Letran Sticker - Based Detector For Vehicles Using Image Processing in Raspberry Pi
Letran Sticker - Based Detector For Vehicles Using Image Processing in Raspberry Pi
Letran Sticker - Based Detector For Vehicles Using Image Processing in Raspberry Pi
May 2019
2nd Semester, Academic Year 2018-2019
The proponents would like to express their sincerest gratitude to our Lord God
for His guidance throughout the project, to their parents, for providing their invaluable
support and for the financial support throughout the course of the project, and to Ms.
Phaedra Shane Baclagan for letting the proponents to stay and do their prototyping
and documentation to her house.
Also, the proponents would like to thank Ms. Jori Lace Basbas for sharing her
opinions and ideas that lead the proponents to proposed this kind of project, to Mr.
John Veniel Aranas and Ms. Alyssa Christelle Ramos for the suggestions and help in
finding the right algorithm that the proponents will be using and to Ms. Rikki Joy Rufon
for giving a brilliant idea that helped the proponents to finish their project.
Page No.
Title Page i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
List of Appendices viii
Reference Cited 47
Appendices 50
At this century, technology is making its way to the society. It has become an
integral part in our life by bringing so much benefits to us. Technology improves the
efficiency in education, medicine, transportation, entertainment and more. One of this
technology is the Face Recognition. Nowadays, face recognition is widely used as a
security feature in most smartphones. According to Kumba Sennaar (2014) face
recognition has been traditionally associated with the security sector but today, face
recognition came into active expansion into other industries including retail, marketing
and health. An easy way of dealing with this problem is with the help of face recognition.
With the use of this technology, attendance will be automatically check with the students
entering the room and sitting on their designated seat. Hence, lecture will not be cut short
due to roll calls on attendance.
Project Objectives
Conceptual Framework
The project aim is to design and develop an attendance monitoring system using
face recognition technology in Raspberry Pi. This system can recognize the students
entering the class and record or save it as a monitoring of their attendance.
This project mainly designed for classrooms. It captures the image of the students
entering the class then save it as a way of monitoring their attendance. The project also
concerns with minimizing time consuming in getting attendance of the students.
The device is usable to the proponents but it has limitations. The device cannot be
used in ill-lighted room or place. It needs enough proper lighting to be able to recognize
face. The attendance monitoring system won’t be able to recognize or even detect faces
from afar. In case of student drop out, the system can’t delete the student profile. It will
not only mark student as not present. The design project doesn’t mark student/s who
came after the 15-minute grace period or a specific grace period as late.
Project Methodology
Research Design
The proponents used the descriptive method. The proponents used this type of
research method to gather interrelated data and information about the topic and the
present situation. Descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design,
and data analysis that will be applied to the study. It frequently uses observational
method. The proponents use this kind of method to gather data analysis for the proposed
The data gathering tools used by the proponents is called prototyping. The
proponents are able to plan or work on a system to simulate the process and perform the
functions of every component that are used on the project through Internet research, and
reading of forums.
Sources of Data
This part is the simplified terms that will explain thoroughly the importance of each
meaning because it measures the outcome of the right definition and terms which the
proponents will understand as they were intended to applied with in different ways.
Conceptual Terms
Operational Terms
Secure Digital Card (SD Card). A portable memory storage of the operating
system used by Raspberry Pi board.
Database. It is the main storage of the project, where process student’s
attendance stored.
IP Camera. The camera that captures students face then saved it to a database
and sends to the SBC via an Internet or network link.
Raspberry Pi. A small-board computer that act as main processing unit of the