Death by Crucifixion View of The Medicolegal
Death by Crucifixion View of The Medicolegal
Death by Crucifixion View of The Medicolegal
The paper considers historical evidences of the execution by crucifixion.The modern medical theories explaining death of Jesus Christ
are analysed.It is noticed, that none of existing theories cannot interpret comprehensively all circumstances of the execution described in the
Gospels. By authors’ opinion cause of Jesus Christ death at the crucifixion was a disseminated intravascular coagulation.
territories and was used in Greece, Middle East countries, Egypt
Being a corner stone of the New testament and Christian
and Phoenicia. Romans have adopted the crucifixion from their
religion, the evangelical narration about Jesus Christ crucifixion
worst enemies Carthaginians which used the execution often
had been drawing attention of many millions people, both
enough (Valerius Maximus II, 7; Silius Italicus II, 334, Polybios
Christians and representatives of other religions and convictions,
I, 24). In the ancient world it was extremely negative posotion
almost for two thousand years.If in the last centuries the
to the execution by means of crucifixion. Greeks considered
crucifixion was considered mainly from theological and historical
such execution as extremely humiliating and unworthy, Jews
positions, the XX century was marked by surge of medical and
considered all hung up on a cross as damned. Romans perceived
biological researches devoted to investigation of thanatogenesis
the crucifixion as shameful execution, punishment for slaves
of the crucifixion. However the careful analysis of the suggested
(Tacitus. History IV, 11; Juvenal. Satires. VI, 219). Greek law in
concepts of death at the crucifixion shows that not all of them
due time and later Roman one forbade crucifixion of free citizens.
are well-founded. Moreover, some authors sometimes do not
However the crucifixion was widely applied in the Roman republic
consider available historic facts.Not only the analysis of the
for punishment of slaves, deserters and the state criminals. Thus
original Greek text of the Gospel is absent in the published works
on Pompey’s order 6000 risen slaves were crucified along the
but authors ignore the Gospel itself at times.
Appian Way after Spartacus defeat. After transformation of
Certainly, all that facts affects both the made researches Rome into the empire covered all Mediterranean the crucifixion
quality and the drawn conclusions adequacy. At the same time as an effective intimidation remedy was applied by Romans
it is obvious that the reliable theory explaining physical death to inhabitants of the subdued provinces. While calling the
of Jesus Christ can be proposed only in full conformity with crucifixion «the most painful of deaths» Joseph Flavian (Judaic
Gospel texts, should consider as much as possible historical war VII, 6, 4) notice the considerable number of such executions
and archaeological data and must be based on fundamental performed by Romans in Palestine especially during revolt in the
medical knowledge. It is considered that the crucifixion as a way 66-70th DC (Antiquities 17, 10; 20, 6; Judaic war. II, 12, 6; 13, 2;
of execution have been invented by Babylonians not wishing 14, 9; III, 7, 33; V, 11, 1; VII, 10, 1).
to profane the earth devoted to Ahuramazda by dead bodies of
Initially procedure of execution was not regulated accurately.
executed criminals. References about this we can meet in the
A person condemned for the crucifixion was simply tied to a tree
extant Herodotus as well as other antique authors’ works (III,
or to upright dug wooden column in such a manner that feet
132; 159; IV, 43; VI, 30; VII, 194).
of the condemned did not touch the ground. However to cause
After a gain of Persia by Alexander the Great in IV century BC the maximum pain to condemned person and to prolong his
this mode of punishment was extended through all subjugated sufferings Romans not only considerably refined technique of
the crucifixion but also regulated the procedure in detailed. The crucifixion Romans used different types of tools among which
common form of a sentence of death on the cross was verbalized the most common were crux simplex (a simple column without
by judge as: «ibis ad (or in) crucem» - « You shall go to the cross!» a crossbeam), crux сommissa (a cross tied in the form of the
Then condemned person was put to the flagellation. To this letter «Т»), crux immissa (a cross knocked together in the form
end he was disrobed and tired to a column by hands in court of a symbol «†») and crux decussata (a cross in the form of the
territory. Then he was flogged with the short lash named flagrum letter «Х»). However there is every reason to believe the Jesus
(or flagellum). The lash consisted of a handle and leather belts Christ has been crucified on a four-point cross (crux immissa).
of different length. Ends of the belts were blumbed and jagged Extremely valuable, decision evidence in this question is the
fragments of bones were twisted trough the length. Romans remark of the evangelist Matthew: “And over his head they put
did not restrict number of the blows while under the Jewish the charge against him, which read, «This is Jesus the King of
laws it was not allowed to put more than forty lashes during the Jews»” (Matthew. 27:37). The evangelist speaks here about
flagellation. Therefore Pharisees watching flagellation limited the plate on which the imaginary fault of the Savior has been
number of blows to thirty nine for avoiding the law violation designated. But it is quite obvious that to place such plate over
if they are mistaken in the counting. Romans flouted the Judaic the head of the Christ the basic vertical column was to continue
laws and could not adhere to the exact number of blows. Blows over a cross bar. Thus the cross was to be four-point instead of
with flagrum were administered by one or two executors three-point (in the form of the letter T) or knocked together
(lictors) to a back, buttocks and hips of the condemned person. in the form of the letter X. In the works of the antique writers
Only blows to the heart area were avoided because of possibility (Tertullian, Origenist etc.) and in some archaeological evidences
of the premature death. Consequences of such flagellation were (coins, monograms, old-Christian images) there are indications
really terrifying. In sites of blows with flagrum’s belts the skin of a three-point Christ’s Cross.
was torn and underlying soft tissues were crushed. It is no
However this only indicates that the early Christian Church
coincidences that lash for punishments sometimes also named
has not at once solved a question concerning the shape of that
flagrum taxillatum - “caustic lash, ghastly scourge”.
sacred tree of the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The
At the same time flagellation while causing extensive damages disagreement in this case seems more naturally and more clearly
of the soft tissues of the back could not cause considerable considering the Christianity was accepted by the same Romans
blood loss since it not led to damage of the major blood vessels. who knew several shapes of a cross. On arriving to the place of
Bleeding from blood vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue the crucifixion convict was undressed naked and his clothes was
damaged at execution was rather insignificant and stopped soon gave to the soldiers guarding a cross. However in Judea Romans
enough. After flagellation condemned person was dressed and meeting Jews’ religious views (Genesis 9:22-23; Leviticus
forced to bear a cross on his shoulders to an execution place that 18:6-19; 20:17; Hosea 2:3) left convicts a loincloth (Mishnah
was the great humiliation over doomed, his natural love for a life [Sanhedrin 6:3]; Tosephta [Sanhedrin 9:6]). Then the convict was
and hatred for the tool of the death [1-4]. The cross was made placed on a cross. The manner of fixing of the body could varied.
in advance and used for execution many times. It consisted of According to one of the ways convict was laid on his back with
two basic parts - a horizontal beam (patibulum) and a vertical the hands stretched along the patibulum. Then he was nailed
part (staticulum). According to available archaeological and with forged four-sided nails of 13-18 centimeters at length and
historical data the weight of whole assembled cross could reach about 1 cm in a diameter or roped [5]. Then patibulum with the
136 kg and more. To bear such load was extremely hard even for nailed person was lifted by means of a special pitchfork (furcilla)
a healthy person but for person just flagellated it was beyond his and placed on vertical column in advance dug into the ground
power. Thereof convict sometimes bore not whole cross but only (Cicero. In С Verrem. 5:66; Joseph Flavius. Judaic war VII. 6:4).
patibulum which weight was (according to different sources) Then the convict’s legs were slightly bent in knees and nailed or
from 34 to 57 kg [1,2,5]. Likewise the Christ exhausted after roped to staticulum. The convicts might also be crucified both on
flagellation could bear his cross hardly. Therefor “As they led the preassembled crosses laying on the ground and then lifting
him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in vertically and on the dug crosses.
from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry
To lift the convict on the dug cross and to nail him some
it behind Jesus” (Luke 23:26).
efforts were required. Ladders were set against the patibulum.
After a cross or its parts have been fixed on a convict’s back Two soldiers climbed up the ladders and lifted the convict
he in last procession to the execution place was accompanying by means of ropes. Soldiers remaining below helped them.
by armed security forces from detachment of the Roman Crucified convict lifted up to the appropriate height was roped
soldiers under the command of a centurion. One of soldiers to the patibulum, then two nails were put on his wrists and
went in advance and bore the plate (titulus) with the name of hammered in wood. At this time the soldiers standing below was
condemned and his crime. Since this minute guard did not roping convict’s legs to the staticulum. For this one foot covered
leave the convict until completely was sure that he died. For the another one and a nail was hammered through the both feet.
How to cite this article: Tumanov E, Ali Ali A, Tetyuev A. Death By Crucifixion: View of The Medicolegal Expert. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2017; 2(3):
002 555590. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2017.02.555590
Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation
Each foot might be nailed separately. How the Jesus Christ’s feet was forgotten. The first scientific works devoted to studying
have been nailed, with one or two nails, it is not known exactly. of the mechanism of death at the crucifixion were executed by
Some Fathers of Christian Church (St. Gregory Nazianzen the the French physician А. LeBec in 20th years of the XX century.
Elder, Egyptian bishop Nonn) pointed out the one nail but others He was the first who made a suggestion that the death at the
(St. Gregory of Tours, St. Cyprian) said about four nails, two for crucifixion came owing to asphyxia [6]. The suggestion was
hands and two for feet. Iconography of the Orthodox Church has supported by many scientists and now it is accepted as a main
accepted the second legend but the Roman Catholic Church the cause of death at the crucifixion being considered as a variant
first one. To keep the crucified person alive as much is possible of the postural asphyxia [3,7,8]. The classical experiments of P.
on the cross and to prolong victim’s torments, Romans applied Barbet convincingly shown that in case of the crucifixion on the
different devices provided some support for a victim’s body (this cross when the arms were little bent in elbows and stretched
can explain a phrase «to sit on a cross» used by Romans). For along the patibulum, legs were semibent in knee joints and feet
this purpose the small ledge or seat (sedile) was placed on the were fixed to staticulum the person on the cross could take only
staticilum between the legs of the convict. To increase sufferings two basic positions. The first one is with the feet unbent in knees
of the victim the seat was made pointed sometimes. Sometimes and the arms stretched along the patibulum (the straightened
instead of the seat support for feet was made as a plank (pedale position after P. Barbet).
or suppedaneum) nailed in the bottom of the staticulum.
Convict thus leant on the feet which in this position took the
It was less painful thanthe being on the pointed seatbut weight almost of the whole body. The second position is with
also prolonged sufferings of the convict. In both these cases the the legs bent in the knee joints. In this case the trunk sagged
crucified person rather sat or stood on the cross being nailed to downwards and somewhat forward, and arms were stretched
it than hang on the cross. Traditional Christian iconography and upwards to the patibulum and aside under the angle of 60-65°. In
painting represent Crucified Christ with the hands nailed in the such position convict’s wrists were to bear all weight of the body.
middle of palms. However the researches performed by Pierre As the muscular weariness increased the convict spend more and
Barbet, the chief surgeon of St. Joseph’s hospital (Paris), in the more time in the second position. Overdistension of the chest
first half of XX century have shown the Christian artists were off under the weight of the body led quickly enough to increase of
the mark in this respect. Having spent a number of experiments weariness of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm which are
with the amputated hands and with corpses P. Barbet has found responsible for the breathing. In these conditions it is possible
out the facts unexpected for that time. As it turned out the hands to take breath but the expiration is extremely complicated
nailed at level of their middle tore down from nails at loading leading to accumulation of carbon dioxide and other metabolic
about 39 kg (88 pounds). Experimental data have supported the products. The crucified person could compensate this condition
mathematical calculations suggested that the body invariably only having taken the first position. To do this it was necessary
falls from the cross if the arms of the crucified person abducted to straighten legs in knee joints and move the body upwards on
from the trunk under an angle close to 68°. Searching for an a cross. However convict’s wrists, arms and humeral joints were
anatomic place which from the one hand could corresponds under the considerable loading of his own body weight which
to the Evangelical text and historical chronicles as much as gradually led to displacement of the shoulder girdle joints. As
possible and from another hand could held reliably the convict the weariness developed the convict’s arms were more and more
on the nails P. Barbet has come to conclusion that Destot space in the position when they were directed backward and upward.
is most suitable for this [1,2]. If the nail was hammered between However the trunk hang forward and downwards on the legs
trihedral, capitate and hamate bones, hands of the crucified bent in knees thus complicating function of the supplementary
was reliably held on the cross regardless the body weight. The respiratory muscles. In addition, each attempt to change position
important to note the fact that the bleeding is relatively minor on the cross led the turning of the wrist and leg bones on the
when the nail penetrates the Destot space as no large blood nails which together with scratching of the soft tissues by the
vessels are damaged. srabilum caused the strongest pain for the convict.
It is necessary to make a special note that overall the P. As for speaking the person should held enough breath, the
Barbet’s anatomic data revealed by concerning the fixing of a convict had to rise on the cross for pronouncing each word. To
body on the cross correspond to the New Covenant. The ancient do this he was to lean on the nailed legs and simultaneously
Greek word χειρ used in the Evangel according to St John meant pull himself up on the nailed hands scraping the periosteum.
both arm and wrist (καί ἰδε τᾶς χειράς μου - and see my hands It is possible to conceive how painful was each word said by
(John 20:27) (χειράς ad verbum means wounds on hands, wrists). convict on the cross. The more time passed from the crucifixion
The divergence of P. Barbet’s data and traditional iconography the more executed person became failing. Spasms and muscular
may be explained by the fact that since IV AD after Constantine pain increased, dislocation of the shoulder girdle joints became
the Great’s edict execution by crucifixion has been forbidden more and more expressed, thus the convict more often took the
in the Christian world and many knowledge of this procedure position interfering normal breathing. The breath was carried
How to cite this article: Tumanov E, Ali Ali A, Tetyuev A. Death By Crucifixion: View of The Medicolegal Expert. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2017; 2(3):
003 555590. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2017.02.555590
Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation
out only by diaphragm that gradually led to development of (Mark, 15:25) and “It was now about the sixth hour, and there
the expressed asphyxia which finally caused the death. Such was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the
condition was lasting for many racking hours. The Roman sun’s light failed; and the curtain of the temple was torn in two.
historian Origen wrote that he saw the crucified which has Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into thy hands
been living all night and the next day. The example when three I commit my spirit!”And having said this he breathed his last”
crucified Jews had been remaining alive on a cross within three (Luke 23:44-46).
days we can found in Joseph Flavius’s works (Flavius Josephus,
Pharisees watching the crucifixion did not expect so rapid
Antiquities of the Jews, XIV). During the multiply executions
death of the Christ. While demanding execution in the morning
which had followed the Spartacus revolt some of the crucified
they understood that the convicts would stay on the crosses day
insurgents communicated with soldiers within three days
of more. That meant the Old Testament Easter which should
(Appian. B.Civ. I, 20). A custom of “Crurifragium” (skelokopia)
begin on Saturday may be saddened by execution that was a
applied to shorten the torture time on the cross when the
gross infringement of the Judaic law. On the other hand they
decision to accelerate approach of death was made.
were afraid that if the court and execution would be postponed
The skelocopia consisted in the breaking of the crus bones for the days after the Easter Pilate may change his mind and
by hammer. The body lost a point of a supporting point and hung cancel execution. Thus they have maneuvered themselves in a
on the hands. These conditions quickly caused overdistension of trap. They were afraid to put off the execution but to insult the
the thorax and asphyxia occurred much faster (in several tens Easter by death penalty meant not simply to break but seriously
of minutes and even faster). This position was convincingly insult the law. Thus they have been compelled to ask Pilate’s
proved by K-S. D. Schulte. In a number of controlled experiments permission about clemency to convicts that is to break crura
with volunteers he showed that in cases of crucifixion only by that would accelerate their death and would allow to remove
suspension on the hands without supporting on feet all subjects bodies from crosses prior to the beginning of Old Testament
experienced 70% decreasing of the inspired air volume with Easter. “Since it was the day of Preparation, in order to prevent
failing of arterial pressure by 50% from normal and twice the bodies from remaining on the cross on the sabbath (for that
increasing of the hart rate as soon as the 6th minute. After the sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs
12 minutes breathing was carried out only at the expense of might be broken, and that they might be taken away” (John, 19:
diaphragm movements and subjects became unconscious. If the 31). Pilate allowed that. Then soldiers came and broke crura to
volunteers were allowed at the crucifixion to lean against feet robbers. But when they came to Jesus Christ they saw He had
periodically (once within 20 seconds) there was an expressed died and therefore skelocopia against Him was not applied as it
normalization of cardiovascular activity and breathing. In was not necessary. In the Evangelical text this fact is paid special
the latter case experiment lasted up to 30-40 minutes, then attention. “So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first,
participants became felt expressed pain in wrists and experiment and of the other who had been crucified with him; but when they
was stopped [9]. The P. Barbet’s theory about death at the came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not
crucifixion as a result of positional asphyxia caused by position break his legs” (John. 19:32 -33). Then one of the Roman soldiers
of the body on a cross is seemed to be rather convincing and wishing to make shure that the Christ has died speared a body.
now it is accepted practically by all researchers. However doing
“But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at
justice to pioneer works of P. Barbet one nevertheless should
once there came out blood and water.He who saw it has borne
acknowledge that having discovered features of the approach
witness - his testimony is true, and he knows that he tells the
of death at the crucifixion he could not explain adequately one
truth - that you also may believe (John 19:34-35). People of the
individual case of Jesus Christ death on a cross.
ancient world and especially soldiers constantly saw violence
Indeed, the asphyxiation itself and in particular caused in their life and could detect does the blood flow out from a
by inability to make an adequate expiration disables not only live or a dead body. Discharging the blood and water from the
pronunciation of any words but articulate sounds. However Christ’s wound has quite assured both the Roman soldiers and
being crucified Jesus Christ could speak quite distinctly up to Jews about the physical death of the Christ. Of note the fast
last seconds of his terrestrial life. This fact is spoken in all four Christ death surprised not only presents but also Pilate whohas
Gospels. Thus in the Gospel According to St. Luke it is told: “Then seen much in his lifetime. “Joseph of Arimathe’a, a respected
Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, «Father, into thy hands I member of the council, who was also himself looking for the
commit my spirit!»And having said this he breathed his last” kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate, and asked
(Luke, 23:46). The following and important enough objection for the body of Jesus.And Pilate wondered if he were already
against the asphyxiation as a cause of Jesus Christ death is time dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he
of his stay on the cross. The crucified might stay on the crosses was already dead.And when he learned from the centurion that
during some days before death but the Christ has died in 3 hours he was dead, he granted the body to Joseph (Mark 15:43-45).
after being nailed to the cross. This is written in the Gospel clear The circumstances of Jesus Christ death noted in the Gospels,
enough. “And it was the third hour, when they crucified him” particularly rather fast approach of death, Jesus Christ ability to
How to cite this article: Tumanov E, Ali Ali A, Tetyuev A. Death By Crucifixion: View of The Medicolegal Expert. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2017; 2(3):
004 555590. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2017.02.555590
Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation
clear pronouncing of words up to last minutes of his live, lucidity the broken cardiac wall into the pericardium cavity inevitably
up to death, and the blood and water stream flowed of the wound would mix up with a relatively small volume (about 30 ml) of
inflicted postmortem by a spear, raise doubts about validity of the pericardial fluid and would make impossible formation of
the asphyxial genesis of the Christ death. It has stimulated many two separate flows of blood and water. It is necessary to add
researchers to search other, distinct from asphyxial, theories that even at assumption about development of the extensive
which could explain His terrestrial death. Thus in 1949 The myocardial infarction with swift miomalation followed by
Hibbert Journal have published the R. Primrose’s article «A cardiac tamponade, this inevitably would lead to cardiogenic
Surgeon looks at the crucifixion» where author asserted that shock having enough specific clinical symptomatology.
Jesus Christ death on the cross was suspected and a lethal
However there are no indications in Evangelical texts which
outcome has been resulted from the blow by the spear [10].
would allow similar assumption. In 2009 Swedish researcher
In support the opinion the author stated that blood clots are E. Omerovic has put forward the version that Christ died
formed in the postmortal period thus it does impossible blood due to the rupture of myocardium caused by stress-induced
and water effusion from the wound. At present fallaciousness cardiomyopathy (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy) clinically
of such “proof” is so obvious that it would be possible even and electrocardiographically resembling acute coronary
not to consider this version in this article if it was not used by syndrome and characterized by transitional dysfunction of
numerous critics of Christianity to this day. Also assumptions the left ventricle in reply to physical or psychic stress [20]. It
have been come out that the fast approach of death was caused is doubtful whether such assumption completely reasonable.
by the fatal cardiac arrhythmia resulted from the physical Besides already mentioned objections against the version
torments at the crucifixion, progressing acidosis [11], pulmonary about cardiac rupture, in this case it is necessary to notice
embolism [1,12-14]. But even the superficial analysis of these that stress-induced cardiomyopathy is mainly described
and others similar versions shows that they can explain only rate among postclimacteric women without signs of coronary heart
of death leaving undisclosed other circumstances, for example diseaseand characterized by rather favorable prognosis [21].
the blood and water effluence from the wound inflicted by a Trying to explain water effusion from the wound inflicted
spear. Israeli professor B. Brenner [1] grounding the assumption by a spear of the Roman soldier another theory suggests that
about thromboembolism as a possible cause of Christ death has castigation and the crucifixion has caused rapid development of
advanced a thesis that the most probable source of the thrombi the posttraumatic exudative pericarditis with cardiac tamponade
were deep veins of the legs. According to this version pulmonary and approach of fatal outcome. The effused water is nothing
embolism could be promoted by preceding damage of veins more than pericardial fluid flowed out from the cavity damaged
(for example, as a result of the thrombophlebitis) or by the by a spear [8,18]. However posttraumatic exudative pericarditis
hypercoagulation of the blood caused as a result of castigation, does not developed immediately even after significant damage
dehydration and prolonged immobilization occurred during (myocardium trauma, cardiac rupture) Time for its development
the crucifixion. As an indirect confirmation of the hypothesis takes hours and accompanied by well-known clinical picture
B. Brenner suggests that Jesus was born in Israel in the Jewish (dysphagia, cough, dyspnea, hoarseness, periodic loss of
family and consequently might well inherit mutation of the consciousness etc.) which does not correlate with the events
blood coagulation factor V gene (the factor of Leiden). described by the evangelists. Besides even at assumption about
accumulation of the serous fluid in the pericardium cavity its
Such mutation is widespread among Jews living in Galilee
volume hardly would exceed 150-200 ml even at superacute
and leads to increasing thrombi formation (resistance to the
development of the hydropericardium [22].
activated protein C). The argument does not stand up to criticism
both from the theological point of view and from the medical one. In case of spearing of the pericardium at the vertical position
Actually, it is extremely incorrect to extrapolate the data received of the crucified body the most quantity of the pericardial exudate
from the study of the present-day Galilee population on people would remain in the anterioinferior pericardium sinus which
occupied this area two thousand years ago. It is obvious that the is between it’s sternocostal and diaphragmatic departments.
population gene pool has substantially changed at two thousand A fluid flowed out the pericardium cavity would partially be
years. On the other hand if any inhabitant in the beginning of absorbed by mediastinal fat, partially would mix up with blood
the first millenium AD had inclination to thrombophilia it would and would not be visible at the external bleeding. In search of
inevitably be manifested by thirty three years of live. A number an explanation of Jesus Christ death at the crucifixion Frederick
of other researchers stated the hypothesis, that Jesus Christ T Zugibe, the former chief medical examiner of the Rockland
death has come as a result of the cardiac rupture with leakage of County (NY, USA), has conducted a series of experiments with
the pericardial liquid through the wound [15-18]. However this suspension of healthy volunteers on a cross [23]. During the
hypothesis has one serious lack. Development of myomalacia experiments outstretched arms of the volunteers were fixed by
which in some cases can complicate a myocardial infarction soft leather gloves to a horizontal beam of the cross and the legs
requires the time considerably exceeding time of Jesus stay on semibent in the knee joints were fixed with the soles faced to
the cross [19]. In addition, blood which would flow out through the vertical beam. Monitoring of cardiovascular and respiratory
How to cite this article: Tumanov E, Ali Ali A, Tetyuev A. Death By Crucifixion: View of The Medicolegal Expert. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2017; 2(3):
005 555590. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2017.02.555590
Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation
activity was carried out through the experiment. Generally the of South Africa F.P. Retief and L. Cilliers [26]. Having considered
study was stopped at 40-60 min after occurrence of the pain in available data concerning history and pathogenetic aspects of
extremities and considerable physical discomfort. Relying on the crucifixion, they have come out with the assumption that
the data received F.T Zugibe has concluded that the crucified the death has been caused by progressing hypoxia, hypovolemic
person do not suffer from significant breathing and cardiac shock and vasovagal reflex. The liquid noted by Evangelist John,
disturbances which could lead to death. Having subjected to authors thought, was nothing more than pericardial or pleural
criticism P. Barbet’s theory of progressing asphyxia as a cause of effusion [4,5]. Having critically considered a number of theories
death at the crucifixion, F.T Zugibe came to conclusion that the of Jesus Christ death, M.W. Maslen and P.D. Mitchell [6] have
death in this cases was caused by hypovolemic shock developed come to the skeptical conclusion that now there are no medical
in consequence of circumstances of execution: castigation with versions which could explain death of the Christ adequately.
massive damage of soft tissues of the back, blood loss and Authors have assumed the situation can be resolved only with
dehydration [23]. the advent of new archaeological or written evidences [27].
The conclusions have caused objections of many researchers. From our point of view the most probable version of the
Thus for example it is underlined that F.T Zugibe hasn’t considered occurred letal outcome is multiple organ failure as a complication
the data of K-S.D. Schulte who has noticed that if the crucified of the disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The DIC
can lean against feet even periodically (once within 20 seconds) is the acquired pathology of the coagulation system and is
it normalize cardiovascular activity and breathing [9]. Obviously, characterized by impairment of the microcirculation in the vital
at the experiment when a crucified person may lean against the organs (liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, lungs, etc.). Developing in
semibent legs the respiratory failure will be developed rather many cases of acute conditions including traumas the DIC can
slowly. Certainly, now any researcher will not venture a fully progress within several hours and cause extremely high lethality.
reproducing of the original historical circumstances of the The DIC includes several stages each of which is characterised
execution, and humane conditions of the performed experiments not only specific disturbance of haemocoagulation and clinical
significantly reduce their value. Thereby data of so short picture but also can lead to death. According to different authors
experiment are out of line with the real historical events when DIC numbers from two to six stages, basically on account of the
executed people were staying on the crosses even more than division of the hypocoagulation phase. However for practical use
one day. In addition, hypovolemicshock has the stages with their simplified division is more convenient. It assumes two stages:
own clinical signs followed by change of consciousness. Thus hypercoagulation and hypocoagulation [28]. The first stage
the first (erectile) phase of the shock lasts several minutes and of the DIC, hypercoagulation, is characterized by activation of
is characterized by motor and talkative excitation, tachycardia, plasma coagulation factors, intravascular thrombocyte and and
breathing enhancement. The second (torpid) phase of the other blood corpuscles aggregation. It leads to blockade of the
shock is marked with slackness, hypodynamia, prostration [24]. vascular bed by fibrin and cell aggregates. The hypercoagulation
However there are no data in the Gospel which could testify to phase often has very rapid development with fast and
any similar change of the Christ’s consciousness. All His speeches considerable activation of blood coagulation. The more powerful
told on the cross as well as behavior are completely intelligent. the damaging factor the faster progression is. The second stage of
Besides the postural asphyxia as cause of death at the crucifixion the DIC, hypocoagulation, replaces a phase of hypercoagulation
F.T Zugibe faced sharp criticism the version of P. Barbet about and is caused by considerable consumption of the fibrinogen,
the site of driving the nails into hands of the executed. factors XIII, V, VIII and others procoagulants, and platelets.
However all his objections, in contrast to the position of P. Simultaneously pathological inhibitors of blood coagulation
Barbet, are not based on experimental or estimated data but on are accumulates in the blood, particularly fibrin and fibrinogen
subjective interpretation of the Turin Shroud materials. W.D. degradation products which increase anticoagulant activity of the
Edwards et al. (1986) have come to conclusion that “The actual blood. Any trauma with blood loss is accompanied by coagulation
cause of Jesus’ death, like that of other crucified victims, may activation. If arterial pressure falls and microcirculation is
have been multifactorial and related primarily to hypovolemic decelerated in this situation hypercoagulation phase of the
shock, exhaustion asphyxia, and perhaps acute heart failure” DIC may com. This is frequently observed in cases of extensive
[25]. The researchers have assumed that in the circumstances damage of tissues [29]. These conditions were observed at Jesus
of progressing hypovolemia accompanied with hypoxemia Christ crucifixion. The castigation with massive destruction of
friable blood clots might be formed on the aortic or mitral valve soft tissues of the back, cross procession, crucifixion and hanging
shutters. Being tore of they could lead to acute transmural on the cross were well to development of the metabolic acidosis
myocardial infarction which has caused cardiac arrest. Just at and activation of blood coagulation by the external and internal
the first consideration of the offered version it is visible that it is way of prothrombinase (thromboplastin) formation. The soft
not original and combines the majority of the previously offered tissues of the back damaged at castigation were subjected for
theories with their merits and demerits. Integrative theory of additional alteration by hitting against the cross. This promoted
Jesus Christ death was put forward by researchers from Republic ingress of injured tissue fragments in to the circulation and
How to cite this article: Tumanov E, Ali Ali A, Tetyuev A. Death By Crucifixion: View of The Medicolegal Expert. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2017; 2(3):
006 555590. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2017.02.555590
Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation
releasing of the tissue thromboplastin from the endothelium indicate this indirectly «The man who saw it has given testimony,
which initiated hypercoagulation phase of the DIC [30]. It and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he
should be noted that the rate of coagulation in the first phase testifies so that you also may believe» (John 19:35).
of the DIC may be so high that it is impossible to fill a syringe
with blood because of fast clot formation and effluent blood
gathers on the surface in the form of the red clots surrounded Summarizing the above-stated, it is possible to assume
by semitranslucent yellowish limbus of the liquid lymph [31]. quite proved that Jesus Christ death has come as a result of DIC,
External manifestations of the hypercoagulation phase of the most likely in the hypercoagulation phase. The circumstances
DIC are very modest: the consciousness is clear, patient answers which have caused the pathological condition were castigation
for the questions curtly, organ pathology does not revealed. with extensive damage of the back soft tissues and their
further injury during bearing the Cross and during stay on it
The death in case of the DIC may be caused both by acute
at the crucifixion. The additional conditions promoting the DIC
multiple organ failure and by thromboembolism of the vital
were progressive hypoxia caused by the labored breathing,
organs by emerging blood clots. If a lethal outcome occurs in this
hypovolemia progressing through blood loss and dehydration,
phase of the DIC, intravascular separation of blood for the liquid
unnatural position of the body on the cross, pain from the nailed
part (lymph) and the friable cellular rest is quite often revealed.
extremities and strong psycho-emotional shock. This suggestion
If there are wounds on the dead body, effused blood flowing
corresponds with Evangelical texts most exactly and in our
down on the skin as on the dividing surface is being stratified
opinion can serve for an adequate estimation of the events
on two streams, almost transparent watery lymph and cellular
occurring during the crucifixion. On the basis of the presented
deposit of red color. Probably it is the specified circumstance
stands it is necessary to note that the events accompanying the
that has been noted by a man having stood beside the cross
crucifixion are described in the Gospel with probative medical
when the Jesus Christ body was speared by the Roman soldier. It
accuracy and extremely convincingly tell about Jesus Christ
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How to cite this article: Tumanov E, Ali Ali A, Tetyuev A. Death By Crucifixion: View of The Medicolegal Expert. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2017; 2(3):
007 555590. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2017.02.555590
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How to cite this article: Tumanov E, Ali Ali A, Tetyuev A. Death By Crucifixion: View of The Medicolegal Expert. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2017; 2(3):
008 555590. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2017.02.555590