B. Tech. EXAMINATION, May 2017: No. of Printed Pages: 05 Roll No. ......................

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200 @ 194.2 N/m D = 200 mm B = 100 mm, No. of Printed Pages : 05 Roll No. .......................

Izz = 16966000mm4 , tf = 7.3 mm, tw = 5.4

mm, Zp = 184340 mm3 Ze = 607700 mm3) F-72
section using steel grade Fe 410. 15
B. Tech. EXAMINATION, May 2017
6. A column section ISHB 350 @ 661.2 N/m
(A = 8591 mm2 D = 350 mm, bf = 250 mm, (Sixth Semester)
tf = 11.6 mm, tw = 8.3 mm) carries a factored (B. Scheme) (Main & Re-appear)
axial compressive load of 1000 kN and a (CE)
factored bending moment of 125 kNm. Design
the base plate and its connections. 15
Section D
Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75
7. A 2014-T6 aluminium wide flange beam is
connected to columns at its ends by means of Before answering the question-paper candidates
framed connections. The Section (H = 250 mm, should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
B = 200 mm, tf = 9 mm, tw = 6.7 mm, and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
Iy = 8575000 mm4, Ip = 120000 mm4 ) is over
regard, will be entertained after the examination.
the effective span of 5 m. If the beam is
laterally restrained at mid span also, determine Note : Attempt Five questions only which carry
the safe uniformly distributed load the beam
equal marks. However, a student should
can carry. Permissible stress in material may
attempt at least one question from each
be taken as 150 MPa. 15
Section. Use of Indian Standards is allowed.
M-F-72 4 (3-41/18)M-F-72 P.T.O.
Any data if missing can be suitably assumed. 3. Design a built up laced column with four
Use of scientific calculator is allowed. angles to support an axial load of 900 kN.
The column is 12 m long and both ends are
Section A held in position and restrained against rotations.
Assume Fe 410 grade steel. (If ISA 100 ×
1. Discuss possible load combinations as per
100 × 8 mm is used, the properties are
Indian Standards for the following laods with
A = 1540 mm2, ryy = rzz = 30.5 mm,
appropritate load factors :
Izz = Iyy = 1450000 mm4). 15
(a) Dead Load
(b) Live Load 4. A tension member in a bridge structure 10 m long
is subjected to an axial tensile factored load of
(c) Wind Load
1500 kN. Design the sectinon with
(d) Earthquake Load.
ISMC channels (A = 4630 mm2, B = 90 mm,
Also, discuss the factors which influence wind g = 50 mm, Izz = 64200000 mm4,
pressure coefficient. 15 Iyy = 3130000 mm4 tf = 13.6 mm tw = 7.85 mm)
facing each other. The ultimate and yield stresses
Section B are 410 and 250 MPa, respectively. 15
2. Design a bolted splice for an ISMB 300 section
Section C
to transfer a factored bending moment of 100
kN and a factored shear of 60 kN. Assume 5. A simply supported steel joist of 4 m effective
that the flange splice carries all the moment span is laterally supported throughout. It carries
and that the web splice carries only the shear. a uniformly distributed load 50 kN/m inclusive
Use M16 bolts. 15 of self weight. Design an appropriate (ISLB

M-F-72 2 (3-41/19)M-F-72 3 P.T.O.

8. A column consists of two 2014-T6 aluminium 8. A column consists of two 2014-T6 aluminium
channel back to back at a distane of 180 mm channel back to back at a distane of 180 mm
between them (A = 4740 mm2 B = 77.4 mm, between them (A = 4740 mm2 B = 77.4 mm,
rx = 112.4 mm, ry = 19.8 mm Ix = 1860000 mm4, rx = 112.4 mm, ry = 19.8 mm Ix = 1860000 mm4,
Ip = 61960000 mm4. If the effective length of Ip = 61960000 mm4. If the effective length of
the column is 10 m, determine the suitability of the column is 10 m, determine the suitability of
the section for the factored load of 250 kN. 15 the section for the factored load of 250 kN. 15

y y

x x
x x x x
6 16 cm 6 16 cm

9 9
y y

M-F-72 5 930 (3-41/20)M-F-72 5 930

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