The document describes a Skull Cannon war machine from the game Warhammer. It has a Bloodletter crew and attacks with burning skulls that do more damage against large units. In close combat it can make attacks with hellblades or bite with its gnashing maw.
The document describes a Skull Cannon war machine from the game Warhammer. It has a Bloodletter crew and attacks with burning skulls that do more damage against large units. In close combat it can make attacks with hellblades or bite with its gnashing maw.
Original Description:
Age of Sigmar rules for the demonic Khornate Skull Cannon crewed by Bloodletters
The document describes a Skull Cannon war machine from the game Warhammer. It has a Bloodletter crew and attacks with burning skulls that do more damage against large units. In close combat it can make attacks with hellblades or bite with its gnashing maw.
The document describes a Skull Cannon war machine from the game Warhammer. It has a Bloodletter crew and attacks with burning skulls that do more damage against large units. In close combat it can make attacks with hellblades or bite with its gnashing maw.
The hideous war machines known as Skull Cannons vomit forth
10 barrages of skulls amidst blasts of sulphurous smoke and flame, BR A ERY V their macabre ordnance screaming through the skies before exploding with murderous fury amongst the enemy ranks.
MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Burning Skulls 30" 1 3+ 3+ -2 D6 MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Hellblades 1" 2 4+ 3+ -1 1 Gnashing Maw 1" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3 DESCRIPTION ABILITIES After this unit attacks for the first time in each combat phase, if any enemy models A unit of Skull Cannons has any number Burning Skulls: Foes massed together were slain by this unit’s attacks, this unit of models, each armed with Burning Skulls offer an easy target for a Skull Cannon’s can attack with all of the missile weapons it and a Gnashing Maw. flaming projectiles. is armed with. CREW: This model has a Bloodletter crew Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with Decapitating Blow: There are few weapons that attack with their Hellblades. For rules this unit’s Burning Skulls if the target unit so feared as the hellforged blades of purposes, the crew are treated in the same contains 10 or more models. the Bloodletters. manner as a mount. Grind their Bones, Seize their Skulls: If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made Enemies seized by a Skull Cannon’s jaws are with Hellblades is 6, that attack inflicts 1 used to power the infernal machine, their mortal wound on the target in addition to skulls taken and used as fiery munitions. any normal damage.