Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Sample Test
Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Sample Test
Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Sample Test
In Summary
Our practice pack allows customers to practice the same test units that appear
on the Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Test Battery.
Below you will find one practice test which consists of of the following:
o Five warm up questions
o Five Number Series Completion items
o Ten Number Perception items.
o Five Name Finding items.
Try to solve the entire practice test within three minutes.
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About Wonderlic Perceptual
Ability Test
The Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Test Battery helps employers screen candidates for
jobs such as: bookkeepers, data entry operators, cashiers, order entry processors,
and tellers. The test battery is made up of three tests, which we will review below.
When applicable, you will be referred to relevant practice resources.
Test Content
On this test you will be required to identify the logic behind a sequence of numbers
and complete the next item in the sequence. The Number Series Completion Test is a
very popular numerical reasoning test and is also seen on other Wonderlic tests, such
as the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability and the SLE.
Your accuracy, precision, and speed skills will be measured on the Number
Perception test. You will be presented with two columns of number sequences. In
each row, you will be asked to determine if the number sequence in the first column
is identical to the number sequence appearing in the second column.
On the Name Finding Test, once again your accuracy, precision, and speed skills will
be measured. You will be presented with two columns of names of fictitious people. In
each row, you will be asked to determine whether the name in the first column is
identical to the name appearing in the second column.
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Section 1 – Warm up questions
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5. What is the number 23.399383 correct to three decimal places?
None of these
Identify the next TWO numbers in the number series and type/write them in the
space provided.
6. 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , __ , __
7. 2 , 2 , 4 , 2 , 8 , 2 , __ , __
8. 384 , 192 , 96 , 48 , 24 , 12 , __ , __
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Section 3 – Number Perception
Compare pairs of numbers. If the pairs of numbers are exactly the same, place a check
mark (√) in the space provided in the column marked “√”. If the pairs of numbers are
different, place an X mark (X) in the space provided in the column marked “X”.
number 1 √ | X number 2
58582 58582
1141 1411
864 864
31936 31396
7889 789
159132 158132
2763 2736
843526 843526
4264 4264
72543 72543
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Section 4 – Name Finding
This test contains two lists. If the exact same name appears on both lists, place a check
mark (√) in the space provided in the column marked “√”. If the names are not identical,
place an X mark (X) in the space provided in the column marked “X”.
Names 1 √| X Names 2
Drew Q. Spencer Drew Q. Spencer
Sandra K. Sherman Sandra L. Sherman
Lana M. Alison Lana M. Allison
Dwight B. Hart Dwihgt B. Hart
Melba S. McKenzie Melba S. McKenzie
Warm up - 1. B; 2. D; 3. Yes; 4. C; 5. A
Number Series - 6. 15,16; 7. 2,16; 8. 6,3; 9. 195,591; 10. 101,119
Number Perception - √, X, √, X, X, X, X, √, √, √
Name Finding - √, X, X, X, √
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