2 Problems: H (M) y (In Other Words, H Is A One-Way, or Preimage Resistant Function)

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2 Problems

In these exercises we consider some basic but more advanced approaches related to the design
and security of cryptographic hash functions and message authentication codes (MACs).
The students are advised to consult ”Handbook of applied cryptography” by Menezes, von
Oorschot, and Vanstone for all relevant definitions and facts related to the topics treated
1. A cryptographic hash function h takes as input a message of arbitrary length and
produces as output a message digest of fixed length, for example 160 bits. Certain
properties should be however satisfied:

(a) Given a message m, the message digest h(m) can be calculated very quickly.
(b) Given a message digest y, it is computationally infeasible to find an m with
h(m) = y(in other words, h is a one-way, or preimage resistant function).
(c) It is computationally infeasible to find messages m1 and m2 with h(m1 ) = h(m2 )
(in this case, the function h is said to be strongly collision-free).

Let n be a large integer. Let h(m) = m (mod n) be regarded as an integer between 0

and n − 1. Show that h satisfies (a) but not (b) and (c).

Solution: This function clearly satisfies (a). However, (b) and (c) fail. Given y,
let m = y. Then h(m) = y. So h is not one-way. Similarly, choose any two values m1
and m2 that are congruent mod n. Then,

h(m1 ) = h(m2 ),

so h is not strongly collision-free.

2. This example illustrates how certain simple constructions fail to ensure the crypto-
graphic strength of the proposed hash algorithms. More precisely, the collisions for
the proposed methods are easily found.

(a) Let the input data be of the form X = (X0 , X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn−1 ) where each Xi is
a byte. Consider the following hash function :

h(X) = X0 + X1 + X2 + . . . + Xn−1 ,

where + stands for bitwise modulo two addition. Is this a secure hashing method
in the sense that collisions are hard to find ?

Solution: One can verify that for instance

h = (10101010, 00001111) = h(00001111, 10101010).

Notice that it is easy to find other collision pairs easily.

(b) Consider now the case

h(X) = nX0 + (n − 1)X1 + (n − 2)X2 + . . . + Xn−1 .

Can you find some collision pairs in this case ?

Solution: In this case we at least have

h(10101010, 00001111) ̸= h(00001111, 10101010).

On the other hand, one can also easily found other collision pairs.

3. (Hard ) The following example, sometimes called the discrete log hash function, is
due to Chaum, van Heijst, and Pfitzmann. It satisfies (b) and (c) above but is much
too slow to be used in practice. However, it demonstrates the basic idea of a hash
function. Certain knowledge in number theory is however required.
The choice of the parameters used in hashing is as below :

• First we select a large prime number p such that q = (p − 1)/2 is also prime.
• We now choose two primitive roots α and β in Zp . Since α is a primitive root,
there exists a such that αa ≡ β (mod p). However, we assume that a is not
known (finding a, if it is not given in advance, involves solving a discrete log
problem, which we assume is hard).
• Write m = x0 + x1 q with 0 ≤ x0 , x1 ≤ q − 1. Then define,

h(m) ≡ αx0 β x1 (mod p).

The hash function h will map integers (mod q 2 ) to integers (mod p). Therefore, the
message digest contains approximately half as many bits as the message. This is not
a drastic reduction in size as is usually required in practice, but it suffices for our

Show that the function h is probably strongly collision-free, where probably means
that it is up to the difficulty of solving a discrete log problem.

Solution: We show this by proving that if we know messages m ̸= m′ for which

h(m) = h(m′ ), then we can solve the discrete logarithm a = logα (β), that is, for given
α and β satisfying αa ≡ β (mod p) we can find this unknown a. The proof of our
claim is as follows. Write
m = x0 + x1 q,
m′ = x′0 + x′1 q,
and suppose
′ ′
αx0 β x1 ≡ αx0 β x1 (mod p).

Using the fact that αa ≡ β (mod p), we rewrite the above equation as
′ ′
αa(x1 −x1 )−(x0 −x0 ) ≡ 1 (mod p).

Since α is a primitive root (mod p), we know that

αk ≡ 1 (mod p)

if and only if k ≡ 0 (mod p − 1). In our case, this means that

a(x1 − x′1 ) ≡ x′0 − x0 (mod p − 1).

Let now d = gcd(x1 x′1 , p − 1). There are exactly d solutions to the preceding congru-
ence, and they can be found quickly. By the choice of p, the only factors of p − 1 are
1, 2, q, p − 1. Since 0 ≤ x1 , x′1 ≤ q − 1, it follows that

−(q − 1) ≤ x1 − x′1 ≤ q − 1.

Therefore, if x1 − x′1 ̸= 0, then it is a nonzero multiple of d of absolute value less than

q. This means that d ̸= q, p − 1, so d = 1 or 2.
Therefore there are at most 2 possibilities for a. Calculate αa for each possibility; only
one of them will yield β. Therefore, we obtain a (thus solve a discrete log problem),
as desired.
On the other hand, if
x1 − x′1 = 0,
then the preceding yields

x′0 − x0 ≡ 0 (mod p − 1).

Since −(q − 1) ≤ x1 − x′1 ≤ q − 1, we must have x′0 = x0 . Therefore, m = m′ , contrary

to our assumption.

Based on the above result, it is now easy to show that h is preimage resistant. Suppose
we have an algorithm g that starts with a message digest y and quickly finds an m
with h(m) = y. In this case, it is easy to find m1 ̸= m2 with h(m1 ) = h(m2 ):

• Choose a random m and compute y = h(m), then compute g(y) = m. Since h

maps q 2 messages to p − 1 = 2q message digests, there are many messages m′
with h(m′ ) = h(m). It is therefore not very likely that m′ = m.
• If we still get m = m′ , try another random m. Soon, we should find a collision,
that is, messages m1 ̸= m2 with h(m1 ) = h(m2 ).

The preceding result shows that we can then solve a discrete log problem. Therefore,
it is unlikely that such a function g exists.

4. The Davis-Price model is used as a hash scheme,

Hi = Hi−1 ⊕ E(Mi , Hi−1 )

and recall the complementation property of DES : If Y = E(K, X) then Y ′ =

E(K ′ , X ′ ). Use this property to find a collision for a message M = M1 , M2 , . . . , MN .

2 , and use M 2 = M ′ and IV ′ as

Solution: Let us consider M = M12 , M22 , . . . , MN 1 1
the initial value. Then,

H1′ = H0 ⊕ E(M1′ , IV ′ ) = IV ′ ⊕ E(M1 , IV )′ = IV + E(M1 , IV ) = H1 .

The remaining blocks may be taken to be the same Mi2 = Mi for i ≥ 2.

b) Show that a similar attack succeeds for,

Hi = Mi ⊕ E(Hi−1 , Mi )

Solution: Here the same reasoning is valid as above. Complementing IV and M1

gives the same hash value H1 .

5. There are many variations to the DSS signature scheme. In the Nyberg-Rueppel vari-
ation the signature is computed as When generating the signature, it is checked that
(g k mod p) mod q ̸= 0. Show how the hash code H, 0 < H < q, can be recovered from
the signature (r, s) using public information only, including the public key g a mod p.

Solution: The hash code H is recovered from the signature (r, s) given the pub-
lic key (g a mod p) by calculating

H = r(g k (mod p))−1 (mod q)

s+ar −1
= r(g (mod p)) (mod q)
s a r −1
= r(g (g ) (mod p)) (mod q)

6. Consider the following signature scheme. The scheme group is Zq for a large prime q
and a generator g of Zq . A user has a private key α and a public key X = g x .

To sign message m, one first computes h = H(m) for some hash function H. Then
one computes z = α/h (assuming h ̸= 0). The signature is g z .

Verification of signature s consists of checking that sh = X. Is this a good scheme, i.e.

(a) Will correct signatures be accepted?

Solution: (a) Correct signatures will be accepted, since

sh = g zh = g α = X.

(b) Is it infeasible to sign an arbitrary message without knowing α ?

(b) NO !

We have from the above equation that

s = Xh

Given a message, anyone can hash it to get h, compute h−1 by the extended Euclidean
algorithm and then compute the signature using the user’s public key.

7. Let h : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}n be a hash function that is second-preimage and collision
resistant. Let h′ : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}n+1 be the hash function given by the rule
′ 0||x x ∈ {0, 1}n ,
h (x) =
1||h(x) otherwise.

Prove that h′ is not preimage resistant, but still second-preimage and collision resis-

Solution: The modified hash function h′ is not preimage resistant, since for any
hash value y of the form 0||x, a preimage is x.

Therefore, we can find a preimage for at least one half of all possible hash values.

Next we prove that h′ inherits second-preimage and collision resistance from h. We

show that if we can find a collision or a second preimage for h′ , then we can easily do
so for h. Suppose
∃x0 ̸= x1 : h′ (x0 ) = h′ (x1 ).
Two cases:

(a) First bit of h′ (x0 ) is 0. Impossible as implies x0 = x1 .

(b) First bit of h′ (x0 ) is 1. Then h(x0 ) = h(x1 ) a contradiction, as h is collision

8. Given are two protocols in which the sender’s party performs the following operation:

Protocol A:
y = ek1 (x||H(k2 ||x)),

where x is the message, H is a hash function such as SHA-1, e is a symmetric-key
encryption algorithm, E is a public key encryption, “||” denotes simple concatenation,
and k1 , k2 are secret keys which are only known to the sender and the receiver.

Protocol B:
y = x, Ekpub (H(x)),
where k is a shared secret key, and kpr is a private key of the sender (not shared with
the receiver) and kpub is a public key of the receiver.

a) Provide a step-by-step description (e.g., with an itemized list) of what the re-
ceiver does upon reception of y.

Solution a) The receiver does the following, protocol A:

• Decrypt using k1 and obtain x||H(k2 ||x). Extract x.

• Hash k2 ||x and compare to H(k2 ||x).

In case of protocol B (which is completely flawed):

• Decrypt using kpriv and obtain H(x). Extract x.

• Hash x and compare to H(x).

b) State whether the following security services:

• confidentiality
• integrity
• non-repudiation (preventing an entity from denying previous commitments or

is given for each of the two protocols given in the previous problem. You have to
justify your answer in every case (1-2 sentences every time can be sufficient).

Solution b) In the case of protocol A:

• confidentiality - YES through encryption

• integrity - YES through hashing
• non-repudiation - NO both parties can claim that the other party has created
the message.

In case of protocol B:

• confidentiality - NO, no encryption

• integrity - NO, as anybody can replace the message and compute the hash
• non-repudiation - NO anybody can create such a message.

The following few exercises treat the use of block ciphers in specific modes for con-
structing hash functions and MACs. This however requires careful use of the operating
mode and a suitable embedding of a block cipher to resist simple attacks that can be
9. Let Ek : {0, 1}n × {0, 1}n 7→ {0, 1}n be a block cipher with key length n and block
length n (the key is the first input, the block the second). We can make a compression
function f : {0, 1}2n 7→ {0, 1}n from the block cipher with the rule

f (Hi−1 , mi ) = EHi−1 (mi ) H0 = IV,

where m = m1 ||m2 || · · · ||ml and h(m) = Hl . This also defines hash function h :
{0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}n .
Show how one can find a collision in h.

Solution: The function h is not preimage resistant. Since f (Hi−1 , mi ) = EHi−1 (mi )
one can easily obtain a preimage of a single block message using the decryption func-

To obtain a second preimage or a collision, we use the same idea. Let m = m1 ||m2 be
a string of length 2n and we want another string with the same hash value. Let

H0 = IV, H1 = EIV (m1 ), H2 = EH1 (m2 ).

That is
h(m1 ||m2 ) = H2 .
Note that we ignore padding.

Now choose any m′1 arbitrarily and set

m′2 = DEIV (m′1 ) (H2 ).


h(m′1 ||m′2 ) = EH1′ (m′2 ) = EEIV (m′1 ) (m′2 ) =

= EEIV (m′1 ) (DEIV (m′1 ) (H2 )) =
= H2 = h(m1 ||m2 ).

10. We consider the encryption of an n-block message x = x1 || . . . ||xn , by a block cipher

E in CBC mode. We denote by y = y1 || . . . ||yn the n-block ciphertext produced by
the CBC encryption mode.
(a) Show that one can extract information about the plaintext if we get a collision,
i.e., if yi = yj with i ̸= j.

Solution: If yi = yj for i ̸= j, then

yi−1 ⊕ xi = yj−1 ⊕ xj .

As yi−1 and yj−1 are known, we can deduce the value

xi ⊕ xj = yi−1 ⊕ yj−l .

(b) What is the probability of getting a collision when the block size of E is 64 bits

Solution: Using the Birthday Paradox,

√ we know that the probability of get-
ting a collision√when we have n = θ 264 blocks at disposal is approximately
equal to 1 − e− θ 2 .

11. The CBC-MAC construction (see Handbook of applied cryptography for the defini-
tion of CBC mode) builds a MAC function from a block cipher by taking the last
encrypted block of the CBC-mode encryption. Can we similarly invent an ECB-MAC
or an OFB-MAC and obtain secure constructions ?

Solution: ECB-MAC: We consider the last block of the ECB encryption of a message
as the MAC of this message. Obviously, this scheme is highly insecure since the MAC
of the message
m = m1 || . . . ||mn ||mn+l ,
where || stands for concatenation, is equal to the MAC of

m′ = m′1 || . . . ||m′n ||mn+l

for any blocks ml , . . . , mn .

OFB-MAC: We consider the last block of the OFB encryption of a message as the
MAC of this message. Once again, the scheme is insecure. Given the MAC c of a
one-block message m, i.e., c = m ⊕ E(IV ), it is easy to forge the MAC of the message

m′ = m ⊕ α

as it simply is
c′ = m′ ⊕ E(IV ) = c ⊕ α.

12. In this problem, we study a MAC scheme based on the CFB encryption mode. We
consider a block cipher

E : {0, 1}64 × {0, 1}64 → {0, 1}64 ,

where Ek (x) = E(k, x) denotes the encryption of the plaintext x under the key k.
The CFB-MAC of a given message m ∈ {0, 1}∗ with the key k is obtained by first
encrypting m with Ek using the CFB encryption mode and then combining the output
blocks by XORing them together.
More precisely, for a message

m = xl ||x2 || . . . ||xn ,

we have
CFB-MACk (m) = y1 ⊕ y2 ⊕ . . . ⊕ yn ,
where yi = Ek (yi−1 ) ⊕ xi for i = 2, . . . , n and y1 = Ek (IV ) ⊕ x1 , IV being an initial-
ization vector. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that all messages have a length
that is a multiple of 64 bits. We also assume in all the questions of this problem that
IV is constant and known.

(a) Assume we have access to an oracle O that computes the CFB-MAC under a
given secret key k and a fixed known IV. Show that you can recover Ek (IV ) by
querying only one message to the oracle.

Solution : We can simply query a message x of one block to the oracle O.

The oracle returns the value

y = x ⊕ Ek (IV ).

Hence, Ek (IV ) is found by computing x ⊕ y.

(b) Given a message m of n blocks and h = CFB-MACk (m). Show how it is possible
to generate a new message m′ of n blocks and a h′ ∈ {0, l}64 such that m′ ̸= m
and CFB-MACk (m′ ) = h′ .

Solution : Let m = x1 ||x2 || . . . ||xn and h = CFB-MACk (m). We take an-

other message m′ = x1 ||x2 || . . . ||xn−1 ||x′n , where x′n is any block of 64 bits. Since
CFB mode is used with a fixed IV the output blocks of m′ will be identical to
those of m except the last one.
h′ = CFB-MACk (m′ ) = yl ⊕ . . . ⊕ yn−1 ⊕ yn′
h = yl ⊕ . . . ⊕ yn ,
we have
h ⊕ h′ = y ⊕ yn′ .
We also know that
yn = Ek (yn−1 ) ⊕ xn
yn′ = Ek (yn−1 ) ⊕ x′n .
Using these two relations, we finally deduce that

h′ = h ⊕ yn ⊕ yn′ = h ⊕ xn ⊕ x′n .

(c) Assume we are given IV, Ek (IV ), and a h ∈ {0, l}64 . Show how it is possible to
generate a message m of two blocks, such that CFB-MACk (m) = h.

Solution : Set m = xl ||x2 and xl = Ek (IV ) ⊕ IV . We then have yl = IV

and y2 = h ⊕ IV . Thus,

x2 = Ek (y1 ) ⊕ y2 = Ek (IV ) ⊕ IV ⊕ h.

(d) Can we extend the attack of the previous question to messages m of more than
two blocks ?

Solution : Yes, this works in the same way! Set

m = x1 ||x2 || . . . ||xn ,

x1 = x2 = . . . = xn−1 = Ek(IV ) ⊕ IV.
y1 = y2 = . . . = yn−1 = IV.
If n is even, then setting

xn = h ⊕ IV ⊕ Ek (IV )

gives yn = h ⊕ IV and thus

yl ⊕ . . . ⊕ yn = h.

If n is odd, setting xn = h ⊕ Ek(IV ) gives yn = h and thus

y1 ⊕ . . . ⊕ yn = h.

13. In this problem we consider the security of so-called compression function used in
connection to the Merkle-Damgård construction given in the figure below.

M 1 M M t-1 M
2 t

f . . .
IV f H1 f f H t
H2 H t-2 H t-1

a) Assume that
f : {0, 1}m → {0, 1}n , m > n,
that is m binary bits are compressed to n binary bits. Assume the function f is
uniformly distributed, that is for each given image f (x) = y there are 2m−n input
values x ∈ {0, 1}m such that f (x) = y, i.e.,

#{x ∈ {0, 1}m : f (x) = y} = 2m−n ,

for all y ∈ {0, 1}n .

The second preimage in the context of the compression function is defined as fol-

Given some input value x and its corresponding image f (x), the second preimage
is any x′ ̸= x such that f (x′ ) = f (x).

Compute the probability of finding the second preimage. Does it depend on m ?

Solution a) Given any x and its hash value f (x) there are 2m−n inputs that map
to the same value f (x). Hence the probability of finding second preimage is simply,

= 2−n ,
and it is independent of the input space.

b) The idea of the Merkle-Damgard construction is to split the message M into blocks
of constant length
M = M1 ||M2 || · · · Mt−1 ||Mt ,
(each Mi is typically 512 bits) and to process these blocks along with the intermediate
hash values H1 , . . . , Ht−1 through the compression function f. Ht is the hash value of
M , that is h(M ) = Ht .

Assume that for two messages

M = M1 ||M2 || · · · Mt−1 ||Mt

M ′ = M1′ ||M2′ || · · · Mt−1

one can find the inner collision of the type

Hi = f (Mi , Hi−1 ) = Hi′ = f (Mi′ , Hi−1


for some 1 ≤ i < t, Mi ̸= Mi′ , where by definition (see the figure) H0 = IV .

Hence, the collision is not on the hash value Ht but on some intermediate value Hi ,
i < t. Using this construct

M ′′ = M1′′ ||M2′′ || · · · Mt−1


so that h(M ) = h(M ′′ ), that is find the second preimage of M .

Solution b)
M ′′ = M1′ ||M2′ || · · · ||Mi′ ||Mi+1 || · · · ||Mt .

c) Describe how you would find arbitrary collision, that is any M, M ′ , M ̸= M ′

so that h(M ) = h(M ′ ) in time complexity much less than 2n hash computations.

Solution c) Create 2n/2 different messages

M 1, . . . , M 2

of same length (say all the messages have t blocks) and compute the hash values h(M i ).
Then the birthday paradox implies that with high probability there are M i ̸= M j such
h(M i ) = h(M j )
for some 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 2n/2 .

14. In this problem we explore the different ways of constructing a MAC out of a non-
keyed hash function. Let h : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}n be a hash function constructed by
iterating a collision resistant compression function using the Merkle-Damgård con-
struction given in the figure below. The idea is to split the message M into blocks of
constant length
M = M1 ||M2 · · · Mt−1 ||Mt
(each Mi is typically 512 bits) and to process these blocks along with the intermediate
hash values
H1 , . . . , Ht−1
through the compression function f. Ht is the hash value of M , that is h(M ) = Ht .

M 1 M M t-1 M
2 t

f . . .
IV f H1 f f H t
H2 H t-2 H t-1

a) Show that defining M ACk (M ) = h(k||M ) results in an insecure MAC. That is,
show that given a valid text/MAC pair (M, H) one can efficiently construct another
valid text/MAC pair (M ′ , H ′ ) without knowing the key k. Assume for simplicity that
the key length is the same as the length of the message block |k| = |Mi |.

Hint: The compression function f is of course known, that is given the two inputs
anybody can compute its output.

b) Show that appending the secret key k, that is defining M ACk (M ) = h(M ||k)
results in an insecure MAC. Recall that by definition the property of being collision
resistant for MAC means that finding two messages x ̸= x′ such that
M AC(x, k) = M AC(x′ , k),
implies the computational effort of 2n operations, where n is the size of MAC (and
hash). Describe an attack (based on the Merkle-Damgard structure above) that uses
less than 2n operations to create the MAC forgery, a legitimate MAC value for some
message x′ without revealing the key k.
Solution a) An adversary creates the message M ′ = x||y so he needs to compute
M ACk (k||x||y). But the iterative structure of Merkle-Damgard scheme implies that
M ACk (k||x||y) = f (M ACk (k||x), y).
So given the value M ACk (k||x) the adversary simply evaluates the publicly known
compression function.

Solution b) Here processing of the message is not dependant on the key until the
last block - we have birthday attack of course. That is, create 2n/2 different messages
M 1, . . . , M 2 ,
of same length (say all the messages have t blocks) and compute the hash values h(M i ).
Then the birthday paradox implies that there are M i ̸= M j such that h(M i ) = h(M j )
for some 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 2n/2 . Then,
M ACk (M i ||k) = f(h(M i ), k) = f(h(M j ), k) = M ACk (M j ||k).
The adversary may simply obtain the MAC value on message M i , and then produce
a correct text-MAC pair (M j , M ACk (M j ||k)).
15. Consider the following proposal for a cryptographic hash function, that makes use of
a block cipher E with block size k bits to produce k bit hash values. The message to
be hashed is split into a sequence M1 M2 · · · Mn of k bit blocks.

For simplicity, we ignore padding and consider only messages whose length is a multiple
of the block size. Hashing works as follows:
h0 = IV
hi = EMi (hi−1 ), f or i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

The hash of the message is hn . Here IV is a fixed, public initialisation vector, which
is part of the definition of the hash function.

Show that one can apply meet-in-the-middle attack (with birthday paradox) to find a
preimage of the form M ||X||Y for a given hash value h.

Solution: As the first step we hash M and get, say, hM . We want to produce a
message of the form M ||X||Y with hash value h (preimage attack).

We procede as follows :

• we choose 2k/2 random blocks and for each such block X we compute hX =
EX (hM ).
• We store the pairs (hX , X) in a hash table, indexed by hX .

Then we start from the end, trying to meet in the middle:

• We choose again random blocks and for each such block Y we compute hY =
EY−1 (hM ) and try to look up hY in the hash table.
• If we find it, we have found the suitable X and Y and the attack has succeeded.

We would compute,

h(M ||X||Y ) = EY (hn+1 ) = EY (EX (hM )) =

= EY (EY−1 (hM )) = hM .

The birthday paradox tells us that the number of blocks Y that we have to try is in
the order of 2k/2 .
Time complexity is, around 2k/2 steps, where a step includes one encryption, one hash
table insertion, one decryption and one hash table lookup. Space requirements for the
hash table is 2k/2 pairs, where each pair is 2k bits.

16. Meet-in-the-middle attack seeks collisions on intermediate results, that is chaining

variables, rather than the overall hash result. The attacker must be able to efficiently
go backwords, for the attack to work. Show that the following hash scheme allows
going backwards through chaining variables:

H0 = IV, Hi = f (Hi−1 , xi ) = EKi (Hi−1 ),

where Hi are intermediate hash values (chaining variables), and Ki = xi ⊕ Hi−1 , xi

being the i-th message block.

Solution: Assumption is that we know the value Hi+1 . Choose a fixed value

ki+1 = xi+1 ⊕ Hi

and compute
Hi = Dki+1 (Hi+1 ).

Finally choose the message block

xi+1 = ki+1 ⊕ Hi .

17. Analyze the security of MASH-1 without feedforward, that is when

Hi = ((Hi−1 + Xi ) ∨ A)2 (mod N ),

A = 0xF 00 . . . 00.

Solution: Without feedforward MASH-1 is not 2nd preimage resistant. Note that

C ∨ A = C′ ∨ A

for any C, C ′ differing only in the first four bits (MSB). Therefore, given Hi−1 and Xi
one can compute C = Hi−1 + Xi . Then select C ′ only differing from C in the first
four bits and compute:
Xi′ = C ′ − Hi−1 .
The messages X1 X2 · · · Xi and X1 X2 · · · Xi′ will then collide.

18. Consider the MAC scheme based on a block cipher Ek of block size n and a collision
resistant hash function h with output size n as well. The MAC generation works as

(a) For any message m of size N > n, the MAC is computed as MAC(m) = Ek (h(m))
(b) For the messages of size n exactly compute MAC(m) = Ek (m).

a) Show that this MAC scheme is not secure (find an efficient forgery)

Solution a) Take an arbitrary message m ∈ {0, 1}2n so that MAC(m) = Ek (h(m)).

Now taking m′ = h(m) of length n gives,

MAC(m′ ) = Ek (m′ ) = Ek (h(m)) = MAC(m).

To make the scheme more secure it suffices to modify part 2 so that even short messages
are hashed as well, that is,

MAC(m) = Ek (h(m)) for m ∈ {0, 1}n

19. Consider the keyed MAC (Message Authentication Code) scheme based on a block
cipher Ekey of block size n and a collision resistant hash function h with output size
n as well. The MAC on message m is computed as

MAC(m) = Eh(m) (k).

Note that the standard usage mode is interchanged: hashed value (message tag) is
used as the encryption key whereas the secret key is a message input to symmetric-
key encryption algorithm.

a) Show that this MAC scheme is not secure (find an efficient forgery). Hint : Recover
the key from the MAC.

Solution a) Given a pair

(m, M AC(m)) = (m, Eh(m) (k))

one can compute h(m) (h is public hash algorithm) and then to decrypt Eh(m) (k)) to
obtain k.

b) Generalize the result above by showing that adversary is capable of forging any

Solution b) Since key k is known the attacker can compute MAC for any message as
(m′ , Eh(m′ ) (k)).

20. This problem considers some standard security flaws related to the design of hash

a) Show that defining

M ACk (M ) = h(k||M )
results in an insecure MAC. That is, show that given a valid text/MAC pair (M, H)
one can efficiently construct another valid text/MAC pair (M ′ , H ′ ) without knowing
the key k. Assume for simplicity that the key length is the same as the length of the
message block |k| = |Mi |.

Solution a) An adversary creates the message M ′ = x||y so he needs to compute

M ACk (k||x||y).

But the iterative structure of M-D scheme implies that

M ACk (k||x||y) = f (M ACk (k||x), y).

So given the value M ACk (k||x) the adversary simply evaluates the publicly known
compression function.

b) Show that appending the secret key k, that is defining

M ACk (M ) = h(M ||k)

results in an insecure MAC. Recall that by definition the property of being collision
resistant for MAC means that finding two messages x ̸= x′ such that M AC(x, k) =
M AC(x′ , k) implies the computational effort of 2n operations, where n is the size of
MAC (and hash).

Solution b) Here processing of the message is not dependant on the key until the
last block - we have birthday attack of course. That is, create 2n/2 different messages
M 1, . . . , M 2

of same length (say all the messages have t blocks) and compute the hash values h(M i ).
Then the birthday paradox implies that there are M i ̸= M j such that h(M i ) = h(M j )
for some 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 2n/2 . Then,

M ACk (M i ||k) = f(h(M i ), k) = f(h(M j ), k)

= M ACk (M j ||k).

The adversary may simply obtain the MAC value on message M i , and then produce
a correct text-MAC pair (M j , M ACk (M j ||k)).

21. In this problem we will consider a signature scheme that once was proposed as a more
efficient alternative to RSA. The setting is as follows. User Alice chooses two large
secret primes p and q. We put N = pq as in RSA. She also chooses an element g ∈ Z∗N .
that generates a subgroup of prime order r. Alices public key is (N, g); her private
key is r. Here p and q should be big enough to make factoring of N infeasible, i.e., at
least 1024 bits. Further, r should be big enough to make the discrete log problem for
the subgroup infeasible; hence r could be a 160 bit number. The community of users
have also agreed on a hash function H. To sign message m, Alice first hashes m and
computes x such that
x · H(m) = 1 (mod r).
The signature is then
s = gx (mod N ).
The intended advantage of the scheme is that x < r, so the exponent is much smaller
than for RSA signatures.

a) How will Bob, after receiving (s, m), verify that s is Alices signature on m ? Show

that a correct signature will be verified.

Solution a) This only requires straightforward computation and is left to the reader.
b) The proposed scheme has several vulnerabilities and is completely broken. We will
now demonstrate some of the problems with the scheme. i.) Show that r is a divisor
of at least one of p1 or q1. ii. Show that, if r is a divisor of p1 but not of q1, then one
can factor N , using only the public key.

Hint: Show that g (mod q) = 1.

Solution b) This problem is also left as an exercise for the reader.

22. (Improper combination of CBC-MAC and CBC encryption) Consider using the data
integrity mechanism given by,

C ′ = Ek (x||hk′ (x)),


• Ek being CBC-encryption with key k and initialization vector IV ,

• hk′ (x) being CBC-MAC with k ′ and IV ′ ,

• and k = k ′ , IV = IV ′ .

Show that this scheme fails to provide the message integrity.

Solution: The scheme provides both authenticity (via MAC) and secrecy via en-
cryption with key k.

The usual procedure when k ̸= k ′ is to produce a MAC for x1 , x2 , . . . , xt which per

definition is ct where ct is obtained by encrypting x1 , x2 , . . . , xt in the CBC mode with
key k ′ ,
ci = Ek′ (ci−1 ⊕ xi ) 1 ≤ i ≤ t; c0 = IV.
Then one should encrypt the sequence

x1 , x2 , . . . , xt , xt+1 = ct

with the key k again using the CBC mode.

Since the keys are same the data x = x1 x2 . . . xt can then be processed in a single
CBC pass.

The CBC-MAC is equal to the last ciphertext block

ct = Ek (ct−1 ⊕ xt ); 1 ≤ i ≤ t

, and the last data block is xt+1 = ct . This gives a final ciphertext block

ct+1 = Ek (ct ⊕ xt+1 ) = Ek (0)

The encrypted MAC is thus independent of both plaintext and ciphertext, rendering
the integrity mechanism completely insecure.

23. One may consider the MAC (Message Authentication Code) scheme based on a block
cipher Ek of block size n and a collision resistant hash function h with output size n
as well. The MAC generation works as follows:

(a) For any message m of size N > n, the MAC is computed as MAC(m) = Ek (h(m))
(b) For the messages of size n exactly compute MAC(m) = Ek (m).

a) Show that this MAC scheme is not secure (find an efficient forgery)
Hint: A collision is found for one message of length 2n and one of length n.

b) Propose a small modification which would make the scheme more secure. That
is, no trivial attacks as in a) should be possible.

Solution a) Take an arbitrary message m ∈ {0, 1}2n so that MAC(m) = Ek (h(m)).

Now taking m′ = h(m) of length n gives,

MAC(m′ ) = Ek (m′ ) = Ek (h(m)) = MAC(m).

b) It suffices to modify part b) so that even short messages are hashed as well, that
is, MAC(m) = Ek (h(m)) for m ∈ {0, 1}n .

24. Consider the keyed MAC (Message Authentication Code) scheme based on a block
cipher Ekey of block size n and a collision resistant hash function h with output size
n as well. The MAC on message m is computed as

MAC(m) = Eh(m) (k).

Note that the standard usage mode is interchanged: hashed value (message tag) is
used as the encryption key whereas the secret key is a message input to symmetric-
key encryption algorithm.

a) Show that this MAC scheme is not secure (find an efficient forgery). Hint : Recover
the key from the MAC.

b) Generalize the result above by showing that adversary is capable of forging any


Solution a) Given a pair (m, M AC(m)) = (m, Eh(m) (k)) one can compute h(m)
(h is a public hash algorithm) and then to decrypt Eh(m) (k)) to obtain k.

b) Since key k is known the attacker can compute MAC for any message as (m′ , Eh(m′ ) (k)).

25. The symmetric-key cryptosystems may be used for generation of message authentica-
tion codes (MAC). This however requires a careful use of the underlying algorithm.
The message m is split into l blocks of length n each, i.e., m = m1 m2 . . . ml and
the MAC(m) is generated by repeatedly applying encryption algorithm Ek () with key
length n as follows.
hi = Emi (hi−1 ), for 1 < i ≤ l.
The initial hash value h1 = m1 , and hl is the message digest (MAC) on message m,
i.e. h(m) = hl . Find the collisions (at least two messages) for the symmetric cryp-
tosystems specified below.

a) Let E be one-time pad defined by Ek (m) = k ⊕ m. Note that hi ’s are gener-

ated using the above rule, i.e. mi is considered to be the encryption key in step i.

b) Let E be the DES encryption algorithm, that is hi = Ek (hi−1 ) and h1 = m1 .

Hint: You choose a suitable l (small l of course) to demonstrate the collisions. In
addition, use the fact that DES has weak keys for which Ek (m) = m.

Solution a) Let E be one-time pad defined by Ek (m) = k ⊕ m. Note that for

h(m1 , m2 ) we have h1 = m1 and h2 = m2 ⊕ h1 . Thus,

h(m1 , m2 ) = m1 ⊕ m2 .

A collision is found for any two strings

(m1 , m2 ) ̸= (m′1 , m′2 ),

such that m1 ⊕ m2 = m′1 ⊕ m′2 .

b) Note that DES has weak keys k for which Ek (Ek (m)) = m. In particular, this
is true for k = 056 and k = 156 . This implies that for

m = (x, 056 , 056 ),

m′ = (x, 156 , 156 ),
it holds that
h(m) = h(m′ ) = x.

26. Consider the following (flawed) authentication protocol, where sA denotes the signa-
ture operation of party A , and it is assumed that all parties have authentic copies of
all others’ public keys.

→ rA (1)
rB , sB (rB , rA , A) ← (2)
→ rA′ , sA (rA′ , rB , B) (3)

The intention is that the random numbers chosen by A and B , respectively, together
with the signatures, provide a guarantee of freshness and entity authentication. How-
ever, an enemy E can initiate one protocol with B (pretending to be A ), and another
with A (pretending to be B ), to successfully deceive B into believing E is A (and
that A initiated the protocol).

a) Provide the details of the attack by writing down the sent messages in the same
form as for the original protocol above. Note that in the attack a few more messages
have to be exchanged.

b) Propose a simple modification of the above protocol to prevent from this attack.

Solution a) The attack is performed by exchanging the following messages:

→ rA (1)
rB , sB (rB , rA , A) ← (2)
rB ← (1′ )
→ rA′ , sA (rA′ , rB , B) (2′ )
→ rA′ , sA (rA′ , rB , B) (3)
At the end of the protocol run B is decieved into believing E is A (and that A initiated
the protocol).

b) Use the same rA in the step (3) of the original protocol, that is rA = rA′ .

27. Meet-in-the-middle attack seek collisions on intermediate results, that is chaining vari-
ables, rather than the overall hash result. The attacker must be able to efficiently go
backwords, for the attack to work. Show that the following hash scheme allows going
backwards through chaining variables:

H0 = IV, Hi = f (Hi−1 , xi ) = EKi (Hi−1 ),

where Hi are intermediate hash values (chaining variables), and Ki = xi + Hi−1 , xi
being the i-th message block.

Solution: The assumption is that we know the value Hi+1 . Choose a fixed value

ki+1 = xi+1 + Hi ,

and compute
Hi = Dki+1 (Hi+1 ).
Finally choose the message block

xi+1 = ki+1 ⊕ Hi .


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