1900 Freeexistnotification201920 PDF
1900 Freeexistnotification201920 PDF
1900 Freeexistnotification201920 PDF
All the Candidates admitted under Competent Authority Quota for the academic year
2019-20 in to Post Graduate Medical and MDS Courses are hereby informed that they have
free exit to discontinue from the course in to which they are admitted before 12.00 Noon on
13-05-2019 without any penalty. However candidates are informed that they will not be
eligible for Mop-up round of Competent Authority Quota once they discontinue the course.
Candidates are informed that if they discontinue the course after 12.00 Noon
on 13-05-2019 onwards penalty clause will be applicable with payment of tuition fee for the
entire course, Rs.5,00,000/- ( Rupees Five Lakhs Only ) of Bond amount and debarred from
admission into KNRUHS for 3-years.
All the Principals of Medical and Dental Colleges are hereby informed that they can
relieve any candidate who wants to discontinue from the course from Competent Authority
Quota admission for 2019-20 on written application from the candidate up to 12.00 Noon on
13-05-2019. They are also informed to return the Original Certificates, Bonds and Tuition
fee without any penalty.
Accordingly all the Principals of Medical and Dental Colleges are hereby informed that
they have to up-load the details of any such discontinued candidates to the Help-line center
OU on-line web-site by 3.00 P.M. on 13-05-2019 without fail.
Date: 03.05.2019