Solutions To The End-of-Chapter Excercises in /Interior-Point Algorithm: Theory and Analysis"
Solutions To The End-of-Chapter Excercises in /Interior-Point Algorithm: Theory and Analysis"
Solutions To The End-of-Chapter Excercises in /Interior-Point Algorithm: Theory and Analysis"
c 1997
Introduction and
1.1 Exercises
(Q + abT ) 1 = Q 1 T 1
1 + bT Q 1a Q ab Q :
1 1
(Q + abT )(Q 1 T 1
1 + bT Q 1 a Q ab Q )
1 1
= I 1 T 1 T 1 1 T 1 T
1 + bT Q 1 a ab Q + ab Q 1 + bT Q 1 a ab Q ab Q
= I 1 ab T Q 1 + abT Q 1 bT Q 1 a abT Q 1
1 + bT Q 1 a 1 + bT Q 1 a
= I:
1.2 Prove that the eigenvalues of all matrices Q 2 Mnn are real. Fur-
thermore, show that Q is PSD if and only if all its eigenvalues are non-
negative, and Q is PD if and only if all its eigenvalues are positive.
Solution 1.2
1.3 Using the ellipsoid representation in Section ??, nd the matrix Q
and vector y that describes the following ellipsoids:
1. the 3-dimensional sphere of radius 2 centered at the origin;
2. the 2-dimensional ellipsoid centered at (1; 2) that passes the points
(0; 2), (1; 0), (2; 2), and (1; 4);
3. the 2-dimensional ellipsoid centered at (1; 2) with axes parallel to the
line y = x and y = x, and passing through ( 1; 0), (3; 4), (0; 3),
and (2; 1).
Solution 1.3 1.
0 1=4 0 0
Q = @ 0 1=4 0 A ; y = 0;
0 0 1=4
2. 1 0
Q= 0 1=4 ; y = (1; 2);
3. 5=16 3=16
Q= 3=16 5=16 ; y = (1; 2):
1.4 Show that the biggest coordinate-aligned ellipsoid that is entirely con-
tained in Rn+ and has its center at xa 2Rn+ can be written as:
E (xa ) = fx 2 Rn : k(X a) 1 (x xa )k 1g:
Solution 1.4 The coordinate-aligned ellipsoid that has its center at xa is
given by
fx 2 Rn : (x xa )T Q(x xa ) 1g;
where Q is a positive diagonal matrix. The inequality can be written as
qjj (xj xaj )2 1:
j =1
In order to have it entirely contained in Rn+ , we must have pqjj x1aj for
all j = 1; : : : ; n. Since the volume of the ellispod is nj=1 pq1jj , the biggest
must be pqjj = x1aj for j = 1; : : : ; n.
1.5 Show that the non-negative orthant, the positive semi-denite cone,
and the second-order cone are all self-dual.
Solution 1.5 For a cone C E , the dual of C is the cone
C := fy : hx; yi 0 for all x 2 C g;
where h; i is an inner product operation for space E .
For C = Rn+ ,
C := fy : xT y 0 for all x 2 Rn+ g:
In paticular, for any y 2 C we let x = 0 except x1 = 1. Then, we must
have y1 0. Similary, we have yj 0 for all j = 1; : : : ; n. Thus, C = C .
For C = Mn+ ,
C := fY : X Y 0 for all X 2 Mn+ g:
In paticular, for any Y 2 C we let X = vvT where v, kvk = 1, is an
eigenvector of Y with eigenvalue . Then, we have = vT Y v = X Y 0.
Similary, we shall have all eigenvalues of Y nonnegative. Therefore, C =
For C = f(t; x) 2 Rn+1 : t kxkg,
C := f(s; y) : (t; x)T (s; y) 0 for all (t; x); t kxkg:
In paticular, for any (s; y) 2 C we rst let (t; x) = (1; 0) and have s 0.
Furthermore, let (t; x) = (kyk; y). Then, we must have skyk kyk2 which
implies s kyk. Thus, C = C .
1.6 Consider the convex set C = fx 2 R2 : (x1 1)2 + (x2 1)2 1g
and let y 2 R . Assuming y 62 C ,
r B(y) = AS AT ;
2 2
S = diag(s):
1.9 Prove that the level set of a quasi-convex function is convex.
Solution 1.9 For some z let the level set
L(z ) = fx : f (x) z g;
where f (x) is a quasi-convex function, i.e., for 0 1
f (x + (1 )y) max[f (x); f (y)]:
ing the nonnegativity condition, write the systems of linear equations used
to calculate the Newton steps for nding points that satisfy the optimality
equations (??), (??), and (??), respectively.
Solution 1.28 For LP
S 0 dx + X 0ds = X 0 s0 ;
Adx = 0;
AT dy ds = 0:
For QP
S 0 dx + X 0ds = X 0 s0 ;
Adx = 0;
AT dy + Qdx ds = 0:
S 0 dx + X 0ds = X 0 s0 ;
Mdx ds = 0:
1.29 Similar to our discussion on quadratic programming and linear com-
plementarity, demonstrate that nding a KKT point of a convex nonlinear
programming problem can be reduced to solving a monotone complementar-
ity problem with possible \free" variables.
Solution 1.29 Let the problem be
(NP ) minimize f (x)
subject to Ax = b; g(x) 0;
where f is convex and g is concave. Then its KKT system can be written
minimize z0T s 1 0 1
0 rT f (x) AT y rT g(x)z
subject to @ 0 A = @ Ax b A ; s; z 0:
s g(x)
The Jacobian matrix of the right-hand function is
0 r2f (x) rg (x)z AT rT g(x) 1
@ A 0 0 A;
rg(x) 0 0
which is monotone.
1.30 Show that the ball-constrained linear problem (BP) can be written in
the (BD) form and write the KKT conditions for both of them.
Solution 1.30 Consider
(BP ) minimize cT x
subject to Ax = 0; kxk2 1:
We can let B be the orthornomal basis of the null space of A (AB T = 0
and BB T = I ). Then, x 2 fx : Ax = 0 can be written as x = B T z .
Substituting B T z for x we have
minimize cT B T z
subject to kz k2 1:
The KKT condition for (BP) is
c AT y x = 0; and Ax = 0
0; 1 kxk2 ; and (1 kxk2 ) = 0:
The KKT condition for the latter is
Bc z = 0; 1 kz k; and (1 kz k2) = 0:
1.31 Given a scalar > 0, a positive diagonal matrix S , and an m n
matrix A, nd the formula for y 2 Rm such that
minimize eT S 1 AT y
subject to kS 1AT yk2 2 :
Solution 1.31
y = (s) (AS 2 AT ) 1 AS 1 e;
d (s) = kS 1 AT (AS 2 AT ) 1 AS 1 ek = eT AT S 1 (AS 2 AT ) 1 AS 1 e:
1.32 Show the optimality conditions for the minimizer y of (BD) in Sec-
tion ??:
(Q + I )y = b; 0; ky k 1; (1 kyk) = 0;
(Q + I ) 0;
are necessary and sucient.
Solution 1.32 We basically prove these conditions are sucient even when
Q is nonconvex. Let (1 ; x1 ) and (2 ; x2 ) both satisfy these conditions. We
have kx1 k = kx2 k = 1. If 1 > 2 (> 0), then Q + 1 I is positive denite.
(Q + 1 I ) 1 (Q + 2 I )x2 = (Q + 1 I ) 1 c = x1 ;
which implies
kx1 k = k(Q+1 I ) 1 (Q+2 I )x2 k k(Q+1I ) 1 (Q+2 I )kkx2 k < kx2 k = 1;
a contradiction. Similarly, we cannot have 1 < 2 . Thus, we must have
1 = 2 .
We furtherprove q(x1 ) = q(x2 ). If Q + 1I is positive denite, then x1 =
x . Hence we only need to be concerned with the case 1 = jj, where < 0
is the least eigenvalue of Q. Then, for any solution x, kxk = 1 and satisfy
(Q + 1 I )x = c, we have x = v + b where v is a homogeneous solution of
(Q + 1 I )v = 0 and b is the minimal-norm solution with (Q + 1 I )b = c.
Note that b is orthogonal to any homogeneous solution v. Then
q(x) = (v + b)( 12 + 1 I )(v + b)
= 12 1 (kvk2 + kbk2) 12 bT (Q + 1 I )b
= 12 1 12 bT (Q + 1 I )b:
This quantity is independent of v. Thus, q(x1 ) = q(x2 ).