Coke Oven Power Plant Project File
Coke Oven Power Plant Project File
Coke Oven Power Plant Project File
Submitted By
2. Janendra sahu
3. Navin manikpuri
This is to certify that the project report entitled RamShankar
Sahu (BE in Mechanical Engineering) as POWER PLANT
PROCESS has been done during his vocational training period
from 02/06/18 to 30/06/18 at "JAYASWAL NECO
INDUSTRIES LTD." is a record of studies, site experience and
keen interest to the subject and analysis carried out by him
under my supervision and guidance. This is a part of partial
fulfillment of their vocational training programme.
(Power plant)
Mr. Girijashankar Sahu
1. Ramshanar sahu
2. Janendra sahu
3. Navin manikpuri
Date: ___________
It was memorable experience for me to visit the Sinter. I don't
have adequate word to express my profound gratitude to project
report in charge Mr. Govind Chandrawanshi, GM (Power plant) for
providing me such valuable opportunity training in Jayaswal
Neco Industries Ltd. Siltara, Raipur. I would like to thank Mr.
Girjashankar Sahu, our training in- charge. I would like to convey
a few words of thanks to my college MMCT Raipur, Dr. Samita
chakraborty the director of the college for their support in
preparing of my project report. I would like to thank my academic
head Mr. Revendra Verma and all the staff member of my college
for their promote response at the time when I needed.
Practical studies are the part of a study. During this practical
training students learn and get practical knowledge, which is not
given in classroom. The aim of this program is to develop not
only theoretical knowledge but also to give and improve practical
skill, in every student, which is helpful to them in every field of
life in their future. In short, students can get full practical
knowledge of personnel, marketing, and finance department.
Being student of second year B.E. program, I have the honor of
having a practical training in the Jayaswal Neco Industries Ltd.
located at Siltara, Raipur. Such training promotes a student to
boost his potentialities and the inner qualities, and there by
students come to know about their reality that how the theoretical
knowledge work in actual sense in any unit, and this has indeed
proved to be very useful to me. All information furnished here in
are correct and true according to me and sincerely apologize if
any incorrect data.
Intoroduction of JNIL 07
History 09
Production/Application 11
Power Plant Introduction 12
Power Plant Layout 14
DM Plant 15
Dearator 17
Economizer 17
Evaporator 18
Water Wall Tube 19
Steam Drum(WHRB) 19
Boiler Mounting 20
Water Circulation 23
Steam Circulation 24
Turbine 25
Condensate Water 26
Re-Circulation 27
Accessories 28
Flue Gas Circulation 29
Saftey 30
Conclusions 31
Introduction of JNIL
The Neco Group has also been granted Coal and Iron Ore mines
in the State of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand and has undertaken
setting up of Thermal Power Stations of 3240 MW in the State of
Chhattisgarh and 500 MW in Jharkhand in the next few years.
Basant Lal Shaw migrated to Kolkata (erstwhile Calcutta) and
started a trading business in Metal Scrap. Although the initial
days were filled with many hardships, Mr. J.R Shaw’s enterprise
and dedication saw him set up a thriving business which
expanded manifold. He soon started wholesale trading business in
Steel imported from Birmingham, England. In 1912, when
TISCO started manufacturing steel in India for the very first time,
Mr. J.R.Shaw became one of the very first and prominent dealers
for their product. His firm,eponymous Jagbandhanram-
Dwarkaprasad, played an important role in promoting the product
among consumers who doubted the quality of the Indian steel.
Mr. B.L.Shaw also played an active role in promoting the
business even as he completed his graduation. At that time, he
was one of the very few formally educated persons from the
After completing his graduation (B.Com) from Calcutta
University, Shri B.L.Shaw started his first foundry in 1963 in
Hooghly district under the registered name of Jayaswal Udyog
Pvt Ltd. The foundry manufactured sanitary castings catering to
Middle East markets. The factory, under the stewardship of Shri
B.L.Shaw, saw tremendous growth in 1960s & early 1970s.
However, the Naxalite movement in Bengal in 1970s, that saw
wide ranging violence and disturbance in carrying out any kind of
business activities, forced Mr. B.L. Shaw to scale down the Unit.
In 1976, he shifted base to Nagpur owing to favourable business
climate and re-started operations from the present headquarters at
MIDC (Hingna Road) under the name
of Nagpur Engineering Company Limited. This factory made
construction castings and later diversified into making castings
for Indian railways as well.
Over the period of time, this company established 9 other
foundries which were clubbed together to form what is today
known as Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited (JNIL). In 1996,
Power Plant
A power plant is an industrial facility used to generate electric
power with the help of one or more generators which converts
different energy sources into electric power.
Electricity is a secondary energy source, which means
that electricity is obtained from the conversion of other primary
sources of energy, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar,
or wind energy. The energy sources used to make electricity can
be renewable or non-renewable, but electricity itself is either
renewable or non-renewable. The power plant is the location in
which the energy conversions take place.
Traditionally, large power plants have been located in sub-urban
regions away from cities, as they need a vast area of land and
sometimes water. All electricity produced in a power plant is
alternating current (AC). The type of electric current found in
your home is direct current (DC)
In general, power plants can be divided into two categories -
conventional and non-conventional power plants.
Conventional power plants are
Fossil fuel power plants: Generates electric power by
burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas or diesel.
Nuclear power plants: Controlled nuclear reaction is
maintained to generate electricity.
Hydroelectric power plants: Electricity is produced by
building dams on suitable rivers.
Non-conventional power plants are:
Wind power plants: The kinetic energy of wind is used to
create power.
Solar power plants: Generates power by
collecting solar radiation.
DM Plant (Demineralization)
Deffinition: - Demineralized water also known as Deionized water,
water that has had its mineral ions removed. Mineral ions such as
cations of sodium, calcium, iron, copper, etc and anions such as
chloride, sulphate, nitrate, etc are common ions present in water.
Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured
ion exchange resins which provides ion exchange site for the
replacement of the mineral salts in water with water forming H+ and
OH- ions. Because the majority of water impurities are dissolved salts,
deionization produces a high purity water that is generally similar to
distilled water, and this process is quick and without scale buildup.
River Reservoir DM Plant
5. Coordinated layer
● in this, those disorders are found which cannot be exerted by strong
acid cation, strong alkali growth.
Deffinition: - A deaerator is a device that is widely used for the removal of oxygen
and other dissolved gases from the feedwater to steam-generating boilers.
Deffinition: - Evaporator the fuel us used as a heating sources is may be the
boiling water or a steam but for boilers fire flame is used as coal or a gas. ...
A boiler adds energy in the form of heat to cause the liquid to evaporate,
an evaporator allows a liquid to evaporate and take energy from its
Process:- Steam Plus Water goes into the evaporator 1,2 and 3, whose
function is similar to an economizer, in which the heating source is
from a flu-gas, it has several banch in which the water plus steam flows.
Process: - Steam plus Water goes into the Water wall tube, whose
function is similar to an Evaporater, in which the heating source is
from a flu-gas, it has several banch in which the water plus steam
flows.and the water pluse steam is goes to the boiler drum.
Boiler Mounting
Deffinition: - Various valves and fittings are required for the safe and proper
working of a boiler. Those attached directly to the pressure parts of the boiler are
referred to as the boiler mountings.
Man Hole
The steam drum is in the two man hole and water wall
Tube to economizer fitted is in the 9 man hole
Pressure Gauge
Air Vend
The air released from the steam drum to the
Atmosphere and comes to the water is in the steam drum
Spring Loaded
Spring loaded shefty valve maximum pressure
76/77 kg/centimeter sqare
Stop Valve
The working of the stop valve steam is transferred to the
Main steam line and super heater
Drain Valve
When boiler of shut down the steam is converts to the
Water form in tube which clean the water form by the
Steam pressure
Non Return Valve
Water Circulation
Process: - The hot water down of the steam drum transfers into a pipe
like a down comer header, and then the transfered in the bottom ring
and the hot water is transformed into the economizer, so that the hot
water steam plus water changes and then goes to the water plus steam
evaporator.the steam plus water is transfered to the top ring header. The
steam plus water final transferring is made from steam drum in which
steam drum is filtered. Water goes down to the cause of gravity and like
steam is uper side in the boiler drum, the water is recirculate and the
steam remains on top then the steam goes super heater to be a super
Steam Circulation
Steam Drum Primary Super Heater De-Super Heater
Condenser Generator
Process: - The high super heat steam is transferred to the two turbines.
The name of the turbine is known as impules and reaction turbine.made
in the chaina (Qingdao Jieneng) and model 6.28.The steam is enter to
the turbine blade at a high temp. And high pressure 490*C and 64
kg/centimeter sqare respectively expand in blade at high velocity and
low pressure. The steam is passing the 14 stage and 11 blade in the
turbine and revolution of the turbine blade at 3000 RPM.The steam is
exit the turbine blade at low temp. And low pressure 49*C and 0.0098
MP (0.098 bar) respectively.The electricity generate in the two turbine
2*6 = 12 MW there is 1 MW = 4 ton steam pressure the steam pressure
and velocity is low in the end of the turbine blade
Impulse turbine: - high pressure and low velocity
Reaction turbine: - high velocity and low Pressure
Condensate Water
Softening Plant
Cooling Tower Reservoir
Inlet Outlet
Condenser (Surface)
tower fan is outlet the hot gas released in the atmosphere in the soft
Deffination: - Boiler accessories are those components which are. Installed either
inside or outside the boiler to increase the. Efficiency of the plant and to help in the
proper working. Of the plant.
Evaporator (1,2 & 3)
Primary Super Heater
De-Super Heater
Super Heater
Ejector Condenser
Gland Vend Condenser
Low Pressure Heater
Feed Water Pump
Separator Steam
Flue Gas Circulation
Process: - The flue gas is coming from the coke oven at a high temp.
950to 1000*C in the flue gas tube by the force draft fan (FD fan).The
flue gas is transferred to the super heater at a temp. 490*C is released
and remains flue gas is transferred to the De-super heater and flue gas
is goes to the primary super heater and flue gas is goes to the evaporator
1,2&3 the remains flue gas is goes to the water wall tube and
econominzer at a temp. of 200*C and remains flue gas at a temp. Of
150*C released atmosphere from chimney by the induced draft fan.
Power plants are much safer than they once were; however, plant
employees still encounter hazards. Training, along with proper
Operation and maintenance procedures are key to reducing accidents
and mitigating their effects.
At present, thermal power generation accounts for approximately
70 % of the total amount of electricity produced around the
world. However, thermal power generation, which uses fossil
fuels, causes more CO2 emissions than other power generation
methods. In order to reduce CO2emissions per unit power
produced, Toshiba Group is developing next-generation thermal
power technologies aimed at improving plant efficiency and
commercializing the CO2 capture and storage system. To
improve the efficiency of thermal power generation, it is of vital
importance that the temperature of the steam or gas used to rotate
the turbines is raised. Toshiba Groupis working on the
development of ultra-high-temperature materials and cooling
technologies in order to commercialize an A-USC system
(Advanced Ultra-Super Critical steam turbine system) more
efficient than previous models, which is designed to increase
steam temperature from 600°C to above the 700°C mark.