Prestress Tendon Catalogue-Usha Martin

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USHA MARTIN INDUSTRIES {222 (A DIVISION OF USHA BELTRON LTD.} USHA ISMAL DIVISION ISmaL POST TENSIONING SYSTEMS ____t DESIGN DATA DIMENSIONAL DATA Ee ONAL PATA i JACK SELECTION A 3 6 pon ey [A a 7 T Ty i € D | fe i | | t T t Nhe eg eaps ny be renova ecssn_——/ CK DIMENSIONS ( mK (OVER LIFTING ] STRAND | EFFECTIVE | APPROMMATE smars | tener | ‘stone | ‘weiGHT Ke aftelelo|e | Requires toooms [5 | aaa | 307 | 20a | ans 30 500 200 110 1s00G [70 | eee | aaa | gaa} ase mo 700 210 286 3000 RG 92 170 750 418 285, 450 1000 197 400 woooms [a5 | 205 | ais | aso | aoe 510 750 210 340 soooms | 190 | 305 Pais | eas | apa 565 760 210 9 + USHA MARTIN INDUSTRIES, Usha Irma Don (A Di. of Usha Beton Li) Tate: 36 102, Ranch, hon Phone: 265635, 255893, 285630, 260688, 205150/115/ oH Seas al Offices: ore + USLIA MARTIN INDUSTRIES, Usb snl Oivson (A Di. of Usa Elion Li) 49, St Mase Rood, Both Noh 1, Fos, Bangxe-560 O01 Phone 221 SONG BS ta Paes tea Lad) n+ USHA MARTIN INDUSTRIES, Usa lemal Disc (A Din, of Usha Botio Li Agpval Edale 68, C7, Roa Kat, Sain) Mab 00 098 Phone “CR6AS0" Cosas eee Ul Ane ‘= + USHA MARTIN INDUSTRIES, Uso Ina Don (A Din, of Usa Beton Lid) 14, Pune Sit, CALCU TATOO 072 Phone : 2363066, 2369474, 2349436 Fax : 91-33-25 7425 Dei USHA MARTIN INDUSTRIES, Usha lama Deion (\ Din a Ua Beli Lil) A338, DOA She, Otho Inde Avo ©The Convery heer wititspokavalcontinaalimprevenent ols predcs reeustvighl changes pee Pease, New Dabi-110020 Phones : 631 2812, 6841609, OB41SRB, 6EI159C Kee Sia rosteee ‘ionswathent notice [ DETAILS OF ISMAL STRESSING EQUIPMENTS sacks [Moder Overali T Geiop- | Outer | Ram aca] Min Max | Pump | We tiga fesath | ing | da of | OHM | leet ot | ee ‘ype ‘rw a sande) nd ; sh pie for dock (ron attachment ee He trend Hae ite Seno Systen| Hana ae SaLOC| operated | 10 Wie jack or | type sola cqutelent | or Bee. power eperated a a a ao er Bos We jack 225 200 | as to | $388 [97 a0 Srna jeck | 220 | Jae wo | 420 | 350 | aoo | “oon | be | ® 1000 MG 1900 615 248 | 22,940 | S00 200 | —Oe— Eee. Power | ino Malou operand lack fanaa | 18°08 [Nad 3) aaa a6 ae} a =Do— a0 Mulia inc vei | 2800 [750 [Rear [aa | Sraa0 | aoa Psp ~Do- | —Do> | 406 Malia sack feat | | 8M saat es Bo | ss clspel : Jack iets | 8a rasa ast peg ay a a ap eck es = a WIRE JACK 120 STRAND SAVER JACK ~ PULL, 3000 AG AOCTIFULL Jacke Model mows, | N9 Of Tank | Fidaute | Oachage | wakoer Pressare | Weight of | Dimension mower pistons | Tank | Hoa | Morin" | Pegg? | Weate oT Diner (ee) Pressure ‘uaa ‘com | (afer Seneazien Tis al Type Menot | 2 | as Jazetoc] ozsimy | so Bowron | 25 | soox230«220 P01 oF equivalent 100 strokes tube type Bleciic | Eectie maior Tole. [3 Ph. ac 3H 3} 40 | pe fers tussmia 450 | pg 155 | 710xa85x520 2aa360 R04 Electric | Electric monor toute} FRAC 1 5 fo | oe | os Lirs/mia } 450 210 | 980x606%600 scoursnoo | “7's He | GENERAL NOTES F FRMAL anchorages tore inthis daa seat aredesghed for 2 minknwum concrete strength of 350 kys/em? F Pocket cimensions ae for nrial pacts: any devon ye Uh Ifo be studied india faking Jack clmensione into account 3 Duct diameter given s the internal diameter, the ‘external diameter is approximat accommodate the profilers if required 5 mm bigger and these are sullicienty lor: Henatts of sirand quoted in the data sheet for dack attachement are measured from the face of the anchorage tube unit casting, [EMAL Ste information booklet gives hl information ‘or cable making, stressing and grouting ‘The spacings. edge covers and grouping of eatles een conform to relevant cades of precice WEDGE SET IREIB® stn the anchorage during translarcausos loa oh Frans Wee set in the non-stressing anchorages and temporary Nominel wedge sot valies are as follows Wire/Strand Dia mn 4-20 Jacks. MARKT WIRE JACKS MULTIPULL JACKS sack | Streessing | Jack | Stresting deck] Stessing weaes | anchocaee | Weyer | Anctone Wiedses | anchorage tea) | tava.) (003) | wth Spring tes) teva) ' oo mm min loaded own mm t Nose 17 men Wire - : 3 5 13 mm and 25mm strand 5 6t09 : : : : 5 FRICTION FRICTION DUCT FRICTION Forse i the fotmude Px= Poethoekx) er Pe the prestessing free at distance x m ftom the Jack Po.= the force applied by the prestessing Jack = the base of Napierian logarthins ‘4 = coeficient of trietion 2 angle turned though (in rackans) K = Wobble factor {Note ot the dlnension x isthe length of tendon Upto the jf attachment to the Jack) Pr Nnites Of shen bright metal sheathing is used For ISMAL strand system-0.20 to 0.28 For ISMAL wie system 0.25 to 0.30 WESHNE 8 8 2 age TOTAL ANGLE (0 + ex) radians PERCENTAGE LOSs OF PREsTAEsS. a aki OF K when bright metal sheathing is used Hien ducts are adequately sunported may be interpo- lated between - ot ISMAL strand system 0,0020.0.0035 per metre OUTH For ISMAL wire ‘system 0.0030.0.0045, per metre GR TING ‘The esimated nett quantities of coment roquied for grouting is given below Sem Camart Reauéad | Syn” | ~ Conent Rawurel Anchorage friction va (a per 10 Meter {9 per 10 moter) 5 is 1206 is 406 26.0 1905 Gr 705 260) 1906 920 JACK FRICTION 706 435 3105 92.0 AN ISMAL, Jacks are calbrated to give the load actually 3 corms othe starve and this no alowaree ee cad ae be made for dock friction 127 M45 18 166

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