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Sulfuric Acid, ACS

Safety Data Sheet

according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
Date of issue: 10/01/1998 Revision date: 02/28/2018 Supersedes: 01/23/2018 Version: 1.3

SECTION 1: Identification
1.1. Identification
Product form : Substance
Substance name : Sulfuric Acid, ACS
CAS-No. : 7664-93-9
Product code : LC25550
Formula : H2SO4
Synonyms : battery acid / brown acid / brown oil of vitriol / dihydrogen sulfate / dipping acid / electrolyte acid
/ nordhausen acid / oil of vitriol / sulphuric acid
1.2. Recommended use and restrictions on use
Use of the substance/mixture : Industrial use
Laboratory chemical
Battery: component
Recommended use : Laboratory chemicals
Restrictions on use : Not for food, drug or household use
1.3. Supplier
LabChem Inc
Jackson's Pointe Commerce Park Building 1000, 1010 Jackson's Pointe Court
Zelienople, PA 16063 - USA
T 412-826-5230 - F 724-473-0647 -

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency number : CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 or 011-703-527-3887

SECTION 2: Hazard(s) identification

2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS-US classification
Skin corrosion/irritation, H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
Category 1A
Serious eye damage/eye H318 Causes serious eye damage.
irritation, Category 1
Full text of H statements : see section 16

2.2. GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements

GHS-US labelling
Hazard pictograms (GHS-US) :

Signal word (GHS-US) : Danger
Hazard statements (GHS-US) : H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
Precautionary statements (GHS-US) : P260 - Do not breathe mist, vapours, spray.
P264 - Wash exposed skin thoroughly after handling.
P280 - Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection, face protection.
P301+P330+P331 - IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
P303+P361+P353 - IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Rinse skin with water/shower.
P304+P340 - IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
P305+P351+P338 - IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove
contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P310 - Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor
P363 - Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
P405 - Store locked up.
P501 - Dispose of contents/container to comply with local, state and federal regulations

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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

2.3. Other hazards which do not result in classification

Other hazards not contributing to the : None.
2.4. Unknown acute toxicity (GHS US)
Not applicable

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.1. Substances
Substance type : Mono-constituent
Name Product identifier % GHS-US classification
Sulfuric Acid, ACS (CAS-No.) 7664-93-9 96 Skin Corr. 1A, H314
(Main constituent) Eye Dam. 1, H318

Full text of hazard classes and H-statements : see section 16

3.2. Mixtures
Not applicable
SECTION 4: First-aid measures
4.1. Description of first aid measures
First-aid measures general : Check the vital functions. Unconscious: maintain adequate airway and respiration. Respiratory
arrest: artificial respiration or oxygen. Cardiac arrest: perform resuscitation. Victim conscious
with laboured breathing: half-seated. Victim in shock: on his back with legs slightly raised.
Vomiting: prevent asphyxia/aspiration pneumonia. Prevent cooling by covering the victim (no
warming up). Keep watching the victim. Give psychological aid. Keep the victim calm, avoid
physical strain. Depending on the victim's condition: doctor/hospital.
First-aid measures after inhalation : Remove the victim into fresh air. Immediately consult a doctor/medical service.
First-aid measures after skin contact : Wash immediately with lots of water (15 minutes)/shower. Do not apply (chemical) neutralizing
agents. Remove clothing while washing. Do not remove clothing if it sticks to the skin. Cover
wounds with sterile bandage. Consult a doctor/medical service. If burned surface > 10%: take
victim to hospital.
First-aid measures after eye contact : Rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Take victim to an ophthalmologist. Do
not apply neutralizing agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue
First-aid measures after ingestion : Rinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting. Do not give activated charcoal. Immediately
consult a doctor/medical service. Call Poison Information Centre ( Take
the container/vomit to the doctor/hospital. Ingestion of large quantities: immediately to hospital.
Do not give chemical antidote.
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects (acute and delayed)
Symptoms/effects after inhalation : Dry/sore throat. Coughing. Irritation of the respiratory tract. Irritation of the nasal mucous
membranes. ON CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE/CONTACT: Corrosion of the upper respiratory
tract. FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS MAY APPEAR LATER: Possible laryngeal spasm/oedema.
Risk of pneumonia. Risk of lung oedema. Respiratory difficulties.
Symptoms/effects after skin contact : Caustic burns/corrosion of the skin.
Symptoms/effects after eye contact : Corrosion of the eye tissue. Permanent eye damage.
Symptoms/effects after ingestion : Nausea. Abdominal pain. Blood in stool. Blood in vomit. Burns to the gastric/intestinal mucosa.
Chronic symptoms : ON CONTINUOUS/REPEATED EXPOSURE/CONTACT: Red skin. Dry skin. Itching. Skin
rash/inflammation. Affection/discolouration of the teeth. Inflammation/damage of the eye tissue.
4.3. Immediate medical attention and special treatment, if necessary
Obtain medical assistance.

SECTION 5: Fire-fighting measures

5.1. Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media : Quick-acting ABC powder extinguisher. Quick-acting BC powder extinguisher. Quick-acting
CO2 extinguisher. Class B foam (alcohol-resistant); after consulting specialist.
Unsuitable extinguishing media : Water (quick-acting extinguisher, reel); risk of puddle expansion. Quick-acting class B foam
extinguisher. Water.
5.2. Specific hazards arising from the chemical
Fire hazard : DIRECT FIRE HAZARD: Non combustible. INDIRECT FIRE HAZARD: Reactions involving a
fire hazard: see "Reactivity Hazard".
Explosion hazard : INDIRECT EXPLOSION HAZARD: Reactions with explosion hazards: see "Reactivity Hazard".
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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Reactivity : Reacts violently with (some) bases: heat release resulting in increased fire or explosion risk.
Reacts with many compounds e.g.: with (strong) reducers, with organic material and with
combustible materials: (increased) risk of fire/explosion. Violent exothermic reaction with water
(moisture): release of corrosive gases/vapours.
5.3. Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters
Precautionary measures fire : Exposure to fire/heat: keep upwind. Exposure to fire/heat: consider evacuation. Exposure to
fire/heat: seal off low-lying areas. Exposure to fire/heat: have neighbourhood close doors and
Firefighting instructions : Cool tanks/drums with water spray/remove them into safety. When cooling/extinguishing: no
water in the substance. Dilute toxic gases with water spray.
Protection during firefighting : Heat/fire exposure: compressed air/oxygen apparatus.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
6.1.1. For non-emergency personnel
Protective equipment : Gloves. Face-shield. Corrosion-proof suit. Large spills/in enclosed spaces: compressed air
apparatus. Large spills/in enclosed spaces: gas-tight suit.
Emergency procedures : Mark the danger area. No naked flames. Keep containers closed. Avoid ingress of water in the
containers. Wash contaminated clothes. Large spills/in confined spaces: consider evacuation.
In case of hazardous reactions: keep upwind. In case of reactivity hazard: consider evacuation.

6.1.2. For emergency responders

Protective equipment : Equip cleanup crew with proper protection.
Emergency procedures : Stop leak if safe to do so. Ventilate area.
6.2. Environmental precautions
Prevent soil and water pollution. Prevent spreading in sewers.
6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up
For containment : Contain released product, pump into suitable containers. Plug the leak, cut off the supply. Dam
up the liquid spill. Hazardous reaction: measure explosive gas-air mixture. Reaction: dilute
combustible gas/vapour with water curtain. Take account of toxic/corrosive precipitation water.
Heat exposure: dilute toxic gas/vapour with water spray.
Methods for cleaning up : Take up liquid spill into inert absorbent material, e.g.: dry sand/earth/vermiculite. Scoop
absorbed substance into closing containers. Carefully collect the spill/leftovers.
Damaged/cooled tanks must be emptied. Clean contaminated surfaces with an excess of
water. Take collected spill to manufacturer/competent authority. Wash clothing and equipment
after handling.
6.4. Reference to other sections
No additional information available

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling
Precautions for safe handling : Keep away from naked flames/heat. Measure the concentration in the air regularly. Carry
operations in the open/under local exhaust/ventilation or with respiratory protection. Comply
with the legal requirements. Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Clean contaminated
clothing. Keep the substance free from contamination. Thoroughly clean/dry the installation
before use. Do not discharge the waste into the drain. Never add water to this product. Never
dilute by pouring water to the acid. Always add the acid to the water.
Hygiene measures : Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or
smoking and when leaving work. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Do not eat, drink or
smoke when using this product.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Incompatible products : Strong bases. metals. combustible materials.
Heat and ignition sources : KEEP SUBSTANCE AWAY FROM: heat sources.
Prohibitions on mixed storage : KEEP SUBSTANCE AWAY FROM: combustible materials. reducing agents. (strong) bases.
highly flammable materials. metals. cellulosic materials. organic materials. alcohols. amines.
Storage area : Store in a dry area. Ventilation at floor level. Keep locked up. Provide for a tub to collect spills.
Unauthorized persons are not admitted. Meet the legal requirements.
Special rules on packaging : SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: closing. dry. clean. correctly labelled. meet the legal
requirements. Secure fragile packagings in solid containers.
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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Packaging materials : SUITABLE MATERIAL: stainless steel. carbon steel. polyethylene. polypropylene. glass.
stoneware/porcelain. MATERIAL TO AVOID: monel steel. lead. copper. zinc.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection

8.1. Control parameters
Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)
ACGIH ACGIH TWA (mg/m³) 0.2 mg/m³ (Thoracic fraction)
OSHA OSHA PEL (TWA) (mg/m³) 1 mg/m³
IDLH US IDLH (mg/m³) 15 mg/m³
NIOSH NIOSH REL (TWA) (mg/m³) 1 mg/m³

8.2. Appropriate engineering controls

Appropriate engineering controls : Emergency eye wash fountains should be available in the immediate vicinity of any potential
exposure. Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation.

8.3. Individual protection measures/Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment:
Gloves. Face shield. Chemical resistant apron. Safety glasses. Protective goggles. Gas mask with filter type E.

Materials for protective clothing:

GIVE EXCELLENT RESISTANCE: butyl rubber. polyethylene. tetrafluoroethylene. GIVE LESS RESISTANCE: neoprene. PVC. viton. GIVE POOR
RESISTANCE: natural rubber. nitrile rubber. PVA

Hand protection:

Eye protection:
Face shield

Skin and body protection:

Corrosion-proof clothing

Respiratory protection:
Full face mask with filter type E at conc. in air >
exposure limit

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties
Physical state : Liquid
Appearance : Liquid.
Colour : Pure substance: colourless Unpurified: yellow to brown
Odour : Almost odourless
Odour threshold : > 1 mg/m³
pH : <1
Melting point : 10 °C
Freezing point : No data available
Boiling point : 288 °C
Flash point : Not applicable
Relative evaporation rate (butylacetate=1) : No data available
Flammability (solid, gas) : No data available

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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Vapour pressure : < 1 hPa (20 °C)

Relative vapour density at 20 °C : 3.4
Relative density : 1.8
Density : 1840 kg/m³
Molecular mass : 98.08 g/mol
Solubility : Exothermically soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol.
Water: complete
Log Pow : -2.2 (Estimated value)
Auto-ignition temperature : No data available
Decomposition temperature : > 340 °C
Viscosity, kinematic : No data available
Viscosity, dynamic : No data available
Explosive limits : No data available
Explosive properties : No data available.
Oxidising properties : No data available.
9.2. Other information
VOC content : 0%
Other properties : Gas/vapour heavier than air at 20°C. Clear. Hygroscopic. Slightly volatile. Substance has acid

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity
Reacts violently with (some) bases: heat release resulting in increased fire or explosion risk. Reacts with many compounds e.g.: with (strong) reducers,
with organic material and with combustible materials: (increased) risk of fire/explosion. Violent exothermic reaction with water (moisture): release of
corrosive gases/vapours.
10.2. Chemical stability
Unstable on exposure to moisture.
10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions
Reacts violently with water. Reacts violently with (some) bases: release of heat.
10.4. Conditions to avoid
Incompatible materials. Moisture.
10.5. Incompatible materials
Water. Strong bases. Organic compounds. metals. Halogens. cyanides. combustible materials.
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products
Sulfur compounds.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Likely routes of exposure : Skin and eyes contact

Acute toxicity : Not classified
Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)
LD50 oral rat 2140 mg/kg bodyweight (Rat, Experimental value)
ATE US (oral) 2140 mg/kg bodyweight
Skin corrosion/irritation : Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
pH: < 1
Serious eye damage/irritation : Causes serious eye damage.
pH: < 1
Respiratory or skin sensitisation : Not classified
Germ cell mutagenicity : Not classified
Carcinogenicity : Not classified

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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)

Additional information Strong inorganic acid mists containing sulfuric acid are carcinogenic to humans
National Toxicology Program (NTP) Status 2 - Known Human Carcinogens
Reproductive toxicity : Not classified
Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) : Not classified
Specific target organ toxicity (repeated : Not classified
Aspiration hazard : Not classified

Potential adverse human health effects and : Odour threshold is well above the exposure limit. Causes severe skin burns. Irritant to the
symptoms respiratory organs. Causes serious eye damage.
Symptoms/effects after inhalation : Dry/sore throat. Coughing. Irritation of the respiratory tract. Irritation of the nasal mucous
membranes. ON CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE/CONTACT: Corrosion of the upper respiratory
tract. FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS MAY APPEAR LATER: Possible laryngeal spasm/oedema.
Risk of pneumonia. Risk of lung oedema. Respiratory difficulties.
Symptoms/effects after skin contact : Caustic burns/corrosion of the skin.
Symptoms/effects after eye contact : Corrosion of the eye tissue. Permanent eye damage.
Symptoms/effects after ingestion : Nausea. Abdominal pain. Blood in stool. Blood in vomit. Burns to the gastric/intestinal mucosa.
Chronic symptoms : ON CONTINUOUS/REPEATED EXPOSURE/CONTACT: Red skin. Dry skin. Itching. Skin
rash/inflammation. Affection/discolouration of the teeth. Inflammation/damage of the eye tissue.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

12.1. Toxicity
Ecology - general : Not classified as dangerous for the environment according to the criteria of Regulation (EC) No
Ecology - air : Not classified as dangerous for the ozone layer (Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009).
Ecology - water : Harmful to crustacea. Harmful to fishes. Groundwater pollutant. Mild water pollutant (surface
water). Inhibition of activated sludge. pH shift. Toxic to plankton.
Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)
LC50 fish 1 42 mg/l (96 h, Gambusia affinis)
EC50 Daphnia 1 29 mg/l (24 h, Daphnia magna)

12.2. Persistence and degradability

Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)
Persistence and degradability Biodegradability: not applicable.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Not applicable
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Not applicable
ThOD Not applicable
BOD (% of ThOD) Not applicable

12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)
Log Pow -2.2 (Estimated value)
Bioaccumulative potential Not bioaccumulative.

12.4. Mobility in soil

No additional information available

12.5. Other adverse effects

No additional information available

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Disposal methods
Regional legislation (waste) : LWCA (the Netherlands): KGA category 01.

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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Waste disposal recommendations : Treat using the best available techniques before discharge into drains or the aquatic
environment. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. Remove
waste in accordance with local and/or national regulations. Hazardous waste shall not be mixed
together with other waste. Different types of hazardous waste shall not be mixed together if this
may entail a risk of pollution or create problems for the further management of the waste.
Hazardous waste shall be managed responsibly. All entities that store, transport or handle
hazardous waste shall take the necessary measures to prevent risks of pollution or damage to
people or animals. Recycle/reuse. Remove to an authorized dump (Class I). Remove for
physico-chemical/biological treatment.
Additional information : Hazardous waste according to Directive 2008/98/EC, as amended by Regulation (EU) No
1357/2014 and Regulation (EU) No 2017/997.
Ecology - waste materials : Avoid release to the environment.

SECTION 14: Transport information

Department of Transportation (DOT)
In accordance with DOT
Transport document description : UN1830 Sulfuric acid (with more than 51 percent acid), 8, II

UN-No.(DOT) : UN1830
Proper Shipping Name (DOT) : Sulfuric acid
with more than 51 percent acid
Transport hazard class(es) (DOT) : 8 - Class 8 - Corrosive material 49 CFR 173.136
Packing group (DOT) : II - Medium Danger
Hazard labels (DOT) : 8 - Corrosive

DOT Packaging Non Bulk (49 CFR : 202

DOT Packaging Bulk (49 CFR : 242
DOT Special Provisions (49 CFR 172.102) : A3 - For combination packagings, if glass inner packagings (including ampoules) are used, they
must be packed with absorbent material in tightly closed metal receptacles before packing in
outer packagings.
A7 - Steel packagings must be corrosion-resistant or have protection against corrosion.
B3 - MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks and
DOT 57 portable tanks are not authorized.
B83 - Bottom outlets are prohibited on tank car tanks transporting sulfuric acid in
concentrations over 65.25 percent.
B84 - Packagings must be protected with non-metallic linings impervious to the lading or have a
suitable corrosion allowance for sulfuric acid or spent sulfuric acid in concentration up to 65.25
IB2 - Authorized IBCs: Metal (31A, 31B and 31N); Rigid plastics (31H1 and 31H2); Composite
(31HZ1). Additional Requirement: Only liquids with a vapor pressure less than or equal to 110
kPa at 50 C (1.1 bar at 122 F), or 130 kPa at 55 C (1.3 bar at 131 F) are authorized.
N34 - Aluminum construction materials are not authorized for any part of a packaging which is
normally in contact with the hazardous material.
T8 - 4 178.274(d)(2) Normal............. Prohibited
TP2 - a. The maximum degree of filling must not exceed the degree of filling determined by the
following: (image) Where: tr is the maximum mean bulk temperature during transport, tf is the
temperature in degrees celsius of the liquid during filling, and a is the mean coefficient of
cubical expansion of the liquid between the mean temperature of the liquid during filling (tf) and
the maximum mean bulk temperature during transportation (tr) both in degrees celsius. b. For
liquids transported under ambient conditions may be calculated using the formula: (image)
Where: d15 and d50 are the densities (in units of mass per unit volume) of the liquid at 15 C
(59 F) and 50 C (122 F), respectively.
TP12 - This material is considered highly corrosive to steel.
DOT Packaging Exceptions (49 CFR : 154
DOT Quantity Limitations Passenger aircraft/rail : 1 L
(49 CFR 173.27)
DOT Quantity Limitations Cargo aircraft only (49 : 30 L
CFR 175.75)
DOT Vessel Stowage Location : C - The material must be stowed ‘‘on deck only’’ on a cargo vessel and on a passenger vessel.

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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

DOT Vessel Stowage Other : 14 - For metal drums, stowage permitted under deck on cargo vessels
Other information : No supplementary information available.

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1. US Federal regulations
Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)
Listed on the United States TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) inventory
Not subject to reporting requirements of the United States SARA Section 313
Subject to reporting requirements of United States SARA Section 313
RQ (Reportable quantity, section 304 of EPA's List of Lists) 1000 lb
SARA Section 302 Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) 1000 lb
SARA Section 311/312 Hazard Classes Health hazard - Skin corrosion or Irritation
Health hazard - Serious eye damage or eye irritation
All components of this product are listed, or excluded from listing, on the United States Environmental Protection Agency Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory

Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 or Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of
1986 and 40 CFR Part 372.
Sulfuric Acid, ACS CAS-No. 7664-93-9 100%

15.2. International regulations

No additional information available
No additional information available

National regulations
Sulfuric Acid, ACS (7664-93-9)
Listed on IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
Listed as carcinogen on NTP (National Toxicology Program)

15.3. US State regulations

California Proposition 65 - This product does not contain any substances known to the state of California to cause cancer,
developmental and/or reproductive harm

SECTION 16: Other information

Revision date : 02/28/2018
Full text of H-statements: see section 16:
--- H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
--- H318 Causes serious eye damage.
NFPA health hazard : 3 - Materials that, under emergency conditions, can cause
serious or permanent injury.
NFPA fire hazard : 0 - Materials that will not burn under typical dire conditions,
including intrinsically noncombustible materials such as
concrete, stone, and sand.
NFPA reactivity : 2 - Materials that readily undergo violent chemical change
at elevated temperatures and pressures.
NFPA specific hazard : W - Materials that react violently or explosively with water.

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Sulfuric Acid, ACS
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Hazard Rating
Health : 3 Serious Hazard - Major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is
Flammability : 0 Minimal Hazard - Materials that will not burn
Physical : 2 Moderate Hazard - Materials that are unstable and may undergo violent chemical changes at
normal temperature and pressure with low risk for explosion. Materials may react violently with
water or form peroxides upon exposure to air.
Personal protection : H
H - Splash goggles, Gloves, Synthetic apron, Vapor respirator

SDS US LabChem

Information in this SDS is from available published sources and is believed to be accurate. No warranty, express or implied, is made and LabChem Inc assumes no liability resulting from the use of this
SDS. The user must determine suitability of this information for his application.

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