Health Education

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Name of the student teacher : Ms. Deepti Kukreti

Topic : Health behaviour, health education and planning for health education

Group : 2nd year

Venue : classroom

Time duration : 20min

Size of group : 46

Subject : Nursing education

Method of teaching : Panel discussion

Av aids : Charts and hand outs

Name of the supervisor : Ms. Gifty Bijoy

Previous knowledge of the group : Group have some basic knowledge the topic

 According to student point of view:

At the end of the class, the students will gain in-depth knowledge about the topic.

 According to student teacher point of view:

At the end of class, the student teacher will gain confidence and improve her skills

while delivering lecture.

At the end of the health talk the group will be able to:-
o define health behaviour.
o illustrate the types of health behaviour.
o explain the health behaviour model.
o explain the components of health belief model.
o enlist the benefits of health belief model.
o enlist the limitations of health belief model.
o define health education.
o enlist the purposes of health education.
o list down the objectives of health education.
o explain the principles of health education.
o illustrate the scope of health education.
o explain the approaches of health education.
o explain the planning for health education.
o explain the role of nurse in health education.
1min To Introduce the topic to INTRODUCTION
the group.
Health behaviours are
influenced by the social,
cultural and physical
environments in which we
live and work.
Health education is the
practice of instructing
people and communities in
the principles of hygiene
and in ways of avoiding
disease is a very ancient

1/2mi To announce the topic. Here I am going to discuss

n the topic-Health
Behaviour, Health
Education And Planning
For Health Education.

1min To define health DEFINITION OF HEALTH BEHAVIOUR The student teacher Define health
behaviour. defines health behaviour. behaviour?
“Health behaviour is an activity undertaken by an individual,
regardless of actual or perceived health status, for the purpose of
promoting, protecting and maintain health.”

2min To illustrate the types of TYPES OF HEALTH BEHAVIOUR The student teacher What are the types of
health behaviour. illustrate the types of health behaviour?
1. Health-directed behaviour health behaviour.
Observable acts that are undertaken with a specific health
outcome in mind.
2. Health-related behaviour
Those actions that a person does that may have health
implications, but are not undertaken with a specific health
objective in mind.

3. Preventive Health Behaviour

 Action taken when a person wants to avoid being ill or
having a problem e.g. a mother takes her child for
 Illness Behaviour.
 Action taken when a person recognizes signs or symptoms
that suggest a pending illness e.g. a mother gives her child
cough medicine after hearing her wheeze.

4. Sick-role Behaviour
Action taken once an individual has been diagnosed (either
self or medical diagnosis) e.g. an employee takes a vacation
because he is ill, he takes treatment and obeys his doctor’s

2min To explain health HEALTH BEHAVIOUR MODEL The student teacher Explain the health
behaviour model. explains health behaviour behaviour model?

• Developed in the 50’s by the U.S. Public Health Service.

• Social psychologists were asked to explain why people do
not participate in health behaviours.
• Developed based on operant and cognitive-behavioural
2min To explain the COMPONENETS OF HELATH BELIEF MODEL The student teacher Explain the components
components of health explain the components of of health belief model?
belief model.  Perceived Susceptibility health belief model.
• An individual’s perception of her or his risk of
contracting a health condition
• Perceived Severity
• An individual’s perception of the seriousness of a
health condition if left untreated

 Perceived Benefits
• The perceived effectiveness of taking action to
improve a health condition
• Perceived Barriers
• the perceived impediments to taking action to improve
a health condition.

 Cues to Action
• Body or environmental events that trigger the Health
belief model.

 Self-Efficacy
• Self-efficacy refers to an individual's perception of his
or her competence to successfully perform a
• confidence to continue the healthy behavior and
overcome temptations

1min To enlist the benefits of BENEFITS OF HEALTH BELIEF MODEL The student teacher enlist What are the benefits of
health belief model. the benefits of health health belief model?
 Only model from health field belief model
 Tested extensively
 Simple and easy to understand
 Parsimonious, not unmanageable number of constructs
 Can be applied to both one-time and long-term behaviors

1min To enlist the limitations of LIMITATIONS OF HEALTH BELIEF MODEL The student teacher enlist What are the limitations
health belief model the limitations of health of health belief model?
 Comparative studies are few and lacking belief model
 Need to understand relative importance of constructs
 Need to use behavioral anchors in articulating questions, for
example, “If you do not practice safer sex, how likely are you
to become infected with HIV/AIDS?” as opposed to “How
likely are you to become infected with HIV/AIDS?”
2min To define health education HEALTH EDUCATION

Health education is an important component of health work that

enables people to have right concept, to raise the level of knowledge,
to develop positive attitude, to bring about behaviour change
voluntarily and consequently to be able to solve own health problems
by own efforts.


 According to WHO, “Health education is sum total of all the

experiences, which favourably influence knowledge, skills,
attitudes and practices of all individuals towards his personal
and community health.
 According to Alma-Ata declaration(1978), “Health
education is a process aimed at encouraging people to want to
be healthy to know to stay healthy to do what they can do
individually and collectively to maintain health and seek help
when needed”.
 Health education may also be defined as “a process of change
within the human organism, which is related to personal and
community health goals”.
1min To enlist the purposes of PURPOSE The student teacher enlist What are the purposes
health education. the purpose of health of health education?
• Care for health, prevent diseases and develop improved health
• Enable to develop knowledge and capability for solving
health problems by own accord.
• Communicate, transmit right message and receive
• Create conducive atmosphere for translate health need to
3min To list down the OBJECTIVES The student teacher list List down the
objectives of health down the objectives of objectives of health
education. • To help people to develop an awareness of health needs and health education. education?
• To acquire knowledge and skills on matters related to health
and health resources.
• To change behaviour and practice and concentrate on the
alternative positive behaviour.
• To participate and cooperate with health workers and use
health services for their maximum benefit.
• To develop desirable attitudes towards personal and
community health and to solve their health problems by their
own actions and efforts.
• To make an individual learn the habits and practices that
promote health and follow them throughout his life faithfully.
• To enable everyone to make use of all available community
facilities and resources to preserve and improve health.
• To encourage people to adopt and sustain health promoting
life style and practices.
• To promote the proper use of the health services available to
• To arouse interest to provide new knowledge.
• To improve skilled and change attitudes in making rational
decisions to solve their own problems
• To stimulate individual and community self -reliance and
participation to achieve health development through
individual and community involvement at every step from
identifying problems to solving them.

5min To explain the principles PRINCIPLES The student teacher What are the principles
of health education. explain the principles of of health education?
The principle of health education is to help people to achieve health health education.
by their own actions and efforts:-
 Interest:
Health education must be imported in a interesting manner. Learning
only takes place when one is interested method like explaining
example of current events creates interest. Health programmes of
schools must be organized in a interesting manner, so students
participation will be more.
2. Readiness of learner:
Learner must feel comfortable and willing to participate in school
healthy programmes. Therefore proper motivation and interest should
be aroused in students.

3. Positive manner:
In health education, positive statements like Be Clean area preferable,
there should not be negative statements like do not remain dirty,
positive statements are effective and workable than negative

4. Practical knowledge:
Health education is better understood if imparted in practical
situations. Practically experiencing healthy programmes develop
more interest and learning.

5. Classification of healthy education:

Subject matter imparted in healthy education must be classified
according to the age group. Topic suitable for higher secondary
students may be very difficult for elementary students like Topic on
Aids, Cancer etc.

6. Better communication:
Language used must be easy and understandable so that better
communication will take place and students can easily make their
doubts clear.
7. Based on need of the hour:
Health education must cover the most required topics. Health
programmes running under school organization therefore mainly
includes topics like personal hygiene, communicable disease,
first/aid. School health education programmes mainly concern about
childhood and adolescent needs.

8. Teaching Aids:
Utilization of teaching aids like audio/visual adds or illustrative
materials in explanations lead to better and interesting learning in
students. Showing films or photographs with message of health
importance are preferable.

9. Individual Attention:
Sometimes situation may not permit to adopt health habits quickly,
therefore effective health educational process will only take place
when individual attention and reasonable time is given to the same
person. Punishment must not be given to students if one is unable to
adopt health education practically.

10. No competitive spirit:

Health education is against the competitive spirit. No two individuals
could be alike in posture and no single posture is said to be best.
Therefore, there should
not be any kind of competitive spirit, this may lead to unhealthy
competition and use of unfair means.

11. Motivation:
Providing motivation is the most necessary part of health education,
for practicing health programmes in life style.

12. Health Education is a collective effort:

It is duty of every individual to contribute in the health of
community. Not only physical teachers, every general teacher and
student are involved in the health educational guidance and
counselling programmes.

13. Systematic and Continues efforts:

Systematic and continues health programmes are more beneficial
than unsystematic and noncontinuous programmes. To produce
desirable education what benefits they are gaining etc., are the
quarries need to be properly checked for betterment of the health
education system if needed.

14. Socially Accepted:

In many education institutions, health education includes the
knowledge of ‘sex education’ and many times it was protested by
some people as they declare this topic ‘non-educational’.

Topics like causes of Aids, Hepatitis-B are equally essential, rather

more important. Therefore in a cooperative manner, health educator
need to progress in imparting knowledge on such topics.

Now a days society has accepted ‘health education’ as important

discipline, but then also the knowledge imparted to students must” be
acceptable to local community.
3min To illustrate the scope of SCOPE The student teacher What is the scope of
health education. illustrate the scope of health education?
health education.
 Human Biology:-The effects of alcohol, smoking, resuscitation
and first aid are also taught.
 Nutrition:-Eighth WHO Expert Committee on nutrition stated
that education in nutrition is a major strategic method for the
prevention of malnutrition.
 Hygiene:-

a) Personal Hygiene includes bathing, clothing, washing hands

and toilet; care of feet, nails and teeth; spitting, coughing,
sneezing, personal appearance and inculcation of clean
habits in the young.
b) Environmental Hygiene:


 To educate the people in the principles of environmental

health with a view to bring about desired changes in health
 To secure adoption, wide use and maintenance of
environmental health facilities, and
 To promote active participation of the people in planning,
construction and operational stages of environmental

 Family Health Care:-The aim of health education is to

strengthen and improve the quality of life of the family as a
unit so that it can survive the vicissitudes of rapid and
complex social changes.
 Control of Communicable and Non-communicable
Diseases:-People are encouraged to participate in
programmes of disease control, health protection and
 Mental health:-The aim of education in mental health is to
help people to keep mentally healthy and to prevent a mental
 Prevention of Accidents:-occur in three main areas: the
home, road and the place of work.

-Safety education should be directed to these areas.

-It should be the concern of the engineering department and

also the responsibility of the police department to enforce
rules of road safety.

-Management must provide a safe environment, and promote

general order and cleanliness.

 Use of Health Services:-inform the public about the health

services that are available in the community, and how to use

-They should not be misused or abused.

3min To explain the approaches APPROACHES The student teacher What are the
of health education. explain the approaches of approaches of health
health education. education?
 Regulatory Approach(Managed Prevention)
 Service Approach
 Educational Approach
 Primary health care Approach

1. Legal or Regulatory Approach

 Any governmental intervention, direct or indirect, designed

to alter human behaviour.
 Eg: Child marriage act in India, Seat belts rule in cars etc.


 Simple , Quick
 Particularly , be useful in times of emergency or in limited
situations such as control of an epidemic disease or
management of fairs and festivals.

Limitations :

 In area of personal choice (alcohol , exercise etc.) no govt.

can take away their right of freedom.
 Difficult to enforce laws without a vast administrative
infrastructure and considerable expenditure.

2. Service Approach

 Intends to provide all the health facilities needed by the

people at their door steps on the assumption that people
would use them to improve their own health.
 Limitation :not based on the felt-needs of people
 For example, when water seal latrines were provided, free of
cost, in some villages in India under the Community
Development Programme, people did not use them. This
serves to illustrate that we may provide free service to the
people, but there is no guarantee that the service will be used
by them.

3. Educational Approach

 Most effective
 Gives autonomy towards their own lives
 Components :

o Motivation
o Communication
o decision making
o results slow , but permanent and enduring.

 Sufficient time for an individual to bring about changes and

learning new facts as well as unlearning wrong information
as well.

4. Primary health care approach

 Radically new approach starting from the people with their

full participation and active involvement in the planning and
delivery of health services based on principals of art health
care via community involvement and inter-sectoral
 Individuals helped to become self-reliant in matters of health.
 It can be done if the people receive the necessary guidance
from health care providers in identifying their health
problems and finding workable solutions.
 This approach is a fundamental shift from the earlier

5min To explain the planning of PLANNING OF HEALTH EDUCATION The student teacher What are the steps of
health education explain the planning of planning for health
Health education activities are carried out by proper planning, health education education?
monitoring and evaluation. First the problem are studied, identified
and ranked in priority order. Then the objectives, strategies and the
resources needed for implementation are carefully set.

Steps of planning:-

About various health problems and conditions that are found, should
also be clear. Data that can provide a snapshot of health problems
such as:-
 Geographical data, total area, boundaries, climatic conditions,
circumstances land, on rivers, lakes, mountains and so forth.
 Data governance, i.e. governance structures, personnel and the
rights and obligations, bureaucratic mechanisms. This is
important for health workers , in order to perform the step of
activities at the venue.
 Population data, such as the number, distribution, gender,
birth rate, fertility rate, death rate, migration rate, life
expectancy. It is important to measure the form of disease and
the potential that can be utilized to overcome health problems.
 Livelihood and income data, such as employment, income
levels and spending.
 Socio-cultural data, such as living habits, norms , public
views. It is very determine the behaviour of the population.
 Education data, namely the level of education, the existing
educational facilities.
 Data, health status, environment and activities of health
facilities such as mortality, disease rates and life expectancy.
After the priority health problems can be applied and then
specify what the behaviour that caused the problem. Many
ways to use the scoring, including using the following
 Severity of health problems that arise(severity).
 The number of people affected(prevalence).
 Increase in disease rates(rate of increase is).
 The desire of society(degree of un meet needs).
 Social benefits are obtained if the problem is solved(benefits).
 Sense of community concern to the problem(public concern).
 Technology available(technical feasibility).
 Available resources(resource availability).
 Political support is available(political climate).

A plan of work is simply putting together all components have
worked out to deliver health education messages, such as objectives
and the activities will use. A plan should specify the roles of the
different people involved, the time in which the particular activities
have to be carried out.
When you have chosen how to overcome it and prepared an
action plan to overcome them, in accordance with the interests of
health education. In the description of the workplan of which should
be listed:-
 The purpose of health education to be achieved.
 Health education methods to be used.
 Health education material that will be delivered.
 The methods and assessment criteria to be used.
 Develop and integrated plan.
Develop an integrated plan will combine health education plan with
the entire program of work to be performed. Especially with regard to
aspects of health education after successfully identified aspects of
behaviour that cause these health problems, need to be taken other
steps that must be adopted.
2min To explain the role of ROLE OF NURSE IN HEALTH EDUCATION The student teacher What is the role of
nurse in health education explain the role of nurse in health
The nurse should consider following points during education?
nurse in health
health education:
 To gain the confidence of people.
 To arouse the interest in people about good health.
 To motivate them to bring about changes in habits in healthy
 To develop sense of responsibility among people towards
good health of the whole community.
 Motivate or encourage them to use of health services.
 co-operative feeling.
 Select the subject matter according to need.
 Use appropriate audio-visual aids.
 Use opportunities of health education wisely.
 It should be planned and continuous and implementation
based on resources.
 Nurses should come forward and take Sufficient participation
and cooperation of government and voluntary agencies is
essential for health education.
 Effective communication should be maintain

 Nurse establish a partnership to guide the individual in the
selection and use of relevant health services.
 Role of coordinating the educational services provided by a
health agency or institution.
 As a health educator, the nurse may use marketing strategies
to enhance the effectiveness of health education programs that
are focused on certain target populations.
1/2mi To summarize the topic. SUMMARY
Today I discussed about
health behaviour, its types,
definition of health
education, its purposes,
objectives, principles,
scopes, approaches, steps
included in planning for
health education and role
of nurse in health


Health behaviour, like

other behaviour, is
motivated by stimuli in an
individual’s environment
Health Education is
transmission of what is
known about health into
desirable individual,
family and community
behaviour patterns by
means of educational


 Vijay Kumar Gautam, Communication And Educational

Technology For Nurses, , 2012, first edition, Kumar
Publishing House, 211-218.
 Pramilla R, Nursing Communication And Educational
Technology, 2010, First Edition, JAYPEE Brothers Medical
Publishers, 275-276.

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