Letran Sticker - Based Detector For Vehicles Using Image Processing in Raspberry Pi

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A practical project presented

To the faculty of Engineering and Architecture Department
Colegio de San Juan de Letran- Calamba

A practical application project in

MICRO113/MICRO111L - Microprocessor’s System Lec/Lab


BARROS, Lance Asther R.

BASBAS, Sujin B.
OGMAR, Carl David V.

May 2019
2nd Semester, Academic Year 2018-2019

Engr. Ricrey E. Marquez, CpE, MSCS

(Lab Instructor)

The proponents would like to express their sincerest gratitude to our Lord God
for His guidance throughout the project, to their parents, for providing their invaluable
support and for the financial support throughout the course of the project, and to Ms.
Phaedra Shane Baclagan for letting the proponents to stay and do their prototyping
and documentation to her house.

Also, the proponents would like to thank Ms. Jori Lace Basbas for sharing her
opinions and ideas that lead the proponents to proposed this kind of project, to Mr.
John Veniel Aranas and Ms. Alyssa Christelle Ramos for the suggestions and help in
finding the right algorithm that the proponents will be using and to Ms. Rikki Joy Rufon
for giving a brilliant idea that helped the proponents to finish their project.

Page No.

Title Page i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
List of Appendices viii



Introduction 1
Background of the Project 1
Project Objectives 2
Conceptual Framework 2
Significance of the Project 4
Scope and Limitation of the Project 4
Project Methodology
Research Design 5
Sources of Data 5
Data Gathering Tools 5
Data Gathering Procedures 5
Definition of Terms
Conceptual Terms 6
Operational Terms 7


Related Literature 8
Related Studies
Foreign Studies 13
Local Studies 15
Synthesis 17


Project Design 18
System Overview 18
Block Diagram 19
Schematic Diagram 19
Materials and Components Specifications 29
Component Layout 30
PCB Layout 32
Prototype Layout 32
Project Assembly and Test Procedures
Project Assembly 34
Project Test Procedures 35
Project Troubleshooting Guide 36
Parts Breakdown and Cost Analysis 37
Gantt Chart 39



Summary 43
Conclusion 44
Recommendation 45

Reference Cited 47
Appendices 50

Figure Page No.

1 Conceptual Framework of the system 3

2 System Overview of the system 19
3 Block Diagram of the proposed system 19
Raspberry Pi 3 model B Power input module schematic
4 20
5 Raspberry Pi 3 model B core regulator schematic diagram 20
6 Raspberry Pi 3 model B Broadcom chip schematic diagram 21
7 Raspberry Pi 3 model B LED indicators schematic diagram 22
Raspberry Pi 3 model B GPIO Expansion Schematic
8 23
9 Raspberry Pi 3 model B CSI-2 Schematic Diagram 23
10 Raspberry Pi 3 model DSI schematic diagram 24
11 Raspberry Pi 3 model B HDMI schematic diagram 24
12 Raspberry Pi 3 model B A/V Jack schematic diagram 25
Raspberry Pi Camera Module v1.3 SFW15R-2STE1LF
13 26
schematic diagram
Raspberry Pi Camera Module v1.3 J-Core J2 schematic
14 27
15 Raspberry Pi Camera Module v1.3 I2C schematic diagram 28
16 Interfacing Raspberry Pi Camera in Raspberry Pi 28
17 Raspberry PI 3 Model B Component Layout 30
18 Raspberry Pi Camera Component Layout 31
19 Raspberry PI 3 Model B Top Layer PCB Layout 32
20 Actual image of a Raspberry PI 3 Model B 33
21 Actual image of a Raspberry PI Camera Rev 1.3 33
22 Actual image of the prototype 34
23 Gantt chart of the project 39

Table Page No.

1 List of Error Encounter 37

2 Material cost of the project 37
Test experiment for checking the attendance of the students
3 40
with the system
4 Evaluation of the raspberry pi sending data to the server 41
5 Evaluation if the system can detect faces 41
6 Evaluation if the raspberry pi cam can capture 42

Appendix Page No.

A Material and Component Datasheets 51

B System or Program Flowchart 56
C Program Listing with Specifications 57
D User’s Manual 65
E Curriculum Vitae 67


Attendance monitoring is important in many organizations such as company and

school. Attendance monitoring is significant for a better management in companies, it
helps access the overtime of employees allowing an accurate calculation of salaries to
be given for each employees. In school, attendance of students plays a big role in their
grades making it important. Before, people use time cards or log book for monitoring attendance. But nowadays, a lot

of technology are being used a way of monitoring attendance.

At this century, technology is making its way to the society. It has become an
integral part in our life by bringing so much benefits to us. Technology improves the
efficiency in education, medicine, transportation, entertainment and more. One of this
technology is the Face Recognition. Nowadays, face recognition is widely used as a
security feature in most smartphones. According to Kumba Sennaar (2014) face
recognition has been traditionally associated with the security sector but today, face
recognition came into active expansion into other industries including retail, marketing
and health. An easy way of dealing with this problem is with the help of face recognition.
With the use of this technology, attendance will be automatically check with the students
entering the room and sitting on their designated seat. Hence, lecture will not be cut short
due to roll calls on attendance.

Background of the Study

As for the current situation of recording attendance of the students in Letran-

Calamba’s Blessed Jordan of Saxony building, the guards provide attendance sheet to
the professors who’ll be using rooms to monitor the attendance of the class and then it
will be collected upon dismissal. Likewise, the proponents observed that this kind of
procedure consumes a lot of time.
Nowadays, face recognition is much known worldwide as one of a security feature
in the world of technology. Face recognition is commonly used in smartphones in which
the user may access their smartphones through it. It can also be applied in monitoring
attendance system in school or office.
In line with this problem, the proponents came up of an idea to design and develop
an attendance monitoring system utilizing face recognition through Eigen Faces algorithm
in Raspberry Pi that would automatically check the attendance of the students then send
it to the main server.

Project Objectives

The project aim is to design and develop an Attendance Monitoring System

utilizing Face Recognition through Eigen Faces Algorithm in Raspberry Pi which provides
a hassle-free and less time consuming to professor’s checking of attendance.
Specifically, the project aims the following:
1. To create a project that automatically check the attendance of the students in
class using face recognition technology,
2. To develop a device that will automatically send the attendance to the main
server, and
3. To develop a device that will provide high integrity output from the device
referring to the following criteria:
3.1. Accuracy
3.2. Reliability

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual frameworks on Figure 1, shows overview functions of this project.

It illustrates the INPUT, PROCESS and OUTPUT diagram of this project study
Attendance Monitoring System using Face Recognition in Raspberry Pi through Eigen
Faces Algorithm.
The INPUT consists of IP camera use to capture faces of the students before
entering the room.
The PROCESS consists of the Raspberry Pi 3 model B small board computer
which is responsible in extracting, and process recorded faces of the students entering
from the classroom. It receives the data from the camera then process to recognize the
face detected by the camera through the application Eigen face algorithm. Moreover, this
SBC is responsible of sending processed students attendance to the PC server via local
area network (LAN) or wireless LAN.
The OUTPUT consists of the database which will show the final output of the
attendance. The database consists of the students who are present.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of Attendance Monitoring System utilizing Face

Recognition through Eigen Faces Algorithm in Raspberry Pi

Significance of the Project

Professors. This project will help professors by providing a hassle-free and lessen the
time consume in checking their student’s attendance.
Students. This project will lessen the effort in writing and signing attendance sheets.
Guards and Laboratory Assistants. The propose study will lessen the time wasted on
collecting attendance sheets in every class.
School. This propose study will lessen the effort for printing of attendance sheets, and
can monitor the attendance of students in more organized way.
Proponents. The propose study will help the proponents to learn and gain more
knowledge about the use of Raspberry pi specifically in image processing.
Future Proponents. The propose study will serve the proponents to conduct more
information for the further study with relates to the use and function of image processing
in Raspberry pi.

Scope and Limitation of the Project

The project aim is to design and develop an attendance monitoring system using
face recognition technology in Raspberry Pi. This system can recognize the students
entering the class and record or save it as a monitoring of their attendance.
This project mainly designed for classrooms. It captures the image of the students
entering the class then save it as a way of monitoring their attendance. The project also
concerns with minimizing time consuming in getting attendance of the students.
The device is usable to the proponents but it has limitations. The device cannot be
used in ill-lighted room or place. It needs enough proper lighting to be able to recognize
face. The attendance monitoring system won’t be able to recognize or even detect faces
from afar. In case of student drop out, the system can’t delete the student profile. It will
not only mark student as not present. The design project doesn’t mark student/s who
came after the 15-minute grace period or a specific grace period as late.

Project Methodology

Research Design
The proponents used the descriptive method. The proponents used this type of
research method to gather interrelated data and information about the topic and the
present situation. Descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design,
and data analysis that will be applied to the study. It frequently uses observational
method. The proponents use this kind of method to gather data analysis for the proposed

Data Gathering Tools

The data gathering tools used by the proponents is called prototyping. The
proponents are able to plan or work on a system to simulate the process and perform the
functions of every component that are used on the project through Internet research, and
reading of forums.

Sources of Data

The proponents acquired data from difference sources to implement information

and data. The secondary sources of data about our project are produce from videos
online, forums and articles in web site. Some studies were also cited for an additional
information about the design project.

Data Gathering Procedures

The proponents checked through website by browsing or looking for different

algorithms and methods which can be used in the proposed project. Data collection is an
essential component to conducting research, it helps the proponents come up with
different ideas on how to do the project design. Then, the proponents gathered data by
analyzing, evaluating and organizing the studies or articles that were gathered.
Definition of Terms

This part is the simplified terms that will explain thoroughly the importance of each
meaning because it measures the outcome of the right definition and terms which the
proponents will understand as they were intended to applied with in different ways.

Conceptual Terms

Database. A data structure that stores organized information.

Eigen Faces. An appearance-based approach algorithm to face recognition that
seeks to capture the variation in a collection of face images and use this information to
encode and compare images of individual faces in a holistic (as opposed to a parts-based
or feature-based) manner.
Image Processing. It is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and
output may be image or characteristics/features associated with that image.
IP Camera. An IP camera is a video camera that is networked over a Fast Ethernet
connection and also known as a network camera.
Raspberry Pi. It is a low-cost, basic computer that was originally intended to help
spur interest in computing among school-aged children.
Secure Digital Card (SD Card). It is a non-volatile form of flash memory for
portable and mobile devices and it is designed to provide high-capacity memory in a small
Wi-Fi. A wireless networking technology that allows computers and other devices
to communicate over a wireless signal.

Operational Terms

Secure Digital Card (SD Card). A portable memory storage of the operating
system used by Raspberry Pi board.
Database. It is the main storage of the project, where process student’s
attendance stored.
IP Camera. The camera that captures students face then saved it to a database
and sends to the SBC via an Internet or network link.
Raspberry Pi. A small-board computer that act as main processing unit of the

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