Analysis Street Light Pole

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Unit Rate P.Pole

S.No Item Detail Qty Amount
1 2 3 4 5

1 Fabrication of heavy steel work with

angel tees flat iron round iron and
sheet iron for making trussed, girdertanks
etc i/c cutting erection in position size 6/8"
Ch:25 Item 10
1.5x1.5x2.25x30.61x0.4536= 31.24 Kg

'@ 12101 % Kg 3780

2 P/L cutting jointing testing and disinfecting

G.I pipe line in trenches with flaged joint
using G.I pipe of BSS 1387-1967 complete
in all respect i/c special and valves GI
flanged joint (Heavy quality) (C-23-22)

6" Dia 10 Rft

@ 1160.55 P.Rft 11606
4" Dia 8 Rft
@ 794.45 P.Rft 6356
3" Dia 6 Rft
@ 583.25 P.Rft 3500

3 Supply and erection pole bracket GI pipe

2 meter long complete with 2 nos pole
clamps (C-24-63) 2 Nos
@ 944.35 Each 1889

4 Junction box in poles with door and locked

arrangment 10"x5" 1 Nos
Ch:2 Item 14(iv) P-144 @ 302.75 Each 303

5 Painitng surface and guard bars gates

iron bars gratings ralling i/c standard braces
etc and similar other works 3 coat
(C-13-5-D) 10x1/2x22/7= 16 Sft
8x5/12x22/7= 10 Sft
6x3/12x22/7= 5 Sft
Total= 31 Sft
@ 800.05 % Sft 248

Total= 27681

Sub Engineer Sub Divisional Officer

Road Construction Sub Division
Unit Rate P.Pole
S.No Item Detail Qty Amount
1 2 3 4 5

1 Excavation in foundation of buildings

bridges and other structure i/c dag belling
and dressing to design section refilling
arround structure in ordinary soil
(Ch-3, item 21-B)
3x3x5= 45 Cft
'@ 3833.30 % 0 Cft 172

2 P.C.C brick or stone ballast 1.5" to 2"

guage in foundation and plant in 1:4:8
Ch:6 P-42 Item 3(b) 3x3x0.5= 4.5 Cft
@ 10321.40 % Cft 464
3 P/L RCC i/c pre-stressed concrete using
course and screened graded and wast
aggregate Type "C" 1:2:4 2x2x6= 24 Cft
Ch:6 P-43 Item 6(b)iii @ 286.65 P. Cft 6880

4 Fabrication of mild stone (Deformed Bars)

G-40 24x5x0.4536= 54.432 Kg
Ch:6 Item 9(b) @ 11413.50 % Kg 6213

5 Fabrication of heavy steel work

4x4= 16 Nos
16x1.50x0.45= 11 Kg
Base plate 1/8" thick
1.5x1.5= 2.25 Nos
2.25x5.10x0.4536= 5 Kg
Total= 11+5= 16 kg

@ 12101 % Kg 1936

Total= 15665

Sub Engineer Sub Divisional Officer

Road Construction Sub Division

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