Ch03-Zealey PRE - 4thpp PDF
Ch03-Zealey PRE - 4thpp PDF
Ch03-Zealey PRE - 4thpp PDF
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Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Electricity has been of scientific interest since the Greeks first noted the electrostatic
properties of amber almost 1000 years BC. The invention of batteries and generators to
provide a continuous source of electricity in the early 1800s led to the use of direct
currents (DC) in communications, lighting and transport.
The electric telegraph was invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1836. It relied on
mechanical pointers driven by solenoids to transmit messages, and was superseded by
Samuel Morse’s code in 1844. By 1866 the first reliable transatlantic telegraph cable
capable of transmitting Morse code was in operation.
It was not until 1876, however, when Edison patented the telephone, that sound could
be transmitted by wire. The first telephone exchange opened in New Haven, Connecticut,
USA in 1878.
Heinrich Hertz demonstrated radio transmission in 1887, and by 1901 Marconi had
made the first transmission across the Atlantic. However, the first transatlantic
multichannel telephone cable was not laid until 1956.
By 1879 Edison and Swan had produced the first incandescent light bulb. Edison went
on to develop the first DC electrical distribution network—from dynamo generators to
household sockets.
In 1881, the first electric trolley ran in Berlin, a forerunner of trams and trolley buses.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
The availability of energy for domestic purposes had its roots in the Industrial
Revolution. The steam engine of Newcomen appeared about 1712, was improved
by Watt some 60 years later and used in many applications.
‘His (Newcomen’s) engine was soon applied and continued to be used with great
advantage in the coal-mines of the north of England, the tin and copper mines of
Cornwall, and the lead mines of Cumberland, &c. It was employed in cities for
supplying the inhabitants with water; in 1752 and afterwards it was used for raising
water to drive water-wheels for mills; it was used for blowing the air into the blast
furnaces for smelting iron-ore; and it was soon taken advantage of on the Continent
for similar purposes.’ HUGO RElD’s ‘Steam-engine’ (1840) pp. 112, 113.
Steam engines to power transport (ships, locomotives, trucks) were soon developed,
and have been used for this purpose well into the mid-twentieth century. Town gas
(made from the reaction of red hot coke with steam) provided fuel for lighting and
cooking in the nineteenth-century. The nineteenth-century discoveries in the field of
electromagnetism allowed power generated at a central site to be distributed over wide
areas. In Australia we still use coal as our main energy source to produce steam to drive
turbines and generators.
E x e r ci s e
3.1 a What fuel was used to boil the water to provide the steam for the
steam engines?
b What fuel is used by large tankers and cruise ships today?
A c tivit y
3.1 List the main uses of electricity in your life under the following categories
and consider the effects of a week long power cut on each:
• domestic (home)
• travel
• entertainment
• business and industry
• communications
• public safety and law and order.
What alternative sources of power could replace electricity in the event of a
major power outage?
B e p r e p ar e d
Start collecting electricity bills from your family and relatives for a future activity.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Multiphase alternating current (AC), developed by Nikola Tesla in 1885, has largely
replaced DC for domestic and industrial uses. The development of the transformer by
George Westinghouse in 1887 allowed the voltage of AC power to be raised or lowered.
The transformer converts alternating current of one voltage to a higher or lower voltage.
Fossil fuel
The steam that drives the generators may be generated in coal-fired or oil-fired boilers.
Only part of the energy in the steam is used to drive the generators. After passing through
the turbines the steam is cooled and condensed to water in giant cooling towers, then
discharged as hot water into the power station cooling ponds or to rivers and the sea.
NSW is rich in coal and generates 80% of its power from coal-fired stations. These are
to be found close to the major coal resources in the Hunter Valley (4400 MW, 2 stations),
Lake Macquarie (5600 MW, 3 stations) and Lithgow (22 400 MW, 2 stations). These power
stations provide part of the State’s power demands of nearly 100 000 MW.
The Bayswater Power Station, which operates in the Upper Hunter Valley, is a typical
coal-fired power station. Built between 1981 and 1986 this power station burns 6.5 million
Figure 3.1 tonnes of coal per year from local
A coal-fired power mines. The boiler structure is
station converts
smoke 80 metres high and produces high
chemical energy high pressure turbine
into heat energy steam
pressure steam at a temperature
and in turn of 540°C. The steam drives four
electrical energy. boiler turbines, which produce 2640 MW
Some heat energy of power from four turbo-
is dumped back generators. Waste hot water is
into the local heat exchanger recycled through 132-metre high
pump cooling towers, for reuse in the
boilers. The overall efficiency of
this modern power station is
river or pond approximately 36%.
E x e r ci s e
3.2 How does the use of electricity in New South Wales impact on the greenhouse
effect? What impact does an increasing population have on the demand for
power and our greenhouse emissions?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Nuclear power
The steam required to drive the turbines can also be produced by nuclear power plants.
In these, enriched uranium ore in fuel rods decays radioactively to produce high energy
neutrons. These energetic neutrons heat water or other coolant circulating through the
core of the reactor. This coolant, in turn, is used to heat water to steam, which then drives
turbines and generators.
As with all major construction projects, this kind of generating facility has high start
up costs, low fuel costs and a long lifetime. However, on the downside the environmental
impact related to the disposal of the highly radioactive material associated with the used
(or spent) fuel rods is of concern.
A further 12% of NSW’s power comes from the hydroelectric power generated in
the Snowy Mountains: Warragamba Dam (50 MW), Hume Dam (50 MW) and the
Shoalhaven scheme (240 MW).
Figure 3.2
dam surge chamber
power is produced
by converting
potential energy
into electrical head
power hall
tail race
E xample
Tres Marias, Brazil
head 55 m
discharge = 155 m3 s–1
power = 85 MW at 100% efficiency
actual power = 75 MW
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Hydroelectric schemes may also store energy when there is a low demand for power by
pumping water back into the upper reservoir. These systems are called pumped storage
Examples are to be found in the Snowy Mountains Scheme and the Shoalhaven Scheme.
Kangaroo River
Tidal power
Tidal energy is harnessed by building a barrier across the mouth of an estuary or inlet and
by installing turbines in the barrier that are turned by the inflow and outflow of water.
At more than 100 coastal locations around the world, the rise and fall of tides make the
generation of electricity by tidal force economically feasible.
The first modern tidal power station was installed in France on the Rance River in
1966. A tidal change of 13.5 m generates 240 MW through 24, adjustable-pitch turbine
generators. Power is generated on both the inflow and outflow of the tides.
The best sites in Australia are to be found in the northwest, where there is a large tidal
range and natural bays with narrow necks to the sea. As for hydroelectric power, the
capital costs are high, and there are possible environmental impacts.
Wind power
Wind turbines have been used for centuries to provide power for grinding flour, and
pumping water from the polders of the Netherlands. In Australia, the Southern Cross
windmills drove water pumps in the outback. Only recently have they been used to
produce a significant amount of electrical power. Wind-powered machines, most of which
have a capacity of 50–200 kW, have been installed in the United States, the Netherlands
and the UK. Most recently, trial wind farms have been built in the Crookwell region of
NSW and in the Atherton Tablelands above Cairns. The Atherton Tablelands project will
utilise 20 wind turbines to produce 12 MW of power which will be sold to Ergon, Energex
and Citipower.
Larger wind turbines can generate several thousand kilowatts, although their reliability
has generally not yet proven satisfactory. The generation of electricity from wind power
conserves fossil fuels and does not contribute to air pollution. Unfortunately, wind power
is intermittent in places where power is needed most, and the problems in building
turbines that can withstand strong winds and the high cost of wind power ensure that
wind power currently plays only a small role in power production.
The maximum efficiency of a wind turbine is about 60%.
The power generated clearly depends on the meteorological characteristic of the site,
such as:
• average wind velocity
• maximum wind velocity
• fluctuation in velocity
• wind direction.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Table 3.1 The relationship between wind speed and power generated for wind turbines of different diameter
(2, 10 and 50 m)
Suitable sites should have almost constant wind direction with wind velocities in the
region of 30 km/h. The higher the site, the higher the wind speed.
A small village of 70 homes requires between 300 kW and 600 kW of power, which
could be supplied by a 3 bladed, 30 metre rotor. A larger town requiring 6 MW requires a
wind farm of 10–20 windmills covering an area of about 2 km2. Wind farms can therefore
cover large areas.
Their main environmental impacts lie in the visual impact, low frequency noise,
electromagnetic interference, reflection of TV or radio signals, and their impact on
bird life.
Solar power
About one kilowatt (1 kW) of solar power falls on every square metre of the Earth’s surface.
This power can either be converted directly into electrical power using photovoltaic cells,
or used to heat water and produce steam to drive generators.
Photovoltaic cells are less than 20% efficient in converting light into DC electrical power.
A small village requiring about 500 kW of power for cooking and other purposes could be
supplied by a total area of 2500 m2 of solar cells spread over a region 50 m by 50 m.
Arrays of solar panels are best sited facing to the north and angled at about 30° or more
to the horizontal to catch the Sun’s rays throughout the day.
Photovoltaic cells are still expensive to produce, however, although great effort is being
made to reduce their costs. Since they can produce power only in daytime, an efficient
storage battery is required to even out the power supplied. Unless only DC electrical
appliances are used, the conversion of DC voltages produced by the photovoltaic cells to
AC voltage is an extra expense.
The Earth produces internal heat from radioactive decays occurring deep within. This
heat flows towards the surface producing about 0.06 W/m2. At depths of 20 000 m,
temperatures of 300°C are common. Higher heat flows occur in the neighbourhood of
subduction zones (e.g. New Zealand), anomalous hot spots (e.g. Hawaii) and volcanic
regions (e.g. Philippines).
We can extract native steam from these hot rocks and use it to drive turbines and
electrical generators.
Geothermal steam has been used in Larderello, Italy, since 1904, and China, Indonesia,
Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Russia have geothermal
generating capacity. Wairakei in New Zealand covers an area of 10 square kilometres and
generates 150 MW through steam extracted from 100 bore holes. The largest plant in the
world is in the United States, near Geyserville, California (north of San Francisco), where
steam has been used to produce power since 1960.
Geothermal steam and water may also be used directly for heating homes and greenhouses,
and for industrial purposes. In Iceland, 65% of homes depend on groundwater heat.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Wave power
Waves are a form of solar energy: the heat from the Sun drives convection in the Earth’s
atmosphere and generates winds. These winds raise waves far out in the oceans. On
average, waves carry about 8.4 kW for every metre in length along the wave crest. This
energy can be harnessed using floats that bob up and down or pitch from side to side.
Figure 3.4
Pitching and
platforms can
both produce
usable wave
Heaving Pitching
Other wave energy generators use a vertical pipe with its bottom sunk below the
surface of the ocean while the top has a turbine mounted on it. The rise and fall of the
waves pumps air through the turbine, which drives a generator. Such systems have been
tested in Norway and Scotland.
A c tivitie s
3.2 Use your council library or contact your local electricity supply company and
get information on the location and type of the major power stations serving
your region.
3.3 Select one form of energy generation and compare its suitability for power
generation in your area with that of a typical coal-fired power station.
In your comparison include:
• access to coal
• effect on the environment
• demand from local industry and domestic use.
E x e r ci s e s
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
A c tivitie s
3.4 What were the views of Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta about electricity?
How did their exchange of ideas lead to an increased understanding of the
nature of electricity?
3.5 Research how energy sources and access to them have changed over the past
2000 years, especially with reference to domestic power. Assess some of the
impacts and changes caused by increased access to sources of power for a
Electric charge
In earlier years you will have discussed mass, one of the fundamental quantities in
physics. Mass is related to the amount of material a body contains. We can think of mass
as being related to the inertia of the body when acted on by a force. Although we know a
lot about mass, we really don’t have a feeling for the mechanism that produces the thing
we call mass! Mass is a fundamental something that all material possesses!
All matter can be thought of as possessing another fundamental quantity: electric
charge. We can observe a force between two objects that is associated with the charges on
the bodies. Like the gravitational force, this electrostatic force follows an inverse square
law. Like mass, charge is a difficult concept to grasp fully. We can’t explain, in a simple
way, what causes the charge on an atomic particle.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 3.6 a b
a Like charges
repel, b unlike
charges attract. repulsion
gla ebonite
glass –ve charge +ve charge
+ve charge +ve charge attraction
In rubbing a glass rod on silk, the silk gives up some of this electric fluid to the glass
rod. The rod gains an excess of the electric fluid, and becomes positively charged; the
cloth loses some fluid and becomes negatively charged. Franklin’s arbitrary choice of
glass as possessing the positive charge laid down the definition of positive charge that
has continued to the present day.
Charles Coulomb (1736–1806), a French physicist, investigated the forces acting between
two charges and found that the force:
• acted along a line joining the centre of the two charges
• is proportional to the product of the two charges
• is inversely proportional to the (distance between the charges)2.
E x e r ci s e
3.6 Given the findings of Coulomb, if two charges q1 and q2 are separated by a
distance d what is the force acting between them?
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Electric fields
We have seen that any charged object will attract or repel other charged objects. We can
make simple maps in which we represent the size of this electrostatic force and its
direction at several positions near the charged object.
Suppose we have a 1 coulomb, positive test charge attached to a scale that measures
the force on the test charge. If we move around the charged object we can measure the
direction and size of the force acting on this test charge.
We can carry out these force measurements at many positions and draw force vectors
at each position to indicate the size and direction of the force on the test charge.
Figure 3.8
A test charge can +1C
be used to
determine the
direction and size
of the force acting F1 +1C
in a given area.
F4 F5
F6 F5
It is more convenient to draw continuous lines to indicate the direction of the force a
unit positive charge will feel when placed at a given position. This form of map is often
called an electric field map. Each line is a line of force. The strength of the force is
indicated by the separation of the lines. The closer the lines the stronger the force
experienced by a positive charge at that point.
Figure 3.9
The electric field
around a single
negative charge.
In the simple examples shown in Figure 3.9, the field lines are straight. In more
complex fields due to multiple charges the field lines are curved. The following rules apply
to the interpretation of field line maps:
1 Field lines begin at positive charges and end on negative charges.
2 Field lines never cross or split.
3 Field lines that are close together represent strong fields; field lines that are well
separated represent areas of weak field.
4 A charge placed in the field experiences a force in a direction along the field line.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 3.10 Electric field maps for differing positive and negative charges.
net force
attractive repulsive
a force force
test charge
+ — + +
Figure 3.11 Electric field maps for a opposite charges and b similar charges.
When we measure the field due to the positive and negative charges in Figure 3.11 with
our positive test charge, we get quite complicated field lines. At any point in the region the
test charge experiences a force of attraction due to the negative charge and a force of
repulsion due to the positive charge. The net force that acts on our test charge is the
vector sum of these two forces. The field lines represent the direction of the net force that
acts on our test charge.
When we consider real-life charge distributions, we need to introduce conductors.
What does the distribution of charge look like on a positively charged conductor?
It will help if we remember that like charges repel, that is, charges of similar sign will
attempt to get as far away from each other as possible. The positive charges will spread
out cross the conductor until the forces they experience from neighbouring charges
cancel each other out and the charges become stationary.
In their attempt to move as far apart as possible, the charges will move to the outside
surface of the conductor. If the conductor is a sphere, then the charge distributes itself
evenly across the outer surface.
What happens if we place our positive test charge inside the sphere? If we consider the
forces from just four of the positive charges A, B, C, D on the surface we find that the
repulsive forces from all of the charges on the sphere produces a net force of zero. The
field inside the sphere is therefore also zero. Remember that the repulsive forces decrease
with the square of the distance between each charge and our test charge.
This can be of use in industry and in laboratories where we need to carry out extremely
sensitive measurements that could be affected by electrical interference. By surrounding
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Figure 3.12 + A
a Charges + +
distribute on the + +
outer surface of a E
conductor, and + +
b the net force FA FC
inside a + FB
+ +ve test charge
conductor is B
always zero.
+ +
+ +
our equipment completely with a conducting metal cage, a Faraday Cage, we can ensure
that the equipment is free of external electric fields. Sometimes the equipment might be
highly sensitive computer equipment. At other times it might be a mind reader, being
tested for extra-sensory-perception, who is shut up in the Faraday Cage.
E x e r ci s e s
3.7 Two oppositely charged parallel plates are shown below. Consider the direction
a test positive charge would move when centred between the plates. The
strongest repulsive force it will experience is from the positive charge directly
in line with it. The adjacent positive charges also repel the test charge. They
both tend to repel the charge slightly to the horizontal but in opposite directions.
Their net push is in the same direction as that from the central charge.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
How will the negative charges interact with the test charge?
Sketch the pattern of field lines between the plates.
3.8 The following diagram shows the electric field lines for a system of two point
a What are the signs of the charges?
b The magnitude of the charge on the right-hand point charge is q. What is
the magnitude of the charge on the left-hand point charge?
3.9 Draw a diagram representing the electric field lines around two charges of
relative magnitude +10q and +2q.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
A c tivit y
3.6 Observe Experiment 3.2 ‘The Electric Field near a Van de Graaff generator’ to
observe the electric field between two parallel plates. The silver coated cachou
will move back and forward along the field lines between plates. Why?
Figure 3.13
98 N
10 kg
Gravity =
In this case
Fw 98 N
g= = = 9.8 m s–2
m 10 kg
The region around a charge is surrounded by an electric field. A charge placed in
this field will experience a force. The electric field strength is defined as the force
experienced per unit charge. So that if a +1 C charge experienced a force of +10 N in
an electric field, then the field intensity would be 10 N C–1.
F 10 N
E = q = 1 C = 10 N C–1
E x e r ci s e
3.10 The direction of the Earth’s gravitational field is in the same direction as
the force due to the weight of an object. Do electric fields always have the
same direction as the direction of the force?
Illustrate your answer by sketching the field round
a a positive charge and
b a negative charge and showing the direction of the force on a test
positive charge placed in the field.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Figure 3.14
The force
between two Force between charges
charges is
proportional to
the square of
their separation.
The work done in moving a charge q1 from infinity to a distance d from the charge q2
is the area under the force–distance curve.
This work is given by
Work = Fd = q1Ed (since F = Eq)
This work is stored as potential energy, and can be released. When we take a hand
away, the force of repulsion between the charges will cause them to separate and q1 will
gain velocity. The stored electrostatic potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
Just as we discussed electric field strength in terms of the force acting on a unit
charge, we can also talk of the electrostatic potential energy of a charge at a given
position in an electric field. The potential, V, at any point is the work done per unit
charge in bringing the charge from infinity to that position.
work q1Ed
V= = q = Ed
q1 1
The potential difference between two points is the difference in potential between the
points. Voltage is measured in joules per coulomb (J C–1) or volts. It is also the work that must
to be done in moving the charge from the first to the second position:
Vab = Va – Vb = q
Wab = qVab
Figure 3.15 db
Work must be
done to move a
positive charge b a
from infinity to a +q2
from infinity
position near
another positive +q1
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
+ 1000 V
+ 500 V
In the real world, the positive charges (the nuclei of the atoms) are massive and usually
not free to move in conductors. It is the negative charges that are able to move. The
electrons flow in the reverse direction, from the lower potential to the higher potential.
This flow of electrons is what we normally call a current.
The potential difference between the two conducting spheres in Figure 3.16 is given by:
Vab = 1000 V – 500 V
An electron moving from the lower potential 500 V to the 1000 V potential will do an
amount of work given by:
Wab = qVab= –1.6 × 10–19 C × 500 V
= –8 × 10–17 J
The negative sign indicates that work is done on the electron by the electric field. The
electron gains kinetic energy in moving from the lower to the higher potential.
E xample
P roble m
A potential difference of 2000 V is applied to two parallel metal plates as shown in the
diagram. The plates have a separation of 20 cm.
20 cm
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
S olution
+ + + + + +
Consider the field diagram for a pair of charged
parallel plates:
The field lines extend from the positive charges
to the negative charges and are parallel. This means
that the field strength between two parallel charged
plates is constant and does not depend on distance
from either plate.
a The potential difference is 2000 V and V = Ed
therefore E = V/d = 2000 V/ 0.2 m = 10000 V m–1.
b A charge of –1 C placed anywhere in this field
— — — — — —
will experience a force given by:
F = qE = –1 C × E = –1 C × 10 000 V m–1
= –1 × 104 N toward the positively charged plate.
E x e r ci s e s
3.11 The units of electric field strength can be expresses as Vm–1 or N C–1. Show
that these units are equivalent.
3.12 Name two ways in which you could increase the force between a charged
particle and the electric field.
3.13 A charge of 2.0 C experiences a force of 6.0 N in an electric field. What is the
magnitude of the field?
3.14 What is the magnitude and direction of the force on an electron due to a field of
2.93 × 10–11 N C–1?
3.15 An electric field due to a proton has a magnitude of 8.0 × 10–20 N C–1 at point P.
What will be the magnitude and direction of the force of a negative charge of
3.2 × 10–19 C placed at point P?
3.16 A potential difference of 5000 V is applied to two parallel metal plates as shown
in the diagram. The plates have a separation of 10 cm.
10 cm
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
metal comb
sprays electrons
onto belt
rubber belt
insulating support
+50 000 V
metal comb takes
electrons off belt
E x e r ci s e
3.17 A Van de Graaff generator loses its charge gradually when switched off. If a
drawing pin is placed upturned on the dome, the loss of charge is more rapid.
Explain why.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Charge is measured in coulombs, therefore current has units of coulombs per second.
The unit of current is called an ampere or amp.
A steady current of one ampere flows when one coulomb of charge passes any point in a
conductor each second.
Note: A current of 1 ampere is equivalent to a flow of 6 × 109 electrons per second. This is
a fairly large current. Smaller currents are often given in units of milliamperes and
1 milliampere or 1 mA = 1 × 10–3 A
1 microampere or 1 µA = 1 × 10–6 A
Typical currents encountered in everyday life are:
• current through a pocket calculator circuit = 0.005 A or 5 mA
• current through a torch bulb = 0.2 A or 200 mA
• current through a car headlight = 4 A
• current through a 1 kW electric heater = 4 A
• maximum current through a house lighting circuit = 13 A
We measure currents using an ammeter.
Figure 3.18 a b
Typical a direct
2 2
current, and b
alternating 1 1
)A( tnerruC
)A( tnerruC
0 0
–1 –1
–2 –2
0. 1 0.2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5. 0. 6 0. 1 0.2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6
Time (s) Time (s)
Current direction
Benjamin Franklin defined the electrostatic charge on a glass rod to be positive. This
definition is fundamental to many definitions which relate to electromagnetism.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
+ve charge
When the first continuous sources of current (batteries and generators) were developed
in the early 1800s, no one understood how charge flowed around circuits. It was assumed
that electric current represented the flow of positive charge as defined by Franklin.
+ –
Figure 3.20 electron flow
Electron flow
and current
direction in a current direction current direction
electron flow
It was to be 100 years before it was realised that in fact only the electrons moved
through metal conductors. Even though we know that moving electrons are responsible
for the current, it is still common practice to think of the current as being in the direction
of flow of positive charges.
In all diagrams used in this section the current direction will be shown by arrows
drawn on the circuit, while the direction of electron flow will be indicated by arrows
outside the circuit.
In their normal state atoms are electrically neutral. Each atom contains an equal number
of electrons (–ve) and protons (+ve).The electrons occupy a series of shells around the
nucleus. In some situations neutral atoms can gain or lose electrons. If they lose electrons
they form positive ions. If they gain electrons they form negative ions.
In a metal some of the electrons in the outer shell become free of their atom. The atoms
become positively charged ions. The free electrons move between these positive ions. In a
metal the current depends on the motion of these mobile electrons through the solid
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Figure 2.21
A metal consists
of positive ions in
a sea of mobile
In an electrolyte solution, the flow of a current depends on the movement of positive and
negative ions. When an ionic salt dissolves in water, the positive and negative ions
become mobile in the solution. For example, a sodium chloride solution contains positive
sodium and negative chloride ions. When placed in a circuit between a positively charged
electrode and a negatively charged electrode, the positive ions migrate toward the
negative terminal, and the negative ions move toward the positive terminal.
Figure 3.22
In a solution of e–
electrolyte both
positive and
negative charges
carry current. – +
Gases are normally insulators. They do not conduct electricity under normal conditions.
Atoms and molecules in a gas are usually neutral. When they are irradiated with high energy
ultraviolet light, or heated to a high temperature (e.g. above 3000ºC), the atoms are stripped
of some of their outer electrons and become positively charged ions (Figure 3.23). The
electrons will move freely in the gas, eventually recombining with positively charged ions.
Conduction through a gas is due mainly to the directed flow of the free electrons.
DC electrical circuits
Sources of current and electromotive force (EMF)
To study how current flows in wires we must have a reliable and steady source of
electrons. Charges may be freed from the surface of insulators mechanically by vigorous
rubbing. Until 1800, the production of static charges was the only way of producing
electric currents.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
In the 1780s, Galvani carried out many experiments on the effect of connecting static
electricity generating machines to muscles. He noted that a frog’s leg muscle would
contract and kick when connected to one of these generators. In the process of these
experiments, he noticed that he could get the same effect when he connected the muscle
to a brass hook, hanging from an iron ring, even without connecting an electrostatic
generator. Unfortunately, Galvani thought the effect was due to ‘animal electricity’
generated within the muscle.
Alessandro Volta repeated these experiments and came to the correct conclusion that
the muscle was only a sensitive detector, and that the electricity was developed in the
junction between the iron and brass hooks.
Electromotive force
In 1800 Volta built the first practical battery using the contact between two dissimilar
metals to provide a source of charge.
The best way to make a good contact between metals is through a conducting solution
of salt water, or acid. Volta’s early cells were made from a sandwich of zinc and silver
sheets separated by cloth or paper soaked in a salt solution.
Early scientists postulated a ‘force’ which pushed charge around a circuit. They called
this the electromotive force (EMF). In reality there is no force as such in these terms.
The idea however stuck and we still refer to EMF, measured in volts (V).
Contact potential
When two different metals are brought into close contact, electrons flow from one metal
to the other. The metal that loses electrons becomes positively charged; the metal that
gains the electrons becomes negatively charged. If we try to move a positive test charge
from the negatively charged metal to the positively charged metal, we have to do some
work. A voltage or potential difference exists between the two metals. Volta’s EMF is a
measure of this voltage or potential difference.
If we make several cells that have one electrode made of copper and different metals for
the second electrode, we will find some combinations of electrodes producing a greater
EMF than others. We can establish a list of metals in order of effectiveness in producing an
EMF. This list is known to chemists as the ‘electrochemical series’ (Table 3.2).
The further apart two metals are in the electrochemical series the greater the potential
difference they make in a cell. The elements lithium to sodium are not widely used in cells
because of their high reactivity. Gold is also not used. Why not?
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Figure 3.25
a A simple wet
cell can be made
from copper and a Cell
zinc plates.
conventional Cu Zn
symbol for a cell, salt-soaked paper
and c the less
reactive metal is
at the higher
potential. b Symbol + –
10 V
c Potential
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x e r ci s e s
3.18 a What is the direction of conventional current in an electric circuit?
b What is a conductor?
c What is an insulator?
3.19 Identify each of the following current waveforms as AC or DC.
a b c
Current (A)
Current (A)
Current (A)
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
The current of a battery flows from the positive terminal around the circuit to the
negative terminal. Once outside the battery the current flows from a high electric
potential to a lower electric potential. You could say it flows downhill, only the hill is a hill
of electric potential energy, not gravitational potential energy. The electric potential
energy is converted to other forms of energy, mainly heat.
There is a potential difference of 1 volt between two points in a circuit if 1 joule of
potential energy is changed into other forms when 1 coulomb of charge passes between
the two points.
Voltage is measured using a voltmeter.
Consider a simple circuit containing a switch and a light globe. When the switch is
closed a current flows. The power supply adds energy to the electron current. The amount
of this added energy per unit charge is the power supply voltage measured in joules per
coulomb (J C–1) or volts. In the globe the energy carried by the current is converted to
light (and heat). This drop in potential energy by the moving charges is commonly called
a voltage drop. This is what the voltmeter displays.
c b
d e f a
a b c d e f a
Position in circuit
Figure 3.26 Electric potential energy drops around an electric circuit. The high point is the positive terminal and the low point the
negative terminal. Most electric potential is lost in the resistors. There is very little energy loss in the connecting wires. The term
‘voltage drop’ refers to the decrease in electric potential energy in a resistor.
V1 V2
2 ohm
12 V 10 V
2 volt
Figure 3.27 In this circuit the voltage drops around the circuit from 12 V at the positive terminal of the battery to 0 V at the negative
terminal. There is a 2 V voltage drop as indicated by a voltmeter across R3 so that the potential drops from 12 V to 10 V. Similarly
there is a 4 V voltage drop across R2 and a 6 V voltage drop across R1. The total voltage drop is 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 V. This is equal to the
potential rise of the battery.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Circuit components
We have already seen that we represent the battery by a symbol. Figure 3.28 gives the
meaning of other symbols used in drawing circuits. Simple circuits consist of:
• a source of electric current or EMF, which raises the electrical potential energy of
the electrons
• conducting wires to carry the current without loss of energy
• resistors which convert some of the electrical potential energy of the electrons into heat
• ammeters to measure the current passing a point on a conductor
• voltmeters to measure the electric potential difference between two points on a conductor.
Figure 3.28
Symbols for electric + – + –
circuit components.
or A
variable resistor
+ —
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Figure 3.30
Graph of current
versus voltage 0.6
for a resistor.
Current (A)
2 4 6 8
Voltage (V)
For a constant current, the potential difference across the ends of the conductor depends
on the amount of electric potential energy that is lost by the electrons in the conductor. The
conductor is said to resist the flow of the current. The resistance, R, of the conductor is
related to the potential difference across the conductor for a given current by
V = IR or R = V/I
Although this is often referred to by the name Ohm’s law, it is really more of a definition
of resistance. The units of resistance are ohms. The symbol for ohm is the Greek letter
omega (Ω).
A conductor has a resistance of 1 ohm if a current of 1 amp produces a potential difference
of 1 volt across its ends.
If we replace the wire with a wire of different dimensions or of a different material, the
current is still found to be proportional to the voltage across the wire, but now the constant
R relating the two is different.
Measuring resistance
We can measure resistances using a simple circuit shown in Figure 3.31.
Figure 3.31
Measuring V
resistance. voltmeter
+ –
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
If we can rely on the accuracy of the ammeter and the voltmeter, then the
measurement of the voltage across the resistor and the current through the resistor
allows us to apply Ohm’s law and to calculate the resistance from
R = V/I
If we aren’t sure our meters are accurate (perhaps they have been dropped, or treated
harshly), then other methods that allow the comparison of the unknown resistance
with a standard resistance must be used.
Figure 3.32
Electrons have
to pass through
vibrating metal
ions in the
nucleii path of electron
The number of collisions suffered by an electron will also increase as we increase the
length of the conductor. Therefore the resistance also increases with length.
The number of collisions will also depend on the type of material. If the atoms and
ions are closely packed, there will be more frequent collisions, and a high resistance
will result.
The amount of energy lost by the electron in a single collision will also depend on
the type of material in the conductor. The more massive the atoms and ions, the more
energy lost by the electron in the collision.
We can see that the resistance R of a conductor depends on:
• the material’s resistivity ρ
• the cross-sectional area of the conducting wire A
• the length of the wire L.
The units of resistance, length and area are Ω, m and m2, respectively, therefore the
resistivity of a material is stated in units of Ω m.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Practical resistors
Resistors are commonly used to control the electric current in a circuit. They are found
as electronic devices in the circuitry of most household electronic appliances—
televisions, radio, CD players etc. The resistors are coded using colour bands to indicate
their resistance value. Details of this coding are included in Appendix F .
Figure 3.33
Colour codes on a
resistor indicate
their resistance
value. colour bands
Other appliances use resistance wire (usually nichrome alloy). The filament of a light
globe, the resistance wire in toasters, electric blankets and clothes dryers are simple
resistors designed to produce heat. Other examples include the heating elements of hot
plates, electric kettles and the electric oven.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
A c tivitie s
3.7 Perform Experiment 3.3 AC/DC.
3.8 Plan and perform an investigation to determine the relationship between
voltage and current in a simple circuit.
a Which are the ‘dependent’ and ‘independent’ variables in the different
parts of your investigation?
b What equipment will you use? Draw a circuit diagram in your report.
c Identify safe work practices when using electricity.
d Record accurate results and present them in two forms.
3.9 Plan, choose equipment for and perform an investigation to show the variation
in potential difference between different points around a circuit.
a How will you collect your data? Try to use a different technology from the
previous investigation. Which variables will you keep constant and how
will you do this?
b Use your results to formulate a conclusion.
E x e r ci s e s
3.24 A student set up the electrical circuit with a resistor of unknown value as shown
in the following diagram. The student recorded the readings on the ammeter and
voltmeter using a variable voltage source. The results are set out below.
3.25 The current through a torch bulb is measured at different voltages and the
results are plotted in the accompanying graph.
Potential difference (V)
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
a What is the resistance of the globe when the potential difference across it
is 2.0 V?
b What is the resistance of the globe when the potential difference across it
is 14.0 V?
c Suggest a possible explanation for this experimental result.
3.26 A student set up an electrical circuit with a 10 Ω resistor as shown in the
following diagram.
10 Ω
12 V
50 Ω
12 V
3.28 A student set up an electrical circuit with a resistor as shown in the following
diagram. The ammeter reads 2.0 A.
reads 2.0 A
12 V
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 3.34 aa b b
Current flows in
battery battery
a a closed circuit,
but not in b an open
open circuit. switch switch
current no current
flows flows through
around a an open
resistor conducting resistor circuit
Figure 3.35
The current is the
same at all points V
in a simple circuit.
+ –
If this were not the case, then electrons would pile up or leak away at some point in
the circuit. Electrons leave the negative terminal of the battery at the same rate as they
return to the positive terminal.
The current is the same at all points around a simple circuit.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Figure 3.36
loss in PE gain in PE
Electric potential
energy drops
around a simple
Figure 3.37 V1 V1
The sum of the
voltage drops EMF = 2 V
equals the
B + – A
battery potential
of EMF. R1 R2
2Ω 4Ω
R1 R2
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x e r ci s e s
R1 R2
10 V
3.31 A circuit contains two resistors as shown in the accompanying diagram. The
resistance of R2 is double that of R1. What are the readings on the voltmeters V1
and V2?
V1 V2
R1 R2
Figure 3.38 1
At a junction the
total current C + –
leaving equals AC
the total current
Since charges are neither created nor destroyed in the circuit, the number of charges
passing A1 each second plus the number passing A2 each second must equal the
number of charges passing Ac every second.
The number of charges per second passing A1 is the current I1 measured by that
ammeter. Therefore
I1 + I2 = Ic
This is Kirchhoff’s junction rule: At any junction, the sum of all currents entering
the junction must equal the sum of all currents leaving that junction.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Any components may be connected in this way. Resistors and batteries are common
examples. Arrangements of resistors in series and in parallel can be replaced simply by a
single equivalent resistor.
Resistors in series
As we have just seen, if two or more resistors are connected in series, the current through
both is the same. However, the voltage drops as it goes across the resistor, the larger
resistor using proportionally more energy. The components are interdependent. If one
goes out, they all go out.
Resistors in parallel
If we have two or more resistors in parallel, the current may flow through either branch of
the circuit. A larger current flows through the lower resistance arm of the circuit (well,
which one would you choose, the harder one of the two?), thus the current in the low
resistance arm will be the larger current.
The sum of the current I1 and I2 flowing through the two branches of the circuit must
equal the current entering the circuit Ic.
I1 + I2 = Ic
The potential difference or voltage across the whole system is the same as the voltage
across each branch of the circuit.
V1 = V2 = Vc
This is because the resistors are connected between the same two points and the
potential difference between points A and B in Figure 3.40 must be the same no matter
what path the current takes. For example, if you wish to go from the ground floor of a
building to the first floor, you could take a stairway, a lift or climb a ladder. But no matter
how you ascend, you still gain the same height and therefore the same energy.
In Stage 5 Science, you connected light globes in series and noticed how they dimmed
because they were sharing the same voltage. However, the same lights connected in
parallel remained as bright. If you unscrewed one globe in a series circuit, all the globes
went out, while the globes in the parallel circuit work independently of one another.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x e r ci s e s
3.32 Compare what happens to the total current in a circuit if you add more globes
in series with what happens if you add more globes in parallel?
3.33 Are household circuits wired in series or parallel? How do you know?
A c tivit y
3.10 Plan an investigation to compare measurements of current and voltage around
series and parallel circuits.
Circuit calculations
There are two ways of connecting circuit components together. They may be connected
in series (Figure 3.41a) or in parallel (Figure 3.41b). Any components may be connected
in this way. Resistors and batteries are common examples.
Figure 3.41
a Series and parallel
b parallel series
Resistors in series
When resistors are in series, as in Figure 3.42, electrons passing through the first resistor
R1 must also pass through R2. The current through both resistors must be identical.
Figure 3.42
V1 V2
The total
resistance of two I
series resistors R1 R2
equals the sum of
their resistance
V 1,2
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Resistors in parallel
If we have two or more resistors in parallel, the current may flow through either branch
of the circuit. A larger current flows through the lower resistance arm of the circuit.
Thus, the current in the low resistance arm will be the larger current.
V = V 1 = V2
Figure 3.43 Equivalent resistance.
The sum of the current flowing through the two branches of the circuit must equal
the current entering the circuit:
I1 + I2 = Ic
The potential difference or voltage across the whole system is the same as the voltage
across each branch of the circuit:
V1 = V2 = Vc
Using Ohm’s law we can write:
V1 V2 Vc
I1 = R and I2 = R and Ic = R
1 2 c
I1 + I2 = Ic and V1 = V2 = Vc
V1 V2 Vc
R1 + R2 = Rc
1 1 1
Rc = R1 + R2
That is, the parallel resistors can be replaced with an equivalent resistor Rc.
E x e r ci s e s
100 Ω 100 Ω
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
100 Ω
100 Ω
E xample 1
P roble m
Refer to the simple series resistance circuit shown in Figure 3.44.
a What is the circuit current flowing in the circuit?
b What is the voltage across the 10 ohm resistor?
c What is the voltage across the 5 ohm resistor?
Figure 3.44 10 Ω 5Ω
Circuit diagram
with 10 Ω and 5 Ω
series resistors.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
S olution
Step 1 Replace the two series resistances by their equivalent resistance:
Rc = R1 + R2 = 10 Ω + 5 Ω = 15 Ω
Step 2 Draw the circuit diagram.
Step 3 The circuit current Ic is the current that flows through all components in the circuit.
It is the current that flows out of the battery’s positive terminal. Applying Ohm’s law to the
redrawn circuit gives:
Ic = R = 15 Ω = 0.333 A
Step 4 The voltage across the 10 Ω resistor is obtained by applying Ohm’s law to the current
flowing through the resistance and the resistance:
I10 = R so V = I10R = 0.333 × 10 = 3.33 V
I5 = R so V = I5R = 0.333 × 5 = 1.66 V
E xample 2
P roble m
Calculate the circuit current and the current through and voltage across each component in
the circuit shown in Figure 3.45.
S olution
Step 1 Replace the resistances in parallel by their equivalent resistance:
1 1 1 2+1 3
= + = = Ω
Rc 5 10 10 10
Rc = 3.33 Ω
Figure 3.45
Circuit diagram 5Ω
with series
and parallel Ic Ic
resistors. 10 Ω
Step 2 Redraw the equivalent circuit using only series resistors. This is shown in Figure 3.46a.
Step 3 Replace the series resistances by a single equivalent resistance:
Rc = R1 + R2 = 3.33 Ω + 5 Ω = 8.33 Ω
Step 4 Redraw the circuit diagram using a single resistor (Figure 3.46b).
3.3 Ω 5Ω 8.33 Ω
Ic Ic
Ic Ic
5V 5V
Figure 3.46 a Equivalent circuit using series resistors b Equivalent circuit using a single resistor.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 3.47 I5
The current
divides between 5Ω
the parallel
10 Ω
Ic = I5 + I10
E xample 3
P roble m
A circuit is set up as shown in Figure 3.48a. Part of the circuit is hidden in a closed box.
Ammeter X reads 3 A, ammeter Y reads 2 A and ammeter Z reads 1 A. The battery has
an EMF of 15 V. Which of the arrangements of resistors shown in Figure 3.48b could be in
the box?
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
15 V
a b
i 10 Ω ii 5Ω
5Ω 10 Ω
A iii 12 Ω iv 6Ω
3A box
A A 1Ω 6Ω 1Ω 12 Ω
S olution
Step 1 Identify the circuit current in Figure 3.48a. Ammeter X reads the current in the simple
circuit, Ic = 3 A. The potential across the box is the EMF of the battery; Vbox = 15 V.
Using Ohm’s law, the total resistance of the box is:
Vbox 15
Rc = = =5Ω
Ic 3
Step 2 Can any of the possible answers be eliminated at this stage because they don’t
have the correct equivalent resistance?
Circuits i and circuit ii have the same equivalent resistance given by:
1 1 1 1 1 3
= + = + =
Rc R1 R2 10 5 10
Rc = = 3.33 Ω
Thus circuits i and ii cannot be the unknown resistors.
Circuits iii and iv also have the same equivalent resistance. The resistors in parallel have
an equivalent resistance R′c (as shown in Figure 3.49):
1 1 1 1 1 3
= + = + =
Rc R1 R2 12 6 12
R′c = =4Ω
Figure 3.49
12 Ω
Circuits iii and
iv have the 1Ω R'c
same equivalent
1Ω 6Ω
The final equivalent resistance of this 4 Ω resistor in series with the 1 Ω resistor is 5 Ω.
So circuits iii and iv are still possible answers.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Step 3 We need to look at the currents flowing through the two possible branches of the
circuits. The higher current will flow through the lower resistance. Ammeter Y reads 2 A,
ammeter Z reads 1 A. Thus, ammeter Y (showing the higher current) must be in series with
the lower resistance, 6 Ω, and ammeter Z (showing the lower current) must be in series with
the higher resistance, 12 Ω. Thus, circuit iv is correct.
E x e r ci s e s
3.36 A student set up an electrical circuit with two 10 Ω resistors as shown in the
diagram. The ammeter reads 100 mA.
10 Ω 10 Ω
10 V
3.37 A student set up an electrical circuit with two resistors as shown in the
diagram. One resistor has a value of 6 Ω and the value of the other is unknown.
The ammeter reads 1.0 A.
6Ω R
ammeter reads
10 V 1.0 A
3.38 A student set up an electrical circuit with two 24 Ω resistors as shown in the
diagram. The battery is 8.0 V.
24 Ω
24 Ω
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
switch 6Ω
12 Ω
12 V
The ammeter is used to measure the current through the main circuit. It is wired in
series into the main circuit. It must not contribute to the voltage changes around the
circuit, as this will change the circuit current. Since V = IR, the ammeter must have a
very low resistance.
We often need to measure currents ranging from a few microamperes to several
amperes. A single sensitive galvanometer capable of measuring microamperes will be
severely damaged if a current of several amperes is passed through it.
An ammeter therefore includes a low value shunt (or bypass) resistance that allows
most of the current to bypass the meter, as shown in Figure 3.50. Note that in the circuit
shown Rshunt < Rm.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Potential difference
A voltmeter is a galvanometer used in parallel to the component across which the voltage
is being measured. If the galvanometer with a low resistance is placed in parallel with a
high resistance component, then most of the current will flow around that component,
bypassing it through the meter.
This is avoided by using a large shunt resistance in series with the galvanometer, as
shown in Figure 3.51. Note that in this circuit Rshunt > Rm, and Rshunt + Rm > Rc.
Figure 3.51
The voltmeter. V drop in meter
V drop in shunt
internal resistance
The voltmeter (galvanometer and its internal resistance) contains a large value shunt
resistor in series with the galvanometer. The voltmeter is then connected in parallel
across the component being studied. If the internal resistance of the voltmeter is large
compared with that of the component, the current flow through the circuit is barely
affected by the presence of the meter.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
A resistor releases energy when a current flows through it—it heats up. The resistor
must be able to lose this heat energy to the surroundings without being damaged. The
amount of power that a resistor can handle is determined by its physical size and shape.
Generally the bigger the surface area of a resistor, the more power it can handle.
As we saw in earlier chapters, energy and power are closely related: power is the rate at
which work is done.
work energy
Power = =
elapsed time elapsed time
The energy produced is equal to the product of power and time
Energy = power × time
Energy = VIt
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Since the basic unit of energy is the joule (J), a 60 watt light globe uses 60 J of energy
each second.
When we use domestic electricity we don’t pay for the power use but for the energy
use. Our account indicates the number of kilowatt hours used (kWh). This is an energy
term ( J s–1 s).
A typical electricity bill from a provider includes the following information, which is
the basis for the charge made:
E xample
P roble m
Calculate the resistance of a 40 W car headlamp, designed to run at a voltage
of 12 V.
S olution
The power liberated in the lamp’s resistance = 40 W
V2 122 144
Power = 40 W = R = R = R
Therefore R = 40 = 3.6 Ω
E x e r ci s e s
3.40 Calculate the power rating of a light globe operating on a 240 V supply and
drawing a current of 0.50 A.
3.41 Calculate the current drawn by a 5 kW air conditioning system operating on 240 V.
3.42 A 100 Ω resistor rated at 0.25 watt is to be used in the following circuit with a 9 V
battery. Is the power rating of the resistor sufficient or should a different power
rating be used?
100 Ω
3.43 What is the resistance of each of the following 240 V domestic light globes?
a 40 watt b 60 watt c 100 watt
3.44 What is the current passing through a 3 kW, 240 V electric heater?
3.45 A domestic 100 watt light globe is much brighter than a 40 watt light globe.
Which household globe has the thicker wire filament, a 100 watt light globe or a
40 watt globe? Explain.
3.46 A light circuit in a house has a 10 A fuse. The fuse ‘blows’ when the current
flowing through it exceeds 10 A. How many 240 V, 60 W globes can be on in a
house with a single light fuse before the fuse blows?
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
A c tivitie s
Household circuits
Ring mains
Electric power is brought into the house from the junction-box power pole on the street
to a distribution board at the side of your house.
This cable contains at least one live wire, which carries the alternating current, and a
neutral wire, which carries return current. The neutral wire is maintained at zero potential
since it has been earthed at the pole transformer. Most house supplies have up to three
live wires, each carrying a separate phase, and driving different circuits inside the home.
On occasion you may find that while one ring on your electric cooker will work, the oven
or grill will not since the fuse for that phase may have blown on the pole on the street.
Fuses are now being replaced by electromagnetic circuit breakers, which can be reset
when the fault has been diagnosed and fixed. When carrying a normal current, the
conducting arm of the breaker is pulled against an electrical contact by a spring and the
circuit is closed. If a large enough current flows through the solenoid, the magnetic field
will attract the conducting arm and break the circuit, cutting the flow of current.
In the time it takes a fuse to overload or a circuit breaker to trip, it is possible to be
electrocuted. For this reason earth-leakage devices have recently become available. These
monitor the neutral and live wires in a circuit. If both are carrying the same current, all is
well and there is no leakage of current through a short. If the current in the neutral wire
drops below that in the live wire, then the unit immediately breaks the circuit like a
conventional circuit breaker. These devices operate much faster than conventional fuses
and circuit breakers and can prevent electrocutions.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Ring main
live neutral
Earth stake
Three pin sockets
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
This scheme replaces an older code in which the live wire was red, the neutral wire
black and the earth wire green, because of problems for red–green colour blind
Blowing a fuse
Fuses are designed to ‘blow’ when a stated current is exceeded, so protecting the wiring
and circuits in the house. A lighting circuit will be protected by an 8 ampere fuse. This
allows a maximum current of 8 amperes to flow at a voltage of 240 V. The total power that
can be provided by this circuit, without blowing the fuse, is given by
P = IV = 8 A × 240 V = 1920 W
This would be sufficient to power nineteen 100 W electric light bulbs without blowing
the fuse.
However, if a 1 kW electric blanket and ten lights were on this circuit, the current drawn
by the circuit would be much larger than for which it was designed.
P = 10 × 100 W + 1000 W = 2000 W
I = P/V = 2000/240 = 8.3 A
The fuse would blow to protect the circuit.
Normally electric lighting circuits are separate ring mains from power circuits used for
televisions, electric heaters etc. The circuits into which major appliances are plugged are
also separately fused.
A c tivitie s
3.13 The structure of household circuits is different for different purposes. Gather,
process and analyse information in order to identify the differences and
provide a plausible explanation.
3.14 Plan and construct a model household circuit using electrical components.
Carry out a risk assessment of your model and identify and eliminate potential
E x e r ci s e s
3.47 There are different circuits for lighting, heating and other appliances. What
reason for this is given in the chapter?
3.48 Lights have a much lower resistance than other appliances. What would occur if
the same parallel circuit was used for all electrical equipment?
3.49 Propose a reason why the kilowatt hour is used to measure domestic energy
consumption rather than the joule?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Electricity is extremely useful, but also dangerous. Many house fires are caused by faulty
wiring or appliances. It is possible to give yourself painful or deadly electric shocks
from working with mains electricity. In Australia it is illegal to do your own electrical
installations or repairs, and you should use a qualified electrician for all work involving
mains circuit wiring.
The following simple rules should be followed at all times.
• Do not overload double plugs and extension boards.
• Ensure that all plugs are fully inserted in their sockets.
• Always unplug electrical appliances before servicing them.
• Do not work with electrical items in damp and wet surroundings, e.g. wet floors.
• Do not use electrical appliances with worn and abraded mains cords.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
A c tivitie s
3.15 Gather, process, and analyse additional secondary information from a range
of resources to assess the effect of different voltages, including 240 volt AC
and various DC voltages, on the muscles of the body. Discuss whether the
length of time of contact with the current increases the effect.
Assess the reliability of your information.
Use cause and effect relationships in your discussion.
E x e r ci s e s
3.51 Show that the heat energy produced in a wire of resistance R carrying a current
I for a time t is given by:
Energy = I 2 × R × t
3.52 How much heat is produced when a current of 5.0 A flows through a wire of
resistance 10 Ω for 1.0 hour?
3.53 How much electrical energy is used by a 100 W light globe in 1.0 hour?
3.54 An electric iron has a power rating of 2 kW. How much energy is used if an
ironing job takes 1.0 h?
3.55 A water heater is rated at 7.5 kW for 240 V. It holds 250 kg of water.
a What is its resistance?
b What current flows through the heater when it is on?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
One of the main characteristics of magnets is their ability to attract objects, chiefly those
made of iron. Several minerals are magnetic in their natural state. A material which is able
to keep its magnetism for a long time is termed a permanent magnet.
Not all materials are attracted to magnets. Certain materials are strongly affected by
magnetism. The simplest way to identify such materials is to test them with permanent
magnets and observe which are attracted and which remain unaffected.
Magnetic poles
Magnets will also exert attractive and repulsive forces on each other. If we shape our
magnetic material into a bar we can investigate these forces. When we dip one of these bar
magnets into iron filings, the filings cluster near the ends of the bar and avoid the middle.
Figure 3.54
Iron filings
cluster around
the ends of a bar
magnetic poles
magnetic axis
The force pulling the filings to the magnet appears to be centred in two regions of the
magnet. These points are called the magnetic poles of the magnet. A straight line drawn
through these poles is known as the magnetic axis of the magnet.
If we hang a bar magnet from its centre on light thread, balance it on a pivot, or float it
on a cork raft so that it is free to rotate, it will always turn so that the magnetic axis lies
north–south and the same pole always points in a northerly direction.
This is used to distinguish between the two types of pole on a magnet.
• The pole pointing north is known as the north-seeking pole.
• The pole pointing south is known as the south-seeking pole.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Figure 3.55
A bar magnet
will always turn
so that its
magnetic axis S-seeking pole N-seeking pole
lies north–south
with the same
pole pointing
towards north.
We normally mark the ends of the bar magnet using N to indicate N-seeking and S to
indicate S-seeking. We can use a freely rotating magnet to make a simple compass that
will always tell us where north lies. We can also use such a magnet to detect other
permanent magnets and to investigate the forces between magnets.
Magnetic forces
When we bring two bar magnets together, we find that each exerts a force on the other.
If we suspend one bar magnet so that it can rotate freely and bring the other magnet close
we find that:
1 if the N pole of the fixed magnet is brought near the N pole of the free magnet the force
is repulsive
2 if the S pole of the fixed magnet is brought near the S pole of the free magnet the force
is repulsive
3 if the N pole of the fixed magnet is brought near the S pole of the free magnet the force
is attractive
4 if the S pole of the fixed magnet is brought near the N pole of the free magnet the force
is attractive.
Figure 3.56
a Like poles repel a
and b opposite
poles attract.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x e r ci s e
Magnetic interactions
Forces and fields
We have yet to find a single isolated magnetic north pole. It is therefore difficult to talk
about magnetic forces in the way in which we discussed electrostatic forces. Instead we
are forced to perform experiments using bar magnets.
Figure 3.57
Magnetic forces
between adjacent
bar magnets.
If we look at the forces acting between two bar magnets, we see that there is an
attractive force between the adjacent N and S poles, and a repulsion between the two N
and two S poles. The resultant force is therefore quite complex.
If we use extremely long magnets we can make sure that the repulsive forces are small
and overshadowed by the attractive forces between the N and S pole.
Figure 3.58
Magnetic forces 1m
between very long
magnets. S N
very weak repulsion
very weak repulsion strong attraction
We can study the way the force on the ball end of such a magnet varies as we change
the distance between the adjacent N and S poles. Like many other fundamental forces,
the magnetic force is an inverse square force. The force can be shown to act along a line
joining the poles.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Mapping fields
If we place a sheet of paper over a magnet and sprinkle fine iron filings on the paper we
can gain a rough image of the magnetic field. The filings will be attracted to the poles and
in turn attract each other. Strings of filings will form with the magnetic axis of each filing
becoming aligned with the magnetic field. This is a fairly imprecise way of studying
magnetic fields, but it offers a very good overview of the field.
We can perform the same experiment on a slightly larger scale, using the alignment of a
small plotting compass instead of the alignment of iron filings with the field. The N pole
of the compass will be attracted by the S pole of a bar magnet and repelled by the magnet’s
N pole. The S pole of the compass will be repelled by the magnet’s S pole and attracted by
its N pole. The effect is to align the compass needle with the magnetic field line.
If we now place the magnet on a sheet of paper and position the compass near it, we
can mark the ends of the needle with two dots. By repositioning the compass so that its
N pole lies over the dot marking the previous position of its S pole we can repeat the
procedure until the magnetic field line is completed.
Figure 3.59
Plotting 3
magnetic fields
with a small 2
Figure 3.60
The magnetic
field around a
bar magnet.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
N p ole to S p ole
If we place the same magnets so that the S pole of one opposes the N pole of the other,
they will attract each other. The field lines between the magnets run from the N pole
of the right-hand magnet to the S pole of the left-hand magnet. The magnets are drawn
Figure 3.62
The magnetic
field between
two bar magnets
placed north pole N S N S
to south pole.
E x e r ci s e
3.59 Draw the field lines between two bar magnets lying end to end whose south
poles are opposed.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
field direction
field direction
With your right hand, point your thumb along the direction of the current and then
curl your fingers. The direction in which your fingers curl represents the direction of the
magnetic field. This is shown in Figure 3.64.
This is known as a right-hand screw rule because, if you take a right-hand screw, you
must turn it in the direction of the magnetic field to make it bore into wood along the
direction of the current.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Magnetic fields
The strength of the magnetic field near a current-carrying wire is proportional to the
current and inversely proportional to distance from the wire. So to detect the magnetic
field in a school laboratory you need to have as high a current as possible and to have
the test probe close to the wire.
The following conventions are used in diagrams to indicate the direction of magnetic
fields and currents:
• magnetic field or current is out of the page
X magnetic field or current is into the page.
magnetic field
direction in
coil centre
current flow
The field due to a current flowing around a circular coil is the sum of the fields due to
each segment of the coil. The result is a magnetic field which threads the coil in the
direction shown. Once again the field direction is given by the right-hand rule.
We can further increase the magnetic field strength at the centre of a solenoid, by filling
the solenoid with a ferromagnetic material. This iron core is magnetised by the field due
to the current in the coil and the resultant field is up to a thousand times stronger than
that in a coil without an iron core.
These types of solenoids are known as electromagnets—the magnetic field is present
only as long as the current is flowing.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
Electromagnets can be produced in many shapes and sizes, from the giant ones used in
scrap metal yards for lifting old cars to small ones used in tape recorder heads. A few of
the applications are discussed below.
R elay s
Computers and electronic circuits are low voltage, low power systems. It is often necessary
for computers or other electronic circuits to control high currents or voltages. To connect
them directly is impossible. Instead they control mechanical mechanisms that operate
switches in the other circuit.
These switches are known as relays. In a relay a switch is opened or closed by an
electromagnet controlled by the computer. In the example in Figure 3.66, the closing of
the switch on the low current circuit turns on the electromagnet. The magnetic field
attracts the arm of the switch on the high current circuit. This switch opens and cuts the
current flowing in that circuit.
Figure 3.66
high current
An circuit
circuit breaker. electromagnet
low current
B ell s
In an electric bell the bell clapper is part of the circuit.
Normally the clapper rests against an electrical contact. When the button is pressed
current flows through the circuit and the solenoid is energised. The magnetic field
produced pulls the clapper towards the pole of the solenoid and the clapper strikes the
Figure 3.67
An electric bell.
circuit broken solenoid
solenoid attracts magnet
current flows
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
bell. This movement also immediately breaks the circuit and current ceases to flow
through the solenoid. The clapper springs away from the bell and touches the electrical
contact again, remaking the circuit; this cycle is repeated as long as the bell push is
Tele p hon e s
The early telephones relied on the way in which the resistance of carbon granules changes
when the granules are compressed. Sound waves compress the carbon granules in the
mouthpiece, the resistance in the granules drops and the current in the circuit rises.
The increased current flowing through the electromagnets in the earpiece attracts the
loudspeaker diaphragm and creates a pressure pulse.
Modern telephones no longer use carbon granules in the mouthpiece, but the earpiece
is largely unchanged.
A c tivitie s
E x e r ci s e s
perspex rod
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
M e t hod
1 Charge a Perspex rod by rubbing it with silk. Test its effect on a fine stream of water,
light aluminium foil, paper, fabric, hair, etc.
2 Charge an ebonite rod by rubbing it with flannel. Test its effect on a fine stream of
water, light aluminium foil, paper, fabric, hair, etc.
3 Test the effect of the charged rods on an electroscope by bringing each rod near, but
not touching, the electroscope and then removing the rod.
4 Charge a Perspex rod by rubbing it with silk. Rest it on the watchglass and observe the
effect of bringing another charged Perspex rod near to the charged end.
5 Repeat Step 4, this time bringing a charged ebonite rod near to the charged end of the
Perspex rod.
6 Charge an ebonite rod by rubbing it with flannel. Rest it on the watchglass and observe
the effect of bringing another charged ebonite rod near to the charged end.
7 Repeat Step 6, this time bringing a charged Perspex rod near to the charged end of the
ebonite rod.
R e s ult s
1 What is the effect of a charged rod on uncharged objects?
2 What are the effects of charged rods of the same material on each other?
3 What are the effects of charged rods of different material on each other?
C on clu s ion
What are the effects of charged objects on neutral and other charged objects?
20 cm
metal rings
metal stands
split ring
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
M e t hod
1 Assemble the electroscopes at varying distances around the Van de Graaff generator.
Switch on the generator and observe. Note the relative intensity of the field with distance.
2 Support the Perspex or glass plate on four polystyrene cups. Thoroughly dry using a
hair drier. Repeat with the belt of the Van de Graaff generator if necessary.
3 Place the metal stands parallel and about 10 cm apart on the plate. Connect one to the
dome of the Van de Graaff generator and the other to the earth of the generator.
4 Switch on the Van de Graaff generator and place 15–20 silver-coated cachous between
the metal strips. Observe.
5 Replace the straight metal stands with the two metal rings. Connect the inner ring to
the dome and the outer to the earth of the generator and place 15–20 silver-coated
cachous between the metal rings. Observe.
6 Replace the inner ring with the ring containing a gap and repeat Step 5.
R e s ult s
Record your observations of steps 1, 4, 5 and 6.
C on clu s ion
What do your observations indicate about the electric field:
a around a charged object
b between two parallel plates
c in the area inside a metal ring?
+ –
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
4 Attach the circuit to the AC terminals and record the readings of the two DC meters and
any observations.
5 Replace the DC meters with AC meters and record the readings.
6 Set the cathode ray oscilloscope at 1.0 volt per cm, and the time per cm knob at
1 millisecond per division. Turn on.
7 Use the vertical and horizontal shift knobs to centre the trace, and the focus knob to
get a sharp line.
8 Use a 1.5 V dry cell and set up the circuit below, connecting the positive terminal of the
dry cell to the DC terminal of the CRO and the negative terminal to the common
terminal of the CRO. Record the screen of the CRO.
red black
metre rule
resistance wire
red black
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
red black
red black
2 Start with the power supply at it highest setting. Hold down the tapping switch and
carefully observe the ammeter needle. Allow the meters to stabilise and record the
meter readings. Release the switch.
3 Repeat at each setting of the power supply.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
R e s ult s
Complete the table.
Current (A) Voltage (V)
C alc ulation s
Plot voltage (y-axis) versus current (x-axis).
C on clu s ion
1 Explain the behaviour of the ammeter at the start of the experiment.
2 Is a light globe a linear conductor?
E x t r a work
Repeat the experiment with a smaller wattage globe (but rated to 12 V). Start from the
lowest voltage settings.
0-12 V D.C.
switch +
1000 Ω 1000 Ω
red black
red black
2 Start with the power supply at its lowest setting. Hold down the tapping switch and
record both meter readings. Release the switch.
3 Repeat at each setting of the power supply.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
R e s ult s
Current (mA) Voltage (V)
C alc ulation s
1 Plot voltage (y-axis) versus current (x-axis).
2 Draw a straight line of best fit through the points and determine the slope. (Work in
amperes and volts.)
3 Compare your answer with the size of the resistor values.
C on clu s ion
What is the relation between the potential difference across series resistors and the
current through them?
E x t r a work
1 Repeat the experiment with different sized resistors.
2 Repeat the experiment using AC; you will need to use AC meters and smaller resistors
(100 Ω).
0-12 V D.C.
switch +
1000 Ω
1000 Ω
red black
red black
2 Start with the power supply at its lowest setting. Hold down the tapping switch and
record both meter readings. Release the switch.
3 Repeat at each setting of the power supply.
R e s ult s
Current (mA) Voltage (V)
C alc ulation s
1 Plot voltage (y-axis) versus current (x-axis).
2 Draw a straight line of best fit through the points and determine the slope. (Work in
amperes and volts.)
3 Compare your answer with the size of the resistor values.
C on clu s ion
What is the effective resistance (R) of two parallel resistors (R1 and R2)?
E x t r a work
1 Repeat the experiment with different sized resistors, e.g. 500 Ω.
2 Repeat the experiment using AC, you will need to use AC meters and smaller resistors
(100 Ω).
0-12 V D.C.
switch +
A2 1000 Ω
A3 1000 Ω
2 Start with the power supply at it lowest setting. Hold down the tapping switch and
record each meter reading. Release the switch.
3 Repeat at each setting of the power supply.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
R e s ult s
Ammeter 1 (I1) Ammeter 2 (I2) Ammeter 3 (I3)
C alc ulation s
Compare the readings on the ammeters in the parallel circuit with that of A1.
C on clu s ion
What is the relation between the current flowing into a parallel branch (I1) and the
current in the parallel branches (I2 and I3)?
E x t r a work
Repeat the experiment changing one of the resistor values to 500 Ω.
red black
voltmeter 3
R1 R2
voltmeter 1 voltmeter 2
2 Use a constant voltage supply of about 6 V. Hold down the tapping switch and record
each meter reading. Release the switch.
3 Repeat, replacing one of the resistors successively with others of different values.
Record both resistor values and meter readings.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
R e s ult s
R1 R2
R1 (Ω) R2 (Ω) × V3 V1 (volts) × V3 V2 (volts) V3 (volts)
R1 + R2 R1 + R2
100 100
C alc ulation s
R1 R2
Determine the value of R + R × V3 and R + R × V3 for each set of results.
1 2 1 2
Compare each with V1 and V2 respectively.
How does the sum of V1 and V2 compare with V3?
C on clu s ion s
1 In general what is the voltage drop (VR1) across a resistor (R1) in series with a second
resistor (R2)? The supply voltage is V.
2 How does the sum of the voltage drops in a circuit compare with the source voltage?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
switch + 3V
red black
C alc ulation s
1 Calculate the electrical work done from W = VIt
2 Calculate the energy gained by the water from ∆H = mc∆T (c = 4.18 × 103 J kg–1 K–1).
C on clu s ion
Compare your answers to 1 and 2 above. Can you account for any differences?
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
11 Use the magnetic compass to plot the field inside and outside the coil, using the
convention in Step 6.
12 Reverse the polarity and repeat the procedure.
R e s ult s
Draw the fields around the magnets, wire and solenoid using the arrows and the convention
for current direction.
C on clu s ion
Compare the field of a solenoid with that of a magnet.
5Ω 5Ω
12 V
a What is the resistance of the circuit?
b What current leaves the battery?
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
12 V
12 V
What is the current through each resistor?
4 A particle of mass 1.60 × 10–16 kg and charge 1.60 × 10–19 C enters a uniform electric
field of strength 2000 V C–1 at right angles with an initial speed of 120 m s–1.
+200 V
+300 V
+400 V
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Potential difference ( V )
0.0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (ms)
a What type of electrical output is shown? Explain how it differs from the
output of a battery.
b What is the frequency of the waveform shown?
11 A student set up the electrical circuit with a resistor of unknown value as
shown in the following diagram. The student recorded the readings on the
ammeter and voltmeter. The results are set out below.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
10 V
a What would be the readings on the ammeter and voltmeter?
b What should be the minimum power rating of the 100 Ω resistor?
13 Two nichrome wires AB and BC each 0.50 m long but of different diameters are
joined together. A potential difference of 6.0 volt is applied between A and C as
shown in the following diagram. The resistance of wire AB is 1.0 Ω and of wire
BC is 2.0 Ω.
A 1.0 Ω B 2.0 Ω C
6.0 V
a Draw graphs showing how the potential difference and electric field
strength vary with distance along the wires from A to C.
b Which wire has the greater diameter? Explain.
14 A 100 volt battery is rated at 2.5 amp-hours. A 1 amp-hour rating is a current of
1 ampere flowing for 1 hour. Calculate the electrical energy available from a
100 volt battery rated at 2.5 amp-hours.
15 A student sets up the following circuit to investigate the voltage–current
relation for a globe. The globe is rated 12 V, 20 Ω. The student notices that when
the switch is closed the ammeter needle rises to 2.0 A and then drops back to
1.67 A. The voltmeter simply rises to 12 V.
12 V
a Calculate the current flowing through the globe when the globe’s power
output is 20 W at a voltage of 12 V.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
b Calculate the resistance of the globe when the globe’s power output is
20 W at a voltage of 12 V.
c Explain why the ammeter rises to 2.0 A and then drops to 1.67 A.
17 A 240 V hot-water service has two 3.6 kW heating units. It has a capacity of
250 L (250 kg) of water. The water is heated from 15°C to 70°C.
(The specific heat of water c is 4.18 kJ kg–1 °C–1: i.e. it takes 4.18 kJ to raise the
temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.)
a What current does the 240 V hot water service with two 3.6 kW heating
units draw from the power supply?
b What is the resistance of each 3.6 kW unit?
c Calculate the energy in joules required to heat 250 L (250 kg) of water from
15°C to 70°C.
d The kilowatt-hour (kWh) is the common energy unit used for domestic
electricity supply. Convert your answer in c to kWh.
e If the cost of a kilowatt-hour (kWh) is 10 cents, what is the cost of heating
250 L (250 kg) of water from 15°C to 70°C?
f How long would it take the 240 V hot water service with two 3.6 kW heating
units to heat 250 L (250 kg) of water from 15°C to 70°C?
18 Why is it that a bird can perch on a high voltage electricity cable without harm,
while contact with a high voltage electricity cable by a person standing on the
ground could be lethal?
a b
4 4
3 3
Power (kW)
Power (kW)
2 2
1 1
0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s) Time (s)
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
21 How does the resistance of a 240 V, 100 W globe compare with that of a 240 V,
40 W globe? Which has the thicker filament?
25 For many materials the resistivity, and hence the resistance, of a given wire
varies linearly with temperature over a large temperature range. This variation
can be represented by the expression:
R = Ro (1 + αT )
where Ro is the resistance at a reference temperature, in this case 20°C.
The resistance of a 1.0 m length of thin (gauge 40) copper wire was measured
over a range of temperatures and the following results obtained.
2Ω 2Ω 2Ω
12 V
a Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
b Calculate the current leaving the battery.
c Calculate the voltage drop across one of the 2 Ω resistors.
5Ω 5Ω
10 V
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
28 Two 5 Ω resistors and a 7.5 Ω resistor are arranged as shown in the following
diagram and connected to a 20 V supply.
5Ω 7.5 Ω
20 V
a Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
b Calculate the current leaving the battery.
c Calculate the current through each of the two 5 Ω resistors.
d Calculate the voltage drop across the 7.5 Ω resistor.
e Suppose a teacher setting up this circuit inadvertedly used a 20 Ω resistor
instead of one of the 5 Ω resistors. How would this change each of the
readings in parts a, b and d?
10 V
a Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
b Calculate the current leaving the battery.
c Calculate the voltage drop across each of the 5 Ω resistors.
5Ω 5Ω 5Ω
10 V
a Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
b Calculate the current leaving the battery.
c Calculate the reading on the voltmeter.
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
5Ω 15 Ω
12 V
a Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
b Calculate the current leaving the battery.
c Calculate the reading on the voltmeter.
d Calculate the reading on the ammeter.
5Ω 5Ω
15 V
a Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
b Calculate the current leaving the battery.
c Calculate the reading on the voltmeters V1 and V2.
33 Three resistors are arranged as shown in the following diagram and connected
to a 15 V supply. A switch is connected to the 10 Ω resistor.
6Ω 4 Ω
10 Ω
15 V
a With the switch open as shown in the diagram:
i calculate the total resistance of the circuit
ii calculate the current leaving the battery
iii calculate the reading on the voltmeter V and the ammeters A1 and A2.
b With the switch closed:
i calculate the total resistance of the circuit
ii calculate the current leaving the battery
iii calculate the reading on the voltmeter V and the ammeters A1 and A2.
34 Three resistors are arranged as shown in the following diagram and connected
to a 10 V supply. A switch is connected to the 6 Ω resistor.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
6Ω 2Ω A
10 V
a With the switch open as shown in the diagram:
i calculate the total resistance of the circuit
ii calculate the current leaving the battery
iii calculate the reading on the voltmeter V and the ammeter A.
b With the switch closed:
i calculate the total resistance of the circuit
ii calculate the current leaving the battery
iii calculate the readings on the voltmeter V and the ammeters A.
10 Ω
10 Ω
10 Ω
10 Ω
10 V V
10 Ω
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
38 A circuit was set up as in the following diagram. Both voltmeter and ammeter
can be considered to operate as ideal meters (i.e. the voltmeter has a very high
internal resistance and the ammeter a very low internal resistance).
10 Ω
20 V
a What would be the readings on the ammeter and voltmeter with the
switch open?
b What would be the readings on the ammeter and voltmeter with
the switch closed?
12 V
a Calculate the resistance of a globe rated 20 W, 12 V.
b Calculate the current flowing in the series circuit shown.
c What is the actual power output of this series circuit?
d Draw a circuit where the two globes would have a power output of 20 W
each at 12 V.
40 The ammeter in the following circuit reads 1.5 A. R is a resistor of unknown value.
12 Ω
12 V
a What is the potential drop across the 4 Ω resistor?
b What is the potential drop across the 12 Ω resistor?
c What is the current through the 12 Ω resistor?
d What is the current through R?
e What is the potential drop across R?
f What is the resistance of R?
10 V
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
43 Three identical light globes A, B and C are arranged as shown in the following
a When the switch is closed what will happen to the brightness of globe A?
b When the switch is closed what will happen to the brightness of globe C?
44 Two identical 1.5 V batteries are connected in parallel as shown in the following
diagram. A 6.0 Ω resistor is connected to the batteries.
1.5 V
1.5 V
a What is the current flowing through the 6 Ω resistor?
b What is the current leaving each 1.5 V battery?
10 Ω 10 Ω
10 Ω
10 Ω 10 Ω
What is the equivalent resistance between points A and B?
Encounter s with Electricity: Electrical Energy in the Home
a In the absence of the voltmeter what is the voltage drop across each
500 Ω resistor?
b In the presence of the voltmeter what is the voltage drop across each
500 Ω resistor?
49 The resistance of a wire (R) is related to the resistivity of the metal (ρ) in the
wire, the length of wire (L) and the cross-sectional area of the wire (A).
a Copper has a resistivity of 1.8 × 10–8 Ω m. Calculate the resistance of a
100 m length of copper wire of diameter 0.20 mm.
b A 1.0 m length of resistance wire has a resistance of 1.8 Ω. The wire has a
diameter of 0.85 mm; calculate its resistivity.
c Nichrome has a resistivity of 115 × 10–8 Ω m. Calculate the resistance of a
1.00 m length of 30 gauge nichrome wire of diameter 0.255 mm.
51 The circuit in the following diagram is set up. AB is a 1.0 m length of wire of
resistance 1.8 Ω.