Affidavit of Discrepancy: Affiant
Affidavit of Discrepancy: Affiant
Affidavit of Discrepancy: Affiant
I, MA. REMEDIOS L. BELLO, of legal age, single, Filipino citizen, with residence and postal
address at Simsim Compound, Maria Basa, Baguio City, Philippines, after having been sworn to in
accordance with law hereby depose and state that:
2. When I secured a copy of my Certificate of Live Birth from the National Census and
Statistics Office, Baguio City, I discovered that my name as indicated therein is MARIA
3. Since childhood, I had been using the name MA. REMEDIOS L. BELLO, particularly in
my scholastic records and in all my identification cards;
4. The names “MA. REMEDIOS L. BELLO” and “MARIA REMEDIOS L. BELLO” refers to
one and the same person;
5. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and to clarify the
discrepancy between the name in my Certificate of Live Birth and in my identification
cards in support of my application for the issuance of a passport; and
6. I am further executing this affidavit for all legal intents it may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands this 8 th day of February 2011, in
Baguio City, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in the City of Baguio this 8 th day of February 2011, by
Ma. Remedios L. Bello, who has satisfactorily proven her identity to me through her valid Driver’s
License No. A01-01-452631 until August 30, 2013, that she is the same person who personally
signed the foregoing affidavit before me and acknowledged that she executed the same.
Notary Public
Until December 31, 2012
Doc. No. __8___; PTR No. 050183/Baguio City/01-11-
Page No. __2__; Roll of Atty. No. 8121983
Book No. I ; IBP Lifetime Membership No.
9031984 Series of 2011. Baguio-