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Code No: R1622013 R16 SET - 1

II B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November - 2018

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Mark70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Write different types of flows
b) What is energy dissipation
c) Write the different dimensionless numbers
d) Write the expressions for work done
e) What are different surge tanks
f) Write the classification of turbines
2. Prove that for a channel of circular section the depth of flow d = 0.95 D for maximum
discharge where d = depth of flow and D = diameter of circular channel

3. a) Explain Rayleigh's method..

b) Derive the condition for a most economical rectangular channel.

4. Define the term Reynold's number and Froude's number and Differentiate between
Tranquil and Torrential flow in open channel

5. Explain unit and specific quantities in detail with derivations.

6. An impulse turbine of 2.75 m diameter is rated at 11000kW at 300 r.p.m under a head
of 490 m. It uses 2.7 m3/sec discharge if the turbine is operated under a head of 400 m.
(a) What will be the speed, power and discharge.
(b) Determine the size of the wheel to develop 7000kW power under a head of 300 m.
Also determine the speed and discharge

7. When a run-of-river plant operates as a peak load station with a weekly load factor of
20%, all its capacity is firm capacity. What will be the minimum flow in the river so
that the station may serve as the base load station?. It is given that Rated installed
capacity of generator = 10,000kW
Operating head = 15m
Plant efficiency = 80%
Estimate the daily load factor of the plant, if the stream flow is 15cumec

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