Abstract: The growth potential for the embedded industry is farmers still use the traditional methods of farming which
enormous. And the path forward is becoming clearer every results in low yielding of crops and fruits. But wherever
day. Ites time that we start building IOT systems, and automation had been implemented and human beings had
provide value to our customers. The IoT is expected to been replaced by au-tomatic machineries, the yield has been
connect 28 billion things. to the internet by 2020, ranging improved. Hence there is need to implement modern science
from wearable devices such as smart watches to and technology in the agriculture sector for increasing the
automobiles, appliances, and industrial equipment. yield. Most of the papers signifies the use of wireless sensor
Agriculture plays vital role in the development of network which collects the data from different types of
agricultural country. In India about 70% of population sensors and then send it to main server using wireless
depends upon farming and one third of the nations capital protocol. The collected data provides the information about
comes from farming. Issues concerning agriculture have different environmental factors which in turns helps to
been always hindering the development of the country. The monitor the system [7]. Internet of things (IoT), is a cloud of
only solution to this problem is smart agriculture by mod- interconnected physical devices, which can communicate
ernizing the current traditional methods of agriculture. with each other over the Internet. Physical devices such as
Hence the project aims at making agriculture smart using microcontrollers, microprocessors, actuators, and sensors
automation and IoT technologies. Controlling of all these will not directly communicate with the Internet; they do so
operations will be through any remote smart device or by using an IoT gateway. This entire infrastructure is known
computer connected to Internet and the operations will be as IoT infrastructure. For example we can take a Home
performed by interfacing sensors, Wi-Fi or ZigBee Lighting System, where all the switches are been connected
modules, camera and actuators with micro-controller and to the main controller which is connected to the internet. The
raspberry pi. In this paper author gives various smart farm, embedded with IoT systems, could be called a
opportunities and challenges in the field of IoT based smart connected farm, which can support a wide range of de-vices
agriculture. from diverse agricultural device manufacturers. Also,
Index Terms: IoT, Agricultural Field Monitoring, connected farms could provide more intelligent agriculture
automation, Wi-Fi, RFID, IPv6,Wireless Sensor Network services based on shared expert knowledge [8].
the system; auto mode and manual mode. In auto mode agricultural information service and infrastructure
system takes its own decisions and controls the installed development. After many years of hard efforts, remarkable
devices whereas in manual mode user can control the results had seen in agricultural infrastructure development.
operations of system using android app or PC commands [3]. These infrastructure provided to foundation for agricultural
information service. However, the problems still exist in
Indias agricultural information. For an example, we put more
emphasis on hardware than software and could not provide
high quality information to meet the production needs of
farmers. Moreover, information is not sufficiently used by
farmers and the effect of information on agriculture, farmers
and rural area is not that notable. To change this situation
and promote fast development of agricultural inter-
columniation, it is now necessary to use the cloud computing
and visualization technology to constructs agricultural infor-
mation cloud[10],which combines the IOT technology and
RFID technology, so we have to realize smart agriculture.
The agroecological environment control subsystem in-
cludes: (1) Water quality monitoring, automatic improve-
ment of water quality (2) Accurate fertilization saves fertil-
izer (3) Monitor soil constituent, soil humidity, light, wind,
Figure 1. The principle of cloud computing for IOT air, etc.
The IOT definition changes as the time of cloud computing The agricultural resource control subsystem includes:
comes. Now it is defined as the IOT =cloud computing + (1) Intelligent greenhouse that allows automatic adjustment
intelligent sensing network+ubiquitous net-work. Cloud of temperature (2) Water irrigation that can automatically
computing management is the brain of cloud computing and control flow and save water (3) Scientific disease and pest
the relevant data. It involves the management of accession of monitoring
cloud computing customization application by users of the The production process control subsystem includes: (1)
IOT, computing and processing what is involved in Identification of individual animals allows healthy cultiva-
customization service; organizing and coordinat-ing the tion (2) Monitoring of animal and plant growth (3) Product
service nodes in the data center. Ubiquitous network includes sorting guarantees quality
the 3G, LTE, GSM, WLAN, WPAN, Wi Max, RFID, Zigbee,
NFC, bluetooth and other wireless commu-nication protocol 3.1. Challenges in IoT based Agriculture
technology. It also includes optical cable and other wire This section discusses some of the major challenges that
communication protocol and new technology. The principle need to be addressed in order to build the IoT. The solutions
of cloud computing for IOT is shown in fig 1 [4]. In the for these issues need to be come from technological, social,
studies related to wireless sensor network, re-searchers legal, financial, and business backgrounds in order to receive
measured soil related parameters such as tem-perature and wide acceptance by the IoT community [9]. Standards and
humidity. Sensors were placed below the soil which inter operability : Standards are important in creating
communicates with relay nodes by the use of effective markets for new technologies. If devices from different
communication protocol providing very low duty cycle and manufacturers do not use the same standards, interoperability
hence increasing the life time of soil monitoring system. The will be more difficult, requiring extra gateways to translate
system was developed using microcontroller, univer-sal from one standard to another. In addition, a company that
asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) interface and controls different parts of a vertical market (e.g. the
sensors while the transmission was done by hourly sampling acquisition of data, its integration with other data streams,
and buffering the data, transmit it and then checking the and the use of those data streams to come up with innovative
status messages. The drawbacks of the system were its cost solutions or to provide services) may dominate a market,
and deployment of sensor under the soil which causes stifling compe-tition and creating barriers for smaller players
attenuation of radio frequency (RF) signals. [5] and entrepreneurs. Differing data standards can also tend to
lock consumers into one family of products: if consumers
III. SMART AGRICULTURE cannot easily transfer their data when they replace one
The world agriculture is undergoing industrialization, it is device with another from a different manufacturer, they will
important to develops agricultural interdenominational same in effect lose any benefit from the data they have been
time. The Agricultural intercolumniation has become the accumulating over time [3]. Security : As the IoT connects
trend of development for the world agriculture. As far as more devices to-gether, it provides more decentralized entry
Ideas agricultural development is concerned with, the points for malware. Less expensive devices that are in
agricultural intercolumniation is a major force promoting the physically compromised locales are more subject to
agricultural development and transformation and a cor-ner tampering. More layers of software, integration middleware,
stone for maintaining sound and sustaining economic APIs, machine-to-machine communica-tion, etc. create more
development. In a past few years , we have been focus-ing on complexity and new security risks. Expect to see many
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standards : With so many players involved with the IoT, there situ sensor network for agriculture and water
are bound to be ongoing turf wars as legacy companies seek monitoring on a river basin scale in Southern
to protect their proprietary systems advantages and open Finland: evaluation from a data users perspective.
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