Antinatalist Manifesto Raw Translation by Google 1 PDF
Antinatalist Manifesto Raw Translation by Google 1 PDF
Antinatalist Manifesto Raw Translation by Google 1 PDF
By Theophile de Giraud
"Pregnant women will one day be stoned, instinct
Maternal proscribed, the sterility demanded. "
Cioran, The Bad Demiurge.
This book will therefore have the ambition of filling a gap in history
Of the thought by proposing to the reader an anti-natalist argument which,
Of complete exhaustiveness, will at least draw the lines of
Force on which any future debate concerning the law or
Not to impose life on an uncreated person, who would not
Knew beforehand all the inexpugnable difficulties.
If no monograph had yet ventured to disassemble parts by
The unhealthy sophisticated edifice where the acclamators of
The birth, how many authors, on the other hand, at all times, on all
The continents, redoubled their prolixity in order to lose themselves in lamentations
Polymorphs on our painful condition! There is no longer any
Literature or philosophy, the vigorously pessimistic clamor and the
Stinging protests against being brought into the world.
Such is the fate which the gods have wrought for the unfortunate mortals:
Live in pain.
Homer, Iliad. Greece, 8th Century. AD
The living being is, when he is alive, immersed and immersed in the
pain ; And the situation in which there is no suffering is
More salutary than the situation in which they exist. Death is
Therefore more salutary to man than life.
Razi (Rhazes), The Spiritual Medicine. Arabia, Xe century.
Life is an evil.
Auguste Strindberg, Coram Populo. Sweden, 19th century
Peace is obtained in death. You have to die to get into the Peace.
Natsume Sôseki, I'm a Cat. Japan, 20th Century
We see, the pleasure of living, litote, seems far from unanimous ...
What an illusion, then, to think that our parents give us
For our own good! They are only concerned about the enjoyment
Draw from our presence. In truth, we exist only to fill with ease
Those profiteers who have the unthinkable hypocrisy of pretending to be our
Benefactors, and push the inhuman base to claim gratitude from us,
Obedience and filial piety, not to mention the various presents supposed to decorate the
Incomprehensible Mother's and Father's Day!
Apophthegma patristic.
Supreme symbol, we are all born in defilement and suffering, Suffering of our genitress, no
doubt, who can not complain of it because she Has chosen it, but above all in that inescapable,
that we, the victims, the Unhappy exiles of the Nothingness, experience when driven out of a
paradise Pelagic obscurity in which no contradiction had ever occurred to us, we We find
suddenly struggling, monstrously compressed, to the limit Poisoning, asphyxia and syncope,
with a very bad obstetric canal Designed by this incompetent handyman whom we call Mother
Let us not downplay this dramatic episode of the coming-in-the-world: anyone Took the trouble
to read Otto Rank or Sandor Ferenczi knows that the birth Constitutes a real cataclysm, a major
trauma whose existence Is not enough to cure us. Brusque confrontation with a hostile world,
Radically different from anything we had known before,
Well: birth is our first wound.
Plutarch had already foreseen that the coming-in-the-world was nothing of a moment
of relaxation. Let us listen to him in his treatise,
The Love of Fathers and Mothers for their Children:
"It is true that" Of all the animals that creep upon the earth,
In the air, man is the least happy. "[Homer's famous quotation,
In The Iliad. NdA]. But this truth is especially evident in the child who comes
To be born. Nothing is so feeble, so indigent, so devoid of everything, so dirty and so shapeless,
that The child who comes out of his mother's womb. Of all animate beings, he is the only one to
whom the Nature has not granted pure entry into life. He enters it with blood and
Less like a living being than a man who would come from massacre. "
To the hypocritical and idle souls who would allow themselves to tie a pout
Skeptical about the genuine torture inflicted on the child at birth,
The following:
At the very moment when her mother extracted her out of her womb, she
Torturer of his own child! Knowing that there are no
Police than the ones used in the "genital
Baby who, in his more than defending body, goes through it, one would understand better
That the young lady and her lamentable fecundor receive a reprimand,
A postilion of disdain, the medal of ferocity, or even a severe fine
For "ill-treatment of a person for whom they were responsible"
And of which it was up to them to refrain from conceiving it, instead
The Pharisees congratulations and the bouquet of tulips
Protocolary incensing the sinister "heroes" of the day!
b. Pain Relief
Then, here is old age and its infinite procession of boredom, evils,
Of remorse, of monotony, of regret, of illness
(Definitely intuitive, what health these diseases!), Weaknesses, discomforts,
Of impotence, of more or less solitary grief, of bodily pain
(Still ...), mourning and especially anguish in the face of the octopus of death
Petrifying tentacles approach at very fast pace.
Alas, old age is always suffering …
But Beyond our subjective perceptions of life, which are revealed to us by the
- and these realities will not admit the dispute - that the
Structures, the mechanisms that determine our survival and
Distribution of joys and sorrows?
Do we know enough that it is possible to demonstrate that life
Of evils than property? That it is comfortable to establish that the conditions
A priori of appearance of the evil are more flexible than the conditions of appearance
Of good and that the wheels that govern existence have enough squeaking
To attest to the superiority of pessimism over natalist doctrines?
Let's see.
3. Misery abounds,
Happiness tends to escape.
It is incomparably easier to be unhappy, on this planet
Of incessant struggles, than to find happiness there. Doing nothing is enough for us
Suffering, while on the other hand, stubborn efforts are
Not always to guarantee us bliss! This law alone ruins, and
Definitively, any optimistic claim.
4. Pain is experiencing
More intensely than voluptuousness.
Compare orgasm with a rage of teeth or even with a simple
Indigestion or with a trivial cancer. Let us pass over the rapes,
Crashes, serious accidents and other extreme tortures always
Possible ...
How can we finally silence the anguish associated with our most intimate project, the
Less uncertain: to suffer the death?
c. Dying Pain
Not content with having inflicted on us the sorrow to come into the world, our
Parents, as genuine assassins, have the delicacy to inflict on us the
to leave.
In short, all his painful labors will only bring back to nothingness,
Of an odyssey of the most trying, a creature deconflicts, unspeakably
Disgusted to know always already promised to that even inexistence to which
Her cruel breeders have imbeciled her …
Posture ii
Arguments (flasks)
In favor of the Procreation
a. Love
Very good. But above all, are you sure of the love that unites you? Because
The statistics show that a very large number of
Marriages (one out of two) or unions (much more),
Base of love, lethal illusion, end in a divorce or a breakup!
As for marriages that do not unravel, they often rot more
That they do not persist ... Nothing is more absurd than to give birth supposedly
Love to then witness the slow dislocation of your couple through hatred,
Or lassitude ... The child that resulted from your "love" also ephemeral
That uncertain, on the other hand, will have the lasting certainty of suffering,
Since he was born.
To love, it seems to me, is to desire all the possible good for the object
Of his Love. Now life is more akin to an evil than to a good:
This was sufficiently proved. In the unlikely where your personal experience
Would not have sufficed to break your worrying blindness as to the tragic
To exist, reread scrupulously Euripides, Cicero, Lucretius, Seneca,
Marc-Aurelius, Petrarch, Donne, Quevedo, Gracian, Milton, Pascal, Swift,
Voltaire, Hume, Chamfort, Chateaubriand, Bonaventura, Foscolo, Byron,
Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Lenau, Buchner, Kierkegaard, Lermontov, Leconte
Of the Isle, Turgenev, Baudelaire, Dostoevsky, Twain, Bierce, Lautreamont,
Strindberg, Maupassant, Panizza, Kafka, Jean Rostand, Artaud, Ghelderode,
Hedayat, Sartre, Beckett, Pavese, Ionesco, Cioran, Caraco, Sternberg or
Jaccard, in the coat of arms of myriads others (for the extent will always escape
To evoke all the thinkers that life despaired of itself), as well as
The whole of Christian, Buddhist, Gnostic, Platonic literature
Or brahmanic, to quote only ... An elementary chrestomat
Pessimism would still cover thousands of pages!
What does not exist does not know what it loses, it even ignores all that it gains
- a real fortune! - not to be. What does not exist does not
Regret, no remorse, no worry, no injury, no dilemma between "being or
Not to be ": its divine non-existence puts it at the shelter of all disappointment,
All want, every need, every temptation, sometimes to live, sometimes to
Anyone who engages in the dangerous game of life must admit that he
May accumulate losses on losses until the day on which the party
Totally lost.
c. Prolonging humanity
After all, if the species wishes to perpetuate itself, let it manage without us.
The child does not have to become the instrument of our curiosity about the question
To know what the species will become; He has no more to take his place
Of a simple block in this wall of the lamentations that constitute the human kind
In order to fill those who fear its inevitable reduction in
"Ah, but sir, you must be aware that if humanity disappears we shall not
No more of Shakespeare, Tolstoy or Gandhi!
"Certainly, but we will not have either Hitler or Stalin or
Leopold II neither of Pol Pot nor of Pinochet or of Bush nor of exterminators
Native Americans or Australian Aborigines, or colonizers of Africa,
Nor of leaders of multinationals, nor especially of mephitic writers,
Always more numerous than the suaves.
Nine-tenths of humanity live without having read a traitorous
Shakespeare or Tolstoy, which considerably reduces the scope of your
And then, what would be your amazement if I told you that
The implicit work of most diamonds of thought was to make
Sufficiently aware of his miserable condition to
The party to gradually give up reproducing!
The more their families are numerous and the more remote they are from love
If the genius is indeed the one who participates in the raising of the level of consciousness
Of mankind, there is no doubt that the sum of the genial thoughts
Will one day lead humanity to admit the primacy of
Let us make the point immediately that from an ethological point of view,
Is similar to the attitude of many mammals
Abandoning a dejection on the ground to mark their presence or their
territory. The dog who urinates at the lamppost also leaves a trace; this
Unlike the baby, is entitled to the privilege of not having to
Endure the exhausting constraints of existence …
" Leave a trace ". Very strange idea. There are so many mediocre beings,
And they want to leave a trace of their mediocrity! Save this
Gentlemen, we will do without your
memory. Unnoticed during your lifetime, you hope to be seen post-mortem?
You want to perpetuate your name? What is the point of your child imitating you and
Remains as anonymous as yourself?
If you dread the ephemeral as well as the drama of our mortality (in
You have no qualms about registering the custodians
You get drunk ...), rather burn your anthroponym on an outcrop
Of granite: some petroglyphs happily cross the millennia. Or
Still have an elegant quatrain of your own carved on your tombstone,
The latter will still participate in the readable when your pitiful heirs
Have already been eaten by other worms.
I ask: How do you know that the divine would rejoice that we
Copulasions in order to lay? Have you read it in the Scriptures? Either, and
What deity do the Scriptures tell us? From an omnipotent and
Omniscient, is not it? Consider, then, that an omnipotent deity,
That is, who can do everything, including abolishing all pain, if only for the
Innocent, think that such a divinity, in view of the
Our planet crawls, can only be the Devil in person!
Yes, if God exists and is omnipotent, God is identical to the Demon.
We understand better then that he wants us to reproduce ourselves ...
Evil wants Evil, as parents want children.
Of necessity, the goodness of God is inversely proportional to his
power !
It goes without saying in the eyes of Christ that the Christian should not marry.
Reproduction of the species. Christianity wants to block it.
Put a child into the world! But the child is born in sin after
Have been conceived by offense, and this existence is a valley of tears.
No, the error is not that the priest is single ... a Christian
Must be. God wants [...] that man abandons this egoism that there is in
to give life. To save our species means: this species is lost, we do not
That it is a question of being saved on leaving the species, and consequently
We must start by blocking our species.
I thank God that no living being owes me existence.
A crime has brought me into the world, has brought me against the will
of God. The fault, which in one sense is not mine, though
To make me a criminal in the eyes of God is to give life.
The same Father of the Church finally had these definitive and lacerating words
In his book On the Good of Marriage:
To leave the phenomenal world, to free the soul from all terrestrial incarnation,
Escape from the pain of existing: these thinkers would be
Secretly anti-natalists? The least that can be said is that their contempt
Of the sensible world combined with their desire not to be reborn here below does not grow
Certainly not, from an exegetical point of view, to multiply the deliveries ...
Some examples :
Let us conclude on these few excerpts from the Bardo-Tholol, the famous "Book
Tibetan of the Dead ", which chants as a leitmotiv the precept of" close
The doors of the matrix ":
Those who have not received the teaching of a Lama will fall into the
Precipices and abysses of the world of the cycle of existences where they
Eternally persecuted by abominable sufferings. Listening
Therefore my teaching. I showed you the instructions to close
The doors of the womb by conjuring attraction and aversion.
If you understand from the bottom of your heart that everything is
Lie, the door of the womb will close.
I no longer want this cycle of existences. My heart feared and
Refuses ceaselessly.
I hate life.
I congratulate the dead who are already dead rather than the living who are
Still alive. And happier than both is the one who does not live
Not yet, and see not the iniquity that is done under the sun.
Better is a name than fine oil, and the day of death than the day
Of birth.
- The Ecclesiastes (Qohelet). Israel, Third Century. AD
"The counting of opinions was made within the Academy, and we observed
That the majority [of the rabbis] was of the opinion that it would have been
Better the man not having been created. "
Aggadah (Jewish legendary). Israel, circa V Century.
God, Future, Beyond, Progress, draw the eternal pockets of Elsewhere from where
The meliorist surreptitiously extracts the artificial rabbits from his joviality ...
It is true that if he were content to observe the observable, he would arrive
To the same conclusions as the pessimist: "Misfortune triumphs over everything and
Living is more painful than not living ". Hope is not a virtue
Phenomenalism: all vitalism corresponds either to fraud or to
Perspective error.)
But if childhood by "love" does not hold the road (we do not
The suffering certain a being that one loves authentically), if want
"Prolong the species" is the last absurd (it is in any case promised
To extinction), if parturition under "metaphysical pretext" contradicts
The teaching of the greatest sages, what remains in the quiver of the
Natalists to justify their perpetual obsession? More
Admit it, and what remains is so nauseating that we will not dwell on it
f. Child-chrematistic
g. Child-Soldier
h. Nature
You will hardly have refuted all these hideous pretexts that will serve you
Worst, the most specious and the most unwelcome, of all the "arguments" in favor of
Of motherhood: that of Nature! It is "natural" to generate, and therefore,
As if it were self-evident, legitimate to surrender.
Should violence and murder be congratulated because they are part of the
Nature ? No, is not it? Hence, why should we bow,
Without further analysis, before the reproductive instinct under cover
of nature ?
i. Envy
If you are looking to know the ultimate mobile of coming to the day of
New victims, ask the future parents about the reason for their
Parenthood: they will answer you most naively of the world that they make
Child because they want it! At least they do not lie,
They sell the wick: they feel a desire for a child, they find
That "cute", "charming", "moving", "funny", "nice"
"Sympathetic", "motivating" and that's all! They generate to satisfy
A thirst, a pruritus, a concupiscence! The child, we said at the outset,
Nothing but a gift that parents make to themselves. The question Remains to know if the desire
to inflict suffering on his Or not compatible with ethics: we shall devote a chapter to it.
One procreates then sometimes from necessity, sometimes from pleasure. The first
Sadism, and the second of sadism, whatever
Or the occurrence, one never procreates except by absolute egoism! The child is
Never conceived as an end but always as a means, is
Proceeds from a pure machiavellism!
Posture iii
Mobiles and Real Mechanisms
Of Procreation
a. Bestialisme
b. Sadism
c. Narcissism
It goes without saying that this proverbial possessiveness of the parents is similar
To the vice of avarice, thus testifying to the sinister anality which
Command to the desire to make of a baby its intimate property.
e. Infantilism
It has long been believed that the girl who plays with the doll imitates her mother,
It is not the case: the mother, on the contrary, uses her adult body
To satisfy his childish psyche with a toy of flesh! You
Thus, most naturally, most foolishly in the world, from 6 to 66 years. We
Would never err, nor risk a lawsuit in defamation, treating a
Young childish genitress. it plays…
As for the father, he finds in his offspring much better than the soldier of lead
Of his own childhood: he has a living creature entirely subject to
His orders of eternal little corporal frustrated.
Watch these two fools frolic with their toddler: it enjoys, it
Enjoy the privilege of finally being able to entertain with the articulated mannequin
Ideal of which their juvenility dreamed. A true one: who weeps, struggles, shouts and suffers!
f. Mimicry
This child-toy, its torturers also shape it for the sake of folding
The socio-cultural paradigm in force; Fearful of pouring into a wave
Marginality and to wipe public discrediting or rejection, couples
Align themselves with the ambient fertility. Cultural conditioning strengthens here
The deoxyribo-nucleic conditioning: Africa or Islam valorize the
Family, so every African or Muslim will demand for himself
a big family ; Europe sees a fairly positive
Two children, so every European will endeavor to found a family of two
Children, etc. Radically childish, as we have just seen, the father
Monkey its societal environment: the way in which we used to go
Mechanically in the church, we still give birth today simply because
That all children …
Like the wearing of the tie, this symbolic accessory by which our
Society is so successful in keeping the individual on a leash, procreation is part of
This adaptive reflex which gives rise to the most scatological conformism.
Too cowardly to resist social pressures, to face reproach
Of incivility, or to dare some form of isolation in what he
Aristocratic, many become parents without the slightest
Conviction but with the tranquility of soul of those who to the questioning question
"Well, that's for when the first one?" "May evade any risk of
Reprobation by launching "For soon, for soon, it is on the march". How many
Noble yet to retort: "For ever, my lords, the cruelty to me
Lacking "...
g. Jealousy
h. Pride
The pride of the father, notwithstanding, he was very sorry that he could not fly
Such a hypogaster and jealous of the privileges of gestation, proves
Part of an essentially testicular order, the baby playing the role of
Witness the proper functioning of its spermatothèque and clamant
Obviation to all the onlookers he had the chance to introduce at least once
Her wretch lives between the legs of a willing woman ...
i. Exhibitionism
No pride, indeed, who does not like to parade; And God knows if the parents
Foolish to strut with their unbearable progeny, invading to
Every opportunity all possible public places (parks, museums, theaters,
Hospitals, cemeteries, unemployment boards, etc.) by pushing
Bust, those caricatures of the coffin that are the prams or
Swinging their prey under the noses of passers-by in a kind of eloquent
Shopping basket from which emerges a nasty wailing head, to the delight of
Manufacturers who benefit from this, at little cost, from a siren
Attention-grabbing and stimulating for our murderous impulses
j. Despotism
Any child, in one way or another, becomes the pain-bearer of his or her
Parents, their domestic disorientation, sharing with the dog the sad function
Unconditional obedience to the whims of those who compensate themselves for
Their own humiliations over even more easily humiliating martyrs.
We are procreated because we are in search of a feeling of omnipotence
Which we have been lacking since we became
The world would fulfill almost none of our desires. We generate in hope
Of being able to reign as a tyrant over a creature who can only submit to
Our demands, since it depends entirely on our care, even bad!
Our parents have for us the tenderness of the rider for his mount. Little
What we will endure, we must be born to fill these
Two impotents! Young people, read again the adventures of Spartacus …
l. Pedophilia
Born of a sexual act, the child is always already invested with desires
Sexual relations; Some future parents even find, by their own
Direct sexual excitement at the idea of mating, "making love" in the
Purpose of "making a baby". Once born, they will welcome him
Often between their nuptial sheets, o for many years, both
Exciting child …
If there were other proofs of the pedophilic relationship than the unconscious
Parenting with the very young children, it would be enough to
"Baby" is commonly used to designate a partner
Possible or already conquered. Similarly, in French, "My Baby" addresses
As much to the lover as to the child, these two "cherished", these two "treasures" ...
Such lapses of the collective language confess to the sufficiency of the unhealthy
Ambiguity of Desire (Eros) whose child is the target.
Hardly in truth if one child out of a hundred comes out of his childhood. Celuilà,
Paradox, will undoubtedly disdain to give birth, while all the others
Will wound their wounds by giving birth, in order to reproduce
On their offspring all the material or spiritual abuse of which they
Were themselves victims: an infernal cycle. Samsara.
m. Various perversions
Posture IV
But then how can it be
That we loved such monsters,
our parents ?
Relations between parents and children are, in nine out of ten cases,
A source of misery for both parties and, in 99 cases out of a hundred,
A source of misery for at least one of the parts.
- Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness.
England, twentieth century.
"You do not love your father, your mother, your wife, your children,
But the pleasant sensations they cause us. "
The child, inevitably needing them, does not cherish his parents
All his profits: his radical egoism has nothing to envy
Of its fashioners, except that it has as its foundation justice!
From our early childhood, a positive association
Between the notion of "parents" and that of "well-being": the love we
Testimony to our parents is actually much more of the conditioned reflex,
Of a Pavlovian salivation, than of an authentic sentiment!
It is known that the latter describes the automatic and lasting attachment
From an animal baby to the first creature (or even to the first object with
Movement ...) that it meets when leaving the egg or the one that will have loaded
Of its diet. A lamb will thus take affection -
Will persist until adulthood! - for the person who has bottle-fed him,
While ducklings will consider as their mother any
Animated trinket discovered at birth (colored balloon, mobile box, duck
Mechanical, ethologist ...).
It is no different for the human species: the baby attaches
Stupidly to what he finds when leaving the vagina (usually a mother, more
Or poor) and to the organism that takes the trouble to feed it (a
Wolf or a monkey, examples attested, sometimes suffice).
Programmed to grab the first lifebuoy coming,
The child does not like, it is fixed: it likes the owner of the breast that sucks
Like the lamprey the fish it devours.
Our "love" for our parents thus proceeds infinitely less than one
Choice, gratitude, only a ferocious determinism, a mere drive
Adaptive! We do not like our germinators, we are
Impregnated, like a fabric of an ink stain …
As if that were not enough, our spawners are engaging our juvenile soul
Of wax to a true conditioning work: during all our childhood
And until adolescence, the slightest motion of aggressiveness on our part
Against our father or mother (irritation, blow, insult, refusal to obey), we
Receive a terrifying commendation or exemplary punishment. "Is it
That we speak in this tone to his parents? "We have all heard this warning,
But who among us, who feared so much the omnipotence of these brutes,
We depended, dared to retort "Yes, whenever they deserve it! "? It was
The slap assured, for one as for the other …
Let's face it, our feelings for our manufacturers have something
Obtuse, fallacious, and mechanical. Were we born progeny of
Neighbor, we would love the neighbor and not the others without hearts
Chance has imposed us as sires. We blindly cherish those
In the arms of which nature catapults us; But we still love them
Less on the basis of their real merits than on the fourfold imperative of
The Stamping, the Footprint, the Conditioning and the Idealisation …
This chapter hopes to have contributed to clarify the superficial paradox between
Dissatisfaction (its universality was established above) which should
In all logic we push to hate those whose navelist malice
Banishes us from the serenity of nothingness and affection, nevertheless always
Ambiguous, that we seem to bear.
In truth, know it, in its depths, even if they have the illusion of being
(An illusion which, moreover, fills their own narcissistic desire wonderfully),
The child does not like his parents: he dreads them, exploits them and manipulates them
Its maximum profit to ensure its welfare, but ultimately does not
Another passion than himself; He simply appreciates those in his
Interest to appreciate, for example the people he receives cuddles, treats,
Gifts, confectionery, security, money, etc. It is true that most often
These people happen to be his own parents, but why should we be surprised
Since it is indeed in order to pouponner and to appropriate it
That they have begotten him!
But above all, even if cunning remains the strength of the weak, any offspring
Is attached to its parents only because it has no alternative:
Impossible to get rid of the diktat of impregnation, imagine it run away
Twelve months in order to seek out the competent adoptive parents he deserves?
Who has never heard of the phenomenon, conceptualized under the name
Stockholm Syndrome, where the victim falls in love with her
Executioner? Such a thing is possible only because it finds in
The latter the very image of those who have engendered it. A child to survive
Has no other resource than to convert to masochism: without
To escape, he must love the sadists who have inflicted on him the existence and find, willingly
His pleasure in everything they do to him …
Anyone who sees his parents as they are would hurry to pass them
The throat over the saber.
Posture v
Between Ethics and Procreation
From a historical point of view, and for the subject we are concerned with,
From the start, that the vast majority of thinkers, latently or manifestly,
Tends to agree on this point: the object aimed at by Ethics that identifies with Good
(Or Virtue), no man will be declared in conformity with the concept of
Well (or virtue) if his conduct towards other men consists in their
Inflicting, against their will, various torments, whatever their nature.
"Do whatever you like without harming others! ": This is the only ethical maxim
Which is always and everywhere, humanly and pragmatically, valid.
For our present purpose, let us simply remember that all our civilization,
And not only ours, has methodically built itself upon this precept
As simple as effective the refusal to harm others. This is the
Decalogue mosaic, the heart of evangelical morality, the essence of the concept
Of Ahimsa (absolute non-violence) to which both
Hinduism that the Buddhists and the Jains, it is finally the nucleus of the thought
Confucian under the species of Jen, the Beneficence which commands not
To cause no evil and to "love all men like oneself", as we
There invited the Chinese master six centuries before Christ ... We see, this Principle
Of Non-Nuisance has a fairly wide historical-geographical spread.
We wisely chose not to give up Ethics. Thus, Unless it were to demonstrate, what would come
under the supernatural exploit, that the Life is like a part of pleasure from which suffering is
excluded, we do not Can only renounce the Procreation, under penalty of legitimizing all the
other Acts of barbarism!
- Is it good to make others suffer?
"Certainly not!
"Then why would it be good to have children?"
Birth is suffering,
Death is suffering
And the interval between birth and death
Teeming with inevitable sufferings.
Is. Let us grant them the "right", notwithstanding the radical indemonstrability
Of the benefits to be born rather than not to be born, to anchor a
Non existent in existence. They are there the bet, oh how perilous, that life
Is a good and the child will be happy to receive the gift. Donation
Including, as it should, the anguish of the death and the agony which precedes it.
No matter, they will retort: everything has its price and live is worth to suffer
So abundant here are the compensations.
Good. Such was their opinion (doxa), and a baby resulted from it. This
The last one begins to grow and gradually discovers that the enchanted world
That its promoters promised to him is found
Disillusionment, and that the expected compensation
Their rarity and their effectiveness. The child does not
A taste for diseases which afflict him with a certain obstinacy, or for
The injuries consequent to his learning of his limits in the face of the hardness
Of the real, nor for the obligation to attend the school bagne during twelve
At twenty, nor for the chronic blackmail between the docile acceptance of
School (its tedious duties, its harassing lessons, the conflicts with the
The anguish of the examinations, the nauseous rage of failure) or the
Risk of poverty, crime and an even more sinister prison,
In short, endowed with a certain intellectual power and noting that the
Time devoted here below to orgasm is infinitely inferior to the time devoted
To chores and to the exasperating labor, the ex-non-existent regrets more and more
More must have existed and feel more life every day, not as
A caress, but as a most painful prejudice. The doll's doll
Lautréamont said that he had "received life
Like a wound "and, as he likes, is struggling as he can" defend at
Suicide to cure the scar ", unless the terror of death does not
Palpitates at home less intense than the spasms of disgust he experiences
Facing the raft of destiny unfolding before him, as far as the confines of the future,
His putrefied planks, and that he finally sided with the party, embraced each
Year by legions of teenagers, of the suicidal attempt, more or less
Successful, more or less recurrent …
But it is not only suicide to cast the shame on the missed bet
Of parents: there is also anorexia, delinquency, runaway, vandalism,
Drug abuse, violence and all forms of exemplary revolt ...
Of symbolic methods used by the beings-of-force to scream
Not to the existence they have been given!
But who says damage suffered, also says right to seek redress for
The prejudice suffered …
Once the latter, the sole arbiter of his happiness or not to exist,
Considers to have been seriously abused at birth, it is not clear why
Denied what is granted to all victims of maltreatment.
Legal capacity to incriminate its torturers …
Clearly, if the best interests of the child are to be taken into account
In all the decisions which concern him, it is therefore a question of not giving him
life ! Nothing more opposed to his well-being than to have to be born …
It can be assumed that few children would make use of such a right,
The scope of which would ultimately be more symbolic than practical,
That future breeders will know that if they do not
Resides in their means to guarantee their offspring a pleasant existence
Satisfactory, the latter will have the legal means to claim
accounts !
Vote such a law and you will suddenly see the parents multiply
Responsible, loving, dedicated, qualified, attentive and tolerant, while
Will evaporate just as quickly the countless scoundrels who treat their
Offspring like toys or jumpers!
The scandal of the woman-object has been strongly denounced, with pertinence,
But why nobody denounces with even more force the
Scandal of child-object?
Do you think that the nascent generations will remain for a long time
The figures revealing to them day after day the magnitude of the
Misery of the world?
§ Over the same period, more than 11 million children under five
Years of preventable diseases, ie due to a lack of vaccines,
Care and appropriate medication ...
§ Trachoma has already caused the blindness of 6 million people and threatens
Of eye damage 500 million humans!
§ There are 10 million new cases of cancer per year. Your child
Will have more than one chance in four to contract one: thank you for it.
§ Among these children affected by AIDS, some have even had the privilege of
To be born with the virus or to contract it via the poisonous milk of their
Inconsistent genitourist ... Each year, 600 000 babies are infected with
This way: palsambleu, how good it is to receive life!
§ Nevertheless, ideas of suicide haunt at one time or another a
Teenagers out of three, and one in ten ends up taking action! Who would dare
Still pretend that existence is a part of pleasure?
§ 200 million Earthlings relish the misfortune of being diabetic; they will be
Probably 330 million in 2025. Well-known consequences: accidents
Cardio-vascular, stroke, retinal, kidney or
Nerves ... Annual ransom: 4 million deaths. President's comments
Of the International Diabetes Federation: "All the figures show that
We are heading towards one of the biggest disasters the world has
Never known ". Will your child be a witness or an actor?
§ According to the UN, because of the various wars, only between 1980 and 1995,
Millions of children have died, five million have become disabled
(Blessed are the anti-personnel mines, machine guns and shells that our
Taxes are used to finance), one million have become
Orphans of father and mother, twelve million finally suffered a trauma
§ It is estimated that between fifty and one hundred million children live
in the street. Yes, without a roof worthy of the name, these legions of children grow,
Work and turn off in the street! Sometimes from the age of four! Delivered to
Delinquency, begging, drug addiction, petty degrading trades,
Prostitution before being slaughtered by a rival
"Death squads" set up by adults concerned about their comfort
Inside ... Why not adopt or sponsor these damned of the earth? Of
Obviously their generators do not have the means to provide for their
The most basic requirements ...
§ Nevertheless, their fate seems enviable compared to that of the 300,000 children
Forced and forced to serve as soldiers (or to put it more precisely:
Like cannon fodder) in conflicts of which they do not cure. At eight, ten or
Twelve years of age, climbing to the front machine-gun at the shoulder: a world so hideous
Deserves to be offered new babies?
Beside what Childhood endures throughout the world,
The Shoah almost looks like
To suburban crime!
An Indian myth tells that the head of Avalokiteshvara, endowed with omniscience,
Exploded with pain when he saw from the heavens the vastness of misery
Of men: how to better metaphor the unsustainable nature of
Destinies inflicted on creatures?
The ultimate consequence of this universal distress: every minute,
Two human creatures disgusted with life imposed on them are offered the
Suicide Relief, while every three seconds, somewhere on the
Our planet of torture, an individual courageously tries to end
His days.
In other words, during the half hour of an average coitus, about sixty
Of human beings have killed themselves and more than half a thousand sought
To get rid of their corporality! This is what makes your sexual
Little more tasty.
In suicide, it goes without saying, despite the law of silence surrounding their
Act (do not depress the families that devil), that even the tender ones
Children are not absent from this eloquent application to the Nether …
At the meditation of the above quantified facts, this burden of suffering
That the younger generations bear or are witnessing,
Better this sentence of Arthur Janov in his famous Primal Cry:
Otherwise, because the magistrates themselves, and lawyers, and lawyers, and
The politicians, and the pseudo-moralists, wish to offer themselves the "joys that are dispensed
The birth of a child "and enjoy for many years the stimulus
Presence of this one ... Pedophiles?
Posture vii
It should be noted that already China and India, whose inhabitants represent
More than a third of the total human population, are engaged in
The process of industrialization and conversion to capitalism in full swing ...
To take the right measure of the apocalypse that incubates, one would have to
The acceleration of desertification due to overgrazing
To the cultivation of easily erodible surfaces (overpollupopulation
Always: the more you want to feed people, the more you have to overexploit the ultimate
Available land, until exhausted); Thus it is found
That from now on, from year to year, the area of land newly
Conquered (to the detriment of forest vegetation ...) for exploitation
Agricultural land remains lower than that of the permanently lost arable land!
All the copiously synapsed brains exhaust themselves to the clamor: the earth
Is supersaturated with human beings.
Our humanity [...] is threatened not only by the
Hydrogen, but even more so by the avalanche
Of the population.
The living and habitable space of mankind is being reduced more and more
And, for many peoples, the optimum has been surpassed since
long time. The danger of disasters increases proportionately
To the density of the growing populations.
C.G. Jung, A Modern Myth. Switzerland, 20th
[The Swiss psychoanalyst made these remarks in the late 1950s when
The Earth had barely 3 billion inhabitants.
Countries with a high birth rate are also the poorest. Poverty,
Ignorance and prolificity are in solidarity.
Prevention of births, a matter of primary importance,
The human species finds itself before an exuberance that it has an interest
To be limited.
- Alfred Sauvy, Prevention of Births.
France, 20th century
The amount of freshwater and arable land available per inhabitant
Fall to levels that resource experts consider
Unanimously as dangerous.
The human population has reached the tolerance threshold of the Earth
Around 1978. In 2000, it was 1.4 times this threshold.
- Edward Wilson, The Future of Life. United States, XXI
Can they be more credible than when they emanate from one of the most
Powerful geniuses of the twentieth century, one of the most brilliant women
Of all time, a demographer among the most seasoned, or a
Of the most famous living biologists, having devoted half a century to the study
Of nature?
Impossible in the face of the tragedy that is looming not to evoke the
Prophetic thrusts launched by Bergson, as early as 1932, in The Two Sources of Morality
And of Religion:
In short, O pincers,
Humanity continues to grow
While the areas
Arable, exploitable or habitable
Do not stop decreasing!
Let us therefore give the floor to Henri Bergson, still in Les deux Sources
Of Morality and of Religion:
Remember, this text was published in 1932 ... More than 70 years ago
That we despise these wise recommendations. Needless to reproach the
Philosophers their uselessness if every time they think usefully,
Behaves as if they had not thought of anything!
In any case, with the aim of "saving the planet" (sic), speaking, as
One is content to do it today, in a rhetoric so vain
Hypothetical, to "change our consumer habits" (which we
In any case, by no means) will in no way alter the fundamental
Of the problem: the unstoppable increase in population pressure on
the environment.
Will we have to wait until we have transformed the Earth into an ecological desert
To subordinate the reproductive drive to the ethical imperative?
Albert Jacquard himself did not stop hammering him during the 90s,
Thus in his Little Philosophy for the Use of Non-Philosophers:
No politician for the moment has the courage to hold a hostile speech
Fertility: and for good reason, it would be dangerously opposing the selfishness of
As for the "beautiful souls", they never dare to use the
Terms of coercion or legal constraint, nor economic sanctions
To check the matrices, fearing no doubt to tarnish their angelic image
Philanthropists and at the same time slimming their complacency
Mattress of readers. One day, however, it will be necessary to leave logorrhea
Sweetener to switch to efficient acts.
It is therefore necessary to educate the populations of the Third World. Because they
Do not know anything, I see here around me. And it must be done
Energetically, without sentimental reluctance. It is a necessity
Immediate, an emergency. You have to tell them, with all that
Supposes misunderstandings: you are wrong, your growth
Demographics far too strong leads you to more
Terrible yet.
Every culture manipulates its heirs in the sense that benefits it, why
Not resign ourselves to manipulating ours in the direction of a Better? Certainly,
"Manipulate" is, after "procreate", one of the most abject verbs of the language
French, but do we still have time to choose our means?
In any case, it goes without saying that it is for the West to take
The initiative of these steps and to set an example for the Third World:
Holders of all legal, educational, financial and other
Contraceptives, we must initiate the process of contraction
"Yes, but sir, if the birth rate settles, who will phynanate our pensions?"
Question the Ubu fathers by massaging their green candle.
- I remind you: the child is not a banknote! It does not have to be born
To quilt the decubitus of your lapse: finance your own future or
Well resign yourself, navels, to the idea that you are mortal.
4. In short, the 21st Century will be anti-natalist or will not be: the hour of glory of
Malthus has resolutely sounded.
5. Bergson, as early as the 1930s, had given us the key to the struggle against
"You will not avoid regulation. "Since we do not
Will not we avoid it, why do we procrastinate more?
Finally, let us point out to our friends the admirable green activists
Champions of ethics, than on a planet whose health is
The irrationality of its inhabitants, an ecologist who breeds is a
Ecologist doubtful …
In short, it becomes clear that the state of radical decay of the planet
And the many cataclysms announced that will result in all
Decades invalidate the intention of giving life to
New human being, both collectively and individually:
The ideal would of course be that philosophy wins the verb and
That all with joy refrain from bequeathing the infection to exist to recalcitrants
heirs. The collective psyche, alas, has not yet reached the nodal point of
Lucidity and ethical demand for this abstinence to be imposed without
Of animal reticence.
In the case of the United States, experts even put forward the figure
Emetics of 1700 000 children abused or neglected by their progenitors!
The Holocaust !
Even more paradoxical, young people are denied the right to vote
Pretext that they do not have the maturity required to elect such a puppet
Another, but full licenses are granted to girls of 13 or 15 years of age.
Pregnant and give birth to as many toys and ass
Instead of pushing them vigorously, in the name of the best interests of the child
Designed wrongly, right in the abortion room! Some kids, even if they
Academic failure and obviate existential existence, have the right to give rise to
But not to vote in favor of a particular policy. I will
Ask for the most wisdom: tick a box in the voting booth or
Nourish a child's mind and brain with all the subtle
His happiness, current and future, depends?
Let us grant, from fifteen years, the right to vote to adolescents, their idealism
Can only positively influence the crucial political orientations,
But let us not allow their lack of experience of the real world
To become a father, before time, of children who above all need
Experienced tutors, that is to say, having pushed as far as possible
Learning of the bionomic structures, and having fully
Masters of both their spiritual potential and their destiny
At the dawn of the nineteenth century century, Charles Fourier was already offended by the evil
Parental Disabilities:
And the twentieth Century, by the voice of this undoubted expert in psychology
Infant as D. W. Winnicott, to show himself, in L'Enfant et le Monde
Exterior, even more accusatory:
Even the tocsin sound in 1995 when an FBI study confirms that 74%
Murderers have been victims of physical or psychological abuse within
Even their family!
1. Compulsory education
To parenting
- What! ? But sir, no one will enter the professional life before
The age of 26, 27 or 28 if you add another 4-year cycle
- So much the better, the unemployment will diminish: the idlers of the moment will take the
Place of busy students to try to obtain a degree in Agathogenism.
But I grant you a concession: in default of an ideal curriculum of 4 years, a
Energetic training of a single year (and who dare to pretend it is impossible?)
Would already greatly reduce the trauma suffered by the child as a result of the
The failure of its parents!
- But who will finance these studies?"
- Parentalizables of course (any caprice possessing its price) as well as
Politicians who will finally understand that it costs less to
The company to invest in Childhood than in the repressive-security apparatus,
Penitentiaries and psychiatric asylums where victims often end up
Of parental incompetence.
- But what will those who have insufficient intellectual quotient do?"
- And what do today those whose quotient intellectual prohibits them
Access to profitable occupations? They will devote themselves to something else:
More than enough contemplated imbecility to reproduce. Do you think that the child
Wins to be born in a nest of idiots?
- You're shocking me.
- I hope so; it is the characteristic of the reformers." However, the most shocking
That nothing was done to ensure that the child would benefit
Of the best possible parents!
A child can not improvise.
It prepares itself, it requires a whole learning, a technical assimilation
And theoretical skills, a genuine know-how coupled with a
Real knowledge-lover that no one enjoys by the grace of the Holy Spirit ... Let's shoot
the results.
Nero was certainly Nero, but the one he had for his mother was called
Agrippina …
There is much to be said about the disastrous childhood of many heads of state
History in the monstrosity of their acts Their unbridled philanthropy ... or even the infernal
youth of the killers In series, bandits, great sadists, perverts and other psychopaths
So decried. It can never be said enough that Hitler and Stalin were children
On the other hand, that Dutroux could have become without a father himself
Several children left a pantois: a "Permission to Procreate" would not allow
Not prevent such aberrations?
Is it necessary to recall the unbelief of specialists when faced with the supposed skills
How many parents are fetishists of their children, how many are
Pedophiles or make their slaves their generations, how many
Or leave them without, without power, without knowing, without
Communication, without joy, while others imprison them in
A gilded prison, stifle them by their overprotection.
- Françoise Dolto, The Cause of the Children. France, 20th century
The child has his language, his symbolic, his criteria, his needs, his landmarks,
Its adaptive rhythm, its evolutionary procedures, its personal fragilities: on
Do not engender without literacy and wisdom the grammar of a
Nascent soul! It is at least to know how to listen to it and not to impose it
Our latent fantasies. Alas, to use a famous formula: love
not enough…
2. Psychoanalysis
Of candidates for childbirth
It will be possible without inconveniences to take place during the school cycle mentioned
above. The undertaking of such a work of elucidating oneself would avoid
Reporter on his progeny his own complexes or unresolved traumas.
Too many children carry the consequences of the tormented soul of their
Broodstock; No one is freed from his unconscious before he has explored it
The abyss! Independently of the expected catharsis and the sapience
Relational implications, it is important that psychoanalysis succeed
To make future parents aware of the phenomena,
Always deleterious, of Projection and Displacement, which are
Root of most family conflicts and failures.
The genesis of neuroses dates back to the history of parents and sometimes
Grand parents.
- Françoise Dolto, The Cause of the Children. France, 20th century
Needless to remind that in general the bad parents are those who had
To undergo bad parents: we will never limit to this diabolical cycle
Without directing all the parents to a psychoanalysis allowing them to
Emancipate themselves from their hidden demons!
By the way, such a dive into the mysteries of his own psyche
The harmony and stability of couples and
Children of the drama of divorce or the distressing parental disputes.
One does not become head of state or cardinal at twenty, by what ineptitude
Would become a spiritual master of a child of twenty-two? When I meet
Of parents under the age of thirty, I still feel the desire to offer them
A teat, if not a bellow when they confess that I never opened a
Book of child psychology.
As for me, I like a malformed and aborted embryo better than a soul
Parenting that could lead to abortion of the child's destiny!
You will certainly be happy, ladies the ogresses and gentlemen the vampires,
To have your child. But do you really believe that your child
Will be happy to have you as parents? This should be the only stone
Of touch of your desire …
It is indeed this process of procreation according to the Spirit that subsumes the term
Of Metatology: to the letter, "To give birth beyond" (implying: the impulse
Primary reproductive health).
In other words, being born, living and dying under the aegis of the Parthenon (the
Virginal) where transcendent wisdom stood up, the spiritual ideal for
An Athenian of the classical era was none other than the Metatocy itself!
If, at least, the tutelary deity of Athens designated at each
Citizen an exemplum to imitate, which we can not doubt since
Identification with the electoral divinity is one of the major motions of the
Religious sentiment …
From the outset, Athena's favorite, philosophy was placed under the auspices of the
Psychically fertile virginity, thus affirming the superiority of sublimation
Instincts on their conventional and mammiferous acceptance. Word
Of order which will not remain simply theoretical since many princes
"Lovers of wisdom" will make it imperative not to fashion any posterity
Of malodorous meat.
Who will tell us how many great men had the misfortune to
Become fathers without having only touched upon volition?
One of his friends exhorted her to have children. "Be not afraid,
He said, as progeny, I leave behind victories
Olympic. "
- Diogenes the Cynic. Greece, IVth Century. J.-C
Let the mystics, the sages, the religious masters, the great
Artists or turbulent ones, although rotten, rejects of Athena that are
The philosophers, the obsession is revealed everywhere and always identical: transmute
Our desire for earthly children in search of a higher reign of the Spirit. We
Recognizes without difficulty, in this metatagic tension, the very program of
Alchymy (no gratuity in the election of this ancient spelling: it aims
To restore its primary meaning to this "science of all sciences" by too much
To metamorphose the lead of the chthonian drive into gold
Apollinian realization.
It therefore seems that a way opens, already well marked, to the future amateurs
Parenting (that, in any case, the need to stem the
Overpollupopulation will suffice to frustrate their envy more than ever illegitimate):
Transform, like the most brilliant souls of humanity, the immanent and
Futile "will" that their genes have to perpetuate themselves into a real will
Conscious and personal to leave behind "Olympic victories"
Rather than this vulgar pittance for maggots that will always remain a
Among us, even the least gifted for the labors of the intellect or
Aesthetics, can give birth to the soul rather than to sex.
As soon as the envy of a trivial posterity was decapitated, every work of the heart in
Favor of creatures subjected by their very existence to the suffering
Belongs to the Metatocy.
As soon as the envy of a bestial posterity was calcined, every obstinate step towards
Wisdom, excellence, self-improvement is a matter of metatology.
As soon as the desire for an intestinal posterity is crushed, all energy invested in
Revolt and in the reaffirmation of humanist or creative values
Of Metatology.
In short, as soon as the desire for genital posterity was exterminated, every work, every
Struggle, all action, whether based on love or intelligence,
To a "well-being-in-the-world" that is beneficial to all
Of Metatology.
The neo-Platonist Proclus will not be mistaken who stung all along
Hymns and Prayers to invoke sometimes the Muses, sometimes the chaste goddess of
Sapience (in the attributions of which also entered, very significantly,
Justice, Health, Victory and Peace) so that they remove it from the Procreation
(Γενεσ ουργ α) and protect it from the perils of Birth (γενε λ )! Thus Proclus
Will push his desire for freedom from the terrestrial world until he celebrates the
"Hatchet" of Athena which "by cutting at the root the bestial heads of Hecate slept the
Generation of suffering ", thus translating, one can no longer martially, the victory
Final of the beneficent Nullipare on the Triple Archaic Mother Goddess …
Eternal virgin by her own will, Hestia was enthroned in the center as well
Of the human foci and of the residence of the Olympians, and this in the form,
So magnificently hostile to all corporality, of the Fire, symbolization which
Consecrated a presence in each temple, dedicated at one time to
God, sometimes to another, but always inhabited by this axial exhortation to the
Virginity-Nulliparity: Hestia.
Sacred flame was declared this goddess, that is, spiritual fervor, that is,
Ie transmutation of its genetic rust in clear devotion to
Spheres: in short, a pure prototype of the Platonic Diotima, which
Was worthy of God, since it encouraged us, we
Seen, to leave the babies soon outdated for the benefit of works unalterable ...
Become geniuses
Rather than spawners!
Thus it was that Orpheus, the paragon of the poet and the mystic, had no
Child but a luxuriance of talents. Let's bet he made the right choice
Between docility in the simian and tropism towards the superman …
Posture x
Salvation by Feminism
The important thing for women,
Is to participate as much as possible
To all useful causes.
- Marguerite Yourcenar,
Open eyes. France, 20th century
If we start with the thousand-fold theorem that a woman does not desire
To fill a gap, (in Greek, the radical υστερ- designates
Times the matrix and indigence ...), only courting motherhood to compensate
Frustrations of all origins and fill the emptiness that in it digs the harsh
Monotony of life, it seems clear that the more opportunities will be
Women to flourish in all areas of life,
The women will resort to the subterfuge of childbirth to dress
His understandable dissatisfactions.
What is certain is that feminism will play a crucial role in the struggle
Against fertility. All demographers recognize that women are
Never so fertile as in the most phallocate societies (Africa, Islam,
Judaism ...) where women are often reduced to their reproductive function
And deprived of any other destiny than that of a surrogate mother, docile nurse
Of the offspring of the male, of which we have seen that he willingly used his
(Testis) (small witnesses) of his derisive virility.
Thus this exemplary feminist, a true Athena of the future (libertine intellectuel-nullipare),
"She congratulated herself every day for not having
Had children ".
At the risk of overriding the theme that governs us, we would be happy
To bring our stone to the building of the City of the Ladies imagined, and strong
Judiciously placed under the patronage of a virgin, by Christine de Pisan.
The latter was already terrified at the endemicity of the execution of the woman
In most human literary or religious productions. that
To think in effect of the acerbity of the following sentences, multiplied to infinity,
In all latitudes?
It is from [Pandora] that the race, the accursed
Women, a terrible scourge set in the midst of mortal men.
Zeus, for the great misfortune of mortal men, created women
Whose nature is prone to evil.
Hesiod, Theogony. Greece, VII Century. AD
You give birth in pain and anguish, woman, [...] And you
Ignores that Eve, is it you? [...] You're the devil's door.
Tertullian, The Toilet of Women. Rome, IIIe century.
As soon as Eve was born, Satan came into the world with her.
Midrash Rabbi on Genesis. Israel, Fifth century.
Whoever would have the curiosity to measure the stupefying extent of the grievances
Against the "daughters of Eve" will plunge profitably into
Books such as Cette Mâle Assurance by Benoîte Groult or the Dictionnaire
Misogyne by Agnès Michaux, illuminating inventories of malaise and hostility
Experienced by the human psyche in front of a creature endowed with a uterus.
Let us think again of the countless negative female figures, the most
Often correlated with maternity, emerging in the thundering majority
Of mythological discourses: Lilith, Eve, Jezebel, Pandora, Echidna, Circe,
Lamia, Striges, Harpies, Medusa, Coatlicue, Tlazolteotl, Ixchel, Toci,
Cihuacoatl, Pulowi, Tuonetar, Louhi, Loviatar, Syöjätär, Rati, Sedna, Kharina,
Nambi, Baba Yaga, Lamashtu, Tiamat, Ereshkigal, Ishtar, Kunapipi, Hin-
Kahausibware, Mâyâ, Kâlî, Sekhmet, Mebd, Morrigan, Mélusine, Hel,
Si-wang-mou, Izanami, Sophia-Prounikos, and finally the abominable Druj, for
We will stick to this tiny diachronic and intercontinental sample ...
In the West itself, not only is wage equality between men and women
Women is still far from being acquired, but the gossips are still
Who engage on paths which the masculine wishes to reserve for themselves; by
Moreover, the erotic license of emancipated women continues to be
Of jealous reproaches, while congratulations persist to rain
Much more on the docile mother of the family than on the nulliferous amazon! We
If the battle seems to have been won on the legal and axiological level,
Is hardly the same in terms of mentality.
In the same way, the most feminist feminists will be complemented by repeated ovations
Progressives who do not deprive themselves of proclaiming that a woman is never
As a woman as she is to achieve fullness without recourse to
Trivial faux-fleeing of motherhood!
To take into account such voices that would dare to doubt that depopulation
Will pass first and foremost through feminism? The more a woman gains autonomy,
The more his dissatisfactions regress; More regressed its dissatisfactions, more
Its matrix compensation needs. Salvation lies in
The free flowering of the feminine in all the gratifying fields of
The existence ... or does not reside anywhere.
In short: either we make sure that the liberation of the Child is born
In the wake of that of the Woman, or we must resign ourselves to this
That only the arbitrary morality of the strongest (the male, the parents, the moloch
Social) structures human relations …
Posture xi
In Praise of Adoption
No better than the famous Thales of Miletus, one of the Seven Sages, often
Considered to be the very first father of Western philosophy,
Can introduce us to this chapter; Let's listen to what Diogenes reveals
From the dawn of Wisdom, the tone, the bellow rather, is thus given: the
Cruelty teaches to make creatures; The kindness to adopt! More than one
Slap: a regular edging.
Epictetus, in good boxer, will assimilate this lesson, he who will not take wife
Towards the end of her life so that she could help him to educate the orphan he had just
collect. It is understood that the integral philosopher does not generate: he saves.
You will fulfill your "childish desire"
And relieve distress
Instead of engendering a new one!
- But this child will not be the flesh of my flesh, protest a vague umbilicus
- So that was it!" Pestilentiel confession: the child is for you only one way
To satisfy your philotic whims, that a well of blood
Demonic, your alienating, sado-narcissism. Foin, Yahoos, of your deplorable
"I": if you have for genuine design, according to your proclamations also
Grandiloquent, to procure the "happiness of living" at a
Young creature, loved for herself, and not to remedy (far from us this
Suspicion) to your mock frustrations, you will be satisfied with the
Joys of adoption! Prove to us, gentlemen,
Gentlemen of the pullulators, that your desire exceeds the circumference of
Your navel and we will probably begin to contemplate you a little
Less guillotined.
To believe you "like children", but then what are you waiting for
To fly to the aid of those who already exist, and who suffer from it? The mass
Of orphans immediately adopted amounts to millions! The plethora
Of children in distress amounts to tens of millions! The multitude of children
In suffering amounts to hundreds of millions! The Children's Galaxy
Dramatically poor surpasses the billion! And you would have the nerve to
Not opt for adoption?
The desire for a child, however strong it may be, does not confer a right to the child.
[...] The only right is that of the child to live in the family
That will best meet its needs.
- Florence Lafond, L'Adoption. France, 20th century
Posture xii
Caudal Considerations
Here comes the time to show you consistently with yourself and
With your ideals: your children will neither be the tools of your revolt nor the
Multinationals: they will be born in a free, fair and inclusive world.
Pacified by your own struggle, or else will not be born!
Do not say any more: "we can do nothing"; You can do everything: just do not
More begotten new victims, new slaves! In fact, if the
Misery has been perpetuated to the present day, it is because it has always
Cowards to perpetuate themselves in a world that hardly deserves
Dare to say: we do not want such a world for our children and we
Will not give children to such a world! This is the ultimate Subversion.
What are you waiting for to walk in the sun of such Subversion?
We reaffirm it: in its present state, the world being more and more
Unbearable, impossible to assume in the multiplication of the carcans that
Founded, there is no reason, for the authentic holders of the Ethics,
To throw creatures there that have no other status than that of machine tool
At the service of the Western economy …
"Even with two we do not have time to do everything. And then, take care of
Of a child can be more tiring than going to work. "
- About Young Populators (reproduced in Victor,
Weekly supplement to the newspaper Le Soir, 30 May 2003).
For apocryphal though it is, how not to cite in the cutting edge
Epistle of Diogenes to Zeno:
Hence this question, which, not without violence, is now posed to women:
What is the point of freeing oneself from man if one consents to remain a slave to the child,
"This monster that adults make with their regrets"? The time is not right
Come from a second, from a definitive, emancipation from woman? Is it
No time to abandon to the less than human mammals the so-called
"The joys of mothering", patriarchal myth, if any? Or let the males
In need of moutards to fend for themselves with the insignificant posterity which
Sometimes results from our miserable sexuality of primates?
Incidentally (to the extent that the argument affects only one
Of the population), parental
The radical enemy of Dandyism, the antithesis of all aristocratic
The summits of his being, towards the excellence of the Self: how to remain vertical
Before a creature whose immense lit-
Bends and lowers to breastfeed his parasitism? Paradigm of everything
Degradation, procreation metamorphoses any disability benefit
More or less definitive. There is nothing in man but a descent
Will make …
States Parties shall take all legislative, administrative and social measures
And educational measures to protect the child from all forms of violence,
Physical or mental abuse or neglect,
Abuse or exploitation, including sexual violence,
While in the custody of his parents.
- Convention on the Rights of the Child.
(United Nations, 20 November 1989)
Maltreatment is also in words.
Bet that these first two examples alone will inspire many
Teenagers struggling with defective progenitors! An obvious tropism
Of the law develops in favor of the younger generations. Proof :
Kafka would have appreciated, Rilke and Baudelaire no less ... More radical:
Diplomas and licenses are required for all purposes, except for the
The most complex and the most valuable: to succeed in giving the child
Love, Care, Attention, Respect, Education and all
Good fortune to which he is entitled!
Well, it seems that this criminal paradox is on the way to finding its
It seems impossible to ignore the need for Agathogenic concerted. Everywhere, the Child
becomes a major concern and the Tribunals raise the tone:
The Supreme Court of Wisconsin has forbidden a man, already the father of
Nine children, to procreate more, unless the
That he could provide for the needs of all his descendants.
- Source: Le Soir, 29 November 2001.
Of course, it lies lying at the bottom of the septic tank the omnipotence of
Head of the family, once invested with the right of life or death on his offspring!
O as it approaches, the hour of accountability, that of Judgment
They say: God has children. Far be it from him that blasphemy!
(Sura 2)
They attribute daughters to God, far from his glory this blasphemy! [...]
Assimilate God to all that is highest. He is the Sage, the
powerful. (S.16)
They say: The Merciful has children. You have just pronounced
An impiety. [...] To the Merciful, it is not fitting to have a son.
(S 19)
To dig even more, one would come to even question the alleged
Fertility Muslim:
Anyone who has preferred life here will have hell for dwelling.
(S. 79)
- Muhammad, Koran. Arabia, VIIth century.
If God wanted to punish men for their evil, he would not let
No living creature on earth. (S.16)
I seek an asylum with God from the dawn of day against the
Wickedness of the beings he created. (S 113)
- Muhammad, Koran. Arabia, VIIth century.
This being said in the half-pleasing, half-serious mode, the very obsession, confining
Sick, foreign to all rationality, that we have to seek to exterminate
Until the last whale, by hunting, sonars or pollution, exhale
Suspicious: would Captains Ahab be accountable to the
With their coming into the world? Would they suffer from a denial of metrophobia,
Or rather a poorly integrated genethliophobia? Almost all on the way
Extinction, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippos and turtles
Of sea, these interminable layers, would they exhibit, for their misfortune,
Forms too maternal? Thueris, in any case, the Egyptian goddess
Reserved for the parturientes, displayed an unfortunate head of hippopotamus, while
In China, the tortoise was the mythical foundation of this world where we
Only to struggle with the ten thousand pains ....
Clearly, in the same way, again, that misogyny, according to the eternal
The return of the repressed, the massacre of the environment is
Its marrow as the expression of our latent mettrophobia, an anti-natalism
Who, failing to understand himself and to admit himself in full lucidity,
Deceptively misleading.
(Is it necessary to specify, for the use of the hymns of perpetual peace, that
A matter of absolute pacifism, perfect conscientious objection, anti-natalism
Does not defend badly at all? No peace deeper than that of nothingness.)
In the end, the concept of "death instinct" means nothing if one does not
Postulates as a principle and foundation a genethliophobia common to
All sentient creatures, which amounts to saying: suffering ... Wanting
To die is above all to wish never to be born. Thus, the will-to-die
Is it never a project, but always a nostalgia.
Perhaps she thinks herself badly born? Perhaps it does not have the
Choice between peaceful extinction, freely consented, and extermination
By thermonuclear bombs interposed, if not by legions of robots
Triumphant ... Unless you start procreating according to Wisdom?
3. Absolute absence of virtues behind the mask of childish desire, all baby
Born only to fill the existential gaps of its parents.
5. The facticity of the affection we bear to our parents, only the interest and
The need attaching us to them.
7. The duty to work without delay to improve the candidates for parenthood
If we wish to put an end to it once and for all with the alienation of the Child.
12. Last but not least, the unstoppable necessity of muzzling the Surpollupopulation
By proactive, pro-natalist policies, if not coercive. If humanity tomorrow dies out, it will be
rather for having engendered In an uncontrolled way that for having listened to the voice of the
anti-natalists ... None The protection of the environment can no longer be envisaged without An
intensive fight against fertility! Let us recall it bluntly: on our
The overpopulated population, procreation is now a crime
Against humanity!
The answers here promulgated may not be the most appropriate, nor
More complaisant, free therefore to each one to suggest better, knowing
That Childhood was sufficiently patient and urgently required
Whose verbosity will finally prove inferior to efficiency!
If there was any proof that our century is ripe for a severe
Question of procreation, the following confession, published by one of the most famous
Contemporary ethologists, would deliver it to us:
It is urged: when the respect of the Child has reached its point
Culminating, we will simply cease giving it birth! In
Expectation, any other attitude towards him, any deplorable
Reach it, is only worth what is tear of gavial.
From the Buddhist point of view, all traditions and their teachings
Agree on the same goal to be achieved: alleviating the misery of life
Human life and to interrupt the cycle of existences. In this they are
All worthy of interest, even if their methods differ.
- Tenzin Gyatso, 14th and current Dalai Lama
(Quoted by Gilles van Grasdorff in Words of the Dalai Lamas).
Tibet, 20th Century
Appendix i
Such is the fate which the gods have wrought for the unfortunate mortals: to live in
Homer, Iliad. Greece, 8th Century. AD
A thousand different plagues traverse the dwelling of mortals; The land is full
Of ills.
Hesiod, Works and Days. Greece, VII Century. AD
Human life is nothing but suffering, and there is no truce to its sorrows.
Euripides, Hippolytus. Greece, Fifth Century. AD
Those who wish to perpetuate their lives and prevent their death are mistaken
In the understanding of things.
Lie-tseu, The Real Classic of the Perfect Vide. China, IVth Century.
Only, indeed, pain exists; This is why we do not get the happiness.
Mahabharata. India, circa IIIe Century. AD
Death, to tell the truth, detaches us from evils and not from goods.
In reality, death puts an end to a life of misery.
Cicero, Tusculanes. Rome, 1st century BC. AD
Many people stood up to say that it would have been better not to
Or disappear as quickly as possible.
Pliny the Elder, Natural History. Rome, 1st century.
That the pain presents ceases, that no other is born: this is the goal of
Our exit from the world. Absolute Extinction: this is our last end.
The Questions of Milinda. India, 2nd century.
Evil is Matter.
The body is the cause of evil.
Plotinus, Enneads. Greece, 3rd century.
May I see the most precious light that allows us to flee the misery of the world
Of birth as dark as the sea.
Proclus, Hymn to Hecate and Janus. Greece, 5th century.
The power of good is always weak, while the power of evil Is vast and terrible.
Something that causes suffering also causes fear, but the nothingness
Dispels suffering! Hence why does he cause fear?
Santideva, Introduction to the Path of Awakening. India, 8th century.
The abolition of my being is the noblest gift to be made to me, and my survival as
That I am the worst of wrongs. My life has disgusted my soul, among these ruins
Crush me, kill me, and burn me.
Husayn Mansur Hallaj, Kill me, my faithful comrades.
Persia, tenth century.
The living being, when he is alive, plunged and immersed in suffering; and
The situation in which there is no suffering is more salutary than the
Situation. Death is therefore more salutary to man
Than life.
Razi (Rhazes), The Spiritual Medicine. Arabia, tenth century.
Since my coming into the world was not my choice [...] I want with
Wine destroy the sadness of the universe!
All is ruin, despair.
This land is not the place
The celestial sphere: a belt
For our life of torment!
O Heaven, our ruin comes from your hatred;
Injustice is your sovereign habit.
Omar Khayam, Rubayat. Persia, twelfth century.
My only desire:
Find a place to lie down and die.
Sad, really, is my destiny.
Saigyô, Evanescence. Japan, twelfth century.
All the way through the earth, you will not find
A single happy heart or a satisfied mind.
God of Justice, destroy me on the spot;
I would gladly give up my soul to death;
I no longer have any will to live.
Farîd al-Dîn 'Attâr, The Language of the Birds. Persia, twelfth century.
The soul desires dwelling, and dwelling is death.
I rejoice so much in annihilation.
We are ready to leave existence for nothingness.
Djalâl-od-Dîn Rûmî, Rubâi'yât. Persia, thirteenth century.
I call Death,
My tender and gentle rest,
I said to him, "Come to me", of such love
Let those who die die envy me.
Dante Alighieri, Vita Nuova. Italy, 13th century.
How can one love a life filled with so much bitterness, prone to
So many evils and calamities? How can we even call life what
Engenders so many pains and so many dead?
Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Jesus Christ. Netherlands, 15th century.
My cradle.
What did I not find there, at once, my grave?
Torquato Tasso, Metz Canzone. Italy, 16th century.
Death is the remedy for all evils. It is a very secure port,
Never to be feared, and often to seek.
Michel de Montaigne, Essays. France, 16th century.
Sleep after work, the haven after the storm,
Rest after the war, death after life,
It is a great pleasure.
Death is the end of misfortunes.
Edmund Spenser, The Queen of the Fairies. England, sixteenth century.
What death worse than death is this life that so many good men
Would so often exchange for death!
John Donne, Death's Duel. England, seventeenth century.
In this world, all beings are deprived of happiness and do not know
Than pain.
Shôsan, Ninin-Bikuni. Japan, seventeenth century.
Let him who does not know thee esteem thee, O life! But the undeceived man would prefer
To have passed from the cradle to the coffin, from the natal bed to the tomb. A Common Omen
Of the miseries which await him, is that man weeps when he is born.
What can be a life that begins between the cries of the mother who gives it,
And the tears of the child who receives it?
Baltasar Gracian, The Undeceived Man. Spain, seventeenth century.
Sweet is your sleep, calm will be your rest in the sepulcher. There, grief
Also expires with joy; There cease the torments of man.
Friedrich von Schiller, Elegy on the Death of a Young Man. Germany, 18th century.
I was not born: I did not seek to be born, and does not like the situation
In which this birth has thrown me. [...] I wish I had never
Giving birth to those who can only suffer for many
Years, then to die, it seems to me that it is simply propagating death, and
Multiply the murder.
G. G. Lord Byron, Cain. England, 19th century.
My misfortune is to be born.
Victor Hugo, To the veiled one. France, 19th century.
It is clear that suicide, once the idea of immortality has been lost,
An absolute and even inevitable necessity for every man who has so little
Whether intellectually elevated above the beast.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Journal of a Writer. Russia, nineteenth century.
Life is an evil.
Auguste Strindberg, Coram Populo. Sweden, 19th century.
In a thousand years, the man will sigh as now: "Ah! That life
is hard ! And as now he will be afraid of death and will not
Not die.
We are not happy and happiness does not exist, we can not
Than desire it.
Oh ! If we could not exist!
Anton Chekhov, The Three Sisters. Russia, nineteenth century.
The dead seem to me the only human being really well off.
Mark Twain, Of Religion. United States, 20th century
Everything moves towards death, for it is the law, and if it does not serve much
To live, the wisest is perhaps to die as soon as possible.
The fate of man is reduced to suicide.
Peace is obtained in death. We must die to enter the Peace.
Natsume Sôseki, I'm a Cat. Japan, 20th century.
Life is tragedy and perpetual struggle without victory and without hope of
Miguel de Unamuno, The Tragic Sentiment of Life. Spain, 20th century.
It is my sad, sad life that continues. Those who gave birth to me, they
Will pay for it.
Henri Michaux, Cursed. Belgium, 20th century
Mother I blame
Of which the crime in love
Façonna my form
In his matrix
Who gave me life and then the grave
Mother I blame
Dylan Thomas, Written for an Epitaph. Wales, 20th century.
One can not contemplate without terror the extent of the evil that man can
Do and suffer.
Death is that which has been given most precious to man.
Relation of evil with strength, with being, and good with weakness,
Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace. France, 20th century.
Engendering is infamous.
Life is hell.
The human adventure is nine hundred billion times more appalling than
Imagined him the most sorrowful mind.
Louis Scutenaire, My Listings. Belgium, 20th century.
I'm looking for my mother, to kill her, you had to think about it earlier, before
Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable. Ireland, 20th century.
No death for children. They were brought into the world without asking them
Their opinion ... Do not tell them too early about death, they risk experiencing
A filial love less pure towards the authors of their days.
Roland Topor, in Topor, the Elegant Man. France, 20th century.
To attain wisdom is no longer to aspire to being the zero figure that is erased
Of the blackboard.
What is more obscene than a woman wearing proudly in her belly
A future corpse?
Roland Jaccard, Topology of Pessimism. France, 20th century.
To bring forth to Being what, outside of a will, would come from it otherwise
Never must assume reasons, and more specifically good reasons.
Which ones? I do not see any. Thinking hard, I see even more reason
Not to procreate that the reverse.
Michel Onfray, The Virtues of Lightning. France, 20th century.
Every minute, 100 people die, 240 are born. The reverse would have been
Better. Not being and not being born, there is tranquility.
André Stas, Artificial Radishes. Belgium, 21st century.
Appendix ii
Florilège of Anti-Natalism in the feminine
Parental love is, perhaps, the most blind modification of love for self
Parental love is, in many minds, only a pretext for
Tyrannise where this can be done with impunity.
Mary Wollstonecraft, Defense of Women's Rights. England, 18th century.
Alongside frankly sadistic mothers, there are many who are above all
Capricious; What enchants them is to dominate; Very small, the baby is
A toy: if it is a boy they amuse themselves without scruple of his sex; if
It is a girl they make a doll; Later, they want a small
Slave blindly obey them: vain, they show the child as
A learned animal; Jealous and exclusive, they isolate it from the rest of the world.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex. France, 20th century.
Boulot, Omo, Marmots: Y'EN A MARRE / Contraception for all and
All / Abortion free and free.
Placard worn by MLF activists in the 1970s (Reproduced in Naître and après? From Baby to Child
By Drina Candilis-Huisman). France, 20th century.
Women dare to declare their disgust with the maternal condition. They
Do not ask for it, they denounce it, they refuse it,
In word and deed. Marriage and Maternity, far from accomplishing the
Femininity, only adds to what will soon be called "femininity"
And break the rise of a personality.
Yvonne Knibielher and Catherine Fouquet, History of Mothers from the Middle Ages to our Days.
France, 20th century.
A child in the stomach. Then in the arms. Where to put it? He's there. I
Would not want to be there. After blistering, swelling, invasion
Now he took my body. He devours my time.
Yogurt flavor when I kiss her. Softness of the stool. Liquids one
Little white. Good to breathe. A disgust of enjoyment. Good caca
Warm, well-flowing smooth. Pleasure of sweet fetidity. I found
My body, but I lost my life. More night, more day. I'm at
Service of. Laundries, feedings, baby bottles, shopping very quickly, so that nothing happens to
him. I does not exist anymore. I do. I torch. I wash. I torch. I'm talking.
Jacqueline Aubenas, in The Children of Women. Belgium, 20th century.
Sometimes the woman is not satisfied with these defects that weigh on her existence:
Husband and son.
Elfriede Jelinek, Lust. Austria, 20th century.