CHAPTER 7 Miscellaneous Protozoa
CHAPTER 7 Miscellaneous Protozoa
CHAPTER 7 Miscellaneous Protozoa
Sarcocystis species
The frequency of Sarcocystis infections is relatively low, even though its distribution is worldwide. In addition to its
presence in cattle and pigs, Sarcocystis spp. may also be found in a variety of wild animals.
Clinical Symptoms
Sarcocystis Infection. There have only been a few documented symptomatic cases of Sarcocystis infections in
compromised patients. These persons experienced fever, severe diarrhea, weight loss, and abdominal pain. It is
presumed that patients suffering from muscle tenderness and other local symptoms are exhibiting symptoms
caused by Sarcocystis invasion of the striated muscle.
The treatment protocol for infections with Sarcocystis spp. when humans are the definitive host is similar to that for
Isospora belli. The combined medications of trimethoprim plus sulfamethoxazole or pyrimethamine plus
sulfadiazine are typically given to treat these infections. There is no known specific chemotherapy to treat
Sarcocystis infections of the striated muscle when humans are the intermediate host.
Parameter Description
Shape Oval
Appearance Transparent
Number of sporocysts Two
Size of each sporocyst 10-18 ?m long
Contents of each sporocyst Four sausage-shaped sporozoites
Oocyst cell wall appearance Clear, colorless, double layered
Cryptosporidium parvum
Laboratory Diagnosis
The specimen of choice for the recovery of Cryptosporidium oocysts is stool. Several methods have been found to
identify these organisms successfully.
The oocysts may be seen using iodine or modified acid-fast stain. In addition, formalinfixed smears stained with
Giemsa may also yield the desired oocysts. As noted, it is important to distinguish yeast (Chapter 12) from true
oocysts. Oocysts have also been detected using the following methods: the Enterotest, enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and indirect immunofluorescence. Concentration via modified zinc sulfate flotation
or by Sheather’s sugar flotation have also proven successful, especially when the treated sample is examined under
phase contrast microscopy. It is important to note that merozoites and gametocytes are usually only recovered in
intestinal biopsy material.
Cryptosporidium has worldwide distribution. Of the 20 species known to exist, only C. parvum is known to infect
humans. Infection appears to primarily occur by water or food contaminated with infected feces, as well as by
person-toperson transmission. Immunocompromised persons, such as those infected with the AIDS virus, are at risk
of contracting this parasite. Other populations potentially at risk include immunocompetent children in tropical
areas, children in day care centers, animal handlers, and those who travel abroad.
Clinical Symptoms
Cryptosporidiosis. Otherwise healthy persons infected with Cryptosporidium typically complain of diarrhea, which
is self-limiting and lasts approximately 2 weeks. Episodes of diarrhea lasting 1 to 4 weeks have been reported in
some day care centers. Fever, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and abdominal pain may also be present. When fluid
loss is great because of the diarrhea and/or severe vomiting, this condition may be fatal, particularly in young
children. Infected immunocompromised individuals, particularly AIDS patients, usually suffer from severe diarrhea
and one or more of the symptoms described earlier. Malabsorption may also accompany infection in these patients.
In addition, infection may migrate to other body areas, such as the stomach and respiratory tract. A debilitating
condition that leads to death may result in these patients. Estimated infection rates in AIDS patients range from 3 to
20% in the United States and 50 to 60% in Africa and Haiti. Cryptosporidium infection is considered to be a cause
of morbidity and mortality.