other applications, such as computing great-circle
courses and distances. And as noted earlier, this same requirement of both H.O. 229 and
H.O. 249 forces a different AP for each body, making calculating and plotting intercepts
somewhat inconvenient, as in a fix from any of the solar system bodies. Only direct
calculation (and some short tables) allows the same AP for all bodies in a fix.
Perhaps some people are frightened by the talk of sines and cosines, but using the
calculator is really quite easy. It's said that Bowditch taught every crew member on the
ships he commanded—even the cook—to use his log-haversine method. Surely our
generation can use a calculator. With a little experience, its use will not only deepen our
knowledge of navigational astronomy, but will also lead to other opportunities such as
calculating great-circle distances, rhumb-line distances, star-star sextant accuracy checks,
and lunar distance sights. These additional applications are prohibited by the whole-degree
requirement of inspection tables. But with a calculator and an inquiring mind, a whole
navigation world is open to us.
Quite a few manufacturers market appropriate scientific calculators. They use the term
“scientific” to designate that their calculators have the necessary trig functions. Be sure to
get one that has at least three memory locations. Most of the calculators in this category
operate the same. The exception is HP calculators, which use the Reverse Polish Notation,
RPN, some allowing selection of either RPN mode or the algebraic mode. The order of
entries in the RPN mode is different than the algebraic mode, but it's easy and natural to
use. Some people prefer it. In any case, become familiar with your calculator before
attempting sight reductions.
Some people claim that the calculator doesn't have the reliability desired for a back-up
system. In my more than three decades using calculators I have experienced one failure. I
carry three at sea. And an inexpensive calculator is no more susceptible to damage than is
an expensive sextant. The light-powered ones never have dead batteries, and they operate
in light dimmer than is needed to read sight reduction tables. If you're concerned about
moisture and salt water, keep your calculator inside a zip-lock sandwich bag. You can
operate it perfectly well through the transparent bag.
The first step up in sophistication from the simple calculator is the more powerful, more
expensive, programmable handheld scientific calculators, such as the HP-33s. After a short
time with the instruction book, you can program the altitude and azimuth equations into
memory. From then on, you only enter L, d, and the LHA, and out pops HC and Zn. Also,
other parts of the sight reduction can be programmed. This is by far the simplest and
neatest method. It is inexpensive and easy to use compared to a set of tables. But on the
other hand, it has the disadvantage of being more expensive, more specialized, more
difficult to learn, and harder to replace than the common scientific calculator.
Climbing up the sophistication/expense ladder we next come to the PDAs and
programmable graphic calculators such as the Texas Instruments TI-89 and TI-92 series. At
this level, software is available that will do virtually everything, requiring only the entry of
the DR position, observed altitude, and UT (some programs will even use this information
to identify the observed body). Examples are the CelestNav software for the Palm OS
series, and StarPilot for the TI series, which is the most comprehensive celestial navigation
software available. You'll find it at many marine suppliers. The pre-programmed calculator
has the advantage of convenience to the extreme—perhaps even to a fault. You don't have
to know much about the fundamentals of celestial navigation, since everything is done for
you. On the other hand, this convenience does allow concentration on other aspects, such
as improving observation skills and using different types of sights. This convenience also
allows the navigator to use celestial navigation when the details of sight reductions have
been forgotten, or have been mentally blocked in a stressful situation at sea. Perhaps this is
their greatest advantage.
Moving on to PCs, the vista opens even wider. But here, of course, we sacrifice
handheld convenience and independence from ship power (even for laptops over the long
term). There's a Starpilot version for the PC, called StarPilot-PC, which is operationally
identical to the TI calculator version. Another PC software package is called simply
Navigator. Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office also publishes a software package
containing a book of algorithms and tables plus PC-compatible celestial navigation software
called AstroNav PC. Even the U.S. Navy uses a PC-based program called STELLA (a
somewhat strained acronym for “system to estimate latitude and longitude astronomically”).
It's apparently very comprehensive, but not available to the general public.
And for computer-savvy do-it-yourselfers, there's almost no limit to what can be
programmed into calculators such as the TI series, which can even run Basic. And on PC
compatibles we can run high-level languages, such as Excel, Basic, Fortran, or C. The
Nautical Almanac gives equations for complete sight reductions, including equations for
altitude corrections and interpolation of GHA and declination. Direct plotting of LOPs can
be done with Equations 13.1 of Exercise 1.22, as we did in Figure 2.7. You can compute
fix coordinates directly from two or more simultaneous sights, without plotting or dead
reckoning, as discussed at the end of Chapter 7. Carrying it even further, you can get the
almanac data on a CD, or compute almanac data directly using the techniques in Jean
Meeus's book, Astronomical Algorithms (see Appendix K). So you can create your own
STELLA-like program, making it as sophisticated as you are able, or want to.


Before, sights; now, insights. This chapter isn't for everyone. Consider it optional. But for
those who are interested, a closer look at the navigation triangle will provide a deeper
understanding into navigational astronomy; an awareness of how sight reduction tables are
designed; the reason for different azimuth rules for direct calculation and tabular methods;
and simple ways to check the compass with celestial azimuths.

Equivalent Triangles

To reduce their size, sight reduction tables exploit the symmetry of the navigation triangle.
These symmetries are all intuitively clear from looking at Figure 12.1: Beginning with figure
12.1a, we can see that the same triangle is produced by switching the GP and the AP
meridians, as shown in Figure 12.1b. The two triangles are just flipped, but their co-
altitudes and azimuth angles are identical. Also we see that exchanging the GP and AP is
equivalent to changing the original LHA to 360° – LHA. So the LHAs are not the same in
the two figures.
Figure 12.1 Symmetry of the triangle equations produces four different triangles
with the same co-altitudes and azimuth angles Z, but different angles A. The
azimuth angle used in tables is Z, which equals A in the northern hemisphere, but
differs in the southern hemisphere. Inspection of the figures provides a rule for
obtaining Zn from both A and from Z.
We can also prove this intuitive observation by looking at the altitude equation
sin HC = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA
where this exchange of GP and AP is only represented in the cos LHA term. We saw earlier
that the cosine term is invariant under changing LHA to 360°– LHA. (You can also verify
this by looking at the cosine curve in Appendix F.) So this exchange doesn't alter the above
equation, which shows that the altitude HC is the same in the two figures.
Furthermore, by remembering the azimuth equation for A
cos A = (sin d – sin L sin HC) / (cos L cos HC)
and observing that all the variables (L, d, and HC) in this equation remain the same after
switching the GP and AP, we see that A is also unchanged under this switch. So the
equivalence of the top two triangles in Figure 12.1 is verified by the triangle equations.
The second symmetry property comes from reflecting the triangles in the top two
figures (Figures 12.1 a and 12.1b) about their equators, which produces the bottom two
figures (this is the same as negating both L and d). From the spherical symmetry of the
figures, it should be clear that if we reckon the co-latitude and co-declination of these
southern-hemisphere triangles from the South Pole, they are the identical triangles to the
ones in the northern hemisphere that have their co-latitudes and co-declinations reckoned
from the North Pole. Thus, all four triangles have identical altitudes.
However, the azimuths are a different story. The angle A used in our azimuth equation
above is always defined relative to the North Pole, as shown in all four figures. But now we
introduce an azimuth angle Z relative to the nearest pole (sometimes called the elevated
pole). This definition makes Z equal to A in the northern hemisphere, but different than A
in the southern hemisphere, as shown in the figure. Our above discussion, observing that A
does not change when we interchange the GP and AP, is also valid in the southern
hemisphere. Likewise, Z in the southern hemisphere doesn't change under the exchange of
GP and AP, as shown in the lower figures.
In summary, then, the four cases in Figure 12.1 all have the same HC, but the top two
figures have different azimuth angles A than the bottom two. However, by introducing the
azimuth angle Z, all four triangles are made identical, having the same altitude and angle Z.
This allows a fourfold reduction in the size of precomputed sight-reduction tables, with one
table entry for all four cases.

The Azimuth Rules

Because A and Z are not the same angle, different azimuth rules are needed for direct
computation methods that use A, than for tabular methods which use Z. Inspection of
Figure 12.1 shows that the rules for obtaining Zn from A are
if the LHA is greater than 180°, Zn = A,
if the LHA is less than 180°, Zn = 360° − A,
which are the rules used in our discussion of Figure 2.4 and the ones printed on the bottom
of our calculator sight-reduction forms.
Also, we can now easily see the reason for the azimuth rules that are printed on each
page of the tables, and why they're quite different from the rules used in direct calculation.
Because Z is referenced to the nearest pole, four rules are needed, two for each
hemisphere. Inspection of the figure shows that the rules for obtaining Zn from Z are as
For northern latitudes, if LHA is greater than 180°….. Zn = Z,
if LHA is less than 180°…………Zn = 360° − Z.
For southern latitudes, if LHA is greater than 180°……Zn = 180° – Z,
if LHA is less than 180°….…….Zn = 180° + Z.

Understanding Inspection Tables

We've seen that because all four cases in Figure 12.1 have the same HC and Z, they can be
represented by just one table entry. Each entry of the tables represents two LHAs (the two
that add to 360°) and two values of the declination and latitudes (the two that are both
positive or negative). In H.O. 229 the pair of LHAs label the page openings. In H.O. 249
they label the rows, the smaller LHA on the left-hand side of the row, and 360° minus that
LHA on the right-hand side of the row. The azimuth rules above are printed on each page
opening for convenience. In both H.O. 229 and H.O. 249 no sign is given to the latitude
and declination; rather, all four cases in Figure 12.1 are grouped under the section heading
Latitude Same Name as Declination (meaning they are either both positive or both
By drawing a sketch, you'll see that the above observations are also valid when the
latitude and declination are in different hemispheres, but they require their own entries
because their altitudes and azimuths are different from the Latitude-Same-as-Declination
section. Therefore this section requires a separate listing labeled Latitude Contrary Name to
Declination. In H.O. 229 these two sections occur on one page opening, divided on the
right-hand page by a Contrary-Same Line, the C-S line, that separates them. In H.O. 249
they are either separated by a blank white space, or are on different pages.
By inspecting the HC column (see H.O. 229 in Appendix D), you'll find that this C-S
line occurs where the altitude falls to zero, i.e., the body is on the horizon. This also occurs
for a body located at the antipode of the GP (i.e., exactly on the other side of the earth),
where the declination has the same value but opposite name. Starting in the “Same-Name”
section at the bottom of the page that contains both the “same” and “contrary” sections,
and following a column upward in decreasing declination, we see that HC decreases to zero
where the body sets on the horizon. At that point a body located at the GP's antipode rises
above the horizon as we cross the C-S Line, and its altitude increases as the declination of
the GP continues to decrease. Because this antipode is on the same meridian as the original
GP, but 180° in longitude from it, the LHAs for this Contrary-Name section are 180°
different from the Same-Name section, as you see by comparing LHA headings at the top
and bottom of the page.
By arranging the table in this fashion, all the solutions with altitudes above the horizon
and with the same LHA are located on the same page opening. The Contrary-Name section
is always smaller than the Same-Name section because the co-altitude (GP-RP distance) is
necessarily larger (the altitude smaller) in opposite hemispheres than the Same-Name
section, yielding fewer solutions above the horizon. Also as an appreciation of the
navigation triangle, observe at the bottom of each page in H.O. 229 how the altitude
becomes equal to the latitude when the declination reaches 90°. Exercises 2.9 to 2.11 of
Chapter 13 will guide you in verifying these statements.
The third symmetry of the altitude equation is the obvious invariance under exchanging
the values of the latitude and declination while keeping the GP and AP on the same
meridians. Interchanging L and d in the equation doesn't change the altitude equation.
However, the azimuth equation is not invariant under this exchange, so A, and hence Z, are
different. In Appendix D, you can verify this by comparing, for example, the two cases L =
30°, d = 23°, and L = 23°, d = 30°. You'll find they have the same HC, but different Z.
We now see how the precalculated sight reductions tables are constructed and why their
azimuth rules differ from the direct calculation method. The tables trade off a slightly more
complicated treatment of LHA's and azimuth rules for a more compact compilation. These
considerations are irrelevant for using a calculator to find HC and A, where you just enter
the latitude and declination according to the sign appropriate for the hemisphere and use the
simpler azimuth rules for getting Zn from the azimuth angle A.

Special Cases of the Azimuth Equation

Further discussion of the azimuth equation

cos A = (sin d – sin L sin H) / (cos L cos H)
will give us insight into the workings of navigational astronomy. We consider what happens
to the azimuth of the sun as the earth executes its daily rotation, keeping L and d constant.
Figure 12.2 shows the navigation triangle for various times before noon. The particular case
drawn here has the ship at a north latitude greater than the sun's declination, and the ship's
longitude greater than the morning sun's GHA. So the first azimuth rule above applies,
giving Zn = A and cos A = cos Zn. It will be convenient to start at noon and look at the
sun's morning history, starting at noon and working backward to sunrise, and even earlier.
Figure 12.3 shows the corresponding behavior of the azimuth equation. Plotting cos Zn,
Figure 12.3 also starts at noon with the Zn = 180° and works backward in time through
sunrise and beyond. From the 3-D picture it's obvious that at local noon, the sun's LHA =
0°, and Zn = 180°. This is confirmed at the left side of the cosine curve in Figure 12.3,
where we see that cos Zn = −1 corresponds to Zn = 180°. (See Appendix F for a short
discussion of the cosine curve.)

Figure 12.2 The relationship of the sun's azimuth to the sun's position.

Figure 12.3 Cos(Zn) versus Zn for the case shown in Figure 12.2.
We see, both from the navigation triangle and from the cosine curve, that as the sun is
moved eastward (backward toward sunrise) the azimuth decreases, going from 180° to 90°
when the cosine is zero. At this point, since the cos 90° = 0, the equation must read
0 = (sin d – sin L sin H) / (cos L cos H)
which means that the numerator (sin d – sin L sin H) = 0, or that the altitude of the sun
when its azimuth is due east is given by

sin H = sin d/sin L. (12.1)

Also, we can look at the sun's azimuth at sunrise, i.e., when H = 0°. And we see from the
azimuth equation that if we set H = 0°, then sin H = 0 and cos H = 1. So the sun's azimuth
at sunrise must be given by
cos A = (sin d − 0)/cos L or

cos A = sin d/cos L. (12.2)

Both Equations 12.1 and 12.2 provide a simplified means of checking the ship's
compass without recourse to computing HC and Zn from the sight reduction equations.
Assuming the ship's location is known, there are four possible checks, two at true east and
west from Equation 12.1 (if the altitude isn't inconveniently high), and two at sunrise or
sunset from Equation 12.2. The same is true for all other celestial bodies. Remember this
Zn is relative to true north, not magnetic north, and the equations don't include the effects
of dip or refraction.
We've just discussed two different events: the first was when Zn = 90°, which depends
on the ratio sin d/sin L, and the second was when sunrise occurs, which depends on the
ratio sin d/cos L. Which of these occurs earlier in the day depends on the relative value of
these ratios. In the northern latitude's summer, the condition H = 0° occurs earlier than Zn
= 90°. That is to say, the sun rises north of east. In the northern latitude's winter, the
opposite is true and the sun rises south of east, as seen in Figure 12.3.
An interesting observation at this point is that at sunset or sunrise, at the time of the
autumnal or vernal equinoxes, when the sun's declination is zero, sin d = 0, (since sin 0° =
0). Then Equation 12.2 gives cos A = 0, or Zn = 90° or 270° (remembering our rules for
getting Zn from the azimuth angle A). That is to say, this gives us the somewhat curious
result that at the time of the equinox, sunrise and sunset are due east and due west,
respectively, for all people on earth, no matter what their location. See Exercise 2.3.
Visualizing the relationship between these equations and the world we live in deepens our
understanding and appreciation of navigational astronomy.




The most obvious practice, the most appropriate for achieving proficiency, and perhaps the
most fun, is to take many sextant shots and practice their sight reductions from a known
location so the results can be evaluated. For this, of course, one needs all the celestial
navigation tools: a sextant, a quartz digital watch with a means of setting it to accurate time,
a Nautical Almanac, a method of solving the navigation triangle (calculator or tables), and a
horizon. In some cases the horizon is the biggest problem. The first choice is a natural
water horizon. Water horizons that are obstructed by a distant shore can be used if the
short-horizon dip correction is not too severe, making it unreliable (see Chapter 9 and
Appendix H). If a natural water horizon is unavailable, several types of artificial horizons
can be used as discussed in Chapter 9.
If you use the calculator, at least a partial set of H.O. 229 or 249 is very valuable for
checking your solutions to the navigation triangle. You can download these tables from the
Internet, or you can buy them from the Government Printing Office, marine suppliers, or
the used book market. Between hand calculators, excerpts in our Appendix D, printed
tables, Internet tables, and the online navigation calculators at the National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency's and at the U.S. Naval Observatory's Web sites (see Appendix K), you
have ample opportunity for practicing solving the navigation triangle by whichever method
you prefer.
I recommend starting celestial navigation in a simple way that enhances understanding
and confidence: First, if you want to use a calculator but are unfamiliar with or intimidated
by them, practice solving the altitude and azimuth equations using only whole degrees, and
compare your results with tabulated values (just use Appendix D). Then when you first
move to real sights, stick to just whole degrees and whole minutes of time. Mentally
interpolate GHA, its increment, and declination from the almanac to the nearest degree;
forget about v and d corrections; and skip index and dip sextant corrections. From a known
location, take a sight, recording the time to the nearest minute. For the sun, just center its
disk on the horizon. Work up the sight; compare the result with your observed altitude and
estimated azimuth. With consistent agreement to within one degree, practicing these quick-
and-dirty sight reductions—say, a dozen times or so, particularly under different conditions
—will give you familiarity and confidence with the whole procedure. After that
accomplishment, it's time to move on to the full procedure, making all the corrections and
working to a minute of arc and a second of time. For armchair practice there are the eight
sights in the text in Chapters 5 and 6.
By making repeated and varied real-life sight reductions, you will achieve proficiency,
though you will not necessarily deepen your understanding of celestial navigation. For that
purpose, we present specially designed sight reductions and related exercises. Many are
followed by comments that explain how to do the exercise, explain its significance, and
frequently give the answer. The exercises are presented in five topical categories. Many
provide sight reduction practice with results that make a particular point. Several exercises
use the excerpts from H.O. 229 and 249 (Appendix D) to provide an insight to celestial
navigation's spherical geometry.
The exercises vary in difficulty. Not every exercise is for everyone, but all are meant to
be useful—even if you don't attempt an exercise, reading it along with its comment will
enhance your understanding, confidence, and enjoyment of celestial navigation. Within
each category the exercises vary in difficulty according to a star rating. Exercises with no
star require only the standard understanding of nautical astronomy with no special math.
One-star exercises are more challenging and may require thinking beyond standard sight
reductions. Some require very simple algebra and plane trigonometry at the level discussed
in Appendix F. Two-star exercises are more advanced; some require advanced high school
trig, including common trig identities, and algebra. A few require elementary calculus. Some
exercises require a chart, a Nautical Almanac, and a calculator or sight reduction tables.
Have fun.

Sight Reduction and the Navigation Triangle

1.1. Place Figure 2.7 under the upper right-hand corner of a sheet of paper and trace the
figure onto the paper. Then extend the longitude axis westward past 82° and the
latitude axis southward to 17°. Using dividers, copy the 0.1° tick marks from the
figure. Then using the GP's location of GHA 82°, declination N17.8°, and the
observed altitude of 83°, strike an arc of the LOP and compare it with the figure's
arc. What is the maximum discrepancy between your mechanically drafted LOP and
the computer-drawn one in the figure?
Comment. This equal-altitude curve is the basic ingredient of celestial navigation.
Remember to use the latitude scale to measure the co-altitude of 90° − 83° = 7°. For
high altitudes such as this one, we expect a small error in substituting plane geometry
for spherical geometry. So, not surprisingly, I get an error of several miles on the east
end of the LOP.
1.2. On 11 May 2005 1800 UT you observe a fully corrected sun altitude of 28°. Using
the almanac's daily pages of Appendix C, a globe, and dividers or compass, find at
least three places in the world where you might be.
Comment. Of the infinity of places on this circular LOP, you could be at (or near) the
island of Oahu, Hawaii; Montevideo, Uruguay; St. Vicente Island in the Cape Verde
Islands; Reykjavik, Iceland; or Barrow, Alaska.
1.3. While not moving (moored, becalmed, or grounded) eight hours after your sight in the
above exercise, you next observe the sun at the same 28° altitude. At which of the
above five locations are you?
Comment. Now you can only be two places in the world—the two intersections of
these LOPs. One is somewhere roughly on the equator at 150° west longitude. The
other is somewhere around Barrow, Alaska. A temperature reading should enable you
to distinguish between these two.
1.4. Using either direct computation or tables, investigate the effect of the selected AP on
the LOP. Choose three different positions that you can plot on your chart: (1) an
actual position of your ship, (2) a first AP position, and (3) a second AP position.
Select a reasonable local time, convert to UT, and look up the sun's GP in the
almanac. Or more simply, just assume a reasonable LHA and sun's declination.
A. First, compute the altitude that would be observed at the ship's position.
B. Next, select the first AP position some 10 or 20 miles from the ship's position.
Using this AP and the same GP data, work up the sight and plot the LOP. Compare
this LOP to the actual ship's position.
C. Now select the second AP position, perhaps one degree north and one degree east
of the first AP position. Plot the LOP corresponding to it. How does the LOP change
and how does Zn change?
1.5. Take your AP at the body's GP and calculate HC and the azimuth related angle A. Are
your results reasonable?
Comment. The altitude should be 90°. The azimuth is undetermined. When you
attempt division by cos H = cos 90° = 0 in the azimuth equation, you are dividing by
zero, which the calculator can't do. So it gives an error. (Tables artificially list the
azimuth angle as 90° to avoid writing “error” or “undefined.”)
1.6. * Venus was about at its maximum apparent distance from the sun on November 20,
2005 when the sun's GHA was 183° 36.8´ and declination was S19° 39.7´. At this
same time Venus's GHA was 133° 53.0´ and its declination was S26° 15.9´. What
was the angular separation between Venus and the sun at this time? You can find
Venus in the daytime by setting your sextant's arc on this pre-computed angle and
(using the darkest sunshade) swinging the sextant's frame toward Venus's expected
position. For this time of year, should you look to the east or to the west of the sun?
Comment. This is one of several applications of our navigation-triangle solution
beyond sight reductions. The altitude equation for calculating HC can be used to
calculate the angular distance between any two objects. Remember, the angular
distance is represented by the co-altitude. Using the altitude equation you should find
that the distance between the sun's center and Venus is 45° 59.5´. It may seem that a
better method of finding Venus is to compute its altitude and azimuth from your DR
position and sweep the sky around that altitude and azimuth with the sextant. Then
you're ready to take the sight when you find Venus. But the altitude of Venus changes
by the second, whereas its arc distance from the sun changes less than a degree/day.
So your arc-distance calculation remains good for finding Venus, morning and night,
over several days, while the altitude calculation doesn't.
1.7. Determine the rate of change per minute of the sun's altitude on the summer equinox
at the equator. Using a calculator or tables, find the sun's altitude at two different
times, say five minutes apart. Repeat for a point at N45°. Repeat again for an
extreme northern latitude, say N70°. Now repeat all three exercises for the sun at the
summer solstice. Compare your results to sight reductions tables or to Equations A.2.
You should see that the rate of change of altitude varies from zero to a maximum of
one minute of arc per four seconds of time.
1.8. Using the St. Hilaire method, your calculated altitude at your DR position turns out to
be exactly your observed altitude. Does this mean your ship is at the DR position?
Comment. This is a classic. The answer is a qualified no. Referring back to Figure 3.4,
you can see that the ship could be anywhere on the LOP, according to the information
gained from the sight. The single altitude measurement only determines a line of
position, nothing more. However, the DR position does contain previously obtained
information, and the LOP now constrains the DR information to a single line. Since
the two pieces of information coincide, the DR position remains the best estimated
position, having the old dead-reckoning uncertainty along the line, but new celestial
accuracy perpendicular to the line.
1.9. Our example in Chapter 5 of reducing a sun sight by both direct computation and by
H.O. 249 gives two different intercept distances (7 nm and 1 nm, respectively). Plot
both of these showing that they produce the same LOP.
1.10. Why are the reduction tables H.O. 229 and H.O. 249 organized differently with H.O.
229 having LHA page headings, declination in rows, and latitude in columns, while
H.O. 249 has latitude page headings, LHA in rows, and declination in columns?
1.11. Draw figures of the navigation triangle similar to Figure 2.3b for different
combinations of the following: (a) Latitudes 0°, N45°, S45°, N85°, S85°, (b)
Declinations 0°, N45°, S45°, N85°, S85°, and (c) LHAs 10°, 45°, 90°.
1.12. The LHA convention used in tabular methods reckons the LHA westward toward the
body from 0° to 360°. Draw a sketch of the type of Figure 2.3b with a LHA of 300°.
If this LHA is thought of as the direction westward along a great-circle path to the
body, what great-circle arc makes sense for the co-altitude? What is the meaning of
the arc?
Comment. Looking westward along the great-circle path to the body would be looking
180° away from the body. Looking in this direction, the altitude of the body would be
360° minus the altitude from looking toward the body. The body would be below the
horizon. Thus the concept of LHAs greater than 180° doesn't make much sense in
terms of thinking about the navigation triangle. The convention is used to
accommodate the tabular azimuth rules, which could equally well be done by
distinguishing whether the GP is east or west of the AP. Then all LHAs could be less
than 180°. You can verify this by looking at Figure 12.1.
1.13. In our introductory chapters, we made a big fuss about a single altitude
measurement's only constraining the observer's position to a line instead of a single
point; furthermore, we pointed out that this LOP is a small circle, centered on the
body's GP. However, the traditional noon sun sight also is a single altitude
measurement, but it gives the observer's latitude, not an LOP centered on the sun's
GP. Is this a contradiction, and if so, what is its resolution?
Comment. In our discussion of the equal-altitude LOP, it was assumed that we knew
the GP of the sun. But in the noon sun sight we don't know the sun's GHA, only its
declination. However, unlike the normal off-meridian sight, we do know the sun's
azimuth at LAN: it's due north or south (and we know which, unless the sun is nearly
overhead). Therefore, we still have knowledge of the same number of sight
parameters as in the normal sight; we've lost the GHA information, but gained the
azimuth. Thus, the sight still confines our location to a line—in this case, a parallel of
latitude. This parallel of latitude is also a small circle, but it's not centered on the sun's
GP like the normal equal-altitude LOP. Rather, it's an LOP where observers
everywhere on it see identical sun's altitudes and azimuths, although at different times.
That is, rather than being an equal-altitude LOP in the sense of a normal sight, it's an
equal-altitude, equal-azimuth LOP.
1.14. The above discussion brings to mind the timed noon-sun shot (Chapter 7) where we
measure the time of maximum altitude, thus getting both the latitude and longitude, a
fix. Since we measure exactly the same information as in a St. Hilaire sight (time and
altitude), how is it we get a fix instead of just an LOP?
Comment. The resolution of this paradox is that we measure not just any time, but the
time when the body is on the meridian. In other words, we've been able to measure
the body's azimuth, even if indirectly. This is the only case I know of at sea where it's
practical to measure a body's azimuth sufficiently accurately to get a useful fix.
1.15. * In their direct calculation of sight reductions, the Nautical Almanac uses
cos A = (cos L sin d – sin L cos d cos LHA)/cos HC,
to calculate the azimuth angle A. Why do we use
cos A = (sin d – sin L sin HC) / (cos L cos HC)?
Comment. For simple non-programmable calculators, our equation is better because it
requires only five trig function entries and three different variables (18 total
keystrokes), while the almanac's version contains six trig functions and four different
variables (22 total keystrokes). Plus, most inexpensive calculators only store three
variables, not four.
1.16. * Demonstrate that it's possible to exactly compute any number of points on a
celestial LOP by computing just one point as an example: First, fabricate realistic data
for a specific situation. For example, you could take a ship's position at N30.5°
W150.5°, with the sun's declination of N21.75° and its GHA 90.25°. The observed
altitude would then be 35° 49´ and its azimuth would be 84°. Now assume you don't
know the ship's position, so you want to find a point on the LOP at a latitude of
N30.5°. By using the observed altitude, calculate the longitude of a point on the LOP
that has this latitude. Use Equation A.10 of Appendix A. Finally, check your answer
with the known longitude.
Comment. This exercise and Exercise 1.17 are both good exercises in sight reduction
plus solving trig equations with your calculator. Furthermore, they demonstrate that
three different methods exactly compute the same point on the LOP.
1.17. * Work the above exercise the other way around. Using Equation A.9 of Appendix A,
assume the W150.5° longitude, and calculate the latitude on the LOP using the
observed altitude.
1.18. * The plot of the sine function in Appendix F shows that angles A and (180° – A)
have the same sine. In other words, the inverse sine function has two solutions (as
does inverse cosine). The calculator only returns the angle whose sine is less than 90°.
What is the meaning of the second solution in Equation 5.1a for the altitude HC?
Comment. By drawing a diagram similar to Figure 1.2, you can see that this second
solution is the altitude of the body measured by looking 180° away from it instead of
toward it. Called a back sight, this solution is rarely used in practice, only being useful
when the horizon is obscured in the direction of the body. But as we mentioned in
discussing lunar distance sights, taking such sights with angles greater than 90° has its
difficulties. How is Zn related to A for back sights?
1.19. * In our direct computation of the azimuth angle A, why don't we use the simpler
Equation A.7 (Appendix A) rather than the more complicated Equation A.4?
Comment. Solving Equation A.7 for the inverse sine to get the azimuth angle A gives
two different solutions for A either side of 90° (see Appendix F). Then we would need
complicated azimuth rules for obtaining Zn from A. It's much easier just to use
Equation A.4., which requires just knowing if the GP is east or west of the AP in
order to find Zn. In fact, Equation A.7 was used in the old haversine method of
Bowditch's time because it requires only multiplication and division, which converts to
addition and subtraction of log trig functions. And it is still used in today's short tables
along with its necessarily complicated azimuth rules.
1.20. ** In Equation 7.1 for reducing Polaris sights, the cos LHA term can be considered a
correction due to Polaris not being exactly on the North Pole (if it were, cd would be
zero and the correction would vanish). Instead of the simple formula above, the
Nautical Almanac uses a table of observed altitude versus the LHA of Aries to give
this correction. Pick a couple of dates and compare the results of Equation 7.1 with
the almanac. (You need your own almanac for this one.)
Comment. The difference between these two sight reduction methods for Polaris
seldom exceeds a mile or two, showing that Equation 7.1 is perfectly adequate for
practical navigation at sea. And since it's so simple, it provides an emergency
procedure, as discussed in Chapter 7.
1.21. By drawing simple sketches in the plane of the observer's meridian show that the
if the body is south of you, L = dec + (90° – HO),
if the body is north of you, L = dec – (90° – HO).
correctly give the observer's latitude for upper-transit meridian sights. Mathematically
inclined readers might want to confirm that our equation for altitude
sin HO = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA
also reduces to these same two solutions when the LHA is zero.
Comment. Since LHA = 0°, cos LHA = 1. Then sin HO = cos(90° – HC) = sin L sin d
+ cos L cos d, and a trig identity reduces the right-hand side of this equation to cos(L
– d). So then cos(90° – HO) = cos(L – d). The arc cosine then gives two solutions, L
= d + (90° – HO) and L = d – (90° – HO). The equations don't tell us how to apply
these solutions. We get that by drawing a simple diagram showing that the first
solution applies when the body is south of the observer, and that the second applies
when the body is north. Similarly, for lower meridian transits (that's where LHA =
180°) drawing simple sketches or solving the altitude equation as above gives the two
L = 90° – dec + HO for northern latitudes
L = − 90° – dec – HO for southern latitudes
1.22. ** The equations for tracing out an LOP by the method discussed in connection with
Figure 2.6 can be obtained by applying the same generic relationship among the sides
and angles of the navigation triangle that are shown by the equations in Appendix A.
Equation A.1 of Appendix A solves for a side of the navigation triangle in terms of its
opposite angle and its two adjacent sides. Show that applying this same relationship to
Figure 2.6 gives

sin LX = sin d sin HO + cos d cos HO cos BX (13.1a)

for finding the latitude LX of a point on the LOP. And likewise from adapting Equation
A.7, it follows that

sin LHA X = cos HO sin BX/cos LX (13.1b)

for getting the longitude of this same point from its local hour angle.
1.23. ** Why is the above BX method of computer plotting an LOP better than the St.
Hilaire sight reduction, which also accurately locates a point on the LOP?
Comment. The St. Hilaire method doesn't yield latitude and longitude coordinates for
direct plotting. Furthermore, it requires specifying a reference point for each
calculation, which is an unnecessary complexity.
1.24. ** The St. Hilaire method requires solving two equations, the altitude and azimuth
equations. We could also find a straight-line approximation by the Sumner method of
specifying a latitude of a point on the LOP, then calculating its longitude. Repeating
this for a second point and connecting the two points with a straight line gives an
approximate LOP. Given that these two methods both require the same amount of
calculation, why is the St. Hilaire method better?
Comment. This suggested Sumner procedure could be a little quirky, particularly for
LOPs having an east-west orientation. You can see this by sketching LOP with a
nearly east-west orientation and assuming a ship's DR position somewhat off the LOP.
Then the specified latitudes can result in points on the LOP that are far from the
region of interest (such as far from the DR position). Worse yet, the selected parallel
of latitude might not even intersect the LOP, resulting in no solution. If the longitude
were picked as the plotting variable, then the north-south LOPs have the same
problem. This makes these methods too cumbersome to use as standard practice. In
contrast, because the St. Hilaire method automatically results in an LOP segment that
is nearest to the assumed position, it works under all situations.

Navigational Astronomy

2.1. Show that the table of Increments and Corrections in the Nautical Almanac gets its
time increments for the sun and planets by simply using the fact that the sun goes
around the earth once in 24 hours.
Comment. The earth's rotation is 360°/day = 360°/24 hrs = 15°/hr = 1°/4 min = 1´/4
sec. Looking at the tables of Increments and Correction in the almanac, you see
exactly these same increments.
2.2. Using the fact that the earth goes around the sun once a year while the stars don't,
show that the stars should rise 3 min. 56.4 sec. earlier each night. Compare this result
to the GHA of Aries listed in the Nautical Almanac on successive days.
Comment. Draw a diagram showing the earth in its orbit around the sun. Then imagine
the earth doesn't rotate about its axis as it revolves around the sun. Notice that
observers on this earth would then witness one solar day in one year, but no
movement of the stars, which can be considered infinitely far away. Therefore, with
the earth rotating on its axis, earthlings see one more solar day per year than they see
sidereal days. This extra solar day means that the solar days are shorter than the
sidereal day. The extra day is 24hr/yr = 1440 min/365 days = 3.9452 min/day. This is
3 min. 56.7 sec. shorter than the sidereal day. So the stars rise that much earlier each
night. By looking at the GHA of Aries on successive days, and converting the arc
difference found there of 59.21´ to minutes and seconds of time, you'll verify this
2.3. Begin by sketching a 3-D representation of the navigation triangle, similar to Figure
2.3. Add a great circle that separates day from night, and show that on the vernal and
autumnal equinoxes, the sun rises and sets east and west for everyone on earth.
Comment. This is an exercise in 3-D visualization. Draw a sketch of the earth with the
sun's GP on the equator. Then draw the day-night boundary along a meridian 90°
from the sun. Draw many 90° great-circle arcs extending from the sun to the day-night
boundary. (These arcs should be analogous to the meridians that extend from the pole
to the equator and that meet the equator everywhere at 90°.) Everyone located on the
day-night boundary sees the sun at right angles to their local meridian, making the
bearing to the sun east at sunrise and west at sunset. This exercise dramatizes how
counterintuitive spherical geometry is to most of us.
2.4. By inspecting the daily pages of the almanac, determine the date and the amount of
the minimum rate of change of the sun's declination. Do likewise for the maximum
rate of change. Do these dates make sense? Note that the values for d are just the
hourly change in declinations for that particular daily page. Also note that d never
exceeds one minute of arc, so in many practical situations the d-correction can be
ignored completely for the sun and planets. Address this same point for the moon.
2.5. Show that the values given in the Nautical Almanac’s Increments and Correction
table for the v or d corrections are simply proportioned to the entry value of v or d
throughout the hour according to the table's mid value of the minute entry (i.e., the
minute plus 30 seconds).
Comment. The correction just multiplies the value of v or d by the ratio of the number
of minutes to the 60 minutes of a whole hour. That is, the correction = (v or d) ×
(minutes + 0.5)/60. For example, in the 19-minute table, the correction = (19.5/60) (v
or d) = 0.325(v or d), which you can verify by comparing this result to the table.
2.6. Draw four figures similar to Figure 12.1 with the AP and the GP in opposite
hemispheres and show that the same azimuth rules apply for computing Zn from the
angle A.
2.7. Notice from the Nautical Almanac that the SHA of Polaris varies much more than for
other stars. Can you explain this?
Comment. It's a geometrical effect due to the convergence of the meridians. Since
Polaris is very close to the Pole, a slight variation in its position can make large
variations in its SHA, but not in its declination.
2.8. In tables H.O. 229 and H.O. 249 the HC remains the same while Z changes upon an
interchange of the latitude and declination entries. Why does the interpolation
increment also change under this interchange?
Comment. The rate of change of HC depends on both the latitude and the declination,
which become different under this exchange. You can see this from Equation A.1
because the rate of change of both sines and cosines is different for the same
argument, as shown in the sine and cosine curves in Appendix F. These curves show
that, in general, at any point the slope of the sine curve is different than the slope of
the cosine curve. So when L and d are changed, the rate of change of H also changes.
2.9. In Chapter 12 we saw how the tables in H.O. 229 have been efficiently arranged to
include results of same-and-contrary latitudes and declinations in the same page
opening. Make a careful 3-D sketch of the navigation triangle showing the complete
360° horizon (which, of course, is located 90° from the observer). Show the antipode
of the GP. Then observe that as a body sets on the horizon, a body located at the
GP's antipode would be rising. Therefore, all the above-the-horizon solutions for a
given LHA and its supplement (i.e., 180° – LHA) efficiently occur on one page
Comment. This sketch, also used in the next three exercises, can be challenging. It
requires drawing four great circles, the equator, observer's meridian, body's meridian,
and horizon. It's best to draw each one with a different colored pencil, making the
lines dotted on the far side of the earth. Remember the observer's horizon is a great
circle 90° from the observer's position. (Think of that geometry as analogous to the
pole and the equator.) It's useful to realize that every two great circles intersect each
other at two points, 180° apart, each in opposite hemispheres. Make sure this
geometry is accurately reflected in your sketch for the equator, the body's meridian,
and the horizon.
2.10. Use the 3-D sketch from the above exercise to show that as the declination of a body
approaches 90°, the observed altitude approaches the observer's latitude. Then verify
this by looking at the bottom of the pages in H.O. 229, Appendix D. When the
declination is exactly 90°, the altitude is exactly equal the observer's latitude (which
would be the case for Polaris if it were exactly at the North Pole).
2.11. Expand on the above two exercises by using the same sketch to continuously trace a
body's path as its declination changes 360°, starting at 0° and moving initially
northward, around 360° back to its starting point. Select the LHA = 32° and a mid
latitude, such as N40°, so that your sketch corresponds to the H.O. 229 data in
Appendix D. Mark the following locations on your sketch: the equator, the North Pole,
where the body sets on the horizon, the South Pole, where the body rises above the
horizon, and where the LHA suddenly changes 180°. Then starting in the Same-
Name-Section of H.O. 229 (Appendix D) with dec = 0, follow this same 360°
declination circuit. Verify that the body's altitude versus declination agrees with your
sketch according to H.O. 229.
2.12. Using the sketch from the above exercise, verify that the body's azimuth agrees with
the result of H.O. 229. Where and why does the azimuth suddenly jump 180 degrees?
2.13. * By inspecting the daily pages in the almanac, notice that the sun is hardly ever on
the Greenwich meridian at 1200 UT. That is, local apparent noon does not occur at
12:00 noon, but a few minutes before or after 1200 UT. This difference is called the
equation of time. Convert the sun's GHA at 1200 UT to time, getting the equation of
time listed in the bottom right-hand page for that date. A plot of your result of this time
difference from 1200 UT versus the sun's declination is the figure-eight diagram
sometimes seen on globes (normally in the Pacific Ocean). It's called an analemma.
And it contains all the information that the almanac does on the sun's GP, although not
to the same precision.
2.14. * Find the latitude of the Arctic Circle using Equation 12.2, cos Zn = sin d/cos L, for
the azimuth of a body rising or setting, and realizing that cos Zn can't be greater than
one (i.e., the sun doesn't set at all if Zn decreases all the way to 0°).
Comment. Set cos Zn = 1, and solve for the latitude when the sun is at the summer
solstice, i.e., when its declination is 23° 26.4´. (You can check this figure by finding
the sun's maximum declination in the almanac.) The Arctic Circle is at N66° 33.6´.
2.15. * Using Equation 12.2, find the azimuth of sunrise on the summer and winter solstice
on the equator.
Comment. The sun rises at Zn = 66°, considerably north of east. How far north of
east does it rise at a location of N45° latitude?
2.16. ** Because Polaris is always less than 1° from the true North Pole, the navigation
triangle for observations in the common latitudes, of, say, less than N60°, has a very
long and narrow shape. Draw a picture like Figure 2.3 or 2.4, showing this property.
Then, instead of using the normal spherical geometry, use simple plane geometry to
show that an observer's latitude is given approximately by
L = HO – cd cos LHA, (13.2)

where LHA is Polaris's local hour angle and cd is its co-declination.

Comment. Draw the navigation triangle in plane geometry showing that the LHA is
extremely small. Then approximate the co-latitude as the sum of two parts. One is the
projection of Polaris's co-declination onto the co-latitude meridian, which is cos LHA
times the co-declination. The other is Polaris's co-altitude. Approximate this projection
with the co-altitude itself, because the bearing angle to Polaris is so tiny.
2.17. ** By differentiating Equation A.1 of Appendix A with respect to the LHA, and using
Equation A.7, show that the rate of change of calculated altitude is

dH/d (LHA) = − cos L sin A (13.3)

2.18. ** Carrying the above exercise further, show that the total time rate of change of
altitude with respect to time is

dH/dt = ± (15'/min) cos L sin Zn (13.4)

when the contributions due to time-changing latitude of the observer, and the time
change of declination, can be neglected. Show, however, that the moon is an
exception when it's near its maximum rate of change of declination. Equation 13.4
gives the data on a pull-out card that comes with H.O. 249 called “Alternative Table 2
—Altitude Correction for Change in Position of Body.”
2.19. * By thinking of the navigation triangle and the altitude equation (Equation A.1), show
that if you know the altitude of one star from a known location, you can calculate the
altitudes of all other stars that would be observed from that same location.
Comment. This is really just calculating a star fix in reverse, i.e., you're finding star
altitudes from a known position, instead of finding a position from known altitudes.
Write down two altitude equations, one for each star. The two equations contain the
one common latitude of the observer, but LHA1 and LHA2 for each star. The star #1
equation can be solved for LHA1. And you should be able to show that LHA2 = SHA2
− SHA1 + LHA1. Therefore, you can calculate the altitude of star #2 because you
know everything in its altitude equation: its declination, observer latitude, and LHA2.
Similarly, the altitude of any other star can be calculated.

Courses, Distances, and Charts

3.1. * We like to believe that our celestial navigation is sometimes accurate to within one
nautical mile. If we make landfall four nm out, what is the maximum course change
we should have to make to lay the harbor, taking into consideration our celestial
navigation error?
Comment. Using the definition of the sine of an angle, sin A = a/b, take a to be one
mile and b to be four miles. Draw a picture. So the maximum course change would be
equal to arcsin (1/4) = 14°.
3.2. * On your way from Auckland to Hobart, you've just plotted your position as S37°
24´, E179° 46´ from a running fix of the morning and noon sun shots. From your
current position, what is the initial great-circle course and distance to the Hobart
Tasman Island Light at S43° 14´, E148° 02´?
Comment. Applying our navigation triangle solutions to great-circle courses is another
advantage of the calculator method. After each fix, why not calculate the new great-
circle course and distance to your destination? Using the Tasman Island Light as our
destination and our current plotted fix as our departure, Equations 10.2 give the initial
great-circle course to the Light as 246° and the distance as 1483 nm.
3.3. * We are on our way to Hobart from a point south of the Cape of Good Hope at S42°
E18°, to a point that clears the southern tip of Tasmania at S42° E148°. Since this leg
starts and ends on the same parallel of latitude, the rhumb-line course is 90°.
Calculate the rhumb-line distance using Equation 10.1.
Comment. Since the rhumb-line course is due west along a parallel of latitude, we can
use Equation 10.1 to get the rhumb-line distance = (60.04 nm/degree) × 130° × cos
42° = 5800 nm. (We use 60 nm per degree for short distances, such as the intercept
3.4. * Compute the great-circle distance between the two points of the leg described in the
above exercise, and compare it to the rhumb-line distance. What are the initial and
final courses of the great-circle route? What is the great-circle course at the midpoint
of the leg?
Comment. Using Equation 10.2 to calculate the angular distance between the departure
and arrival points gives 84.678° for this arc distance. Multiplying by 60.04 nm per
degree gives 5084 nm for the great circle distance, which is 716 miles shorter than the
rhumb line. The initial course is 145° true. The final course is 35° true. The midpoint
course is 90°. Carefully make a sketch to show this.
3.5. * By using the same idea in the above two exercises, we can evaluate the St. Hilaire
error in approximating the intercept's great-circle arc by a rhumb line. An extreme
case would be a huge DR error with an intercept that is at high latitudes, running east
or west. Take as an extreme case an intercept that runs all the way across a small-
scale chart, which generally means something like ten degrees of arc. So use an
intercept that runs from N60° W40° to N60° W30°. Compute and compare the
rhumb-line and great-circle distances and azimuths to see how good this St. Hilaire
approximation really is.
Comment. The rhumb-line track is 300.2 nm at 90.0° while the great-circle track is
299.9 nm at 85.7°. So even in this extreme case, approximating the intercept distance
by a rhumb line contributes negligible error to the distance. However, the azimuth
difference of 4.3° can contribute more error, depending on the distance along the
straight-line LOP from the point of tangency with the true LOP. For example, at 15
nm from the tangent point, the error is 15 sin (4.3°) = 1.1 nm, not including the error
due to curvature of the true LOP.
3.6. ** Neglect the earth's eccentricity, thereby considering it a perfect sphere. Sketch a
picture of the earth and show that the distance of a degree of longitude is related to
the distance of a degree of latitude by Equation 10.1:
dist of degree of longitude = dist of degree of latitude × cos L
Comment. Draw a 2-D sketch of the earth in the plane of a meridian, and draw the
radius of a parallel of latitude. See that this radius is r = RE cos L., where RE is radius
of the earth, 3440 nm. Then by multiplying both sides by 2π/360°, the left side
becomes the distance per degree of longitude. And the right side becomes the distance
per degree of latitude times cos L.
3.7. ** The Mercator projection artificially expands the converging meridians to make
them parallel to one another while retaining the parallelism among the latitude lines. A
straight line on such a rectangular grid thus crosses all parallels and meridians at the
same angle. To compensate for this east-west expansion, a north-south expansion of
latitude is necessary to keep the distances in each direction the same. Thus the
parallels of latitude must be expanded according to 1/cos L. Show that starting at the
equator, this incremental expansion in latitude results in the total distance from the
equator to a latitude L being

Dist = Rearth ln tan(L/2 + 45°) (13.5)

where ln is the natural logarithm. These distances from the equator are called
meridional parts.
Comment. This is a calculus exercise. To get the total expansion of latitude from the
equator to any point of latitude L, integrate RE/cos L along a meridian from the
equator to latitude L. So we see that the parallels should continuously expand as
latitude increases rather than having a constant spacing as in the construction of
Mercator plotting sheets in Chapter 10. This expansion is readily apparent on small-
scale charts covering tens of degrees, but is negligible on plotting charts covering only
a few degrees.
3.8. The logic in drawing Figure 10.6 was that, in the absence of other knowledge, the DR
position had equal uncertainty in all directions. That is, we could imagine the DR
position in the middle of a circle of uncertainty. This is not always the case. Consider
two extreme cases. First, we may have reason to believe that our distance made good
from EP1 to DR2 is quite accurate, while the course made good is uncertain. In some
cases the opposite might be true: the course made good is considered accurate, but
distance is unreliable. Draw a figure similar to Figure 10.6 for each of these special
Comment. In the first case, an arc of radius equal to the EP1-DR2 distance, centered
on EP1, represents our knowledge of the DR2 location. Its intersection with LOP2 is
the best estimated position. In the second case, the DR2 position is somewhere on the
course line, or its extension. The intersection of this line with LOP2 is the best
estimated position in this case.
3.9. Draw a figure similar to Figure 10.6 for the case where LOP2 is parallel to LOP1,
showing that indeed the dead reckoning is corrected by the additional information
provided by LOP2.
3.10. In advancing the previous LOP for a running fix as shown in Figure 10.3, what
underlying assumption is being made about the uncertainty in the DR2 position?
Comment. The assumption must be that the dead reckoned position DR2 is
completely uncertain along the advanced LOP1, and completely certain perpendicular
to it. It's difficult to imagine a dead reckoning technique that would lead to this result.

Lunar Distances

4.1. Show that the almanac's maximum error in the moon's coordinates of 0.3´ translates
to an error of 36 seconds in time determined from lunar distance sights.
Comment. We saw in our LD discussion that generally one minute of error in LD
translates into about a 2-minute time error. So an error of 0.3´ in the moon's position
could produce a 120 sec × 0.3 = 36-second error in time.
4.2. Expand on Figure 8.1 to show how everyone on earth observes the same LD at the
same time, and thus calculates the same UT from lunar-distance sights.
4.3. Draw figures similar to Figure 8.2b showing that clearing the lunar distance can
produce a cleared LD that is greater than, less than, or equal to the original uncleared
distance, depending on the specific geometry.
4.4. Lunars can also be taken with planets and stars. Using Appendix C, calculate the lunar
distance to Capella on 10 May 2005 at 0200 UT. Then calculate the same LD at
0300 UT. By comparing these two LDs, find the sight's time sensitivity, in minutes of
arc per minutes of UT. Compare this result with the 27.5´ per 60 minutes of time of
the moon-sun example in Chapter 8. What do you conclude?
Comment. At 0200 UT, LD1 = 22° 23.7´. And at 0300 UT, LD2 = 22° 6.3´. So the
time sensitivity is 17.4´ per hour, or 0.29´ per one minute of UT. The moon-sun shot,
with its 0.46´ per minute of time, is about 50 percent more sensitive than the Capella
This is a geometrical consequence of the Cappella being almost due north of the moon
at this time, making the LD vary slowly in time, and thus making Capella a poor
choice for the lunar. Lunars are best made with a body located near the ecliptic, which
puts them nearly in the direct path of the moon's relative motion.
4.5. * It's always good practice to check a newly found result, such as Equation 8.3, for
special cases where we know what the answer must be. Show that when HO = HSD
and hO = hSD, (i.e., when there is no refraction or parallax correction), Equation 8.3
gives the expected result that LDO = LDSD.
4.6. ** For the same reason given in the above problem, show that if the sun and moon
have the same GHA (i.e., they're on the same meridian), Equation 8.3 gives the
expected result LDO = ± (HO − hO), the ± selected to make LDO positive.
The next three exercises are for mathematicians (these exercises really deserve a three-
star rating), but the results and discussion should be of interest to all lunar fans.
4.7. ** Draw a plane-geometry oblique triangle in the plane of the vertical circle containing
the radius of the earth, the observer, and the moon. Calculate the moon's
semidiameter in terms of its horizontal parallax, its altitude, the earth's radius, and the
moon's radius. Show that using small angle approximations and a power-series
expansion gives

SD = 0.2724 HP (1 + HP sin h/3438) (13.6)

where 0.2724 = the ratio of the moon's radius to the earth's radius, HP is the
horizontal parallax in minutes of arc, and h is the apparent altitude of the moon.
Comment. The first term, 0.2724 HP, is the SD tabulated for the HP at 1200 UT of
each of the three days in the almanac's daily pages. This tabulated value can be 0.1´ in
error at the beginning or end of the day. The second term is the augmentation factor
discussed in Chapter 8. Since it depends on the moon's altitude, it's included in the
almanac's moon altitude correction tables, but not in the daily pages. In the text
example, we used (0.26´) sin h by averaging (0.2724/3438) HP 2 between its maximum
and minimum values of HP = 61.4´ and 53.9´. This approximation is good to 0.1´.
4.8. ** This exercise should be of interest to those who are familiar with approximate
methods of clearing the lunar distance. Consider only the altitude correction Δh = hO
− hSD for the moon, which has the largest correction because of its parallax. Using
power-series for trig functions correct to second order in Δh, show that, considering
just the moon's correction alone, our Equation 8.3 can be approximated by

cos LDO = cos LD + cos A sin LD Δh − cos LD Δh 2/2 (13.7)


cos A = (sin H − sin h cos LD) / (cos h sin LD) (13.8)

and A is the angle between the moon's co-altitude and LD, and LDO is the cleared
lunar distance.
4.9. ** Another, perhaps simpler, approximate lunar-clearing formula is

LDO = LD − cos A Δh + 1/2 cot LD (1 − cos 2A) Δh 2/3438 (13.9)

where the two correction terms and Δh are in minutes of arc. By taking the cosine of
each side of this equation and expanding to second order in Δh, show that you get
Equation 13.7, and hence that the two equations are equivalent approximations to our
exact result, Equation 8.3.
Comment. Equation 13.9 might appear simpler than our Equation 8.3, but we need to
add another term, – cos B ΔH, for the sun's altitude correction ΔH, with another
calculation for B (which just has h and H interchanged from Equation 13.8). The
second-order term in Equation 13.9 isn't necessary for the sun because its correction is
so small. Likewise, the cross terms in Δh ΔH are negligibly small. So part of the
calculation effort in using Equation 13.9 is calculating Equation 13.8 twice, once for
cos A, and once for cos B. And that's exactly the same effort in calculating Equation
8.3. So the overall calculation effort is the same (or more) than required by Equation
8.3. Additionally, one must worry about the approximations when Equation 13.9 is
However, Equation 13.9 does furnish nice insight to the clearing process. The term
cos A Δh is just the plane-geometry projection of Δh onto LD. This means that in the
plane-geometry approximation, the clearing process does just what's expected—it uses
the component of the altitude correction in the direction of LD. Also note how the
negative sign of the cos A Δh term makes sense: There are four cases of the sign of
the term, because geometrically, both cos A and Δh can be positive or negative,
independently. One example is when the angle A is less than 90°, then cos A is
positive. Then if Δh is positive, the correction is negative by Equation 13.9. But if Δh
is negative, the correction is positive. A drawing like Figure 8.2b for these cases (and
for the other two) will show that these results are, indeed, correct. When equations
don't agree with simple observations that we know independently, it's disconcerting.
When they agree, it's satisfying.
4.10. In our lunar-distance discussion of semidiameters we neglected the contraction of the
moon's disk due to the difference in refraction from its center to one of its limbs. At
what altitude could this change exceed 0.1´ of arc? What effect would a 0.1´ flattening
have on the semidiameter correction to the lunar distance?
Comment. Looking in the almanac's altitude correction table for stars (because we just
want refraction information), we see that in going from 12° 00´ to 12° 17´ of apparent
altitude, the refraction changes 0.1´ for an increase of an altitude of 17´, an arc
distance close to the semidiameter of the moon. Since this flattening is in the plane of
the vertical circle, only a component of the 0.1´ would apply to the semidiameter in
the direction of the lunar distance. In any case, we normally would avoid sights at the
low altitude of 12°.

Computer Programming

For those navigators interested in an expanded use of calculators or computers, here are
some ideas:
5.1. The first step in sophistication is to implement the St. Hilaire altitude and azimuth
equations on a programmable hand calculator, such as the HP-33s. This is quite easily
done after a few minutes (or hours) with the instruction book. The next step might be
to include the arc and index sextant corrections, followed by the dip and refraction
corrections using the formulas in the Nautical Almanac. A programming decision
must be made on how to handle the different altitude corrections for the sun, moon,
stars, and planets. At this point, the inputs to the calculator would be the sextant
altitude HS, and the GHA and declination of the body. The outputs would be the
intercept distance and the azimuth, Zn.
5.2. The next level of sophistication might be to implement the whole sight reduction by
computer, computing your own almanac data from methods given in the book by
Jean Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms (see Appendix K). This ephemeral data can be
made practically perpetual, valid for hundreds of years. With the power of PCs, or
even the TI-89 series of programmable calculators, you can reproduce your own
version of the Navy's STELLA computer program.
5.3. Instead of using the St. Hilaire method, you could write a computer program using
Equations 13.1 of Exercise 1.22 to compute latitude and longitude coordinates that
trace out an LOP directly on a computer screen, just as in Figure 2.7. In using this
technique, how would you decide which portion of the LOP to plot? How would you
implement that plan?
Comment. The guts of the program is simply a loop over Equations 13.1 running the
loop variable BX, say 10´ or 15´ of arc, either side of the central bearing of interest.
This central bearing has to be specified external to this plotting loop. So calculate the
bearing from the GP to the DR position to find this central bearing to the ship.
Remember this bearing angle is not the reciprocal of the DR-GP bearing, but is
obtained from Equations 5.1a and 5.1b by interchanging the AP and GP latitude and
declination. You can see this by drawing a diagram of the navigation triangle.
5.4. * Automatic plotting of LOPs invites the idea of plotting running fixes by computer.
This requires moving the previous position (from a fix or estimate) forward to a
current estimated position, according to the estimated track made good. Show that the
earlier position can be moved forward (or backward) to the current time by the

Lon 2 = Lon 1 + (V/60) t sin T/cos Lat1 (13.10a)

Lat2 = Lat1 + (V/60) t cos T (13.10b)

where Lat1 and Lon1 are the coordinates of the earlier position; Lat2 and Lon2 are the
new coordinates of the point brought forward; V is the estimated speed over the
ground in knots; t is the time of the run between the first and second positions; and T
is the estimated true track angle made good.
Comment. These equations are based on distance = velocity × time, but they are
modified to give degrees of latitude and longitude on a Mercator chart. By drawing a
simple diagram showing the track angle (measured from true north), you'll verify
Equation 13.10b. The convergence of the meridians is accounted for by using
Equation 10.1, requiring the second term in Equation 13.10a to be divided by cos
Lat1. Of course, this assumes plane geometry, which is valid over the short distances
used in running fixes.
5.5. Computer plotting of LOPs and fixes brings up the question of map projections. What
map projection would you use, and how would you implement it? Does it matter
what map projection is used in the above suggested projects?
Comment. If you're going to just plot LOPs and positions by their latitude and
longitude coordinates, locations can be read off of the plot in terms of their
coordinates without concern about map projections. A simple rectangular grid can be
used. However, such a grid distorts rhumb lines into curves, so they cannot be plotted
with a ruler.
5.6. With the power of today's PCs, it's quite reasonable to consider computing and
printing your own custom-made sight reduction tables. Consider making them cover
just the latitudes of your next trip. Think about how to organize them, what print size
to use, and what accuracy you would want.
5.7. * Equations 7.5 tell us how to determine the latitude and longitude directly from the
observed altitudes of two bodies without using the intercept concept. Using a
programmable calculator or a high-level language, such as Basic, Excel, or C, write a
computer program to solve these equations. Next, to test your work, using the
almanac and your knowledge of celestial navigation, calculate the altitudes of two
bodies that are simultaneously above the horizon at some hypothetical location, and
that have a reasonable LOP crossing angle for a fix. Then use these two altitudes in
your programmed equations to see if you recover the latitude and longitude of the
hypothetical location.
5.8. ** Expand the above program to compute a fix from altitude observations of three or
more bodies, such as occurs in a round of star shots. How would you determine a
single fix position from the different results of each pair of LOPs? How would you
use the redundancy of the multiple altitude observations to the best advantage?
Comment. The answer to how to calculate the “best” fix location from the redundant
information depends on the mathematical definition of “best.” If there are N bodies
involved, there are N (N − 1)/2 two-body fixes. Four stars would produce six two-
body fixes, and five stars would produce 10 fixes. One approach is to plot all of these
two-body fixes on a chart. Then by eyeballing them you can make a subjective value
judgment for the best location. It might seem that while making this judgment, you
could exclude outlying rogue fixes. However, they might not be obvious because just
one wacky altitude throws off N−1 fixes. In a four-body round of stars, three of the
six fixes, 50 percent, would be rogue, making their identification difficult. However, if
you thought all of the two-body fixes were valid, a simple average of the latitudes and
longitudes is mathematically the best estimate if the errors are truly random. And this
can be done without computer plotting facilities.
5.9 *If you prefer, you can program a computer to plot fixes by using the intercepts and
azimuths from St. Hilaire sight reductions. The two equations
tan A1 = (I2 − I1 cos A) / (I1 sin A)
R = I1/cos A1
locate the fix at the relative azimuth angle A1 and radius R from an AP that is common
to both LOPs, as shown in Figure 13.1. The angle A is known from the azimuth
difference of the two azimuths of intercepts, I1 and I2.
Comment. The solution given by the above equations can also be written in terms of I2
and A2. That is, it's also true that R = I2/cos A2, and similarly for tan A2. If the fix is
going to be plotted on a Mercator projection, remember that the radius R will have to
be decomposed into latitude and longitude coordinates using Equation 10.1. At first,
the above solution might seem simpler than using the five trig equations required in
Exercise 5.7 above. But the above solution requires six trig equations, the two above,
plus two each for each of the two St. Hilaire solutions. However, for computer use the
number of equations is not particularly important. The more significant question is
which method is less sensitive to special cases involving signs of angles and their
inverse trig functions.

Figure 13.1 The relative azimuth angle A1 (or A2) and the radius R from the AP
can be computed from the two LOP intercepts and their azimuth difference A =
Zn1 – Zn2 of the two LOP intercepts.
Because intercepts can be satisfactorily approximated by rhumb lines, plane geometry
was assumed in deriving the above solutions. If you want to verify these solutions, I
recommend drawing an auxiliary line from the intersection of LOP 1 and I1 to the I2
line, making it perpendicular to I2. Then find the triangle that is similar to Fix-AP-
(LOP 1-I1-intersection). The rest is high school trig.
5.10. ** The star pairs of Appendix G were selected to favor a wide range of arc distances;
stars mostly observable worldwide; and stars with small proper motion. You might
wish to write your own computer program that's not limited by these considerations.
For example, you can select brighter stars that are more appropriate to your specific
location; and you can automatically include stellar aberration by using the nautical
almanac's coordinates for the observation date.
The inputs to your program would be the SHAs and declinations of the star pairs
observed at your observation time, along with the altitudes of each star. Then calculate
their arc distance from Equation 10.2a (Equation 8.1 is this same equation). Next,
using the refraction correction from the almanac
Ref (refraction) = 0.0167/tan (H + 7.32/(H + 4.32)),
where altitude H is in degrees, compute the observed altitudes HO from your
measured apparent altitudes (the normal dip correction is so small that it can be
neglected in these calculations). Then in applying the clearing equations 8.3, switch
the altitudes HO and HA to get the star-star distance that includes refraction. This then
gives the “uncleared” star-star distance that the sextant should read, after it's corrected
for only index error.
Comment. Compare several of your results to entries in the Appendix G tables. For
small star-star distances they should agree perhaps to 0.1´. But because the Appendix
G data are not corrected for stellar aberration, and yours will be, the results may differ
by as much as 1.0´ for some cases at large star-star distances.



Listed below are formulae that crop up in celestial navigation. But all of our modern sight
reductions are based on just one formula, called the law of cosines. It gives the one side of
a generic spherical triangle in terms of its two adjacent sides and its opposite angle—that is,
the generic form of the equation is

cos C = cos A cos B + sin A sin B cos c A.0

where the sides and angles are shown in Figure A.1.

Figure A.1 (a) The sides of a spherical triangle, A, B, and C, are great circles.
The angles opposite those sides are a, b, and c. Only one formula is used in all of
our sight reductions: cos C = cos A cos B + sin A sin B cos c. (b) The same
triangle labeled in terms of the familiar navigational triangle.
Clearly the same relation can be written with either the sides A or B in the cosine term on
the left-hand side, giving three possible applications to a given triangle. Our familiar altitude
and azimuth equations are both examples of this: Applying the above generic form to the
navigation triangle in Figure A.1b gives
cos(coH) = cos(coL) cos(codec) + sin(coL) sin(codec) cos(LHA)
To make this equation more user-friendly to the navigator, we rewrite it in terms of the
altitude, latitude, declination, remembering that cos(coH) = sin(H), sin(coL) = cos(L), etc.
So it becomes
sin H = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA
our familiar altitude equation. The azimuth equation also comes from Equation A.0, but
now we write cos(codec) on the left-hand side in terms of its adjacent sides and opposite
cos(codec) = cos(coL) cos(coH) + sin(coL) sin(coH) cos(A)
First converting to d and L in place of codec and coL, and then solving for cos A gives
our azimuth equation:
sin d = sin L sin H + cos L cos H cos A
cos A = (sin d – sin L sin H) / (cos L cos H)
All of our navigation triangle equations, including the ones used in the direct calculation
of fixes (end of Chapter 7), in clearing the lunar distance, and in great-circle sailing, are just
the same old Equation A.0. There are many other spherical triangle relationships that can
be expressed with many different equations. Many of them were important when
logarithms had to be used for calculation, but we don't need them for our approach. A few
of these alternative equations are listed below; these are useful for applications other than
our standard sight reductions.


Sin H = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA A.1

Rate of change of altitude

dH/d (LHA) = − cos L sin A, per degree of LHA A.2a

dH/dt = ±15’ cos L sin A, per minute of time A.2b

Altitude of a body bearing due east or west

Sin H = sin d/sin L A.3


Cos A = (sin d – sin L sin H) / (cos L cos H) A.4

Cos A = (cos L sin d – sin L cos d cos LHA)/cos H A.5

Tan A = sin LHA/(cos L tan d – sin L cos LHA) A.6

Sin A = cos d sin LHA/cos H A.7

Azimuth of a body at zero altitude, not including dip or refraction

Cos Zn = sin d/cos L A.8


Sin (coL + G) = sin H sin G/sin d A.9


tan G = tan d/cos LHA, and coL is the co-latitude.


Cos LHA = (sin H – sin L sin d) / (cos L cos d) A.10


Longitude is obtained from the LHA and GHA.

Meridian Sights

For upper transits

If the body is south of you, L = dec + (90° − HO) A.11a

If the body is north of you, L = dec − (90° − HO) A.11b

For lower transits

for northern latitudes, L = 90° − dec + HO A.11c

for southern latitudes, L = − 90° − dec − HO A.11d

Lunar Distance Sights

cos LDO = sin HO sin h O + cos HO cos h O cos RBA A.12a


cos RBA = (cos LDSD – sin HSD sin h SD) / (cos HSD cos h SD) A.12b

Great-Circle Courses

cos D = sin L1 sin L2 + cos L1 cos L2 cos(LonD) A.13a

cos A = (sin L2 – sin L1 cos D) / (cos L1 sin D) A.13b

Distance = 60.04 nm × D

if point 2 is east of point 1, Zn = A,

if point 2 is west of point 1, Zn = 306° − A


Zn is azimuth from point 1 to point 2

Hull Speed (in knots)

Hs = 1.34√WL (in feet) = 2.43 √WL (in meters) A.14


WL is the waterline length.

Distance to Visible Horizon (in nautical miles)

D = 1.17 √ h (in feet) = 2.07 √ h (in meters) A.15


h is height of eye.

Calculators offer a modern alternative for finding HC and Zn from the latitude, declination,
and the LHA. The solutions are given by relatively simple equations. Writing L for latitude
and d for declination, the two equations giving HC and the azimuth angle A are:

sin HC = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA (B.1a)

cos A = (sin d – sin L sin HC) / (cos L cos HC) (B.1b)

where the azimuth Zn is obtained from A by the rule:

if the LHA is greater than 180°, Zn = A,
if the LHA is less than 180°, Zn = 360° – A.
These equations might look forbidding. But by using the scientific calculator at a purely
mechanical level, Equations B.1 can be thought of as a series of instructions, simply telling
us which buttons to press on a calculator. In this view, the words “sin” (for sine) and “cos”
(for cosine) are simply labels on calculator buttons. From this viewpoint, it's no different
than a series of instructions telling us which column and row to search in a table for
numbers, and how to combine those numbers to get an answer. While some calculators use
reverse Polish notion, we'll assume the algebraic mode used by most calculators.
First of all, because the values of L, d, and LHA can be many digits long and they're
used multiple times, it's efficient to store them in the calculator's three memory locations,
designated one, two, and three, respectively. With any number in the display, pressing the
STO (store) key followed by entering the number 1, will store that number in memory
location 1. Pressing STO followed by entering 2, will store it in memory location No. 2,
and likewise for location number three. So the first step is to store L, d, and the LHA in
locations one through three respectively.
But as we store each of the values in memory, we need to convert them from degrees
and decimal fractions of minutes to the decimal degrees required by calculators. Here's the
best way: Say we want to enter a latitude of 21° 43.7´ into memory [1]. Just enter the 21°,
and then add 43.7 divided by 60. The keystrokes are: Enter 21°, press +, enter 43.7, press
÷, enter 60, press =. The display should now read 21.72833333. Then immediately press
STO, followed by entering 1, to store the latitude into location [1].
With the understanding that L, d, and LHA have been stored that way, and using [1] to
mean memory location of the latitude, [2] the declination, and [3] the LHA, Equation B.1a
can be expressed in the form

sin HC = sin[1] × sin[2] + cos[1] × cos[2] × cos[3] (B.2a)

This statement is simply a description of the actual keystrokes to use. We only need to
know how to read this language. We start to the right of the equal sign with sin[1]. This
means to take the sine of the value in location [1]. So we press RCL (recall), enter 1, and
press the SIN key. Next, reading to the right, we press × for multiplication, then RCL, enter
2, press SIN, press +, and so on. The entire sequence is as follows:
Recall [1], press SIN, press ×, recall [2], press SIN, press +,
recall [1], press COS, press ×, recall [2], press COS, press ×,
recall [3], press COS, press =, press 2nd, press SIN.
Now HC appears in the display in decimal degrees.
Sure, it looks complicated when written out like this. But when actually doing the
calculation, we don't look at these words. Rather we look at Equation B.2a and view it as a
code describing keystrokes. It's like playing a simple tune on a piano by knowing how to
read notes. These 17 keystrokes use only six different keys. It is just as simple as learning
to play about four bars of “Yankee Doodle” with one finger—and no timing! The repetition
of keystrokes makes the whole thing incredibly simple after a little practice. You'll soon be
a maestro.
To practice this language, turn to the excerpts from the H.O. 229 in Appendix D, where
a multitude of solutions to Equation B.1a are tabulated. Select a set of whole degrees of
latitude, declination, and LHA from the table. Enter these three variables into the calculator
memories [1], [2], and [3], respectively. Then carefully execute the above keystrokes
indicated by Equation B.2a to practice reproducing the HC listed in these tables. (For now,
ignore the interpolation factor, d, and the azimuth angle Z that are listed alongside HC.) If
you are unfamiliar with calculators, it may take a few attempts to get the HC listed in the
tables, but with a little practice it will soon seem simple. You might prefer following the
keystroke table below, rather than the list of keystrokes above, but you should soon learn
to read Equation B.2a directly.
For example, using L = 23°, d = − 35°, and LHA = 32°, you should get 24.54088395 in
the calculator display for the altitude. Next we convert this decimal answer to degrees and
minutes by subtracting the 24, then multiplying the decimal part by 60 to give 32.5’. So the
result is 24° 32.5’, which is what you find in H.O. 229, Appendix D. Note that this is a
case of a latitude-contrary-name-as-declination, meaning they have opposite signs. (Use the
+/– key on the calculator to negate the 35° after it's entered and before it's stored.) Practice
various combinations using H.O. 229 until consistently correct answers are obtained. Then
you're ready to go on to the azimuth equation.
The equation for A also has five trig functions, and contains L, d, and the just
previously calculated HC:

cos A = (sin d – sin L sin HC) / (cos L cos HC) (B.1b)

This expression for A requires the original latitude and declination values but not the
LHA. So we can reuse memory location [3] to store HC, which occurs twice in the azimuth
calculation. Therefore right after HC is calculated, hit the store [3] key before HC is
converted to degrees and minutes. Now in terms of the revised stored values, the azimuth
equation reads

cos A = (sin[2] – sin[1] sin[3]) / (cos[1] cos[3]) (B.2b)

which tells us to perform the following keystrokes:

Recall [2] press SIN, press −, recall [1], press SIN, press ×, recall [3], press SIN, press
=, press ÷, recall [1], press COS, press ÷, recall [3], press COS, press =, press INV,
press COS. The calculator now displays A.
OK, so this amounts to another four bars on the one-finger piano, but again the routine
has a simplifying pattern. To compare your calculator result with the table's, we need to
make an adjustment because the calculated azimuth angle A is different than the tabulated
angle Z. (See Figure 12.1 and its associated discussion.) In northern latitudes A = Z, but in
southern latitudes A = 180° – Z. So in the above example you should get A = 151.5° = Z in
the table. But if you now change L to − 23° for a southern latitude, you should get A =
120.6° and Z = 180°− 120° = 59.4°, which is the table Z for this L, d, and LHA. In
practice, azimuths need not be carried out beyond whole degrees.
On the following page you will find the keystroke commands in tabular form. They
assume that degrees and decimal minutes have been converted into decimal degrees, and
that the latitude, declination, and LHA have been stored in memories [1], [2], and [3],
respectively. The commands for A assume that right after HC was calculated, it was stored
in [3], while it's still in decimal form. At that point, I like to convert HC to degrees and
decimal minutes, write it down, then proceed to the azimuth calculation. See Keystroke
Commands table, following page.

Keystroke Commands

recall [1] recall [2]
press SIN press SIN
press x press −
recall [2] recall [1]
press SIN press SIN
press + press x
recall [1] recall [3]
press COS press SIN
press x press =
recall [2] press ÷
press COS recall [1]
press x press COS
recall [3] press ÷
press COS recall [3]
press = press COS
press 2nd press =
press SIN press 2nd
store [3] press COS

The following eleven pages contain excerpts from the Nautical Almanac.
A2 Altitude Correction Tables 10°−90°—Sun, Stars, Planets
A3 Altitude Correction Tables 0°−10°—Sun, Stars, Planets
A4 Altitude Correction Tables—Additional Corrections
Planet Diagram, 2005
2005 May 10, 11, 12 (Tues. Wed. Thurs.)
2005 May 10, 11, 12 (Tues. Wed. Thurs.)
Conversion of Arc to Time
Increments and Corrections
Polaris (Pole Star) Table for LHA Aries 120°−239°
Altitude Correction Tables 0°−35°—Moon
Altitude Correction Tables 35°−90°—Moon
The graph is entered with arguments temperature and pressure to find a zone
letter; using as arguments this zone letter and apparent altitude (sextant altitude
corrected for index error and dip), a correction is taken from the table. This
correction is to be applied to the sextant altitude in addition to the corrections for
standard conditions (for the Sun, stars and planets from page A2-A3 and for the
Moon from pages xxxiv and xxxv).
2005 MAY 10, 11, 12 (TUES., WED., THURS.)
The above table is for converting expressions in arc to their equivalent in time;
its main use in this Almanac is for the conversion of longitude for application to
LMT (added if west, subtracted if east) to give UT or vice versa, particularly in the
case of sunrise, sunset, etc.

The following 18 pages contain excerpts from sight reduction tables for:
H.O. 229, Volume II, LHA 32°, 328°
H.O. 229, Volume II, LHA 37, 323°
H.O. 249, Volume I, Lat 24°S
H.O. 249, Volume II, Lat 24°
H.O. 249, Volume II, Table 5—Correction to Tabulated Altitudes for Minutes of



The following seven pages contain sight reduction worksheets that you are free to
reproduce for your personal use. They are nearly identical to the ones used in the text, but
have larger spacing and print for your convenience. The first two worksheets are designed
to give a simplified sight reduction of the most common sight—the sun shot. The first of
this set is designed to be used with either H.O. 249 or H.O. 229. The next is designed to be
used for direct calculation using a hand calculator.
The next two are universal worksheets designed to accommodate all of the navigation
celestial bodies, giving reminder comments indicating which items refer to which bodies.
Again, the first of these two accommodates either the H.O. 249 or H.O. 229 tables, and the
second of the two is for calculator use.
The fifth worksheet is for using the noon sun shot to find both latitude and longitude. It
can also be readily adapted to any other meridian sight using the appropriate GHA
adjustments and altitude corrections.
The next worksheet is for working a group of stars using H.O. 249, Vol. I. The last
worksheet is for lunar distance sights from the sun. It also can easily be adapted to stars
and planets by making the appropriate changes in GHA determinations and altitude

Trig functions can be defined by the ratios of two sides of a right triangle. The definitions
of the most common three—the cosine, sine, and tangent—are shown in Figure F.1.
Because it's a bit of a job to calculate these ratios from scratch, nowadays they are
computed by digital calculators or listed in tables. Even though these functions are defined
here in terms of a plane right triangle, they crop up in numerous other applications—from
celestial navigation to quantum mechanics.
Things to Remember. To get a feel for the equations of celestial navigation, we just
need to recognize a few things about these sine and cosine functions. As can be seen in
Figure F.2, and as can also be verified with a hand calculator:
The cosine is an even function of A; it's symmetric about A = 0. That is, cos(–A) = +
cos(A). The sine is an odd function of A; it's antisymmetric about A = 0. That is, sin(–A) =
– sin(A). And a few special values are important to know: cos(0°) = 1, cos(90°) = 0,
cos(180°) = −1, and sin(0°) = 0, sin(90°) = 1, sin(180°) = 0.
If sin A = X, then A is called the inverse sine of X, written as A = arcsin X, or A = sin
X. On a calculator, the inverse of sine X is obtained by entering the number X, followed
by pressing the INV button, and then SIN. As seen from the sine curve above, between 0°
and 360° there are two angles that have the same sine. The same is true for the cosine:
there are two angles that have the same cosine. This means that all of the trig equations in
Appendix A that are expressed as trig functions on the left side of the equations have two
solutions for the angles.
The two angles with the same sine are A and B = (180° – A). The inverse sine on a
calculator only returns angles from −90° to +90°. The two angles that have the same cosine
are A and B = (360° – A). The inverse cosine only returns angles from 0° to +180°.

Figure F.1 The definition of three common trig functions in terms of a right
triangle's sides and the angle A.
Figure F.2 Plots of cosine and sine versus the angle A, which is measured in
degrees. The two curves are identical, except that the cosine leads the sine by

The following tables are handy for checking sextant arc error. They give star-star arc
distances adjusted for refraction by using the altitude of each star. You simply enter the
table with the apparent altitudes (uncorrected for refraction) of each star, and extract the
star-star distance that your sextant should read. The only correction needed is the sextant's
index error.
The true unadjusted star-star distance is also given. The tabulated values of the
refraction adjusted distances are the minutes above the whole degrees of that true distance.
For example, entering the Bellatrix-Betelgeuse table with a star altitudes of 15° and 21°, we
find 30.9´. So the sextant should read 7° 30.9´ after its index correction is made. Notice
that the table is symmetric in the two star altitudes, as can also be seen from Equation 8.3.
Blank entries in the table are cases of geometry that have no solutions: either the
difference in the coaltitudes is greater than the star-star distance, or the sum of the
colatitudes is less than the star-star distance. These cases don't form the closed triangle
used to calculate the altitude corrections (see Figure 8.2).
From inspection of the tables, it's apparent that the star-star distances are rather
insensitive to the star altitudes; that the altitudes are only needed to the nearest whole
degree; and that interpolation where needed, usually can be done mentally. Also a visible
horizon is not needed because these altitudes can be directly computed from your known
location and UT, or in some cases they can be found in H.O. 249, Volume I.
The star-star pairs have been selected to give arc distances across the 120° range of
most sextants, and to cover a wide range of observer locations. Some consideration has
been given to distributing the selected pairs throughout the year, but that was limited by the
preceding two factors. The stars have also been selected for having low motion among
themselves, called their proper motion, so that their star-star distances will not change
significantly by 2025.
The main accuracy limitation is due to stellar aberration, which is a geometrical effect
due to the component of the observer's velocity perpendicular to the light ray from the star.
The direction of the light ray appears to shift forward in the direction of the observer's
motion, just as the apparent wind does on a sailboat. The earth's most significant velocity is
its orbital velocity about the sun. This orbital velocity of 29.8 km/sec compared to the 3x
105km/sec velocity of light, produces a maximum stellar aberration of 0.34´ of arc when the
observer is traveling perpendicular to the line of sight to the star.
Since the angle between the observer's line-of-sight to the star and the earth's velocity
depends on the earth's position in its orbit around the sun, the aberration depends on the
time of year. Therefore, to make our tables independent of time, we have sacrificed
correcting for aberration. (This is done by not using the earth-referenced coordinates in the
Nautical Almanac, but by using so called astrometric geocentric coordinates for calculating
the star-star distances.)
At any given time the apparent error of a given pair depends on how the star's
individual aberrations combine in viewing their star-star distances. In some geometries the
two aberrations partially cancel; in others they add, depending on the earth's velocity
relative to the star directions. The maximum possible error is larger for larger star-star
distances, finally reaching plus or minus 0.56’ for Betelgeuse-Spica with their 113° star-star
distance—and even then, only at very special viewing angles. In most cases the tabulated
distances will be considerably better. Unless extreme accuracy is needed, these tables
should be useful for checking your sextant's arc error.
On the other hand, for those wishing to push accuracy, this aberration problem can be
directly solved by calculating your own refraction-corrected star-star distances for your
observation time as discussed in Exercise 5.10.

The table below gives the dip correction short of the natural sea horizon in minutes of
arc for distances d in nautical miles, and for the height of the eye h in feet. The corrections
are calculated from Equation 9.2, Dips = 0.415767 × d + 0.565786 × h/d. Notice that for
each given height, the dip correction becomes constant when the distance reaches d =
1.169√ h. At that distance the true horizon is visible, and the correction becomes equal to
the standard correction given in the almanac, 0.971√ h.

The following table is constructed using our standard altitude equation with an altitude of
−36.6´, which represents the zero altitude of the sun's center, corrected −33.8´ for
refraction, plus a height-of-eye correction of − 2.8´ corresponding to 8.5 feet. (The effects
of greater eye height would be negligible in practical cases.)
The table can be used for both the sun's upper and lower limbs with negligible error,
except at polar latitudes. For example, at latitude N65° on the summer solstice, the sun will
change its azimuth by as much as 4° as its disk moves from its center (the tabulated value)
to one of its limbs. Furthermore, we can easily visualize that for sufficiently high altitudes
and declinations the sun will never set, making the sun's azimuth sweep out 360° while
never setting.

Shipmaster guides, called portolanos, began to appear in the Mediterranean, giving directions of rhumb lines,
distances, and crude sketches of ports and coastal features.

The development of nautical charts was a long and slow process, perhaps punctuated by the beautiful Atlas
Catalan made in 1375 by the Jew Abraham Cresques of Majorca. Apparently this atlas still exists today. The advent
of the mariner's compass is unclear. But Cresques had been referred to as “master of maps and magnetic
compasses,” so the mariner's compass must have appeared sometime in the fourteenth century. The Jews and
Muslims were the intellectual powerhouse of Spain until the fall of Granada, in 1492, to the Catholic monarchs,
Ferdinand and Isabella, who persecuted or expelled all the Jews and Muslims who wouldn't convert to Christianity.

The concept of latitude and longitude dates back to Eratosthenes, in 150 B.C. But in the old world, latitude was of no
great importance because of the narrowness of the Mediterranean. However, it became a significant concern when
the Portuguese began their exploration down the coast of Africa. The first instruments to measure latitude were
1460 called quadrants and were graduated directly with the names of ports, not in degrees. They obtained their latitude
directly by measuring the altitude of Polaris. During this period Polaris was some 3½° off the pole, so they simply
calibrated their measurements with Polaris in the same location relative to the ship's meridian by using certain
“guard” stars.

Abraham Zacuto published one of the earliest tables of the sun's declination in a form useful to mariners, called
Almanach Perpetuum.

In 1481 the Portuguese started exploring south of the equator, rendering Polaris useless. With Polaris below the
horizon in equatorial latitudes, another technique was needed. One approach was to use the sun on the meridian,
1485 the famous noon shot of marine lore. To use these noon shots of the sun, its declination must be tabulated, since it
changes by the hour. An Englishman called Robert of Montpellier made the first sun declination tables in 1292−1295,
but they did not become available to seamen until about 1485, when the noon sun sight made its debut.

The same concept of the meridian sight, used on the noon sun shot, was applied to the Southern Cross, a dramatic
constellation in the Southern hemisphere. Two stars of the cross, Acrux and Gracrux, almost lie on the same meridian
(SHA = 173° 16.2´ and 172° 7.7´ respectively) so they measured the Altitude of Acrux (dec = S63° 7.6´ now) when
Gracrux was directly above Acrux. Their ship's latitude was thus the declination plus the co-altitude (observing our
sign conventions for latitude and declination). Furthermore, since Acrux's declination was a constant addition to all
Acrux sights, they simply marked their instrument's arcs directly with the names of ports.

Johann Werner proposed the cross-staff (sometimes call Jacob's staff) for marine use. But historians believe the
1514 cross-staff was invented by the Chaldean astronomers around 400 B.C. From ancient times, all kinds of gadgets were
used to measure angles.

1533 John Aborough, master of the Michael of Barnstaple, mentioned the use of compasses onboard ship.

1598 King Philip III of Spain offered an award for the discovery of longitude.

1656 Benjamin Hubbard wrote the first American text on navigation,

Longitude Act. British Parliament offered awards for providing a practical solution to finding longitude at sea. Three
1714 awards were offered, with amounts depending on the procedure's accuracy: £20,000 (millions of dollars in today's
U.S. currency) for an error in longitude less than 30´, £15,000 for 40´ uncertainty, and £10,000 for 60´.

Hadley designed an improved version of his octant, which is the basis of all modern sextants. My eighteenth-
century Hadley-type octant is made out of something like ebony or lignum vitae with an ivory arc and vernier. Brass
is used for the index arm and mirror fittings. The vernier can be read to one minute of arc. Even today, it seems to be
accurate to within one minute, making it perfectly adequate for marine navigation after some 260 years!

1736 John Harrison's new clock, called H-1, performed well on a trial voyage to Lisbon aboard the Centurion.

The Centurion sailed for the South Pole under Commodore George Anson without Harrison's new clock, the
beginning of a longitudinal tail of woe. In March of 1741 a 58-day storm just west of Cape Horn delayed Anson's
fleet. Scurvy killed six to ten men a day, and Anson lost five out of six ships in his fleet. On May 24 Anson arrived at
1740 the latitude of Juan Fernandez Island. Because he didn't know his longitude, he didn't know to go east or west! First
he went four days west, then two days east. Then he hit the impenetrable, mountainous Chilean coast, so he had to
turn west again. On June 9th he reached Juan Fernandez. He lost 80 lives while zigzagging for two weeks because he
didn't know his longitude. This disaster emphasized the need for finding a solution to the longitude problem.

Harrison finished H-4. H1 saw sea trials to Lisbon, Portugal. H2 never went to sea, and after about 20 years in the
making, H3 went to sea trials in 1759.

H-4 went to Jamaica on sea trials with Harrison's son, William. The much smaller H-4 lost only five seconds in two

British astronomer Nevil Maskelyne published the first Nautical Almanac (for the year 1767). It's been published
every year since.

John Harrison received his last payment from Parliament of £8250. Even though the cumulative amount he received
1773 was about equal to the original £20,000 prize money, it was merely viewed as payments for his contributions and was
never actually recognized as the longitude prize.

1774 Parliament passed a revised longitude act with more restrictive conditions.

Captain Thomas Truxton wrote the first textbook published in America: Remarks, Instructions, and Examples
Relating to the Latitude and Longitude; also the Variation of the Compass, Etc.

Nathaniel Bowditch published his famous New American Practical Navigator, a revision of a text originally written
by John Hamilton Moore and revised by still others.

1828 Parliament finally repealed the longitude act, and the longitude board disbanded.

Sumner discovered his LOP, and published a pamphlet on it six years later. His method computes two different
1837 longitudes from two different assumed latitudes. Then he draws a straight line between these two points to form the

The first American almanac, called the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, was published by the U.S.
Depot of Charts and Instruments.

French Captain Marq de Saint Hilaire published the method we use today, calculating altitude and azimuth from one
DR position.

After the development of the marine chronometer, many tables for getting longitude from time sights started
1917 appearing around 1770. But the first altitude-azimuth tables for use in the St. Hilaire intercept method were made by
John E. Davis and published in London in 1917.

1924 A radio direction finder (RDF) was placed aboard the ship Olympics.

The U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office published H.0. 208, J. Y. Driesonstok's short tables, Navigation Tables for
Mariners and Aviators.

While a student at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Arthur A. Ageton invented the short tables of logarithms for
1930 sight reduction. These were published by the United States Hydrographic Office as H.O. 211. Many related short
tables were developed afterwards.

With the advent of the first digital computers, The U. S. Hydrographic Office published the first precomputed sight
1936 reduction tables, H.O. 214, Tables of Computed Altitude and Azimuth. These nine volumes tabulated results to 0.1´
for whole degrees of latitude and hour angle, and for each half degree of declination.

1937 RDF came into widespread use to give radio bearing from the ship. Radar went to sea on the U.S.S. Leary.

1944 Many hyperbolic radio systems were developed after the war: Consol, Omega, Decca, and Loran, to name a few.

After WWII, precomputed sight reduction tables for air navigation were developed for air navigation. Called H.O.
249, Volume I, was published in 1947. Later the more precise H.O. 229 was produced for marine navigation.

Inertial guidance systems were developed by the military and later put into commercial use. Basically they use
1950 highly sensitive and stabilized pendulous gyros to measure accelerations that are continuously twice integrated to
give distance and direction from the starting point. Hence these systems are independent of all outside signals.
1967 First commercial use of satellite navigation.

Satellite navigation in the form of the GPS (Global Positioning System) came into widespread use by the general
public. It gives range-range fixes from known satellite positions in earth orbits.

You can now have a GPS receiver in your watch or buy a handheld one for as low as $129. But many navigators
2005 continue to learn and use celestial navigation, not only for GPS backup, but perhaps even more so, for the joy and
satisfaction of guiding their vessels over the open oceans independently of external aids.

Celestial Navigation:
Bauer, Bruce, The Sextant Handbook, International Marine/McGraw-Hill, Camden,
Maine, 1992. This is an excellent comprehensive book on sextants.
Blewitt, Mary, Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen, International Marine, 1964.
Blewitt's little book is a reader-friendly bare-bones treatment for the beginner. It's based on
sight reduction by precomputed tables, mainly H.O. 249.
Bowditch, Nathaniel, The American Practical Navigator, National Imagery and
Mapping Agency, 2002. With its roots dating back to 1794, this classic has been updated by
so many authors and editors that it has lost some of its verve and appeal to readers of
celestial navigation. Its comprehensive cover of modem navigation squeezes celestial
navigation into a small part of the total volume. It uses H.O. 229 for sight reductions, but
includes no excerpts of sight reduction tables for use with its examples. The book contains
a large number of tables, including the log-trig tables used before the age of computers. It
also has a large glossary of navigation terms.
Cunliffe, Tom, Celestial Navigation, Fernhurst Books, 1989. Cunliffe's book is similar
to Blewitt's in content, presenting the standard H.O. 249 sight reduction using minimal
Cutler, Thomas J., Dutton's Nautical Navigation, 15th Edition, Naval Institute Press,
2004. This is another up-to-date, comprehensive, revised classic, similar to Bowditch. It
treats the use of H.O. 229, H.O. 249, and the Ageton short-table method; plus, it gives
readers some insight to the Navy's STELLA celestial navigation computer program.
Grey, Leonard, 100 Problems in Celestial Navigation, Paradise Cay Publications and
Celestaire, Inc., 1999. This is a fine compilation of armchair celestial navigation problems
that can be worked without actually taking sights. The exercises are organized into 19
vicarious worldwide cruises aboard a 37-foot ketch. You can work the sights using the
excerpts provided from the Nautical Almanac and from H.O. 249, or by any other
methods we've discussed. There is an emphasis on star shots, plotting fixes, and on realism,
including sighting and timing errors that can occur in actual practice.
Meeus, Jean, Astronomical Algorithms, Willmann-Bell, 2000. This is not a book on
how to do celestial navigation. Rather, among other things, this book gives the mathematical
algorithms for computing the positions of all the navigational celestial bodies, useful for
those interested in computing their own almanac data.
Morris, W. J., The Nautical Sextant, Paradise Cay & Celestaire (2010). The details of
sextants—their makes and models, construction, repairs, and history—make this book
invaluable for adjusting, repairing, and restoring these fine, enduring instruments.
Sight Reduction Tables:
Bayless, Allen C., Compact Sight Reduction Tables (modified H.O. 211, Ageton's
Table), Cornell Maritime Press, 1980.
Bennett, George G., The Complete On-Board Celestial Navigator, International
Marine, 2003. Bennett offers a customized compact celestial navigation book that includes
both a five-year almanac and specialized sight-reduction short tables. All data and
calculations are to the whole minute of arc. As in all short-table methods, special rules are
used for properly combining tabular values; these are somewhat complex, particularly for
the azimuth.
Davies, Thomas D., Concise Tables for Sight Reduction, Cornell Maritime Press,
Davies, Thomas D., Sight Reduction Tables for the Sun, Moon, and Planets: Assumed
Altitude Method of Celestial Navigation, Cornell Maritime Press, 1982.
NIMA Pub. No. 249 (previously H.O. 249), Sight Reduction Tables for Air
Navigation, in three volumes. Volume I is for seven selected stars, Volume II for latitudes
0-40°, and Volume III for latitudes 39°-89°. Volumes II and III cover declinations 0°-29°,
which is all that is needed for the sun, moon, and planets. Volume I comes with a CD-
ROM. The air navigation tables are only tabulated to one minute of arc, while NIMA Pub
229 tabulates to one-tenth of a minute. Currently in stock at the Government Printing
Office, but they have no plans to continue printing them. Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac
Office publishes the same tables under the title Rapid Sight Reduction Tables for Air
Navigation AP3270/NP303, Volumes I, II, and III.
H.O. 208 and H.O. 211 are out-of-print sight reduction short tables that you might be
able to find on the used market.
NIMA Pub. No. 229 (previously H.O. 229), Sight Reduction Tables for Marine
Navigation, in six volumes, each for 15° of latitude. Includes a CD-ROM of the tables for
use on Macintoshes or PCs. Some, but not all, of these volumes are available from the
Government Printing Office. Marine suppliers also provide both H.O. 229 and H.O. 249 at
90 percent of the original size. These versions are published by Celestaire, and at a lower
price than the Government Printing Office.
Pepperday, Mike, Celestial Navigation with the S Table: A Complete Sight Reduction
Method for All Bodies in Nine Pages, Paradise Cay Publications, Inc., 1992.
Schlereth, Hewith, Sight Reduction Tables for Small Boat Navigation: Latitudes
0°-58°, Declination 0°-29°, Seven Seas Press, 1983.
A web search on celestial navigation will turn up hundreds of thousands of hits,
including government agencies, chat rooms, blogs, marine suppliers, and publishers. Many
of these sites are ephemeral, with changing web addresses, topics, and organization,
including many of the ones listed below. If you can't find what you want, an internet search
should help.
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's website has one of the more interesting
websites for navigators. It contains many free downloadable Adobe PDF files of interest to
navigators, such as Bowditch, H.O. 229, H.O. 249, and others. It even has a celestial
navigation calculator that you can use to solve the navigation triangle. Pilot charts of the
world's oceans are divided into five ocean groups; each group has 12 charts, one for each
month of the year. The web address is http://www.nga.mil/NGAPortal/MSI.portal (observe
The Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) has
a nice website at http://www.usno.navy.mil/USNO. It also has a celestial navigation
calculator that gives HO and Zn for an entered AP and UT. This calculator returns the
altitude and zenith of all navigational bodies that are above the horizon at the specified AP
and UT, regardless of whether their observation is practical (due to a lighted sky). Search
on “celestial navigation data“to find this calculator and other relevant CN topics. In
addition, this website contains many other interesting items on astronomy and celestial
navigation, such as the star chart on the back cover of this book.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has a website at
http://tf.nist.gov/timefreq. It contains detailed information on their services, such as the
format of their time-standard broadcasts, and their phone numbers for obtaining UT. You
can also obtain the correct time from their animated clock at
Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, a division of the UK Hydrographic Office, has
a website at http://www.hmnao.com/nao with a large number of items interesting to CN
navigators. Services similar to those on the USNO website include publications such as the
UK sight reduction tables (NP 303/AP 3270, equivalent to H.O. 249, and NP 401,
equivalent to H.O. 229), several almanacs (including the UK nautical almanac), and even a
sight reduction program that runs on a PC.
With many boats now carrying a laptop onboard, the website at http://www.navigation-
spreadsheets.com has a real buy. More than 25 Excel spreadsheets are available at a
nominal price.
At a website called NavList, hundreds of celestial navigation enthusiasts discuss a wide
variety of topics related to celestial navigation and navigation in general, from history to
navigation instruments of all kinds. You can search through an archive of over 25,000 posts
for topics and images of interest to you. The address is http://fer3.com/NavList.
The Free Software Foundation (at www.fsf.org) offers a great program called
“Stellarium.” You can download it free at http://stellarium.org. This is a virtual planetarium,
showing the location, as well as other information, on over a million astronomical objects,
including stars down to the tenth magnitude. It's a great star chart for learning the night sky.
Additionally, a stellar attraction for celestial navigators is that it reads out the altitude and
azimuth of any object you point at, according to the time and location of your choice. This
allows you to check your calculated and observed altitudes and azimuths independently.
With this installed on a computer, you need only a sextant to start practicing celestial
navigation—but only as a precursor to learning sight reductions.
History of Navigation:
Bowditch, Nathaniel, The American Practical Navigator, U.S. Navy Hydrographic
Office, 1958 and 1962. These are identical editions, except that the 1962 edition contains
corrections from the 1958 version. They contain a wealth of information for those
interested in the history of celestial navigation.
Cotter, Charles, H., A History of Nautical Astronomy, Hollis and Carter, 1968.
Harding, Lewis A., A Brief History of the Art of Navigation, Willima-Frederick Press,
Leckey, Squire, T. S., “Wrinkles” in Practical Navigation, George Philips and Son,
1881. This is an amazingly good book; its eighteenth edition was published in 1917.
May, W. E., A History of Marine Navigation, W. W. Norton & Company, 1973.
Sobel, Dava, Longitude, Walker & Company, 1995. This short little book has made a
mini splash in the book world with some nice reviews. It's mainly about the British
longitude prize of 1714 and John Harrison's quest for making a chronometer that would
provide GMT sufficiently accurate to fix longitude at sea to within 30 minutes of arc. It's an
interesting, well-written story.
Taylor, E. G. R., The Haven-Finding Art, Abelard-Schuman, 1957.
Vanvaerenbergh, M. and Ifland, P., Line of Position Navigation, Unlimited Publishing
LLC, 2003. This book contains a complete reprint of Captain Sumner's 1843 publication
and a translation of St. Hilaire's 1873-75 articles, making it highly useful for anyone
interested in the thinking of the fathers of the “new celestial navigation” (i.e., by lines of
position). The authors provide detailed notes on the original publications that fill in potential
gaps for the modern reader.

A azimuth angle used in direct computation

AP assumed position (a geographical reference point)

codec co-declination (also cd)

coH co-altitude (also coalt)

coL co-latitude

d declination, declination increment

Dec declination

DR dead reckon

DSD double second difference

EP estimated position

FOV field of view

GHA Greenwich hour angle

GMT Greenwich mean time

GP geographical position (of celestial body)

GPS global positioning system

GT greater than

H altitude (general, not specific)

HA apparent altitude

HC calculated altitude

HO observed altitude

HP horizontal parallax

HS sextant altitude

HTAB tabulated altitude

kn knot, knots (nautical miles per hour)

L latitude (also Lat)

LD lunar distance (in general)

LDO fully corrected lunar distance

LDSD semidiameter-corrected lunar distance

LAN local apparent noon

LHA local hour angle

LL lower limb

LMT local mean time

Lon longitude (sometimes L1, etc.)

LonD longitude difference

LOP line of position

LT less than

nm nautical miles

PA parallax

PLOP point on the LOP

RBA relative bearing angle

RFIX running fix

SD semidiameter

SHA sidereal hour angle

UL upper limb

UT universal time

t meridian angle

Z azimuth angle used in tables

Zn azimuth from true north

ZT zone time

aberration 234, 286, 287
accuracy 28, 57, 88, 121, 140–142, 147–150, 157–159, 178–181, 189, 192
Acrux 76, 89, 169, 170, 305
Ageton, Arthur 308, 310
Ahmes 187
Air Almanac 38, 188, 312
Al-Battani 187
Alexandria, Egypt 3, 4, 5, 7
Alkaid 85–87, 89
Almanach Perpetuum 304
apparent (HA ) 34
calculated (HC) 26
observed (HO) 26, 31, 34–35, 151
rate of change 93, 207, 217, 220, 237
sextant (HS) 34
tabulated (HTAB) 43
altitude corrections 34, 41, 150
altitude correction tables 246–248
analemma 219
antipode 199, 217
apex, great circle 175
apparent motion 65
arc error, sextant 142, 286
tables 286–299
Arctic Circle 219
Aries 66, 215
artificial horizon 143, 203
assumed latitude 30, 307
assumed position (AP) 22, 25, 214
Atlas Catalan 304
augmentation 63, 120
azimuth 18, 19, 26, 196–198, 200–202, 206, 210–212, 219, 238
azimuth angle 18, 19, 26, 44
azimuth equation 48, 49, 197, 201–202, 238
azimuth rules 48, 196, 198
backlash 140
back sight 211
bearing angle 21, 112, 114, 230
Beaufort scale 186
Big Dipper 85
Bowditch, Nathaniel 30, 107, 108, 186, 188, 192, 212, 307, 310, 313, 314
calculated altitude 26
calculators 47–51, 191–194, 240–244
Cassiopeia 85–89
Celestaire, Inc. 33, 127, 190, 310, 311, 312
gnomonic (great circle) 305
Mercator 28, 162, 175, 223, 230, 233
pilot 184
planet 73, 249
star 60, 74, 75, inside back cover
Chichester, Francis 171
CHU 176
co-altitude 6–8
cocked hat 157–159
co-declination 16–18
co-latitude 16–18
collimation (see sextant adjustments)
compass 157, 304
checks 202
deviation 181–184
conversion of arc to time 15, 245
cosine 48, 284–285
d-correction 43, 61, 65, 216, 253
dead reckoning 22, 194, 225
declination 15–16
interpolation 46
dip correction 34, 41, 151
correction table 246
short of horizon 300
distance to visible horizon 239
DR position 30, 163, 165–167, 172–173
DSD (double second difference) 46, 54
ε-Cassiopeia 85–89
ecliptic 77, 78, 109, 123, 226
elevated pole 197
equal-altitude LOP 8, 12, 20–23, 101
equation of time 34, 219
equinox 66, 89, 180, 202, 207
equivalent triangles 195
Eratosthenes 3–8, 304
arc, sextant 142, 286–299
backlash 141
random 148–150, 157, 158
systematic 148–150, 157
estimated position (EP) 165–167, 172, 224
exit pupil 129
eye relief 131
field of view 136, 144
estimated position fix 165–167
long-run fix 164
short-run fix 164, 168–170
traditional running fix 164–165
eographical position (GP) 5, 7
GPS 3, 156–157, 309
Gracrux 89, 305
great circle 9, 175
charts 305
sailings 174–176
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) 15
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 6
Greenwich meridian 14, 15
guide stars 85, 89
Hadley, John 2, 306
Harrison, John 2, 90, 107, 122, 306, 307
height of eye correction (see dip)
H.O. publications (see tables, sight reduction)
horizon, distance to visible 239, 300
horizon mirror (see sextant adjustments)
horizontal parallax (HP) 153–154, 226
hull speed 239
increments and corrections 33, 42, 46, 215, 253
index correction 34, 40
index error (see sextant adjustments)
index mirror (see sextant adjustments)
inspection tables (see tables)
instrument error (see arc error)
intercept distance 27–28, 45, 208, 222
interpolation 34, 41, 43, 188, 191, 274–275
inverse cosine 103, 211, 284
inverse sine 49, 103, 211, 284
J, K
Jupiter 34, 61, 62, 77, 78, 153
knot 170, 230
latitude 14
line of position (LOP) 7–9
plotting 20–23, 28–29
local apparent noon (LAN) 88, 90, 91, 95, 159
local hour angle (LHA) 18
longitude 14
Longitude Act 306, 307
lower limb 52, 63, 144, 152
lower transit 88, 89
lunar distances 107
accuracy 121
clearing 114
sight reduction 116
magnetic deviation 181–184
magnetic variation 181–184
magnitude 77
Mars 34, 61, 77
Maskelyne, Nevil 307
Mercator chart (see charts, Mercator)
meridian angle 65
meridian passage 90–91
meridian, prime 14, 177
meridian sights 88–90, 90–96
meridian, zone 177
meridional parts 223
Montpellier, Robert 305
moon sights (see sight reductions)
most probable position 157
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 176, 313
Nautical Almanac (NA) 33–35, 307, 313
excerpts from 246–256
nautical mile 5
nautical twilight 71
navigation triangle 16–20
navigational planets 61, 77
noon sight (see meridian sights)
nutation 69
observed altitude (see altitude)
ocean pilot charts 184–186
Paradise Cay, Inc. 33, 310, 311, 312
parallax 61, 63, 111–114, 120, 122, 153–154, 226, 227
parallels of latitude 9, 223
Pelorus 182
pilot charts 184–186
planet sights 61–63
plotting methods (see line of position)
plotting sheets 160–163
plotting variables 10–23
Polaris sights 82–88, 212, 217–219, 304, 305
practice sights 58, 203–204, 314
precession 69
prime meridian (see meridian, prime)
proper motion 76, 234, 286
random errors (see errors)
reference point 25, 31, 172, 214
refraction 35, 152
relative bearing angle (RBA) 112–116, 238
reverse Polish notation 192
rhumb line 28, 175, 222, 223
running fix (see fix)
Saturn 34, 61, 77, 78
semidiameter 35, 61, 63, 110–115, 118, 226
sextant 126–136
telescope 110, 126, 129
traditional horizon mirror 131–136
whole horizon mirror 127, 132, 135, 145
sextant adjustments
collimation 110, 116
horizon mirror 126–128, 131–135, 139
index error 139, 140, 150, 157
index mirror 110, 126, 137–139
sextant altitude (see altitude)
sidereal day 215
sidereal hour angle (SHA) 66
sidereal time 66, 215
sight reductions
moon 63–65
planets 61–63
stars 65–70
sun 37–58
sight reduction tables (see tables)
sine 48, 284, 285
Sirius 67, 70, 75, 78, 170
Slocum, Joshua 81, 108
small circle 9, 209
solar day 215
solstice 3, 46, 183, 208, 219, 301
star charts 60, 65–70, inside back cover
Starpilot, Inc. 193, 194
star sights (see sight reductions)
STELLA 194, 229, 310
St. Hilaire method 25–31, 115, 159, 208, 214, 230
line 30
method 31, 214
Sumner, Captain Thomas H. 21, 27, 30, 96, 307, 315
sun sight (see sight reductions)
sunrise, sunset 34, 59, 60, 71, 183, 201–202, 216, 219, 183
swinging the arc 144–145
tables, sight reduction
H.O. 208 188, 308, 312
H.O. 211 188, 308, 311, 312
H.O. 214 47, 188, 308
H.O. 229 (NIMA Pub 229) 38, 39, 45–46, 188, 308, 258–265, 310, 312, 313
H.O. 249 (NIMA Pub. 249) 38, 39, 43–44, 188, 249, 266–275, 308, 310, 312, 313
inspection 47
NP 303/AP 3270 313
NP 314 313
short 188, 192, 308, 312
S tables 312
tangent (of an angle) 284
telescope 128–130
adjustments 136–140
and traditional horizon mirror 131
exit pupil 129
eye relief 131
field of view 132, 133, 134–136
temperature and pressure correction 105, 106, 152, 248
time 176–178
civil twilight 71–72
nautical twilight 71–72
local (see zone time)
sidereal 66, 215
universal (UT) 6, 15, 177
zone 176, 177
time sight 93, 96
traditional horizon mirror (see sextant)
trigonometry, fundamentals 284–285
twilight 71–72
universal plotting sheets (see plotting sheets)
universal time (see time)
upper limb 52, 63, 104–106, 144, 152
upper transit 88, 89, 90
U.S. Government Printing Office (USGPO) 33
U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) 184, 190
U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 176, 313
U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) 313
variation (see magnetic)
v-correction 61, 65, 216, 253
Venus 34, 59, 61, 65, 77, 78, 90, 156, 207
vertical circle 112, 113, 114, 226, 229
visible horizon 143, 239, 300
watch, error rate 176
whole horizon mirror (see sextant)
WWV 176
WWVH 176
zenith 6, 74, 75, 113, 114
zone meridian 177
2011 Nautical Almanac
100 Problems in Celestial Navigation
Celestial Navigation With the S Table
Emergency Navigation Card
Starfinder Book
The Nautical Sextant
These and many other books are available at www.paracay.com and www.celestaire.com.

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