Walkthrough v2
Walkthrough v2
Walkthrough v2
Check at the bottom of the page for a quick sequence for the prank
Kitchen :
1- Select "What can I do for you while I'm around" starting second week to know about the tasks
and events with Melinda
1- Select "So what do we have today?" to go to the tasks and events with Melinda
2- After Offering to wash dishes, selecting "Ask her about working out" will start a working out
event, you will get it after asking a number of times, 10 times.
While working out you end up in the woods : select "Wait quietly for a longer time", you
will need inhibitions less than 95, don't worry that should be easy.
3- While Offering to wash dishes, if you have Rhonda relation higher than 100 pts, select "Can you
show me round this place?", "You're not a kid anymore" will increase her rebellion. Then you get
two choice after witnessing the gunshot "Kiss her" or "Do something romantic", then if you have
Rhonda relation higher than 120, you can show her, after realizing she gave you a hard on.
After a week, on Thu and Fri, ask Melinda "Are you ok?" to improve your relationship with her
If you talk to Rhonda you can go out with her, you get different scenes there.
If you select "I'll do it if you give me something in return" you'll start an event with Ann, to be more
developed in the future
If you select "Ok I'll help you this time" you will increase your relationship with Ann
9:00 Ann:
If you throw worms at her, after first week of play, you can follow her inside and ask for a blowjob
(relation minimum 50) A handjob (relation minimum 40) Feeling her boobs (relation minimum 40)
Do this once as soon as you start playing, it's one of the prerequisites to get the sex scenes.
12:00 Rhonda
For Rhonda you need 60 relation, and less than 75 inhibitions. There's not much in first week of
17:00 Melinda, if you put worms for her, Deny it, you get better scenes
Go to close the chickens with Melinda, if you know about the ring, you can give it and ask for
favors in return
"I want to use the main toilet" Suspicions 12 or lower, and Melinda Relationship at least 45 pts,
you get less for more points compared to both below, it's a trap for you guys here, sorry :)
"I want to join your Tennis practice" no Stats needed, you will get this if you know about her tennis
practice, in order for you to know about it, visit the Living room @ 11:00 on 2nd sunday of play.
"I want both" Suspicions 12 or lower, and Melinda Relationship at least 30 pts, and you also need
to know about her tennis practice to get this option.
relationship points, pruning the vine has a toilet event, select "look at boobs" - "Focus" - "More".
Different scenes with Ann, play this scene few times to get new choices
If you get the choice "I'll have uncle William check my eyes" and she saw you masturbating, she
will ask you if you'd like to motorboat Melinda, select "I wish, but that's a long shot" then "Yes I'm
in" you will get new scenes while milking and it will
If you play this event 8 times you'll get the choice "How is it going?", with new scenes with Ann
and Melinda.
You can stay or go with Rhonda, if you go with Rhonda, after playing for few days, you will get
different choices depending on your relationship/inbitions
with her,
1- Select "Kiss her" you will need 30, then 35 relationship points to get the maximum scenes.
2- Select "Threaten her, if she doesn't join you, you remove your pants" at first you will need
inhibitions less than 75 to get daniel dancing naked scenes, then you will need lower
than 50 to get him dancing and later masturbating (masturbating scenes not yet developed)
If you stay, and you met the neighbor, you can ask Melinda when can you start working for her, this
will unlock the option to go to her place.
3-Select "Throw her in the water" and ask her to get it herself 160 points required
Select "Spray her with water to cheer her up", and from Wednesday to Sunday, you get more
scenes if you have at least 100 relationship points, and more scenes if you have more than 140
Select "Crouch next to her" then select "She's clearly not going to talk, leave her alone" will get you
into scenes if you have 20 or more relationship points
Outdoor Lounge:
If Ann saw you masturbating, Then when you meet her in the outdoor lounge if you accept to do it
she will ask you to prank Melinda (30 pts needed)
If you successfully prank Melinda and you impress Ann, she will give you a sexual reward (more on
the prank later)
IMPORTANT For the sexual reward: It happens on monday to thursday, you need : To have asked
for the blowjob at least once, 70 Relation pts.
Once you get it right, you can go with her on saturday evening (accessible from backyard @21:00)
Living room:
10:00 Rhonda Select 1-"Help her" will increase relationship points, 2-"Seduce her" will reduce her
inhibitions 3- Up the ante
2-"That's not fair", then "It's not only about arrogance" will advance her workout
path (not yet implemented)
21:00 After visiting this event for few days, Melinda will ask you to walk Aurelia home, Melinda
goes too and she eventually slips
on the way back, you can get different scenes, and some extra scenes if you manage to massage
her back and remove her towel on tennis practice.
Rhonda's room:
17:00: Rhonda: First week, select "Put a hand on her leg" to build the relationship with her, and
reduce her inhibitions.
When Ann knocks the door you can tell her not to open (There's not much under this choice
because she's still scared), if you choose to keep quiet she will open the door and
Ann gets in, where you can have something with her later on.
Starting 3rd week, on Tue to Thu and Before Ann knocks the door, you will get this choice "Try to
kiss her" if you have at least 120 relationship points, if you select it, you will also increase the
relationship by 5.
Melinda Room:
18:00 If you have the ladder visit the room, and there you can peek. On first week, peek at least
once (on any day except monday) in order to initiate the ring event.
On 2nd week, keep on peeking until she sees you (that would be a total of 3-4 peeks depending
on days) this will get you an event with her just before you going to sleep.
Rhonda Events:
if you have Melinda higher than 100 pts, she will come looking for you, in future versions you will
be able to take her back to her room.
"Relax, it's called a titjob" will get you a real handjob scene if you have relation higher than 190,
Inhibitions less or equal to 50
Melinda Events:
MELINDA PRANK, the successful prank happens on monday to tuesday when she is milking the
cow, select "Hide your groin"
You can try other choices after you have had the successful prank, for example if you select show
her, she will take you to Linda and there you can fuck her, in case she tried to lure you in the tennis
lockers (check tennis event #3)
Cleaning the barn: "Look for their underwear" then "Masturbate" Ann will see you, this will unlock
events with Ann
IMPORTANT When you get the barn cleaning event, make sure you repeat it until you find the
underwear and then masturbate so you get caught by Ann, this blackmail event is important to get
things forward with Ann.
Searching for the eggs: Always set a stone trap to unlock massage events, choosing to "Hide some
eggs in the bushes" will only give you relationship points
The stone are in the barn screen, click on search then find the hotspot on extreme left between
the midlle and top, do this before the event @ 9:00. You can start setting this trap only after
searching for the eggs for at least one time.
Then after she trips over the stone, and you taking her to the living room choose "Ask her to lay
down" if you have enough relation points (15), Choosing this option will improve your massage
skills, you need at least 4 massage points to unlock the tennis scenes
Picking apples: Try several choices, if you help Rhonda for "You've had enough, take shirt off"
you're going to need Rhonda relation higher or equal to 25 and Rhonda inhibitions lower
than 90.
"Leave it for later" will show you different scenes in toilet, for both Melinda and Rhonda
Help Melinda, "Fix her jeans" will reduce your relation with her by 5, "No" will increase your
relation with her by 5.
Church event, you can "Forget it and ask Rhonda out" it will take you to lake, slightly different
scenes. But if you decided to "Try to find out" you can follow Melinda, you have 2 choices,
experiment both right and left
Tennis event:
1-If you have 3 massage skills you will remind her about her ankle at the end of the Tennis practice.
2-If you have 4 massage skills she will call you to the massage room, only short scenes.
3-If you have 6 massage skills she will call you to the massage room, and you can "Massage her
neck", or
"Massage her back, you will ask her to remove the towel" if massage skills at least 9 and
relationship at least 80, you get more scenes if you have relationship 100 and more , she will get
used to being naked in front of you, which will unlock some scenes when returning from aurelia,
which in turn will unlock massage scenes when closing the coop @ 20:00.
On 3rd sunday, if you have at least 100 points with Melinda you can follow them to the lockers, and
if you choose "Go to the males lockers and rub it out" you unlock a scene with Linda (in her clinic)
You will meet her while going for a jog with Melinda and Rhonda
Then the event will be unlocked after you ask Melinda @ 15:00 on the backyard, "When can I start
working for Barbara"
You will see the event icon available in your room, from 10:00 to 16:00 daily.
Ann handjob:
Rhonda room @ 17:00, if you keep quiet Ann will get into the room, Choose "Why the hell not"
(prerequisites for this option : if Ann saw you masturbating and you undressed for her at the
outside lounge area)
Toilet fix:
It will start after a week of play, you need to do it at least 3 times to get different things
if you select "Ask her to give you the spanner", you need 120 pts and 150 pts consecutively to see
different scenes
Melinda barn cleaning >> You go to the bathroom >> Ann catches you masturbating >> Ann
blackmails you at the outdoor lounge if you choose "Do it" >> Successful prank >> Ann rewards you
at 12:00 outdoor lounge