Balmerlawrie & Co. LTD
Balmerlawrie & Co. LTD
Balmerlawrie & Co. LTD
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
The scanned copies of other required documents in support of their credentials are to be uploaded along with
the tender documents in the appropriate link.
S. No Description Details
1 Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning of
Name of Work Sprinkler System at Warehouse
2 Tender No BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System/14
3 Validity Of Offer 120 days from the last date for submission of the bid
4 Completion Period Three months
5 Tender Fee Rs.2000/-
6 EMD Rs.50000/-
7 Downloading / Submission of Tender :
a. Starts on 09.07.2016
b. Closes on 30.07.2016 at 15.00 Hrs
8 Opening of Tenders 30.07.2016
a. Power of Attorney authorizing the person who has signed the tender to act and sign on behalf
of the company.
b. Certificate of registration/incorporation in the case of Pvt Ltd /Public Ltd companies/certified
copy of partnership deed in the case of LLP/Partnership firm / any document under the relevant
rules / laws if the firm is a proprietorship firm.
c. Income Tax PAN number.
d. Service Tax Registration number.
e. Charted accountant’s certificate or Audited / Certified Balance sheet and Profit and Loss
accountof tenderer’s company for last three years.
f. Certificate from bankers about financial soundness.
a. Tenderers or their authorized representative may be required to come to our office positively as
intimated along with all original documents, scanned copies of which have been submitted with
the e-tender towards ascertaining their qualification.
b. Failure on part of the tenderer to report on specified date and time for proper verification may
result in rejection of the tender submitted by them without further communication.
c. Tenderer should be in a position to produce all the original documents and/or any other
information on dates as intimated or as and when required by Balmer Lawrie.
d. Incomplete Tenders are liable for rejection without any further communication to the tenderer
and decision of Balmer Lawrie in this respect will be final.
e. Any party submitting the false or forged documents may be put on Black Listed, EMD could be,
cancelled, criminal prosecution or any other action as deemed fit may be initiated.
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
f. Balmer Lawrie reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. has developed as secured and user friendly system which enables Vendors/
Bidders to Search, View, Download tenders directly and also, enables them to participate & submit
Online Bids on the e-tendering site in a secured and transparent manner
maintain confidentially and security throughout the tender evaluation process.
Bidders may contact the following resource persons for any assistance required in this regard.
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-
procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be
accepted on the e-procurement platform.
All the bidders who do not have digital certificates need to obtain Digital Certificate. They may
contact help desk of C1 India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Special Note
Bids can only be submitted before the last date and time of submission as per the date and time
mentioned in the e-tender. Resubmission (if required) of bid should be completed within the stipulated
date and time. The system time (IST) that will be displayed on e-tendering web page shall be the time
and no other time shall be taken into cognizance.
Bidders are advised in their own interest to ensure that bids are uploaded and submitted successfully in
e-tendering system well before the closing date and time of bid.
No bids will be accepted physically or by post.
Balmer Lawrie does not take any responsibility in case bidder fails to upload the documents within
specified time of tender submission.
Balmer Lawrie will not be responsible for any delay under any circumstances for non-receipt of any
documents sent by post as part of response to the tender. Bidders are requested to provide correct “e-
Mail address” and “Mobile No.” for receiving updates related to e-tender from time to time.
The bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the Addendum/Corrigendum issued by the Tender
Inviting Authority on time-to-time basis in the e-Procurement platform. The Company calling for tenders
shall not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out of this.
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Work covered in this tender document shall generally be as detailed here in below. However,
contractor shall be responsible to complete the work in all respects and in doing so provide/supply all
facilities which may not be explicitlycoveredhere inbelow but nevertheless are required to complete
the work envisaged with the exception of only such items as have been specifically excluded from
contractor’s scope.
The successful bidder shall have to undertake the following work:
The broad responsibility areas of the Contractor will inter alia be as under:
1) Design and complete engineering activities with sprinkler pump hydraulic calculation,
preliminary drawings
2) Getting the approval of drawings and obtaining fire license from Fire Services Dept, Govt
of Tamilnadu
3) Supply of electrical driven Sprinkler pump, Control panel, Suction and delivery valves,
pump room pipes and accessories.
4) Supply of external sprinkler MS heavy pipes and fitting from pump room to main
warehouse with sprinkler alar, check valve, fire brigade inlet, underground GI pipes with
required supports and accessories
5) Supply of sprinkler system for main warehouse with control valve, control mode density
area sprinklers, pipes & fittings, test and drain valves with required supports and
6) Supply of sprinkler system for small warehouse with control valve, control mode density
area sprinklers, pipes & fittings, test and drain valves with required supports and
7) All civil works required for pump room extension, new yard gate crossing through existing
trench and compound wall to main warehouse through RCC trench construction for
sprinkler pipes
The material to be supplied under Serial No.3 to 6 should be as per BOQ and technical
specifications given in the rate schedule of this tender.
Quantity Variation: The quantities of various items mentioned in the rate schedule are approximate and may
vary up to plus or minus 5% within overall work order value.
Measurement: Payment shall be made on actual measurement basis under respective items of schedule of
rates. Rates quoted shall be deemed to include all labour, cost of supply of materials for all activities
mentioned in the rates schedule.
The above list is illustrative and not exhaustive, and the contractor will arrange for all necessary
handling operations as and when required and as instructed by the officer in-charge.
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
M.S. Heavy Grade ERW Pipes with all req. fittings &
a 200 NB Jindal 264 Mtrs
G.I. Heavy Grade ERW Pipes with all req. fittings &
a 200 NB Jindal 36 Mtrs
2.1 Butterfly valve C.I as per specification (lever operated)
a 200 NB Intervalve 1 Nos.
3.1 Anti-corrosive treatment for underground pipes with IWL
wraping tapes 4 mm thickness
a 200 NB IWL 36 Mtrs
b 150 NB IWL 12 Mtrs
3.2 MS Supports for above groung pipes 1 Ton
200mm Alarm Check Valve Flanged ANSI B16.1,
Variable Pressure
Trim Set, with Retard Chamber, Water Motor Gong Bell
and also
with Isolation Butterfly Valve. HD/Equalent 1 Set
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Fire Pump room shed extension, Pump foundations etc
1 Civil 1 Lot
at Pump room.
Excavation of Road Crossing trench construction
forunder ground sprinkler pipe crossing @ Main
Civil 18 Mtrs
Laying Pipe through Existing Trench at New yard gate
3 Civil 1 Lot
entrance area
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
d) The Bidder should have successfully executedsimilar works or fire hydrant related work of cost not less
thanany of the following values during past five years ending 31st March, 2016.[Proof to be attached]
e) Should have minimum Average Financial Turnover of Rs.50 lakhs per year during the last 3 financial
ending with March 2015.( Proof to be attached).
g) The bidder must submit bankers solvency certificate for Rs.5.0 lakhs issued by their bankers valid for six
months up to 31.08.16 (Proof to be submitted)
h) Should not have been blacklisted by any PSU /Govt.Department (Self certification is to be attached)
For Price Bid, only the rates are to be submitted as per given format.
The entire bid is to have digital signature of the person having Power of Attorney/Power of Authority to sign
on behalf of the Bidder.
3. Tender Opening
[A] Unpriced [Technical-Commercial] Bid Opening
Technical / Commercial Bids will be opened online as per the Tender Calendar.
[B] Price Bid Opening
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
4. Acceptance of offers
4.1 Balmer Lawrie reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part or reject any tender or all
tenders or place order for any quantity, less than or more than the tendered quantity, without assigning
any reason thereof.
4.2 Bids of any tenderer may be rejected if a conflict of interest is detected between the bidders and
Balmer Lawrie at any stage.
4.3 Balmer Lawrie is not bound to accept the lowest rate for any tender. Balmer Lawrie also reserves its
right to allow Public Enterprises (Central / State) price / purchase / contract / service preference as
admissible under the existing Government policy.
4.4 The decision of Balmer Lawrie in this connection will be final.Incomplete tenders, conditional tenders,
tenders received late or tender not conforming to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender
documents or not accompanied by the requisite Earnest Money Deposit (unless exempted under the
terms of this Tender) will be rejected.
4.5 Award of contract : L1 status would be determined considering the overall cost quoted for the work
5. Negotiations
5.1 Balmer Lawrie reserves the right to negotiate with the Tenderer. Tenderer willhave to attend the
concerned office of Balmer Lawrie fornegotiations/clarifications required from them, in respect of their
quotations,without any commitment on the part of Balmer Lawrie.
5.2 In case of negotiation, the Tenderer should send the confirmation of outcome ofsuch negotiation in
writing so as to reach the concerned office of Balmer Lawrie within 3 days from the date of negotiation/
the time stipulated. Ifthe Tenderer fails to comply with this requirement Balmer Lawrie reserves itsright
to ignore their quotation at its discretion with the attendant remediesavailable to them.
6. Price Variation
6.1 The price should be firm and irrevocable and not subject to any changewhatsoever even due to
increase in cost of materials,components and labour cost till the validity of the contract period.
6.2 The quoted rates shall be kept valid foracceptancefor a minimum period of 120 days from the last date
Forsubmission of tender.
7. Notification Of Award
Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid validity, BL will place purchase order or letter of intent on the
8. Site Visit
Bidders are required to make a visit to the site for proper understanding of the physical site conditions and
requirements of the work well before quoting against the tenderand forany clarification / Queries you may
please contact R. Raghupathi, Chief Manager(CFS) or V. Bhavani Shankar, Senior Manager (Commercial)
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd., CFS, Chennai, Phone 044-25940643.
9. Safety
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Contractors shall ensure that their work area is kept clean tidy and free from debris. The work areas must
be cleaned on a daily basis. Any disposal of waste shall be done by the Contractor.
All equipment, materials and vehicles shall be stored in an orderly manner. Access to emergency
equipment, exits, telephones, safety showers, eye washes, fire extinguishers, pull boxes, fire hoses, etc.
shall not be blocked or disturbed.
Confined Space
Before commencing Work in a confined space the Contractor must obtain from BL a Permit to Work, the
Permit to Work will define the requirements to be followed.
Working at Height
Any Work undertaken where there is a risk of fall and injury is considered to be working at height.
For any Contractor Personnel working at height, Contractors shall provide fall prevention whenever
possible and fall protection only when fall prevention is not practicable. Before commencing Work in a
height the Contractor must obtain from BL a Permit to Work, the Permit to Work will define the
requirements to be followed. Supervisor must be present at all point of time, to ensure no deviation occur
during the course of work.
i. Only approved full body harness and two shock-absorbing lanyards are used,
ii. Prior establishment of a rescue plan for the immediate rescue of an employee in the event they
experience a fall while using the system,
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
iii. Anchorage points must be at waist level or higher; and capable of supporting at least the attached
iv. Lifeline systems must be approved by BL before use.
v. Use of ISI marked industrial helmet at all point of time.
All scaffolds shall subject to a documented inspection by a competent person and clearly marked prior to
use. The footings or anchorage for scaffolds shall be sound, rigid and capable of carrying the maximum
intended load without settling or displacement. All scaffolding materials should be of MS tubular type.
Guardrails and toe-boards shall be installed on all open sides and ends of scaffold platforms. Scaffolds shall
be provided with an access ladder or equivalent safe access. Contractor Personnel shall not climb or work
from scaffold handrails, mid-rails or brace members.
Roof Work/Access
Roof work and access to roofs must not be undertaken without prior authorization from BL.
Overhead Work
A secure exclusion zone shall be maintained by Contractor below overhead work to prevent access. It is
forbidden to work beneath a suspended load.
Lifting Operations
Only Contractor Personnel trained in the use of cranes and hoists are permitted to use them.
Damaged equipment / accessories and equipment shall be tagged “out of use” and immediately removed
from Site.
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Floor openings, stairwells, platforms and walkways, and trenching where a person can fall any distance shall
be adequately barricaded and where necessary, well lit. Where there is a risk of injury from a fall then rigid
barriers must be used.
Barricades must also be used to prevent personnel entering an area where risk of injury is high e.g., during
overhead work activity or electrical testing etc. Such barricading must provide clear visual warning..
Electrical Safety
Prior to undertaking any work on live electrical equipment the Contractor must obtain a Permit to Work
from BL. Where ever possible live work should be avoided. Any control measures highlighted shall be
implemented prior to work commencing.
a) Work practices must protect against direct or indirect body contact by means of tools or materials and
be suitable for work conditions and the exposed voltage level.
b) Energized panels will be closed after normal working hours and whenever they are unattended.
Temporary wiring will be de-energized when not in use.
c) Only qualified electrical Contractor Personnel may enter substations and/or transformer and only after
being specifically authorized by BL.
Hot Works
A Permit to Work must be obtained from BL prior to any hot works (welding, grinding, open flame work).
Suitable fire extinguishing equipment shall be immediately available. Objects to be welded, cut or heated
shall be moved to a designated safe location, or, if they cannot be readily moved, all movable fire hazards
in the vicinity shall be taken to a safe place. Personnel working around or below the hot works shall be
protected from falling or flying objects.
Prior to the use of temporary propane or resistance heating devices approval must be obtained from BL.
Safe means of access and egress shall be located in trench excavations. Daily inspections shall be
conducted by a competent Contractor Personnel for evidence of a situation that could result in possible
cave-ins, indications of failure of protective systems or other hazardous conditions.
Physical barriers shall be placed around or over trenches and excavations. Flashing light barriers shall be
provided at night.
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Environmental Requirements
Waste Management
The Contractor is responsible to remove any waste generated by the work being done on the Site. The
Contractor must dispose of the waste in line with the relevant local legislative requirements. The waste
disposal route shall be documented and made available for BL to review at any time and may be subject to
BL’s prior approval.
Wastes (includes rinse from washing of equipment, PPE, tools, etc) are not to be poured into sinks, drains,
toilets, or storm sewers, or onto the ground. Solid or liquid wastes that are hazardous or regulated in any
way are not to be disposed of in general site waste receptacles.
The Contractor is responsible for the provision of adequate spill kits/protection and the clean up and
disposal costs arising from such spills.
The Contractor shall identify and quantify any emission sources associated with the Works. The control
measures associated with these emission shall be subject to the approval of BL. Emissions include but are
not limited to noise, dust, fumes, vapours.
The bidders are strictly advised to follow the various safety aspects as per HSE norms while attending to the
roof work at various elevated structures, roof levels like:
Under no circumstances Balmer Lawrie would be liable for any kind of deviation in following the safety
instructions by the bidder.
10. Power
Power required for the work shall be provided by the company
Before the last date and time of bid opening, the bidder is required to submit at Chennai office (please refer
Notice Inviting Tender) the EMD of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) by way of a bank draft payable
at Chennai favoring Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd. The EMD amount would be forfeited by Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd
in the event of the bidder’s failure to perform the job order placed by the Company or lack of interest to
perform the contract. The EMD of unsuccessful bidder would be returned after finalization of contract
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
13.01 On Account payments will be made to the Contractor during the progress of the work on the basis of
Running Account Bills raised by the Contractor after completion of each phases of work accompanied
with the Measurement Books signed jointly within 10days from the certification given by Engineer-In-
13.02 90% of the 1st running account bill value of materials supply will be payable by BL within 10
days on submission of billsaccompanied by the relevant documents duly certified by
Engineer-in-charge / Officer.
13.03 90% of the 2nd and final bill be payable by BL within 15 days on completion of entire work
as per work order and accompanied by the relevant document duly certified by Engineer/
Officer in-charge.
13.04 All on account payments shall be subjected to deduction there from of all dues to the Owner, advance,
retention money and other money deductible within the provisions of this contract and as per Section
194-C of Income Tax Act, or any other Law, Rule or Regulation for the time being in force along with the
recovery towards the adjustment of secured advance if any.
13.05 Balance 10% of the payment (supply & Erection) of gross amounts billed will be withheld as "Retention
Money" and will be released after completion and acceptance of work against issue of Bank Guarantee
of the equal amount for Defect liability and performance maintenance period, which shall be six months
(6) from the date of issue of completion certificate by the Engineer-In-Charge.
14 Security Deposit
(a) A non-interest bearing Security Deposit of [Rs.2 lakh] by way of Bank Draft or Bank Guarantee of
equivalent amount will be required to be deposited with the Company by the successful bidder within
10 days of getting work order from the Company. In addition, the Earnest Money Deposit of the
successful bidder would also be retained as Security Deposit till completion of the contract. The same
shall be released along with final bill payment on satisfactory performance of all the obligations of
Contractor under this Contract including completion of work in all respects.
(b) In case the security amount not received within 15 days, the equivalent amount shall be deducted from
their first running account bill payment.
(i) In the case of delay in completion of the job in any phase by reason of contractor's fault, the
Contractor shall pay compensation to the Owner @ 0.5% of the value of work for the
appropriate phase for every week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the
total Contract value i.e. penalty will be calculated phase-wise.
(ii) Notwithstanding what is stated in Clause above, the Owner shall have the right to employ any
other agency to complete the remaining work at the risk and cost of the Contractor, in the event
of his failing to complete the work within the stipulated time.
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
The Contractor will repair and/or replace all defective parts, components / fittings, accessories etc. which
shall be notified to him in writing within the Defect Liability Period. These defective parts, components,
fittings, accessories etc. should be promptly rectified and replaced free of cost. The contractor will provide
similar warranty on the parts, components, fittings, accessories etc. repaired and/or replaced.
The Contractor would be required to ensure adherence of all statutory obligations related to their
employees who would be working inside Balmer Lawrie premises. On award of the contract, the Contractor
shall ensure compliance with all relevant statutory provisions under the relevant labour laws which are as
given below:
and other applicable labour enactment and as amended from time to time in respect of the personnel
deployed by the Contractor at the Company’s premises.
The personnel deployed in the Company’s premises by the Contractor shall be fully qualified in all
respects to carry out the activities for which he/ she has been deployed.
The contractor shall equip the personnel deployed by him in the Company’s premises with all the
necessary implements and safety equipment.
It may be noted that the bill submitted by the Contractor for services rendered shall be processed only
on submission of satisfactory proof of remittances Challans in respect of statutory payments such as
ESI, PPF, etc. for the personnel deployed by him in the Company’s premises along with the ESI/PF
numbers allotted to them.Cost if any, incurred by the Company in ensuring statutory compliance with
the existing labour enactment and as amended from time to time shall be fully charged to the
No part of the contract or any share or interest therein shall in any manner or degree be transferred,
assigned or sublet by the contractor directly or indirectly to any person, firm or corporation without the
consent in writing from Balmer Lawrie. In the event of contractor contravening the conditions, Balmer
Lawrie shall be entitled to get the work done from other firm at the ‘Risk & Cost’ of the contract.
In case of successful bidder failing to honor the terms and conditions of contract, the company shall be at
complete liberty to make alternate arrangements at the bidder’s “Risks and Cost” and any additional cost
incurred by the company in this regard shall be fully recovered from the successful bidders.
In case of damage to the cargo / containers / property, by the contractor’s personnel the contractor will be
responsible to make good the losses as assessed by the surveyor / shipping line / or any other competent
authority within stipulated time failing which the company or its authorized agency will be free to make
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
good the losses at contractor’s ‘Risk and Cost’ and charges on account of such losses will be fully recovered
from Contractor’s bills.
20. Indemnity
The Contractor will be required to indemnify and keep indemnified the Company against all losses and
claims for injury and damage to any person or any property whatsoever which may arise out of or in
consequence of the work and against all claims, demands proceedings damages, cost charges and expenses
whatsoever. The company may forward the bidder any such claim demand or complaint made by any
other person against the company. In such event, the contractor shall solely be liable for the disposal of
the said complaint.The contractor will be required to Indemnify and absolve the Company of all
responsibilities related to employment condition of their employees and should adequately safeguard
Company against any possible IR problems including those related to employment. The bidder should
adhere to all State and Central Enactments related to employment such as Minimum Wages Act, Workmen
Compensation Act, Provident Fund Act, Employees State Insurance Act, Gratuity Act, Bonus Act, Contract
Labour [Regulations and Abolition] Act etc. Further, Company will not have any liability towards
employment, remuneration or compensation in whatever manner made to the employee of the bidder.
Such demand shall be settled by the bidder directly.
The Contractor shall co-operate with the company in all matters relating to introduction/adoption of new
equipment technology, machinery, compliance of all relevant laws, rules or regulations, relating to CFS
operations and implementation of any scheme/policies/guidelines recommended by the Company aimed
at swift and better customer service.
The Contractor will be fully responsible for ensuring safety of lives, cargo, vehicles, property and containers
within Balmer Lawrie CFS yard. Any damage to any life and/or property inside the CFS yard due to
negligence/mishandling of equipment by the Operator and /or malfunctioning of the equipment would be
to the account of the contractor. It is mandatory that necessary 3rd party insurance cover is kept valid by
the contractor for the equipments operating inside the CFS.
22. Termination
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
dissatisfaction. The BL shall have the option to terminate this Agreement by giving 30 days notice in writing
to the CONTRACTOR, if, CONTRACTOR fails to comply with the requisitions contained in the said written
notice issued by the BL.
Delivery schedule is subject to force majeure conditions as under: If at any time during the continuance of
this contract, the performance in whole or part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be
prevented or delayed by reasons of any war, hostility, acts of public enemy, civil commotion sabotage,
fires,floods, explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lock outs or acts of God (hereinafter
referred as "events") provided notice of the happening of any such events is given by either party to the
other within twenty one days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reasons of such
event, be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages against the
other in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance.Deliveries under the contract shall be
resumed as soon as practicable.
24. Arbitration
Any dispute or difference arising under this Contract shall be referred for adjudication at Kolkata to a Sole
Arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman &Managing Director, Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. and the
provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 including any statutory modifications or enactment
thereof shall apply to the Arbitration proceedings. The fees of the Arbitrator, if any, shall be shared equally
by both the parties.
Having examined the tender documents, we have understood the terms & conditions indicated in the e-
Tender No :BLC/CFS/Sprinkler system/14 and hereby confirm our acceptance of the same.
Telephone Nos.
Fax Nos. :
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Container Freight Station, [Chennai ]
e-Tender No : BLC/CFS/Sprinkler System /14
Price bid
Name of the work : Tender for Design, Supply, erection and Commissioning of Sprinkler System for Main and
Small Ware House at Container Freight Station, Manali, Chennai 600 0068.
S.No. Supply
Description of System Amount
Amount (INR)
Design & Complete Engineering activities with Sprinkler
Hydraulic Calculation, preparing preliminary drawings and
obtaining approval on the drawings and getting the Fire
license from the competent authorities
(Amount to be quoted for this item in Erection Amount
column only.)
Additional Electric Driven Sprinkler Pump set of 227/273
Cu.m/Hr @ 88 Mtrs Head, Control Panel, Suction/Delivery
Valves, Pump room Pipes and all necessary Pump room
External Sprinkler M.S. Heavy grade Pipes & Fittings from
Pump room to Main warehouse area along with compound
wall including Sprinkler Alarm Check Valve, Fire Brigade
Inlet, U/G Road crossing G.I Pipes, Supports & Accessories
Main Warehouse Sprinkler system with Zone control valve,
Control Mode Density Area sprinklers (360 Nos), Pipes,
Fittings and Test & drain Valves and all required Supports &
Small Warehouse Sprinkler system with Zone control valve,
Control Mode Density Area sprinklers (50 Nos), Pipes, Fittings
and Test & drain Valves and all required Supports &
All required Civil works for Pump room Shed extension, New
yard Gate entry road crossing through existing trench and
Compound wall to Main warehouse entry through new RCC
trench construction for Sprinkler Pipes complete.
Note: Please quote your rates as per Bill of Quantity for materials given in Page No.7, 8
and 9 of the tender.