4phases of Research Process - Hanacek
4phases of Research Process - Hanacek
4phases of Research Process - Hanacek
Q3. Are you a loyal customer for the products you buy?
a) Yes always. I stick to the same products.
b) Never. I keep experimenting with new products.
c) Only for quality products. Where it is a commodity, I choose the least-priced product.
Q5. Will you stick to the same product if their price is increased (and you are a loyal customer to the
a) Up to a certain limit in price increase
b) Yes, irrespective of the price increase
c) No. I may look for different products
Q6. Which of the following, according to you, help build a good brand image?
a) Quality
b) Communication strategies
c) Competitive pricing
d) Good value added services
e) Free trails and discounts
f) Others
If ‘Others’, please specify ________________________________________________
Q7. Are popular celebrities good brand ambassadors and is investing in them a good strategy?
a) Sometimes, May be
b) No, No
c) Yes, Yes
d) Rarely, Not sure
Q2. Does association of product with a particular group of company lead to preference for such products?
a) Sometimes
b) Always
c) Never
Q6. Do you think company sponsorships help them build a stronger brand?
a) Yes
b) No
Q8. Do you think our products get good word of mouth publicity?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t know
Q9. Do our products align with the values and beliefs of people?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say
Q12. Apart from the direct benefit of the product, what else do you look for in the product?
a) Image of the product
b) Identification with other users of the brand
c) Other ________________________________________________
Q7. To what extent has the product been successful to meet your needs?
a) To the fullest extent
b) More than 80%
c) 50% – 80%
d) Less than 50%
e) Can’t say
Q8. Rank the packaging and product information of the product with 1 being the least and 5 being the
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
Q9. Rank the after sales service of the product, 1= least and 5 = highest
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5