Test Facilities:: Psycho Technical Directorate
Test Facilities:: Psycho Technical Directorate
Test Facilities:: Psycho Technical Directorate
Test Facilities:
Present use The test is used for measuring the reaction time of loco pilots for validating it
against the test of complex reaction time of CADAT battery for high speed
loco pilots.
Diagnostic tests
The laboratory also has projective and psycho-metric tests used in clinical appraisal
and counselling of staff especially those involved in accidents or showing signs of
acute stress. These tests include Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Rorschach,
Colour Pyramid Test, Alexander Pass Along Test, Block Design Test, MMPI, etc.
Workshops on Motivation and Stress Management have been conducted for the
benefit of Railway employees with a purpose to make them aware of the
causative factors of stress, resulting impact on work/behavior and the various
techniques to control the stress. Session on Psychology of adjustment, Psycho-
therapy, alternate therapies like Reiki, Acupressure, Pranik healing, Yoga and
Pranayam and also Energy Healing techniques are taken up for the purpose.
Other Facilities
Apart from serving the requirements of Indian Railways, the Directorate has
also be e n rendering services to Public Se c t o r Undertakings viz., the Konkan
Railway Corporation, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, DAME, R a p i d M e t r o ,
Gurgaon, MOOPL, Mumbai, Chennai Metro etc.