Test Facilities:: Psycho Technical Directorate

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Test Facilities:

The directorate has Psycho-Technical and Ergonomics laboratory

equipped with t e s t i n g f a c i l i t i e s for testing critical safety and efficiency attributes
through man-machine interface. The Laboratory has various equipments for assessment
of psycho-motor abilities and skills through computerized testing.

Computer Aided Drivers Aptitude Test (CADAT):

These c o m p u t e r i z e d tests a r e a d m i n i s t e r e d t o measure specific abilities

related to the n a t u r e o f job of t h e Loco Pilots for t h e i r screening prior to their
deployment on High Speed Trains, such as Reaction Time, Form Perception, Vigilance,
Speed anticipation and some selected attributes of personality. Testing process and
e v a l u a t i o n of results are automatic and the results get generated immediately after
the testing is over.

CADAT includes the tests to measure the following attributes-

1. Depth Perception
2. Speed perception
3. Form Perception
4. Distribution of Attention
5. Visual Differentiating Attention
6. Diagnostic Attention
7. Visual Vigilance
8. Simple Reaction Time
9. Complex Reaction Time
10. Personality
11. Continuous Addition
12. Rail Sign
13. Clock
14. Multi Modal
15. Embedded Figure
16. Group Bourdon
17. Mechanical Comprehension

Digital Speed Anticipation Reaction Tester

Description The apparatus consists of a stimulus screen and control

elements with a reaction lamp. It is used to study
human movement perception, specially speed and time
perception in a wide range of research modes.

Manufacturer M/s. Takei & Company, Japan

Measure This test gives an objective assessment of fundamental subliminal aptitude

necessary for ensuring safety.

Present use The test is used in research only.

Multi-operational Apparatus for Reaction- Time
Description The device consists of a main panel with an optional Psym Con Interface
having button and display panel for the main panel. It is
used for the study of cognitive processing and for
organizing wide range of experiments involving reaction
time, reaction/movement time.

Manufacturer M/s. Lafayette Instruments, USA

Measure It measures reaction time through touch sensitive response keys.

Present use The test is used for measuring the reaction time of loco pilots for validating it
against the test of complex reaction time of CADAT battery for high speed
loco pilots.

Pullman Spiral Acquisition and Analysis system

Description The system comes with a grip pen and USB tablet
that needs to be connected to a computer to acquire
spirals drawn on the tablet.

Manufacturer M/s. Lafayette Instruments, USA

Measure The equipment is used for study of normal motor control and detecting
movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and tremor disorder or
Present use On the basis of parameters, it is possible to diagnose presence of motor
disorders in a subject without going through elaborate clinical examination.
Such diagnosis is of critical importance for operating staff, especially High
Speed Train Drivers in higher age-groups. So far data on 12 high speed loco
pilots has been collected for ascertaining the presence or absence of any
motor disorder.

Diagnostic tests

The laboratory also has projective and psycho-metric tests used in clinical appraisal
and counselling of staff especially those involved in accidents or showing signs of
acute stress. These tests include Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Rorschach,
Colour Pyramid Test, Alexander Pass Along Test, Block Design Test, MMPI, etc.

Rorschach is a psychological test in which a n i n d i v i d u a l ’ s perceptions of

inkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex
scientifically derived algorithms, or both. It is mainly used in case studies of Drivers
and ASMs involved in accident to detect their personality characteristics and
emotional functioning or an underlying thought disorder leading to the mishap.
The Ergonomics Laboratory was established in 1994.
The mission of the Ergonomics Laboratory is to
conduct research in the areas of occupational biomechanics,
occupational safety and cognitive ergonomics. The
Laboratory has the facility of measurement and
c o n t r o l of s t r e s s w i t h t h e a i d o f biofeedback

Advanced Biofeedback system

Biofeedback is a well established technique for

management of stress and stress related psychosomatic
disorders. It provides a sleek wireless module for
capturing readings on physiological parameters, which
are recognised as pointers of stress, viz., Skin
conductance, Pulse rate and amplitude, Temperature and
Breathing pattern.

Stress Management Programme:

Yoga and Meditation practices are helpful in s t r e s s

management and are effective ways
o f relaxation. Experiments on controlling alcoholism
and de addiction through yoga have also been

Workshops on Motivation and Stress Management:

Workshops on Motivation and Stress Management have been conducted for the
benefit of Railway employees with a purpose to make them aware of the
causative factors of stress, resulting impact on work/behavior and the various
techniques to control the stress. Session on Psychology of adjustment, Psycho-
therapy, alternate therapies like Reiki, Acupressure, Pranik healing, Yoga and
Pranayam and also Energy Healing techniques are taken up for the purpose.

Other Facilities
Apart from serving the requirements of Indian Railways, the Directorate has
also be e n rendering services to Public Se c t o r Undertakings viz., the Konkan
Railway Corporation, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, DAME, R a p i d M e t r o ,
Gurgaon, MOOPL, Mumbai, Chennai Metro etc.

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