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The document discusses the benefits of the S-O-S fluid sampling program including accurate analysis, improved cost control and optimized performance.

Regular fluid sampling through the S-O-S program allows trends to be established over time, provides timely and accurate results, and helps optimize maintenance like oil change intervals.

Samples should be taken at regular intervals, a minimum of 3 samples is needed to establish trends, and factors like storage, transfer methods and operating conditions can impact sample quality.

Cat S•O•S Services

® SM

Management Guide
• Accurate Analysis
• Improved Cost Control
• Optimized Performance

S•O•S SM Services introduction................................................................................ 3

Making the most of S•O•S Services.....................................................................4-5

Good equipment health…it’s keeps you going..................................................6-7

How fluids get contaminated…and how you can control it...........................8-9

S•O•S Services Web................................................................................................ 10

Look for changes..................................................................................................... 11

Working together with the same goal.................................................................. 12

Committed to keeping your
equipment moving
Like all Cat® Dealer services, the S•O•SSM Services program As your local Cat Dealer, we back up our fluid analysis with
is a mutual commitment to protect the performance and our reputation for excellence and the expertise of trained
value built into your Cat machines. The S•O•S Services Analysts. Enrolling in the S•O•S Services program is your
program offers you valuable resources for better equipment assurance that you’ll get accurate analysis. Only your
management. Working together with your Cat® Dealer, you Cat Dealer S•O•S Analysts have access to the expertise of
can take the simple process of fluid sampling and combine it Caterpillar design specifications and engineers. The S•O•S
with state-of-the-art analysis and clear, easy-to-understand lab completes testing quickly and provides comprehensive
reporting to create not only optimized machine performance, maintenance advice in easy to understand terms. Make the
but also improved cost control. commitment and get the benefits of working with the people
who know your Cat equipment best.
Accurate Analysis

Making the most of S·O·S Services

In order to be a useful and effective
management tool, S•O•S Oil Analysis
results must be timely, accurate and
reliable. Following are steps you can
take to assure that every sample
provides usable information about
your engines and machines.
Provide samples for trending
A single oil sample may spot a
serious problem such as dirt entry or
contamination by fuel or coolant. But
to get the full value from the S•O•S
program, it is essential to perform
sampling at regular intervals. It takes a
minimum of three samples to establish
a meaningful trend for each system.
Every engine and machine system
has a trend “signature” for wear
metals and oil condition parameters.
Watching the progress of each system
by trending greatly increases the
accuracy of data analysis.
Stay close to the sampling schedule
The suggested S•O•S sampling
intervals have traditionally been
250 hours for engines and 500
hours in other compartments. But
in some applications or when you
are determining optimal oil change
intervals, 250-hour (or more frequent) because they come from a consistent, Upgrade older machines—install fluid
sampling intervals are recommended known location where the fluid is well sampling valves
for all compartments. All test results are mixed and circulated. If the oil flow is
“normalized” to reflect the scheduled Sampling by valve provides you
slow at low idle, it may be necessary to
number of hours of wear on the oil. This significant advantages over other
have someone accelerate the engine to
allows your S•O•S Analyst to accurately sampling methods (see box to the right).
high idle while extracting the sample. Do
compare results from several sampling Many machine owners are upgrading
not take your oil sample from the drain
periods and identify trends over time. their older machines by installing fluid
stream, because dirty oil from the bottom
Talk to us to find out the best sampling sampling valves to take advantage of
of the compartment will contaminate the
intervals for your equipment. these benefits. Talk to us about the
sample. Likewise, never dip an oil sample
installation options for your older Cat
Use sampling valves when possible from an oil container or pour a sample
from a used filter.
Most Caterpillar® engines have sampling
valves installed at the factory. Samples
taken from these valves are more reliable

Accurate Analysis

Take samples from the new oil source Inspect the filters Provide complete sample cards
Whether you store your oil in drums You can get valuable information about It is impossible for an S•O•S Analyst
or bulk storage, take samples from your equipment by cutting open used to give accurate recommendations
the source to confirm your oil storage filters. The 4C5084 filter cutting tool may without all the required information
practices are not contaminating the oil. be purchased for this purpose. on the sampling card. Fill out as much
Keep sampling supplies clean If metal particles are present, a magnet information as possible before you begin
can be used to determine if they are taking samples, then add the meter
Dirty supplies will contaminate your reading when you get to the machine or
iron or steel. Also be alert for pieces of
samples and cause inaccurate test engine. You’ll find your cards are more
synthetic friction material or rubber seals,
results. Keep new sample bottles capped legible and the job will take less time. For
which may indicate a problem.
and store them in dust-free plastic bags. optimal results, record the hours or miles
Be sure your vacuum pump, tubing and Use protective dust caps on the fluid and the amount of make-up
valve probes are protected from dust fluid added since the last fluid change.
Rubber dust caps should be kept on all
during storage.
sampling valves. These black rubber caps Submit your sample promptly
Use a tube cutter for oil sample tubing indicate the system being sampled and
help protect the valve from contamination Send your sample to the lab without
Using the tube cutter (1U7648) is better delay. The sooner we have your fluid
that could taint test results. If a dust cap
than a pocket knife. It gives you a clean sample, the sooner you will receive
is missing, promptly order the appropriate
cut while using only one hand and is valuable maintenance advice.
less likely to transfer contamination.
Replacement blades (1U8589) are also 8C3445 Dust Cap (Engine)
8C3447 Dust Cap (Transmission)
8C3451 Dust Cap (Hydraulic)

Advantages of using 157-0670 Dust Cap (Engine Coolant)

sampling valves 6V0852 Dust Cap (Blank)
More reliable
8C8456 Seal Cap (Stops leaks)
• Samples taken from a continuous
flow of fluid at a known location
make comparative data more AULIC INE O
reliable. DR NG I


• Samples taken using a valve better

represent fluid condition because 8C 8C
the fluid has been well mixed and 3451 34 4 5

Faster and more convenient NS INE


• The probe allows the valve to be


quickly flushed prior to taking the

oil sample. 3447
• Sampling by valve is two times
faster than using a sampling gun.
• Maintenance personnel are more
likely to take samples because
the valve method is much more
convenient than using a sampling

Improved Cost Control

Good equipment keeps

you going
Building a maintenance relationship Understand your S•O•S Analyst’s requests • Your Analyst may ask you to change
the oil and filter, run the machine for
The S•O•S program can be an excellent Occasionally, your S•O•S Analyst may
a short period, then sample again.
tool for better communication with us. ask for more information or a second
This determines debris carryover
S•O•S test results help us know your oil sample. It is important to fulfill this
and establishes a baseline for future
equipment better so we can make more request because:
accurate maintenance suggestions. For
• Your S•O•S Analyst may want a shorter-
example, studies show that 40 percent • The original sample may be suspect
term sample (perhaps half the oil
of all oil changes are performed either because it might have been
change interval) to verify a trend.
too soon or too late. Through the S•O•S accidentally contaminated when drawn
program, we can provide expert feedback • Your Analyst may need repeat samples or taken “cold.”
to reduce risks to your equipment and from two adjacent compartments to
• The volume of the original sample may
save you money. check for possible oil transfer.
have been too small to perform the
necessary tests.
• Your Analyst may forward the sample
to Caterpillar for analysis beyond the
standard S•O•S tests.
Retain the value
Machines and engines which have been
using S•O•S Services generally bring a
higher return upon trade-in or sale. For
example, some owners of on-highway
truck fleets have found that they can
command a higher price for their trucks
at trade-in or at auction if they can
produce comprehensive S•O•S records.
Auctioneers of Caterpillar machines
often hold up a stack of S•O•S reports
and inform the buyers that a particular
machine has greater value because it has
been using S•O•S Services.
This increase in value will more than
make up for the cost of S•O•S Services.

Improved Cost Control

Get added protection with

S•O•S Coolant Analysis

Inadequate cooling system maintenance

can eventually lead to system problems
or even engine failure. For these reasons,
we also offer a Coolant Analysis Program.
This two-level program is used to
determine if your coolant has the right
chemical balance for maximum protection
and efficiency. It can also spot problems
in your engine and other water-cooled

Level 1 consists of four basic maintenance

tests and four physical evaluations that
can reveal major problems with the
coolant and predict some cooling system
problems. For example, Level 1 Analysis
can identify a drop in pH caused by glycol
oxidation or exhaust gas blowby—and
reduced pH increases the potential for
corrosion. Level 1 results may indicate the
need for Level 2 Analysis.

Level 2 involves an extensive chemical

evaluation of the coolant and the overall
condition of the inside of the cooling
system. These comprehensive tests can
identify coolant degradation products and
subtle cooling system problems, determine
probable causes, and help prioritize
repairs. Detectable system problems
include positive or negative stray current,
contaminant entry, a faulty block heater
and exhaust gas entry.

Poor operational practices, such as

excessive lugging or improper shutdown
procedures, may also be indicated with
The S•O•S Services program is one element of a condition monitoring philosophy that Level 2 Analysis. Ask us for details.
you can put into place with your equipment to monitor the impact of your maintenance
program. The S•O•S Services program, combined with regular inspections, analysis A coolant sampling valve can be installed
of your equipment's site conditions, electronic data and service history, will enable on your engines to permit taking a well-
mixed sample safely.
you to evaluate your equipment’s health. You can perform a maintenance program on
your own, or you can enlist the assistance of your Cat Dealer to perform any level of
preventive maintenance that will keep your equipment running at peak performance.

Optimized Performance

How fluids get contaminated…and

how you can control it
How oil gets contaminated Your hydraulic systems are vulnerable percent before a skilled operator notices
a difference. When this happens, your
Improper storage and handling can add Contamination is the number one
machine must work for five days to
harmful contaminants to your equipment enemy of hydraulic systems. When
deliver the productivity of approximately
fluids. Contaminants can get into a system contaminants enter the system, they
four. These efficiency losses can
during service through dust and particles accelerate component wear and
also increase fuel consumption and
sticking to filler caps, funnels, transfer reduce system efficiency.
significantly increase your operating
pumps and replacements parts. Use
The effects of contamination on costs—ultimately reducing your profit.
caution to avoid introducing dirt into your
hydraulic systems are often difficult
machines and engines.
to detect because efficiency losses
During operation, dirt can get into engines occur slowly over time. For example,
through damaged air filter elements, the hydraulic system efficiency of a
bad seals, faulty hose clamps, cracks in loader or excavator reaches about 20
air induction systems or other damaged
parts. Also, dirt sticks to cylinder rods
in the normal operation of equipment. If
a rod or wiper seal is damaged, dirt can
enter the fluid system. Dirt can also enter
at leaking seals, cracked tubes or seeping
gaskets so if oil can get out, dirt will get
In general equipment operation, the
presence of water, fuel and glycol are
most often indicators of internal system
problems. With S•O•S oil contaminant
testing, you can identify these problems
early and perform maintenance before
they turn into downtime and additional

After repairs—take “baseline


When a major repair has been

performed, it is a good idea to take
a baseline oil sample after several
hours of operation to assure new
oil cleanliness. It could prevent
thousands of hours worth of
needless wear.

Optimized Performance

You can control contamination

How you maintain your equipment can
contribute to contamination problems,
especially in hydraulic systems. To make
sure you are doing your part to control
Change oil filters regularly
and carefully
Because oil filters contain contaminants,
it is important to remove them carefully.
Proper removal ensures that
contaminants do not re-enter a system.
It is also important to keep new filters
free of contaminants by leaving them in
their packaging until you are ready to use
Change air filters only as indicated
by the service indicator
The Cat Air Filter Service Indicator
provides an accurate and continuous
reading of the air filter’s condition. The
indicator eliminates guesswork when
servicing air filter elements, saves money
and reduces the number of times a
system is opened.
Use the proper filters
Filters that do not meet the efficiency service hours or after any maintenance or Use a transfer filter cart
requirements of your machines can service invasion.
allow dirt to circulate within the systems. Never transfer oil directly from a drum
To avoid this problem, we recommend Never fill a filter with oil. Install all filter to a machine system. Ask us for more
installing Cat filters. They meet all the elements “dry.” Filling an element with information on Caterpillar filter carts.
specifications of your Cat machine. oil before installation can introduce
Use tight-fitting drum covers
contaminants in the system.
Use Ultra High-Efficiency (UHE) filters Airborne particles and water can enter
after the system has been open Change oil regularly and properly
oil drums. Fitting drums with protective
UHE filters have ultra-fine media that Drain oil when it is warm and agitated covers can help eliminate this problem.
trap even tiny contaminants. By installing (contaminants are stirred up so more The small cost of drum covers is more
these filters after the hydraulic or are removed during the oil change). One than offset by the savings from preventing
drive train systems have been open for of the options available through S•O•S contamination problems. Ask us for
maintenance or repair, you can remove Services is optimized oil change intervals. part number information. For the best
any contaminants that may have entered By monitoring S•O•S oil analysis results, protection, store drums indoors.
the system. Use UHE filters every 250 we can work with you to establish proper
oil change intervals.

Optimized Performance

S·O·S Services
With S•O•S Services Web, it’s fast and easy to
monitor the effectiveness of your equipment
maintenance program. From the opening
screen you can view your current sample
information by exception or by performing an
advanced search by exception, jobsite, serial
number, unit number, status, manufacturer,
family, model or compartment.
Once the information is pulled up, a detailed
description of the specific sample is
available along with a history of previous
samples from that engine or piece of
equipment. This data can be used to create
graphs for easy trend analysis of one
compartment or even across models.

S•O•S Services Web also allows users

to create and print out labels by pulling
compartment information directly from the
database and provides a built in messaging
system and actions taken feature that keeps
track of activities associated with each

View and analyze fluid sample

information online—anytime and

• Access information with an Internet browser

on your Cat dealer’s website—no additional
software required.
• View current data—no waiting for uploads
• Access to oil, coolant and fuel sample data
• Minimize paper filing and storage, while
maintaining the ability to generate and print
reports and graphs when needed

Optimized Performance

A change in performance

Is an engine smoking more than normal?

Has oil consumption changed?

Has there been a loss of power?

Is the transmission slipping?

Is there something different in the way the machine


A change in operating conditions

Has there been a change in the brand or grade of oil

you use?

Has there been a change in the way you use the


Look for changes

Is there a new operator who may be operating the
equipment differently?

Seasonal changes may produce significant sample

variations due to differences in temperature or
Just as a doctor uses a variety of tests before making a humidity.
diagnosis, you should look for other repair indicators to
help you evaluate equipment problems and determine what
needs to be done. When an S•O•S report indicates a potential
problem, you should also look for changes in performance
and operating conditions.

Working together with
the same goal
We have the same goal as you: keeping your Cat equipment operating at maximum

efficiency with the lowest operating cost. By enrolling in the S•O•S program and

working with your dealer’s trained Analysts, you’ll take advantage of accurate

fluid analysis backed up by the expertise of Caterpillar design specifications and

engineers—and a reputation for excellence.

Talk to your Cat Dealer today about how to maximize the potential benefits of S•O•S

Services and other preventive maintenance programs.

Cat ® D ealers defi ne

world- class product
We offer you the right parts and service

solutions, when and where you need them.

The Cat Dealer network of highly trained

experts keeps your entire fleet up and running

to maximize your equipment investment.


© 2007 Caterpillar • All Rights Reserved • Printed in USA

CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the POWER EDGE trade dress, as well as
corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.

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