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Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA)

guidelines—2016 revision
Jan L. Brozek, MD, PhD,a,b Jean Bousquet, MD, PhD,c Ioana Agache, MD, PhD,d Arnav Agarwal, BHSc,a,e
Claus Bachert, MD, PhD,f Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich, BPharm, PhD,g Romina Brignardello-Petersen, DDS, MSc, PhD,a
G. Walter Canonica, MD,h Thomas Casale, MD,i Niels H. Chavannes, MD, PhD,j Jaime Correia de Sousa, MD, PhD,k
Alvaro A. Cruz, MD, PhD,l Carlos A. Cuello-Garcia, MD,a Pascal Demoly, MD, PhD,m Mark Dykewicz, MD,n
Itziar Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, PhD,a,o Ivan D. Florez, MD, MSc,a,p Wytske Fokkens, MD, PhD,q Joao Fonseca, MD, PhD,r
Peter W. Hellings, MD, PhD,s Ludger Klimek, MD, PhD,t Sergio Kowalski, MD,a Piotr Kuna, MD, PhD,u
Kaja-Triin Laisaar, MD, MPH,v De sire
e E. Larenas-Linnemann, MD,w Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen, MD, PhD,x
Peter J. Manning, MD, Eli Meltzer, MD,z Joaquim Mullol, MD, PhD,aa Antonella Muraro, MD, PhD,bb

Robyn O’Hehir, PhD,cc Ken Ohta, MD, PhD,dd Petr Panzner, MD, PhD,ee Nikolaos Papadopoulos, MD, PhD,ff,gg
Hae-Sim Park, MD, PhD,hh Gianni Passalacqua, MD,ii Ruby Pawankar, MD, PhD,jj David Price, MD,kk
John J. Riva, DC, MSc,a,ll Yetiani Rolda n, MD,a Dermot Ryan, MD,mm Behnam Sadeghirad, PharmD, MPH,nn
Boleslaw Samolinski, MD, PhD, Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier, MD,pp Aziz Sheikh, MD, MSc,qq Alkis Togias, MD,rr

Antonio Valero, MD, PhD,ss Arunas Valiulis, MD, PhD,tt Erkka Valovirta, MD, PhD,uu Matthew Ventresca, MSc,a
Dana Wallace, MD,vv Susan Waserman, MD, MSc,b Magnus Wickman, MD,ww Wojtek Wiercioch, MSc,a
Juan Jose  Yepes-Nun ~ ez, MD, MSc,a,xx Luo Zhang, MD,yy Yuan Zhang, MPH,a Mihaela Zidarn, MD, MSc,zz
Torsten Zuberbier, MD,aaa and Holger J. Schu € nemann, MD, PhD, MSca,bbb Hamilton and Toronto,
Ontario, Canada; Montpellier and Paris, France; Brasov, Romania; Ghent and Brussels, Belgium; Sydney and Melbourne, Australia; Milan,
Padua, and Genoa, Italy; Tampa and Fort Lauderdale, Fla; Leiden and Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Braga/Guimar~ aes and Porto, Portugal;
Salvador, Brazil; Vitoria-Gasteiz and Barcelona, Spain; St Louis, Mo; Medellin, Colombia; Wiesbaden and Berlin, Germany; Lodz, Poland;
Tartu, Estonia; Mexico City, Mexico; Oslo, Norway; Dublin, Ireland; San Diego, Calif; Tokyo, Japan; Prague, Czech Republic; Athens,
Greece; Manchester, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Suwon, Korea; Kerman, Iran; Warsaw, Poland; Davos, Switzerland;
Bethesda, Md; Vilnius, Lithuania; Turku, Finland; Stockholm, Sweden; Beijing, China; and Golnik, Slovenia

From athe Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and bthe Division of Organization Tokyo National Hospital, Kiyose-city, Tokyo; eethe Department of Immu-
Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, McMaster University, nology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague;
Hamilton; cUniversity Hospital, Montpellier; dthe Faculty of Medicine, Transylvania ff
the Allergy Department, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, University of Athens; ggthe Division of
University, Brasov; ethe School of Medicine, University of Toronto; fthe Upper Air- Infection, Immunity & Respiratory Medicine, University of Manchester; hhthe Depart-
ways Research Laboratory, Ghent University Hospital; gthe Woolcock Institute, Uni- ment of Allergy and Rheumatology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon; iiAl-
versity of Sydney; hthe Asthma & Allergy Clinic, Humanitas University, Rozzano, lergy and Respiratory Diseases, IRCCS San Martino, IST, University of Genoa; jjthe
Milan; ithe Division of Allergy and Immunology, University of South Florida, Tampa; Department of Pediatrics, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo; kkthe University of Aber-
the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center; deen; llthe Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton; mmthe Al-
the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Health Sciences, lergy and Respiratory Research Group, Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences
University of Minho, Braga, and ICVS/3B’s–PT Government Associate Laboratory, and Informatics, University of Edinburgh; nnthe HIV/STI Surveillance Research Cen-
Braga/Guimar~aes; lProAR–Center of Excellence for Asthma, Federal University of Ba- ter, and World Health Organization Collaborating Center for HIV Surveillance, Insti-
hia, Salvador; mUniversity Hospital of Montpellier, Montpellier, and Sorbonne Uni- tute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences; oothe
versites, UPMC Paris 06, UMR-S 1136, IPLESP, Equipe EPAR, Paris; nthe Section Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and Allergology, Medical Univer-
of Allergy and Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University sity of Warsaw; ppthe Allergy Unit, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of
School of Medicine; oDireccion de Investigacion e Innovacion Sanitaria, Departamento Z€urich and Christine K€uhne Center for Allergy Research and Education CK-CARE,
de Salud, Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza, Vitoria-Gasteiz; pthe Department of Pe- Davos; qqAsthma UK Centre for Applied Research, Usher Institute of Population
diatrics, University of Antioquia, Medellin; qthe Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Health Sciences and Informatics, University of Edinburgh; rrAsthma and Inflammation,
Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam; rCINTESIS–Center for Health Technology National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Be-
and Services Research, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto & Allergy, thesda; ssthe Department of Pneumology and Allergy, Immunoallergia Respiratoria
CUF Porto Hospital and Instituto, Porto; sthe Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Uni- Clınica I Experimental (IDIBAPS), Centro de Investigaciones Biomedicas en Red de
versity Hospitals Leuven, and the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Academic Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), Barcelona; ttVilnius University Clinic of
Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam; tthe Center of Rhinology and Allergology, Wies- Children’s Diseases and Public Health Institute, Vilnius, and the European Academy
baden; uthe Division of Internal Medicine Asthma and Allergy, Faculty of Medicine, of Paediatrics (EAP/UEMS-SP), Brussels; uuthe Department of Lung Diseases and
Medical University of Lodz; vthe Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health, Uni- Clinical Immunology, University of Turku and Allergy Clinic Terveystalo Turku;
versity of Tartu; wHospital Medica Sur, Mexico City; xthe Department of Paediatrics, vv
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale; wwthe Department of Pediatrics,
Oslo University Hospital, University of Oslo; ythe Department of Medicine, Royal Col- Sachs’ Children’s Hospital, South General Hospital and Institute of Environmental
lege of Surgeons in Ireland Medical School, Dublin; zthe Department of Pediatrics, Di- Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; xxthe School of Medicine, University of
vision of Allergy & Immunology, University of California, San Diego; aaUnitat de Antioquia, Medellın; yythe Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,
Rinologia i Clınica de l’Olfacte, Servei d’ORL, Hospital Clınic, Clinical & Experi- Beijing TongRen Hospital and Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology; zzUniversity Clinic
mental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, Barcelona; bbthe Department of Women of Pulmonary and Allergic Diseases Golnik; aaathe Department of Dermatology and Al-
and Child Health & Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region, University of Padua; lergy, Charite–Universit€atsmedizin Berlin; and bbbthe Division of General Internal
Alfred Hospital and Monash University, Melbourne; ddNational Hospital Medicine, Department of Medicine, McMaster University.

nnn 2017

Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) affects 10% to 40% of the by asthma. New evidence has accumulated since the last revision
population. It reduces quality of life and school and work of the Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA)
performance and is a frequent reason for office visits in general guidelines in 2010, prompting its update.
practice. Medical costs are large, but avoidable costs associated Objective: We sought to provide a targeted update of the ARIA
with lost work productivity are even larger than those incurred guidelines.

Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: J. L. Bro_zek has received support for the for lectures from Shire and Stallergenes. N. Papadopoulos is on advisory boards for
development of systematic reviews in these guidelines from the ARIA Initiative. J. Novartis, Faes Farma, BIOMAY, HAL, and Nutricia Research; has consultant
Bousquet has received personal fees from Almirall, Meda, Merck, MSD, Novartis, arrangements with Menarini, ALK-Abello, Novartis, MEDA, and Chiesi; has received
Sanofi-Aventis, Takeda, Teva, Uriach, Chiesi, GlaxoSmithKline, and Menarini. S. grants from NESTEC and Menarini; and has received payment for lectures from
Bosnic-Anticevich is on the advisory board for TEVA; has consultant arrangements Stallergenes, AbbVie, Novartis, MEDA, MSD, Omega Pharma, and Danone. R.
with MEDA and GlaxoSmithKline; has received grants from TEVA; has received Pawankar is employed by Nippon Medical School and has received a grant from the
payment for lectures from TEVA, GlaxoSmithKline, and AstraZeneca; has received Japanese Ministry of Education. D. Price has board memberships with Aerocrine,
payment for manuscript preparation from MEDA; and has received payment for Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi, Meda, Mundipharma, Napp,
development of educational presentations from GlaxoSmithKline. T. Casale is the Novartis, and Teva; has consultant arrangements with Almirall, Amgen, AstraZeneca,
executive vice president of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immu- Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi, GlaxoSmithKline, Meda, Mundipharma, Napp,
nology. J. Correia de Sousa has board memberships with Boehringer Ingelheim and Novartis, Pfizer, Teva, and Theravance; has received grants from Aerocrine, AKL
Novartis, has received payment for lectures from Boehringer Ingelheim, and has Research and Development, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, British Lung
received payment for development of educational presentations from Boehringer Foundation, Chiesi, Meda, Mundipharma, Napp, Novartis, Pfizer, Respiratory
Ingelheim. A. A. Cruz has board memberships with Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Effectiveness Group, Takeda, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Theravance, UK National Health
AstraZeneca, MEDA Pharma, and GlaxoSmithKline; has consultant arrangements Service, and Zentiva; has received payment for lectures from Almirall, AstraZeneca,
with Boehringer Ingelheim; has provided expert testimony for Boehringer Ingelheim; Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi, Cipla, GlaxoSmithKline, Kyorin, Meda, Merck,
has received grants from GlaxoSmithKline; and has received payment for lectures Mundipharma, Novartis, Pfizer, Skyepharma, Takeda, and Teva Pharmaceuticals;
from Eurofarma, Chiesi, MEDA Pharma, and Hypermarcas-Ache. C. A. Cuello-Garcia has received payment for manuscript preparation from Mundipharma and Teva; has
has consultant arrangements with and has received payment for manuscript received payment for development of education presentations from Mundipharma and
preparation and travel support from the World Allergy Organization. P. Demoly has Novartis; owns shares in AKL Research and Development; has received travel support
received consulting fees from ALK-Abello, Stallergenes Greer, Thermo Fisher from Aerocrine, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Mundipharma, Napp, Novartis,
Scientific, MEDA, Chiesi, and Ysslab and has received grants from AstraZeneca. M. and Teva Pharmaceuticals; has received funding for patient enrollment or completion
Dykewicz has consultant arrangements with Alcon and Merck and is the Workgroup of research from Chiesi, Novartis, Teva Pharmaceuticals, and Zentiva; has served as a
Char for the Rhinitis Practice Parameter Update of the American Academy of Allergy, peer reviewer for grant committees for Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation
Asthma & Immunology/American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology programme, Health Technology Assessment, and Medical Research Council; and
ACAAI Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters. I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta has received owns 74% of Optimum Patient Care and 74% of Observational and Pragmatic
a consulting fee or honorarium from MacGRADE Centre. W. Fokkens has consultant Research Institute Pte. D. Ryan is on advisory panels for Uriah and Stallergenes; has
arrangements with MEDA/Mylan; has received grants from MEDA/Mylan, received payment for lectures and payment for development of education presentations
GlaxoSmithKline, MAPI S.A.S.-RWE, Allakos, and Sanofi; and has received payment from MEDA; has board memberships with Stallergenes; has had consultant
for lectures from MEDA/Mylan. J. Fonseca has received payment for lectures from A. arrangements with Uriach; and is director of Respiratory Effectiveness Group. B.
Menarini and FAES Farma (Lab. Vitoria) and has received payment for development of Samolinski has received travel support from Meda; has received grants from the
educational presentations and travel support from A. Menarini. L. Klimek has board National Science Center and the Ministry of Health; has received payment for lectures
memberships with MEDA and Novartis; has consultant arrangments with from Polfarma, Adamed, Teva, and Meda; has received payment for manuscript
ALK-Abell o, MEDA, Novartis, Allergopharma, Bionorica, Boehringer Ingelheim, preparation from Adamed, Teva, Meda; has received payment for development of
GlaxoSmithKline, and Lofarma; has received grants from ALK-Abello, Novartis, educational presentations from Teva and Adamed; and has received travel support
Allergopharma, Bionorica, GlaxoSmithKline, Lofarma, Biomay, HAL, LETI, Roxall, from Meda and Adamed. P. Schmid-Grendelmeier has consultant arrangements with
and Bencard; has received payment for lectures from ALK-Abello, MEDA, Novartis, Novartis Pharma and Meda Pharma, has received grants from Novartis, and has
Allergopharma, Bionorica, Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, and Lofarma; received payment for lectures from Novartis. A. Sheikh has received payment to
has received payment for manuscript preparation from Bionorica; and has received develop guidelines on allergen immunotherapy from the European Academy of
payment for performing a clinical trial from ALK-Abello. S. Kowalski is employed by Allergy and Clinical Immunology. D. Wallace has consultant arrangements with
Universidade Federal do Parana. P. Kuna has board memberships with Boehringer MEDA and has received payment for lectures from MEDA and Mylan. S. Waserman
Ingelheim, ALK-Abell o, FAES, Sandoz, Teva, Polpharma, Novartis, Allergopharma, has consultant arrangements with Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, CSL Behring,
and Celon Pharma; received payment for lectures from Adamed, Allergopharma, Shire, Sanofi Canada, Aralez, Pediapharm, Mylan, and Meda; is employed by
ALK-Abell o, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Berlin Chemie, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi, McMaster University; has received grants from Pfizer Canada; has received payment
Faes, HAL Allergy, Lekam, Novartis, Polharma, Pfizer, Sandoz, and Teva; and has for lectures from Merck, CSL Behring, Shire, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Sanofi, Pedia-
received travel support from Novartis, Berlin Chemie, and Boehringer Ingelheim. D. E. pharm, and Aralez; has received payment for development of educational pre-
Larenas-Linnemann has consultant arrangements with MEDA, Boehringer Ingelheim, sentations from Merck; and has received travel support from Pediapharm. M.
and Mitfarma; has received grants from AstraZeneca, TEVA, Boehringer Ingelheim, Wickman has consultant arrangements from Meda. T. Zuberbier has received
Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, and MEDA; has received payment for lectures from institutional funding for research and/or honoraria for lectures and/or consulting
AstraZeneca, MEDA, Novartis, UCB, Boehringer Ingelheim, MSD, Pfizer, Grunen- from AstraZeneca, AbbVie, ALK-Abello, Almirall, Astellas, Bayer Health Care,
thal, Siegfried, and Armstrong; has received payment for development of educational Bencard, Berlin Chemie, FAES, HAL, Henkel, Kryolan, Leti, L’Oreal, Meda,
presentations from Grunenthal; and is on the safety board for DBV. K. C. Lodrup- Menarini, Merck, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, Stallergenes, Takeda, Teva and
Carlsen has received travel support from the European Respiratory Society. E. Meltzer UCB and is a member of ARIA/World Health Organization, DGAKI, ECARF,
has consultant arrangements with Allergan, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, GA2LEN and WAO. H. J. Sch€unemann has received partial support for developing sys-
GlaxoSmithKline, Greer, Merck, Mylan, Regeneron-Sanofi, and Teva and has received tematic reviews for these guidelines from the ARIA Initiative. The rest of the authors
payment for lectures from GlaxoSmithKline, Greer, Merck, Mylan, and Teva. J. Mullol declare that they have no relevant conflicts of interest.
has board memberships with Uriach, FAES, ALK-Abello, Sanofi, Genentech, and Received for publication October 3, 2016; revised February 12, 2017; accepted for pub-
MEDA; has received grants from Meda, FAES, Uriach, GlaxoSmithKline, MSD; and lication March 15, 2017.
has received payment for lectures from Uriach, Sanofi, MSD, Novartis, Menarini, Corresponding author: Jan L. Bro_zek, MD, PhD, McMaster University, Department of
MEDA, and UCB. A. Muraro has consultant arrangements with MEDA, Novartis, and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada.
Menarini; is employed by Padua University Hospital; and has received payment for E-mail:
lectures from MEDA and Menarini. K. Ohta has received payment for lectures from 0091-6749/$36.00
Kyorin, AstraZeneca, Astellas, and Boehringer Ingelheim. P. Panzner has board Ó 2017 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
memberships with Allergy Therapeutics, Teva, and Novartis; has consultant arrange-
ments with ALK-Abell o, ASIT Biotech, and AstraZeneca; and has received payment

Methods: The ARIA guideline panel identified new clinical

questions and selected questions requiring an update. We Abbreviations used
performed systematic reviews of health effects and the evidence AR: Allergic rhinitis
about patients’ values and preferences and resource ARIA: Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma
requirements (up to June 2016). We followed the Grading of EtD: Evidence to decision
GRADE: Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development,
Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation
and Evaluation
(GRADE) evidence-to-decision frameworks to develop ICP: Integrated care pathway
recommendations. PAR: Perennial allergic rhinitis
Results: The 2016 revision of the ARIA guidelines provides both SAR: Seasonal allergic rhinitis
updated and new recommendations about the pharmacologic SMD: Standardized mean difference
treatment of AR. Specifically, it addresses the relative merits of
using oral H1-antihistamines, intranasal H1-antihistamines,
intranasal corticosteroids, and leukotriene receptor antagonists
either alone or in combination. The ARIA guideline panel patients with AR.17 However, transparent reporting of guidelines
provides specific recommendations for the choice of treatment to facilitate understanding and acceptance are needed. The ARIA
and the rationale for the choice and discusses specific initiative was initiated during a World Health Organization work-
considerations that clinicians and patients might want to review shop in 199918 and updated in 2008.1 The ARIA 2010 revision
to choose the management most appropriate for an individual was the first evidence-based guideline in allergy to follow the
patient. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and
Conclusions: Appropriate treatment of AR might improve Evaluation (GRADE) approach19 with no influence of for-profit
patients’ quality of life and school and work productivity. ARIA organizations and an explicit declaration and management of po-
recommendations support patients, their caregivers, and health tential competing interests of panel members.20 It summarized the
care providers in choosing the optimal treatment. (J Allergy potential benefits and harms underlying the recommendations, as
Clin Immunol 2017;nnn:nnn-nnn.) well as assumptions around values and preferences that influ-
Key words: Allergic rhinitis, practice guideline enced the strength and direction of the recommendations. In
2014, the ARIA revision was found to rank first in the rigor of
development and quality of reporting of guidelines about the
management of AR,16 although recent guidelines published later
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is among the most common diseases
were not considered.21
globally and usually persists throughout life.1 The prevalence of
self-reported AR has been estimated to be approximately 2% to
25% in children2 and 1% to greater than 40% in adults.1,3 The CLINICAL QUESTIONS
prevalence of confirmed AR in adults in Europe ranged from Since the last revision of the ARIA guidelines in 2010,20 new
17% to 28.5%. Recent studies show that the prevalence of AR treatments have become available, and new evidence has accumu-
has increased in particular in countries with initial low prevalence lated about selected other treatments. By using a modified Delphi
(for a discussion of prevalence of AR, see section 5.1-5.2 in process, the ARIA guideline panel selected new questions that
Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma [ARIA] 2008 Up- required answering with recommendations or the existing recom-
date1). Classical symptoms of AR are nasal itching, sneezing, rhi- mendations that required an updated review of the evidence and
norrhea, and nasal congestion. Ocular symptoms are also potentially updating the recommendations themselves. Therefore
frequent; allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is associated with itching this revision of the ARIA guidelines is limited in scope and ad-
and redness of the eyes and tearing. Other symptoms include itch- dresses 6 questions about the treatment of AR:
ing of the palate, postnasal drip, and cough.
1. Should a combination of oral H1-antihistamine and intra-
AR is also frequently associated with asthma, which is found in
nasal corticosteroid versus intranasal corticosteroid alone
15% to 38% of patients with AR,4,5 and nasal symptoms are pre-
be used for treatment of AR?
sent in 6% to 85% patients with asthma.6-9 In addition, AR is a
2. Should a combination of intranasal H1-antihistamine and
risk factor for asthma,4,9 and uncontrolled moderate-to-severe
intranasal corticosteroid versus intranasal corticosteroid
AR affects asthma control.10,11
alone be used for treatment of AR?
Compared with other medical conditions, AR might not appear
3. Should a combination of an intranasal H1-antihistamine
to be serious because it is not associated with severe morbidity
and an intranasal corticosteroid versus intranasal H1-anti-
and mortality. However, the burden and costs are substantial.12
histamine alone be used for treatment of AR?
AR reduces the quality of life of many patients, impairing sleep
4. Should a leukotriene receptor antagonist versus an oral H1-
quality and cognitive function and causing irritability and fatigue.
antihistamine be used for treatment of AR?
AR is associated with decreased school and work performance,
5. Should an intranasal H1-antihistamine versus an intranasal
especially during the peak pollen season.1 AR is a frequent reason
corticosteroid be used for treatment of AR?
for general practice office visits. Annual direct medical costs of
6. Should an intranasal H1-antihistamine versus an oral H1-
AR are substantial, but indirect costs associated with lost work
antihistamine be used for treatment of AR?
productivity are greater than those incurred by asthma.13-15
Appropriate treatment of AR improves symptoms, quality of The target audience of these guidelines is primary care
life, and work and school performance. clinicians, school nurses, pharmacists, specialists in allergy and
Clinical practice guidelines for AR management were devel- clinical immunology, general internists managing patients with
oped over the past 20 years16 and have improved the care of AR, and pediatricians. Ear-nose-throat specialists, other health
nnn 2017

care professionals, and health care policy makers can also benefit not lead to discontinuation of treatment, were considered impor-
from these guidelines. tant but not critical (see evidence profiles in Online Repository
item E2 in this article’s Online Repository at www.jacionline.
The classification of AR was revised by ARIA in 2001. A major
change was the introduction of the terms ‘‘intermittent’’ and Evidence review and development of clinical
‘‘persistent.’’18 Before then, AR was classified, based on the time
and type of exposure and symptoms, into seasonal allergic rhinitis
For each question, the methodology group performed a full
(SAR; most often caused by outdoor allergens, such as pollens or
systematic review of the literature to identify and summarize
molds), perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR; most frequently,
evidence about the effects of interventions on the outcomes of
although not necessarily, caused by indoor allergens such as
interest. We also searched systematically for information about
house dust mites, molds, cockroaches, and animal dander), and
patients’ values and preferences and resource use (cost). We
occupational allergic rhinitis.22,23 With very few exceptions, pub-
systematically searched the Medline, Embase, and Cochrane
lished studies refer to SAR and PAR and enroll patients based on
CENTRAL electronic databases. Titles and abstracts and subse-
the offending allergen (pollen, house dust mites, or both), and we
quently full-text articles were screened in duplicate to assess
retained the terms SAR and PAR to enable the interpretation of
eligibility according to prespecified criteria. Panel members were
published evidence.
contacted to confirm completeness of the body of evidence and
The recommendations in the ARIA 2016 update apply directly
suggest additional articles that might have been missed in
to patients with moderate-to-severe AR. They might be less
electronic searches.
applicable to treatment of patients with mild AR who frequently
To obtain the estimates of effects on each outcome of interest,
do not seek medical help and manage their symptoms themselves
we performed meta-analyses using the Cochrane Collaboration
with medications available other the counter.
Review Manager Software, version We prepared evi-
dence summaries (see Online Repository item E2) for each ques-
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHILDREN tion according to the GRADE approach19 by using the
Almost all studies used to answer the questions in this update of GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool online application
the ARIA guidelines included exclusively adult patients. How- (
ever, careful extrapolation to the pediatric population can be When continuous outcomes (eg, symptom scores or quality of
attempted. One can assume that the relative effects of treatment of life) are measured by using different scales, the results can only be
AR are likely similar among adults and children, but adverse combined in meta-analysis by using the standardized mean
effects might be more or less frequent, and their perception and difference (SMD), which is expressed in SD units.26 Results ex-
importance might be different (eg, bitter taste). Values and pressed as an SMD are challenging to interpret. To facilitate un-
preferences for specific outcomes and treatments can also vary derstanding, we used interpretation of the effect size according
between adults and children. to Cohen conventional criteria27: an SMD of around 0.2 is consid-
ered a small effect, an SMD of around 0.5 is considered a moder-
ate effect, and an SMD of around 0.8 or higher is considered a
METHODOLOGY large effect. We used this interpretation throughout this document
The full description of methods used to develop recommenda- when we referred to effects of interventions as small, moderate, or
tions in these guidelines is described in the Methods section of the large.
full version of the guideline document (see Online Repository We assessed the risk of bias at the outcome level by using the
item E1 in this article’s Online Repository at www.jacionline. Cochrane Collaboration’s risk of bias tool.28 Subsequently, we as-
org). Here we describe briefly the methodology to facilitate the sessed the certainty of the body of evidence (ie, confidence in the
interpretation of the guidelines. estimated effects, which is also known as ‘‘quality of the evi-
dence’’) for each of the outcomes of interest according to the
GRADE approach29 based on the following criteria: risk of
Questions and outcomes of interest bias, precision, consistency and magnitude of the estimates of ef-
The scope and questions for this update of the ARIA guidelines fects, directness of the evidence, risk of publication bias, presence
were identified by the ARIA guideline panel members. The of a dose-effect relationship, and assessment of the effect of resid-
guideline panel deemed the following outcomes to be important ual opposing confounding. Certainty of the evidence was catego-
to patients: nasal and ocular symptoms, quality of life, work/ rized into 4 levels: high, moderate, low, and very low.
school performance, and adverse effects. As for the previous For each question, we summarized all information in evidence-
revision of the ARIA guidelines, we did not formally assess the to-decision (EtD) frameworks (see Online Repository item E2)
relative importance of each outcome of interest (ie, which that included concise description of desirable and undesirable
outcomes are more and which are less important) but rather health effects, certainty of the evidence about those effects, evi-
adopted the rating agreed upon by the guideline panel according dence and assumptions about patients’ values and preferences,
to the structured discussion.24 In general, combined nasal symp- required resources and cost-effectiveness, potential influence on
toms, ocular symptoms, quality of life, work/school performance, health equity, acceptability of the intervention to various stake-
and serious adverse effects were considered critical to the deci- holders, and feasibility of implementation.30 Judgments about
sion, and individual symptoms, a composite outcome of any all these factors and suggested recommendations in EtD frame-
adverse effects and adverse effects that were not serious or did works were drafted by J.L.B., who was also a clinical expert.

EtDs for all questions were reviewed by the ARIA guideline Box 1. Strength of recommendation
panel members, who provided feedback by means of electronic
communication and during a face-to-face meeting of Integrated Strong recommendation
Care Pathways for Airway Diseases (AIRWAYS ICPs)31,32 and For patients: Most patients in this situation would want the
Frailty European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy recommended course of action, and only a small proportion
Ageing Reference Sites in Lisbon, Portugal on July 1, 2015.33 would not.
All comments were addressed, and the frameworks were modi- For clinicians: Most patients should receive the intervention.
fied accordingly. Modified EtD frameworks that included judg- Adherence to a strong recommendation could be used as a
quality criterion or performance indicator. Formal decision
ments about the research evidence, additional considerations of
aids are not likely to be needed to help patients make deci-
ARIA panel members, and draft recommendations were sent to sions consistent with their values and preferences.
all ARIA panel members for review and approval or disapproval For health care policy makers: The recommendation can be
and comments by using the online SurveyMonkey software adopted as a policy or performance measure in most
( We recorded and addressed all situations.
agreements/disagreements, comments, and suggestions for
changes. We present the final EtD frameworks in Online Conditional recommendation
Repository item E2. For patients: The majority of patients in this situation would
Recommendations and their strength were decided by want the suggested course of action, but many would not.
consensus. The ARIA guideline panel agreed on the final wording For clinicians: Recognize that different choices will be appro-
of recommendations and remarks with further qualifications for priate for individual patients and that you must help each pa-
each recommendation. The final document, including the recom- tient arrive at a management decision consistent with his or
mendations, was reviewed and approved by all members of the her values and preferences. Decision aids might be useful in
helping patients to make decisions consistent with their
guideline panel.
values and preferences.
According to the GRADE approach, the recommendations can For health care policy makers: Policy making will require sub-
be either ‘‘strong’’ or ‘‘conditional’’ depending on the guideline stantial debate and involvement of various stakeholders.
panel’s confidence that following the recommendation would Documentation of appropriate (eg, shared) decision-making
bring more good than harm to patients. The wording of processes can serve as a performance measure.
recommendations reflects their strength, and one can use the
terms ‘‘we recommend’’ for strong recommendations and ‘‘we should never be omitted when quoting or translating recommen-
suggest’’ for conditional recommendations. Box 1 provides sug- dations from these guidelines.
gested interpretation of strong and conditional recommendations.

Evidence-based guidelines are at the cornerstone of inte-
grated care pathways (ICPs),31,32 structured multidisciplinary
We present all recommendations in Table I. We provide the
care plans that promote translation of guideline recommenda-
rationale for the recommendations and the consideration of all
tions into local protocols and their subsequent application in
factors that influenced the recommendations: effects on all
clinical practice. Usually, several guidelines are available
important health outcomes, certainty of the available evidence,
providing advice about the management of the same condi-
values and preferences, acceptability by stakeholders, require-
tion.16 It is important to wisely choose appropriate guidelines
ments for resources, feasibility, and any issues of health equity
for local adaptation and creation of ICPs because most of
in the unabridged guideline document in Online Repository
them have limitations because of either the development of
item E1. Detailed summaries of the evidence supporting
the guideline itself or the available research evidence and its
each recommendation and the guideline panel judgements are
interpretation. The most common limitations of guidelines in
shown in Online Repository item E2.
AR are narrowness in scope (addressing only a small selection
of important questions about the management of a given
condition), suboptimal rigor of development and reporting,
How to use these guidelines and inadequate representation of the views of patients and their
The ARIA guidelines about treatment of AR are not intended to caregivers.16 We acknowledge that for the ARIA 2016 update,
impose a standard of care for individual countries. They provide we have not reviewed all recommendations from the ARIA
the basis for rational informed decisions for patients, parents, 2010 guidelines. However, we updated only 3 recommendations
clinicians, and other health care professionals. Clinicians, suggested by the ARIA panel members as requiring the
patients, third-party payers, institutional review committees, update, and we addressed 3 new questions. We also
other stakeholders, or the courts should not view these recom- acknowledge that the ARIA guideline panel included allergists,
mendations as dictates. Recommendations provide guidance for ear-nose-throat specialists, pulmonologists, general practi-
typical patients; no recommendation can take into account all of tioners, and pediatricians but did not include other health care
the often-compelling unique individual circumstances. Thus, no professionals, pharmacists, and patients themselves. However,
one charged with evaluating health care professionals’ actions for the ARIA 2016 update, we systematically searched and
should apply the recommendations from these guidelines by rote reviewed the published evidence about the patients’ values
or in a blanket fashion. and preferences regarding the outcomes and treatments for
Statements regarding the underlying values and preferences, as AR that to certain degree helped to overcome this limitation.
well as qualifying remarks accompanying each recommendation, We summarized the results in the section about the assumed
nnn 2017

TABLE I. Recommendations
Recommendation Assumed values and preferences Explanations and other considerations

Question 1: Should a combination of an oral H1-antihistamine (OAH) and intranasal corticosteroid (INCS) vs INCS alone be used for treatment of AR?
Recommendation 1A: In patients with SAR, we ARIA guideline panel acknowledged that the This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest either a combination of an INCS with choice of treatment would depend mostly on different choices will be appropriate for
an OAH or an INCS alone (conditional patient preferences and local availability and different patients. In settings in which the
recommendation | low certainty of evidence). cost of treatment. Panel members assumed that additional cost of an OAH is not large and/or
in the majority of situations, potential net patients’ values and preferences differ from
benefit would not justify spending additional those assumed by guideline panel members, a
resources. combination therapy might be a reasonable
choice, especially in patients whose symptoms
are not well controlled with an INCS alone,
those with pronounced ocular symptoms, or
those commencing treatment because of likely
faster onset of treatment effects.
This recommendation concerns regular use of
newer and less sedative OAHs and INCSs in
patients with SAR. For older OAHs with more
sedative effects, the balance of desirable and
undesirable effects may be different.
Recommendation 1B: In patients with PAR, we — Currently available evidence suggests that there is
suggest an INCS alone rather than a combi- no additional benefit from a combination
nation of an INCS with an OAH (conditional therapy compared with INCS alone, and there
recommendation | very low certainty of might be additional undesirable effects. This
evidence). recommendation is conditional because of
sparse information and thus very low certainty
of the estimated effects.
Question 2: Should a combination of an intranasal H1-antihistamine (INAH) and INCS vs an INCS alone be used for treatment of AR?
Recommendation 2A: In patients with SAR, we The panel members acknowledged that the choice This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest either a combination of an INCS with of treatment will mostly depend on patient different choices will be appropriate for
an INAH or an INCS alone (conditional preferences and local availability and cost of different patients. In settings in which the
recommendation | moderate certainty of ev- treatment. At initiation of treatment additional cost of combination therapy is not
idence). (approximately the first 2 weeks), a large and/or patients value potential benefits
combination of an INCS with an INAH might more than any increased risk of adverse effects,
act faster than an INCS alone and thus might be a combination therapy might be a reasonable
preferred by some patients. choice.
Recommendation 2B: In patients with PAR, we The panel members acknowledged that the choice This is a conditional recommendation because of
suggest either a combination of an INCS with of treatment will mostly depend on patient the very low certainty of the evidence. At the
an INAH or an INCS alone (conditional preferences and local availability and cost of initiation of treatment (approximately the first
recommendation | very low certainty of treatment. 2 weeks), combination of an INCS with an
evidence). INAH might act faster than an INCS alone and
thus might be preferred by some patients.
Question 3: Should a combination of an INAH and INCS vs an INAH alone be used for treatment of AR?
Recommendation 3A: In patients with SAR, we This recommendation places higher value on This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest a combination of an INCS with an additional reduction of symptoms and improved different choices will be appropriate for
INAH rather than an INAH alone (condi- quality of life with a combination therapy different patients. In settings in which the
tional recommendation | low certainty of compared with an INAH alone. It places a lower additional cost of a combination therapy is
evidence). value on avoiding additional cost (expenditure large, an alternative choice (ie, and INAH
of resources). alone) might be equally reasonable. One panel
member thought that the recommendation
should be conditional for either the intervention
or comparison.
Question 4: Should a leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) vs an OAH be used for treatment of AR?
Recommendation 4A: In patients with SAR, we Panel members acknowledged that the choice of Some patients with AR who have concomitant
suggest either an LTRA or an OAH (condi- an LTRA or OAH will mostly depend on patient asthma, especially exercise-induced and/or
tional recommendation | moderate certainty preferences and local availability and cost of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, might
of evidence). specific medications. In many settings an OAH benefit from an LTRA more than from an OAH.
might still be more cost-effective, but this will However, this recommendation applies to
largely depend on availability of generic LTRAs treatment of AR but not to treatment of asthma.
and the local cost of various newer-generation Patients with asthma who have concomitant AR
OAHs and LTRAs. should receive an appropriate treatment according
to the guidelines for the treatment of asthma.

TABLE I. (Continued)
Recommendation Assumed values and preferences Explanations and other considerations

Recommendation 4B: In patients with PAR, we This recommendation places a higher value on This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest an OAH rather than a LTRA (condi- possibly larger improvement of symptoms and different choices will be appropriate for different
tional recommendation | low certainty of quality of life with an OAH compared with an patients based on their preferences for reduction of
evidence). LTRA. It places a lower value on possible symptoms vs avoiding the risk of adverse effects.
increased risk of somnolence. This might be more important for patients with
PAR than those with SAR because they might use
those medications for longer periods of time.
Some patients with AR and concomitant asthma,
especially exercise-induced and/or aspirin-
exacerbated respiratory disease, might benefit
from an LTRA more than from an OAH. However,
this recommendation applies to treatment of AR
but not to treatment of asthma. Patients with
asthma who have concomitant AR should receive
an appropriate treatment according to the
guidelines for the treatment of asthma.
Question 5: Should an INAH vs an INCS be used for treatment of AR?
Recommendation 5A: In patients with SAR, we This recommendation places a higher value on This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest an INCS rather than an INAH (con- likely small but greater reduction of symptoms different choices will be appropriate for
ditional recommendation | moderate certainty and improvement of quality of life with an different patients. Clinicians must help each
of evidence). INCS compared with an INAH and a lower patient to arrive at a decision consistent with her
value on avoiding larger cost of treatment with or his values and preferences, considering local
an INCS in many jurisdictions. availability and costs.
Recommendation 5B: In patients with PAR, we This recommendation places a higher value on This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest an INCS rather than an INAH (con- probably greater reduction of nasal symptoms different choices will be appropriate for
ditional recommendation | low certainty of with an INCS compared with an INAH, different patients. Clinicians must help each
evidence). although the overall difference is likely small. It patient to arrive at a decision consistent with her
places a lower value on avoiding larger cost of or his values and preferences, considering local
treatment with an INCS in many jurisdictions. availability and costs.
Question 6: Should an INAH vs an OAH be used for treatment of AR?
Recommendation 6A: In patients with SAR, we The panel members acknowledged that the choice This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest either an INAH or OAH (conditional of treatment will depend mostly on patient different choices will be appropriate for
recommendation | low certainty of evidence). preferences and local availability and cost of different patients. Clinicians must help each
treatment. patient to arrive at a decision consistent with her
or his preferences, considering local
availability, coverage, and costs.
Recommendation 6B: In patients with PAR, we The panel members acknowledged that the choice This is a conditional recommendation, and thus
suggest either an INAH or OAH (conditional of treatment will mostly depend on patient different choices will be appropriate for
recommendation | very low certainty of preferences and local availability and cost of different patients. Clinicians must help each
evidence). treatment. patient to arrive at a decision consistent with her
or his preferences, considering local
availability, coverage, and costs.
INAH, Intranasal H1-antihistamine; INCS, intranasal corticosteroid; LTRA, leukotriene receptor antagonist; OAH, oral H1-antihistamine.

values and preferences in the full text of the ARIA 2016 update preferences and considerations of cost, feasibility, acceptability,
(see Online Repository item E1) and in the relevant sections of and health equity issues because it is currently following the
EtD tables (see Online Repository item E2). GRADE EtD frameworks.36-38 Such detailed, explicit, and trans-
The available evidence has important limitations: (1) selective parent reporting of guidelines facilitates local adaptation of rec-
measurement and reporting of outcomes (eg, few studies properly ommendations and their translation into ICPs. Systematic and
measure and report quality of life, which is the most important transparent summaries of the evidence clearly identifying gaps
outcome in patients with AR), (2) selection of patients for clinical in available research evidence are needed to direct the research
trials that might not represent appropriately the patients seen in agenda and to avoid unnecessary expenditure of resources for
primary care,34 and (3) not distinguishing between patients with further clinical research when it is not necessary.39
different age or severity of symptoms (lack of proper stratifica- Implementation of guidelines in different settings and coun-
tion),35 thus limiting the applicability and generalizability of tries depends on the availability of health interventions (eg,
the research findings. Given these limitations, clinical practice medical tests, medications, and equipment), availability of
guidelines, especially those with international audience, should resources, and cultural differences, among others. Thus local
emphasize rigorous systematic review of the health effects and adaptation of recommendations can be required, and ICPs need to
explicit and detailed description of the assumed values and be developed at the national, regional, or local level. However,
nnn 2017

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