Inspection of Pressure Vessels Used in Refrigeration and Air Conditionning Systems

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Alain SKRABER, Fan ZHANG, Mohammed CHERFAOUI and Laurent LEGIN*

CETIM, Senlis, France and *TRANE


The survey consists in developing a monitored method, which uses the acoustic emission technique,
allowing the overall quality of the structure to be assessed during testing while warranting the
reliability of such a test when conducted pneumatically. The results given in this paper refer to tensile
test runs on specimens and in-laboratory pressurization tests on refrigeration capacities. These tests
have proven the fitness of acoustic emissions to detect growing defects on tanks made of a material for
which the production processes (chemical pickling, shot-blasting, etc.) allow the surface oxide layer
resulting from rolling to be eliminated. A space-time criterion allowing the discrimination of the signals
representative of changes in a crack during the testing cycle has been developed.


In France, the statutory hydraulic test that serves for qualification purposes is advantageous in that it
allows one to ensure that the vessel will withstand the maximum operating pressure. But it is costly as it
involves the use of the whole plant and careful, lengthy cleaning operations even though it provides only
a few pieces of information on the structural condition. The major drawbacks of the hydraulic test
without any particular control are to make the defects vary without detecting them and to adversely
affect the capacity performance owing to a residual humidity. The effects may alter the vessel life span
and lead to extra costs.

Some mechanical industries especially those dealing with refrigeration equipment have been very much
interested in the development of a method allowing the overall quality of the structure to be assessed
during testing while warranting the reliability of such a test when conducted pneumatically.

Establishing a monitoring method would allow industrialists:

• to cope with the impossibility of using cryogenic fluids R11 and R113,
• to assess the overall quality of the structure,
• to eliminate any corrosion hazards,
• to reduce the lockout time during statutory re-testing with the possibility of making routine checking
less frequent,
• to gain the experience required to adapt themselves to ever changing European standards and rules.


The survey consists in developing a monitoring method, which uses the acoustic emission technique and
has two objectives, namely to assess the overall quality of the vessels while ensuring the reliability of
pneumatic pressure tests.

The monitoring method would allow one to decide whether the vessel pressurization should be
continued or stopped from the moment when any growing defect of a hazardous nature has been reliably
detected and located in real time.

The results given only concern a portion of the project that consists in proving the method capability to
meet this two-fold objective and in defining its limits and performances.


At the end of various field test runs, it has first been proven that integrating an acoustic emission control
system into a production line capable to adapt itself to environmental perturbations and production
requirements was feasible.

A series of tensile tests on welded specimens has established a database representative of the behavior of
the various welding defects. Tests aimed at adapting criteria obtained during the tests conducted on
welded specimens have been carried out on pressure vessels of different size, made from different
materials and of which the surface condition varied. It has, however, been impossible to directly
transpose the criteria determined from welded specimen tests owing to the specific behavior of the
various material surface conditions. The behavior differences will be explained by complementary tests
conducted on «model» capacities and on specimens. These tests are described in the test result

The portion of the project that consists in defining a testing procedure and the associated software for
automatic release of safety alarms is on the way. The results given in this paper refer to complementary
tensile test runs on specimens and in-laboratory pressurization tests on capacities, which have allowed
the method performances and limits to be evaluated.


General characteristics
The testing conditions described in Table 1 have been defined for in-laboratory tests conducted on
cylindrical "model" capacities, upon which the analysis results described below are based. The table
summarizes the main characteristics of tested capacities and of defects obtained by electro-discharge,
and the test pressures (Pe = 1.5 Ps) reached.

Table 1: Testing conditions

Geometry(mm) Defects:electro-erosion Nbofdefects

Nbofcapacities Testpressure
dia. thck. lg. length(mm) percapacity

400 6 1*600 7 60 100 1 or 2

168 3 1*280 12 50 10; 30; 50 1
168 4 1*185 22 80 50 1
600 6 2*260 3 30 50 6

Testing cycle
The testing cycle represented on Fig. 1 consists of successive rises and plateaus. The vessel is subjected
to pressure variations throughout the testing cycle twice before linear pressure loading takes place and
until a burst occurs.

Sensor layout
In most cases, the device used on all the tanks includes eight sensors, two of which are located on the

P (% Pe)






T (mn)

Fig. 1: Testing cycle

2 2 2

6 7 8 6

3 4 5 3

1 1 1

Fig. 2: Sensor layout on a developed view of the tank.

vessel bottom. The other six are set in two rows of three sensors each equally spaced so that the notches
fall within an equilateral triangle as seen on Fig. 2.

The acquisition chain used is a VALLEN multi-channel system for characterization and localization of
acoustic emission sources. The sensors are of the 180 kHz resonant type. Preamplifiers with a gain of 34
dB and a high-pass filtering at 20 kHz are located between the sensors and the acquisition system.

The acquisition system ensures the following functions in real time:

- signal localization
- threshold acquisition of impulse signal shape parameters (amplitude, energy, number of bursts,
number of alternations, duration, rising time, frequency),
- periodical acquisition of continuous emission and of tensile test effort


Correlation between specimen testing and capacity pressurization tests

Specimen testing has been initiated so as to be able to understand the problems arising from the
transposition of criteria obtained through welded specimen tests to capacity pressurization tests.

Specimen testing with (and without) any rectification of their surface prove that the oxide layer which
covers some capacities delivers many acoustic emission signals while it is cracking (Figs. 3 and 4).
The tensile test on specimens and the capacity pressurization test have both shown that the start of oxide
layer cracking was fundamentally different:

- tensile tests on specimens show that specific phenomena develops only when the yield strength
has been exceeded (see Fig. 4: only a very small burst emission located on the specimen usable
portion: between 2 and 11 mm in the resilient domain);

- during a capacity pressurization test, the oxide layer cracking occurs much before the yield
strength is reached (see Fig. 5).
This could explain the difficulties met with the transposition of criteria determined from welded
specimen testing.

Capacity testing - Signal analysis

The analysis methods developed from various data processing operations (classifying, discrimination,
neuron networks, etc.) do not allow growing defect signals to be discriminated from the many other
signals generated during testing. As all these methods use the same data: shape parameters (duration,
amplitude…), one can deduce that the oxide layer cracking signals and defect variation signals cannot be
distinguished by applying analysis methods based upon conventional shape parameters.

On the contrary, as regards the tanks made of a material for which the production processes (chemical
pickling, shot-blasting, etc.) allow the surface oxide layer resulting from rolling to be eliminated, in-
laboratory capacity tests have proven the fitness of acoustic emissions to detect growing defects.

Figure 6 shows the start of signals representative of growing defects on surface oxide-free capacities. A
defect regarded as non noxious (bursting outside of a defect) cannot be detect when the pressure is lower
than the test pressure as the stress level reached does not suffice to make it vary. On the contrary, any
noxious defect (burst occurring on the defect and reduction in the burst pressure) generates acoustic
emission signals when the pressure is lower than the test pressure. The feasibility of the technique used
to assess the overall quality of the vessel is thus proven by the variation in emission start vs. defect size
curve. The start of emission of signals located on the defect increases with the defect noxiousness. We
also see that the burst pressure always exceeds the test pressure even with the deepest defects. One can
therefore deduce that the pressure equipment used in refrigeration systems is amply oversized.

A data analysis shows that for the type of capacity tested, applying a space-time criterion allows one to
discriminate the signals representative of changes in a crack during the testing cycle defined under the
conditions described above. The space-time criterion is reached when the threshold corresponding to a
number of signals located within a small space (cluster) and of which the occurrence takes place in a
small period of time is exceeded. In some cases, the so-called "multi-criteria" combination of the space-
time criterion with another criterion based upon a shape parameter allows the diagnostic to be
sharpened. For the type of capacities considered, adding this additional criterion allows one to eliminate
"excessive false alarms" insofar as the space-time criterion suffices to detect all the tested growing

Let us also specify that the above results have been achieved on capacities showing man-made defects of
the electro-discharge type, which are certainly easy to make and calibrate but of which the applicability
is questionable.

Sensor position Stress (MPa) Sensor position Stress (MPa)



Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 3: Difference of burst emission between an oxidized specimen and an oxide-free specimen.


layer oxide
Material layer

Before loading After loading

Fig. 4: Oxide layer cracking.


By using the acoustic emission, the procedure proposed by CETIM would allow conventional hydraulic
tests to be replaced by pneumatic tests depending on the surface condition of the material used. The
method performance in assessing the vessel overall quality during a pressurization test could be of
service in new applications. The next step could consist in transferring the method to industry by
integrating the CETIM system into the measuring sequence and the performance of validation tests
(robustness test).

Fig. 5: Events localized on the tank during testing cycle.

EA earliness (Po : pressure of first EA on defect

Non noxious defect Noxious defect

3,5 Theoretical Pr
Po/ 2,5
Pe 2 Actual Pr
1 Pt
0,5 Ps
0 50 100 150
Defect surface: length / depth (mm?)

Where Pr : burst pressure

Pt : test pressure
Ps : operating pressure
Po : 1st emission pressure on defect

Fig. 6: Start of occurrence of signals representative of growing defects on capacities of which

the material production mode allows the oxide to be removed.


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