Bronnikov Resumen PDF
Bronnikov Resumen PDF
Bronnikov Resumen PDF
Bronnikov Center Rotterdam 1
The 20th and the 21st centuries
have fundamentally changed
the entire human life due to
scientific and technical
development. For the first time
in its history, humankind found
itself in the informational
ocean. From the viewpoint of
astrophysicists, the Earth is
evolving into a radio star —
earthshine is thought to be brighter than solar radiation in radio-frequency range.
The majority of developments are classified and secret, and people do not know
about them.
One of the greatest challenges of our times is that unless the possibilities of scientific
and technical development are disclosed and explained to people in the nearest
future, unless people receive the knowledge of modern reality they need, humankind
will lose its ability to perceive them.
Apart from psychological problem, there is also a problem of lack of human body
defences protecting against negative influence and effects of aggressive artificial
informational environment.
Human experimentations are being conducted globally, and people know nothing
about them.
At the present day, the Third quantum revolution is taking place. Humankind is in a
state when revolutionary, evolutionary, involutionary and convergence processes
are taking place in our lives simultaneously.
Our planet is giving birth to the New Human. The birth of five types of indigo children
is taking place.
Artificial life forms are being created. Subtle matter devices and beings with artificial
intellect are being created. Creation and control of global artificial substances, such
as Internet, is taking place. Technical means are changing and transforming very fast.
The symposium was conducted under the guidance of the leading secret services of
the world.
1. Human resource.
2. Transhumanist Movement.
3. Noospheric humankind.
Noospheric people are the intellectual, human and creative capital of any country
and the international community.
A noospheric person is someone who feels a need for and a sense of connection to
the divine and planetary development.
An impulse of the Holy Spirit from within is needed for further successful
Our eyes perceive photon emission – light. When light enters the eyes, it turns into a
biochemical signal and is processed by the system of visual centres of the brain.
Consequently, the brain emits leptonic radiation, which is stronger than photon
emission, through the body and eyes, and a person sees the world around.
Put your palm in front of your face. Start looking carefully at your palm, picturing how
you make a hole in it with your eyes, drill through it. You will feel a strong sensation
in your palm immediately. This is the result of the emission coming from your eyes.
Anyone can conduct this illustrative experiment, but science is unaware of such
phenomena, or, to be more precise, conceals such knowledge.
Phantom sensations
This is a function of
superconsciousness which is
based on memory, fantasy,
imagination and concentration
of attention. All these factors
create so-called energy and
acting forces within the body.
If a person, healthy or blind, knows about this phenomenon and knows how to
control it – switch it on and off, guide the plot, — this brain ability is the basis for
meditation, it provides a powerful development of the brain and reveals person’s
hidden abilities.
Blindfolded vision
“Radar vision” enables vision of the surroundings not with your eyes, but with your
brain and body.
Psychobiocomputer vision
The next stage in the development of human abilities leads to creation of brain
display, programmes necessary for working with images, as well as organisation of
brain keyboard.
The operator’s ability to work with brain display and keyboard mentally is developed.
The processes of development of new human brain abilities have been studied in
many Russian institutes. A number of outstanding discoveries have been made.
As N.P. Bekhtereva stated, “Due to V.M. Bronnikov method, the brain had been
opened for analysis for the first time, and Russian scientists received an opportunity
to look into the hidden depths of the human brain to understand many secret
Methods and technologies developed by V.M. Bronnikov are safe and beneficial for
human development.
It opens a prospect for formation of a noospheric person who can process big
amounts of information in many areas simultaneously. Several active streams of
consciousness are formed, as well as many other characteristics.
Human Internet
Sending messages from one brain to another, from one consciousness to another,
from consciousness to computer, from human consciousness to animal or plant
consciousness, from human consciousness to the nature’s consciousness opens new
prospects for the unified system of new human abilities — holographic human brain
interfaces — into a new live-sustaining system. And this is current reality!
1. Dmitriyev A.N. Fiery recreation of climate of Earth. Novosibirsk, Tomsk publishing
house of JSC Tverdynya, 2002. 145 pages.
Bronnikov-Fekleron System
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