BSBLDR502 Sahil Assignment

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Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Activity 1

Question 1. Write a short sentence to explain the purpose of a communication strategy.

Answer-. The term communication means introducing communications though a plan. That plan
involves promoting the policies and culture of an organization, advising people to do specifications, or
promoting particular legislation. As an organization, we believe in open communication with every
stakeholders. We promote transparent ,integrated, honest and value based communication with our
channel partners.

Question 2. List three examples of processes leaders can use to communication information
associated with the achievement of work responsibilities to co-workers and write a brief
paragraph to explain each one.

Answer- Three examples of processes leaders can use to communication information associated
with the achievement of work responsibilities to co-workers are listed following.
Performance reviews

Staff performance reviews help management to recognise and value employees, clarify their roles
and identify training and development needs. Performance reviews also help to create a culture of
open communication in a business.
Indeed, by talking to staff about their performance, leader can promote a culture of open
communication, discuss any weaknesses or problems an employee may have and help them find
This process will also help motivate the team and build their understanding of, and commitment to,
the organisation.

Communication technique

To communicate information clearly and positively, a leader should have a good verbal language as
much as a suitable body language. Moreover, the manager should adjust is behavior and speech for
each situation.

Presenting written information

By formatting written information effectively, the manger ensure that the report is accessible and
understandable by all the co-workers. Indeed, using the right format for the content will keep the
interest of the reader and also draw they attention to important information.

Question 3. Provide three example of performance indicators that might be used to measure
the achievement of work responsibilities.

Answer- A performance indicator is a type of performance measurement. Performance indicators

evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity (such as projects, programs,
products and other initiatives) in which it engages.
Often success is simply the repeated, periodic achievement of some levels of operational goal (e.g.
zero defects, 10/10 customer satisfaction, etc.) and sometimes success is defined in terms of making
progress toward strategic goals. Accordingly, choosing the right KPIs relies upon a good
understanding of what is important to the organization. What is deemed important often depends on
the department measuring the performance – e.g. the KPIs useful to finance will differ from the KPIs
assigned to sale
Three example of performance indicators that might be used to measure the achievement of work
responsibilities for job such as customer services are :-
-Overall satisfaction
-Customer retention
-Conversation rate


You are changing the rostering process. This will affect the hours employees work.

1.Why it would be a good idea to consult workers in this instance. Provide at least three


Answer-It is a good idea to consult with the workers because:

Employees with in the organization are the one with most knowledge concerning they work and issue
related to it. They can provide recommendations on what would be best, and also give an
understanding on how modifications can affect them .Additionally, employee’s involvement in the
process provide a wilder range of perspective and expertise that conclude to a positive decision

- firstlly it affects them

- secondly it is good and very beneficial to invovle them in the decision making process.
- They might be able to give you a good idea that you can use.

Question 2. What method would you use to consult employees about proposed changes to staff
rosters? Why?(75-100 words)

Answer- Consultation decision would be the method used as it allowed the leader to suggest
adjustments to the employees, in order to assemble feedbacks to make a suitable decision. With the
purpose of gathering feedbacks, one should make the use of questionnaire as it will help to acquire
precise information. Secondly, one should organise meetings as it give the opportunity to each of the
employees to make recommendation an contribute to a beneficial decision making. Indeed, it has
been broadly established that a group make better decision than an individual would.
Question 3. What feedback would you provide to workers on the outcomes of the consultation
process?(50-70 words)

Answer- Feedback occurs when outputs of a system are routed back as inputs as part of a chain of
cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop. The system can then be said to feed back into itself. To
Whom should provide feedback concerning outcomes of consultation process to employees should
provide in the comment: What will be done

- When it will be done

- Who will do it
- How will it be done
- What resources are necessary
- How changes will be measured and monitored

Activity- 3

You lead a team of employees. A number of them have raise an issue that is affecting their ability to
meet set targets. Specifically, they have advised you that the budget they are working with does not
allow them to secure the resources needed to effectively carry out their job.

Question 1. List six steps in the problem- solving process you would follow to try to promptly
resolve the issue.

Answer- Complex challenges for teams, working groups and boards etc., are usually
solved more quickly by using a shared, collaborative, and systematic approach to problem solving.

1.Identifying and define the problem- Once the team has a clear grasp of what the problem is, they
investigate the wider symptoms to discover the implications of the problem, who it affects, and how
urgent/important it is to resolve the symptoms.

2.Determining the preferred situation- Once all the symptoms are found and the problem diagnosed
and an initial definition agreed, the PS group begins to explore what has caused the problem

3.Gathering and analyse data

4.Design multiple solutions to the problem- analytical, creative problem solving is about creating a
variety of solutions, not just one. Often the most obvious answer is not the most effective solution to
the problem.

5.Analyse alternative and make a choice- groups evaluate all the selected, potential solutions, and
narrow it down to one

6.Monitor and evaluate- The project implementation now needs to be monitored by the group to
ensure their recommendations are followed. Monitoring includes checking:

 Milestones are met

 Costs are contained

Question 2. After undertaking each step in the problem solving process, you find that the only
way to solve the problem is to provide workers with more financial resources but you do not
have the authority to increase their budgets. What should you do?(120-150 words)

Answer- After undertaking each step in the problem solving process if i as a leader find that the only
way to solve the problem is to provide workers with more financial resources .Leader would have to
raise issue with their manager or above authority. Leader will ask the worker to present a report about
why he needs additional financial resources. If there is a point or if it’s reasonable enough, then
leader have to contact the accounting department to get help in order to address the concern.
Indeed, by gathering all document, relevant fact and record with the help of budget expert, the leader
become well-informed which will assist him when communicating to right management concerning the

Activity 4

Question 1. You have recently hired a woman from a Muslim background who wears a hijab,
After ,short time working for the organisation she tells you that she does not feel comfortable
In the workplace.

Specifically. she tells you that:

- other workers have made derogatory statements about her religion

- there are pictures hung around the office that she finds offensive- she has been told that she
cannot observe religious requirements like prayer time

- she has been told that she cannot wear the hijab because it does not form part of the
organisation's uniform

identify two organisational policies you could refer to for guidance on your response, and
seven actions you could take to address these issues

Answer-1) Grievance Policy- where a complaint from a staff member concerning treatment in a
particular workplace that is inequitable or procedurally unfair; or a complaint that arises from
perceived personal concerns relating to one or more work-related interpersonal relationships.

2) Organizational policies- where guidelines that outline and guide actions within a business or
agency. The exact types of policies will vary depending on the nature of the organization and can
include policies such as directions, laws, principles, rules or regulations.

Actions i could take

1.Investigate about the issues and concern

2.Check both sides of the parties
3.Gather a meeting where they can explain their both sides
4.States that it is against the law to actually discriminate people within the workplace,
5.I would then also let her know that as the organization is a diverse workplace, there are certain
elements that she would have to accept for example, the photos that are hung, it is understanding that
it might offend her at the same time, this photo is not a direct attack towards her and she have to
understand that.
6.Discrimination should be prohibited; hence she should be able to wear her hijaba apart of the
organization uniform.
7. There is no policy catering for prayer times, at this point in time, but i will tell her that i will raise this
issue to the higher management.

Question 2. You have found that a number of employees are not adhering to the ethical values
of the organisation. When you talk to them about this they have never seen the organisation’s
code of ethics. Identify eight things you could do to make existing employees aware of their
ethical responsibilities.

Answer- Leaders must ensure the associations implicit rules/morals is clear and can be
comprehended by all workers. They ought to give clarification if vital. Workers ought to be given a
chance to audit their translation of moral qualities and standards with leaders to guarantee that their
comprehension is exact. Leaders should likewise ensure workers realize what they ought to do in the
event that they are confronted with a moral quandary that they can't resolve. Moral issues can be
mind boggling. It can be difficult to decide the suitable approach to react. Workers ought to realize
that they can examine the issue with another person to help them react properly. This could be
somebody from inside or outside of the association. Some industry bodies give a morals area which
is staffed via prepared work force who can give guidance. Data about morals ought to be given to all
workers as a feature of their acceptance. Subtle elements of the association's morals and qualities
ought to be given to representatives when they begin. Every new worker ought to be required to sign
a revelation that they have perused and comprehended the association's set of accepted rules, and
that they are set up to agree to the moral desires required by their association.

 send code of ethics through email

 provide induction and training to all employees concerning code of ethics

 Formal meeting to communicate code of ethics

 print the code of ethics and put it on notice board

 send memo informing where code of ethics can be fund within the organization

 regularly talk and raise concern about code of ethics in meeting

 provide code of ethics document when employees start work for the first time.


Question 1. Write a short definition of the word trust.

Answer- Trust is important—it signals, and depends on, behavioral reliability and consistency. When
the behavior of friends, relatives or associates is not predictable—that is, when it is unexpected in
terms of others not doing what they claim they will or disclosing private information that they
promised to keep to themselves, they are letting the other person down. In other words they make
the relationship uncomfortable or untenable because there is insufficient trust to sustain the
relationship. For close relationships sustainable levels of trust are necessary. Trust thrives where
people treat each other with respect and dignity

Question 2. Identify and describe two traits leaders should demonstrate that would help them
to gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contacts.(170-200

Answer- Being authentic by being true to him self a leader become trustworthy of is co workers.
Honesty, at its core, trustworthiness is about honesty. Employees will only trust a leader who they
know is telling the truth. Leaders can fabricate trusting associations with representatives and outer
contacts by: - building up open lines of correspondence, i.e exhibiting that they won't withhold data
from them and that they are accessible - perceiving and adulating representative commitment/the
accomplishments of outer contacts - carrying on morally - exhibiting capability, i.e specialists and
contacts can have confidence that pioneers comprehend what they are doing - Viably overseeing
conflict - consulting with and in the interest of representatives and outside contacts, i.e. paying
special Thanking employees is another trust-builder, as long as it’s from the heart. It’s important to
recognize people by name and explain why you’re so grateful. To paraphrase the famous quote, your
employees may not remember everything you say, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.
Sincere gratitude goes a long way toward building trust


Question1. You arrange to meet with a new employee to see how they are settling into job. The
employee speaks minimal English and you are worried that you might adjust your own
interpersonal communication style to assist they new employee to understand what you are

Answer- Focused listening

Focused hearing
Gentle interruptions
Sign language
Speak slowly
Speak clearly
Nonverbal communications
Ask more questions

Question2. Provide three examples of unethical communication.

Answer- Three examples of unethical communication are; mistreating employees many examples
exist of unethical corporate conduct toward employees or other workers in the supply chain. Every
year, lawsuits are filed against employers who are accused of sexual harassment or discrimination
against their employees. Employees who point out illegal practices or safety violations in the
workplace. Financial misconduct Examples include price-fixing, or an illegal agreement between
industry competitors to "fix" the price of a product at an artificially inflated level. And
misunderstanding, communication is rushed or not complete, physical gestures are misinterpreted,
personal space is invaded and there is not spent to resolve the issues

Question3. Two new team members have joined your team. One of them is from India and the
other is from japan. There is a team member who is having difficulty building an effective
working relationship with them. Provide 10 examples of how you would guide and support the
work team in their personal adjustment process.

Answer- Since leaders lead others, usually in groups or teams, any conversation about effective
leadership can’t go too far before beginning to discuss how leaders help their teams. On the other
hand, people have been working in groups for a very long time, and so while complex, there are
things people to do work together better, and so there are things that we as leaders can do to support
those efforts.

1. Be a role model : Show to the employee what to do by having the best behaviour

2. Bounding activities: organize birthday, Christmas, New Year parties at the work place .
Send employees to lunch at the same time .This will allow co-workers to bond on a deeper level, as
the lunch time is reserved for other topic then work. Symbioses is created within the group.

3. Encourage inclusive attitude:

4. Strip away stereotypes: It is necessary to strip away sterotypes

5. Involve team members:

They should feel important and indispensable for the organization. Individual must be assigned
responsibilities according to their position. Additionally, by allowing them to voluntarily accept
challenges, the employee will part of the team.

6. Encourage team to share:

This way co-workers tend to discuss with each other more often and feel more comfortable as they
exchange about cultures .

By discussing things among themselves, co-workers feeling more comfort with in the team.
7. Assign group targets :

Leader should motivate employees to work in groups. This way workers have no other choice than to
trust their fellow workers and help each other.

An employee must have the liberty to express his ideas without problem.

8. Encourage effective communication among the team members:

It has been observed that poor communication leads to confusions and misunderstandings .The
communication has to be precise and relevant. One should not play with words and be very specific
about his expectations from his fellow workers as well as the organization. Additionally, leader should
have open-door policies.

9. Modes of communication with transparency:

Verbal communication is not as reliable as written communication. The agendas, minutes of the
meeting, important issues must be circulated among all through emails. Open door policies.

10. Meeting

Morning meeting is another effective way to improve the relation among the employees. Let everyone
come together on a common platform and discuss whatever issues they have. The meetings must not
be too formal


Question1. You have started a business selling health and protein shakes. You want to
increase sales of the product. Make a list of three people/ organisations you might network
with to help you achieve this identifiable outcome and describe the contribution they could
make(60-90 words)

Answer-Three people and organisations might be used to help the network achieve their goals are;
supply networks (internal/ external), the internet and stakeholders. Networking also provides workers
and leaders with mentors who can assist with problem solving, and increasing skill level and
business knowledge. The information gathered from internal network contacts, will broaden
knowledge of the bigger picture of the business, how it runs and what makes it successful
o Marketers: assist on how to promote effectively the product
o Sales specialist: support on how to sell effectively the product
o Nutritionist : endorse your product

Question2. You need to learn more about ways to encourage the performance of team
members. Make a list of three people/ departments you might build workplace relationships
with to achieve this identifiable outcome for the team and the organisation and describe the
contribution they could make.(40-60 words)

Answer- Three people and departments you might build workplace relationships with to achieve this
identifiable outcome for the team and the organisation are; government agencies, professional and
trade associations and national and international publications. There are heaps of trade and
professional service organisations, which are beneficial to their members, which provides a network
service allows them to access databases of other organisations. Newsletters are use to inform
members of formal networking functions and conferences that develop relationships with those

Activity 8

Question1. You have recently attended and industry event where you met a contact who you
think would be able to provide you with a lot of advice about how to market your organisation.
What would you do to begin to develop and maintain the relationship? Why would you do
this? (40-60 words)

Answer- A good way to begin to maintain the relationship is networking, it’s a really good an idea to
send them an email straight after the meeting them. This way it gives you the opportunity to build the
trust between both parties. It’s also a good idea to send them brochures and newsletters so they
know what’s going on with the organisation and how they can help them. It shows that their
relationship is valued to you and your organisation.

Question2. A person from another department has referred a lot of new clients to you. They do
not have to do this. It does not form part of their job description. Identify three things you
could do to develop, maintain and show that you value the relationship.

Answer- Three things you could do to develop maintain and show that you value the relationship.
Send them a thank you message to them; this will give you and the department a relationship that will
refer your business on the near future. Meet them regularly to keep in touch with them, to have the
relationship connected.

Activity 9

Question1. Propose two methods for identifying difficulties in workplace relationships.

Answer- Conflict resolution requires specific leadership skills, problem solving abilities and decision-
making skills. Because of this, conflict resolution is a necessary component of the workplace, and
those in a leadership position must be skilled in conflict resolution techniques. Using conflict
resolution strategies in the workplace will help maintain a healthy work environment. The first method
is to have meetings where they can discuss any issues or concerns. Second method would be Give
them feedback on regarding their concerns.

Question2. Natalie and joseph are work mates. Joseph has young children and likes to have
time off during school holidays to look after them as he has difficulty finding others to look
after them during these period. He become very upset that Natalie always asks for time off
during school holidays even though she does not have children. She argues that she wants
this time off because her boyfriend is a schoolteacher and this is the only time they can spend
time together and travel. They cannot both have time off over school holidays as this would
leave their department short staffed. The situation is causing difficulties in their workplace

a. What strategy would you use to resolve this situation? Briefy describe each step of
the strategy to be used.

Answer- consult with each parties and see what are the options that they are willing to negotiate an
enter into. I will then evaluate the options and amend it according to organizational policy and what is
allowed by the organization Then I will provide them with the feedback back .

b. Describe a win-win, win-lose and lose-lose resolution For this situation.

Answer- A win win situation of this resolution would be that both of them get a time off but, each will
have to take turn from one school holiday to another.

Activity 10

View the Answer

Queston1. Explain The processes and systems that can be established To manage and resolve
conflict constructively.(210-250 words)

Answer-Conflict, is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values
and interests between people working together. Conflict takes many forms in organizations .Firstly,
meet with all of the people involved individually. Based on individual meetings the manager will have
a clear picture of the key issues and what each person considers important and the common ground.
These are the key ingredients to a successful mediation, satisfying each person’s needs and bringing
the people together, based on common ground .Arrange to meet with both people. Encourage each
person to summaries their view, uninterrupted. This is essential as often people involved in conflict do
not feel heard. Sometimes resolving workplace conflict is as easy as providing a forum for people to
express their views. Pay careful attention to each person’s concerns. Sometimes people have shifted
since your first meeting with them. Do not bring up issues that they decide are not important at the
joint meeting. Summaries the key issues once you have heard from all the people concerned
Encourage the people involved to discuss options for resolution. Ensure everyone involved is satisfied
before concluding the meeting. This can be done to manage and resolve conflict constructively.

Question 2. Two workers are engaged in a conflict related to who should answer their
manager’s phone and Take messages when The manager is not present. they both feel that
they are too busy and Too important To be required To do This. Describes The signs you
would look For To identify They are handling The conflict constructively .(110-140 words)

Answer- Basically, constructive conflict is when you and another person resolve your disagreement in
such a way as to build trust and respect for each other .It also means that you actually deal with the
conflict, rather than suppress or avoid it. The signs you would look For To identify They are handling
The conflict constructively are
 They are failing to share information, to involve each other in decision making and to support each
other in getting the work of the organisation done.
 They are uninterested in what is happening in the workplace, and in the projects and initiatives that
are being undertaken.
 They are not meeting reasonable expectations in terms of productivity and effort.
 Ask the involved parties to participate in a cooperative conflict resolution process; to be calm,
courteous and respectful of others.
 Ask them to listen to and understand where the other person is coming from rather than just

promoting and defending their own position .

Queston3. Provide Two example of

a. Emotionally based conflict,

Answer: emotional conflict is an intrapersonal situation within an individual during which he feels torn
between two or more largely opposing emotions
Example one processes of forgiveness and apology can be a major part of emotional resolution,
depending on the nature of the conflict. Example two a final element that it is crucial to be aware of:
Often emotional resolution requires a period of escalation during which people experience a conflict
more intense

b. Values based conflict.

Answer: Value conflicts are caused by perceived or actual incompatible belief systems. Values are
beliefs that people use to give meaning to their lives.
Example one it can, however, be helpful to support each participant's expression of their values and
beliefs for acknowledgment by the other party.
Example two differing values need not cause conflict. People can live together in harmony with
different value systems.

c. Needs based conflict.

Answer: Need based conflict rises in the workplace when an employee has competing interests or
loyalties that either is or potentially can be, at odds with each other.
An example is a manager who was promoted from a co worker job where he worked with his wife.
Example two Using the company name for purchasing stuff for their own needs without company

Question 4. Outline a conflict management process.(400-430 words)

Answer- Conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly,
fairly, and efficiently. Since conflicts in a business are a natural part of the workplace, it is important
that there are people who understand conflicts and know how to resolve them. This is important in
today's market more than ever. Everyone is striving to show how valuable they are to the company
they work for and at times, this can lead to disputes with other members of the team.

1. Clarify what the disagreement is. Clarifying involves getting to the heart of the conflict. The goal of
this step is to get both sides to agree on what the disagreement is. To do this, we need to discuss
what needs are not being met on both sides of the conflict and ensure mutual understanding. During
the process, obtain as much information as possible on each side's point of view. Continue to ask
questions until we are sure that all parties involved understand the issue.
2. Establish a common goal for both parties. In this step of the process, both sides agree on the
desired outcome of the conflict. "When people know that they're working towards the same goal, then
they're more appropriate to participate truthfully to make sure that they reach that end goal together."
To accomplish this, discuss what each party would like to see happen and find a commonality in both
sides as a starting point for a shared outcome. That commonality can be as simple as "both sides
want to end the conflict."

3. Discuss ways to meet the common goal. This involves listening, communicating, and
brainstorming together. Continue with both sides working together to discuss ways that they can meet
the goal they agreed on in step 2. Keep going until all the options are exhausted. Brainstorm
possible solutions. Gathering the involved parties together for a brainstorming session not only helps
to resolve the problem quickly, but it makes everyone feel like they are part of the solution. Few tips
for successful brainstorming:

 Be open to all ideas. Think “quantity” over “quality.” We’ll probably discard most ideas before
the exercise is over.
 By encouraging an environment free from judgment, it allows everyone to speak their mind
and let the ideas flow in an uninhibited manner.

Activity 11

Question1. Identify and describe three qualities that would help leaders to provide guidance,
counselling and support to assist co-worker in resolving their work difficulties. (100-200

Answer- An effective team leader needs a variety of characteristics and skills to encourage team
members to follow them and facilitate success in the workplace. Team leaders can naturally possess
some important qualities, such as compassion and honesty, but many are learned through formal
education and experience. Three qualities that would help leaders to provide guidance, counselling
and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties are; have a non-judgemental
attitude, use care language and demonstrate a positive attitude. This way it would resolve their issues
and open up a wide range of options and ideas this would help to solving problems.
Question 2. You are talking to co-worker who is very upset that another worker has given them
in formation that was inaccurate and this caused them to look bad in Front of another
manager. You ask them what the worker said them they con Fronted them and they reply by
saying ‘who cares? here’s just no excuse For what they did. Nothing they can say can make it
right’. List three pieces of advice you would offer them.

Answer: Being a co worker Advices I would give them are:

If you don’t tell me what happened, how can we help make the situation better.

Tell them to calm downand let us know what happen so we start finding the solution to it.

If those words are not true

eventualy,people will know the truth through your consistent good actions,If the issue really your
then we can raise the issue to the manager

Activity 12

You are working with Two employees because one has made some negative comments about
the others culture. Draw up a 1-2 page action plan that could be used to address this identified

Answer: Conflict Resolution

1. I would try to concentrate on the business desire and necessity for the conflict to be resolved
2. Try to understand the possible barriers that need to be addresses to resolved the conflict and
come to agreement with both employees for the resolution of the conflict
3. What would be the best strategies and choice of method of conflict resolution?

As a Leader I would discussion with two employees separately, advising them that is the business
desire for the conflict to be resolved and I would try to analysis when communication with both
employees the possible barriers that I feel need to be address and what issue where causing the
conflict within the workplace. Once I have had discussion separately with each employee I would
engage in a meeting with other team managers to talk about my information that I had obtained
from meeting with both employee so we could come up with a suitable action plan.

1. Desire and necessity for the conflict to be resolved

To cultural conflicts or misunderstandings, workers need to be committed to resolving potential

conflicts and take responsibility for bridging the cultural gaps.

They must:

 have self-awareness of their own cultural practice, including prejudice, stereotyping and bias
 understand various cultural factors contributing to cultural differences
 be sensitive and appreciate a migrant’s migration experience
 have a good knowledge of, and skills in, communication
 be willing to accept and appreciate other cultures.

After having discussion with other team managers and using the resources that I have obtain from my
discussion with both employees. It was decided that both employees need to have some form of
training regarding their cultural caps and the above issue where some of the concerns that my
company where face with regarding the employees. It was also decided that we had some more
experience members of staff who have vast knowledge of cultural diversity within our company that
could buddy up with each employee to become a mentor and help if any conflict and disagreement
occur whilst completing the daily work duties, and whilst having the discussion with other managers it
came to our realization that more training was require with each staff members in how task where
been performed which was causing some of the conflict as it appeared that they have both shown a
different way to complete task which was causing quite a bit of confusion as .there was a big
language barrier and one of the employee had been making negative comments in relation to the
culture and beliefs of the other employee. To address the cultural diversity both employee needed to
have cultural awareness training or counselling

2. Understanding of possible resistances

During the conflict resolution process, we discussed the isses that we may have some internal
resistance to recognition of problems or problem-solving.

This resistance may take the form of:

 Employees resistance to examining their own values

 Employees resistance to acknowledging their own cultural stereotyping or bias
 Employees denial of the existence of conflict
 Employees tendency to blame others for causing problems
 Employees looking for the right time to deal with conflicts.

Mediation with co-workers

When you have conflict with co-workers, we use the conflict resolution process or the grievance

Both of these processes would involve a mediator. The mediator could be:

 a senior from your discipline area, if you and the co-worker are from the same discipline
 a team leader or other senior staff member
 And independent person from human resources management.

Mediation means to have a middle person acting in the role as a go-between or facilitator. The
role of mediator is to provide both parties with opportunities to put forward their views and assist
in analysing the problem and looking for solutions.
It was decided that a meeting should take place with the two employees in attendance with the
supervisor that managed the employees and another manager from human recourses. The
employees where advise of the time of meeting and venue and the details and the issue that would be
addresses so that they could come with some relevant information to contribute to the meeting that
was going to take place. The company also engaged interpreter for the meeting so there would be no
confusion in the meeting in relation to what Naomi was trying to convey.

 The meeting was held and both employees view where heard The employee Julie who had been
with the company for 2 years doing the job without any issue until Naomi the new employee from
a different culture had commence employment she felt that she did not have any issue regarding
cultural stereotyping or bias towards to Naomi due to her culture and did not feel she needed to
examining her own values.

 Naomi felt that she was doing the job the way she had been trained and felt she has treated Julie

with respect at all time and did not feel that she was inflicting her cultural belief on Julie or anyone

in the workplace so she could not understand why Julie was treating this way. Naomi said she

realized that at times the language barriers did cause some confusion but she was attending

course in English to better her communication with existing employees.

To resolve conflicts arising from cultural differences between Julie and Naomi we needed to identify

 identify the similarity and differences between the cultural practice between two employees
 Acknowledge the differences and attempt to balance the interests of both parties.

In the meeting we discussed how both employees need to understand the other person belief and
cultural differences and Helen need to be aware of how hard it is for Naomi to communicate how she
is feeling and what she is trying to convey due to the language barrier. Helen needed to listen and try
to understand what Naomi was saying so they communicate more effectively as a team. It was also
discussed with Naomi the difference between our culture and her own and at time both employees
need to be aware of each other cultures and how difficult it can be to not have the same views but
everyone is entitled to their own belief and values in their workplace.

 As manager we acknowledge the difficulty both employees were having but felt that we could
come to some agreement if both employee where in agreement. Instead of focusing on the
differences, both employees could look for common ground between each other and build on it
We acknowledged differences also exist between workers, due to time frame at position but we
felt that the focus should be directed to the cause of conflict instead of who has been a business
organization longer.

It was discussed with the employee that Julie would be buddy with Sarah and Naomi would be buddy
with Alice who was of the same nationality but had been with company for many years. The both
happy with this arrangement as they felt that it would help them overcome any language barrier and
also and cultural issue that may arise. They also agreed to attend some training in cultural awareness
and workshop together to make them more cultural aware and workplace diversity and how it is
require in a business organization. Both employees where offered counselling and Naomi was happy
to participate but Julie felt she would not require any counselling.

Julie and Naomi were advised that they would receive a copy of what was discussed today and a
schedule containing the time and venue for workshop and Naomi would receive time for her
counselling sessions.

They were also informed that there would be a follow up, meeting in one months to discuss how they
both were feeling about the issue and concerns regarding the conflict they were having with each
other and to see if the situation had improved. If in this meeting the issue had improved it would be
and if in 3 months the conflict had been resolved there would be no further consequences.

Using cultural consultation services

We advised employees that if the above conflict resolution process did not resolve issue, we would
approach organizations that specialize in cross-cultural practice or an ethno-specific service for
advice or cultural consultation if they were in agreement.
Human recourses organized cultural awareness session for both Julie and Naomi to attend together
and also they were booked for two workshop at outside organization to attend at different times on
cultural awareness.

Naomi was booked for weekly counselling session.It was also decide that all staff needed to be made
aware of what was expecting of them in the workplace regarding culture awareness and diversity
within in the workplace. The business organization set a meeting in business hours which was
compulsory for all employee to attend and the above issue where discussed.

The follow meeting with Helen and Naomi was held and they both seem much more relaxed with
each other. Both employees confirm that most of their different had been rectify with the help of the
buddy system and the workshops were highly beneficial. Naomi convey the counselling session were
helping her and wish that she could continue them for a few more sessions.

It was agreed that Naomi was to have more counselling session and another meeting would be held
in 2 months’ time to see if the conflict had been resolved and there was no further need to implement
need action plan.

This meeting notes were sent to each employees and the action that was to take place. A final
meeting was held and it appeared that all conflict had been addresses and Julie and Naomi had
actually become very good friend in the process.
Summative assessment 1

Question 1. Choose and explain how one system, policy or procedure can support The
development of effective work relationship focusing on interpersonal styles, communications ,
consultation, cultural and social sensitivity , networking of conflict resolution . (310-350

Answer- Policy can help manage employee’s behavior such as policy with the topic that provides an
overview on bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment and how these should be handled
including prevention of incidents occurring and the legal repercussions should an incident arise, this
allowed for the employees to know what is appropriate and what is not and how they should conduct
themselves within the workplace .Further more, the help developing a sense of culture of relationship
building within the workplace which promotes healthy relationship within the workplace as well as
promote positive culture of the organisation that is helpful for both organisation as well as the
employees themselves. skills and knowledge required to lead and manage effective workplace
relationships. It applies to individuals in leadership or management who have a prominent role in
establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships taking into
account the values, goals and cultural diversity.

At this level work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures,
which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgment, using a range of problem solving
and decision making strategies.

Our performance should be to:

Develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:

Communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities, facilitating employees’

contributions to consultation on work issues, Providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations,
Resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel.

 Establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organization’s cultural diversity and
ethical values are adhered to provide leadership through own behavior including:

Professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts, Adjusting own
interpersonal communication style to meet the organization’s cultural diversity and ethical

 plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the team and
the organization
 Develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including: Identifying
and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organizational policies and
procedures, Planning how to address difficulties, Providing guidance, Counseling and support
to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties
Queston2. Describe communication Techniques leaders can use To initiate networking
conversations, including requests for help. (310-350 words)

Answer- To start and maintain a networking conversation is a bit of a challenge. Seeing the
importance of networking communication in today and tomorrow’s business world, it is important for
any organization that lively and informative networking meetings , Communication is about more than
just exchanging information. It's about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the
information. Effective communication is also a two-way. It’s not only how you convey a message that
it is received and understood by someone in exactly the way you intended, it’s also how you listen to
gain the full meaning of what’s being said and to make the other person feel heard and understood
.More than just the words you use, effective communication combines a set of skills including
nonverbal communication, engaged listening, managing stress in the moment, the ability to
communicate assertively, and the capacity to recognize and understand your own emotions and those
of the person you’re communicating with effective communication is the glue that helps you deepen
your connections to others and improve teamwork, decision making, and problem solving. It enables
you to communicate even negative or difficult messages without creating conflictor destroying trust.
Sentence starters might be used to initiate contact and might include:

By the way...

This starter can be used when unsure about how to transition a conversation so that a request can be
made. This introduction is useful when the conversation has been centred on something else and you
want to ask a question without being rude.

I just had a thought...

Use this starter when somebody says something that makes raises thoughts about a need or want
that needs to be fulfilled.

Would you help...?

This question starter clearly sets out the speakers intentions—that help is needed and that networks
are able to supply that help. Use the word would rather than could as this suggests knowledge that
they have the skills and talents to help It demonstrates your esteem for the person being spoken to.

Who do you know...?

This starter can be used when somebody has contacts that the speaker could use.

Who do you recommend/ suggest...?

By using this question starter, the speaker is communicating the fact that they respect the other
person’s opinion and that they are trusted. It acknowledges the expertise of the person being spoken
to. Asking questions is the lifeblood of networking. If nobody is asking questions no information is
exchanged; no-one’s needs are identified and no-one can offer to
fulfil those needs.

By asking questions action, interaction and exchange is kick started. By asking questions the door is
opened for all kinds of opportunities. When asking for help to achieve goals do not: o hint or beat
around the bush—make needs clear o provide the person being spoken to with an excuse not to help
you and do not apologise for asking (e.g ‘Sorry to bother you but...’ or ‘I know you are probably
busy...’ or ‘I realise you probably do not have the time but...’) o make demands o give the person so
much information that they will feel overwhelmed o fail to give the person being spoken to with an
opportunity to respond by talking for too long

Question 3. Outline one relevant piece of legislation from any level of government that affects
business operation, especially in regard To work health and safety (WHS) ,environment issues,
equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination and explain how These are
relevant To managing effective relationships .(170-200words)

Answer- The model work health and safety laws consist of the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS)
Act, supported by model WHS regulations, model Codes of Practice and a National Compliance and
Enforcement Policy. Safe Work Australia is the national policy body responsible for the development
and evaluation of the model work health and safety laws. The Commonwealth, states and territories
are responsible for regulating and enforcing the laws in their jurisdictions. The model work health and
safety laws are the basis for harmonised laws across Australia. For the model work health and safety
laws to become legally binding they need to be enacted or passed by Parliament in each jurisdiction.
Under the Intergovernmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational Reform in Occupational
Health and Safety all jurisdictions have committed to adopting the model work health and safety
legislation, with minor variations as necessary to ensure it is consistent with relevant drafting
protocols and other laws and processes operating within the jurisdiction. Safe Work

Australia is a tripartite body with the following members:

 an independent chair
 members representing the Commonwealth and each state and territory
 members representing the interests of workers
members representing the interests of employers, and
 the Chief Executive Officer. Further information about Safe Work Australia Members can be found
under Our Members.
Safe Work Australia was established by the Safe Work Australia Act 2008 with primary responsibility
to lead the development of policy to improve work health and safety and workers’ compensation
arrangements across Australia. It performs its functions in accordance with Corporate plan and
Operational plan agreed annually by the Select Council on Workplace Relations. Safe Work Australia
began operating as an independent Australian Government statutory agency on 1 November 2009. It
is jointly funded by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments through an Intergovernmental
Agreement. As a national policy body Safe Work Australia does not regulate work health and safety
laws. The Commonwealth, states and territories retain responsibility for regulating and enforcing work
health and safety laws in their jurisdiction.
Summative assessment 2


You are a manager of Team of workers. You have come To realise that you have poor workplace
relationships with Those workers and that workers have poor relationship with each other. Describe
what you could do To improve These relationships To ensure That morale improves, productivity
increases and a sense of Teamwork is developed. Make sure you explain why effective workplace
relationships are necessary
.You will need To discuss:
 Communication in relation To be achievement of work responsibilities
the resolution of issues raised by workers
the cultural diversity of workers
Winning the trust and confidence of workers
Interpersonal communication styles
the management of conflict
Any relevant legislation
Your response should be approximately (2,500-3,000) words

Use examples in your response wherever possible.

Answer - If I am a manager in a team, and I need to fix a bad relationship between workmate each
other, first I will try to have a good communication with my teammates. Understanding everyone’s
mind and what they want to say to me. Need to hear everyone’s voice and finger out how to fix this
problem at the moment. Another side, I try seeking advice from a friend or colleague outside my
department who can offer an impartial assessment of the problem and help me brainstorm solutions.
And once I’ve got a clear idea of why relationship is going sour, the first step in fixing the problem is
re-establishing trust. Get in the habit of speaking positively to and about my workmate, and cut out
negative talk and office gossip. I will ensure strategies and processed are in place to communicate
info associated with the achievement of work responsibilities to all workers. Because of Role and task
ambiguity are responsible for much workplace stress, inefficiency and poor productivity. Employees
need to clearly understand their own role and task responsibilities and those of others in the
workplace. Communication is important at a beginning to influence how do you to the team work.
Workplace relations are very important to accomplish success at work. What one says ,does matter
more than the designation, qualification and experience. Hence, it's vital to know the rules of better
relationship management Workplace relations are very important for the sustenance of a person.
More so, at the workplace these days, where changing office dynamics has made office almost a
second home. These days there are certain offices, which even encourage both spouses to work at
the same workplace. When considering workplace relationships, consider the interpersonal interaction
between individuals within the organization. The influential sharing, the decision making, experience
sharing and support system. Job Performance and even competition is something that is affected
heavily by relation to others as well. It might be safe to say that the stronger the relationship between
individuals within the organization the more likely they will share the same views and attitudes
towards the company as well as their supervisor. To take a deeper look into workplace relationships
several studies were examined to show the overall aspect and importance of how employees relate.
The relationship between peer co workers and their supervisors depends heavily on the quality of
communication between the individuals. The good or bad relationship ultimately affects employee
satisfaction and commitment to the organization.The better the relationship is between a supervisor
and their subordinate the more trust worthy they feel of each other. Their goals become more
common and the team interest is geared towards the main objectives instead of personal gains. The
better the relationship also equals less chances of turnover within the company. Peer relationships
are just as important as the supervisor subordinate relationships. The peers are where the individuals
get their support system on a more personal level. Most likely the peers will understand each other
better having to do the same type of work and at times having to report to the same supervisor. Peers
are also a key to gaining information that may not be common knowledge. Peers may also relate to
each other better if they have common similarities such as marital status and children. These
relationships tend to have a little different dynamic than the supervisor subordinate relationships as
they can be broken out into acquaintance, friend to close friend or even best friend Conflict in the
workplace is a commonplace experience. It occasionally becomes a major incident when the
underlying causes are not identified and an action plan put in place to correct the issues that would
have arisen. But how do we identify the issues and determine the appropriate course of action for the
response? Depending on the size and location of the business as well, there are laws in place on
what can and cannot be done when responding to conflicts among employees. These conflicts quickly
diminish productivity in the workplace, while destroying employee morale. As a matter of practical
concern to the individual employees, these conflicts also initiate health problems, which can be
detrimental to both the employee and the organization .To deal with conflict, strategies to avoid open
communications between the parties discourage the resolution of the conflict, and may suppress any
hidden agendas. This technique of repressing either party’s personal goals in order to subvert direct
conflict may also prevent the rebuilding of a harmonious relationship. Alternately, using cooperative
strategies in resolving the issues can be very beneficial. But overactive cooperation can be both
positive as well as negative. Positive in helping to improve the relationships amongst employees, but
negatively in that employees may be feeling obligated to identify with the company’s objectives in the
conflict resolution. Unresolved employee conflicts can result in “Lost institutional memory, low
productivity, bad morale and high turnover all cost real companies real dollars”. The increase in
workplace diversity has now been identified as a leading cause of many inter personal workplace
conflicts. In a study be the Society for Human Resource Management, fort percent of HR
professionals have observed the generation gap as a source of conflict amongst workers. One cause
is identified as the difference in perception of values amongs the different generations. That the
conflict is not the value itself, but more the perception ,has been the cause of conflict. This has lead
parties to react differently to each of the opposing positions. Margeret Sanchez (2009) has identified
that resolving conflicts is critical in developing an understanding of shared goals of the workplace.
Managing Workplace Roman cesIn organisations which are concerned with continuous improvement
and with ongoing business success, managers must build trust based relationships, develop effective
communication systems and processes, share information, base decision making on consultative
processes and provide opportunities for staff to develop the competencies they need. They must also
be aware of relevant legislation, codes of practices and ethical principles. The following practices and
actions are suggested:

1. Being honest: from my point of view this is the first step to build trust. Tell the truth,sharing honest
information and don’t stealing.
2. Using good judgement: Knowing what information to share, when to share it and when not to share
it. Protecting employee’s personal information and company or competitors proprietary information as
if it were your own. Thinking twice before sharing a blunt, unsolicited judgement. Extreme truth may
hurt the recipient, destroying truth and Avoiding“ just between us” secret conversations unless
necessary to the benefit of the company.
3. Being Consistent: Being consistent in work and behaviours, being always on time and stay at least
the required hours, meeting or exceeding the job description and the company standards and fulfilling
your promises. This is very important to be respected for those you work with.
4. Be honest in nonverbal communications: More than half of communications’ impact is in nonverbal
communications. Looking in other in the eye with comfortable and direct eye contact and exhibiting
open body language: open arm versus closed across the chest etc.
5. Having Mutual Beneficial attitude: Genuinely caring about others, nurturing mutually beneficial
relationships with open communications and willingly accepting information and constructive critique I
will develop effective communications systems and processes:

1. Showing active listening and displaying empathy when appropriate.

2. Understanding difference and diversity.
3. Knowing what questions to ask at the right time.
4. Understanding the needs of the audience.
5. Conveying information clearly and concisely.
6. Communicating relevant and timely information.
7. Responding and giving appropriate feedback, to close the process, feedback is essential in any
communication process. Observing the audience response and ask for feedback to ensure that you
are being understood as intended.
8. Using appropriate body language and paralanguage because Understanding how effective your
own verbal and nonverbal communication skills are, and how you can influence the behaviour of other
through communication

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